Serving Our Community In Countless Ways


Serving Our Community In Countless Ways
Serving Our Community
In Countless Ways
Annual Report
The American Red Cross, a humanitarian organization, led by volunteers, guided by its
Congressional Charter and the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross
Movement, will provide relief to victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare
for, and respond to emergencies.
John Moran
Chapter Chair
Michael Brooks
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Jon S. Honsey
Trinity Regional Health Systems
Denny P. Prior
Modern Woodmen of America
Retired, ALCOA
RSM McGladrey
Denise L. Bulat
Drucilla Johnson
Keely A. Byars
Daniel R. Kueter
Bi-State Regional Commission
Community Volunteer
The Quad-City Times
United Healthcare
Tim Chen
Judith Mondello
HNI International
William L. Cleaver
Bozeman Neighbour Patton & Noe
Thomas G. Coley, Ph.D
Scott Community College
John Dalhoff
Deere & Company
Thomas J. Daniel
The Daniel Company
Sharon Dietz
Community Volunteer
Dale Dollenbacher
American Bank & Trust Company
Jeff Gilfillan
Community Volunteer
Brett A. Hart
Transportation Security Administration
Serving Scott, Muscatine, and Louisa
counties in Iowa and Rock Island,
Henry, Bureau, Mercer, and a portion
of Whiteside counties in Illinois.
Jim Jestel
Michelle Heller
Nepple Law, PLC
Genesis Health System
Diane M. Reinsch
Lane & Waterman
Thomas H. Robinson
Southeast National Bank
Larry Rosmilso
James V. Russell
Russell Construction
Loras Schrobilgen
Community Volunteer
Cathie S. Whiteside
QCR Holdings, Inc.
Dear Friends of the Red Cross,
Looking back on the past year, we are astonished and grateful for the capacity of our community,
volunteers and staff. The American Red Cross has touched many lives over the course of one
year, demonstrating how vital our services are to people in need. In this fiscal year, the American
Red Cross responded with full force when an earthquake struck Haiti in January. When
Americans learned about the devastation caused by that disaster, we spoke up, we responded and
we sent help. The American Red Cross raised $468 million in donations to support our
earthquake response with over $1 million raised right here in the Quad Cities area. Within our
local community, countless individuals and groups came together to hold fundraisers that included
selling wristbands, T-shirts, holding concerts and fund drives.
While the world watched Haiti in horror, the American Red
“Our ability to respond
Cross also responded to flooding in the south, dispatching
quickly and impartially
local volunteers to assist with response to flooding in six
states. Less than two months later we responded to flooding to individuals affected by
in our own region, supporting communities in Northwest
these disasters around the
Illinois and here in the Quad Cities by opening shelters,
providing clothing, food and comfort. Our ability to respond world is a testament to
quickly and impartially to individuals affected by these
the commitment that our
disasters around the world is a testament to the commitment
community has made to
that our community has made to ensuring that your Red
Cross is prepared.
ensuring that your Red
Cross is prepared.”
When the Red Cross is called to respond to an emergency, it
is too late to train volunteers or find a suitable location for a
shelter. There is no time to purchase the equipment, recruit
volunteers and create a plan. This is the reason that the Red Cross is so committed to
preparedness. The Red Cross is committed to ensuring volunteers and staff are well trained and
able to respond quickly when the call goes out.
Preparedness is not limited to disasters. The Red Cross is actively working to prepare
individuals to save a life through CPR, Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and First Aid
training. In our years at the Red Cross we have heard countless stories of people who thought
they would never use their CPR training, however, when someone was in need, their training
kicked in and - as if on auto pilot - they were able to respond and save someone’s life. I hope that
most of the people we train will never have to use an AED or CPR, but the reality is that some of
them will, and we are confident that through their Red Cross training, they will know what to do.
Thank you for helping us to ensure our community is prepared!
Betsy Pratt
Chief Executive Officer
John Moran
Chapter Chair
Last year, the
American Red Cross
assistance to
41 people in
Bureau County
54 people in
Henry County
19 people in
Louisa County
32 people in
Mercer County
59 people in
Muscatine County
123 people in Rock
Island County
128 people in Scott
44 people in
Whiteside County
Around the Corner...
While most fires occur at night, they can happen
at any time of the day. Disaster volunteer, Stacy
Willet, was called to the scene of a fire in Moline in
which a mattress started on fire and quickly spread.
The mother and all five of her children were home
when the fire started. She called 911 and took the
kids into the front yard. While firemen fought
the blaze, Stacy
helped carry
children into a neighbor’s house. In the rush to
escape the burning home, one child was missing
shoes, none of the children or the mother had
coats, hats or gloves. The American Red Cross
was there to ensure that this family had a place to
stay that night and received clothing and shoes,
winter garments, bedding and linen, quilts,
comfort kits, and stuffed toys.
...and Around the World
In an operation that has involved more emergency response teams than any other
single-country disaster in global Red Cross history, the American Red Cross has
responded to immediate needs of Haitians in the days and months after the
earthquake in January. In the months after the earthquake, the Red Cross spent
nearly one-third of the money raised to meet the most urgent needs of earthquake
survivors in Haiti and to begin rebuilding communities and lives. Since then, Red
Cross has pledged to spend the remaining funds on long term recovery, including
financial assistance, permanent housing, disaster preparedness and health initiatives.
Ten months after the earthquake, Haiti is filled with signs of
hope and progress as well as reminders of the immense needs
that still remain. The Red Cross has improved the quality of
life for hundreds of thousands of Haitians with emergency
shelter, food, water, latrines, medical treatment and other
supplies – and is also investing in longer-term projects such as
building shelters and improving water and sanitation systems.
The Red Cross
has improved
the quality of
life for hundreds
of thousands of
Hurricane season has been a big concern, and the American Red Cross is
implementing a disaster preparedness plan for vulnerable people living under tarps
or tents. We are pre-positioning emergency supplies such as tarps, tents and blankets
for 125,000 people in cities around Haiti and in our regional warehouse in Panama.
In October, when an outbreak of cholera threatened the safety of many Haitians, the
Red Cross network launched a rapid and coordinated response, providing medical
supplies and clean water. The Red Cross has also used text messaging to educate
Haitians about prevention and care. The Red Cross is working closely with the
Ministry of Health to support the response to this outbreak.
The crisis in Haiti is not over and the recovery process will be long and difficult. The
American Red Cross will support earthquake survivors in many ways in the months
and years to come, and will be in Haiti until the last donated dollar is spent.
Giving People the Tools to Save Lives...
Every year, thousands of people in our community are
trained in lifesaving skills by the American Red Cross.
