June 1, 2015 - Hillcrest Jewish Center
June 1, 2015 - Hillcrest Jewish Center
-»| .. 1 |ir|i, I ._ tiiei |it . Dedicated to the Memory ofzzuth imag Bea Mack Vol. 75 No. 10 14 Sivan 5775 June 1 _ VICE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A Vibrant Month 0fMay It’s true! ay ¤ After 75 years Hillcrest a ca Cn at ° celebrated the d¤di¤¤ti¤¤ <>f ¤ ¤¢W Sefer mia 3% no 1 S 0 H P Junior Congregation............... Ferkauf Chapel ................................... 10:00 A.M. Kradashn .............................Library................................................ . 3 at B11 S . . M 3:14 . .......................................................................................... P.M. . . Candle Lighting......................................................................................8.09 P.M. We held the {usr of our four SpringTga and S Chm t Nggzggmifshlp glow in May, along with potential Ohr Chadash erudeme Our llgw Exgcutlvg Dlrgctgr Rgsg . Saturday, _ Om ce ' ` ‘ mm om er nrc, ICCJ and Hmc, treated the Chadash Religious School to a Lag B·Ome1. pleole and spom day_ Youth and Fe_mlly·s annua1Echad Dc Mayo Wee e Wellerleoded Mexican Fiesta with plenty of food and Carlos and Gabby’s. Youth and Family also had a multifamily garage sale, and started a weekly Sunday softball team. night Shabbat . cele— Breakfast featured timely presentations by David P. Barre, Assistant Chief of Patrol, Queens South, and 107th Precinct Captain Paul Valerga. The Men’s Clubs Summgr 10:20 AM. Minyan Katan......................... Conference Room............................... 10:30 A.M. Shiur — Responsa in a Moment with Dr. Richard Meyer ....................... 7:15 P.M. Shelrshrt/Maarrv ........................................................... _45 P lggllrntelha/Serédah Jonathan Schulman were honored at the 75th Anniversary Dinner Dance in our newly brightened up Ballroom. festive affair was a well—planned 8:05 PM. ...................................................................................... Saturday, June 6 - Behaaroaeha ............................................................ 9:00 A.M. Torah Reading; Numbers 8:1-12:16 Haitarah: Zechariah 2:14-4:7 Bat Mitzvah: Arielle, daughter of Karen and Daniel Schlissel d ind gir H ’ 7 :00 P.M. Shabbat/Maariv.......................................................... ‘ candlC L‘1ghtmg We Torah sponsored _by our Thls was hlghhghted Vihlm .Rabb1 Sumzskl completed the Smbmg m full JOC L€Vm€’ SHABBAT AND HOLIDAY SERVICES F ·d J 5 uM2i1 >ibh;/ilsabbalat °°m· munity, educational and fun events. 2015 ;Tam ‘ OS ua ' A.M. ` C “{° °°m° *h° new h ° ammuz Rosh Chodesh is Wednesday and Thursday, June 17 and 18 Bat Mitzvah: Srvana, daughter of Ginger and Jonathan Schulman K1nderShul ..........I..................Library 10:30 A.M. Shiur — Responsa in a Moment with Dr. Richard Meyer ....................... 7:15 P.M. Mincha/Seudah Sh€llShlI/M33flV........................................................... 7345 P.M. Shabbat ends .......................................................................................... 9:18 P.M. _ Fl'ld”Y June 19 lg/Iinglragdalbbalat Shabbat/Maariv.......................................................... 311 C lg IZ1I1g...................................................................................... 7:03 8Z P.M. . Sigler has already preveh herself as a capable administrator. We’re sure we chose the right person. talented, In MaY· wc were dcliehtcd celebrate three Bar/Bat Mitzvahs. to There were so many other scheduled or added events, lectures, and activities in May that information was overflowing in the Bulletin, "Shabbat Shalom", e-mails, and mailing of flyers. If you didn’t see an educational, recreational or Saturday, June 20 — Korach — Sisterhood Shabbat............................... 9:00 A.M. Torah Reading: Numbers l6ll—18:32 Haftarah: I Samuel 11:14-12:22 r K1Hd€fShHl Shiur — Responsa in a Moment with Dr. Richard Meyer ....................... 7:15 P.M. Mincha/Seudah Shelishit/Maariv........................................................... 7:45 P.M. Shabbat ends ..........................................................................................9:21 P.M. community happening that you would have liked, you d1d11’t look hard enough! schedule ccntinues on page 2 I’ve only indicated a fraction of the multitude of regularly occurring and special events each month. Both our young and more mature congregants should know that Hillcrest really has something for everyone. Keep up with the June calendar, and remember to say hello to at least one unfamiliar that Hillcrest supports face this week. Hillcrest is the place to lind friends and Kehilla (community) as we march past our 75th year and continue to be a purposeihl and vibrant Jewish Community Center! Robert Zuckerman, Vice President Page Two HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN Manes nga....................................na Fmm Rabbi K¤¤a¤·-- Moti Fuchs......................................Cantor Following is Rabbi Kogan ’s message in Hillcrest ’s 75th AnniversaryJournal Jana Hamrnelbacher ...................President Dear F¤¤¤dS ¤f Hillcrest Jewish C<=¤t¤¤ Karen Rotlimmr ________ ggsrerhoodpresrdenr Harvey Schachter ....Men ’s Club President Rvse Siler ...................ExecutiveDireetvr However to Joan Hausmann...............Managing Editor IEOPTJE For a congregation to celebrate 75 years of existence is already something noteworthy. celebrate 75 years of existence and to thrive as a vibrant congregation