Volunteer Activity Insurance Guide
Volunteer Activity Insurance Guide
GIRL SCOUTS OF ORANGE COUNTY ACTIVITY INSURANCE VOLUNTEER GUIDE REV. M8418_0313 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SUMMARY OF ALL PLANS …………………………………………………………………………………………….... 2 PLAN 1: Basic Plan - Girl Scout Activity Accident Insurance for Members …………..…..……… 3 PLAN 2: Optional Accident Insurance for Activities or Events ………………….……………………… 4 PLAN 3E: Optional Excess Accident & Sickness Insurance for Activities or Events ……………. 6 PLAN 3P: Optional Primary Accident & Sickness Insurance for Activities or Events …………… 8 PLAN 3PI: Optional Accident & Sickness Insurance for International Activities or Events …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ………………………………………………………………………..………………………. 12 GIRL SCOUT ACTIVITY ACCIDENT INSURANCE (SUMMARY OF ALL PLANS) Plan 1 – Member Accident – The Basic Plan covers registered Members for any approved, supervised Girl Scout activity lasting two consecutive nights or less (three nights when one of the nights is a federal holiday). Plans 2, 3E & 3P are options for Members and Nonmembers - must choose 1 Plan 2 – Members and Nonmembers Accident – Accident Insurance covers all members as participants for events lasting longer than those covered by Plan 1; and all nonmembers as participants regardless of the length of the activity/event. Plan 3E & 3P – Members and Nonmembers Accident and Sickness – Accident and Sickness Insurance covers all participants for events lasting longer than those covered by Plan 1. Under Plan 3E Accident Medical expense and Dental Expense Benefits payable are subject to the *Nonduplication Provision. (E stands for “excess” insurance, if participant has personal Medical and Dental insurance that must be used first). Under Plan 3P benefits are NOT subject to the *Nonduplication Provision. (P stands for “primary” insurance, if participant does not have personal Medical and Dental insurance.) Plan 3PI – Members and Nonmembers Accident and Sickness – Accident and Sickness Insurance covers all participants for international trips. Not subject to the Nonduplication provision. NOTE: Under Plans 2, 3E, 3P and 3PI, 100% enrollment of all event participants is required, unless a participant is a Member and is covered under Plan 1 for the event. There is a minimum premium charge of $5.00 for each online submission. Insurance must be ordered for the period of time beginning with the day the participant leaves home through to the day the participant returns home (i.e., event scheduled June 1 through June 5 equals five calendar days). * Nonduplication Provision = Members and Nonmembers personal insurance is considered primary and activity insurance is considered secondary. PLAN 1 COVERAGE CHART – ACCIDENT INSURANCE DIAL 911 IN AN EMERGENCY (THIS IS SECONDARY INSURANCE TO YOUR HEALTH PLAN) ELIGIBILITY REGISTERED MEMBERS (girl or adult) OF GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL SPONSORED/SUPERVISED EVENTS COVERAGE (ANY APPROVED AND SUPERVISED GIRL SCOUT ACTIVITY) DATE THE TROOP LEADER RECEIVES THE MEMBERSHIP DUES & APPROPRIATE REGISTRATION PAPERWORK (girl or adult) BENEFITS & AMOUNTS FOR ACCIDENTAL DEATH $15,000 FOR ACCIDENTAL DISMEMBERMENT UP TO $20,000 FOR PARALYSIS $20,000 HEART OR CIRCULATORY MALFUNCTION DEATH BENEFIT $15,000 MEDICAL EXPENSES ACCIDENTS PAYS UP TO $15,000 DENTAL TREATMENT UP TO $4,000 FOR TREATMENT AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF SOUND NATURAL TEETH MEDICAL EXPENSES SICKNESS NOT INCLUDED NON DUPLICATION PROVISION FIRST $130 THEN MEDICAL EXPENSES EXCESS TO OTHER INSURANCE COUNSELING BENEFIT PAYS UP TO $2,500 INFECTIOUS EXPOSURE BENEFIT PAYS UP TO $1,500 SURFACE AMBULANCE SERVICE PAYS UP TO $3,000 AIR AMBULANCE SERVICE PAYS UP TO $5,000 FOR RETURN TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE NOT INCLUDED REPARTRIATION EXPENSE NOT INCLUDED 3 Please Allow at Least 10 Business Days for Processing. Plan 2 Provides ACCIDENT ONLY Insurance for Activities that Meet the Following Criteria: For Members Events lasting more than TWO NIGHTS (three nights when one of the nights is an official holiday) or activities such as recruitment events or programs where Girl Scouts is the Primary Sponsor, etc. For Non-Members & Guests Covers non-members as participants/attendees regardless of the length of activity/event. The most common enrollments for this plan are for non-registered parents/guardians attending a ceremony or Workshop. NOT For Tagalongs Tagalongs are NOT included and are parental responsibility. Children who come with parents/guardians on a Girl Scout trip or activity, and are not of the age and skill level to participate in council approved supervised activities designed for the Girl Scouts, are considered Tagalongs. The minimum amount required for enrollment is $5.00. Please complete this form and submit it with your payment at least 10 business days prior to your event. Rush requests cannot be guaranteed and requests received after an event cannot be processed. Please submit payment in the form of Check or Money Order, made payable to MUTUAL OF OMAHA. Combine multiple events to save on enrollment fees. For details, contact 949.461.8800 Event Title :___________________________________ Location : ____________________________________ Event Description : ____________________________________________________________________________ Responsible Adult in Charge : _______________________ Troop // SU # : ____________________________ E-Mail : _________________________________________ Phone : _________________________________ Beginning Date : __________________________________ End Date : _______________________________ For multiple dates, please list each date separately on the back of this form. 1. Total # of Participants __________ 2. Total # of Days __________ 3. Line 1 x Line 2 0 4. Premium Rate PER DAY 5. Line 3 x Line 4 __________ 0.11 $0.11/Day Mail Form & Payment to: ATTN: Office Services, Insurance Girl Scouts of Orange County 9500 Toledo Way Suite #100 Irvine, CA 92618 $ 0.00 __________ TOTAL DUE ($5 Minimum—if total is under $5.00) Is This Paired with a Facility Use Form or Program Center Reservation? Yes If Yes, Please Provide Description below, or write “See Attached Description” No “For Troop Travel Insurance, Please Use the 3E or 3PI Insurance Request Form” 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17