~ ~ ~ J Boost For Better ~, ~ i Roads Into Kendrick ~ i ~r ~g g)M 4 I Subscripti<>» e I ..i>1 I n A ri vance ~ ~ ~ ~ Price KENDRICK. LATAH COUNTY, IDAHO, FRIDAY, JUNK lb, 1924 <OLUNE 34 Latah County News Paragraphs Governor Names Two Holidays, Sets Dates for Flag Day and Twenty Years Ago Tod<<y I items of interest Taken From sterna Neighboring Papers ', Pioneer Day ii. Is. 1]ois<..~&itt»v<];Ly Ju»c 14 ])as IJccl) officially design:Ltcd us I<'lug j <]ay iu IdLLII0 iii LL pvoclumiltiuii; issued by th«. Goveruoi. C. C. IVloorc. Tlic day is ILot a holi<]ay iil tile state but tbc cx]101'ts t]Lc pcopl«of. I <!f<'.I'so» Iii»I >L Besides Ii I of June 1904 T. B. >)<cst has beL» ool<ig cons) derab ie real estate business within the city ]i)nits the past weeK. )l>L«I'<>)v >'''(lucis(lily f I'0»l iL S(',I')oils ILc(',»I(,')l1., Il<! )vus cv<>,'<s)»g (', J) 01)«0<1 1, i> c iv ii <'I i I lie 1 I'le k (]0<v» passvii ~<..v tvi)i» Jicaviy iii)<ssc<LPC i from the Gazette ! pertirs purchasing several pro- for hi<»self 1)c has sold sev- liii». By l(>oki»<„af, tliv. eral for other people. Among them I» I<!t tb(. cltv vu» to 0»('. ! are the J. C. Bibb property in the s»l<! 0 t. 1, il('. Ol'oss)»g <i i)(l ill so the state to display th«national west end and the piopcrty which is doiii<s bvok<! Off oii« fi.oiit w]icc] 6mb]cm on tllat (]ay. I]is procnow <>ccupied by Charles Weber. T I»'el I' 0 I'tl) »<i t I y <1»l )10f, » planlatloll f 01]ows. Tne )atter was sold yesterday to a svt, Luul got <>v< v thv cvossiiig "Si)i«c the fo»vtecnth dily oi'. man the naine of Walker iro>» by scvcvu] feet, to bc iiiissoi] by tli« iiii»c one thoLIsa<JJ(] liiuc huiidrcd Hockford, Wash,, who will move his 1 i aiu.— Tvoy Hews. ]LUIJIu»d twenty-four, is thc onv fam)iy here in the fail. Mr. West (trcd a»d forty-seventh an»iverhas purchased the T. A. Hunter story of the adoption by «oug]I. Grec», wlio vauks well residence and w)if fit it up for his ress of tlic flag of the United 1]l(.'op <i»long Mos. U p toward own permanent horne. it States, I hereby designate «ow's lsaiic )>Va]toils, is home While Frank Daugherty was ridI"lag day, aud request that wifli a brand Jicw fish story aud. of the state ot wber«people fli('. goods to pl'ovc it. 111 filet) in down Sperry grade, Tuesday, the ! I<]aho i»ay be asscmb]cd, it l)c, )III. Grec» brought hoi»c from saddle turned with him and threw observed I'otlatvh creek, a. tvoiit 24 iuclirs him of] the horse>so violently as to by <proper cxcr«iscs, ]OIL<<'lid 1vcig]J i» <s'OUI')OUI) <IS> break his arm in two places. 1'hc illc]udi»g the playing of "T]ic trout Iic bas cvcv !1)ttie fellow got up ar'id pluckily tile ])tv~est a t Star Spaug]«BJL>nncv." I csto co»ic oi)1, 01: t])c r»ovnted the horse aga)n, riding as k'J)ow)L pccia]]y urge that on this day Stl'C)1» i . the flag of ouv country be dis-I Another view of the famous Wilson Dam under construction. far as the foot of the grade, when I')Lini]y iic was overcome Iiis <i»d M v. (~vcc)J played from every public buildby the pa)n an<1 drove fo C]avki<L I<'i id(iy iuifl tumbled to the ground again. H<) iii, house of business and firn« hosie in tho state. This is found. plenty of s»ow and vu»i, was seen and carried to his horne Convent><on 'und mighty poov fishing, because where ti)e broken bones were Oppol't»Illty to 1'Cllew OUL COVCILset by ant oi t'ideht> to the flag and of: the weatlicv co»ditio»s. Sun- Llr. Rothweli and aothe is now boy !Will Meet in Annual Session at the Fraternal Tefnple in day tll(,y broke cill)11) a»(1 (]l'ov(! 011 it vcpreseiits, and u »»iverwell as could be expected. as )ng doi)gIL 10 Col]IJJS> oli Pofl<lt«h sa] (]Jsp]ay. Kendrick, Monday, June 1,6 I'rankie I.aBofle, wnose arm waa '>V]<i]c dinMoscow Meet at "May I cali attention to t]iv! Faffners to «reck above Bovi]. so badly broken last week whi]e Mv. [)1'opal'cd, the h<n-! bc)Ilg statement <ones<ning 'Ihe local lodges acting 11«1'vas nt ("Jt>s Pack The local Oddfeliuw and Rebekah gencies. coasting down hill in ~ go cart, will a <lo wo»Ld hc crican Flag by (re»era] Horace to )n the capac)ty of hosts to the visit- Grec» thought Lodges are mak)ng preparations 1 be taken to the hospital tomorro)k No. his cast IIC little fishiL<g. Porter: have b<e» comPleted fov enterain 500 members an<I visitors ing members, bring a respons)b)lity Plans at Moscow P<)ol, to be operated on. He but sma]1 deep 'The plug of our couutr into a is ,8 fiy >the sixth annual picnic of the at the district convention to be held Upon all of the citizens of the tuwn, . reof: is in danger of. losing entirely'he bopcfu1 fceliuo very of not buutingll IJ<llull C0U»fy 1)ot simp]$ a piece bill'(suu 1vll».'Ii I I f L f fill'ln C here Monday, June 16. Visitors wnettier lodge memt)ers or not, to sized. a good. use of his arm noticed but w]Jic]i C'ill b('ure]lascd fol' Vill be Iield I» tile Clti P:lik are expected from all of the neigh- extend a cordial welcome and to do s»]ts, 'ish make a,jiimp 'for it a»d M) ss Ham icy is having her house few di»lcs;if thc Jleiivest siloP; ill Noscoiv 0» ice(]llcsdaY .Iuue everything possihlc to make Monaay IIe cast a<sai»;i»d this on the hill painted this week. She it is not;i more c]»star of bri-II$ f]i Qhc pvog)u))l f'ul f]LC day boring towns and a nuinber of the a pleasant day)for those who attned miss. grand of])cers will also be present I mdcd has already four-po»ndcr tll< ]iILut colois; it is the emblem will start with u bi ~ bas]<ef. di»imput considerable beof di<)<J)ity, authority, Power. ILL»cv at »oo», davit]I i(',0 eve»in u»d and will take part in the program. the convention. thv, hook a»d the struggle provement on the and building The program, which has been ar1]ccat)sc nf, the ]ight this free ]a»d there 's )Lo sov cof<ee fui'nis]icd fi'cc by f])c fan» I'he size of the crowd. will tax the gan . ! to cover the entire day an<1 line it w>L<s»cccssavy for Nr-. grounds and is making a nice home of the .town,. ranged entei.taining capacity 'Cl'OWB" '0»l'-SO]C iCVCJg))ty>. )10 bIIV<h)L<I'.''FO]]OW]ng'ill<les'1' fbcre I 'to its utmost. but the'preparations evening, gives a complete outline Grc«n fo play the big fish until of it. to country wi]] be addicsscs ])y 1)v Of fidelity emblem W. G. Dygert.the hust/ing young n)ade of the events of the convention and hc Iiad him worn 0»t, 1<hicb 1!<! now in progress are being Js t]lc f]ag Upham, president ol']l(! business man of Dent, was here dec]aves sity of Idaho, u»d Miss ilfa<io» (with (fue allowance for ali contin- is published below: Moore dl(1, abollt ]1alf alt lion« 1>t'.i»g and Monday Tuesday interviewing PionDhnon"Idaho tbc,job. Ho)lie do rcq»ire<1 to Hcpwoif]I, State Monday, .June 16, A. Kite, Chairman, W. F, Morgareidge, 1st Vice Chairman J. traveling men and transart)ng other ] I'Oil] L>c)iuf Exi.-usio<i <i y. of Js ho]iday the flail stviLtioil Leader, a. legal Tile clay," and. T. H. Christie, 2nd Vice Chairman Mr. Dygert receives vuvi<!ty, nus)ness. stccl-head 'in the state. Division of t!:<. 'Univ(l'sit'y. Spc. of. thv, Columbus Clark, Treasurer, Hugh Stanton, Secretary dcsig- cia] music und enter'1»ini»cnv some of which weve I)']gute<I in. from a half ton to a ton of freight The Idaho legislation Coun].,.Ltl]) tllc sfl'cllm by Ml'. Gl'c<)>l al'l(1 at this shipping point every meek. 10:00 A. M. Open Session in Hall nitcd Juiie 15, as Pioneer dpy, will be f<J)liisl:pd by . Everybody Welcome nlcmgivlv'lub otllcl'itt»11 coullty si)'.si'ts)l)(t» 1>ut as this (]ate is 8»nday this fy boys'nd Mrs. Petrick left Tuesday mornAmerica" Son g Tile .ing, for Purtland to be gone for bevs. i some twc]vc years .ago. 4pc'll the governor Proc]slimed thv Bro. C. J. Taber Invocation sAt t]ie close of the pvogra»i iu The fish is bci»g fvoz()IL iii <i «ai.'.. of some time. following day u holiday. cxcuv-. un t]ieic will bc 11<c pilvk, follows: Address of Welcome on Behalf of the Citizens of Kendrick i«c a»d will. bc o» cxliibiti(>» iii " I eater McGraw of Bear ridge„ proclamation station. ovci']ie cxpevinicuf sioil "Thi: (!Icvc»th session Of fhc I I) (,'v ill('Iow ot tlic ]<'v)L» I,'. I) n I'(1- while out hsh<ng last week, had an Mayor E. H. Dammarell wiil bv Oll dv]>livflnciits Of Hen<]s tor»ovvoiv.— '5' JU»cs st<>vc ivarc state leg<is]atuv«, sct;lside experience that he will not soon> Pearl H. McClurg, President of Assembly Response do;ic is ivl)ut being tell ]):Lnd to t<'l I'Ol'. aud 15 in»ienlory of. the mcn forget. and dep:lit<»(nts various tile iil . Juliaetta Rebekah Lodge No. 9 Music womcll wlio braved the pcllls wlf]I intevwoi]< f]i(!iv disc»ss to While examining a revolver tg) see of car]v pio»ccv ]ifc in t]Jc west John W. Shipp, Grand Master Address ''I)« .Jiiii;left)i Cbcvvy Gi owcvs' how the main spring worked in the, Kendrick Lodge Male Quartet Tlle fnvm b»vc;iii pic»i<; is one 8 CO ll- trigger, the th)ng went off unI))is g)Vv )) a!<SO<!I< I tl 0) i made and virtue to industry ' u I i I c u a . t c n ( I I 1 s w e ] L v I 1 bn f i i t y Of, I>cwls- expectedly and the ball passed Hvos., Secretarv Cil)lsc Grand fl'a«t 10 F. Horne, Pressley thru Address dcv lis looke<] foi.)v<lvd to each year )] f.]J's coi»mo»1vea]th Possible, thv. C»fire the young man.'s thigh, 10 pack Ov«liar(ls fo» injuring Kendrick Lodge Male Quartet this hiiu severely. When people examine crop of flic distr ici, fov Of]IW. F. Pooie fhciv fvicii<ls. I< un» l>uveuu Address on Behalf 01 <)<]<]fuff<)wsfiip come a revolver ])lot]<cvs Chase yca)'. they should be very »»day all(1, si»cc t]lc statutes,(.in]s ]lope 'to»»lke. t]iis I)ic»k <ill(1 lt Js bc- careful tc keep the m»zzle pointed ]".1)0 Cafateria Style 1'c«ollL»lc»(lc(l M. in Park Lunch the . wc]1 make Iicvc<1 f ]icy will p»t u]> 0 pack away from tbemseivcs, bui, i< )s far I>vovisions 1 fiat )L ]eg~a] holiday f])<)s<, I, O. (). F. Nio. 37 )CI) wJI] bv 0)l a i)ill'li ll tll(', better to make «I'>t obscr-I the examination occ<<vi<)g o» tliat clay bc Fvirk Ol]cr, pv<si<](»t Convenes ":01) Session Afternoon P. M. tbv «I)cv- when the of quality cx«cpfio»a] I'i>iI l>e os not loaded. ! thing iVC(l thC fol]OW~g day. f:lrm b»rc;in. ]ins isa»< il I (AII Oddfellows in good! standing are invited to attend} rics grow», here. ."Now, Therefore, I» ordcv to ]ow]i)< state»i<»i',— »VI<il< 1]iis If you need anything in i»illinery A. Wlltt('. R iSOI)s of lgcwby'he p](;»ic is Uiid< I 1]ii:i<is]>i<!<'s nvoi(1 Misunderstanding, Adjournment Regular Business of the Association or stfaw or summer, goods, goods to bc(n) ciigagvd isfo» have vested in me us govci'- fb( fail» h»)c;Lu it i.