Kindle the Flame Annual Appeal - Sisters of the Presentation of the


Kindle the Flame Annual Appeal - Sisters of the Presentation of the
Sisters of the Presentation
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Includes 2015 Annual Report
The congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
Mary was founded in 1775 by a wealthy Irish woman, Nano Nagle, who
redirected her fortune and life to meet the needs of the poor. Nano
devoted her days to educating Irish children, risking imprisonment by
founding schools at which children could receive a Catholic education.
At night, she became known as the “lady with the lantern” for traversing the city of Cork to minister to the elderly, sick and imprisoned.
At the time of Nano Nagle’s death, only four sisters remained to
continue her work. Today, there are more than 2,500 Sisters of the
Presentation in communities around the world. These women have
dedicated their lives to bringing the Gospel to the poor and oppressed.
In her spirit, the Sisters reach out to the people of God through prayer
and ministry.
Presentation communities were founded in Fitchburg, Massachusetts,
and Newburgh, New York, in the late 1800’s to educate the children of
poor immigrants. In the 1990’s the two congregations entered into a
period of prayer and study to determine the possibility of uniting as one
congregation and in 1997 these two congregations became one.
This present congregation numbers 112 women who minister as
educators, administrators, medical personnel, retreat directors,
pastoral associates and social workers. They are motivated by the
Gospel to bring hope, justice and human dignity to all they encounter.
Mission Statement
Background and History
We, the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, inspired by our foundress, Nano Nagle,
commit ourselves to the Gospel values of hope,
justice, freedom and human dignity. In union with
one another, we pledge ourselves to act for and with
the oppressed of the world, and to care for the earth.
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2016 Annual Appeal
April 2016
Dear Friends,
In inaugurating this Holy Year of Mercy, Pope Francis opened the doors to
St. Peter’s Basilica on December 8th. However, he also opened other holy
doors, such as at the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome and the Bangui
Cathedral in Central African Republic.
An important symbolic act performed by Holy Year pilgrims is to pass
through a holy door. At the beginning of Lent, I recalled for our sisters and
associates that if we are to imitate Christ, then each of us must be a door
through which God’s mercy, compassion and love flow. I also recalled that
we must also receive God’s mercy from others. I invited each of us, as we
place our hand on the handle of any door, to keep before us the image of
entering a “door of mercy” where we bring mercy to those inside and also
receive their mercy.
As Sisters and of the Presentation, we try to enter the holy doors of mercy
through our ministries to the poor and powerless, especially women and
children, and by consciously performing the spiritual and corporal works of
As I review the names of our donors in this report, I am conscious that your
holy hands join ours in opening any doors of mercy to meet the needs of
others. And it is also your mercy we receive on the other side of those holy
doors. As our sisters age out of ministries where they receive compensation
and continue volunteering and participating in our ministry of prayer, we
rely more and more on your generosity and mercy. For this we are deeply
One of the spiritual works of mercy is “to pray for the living and the dead.”
As we rejoice in the continued celebration of this Easter season, we pray
that you and your loved ones receive all of God’s blessings of mercy. We
also pray that all your deceased loved ones may be experiencing the fullness
of joy in the Risen Jesus. God bless you always!
Sr. Patricia Anastasio, PBVM
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2016 Annual Appeal
In celebration of the “Year of Consecrated Life”, as proclaimed by Pope Francis, the congregation was happy to
have an Open House on Sunday, February 8th. Sisters in Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey opened their
homes and hearts to family, colleagues, students and neighbors in an opportunity to share their mission and who
they are.
Sr. Yliana Hernández was pleased to be the recipient of the 2015 Caritas Award. The Caritas Award is presented by
Catholic Charities Community Services of Orange County each year to members of the community who exemplify the nonprofit human service agency’s mission to provide help and create hope. The awards were presented at Catholic Charities’ 9th
Annual Celebration of Charity dinner on Thursday, March 26, 2015 at Anthony’s Pier 9 in Newburgh, New York.
On May 2nd, the “Distinguished Bernardian” Award was presented to Sr. Irene Goguen from St. Bernard’s Alumni
Association for her years of service to the community, especially her 24 years of teaching at St. Bernard’s Elementary
School in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Also on May 2nd, the Sisters in Leominster, Massachusetts held a “Thank You
Gathering” for friends and supporters. The Sisters were happy to welcome friends, both old and new.
