From Rav Shron - Kehilath Israel Synagogue
From Rav Shron - Kehilath Israel Synagogue
KEHILATH ISRAEL’S Vol. 49, Issue 10 October, 2013 Tishri - Cheshvan 5774 From Rav Shron This article will focus on the issues confronting Kehilath Israel Synagogue as it positions itself to prosper in a new millennium. The concepts discussed are NOT formal proposals or even ideas that may ultimately merit support. I advance the points as a means of identifying issues, making congregants aware of the different facets and not for the purpose of advocating anything. In some cases I raise points that I believe will be advanced by members attending. It provides an opportunity to consider the subjects in advance of the meeting. An open mind is essential if we are to have a meaningful dialogue. Strong opinions on both sides of a subject will probably be normal. But the process must start if we are to remain a healthy democratic institution. The Town Hall meeting is set for Sunday, October 27 at 10:00 a.m. One procedural item will head the agenda. Last year an extensive modification to our constitution was introduced and passed. Living with the document we found a few minor items that required either clarification or amending. None should be controversial and are necessary to function in an appropriate legal manner. I am hopeful that this will be completed quickly with the remainder of time reserved for the introspection process. Primary to our meeting will be the beginning stages of a selfevaluation regarding the future of K.I. As was obvious at the High Holy Day services, our congregation is shrinking. Fundamental questions need to be raised for open discussion. Conclusions and major directional changes are not expected to be a byproduct of the initial meeting. Establishing the perimeters of action will become our intended goal. A loose agenda will encourage participation. It will allow a free flow of information and conversation so that all relevant matters can be raised. In my personal opinion the following topics will probably be introduced by someone for evaluation: 1. Continued K.I. building use and the economics of administration as a small congregation in a facility designed for a population three times our size. Should we relocate, look for others tenants like Temple Israel or encourage a formal merger with another continued on page 2 WHAT’S INSIDE Shabbat Schedule.......................................................................2 Anniversaries..............................................................................4 Birthdays.....................................................................................4 Memorial Tablets........................................................................8 Donations.....................................................................................9 October Calendar......................................................................11 It’s rare that all of the holidays are concluded before October, and although it was hectic getting ready for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah only two days after Labor Day, at their conclusion, I was totally inspired and invigorated, and for that, I would personally like to thank the entire congregation. I would also like to thank those who participated and helped create a meaningful and spiritual atmosphere during the High Holy Days: Trent Daniels, Paul Blackman and Bob Gast for helping to lead services, Rav Simcha Krinsky and Jeff Goldenberg for reading Torah, Paul Blackman, Stan Zeldin, Joel Gutovitz and Marty Gorin for chanting the haftarot, Scott Macek for blowing the shofar. Carolyn Braverman, Gina Goldstein, Amy Goldstein, Debbie Goodbinder, Tamara Kingston, Sherry Manning, Laura Belozer, Rebecca Nowack and Felicia Weiner for introducing the key prayers of the service. Richard Glass for arranging all of the honors, and Dr. Michael Sokol and Shmuel Shron for keeping the congregation in sync during the times in the service that I wasn’t permitted to talk. It is gratifying to know that we have so many congregants, both men and women that answer henayni when called upon to participate, and if I have forgotten anyone, please forgive me. I would also like to wish Linda Silver and Jeff Goldenberg a mazal tov for being honored as this year’s ayshet chayil and chattan bereshit. It is a well-deserved honor for both of them. We have a very exciting upcoming year. We will have almost 30 students learning in our religious school, and Gevura Davis has planned a year of Jewish education combined with fun and