-'01 <xcl»it will pay yoo'to visit Hui I's overBanquet 6P. M. ]la»(llc the sc]liJJ ~ of. tile crop 1)or of thv, state I, C. C. Moore, sivp]y fov fnvm buv«au m<!»Ibcis, sale. stocked 10gcf licv wif,ii tliv. "<VI) " govrr»nv of Ida]<0> do hereby )in) vvvn just for furmevs, but 9 P. M. Exemplification of First Degree by Troy Lodge No. I9 selling orga»izntio)i fllroughI>roc]aim Non(lay June 16 1924, fov ul'I wlio believe that f;ii'»ling Otheis and Talks Grand Of])cers tll«)llidd]c west;ill<] th(', , Gust Lueken spent the week en<f Short Igntah nut by iii ])»siL)css is the biggest ;L legal ]io]iday, to be observed He has been bcttcv sliovt crop ot. chvrvivs <l»c to at his home here. Adjournment by al] of the people of the state Coullty alid 1vllo feel that Refreshment working with Car»phell Ec Barr at ]ior»cs, >the frost». tliv grow«vs liopc 10 Spokane and is a me<»her of their exercises honor fanning, ])et tel'o»ntvy by appropriate u "Oo(1 pvi< t I'c«(!IV<'. il vi! I'y KENDRICK STAR REBEKAH No. 21 ste«») drilling crew. He went to .~i)ig thv, eArly settlers of this u)id l)uppi('.v coiiiitvy Peop]e;Ivc business. bvv or ])is asset H,ci! Or<], real to Yullrnn, wiiere his comTuesday, Methodist Church 2:00 P. M, Afternoon session conve<ies in ~fate." ! pany has a cont)act to build nine Come one! Come a]1! Neet your (All Rebekahs in good standing are invited to attend) rr>iles of highway. The job will. friends froni the other cnd of tbc carriers to the probably last several months. mail ! l]uval LENORE LOCALS Adjournment county wliom you have not met Regular Business of the Association I»U»ibcv of 19, I'cpl'cscutiilg teu siuvc picnic day. A ~ood Banquet 6:00 P. towns in. Nez Pcvcc am] IJILta]L mcc1 i»g ]ant Friday'ere v spcu Nostime und u day profit)l ed from Spoka»e, where tliey went Icouiities, gathered at Geicsee on co)v, Troy, Graugevi]]e, Cotton.-. assured." is the the Rebekah Degree of Exemplification by 7:30 P. M. meek. un business last Decoration day for t]<c purpose wood, Grec» Creek, W i n o u a, Juliaetta Lodge, Fraternal Temple Hall Jack Schultz has made some very district mail I'ciL'1), Viola, Ju]iaettu ui<d Of or~anizi»g;L on his improvements attractive ! CRESCENT CLIppII<IGS carriers'ssociation After the Oddfellows finish their degree the Rebekahs gather Ne1vs bungalom across the river. K. O. Kobold, 0).gal) izv.r for in the main hall for the evening entertainment. and 1vas present Considerable travel Is now com>1]iv. c;irvicrs, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kyle v)sited Nels Bu vk. und broke grouud. Oring across the new bridge at l„e charge. in meeting thc ha<] v)siting for a few days on the ridge. this week for LL concrete busiTEXAS RIDGE nore. It Is found to be a great tat the C. L. Irail home, Sunday. cf7cctcd and was ga»izaf.ioil vicinitv. ness bui]dil)g, fhc site being Lot benelit to the Mrs, E. J. Wells and brother of James Miller Inade a business trip Miss Bernadine Drury returned O. I'ost, GO»csee, Lvas elect!Geo with the Frank to Moscow, Saturday. visited Block 17, which NI. BurkSouthwick Monhome week from Helton. last I<:vcrest, 8, M)ss I'Iorence pea was a LewisGco, president,, fv0m tana, where she half been attending ! e<l l»iul recently pilvchased and Mrs. Chester Bogar and cnildren schoo] tile past term. Co 1 to»)vood vice-president, will The building IViilin»L Smith. spendKauder are Mrs. and Mr. secretary ln! about 2,> feet wide Gencscc, Hanks waa a business lng a couple of <fays in Southwivk are spending a few weeks with home Marion !A]. Mayer, feet 40 by bean and Strawberry pici ing folks. v)sltor in Lewiston, Saturday. planting garden on their town proplanting )s the uccupat)on of »)ost ;»id trc<Ls»v<.I'..]. W. Sharp long, ouc story high. It will be Mrs. Melvin Eat»on is enjoy)ng everybody these days. of i~]oscow an(l Mr. Cosa»(]s of <!Onsti uctcd of cement blocks Courtney Jnhnstun who finished at p«ty. a visit with her or(<ther from North We understand that wedding bells C'<I to»Lvo<>(L were <!!<.etc(] dele- Lv]» c]I w)11 bp su p pl ».'d by KV. the Lewiston high school this year, Mrs. C. L. Trail wert to Lewiston I<gnics 10 atf,end the state conven- A. ]auidcv of i>losvow. M<. Lau. will ring in the near future. Plans to leave in a few days for Monday where she will attan<f suinMrs. MCBride is bere ")siting her tion fr> be hc](1 at, GOO<]i<)g, South Hend, Indiana, where he has mer school now since Everyone is re>oic)ng (]ev was hcvc a fciv <lays ago to sister, Mrs, Carl Drury. secured a position with the E. J. (> the nice rain fig»lc on flic >yolk. McCartney Wholesale Grocery Co.! Axel Ekman is preparing fo build «0 I) Lpvisi) Jg Ncz This <I istv ici, IVI<0» couiplcfcd this will be Mr. Sianoski and D"ary and will spend a few weeks are He plans to enter the Notre Dame a new barn. sn Auto trip )nfn Ore- I'<!i cv;lnd Iaiiah «0»»ties, will be il vcl'y ]l)L»(]SO<»<'. iL ]) I) e il I' il g taking Frank Meyer wilt do the carpenter University this fall. gon and Washington. 'I'hev expect to tk))oiv» as 1)isfl'1ct No. '>, ii»<1 tile biiilili»g. work. Mesdames Babcock and Comstock he gone af)0<It ten M)ss days. Our mail carrier, Mr. Pontius, has, It wi]I he 0«tupivd by AI'>vrf: Wef)er's MonCallers at Mr.. at- j»('xt »1<!«ti»g twill bc held iit were been i)as who Georgia Urury chiid-, Mrs, snd and Sounders iVIr. found his ne)>v kord delivery just, IWII)cllcsf('I', 20. S»ll(lay, e]uly Ig. I'icvce ns u general Iupvc]<auOraday afternoon. ! ten<fing school at Ynilamotn, fhe thing tn carry the parcel post ren rrotored to Southwick, I I ess. I't!pl'csc»tt'(I <iis('tove tile il<'our))s af I rs. Sarah Pierce of Deary 15 I gon, will accompany them hume. afternoon. which is )ncreasing daily. Oil ft'aiti cllicf'xccutivc I I l I I ~ I i! I i an'Farm District Bureau P)enjC June 18 No. 38, I. O. O. F. ! I I > " ' I ~ I I„'J)ivcl-'over)ioi 1,'s ~ —" s: 'l) ~ — I oi'.iutbovity Itcs'ine — .— I M.. — I I Geu'see.— > I I ~ I I .July')i(1 II i Monday'aterial l — THE KENDRICK ~ 'j g 5 /I( pp ~ ~ ~ ~ I — gg I ~ )M sp ih ~ I I GAZETTE ~ % A I Ipp!I ~ Je I p li~ p! P ~t')(5, e pi p ig ~ ll s I.AND SAKES! You never saw so many big bright snappy bargains in all your life. Our store is full of 'em. You shrill miss something if you fail to get here during this sale. Our past sales are a safe guide to go by. A Sale far Cash. We need money, >au a,eel merchandise 4i>'uc1:ions in 36 inch percales. a yard All linen toweling 36 inch .voiles 32 inch ginghams Ladies silk hose t 24c 24c 89c I 'lo some purpose, after all, we are amused at the gurgling we read, Published every Friday at Ken- hear of diversified, dairy farming. It is interesting to note that the dric'k, Idaho, by gurglers are mostly those who nardHalph B. Knepper ly would.know a cow from a giratfee bankers, lawyers, editors, such t)ke who w)ah to show a patronizing subscription $1.50 THE KENDRICK GAZETTE — price......... V-e~x Horseshoe tumblers. set of 6 65c Rat)nes for Electric curling: irons . I.adies handkerchiefs Ladies unionsuits Men's unionsuits S l.49 Men,s khaki pants Men's Scout shoes Men's overalls 27C .. 98c 79c 5 I.89 I l.39 6 heavy cofFce cups ~ Heavy bath towels ~ 98 l9 I moving'to Bovill. A n)ce the time to go on the excursion A special committee consisting ty Holstein Association, and supper was served by the guests. are assured a pleasant and pro-'f Ward Gano, president and S. Fletcher, county agent, is flitable Ross Abel, secretary of the coun- charge of tlie excursion. Try.a "For Sale" ad in the Gazette. You will get results at. 1) ttle expense. to their "1 see day., you sling," said have the your arm iii a incfuis)t)ve pas- att)'tude toward the farm'ers present senger. dithcu 1 ty. One )s almost persuaded "Broken, isn't )t?" Entered at the post once at Ken- that these popular cows give 99.9 "Yes. sir," responded the other drick as sec(0)d class mail mat- per cent cream, that the cows m)lk passenger ter. "Meet with an acc)dent?" thenisel ves, that tney consume "No; broke ) t while'rying to pat otherwise unusable food; but then myself on the back." Foreign Advert)slog Representative if we farmers. didn't have a few "Great Scott! What for?" THE AMER)CAN PRESS ASSOC)ATION things to make us laugh perhaps "For minding my own business!'I' we'd go mad.—k'rom Kansas. The ordinance which appears in METHODIST CHURCH this'issue of the ('azette, prohibit» CARD Ok'HANKS )'ng peddling or canvassing )n. the Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. corporate limits of Kendrick w)th Miss Emma Hartung, Mrs. Ida Children*s Day program at Amerout first paying a 1)cense fee of Stoneburner and re!at)ves wish to ican ridge at 11:00 a. in. $6.00, is now in foll''or:e and express their sincere grat) tude and Preaching at 8:00 p. m. Subject: effect. The town council in pass- appreciation to their neighbors and "Human Derelicts." A cprd)al invitat,ion to all. )ng this or())nance did not do so tr)ends, for the)r sympathy and help in their bereavemenr. in the luas of James W. Poolton. Pasta'r. with anv intention ot compelling their father, also for the beautiful peddlers or canvttssers to keep out flowers. of town. 'l'he idea as expressed at Hobtetn Excursion June 20 ~ the meeting of the council is to BIG SEAR RIDGE require outside bus)ness houses who The second annual excursion wish to do a retail business here, of Holstein breeders of I.atah to pay a reasonable fee for. the ~Oscar Sl)nd, and Adolph Forest County will ge held on Friday, were Lewiston visitors, Wednesday. privilege. Ihe local business liouses June 20, under the auspices of Mrs. K. D. Ingle entertained the the Latah County Holstein-F)ii'have to pay taxes and make donat)ons to public afFairs in order to L dies Guild at her home, Wednes- ainn B) eeders Association. day afternoon. keep up the commun)tv and it is no The excursion will start from and Mrs. Gabriel h'orest, Miss tlie more than just that outsiders who /Mr. farm of G. P. Mix, of AlosJohanna Hooker, Mrs. A. Sater of wish to'do bus)ness here should also Greenwod, B. G. and Mrs. L. Strom cow, pro)nptly at 8:30 A. M. of Spokane, autoed to Lewiston, '(Irisits will be mode at the farms pay their snare. nf the following Holstein brccdThe ordinance was drawn up by 1'riday. ('. I'. 