c - Bedford County
c - Bedford County
Context Map Snowden Snowden Snowden Marble Marble Marble Spring Spring Spring Big Big Big Island Island Island Sunset Sunset Sunset Field Field Field Coleman Coleman Coleman Falls Falls Falls Sedalia Sedalia Sedalia Curtis Curtis Curtis Bear Bear Bear Camp Camp Camp Coltons Coltons Coltons Mill Mill Mill Bedford Bedford Bedford Reservoir Reservoir Reservoir Boonsboro Boonsboro Boonsboro Peaks Peaks Peaks Of Of Of Otter Otter Otter Recreation Recreation Recreation A A Area rea rea Walnut Walnut Walnut Grove Grove Grove Villamont Villamont Villamont Cool Cool Cool Spring Spring Spring Montvale Montvale Montvale Montvale Irving Irving Irving Shady Shady Shady Grove Grove Grove Otterville A Otterville A Antioch ntioch ntioch Otterville Reba Reba Reba Kelso Kelso Mill Mill Mill Kelso Thaxton Thaxton Thaxton Union Union Union Bunker Hill Bunker Bunker Hill Hill Bunker Hill Stewartsville Stewartsville Stewartsville Flint Flint Flint Hill Hill Hill Joppa Joppa Joppa Mill Mill Mill Chamblissburg Chamblissburg Chamblissburg Meads Store Meads Meads Store Store Hardy Hardy Hardy Goodview Goodview Goodview Goodview Diamond Hill Diamond Diamond Hill Hill Suck Suck Suck Spring Spring Spring Cifax Cifax Cifax Big Big Big Otter Otter Otter Mill Mill Mill Centerville Centerville Centerville Lynchburg Lynchburg Lynchburg Lynchburg Norwood Norwood Norwood Norwood Goode Goode Goode Lowry Lowry Lowry Bedford Bedford Bedford Bellevue Bellevue Bellevue Bellevue Clay Clay Clay Forest Forest Forest Five Five Five Forks Forks Forks Otter Otter Otter Hill Hill Hill Body Body Body Camp Camp Camp Gillespie Gillespie Gillespie Davis Davis Davis Mill Mill Mill Meador Meador Meador Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Perrowville Perrowville Perrowville A A Abert bert bert Waltons Waltons Waltons Store Store Store Mentow Mentow Mentow Woodford Woodford Woodford Corner Corner Corner Stone Mountain Stone Mountain Mountain Moneta Moneta Moneta Stone Hendricks Hendricks Hendricks Store Store Store Huddleston Huddleston Huddleston Radford Radford Radford Radford Dundee Dundee Dundee Graves Graves Graves Store Store Store Kasey Kasey Kasey PERMIT REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a special use permit and does not propose to change the zoning of any parcels. The applicant proposes to construct a commercial kennel to be known as “Lucky Paws Lodge & Day Camp” and will consist of 30 outdoor runs and a small office building. The facilities will be located behind an existing vacant home and detached garage. The property formerly contained a residential use which has been discontinued for several years. The owners do not propose to live in the home, but instead may utilize it for additional office space for the kennel in the future. Approval of the special use permit will convert the use of the property from residential to commercial. ANALYSIS Zoning/Land Use Compatibility The subject parcel is zoned AR (Agricultural/Residential District) with CO (Corridor Overlay) along Route 24. Adjoining parcels on all sides are also zoned AR. Primarily residential homes on lots of various sizes surround the parcel. AR is an agricultural and residential zoning district with uses related to those categories. Kennels are generally better suited to agricultural zoning districts where there may be greater distance from residences. Page 2 of 8 Zoning Ordinance The proposed use is classified as “Kennel, Commercial” in the Zoning Ordinance under commercial uses and requires a special use permit in the AR district. The use definition from Article II reads: KENNEL, COMMERCIAL - The boarding, breeding, raising, grooming, or training of 2 or more dogs, cats, or other household pets of any age not owned by the owner or occupant of the premises, and/or for commercial gain. Section 30-85-19 in Article IV provides use and design standards for a “kennel, commercial”. This section is enclosed for your review. The project complies with the standards that require the property to be at least two acres, and for all facilities to be set back a minimum of 100 feet from any property line. Section 30-85-19 also requires a Type C buffer yard along any property line(s) which adjoin a residential use. Existing vegetation on the site has been deemed to equal or exceed screening that would be achieved by the planting of such a buffer yard. As a result, staff finds that planting would not be required if existing vegetation is to remain. Comprehensive Plan The Bedford County 2025 Comprehensive Plan contains several goals and objectives that are relative to this special use permit request. They include: Economic Development A healthy, diversified economy that is environmentally sensitive and results in business opportunities and quality jobs. 8.1 Business retention, business expansion, and growth in new businesses 8.2 Commercial/industrial development that is consistent with the preservation of the scenic beauty, pastoral character, and historic resources of the County. Land Use An orderly, efficient, and compatible growth and land use pattern that is sensitive to the natural environment 9.4 Commercial and industrial development compatible with existing and planned residential development Environmental The project