On May 8th, Sr. Paula Cormier was proud to be one of the recipients of the Spirit of Cleghorn Award given by The
United Neighbors of Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Sr. Paula has been involved at CNC (Cleghorn Neighborhood Center)
for the past 5 years and is very dedicated to her ESL students and immigration issues - having lobbied in Boston, led
and assisted with several immigration prayer services and events at St. Joseph's Parish.
The congregation’s Leadership Team, Sr. Patricia Anastasio, president, Sr. Martha Otterstedt, vice president, Sr.
Mary Byrnes, councilor and Sr. Barbara King, councilor were re-elected to lead the congregation for another six
years. Their installation ceremony and celebration was held on May 24th.
Sr. Christine Liegey received the Vivere Christus Award on June 14th in acknowledgement of the value and importance of the laity and to express gratitude and appreciation to those who unselfishly give themselves for the building up
of God’s Kingdom.
The Sisters were excited to offer the following new programs: “If I Could be of Service” a year long service program
which begins mid August and ends in June, “Young Adult-College Week”, “Serving with the Sisters – Summer
Service Week” and “Family Service Day.” These programs offer an opportunity to "spend yourself for the poor" in the
spirit of our foundress Nano Nagle and the sisters that have followed in her footsteps for many centuries. More information can be found at
Sr. Mary T. Naccarato made Profession of Perpetual Vows as a Sister of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary at
St. Catherine Laboure Church in Lake Katrine, New York on October 3rd. Rev. John Kearney was the presider at the
liturgy, and Rev. Fred Nickle, OFM, Cap. and St. Catherine’s Pastor Rev. Slavomir Ciszkowski, concelebrants. Present
at the liturgy were family, friends and other Presentation Sisters.
The Presentation Sisters were honored on October 18th for their 80+ years of service at Holy Rosary Parish in
Bronx, New York. A group of Sisters who had served at some time during those years attended the dinner and
accepted the award.
On Friday, November 13th, the Sisters in New Windsor, New York held a “Giving Thanks” Friendraiser. It was an
evening to talk about the Sisters’ mission, have some dessert, coffee and friendly conversation.
Sr. Mary Barbara Hobbs held her 2nd Annual Black Friday Craft Sale at Presentation Convent, Leominster, Massachusetts, on Friday, November 27th. Proceeds from the sale benefited Nano’s Nook, a weekly service of hospitality (conversation, coffee, pastry, fruit) for those who come to the free clothes closet of St. Joseph Parish on
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2016 Annual Appeal
The 2016 “Kindle the Flame” is an appeal for your continued efforts to join with us to
keep Nano Nagle’s lantern burning brightly.
The “Kindle the Flame” annual fund supplements compensation earned by Sisters in
active ministry in order to support all the expenses of the congregation. The fund assures
sufficient resources to provide for:
retired and infirm Sisters
the ongoing education of members
support of Sisters who serve the poor without receiving any compensation
maintenance of facilities in New Windsor, New York and Leominster, Massachusetts
Gifts to the 2016 “Kindle the Flame” annual appeal will be listed under their appropriate leadership level in the 2016 annual report.
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Mission Advancement
at 845-567-0204.
Please prayerfully consider making a pledge to the 2016
“Kindle the Flame” Annual Appeal. With your help, we
can reach our goal of $100,000!
Nagle Society................................................. $5,000 and above
Presentation Partner...................................... $2,500 to $4,999
Lantern Society.............................................. $1,500 to $2,499
Beacon.......................................................... $1,000 to $1,499
$500 to $999
$250 to $499
$100 to $249
$1 to $99
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2016 Annual Appeal
My Ministry
For 55 years my ministry has been cultivating and amassing many fine pearls: God’s
little children! I am daily nourished, fed, gifted, loved and blessed through teaching
these little ones. For me, this is heaven on earth! No day goes by that I don’t live out
Jesus’ words, “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me.” Also,
“Of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Oh, there is no greater treasure!
Day after day, I look forward to spending my time teaching these little angels. They
are so eager to hear the Good News of Jesus. They, in turn, carry this Good News
home to their parents. How rewarding when parents relate to me how they have begun praying with their child, or realize the need to return to the Church! These little
children may be small pearls, but like the mustard seed, they can bear much fruit!
Hopefully, someday they will scatter the Good News of Jesus far and wide!
The message of Jesus to love one another is carried out and lived out by their willingness to share, care, help and forgive one another. Oh, if we could all have the heart,
love, joy and trust of a child, what a wonderful, peaceful and beautiful world we would live in! “Let the little children
come to me and do not send them away!”