'Mix, Word G:)nn A. H, Oversrn)th of'oscow who ~;Miss Bertina k'orest retui ned «rs: Ross Abel, Theodore Eoste), W. Saturday fr om Spokane, states that its prov)sions will stand home AL Schumncher, where she K Collins, F». several spent months. in court. M. Gustnfaon, Carl G)('.ndahl, . (M)sa Emma Aas entertained the G)rls'ewing Club, Thursday after- and the University of Idaho. Thc dairy her(1 of the Wasliington It ) s di flic u 1 t to understand how noon. the two young morons, Leopold and ,'((Mra. Mary Ha!acth, Mr. and Mrs. State College will also bc visited; A luncheon will be served in of Loeb, after signing confess)ens, to Louie Pearaon and daughter Kendr)ck, Mrs. A. tlic Sater ot GreenAtnscow (.'ity noon the kidnapping and murder of wood, B. ('., were Sunday visitors by tl)e H o 1 s t e i n Association. Robert Franks, are then allowed to at the kd Hataetf) home. Speal'ei's at the 1uncliron will enter pleas of not gu)ttv. It is one .>j'Mr. and Mrs. E(jd)e Galloway, Mr. lie W. E. Ncyer, Western r(p)(uf the mysteries of our present ahd Mrs. George Larson of Gameron scntntive of the Holstein-Fric.. system uf law eiiforcement. returned home Monday from a fish- sinn Associnf.ion nf America-; ing tr)p to Etk k)ver. I'infessor E. V. Ellingtori, head Saturday even)ng June 21st is the nf the dairy department of the We hear so inuch about the date of the home talent play to be Wnsliington State'oll(gc; nnd "aconom)cally governed Latah given at the Community Hall. Ice P)'ofessor F. V. Atkesont head ct)unty" that it is becoming tire- cream and cake will be served. of the dairy depnrtiucnt of the from both 'l'he weeping taxpayers of The proceeds realized some. will go to the local Red ('ross. University of Idaho. this perfectly good county know Come! Bring your 1'r)ends. This excursion nnd the meet'that they pay plenty of money into at the lunchcoii will give ing >;,Mr. and Mra. Jake Berriman and the treasury every taxpaying time daughters of Potlatch Holstein brcrders of this section ridge werc to expect some returns. We tv))t Sunday visitors at the horne ot Mrs, nn opportunity (o gct acquainted concede that the countv is out of Berr)man'a sister, Mrs. N. E. Ware. 'with one nnotlicr nnd ace wli:it dent but tve will also have to admit .".Miss Johanna Hooker and Mr:. A. t)ie other fellow is dning. It. is that we have the most d)sreputab!e Sater spent the first of the week at hoped tl):)t nll who nre interestcourthouse and the poorest system the home vf Mr. and Mrs. Joh)) Hal- ((l in Holstein cattle or d;)irying in „cncrnl will faire p.'iit in tlie of roads of any cuunty of like seth )n Bovi!1. (.xcui sinn. Business in('n uf Mr. and Mrs. John Mathes were we)t]th in the state Our tax reCounty nl'('llv)ted to at'f('nd )ll)d pleasantly surpr)aed afterSunday ce)pts 1)ne up in size w)th the ma- noon, when a number of ne)ghtors a(( wll;)t ping)( aa is b(iilg lu;l(le jor)ty of the counties that nave high and friends came )n to spend a 1)l di) 1)'y in g )1 )1 I 1 0 i v(')'ai ti( d f ) )')ii'social good t)me w)th them„prior ji))<'n tl)ia a('«tio)). A11 who tal'c taxes. -,o.~II .)ee1e KC ( — J. Cultivator SuiIlt the John Deere pp)y The value, of any cultivator to you is measured by its ability to save you labor and time and at'the same time do you good work. I The Deere KC32 has been proven by actual field tests in your home country to be absolutely dependable and to do the worK better and easier than the ordinary cultivator. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR! g Perfect system of lever control Tilting lever on pole adjusts shovels up and down hill Spacing lever adjusts distance between rigs Sold with sweeps or shovels Patented revolving fenders or ordi))ary type Exceptionally Pari't I ~ar1rxae~1; <ie Always strong wheels with oil-tight boxes dust-proof PREMAX AGENCY Binder Twine Advance Rumley Threshing Machines the best. less money —and More twine for better twine. - 1,I See us before you buy. os)tion will interest you 6he Car..son H cL1 dlvcLFe Ccx and pur prop ~ Security and Good Service ~ >u> »<l I I'i ~ THE KENDRICK - —, I ~ ~ ~ =>>~ (prepared ' by the United a<a<an Department i A g ricuiiure. > A. broad Iield for specialization .by farmers in producing table puu)try of c 'ssl><.a~, We Really Want to Help You, [ Mr. Farmer We believe kn solving your 6nancinl problems, thdt you need us and we need you. If'you need money to finance your farm come to us and let us tslK it over. We are in a position to aid you if you are the right sort who will do your share in increasillg your. crops, keel> yo»r farm ma. chinery from rusting and make progress in .your work. A banker is a friend to the business tdimer and will willingly help hinl to tide over any 1)ttle financial troubles, If you want to buy additional livestock, iIIcrease your acreage with staple crops or invest in Inodern machinery, we can help you,knowing that if you are alive to modern methods you will not fail. Come and visit our bank and get acquainted whether you want a loan or advice. , , prime quality is felt to exist by tl>e United .States Departii>«nt uf Agriculture. Most poultry, guys tlie department, is shipped alive by producers because producers are not skilled in dressing «nd are nut equipped tu liaud)e and ship tl>e dressed poultvy in good condition over lung di>'tances. Shippers of <lvessed 1>uultry will tind It yrofltuble as u rule to fatten the birds fur s period ui'en to fourteen days before kiliin", tlie depuvtiue» t says. Itequlve>sents of the niarket to which the puultry»re s«nt siiould determine w)iether the birds should be sea)deil or <iry pi<.kad, un<i also the style of <Irevsing. )t is «Riven>cly,important >liat the bir<IR be well bled chi))ad immediately and thoroughly afte> slaughter, to reuiove ail body heat. Ical)ure to chill properly is often refor spoilage.. In warm sp<insible should be weath<.r dressed poultry packed in... Ice to pt'event shipped apoilRge in transit. Grading for qualIty, uniformity, and size I>) desirable. .Shipping of poor quality birds in separate, packages is also desirable when the quantity to be shipped is sufflcient)y large tn make this. step pra'cticable, the department says. It probably will not pay to,fatten poultry that is in fairly good condition .of flesh, before shipping them a)lve, because the. shrinkage in weight of specially fattened poultry is llkelv to be heavy during the journey to Ingle, Martin V. Thomas, points out. market, the department President Hut if the poultry is very thin lt will probablv pay to fatten the birds for A. H, Baubenberg, Cashier a few days or a week. In s)upping alive, producers are urged to grade the birds by age and kind, and so far as yractlqabie to ship the different classes, in separute in < oops, escoops. Overcrowding Work With Pest Poisons . peciallv during hot weather, caui>es Seen in Motion Picture heavy loss. Feed .should be, WIthheldof "Poison," u o>)e-reel education mo- fvom the poultry a sufflcient length before shipping, to Ineure arrival tion yi<ture v)sua)Izing the activities tiine birds on the market with en>yty of t))e of the insecticide and fungicide boRrd, crops. recently released by the I has been In shipping either )Ive or .dressed United States Department. of Agriculemphasizes .the department poultrr, ture. the best determining of importance the The fllm shows the numerous ways on the for poultry the week of dsrs In wh)ch the An>ericsn farmer, the af>d the planning of market. selected; greatest user of chetnicals in the to arrive on those days. poisons of various shipments world, employs should always be taken that Care l sorts to destroy insect yeats and dis. in which poultry containers or coops eases whi<.h attack his Crops and live marked with the are plainly ls shipped ji stock, and how the insecticide and both the receiver ,of address name and Yungic)de board protects the public and shipper. against fraudulent materials by eiamFurther detailed inforn>ation as to )nlng all insecticide and fungicide ofthe proper methods of kill)vg, picking, fered for sale ln Interstate shipments. packing snd shipping poultry chilling. scenes illustrate Va vlous laboratory to the use of producers,.as applicable the chemica) analyses given the matewall ss brief descriptions of commerrials, and field scenes show how the riai methods, are given'n worth of. the "plzenu,is determined by '>Marketing ln 1877, entitled actual test. which can be obof copies Pnultrv," The seizure, of "fake" materials, tained, as Iong as the supply lasts, which not only fan to "cure" but often vaquast of the United «)tates Deupon cause enormous losses by actual)y inof Agriculture, Washington, partment juring plant or animal, und the pun- D. C. isliment nf their purveyors, are also Included in the film, which sounds a warning tn users nf lusecticli)es and Satisfactory House for to "beware of untested fungicides Ducks Is Easily Built poisons and to use only tried and of u satisfactory essentials The . proved articles. duck house are a good, tight roof, tight nPOIson" w)1) he clrci>lated through ample ventilation. the educational fllm service of the de- aides und back, and is a simple abedgood type h very and the co-operating state partment at the back feet high four roof house, institutions., Copies may be borrowed ten or twelve front, the seven at and for short periods or msv be purchased fei.t wide and whatever )ength the ~ca&% at the laboratory rharge.size of the flock wou)d require. Provide a raised floor covered with'sand. and kept )Iberallv covered with litter. As for materials build the framework of dimension.stuff, and lf strict economy In 'firs cost is esseniial, cover the entire bulldlng, roof and sides, Licensed Embalmer Leave ln the with prepared rooflng. the full I'runt a door. and windows and Undertaker tlie winHalf house. of the length SPLASH! Dip! Swim! dows should ha glass, and the other Auto Equipment. Lady attendH:ere's GAe Kendrick State Sank ....k. B. 'ice-Pres.- KendrICR, Ldaha j Farmers'ullei A Ja>>tee>> and fun!'ho's sihivers afraid nf bene|) when clad in a the comfortable — Jantzen perfect-fitting suit. that dries quickly and keeps its shape? On the beach, with wind a swooping down,its al)-wool snun~ess keeps you warm. Mc have a full ant. Stock of goods in Kendrick. Phone 462K, or 876 Troy, .or see G. F. WALKER $4.25 to $8.50 Walk on Good Leather When your shoes are worn, bring them to me for 'expert repair. T)lE Shill'HAT P.hlffl&fr TO I.BANC>rvn Sll'!.