the way Hillcrest Jewish Center is thriving, have been very proud of Yes, there Dr. Israel Mowshowitz77"T Rabbi Emeritus —``````hnbinnédhingngniy``````` 1%°i`(;iigm%1§T;“;g%g°° 245420 Subscription Dire Dollar per Year - lricluded In Dues P<—>¤i<>dic=¤1P<>st=-{gePaid At Flushing Afhhmd Whh _ _ _ Umted Synagogue °f C°nS°rvatw° Judaism Hillcrest on the for improvement. Yes, we must reach wider and deeper. we should all pause and celebrate our past, our present and our future. a rabbinic fellowship I am involved with, I was asked to write Not long ago, as part Nevertheless, giving it Ph°¤¤ (718) 380·414§ Fax (lll?) 3804665 §’_ room something the founders of our congregation would down in six words the vision of my congregat1on." The task wasn’t an easy one but after some thought I wrote: Postmaster, Send address change to Hillcrest Jewish Center EPS is is Web "Torah, worshny, kindness. Simple, yet challenging. ” The founders of Hillcrest Jewish Center, 75 years ago, had a vision, and I like to imagine that it was a similar one to the one we have today: “Hillcrest Jewish Center, a home for Jews of all ages, at different levels of Jewish knowledge, and at various levels of Jewish practice where friends can be made, knowledge can be shared, spiritual goals can be articulated and chesed and tzedakah become part ofour lives. " we know what we need to do. Challenging because it is not done yet because we have work t0 dO' Our Sages taught (Avot 2:21): Ut is not up to you to complete the worlq but neither are you free to desistfrom zt. " ’ www.HillcrestJC.org CENTER FAMILY who Those _ C°I§1Ii?f§a]gg1I;;b;(;: On the nnnnnge of her granddaughter Lauren Demher te David Fcinsteins Shirley Dgmber gl] the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson Jacob Domber. Karen & Daniel S0hli$$€l OU the Bal Mitzvah sf their daughter Ah"’hc· Ginger & Jonathan Schulman Ou the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Sivana. Bertha Strauss eh reeeivihe the Woman of Achievement Award, BQLI Region of Women’s League. . Visions, however, need to be translated into action. That is whyl summarize the vision with these six words: "Torah, worship, kindness. Simple, yet cha1lenging." Simple, because preceded us in the last ’ 75 years did n| ` their share. It is true, they didn’t complete the work and we won’t complete it either. However weare not going to desist from rt. Each of us must do his or her share to bring Hillcrest Jewrsh Center to a place of more Torah, more chesed and more meaningful spiritual and personal connections. The task is not an easy one but we have the next 75 years to work on it. Now, however, it is time to celebrate! Mazal Tov to all ofus — to the lay leadership ofHil1crest·Jewishfientéfan its branches, i to our Klai Kodesh and professional staff to our custodians vendors, supporters and all of our members who makb our shul the great lace that it isl P hiends’ and to . ` . . L Charm, Hillcrest Jewish Center. , i l I Wlth mahy hh"SSmgS= Rabbi Mbnes Kbgbn Harvey Schachter on his 70th birthday. Pauline Goldwasser on her 90th Friday, June 26 birthday. Wishing Gnnd Rncnvnny nn Fay Berkowitz, Nntnnc Shabbat/Maarrv 12;/hrngheailialh/hhlat Cnnnnln Joseph Fruchter, Lillian Berger Goldberg, Ida Kogan, Anita Laiisrieri Herb Miiidlirl, Norman Mollov, Cheryl Schack, Haydee Schejtman, Walter Strauss, Marc Weiss, Anita White. Cnndnlnnnns nn Mark Bnnsz nn the nnssing of ins mother Gisella Barsz. May me faggly be th6 mourners O mn an crush cm` June Milestone Anniversaries & Howard Jacob (35) & Jonathan Schulman (15) Ethel & Stanley Klein (45) Wendy & Gideon Szachaf (15) Helene Ginger Welcome New Members Leza & Norman Lerea and twins S600 md Juliana (4) g g...................................................................................... Saturday, June 27 — Chukat — Men’s Club Shabbat............................. . . . 9:00 A.M. Torah Reading: Numbers 19:1-22:1 Haftarah: Judges ll:1-33 KinderShul .............................Library................................................ 10:30 A.M. Shiur — Rcsponsa in a Moment with Dr. Richard Meyer .................4..... 7:15 P.M. Mincha/Seudah Shelishit/Maariv........................................................... 7:45 P.M. Shabbat ends ........I...............................................Z.................................9:22 P.M. There will be no Shiur on Shabbat during July andAugust DAILY sERv|cEs IN THE FERKAUF CHAPEL Monday through Friday mornings ............................................................. 6:45 A.M. Sunday and Holiday mornings ................................................................... 8:30 A.M. Monday through Thursday evenings 7 :00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Friday evenings...........................................................................................7:00 P.M. Tea and Schrnooze Fridays in the Sanctuary................A............................... 7:30 P.M. .......................................................... Sunday evenings in June at Hillcrest JC ' Please ..................................................... make every effort to attend Morning or Evening Minyan so that others may say Kaddish HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN S|S'|'ER|-|OQD MEN’S CLUB Before I focus on Sisterhood’s June calendar, I want to thank Prof Julia Bock for her lecture on “Subsidiary Forced Labor of Medical Professionals during WWII." Thank you also to Uri Cohen, Executive Director of Hillel at Queens College for his topical