- Sr. Irene Goguen , Kindergarten Teacher, St. Bernard’s Elementary School, Fitchburg, Massachusetts
My ministry began in February of 2006. It was quite a change to be working totally
in an office without a pastoral dimension to my ministry. However, I am grateful to
have a parish ministry that helps my community.
I was very warmly welcomed and receive wonderful support. I am not a computer
whiz, but I have learned the programs that I need to carry out my responsibilities.
The ever patient business manager is always willing and ready to help me out of
any difficulties I find myself in. I also have had, and continue to have, a woman
who volunteers to help me proofread the bulletin, and supports me in many other
I have learned that I do pastoral ministry - sometimes over the phone - sometimes
when people come to the office. I just have to learn to keep my eyes and ears open
to the many times God comes into my life through these wonderful people who minister to me and to whom I minister. I have also been blessed to work with two very kind and thoughtful pastors. I am so grateful to be able to be
active and continue to minister with God's people.
--Sr. Mary LeBlanc, PBVM, Administrative Assistant, St. Christopher Parish,Worcester, Massachusetts
It has been my privilege to represent the Congregation in direct service to the poor
at Newburgh Ministry, an outreach center and shelter. The Ministry is situated in
one of the poorest tracts of NY State, and Newburgh has been designated the
fourth most depressed city in the nation. I think of it as “Nagle territory.”
I work alongside many wonderful volunteers. Realizing that some of our people
don’t want to be helped and others can’t be helped, the challenge we face is to offer
each a compassionate presence, a non-judgmental service and the hope that
transformation is possible.
In a ministry begun by women religious, Sr. Mary O’Neill and I, along with
Sr. Grace Gately, are the only Sisters presently on staff. Although many don’t fully
realize what “Sister” means (a frequent question is how many children I have; now
grandchildren), I daily witness a beautiful trust, openness and respect our guests
have for us. They seem to know instinctively that we are there to serve them.
Knowing the congregation partially subsidizes this ministry, and realizing the sacrifice involved, I am deeply
grateful to each member of the congregation for the privilege of being able to offer hope.
- Sr. Norma Carney, Newburgh Ministry, Newburgh, New York
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2016 Annual Appeal
A donor may make a gift to the Sisters of the Presentation effective during this lifetime or after death. A donor may direct the benefit
of the gift to one or more of the Sisters’ ministries. Some donors prefer their gifts be used at the discretion of the Sisters, thereby providing support for the greatest needs within the congregation.
After you have considered the needs of your family, you may want to consider a bequest in your will to the Sisters of the Presentation.
The satisfaction of knowing that your support of our Sisters can continue in perpetuity can be easily accomplished. Listed below are
four popular ways of making such a bequest.
Residue refers to whatever is left after other bequests have been granted. To leave such a bequest simply state “The residue of my estate, including real and personal property, I give, devise and bequeath to the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of
New Windsor, New York.”
To leave a percentage of your estate, state, “I give, devise and bequeath to the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
of New Windsor, New York, ______% of my estate.”
To leave a specific dollar amount, state, “I give, devise and bequeath to the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of
New Windsor, New York, $____________________.
To leave a particular piece of property, state, “I give, devise and bequeath to the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
of New Windsor, New York, (DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY), located at (EXACT LOCATION).”
We have a beautiful assortment of greeting cards that will enroll
the recipient in the Prayer Association for a variety of occasions:
Get Well, Sympathy, Happy Birthday, Special Occasion, Thinking of You, etc. With enrollment, they will be remembered in two
Masses each month and in the prayers, sacrifices and good works
of the Presentation Sisters for a year. The kind donations received
from this program help support our retired Sisters.
For prayer cards from the New Windsor Administration Center,
please call Sr. Hannah Marie Cox (with Sr. Mary Andre Murphy
top photo right) at 845-567-0204 Ext. 122 or e-mail
[email protected].
Sr. Brian Elizabeth Barnicle (center photo) and Sr. Lillian Beattie
(bottom photo) manage the Leominster Prayer Association
and can be contacted at 978-537-7108.
Samples of the cards can be seen on our website:, Tab: Prayer Association
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2016 Annual Appeal
Commitment to the Gospel makes it imperative to use justly the goods and resources at our disposal.
Following is an account of our stewardship, including all our sources of income and our expenditures
over the last fiscal year, September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015. Your generous donations, for which we
are extremely grateful, are included as part of our resources. We have made every effort to present this
in a clear and complete manner, but welcome any questions you may have.
