living well - Benedictine Health System
living well - Benedictine Health System
living fully living well hospitality financials giving BHS locations BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ›› hospitality hospitality › PRAYER EO, BOARD CHAIR AND ›C PRIORESS MESSAGE OARD OF DIRECTORS ›B ISSION AND CORE VALUES ›M ›› financials ›› giving ›› BHS locations hospitality PRAYER CEO, BOARD CHAIR AND PRIORESS MESSAGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MISSION AND CORE VALUES BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK PRAYER 2/23 ›› hospitality hospitality › PRAYER EO, BOARD CHAIR AND ›C PRIORESS MESSAGE OARD OF DIRECTORS ›B ISSION AND CORE VALUES ›M prayer ›› financials ›› giving Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Spirit, ›› BHS locations send Your welcoming presence to us. Quicken our awareness of Your divine presence in one another. Open our hearts to respond generously to the needs of others. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK CEO, BOARD CHAIR AND PRIORESS MESSAGE 3/23 ›› hospitality hospitality › PRAYER EO, BOARD CHAIR AND ›C PRIORESS MESSAGE OARD OF DIRECTORS ›B ISSION AND CORE VALUES ›M ›› financials ›› giving ›› BHS locations a message FROM THE BHS CEO, BOARD CHAIR AND PRIORESS St. Benedict begins Chapter 53 of his Holy Rule with “All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ for he himself will say, ‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me.’” For the Benedictine Health System, Hospitality has grown to be one of our most cherished Core Values. Hospitality in the purest sense — providing care and compassion especially to those in need — is at the center of our hearts as we serve at BHS. While the word “hospitality” is likely to bring to mind images of friendly people, warmth and comfort, the Benedictine interpretation is so much more than that. Hospitality guides us to be welcoming to all, but encourages us to a higher level of openness to ideas, opinions and change. How appropriate it was for us to focus on Hospitality as 2014 was a year of significant change for the System. With a new CEO at the helm, BHS began the year with enthusiasm. “One BHS” became a unifying message with a challenge to transform Catholic senior health care services. A thoughtful new strategic plan was created that will take us to the year 2020. By working together, this roadmap will continue to support BHS’ national leadership in Catholic long-term care and by forging new and improved models of care services and delivery. Innovation — not often thought of in long-term care — will be a key focus for the System in the upcoming years. And, as always, all of our work is grounded in the charisms and mission of our sponsor, the Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery. BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK CEO, BOARD CHAIR AND PRIORESS MESSAGE 4/23 ›› hospitality hospitality › PRAYER EO, BOARD CHAIR AND ›C PRIORESS MESSAGE OARD OF DIRECTORS ›B ISSION AND CORE VALUES ›M ›› financials ›› giving ›› BHS locations It is an exciting time for the Benedictine Health System. We — the BHS Board of Directors, the Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery and the senior leadership — are grateful for our gifted and dedicated associates, volunteers and governance members who strive to make BHS a place where each person is living fully and living well. Brian S. Lassiter Board Chair Benedictine Health System BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK Sister Lois Eckes, OSB Prioress St. Scholastica Monastery Rocklon B. “Rocky” Chapin, FACHE President/CEO Benedictine Health System BOARD OF DIRECTORS 5/23 ›› hospitality hospitality › PRAYER EO, BOARD CHAIR AND ›C PRIORESS MESSAGE OARD OF DIRECTORS ›B ISSION AND CORE VALUES ›M ›› financials ›› giving ›› BHS locations board of directors BRIAN LASSITER, CHAIR CHANDRA MEHROTRA, PH.D. REPRESENTATIVE MIKE BEARD SISTER BEVERLY RAWAY, OSB ROXANN DAGGETT TIM SCANLON, CPA SISTER LOIS ECKES, OSB SISTER DONNA SCHROEDER, OSB DEAN FOX, MD, FACP, VICE CHAIR SISTER JOAN MARIE STELMAN, OSB KATHLEEN LATOUR, MA, RHIA, FAHMA SISTER DANILE LYNCH, OSB, SECRETARY BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK ROCKLON CHAPIN, FACHE, PRESIDENT/CEO MISSION AND CORE VALUES 6/23 ›› hospitality hospitality › PRAYER EO, BOARD CHAIR AND ›C OARD OF DIRECTORS ›B mission ISSION AND CORE VALUES ›M The Benedictine Health System is a