activities for our children and parents. Every Sunday morning will begin with bagels, juice, coffee and schmoozing so our families get to know each other and bond together as a “family.” It is crucial that our parents take an active role in our children’s Jewish education by participating in all family activities and events. If we want our children to develop a Jewish identity, we must demonstrate that Judaism and Jewish learning is not just for kids, but for all ages. We are also very fortunate that Arnold & Carol Caviar are once again sponsoring our scholar-in-residence series. Our first scholar Shabbat will be on Friday night, October 18th, with a swinging Rock BaLayla service, followed by a delicious Shabbat dinner, during which time our scholar, Rabbi Jonathan Porath, will give his first presentation to the adults while the children meet in the school wing for their special program. Rabbi Porath will also be speaking on Shabbat morning, Shabbat afternoon during Seudah Shlishit, and a special presentation on Sunday morning. For more information, please check the flyer inside this issue. Our adult education classes also begin this month with Rabbi Mandl’s Talmud class, my beginner’s Hebrew reading & comprehension and my Jewish Perspective on Life series. Sharon Friedman will be offering a mussar series and Robin Jaffe will be continued on page 2 SHABBAT SCHEDULE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 Candlelighting*...........................6:38 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat.........................6:30 P.M. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 Morning Services........................9:00 A.M. CHAI ANNIVERSARY KIDDUSH Mincha.........................................6:15 P.M. Havdalah......................................7:27 P.M. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 Candlelighting*...........................6:28 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat.........................6:30 P.M. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 Morning Services........................9:00 A.M. Mincha.........................................6:05 P.M. Havdalah......................................7:17 P.M. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE WEEKEND WITH RABBI JONATHAN PORATH ROCK BALAYLA Candlelighting*...........................6:18 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat.........................6:00 P.M. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE WEEKEND WITH RABBI JONATHAN PORATH Morning Services........................9:00 A.M. Mincha.........................................5:30 P.M. Havdalah......................................7:07 P.M. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25 Candlelighting*...........................6:08 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat.........................6:15 P.M. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 Morning Services........................9:00 A.M. Mincha.........................................5:45 P.M. Havdalah......................................6:58 P.M. * NO LATER THAN THESE TIMES 2 DEADLINE FOR THE NOVEMBER FOCAL POINT WILL BE OCTOBER 8. WE APPRECIATE YOUR COOPERATION. THANK YOU. President’s message continued from page 1....... congregation? 2. Should K.I. remain a Traditional Orthodox congregation? Do we consider modifications to our 103 year history or even create another method of practice that maintains Orthodoxy in our own interpretation? 3. Depending on how the previous points are addressed the role of women in our congregation will have to be a topic. Whether that is an expansion of responsibility within our current model or a major philosophical change may be discussed. Irrespective of your individual position, this topic will be one that upsets people on both sides of the discussion. If the conversation gets adventurous, a hybrid approach may even be considered. 4. To be more inclusive a tri-chitza was adopted in the daily minyan last July. Without imposing a specific seating arrangement choice on any party, individuals were allowed the option of either sitting in mixed seating areas or the separate designated locations for men or women. The goal was to allow existing members the same flexibility enjoyed for over 50 years but also establish a setting that may attract new members seeking a more Orthodox prayer model. Some believe this is an item for discussion and I am sure it will be raised. 