Congregation - Sources of Income
- Sources of Income
Earnings & Benefits 4
Development Gifts 3
Investments 2
Other 1
- Sources
- Sources
1 Missions & Ministry
2 Retirement
3 Capital Expenses
Development Income
Office Income
Annual Fund 5
Planned Giving 4
Special Events 3
Christmas Appeal 2
Other 1
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2015 Annual Report
The Sisters thank those who have contributed to our appeals and events through the year, “walking one” with
us as we strive to fulfill the commitments we have made in the name of the Gospel and after the example of
Nano Nagle.
We have listed below those who have given $50 or more through the Development Office during the 2015
calendar year. While space does not allow us to recognize all contributions received, each donation is appreciated. Those who opted not to be recognized here, and all who contributed in any way are not forgotten in the
Sisters’ prayers. We apologize to supporters we may have inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed.
($5,000 and above)
($1,000 to $1,499)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bray
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cronin
Rev. Joseph Daly, C.M.
Estate of Francis L. Duval
Mr. & Mrs. William Jeff
Ms. Anne Keele
Estate of Jeannette LeBlanc
Ms. Margaret McKenna
Mrs. Mary Ann Michaelian
Mrs. Virginia Ryan
Mr. T. Michael Burck
Dr. William Canovatchel
Mr. John Cerullo, Jr.
Mr. Kevin Cullen
Ms. Elizabeth Heffernan
Dr. Malcolm Hunt RIP
Mr. Paul Kuhn
Mrs. Elizabeth Lalor
Ms. Joan Lange
The Moroney Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nagle
Ms. Mary O'Hara
Mrs. Janice A. O'Malley
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Redmond
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ryan
Ms. Margaret Savarese
Ms. Joanne Sinclair
Most Rev. John Snyder
Mr. Raymond Sobota, Esq.
Mrs. Kathleen Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sullivan
Mr. John Warner
($2,500 to $4,999)
Ms. Patricia Faherty
Ms. Mildred Feudtner
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Harrington, III
Intel Corporation Charitable Match
Trust, Reston, VA
Miss Elinor Josenhans
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan
Ocean State Job Lot Charitable
Foundation, North Kingstown, RI
($1,500 to $2,499)
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Condon
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Finneron
Mr. John Lillis
Mr. Tomie Magee
Mrs. Claire McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. James McMahon
Ms. Geraldine Schaedler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard O'Brien
Ms. Mary Jane Person
Dr. Ann Reynolds
Mr. Robert Sautter, Sr.
($500 to $999)
Mrs. Lynn Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bencivenga
Mr. Paul Carris
Mrs. Abigail Conti
Mr. David Cordero
Mr. William De Lange
Mrs. Jeanne Dealy
Mr. Thomas Di Russo
Mr. & Mrs. John Diehl
Mr. James Dirlam
Ms. Carol Dombrowski
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Donovan
Mrs. Julia Dye
Mr. & Mrs. John Fantozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Fantozzi
Fred Alger Management, Inc.
New York, NY
Mrs. Margaret Foley
Mr. Richard Gerlich
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Giuffre
Mr. Stephen Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. George Heyrich
Mr. David Horton
Rev. Michael Kerrigan
Mr. Thomas Lillis
Ms. Gloria Lutz Potenza
Mr. & Mrs. David Maksomski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marchetti
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McKenna
Ms. Loretta McKeown
Mrs. Marge Nagle
Mrs. Eileen Nero
Miss Barbara Neus
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Norton
Most Rev. Edwin O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. John Palmer
Mrs. Petronella Pittner
Mrs. Jeanne Poli
Rev. Msgr. Robert Ritchie
Mrs. Kathleen Robertson
Ms. Barbara Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. John Seymour
Mrs. Rosemary Shea
Ms. Josephine Smith
Mrs. Margaret Steidle
St. Vincent De Paul Society,
Union, NJ
St. Paul's Prayer Group, Yonkers, NY
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Washington
Mrs. Judith Wisnewski
2015 Annual Report
($250 to $499)
Mr. Mario Alonzo
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Anastasio
Ms. Theresa Arnold
Dr. Donaldo Batiste
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bilancia
Mr. Michael Borrelli
Ms. Claire Boudreau
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bradley
Ms. Joanne Burns
Ms. Joan Burns
Ms. Margaret Calamari
Mr. Louis Capozi
Ms. Blanche Carney
Miss Lucy Ann Caruso RIP
Mrs. Rita Cassidy
Christopher & Regan Insurance, Inc.,
North Kingston, RI
Ms. Mary Considine
Mr. Robert Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. William Cormier