will require some land disturbance and removal of existing vegetation to make way for the kennel office, outdoor runs, parking area and driveway. The vegetation to be disturbed is located towards the center of the property as opposed to along property lines. Local and state erosion and sediment control laws will regulate any grading or stormwater runoff. Page 3 of 8 Transportation The property is currently accessed by a driveway from Stewartsville Road (Route 24). Because this entrance is not adequate for sight distance per initial comments from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), the concept plan proposes an additional entrance adjacent to the existing driveway. This entrance will have to obtain an exception for access management distance spacing as discussed during the Technical Review Committee (TRC) meeting on September 22. According to VDOT’s 2010 traffic volume data, the AADT (average annual daily traffic) on Stewartsville Road between Dickerson Mill Road (Route 746) and Stony Fork Road (Route 801) is approximately 5200 vehicles per day. Staunton River Middle and High Schools are located within this portion of Route 24. Utilities The existing home is served by private well and septic facilities. The commercial kennel will utilize the existing well. Separate septic facilities will be installed for both the proposed office building and kennel area as required by the Health Department. Public Facilities No impact to public schools or libraries will occur with this project. The development is commercial and does not accommodate residents that demand these services. Aesthetic/Visual Impact to the aesthetic character of the area is expected to be minimal. The proposed kennel and office facilities will not be visible based on their location behind the existing home, vegetation and sloping topography. Noise The use and design standards for a commercial kennel in Section 30-85-19 require a kennel silencer which is a device that stops dogs from barking. This requirement should alleviate potential noise disturbances to neighbors. The buffer requirement is intended to minimize this issue as well. CONCLUSION The proposed commercial kennel will provide an additional service for citizens in this vicinity as well as promote a new business opportunity. Standards in Article IV are met with the concept plan or mitigated with recommended conditions. Page 4 of 8 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS These conditions may be amended by the Planning Commission to address other concerns that may arise. 1. Sections 30-34 (Agricultural/Residential District) and 30-85-19 (Kennel, Commercial) of the Bedford County Zoning Ordinance shall apply to approval of the project. 2. The site shall be developed in conformance with the concept plan dated August 30, 2011 as prepared by Pierson Engineering & Surveying Inc., except as modified by the final site development plan process. 3. Existing trees on the site shall remain as a buffer of the site. If the trees remain, the landscaping requirements of Section 30-85-19(B) of the Zoning Ordinance shall be waived. If any trees are removed from this area, the Zoning Administrator shall be notified and determine if landscaping is needed. 4. A kennel silencer as required by the use and design standards shall be installed prior to operation. Staff shall be contacted to perform an inspection upon installation of the silencer. 5. A copy of the Health Department’s approval shall be provided to the County. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Location Map Zoning Map Aerial Photograph Application & Concept Plan Article III, Section 30-34, AR (Agricultural/Residential District) Article IV, Section 30-85-19, Kennel, Commercial Article III, Section 30-79, Permitted Use Table Page 5 of 8 Location Map Joppa Mill Road (Route 747) Meads Meads Meads Store Store Store Meads c STEW A RT SVIL LE B.M. 866 AMBER LANE Mead Valley Road (Route 749) ESTATES ROAD MEADORS SPUR ROAD FEATHER ROAD BLACK B.M. 949 BLACK FEATHER ROAD Page 6 of 8 Zoning Map AR Meads Meads Meads Store Store Store STEW A RT SVIL LE B.M. 866 B.M. 949 AMBER LANE CO ESTATES ROAD MEADORS SPUR ROAD FEATHER ROAD BLACK c BLACK FEATHER ROAD Page 7 of 8 SEC. 30-34 AR AGRICULTURAL/RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Sec. 30-34-1 Purpose These areas are generally characterized by very low density residential and institutional uses mixed with smaller parcels that have historically contained agricultural uses, forest land and open space outside the urban service area. These areas provide an opportunity for rural living in convenient proximity to urban services and employment. Agricultural uses should be encouraged to be maintained however, over time these areas are expected to become increasingly residential in character, with residential development becoming the dominant use over agricultural and more rural type uses. The purpose of the AR District is to maintain these areas essentially in their rural state, consistent with the level of services anticipated by the county. These areas are generally suitable for low density residential development and other compatible land uses. Sec. 30-34-2 Permitted Uses Permitted uses shall be as listed in Section 30-79. Sec. 30-34-3 Site Development Regulations General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV - Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements 1. All lots, regardless of sewer and water provisions. (B) a. Area: 1.5 acre (65,340 square feet). b. Frontage: 150 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. Minimum setback requirements 1. Principal structure: a. b. Front yard/rear yard: i. Combined front yard and rear yard: 75 feet. ii. Minimum front yard: 35 feet. iii. Minimum rear yard: 25 feet. Front yard/side yard (applies to corner lots): i. Combined front yard and side yard: 70 feet. ii. Minimum front yard: 35 feet. iii. Minimum side yard: 15 feet. c. 2. 