~i'f ii Stanton Bros. "VPhere the new things are newest," f protedtad with to keep out drafts lin nr musand rain or i>Dr)up The ano>r, but allow for ventilation. windows should a)1 be arranged so that ventllat)on may 'be Increased or dlminIshed as the need changes with weath- er condltlons, It is better to fence the garden so th»t. the chickens cannot get into It than if ls to fence them ln close quarterr; Io prevent tham from anting the «roy. What is true with the garden is tri!e with all crops that might be In,)i>re<1 hr tha birds. Fan«a subh <rops In, and let the chickens range whrnever posslhle. Birds need green feed and axavciaa if they are to stav healthv, Continua) use of a single vun for chl«kens causes the ground to become "fowl-sick" snd heavily infested with parasite eggs. displ'ay — - hal Give Chickens Free Run Whenever It ls Possible of Jantzcns for men, womin the en and children fashionable new 1924 cc>)ors. Come in to see them Let us explain the Jantzen bow-trunk and patented features non-rip crotch that make the Jantzen delightful to swim in. Price's In<)>>st> y Being professional cards ~ <Prepared by the United Dr. lh(ijliaIn T. Seeley Physician ~)d Surgeon a<a<ac Depar>ment ot Agriculture.) Thirteen farniers of Henry countv, II)inois, t<stifv Ihat i)iey have I«Rien "had luck" wit.h hogs by raI><ina their pigs according to a plan ihat prev<.nts infection by roundworios and fllthborne diseases, h printed leaflet, based on letters from farm«vs Indorssystein of ing the M<.1 ca>i county swine san'iiuiion recently circulated by the Henry 6>unty Farm bureau, gives convincing evidence that It pays to raise pigs in clean surroundings. This system, as developed bv tlie United States Depavtment of Agriculture, calls for ilie cleaning of brood sows and pine)ng tl>am in dlsinfecte<I pens ii't fuv>'owing time. Tll!s ls to pi'pr<illt the ncirly-born pigs fvom cornIng in «on>act with voun<liroviu Inf< ctlon. Tli«n, by keeping t)ie growing pigs on elean pasture protected fvoui exposure to hog-l<>t diseases th< y»ve permitted to m«l'e >lie gr«uiasi econo>nival <1eralopiucnt, with little <1unger of loss from tilth-borne Infection. In his letter on< farmer stated tluit out oi'15 little pigs he liail lost only II, which had heen killed by >lie cattle, and ihat there >vere: rlriually nn runts In ihe herd. Anotlier said that five years sgo be had quit raising hogs because of his Now heary losses due to diseases. he ls raising hogs successfully under the McLeun county system. they would not atAll agree'hat tempt to raise bogs in any other inanner. Use of Fertilizers Aids Apple Growing in Ohio The use of high nitrogenous fertIIlzem, according to the Ohio Experiment station, on the hilly lands 'of southern Ohio has practically revolutionized the apple growing industry of that section. fruit in order to grow and produce rigorouslr, must have access to liberal supplies of ammonia phos'phoric acid an(1 potash, It-1s the firstmentloned plant food that most often Is lacking and needs to be furnlshedThe 1>nportance. in )lberal quantities. of attending to this need properly ls Indicated bv the fact that upon ammonia depends the condition nf. the foliage, the vigor of twig growth, and the formation of fruit buds, In the sections c>f Ohio mentioned, the application of ammonia fertilizers has doubled and trebled the vleld of fruit. Ordinarily the fertilizer is s«attered nn the ground under the outer ends of ilie branches at the rate of three or four ounces for each year of the tree's age. 'hile Take Every Precaution to Guard Against Worms If the farrol>Ing pen or house Is thoroughly cleaned with scalding hot lve water. then disinfected, and the sow, especially her udder, ls washed with strong soap suds before being placed In the farrowing house, the )lttle pigs will start life without picking up worm eggs that cause se m»ch loss each vear. If those precautions have not been followed it will be necessary to worm the pigs later. This Is worthwhile, but much more expensive and less satisiactOrv than preventing worms. The most reliable of all worm remedies consists of flre grains of calomel and eight graint> of santonin per 100 pounds of Ihe weight. Keep pigs off feed for 12 to 24 hours and miz these drugs carefully and thort>ugh)y in a thick slop. Use everv possible precaution to insure each pig getting an equal share. We absol)Itely guaranteed our work. Kendrick Harness Shop Vermin Worry Broody Hen common trouble in natural incu'hatlon is lice. Most liens cArry a fau 11«e upon them a)) the time. In the active hen the number of Iles upon har i)n not incrensa rapidly, but In a s)uggish, broody hcn tnu)ilp)Ication of )lre iucrpaaea razing rR pld)y. Tn «hack this the bird mnsi ba dusted wit)i sodlun> flunri<li, or u good louse pnw<1ev before vha lv pin<ad upon the ll<>t<'lting eggs, at >ansi once during the hatching )arri< il. «u<1 again .lust t>ef<ire ihe rliiri<s >u>1< ii A Paint brightens. not only a preserves; <prepared ihc by . US>>a<i Siaiea Depar«nenes - - Kendric)r, ef Agricuuura.> kdaho More tlian 0>,000,000 farms in tl« United States produce eggs unnualll Dr. Geo. McKeever vRiued at t»'ove than half a billion dollars, says the United States DepuriDENTaL SURGEON ment of Agriculture. The>e «re maiiy specialize<t egg farnis along the Atlun. Phor>c',SI 2 tic and I'aclflc coasts, «ncl s«uttere<1 Kendrick. Idaho to a less extent thro»ghuut the «ountry, but the great bulk of market eggs used on the large eastern markets comes from the Middle Western states, Dr Jesse H Burgess where eggs ara produce<1 un<inly us Your cyan given a tbarougb aciantÃic a side line on general farms. EXAMINAT)ONIFREE oi'»vkeiIn the or<linary course Glasses guaran>ocd io fii audreco<n<nonded lng eggs pass through a n«iuher only >t abeo)u>eI>< naceaaary. and must undergo a journey of S>cela Bmiding miles or so Iiefore th«y u ihousand MOSCOW, pass across tlie counter from the v<,IDAHO tailer to tlie cs»>sun>er, >lie dep»vtment says. More than 47,000 cava of eggs alone. ar< annually tvnnri>orts <I hy vali. KENDRICK LODGE NO 26 Ne>r York ls ihe )arg<st <nnsumlng market, follolrad by Chi«ago, Hoston, ~ CL an<1 Sun Fvanris<o. Philadelphia iVIects every second and Egg production is uneven throughlast 'Ihursday of the month out the year, being heavy ln the spring and summer and llglit in the full hL B McCo>mell % M an<1 winter. To flt the supply of eggs E. T. Log>g, Secrctavv. to the deinand, which-is more evenly spread over the year, It ls necessary to hold about 12 per cent of the eggs ln storage against the months I>f loir OVERSMlTH'tter»ev-at-Law production tn the fall and wint'er, 'the department says. To serve as a practical guide to Ur<>ubart Building Tb<rd Stra<y> producers, shippers and the egg lni IbIoscow dustry generally, the Department has recently published u printed bu)letin dealing with, every phase of. the marketing of eggs, The bu)letln deals with problems of transyortatlon, the function <ii'old storAuct>toneer age, marketing methods and channels, egg structure anil composition. canIDAHO. TROY, dling, grading and <ontaineis. Copies of Farmer's Bullet)n lfl?8. Marketing Eggs, mar he obtained as long as the supply lasts, upon request to the Deof Agriculture, Washingpartment ton, D. C. %. of'ands '. F. A. N. 0 ~ A. H. Idaho. ol'griculture N. R. Shenh'erd The 3Fm.@IE4OO'esidence Are Beginning to Find Value of Sudan Phone 654 Co.'armers J~'art»avs, are .}ust. beginning in realIze the value of sudan grass for feed. SnvI bjo'adcast or put In with a drill, ab'I>'ut'twenty pounds to the acre, and don',:put it ln too deep about one inc)i's right. This will. make a fina tahiyorary pasture for hogs. It kee)!>s coming up just. like alfalfa cloes, and the more It Is eaten doivn the more It starts up. You can, turn in on It about the,middle of .Tune and from then nn until frost ln the fall, lt gives Kendrick Dray and lce Frank Boyd, Prop'. — Horseshoeing General Slaeks|IIIithiitg Wagon and CILmage Shop All work Olieantee4, . Rinouut of. feed. Put. Izi with..a. )later and.cultivated as corn, u wonderful it stools more readily and. makes good hay for horses and cattle. Use about two nr three pounds to,the acre. more hav and better hay and is a surer yield«r than any other quick It will cut from two < rop vou «an use. >kLL KII>DS OF Repairing neatly done. It'akes Frank Crocker crops a season. Sudan grass heing an annual and Carafvl'of, IIev Hair. having flh>'ol>8 roots a)mila>'o wlieat No wise girl ever lets the yottt>g or oats, Is as assi)y controlled an<1 man she hqs syotted for her own see erndl<.uted as millet. Sudan ls a good ber with her hair In curl papers until sea<i <vop, too. after the minister bak said his fatal tn four say. ~% FA?>ygSr>B g>Are X ~ ce I i <ere ~'i .i ~ it also a Qrape vines around the home nish beauty, shelter and fruit. fur- a to Use fertlllzer as u supplement good cultural methods and not as a substitute for t3>em ~ a a Naine vour farm; then make It become a good name by setting only careful) v gva<1ad products. ~ ~ u The inta<ling armv of Insects will Is your soon launch their attack. spray rig r<udy for hutlle7 Whitelrasli look's good on 'the outside of poultry houses and pig pens, but on the insl<!e It does gobd. ~I I~ If you did nothing all winter, you couldn't do a regular har<l dav's work now; so don't expect the horse to, either. ~ ~ u It takes less time and costs less money to replace the oil ln the tractor than it dots to put In new bearings and piston rings. ~ ~ The Colorado potato beetle inakes Its appearance at. the time the plnnts sre coming up. The plants should be ><prayed as soon as the beetles are observed. ~ c If ynu are far>ning.1ust for the axer else and fun <>f it ynu will need to plant goni) srad sn aa tn have sninethlng to <)o ai I>arrest time. If rou are farming tn make mnnay. you wll) ne<<) to Iil»nt g<>o<) nard arg.r«ay ~ Greatly Scattered J. J. PlCKERD keePS yott warm health Egg ~ ~ PROPER METHODS FOR PREPARING POULTRY II) s~g(,~. "Bad Luck" in Swine Pays to Raise Pigs in Clean Bulk of Product Comes Fron. Surroundings. Middle Western States. ! i k. Raising Is Beaten ]~['. I) ~ GAZETTE ~ ~ Belay in securing Hail Insumnce may determine the success or failure of your whole year' work. Nail insurance is moderate in cost and a real business proposition to the farmer who wishes to taire his farming out of the speculative class and establish it oo a safe and sound basis. It is better to have hail insurance need it than to need it and not have it. and not We represent the HOiCE Insurance Company protection, which means rc)Il THE FARMERS BANK Kendrick, Idal)>o THE KENDRICK GAZETTFi GAe FIRST STEP FORWARD IN .CALF PRODUCTION The.. dairyman should not overlook the fact that to produce high-grade milk his cows must be healthy. A cow In. abnormal condition will produce abnormal milk and should the unfortunate condition arise of having tuberculosis ln the herd, then the milk Is a giave source of danger nnt only to the Immediate family of the dairyman, but also to the public health ln general. Fortunately the tuberculin teat enables the dairyman to locate the cows afllicted with this disease, Milk coming from cows which are oif feed should be discarded, or at least not put In with the milk that is going on the route, or to be shipped to the distributor. If the cow is heing treated with drugs or If she Is about to calve, or lf she bas calved within five days, hei milk should not be used for distribution. The problem of keeping ihe cow clean Is not such a diflicult one if i> few simple means are adopted 2nd followed. Before milking, the cow's udder,:flanks and tail should be thor. oughly cleaned. The cow shoulil be kept ln tt stall that has the right length. Sufllclent bedding «houid be provided and a number .of. dslryinen clip 'the hah from udder, ilanks and. bellies 'to make cleaning a little easter tural)Collegege. and possibly more elfectlve. The. hdfrs wIII drop, oif from, tips to tiine and they carry with them a large number of bacteria. The grooming of the cow, ,hawever, should be, done a. sufllcient time befnre milking so that the'ust will have settled when milking begins. B. W. Fairbanks, Colorado Agricul- I Mikes'home cooking easier, quicker," more econoftlical and more delicious. AarAIzoisthe perfected oflvlthichfr'les is an excellent shortenmakes'vonderful and mdyon-, ing I nlllse 'eautifully, ' 3 aiAiio does not smoke at cooking te'n1'perature.