Mrs. Arthur Corr
Mr. & Mrs. John Cox
Rev. Msgr. James Cox
Mrs. Amy Delaune
Mr. & Mrs. James DiGeronimo
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dorchak
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. William Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. John Dwyer
Ms. Catherine Fallon
Mrs. Patricia Farrell
Mrs. Kathleen Farrell
Mr. Mike Faughnan
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fierro
Mrs. Lena Fiori
Rev. Alfred Fiorino, SJ
Ms. Denise Fogerty
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Franzini
Ms. Catherine Frechette
Ms. Frances Fremgen-Biancardi
Mrs. Alice Garvey
Mr. Steven Giusto
Dr. & Mrs. John Halliday
Ms. Judith Herdman
Dr. Aida Jocson
Rev. Msgr. Patrick Keenan
Mr. & Mrs. John Kenny
Ms. Patricia Krasnausky
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kruppenbacher
Mrs. Mary Lacombe
Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Leff
Mr. & Mrs. William Lillis
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Lituma
Mrs. Patricia Mahon
Mr. Robert Mason
Mrs. Ann McBride
Ms. Mary McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McEnerney
Ms. Linda McGarvey
Mr. & Mrs. James McGuinness
Ms. Dorothy Merritt
Ms. Gail Messina
Mrs. Nora Moore
Mrs. Tonia Moran
Miss Ellen Mulcahy
Mses. Veronica & Kathleen Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Norton
O'Briens Pub, Newport, RI
Rev. Paul O'Connell
Mr. & Mrs. James O'Loughlin
Mrs. Mae Ormsby
Mr. Edward Otterstedt
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ottomanelli
Mr. & Mrs. John Palmer
Mrs. Elizabeth Peloso
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Perilli
Mrs. Lillian Porco
Ms. Rosie Price
Col. & Mrs. Russell Quirici
Mrs. Carla Ribaudo
Ms. June Rock
Mrs. Helen Rourke
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ryan
Ms. Joan Saehloff
Mr. Edwin Sagurton
Mr. Carlo Saturnelli
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Scanio
Mr. Arthur Smiley
Ms. Teresa Sonnick
Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian Tenebruso
Mr. & Mrs. John Travers
Ms. Rose Van Heest
Mrs. Helen Walters
Ms. Elizabeth Waters
Mr. & Mrs. Al Weir
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Wells
Mr. John Wendlocher
Mrs. Catherine Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Williams
($100 to $249)
Ms. Paula Acuti
Mrs. Patricia Agostino
Rev. Richard Ahlemeyer
Ms. Juliana Aiken
Mrs. Cynthia Alexander
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Ms. Patricia Antoniotti
Mrs. Patricia Archer-Campbell
Mrs. Margaret Armellino
Ms. Rose Marie Armetta
Mr. Arthur Arrieri
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Ashman
Mr. Raymond Aucoin
Ms. Mary Lou Aungst
Mr. Patrick Baldoni
Mr. & Mrs. David Barry
Mrs. Marie Bartnick
Mr. & Mrs. Al Beck
Ms. Jane Beck
Ms. Barbara Beehler
Mrs. Alicia Behn
Ms. Marilyn Belle
Ms. Josephine Belli
Mr. Vincent Benoit
Ms. Joan Betts
Ms. Mary Ann Bianchini
Mr. Michael Blake
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Bonsall
Mr. Michael Boraczek
Mrs. Maryann Boylan
Mr. Frank Brantman
Mrs. Mary Breen
Mr. Lawrence Brown
Mr. Maurice Brown RIP
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Brusco
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Burke
Ms. Loretta Burke
Ms. Maureen Burns
Ms. Joan Burns
Callan & Byrnes LLP, New York, NY
Mr. Brian Camara
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Campomenosi
Mrs. Eileen Candella
Dr. Louis Cappa
Capuchin Friars - St. Felix Friary
Wilmington, DE
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carli
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carlson
Dr. & Mrs. John Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carty
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Cassidy
Mr. Thomas Cassidy
Ms. Marilyn Ceasarone
Mrs. Tania Chakalian
Mrs. Marie Chirchirillo
Mr. & Mrs. John Chrysler
Churches of St. Camillus and St. Virgilius
Rockaway Park, NY
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ciarimboli
Ms. Mary Ann Clark
Mr. Brendan Clarke
Mrs. Arline Claxton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clerkin
Mrs. Mary Cofone
Ms. Madeline Colleary
Ms. Frances Colligan
Mr. & Mrs. William Collopy
Mr. Ken Collopy
2015 Annual Report
Ms. Ellen Marie Colopy
Ms. Geraldine Compasso
Ms. Susan Connolly
Ms. Judith Connolly
Miss Dolores Corio
Ms. Deirdre Corio
Mrs. Anna May Coster
Mr. Thomas Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cravedi
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Croce
Mrs. Eileen Croghan
Ms. Ann Cronin
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cronin
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Cronin
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Crowley
Mr. Dennis Cummins, Sr.