3. (C) Side yards: i. Combined side yards: 40 feet. ii. Side yard minimum: 15 feet. Accessory structure: a. Front yard: 50 feet or behind the front building line, whichever distance is less. b. Side yard: 10 feet. c. Rear yard: 10 feet. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. Maximum height of structures All structures: 45 feet. (D) (E) Maximum coverage 1. Building coverage: 10 percent of the total lot area. 2. Lot coverage: 30 percent of the total lot area. Maximum subdivisions of a single tract allowed Up to ten separate lots, provided each lot meets the requirements of this section. The maximum of ten lots shall include an further subdivision of these newly subdivided lots. The subdivision of more than ten lots shall require a rezoning as set forth in Article I. Sec. 30-85-19 (A) (B) (C) Kennel, Commercial General standards: 1. Each commercial kennel shall install and operate a kennel silencer. 2. Animal waste shall be disposed of in a manner acceptable to the department of health. 3. Crematoria or land burial of animals in association with a commercial kennel shall be prohibited. Additional standards in the AP, AR, and AV districts: 1. The minimum area required for a commercial kennel shall be 2 acres. 2. All facilities associated directly with the commercial kennel, whether indoors or outdoors, shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from any property line. 3. When adjoining a residential use type, a Type C buffer yard in accordance with Article V shall be provided along the property line which adjoins the residential use type. Additional standards in the C-2 district: All outdoor runs, training areas, and pens associated with a commercial kennel shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from any property line. Article III SEC. 30-79 Permitted Use Table PERMITTED USES BY DISTRICT Sec. 30-79-1 Purpose The purpose of this table is to show the uses permitted in each of the zoning districts. Specific requirements for districts and uses are found in Article III and Article IV herein. Sec. 30-79-2 Permitted Use Table Permitted uses by district shall be as shown in the following table where: "R" indicates a use by right "S" indicates a special use, and an "*" indicates more stringent standards as specified in Article IV USES AP AR AV Agriculture Agricultural and Forestry Uses R R R Agricultural Subdivision R R R Commercial Feedlots R* R* Farm Employee Housing R* R* Forestry Operations R* R* Sawmill S S Sewage Sludge Storage S R-1 R-2 S S R-3 R-4 PRD RMH C-1 C-2 NC PCD I-1 I-2 PID EP R S* Stable, Commercial R* R* S* S* Stable, Private R* R* R* S* Wayside Stand R* R* R* Residential Uses AP AR AV R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 PRD Accessory Apartment R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* RMH R* R* R* R* C-1 C-2 NC PCD R* R* I-1 I-2 S* PID R* EP S* Alternative Discharging Sewage Systems S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* Home Occupation, Type II R* R* R* Kennel, Private R* R* R* R* R* R* R* Manufactured Home R* R* R* R* R* Manufactured Home, Class A R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* Manufactured Home, Accessory R* R* R* Manufactured Home, Emergency R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* S* R* Home Beauty/Barber Salon Home Occupation, Type I R* Residential Human Care Facility S* R R R R Single Family Dwelling, Attached Single Family Dwelling, Detached S* S* S* S* R* Manufactured Home Park Multi-family Dwelling S* S* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* S* S* S* S* R R R R R R R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R R R R R R R R R* R* Single Family Dwelling, Detached (Zero R* R* R* R* R* Townhouse Lot Line Option) S* S* R* R* R* S* S* Two Family Dwelling R* R* R* R* R* R* R* Civic Uses R* AP AR AV R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 PRD RMH C-1 C-2 NC PCD I-1 I-2 PID EP Administrative Services R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Animal Shelter S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* Camps S* S* S* Cemetery S* S* S* Community Dock S* S* Community Recreation R* R* Correctional Facilities S Civic Clubs R* S* S* S* S* S* S* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* S* S* R* R* R* S* S* S* R* R* S* R* R* R* R* Crisis Center R R R R R R R R R R R R Cultural Services S S R S S S S S R R R R R R R Day Care Center S* S* R* S* S* S* S* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* III-1 R R Article III Permitted Use Table USES Civic Uses (continued) AP AR AV R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 