reflections on "Current Jewish Life on Campus at Queens College and Beyond." Our month of June’s calendar is indeed iwttilhahy, the a · 20 Sisterhood Kiddush- Breakfast 2.Ild DI`. Octopcr 26 . hope you Wlii , us for these Wpndcrfulprogmma Korea Rotbmen l I Libby Mowshowrtz Breakfast & Lecture Slsisibsss lbvltss svsiyobs to attend _ this ysatis Libby MoWsiloW1tZ Bfoaiifast and Lccmrc to be hcld at 10:30 A·M· cn. Jimc 28* WC are dchghtcd tc havc as cub Spcakcl-> DL Amy Kalmi‘m°fSkY· an pI`0f€SSDI' 3,SSOCl8tE 3t the JCWlSh Thcclcgical Sc1l“mf“'Y= Wh°_ tcachcs courses on feminist interpretation of the Bibis sbs will dlssbss bs? most tsssbt book The Dangerous Szsters Heblgbéligible (Folticss tigers ii RSVP of the 201% s ear-o y comp o o and by June 22- Donations are appreciated and tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please make check payable to Sisterhood of Hillcrest Jewish Ceuta and write thc mcmc LMAML m ssbbbb for boils? P”’g”"" Cm" ‘''``'`'`'`“`“''`'`'`''`’''``'“''‘''‘‘‘‘‘ LMAML June 28 (respond by June 22) Name Phone Number attending sailing out or captree for adults, $50 for tsoriagors, $49 an aiicl. added ori tbo basro to Steve Zellman at 917-916-7032 or Ben Rosof at 718-776-1585. cheek the flyer and Send your reservation JOil·l os oo Jung 27th for Morro Cioo Shabbat and Installation. As in the past, Sis’s’b°°siP’ssids”’ . 1:36 most popular activities. Ship Ahoy mates! who knows, you may catch a giant fish. (By the way, the length of keepers has boon reduced again this year, to 18 inches.) For more information, contact at Cafe _ Joiii be AM as a late fee. The Gerry Berg Fishing Expedition is one orlvlenrs c1nb’s b’i°bdsY= slstssbsss S 76tl} Muscat' We 8:00 payment _ for will additional $5 sslds AIIHlV€I`S3]`yLuncheon to be $55 Rates Kaimaiiofsky Wiii be tho guest speaker (Sec belowset We Hom for children under 12 and toddlers are Hee. Amy to TEA AND SCHMOOZE Friday, _ Jung 12 7:30 PM Speaker: is S“bds>’> lane as- Libby Mbwsbswbz Rsmsmbss Howard Chustck "Remember that it is not what you have on the table, but whom you have around it that makes the difference." Author Unknown rods, oai, ooo groioiiios Briog yoor owo food and dI·il]_kS_ Got ygur rosorvatiorr in by juno gtb and you will bg ablo to tako advantage ofthe early bird rate. The eost at tbs door- Shabbat tbbswsd bY sb Ebbsbssd ’ “PPcY deck- The Pmcc is $32 Pcr ticketscc thc fiycr or contact Abc Rcbbck at 7i8'454'7945· vicissitudes. State Park Boat Basin aboard the Captree Star III. The cost includes use of fishing _ Julio column during my stayinFlorida this past As you might remember from columns that I previously wrote, a quotation was offered dealing with lif`e’s winter. PM. Moudayr tune 8 at 12 HOOD ` Paid Up Members Berry Luncheon Dues maybe ° Satuidayr Goldberg for his great job in writing the Men’s Club Jung 14th Hillcrest Slstcrhoodis recipient ' New York Mets will be hosting the Pittsburgh _PimicS bi 1:10 PM- Thc seats crc in Scctlcb 509» ibHc1d» ist bbSc_Sidc» The to thank Irving - ri., wm., of Achievement Award Dinner at Temple Is¥ssi of steer Nssis Bsbbs Sbssss is Paid Iwould like Page Three Rabbi Kogan will dg discharging the installing the tho horrors outgoing officers men who of and LISG DGHHGIT, MA, CI From Teacherto PadormirtgArtist was not it Psifoiiiiibg in during the sarnrner of 1986 that Lisa decided to make a list of other things she wanted to do — and that included learning some sign language- Never intending to go beyond the basics, Lisa really took to it. Three years, six courses and an interpreter traillillg program later, has changed her life both socially and professionally. At Ptossiltr she Tuiis a theatre arts program in Brooklyn oalled IDEAS (Interactive Awarengss Drama for Education and in SChOOlS)_ tfavgl all Over arid teach theatre in all types of schools. In addition, Lisa recentlywas cast iii an Ofi`·BioadWay show- The festive Friday liigiit Shabbat service is always enjoyable, followed by and There is ilSt€I1l1'1g questions and answers- This Tea and Schmooze by Boysiiy ZWoig· the service, Ralph Straus will chant the Haharah, and I will provide the Dum. Torah. lnnnediately following the service, Syilagoguo ill Manhattan- Wm be a sumptuous Kidduslx compliments ofthe Men’s Club. Lookmo Annan Limbcr up those muscles and join us for a fun_Hll€d aiiemoon on Sunday, july 12th at 3:00 PM for a Bowling ovsnt at H€fliiiLa11¢S, 465 Heffioks Road ill New Hyde Park, The cost is $6 per bowler per game and shoes are free- Coordinating with the Youth and Family Group, Irving Goldberg, the organizer or the event, promises a good time forone and all- The dcadimc for reservations is Julio i2ti1· As in previous years, Men’s Club will again be represented on Jewish Heritage Day at Citi Field, Sunday, August 16th. is sponsored Oli July iiitb out speaker willbe Judith will serve as the Yood Guttliialfs oousili, there 3Hd always time at the end for Men’s Club for the fiscal year, July lj 2015 _ Jung 30, 2016. During leaders of the and Europe until after college dom returning is a docent at thc Barry Yood. Eldridge He Su-ect gu August 14th wo will boar about tlio travel adventures of Hillcrest members, Leila and Edgar golrwartZ_ Be Sure to mark your calendars for these exciting events. Debbie Solkoj KOL NIDRE BROCHURE ERRORS It has been brought to our attention that the printer who worked on the Kol Nidre brochure used the wrong list and there are a multitude of 3l·l·Ol·s_ We A apologize for the mers, corrected version will be sent out rnidJune, In the