Buckhannon Country Club


Buckhannon Country Club
Country Club
President’s Corner
President’s Corner Continued:
President’s Corner Continued:
This is my last newsletter. There comes a
time for one to move on and now is the
appropriate time for me to do so. I was not
going to renew my membership this current
year as there are many other things I want
to pursue. As I am sure that most people in
Upshur County know by now, Liva and I are
contemplating moving. But, I decided to
stay on at the club for the year and take on
the presidency, as I believed with strong
support, we could make a real contribution
to the health of the club.
summer, we must make significant
unbudgeted expenditures ($4,500) this fall
to recover our playing conditions. In
addition, we have had to make significant
repairs to our kitchen equipment and AC
System. Fortunately, we are in a positive
financial condition to spend the monies to
complete the much needed work.
Hopefully, the club can still realize a
$12,000-15,000 positive net income year,
which is much more that we expected.
I am very appreciative of all the super
support I have received this past year. I
can’t list everyone, but must mention
some: Karen Donaldson for her unsung
work as Treasurer; Tim Critchfield, CJ
Rylands, Steve Foster, Dave Pitcher,
Charlie Carpenter & James Huber who
were always there when I needed them;
Holt for his leadership of the membermember; Board members for your
leadership & support, Chris Critchfield for
great support and last but definitely not
least, Debbie for your taking on the tough
challenge of trying to realize the full
potential of the restaurant & for trying to
make the club an enjoyable experience for
all members. Keep it in play, Al Tucker
I have decided to resign from the Board,
effective October 31. This way, I can finish
out the golf year and do a good transition of
materials and initiatives to the current
Board. Last year, we shut everything down
after November due to our financial
situation. This year, with your support, we
are in a better financial position and the
Board would like to stay open and offer
activities and events for the membership.
Sitting here and thinking about all we
undertook and have accomplished, it’s no
wonder I feel tired. Yet, we accomplished
most of the goals we undertook: increased
membership, a great member-member
event, a much stronger financial year,
increased publicity & marketing, & active
membership involvement in initiatives.
Regarding our finances, here is where we
are for the year through August:
Net income thru Aug:
Operating Acct Cash Bal: $16,742
Capital Account Balance: $34,444
Our revenue performance thru August is:
Actual YTD Revenue:
6 mo’s Budget Revenues : $172,133
Our expense performance thru August is:
Actual YTD Expenses:
6 mo’s Budget Expenses: $171,516
Overall, we are still doing well. Based on our
financial performance through July, I
projected we would be close to $20,000 net
income this year. However, due to the
severe deterioration of the course this past
Buckhannon Country Club
Tallmansville Road, Buckhannon, WV 26201
Some of the new initiatives we undertook
were very successful & some were so-so.
Corporate events & the ball drop brought
significant revenue, & along with the
donations received for member-member
we realized about $19,000. The TGIF
events didn’t bring as many folks out as
expected, but those who played had a lot of
fun. We did a BCC Golf Swap that was fun
& helped the club a little. We initiated the
BCC Ladder, while it didn’t catch on as
hoped, it provided some members fun &
made a little money for the club. We
painted the porch furniture & recently
purchased a new grill to replace the one
that has given us so much trouble this
year. We cut off the linen expense. With
Wendy’s support we upgraded the look &
feel of the dining room chairs. We ran
several raffles that made us money. We
created a website, got on Facebook, and
showcased our club in the Record Delta.
Finally, I created this Newsletter & weekly
updates to keep you better informed. Oops,
I forgot the new outhouse, enjoy.
Definitely, the biggest challenge has been
the restaurant.
Last year’s Board
(10/15/09 meeting) began an initiative to
try to realize the potential of the
clubhouse. This initiative primarily began
with establishing a general manager
position with expanded responsibilities
that were documented via a job
description. Today, we are trying new
initiatives, some which seem to be well
received like the Saturday breakfast buffet
and breakfast buffets for pro-am, BCC Cup
and like events. We had a huge day for the
BCC Cup with the breakfast & cookout.
The Sunday Brunch got off to a good start
as we hope other initiatives will.
If there is inclement weather in the
days ahead, we will close the club
after lunch.
Upcoming Events
3 Texas Scramble (Mixed) & Cookout
8 Friday Night Dinner
10 Sunday Brunch – 11:00am-2:00pm
13 Men’s League Dinner
17 Halloween Scramble 1:00pm
17 Ladies Fall Dinner 5:30pm New date
20 New – Wed Night Buffet
22 Friday Night Dinner
27 New – Wed Night Buffet
3 Wed Night Buffet New time 5:30pm
5 Friday Night Dinner & Game Night
10 Wed Night Buffet
12 Fall Social (Turkey Dinner)
14 Sunday Brunch – 11:00am-2:00pm
17 Wed Night Buffet
19 Friday Night Dinner & Game Night
24-26 Clubhouse Closed
October Hours
Monday 11:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday 11:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday* 11:00am-8:00pm
Thursday 11:00am-7:00pm
Friday* 11:00am-8:00pm
Saturday 8:00am-3:00pm
*Close at 6:00pm on non-dinner nights
(304) 472-2250
[email protected]
Fall Golf
Things you should know!