It is reassuring to know that there are so many people
in our community who are prepared to help when an
emergency occurs.
John Groth and Craig Stilson’s actions at the
Davenport YMCA were a complete team effort. John,
who has been employed at the YMCA for the past 17
years, was walking toward his office when someone
told him there was a man who needed help in the
men’s locker room. Craig,
a member of the YMCA who had just gotten out of the
shower, arrived at the scene around the same time.
When they went to investigate, they saw that the
74 year-old man was turning blue and did not have a
pulse. John and Craig shook the man, and, surprisingly,
he took a breath. Still, they knew something was not
John says, “I never expected that his lungs would be
working even though his heart stopped, but we couldn’t
just assume everything was fine. If we had, he would have died.”
The men helped lower the man from the bench to the floor and then worked
together to perform CPR. The man responded to the breaths by taking several shaky
breaths of his own. However, when the paramedics arrived five minutes later, he still
did not have a pulse. Even after several shocks from the paramedics, his heart would
not start beating.
“I figured the guy was dead,” John says. “I spent my whole weekend thinking ‘Well,
we did the best we could.’ However, the hospital called Monday morning to say
they had put a defibrillator in his heart and he was doing fine. I was shocked.”
Craig was grateful he had the knowledge needed to respond to the situation. “I
hadn’t had a CPR class since high school, but, luckily, it came back like an instinct,”
he says.
“I know CPR doesn’t always work,
but—thank God—it did this time.”
The man responded
to the breaths by
taking several shaky
breaths of his own.
Last year, the
American Red Cross
Trained 18,371 in
First Aid, CPR and
Automated External
Defibrillators (AED)
Trained 10,384 in
Water Safety and
Trained 37,003
youth in vital skills to
care responsibility
for children, stay safe
at home alone and
handle basic
Supporting At Home and Overseas....
People often wonder how they can support
our country’s military members and families.
members What
they may not realize is that the
Red Cross has been providing
of the American
services to the U.S. Armed Forces for more
125 years—and that communities around
Armed than
the country make this possible by lending
Forces their time and financial support.
Last year the
American Red
Cross assisted
members of
the Armed
Forces and
their families
One of our most important responsibilities is
to make sure service members and their families stay in touch with each other;
especially during a crisis. In the early days of the Red Cross, volunteers would
help wounded soldiers write letters home. Today, in the age of cell phones and
email, the Red Cross Emergency Communication Network is vital to service
members, their families and commanders in the field. Military commanders
know in times of family crisis, they can rely on the Red Cross to verify and
quickly relay important and confidential information to military personnel.
Emergency messages often are delivered by the
Red Cross workers living and working with our
Military commanders
troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait.
know in times of
family crisis, they can
The Red Cross provides services to 1.4 million
rely on the Red Cross.
active duty military personnel and their families,
and reaches out to more than 1.2 million members
of the National Guard and Reserves and their
families. In the Quad Cities alone, the Red Cross transmitted 670 emergency
communications between June 30th, 2009 and July 1st, 2010. With First Army
beginning its transfer to the Arsenal next year, we anticipate finding additional
ways to serve military personnel on the Arsenal. As the need increases, we are
committed to be there for the military and their families.
“On January 10, my husband died at 9:48 a.m. Our granddaughter,
Jill King, who is stationed with the First Armored Division band in
Wiesbaden, Germany, wanted to come home to play ‘Taps’ for her
Grandpa. She had promised him she would many years ago.
We called the American Red Cross around 2:30 in the afternoon and
by 7:00 that night we knew she was coming home. My husband was
a veteran of both World War II and the Korean Conflict, so he was
buried in National Cemetery, Arsenal Island. Jill was there to play
‘Taps’ in full dress uniform. We are so grateful for the help of the
American Red Cross in arranging the emergency leave for Jill.”
Jewel Anderson, Rock Island, IL
Volunteers Assisting in Countless Ways... Volunteer
Joe Clancy is a trained American Red
and Youth
Cross disaster volunteer and regularly
responds to local house fires. He
assists victims of fires by arranging
immediate shelter, clothing and food
and providing comfort, no matter
the time of day. Joe is there to give
support to the victims immediately
after the disaster and in the weeks
that follow. In addition to his disaster
work, Joe is also a volunteer military
caseworker for the Red Cross. Military
caseworkers provide emergency
communication for military families in the event of a birth, death or critical
illness. Because of Joe’s extensive training, he has been
selected to serve on the Red Cross Services to Armed
Joe is there to
Forces Quality Control National Taskforce.
The Red Cross
has 879
In March, Joe was awarded the Extra Mile Award by
Lujack’s Auto Plaza and WQAD TV8 for going above
and beyond every day life to help another person or
organization. Joe was recognized as being a vital part
of the Red Cross’s team of disaster volunteers who
work tirelessly to ensure that the emergency needs in
our community are met. Joe was awarded $500, which
he generously donated to the American Red Cross.
This is the
equivalent of
give support to
the victims both
afterwards and
in the weeks
that follow.
And at all ages...
Nate was following in his older brother’s footsteps
when he became a volunteer for the American Red
Cross during fourth grade. He began by assisting his
brother in teaching youth classes during summer and
health fairs.
These experiences gave him the confidence to run for
club president. He was elected president by his peers
during his senior year.
In Nate’s own words, “I don’t volunteer for the
recognition, I do it because I like to and I like the
people at the Red Cross” His parents and teachers
tell how they have notice the positive effect of
Last semester Nate spent three afternoons a week in the office managing club
business, youth volunteer data base, and being a sounding board for new ideas.
Now, Nate is prepping for college this fall and pursuing a career in counseling.
They worked
over 58,000
hours last year
in value.