meantime, gee the listing Of Kol Nidre donors on pages 6 and 7. Rose Siglen Executive Director Page Four HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN Shalom!? From Our New Mark lnhaber Retires __ As the -‘''' new Executive Dneeter ofthe em yew enened be an of , Vibrant c(mg[cg;iOn` I bling with me years of · €Xp€1°1€11CC W1IlC111’1 the Jewish 11011-profit Hillefeeiiewien Center, I ,0 - - Most 1‘CC€I1tly I ‘ C 'tt ¤| e| g · · - M.lch. . . AdHHIHSt th t m MYP’°f°SS1°nal cxpcmse IS Pmlcct management, marketing and event _ _ _ _ tl r| use my previous experiences, my liiendly demeanor, and my ability to analyze d'ff `tu ki t t` ‘ “‘ my history make me involved in a natural for being communal work As the daughter of Holocaust survivors who one of the first synagogues in . started Miami Beach, Florida, I learned from both my parents and.grandparents the tradition of extending kindness and assistance to people from all walls of life. I am new to the Queens area and reside in Kew Gardens with my husband Asher, and our five children and ferocious cat Alley. If you are in the building, please stop by—I would love to meet you! Rose Sigler, Executive Director B 6 P8!t 0f th6 Nlornin e 9 or Evening 1V.[1II.Y8.Il... Be there so others may SRV K&dd1Sh _ See the daily schedule on page 3 Sundays in June at HJC 7:00 PM Sundays in July at ICCJ 7:00 PM zgiilindfg . {°§°§f“FS§'°TiZi,t In There was a wonderful send-off party for our . retiring Executive Director Mark Inhaber on April . . . The . PTiI`lC€ WGS OVGI'fiOWiI’lg, as HJC honored Mark ROOITI standing room only, · his dedicated service to Hillcrest. for hard to believe, yet another year of H2I Youth Group has come to a close! It was a great year for us, `th it is ‘ b l1i , ,,?ri?,,,‘i’ ,“,i,,‘§.i,’,§‘ ;¥,,,,ii2,,%Z§’§“€‘ ,, d SE, Actions Shul—In for our USYers that focused on disabilities, and our various Mitzvah Stations projects for all of our groups’ we put a focus on social action and . . givmg back to our commumty, and we had fun with programs like Escape the Room, Double Dare, and Israeli Iron Chef! l H2I also had a busy year hosting regional and divisional programming. From METNY KickoffDance and Sababa Spring Kirmus at Hillcrest, to METNY Freshman Shabbaton and METNY Palooza at ICC], to Sababa Divisional . Elections at Hollis Hills, iiiiy!nSpZ°1al Ep tg Slim? adtiitlolih °“ S Lthiiikii ° ee Meyer and Janet Hammelbacher, and Youth Committee members Silvia Kogan and Susan Bargz for Support and guldancg OVW the course ofthe Ycarl We would hkc to Wlsh a hearty Tov to the H2I members elected to Sababa Divisional Board for the 2015-2016 year, on which they will plan programs for teens . . . . HZI YOUTH GROUP Although i`m` ' - “‘“” PLSEEEE n§X2’,,‘iiif§,,§£| My personal backgrotmd and family QSQSMQ pa; glfsioié by Mchael Zeekernen myy loc; Eolumcef projects with Synagogue day Schools and Samchemu a national widows support group. Ihope’to Lastgglt Uotlicasi, Al .. ., , Z Ccnnninee eethe Bcnrd Re1encneLieiScn end Missions Coordinator; and with ine · National Council of Synagogue Youth in Andie Amit, for all of their work to make H2I the best it can be! ~— served as the Sh pm a Bedeewnn, Alenendne Heeeen, end ec| d k, wheigiiiwsilgilihghdiiinisgierlgvgnt f · `“‘‘‘·` Center in Teeneek, New Jersey, end before that with organizations such as The ' ° <Fneelnnen1iel1il§eentet1ve)·lense enle S ` Executive nneeiei ofthe reeneek Jewish Am Olern VPS), Jn1linn_B1neer (Membership! Kadima VP), M€l1SS3 RO'[hSlC€lI1 (Communications VP) and Aimee TePlitski y we gcuis . Nc; b¥:rkIlC1ty'KMaZal MI Backary aghji R 1. igwh/K; ee 6 ,£g?I}’l gilors who A eednnne end needne en e neeer . . gud [sugar dugg? Qgrlanlg lsgmpirg Adl Om can ’ Sm, YL. Stcch€l’ and ~,—a~c. uS’ aym Hum AVnOn`K1Cm! We look fenrend to Seeing the mst ef you when We start up again 1n September! viglmg an Ofyou a fummled and eefe . Suml . ‘ Daniel Bacharach l.llLl_cRES·l· _lEwlSl.l T cENTER!S N L are very of you for opening your synagogues (and for some, homes) to our USYers. These programs would not have thankful to all been as successful without the warm welcome we received from all of you. Our incredible year would not have been possible without the efforts of so many individuals. First and foremost, I want to thank our USY Chapter Board irlemberii zlvho Ipéaglined and execlged a mosta o our programs as we as a number of our programs for Nitzanim, Chalutzim, and Kadima. Yasher Koach to Julia Duze (President), Diana Kofinan (Executivg VP), Joydig wise (Israel Affairs VP), Ilan Kogan (Reiigienl Education VP), Rachel Bcrkcwcr and Danielle Kraes (co—Social Actions/Tikun JU 7; 5 Cl9arviewG0|fCOl1rSe10| Open to n'len‘lbel‘families & friends can and greens fees $125 pgrpérson Gifts, prizes and [ight fam · fOIIOwmgpIay . Smcethg cuboffdatg hasgoassgdt contact Gerry Lewis to see lf there are any spots available M HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN CEMETERY CLEANUP MITZVAH Page Five OHR CHADASH OVERVIEW Incredibly, another ‘ school year is · arr iiiiiwiiig v’;··· iii ii ?i°i°‘ ii iiiiiiiii · biii ii biiif i 3gO ·lli W8S S6pt€H1b€I' Hlld WG were Welesmlrsearsbdeats atleel am new We the hiddme iiiem iiieweii at IHOIIIBIII ee T i |5| T leak lerwml te the elemllg °elem°llY err SblldeY= hllle "E T 7th- .. |z |i ·-rT T ·| Hamrnelbacher, who serves as our morah elmlme- T i ·| .;..