- AaittIzo does not absorb Bavors, s'o it cari be used over and'over again. AMAlizo heats quickly, measur'es easily and acCurkttlhly,blends rapidly imari th'th'er ingredients, and necessitates no mhlting,', — Considerable Variation in Weights of Calves s can, is dustless, rustless, easy to handle Intned stole. AMAIzo r Pour'grocer can supply you with AatAtso. IVrite for the f~Asrsrsitn Cook Book of tests>i recipes Aststrest': 'II1*IVi~it bfos>rr>e Street, Chicago', IfL New, Yodel ., Chicago''' ~ ] I= i —withall-steel body and baked enamel finish speedometer, Iou rdoorsand 24 bi ';war adv an tages nour is only) $ //5 niore'hun I/Ie c/>cut>est cur 6ftilt with starter and demountable rime. — Overland also builds the evorld'» lowest priced 'en closed car with doors front and e'enr Af only SIo>) snore than the Touring Car. Prices /. o. b. ToieLIo — Easy tertns that will surprise you Kendrick Garage Ca. TIS LOOK.CirQODV I is Ilothing better on these hot days than one of our thirst quenching Ice Creaut Sodas. It will put you in good humor and bettec condition for work. I Perryman's Confectionery new newly painted, $200 takes 3 Wm. H. Meyer Blacksmithing, ~ I e ~ and Horseshoeing All %'oak Guaranteed' G. F. Walker - Kendrick, Commercial Hotel Breakfast 7 to 9:30 'inner ll:30 to 2:30 Lunches 30c Supper 5:30t'os. Lunches 30c Our dinners'are still at popular: prices. Sunday Chikken Dinner 50c i bowl 4 Try tire and in and of soup. Al shape. tires good. tube, brand, new top, Extra truck Owner getting 5'passenger car. looks like new. it. Call at Gaixette OfFice. I ~ ~ I h4 1 I <~~ )r%1 r7-f~ t>orrtor Sortrsraada5 l&'+& ktNOSswwss Decret'Q TlR +gag@ +wats% '298 The Touring Car P. O.'B. ii. Detroit De>noun>able Rime end Seer>or 005 ertre IIlliI ti ~ :.-',d ~ ration fnr dairy cows shI>ulrI cr>ntain a food rich in protein, fi»it ls, either alfalfa hay, swop> clov> r hay, cntti>use>i(i ineal. Ifn>>PP<I uilII>enl or soy bekn meal., I~ Des>rois, Miehlsera The useful life of the ave.rage cow 'ls 4.2 years. When those affected with are removed the tuberculosis average life ln the herd ls increased to 5.7 years. ~ k4 Iteswabesuasd 5 Caret>ea525 Tr>drrr Sod>sr>a550 'All t>rtcoo F. e. L farmer with the mflk these days ls likely to be the farmer who has a barn fall of alfall'a hay. e 4 mw"8~ The dairy ~ 1 1 Park factories of the Ford Motor Company June 4. This is a production achievement unapproached in automotive history. Tremendous volume has been the outgrowth of dependable, convenient, economical service. ~ A 1 I Idaho NcDameRR's The 10,000,000th Ford car left the High~art~ ~ Work Wagon ' v ,p,cow that has to use her energy the lce cold water she warming drinks can't use that energy tn make milk. e e where bullr. Is nnt provided ln the grain ration by other constituents, corn-and-cob meal vrlll have a feeding value for dairy cows equivalent to an equal weight of corn meal. 1 our Ice cre;tm to be the'est that can. be made. It stands it> :i class by itself. extra brand W, ~ Ventilation draf ts Is Imperative; must be arolded ln the dairy baca. o e Otye the, dairy covr clean and comfortable quarters and she will, femaIe like, chew In satisfaction. ~ ,in i +4+4>+4++++eooee+ I KVe guhr'antee Roadster body goes vrith it. last yea> totaled pi>unds, the United States Department of Agrirultiire was an increase of I,ih>0,000 Dairy Notes r lItllEIP Good Chevrolet Shows Big Increase Over 19221 «+4+» +be v -4>+4+4>e+ 1 — igan C,nrgnyis. estln>ates'hili production. Throughout the cninparison a ration of corn silage and a grain mixture of four parts cracked corn, four parts ground oats angl one part of oil meal by weight was fed. Alt'elfa and timothy hay vrere'fed alternately with the above ration. The results are compared on 'the basis of value per ton: When alfalfa ls worth $ 15 per ton, timothy has 0 value of 86 cents per ton. At the pres>!nt tiine this would Wake timothy hay worth about $ 1.50 per ton for milk cows. This low value Is due to its lnw protein contents, high percentage of liber, low percentage of ash and lack of palatability; Under these conditions it would seem advisable for dairymen who have only timothy hay to feed the herd, to sell lt and buy alfalfa whenever possible. ONLY TWO touring cars now are priced under $ 500. The complete 'here Reply„ — She "I wonder lf you remember me? Years ago you asked me to marrv you." The Absent-Minded Prof.—"Ah, yes, and did you7" Mich- Tlie value of alfalfa in the ration is often underestimated. There Is no comparison between It and timothy as a'airy feefi. The Iowa experiment station 'recently, conducted a feeding experiment comparing alfalfa hay and timothy hay as a roughage for inlik With Sliding Gear Transroissioo. OH SGYI DON'T I Abnnt-lllnded Car For Sali: , High Value of Alfalfa Shown at Iowa Station I J 'Biff l i>induction ..................10022$Pool ,610,000 I TnIedo World's Lowest Prtce for a Touring Car pov erfulOverland market'oubled 7i 70 Holstein,.......,.......,...... So 'i5 Milkln>r Shorthorn ..........., I. o. I> I i 55 i»i. Brown Swiss The tline when Fee>ling is inost. needed for feathered friends Is when, late snows and,bitter weatlier catches lite early bing,.tl~it retuLns.'Fnr gprln>;., a'n'd'old ......................... ...;..............,.. Wool Production ................i...... 'Jersey Guernsey Ayrshire e The man who thinks he knows it all Is usually baffled by one i.hlng-why It ls that others always lhink he ls wrong. e If you know inore than the man» facturer about the running oi'our incubator, you had better stop raising chicks and start making Incubntors. produce'as .. Ametimh.'Maize-Products'Company j in don't blame the iioy when he see)is some other occupation. Improve Quality by Club Markets Careful diiirymen always weigh their new-born cal ves unless the het dam an Is sufllclen tly skill f u I ln This ls done In fudging the weight. order that the right amount oi'iiik may'e fed to the calf. As a rule,, male calves average considerably 'heavier than do helfers, and the weight of the calf usually Is from 6 to 8 per cent of the weight of the dain. '. There ls'onsiderable variation ln ,the normal weights of calves of various breeds. and men 'who have raised Improved CIuallty. beef cattle and then acquired a .IeiOne conspicuous result of these. varisey cow to.supIIgy milk to their I'am'llles often, think the calves weak and ous iuarkets is the continued Improve'puny. Calves oi'he beef breeds gen- meat In the quality of what is ofFered :erally average heavier than.the. light for sale.: ft ls found'-that.a lilgh-grade butter brings better returns'than that breeds of dairy cattle. The Followln>I of poor quality and that keeping pureoi'ormal show the weights figures bretI poultry means increased protlts In calves: the iong run. Avtr. Birth Bread Weight I . pounds»ver i922 production, due partly to n largir nuniher of sheep»nd to an increase of thre.e-tenths oi' pound ln the average Iieece weight, which reached 7.8 pounds. leads the staies as a wool , Texas High-Grade Products Bring producer with 19,700,000'ounds, Wyowas next with 1$,800,000 ming More Money Than the pounds, Montana 17,775,000 pounds, an>I Idaho proUtah 17,2>10,000 pounds. Inferior Qrades. duced 15,455,000 pounds; Ohio, 14,818,000 pounds; California, 14,181,000 (Prepared by the United Stoics Department of Acrtenlfura ) pounds, and Oregon, 18,200,000 pounds. For seveial years past South Caro. In the leading producing state», wool ilna has had occasion to feel proud'of Is mostly a range product, except ln its club markets for rural womeu, Ohio where It Is a product of the farm maintained with the help of extension without the range workers. Reports received by the The department's flivit estiiiiate of United States Department of Agricul- the mohair clip is 8,651,000 pounds ture from the various county home I'or 1928, as compared with 6,582,000 demonstration agents indicate that a pounds in the census year 1919. Most large volume of business is done by of the mohair clip of 1028 was in some of these markets. Sofne of thein Texas, for which state the estimate are open continuously during the grow- is 7,100,000 pounds. ing season, others two and three days a week, and some on Saturdays only, brlitging in an acceptable cash incoine Eliminate Unprofitable ln return for the activities of the amLines by Farm Records bitious and hard-working farm women. Of 17 farmers in Knox «nd I,incoln 'on As many of the markets are run a 5 per cent commission basis, the total counties, Missouri, who kept farm acamount of sales Is usually knovrn from count books last, year under the dliecthe commissions received by the mat. tion of their county extension agent, ket management; but these flgures nine have changed their inethods of often do not include orders for eggs, farinlng to eIIminyte unprofitable lines, poultry, butter, or other produC» sent a'ccording iu reports i.o the United of Agriculture. directly from the. farm to the cus- States . Department These farmers are ail accounts keeplog tomer. again this year and have lnlluenced a Inorsiseil salsa. To give a few Instances: Ia the number of their neighbors to begin keeping them. Thev found It reiiulred Square Deal matket't Spar'taniburg each dsy tn tbie market sales amounted to 820,815; only a few mliuti>s'ime 04, an Increase of $5415.04'over last k'eep the arcounts. This, they state, fs time well spent, for the records aie year's sale's. One woman bake'd 8,120 pounds of cake in'ine and proving valuable as an inventory, for reference, snd as a guide In planning one.