110 Youth
Red Cross Clubs
in the following
Rock Island High School
Davenport Central High School
United Township High School
Sherrard High School
Assumption High School
Bettendorf High School
Bettendorf Middle School
Logan Elementary School
Muscatine High School
Chapter Financials
Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets as of June 30, 2010 and 2009*
United Way and Combined Federal Campaign
Grants and Contracts
Donated Services, Supplies, and Space
Special Events (Net)
Interests and Dividends
Class Fees and Product Sales
Other Revenue
Total Revenue
Program Services:
Service to Chapters
Service to Armed Forces
Disaster Services
Health and Safety Services
Youth and Community Volunteer Services
National Organization Services
Supporting Services:
Management and General Total Expenses
Other Revenue and (Expenses):
Inter Red Cross and Other Revenues
Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Investments Total Other
Total Change in Net Assets
Net Assets Beginning of Year
Net Assets End of Year
June 30, 2010
June 30, 2009
$485,996 584,870
379,894 11,970
304,201 78,735
*A complete set of audited financial statements is available at the chapter for review. Audit completed by Grant Thornton, LLP
The American Red Cross of the Quad Cities Area would like to thank
the following businesses, individuals, and organizations for their gifts to
local chapter services between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2010:
(Minimum gift of $1,000 per year for next 5 years)
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Allen
Leslie and Damon Anthony*
Claudia Bailey
Ms. Tara Barney
Drs. Richard and Jayne Booth
Mr. Jack L. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Brooks
Lesa and Stan Buck*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burroughs*
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bustle
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Chen*
Mr. Steven Cole
Ms. Kathleen Collins
Mrs. Sharon Dietz
Ms. Frances B. Emerson
Mrs. Jane Folwell
Patti and Jack Franklin
Ms. Carol A. Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey Gilfillan
Iowa American Water
Mary and Kendall Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kappeler*
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Kueter
Lohman Companies
Mr. and Mrs. Russell K. Lovaas
Fred and Nancy Luckenbill
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mack
Jill and Ray McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Medhus
Ms. Beverly Mital
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nimmer
Dr. and Mrs. Pranav Patel
Chaplain and Mrs. Robert L. Pearson
Betsy Pratt and Alan Asay*
Mr. and Mrs. Denis P. Prior
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rayburn
Ms. Diane M. Reinsch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Robinson
Jim and Michelle Russell
Mrs. Ruth H. Schotanus
Mr. and Mrs. Loras J. Schrobilgen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Schwiebert
The Sedona Group*
Mr. and Mrs. Randal A. Sergesketter
Mrs. Emilie Stichnoth
Mr. Jim Thomson and Ms. Melinda Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dana Waterman, III
Cathie and Fred Whiteside
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Ziegler*
Clara Barton Society
President’s Club ($25,000 Plus)
Deere & Company*
Gifts for Chapter Services
John Deere Foundation
Mrs. Jane Folwell
United Way of Muscatine
United Way of the Quad Cities Area
United Way of Whiteside County
Pacesetter’s Club ($24,999 - $10,000)
John Deere Classic
Anonymous Donor
Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust
Scott County Regional Authority
Bob Wigley and Ann Moran
Sponsor’s Club ($9,999 - $5,000)
Mr. James H. Kent
Kewanee Area United Way
Modern Woodmen Of America
Moline Foundation
Riverboat Development Authority
Scott County Health Department
Scott County Kids Decategorization Program
W. G. Block and the Block Family
of Companies
Mr. and Mrs. Dale D. Zude
Friend’s Club ($4,999 - $1,000)
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ackley, II
Advanced Radiology
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Alderson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Allee, Jr.
Mrs. Mary K. Alter
Mr. John Arnold and Mrs. Marge
B & B Drain-Tech*
Mrs. Miriam Beitel
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Blaser
Blaze Restoration Inc./ServiceMaster by
Bridgestone Bandag, LLC*
Bridging the Gap*
Central Bank of Geneseo
CGH Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Cleaver
Community Foundation of Greater Muscatine
Community Foundation of Louisa County
Judge James G. Conway Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Corken
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dalhoff
Davenport Noon Optimist Club
DHCU Community Credit Union
Dillon Foundation
Dimensional Graphics*
Doris & Victor Day Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Dufelmeier
Mr. and Mrs. Rickie L. Eller
July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
Mr. David A. Falk
Mr. Matthew M. Fiedler
First Midwest Bank
Geneseo Community Chest Inc.
Harry J. Anderson Memorial Trust
Hiland Toyota Scion
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hollatz
Hunt and Diane Harris Family Foundation
Johnson Controls Inc.
Mrs. Marilyn D. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Keefe*
Mr. Dick Kleine
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Kuykendall
Ms. Gail E. Leese and Mr. Thomas Wokasch
Steve Lotz and Deborah Lotz
Mary Knouse Trust
McLaughlin Cadillac Volvo*
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Meier
Melvin McKay Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miles
Modern Woodmen Financial Services*
Ms. Judy Mondello
Mr. Matthew Montieth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Muller
Muscatine Charities Inc.
Nelson Chiropractic
Ms. Linda E. Newborn
Ms. Renee Parchert
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Parkhurst
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Patchin
Mrs. Bernadine Peckenschneider
Mr. Brian R. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Post
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy R. Potter
Ms. Vickie A. Palmer-Pruter
Quad Cities Triathlon
Quad City Bank & Trust*
Rauch Family Foundation I Inc.
Real Living Helios Realty*
Ms. Mari K. Robinson
Rock Island Gaming Funds
Royal Neighbors of America-Rock Falls, IL
Mrs. Blanche Schutjer
Sears Manufacturing Company
Ms. Tammy Smith
Southeast National Bank
Star Group Management Ltd.*
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sturd
The HON Company*
The Johnson-Watkins Family Foundation
The Rock Island Community Foundation
Mrs. Clara Thornbloom
United Healthcare
United Way of Wilton
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Voelliger
Von Maur*
Karla and Shawn Watters
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Webber
Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Wells Fargo Bank NA
Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Yarbrough
Ms. Alice C. Young
Honor Society
Visionary ($999 - $750)
Arnold’s Body Shop, Inc.*
Mr. and Mrs. Merle H. Bowers
Charles D. Wiman Memorial Trust
Citizens First National Bank
Country Financial CC Services Inc.
Hanson Watson Associates*
Harvester Bass Club
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hilgenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jestel
Lyn and Cary Mirocha
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Patterson
Mr. Jerald L. Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pekios
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Penniston
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Root
Ruhl & Ruhl Insurance, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Denny Ryan
St. Margaret’s Health
Stern Beverage*
Tyson Fresh Meats Inc.
Walnut Township Community Fund
Tia and Jim Watson
Mr. Ryan J. Weber
State of Iowa Warrant
Leader ($749 - $500)
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ackley
Mr. Phillip Alexander and Dr. Sarah D. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Althaus
Mr. Gregory Anderson
Aric J. Eckhardt M.D. F.A.C.S.
Asbury United Methodist Church-United
Methodist Women U.M.W.
Mrs. Lavonna J. Bartlett
Behrens Flower Shed*
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Berkley
Mr. Robert H. Boardman
Mr. and Mrs. Chet S. Boruff
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Braren
BVC Wine Store*
Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Byrd
Mr. David E. Calvert
Ms. Juliette Carizey
Central State Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Don S. Challed
Ms. Eleanor J. Coffin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Cullen
Culver’s-Rock Falls, IL
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dollenbacher
Mrs. Karen S. Droessler
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Dvorak
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eberhard
Dr. Tina Eckhardt and Dr. Aric Eckhardt
Mr. James O. Ellis, Sr.