5. The issue of rabbinical leadership will also be a discussion topic. With this the focus of the Board of Directors meeting October 10, I believe there will be some definitive direction. As in any Jewish public meeting, there is bound to be items not even anticipated that may be a magnet of conversation. The officers and Board of Directors need to listen to the comments and begin formulating a course of action. This Town Hall meeting provides the think tank allowing the germination of ideas. To make this representative your attendance is necessary. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Steve Osman President Rav’s message continued from page 1....... offering Jewish yoga. We will also be offering other educational opportunities and special guest speakers throughout the year, so please read your emails and the Focal Point issues to keep up on what’s happening at K.I. Also, if you have any suggestions of classes or events that you would like to have at our shul, please feel free to contact me with your suggestions. Most important, I would like to encourage all of you to participate in and attend as many services, classes and events as possible. What makes our congregation strong and vital is when we bond together as a kehilah – a congregation, or as I put it, an extended family. That is what drew me to K.I. sixteen years ago, and that is what will keep our children here and draw others from the community to join us. I look forward to a great year, 5774. Rav Jeffrey A. Shron Hebrew Reading II This 6 week course begins on Tuesday evening, October 15, 2013, from 7:00 - 8:00 pm, and is designed for those interested in taking reading and comprehending Hebrew to the next level – reading and understanding many of the significant passages in our Siddur – appreciating the richness and vibrancy of the Hebrew language. Contact Rabbi Shron to sign up. [email protected] 913-642-1880 ext. 211 October 2013/Tishri - Cheshvan 5774 New adult education series offered by K.I. Mussar Taught by Sharon Friedman with curriculum from The Mussar Institute The word mussar itself means “correction” or “instruction” and also serves as the simple modern Hebrew word for “ethics.” Today, Mussar describes a spiritual perspective and also a discipline of practices that can significantly change the way a person (a soul) perceives the world and acts in it. The ultimate goal of Mussar study and practice is to help one become a more whole and holy person. The path is simple (at least to describe) through study, self-reflection and discipline of Mussar practice. We become what we innately are born as, a mensch, a deeply good and decent human being, making the world a better place to live, one soul at a time. For more information or to RSVP for the class, contact Sharon Friedman 913.219.9699. To learn more about the Mussar course, go to The full cost is $36. No one will be turned away because of cost, please contact Jeff Agron at The Mussar Institute [email protected] for financial consideration. Dates: Must have at least 8 participants for session to take place. Sundays: 10-11:30 am Nov. 1, 8, 15, 24 Wednesdays: 7- 8:30 pm Oct 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20 Thursdays: 10-11:30 am Oct. 31, Nov. 7, 14, 21 Welcome to our new MEMBERS JOCELYN DUFIELD JESSICA GALLAS MEMBERSHIP ADDITIONS Jocelyn Duffield..... 3550 W. 151st Street Leawood, KS 66224 620.544.6918 Jessica Gallas..... 501 Duke Gibson Drive Kansas City, MO 64145 816.942.4551 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY CHANGES David & Grace Ernstein..... 6262 N. Braeswood Blvd., #230 Houston, TX 77074-7599 713.773.2027 October 2013/Tishri-Cheshvan 5774 AN INSIDER’S PERSPECTIVE: ISRAEL’S CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN 2013 AND BEYOND Featuring DAVID HOROVITZ Founding Editor of The Times of Israel Former Editor-in-Chief of The Jerusalem Post Sunday, November 17, 2013 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah 12320 Nall Avenue • Overland Park Kansas City Israel Action Forum Co-Chairs Lisa Bernard • Carol Katzman Formal invitation and program to follow. To register please visit For additional information, please contact Tali Jubelirer at 312-253-8984 or [email protected] NEW GIFT SHOP HOURS Mondays 11 am - 1 pm 1 pm - 3 pm Tuesdays 10 am - Noon Wednesdays 11 am - 1 pm Thursdays 11 am - 1 pm Fridays Noon - 2 pm 3 CONGREGANTS’ OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES We want to wish a Happy Birthday to all of the following congregants who are celebrating their birthdays: Judith Bussell, Ann Schifman, Lawrence Jabenis, Jay Portnoy, Joyce Zeldin, Ruth Levine, David Ernstein, Alix Jacobson, Ruth Nowack, Dori Quinn, Amy Tranin, Phillip Kusnetzky, Kenneth Samet, Kent Shanberg, Rachael Gallas, Eugene Wolowski, Philip Barnard, Larry Haith, Nathan Kubel, Marion Rosen, Myer Litwack, Margaret Nerman, Jacob Weber, Seymour Weiner, Sima Dubovoy, Marlene Krakow, James Lesky, Irene Blend, Michael Sokol, Lillian Pollock, Allen Caviar, Sophia Waldmann, Sandra Rothberg, Cynthia Kusnetzky, Allan Rosenstock, Sol Daniels, Leonard Rosen, Robert Schifman, Sharon Friedman, Cheryl Samet, Faina Buberman, Charles Choucroun, Deborah Stone, Olga Krug, Arnold Probin, Norma Schwartz, Stewart Koesten, Jerome Efron, Larry Mallin, Richard Simon. 