Presentation SOUTRAC® Non-Linear Weld System Soudronic
Presentation SOUTRAC® Non-Linear Weld System Soudronic
Presentation SOUTRAC® Non-Linear Weld System SOUTRAC - The Future for Welding AHSS Tailored Blanks w w w . a u t o Automotive Soudronic SOUTRAC® Characteristic of Parts Linear Linear shifted Non linear Body Side / Body Side / Closures 2002 Closures 2005 O thers 2002 O thers 2005 Tunnel/Wheelh. Tunnel/Wheelh. Pillars 2002 Pillars 2005 Rails 2002 Rails 2005 Volume in M io. TB SOUTRAC® Market Share Non-linear Tailored Blank non linear linear Application oriented 70 60 50 250 30 20 10 50 0 0 Market volume total 40 200 150 100 2000 2005 SOUTRAC® The Solution SOUTRAC® The Solution max. speed: 30 m/min max. acceleration: 4 m/s2 max. speed: 120 m/min max. acceleration: 4 m/s2 y-a xis is x a x- weld speed: min. radius: 2...18 m/min 100 mm max. blank size: 2200 x 3600 mm max. # of blanks: 4 max. # of welds: 12 SOUTRAC® The Solution Edge tracking Gap bridging Weld process Quality control SOUVIS® 2 Function groups SOUTRAC® Laser head SOUVIS® 1 SOUKA® Edge position measurement Mechanical gap closing SOUVIS® 1 (SOUVIS® 5000) • Edge position measurement • Gap determination • Monobloc • Process gas • Laser position control Seam profile top Seam profile root SOUVIS® 3 Seam homogeneity Laser head SOUVIS® 2 • • • • • (SOUVIS® 5000) • Seam profile top • Seam homogeneity Monobloc Process gas Laser position control Gap driven filler wire Double spot SOUTRAC® combines all functions in only 3 groups SOUTRAC® The Solution - Absolute Accuracy of Main Axes =1 00 m m 0.1 mm R y-axis, weld head V = 12 m/min Nominal weight of weld shuttle 4000 kg Nominal weight of weld head 300 kg Nominal position Measured position x-axis, weld shuttle Maximum absolute deviation 0.05 mm SOUTRAC® The Solution - Following a non-linear weld line... Main axis y SOUVIS® 2 SOUVIS® 1 Rotation axis SOUVIS® 2 Rotation axis laser head Main axis x Laser head Requirement for quality welds: Swivel axis SOUVIS® 2 Swivel axis SOUVIS® 1 Following precisely a curved contour with 3 different function groups each positioned normal to the weld line Weld line Solution: Besides 2 main axes for the main movement (x,y), we need 5 numerically controlled axes integrated into the weld head Rotation axis SOUVIS® 1 SOUTRAC® Following a non-linear weld line... (cont.) Requirement for quality welds: Welding different blank gauges in the same weld cycle, even T-shaped combinations can occur. Laser head SOUVIS® 1 Solution: Each function group has its own independent numerically controlled height (z-) axis. Weld line SOUVIS® 2 SOUTRAC® Following a non-linear weld line... (cont.) Actual edge position Image size SOUVIS® 1+2: 10 x10 mm Pre-programmed edge position Requirement for quality welds: Following precisely a curved contour even if the pre-programmed line does not fit with the actual edge position CNC: Ring buffer for correction numbers and position-driven laser axis correction Solution: Position dependent edge tracking and positiondriven correction of the laser head normal to the actual weld line Deviation calculation at actual position Laser head with correction axis normal to weld line SOUVIS® 1 edge tracking SOUTRAC® Varying Gaps.... Position dependent gap Laser head with filler wire capability CNC: Ring buffer for gap width and control of position-driven filler wire speed Requirement for quality welds: Overcome varying gap width up to 0.3 mm Wire feeder Solution: Position dependent gap width measurement and corresponding control of wire feeding speed Gap width at actual position SOUVIS® 1 gap determination SOUTRAC® Mechanical solution for the weld head Rotation axis laser head Laser light cable Swivel axis SOUVIS 2 Swivel axis SOUVIS 1 (Patent pending) Gap driven filler wire SOUTRAC® Welding Demonstration SOUTRAC® Gap Issue in Non-Linear Welding Applications There is a higher risk of the gap problem in the non-linear Tailored Blanks welding process due to the sum of geometrical tolerances. Therefore a safe solution for the gap closing prior to welding process is mandatory. Only then a safe and reliable high production output can be guaranteed! SOUTRAC® What is a Gap? Gap = Missing material Possible causes of gap: Released tension during blanking Tolerance of part measurement and/or positioning Large die gap Damage during transportation/handling ………………… SOUTRAC® Steel