Emmanuel Reformed Church
Mr. Fred E. Flickinger
Mr. Scott Ford and Mrs. Beth Luckenbill Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fryer
Mr. William E. Gabbard
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaziano
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Geever
The Grape Life
Group O
Halligan McCabe DeVries Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hanson
Hard Rock Hotel Chicago*
Mr. Brett Hart
Mr. John M. Hart
Ms. Jane A. Heinz
Heinz North America
Henry County Independent Insurance Agents Association
Hill and Valley, Inc.*
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Hillemeier
HNI Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jon S. Honsey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Howcroft
Timothy Huey and Sandy Doran
Ms. Sherry R. Jennings
Johnson Contracting Inc. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Jim J. Kapalis
Mr. and Mrs. Greg T. Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Keester
Mr. Ronald G. Krebs
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Krebsbach
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Krueger
L.W. Schneider Inc.
Mrs. Marion Lardner
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Lorentzen
Lujack’s Northpark Auto Plaza
Ms. Heather Martin
Ms. Jan Masamoto
Ms. Sue Matheson
Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Mayhew
Mr. Clayle McCaw
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. McKay
Ms. Barbara H. Melby
Mr. Arlyn Mennenga
Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Mihm
Mr. Charles E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Molyneaux
Muscatine Metals
Musco Sports Lighting LLC
Ms. Melissa M. Muskopf
Nanninga Trucking
Nestle Purina*
Northwest Mechanical, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid Odean
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Olson*
Park Vista Retirement Village*
Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Pavinato
Dr. Susan B. Perry and Mr. Stanley D. Goodyear
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Peterson
Mrs. Elizabeth Pogue
Mrs. Phyllis O. Pratt
PRP Wine International*
Quad City International Airport*
R. J. Wolfe & Sons
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rafferty
Mr. A. J. Roederer
Roofing Technology
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rosmilso
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schlicksup
Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shivers
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Shuman
Janet and James Sichterman
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Spay
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Stanley
Mrs. Alan E. Stuepfert
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Suiter
The Gentry Shop
Trinity Health Enterprises
Dr. Kathleen Twyner-Coley
Ms. Berlinda Tyler-Jamison
Utility Equipment Company
Valley Construction Company
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Vogelgesang
Wal-Mart Distribution Center-Sterling
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Waskowiak
Werner Restoration Service Inc.
West Liberty Atalissa United Fund
Ms. Ginny Wilson-Peters
Women in Defense Iowa/Illinois Chapter
Mrs. Rosemary Woodward
Zimmerman Honda*
Ms. Ruth M. Zumdahl
Mentor ($499 - $250)
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Abrahamson
Advance Homes, Inc.*
Advanced Asphalt Co
Agventure PureLine Seeds
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Albert
Dr. Susan E. Alden, APN
Mr. Ralph J. Anderson
Mr. Robert C. Anderson
Mr. William B. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Arnold
Augustana Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Auliff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ballman
Beck Oil Company
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berns
Bettendorf Middle School
Bituminous Insurance Company
Blackhawk State Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Block
Mrs. Eleanor Blomberg
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bloom
Ms. Mary M. Boltz
Mr. and Mrs. James Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown
Denise and Carl Bulat
Mr. Donald C. Buss
Carlson Contracting Inc.
Ms. Lisa Carson
Champion A Gardner Denver Company
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Coin
Dr. Thomas G. Coley
Mrs. Hilda E. Collitz
Mr. Thomas C. Coryn
Mr. William E. Counts
Ms. June L. Crosby-McIntire
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dale
Mr. Donald E. Dau
Mr. and Mrs. James G. DeBoeuf
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeGreve
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Dismer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doss*
Mr. and Mrs. K. Brock Earnhardt
Mr. Brian Eich
Ms. Vicki Eller
Patt and Jim Englander
Mr. Roger D. Enstrom
Mrs. M. Aileen Fiese
First National Bank of Muscatine
Mr. and Mrs. S. Scott Florence
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fuller
Ms. Jan R. Garmong
Geneseo Telephone Company
Mr. Paul and Mrs. Cynthia Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Girt
Mr. George Greenley
Ms. Tina Grove
Mrs. Beverly Gustafson
Ms. Margaret A. Haines
Chay W. Hall
Anonymous Donor
Happy Joe’s-Moline, IL*
Mr. and Mrs. Orville J. Harkey
Mrs. Shirley Harris
Dr. and Mrs. Alan D. Hathaway
Hawthorn Ridge Golf Course*
Heart of America Restaurants & Inns
Mrs. Rebecca Heick
Mrs. Irmtraut J. Henning
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Henning
Mr. Joseph A. Hesse
Mr. David E. Hill
Home Bound Healthcare Inc.
Ms. Barbara Hostvedt
Mrs. Patricia A. Hudson*
Isabel Bloom*
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jacobs
Ms. Clarissa M. Jahn
Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Johnson
Mr. Donald E. Johnson
Ms. Rosemary B. Johnson
Johnson Oil Company
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Jorgensen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kalshoven
Ms. Mary E. Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Gopal Kasichainula
Ms. Elnora C. Kempf
Ms. Anne M. Kenney
Ms. Gretta R. Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Koski
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kreiter
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Krieger
Mr. Kenneth Kuntz
Mr. Anthony Kupris
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Lanaghan
Ms. Barbara E. Lang
Anonymous Donor
Mrs. Marjorie Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lathrop
Mrs. Norene Lecomte
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Leemans
Mrs. Donelle L. Lineburg
Mr. Robert Loch
Ms. Mary Ann Long
Ms. Ann E. Lotz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Luebbers
Mr. and Mrs. John Lujack
Dr. and Mrs. Louis P. Lukancic
Mr. Scott Madson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Maniccia
Anonymous Donor
Messiah Lutheran Church-WELCA Aledo, IL
Michlig Agri Center, Inc.
Mr. George T. Mickley
MidAmerican Energy
MidAmerican Energy Foundation
Moline Dispatch Rock Island Argus Publishing
Company LLC*
Ms. Patricia L. Morrison
Mrs. Kristi L. Mumma
Myers Counseling LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Neilson
Norberg Memorial Home
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Oberhaus
Ms. Pearl H. O’Dell
Mrs. Julie Ohde
O’Leary’s Fun Photos*
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pannier, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phan
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Philhower
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Ping
Mr. Donald Powers, Jr.