-hali months; Many kinds of flowers'had good'ale,.and those wlio for hetter rand ninrn proiltahie. etfort made sausage meat reported excellent the next season. success. 'I.'he Marlboro Club its business'during 1928, sales amounting io $4',785.95. One membet ' sold $ 100 worth of cake ln one moiith A The market house has'been enlarged ~ e :sa as~lees 4 to twice its original sise. 'uccess never smiles upon the faimThe honie demonstratlqn ageui, for Greenwood county reports that the er who scorns Improved methods; ii club market: wai revived this year laughs at hiin. ~ e e after a lapse of two years.'n Dariinghens with I>ienty of room Fewe.r toni county $4,500 worth of sold on commission, may lay more eggs than I wlce as and the many overcrowded. .agent believes tliat other -'produce worth't least $1,500, of which there Most of the losses in Feria aniinsis was nn recnrd, was also dlspnsed of at the market. In Marion county 15 pro- are due to carelessness and neglect on ducers inade $ 1,470.54 through their the part of their fiwners. chili market, which has been honsiderefi so successful that the chamber of Chickens and aniniaia relish ch>inges coihmerce is t'aking steps to erect a ln their feed. I!Even'he l>est of rapermanent market house for next year. tions need soine.'nrfpty. e e Newt>erry comn>unity market had'ales totaling $6,015.98 and additional orders If ynu have inaile n Failure oi'ar>» amounting to .$2,500. 1 lit> '-......, pt,I r> 'v I I THE KENDRICK ORDINANCE No. ]96 stocks, l>o»ds, or other commodities »en>jo»cd in this Ordinance nor the! ~ L]CITAT]ON BY o. " A ENS ULEN'I'ND ally s»cl goo s LCtC&ll 't A.QS ~ nlcrcla» wares .hall »ot On first e]ass ff>r>n martgages at to,>»y agric»it»ral products 5A per rent,)ntercst, five to ten yearr - app]y raised )vl(hi» thc State of Idaho or with prepayn)ent pr)vi]]eges Make any products from the farms sur- appli(at>on today. Inquire (>tazette. 1]~PESPONSIB Scc. 7. 'I'h>s Or<i>»al'>cc 37-tf a»d sold at a pro]it, »or shall this WITH TH]-'IL)-AGL'LERK Ordinance ipply io solicitor- of wcl]BY SOI 1CITORS, CANVASSLRS k»ow» >vho]csa]c houses who may AND PEDDLERS ]N SAID so]jcj( merchants for orders of goods, VILLAGE, PROVID1NG FOR wares a»d >»crchandise or other THE ISSUANCE OF A LI- co»)>»ot]j(jcs io be sold at retail. GAlrETTE Mrs. Nh)t>ng«rspent the <Meek en(i ~'i.,)ack Flesh<»an oi L«wlsion siient St. Maries. Satur<iay nigiit lv) th holne fl>iks. Prot. C. Giiiespic )eft Thurs- '(s(')yde Daugherty an<i far»)ly were dav inurning for bpokane and w)ii v)sitors at tile I'. H. Daugherty visit nis broh(r, I". S Gii)espie Bt home, Sunday. Ci)ntan, Was)>., I+r 8 few day w>ii arrive at Seattle the 16th ay. <vhere ne will enroll )n the depart-'n ment of E(iucation >n the Un)vers>ty Hard Wh<>at for Mac«ro<>]. of Nash. to complete the work for U»]ted States Departme»t of Agri- l J. culture experts have developed a new p"a "radi ara pMrs esse p)]man 's enjoy)ng 8 ar]etv ot'ard»i<at's cia)i suitgraPh Bnd abapi 37 records; >na- via>t from he>')ster, M>ss Spear of Hbte for making .»Hcaroni ch>ne >n good shaPe at 8 barga!n Cheney, Wash. price. Phone 6016 or wr)te Jo hnnY '>8 'l)(in<>-Hearted Bonehea<>. K>rchknopf', I ji)den.. 17 5t i hIrs. Ben McCoy of Southwick is)t)ng ber daugi)tcr, Mt S>n>th, far 8 few days. b WANTED: &reneh COach hpr 6 h'ReV. and tarn)iy Were din-I czar«mtiy );i»<)-bt;t><<li--:l»li Stl lio YO». Ke))ey Bb<'ut 1250, io ner Or nlare weighing ue ts at the home ot Mr an »>atch the pne I nave, or w> ll sell Mrs Arthur 1 ocke )a t Sunday. »)ine. Inquire uf August Meyer Mrs. Ra]Ph Oyiear and Mrs. A. 21-4P boutw>ck. D6%>nter are both un the sick l>st. A- g»o<ily number went to i'amO)) c)«count o) pristure s]>ortfttge eron on uesda) to attend ti)c unI ')m pff(')"jr)» ) wa of rn)v hest ", era) of Nm. H»tun '. "O ' LE " A thc,, > VASSERS AND I')(DDL]'.RS BY v(iss or so]jcjt thc cii<zc»s with>» THE VILLAGE Cl E)(K, 1'RO- Villag« Of KC»driCk far the Sale Of VIDING FOR 1'ENALTI].S TO goods, >v;<rc», mcrcha»disc or other BE IMPQSI' Ul ON I l'.RSONS co»)r»odi(ics <vithi» the Village of VIOLA1 ING TH]S QRDINANCI'(»ldrick contrary io ihc germs of GENERALLY Rl GULAT)NG lhi» Qrdi»a»cc a»d witho»t first AND BUSINES'>; ll;lvi»g procured a lice»sc therefore OF SOLICITORS, CANVASSERS;tt>'<) without first filing a bo»<l wj<]> AND 1 EDDL] RS t'l ]TFIIN SAID,-;ii<i Vill;igc Clerk;- sh;ill b«<l«cmcd VILLAGE Ql'ENDRICK, AND g»i]tv of a»lis<lcmca»or arid upon REPEALING O]CD]NANCE co»viciio» thereof such person NUMBER 97 OF AG OF KENDRICK AND ALL OPED- »or more iha» One Hu»dred Dollars shall, THI'I]1 ~ „'n I-'n(] ', .l-'TONY 5 4 er)il«, easy milkers; )in<] 'l>) Ay<'rg])i>'(;, '',. BIDS, ')ds ',%Mr. s™e ~ . ~ > 'LBERT .. 'hc 'as ap-,'' June 18 '. 1VE SELL 'rovided, Tires, tubes, spark plugs, fan belts, parts for your tires, chains for slick roads, light bulbs, 5-minute vulcanizers, paints for your ear or wagon. Oils for your ear, tractor, steam engine and farm machinery in lots of one gallon Bnd up, at prices from 70e to 85e, the same price as you can buy fram the station, All kinds of top Bnd seat dressing. Po)ish for ear, piano or furniture which makes them new. We have the Westinghouse batteries for $ 22,50 guaranteed for iwo years. If,you have 8 loose wheel on your car or truck,: we have 8 machine that makes them )ikenew and we can do the job right. We furnish you with free Bjr for tire Bnd water for radiator. Try us Bnd be satisfied. Backed by 8 guarantee. look'ike Buy Mason. Tires THE RELIABLE GARAGE F, --— I'red Sjlfiaw, br., Mr. Bnd Mrs. F. hIr Bn() W Sj]'f)aw Bnd fa)n>iy +~ LINDEN LOCALS M>s. Gus Krugger Bnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. O. Wegner Bnd chj)dren and Rev. Re>n Bnd gamily. ,X'C. P. Israel returned from LewisBa n Bnd san on e nes ay even>ng w> a new b)6, Bnd cM>ss yfta S)um, motored ia Lew>stan are enjoy>ng these days. Rey. Dagafordeaf 98)rhe)d, Wash. Mrs. Lau Alexander Bnd ch>idre V)siting friends in Cameron the, v>s)ted >n C)ark ton jih h first of tne week. mo W d yottp Bnd Paui t )]f]pw went fish)ng KFliI)EY I)astat. I p. Bt E)k R)ver, Monday g rain Saturday and Sunuay. licitor or canvasser proposes to order Tuesday evening. ot for the citjzc»s of the Village Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sohn were Kendrick )(M>ss Alberta %8)]ter <'f .Kendr>ck ca]lers at the Fred Crocker home M>nEMANUEL LUTHERAN the this week of M>ss >8 guest Sec. 4; It is hereby made the duty .h B„d attend (] th H examine n>e Stum. Clerk to pf the Village Wreckage" >n Kendrick, Saturday relating all matters into carefully ;>c,Mr. Bnd Mts. H.- Wendt, August evening. to the application of any person to ' Cameron, Idaho, A good s>zed crowd attended sercanvass, sell or peddle within the M, d y ft. ~P> Ken ~ if such a»d of Kendrick, and the basket dinner, Sunsaid Village Rev. E<]war(] A. Ite]n, Village Clerk is satisfie after Martha Abitz left for Bov)ll, day. Rev. Sturges w>li hold serserv>ces 10:80 8. m. where she w>)I spe>>d the rema)nder v>ees each even>ng this week. . that'.'hurch investigation jng a complete 9:80 a. m. f such solicitor, canvasser or peddler bunday school <Mrs. C. H. k'ry Bnd family spent in the is selling a lcgimate commodity or Luther League'ndWednesday QM>ss The]ma Hansan was a v>sitor bunday with Mrs. Vaughan and led. month. is canvassing for the future delivery of goods, war s, merchandise, stocks, Ladies A>d 1st Wednesday >ri month Bt ihe H B]um home, Thursday af Mt Jam Lan which t.hureh (;ounci) 1st Monday >n month last week. bonds or other commodities wi e have a»]u«ommc»suratc Come and worsh>p w>th us. C. L. Wegner and ch>irden Carrie and Ar]ey A)]en, Mr. Bnd '" %Mrs. SPecial confirrnat>on se v'ce were whx( vis)tora af Mrs. Car) Mrs. Earl Langdon and eh>idren, to which the publ)e >s eur- Koepp, Monday afternoon. Bna Fva brn>th spent 8 very enjoy'd V Vili)agc Cl cr k s h a 11 issue d>8))y )nv)ted dlcr, sai: day at the home of Mr. Bnd ip such-..'app]jca»t a license for canFred Neuman and M>ss He)en able vassi»g, soliciting or Pcddli»g as tl M>6)k6 were guests I Mr Bud Mrs. Harry Landgon an American, the HPplica»t case mav be, upon HSll<S CBtGMBl MediCiIIC Mrs. Wm. Johnson at Peek Sun<)ay ridge, Sunday. to such Village Clerk ) hc paying 'down" S. A. Mc( ail>ster was on the r)dge «t»>d>-'ven>t>g. "r<>» Those wbo are )» a guch> cansuc or each day da 5,00 for sum off $ @00 . » (io» wni notice (»a( Catarrh bot»ers first of the week. the vasscr, so'licitor or peddler dcsircs them much )<>t>re t»a» when <)tey are >n g Josephine W)i]<en af FB>rview is sp]icit or sell goods, go«)>e»t)> T)»s fact proves <ba( wh)>e assist)bg Mrs. (george Wj]ken with Mr. Whitman of I,eland, wha has io canvass, or other corn- influenced b c»s(>(»(;e»a) eo»dingo»s wares, mcrcha»disc, the housework. been d>ggibg a well for W. Weyen, sa>d V))]age of HAI.I '8 CATARRH MEDIcINE conw)th>n modit>cs struck water at a depth of 57 feet. L L. ne and an Bfi „d M TS. egner Mr. C r. W KendriCk; prOVided hOWCVCr, that SuCh H>S<S Of an Ointment Wb)C» C]u>C><)y ch>ldren were the. I'uesdav evening Mr. Block was a guest Bt the F. solicitor canvasser or peddler shall Re)leves bv" 'local app>>ca<ion, '" ' "a»das the s s d)nner guests. af Rev. Bnd Mrs. (;. Lyons home, Monday ' even)ng, file with the Village C]crk a bond'as before go>ng to (.'al>forn)a ta spend Re>n. So)d»y druggists for over 40 Years. provided for in ihc following section. F. J, Che»ey Co., T'oiedo, Ohio. 6summ r. Scc. 5. It shall be the duty of the Mrs. J. Sehm)dt af Spokane Brfrom each Clerk to require Village K. C. Winegardner, who is work- I rived Mender evening to attend the P]icant lmcntjoncd in Section 4 of funera) pf her father, Mr. Wm ing >n ihe sawm>i) at Par)(, spent wtih his tamils. I s~gf+ol gm>QQQQ sail which hood hatt 55 Mrs. C. E. Harris and eh>idren that such solicitor, be conditioned canvasser or peddler will only sell, canvass or solicit such goods, wares, two weeks'>s>t at blezperce. hc shall 'furnish other commodities METHODIST CHURCH '' said Vil'lagc Clerk with a complete list of goods, wares, merchandise, BULLETIN stocks, bonds or. other comri)oditjes Le)and, ~ Idahoo which such sohc<tor ProPoses to sell within thc,Village of Kendrick, a 1P.PP A Sunday School sha]1 furnish the ViMagc Clerk wjtl) ll:00 A. M. Preach)ng the name a»d address of his principal devotional Iieag)te EPwarth and. give