| T war |‘·ii |Iii| bww ‘ ia Oii t Apiii Siiiiiiiiyb *3._,,.V,o z T Bruenell, Nate , i ;- Left to right: (front row) Ethel Levine and Abby Kogan; (2nd row) Jamie Cotel (executive director of CAJAC) and two daughters, Aviva Peress, Elaine Steinberg, Joan Stenzler, lrving Goldberg; (3rd row) Martin Guttman, Lou Appleman, Steve Zellman, Danny Tyroler, Steven Gorochow, Belle Pinkhasov and friend from Holliswood JC. Camera shy: Caroline Kazdan. good company, and exercise with a purpose were enhanced by a bonus history lesson at the Hillcrest Jewish Center’s semi—annual cemetery cleanup at the Bayside Cemetery on April 26th. We leamed that a group of the graves we were cleaning contained a family of adults and children whose bodies had been retrieved from the Titanic Somehow that knowledge made the mitzvah even more meaningful. Many thanks to our Hillcrest participants and guest volunteers. One of the guests, a disaster. lady from Holliswood JC was so impressed by the experience that she made an on—thespot donation to CAJAC, the sponsoring organization. We look forward to our next clean- up sometime in the fall. Please considerjoining us to perform this important mitzvah. Ethel Levine TT presented with their first Siddur- The beys showed Morah Zehavah, their teacher, how much knowledge they had this year, as Well as Wbmleriiil blending ef Hebrew arid English shows that these young men are on the right trac]; Each student gave his personal reflection ofwhat it rneans to hirn to have his own siddnr_ Perhaps one ofthe rnost poignant readings came horn Ethan, who said he looked forward to practicing in prayers his siddur with his grandniothen L’dor v’dor, from generation to generation, the spark of Judaism is passed. Indeed, parents, siblings, and ‘ii‘i iiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiii iiiiii Oiii. S"°°“‘i eelelaaaea bi| |T Ti :—| |E2| aeeerrrrrre<latl¤s» i| ‘ =T. ~ .| - . On May 3rd, Ohr Chadash celebrated Lag B’0mer with a picnic celebration at Alley Pond Park. It was a picture perfect day in May and they enjoyed pizza, watermelon and other snacks. Everyone had a great time and participated in sports, frolic and good happenings. Yasher Koach to our sponsors Clubs of HHJC, ICCJ and HJC. and helpers Photo by Mchael Zuckerman There’s still time for discounts through Thursday, June 4 at M0DELL,S SPORTING GOODS Get 15% off any item in the store — even sale items. Hillcrest will receive 5% of your total purchase. Just pick up at coupon in the HJC office. Shop at any Modell’s Sporting Goods Store. whe were T `TT| fI'0m the M€l1iS B bells seaserrally gerrtle eeellrrs ii? rifiiies iii ebb mbmbm bbm mb mmb syrrageeuesr » was are a i§§?§h$?.i`I$giat£i§I1%`§‘iii2e Mmb l . mm. Alle brightly, the temperature j ;..= at i°ii°°iiiiii?i‘ A“““‘ii has Advehhbe ibmi eb Sbbdey mbmhle 3rd, was a sheer delight. Mother Nature was in full cooperation. The sun shone " · absorbed the past Thgir iii grandparents kvelled with pride over the accomplishments of these young men, as OHR CHADASH CELEBRATES LAG BiOMER s*·· Giiviii 26iii’ Como, Bruce Field, Ethan Rivera, Jordan Sandler, Brian Vogel, and Aldell Zlllell ef Klleh Aleph were eeeh Q T Perfect weather, m me mmle rllamlell r. , `ITT is Vbihhieehbm bi Hic Piebidehi iebei _.T.-·a=<rrr‘r¢r r|r A werr<lerr°ul musleal prbgram by bur smllerlls |fit i We Hrllerert lemslr eeater j` T leepellslhle fer eeerdmatmg the aetiyities, made the rlay erre ef perteetleu- Erlueatlerr Dlreeter Ruth Merrlll Weleemerl eververre earl prevlrled a brief lrlslerreal baelrgrearrl as te the Significance or Lag B’Qmgr arid the activities associated with the day_ Ohr Chadash pargnt and Jewish Center member, chaired the program, assuring that the athletic events were sufficientl e ui ed Lerr Kaplan, Hollis Hills and that the children participzhecllinpizige coordinated groupings. Football tosses, hula hoop tdirrlmg, aind scdccer spore pldy gmgiingous Zamgg giiuggtch ngd byaigggéiiiii wielding children dddcd the park Continued Onpdge 8 Page Sbc HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN FROM THE KOL NIDRE COMMITTEE The 2014 Kol Nidre Campaign was such a success last year that the our enthusiasm to share the information and identify contributors, our attention to detail was diverted. We apologize. The following list acknowledges those who gave so generously and previously may not have been fully recognized. Be assured that in that the contributions have money is being judiciously used numerous for programing, events, and building improvements. If there are any corrections needed, please call the office to let us know. We will be mailing out a re—published 2014 Kol Nidre brochure in midactivities June. much more oversight than the list, and The K0! Nidre Committee KOL NIDRE HONOR ROLL Manhlglm - Leaders ($10,000+) Mona & Abi Kalimian Sherry & Alan Reisner Harriet & Roger Rosengarten Ruth & Steven Rosenhaus Benjamin Rosof Shemrim _ Guardians Constance Laurie Darlene & Mieliael Brofinan & Paul Gcrshon Alicia & Isaac Kubersky Ethel & Joseph Levine MOSkOwiiz Roberta & Leslie Snliin Aggie & Ted Weisz Ida |oorow Fl0f€110€ ($2·5oo'$4·9oo) Iris Marilyn & my lomhbaum Darathy KlYgol Margaret Applebaum-Mazel & Dorothy Laay Sohonfold Nanan Splol Brenda Superfine & Robert Zuckerman - Benefactors (1 ,000-$2,499) & Norman Bobrow Sandra & W. Stewart Cahn RoseAnrr & Gary Darche Mir1dy—Lu & Rabbi Jeffrey Glickman & Rabbi Manes Kogan Saul Kreitzer Levy Delis Selleelr EEIKECIl;YLLSllflCl`011 ar e o HGIGH P€flH1UU€1‘ & Murray Pressman Barbara & Marlin Resnielr Nancy & Jared Riikin Judith & Charles Ross Iris & Harvey Schaehter Claire & Josef Soloway & Sheldon Lorber ($250-$499) Margot Aal Basheva & Louis Appleman Susan Beberfall