Catholic organization entrusted PRIORESS MESSAGE ›› financials with advancing the health care ministry of the Benedictine Sisters of ›› giving compassionate, quality care with special concern for the underserved ›› BHS locations and those in need. Duluth, Minnesota. Our mission is to witness to God's love by providing core values HOSPITALITY Extending warmth and acceptance to each other and everyone we serve. STEWARDSHIP Providing wise and respectful use of all human and material resources. RESPECT Cherishing and promoting the worth of all human life with dignity and reverence. JUSTICE Advocating for the underserved and those in need as we work to eliminate prejudice. BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK FINANCIALS 7/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials hospitality › OPERATIONS AND STATISTICS › BALANCE SHEET ENSUS DAYS AND SERVICE ›C REVENUE ›C OLLABORATION ›› giving ›› BHS locations financials OPERATIONS AND STATISTICS BALANCE SHEET CENSUS DAYS AND SERVICE REVENUE COLLABORATION BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK OPERATIONS AND STATISTICS 8/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials › OPERATIONS AND STATISTICS › BALANCE SHEET ENSUS DAYS AND SERVICE ›C REVENUE ›C OLLABORATION financials of operations 2012 2013 2014 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT Total operating revenue $ 241,256 $ $272,765 258,843 ›› giving Total operating expense 235,070 258,159 269,538 ›› BHS locations Operating income 6,186 684 3,227 (2,318) 1,731 654 Non-operating income EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSE $3,868 $ 2,415 $3,881 SELECTED statistics BED COMPLEMENT Nursing beds 3,631 3,324 3,183 Assisted/independent units 2,339 2,137 2,332 TOTAL BEDS/UNITS5,970 5,461 5,515 UTILIZATION BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Nursing facility resident days 1,208,513 943,726 1,011,450 Assisted/independent days 750,294 622,006 668,557 Total employee full-time equivalents 5,122 4,414 4,397 BACK BALANCE SHEET 9/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials › OPERATIONS AND STATISTICS › BALANCE SHEET ENSUS DAYS AND SERVICE ›C REVENUE ›C OLLABORATION ›› giving ›› BHS locations financials CONSOLIDATED balance sheet 201220132014 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS $ Cash and investments Accounts receivable 23,382 26,673 31,209 Inventories and prepaid expenses 5,219 11,773 11,185 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 68,804 77,104 76,075 Assets limited to use 68,827 66,823 70,374 Property and equipment 167,180 Other assets 9,683 TOTAL ASSETS 40,203 $ 38,658 $33,681 189,865 202,644 11,673 13,841 314,494 345,465 362,934 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accruals Current portion long-term debt 5,516 8,582 8,991 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 34,147 41,228 44,672 Other liabilities 22,947 23,787 27,280 Long-term debt 162,015 177,789 183,172 Net assets 95,385 102,661 107,810 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK $ 28,631 $ 314,494 $ 32,646 $35,681 $ 345,465 $362,934 CENSUS DAYS AND SERVICE REVENUE 10/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials › OPERATIONS AND STATISTICS › BALANCE SHEET ENSUS DAYS AND SERVICE ›C financials NURSING FACILITY CENSUS days 2014 REVENUE giving ›› BHS locations MEDICAID MEDICARE INS./ OTHER 29.2% 49.1% 12.7% 9.0% 48.4% 27.8% 2013 ›C OLLABORATION ›› PRIVATE 30.1% 2012 14.0% 49.5% 9.7% 12.5% 7.9% 0%20% 40% 60% 80% 100% NET RESIDENT SERVICE revenue 2014 NURSING FACILITY ASSISTED/ INDEPENDENT INS./ OTHER $212.1 $43.0 $2.9 $204.2 2013 $187.1 2012 $4.4 $37.8 $3.5 $35.1 $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250$300 millions millions 2014 PRIVATE MEDICAID MEDICARE INS./ OTHER $91.0 $85.8 $50.3 $30.9 $83.6 2013 $78.7 2012 $82.9 $75.0 $51.5 $46.4 $28.4 $25.6 $0 $50 $100 $150$200$250 millions millions BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK COLLABORATION 11/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials financials › OPERATIONS AND STATISTICS › BALANCE SHEET ENSUS DAYS AND SERVICE ›C REVENUE ›C OLLABORATION ›› giving ›› BHS locations collaboration MINISTRY PARTNERS AND ASSOCIATE ORGANIZATIONS (Dollar amounts in thousands) As a respected member of the health care community, the Benedictine Health System is actively sought out by other organizations to form relationships and collaborative agreements to provide comprehensive senior services to communities in the upper Midwest. While most of our organizations are Member Organizations owned by BHS, 2012 $156,335 we undertake management obligations. At right is an overview of operating revenue and total assets. 