5 13 15 22 Deanna & David Pool (49) Miriam & Dr. Robert Glueck (28) Irene & Edward Blend (52) Kimberlin & Nathan Kubel (22) Kay and Izzy Lewkowsky (8) 24 Norma & Andre Schwartz (48) 26 Amy Goldstein & Barry Dicker (9) 28 Rochelle & Edward Kanter (29) OCTOBER YOUTH BIRTHDAYS Benjamin Kuluva, Emily Tranin, Jacob Goldman, Samuel Katz, Yaron Heiligman, Alex Tranin, Yesoshua Rich, Yonatan Rich, Townes DeLuca, Shuli Mandl, Joseph Pool, Ariel Buberman. our capable and reliable office volunteers who assist in so many ways: Eunice and Sheldon Snitz, Isabelle Gallas, Eddie Ommerman, Phyllis Kohn, Sherrill and Elinor Friedman and Barbara Steinberg. the Sher children, Nancy and Robert Cohen, and Linda and Richard Sher for the flowers on the bimah for Rosh Hashanah in memory of Abbott and Martha Sher. the Fred and Maria Devinki Flower Fund for the flowers on the bimah for Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Herbert Fishman for sponsoring the Seudah Shlishit for the entire year as well as helping with Kiddushim. ...Kehilath Israel Synagogue extends a special Todah Rabah to Irene Goodman, who graciously helps underwrite the salary of our regular Torah reader year round in memory of her late parents, Louis and Dora Fox, of blessed memory. This is a tradition that Lou and Dora started, and Irene graciously continues in their footsteps in helping underwrite the wonderful high caliber Torah reading at our synagogue. Rosemary Gorin, Joel Agron, Heather Oliver, Mary Covitz and Carol Caviar for baking the mandel bread for Break the Fast. Linda Silver and Mary Covitz for preparing the September Chai Kiddush. Hedy Shron and her crew: Linda Goldstein, Debbie Entine, Marvin Orlovick, Arlene Abrams, Cheryl Silverman, Ruth Nowack, Rebecca Nowack, and Debby Adamous who prepared the Break the Fast meal. Arnie and Carol Caviar for donating fruit and vegetables throughout the year. 4 SIMCHA TREE LEAF DEDICATIONS MAZEL TOV TO CELIA SHER ON HER SPECIAL BIRTHDAY 09-02-2013 LOVE, CAROLE & PEYTON THE FOCAL POINT OF KEHILATH ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE (913) 642-1880 FAX: (913) 642-7332 RAV JEFFREY A. SHRON Interim Rabbi ELIZABETH PEDEN Executive Director GEVURA DAVIS Director, K.I. Fred Devinki Eitz Chaim Religious School ALLEGRA SHANBERG, Editor STEVE OSMAN, President RABBI HERBERT J. MANDL, PH.D. Rabbi Emeritus SAM DEVINKI, Honorary President for Life The Focal Point (U.S.P.S. 292-040) is published monthly except the June/July issue by The Kehilath Israel Synagogue, 10501 Conser St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66212-2643. Periodical postage paid at Shawnee Mission , KS POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Focal Point, c/o Kehilath Israel Synagogue, 10501 Conser St., S.M. KS 66212-2643 October 2013/Tishri - Cheshvan 5774 Caviar Family Jewish Scholar-in-Residence presents... Rabbi Jonathan PoRath october 18-20 at K.i. Friday night 6:00 pm Rock BaLayla Services (on the Millie and Saul Kass Patio, weather permitting) kick off the weekend with spirited, upbeat, Kabbalat Shabbat services that will leave you enthused and inspired! Rabbi Porath’s topic: Biblical and Contemporary Family Relationships: Abraham, Sarah and the Kids Friday night dinner 7 pm Adults: $15 Children 12 and under: $8 Shabbat morning 9 am Nurturing Jewish Hearts and Jewish Souls Seudah Shlishit 5:30 pm Instilling Jewish Values Sunday, 10 am All of Judaism in One Hour Rabbi Porath and his family made aliyah 30 years ago. He specializes in conveying Jewish pride and passion. He is described as “a tour de force” and “thought provoking.” Elie Wiesel calls him an “exciting Jewish activist and public speaker.” Rabbi Porath comes by it naturally; he is the 18th generation of rabbis in his family. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please return your reservation along with your check to K.i. by FRiday, oCtobER 11. name_______________________________________________________________ number of adults @ $15 each ______________ number of children @ $8 (12 and under) ____________ total enclosed___________________ October 2013/Tishri-Cheshvan 5774 5 GRAND GIVERS KICKOFF PARTY - SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 SUKKAH DINNER SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 6 October 2013/Tishri - Cheshvan 5774 The Capitol Steps ’re “They t. s b the e one o n ’s There , no one in m e like th r league.” thei g, ry Kin — Lar N CN We put the ‘MOCK’ in ! cy Democra . . . you’ll laugh your filibuster away! “The satire hits the mark.” — The Wall Stre et Journal “The Capitol Steps are what Washington would be like if everyone were smarter and could sing.”—P.J. O’Rourke, Humorist Performing songs from their new album and MORE! Always fresh and up to date! Grand Givers 2013 at Kehilath Israel Saturday, November 16 Doors open at 6:30 pm Drs. Michael & Shari Sokol, Chairs ©2013 Capitol Steps Productions, Inc., 210 N. Washington St. Alexandria, VA 22314 $400 Gold Seats/Couple O 2013/T 5774 6 $200 Silver-C Seats/Couple ctober ishri heshvan Contact the K.I. office for tickets 913.642.1880 ESRIG-GOULD MEMORIAL ALCOVE With Reverence We Record the Following Yahrzeits MEMORIAL TABLETS 27 tishri-octOBER 1 arlyne agron ida madlof david pfefer ida plessner alice shniderman hELEN TRILLIN frances weisbein 28 tishri-octOBER 2 jacob chopp harry frischer juda (Jay) Gilgus beila osadchy helen j. sager sarah shaw sophie shurin ben singman ELSIE SPITCAUFSKY harry straf 29 tishri-october 3 floyd frank rachel gershowitz BENJAMIN KILMNICK david levin PHIL LEVINE morris lieberman louis weiner 30 tishri-october 4 ISSIE BRATT leon deleve stephen devon REBECCA ENTINE isadore epstein ELAINE GOLLER emil held lena kurs fannie romer 1 cheshvan-october 5 sam bernstein rachel cukrowski julius kraft shirley mandelbaum 2 cheshvan-october 6 jeno adler alfred berg martin bush leah hardin abe kotelov earl salwinsky jacob shapiro rebecca shapiro dora shure bernice wittman 3 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 7 ALVIN CLUTZ SARA GOLAD SARAH GOLDENBERG MICHAEL LEVIN JACOB MALLIN MORRIS PACHTER NANCY WALTERS 8 4 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 8 IDA GOLDSTEIN MOLLIE KRAITCHMAN ABRAHAM LITMAN 5 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 9 MORRIS CHERNOFF LEON LAPIDES HARRY MILOVITZ 6 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 10 CHAYIM CHUZIE JESSIE MANN DORA MNOOKIN OSCAR SHAPIRO 7 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 11 CHAIM BLASBALG SHEINA COPELAND IZZY GLADSTONE FANNIE KATZ ESTHER KLASSEN PHYLLIS KULUVA BEN MOSSEL 8 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 12 JACOB FOX DAVID KASS JOSEPH LAWNER EDITH SCHULTZ EVA SLOBOSKY TILLIE WINEGAR 9 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 13 GITTEL GREENBERG FRANK MORGAN 10 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 14 JEANETTE BLONSKY goldie chalet DAVID GREENBAUM HELEN GREENBERG LOUIS MARGOLIN MORRIS SCHWARTZ ALLEN SILVERSTEIN marian zitron JOSEPH ZUROVSKY 11 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 15 MARGARET BROWN MARTIN COHEN JEROME COLVIN SYLVIA KUSNETZKY aaron plotzker SAM ROSENTHAL JULIA WEXLER BEN MIKE WOLOWSKI MAE RUTH YEDDIS 12 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 16 NELLIE GOLDBERG PHIL HARRIS ROSE PENER VICTOR POLLMAN MORRIS SILVERMAN DAVE SOLOFF 13 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 17 EDYTHE BEREY REBECCA BOLD BELLE FINKELSTON NATHAN GAMPOL FRANCES HOLLAND MAX KUrS FANNIE MANDEL IRVING MYER HYMAN SHULTZ ISAAC STEIN KROSSE TENENBAUM 14 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 18 HERTZEL BAUM IRVING BELZER SHERMAN SCHWARTZ CECILLE SIEGAL 15 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 19 DAVID EISENBERG ZVI ARYEH ESRIG JULIUS MALLIN SARAH YEDDIS SAM ZUROVSKY 16 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 20 BELLE ALPORT SARAH GELPHMAN JACOB GERSHBERG SARAH HYMAN IDA KRUG LENA LEVINE GOLDIE SCHWEITZER ARTHUR WACHTEL 17 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 21 SAM EISBERG BESSIE FISH LOUIS GOTTLIEB ANNA RUBINS ROSE SIMON JACOB STERN 18 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 22 JOSEPH GOLDBERG ISAAC GOLDMAN RASHE KLEVATT BESSIE KOTELOV WILLIAM KULUVA RUBEN LEVITCH LOUIS STRAUSS HAZEL TIGERMAN VIGDOR WISMAN 19 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 23 ESTHER AARON DORA ADELMAN JEROME FRANKENSTEIN REVA GOODMAN WILLIAM LEVINE EVA NACHMAN KOPPEL NERMAN 20 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 