Delora & Alvin Bemstein Naomi Cohen Men’s Club Hillcrest Jewish Center Susan & Paul Diamond Leonard Givant Aviva & Jimmy Peress Lillian Goldberg Felice Drkra & Montaigne shurkee L811d€SH13.I1 Edna Greene Kenler Family Judith & Mt-me schwarrz Ellen&Arnie serwerreer Debbie & Mark Solkoff Susan & Ralph Straus Esther Topol Rose Turetsky Sela & Steven Zellman Elsi Eva & Thomas Sarkany Stanley Katz Lorraine Susan & Robert Grossman Ruth & Elliott Joseph Merle Askenas—Kaplan & Bernard Kaplan Adrienne & Elliot Katz & Howard Rosenthal Sheila Rubin Ronny Joseph Julia Silvia Phyllis nerene anowerdnwb Linda & Leonard Jaffa ar ara Gvirim Smadar & Rony Rirrat & Afthllf Farkas & Daniel Gerofsky garlliara & Morton Meskjn & Milton Nathanson Arthur Rath Melvyn Goldman Caml &Ema¤¤alKa¤¤¤ & Stanley Klein Hervey Keeler Joy Kathryn & Gerald Lewis Cmdy 8{ Bnlaa Llah Rite Miriam Feldman loan Hausmam Ethel Priscilla Shuloy Dombor _ & Seymour Kaplan Cheryl & Mel Kerber Ellen Mlllol & Howard Chustek Jdlllat & D3V1d C0h€ll Rhoda Ellner _ June Greene Rama & Jamay Kahn _ Sheila Skate Stella Dee Walker Eva & Leonard Zimmerman Yvette & George Bercovrtz N°“*€ Bl°°k Sisterhood Hillcrest Jewish Center Carol & Jay Greenberg Harriet Mahazrkrm - Strengtheners & Edgar sehwenz Leila & Norman Solomon & Bernard Spear _ & Edward Goldfeder Carmel Gottlieb l Alice Heield Shirley Abby Goldstein if & Brian Star een tar Joan Stenzler Gary Steiner grlrienge i & Bertha & Walter Strauss Emily & RUSSell Taehiie Anita White Tomkhim - Supporters ($100-$249) Lauren & Marc Ackerman Judy & Martin Ackerman Meryl Alpert Elaine Applebaum Deborah & Gregory Arluck Andrea & Harold Aronowitz & Steven Bacharach Bobette & Sheldon Beinlracker Abby & Joel Belson Elizabeth Regina & Ira Ben—Levi Adglg Deeyeen Berg Pau] Berg & Fay Berkowitz Joel Berkowitz Sylvia Blaustein continued on page 7 HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN Tomkhim - Supporters ($100-249) cont. Sally Rothstein fom page 6 Renee Ceci Robin Denenberg Cohen Yael & Lewis Cohen Louise Derzansky-Cohen & Paul Cohen & Miriam Edmond Coller Andria Grundman-Cooper & Scott Cooper Gale Ann Kenneth Criss Dunay Carol Fanarof & Gwen Jones Cirrtron Luba & Sol Kahan Violet & Marton Kahan & Larry Schwartz Betty Kaplan Barbara & Robert Kayne J Paulette Silberberg & Alexander Fedor Susan & Nicholas Feuerstein Avia & Ralph Fodor Elaine Steinberg Analee & Emanuel Sternberg & Paul Friedman & Cantor Mordecai Fuchs Helen Jacob-Gelb & Michael Gelb Fredda Chodrow-Goldberg & Lesley Irving Goldberg Leo Gropper & Carl Gruber Elana Kirschbaurn Sanita Arma Rottersman & Theodore Lehmann Janet Sima & Zane Tenenbaum Ricki Lubov & Stephen Liebman & Ira Lilien Daniel Tyroler Dina Margolis/Wald & Jason Margolis Loretta Wasserheit Estate Frieda Meisels Viorica Weisz Rose Mozes Lili Nicenboim & Hugo Biebe J Shirley Olshever Carol Rhoda & Edwin Zlotnick & David Zolondek Heidi Chaverim - Friends Judith Rosenthal & Neal Reich & Matthew Resnick Jennifer Ringelheim & & Janet & Frank Hammelbacher Suzy & Marcos Heinflink Marianne Sid Halpern Susan Clifford Hamburger I ($1-$99) Svetlana & Hweishin Yves Aime Samuel Bahn & Boris Rozenberg Cheryl Schack Claudia Schellenberg & Deborah Siegel Baker & Gary Baker Emily & Aram Schlosberg Beatrice Barnett Michael Silver Marcia Skohrick & Brenda Beloosesky Bobbi Benson Rose Berger Marion Martin Herman Susan & Mark Inhaber Jack Kaplan Marcia Sol Karsch Inessa & Michael Katzap Anita Kent Hedy & Alned Kohn & Joseph Krochak Phyllis Weiner-Laine & Joseph Laine Judith Meyer Berkowitz Julia & George Bock Michelle & Alan Bomser Estelle Brodsky Esther Marcello Brown Alice Tyroler Wendy Zimnan-Szachar & Gideon Szachar Susan Terrnan & Mark Damon & Lawrence Duze Regina Alan Lesman Steffi Susan Terri Inez Levy Edith Dvorkin Karen & Judah Maltz Aaron Feinstein Janice & Lawrence Feinstein Anne Marx Marcella Miron Phyllis Orlikoff Flug & Richard Morris & Arthur Flug Norma Frank Susan Schwartz & Howard Muchnick Doris Judith Novog Edmond Friedman & Stephen Fried Natalie Nussbaum Marcia Friedman Peggy Peress Elaine Svetlana & Boris Popovitz & Matthew Gise Ruth & Leon Gleimer Milia Popovitz Errrily Goldberg & Zeev Puder Sara Helene & Abraham Reback & Erik Goluboff Nili Nicole Jeffrey Rosenberg Teni & Steven Graybow Lisa Green Linda Grossman Adele Rothstein , & Randy Stein Helen Sukienik Anita Lansner Linda & Stephen Kiss Nora & Louis Kozuch Michele Judith GuttmanSelma Eleanor Halpern Lillian Liora Sharon & Louis Taxin Susan & Philip Zigman & Jeffrey Gross & Joseph Kessel & Joel Kinnan Fryda Caryl Tarr Sylvia Weprin Cheryl Gross Phyllis Sandra Jackson Roxanne & Arthur Solarsh Erika & Gerald Hertz Renee Horowitz Edith Jamow & Howard Schwartz Anzhelika & Ariel Shimunov Pazia & Avinadav Siev & Jay Erickson Stephanie Gloria & Lorraine Myra Feder Sandra & Paul Sacks Charlotte Schwartz Wemer Engelbert Sandra Edna & Robert Harris Hariette Wittenberg Saturn Barbara & Joel Einhom Jeanne Robert Rumack Ginger James Schulman Jonathan Schulman Sylvia Dunsky & Martin Guttman Judith Simeon Saturn Karen & Daniel Schlissel I & Ilene Thomas Gural & Isaac Rozic Judith Page Seven — & Rafal Tokarz & Marc Weiss & Walter Winter Deborah Wohl Andrea & Gil Yellirrek Judy & David Zirnmerrnan Kayle Nochomovitz & Tal Zimnavoda Beverly Zweig __l HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN Page Eight if OHR CHADASH c0ntinuedf}·0mpage5 |¥? I ` - ·::| ‘ G |` · ,...: ; ` - .· " . |. "| .|`··: Y I ` CLUB __ ~ ` . ...- |*‘¥€if| rg- .