2013 $157,594 co-owners or co-sponsors, or Associate Organizations, where The decrease in numbers is due to the Dec. 31, 2012, termination of management services to Country Manor, Sartell, Minn., and the Carondelet Long Term Care Facilities: Carondelet Manor, Kansas City, Mo., St. Mary’s Manor, Blue Springs, Mo., and Villa Saint Joseph, Overland Park, Kansas. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 $110,692 total assets 2014 $159,964 the remaining are Ministry Partners, in which we serve as BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM operating revenue 2014 $89,431 BACK 2012 $188,866 GIVING 12/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials ›› giving › C OMMUNITY BENEFIT HS FOUNDATION ›B SSOCIATED FOUNDATIONS ›A ›› BHS locations giving COMMUNITY BENEFIT BHS FOUNDATION ASSOCIATED FOUNDATIONS BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK COMMUNITY BENEFIT 13/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials ›› giving › C OMMUNITY BENEFIT HS FOUNDATION ›B SSOCIATED FOUNDATIONS ›A ›› BHS locations giving community benefit Each year, Benedictine Health System improvement programs, education, subsidized Participating Organizations work together health services, in-kind donations and more. with their local communities to plan, implement and evaluate activities to improve community health. This community benefit effort is increasingly more important in our constantly evolving health care environment. The Benedictine Health System serves an important role in meeting the needs and serving those less fortunate. For many years, BHS has followed the Catholic Health Association’s unified reporting standard for planning, organizing, communicating and evaluating community benefit activity data. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, the Benedictine Health System provided $23,888,333 in quantifiable community benefit. This represents a 33 percent increase from the fiscal year ending in 2013. Additionally, 109,356 Community benefit consists of programs people were served in 2014 as part of BHS and activities that promote health, healing and community benefit activities. wellness in ways that directly affect community need. There are two main categories within community benefit: benefits for persons living in poverty, which includes areas such as charity care, unpaid costs of public programs, community health improvement services and others; and benefits for the broader As we work toward our goal of creating a more unified System grounded in our common Mission, we are dedicated to meeting and exceeding the needs of a growing and more demanding population so each person touched by BHS lives fully and lives well. community, which includes community health BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK BHS FOUNDATION 14/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials ›› giving › C OMMUNITY BENEFIT HS FOUNDATION ›B SSOCIATED FOUNDATIONS ›A ›› BHS locations giving BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM foundation Creating a home where Hospitality abounds to make a difference in the lives of those is the goal of every Benedictine Health System served by BHS communities. Planned gifts such community. Yet, when challenged by declining as adding a bequest to a will, designating reimbursement and rising costs, it is a daunting BHSF as a life insurance policy beneficiary, task to achieve. Through gifts from generous including BHSF when making a retirement supporters, Benedictine Health System account rollover, or establishing a charitable communities have been able enhance programs gift annuity are ways to give without sacrificing and services. today. To date, 14 dedicated supporters have Donations have helped construct new assisted living apartments adding new services in areas In addition, BHS corporate employees have accessible vans to help transport guests to sought to make a difference in the lives of appointments and on special outings; add residents and associates. This commitment mobility courtyards and much, much more. to we believe! over the past seven years has In the past year, $3.9 million in gifts were resulted in gifts totaling more