Bag Tags have been ordered from
Pro Tag in North Carolina. Expect
2-3 weeks for delivery. We’ve
ordered enough for all members.
We are accepting $5 voluntary
donations to help defray costs & to
help buy seed for the golf course.
If you’d like to donate an
additional $5, that would be good.
Thanks to Bonnie Hardman for
letting us know that we needed
new tags.
More things you should know!
The initial “Sunday Brunch” was
a success as we had 29 attend.
The next brunch is on Oct 10.
The menu includes baked
chicken, meat loaf, mashed
potatoes & gravy, 2 vegetables,
rolls & dessert. We’ll also have
the breakfast buffet.
o Price is $10.95 – Take a 10%
discount if you bring in your
church bulletin
o Bring your friends as a couple
members did last time
Wednesday Night Buffet: We are
going to pilot a buffet meal on Wed
starting at 5:30
o Starts Wed Oct 20 with a
baked steak dinner with
mashed potatoes, 2 vegetables,
rolls, & dessert for $9.95.
o Buffets will feature Italian,
Mexican, barbeque, etc., i.e.,
something different each week.
o Open to all members, family &
Bi-Monthly Friday Night Dinners
& Game Nights: In November, we
will continue the Friday Night
Dinners. They will be on the 1st &
3rd Fridays. We are planning some
game activities each week,
scrabble, bingo, etc. and some
surprises. More info next month.
Buckhannon Country Club
Tallmansville Road, Buckhannon, WV 26201
Mark your calendar for Friday,
November 12 for the Fall Social.
This is our Thanksgiving Dinner of
turkey, ham and all the trimmings.
Come with loosened belts for a real
feast. We’ll need reservations. When
the time comes, please call ahead so
we can prepare the banquet!
Mark your calendar for December
10 for our Christmas Social,
another culinary delight planned
for you.
Owen Bragg got our septic tank
cleaned out for us.
We are in search of a pool table. If
you have one that you would like to
donate, contact Joe Tenney.
The Board is still collecting info
regarding the club’s AC system.
More info next month.
We will be changing out the Pepsi
machine with a Coke machine
soon. Less expense to us & we have
more flexibility, i.e., we don’t have to
order 10 cases at a time..
Porch Furniture – All of it is now in
place. Thanks for the kudos on how
nice it looks. Thank Joe Dean for
working out a great deal & for paying
the lions share. Thanks to those who
kicked in & helped.
Thanks to
Charlie Carpenter for shuttling the
last lot of tables & chairs.
$1,589 of tabs need paid. Some
are several months old. Please pay
up by October 15.
Tim Critchfield & Cj Rylands will be
setting up a Facilities Committee
meeting soon.
Thursday afternoon scrambles are
still on.
Get here by 4, grab
something to eat & drink, and go
have some fun.
Larry Williams is purchasing
cooking utensils for the club
Debbie Huber created a Banquet
Room Rental Brochure.
Critchfield got them copied. Debbie
sent them to all Chamber members &
will send to Rotary members to
attract holiday parties.
The Board is in search for 5 new
Board members for 2011.
Club Manager Updates
Linda and I really appreciate everyone’s
support and help. Here’s some info you
might like to know:
We have about 20 regulars coming
for the Saturday breakfast buffet.
Come on out, we open at 8am.
The BCC Cup was good – 32 for
breakfast & 39 for the cookout
Thursday scramble participants
enjoy our expanded hours & are
buying food along with drinks
Lunch activity has picked up for
Thursdays & Fridays
We’ve figured out the cash register
& now get accurate reports of all
restaurant activity. The problem
was that it had not been reset for a
couple years. We now reset it
often so we can track member
buying activity by category and
can create reports for the Board.
We are working with Debbie to
attract holiday parties, baby
showers, bridal showers, etc. We’ll
be glad to talk with you about how
you can use the club for an event.
Members receive a significant
discount. Book your party NOW!
We are excited to try out some
events like the Wednesday Night
Buffets and every other Friday
Night Dinners & Game Nights. If
there is an interest in these
activities, we’ll work hard to make
them an enjoyable experience.
We welcome your suggestions
Course News
Bud, CJ and I are very appreciative of the
help we’ve gotten with the aerifying &
top dressing of the greens. With this
rain, the greens will soon be in great
shape. In the next few weeks we will be
re-seeding and fertilizing the fairways.
Although, the tee boxes are coming
along nicely, we are going to remain on
temporary tees until next spring.
Thanks for your patience. PS, Oakmont
lost their greens & is closed. Phew!!!!
(304) 472-2250
[email protected]
Fall Golf
Golf Events Summary
Golf Events Continued
Golf Events Continued
New Member Scramble: 35 members
participated in the event on Aug 28.
Derry Lane (captain), Charlie Jenkins, Bob
Perry and Catherine Phillips won the
event with a 53.
Labor Day Pro-Am: 41 members
participated in the annual Labor Day ProAm Golf Tournament on September 6.