PRD RMH C-1 C-2 NC PCD R* R* R* R* R* I-1 I-2 PID EP Educational Facilities, College/University R* R* Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary Family Day Care Home S* S* R* S* S* S* S* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R R R R Guidance Services R Halfway House S Home for Adults S Life Care Facility Nursing Home S S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Park and Ride Facility R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* Post Office R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Public Assembly S S S R S S Public Maintenance and Service Facility R R R R R R R R R R R R R Public Parks and Recreational Areas R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* Religious Assembly R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* Safety Services, Private S* S* R* S* S* S* S* R* R* R* R* S* Safety Services, Public R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* Utility Services, Major S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* Utility Services, Minor R R R R R R R R R R R R Office Uses AP AR AV R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 PRD C-1 C-2 NC PCD Clinic S* S* S* R* R* R* R* R* Financial Institutions R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* General Office R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* S S S R S S R R R R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* C-1 C-2 NC PCD I-1 I-2 PID R* R* S Laboratories Medical Office S* S* R* Commercial Uses AP AR AV R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 PRD R* R* RMH RMH Adult Entertainment Agricultural Services R R R R* R* R* R* R* S* S* S* R* R* R* S* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* S* R R R R I-1 I-2 PID EP R* R* R* S* R* S* R* R* R* R* R* Automobile Dealership, New R* R* R* R* S* R* Automobile Dealership, Used S* S* R* S* Automobile Graveyard S Automobile Parts/Supply, Retail S* Automobile Repair Services, Major R* S* R* S* S* S* R* R* R* S* R* R* R* R* S Automobile Repair Services, Minor S* R* R* Automobile Rental/Leasing S R R R S* S* R* R* R* Boarding House S Business or Trade Schools R Business Support Services Campgrounds EP S* Antique Shops Bed and Breakfast R S S* S* S* S* S* S* S R R S* S* S R R R R R S* S* R* S* R S R R R R S R R R R S* S* R R R* S* R* Carwash S* S* S* S* S* Commercial Indoor Amusement S S R S S S S S S* S R Commercial Indoor Entertainment S S R R S R R R R R S S S R S S S S S R S S S S S S R S S Commercial Indoor Sports and Recreation Commercial Outdoor Entertainment R Commercial Outdoor Sports and Recreation Communications Services Construction Sales and Services S* S S S S S S R R R R R R R R R* R* R* R* R* S* Consumer Repair Services R R R R R R R R Convenience Store S* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* Dance Hall S S S S Equipment Sales and Rental S* S* S* III-2 S R* R* S* R* Article III Permitted Use Table USES Commercial Uses (continued) AP AR Flea Market R-2 R-3 R-4 PRD RMH C-1 R* S* S* C-2 NC PCD I-1 I-2 S S R* R* R* S* R* R* S R R* Gasoline Station Golf Course R-1 S Funeral Services Garden Center AV R R R* S* R* S* S* S* R R R* S* R* S* R* PID R R* R* S* R* R* R* Hospital R R R R Hotel/Motel/Motor Lodge R R R R R R R S* S* R* S* R* R* R* R* R* S* R* Kennel, Commercial R* S* Landscaping and Lawn Care Services S* Laundry Manufactured Home Sales S* Marina S S S Mini-warehouse Pawn Shop EP R R* R* R* R R R R R R* S* R* R* R* S R R* R* R* R* R* R R R R R R R Personal Improvement Services R R R R R R R R Personal Services R R R R R R R R R R* R* R* R* S* R* S* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R R R R* R Recreational Vehicle Sales and Services S* Restaurant, Drive-in and Fast Food S* R* R* Restaurant, Family R* R* R* Restaurant, General R* R* R* Retail Sales R R S R R R Studio, Fine Arts R R R R R R R R R S R R S S* Surplus Sales R Truck Stop Veterinary Hospital/Clinic Industrial Uses S* R R R AP AR AV S* R R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 PRD RMH R S* S* S* R R R R R R R C-1 C-2 NC PCD I-1 I-2 PID S* S* Asphalt Plant Composting R* Construction Yards S* Custom Manufacturing R* R* S* S* Industry, Type I R* S* R S R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* S* R* R* R* R* S R R R S R S S S S Industry, Type II Industry, Type III Landfill, Sanitary S S Meat Packing and Related Industries Railroad Facilities Recycling Centers and Stations S* S* Resource Extraction S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* Scrap and Salvage Yards Transfer Stations S* S* Transportation Terminal S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S S* S* S S* S Truck Terminal Warehouse and Distribution Winery S* S* S* S* S S S S R R R* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* R R S R R R R R R R R* R* R* R* Miscellaneous Uses AP AR AV R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 PRD RMH C-1 C-2 NC PCD I-1 I-2 PID Amateur Radio Tower R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* Aviation Facilities, Private S* S* S* S* S* S* S* Outdoor Gatherings S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* R* R* R* R* R* R* S* S* Wind Energy System, Small R* R* R* Wireless Communication S* S* S* Parking Facility Shooting Range, Outdoor S* S* EP EP