such other information relatirig io the business to be trans- )nerijn] Bi 7 P M . s acted, ay be r qu cd of hm! ' services '"at 8 p;. M F van I tie by such Vj]]age 'Clerk a»d s«h services t]>686 the pubhe zs Ta Clerk Vj]]age such p]ica»t shall give ) Iu]] and complete information of the. eat'd>B]]y'nvited. If the «hicks»re inclined io fl]] tbe]r crops with b»ttermilk instead of with mnsh, give tham so>»«>bing to eat befor« lbc buuevn>i>l< is left bi fore them. Be Sure to be There v vt The Rhode Island It«de ts <t breed are»H»i>iiy co)>M]<>eyed vigorous and thrifiv as any nthrr breed. station. He]at) ves from Asot>n v)sited at . Fstaic of Samson O. Johnson, FOR bALE: SI>]end>d quarter see the Wii] Schetzle home, Sunday. dcccascd. al] >n eutlivat>pn, water, t>on, good commodities in thc Vi]]age of Ke»Notice >s l>crcby given by t e u»- we)i >mpraved, well io'eatedon PotJ>m Sarnettdied June 5th after drick exec t as'jn ihjs'Ordinance v with wj]] )8«h r)dge administrator dcrsjg»cd, 'g borne cash Bnd goad nearly 8 week's )))ness cause from a by house to house canvass a»»cxgcd off the estate off Samson h $ terms an balance. Quick Bet>on stroke of paralysis. or by solicitation from thc citizens O He was born 1 deceased d d to t h e cre d i- i)ecessary O. Johnson, des)rab]e in Uirg>nja and rema)ned there untji to th)s get wjthj» ih'c Vj])agc of Kc"d"'ck, sh~ll of, and all persons having claims 24 6 ze 6 q was about 26 years af Bge. Ftpm to gainst the said deceased of the V>))age of Kc»dric an w Ic hibit there he moved to Iowa and came to wvjth the llecessa~ vouchthem applicatio» sha)l specify the particu- crs, within 30 years ago. He after the four months It ()R SALE. Large Sru nsw > ck t t) is coun try 1 m f d w 8 8 a i w 8y s ) e a d y t o h e l P t h o 6 e ) n fi r s t P u b 1 j ca t i o n o f t h i s n o t i cc, t o t h e w h o o h r e n e w 2 ) t h n r a > e 85 ) p g p p 1> s p ]j c i p r s p r ) ) with will annexed t)>r>0 wart)> of records, 8]i for t)>150 need Bnd will he )nissed administrator )n our propose to said can asscrs pr Peddlers Pot] t Idaho, residence at at his h, neighborhood as 8 helpful, kind ('oud as new, fine gone. Inquire se]1 or order for the >erson or per' . ofmgthe cbusmcss'c o sai gazette. ne>ghbor. He was 58 years old. He sons, a»d such app])cant shall give tra»sactlon leaves a s>ster Bnd three brothers, is»amc in full post office address estate, j» Latah County, State 0 besides many fr>ends to mourn h>s a»d if dclivcry is to be made'bysucll Bring your watches Bnd clocks- to loss The funeral serv)ces were peddler at the time of soliciting he ««r>ek and hav«he» «p»r«conducted by Rev. Uarence 1'aber ' ' sphall Village exhibit to the said ' right by LBHBtt the Jewe)er. 24-It Bt the M. k'. church Bt Jui>aetia and C]erk such artie]es, stocks, bonds, Estate of Samson O. johnson, solicitor or commodities which such interment was made in the F>x Decease . or canvasser proposes to canvass the . ridge cemetery., 9v,-->kp " (....Moscow . Idaho June d D ' t ' CAMERON ITE])II citizens of the Village of" Kcndr)ck ]924 "Sleep, on dea> 'rother, take" ihy or solicit them for the t>urposc of rest; ,;V>s>tars Bt the Henry Wendt takj»g orders for the sale of goods, (,odrai]ed'theehome He thaught wares, merchandise, stocks, bonds o home, bunday, were. Mr. Bn4 Mrs. tf'e The p»)lets must mature by November s» they will be>ti» to lay when pggr are high in price. ment will be furnished by Latah County boys'nd girls'lub members. The last event wil) be 8 trip over the experiment 28 t4 work horses last Sunday. 1hey were struck by lightning the dur)ng thunder storm wh>ch visited th)s CALL FOR section about noon, Sunday. are asked for fene)ng rightW)]) bchetzie >s hauling wood by (>toad Road lljstr)et J()o. 1. f I af Latah County, Idaho. Freder>ckson bought 8 team', F. C. Lyons, Sec. 23-2t of young horses Tuesday fram coney L>nden, Idaho. ".'f-way filed modjtjcs >vithout first having Read by t>tlc June 3rd, 1924 Clerk a bp»d as the V>)lag kcad th'rd time a»d Passed J" withProvided in this ordj»a»cc a»d o'ut first having procured a 1iccnsc June ]3, 1924. for s»ch so]iciiatio» nr pcdd]ing'»bl>shed, 1'rom such Village Clerk, cxccpt as in t|)js Ordinance provided. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 3 Any pcrso» who»>ay dc w>th — f rec. has c»ac)cd this Ordj»ance for thc "> f<']1 force a»d effect fi-om and I] of protccti»g its citizens after iis passage, approval a»d first purpose g)4i)) Scott of Yak>n)8 v>s>ted )ast I'rom fraudulent solicitors, Pcdd]erst Publjcatio». week at the horne of h>s sister, Mrs. 'a»d canvassers within said village. Qrdi»ance on this 3rd approved Prompt attention g>ven to watch Nj] l Sehetz)e Scc. 2. That from a»d after the d;iy pf J»»c ]924. repairing sent in by parcel 'post. k'red Johnson made a business tr>p passage, approval a»d first publicaLaHBtt the Jewe]er, Kendr>ck. 42-] t E. H. DAMMARELL, to Mos<.ow, Tuesday. tjon of this Ordinance it shall be Chairma» of Board of'rustees un)awf»1 for any Person io can. ass Vi]]age of Kendrick, Idaho. George Freder>ckson had the m>s(>t ad >n ca the citizens of 'the Village of Kcn- Attest ' f f drick, for the purpose of sclli»g such gentle. Inqu>re Zaek ABS, phOne i i'."g-«ail»g hens «Hn be <lured with a dose of iron a hatchel. Big basket dinner at noon'ith ice cream an(1 cofFee furnished Addresses immediately after (]inner by Dr. A. H. Upof Idaho, Bnd Miss Marion ham, president of the University Hepworth, State Home Demonstration Leader, af the extension division of the University. Special music and entertain- '. ~ ifif X if il +if i( if i<-4+%%+i<if if if+if %+if if% Wednesday, ~ *, Poultry Notes The Latah County Farm Bureau invites you to Bii.end iis sixth annual picnic, to be held at the City Park in Moscow on pOINT ;l»ti upon ihc <l< fault of the pay- gallon rows, < DI~ANCI':S ]N CONFLIC1'lc»< of;i»y fi» ''»Ci> pcrso» hall i)] ( 2 ]l'.1]t .I<',racy ]i<;>f WITH THIS ORDlNANCE. I>c confined in the Village Jail one Mr. and Mrs. Cushman Davis A rr,] ' >n ) x <, (] >) < Bc jt Ordained by ihc C)>air»>q» d ) for each Two Doll;irs of such 'I ')sited Sunday at the Joe Dav)s a»d Board of '1'rustccs of the, Vill- fine, or»»iil such fi»c:l»<l'hc costs 13<it)) >lj(.(')eif('.r ea]ves, mo]her'or»e»ear. Kendrick. agc of Kc»drjck, state clf Idaho: ofi Pl psccuilo» <<le Pa>d. >nnl((' l>at)i good )))i]kers, will <>k'rank F)x ot h'ix t idge spent SatScctio» l. "I his Or<)i»a»cc shall bc S< C. 9. Al] Qrdi»a»ccs a»<l Parts g<>a<] paws. I am «ettings '." g known a»d dcsig»atcd as thc Pcd- of Qrdi»a»ces in co»]]jct with this . t o o urday and Su>>day <v>tf> h)s uncles, . 8 dlcrs'»d Solicitors'rdinance a»d Or<]i»a»cc, »»<1 in partic»]ar Ordi»y '>eorge and Carenre Dygert. the Village of Ke»drick, Idaho, in a»cc Number 97, are hereby repealed.!" mo))'))t of I)flsiuI'e. T]>ese w>i] thc cxcrc>sc of its pohce powers, < Sec. ]0. 'I h>s Qrdma»cc shall be ) >1 "<s<'. ya)>. I ])ane 8420> QI. C ( ..,.,„,<] +w"F.-X++-lf ++'k->r>Q-X-X-X.+++X~-p-p~~~~» th, Brown, Prop, 4 Milling Kendrick Warehouse Co. @re pay the h]ghest market price for gatin and beans. We sell grain sacKs at the lowest ma]ket price. At the mill we have Idaho Hest Patent, Asotin Best,'rincess and "400" flour; bran, shorts, millrun, and rolled feeds of all Kinds ' 'HURCH mak-,, - '>ss pagto„" feed, OK scratch and mash, bone meal, g]'ound bone, oyster ahell. grit, and oil meal. Poultry " ""'ices Bean Cleaning a Specialty AS.. W W ' 1 'ngi>sh ~ A Real Phonograph v for Only ~g, ' <>'g g ol such solj jtor canvasser kor shal] Ie peddler, a))d such bond further asser. CO]leCt ».cot. to sech ~purchsIcr with such order. in Io accordance shall »ot bona fid resident or the Village of Kendrick. sa rcs> c w>t n . With H»v ao»X g< od~, >var«sr >»crch, ndi e, I lt jil <)ll'ii lktv+4+ il ~ ')>ne & I4 W Wmmmwma~ z IW'IMW a~~ who;s 'e]Yjng < ~ to thole various resmorts and all report sport galore and fully worth 10e 8 pound. A. H. Smith, (george Hicks and Arthur loclie went an Saturday, May 81,ruat ta be On time snd hrought out the limit of the cannot finny tribe Bnd say they est)mate )>aw many they ate. Eliza]tlrs. Hund Bnd daughter beth, and Kenneth, Mra. HughParks and l'laude Cook went the lirst of the week 8»d spent several days on Elk (.'reek and ai] report 8 jo))y Bnd lots of fish )n t])e ere(k. ~Mrs. Marv>n Vincent went to Agatha, Fr)day io vis)t her mother, a guarantee that means Barnet >ng ~++ ~+Li. L~~~ 'A»<V>HW 0~at i C Scc. 6. This Ordinance i<> l ~e t(>typpp]aysa))<)iso POr- recpr<]s i Q %1< village ol Kcndrlck, on snr order for the shipment of any. goods, stocks, bonds vrarcs, merchandise, pr other commo<]itjes that anything so purchased or ordered by any citil the app]v citizen a»d ....~, c, v~ ~ i~ (tr conditioned that if any can/) a Q shell or peddler solicitor, any mOneyS frO») any Citi Cn,~s; -~~ ~ vHartung.sunda> ~ '1 Np. 200 OrO TOne De Luxe eB@~ 11tlr. — and Mrs. %. M, Gephart )n Lt>CA)a I J. ~Mr L. (;)enn accom-, l and Mrs. panied the>r daughter, M>nn>e, ta l ) Lew>sion, Monday, where she will attend the summer norinal. >Mr. and Mrs. Oney Walker and, son, Orva), visited w>th Mr. Bnd ') Mrs Hoy Morgan bundav. Mrs. Mabe] Medford and Mrs. l H d o d l tt) f b ok spent the week end at the Ioy Morand gan home. the play)ng i i Miss 'igelva '>Walker lett Tuesdap afternoon fOr KOOSk>a iO Spend 8 few weess with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. (.'. E. Walker. M neXCCllCw )ll ione Va.'eS, Slm e al)d pxtrpme e)t»er lateral cut rpcprdq s ~ <.apable Or Of Vert)C]e B())]t to ]ast a ]>fc lmC. Cpfne jn ..:)n(] )>ear jt p)ay E(]jSpn > lCt Of Ol ~0> UM (Bled l C('Ol'~~ The Red Cross Pharmacy It D. Nehvtott>, Proprietor THF EFNDBICK GA7ETTE I GLEANINGS ! was no one present at the party was inan enuugh to do it. who I attornev. for sheriff, (Irant Robbirs Grat t and Charles Summerfield. Robbins is the only de(no;rat bled. ) I Mrs. U. J. (.'arr and daughter, S. P. Calllson returned from SpokCharlotte, of bedro Wouley, Wash., 'Tom Blevlns, local section boss, spent the week end with relatives ane the nrst cf the week where he returned the hrst of ihe week froin here. Mrs. Carr is a daughter of went for nledical treatment. His a business trip to Montana. many friends in this lucallty wiII Mr. and Mrs. T, Y. Ellis. ue sorry to learn that his condition ,-, Mrs. Edagr Long was a !Yloscuw )~Miss Edna Janes, who has been nas not improved and ls even more visitor Wednesday. 