9 Week Classes


9 Week Classes
9 Week Classes
 Chess Club
All grade levels
 Current Events Class
7th and 8th gr.
 Creative Writing Workshop
All grade levels
 Mini Mu Math/Extra Help
All grade levels
 Lego Robotics
All grade levels
 Advanced Jazz Band
7th and 8th gr.
(2nd and 4th 9 wks. Only)
 Strength and Conditioning
(2nd/4th ) (1st/3rd)
 Cool Science
7th gr.
 Math Construction
8th gr.
 Battle of the Books
All grade levels
 Study Hall
All grade levels
 Language Lab
All grade levels
 NJHS Peer Tutoring
All grade levels
Students will work with
teachers in the 7th and 8th
grade to prepare for the Mini
Mu Math Competition in
February. Pre-Algebra and
Algebra skills will be
reinforced in this class.
Math Construction
This is a construction class that
focuses on the mathematics needed
to build even the smallest of projects.
Students will focus on measurements
and angles to build small projects for
Battle of the
It’s October, and that means pumpkins,
cooler weather, and spooky stories! We’ll
read aloud Skeleton Creek, an interactive
book by this year’s visiting author Patrick
Carman. We’ll read aloud the journals
and watch the videos produced by the
book’s characters as we follow their quest
to prove the existence of their town’s
ghost. We’ll also read about our own local
ghost stories and finish our spooky book
study on Halloween with everyone
sharing a spooky story they found on
their own.