Princeton Jr. Woman’s Club
Princeton Rotary Club
Mr. William Putman
Quad City Tennis Club*
Quality Ready Mix
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Quinn
Republic Companies*
Mr. and Mrs. Todd R. Ridenour
Ridgecrest Retirement Village
River Cities Rotary Club
River House Bar & Grill
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Roberts
Ms. Roberta M. Robinson
Rock Island Arsenal Women’s Club*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Roudebush
Mrs. Eileen Ryan
Saukenuk Paddlers
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schelar
Shared IT Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shoger
Short Hills Country Club*
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sifford
Stephen and Anne Sinner
Mrs. Meredith A. Small
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Willard M. Smith
State Farm Insurance Companies-Lorita Hellman
Dr. and Mrs. James P. Stein
Mr. William Storm
Ms. Nancy L. Strohl
Sun Belt Rentals*
Ms. Debra K. Swift
The Medicine Shoppe
Mrs. Irene Thompson
Trissel Graham & Toole
Tri State Company*
Trucks Unlimited, Inc.
Mr. Edward R. Tschappat
U.S. Bancorp Foundation-Employee Matching
Gift Program
Ms. Jane Ullemeyer
United Electric
United Methodist Women-Orion
Mr. Scott VanDeWoestyne
Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Vanduyne
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Verschoore
Mr. and Mrs. James vonMaur*
Ms. Barb J. Walker
Mr. Lewis Washington
Ms. Kathrine Webster
Mrs. Lanora F. Welzenbach
Women of the Moose Lodge Chapter 267
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zimmerman
Ms. Eileen E. Zost
Colleague ($249 - $100)
Mr. Linford H. Adams
Mr. Michael Agin
Alcoa Retirees Club
Mrs. Ginger Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Rajesh Alla
Mrs. Mary Joy Allaert Feeney
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Allebach*
Mr. Andrew M. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Allred
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Almandinger
Alpha Kappa Iowa Chapter #0776
Ms. Allison S. Ambrose
Mr. Willis Andel
Ms. Mary Anderson
Ms. Rebecca Anderson
Mr. Willis R. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Andich
Annawan Alba Women’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Apsley
Mrs. Virginia I. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Stan A. Askren
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ator
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Auliff
Ms. Sue Austin
Mr. Peter Babcock
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Bader
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ballard
Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Baraks
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Barenthin
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Barman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Barnett
Ms. Margaret F. Barnhart
Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Steve E. Barton
Mr. Wallace W. Bass
Mr. and Mrs. James Batchelor
Ms. Lori L. Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Battern
Mr. James E. Bayles
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Bart P. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Becker
Mr. Thomas D. Beckey
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Bedell
Ms. Karen Beetham and Mr. Palmer G. Steward
Mr. Matthew S. Behrens
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bell
Mrs. Elaine V. Bell
Bella Salon
Mrs. Connie Bellinger
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bemis
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Benevento
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Benson
Mr. John Berge
Beulah Presbyterian Women
Ms. Mary J. Biehl
Ms. Amy Bittner
Mr. and Mrs. Gene M. Blanc
BMG Associates Inc.
Bob Evans Farms Production
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Boland
Mr. James J. Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Hart Bondi
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bonucci
Borkgren Trucking
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bovenmyer
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bower
Mr. Bruce C. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Boyd, Col. USA
Bozeman Neighbour Patton & Noe
Mr. Thomas A. Brackmann
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Braden, Sr.
Mr. Legrand H. Brannen
Mrs. Elizabeth Breaw
Ms. Amy Bredar
Ms. Beverly Breed
Mr. Stephen Brockway
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Brown
Ms. Jennifer A. Brown
Ms. Nancy K. Brown
Mr. Robert L. Brown
Mr. Terrence R. Brown
Mr. James C. Brubaker, III
Mrs. Berniece Bruhn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bubbers
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Buche
Mr. and Mrs. David Buechel
Ms. Mary T. Bulens
Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Buresh
Ms. Vera J. Burgman
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Burich
Mr. Darrin Burke
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Burmeister
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Burnett
Bush, Motto, Creen, Koury and Halligan PLC
Anonymous Donor
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Byrum
Ms. Peggy S. Cabrera
Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell
Calvary United Methodist Church
Mr. Zachary E. Cameron
Mr. Steve Campbell
Mrs. Maryrose T. Carl
Mrs. Carol J. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Carlson
Carpentier Mitchell & Goddard
Ms. Jeanette D. Carroll
Mr. Robert T. Carton
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cartwright
Jane Dunlap Carver
Casey’s General Store
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cattani
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cerny
Ms. Nancy Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Chevalier
China Grill*
Mrs. Joan F. Chinal
Ms. Sally Chumbley
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Victor B. Clark
Mr. John K. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Clarkson
Ms. Lisa Clinton
Cobham Mission Systems
Mr. Charles S. Collins
Mrs. Elizabeth D. Collins
Columbia Grinding*
Community Bank-Muscatine, IA
Ms. Lori Compton
Mr. Bob Cook
Mrs. Larry Cook
Ms. Florence I. Coon
Mrs. Lu Anne Coppejans
Mr. John W. Cordill
Jane and Mike Coryn
Mr. Harold E. Council
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Covemaker
Mr. Neil Cowan
Catherine J. Cox
Ms. Lucille Cox
Ms. Marilyn Coyne
Ms. Kathy Cramblett
Ms. Betty Cramm
Mrs. Betty R. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Croken
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cronin
Ms. Oneta K. Curless
Curry’s Inc. #1
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Czolgosz
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Czubara
Mr. Marvin Dabler
Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Dahl
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Dammeier
Mrs. Patricia Damron
Mr. Clifford Danielsen
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hobart Darbyshire
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Darland
Mr. Raymond Darras
Mr. Roger Datisman
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell L. Davis
Mr. Troy A. Davis
Mr. Robert L. Day
Ms. Ann DeCapp
Deere Employees Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. DeFauw
Ms. Ruth A. Dekezel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Delgado
Dentistry Unlimited
Mrs. Nancy M. Derderian
Dern Insurance Agency Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas DeVries
Ms. Joyce Dickinson
Dimond Brothers Insurance Agency Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Dodd
Mr. and Mrs. Chester H. Dodds
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Doherty
Ms. Katherine Donaldson
Doug Compton Construction
Ms. Carol J. Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Downey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Doyle
Mr. Robert W. Droll
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Duncan
Durant Lioness
Mr. Shawn M. Duster
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Dustin
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Dvorak
Dr. Jonathan Eads and Dr. Angela D. Eads
Edward W. Knapper VFW Post 6174
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Egts
Ms. Joan J. Ehnle
Ms. Cynthia Ehrecke
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ehrecke
Mr. Kreger D. Emry
Mr. Lawrence E. Engstrom
Mr. Wil Ensenat
Mr. Bob Erb
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Erickson
Ms. Ann Ericson