than $648,000 used to enhance care and fund programs. that have provided support to 115 employee guest’s needs. The Benedictine Health System Foundation offers creative ways for supporters 2014 ANNUAL REPORT through planned gifts. where the need is great; purchase wheelchair- Being hospitable also means anticipating a BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM chosen to create a legacy totaling $670,000 BACK associates facing a life crisis; funded the realization of dreams for 23 BHS community residents; honored 136 associates who live the BHS FOUNDATION 15/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials ›› giving › C OMMUNITY BENEFIT HS FOUNDATION ›B SSOCIATED FOUNDATIONS ›A ›› BHS locations giving Mission and Core Values; supported spiritual TOTAL NET ASSETS care education; and numerous efforts to 2014 $15,272 enhance the environments and programs in BHS communities. It is with great appreciation that we thank all who have supported the Benedictine Health System Foundation and its Associated Foundations. Without generous donors, so much of what makes BHS communities hospitable would not be possible. Thank you! 2013 $14,175 2012 $ 13,701 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS 2014 $4,536 2013 $5,518 (Dollar amounts in thousands) *BHS Foundation and Participating Organizations 2012 $3,752 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS/GRANTS/ PERFORMANCE AWARDS* 2014 $6,577 2013 $7,451 2012 $5,824 BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK ASSOCIATED FOUNDATIONS 16/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials ›› giving › C OMMUNITY BENEFIT HS FOUNDATION ›B SSOCIATED FOUNDATIONS ›A ›› BHS locations giving ASSOCIATED foundations Benedictine Health Center Foundation, Duluth, Minn. Benedictine Health Center of Minneapolis Foundation, Minneapolis, Minn. Benedictine Living Communities Foundation, Bismarck, N.D., serving Benedictine Living Center of Garrison; Benedictine Living Community of Wahpeton; Prince of Peace Care Center, Ellendale; St. Benedict’s Health Center, Dickinson; St. Gabriel’s Community, Bismarck; and St. Rose Care Center, LaMoure. Benedictine Living Community of Ada Foundation, Ada, Minn. Benedictine Living Community of Arcadia Foundation, Arcadia, Wis. Benedictine Living Community of St. Peter Foundation, St. Peter, Minn. Cerenity Foundation, St. Paul, Minn., serving Cerenity Senior Care – Humboldt. Cerenity – Marian of Saint Paul Foundation, St. Paul, Minn. Cerenity – White Bear Lake Foundation, White Bear Lake, Minn. Innsbruck Foundation, New Brighton, Minn., serving Benedictine Health Center at Innsbruck. Koda Living Community Foundation, Owatonna, Minn. BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK Living Community of St. Joseph Foundation, St. Joseph, Mo. Madonna Living Community Foundation of Rochester, Rochester, Minn., serving Madonna Towers of Rochester and Madonna Meadows of Rochester Nazareth Living Center Foundation, St. Louis, Mo. Saint Anne Foundation, Winona, Minn. St. Clare Living Community of Mora Foundation, Mora, Minn. St. Crispin Foundation, Red Wing, Minn., serving St. Brigid’s at Hi-Park and Seminary Home. St. Eligius Foundation, Duluth, Minn. St. Gertrude’s Foundation, Shakopee, Minn. St. Isidore Health Center of Greenwood Prairie Foundation, Plainview, Minn. St. Mary’s of Winsted Foundation, Winsted, Minn. St. Michael’s Foundation, Virginia, Minn. St. Raphael’s Foundation, Eveleth, Minn. Tekakwitha Living Center Foundation, Sisseton, S.D. Villa St. Benedict Foundation, Lisle, Ill. Villa St. Vincent/The Summit Foundation, Crookston, Minn. BHS LOCATIONS 17/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials ›› giving ›› BHS locations BHS locations › P ARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS LIST ARTICIPATING ›P ORGANIZATIONS MAP ORPORATE OFFICES ›C BHS locations PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS LIST PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS MAP CORPORATE OFFICES BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS LIST 18/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials ›› giving ›› BHS locations › P ARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS LIST ARTICIPATING ›P ORGANIZATIONS MAP ORPORATE OFFICES ›C BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BHS locations participating organizations 2014 Benedictine Health Center Marywood Westwood Senior Apartments