'attending college at Milton, Ore- serious than was genelally consldgon, is spending her vacation at tile Delbert Rlggle and family left hoirie of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ered, Hss case has heen diagnosed , as cancer uf the stomach. the first of the week for ('larkston A. E. Janes. where they will spend tiieir vacation. The Ladies Aid of the MAhodist church entertained the I'resbvterlan %ilham Hartung Lilllan Long went fo Lewlston, Ladies Aid at the church yesterday Monday, for a visit with friends. Has long skirt all around, sections of ai'ternoon at a very enjoyable tea. June tlie Last Sunday night, 8, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hull left Satelastic at sides from waistline to bottom Cllarles Blank of Latah, Wash., is entire corninllnity was saddened by urday fur Nampa as delegates from home at tile Pool ton this of skirt tn control the hips, 4 hose supthe local Eastel'n Star lodge to the visiting the death oi Willlani Hartung, one week. 1 meeting of the grand lodge, which of the pioneer residents of the CaniBones at frorlt tu (outrol porters. was held this week. Dr. and Mrs. beeley left vesterday eron community. His deatll was afternoon ln their car for beattle, diaphragm and elastic inserts at skirt Mrs. Gregory Leaves of'ewlston rancer of from the stomach caused Wasn., where they will attend the visited at the home of her sister, commenceinent 'Wash- from which he .ultered for several of exercises front. Fastens at side. Pink, silk Mrs. Frank Boyd, the lirst of the i ngton University. Dr. See Icy's son vears. In his death tile cominunity week. ana daughter are menibers of the loses one of its hest'citizens. stripe material. Duithe class at university. senior of Adam Wagner, Mrs. Mr. and William Hartung was bqgn March Farmlngton, Nash., were Kendrick ing Dr. Seeley's absence, Dr. Ruswill have charfge of his sell Truitt On the 29th 1842 in Germany, driv7, first of the week, the visitors practice. Dr.,Trultt is well known of December 1868 he 1vas married ing over in their car. in this locality, having prartlced in Shoulder strapping itl white, flesh, orchid, pink nrcllid. packages 2@i{: of the Southwick community a number tu Amelia Neumann, who preceded .Mr. and Mrs. Don Phillips in childln 1915. Eight death, busihim were transacting Uraigmont oi years ago. Novelty trim in blue, pink, black, red, all guaranteed tast colors, pacKage . ness in Kendrick last Friday etferlA ren were born to this union. Miss Bertha Onstott of St. Josepll, lng. died ln 1910. beven A large assortment of ribbons jiist in for your selection. Missouri, who is visiting at the A. scn, August, sdrvlve cliildren him, hve daughlittle and Mrs. Hugh iielpnian Onstott home, spoke to the melnbers .son.of Mullan arrived last week for of'he Presbyterian Sunday bchool ters ano two sons: Mrs. I"red Mielke, a visit at the home of Mrs. Heip- last bunday morning. Mrs. John Schwarz, Mrs. Ida StoneI man's mother, Mrs. Harry Grinolds. Miss Emma of ( ameron, ourner, Mrs. Axel Swanson and younger John Kite and W. M. McUrea daughter left the 'first of the week and Mrs, Jacob bchmldt of Spokane,, were summoned on the federal 1ury for a visit with friends at Palouse. Wm. A. of Spokane and Uarl of the hrst oi the we/(. Miss Alpha Swanson visited at Pull- Carneron. He also leaves 27 grand man the first of the week. her Eiclmer and uncle, Miss Maud children and 8 great grandchildren. ,y .Henry Eichner, left Tuesday by Fred Kidwell and baby ar/Mrs. In 1873 he came to America with autoinobile for Omaha, Nebraska, rived last baturday afternoon froin family settling ln Michigan. his will visit for a pleasure trip. They Longview, Wa:h., to s»sit at the ot'her points in the middle West. behe moved to Minnesota, 1877 In home of Mrs. Kid wel I's pyrents, fore. their return. there until 1901 when he residing Mr, and Mrs. E. h. McDowell. Uameron where he lived moved to MosA. Wllmut left Tuesday for Truman Poolton, son of Rev. and cow to serve on the tria11ury of the his deatll. until Mrs. Poolton, arrived honte from federal court. Mr. Hartung served in the war Moscow the hrst of the week, where John Hot tie of Juliaet ta was he finished his Freshman year at the between Prussia Denmark, and business in KendriCk University. transacting ln 1864 and in Austro;, Austria 'Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Owen'epple of Prussian war in 1866, being award;; William btump of Southwick re- J u I iaetta were Kendrick visitors ed a gold medal ln each war. t'urned the first of the week from,a Wednesday afternoon. He was a member of the Lutheran business trip to Spokane. Ira Gentry of I ittle Hear ridge (.'hurch, and a member of the Sons, Emulus Brown was appointed by stated last week that he had l]8 of Her(nan Lodge. the town coucnil to act in the capa- acres of beans plante(f b(ifore the The funeral services-were held at city of town marshal during the recent rains. He said most of the I.utheran Uilurch, absence of J. G. Gardner. beanr were up and made a good the Uameron stand, f(ev. Harry has acres on Rein and 65 E. A. Hupp Tuesday, Rev. A party of Genese business lnen the same ridge that he says are as George Flnke ofhciating. 'I he pall, were in Kendrick, Tuesday, boostI , fine a stand as he has ever had. ing the,, the'celebration to be held They grandsons of Mr. Har-, were bearers had a guod start before the in Genesees,duly k'ourth. They ex- t'a 1 tlS. tung, they being: Willie Mlelke, tended a cordial invitation to the Herbert Schwarz; August, Walter, 'people of Kendrick and surrounding Mr'. and Mrs. Jenks Wilcox and Six of ,territory to come to Genesee to cele- son of Mullan, l(faho, returned home Herman and (;all Hartung. carried the brate. granddaughters his Tuesday after visiting at the nome of Mrs. Wilcox's parents, Mr. and flowers. Interment was niade in the ssd Mrk. /Mr. George Length sad Mr. N. Brrcke. Uarneron cemetery, 'daughters, Mrs. Robert Spencer and cotu't, as follows: Glen y.@uk 'S doing detective work. drove,to Ularice, Moscow the hrst Wii. Politica. are warming up slowly in The cases were agiof the week for a visit with rela- Latah county for a wliirlwind finish. dismissed kitusou Merle Drake, E. Fedet'al Court Convened Smitb tives. Clarice. remained with her So far only bce have filed for A. 8. Guerin, Jr. aud Abc GoÃ, ourt, o fficials present. The sister, Mrs. Spencer. county otlices as follows: G. I'. Sta r Mirror. mpaueIed Walker for county commissioner; Te apl'ing term of the United ffit, Joe its commenced arid n g> John Dammarell and Prof. Mc- Judge Warren Truitt for senator; States court folr 'inc ccutft al Lodg e stationery drove to Spokane last Satur- Thos. A Feeney for prosecuting atters submitted to and Alvin Babcocks all o Mo Th attiactivelp convened Mollday division. Idaho dav. night where they spent. the week printed at th(,'azette OIBce. tf th@ s~iaud duty will not be made end. They made the trip in Mr. Other cases dismissed'onday public until after the returns are McLaln's new Dodge coupe. motning wet(. liquor cases agin 111(l(Ie. six Moscow st P e Hanson, Henry Smythe, , J. B. Helpman of Nor thport, involving Ioh+ Doe >darner, John Doe Wash., visited at the horne of his au@ p mba, ciiar ging possession 8 1 own, Gi ant Clat k, daughter, Mrs. Frank fieyd, the W sal«of liquor, and carried over Houck, ."first of tne week. H OIe Falmon aud John Jr., fr'itin. last:fall's tenn of court, D Cattle, hogs and sheep )Ve will present: Larson. Miss Getty of Clarkston spent the wcle dislnlssed for want Of evi-h week end here with friends. couHides and IVnni, dence. Thei e cases crea ed Monday morniilg and the arM rs. Carrie Srni th of Tacoma. Call Wasn., arrived this week to visit at Five ~oun~ men who gr*dua were based on evidence alleged from the the hoine of Mr. and Msr. S. A. MtlUiversity .of Idaho.. Uallister. Hnlbronk 8e EmmeItt to have been secured by a ma" school of law were admitted to for the purpose ot practice in the United States brought Miss Batterton left Tiiesday for l her home in California af ter visit- Bon Ton Royal Worcester Bf'assier Cor-Set I " I A: ange S.~i>ITIefII!: I oI the FamoUs Qs ~.eos i .3'Gos'a Overs,.s I,! s'l os%''- JUST IN OVERALLS i a"jj;"p'jpo ~ I '<enc ric < SI:ore ons zany The Quality Store L 6. t], — 'aln -. asNls~ TONIGHT and Saturday E WANTEll3 .'oe I ing several home. days at the Hanson James DeFord lef t Wednesday Ilfternnort for Dayton, Wasli„where he will find employment. ';, Illlf~gigggl A few vears ago farmers 'gorieralIV believed that beans planted later than the 20th of May wouldn' amount to much. Now some of the most successful growers walt until after the hrst week in June to plant. Beans planted the last of June last made a very good yield. i~a , n IIIIII I sssas s I I I it 5 $ I Ii I 's ,jj s I I I iVe have on hand a limited number of blacksmith forges, vices and anvils at much l ~I less than wholesale FORGES S trictly <ling, grade !'a ic.~sane s , ski A big picture with a strong story, splendidly enacted by one nt'he finest casts that ever appeared on the A powerful melodramatic picture tllat will screen, please 100 per celit. Kendrick on. Manager in run- Light excepportable. Case hardened 4 h Ich jaw, wide range of adjustment, weighs 85 lbs. heavy frame First grade wrought steel polished steel. face, a lb .FI.~ a)7.s,I. Axe Handles, A good two-reel cnmedl 10c and 25c VICES tional blast Helen Chadwick Bev. Taber of Juliaetta was a Kendrick visitor Wednesday afternoon. A number of friends and relatives gathrrt d at the C. C. Hlaekbnrn his tu celebrate Suiiday home seventy-fourth blrthuav. Mr. Blackburn said tkat ne escaped the usual, because there I spanking birthday fn st every way. Mrs. A. V. Dunkle and three ohildfen arrived Wednesday on the night train from Kellogg, Idaho, to visit, at tbe horne of Mrs. Dunkle's fatnei', A. Wilmot. Prof. D. L. McLaln expects to leave this week ln his car for Mt. Wash., near Seattle, to Vernon, He and his visit his mother, muther plan to drive to California or YeIIowstone Park this summer. costs. I 'eat The Lewiston 'Yards of the Troy Lumber Co. were completely destroyed by hre early vesterday morning. The loss ls estimated at $20,000 and is about half covered by insurance. N. B. Long 8c Sons are putting on their annual inld-summer sale this At the Week, beginning Saturday. IINfne time, the "arlson Hatdware and Co. is holding an aluminum glassware sale which ends Saturday night. Saturday ought tu be a hig day ln Kendnck. ~~inusuat.". ~"~Il' good grade hickory, all straight B e have EVERYTHING in the line of hardware, paints, oils. house furnishings, heavy hardware, implements, coal and iron. " Nendrick Hardware Company "Try First" Furniture Sruxm mvicRs KendricK