S* Transportation Terminal R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* S* S* S* S* S* S* S* (Ord. of 07.09.01; Ord. of 02.11.02; Ord. of 10.12.04; Ord. of 03.07.05; Ord. of 07.23.07; Ord. of 05.27.08; Ord. of 11.12.08; Ord. of 11.12.09; Ord. of 2.28.11) III-3 R* Context Map Snowden Snowden Marble Marble Marble Spring Spring Spring Big Big Big Island Island Sunset Field Sunset Sunset Field Field Sunset Field Peak Peak Peakss Of Of Otter Otter Recreation Recreation Recreation A A rea rea rea Walnut Walnut Walnut Grove Grove Grove Villamont Villamont Villamont Cool Spring Cool Spring Spring Shady Shady Shady Grove Grove Grove Union Union Meador Meador Meador Big Big Big Otter Otter Mill Mill Lynchburg Lynchburg Lynchburg Perrowville Perrowville Perrowville Norwood Norwood Norwood Clay Clay Clay Forest Forest Forest Bellevue Bellevue Lowry Lowry Lowry Bedford Bedford Bedford Five Five Five Fork Forksss Otter Hill Otter Otter Hill Hill Otter Hill Body Body Camp Camp Waltons Store Waltons Waltons Store Store Waltons Store Davis Davis Davis Mill Mill Mill Stone Stone Mountain Mountain Mountain Moneta Moneta Moneta Hendrick Store Hendrick Hendrickss Store Store Radford Radford Radford Boonsboro Boonsboro Boonsboro Cifax Cifax TThaxton haxton haxton A bert A bert Bear Bear Bear Camp Camp Camp Otterville Otterville Centerville Centerville Bunk er Hill Bunker er Hill Hill Bunk Stewartsville Stewartsville Stewartsville Flint Flint Hill Hill Chamblissburg Chamblissburg Flint Chamblissburg Meads Meads Store Store Store Hardy Hardy Hardy Goodview Goodview Goodview Diamond Diamond Diamond Hill Hill Hill Curtis Curtis Coltons Coltons Coltons Mill Mill Mill Reba Reba Kelso Kelso Mill Mill Irving Irving Irving Coleman Falls Coleman Coleman Falls Falls Woodford Woodford Woodford Corner Corner Corner Huddleston Huddleston Huddleston Dundee Dundee Graves Graves Graves Store Store Store Kasey Kasey Kasey PROPOSED CHANGES The rezoning request proposes to change the zoning classification of 21.209 acres of a 80.11 acre parcel, from Medium Density Residential (R-2) to Agricultural Rural Preserve (AP). The applicant has requested the rezoning for the purpose of seeking a Special Use Permit to operate a “Shooting Range, Outdoor”. The site will be accessed via an existing entrance off of Thomas Jefferson Road that will be improved to meet VDOT’s standard commercial entrance requirements. A new parcel will be created with the existing tax maps. NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING - REZONING A Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) was held on Wednesday, August 31, 2011, at 7:00 pm at Thomas Jefferson Elementary School. There were approximately 75 citizens in attendance. Staff explained the rezoning and special use permit processes and informed the members of the audience of the tentative date for the Planning Commission public hearing for the request. Since the rezoning request is related to the applicant’s SUP request for a “Shooting Range, Outdoor”, almost all of the questions were related to the SUP request. Very few questions or concerns were posed for the rezoning. The citizens present had the following questions/comments/concerns: Proximity of the proposed shooting range to New London Academy and the surrounding properties, hours of operation, whether the range will be public or private, the noise emitted from the discharge of firearms, whether 2 a background check is required of all students taking courses, the traffic generated from the use along Thomas Jefferson Road, and the property values of surrounding properties in close proximity to the use. (A summary of the NIM is attached). ANALYSIS Zoning/Land Use Compatibility The subject property is a portion of an existing 80.11 acre parcel. The property was zoned R-2 when the Zoning Ordinance was adopted on November 30, 1998. The property currently contains a single family dwelling, and several barns/outbuildings that are utilized for agricultural purposes. The property consists primarily of fenced open pasture that is utilized for cattle grazing and hay production. Per information provided by the applicant, the property has been utilized as a farm since 1967, when the Hooper family purchased the property. The current agricultural use is a legal non-conforming use. Additional information provided by the applicant indicates that the structures and berms related to an outdoor shooting range have been constructed within the last 15 months. Staff received an anonymous complaint regarding the operation of an outdoor shooting range at the property on August 12, 2010. A site visit was conducted by Community Development staff on August 27, 2010 to verify that the outdoor shooting range use had commenced. Based upon this site visit, a Notice of Violation was sent via certified mail to Timothy Hooper on October 22, 2010. (A copy of the Notice of Violation is enclosed). The surrounding properties to the north along Thomas Jefferson Road are predominately Medium Density Residential Uses (Single Family Dwellings), zoned R-2. The uses to the immediate south along Thomas Jefferson Road are single family dwellings, zoned R-2. Further south at the intersection of Thomas Jefferson Road and US Route 460 west are commercial uses consisting