cougar encourager 2015-16 eoy
cougar encourager 2015-16 eoy
the cougar encourager MAY 2016 calvary baptist day school, winston-salem, nc Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today. Hebrews 3:13 UPPER SCHOOL WELCOMES NEW PRINCIPAL Kathy Sapp will transition leadership to Rick Bohner this summer After a season of strong growth, Mrs. Sapp will pass the baton to Mr. Bohner to lead the Upper School into the future Rick Bohner comes to CBDS after nine years at The First Academy, a Christian collegepreparatory school in Orlando. Mr. Bohner served as the Upper School Assistant Principal, Dean, Student Leadership director and Spiritual Formation director, among other roles. Mr. Bohner also coached the track team for a time at TFA. Mr. Bohner’s career did not begin in education, however. After graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, and then earning a graduate degree at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, Mr. Bohner served as a pilot with the U.S. Navy. During his 21 years as a commissioned officer, Mr. Bohner held numerous leadership positions, including aircraft commander, mission commander, instructor pilot, nuclear war plans advisor, and Navy recruiting district commander. Mr. Bohner clearly brings a wealth of knowledge and leadership experience to CBDS. But he also brings a heart for the Lord. Mr. Bohner expresses a deep love for God and His saving Gospel, as well as for teenagers on the edge of adulthood. Beyond academics, Mr. Bohner has a passion for competitive sports and for the arts, because they provide opportunities to teach Christian principles and disciplines as people explore and express their gifts and talents. “I do not know of a more crucial way to spend the rest of my days on this earth than to pour into the next generation of leaders.” Congratulations, Class of 2016! On May 27, we celebrate with the Class of 2016 as these 39 students graduate from CBDS and move forward into the next chapter of their lives. The Class of 2016 has achieved a great deal. As a class, they were accepted to 56 different colleges/universities, and were offered more than $4 million in scholarships! Executive Leadership Council Rick & Connie Bohner with their four children (Aimee, David, Rebekah and Hannah), and future daughter-in-law Hannah. As we welcome Mr. Bohner, we won’t have to say goodbye to Mrs. Sapp; she will stay on as US Guidance Coordinator. We look forward to all that God will do in and through Calvary’s Upper School in the years to come under Mr. Bohner’s leadership! Spring Musical Production: Fiddler on the Roof More than 1,000 people came to CBDS to experience a talented cast and crew of 70 Upper School students present Fiddler on the Roof. The drama department, led by Vera Boston, brought laughter and tears through an unforgettable weekend of performances. Calvary Baptist Day School is committed to lead students to a deep and personal knowledge of Christ and His Word, instruct students in order to achieve the highest levels of scholarship, and encourage students to accomplish God’s eternal purposes. The following Upper School students will serve on the 2016-17 Executive Leadership Council: Elizabeth Bryson, Ben Hardee, Josh Jarvis, Joshua Meadors and Sam Witner. Be in prayer for these young leaders! Follow CBDS on Facebook and Twitter for updates & fun stories! LOOK INSIDE FOR: COUGARS IN THE COMMUNITY 2 COUGAR ACHIEVEMENTS 3 COUGAR FAMILY MATTERS 4 COUGARS IN THE COMMUNITY Left: The Calvary Crazies Club served at Second Harvest Food Bank. Above: Second graders filled water bottles with “jelly bean salvation plans” and donated them to City Lights homeless ministry. EXPRESSING CHRIST’S LOVE THROUGH SERVICE the fourth- and fifth-graders which raised $1,380 for Samaritan’s Purse and Build One for Kenya; the Ethics Club serving at Crisis Control ministry; and the Worship Club creating inspirational placemats to share with Meals on Wheels recipients. Students worked as the hands and feet of Jesus as they served throughout our community in the sixth annual S.O.S. effort School of Service projects began in October and continued into May. Students, faculty, staff and parents served approximately 2,000 volunteer hours through 34 different organizations. Students from Early Education to high school served both onand off-campus. Highlights included a yard sale hosted by CBDS’ third-graders were recognized as one of the winning groups collecting the most items for the 2016 Drop 10 Challenge for the SECU Family House, which serves families receiving medical care away from home. Thank you, students! We pray you will continue to engage others with the kindness of Christ! “I really can’t say it enough, we’re over whelmed by your generosity... You are all incredible and we are so thankful for your dedication to our cause. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” SECU Family House representative Far left: The Prestigious Art Club spent time with residents at Williams Adult Daycare. Left: The Service Club cleaned Merriwood Christian Camp facilities in preparation for summer camps, which was particularly meaningful since many CBDS students have spent summers at MCC! Approximately 265 students, family members, staff and alumni came together to run the Nathan Clark Cougar Challenge 5K/Fun Run at Tanglewood Park. Through donations and registration fees, the race raised $11,866 for the Nathan Clark Scholarship Fund. ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: KRISTEN DRAY (Class of 2012) After graduating from CBDS, Kristen studied journalism at UNC Wilmington. The recent graduate has now launched her career, working as a multimedia journalist for KLAF/ KADN (NBC/Fox affiliates) in Lafayette, Louisiana, and as a fill-in anchor. “It’s a really exciting time in my life but...[n]one of this would have been possible without full trust in Our Lord and Savior.” We’re proud of Kristen and all that God will accomplish through her as she serves her new community in this unique role! Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:4 ESV CBDS Students Meet Needs at Home and Abroad Special Olympics CBDS seventh-graders spent a day serving as volunteers with the Special Olympics, held at Walkertown Elementary School. This has become an exciting annual service opportunity for our seventh grade students. Costa Rica Mission Trip The 16th annual senior class mission trip to La Carpio in San Jose, Costa Rica, allowed students to build both relationships and the Kingdom, while also putting their Spanish skills to work. A Storehouse for Jesus In celebration of the 100th day of school, CBDS Lower School students collected nonperishable food items for A Storehouse for Jesus. Providing Warmth First graders collected 52 coats and 5 pairs of shoes for children in need through Cook Elementary School and Family Services of WinstonSalem. COUGAR ACHIEVEMENTS And whatever you do, whether by speech or action, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17 ISV Athletes in the News These CBDS athletes were featured in the Winston-Salem Journal’s sports section this semester Abbie Ellis Matt Graham Allie Turner Evan Ross Virginia Hash Lauren Abernathy McLean Waters Elizabeth Wilson Callie Murphy Josh Jarvis Olufemi Boko Madelyn Gelly Preston Draughn Garrett Sandy Kaitlyn Wall Lexie Hunter (Click a student’s name from the electronic version to read the W-SJ article.) The JV boys’ basketball team (top left) went undefeated in conference play; the MS golf team (top middle) won the conference championship; KaNyar Maw (8th) won a Gold Key in the regional Scholastic Art awards for her untitled painting (far right); eight 5th-8th graders placed in the ACSI Geography Bee (bottom middle), including a blue ribbon by Chandler Stewart (7th); the varsity boys’ basketball team won the Wells Fargo Western N.C. Holiday Classic (bottom left). Moot Court Competition Matt Graham (11th) and Matthew Coffey (10th) won the Western Regional N.C. Bar Association High School Moot Court Competition. They subsequently competed before the N.C. Supreme Court and Appellate Court justices, where they came in second place. Latin The following students earned cum laude on the Exploratory Latin Exam: Wyatt Kelton (4th), Joshua Lockhart (3rd), Anna McPherson (5th) and Sarah Seymour (4th). Of the six middle schoolers who took the National Latin Exam, Zoe Akinola (7th) earned a perfect score, and Sam Boger (8th) and Ian Lipka (7th) achieved “outstanding achievement.” CBDS Latin teacher, Catherine Stancil, earned the 2016 Dr. Elizabeth Watkins Latin Teacher Award from the American Classical League. Youth and Government Conference During the 2016 NC YAG Conference, Jak Wallis (11th) won Model Media; Ross Hickman (10th) and Shelby Mozingo (10th) won Best Bill Presentations in the House; Peyton Copeland (11th) and Davis Hicks (10th) won House of Representatives Best Debater; and Jared Floyd (12th) won Outstanding Legislator. Logan Shortt (12th) served as the Lieutenant Governor for this year’s conference. Creative Writing Festival The original works of 14 students received high