Westwood Terrace Benedictine Health Center at Innsbruck Benedictine Health Center of Minneapolis Benedictine Health System Foundation Benedictine Living Center of Garrison The Meadows Benedictine Living Center of Spooner Benedictine Living Community of Ada Benedictine Care Community Benedictine Supportive Services Mission Court Benedictine Living Community of La Crosse Benedictine Manor Benedictine Villa Benedictine Living Community of St. Peter Benedictine Court Benedictine Health Center Benedictine Living Community of Wahpeton St. Catherine’s Living Center Siena Court Benedictine Home Health BACK Duluth, Minn. New Brighton, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Duluth, Minn. Garrison, N.D. Spooner, Wis. Ada, Minn. La Crosse, Wis. St. Peter, Minn. Wahpeton, N.D. PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS LIST 19/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials ›› giving ›› BHS locations › P ARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS LIST ARTICIPATING ›P ORGANIZATIONS MAP ORPORATE OFFICES ›C BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BHS locations Benedictine Living Community of Wausau Wausau, Wis. Benedictine Manor Benedictine Wellness Center Northland House Group Home Benedictine Senior Living at Steeple Pointe Osseo, Minn. Cerenity Senior Care – Humboldt St. Paul, Minn. Cerenity Care Center Cerenity Residence and Transitional Care Cerenity Senior Care – Marian of Saint Paul St. Paul, Minn. Cerenity Care Center and Transitional Care Cerenity Residence Cerenity Senior Care – White Bear Lake White Bear Lake, Minn. Cerenity Care Center and Transitional Care Cerenity Residence Clement Manor Greenfield, Wis. Grace Living Community of GlenOaks New London, Minn. Koda Living Community Owatonna, Minn. Park Place Senior Living Living Community of St. Joseph St. Joseph, Mo. Madonna Living Community of Rochester Rochester, Minn. Madonna Meadows of Rochester Madonna Towers of Rochester Nazareth Living Center St. Louis, Mo. The Village at Nazareth Prince of Peace Care Center Ellendale, N.D. Evergreen Apartments Evergreen Place Regina Senior Living Hastings, Minn. Regina Assisted Living Regina Care Center BACK PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS LIST 20/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials ›› giving ›› BHS locations › P ARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS LIST ARTICIPATING ›P ORGANIZATIONS MAP ORPORATE OFFICES ›C BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BHS locations Saint Anne of Winona Callista Court Saint Anne Extended Health Care St. Benedict’s Health Center Benedict Court St. Brigid’s at Hi-Park St. Clare Living Community of Mora St. Clare’s Care Center St. Clare’s Short-Stay Rehab Villages of Mora Apartments St. Eligius Health Center St. Gabriel’s Community St. Gertrude’s Health and Rehabilitation Center The Gardens at St. Gertrude’s St. Isidore Health Center of Greenwood Prairie Green Prairie Place St. Mary’s Care Center The Garden House at St. Mary’s Linden Wood Apartments St. Michael’s Health and Rehabilitation Center St. Raphael’s Health and Rehabilitation Center St. Rose Care Center Rosewood Court Seminary Home Tekakwitha Living Center Villa St. Benedict Villa St. Vincent The Summit BACK Winona, Minn. Dickinson, N.D. Red Wing, Minn. Mora, Minn. Duluth, Minn. Bismarck, N.D. Shakopee, Minn. Plainview, Minn. Winsted, Minn. Virginia, Minn. Eveleth, Minn. LaMoure, N.D. Red Wing, Minn. Sisseton, S.D. Lisle, Ill. Crookston, Minn. PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS MAP 21/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials ›› giving ›› BHS locations › P ARTICIPATING BHS locations participating organizations 2014 map ORGANIZATIONS LIST ARTICIPATING ›P ORGANIZATIONS MAP ORPORATE OFFICES ›C BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK CORPORATE OFFICES 22/23 ›› hospitality ›› financials ›› giving ›› BHS locations › P ARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS LIST ARTICIPATING ›P ORGANIZATIONS MAP ORPORATE OFFICES ›C BHS locations corporate offices 503 E. THIRD STREET SUITE 400 DULUTH, MINNESOTA 55805 1995 E. RUM RIVER DRIVE S. CAMBRIDGE, MINNESOTA 55008 4000 LEXINGTON AVE. N. SUITE 201 SHOREVIEW, MINN., 55126 WWW.BHSHEALTH.ORG © 2015 BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM BENEDICTINE HEALTH SYSTEM 2014 ANNUAL REPORT BACK 23/23
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