of Food Lion, Beijing Chinese Restaurant, Dollar Craze (Retail Store) and Express Lane Convenience Store, zoned PCD. Further east along US Route 460, adjoining the subject property, is New London Academy (Public School), also zoned PCD. The properties to the immediate east along Ryland Drive and further east along US Route 460 (Sentry Equipment Erectors and Forestry Equipment of Virginia) are light industrial uses, zoned I-2. In summary, there are a number of different zoning districts and a variety of use types in this area. Zoning Ordinance Currently, the subject property is zoned Low Density Residential (R-2). The R-2 district allows for a diversity of residential and civic uses. There are no commercial uses permissible by-right in an R-2 district. The purpose of the R-2 Medium Density District is to establish areas in the county within the urban service areas where infrastructure (i.e. water, sewer and roads) is available to support such development, while providing reasonable protection to existing single family neighborhoods and providing a diversity of alternative housing options. The typical density is three to six units per acre. Older neighborhoods with smaller lot sizes are also included, along with additional opportunities for in-fill development. 3 The R-2 district regulations (Section 30-42) of the Zoning Ordinance provide the minimum standards for all property zoned R-2 in Bedford County. This section is enclosed for your reference. The purpose of AP, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District is to maintain and preserve rural areas, along with the protection of sensitive and unique land resources. The primary objection is to maintain existing agricultural lands and discourage incompatible land uses, and to minimize the demand for public sewer and water. Lower densities are highly encouraged, and large scale development is discouraged. The minimum lot size in the AP district is three (3) acres, along with 200’ of frontage on a publicly owned and maintained street. The maximum division of a single tract is up to five (5) lots, and includes any further subdivision of any newly subdivided lot. The primary uses in the AP district are agriculture and forestry uses, along with residential uses consisting of single family dwellings and manufactured homes. If the property is rezoned to AP, all by-right uses, along with all uses requiring a special use permit would be allowed on the property. Additionally, the current agricultural use on the property becomes a conforming use. The AP district regulations (Section 30-32) of the Zoning Ordinance provide the minimum standards for all property zoned AP in Bedford County. This section is enclosed for your reference. Comprehensive Plan Relevance The County’s Comprehensive Plan (Bedford County 2025) contains specific goals and objectives which are relative to this rezoning request. The Goals and Objectives are listed as: Land Use Goal and Intent: An orderly, efficient, and compatible growth and land use pattern that is sensitive to the natural environment: Objectives: 9.2 Preservation of farmland, forested land, open space, and rural character. Land Use Designation/Future Land Use The Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan identifies the future land uses of the subject property as “Commercial/Light Industrial”. Commercial/Light Industrial is defined in the Comprehensive Plan under Future Land Use Designations as “Areas that include a mixture of commercial and light industrial uses. These areas are located adjacent to commercial or light industrial uses near major transportation facilities and access to all major utilities”. 4 CONCLUSION The Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan has designated both parcels as “Commercial/Light Industrial”. A mix of commercial and light industrial uses exists in close proximity to the subject property. Under the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan, AP zoning is not consistent, but neither is the existing R-2 to a lesser extent. The most restrictive of both districts is the existing R-2, while the AP district does allow for limited commercial uses. The property is also currently utilized for agricultural purposes (i.e. cattle farming and pasture), so the intent of the AP district is also achieved with the existing use (farming), which makes the existing use compatible with the rezoning request. The “Down zoning” from R-2 to AP will result in a less allowable density if the property were to remain as R-2. Additionally, all uses allowed by-right and by special use in the AP district become available if the property is rezoned. The AP district requires a minimum lot size of three (3) acres, along with 200’ of frontage on a publicly owned and maintained street, and allows a maximum subdivision of five (5) separate lots. The minimum lot size in the R-2 district is 20,000 square feet, when lots are served by either public water or sewer, along with 75’ of frontage on a publicly owned and maintained street. Public water is available in this immediate area through the Bedford County Public Service Authority, resulting in a potential of 46 lots if the property were to be subdivided. Additionally, the R-2 district does not have a limitation on the number of