Formability Effects on Edge Quality Shear to break ratio and material deficit Mild Steel Same shear gap AHSS Blanking is a Forming Process: Good formability of mild steel means good blanking ability Limited formability of AHSS means bad blanking ability SOUTRAC® Solution Automatic Adjustment of Filler Wire Speed Filler wire speed (m/min.) Gap width (mm) SOUTRAC® Solution Automatic Adjustment of Laser Position Position (mm) Gap width (mm) SOUTRAC® Solution The End Result Gap 0.38 mm Corresponding weld with controlled filler wire SOUTRAC® Solution 500 600 Examples of Hardness Profiles 500 600 Hardness HV1 400 350 300 250 200 150 500 400 Härte HV1 Hardness HV1 450 300 200 100 100 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1 [ mm] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 G DP 14001400 G // DOCOL 0 0 50 A / TRIP 600 2 Distance from seam centre [mm] 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Distance from seam centre [mm] 2 2 SOUTRAC® Integration of SOUVIS® 5000 Inline Quality System SOUVIS® 1 SOUVIS® 2 Profile analysis Seam homogeneity analysis Edge position determination Gap width determination Laser head Integrated position control axis Gap driven filler wire SOUVIS® 5000 Sensor Principle 10 mm CMOS Camera with adaptive response characteristics 10 mm Short pulse flash light Diode laser line (Patent pending) Combined acquisition of gray scale image and laser triangulation line Resolution Max. speed Max. data flow 0.01 mm 30 m/min 60 MB/s SOUVIS® 5000 One Sensor for all Requirements No complicated and diffuse fuzzy logic necessary to combine multiple sensor arrangements Easy to operate, Low number of parameters Extraction of seam geometry information Extraction of seam homogeneity information Reduced maintenance and spare parts requirements Microscopic resolution and outstanding discrimination capabilities (human eye is the standard) Easy to integrate SOUVIS® 5000 SOUVIS® 1 Edge Tracking Determination of • Edge position (laser position control) • Gap width (wire feeding control) • Blank gauge difference • Blank alignment • Edge quality SOUVIS® 5000 SOUVIS® 2 Quality Control Determination of • • • • • • • • • Seam concavity Seam convexity Mismatch Seam width Seam roundness Lack of penetration Porosity Expulsion Pinholes SOUVIS® 2 Image Analysis Texture analysis Pore analysis Profile analysis Upper seam surface of a tailored blank SOUVIS® 2 Gray Scale Image Analysis Reasons for Failure Local edge defects Plasma absorption Expulsions, holes Missing texture SOUVIS® 2 Gray Scale Image Analysis Reason for failure Partial evaporation of dirt or zinc particles located between the weld edges Porosity 0.1 mm x 0.3 mm SOUVIS® 5000 Summary A safe online quality control is a must for an efficient production of non-linear tailored blanks. Its not sufficient to detect some of the relevant weld failures and some not. SOUVIS® 5000 represents the only integrated solution today capable of detecting all relevant failures in nonlinear tailored blanks. SOUVIS® 5000 performs with only one unique sensor, i.e. less complexity and more reliability. SOUTRAC® Example Part Golf Door (non linear) Cycle Time: 5 10.5sec / TB SOUTRAC® Example Part GMT 370 Body Side Cycle Time: 6 36sec / TB SOUTRAC® Example Part A-MPV (PQ35) Cycle Time: 7 25sec / TB SOUTRAC® Example Part Honda New Accord Front Door Upper 1346 1288 Cycle Time: 8 16.0 sec / TB SOUTRAC® Example Part ROVER 75 Front Door) Cycle Time: 9 12.5sec / TB SOUTRAC® Production System for Body Side Tailored Blanks Platinen A-MPV Seitenteil Innen 4teilige Platine ZStE260 Z 100 MB 1,2mm ZStE220 Z 100 MB 1,0mm alternativ: ZStE220i Z 100 MB 1,0mm Walzrichtung ZStE220 Z100 MB 1,5mm alternativ: ZStE220i Z 100 MB 1,5mm ZStE260 Z 100 MB 1,0mm Walzrichtung 550mm Walzrichtung 2000mm Walzrichtung 2600mm Schulz-Marner Stand: 11.00 (K:\...\A_MPV_SLW\Bilder\St_innen_Neues_Konzept\A_MPV_ST_i_2_tei_2l) Produktionstechnik Marke Volkswagen PP-F1 Cycle time per side ring 25 sec. SOUTRAC® Production System for Body Side Cycle time 15.8 sec 16.3 sec 17.0 sec SOUTRAC® Production System for Body Side SOUTRAC® Layout SOUTRAC® Summary Soudronic SOUTRAC® The right solution to meet the high market demand ! regarding - high output of quality Tailored Blanks - low scrap rate - high uptime based on - 20 years of experience - 38 Mash Seam TB welding lines - 54 Laser Seam TB welding lines (11- 02)