Mr. John C. Evans
Mrs. Marilyn A. Evans
Mr. John Fahl
Ms. Shirley M. Fanning
Mr. Mark Farmer
Farmers National Bank
Festival of Trees*
Ms. Joann Fetes
Mr. John C. Fiers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Fieweger
Figge Art Museum*
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Fink
First State Bank of Van Orin
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fletcher
Mrs. Mary C. Fletcher
Dr. and Mrs. Miguel Flores
Mr. James E. Foley
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Frisch
Mr. Daniel Fullen
Ms. Marlana J. Funk
Ms. Loretta Gamble
Mr. Carlos Garza
Mr. Richard Gaskins
Ms. Patricia N. Gebeck
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Geiger
Mrs. Diane E. Gere
Mr. and Mrs. Ray P. German
Miss Barbara Geske
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Gilmore
Glass Heritage*
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight H. Glenney
Mr. Merle Glenney
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Glowacki
Ms. Dena Glunz
Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Goddard
Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Godwin
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Golby
Gold Star FS Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gonigam
Ms. E. L. Goodale
Mr. and Mrs. John Goode
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Gowey
Mr. Adrian Graber
Ms. Diana M. Gradert
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gradert
Mr. Gregory J. Greazel
Dr. and Mrs. Fred C. Green
Lynn S. Gregory
Grieff Enterprises
Ms. Christine Grisham
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gross
Mr. Herman L. Grubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Guse
Mr. and Mrs. Gareth Gusse
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood L. Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Guthrie
Mr. William Gutz
Mr. and Mrs. John Guzzonato
Mr. Thomas Haar
Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Haas
Ms. Margery Haganman
Ms. Laura L. Hagen
Ms. Bernice L. Hahn
Ms. Darlene M. Hambleton
Mr. Alan R. Hamilton
Mrs. Doris Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael Hammes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Hance
Mr. Robert G. Hand
Mr. William D. Hannan
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Hansen
Ms. Pam Hanson
Ms. Stacey Happ
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Harden
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Harring
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Harrington
Ms. Carla Harrison
Mr. Marvin Hartz
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Haydon*
Mrs. Jane F. Hayes
Hazelwood Homes, Inc
Mrs. Lyla P. Healey
Mrs. Jane F. Hayes
Hazelwood Homes, Inc
Mrs. Lyla P. Healey
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Hebbeln
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Heber
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Heims
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Hellberg
Mr. and Mrs. George Heller
Ms. Michelle Heller
Ms. Debra C. Hennel
Henry-Stark County Special Ed. District
Mr. Jeff Hermiston
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Hignight
Mr. Graham Hinch
Mr. Robert Hinrichsen
Mrs. Janet Hintz
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Hinz
Mr. and Mrs. Tetsuyuki Hirata
Mr. and Mrs. Garry J. Hird
Mrs. Lorna R. Hirl
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hixon
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hochstatter
Ms. Marie A. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Hofmann
Ms. Dolores J. Hoggard
Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Hoglund
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Holcomb
Mrs. Jean Holloway
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holmes
Mr. Robert G. Horton
Mr. Christopher Houtakker
Mr. and Mrs. James Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Randall H. Huesmann
Mr. Michael D. Hughes
Tena and Leo Hughes
Ms. Naomi I. Hull
Ms. Marjorie A. Hult
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hummel
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hurlbut
Dr. Harold C. Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Ihlefeld
Illinois City Elementary School
Illowa Construction Labor & Management
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Iltis
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Impens
Inlanta Mortgage
Iowa-Illinois Taylor Insulation
Mrs. Helen Itken
J. Michael’s Salon*
Mr. Ben Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jahn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Janecek
Mr. Robert P. Jared
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Jerome
Mr. Brad Jipp
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Johnson
Ms. Bonnie Johnson
Mr. Donald O. Johnson
Ms. Drucilla M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Merle L. Johnson
Reverend and Mrs. Wayne L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Johnston
Mr. Roy M. Johnston
JoJo’s Convenient Store
Ms. Connie R. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Guy P. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Jones
Mr. Richard L. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis V. Jorgenson
Mr. Harold W. Julifs
Julin Printing Company
Jumer’s Casino R.I. At The Boat Works*
Ms. Christine Jurewicz
Mr. Larry Jurkens
Mr. Karl K. Kane
Mrs. Ruth Evelyn Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Keemle
Ms. Margaret P. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Keller
Ms. Mary Ann Keller
Tom and Janice Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Dan P. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Kelley
Kasey and Bob Kelly*
Ms. Ruth Kelly
Mr. Paul E. Kemper
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Kennefick, Jr.
Mr. Dathan Kerber
Ms. Kristine G. Ketelsen
Kewanee Hospital
Mr. James C. Killian
Reverend and Mrs. John L. Kindschuh
Mr. and Mrs. Dale F. Kinney
Mr. Reinhold Kirschenmann
Kiwanis Club of Sterling
KJWW Engineering Consultants P.C.
Mrs. William R. Klatt
Ms. Julie Klaus
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Kleinschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Klingler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Klocke
Mr. Brad Kloepping
Mr. Mark Knobloch
Mary and Leonard Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Knudtson
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Koehler
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Koellner
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Koeppen
Ms. Mary Jane Krahl
Mr. and Mrs. Terry N. Kramer
Mrs. Ursula Kremer
Mr. Richard P. Kroll
Ms. Debra L. Kronfeld
Mrs. Julie K. Krukow
Mrs. Jane Krumwiede
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kurth
Ms. Nancy Lafrenz
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Lagerblade
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Laird
Ms. Diane Lamacki
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Lammers
Mr. Larry R. Lamont
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Lamping
Mr. James M. Lancaster
Ms. Mary Jane Landhauser
Lange’s Safety Service
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Lemm
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Lendman
Mr. and Mrs. L. Lee Lenker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Lentz
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Leonard
Mr. Lance C. Leslie
Mr. Adam T. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Liegois
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Lindgren
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Lindle
Ms. Linda Lindy
Mr. Kentley Loewenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Logsdon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Lonergan
Mr. and Mrs. William Losey
Mr. Gary L. Loss
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Love
Mr. and Mrs. F. Jerry Lundeen
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Mackin
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Mackusick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Magee
Ms. Elizabeth S. Magee
Mrs. Jeralee Mannhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Dave W. Manson
Mr. and Mrs. Le Verne F. Mark
Mrs. Marion D. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Martens
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Martin
Martin D. and Barbara H. Rich Family Charitable
Mr. Michael J. Marxen
Mr. Nathaniel N. Marxen
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mason
Mr. Dennis L. Matelski, Sr.