allowable lots, whereas the AP district allows for a maximum of five (5) lots. The rezoning of the property from R-2 to AP will result in less allowable density, fewer divisions of land, and larger lot sizes if the applicant were to subdivide the property. PROFFERS SUBMITTED FOR RZ110005 As of this date, no proffers have been submitted for RZ110005. Attachments 1. Zoning Map 2. Aerial Map 3. Future Land Use Map 4. Rezoning Application 5. Article III, Section 30-42 (AP) of the Zoning Ordinance 6. Article III, Section 30-42 (R-2) of the Zoning Ordinance 7. Neighborhood Informational Meeting (NIM) notes dated 9/22/2011 8. Section 30-79 of the Zoning Ordinance (Permitted Use Table) 9. Notice of Violation dated October 22, 2010 5 Zoning Map DRIVE SHADOW RIDGE DRIVE W YE DRIV E ROAD WIL L OW OAK DRIVE RIVER OAK DRIVE T GS KIN RT OU OAK C ON Aerial Map PETERS DRIVE SEV EN E SI ST RS RD OAK PETERS DRI VE L YON L ANE LA W DRIV E LYON LANE NE RH ETT QUEEN ANN COURT Y RB DA HERM ANS HOL L OW ROAD DR IV E RO AD MILLSPRING DRIVE BE GREAT OAK ROAD DRIVE L ARUE THOM AS J EFFERSON ROAD QUEEN ANN COURT HERM ANS HOL L OW ROAD AD UE L AR K RO W W T OA SHADEWO OD E DRIV RO AD GR EA L LE VU E AD P L HIL THOM AS CL IFFVIEW COURT RO A PL E WOODS END L ANE PL AD IG BR EDGE PETERS DRIVE SHEFFEY DRIVE TURKEYFOOT ROAD R-2 Aerial JEF FE FORE ST RSON PETERS DRIVE L ONDON DRIVE I-2 E AC LN DR JE BS L Y TP c WA AR TU M SO CO T UR W BEL L EVU I-2 Future Land Use R-2 Map E RO A OR D D AN W AY THOM AS J EFFERSON ROAD SOMERS WAY S PP HU W L RY WILL S S ER VAL R-2 HI L L NEW M ARKET L OOP DR DEEM MYYLNLN A CAACAD E LYNCHBURG SALEM TURNPIKE E IV E L YNCHBURG SAL EM TURNPIKE B .M. 892 I-2 A L ONDON L INKS DRIVE BA JU PIKE TURN LY AR LE AL UM SPRINGS ROAD L EM RO SA BURG LYN CH EAST AD PCD DRIVE c PI KE TURN J ACKSON ROAD L ONDON DOWNS DRIVE NEW L ONDON ROAD CAPERTON WAY CO LBY W NEW HAVEN COURT 6 Aerial Photograph – 2010 7 Future Land Use Map 8 Context Map Snowden Snowden Marble Marble Spring Spring Big Big Island Island Sunset Field Sunset Field Peak Peakss Of Of Otter Otter Recreation Recreation AArea rea Walnut Walnut Grove Grove Reba Reba Cool Cool Spring Spring Villamont Villamont Kelso Kelso Mill Mill Shady Shady Grove Grove Curtis Curtis Coltons Coltons Mill Mill AAbert bert Camp Bear Bear Camp Boonsboro Boonsboro Lynchburg Lynchburg Perrowville Perrowville Cifax Cifax Big Big Otter Otter Mill Mill Norwood Norwood Clay Clay Centerville Centerville Forest Bellevue Bellevue Forest Irving Irving haxton TThaxton Lowry Lowry Bedford Bedford Union Union Bunk er Hill Stewartsville Stewartsville Flint Hill Hill Chamblissburg Chamblissburg Flint Meads Store Hardy Hardy Goodview Diamond Diamond Hill Hill Coleman Coleman Falls Falls Meador Meador Otterville Otterville Five Five Fork Forkss Otter Otter Hill Hill Body Body Camp Camp Davis Davis Mill Mill Waltons Waltons Store Store Stone Mountain Stone Stone Mountain Moneta Moneta Woodford Woodford Corner Corner Hendrick Hendrickss Store Store Huddleston Huddleston Radford Radford Dundee Dundee Graves Graves Store Store Kasey Kasey ANALYSIS ZONING ORDINANCE The proposed use requested is a Shooting Range, Outdoor, which requires approval of a Special Use Permit in the AP district. The use is listed under “Miscellaneous Uses” in Section 30-79 of the Zoning Ordinance. The use definition from Article II (Definitions) of the Zoning Ordinance reads: SHOOTING RANGE, OUTDOOR - The use of land for archery and the discharging of firearms for the purposes of target practice, skeet and trap shooting, mock war games, or temporary competitions, such as a turkey shoot. Excluded from this use type shall be general hunting, and unstructured and nonrecurring discharging of firearms on private property with the property owner's permission. (Article II, Definitions and Section 30-79, Permitted Use Table attached). Article IV, Section 30-87-6 provides use and design standards for a “Shooting Range, Outdoor”. This section is enclosed for your review. The project complies with the standards that require the perimeter property line and the site or area used as a shooting range or match to be fenced so that public access is controlled to insure the safety of patrons and the public. The type of fencing Page 2 of 5 utilized is a wooden fence with wire mesh. From each firing point, an earthen berm is utilized to absorb discharged loads, so the minimum setback distance from the nearest property line is 200’. Additionally, no firing point can be located within 100’ of an adjoining property line. The project complies with both of these required distances. A Shooting Range, Outdoor, requires review and approval of the Bedford County Sheriff, as required by Article IV, Section 30-87-6 of the Bedford County Zoning Ordinance. The Sheriff must review and approve the design and layout of any shooting range or match as to its safety to patrons of the range as well as surrounding property owners. The Special Use Permit application and concept plan was submitted to the Bedford County Sheriff’s Office on August 18, 2011. As of this date, no written correspondence has been received from the Bedford County Sheriff’s Office. Site Assessment and Agency Input Environmental Relevance The property consists primarily of open pasture and