‘``T| ` gz|-’"‘‘‘‘ EY"z . A ABghKQ. - . : _ I . ` · w. . }eNp;G1TINGDAY' ‘_ "`| ig? I _ ‘ » . . THE PAPTREE STAR HI TT| Q I 1| T| A 2015. I .|· »· ;_ » » · 8 » g. ,.· .. a |g . . |.|.|.| ,;_._. _ Q .E_;,;,_.__._ |.» __,g,-_A__ , · _· _ :,.,2;:,| -- __;, |·i;|l , |.;..;.,,,,,2%.-.,|»é._.._.,._:,._;:.;_._ Ohr Chadash Siddur Ceremony. On Sunday morning, April 26, . r _ Kitah Aleph . __ Sigh . _ _ THB E. .. QU£$TION$·‘· _ _ V I _, CALL $'1jEVEf.'Z,ELIil»{(AN¤e917---9‘16l7T052‘ ~ » » » · ~ . _ J HC D| c| P landscape and some of our Olympic hopefuls delighted onlookers acrobatic performances on the park’s gymnastic facilities. R _ PA President Jennifer Reich organized the sale ofOhr Chadash ° Arts Crafts Program ° Laufer family, winners ofthe raffle, graciously donated the money ° Schcduhid TOPS IPT All to the school coffers so that it could be used for future projects. Todah Rabbahl Our children built up a voracious appetite over the course of and the timely arrival of Benny’s pizza, hot and aromatically tantalizing, quelled the rumblings of many a tummy. the morning, Mouth—watering watermelon provided the perfect quenching I/Iuohhapéareoiaticpli 15·ex;r;led]to thi iinsatroglfor theftagitibudi. l\ ewls 1 cms cn CL IS 1 an S u S O Jewish Heritage Program Hot Kosher Lunches Served • Qneg Shabbat , Aiiemoon Snacks , Weekly Cookout for Entire Camp • Music & Dance Instruction • • Gymnastics/Dance Lessons A and Israel Center underwriting the cost of the of Conservative Juda1sm re&eshments for the Lag event. Video Games ° Teen Lmmgc ° Red Cross Svlflm Program ' SPOITS Ages • L3-IO NUS TTIPS — UPPOT Camp • Special Theme Activities merchandise and held a 50/50 Raffle, which raised $144. The Center, P| _ f words and pictures. School Board and synagogue representatives joined Rabbis Kogan and Wise to greet and inspire the children. Mazal Tov and many thanks to Kitah Aleph and Morah Zehava on a great job. Photo by Mchael Zuckerman back .. _ - 0 PM ‘ feelings into their *1.:3 .; received their First Siddurim. Emotions ran high as the children put their with . -.— .. AM TO • Crossfit Instruction for B’OmerCAMP PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN We hope this day of perfection proves to be a much desired 4-14 harbinger of the long awaited summer. PARTIAL SEASON PROGRAMS AVAILABLE On behalf er Education Drreerer Ruth Merrill and the starr er Ohr Chadash, all our families are wished a safe and joyful summer vacation. May you all come back in September, well-rested and ready for another year of learning. Watch for notices of our open FEE INCLUDES: TRANSPORTATIONP_M_ SNACK, LUNCH ALL TRIP ADMISSION FEES, GROUP PICTURE CAMP T-SHIRT house at the end of August at Hollis Hills Jewish Center, our Fall Morah Shari Zuber 2015 home. SIMCHA TREE Come D| C| take another look at our Simcha Tree adjacent to the Sisterhood Oift Shop in the Upper Moreida, and see. our newest leaves. Putting another leaf on this tree is a terrific way to commemorate a Simcha in your life while also emiching the HJC Capital Improvement Fund which we hope will not only be there to help us maintain our aging building, but to beautify Just ask the office or Cheryl Meyer for details. it as well. Sundays 10-12 N 0 on Q d nes d ays 7 -9 P M W _ ' ' HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN SYNAQQGUE ()FFER|NGS As a mambo,._in_good_Standingr you mayphona me office with you,. donation and ma amount will amiga,. on you,. nox, HJC biii_ Margot Saiirstein for yahrzeit of beloved husband Markus Safirstem. Please continue to mail in llou,. _ Hamburger for yahrzeit of father Eugene Hamburger. Jack Kaplan for yahrzeit of father Samuel Kaplan. Jack Kaplan f0f y3hYZ€lt of bI0th€f David Kaplan. Clifford _ _ R‘””'”d’” There is a $25 minimum donation required be printed 111 the Bulletin (one name per yahrzeit listing). for the listing to Gerere Fund r IaI;‘r;Vo;r§;g;§Inta;E@;nrMgragi _ _ Sohraghtailnrhornror Y. CH _ ofnls Ber Mrhrveh- IS'. Ab§gl§i;¤fe1dr¤ here ef More & · _ _ shaky D°mb“ ih h°“°‘ ef he meehee °f gmddaughtar Lauren D°‘“b°‘ “’ David Fa“S‘°h’· Shhay D°mb“ in °f the Bar Mitzvah of grandson Jacob Domber. Marilyn Jerry Klrsclrbaum rrr honor of former Hillcrest Board Member Steve Kirschncfs 75th birthday & m & h°“°l‘“*‘“ in h°“°r °f rfbhil?. 1 a lhhan· _ lrrlglryrrgrlgrhrre 1 _ Mm lh honor ef Mona rzlolnargrrandln Abrhri She Gere in & here of Ghee Jonathan Schulman- & Lady Schonfcld wish Mazal Tov to Sherry & Alan Reisner on by U_iA_ Jeeh Hausmarm in memerv ef Pehee lloillg llollolod Moolo l Alice Tyroler for yahrzeit of beloved husband Pool ·l—yl.oloi_ Dehie1Tyre1er feryehrzeit efheleved ialllol Rose Mozes fOI` y3h1'Z€It of A¤re1M<>zeSJoseph Cohen for yahrzeit of mother Estelle Cohen. rzadcile Dloersclgr hus an Nat an Berg for yahrzeit of eerson. Neal, Kinde;·Shu[___ ‘ ‘ ‘ Roz & Sl Gola Senior Group. Patricia Link in memory Of Simon Gg]d_ memory of SimoH Rabbias Discrgtionayy Fund: fer Iricnga mot er strarrielmrl er c ac ter. yahrzeit Howard Solomon. ef Sue eeee ereeeeh Wee Meeeiiev th Bol Ml ah ie Aly ·l mo Michael siiggr heeéiahr rgghhli K on Gieirher fer yahrzeit Ilrergi r ef fether _ wir- Phrlggrkehfmem fer yahrzeit ef rhether Herrhhre Ke¤hheh¤· Seheeh fer yahrzeit ef grehdrhether Yehe Seheehpme i~er YalllZol·t of l·alllah Pehle Mm- Maunce1;me. _ hhlaw Mnnay Mann Qerherr repel fer yehrzeh ef tether-hr l awhgher Thani fer yahrzeit ef mether- B 1 & %3lossom Bufferd thanks Rabbi Kogan »(ig;h the hiI<2g§§iiSh§i;HirY1hg;;iWgiah;i` _ or _ ‘ _ S Sallyéllothstein for yahrzeit of mother Sanxgfrglll Ch er yer-me mother Adele Winters. Susan Grossman for yrrlrrzcrt li grmg1l?;;Elf€r(gl§rirrgSWci.;;n ggllfrrrlt geeherethee sem Rosenfeld. Marilyn ar Jerry Klrsclrbaum memory of Rivko Or. Martha Stcmclrosl Miriam B. Singer in memory ofSimon Singgr in mgmgry Of her beloved dau hter Katherine Sin er. vg/oldvogel for ygirzgit gf beloved friend, Yolanda Gentile for yahrzeit Isidore Zimmerman. for yahrzeit a om oo a Abby . to Sivana Schulman on her Susan & Ra1Ph Straus Wish HMVEY Schachter a very happy and Healthy Spwal b¥“hd"‘Y· Nussbaum Maos Chrttim. Nlataiie S ol a & Howard Chustek Wish . r Harvey`Schachter, a fine gentleman and a g°°r‘;a‘°“‘;i al.sP°°‘hl,“°°"‘?