Ms. Elaine S. Matthews
Mr. William L. Matthews
Mr. Keith D. Mattke
Mr. Tony Mautino
Mr. James W. Maxson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. McCann
Ms. Deni McCarter
Mr. Urmey L. McConnell
Mrs. Mary McCubbin
Mr. George T. McCulley
Ms. Julia E. McCutchan
Mrs. Margaret A. McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McDermott
Dr. and Mrs. Paul I. McDevitt
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. McDowell, Jr.
Dr. F. R. McFadden
Mr. Alan R. Mcgee
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McGivern
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. McGlone
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell E. McNiel
Ms. Wilna Meeker
Mr. Steven T. Melbourne
Mr. Erol R. Melik
Mercer Health & Benefits LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Merselis
Mr. James J. Mertens
Mrs. Atessa J. Mesmer
Ms. Holly M. Meyer
Mary and Regina Michl
Midland States Bank*
Mrs. Phyllis S. Milder
Dr. and Mrs. Eduardo Millare
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Miller
Miller Time Billiards & Bowling*
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Millick
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Miner
Ms. Jean Mitchell
Reverend Thomas Mizeur
Moline Kiwanis Club
Monsanto Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moody
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Moore
Dr. Dan Morgan and Dr. Rebecca S. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy C. Morgan
Mrs. Frances L. Morrissey
Mr. and Mrs. Raynor Mosher
Mrs. B’s School of Art*
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Muller
Mr. Stanley H. Muller
Ms. Laura Munson
Ms. Susan M. Murphy
Mrs. Mildred M. Murray
Ms. Susan J. Myers
Mr. Dan Nafziger
Mr. Brett Nagle*
Ms. Loreena Nanninga
Mr. Edward L. Neary
Mr. Gary S. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur E. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nevins
Mr. Timothy Newman
Ms. Elizabeth Newton
Mr. Kendall E. Ney
Mr. Eugene E. Nimrick
Ms. Carol Noard
Mr. and Mrs. Carey L. Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Nordstrom
Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Normoyle
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network
Mr. and Mrs. Neil D. Norton
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nowinski
Mr. Blake C. Nunn
Ms. Cynthia Nunn
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie R. Oaks
Ms. Lois Oberle
Office Machine Consultants
OK Collision Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Olsen
Olympic Steel - Iowa Division
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Oney
Mr. Edward K. Otten
Mr. Larry E. Paetz
Ms. Vicki S. Palmer
Panera Bread Bakery-Café*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Park
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker
Ms. Lisa M. Parker
Mr. Randy Parker
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Parker
Ms. Gloria Parks
Dr. and Mrs. William Parks
Ms. Ruth F. Pasmore
Ms. Phyliss Payton
Ms. Jane Pearson*
Mrs. Lois D. Pelito
Ms. Carol Pentuic
Peoples National Bank of Kewanee
Mr. Dean Perino
Ms. Lucille A. Perley
Mrs. Helen K. Perry
Mr. Kenneth K. Peters
Ms. Marian Petersen
Mrs. Mary L. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Dick A. Peterson
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Peterson
Mr. Kenneth A. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Melbert E. Peterson
Petersons Bullseye Bar and Grill
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Piechowski
Mr. Roger L. Pigg
Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pisel
Mrs. Dorothy Platt
Ms. Jo Ann P. Plater
Mr. and Mrs. Kirby M. Platter
Ms. Gwen Livingstone Pokora
Mr. Robert W. Porter
Terry W. Post
Mr. and Mrs. Chester R. Powell
Ms. Donna F. Prentiss
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Preston
Princeton Area Chamber of Commerce
Ms. LaVonne Prochaska
Mrs. Robert Propheter
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pugh
Quad Cities River Bandits*
Quad City Mopar Club
Quad City Symphony*
Quad City Times*
Ms. Jeanie Quinn
Radisson on John Deere Commons*
Mr. Vijay R. Rajendran
Mr. Ronald I. Rank
Ms. Janet M. Rauch
Mrs. Sherryl L. Reem
Mr. and Mrs. Joe V. Reichman
Ms. Joy E. Reimers
Warren and Pat Reinhardt
Ms. Tasha J. Reisz-Serrano
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight E. Reynolds
Reynolds Motor Company
Mr. Charles P. Ribordy
Mr. David Richardson
Ms. Virginia H. Richardson
Mr. John Riches
Mr. Steven T. Rideout
Mr. Robert T. Riebe
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Riebe
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Riedesel
Mrs. Sally Riewerts
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ritter
Mrs. Marilyn J. Robbins
Mrs. Anisha C. Robinson
Rock Falls High School Athletics
Ms. Theresa Rockhold
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Rodts
Ms. Linda M. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rohde
Dr. and Mrs. David Rohlf
Mr. Herman Roling
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Roman
Ms. Betty J. Roseberg
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Roseman
Mrs. Mabel Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Rouse
Rouse Consulting Group Inc.
RRCA-Accounts Management Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell C. Ruffcorn
Ruhl & Ruhl Realtors
Ms. Nicole R. Ruhland
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rursch
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Rutledge
Mr. Frank M. Ryan
Mr. Larry Ryckaert
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Sales
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Salley
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Salmonson
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Salsberry
Ms. Lynn Samberg
Ms. Glenda Sampson
Mr. and Mrs. Dale H. Sand
Mr. and Mrs. Bertil Sandin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sandon
Sauk Valley Bank*
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Scarpinato
Mr. and Mrs. Scot Schaar
Ms. Bertha Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Schaffter
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schelfaut
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Scherer
Mr. George P. Schermerhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy S. Schindler
Mr. and Mrs. Duane H. Schipull
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Schloemer
Ms. Marillyn M. Schlutz
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schmid
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Schmidt
Ms. Jean Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schnyder
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Schoeck
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Schrage
Mr. Thomas Schreier
Ms. Lois M. Schultz
Ms. Betty J. Schurke
Ms. Judy Schutts
Mr. Harry L. Schwartz
Mrs. Helen Schwarzentraub
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Sebille
Mrs. Kathleen A. Sedam
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Sederquist
Mrs. Helen Sedrel
Mr. Kenneth R. Sehmann
Sentry Insurance Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Serre
Seton Catholic School
Mr. Aaron E. Sharp
Ms. Idella L. Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Shay
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Sheil
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shepard
Sherrard High School
Mr. Tim I. Shoemaker
Mrs. Colleen M. Sibthorp
Ms. Marcella J. Siegel
Ms. Laura Silverberg and Mr. Bob Ellis
Helen Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. David Sims
Sisler’s Dairy Products Company
Mr. Lyle Sitterly, Jr.