is relatively flat. Grading has occurred for a portion of the access road, the range/shoot house area, creation of the berm surrounding the range, and the gravel parking area. The clearing and grading of the property, along with Stormwater Management, is regulated by the State and through local Erosion and Sediment Control laws. At the time of the initial site visit, staff determined that a Land Disturbing Permit was required for the grading that had occurred for the access road, the range/shoot house area, the berm surrounding the range, and the gravel parking area. The required Land Disturbing Permit (LD110107) was approved and issued by the Bedford County Division of Natural Resources on April 4, 2011. The site has been monitored periodically for compliance by the Division of Natural Resources. Transportation Relevance The property is located along Thomas Jefferson Road (Route 811). Route 811 is an existing secondary route. According to VDOT’s 2010 Annual Average Daily Traffic Volume Estimates, the AADTV (Annual Average Daily Traffic Volume) for this segment of roadway is: From East Lynchburg Salem Turnpike (US Route 460) along Thomas Jefferson Road (Route 811) to Bellevue Road (Route 643), 0.47 miles in length – 6,100 vehicles. VDOT has reviewed the special use permit application, related correspondence, and the concept plan. Per correspondence from Brian Casella, VDOT Area Land Use Engineer, the existing residential entrance will need to be updated to reflect a standard commercial entrance. (See letter dated September 26, 2011, along with Figure 4-9, Commercial Entrance Design Standards). Utilities Staff has verified that no public utilities are required. The shoot houses and other appurtenances are considered to be an outdoor assembly use under the building code. The shoot houses and other appurtenances of the facility are not designed to be occupied on a permanent basis. Therefore, portable toilets may be utilized as restroom facilities, per verification from the Building Department. Page 3 of 5 Public Facilities The proposed project will not impact the public school system with additional students. Additionally, no service demands are anticipated for libraries or parks. Aesthetic/Visual Impacts No buffer yard is required at each property line between the AP and adjoining PCD and I-2 districts. Per information provided by the applicant, all existing trees are to remain at each property line. The range, shoot houses, and other appurtenances are not visible from Thomas Jefferson Road or Academy Lane, adjacent to New London Academy. All noise is regulated by Section 14-4 of the Bedford County Code. The Bedford County Code specifically prohibits the discharge of explosives, fireworks, and similar devices between the hours of 11:00 pm and 6:00 am. All proposed shooting will occur between the hours of 8:00 am and 10:00 pm. CONCLUSION The proposed use complies with the general standards of Article IV, Section 30-87-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed use will provide an additional service for citizens in Bedford County as well promote a new business opportunity. Special Use Permit: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS FOR SU110010 1. Sec. 30-32 (AP district), Article IV, Sec. 30-87-6 (Shooting Range, Outdoor) and Sec. 30-19 (Special Use Permits) of the Bedford County Zoning Ordinance shall apply to approval of the project. 2. The site shall be developed in conformance with the concept plan dated December 3, 2010, prepared by Albert E. Neighbors, Jr., L.S. 3. The proposed use will comply with the design and layout recommended by the Bedford County Sheriff’s Office, including the required applicable distances under Article IV, Section 30-87-6 of the Bedford County Zoning Ordinance. 4. A certified instructor must be present during all shooting events. 5. Shooting will occur Monday through Saturday between the hours of 8:00 am and 10:00 pm. Tactical training and competition shooting will occur year round, with competition shooting limited to twice monthly. All civilian courses will be limited to twenty (20) students and will be conducted from March 15 through November 15 of the calendar year. No shooting will occur on Sundays. 6. No loud speaker system will be utilized as a means of communication between range personnel and students. Page 4 of 5 7. The existing trees surrounding the entire perimeter of the property will remain to provide a visual barrier from the adjoining properties along Thomas Jefferson Road, Academy Lane, and Ryland Drive. 8. Minimal lighting will be provided for safety purposes and shall not adversely affect the adjoining neighbors. The maximum height of light poles and other aspects of the lighting must conform to Sec. 30-94 (Exterior Lighting) of the Zoning Ordinance. 9. The project will require review and approval of a site plan, pursuant to Section 30-90 (Site Development Plans) of the Zoning Ordinance. 10. The applicant shall comply with all local, state, and federal laws. Attachments 1. 2. 3. 4. Special Use Permit Application/Concept Plan Section 30-79 (Permitted Use Table) of the Zoning Ordinance Article IV, Section 30-87-6 (Shooting Range, Outdoor) of the Zoning Ordinance Correspondence from VDOT dated September 26, 2011 Page 5 of 5