Eleven pro’s captained 30 different teams.
Blue Team wins the BCC Cup: 44
members participated making two-22
member teams. Gold Team members:
Chris Brady, Owen Bragg, Larry
Carpenter, Terry Cutright, Joe Dean, Jeff
Ford, Lynn Helmick, Larry Hoover, Boo
Howell, James Huber, Joe Hughes, Butch
Hyre, Bob Kincaid, George Klebez, John
Moss, Bob Perry, Dave Pitcher, Holt
Poling, Dick Rexroad, Buzz Rhoden, Phil
Simmons, and Al Tucker.
One shot back, tying for second were the
teams of Jerry McKisic (captain), Jane and
Rick Johnson, Mary Lou Pizoli, and Dick
Rexroad, and Chris Brady (captain), Mark
Cunningham, Judy Klebez, John Mathias,
and George Pizoli.
BCC Ladder: In this inaugural event, Joe
Dean was the May qualifier with a net 64,
John Moss with a 65 became June’s
qualifier, Butch Snyder with a 63 was the
July qualifier and James Dean’s 68 was
the August qualifying score.
On September 5, the four qualifiers met
head-to-head in an 18-hole playoff to
determine the BCC Ladder Champion.
John Moss and Joe Dean pulled away and
were in a tight duel until the 16th-hole,
where Joe ran into tree trouble allowing
John with a net 67 to become the 2010
BCC Ladder Champion.
Steve Jeran and Derry Lane eked out a oneshot victory over John Mathias-Charlie
Jenkins (2nd), Chris Brady-Joe Tenney
(3rd) and Kyle Lane-Roger Abel. Second
and third were determined by a card-off
elimination starting at the 18th hole and
going backwards.
59 – Jeran-D. Lane
60 – Mathias-Jenkins, Brady-Tenney, K.
61 – Mathias-Al Tucker
62 – K. Lane-Bud Mick, Mathias-Mike
Feola, John Moss-George Klebez
63 – Moss-Randy Kirchberg, K. Lane-Bruce
64 – Brady-Steve Abel, Jimmy Dean-Steve
Collett, Dave Pitcher-Phil Simons, JeranEric Fluke
65 – Jimmy Dean-Jerry Willett, PitcherTom Dunn, Pitcher-Danny Hinzman, MossJames
66 – Jimmy Dean-Gary McCord, Steve
Foster-Charlie Carpenter, Foster-Dave
Tenney, Owen Bragg-Jeff Ford, Joe DeanButch Snyder, Joe Dean-Mike Furr, Joe
Dean-Scott Collett
67 – Jeran-Mark Cunningham
68 – Bragg-Dick Rexroad
70 – Bragg-Bob Perry, Helmick-Hyre
70 – Bragg-Bob Perry, Helmick-Hyre
73 – Helmick-JC Moss
73 – Helmick-JC Moss
Buckhannon Country Club
Tallmansville Road, Buckhannon, WV 26201
Blue Team members: Burton Abel, Steve
Abel, Charlie Carpenter, Tim Critchfield,
Tyler Critchfield, James Dean, Jimmy
Dean, Paul Dibiccari, Howard Feola,
Charlie Jenkins, Derry Lane, Kyle Lane,
Gary McCord, Bud Mick, JC Moss, Dave
Nuzum, Tink Simmons, Butch Snyder, Joe
Tenney, Todd Whitehair, Jerry Willett, and
Chris Zickefoose.
Points Blue
Total Points 44
Top Blue scorers:
2 ½ pts: Jimmy Dean, Joe Tenney
2 pts: Steve Abel, Charlie Carpenter, Tyler
& Tim Critchfield, James Dean, Paul
Dibiccari, Derry Lane, Kyle Lane, Dave
Nuzum, Tink Simmons, Butch Snyder
Top Gold scorers:
3 pts: Larry Carpenter, Buzz Rhoden
2 ½ pts: Larry Hoover
2 pts: Owen Bragg, Joe Dean, James Huber,
Butch Hyre, Bob Kincaid, Al Tucker
(304) 472-2250
[email protected]
Fall Golf
Greens Reclamation
Volunteers help “Get er done!”
And making a difference!
Several members joined Bud, Buzz & CJ in
aerifying/topdressing the greens on 9/13/10.
Some of these same folks & others were also
out this past spring doing the same thing.
This is “Eagle behavior” at its best:
It doesn’t get any better than that!
Step 8 – Check to see if it’s time for lunch
Step 1a – Aerify the greens
Step 4 – Clean up after vacuuming
Step 9 – Gone to lunch or another green
Step 1b – Aerify the fringes
Step 5 – Haul in sand
Step 10 – Spread the sand/fill the holes
Step 2 – Push those plugs onto the green
Step 6 – Transfer sand to the spreader
Step 3 – Vacuum up the plugs
Step 7 – Spread the sand
Buckhannon Country Club
Tallmansville Road, Buckhannon, WV 26201
Step 11 – Enjoy the results of the hard
work. This photo taken 12 days after the
project completion. Great work guys!!!
(304) 472-2250
[email protected]