24 BERTHA FISHMAN MOLLIE KRAFT CECIL MYEROWITZ PHYLLIS PACK MARY ROVENSKY 21 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 25 LINDA BIRNBAUM ESTHER DANIELS DAVID KOCH ANNA LEVIN GLORIA PARELMAN ROSE PFEFFER KLANA SHVARTSBLAT EVA TISHK 22 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 26 RUBY BERMAN MARLENE CORCHINE HARRY HIMMELSTEIN JOHN LERNER SARAH ROSEN MORRIS SPITCAUFSKY ROSE SPITCAUFSKY SOPHIA SPITCAUFSKY IDA VILE 23 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 27 SARAH BRATMAN GUILLERMO CHOPP DVOSHA LEVINA ALBERT MIZRAHI LEONA SOLTZ BERTHA WAX JOSEPH WEINSAFT 24 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 28 WILLIAM B. COHN DINAH DELEVE JENNIE FEINGOLD ESTHER GOLDFINGER JULIUS KREGER SIMON OZAR ROSE SNITZ DAVID WOLPER LUBA ZWILLENBERG 25 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 29 MATTHEW DEVOE JOSEPH EPSTEIN ESTHER ESTRIN MAX HYMAN GELA LEVITCH ESTHER NERMAN SAM SHAW NISSON SHURIN 26 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 30 FRANCES CUMONOW HARRY FRIEDMAN THOMAS MAGARIEL SARAH SIESS 27 CHESHVAN-OCTOBER 31 BERNARD BELZER DAVID FRANKENSTEIN FRANK KRUG FANNYE LEVY MORRIS MALLIN MORRIS ODESNIK HARRY STRAUSS October 2013/Tishri - Cheshvan 5774 We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions... K.I. BUS FUND ANNIVERSARY NORBERT & LILIAN LIPSCHUETZ Shirley Frischer HONOR SHIRLEY FRISCHER Jackie Garry YAHRZEIT MANNY SIMON Janice & Erwin LaPine K.I. GENERAL FUND ANNIVERSARY RUTH & ALLAN BELL Margie & Dr. Stanley Brand Howard & Ro Jacobson Gussie Alport Joel & Carol Lissauer SUSIE & PAUL GERSHON Dr. & Mrs. Norman Burk Kitty & Hal Novicoff NORBERT & LILIAN LIPSCHUETZ Anita Loeb DONATION Jackie Garry MEMORY JACK GUENZBURGER Linda & Elliott Goldstein Mary Covitz DOROTHY LOEFFLER Mary Covitz CY RUDNICK Debbie Entine BESS ZEFF ISADORE ZEFF Nancy & Gary Zeff YAHRZEIT BEN ENTIN REV. JOSEPH WASSERMAN IKE ENTINE Debbie Entine SIEGFRIED RUSCHIN Drs. Cheryl Lester and Philip Barnard STEPHANIE MNOOKIN Harold Magariel HARRY SELIGSON ROSE SELIGSON Theodore Seligson DAVID HOLLAND Neva Bennett SOL HIPSH Sanford Hipsh Sharon Carter IDA SCHIFMAN SYLVIA SCHNAER Robert & Madeline Schifman ANNA HAMER SIDNEY BROWN Barbara & Skip Rein MARY MOLOTSKY Barbara Molotsky SIDNEY & RUTH KOFFLER Edie Ommerman BENA GUTOVITZ Toby Levine DAVID WOLOWSKI Erna Wolowski SOL DALEN Jack Fettman MARY CLAYMAN Rose Horowitz MIKHAIL DUBOVOY Sima Dubovoy LOUIS LIEBERMAN Shirley Sander CHAI KIDDUSH FUND ANNIVERSARY JASMINE & JONATHAN KAPLAN Marian Kaplan OUR ANNIVERSARY MARILYN & JACOB SCHULZINGER BARBARA & PHILLIP GOODBINDER DRS. SHARI & MICHAEL SOKOL JUDITH & EDWARD CHAIKEN DONNA & ALAN GALLAS LAURA & TRENT DANIELS MARY & ISSIE CAVIAR YOUTH MEMORY FLO ROSENBLATT Janelle & Harvey Flacks K.I. SCHOLARSHIP FUND ANNIVERSARY RUTH & ALLAN BELL Gussie Alport Joel & Carol Lissauer YAHRZEIT SIDNEY MAGAZINE Roberta Rosmarine MARY GOTTLIEB Sharon & Howard Levitan ROSE SMUCKLER Marcia Karbank & Joe Smuckler FRED & MARIA DEVINKI FLORAL YAHRZEIT MOSHE DZIEWIENCKI LEIBISH CUKIER MORDECHAI CUKIER SHINDL CUKIER Max Jevinsky & Mania Waterhouse FRED & MARIA DEVINKI TORAH PRESERVATION FUND YAHRZEIT MARY MOLOTSKY Edward Molotsky SEYMOUR KRINSKY VIDEO LIBRARY FUND ANNIVERSARY TRENT & LAURA DANIELS ISAK & ANN FEDERMAN HONOR OF AYSHET CHAYIL LINDA SILVER MEMORY JACK GUENZBURGER RECOVERY IRENE DREISESZUN Seymour & Marsha Krinsky YAHRZEIT JENNIE NUDELMAN Charlene Rubin MELVIN & EVELYN SPITCAUFSKY LIBRARY FUND YAHRZEIT SYLVIA SCHNAER Miles E. Schnaer PAUL PORTNOY Dr. Jay & Ellen Portnoy October 2013/Tishri-Cheshvan 5774 HARRY G. & ESTHER MALLIN CHOIR FUND YAHRZEIT HARRY MALLIN Larry & Beverly Mallin JEAN & MORRIS ODESNIK RITUAL & RELIGIOUS ITEMS FUND YAHRZEIT PAULINE LEVINE LOUIS LEVINE Ruth & Sandy Levine Alan & Donna Gallas LIBBIE & JACK SHER BOOK FUND YAHRZEIT LOUIS SHAW BESSIE WOLF Judith Mendelsohn Lanes SHIVA-CHESED FUND YAHRZEIT GENIEK MITTELMAN ROGER MITTELMAN Michele Smith JOEHANNA LOEFFLER Joyce & Harold Koch ADELINE HELLESVIG Dr. Cheryl Lester FREIDA FRIEDMAN Seymour & Felicia Weiner ESTHER SOLOFF Sally Cohen CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND MEMORY JACK GUENZBURGER Arlyn & Chuck Kuluva YAHRZEIT BRAD CAPLAN Betty & Leslie Caplan NATHAN SALTZMAN Zelma Saltzman SANA WOLF Norman & Clara Levine RABBI MANDL’S DISCRETIONARY ANNIVERSARY RABBI HERBERT & BARBARA MANDL Norbert & Lilian Lipschuetz YAHRZEIT ELLA GOLDSTEIN Stephen Cline THE SHERMAN & IRENE DREISESZUN COURT FUND YAHRZEIT BARBARA DREISESZUN Irene Dreiseszun ALLAN GREENBERG YOUTH LOUNGE FUND