Mrs. Louise M. Sittig
Ms. Wendy A. Skahill
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Sleichter
Dr. and Mrs. Marc Slivken
Mr. and Mrs. Barrie L. Smith
Mr. Claire L. Smith
Ms. Dixie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin K. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Smith, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smith
Mrs. Stephanie S. Smith
Mr. Steven A. Smith
Ms. Luanne C. Snyder
Mrs. Margaret O. Spangler
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe E. Spencer
Ms. Dorothy Spiess
Spratt Oil Sales Inc.
Spring Valley City Bank
Bala Sreedharan
Ms. Helen M. St Ledger
St. James Lutheran Church
St. Peters Evangelical Church
Mr. Kenneth D. Stagman
Mr. Duane Stahl
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Stalder
Mr. Dennis Standefer
State Farm Insurance-Jack A. Spencer
Staybridge Suites*
Mr. David L. Stedwell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Steele
Mr. James C. Steffen
Mrs. Mary E. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sterba
Sterling Chevrolet Co.
Sterling Federal Bank*
Sterling Moose Family Center #726
Sterling Noon Lions Club
Sterling Park District*
Sterling Rock Falls Clinic
Ms. Louise L. Stice
Ms. Mary J. Sticklen
Ms. Michelle Stickrod
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stoffel
Stoney Creek Inn*
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stoppelmoor
Mr. David Stover
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Stratman
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stuhler
Mr. Anton J. Suchy
Ms. Barbara R. Sullivan
Mrs. Sharon L. Suss
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Svaleson
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Swanson
Mr. Evan E. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Swanson
Tatam Inc.
Mrs. Clarice L. Taylor
Roma and James Taylor
Mrs. Ruth E. Taylor
TCL Sales & Marketing
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Teel
Ms. Kathryn E. Telfer
Tenney Bowl
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Testrake
The Outing Club*
The Spa at Five Star Salon*
The Tread Shop
Ms. Doris M. Thomas
Ms. Bonnie Thompson
Ms. Ruth Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Van C. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom W. Thoms
Mr. Dean A. Thomson
Dr. Thomas W. Thul and Mary Thul
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Tiedje
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Tinsman, Sr.
Mr. Robert W. Toborg
Mr. and Mrs. Noel F. Townsley
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Treiber
Mr. Erick Trimble
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Truesdell
Twenty Sports Grille & Nightclub
Two Rivers YMCA*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ullrich
Mr. Charles S. Uskavitch
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff VanDeCasteele
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vandermyde
Mr. Robert D. VanSickle
Mr. and Mrs. Larry N. Varner
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Verscheure
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff vom Saal
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Vongillern*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Voss
Ms. Jo Ann Waddell
Ms. Sherri Wagler
Mrs. June F. Wagner
Mr. Robert M. Wakefield
Mrs. Shriley A. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Walton
Mr. Patrick Walton
Mr. Ricky G. Wampler
Washington School
Dr. Thomas S. Watkins
Mrs. Maxine W. Watson
Ms. Artena Webb
Ms. Gayle Weber
Ms. Cynthia Weeks and Mr. Scott Teasdale
Ms. Deborah Wegener
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund L. Wegscheid
Ms. Karen S. Weimer
Mr. Kenneth Wellnitz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Wells
Wendy’s Restaurant
Mr. Andrew W. West
Mr. and Mrs. Don Weston
Ms. Petra Westphal
Mr. Jerry R. White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. White
Mr. Maurice E. Whitmer
Mr. and Mrs. Larry I. Widen
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wiersema
Mrs. Diannna F. Wiersema
Mr. Merle D. Wiese
Dr. Kenneth M. Wilcke
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Wildemuth
Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Wilhelm
Ms. Kathy Wilkerson
Mr. Milton Willcox, Jr.
Mr. Jon Willert
Jacob Williams
Ms. Janet M. Williams
Mr. William H. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Willis
Mr. Kenneth L. Willis
Willis Insurance
Ms. Billie S. Willits
Mr. Keith E. Wilson
Mr. James E. Windsor
Mr. Thomas L. Wine
Mr. and Mrs. James Wink
Ms. Kathy A. Wischnak
Mr. and Mrs. Alva R. Wise, Jr.
Mr. Robert E. Wisely
Mr. Charles G. Witt
Women’s Guild of St. Peters Church
Ms. Mildred R. Woodburn
Mrs. Nancy Woodburn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Woodley
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin L. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wright
Ms. Carole J. Wulff
Ms. Clarice Wunderlich
Ms. Gina Wynn
Mr. Jeffrey C. Yerkey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Yuska
Mr. Randy J. Zeimet
Mr. John H. Ziegler
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Zimmerman
Zion Lutheran Church
*All or a portion of these gifts are Gifts-In-Kind
Due to space constraints, we regret that
we are unable to list every gift in the
Annual Report. If you believe that an
error has been made in recognizing your
gift, please contact Leslie Anthony, Chief
Advancement Officer at (309) 743-2166.
For more information on ways to
support the American Red Cross of
the Quad Cities Area, please visit
You Can Help Too!
Donate to Support Red Cross Services
Call (309) 743-2166 to make a credit card donation
Mail a donation to the American Red Cross of the Quad Cities Area, PO Box 888, Moline, IL
61266-0888 or your local Red Cross office listed below
Get Prepared
Call (309) 743-2166 or visit to learn about Health and Safety classes and
Disaster trainings offered throughout the eight counties we serve
Visit to take our free online Be Red Cross Ready presentation
Learn about Red Cross volunteer opportunities at
Call your local Red Cross office to find out how you can become a Red Cross volunteer
The American Red Cross of the Quad Cities Area serves Scott, Muscatine, and Louisa counties in Iowa and Rock Island,
Henry, Bureau, Mercer, and a portion of Whiteside counties in Illinois. Visit us on the web at
Chapter Headquarters
Henry County Service Center
Muscatine-Louisa Unit
1100 River Drive
PO Box 189
3500 Oakview Drive Suite D
PO Box 888
Kewanee, IL 61443
Muscatine, IA 52761
Moline, IL 61266-0888
Phone: (309) 853-4123
Phone: (563) 263-6124
Phone: (309) 743-2166
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bureau County Branch
Lincoln Land Branch
435 S. Main Street
112 W. 2nd Street
Princeton, IL 61356
Rock Falls, IL 61071
Phone: (815) 879-2231
Phone: (815) 625-0382
[email protected]
[email protected]
The American Red Cross of the Quad Cities Area would like to thank
Modern Woodmen of America for donating the printing costs of this Annual Report.