‘Y· viva rmmyl eress in memory beloved father MOHIS Brunch or. Mowshowitz Library Fund: Robert Kenler extends a hearty Mazal of mother Rhgda Zlotniok for yahrzeit ofmotlie; Rhoda Zlomiok J . rrr mother of Steiner, S _ grvrllileri We. Mee Tov . Or. V _ Crnalm Feinstein in honor of er · Ben Ol _ of HIllCf€St J€WlSh Of mother Gold. Samuel Reda Bain - _ iggsner for · for honoring her special haeheey. ggrkgwitz in memory of Sy (jioig · honor ef Ablgall KO of mother W'thl· H1 ° §‘Qy recent tim eeeuei breakfast Carole Arthur Anderman ih honor . . . 0fAblg31l Kogan , s Bat Mitzvah. , Joel Belson rei yahrzeit 11* Mmerrhheherershe &Alan Rehher well deserved honorg; at the · Sidney Williams fol yahrzeit oi~folllol_ Harold Aronowitz for yahrzeit of father Sidney Aronowitz. . of father Shlmlmov m honor of Pearl Olian for yahrzeit of husband H€fb€Yt Olian- Anne Ziininennen for yahrzeit of Mark and grandmother of Rochelle and Simone. Cheryl Schack for yahrzeit of Charles Schack, beloved husband, and father of Elaine Trachter in Roger Rosengarten for yahrzeit of beloved father Morris Rosengarten. Luba Kahan r Gisella Barsz, beloved mother M Osifcnvgv of Mona&Abi Kalimian. l GOld_ M Mhhmamehahe sheeheeh honor Jacob Dreyer. l~ollloi_io_ Béoissom Bufferd for yahrzeit of father ax rverstem. Ghherrrrrheherefh/ferr a1m18.I1. Ol-liool Brion fol yahrzeit oi- in—law Celia Topol. _ honor Of Lcranad KOgans at Igaxantlan IZVEI. Dolotlly Dol.l~ low Edwold Dori; & Jimmy Peress rn memory of l Aviva l Gerald DUHSKY- lr aha & Sylvia Dunsky for yahrzeit of husband : . rr_OVh'1iO& Joy Silver Leffler honors her beloved L'll’ S`dri S‘l t , 1 lan 1 vcr, Of gljgggid molalof; Hilda Arthur Flug for yahrzeit of father Sam Flug. r Yahrzeit donations. Page Nine of father Lana Bind for yahrzeit of grandmother Manya Krayzman. Tov Harvey Schachter as he tro ageo maturity. Kathy & enters the Gerry Lewis wish Harvey Schachter a happy and healthy birthday and many more. Karen & Sheldon Rothman in honor of Harvey Schachter on his 7Oth birthday. continued on page 10 Page Ten HH.LCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN SYNAGOGUE OFFERINGSfrom pg. 9 Mowshowitz Library Fund: Edith & Prayer Book Fund: Ilene Soshnick for yahrzeit of beloved Adele Rothstein for mother Bertha Lelehtele June 6... Karen & Daniel & Edgar Schwartz in honor of & Jonathan Schulman, vital, exciting additions to Hillcrest. honor of Sghnhnan in Mltzveh al then Jonathan ef. the Bal daughter Swane ‘ ENHANCED KIDDUSH SPONSORS May . Edgar Schwartz in honor er Mee. ee Abi Keiimiee, respected eee committed members of Hillcrest. Leila & Edgar Schwartz in honor Of Ethel & Joseph Levine who represent the best of our Jewish commtmity. Leila ee Edgar sehweaz in honor er NOITOH Judaic Scholar involved in everything Jewish. The Kenler family congratulates Harvey Schachter, Man of the Year and an icon ofthe eememiey e may his next 5 decades be as productive as the last. f°l Yalllzell _ °f _ Hillcrest Scholarship Fund: Mazal Tov to Natalie Nussbaum on the graduation of her daughter Trena Rauner with a Master of Arts from the Reading Specialist Program of Teachers College, C0l¤¤1bi6 UHiV€fSity; gfauddaughwf Charlotte Rauner on her graduation from the Abraham Joshua Heschel High School and her acceptance to Bamard, class of 2019; and to grandson Travis Nussbaum on his lgracéuation from the Weston Middle Schoo in onnecticut. Endowment Fund: Aviva & Jimmy Sherry & heme Mlallalla Leila ee " Schlissel in June 13... Ginger Rabbi Evan C. Radler Memorial Fund: A the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Arielle. Harris for her volunteer services. and of yahrzeit V & involved _ Kmousu 1 FLowERs sporlsons Basheva Louis Appleman thank Rabbi Kogan and HJC for the beautiful Shabbat tlowers, and especially Edna Leila of - mk S°S*ml°k· Sam & Stella Skura Holocaust Fund: Ginger l ` Sela Steve Zellman wish Harvey Schachter a happy birthday. h“S"alld & Aaron Goldberg College Outreach Fund: Emily Goldberg for yahrzeit mother in- law Esther Goldberg. Peress in honor of & Alan Reisner on being honored by UJA. Barbara Wiener in memory of Simon Gold . Kaalaa la llaaal al llla aamlaa al ll°l l>al>y» lallaaaa llaaaJune.2e' " . . Sisterhood of Hillcrest Jewish Center al Slstefheed Shabbat I 3:1321;);g" . Maa S Club C€I1tCI` lll hOI1OI` al . Fllllafaal 0fMen S lawlall Shabbat. COFFEE/CAKE SPONSORS J ~·~ June Ze"' . . Tha, llallwaaaal Famlly la llaaal al Paulme S 90th bmhday sponsons May 25 (Second Day Shavuot)... Frodda Chodrow.Go]dborg & . Irving Go]dborg_ a THIRD MEAL SPONSORS May 16___ Basheva & Louis Appleman in honor of thoir birthday; May 23,,, Emgstg & Fanny Surazskj in honor of Abby’S Bat Mitzvah, Emcgt0’5 birthday, and Rabbi Gustavo Snrazgki May 3(}___ Merle & Bernie Kaplan in honor of baby nammg al granddaughter Juhalma Rese Kaplan _ the, TEA & SCHMOOZE SPONSORS . _May 8... Doris Solkoff June 12... Beverly Zweig ·