ANNIVERSARY NORBERT & LILIAN LIPSCHUETZ YAHRZEIT HAROLD B. GOLDBERG Alan & Jackye Goldberg Lillian Greenberg LOVED ONES Allegra Shanberg MICHAEL H. KATZ Jeffrey & Gary Katz MEYER SCHIFMAN Joe & Carole Schifman YAHRZEIT JAKE MYER Ruth Feinberg IDA SCHIFMAN Joe & Carole Schifman HENRY ORLOVICK Marvin Orlovick IDA ROSMARINE Jerry Rosmarine Robert & Stella Hoffman MARY & BEN SCHIFMAN Bill Schifman Paul & Susie Gershon JACK LEGA Henry Lega BELLA KATZ Arnold I. Katz GUY LANSKY Marsha Jacobs LOVED ONES Philip Meltzer DAVID WOLOWSKI BERL WOLOWSKI GITEL WOLOWSKI Gene Wolowski ROSE DALEN Michael & Ellen Dalen MAX GREEN Ruth Feinberg FRANCISKA LENOIWER Anna Mondschein RUVEN IGOLNICK Phyllis & Maury Kohn JOSEPH PRESS Fred Press CELIA RAINEN Bill & Julie Rainen CARL HIMMELSTEIN Ann Studna FRED BLUM Marjorie Jerwick K.I. BUILDING FUND MEMORY FLO ROSENBLATT Ed & Irene Blend LOUIS & DORA FOX KIDDUSH YAHRZEIT BARBARA HOLLENBECK Anna Levina LIVING TORAH PROJECT FUND MEMORY WILLIAM SHORR Harold Shorr K.I. BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY FUND MEMORY ESTELLE DALEN David & Judy Weinstein JOSEPH MIZRAHI 9 COMMUNITY CORNER Save the date 9th Jewish Arts Festival October 6th on the Jewish Community Campus. Take a break from your usual Sunday routine and spend a festive afternoon with your family, friends and community. With art, music, kosher food and fun, there’s something for everyone, at every age. Grab a flyer at the JCC or visit jcckc. org/jaf for more information Conversations Between Jerusalem and Rome" Israel Ambassador to the Holy See (Vatican), The Honorable Zion Evrony, will address the community Tuesday, October 8, 7:30 pm in Rockhurst University's Convocation Center. This historic visit is presented by Rockhurst University, co-sponsored by Jewish Community Relations Bureau|American Jewish Committee. Ambassador Evrony will discuss the history of Israeli relations with the Vatican and the current state of diplomatic affairs between Israel and the Holy See. Jewish Employment Services RSVP for all programs to [email protected]. Questions? Please call 913.730.1449. October 1,9,17,22,29: Jewish Employment Service’s “JumpStart” sessions give job seekers a road map and quick start on their job search. JCC. 9-11 a.m. October 7,14,21,28: Jewish Employment Services Kaffee Klatsch. Weekly coffee meeting for jobseekers. Complimentary coffee and nosh; business casual dress. JCC Conference Room A (inside theater entrance), 8:30 a.m. sharp! Lasts one hour. October 8: Successful Conversations Workshop. Learn step by step to success—78% of job seekers find jobs using this essential tool. RSVP 1-4 p.m. October 28: JES Monthly Job Club. Business casual dress, Multi Activity Center, 4:00-5:30 p.m. Diane Stafford, Kansas City Star guest speaker All JES events are at the JCC, some require an RSVP. Questions? Please call 913.327.8278 or email [email protected]. FAMILY-TO-FAMILY COURSE OFFERED The Family-to-Family Education Course is designed for families of people living with mental illness. This free, 12-week series of classes will be held on Wednesday evenings beginning Oct. 2, 6:30-9 p.m. at the JCC. Participants must commit to the entire 12 weeks. Space is limited. This course is offered by the Jewish Community Mental Health Coalition, a joint initiative of JFS and the Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City. The course provides caregivers with communication and problem-solving techniques, coping mechanisms and self-care skills needed to deal with their loved one’s mental illness. The course is NOT appropriate for individuals who themselves have a major mental illness. 10 Space is limited to the first 25 people registered. To register, please contact Susie Hurst, JFS director of Family Life Education, at 913.327.8259 or email her at [email protected]. For more details on the course, visit OLDER ADULT TRANSPORTATION EVENT Oct. 9 & 10 JET Express, Jewish Family Services volunteer driver program will be among several organizations participating in a program about older adult transportation options. Sponsored by the Positive Aging Coalition, the Johnson County Library and the 50-Plus program of the Johnson County Park & Recreation District, the first presentation will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 10-11:30 a.m. at the Roland Park Community Center, 4850 Rosewood in Mission. The second presentation will be held Thursday evening, Oct. 10, 6:30-8 p.m. at the JCC. MENTAL HEALTH COALITION LAUNCHES ANTI-STIGMA CAMPAIGN Mental illness is prevalent in America and it touches us all. Kansas