awards at the ACSI Creative Writing Festival. Kip Keener (7th), Olivia Priest (6th) and Lindsay Strickland (6th) earned Superior awards. Earning Excellent awards were: Tanner Baity (7th), Ian Bermudez (5th), Jackson Caroway (8th), Mary Caroline Duncan (5th), Allison England (4th), Megan Keegan (6th), Wyatt Kelton (4th), Hank Laxton (7th), Andrew Spittler (7th), Grace Waters (6th) and Spencer Winslow (5th). Lindsay Strickland and Olivia Priest went on to earn a Superior and Excellent award, respectively, at the Regional level of the competition. Fine Arts KaNyar Maw (8th) earned a Gold Key and a Silver Key in the 2016 Scholastic Art Competition (see photo above). Jonathan Marin (8th) also earned a Silver Key. Four earned Honorable Mentions: Josh Bozeman (9th), Abbey Liescheidt (8th), May Paw (8th) and Abby Strickland (7th). The Arts Council of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County recognized four CBDS students as Student Artist of the Month: Josh Bozeman (9th), Glenn Jones (12th), Patterson Tompkins (12th) and Victoria Wheeler (12th). The Lower School chorus earned a Superior award at the Carowinds Festival of Music. Speech Meet Thirty-six 1st- through 7th-graders competed in the ACSI Speech Meet. CBDS students earned 22 first-place ribbons, 13 second-place ribbons and one third-place ribbon. SERVANT’S HEART AWARD COUGAR FAMILY MATTERS These Lower School students were honored for their servant hearts this semester! ...even though we are many individuals, Christ makes us one body and individuals who are connected to one another. Romans 12:5 GW 1st Grade: Eli Bridges, Drew Bryson, Caleb Clark, Katherine Ebert, Ezra Gordy, Luis Hogate, Ryan Moore, Leah Saunders, Palmer Smart, Myla Weddle. 2nd Grade: Thomas Dixon, Zoey Isham, Morgan Johnson, Raegan Kreul, Luke Redding, Edith Shough, Nicholas Starnes, Selena Sun, Eli Webber, Summer Woodward. 3rd Grade: Dane Cassada, Jill Chewning, Kaden Christian, Jane Cox, Kira Gordy, Allyster Griffen, Caleb Hall, Megan Ratledge, Addison Richardson, Rex Steward. 4th Grade: Mekayla Baker, Caroline Darnell, Ellan Deonanan, Alex DuBose, Melyn Hales, Nicholas Hoeben, Noah Johnson, Samantha Jones, John Peters, Ella Willard. 5th Grade: Jonah Brittingham, Jason Craig, Sophia Conner, Mya Jarvis, Noah Jarvis, Landon Johnson, Caiden Largent, Anna McPherson, Mallory Richardson, Dani Shanks. 6th Grade: Olivia Burley, Abby Christian, Bryce Currin, Sarah Kearns, Mallie Lahman, Lauren McCaffrey, Olivia Priest, Hunter Russell, Thomas Seymour, Grace Waters. 3D Printer & Robotics The computer lab gained a 3D printer! All computer students will have the opportunity to work with this technology. Eighth-graders have already printed some designs to the 3D printer. There will be a technology camp for rising 3rd- through 6th-graders - contact [email protected] for information. Thank You, CBDS Family! Thank you for investing in our school through all areas of student life! In addition to giving time and talents, CBDS families and staff contributed $449,402 in donations. These funds help fill the gap between tuition and the actual cost of attendance. It’s not too late to support students and programs! Visit the CALVARY BAPTIST DAY SCHOOL 5000 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD WINSTON SALEM, NC 27104 website to donate! You also earned $4,225 for CBDS through partnerships with Boxtops, Coca-Cola, Harris Teeter and Lowes Foods. CBDS Scholarships Rachel Perry earned the 2016 Abner Wright IV Scripture Memory Scholarship. Given by the Wright family in memory of Abner’s (1986-1994) love for Scripture, the award goes to the first second-grader to commit 10 specific Scripture passages to memory. Garrett Sandy received the 2016 C. Mark Corts Missions Scholarship, given to assist a senior with expenses related to the annual Costa Rica mission trip. Peyton Copeland and Ethan Harris earned the 2016 Bobbi Brown Scholarship, given to rising seniors who demonstrate spiritual maturity, leadership qualities and superior academic achievement. The Cougar Club awarded scholarships to seniors McLean Waters and Annie Leal in recognition of their Christ-like leadership and service to others while participating in CBDS athletics. Accreditation CBDS earned dual re-accreditation from ACSI and AdvancED. In their report, the accreditation team noted, “There are many great things happening at CBDS; a true sense of community, spiritually sensitive students, well-maintained and secure campus, emphasis on student achievement, commitment to academic excellence, and many more.”