City’s Jewish community is not immune. A communitywide educational program is planned for Oct. 27 with details to come. For more information about the Anti-Stigma campaign, please contact Celeste Aronoff, JFS Director of Communications, at 913.327.8250. NOV. 3 BOOK EVENT FEATURES CHILDREN”S AUTHOR Want to learn more about writing a children’s book? Join author Esther Kreek, a noted children’s book author, on Sunday, Nov. 3 as she shares some of her work and experience in this genre. The free program will take place 2-3 p.m. in the Multi Activity Center at the JCC. Kreek’s presentation is sponsored by Jewish Family Services’ Help@Home program, the JCC’s Heritage Center and the Johnson County Library. Kreek will be available to sign books following her remarks. For more information, please contact Dawn Herbet, JFS director of older adult initiatives, at 913.327.8239 or dherbet@ SECURITY PROGRAM FOR OLDER ADULTS NOV. 18 On Monday, Nov. 18, representatives of the Leawood Police and Fire Departments will give a free presentation on the topic of residential security. Titled “Keeping You and Your House Safe,” the program will take place 11 a.m.Noon in the Multi Activity Center at the JCC. The program is presented by Jewish Family Services through its older adult initiatives. For more information, please contact Dawn Herbet, 913.327.8239 or email her at [email protected]. HANUKAH HOLIDAY PROJECT ALREADY UNDER WAY Through Jewish Family Services’ Hanukkah Project you can help make a difference. JFS invites individuals, families and organizations to adopt a family or a Bubbe or Zadye for the Festival of Lights. You may sign up to adopt now to adopt someone. Once you adopt an individual or family, JFS will provide you with a “wish list” of items. Please drop off all items for the families you adopt by Nov. 1. If you cannot adopt someone, donations of various gift cards, gloves, scarves and mittens are also quite helpful. All donations should be brought to Jewish Family Services office at the Jewish Community Campus. These gifts will then be wrapped during a community wrapping party on Nov. 18, 4:30 p.m.- 7 p.m. The wrapping parties are a great way for students to earn community service credit AND help someone in need! Gifts will be delivered Nov. 20, 21 and 24, and volunteers are needed to help with this task, as well. To volunteer or for more information about the Hanukah project, please contact Taly Yeyni at 913.730.1445 or [email protected]. ONE CALL TO VOLUNTEER! JFS is recruiting new volunteers. All you need to do is send an email to [email protected] or call 913.730.1410. JFS has numerous volunteer opportunities in its various programs and services and work when it fits your schedule. LINK: NATIONAL POPCORN FUND-RAISER CUB SCOUT PACK 3153 K.I.’s Cub Scout Pack is once again participating in the Boy Scouts of America’s National Fund-raising “Trail’s End Popcorn” program. Proceeds benefit Cub Scout Pack 3153 and its Cubs as well as our local Scout Council. Gourmet popcorn products include microwave packets (regular and light) and ready-to-eat varieties in various flavors and/or coatings. Premium chocolate covered pretzels, etc. are also available. Packaging is in sealed bags and tins. There is also a “support our military” option whereby your “purchase” will be sent to our military abroad. All product is kosher (O-U dairy). The sale runs through October 17. Please contact any Cub Scout from Cub Scout Pack 3153, or contact Ted Goldstein at 913.271.6798, tgoldstein@, and you will be contacted by a Cub from the Pack. If you like popcorn or know someone who does, please support our Cub Scout Pack! Thanking you in advance, IN MEMORIAM May the G-d of Mercy sustain and comfort those who have suffered the loss of dear ones. The Kehilath Israel family extends deepest sympathy to the bereaved families of: ESTELLE DALEN EDITH PINSKY (Sister of Joe Rosen, Edward Rosen, Leonard Rosen) October 2013/Tishri - Cheshvan 5774 The Focal Point of Kehilath Israel Synagogue 10501 Conser Overland Park, KS 66212 913.642.1880 FAX 913.642.7332 WEEKDAY SERVICES ROSE MORGAN CHAPEL SUNDAY SHACHARIT 9:00 A.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY SHACHARIT 7:00 A.M. SUNDAY-FRIDAY MINCHA AND MAARIV Week of September 29 Week of October 6 Week of October 13 Week of October 20 Week of October 27 ROSH CHODESH CHESHVAN Friday, October 4 Saturday, October 5 6:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 6:20 P.M. 6:10 P.M. Periodical Postage Paid at Shawnee Mission, KS
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