Mr. Gerald Curtin
Ms. Monica Dagher
Ms. Patricia Dakis
Mrs. Mary Daly
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Danisiewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Denis Davey
Mrs. Shelia Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Albert DeLorenzo, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John DeRiso
Ms. Elvira DeVarney
Mr. Julaiton Devassy
Mrs. Mary Lou DeVivo
Ms. Lucia Di Justo
Mr. Ben Diaz
Mr. Patrick Dibs
Ms. Phyllis Digristina
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Doiron
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dolan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Donlon
Mrs. Betty Doran
Mr. & Mrs. John Dower
Mr. Philip Dowling
Ms. Catherine Doxey
Mrs. Patricia Drozdowski
Mr. Alfred Drumm
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Duffy
Ms. Shanon Dufresne
Mr. Leo Dulacki
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dull
Ms. Janet Dunckley
Mrs. Diane Durkin
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Durning
Mr. & Mrs. John Dwyer
Mr. Donald Dye
Mrs. Katherine Elicks
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Elliott
Mrs. Maria Elrose
ENAP, Inc., New Windsor, NY
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Erickson
Dr. Apolonia Estilo
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fabiszewski
Ms. Betty Falcon
Mr. & Mrs. John Fanelli
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Farragher
Mrs. Jean Farragher
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Feeley
Mr. William Fenton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fitzgibbon
Mrs. Lucille Flagello
Mr. & Mrs. John Flannagan
Mrs. Josephine Ford
Ms. Mary Fox
Mr. & Mrs. John Fraser, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Freiss
Ms. Eileen Frew
Mr. & Mrs. John Friel
Mr. David Gahlinger
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Galanaugh
Mr. & Mrs. William Game
Ms. Diane Gariepy
Ms. Mildred Garrison
Mrs. Mary Pat Garrity
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Garvey
Mr. Jerry Gengler
Mr. & Mrs. James Gettens
Mrs. Anita Gettings
Mr. & Mrs. John Gill
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gillen, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Gilsenan
Mr. Mario Giordano
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Giuffra
Mrs. Barbara Gleason
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Goguen
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gomoka
Mr. Joe Gondola
Mrs. Helen Gorman RIP
Mr. Robert Gowen
Ms. Mary Virginia Gray
Mrs. Alice Green
Mr. John Greene
Ms. Patricia Greeves
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Guerino
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Guida
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hafemann
Rev. George Hafemann
Mrs. Michelle Hall
Ms. Maureen Hardy
Mr. Paul Harmon
Mrs. Mary Haviken
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Hawk
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hayes
Mrs. Norma Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. James Hays
Mr. & Mrs. David Heintz
Mrs. Sandra Henault
Mrs. Doris Hennekens
Mr. Philippus Herkata
Mr. & Mrs. William Higgins
Mrs. Barbara Hoffman
Mrs. Eleanor Holder
Ms. Marlene Holzli
Ms. Gertrude Hunt
Dr. Charles Hyde
Mr. & Mrs. Singwala Ireifej
Ms. Linda Jelicks
Dr. Susan Jensen-Gagliardi
Ms. Nora Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. George Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. John Joyce
Mrs. Irene Kane
Ms. Maureen Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Julian Karvoski
Ms. Constance Kash
Ms. Suzanne Kaszynski
Mr. William Kazak
Ms. Hildi Keary
Ms. Kathleen Kelley
Ms. Margaret Kelley
Ms. Martha Kennedy
Mr. Dennis Kett
Ms. Mary Kilcoyne
Ms. Mildred Kilimet
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kirschmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Klice
Ms. Maxine Kline
Mrs. Barbara Knoerzer
Mrs. Frances Kobernick
Miss Pat Kohler
Mr. Richard Kopro
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kreitsch
Mr. & Mrs. John Kuhn
Ms. Cathy Lacombe
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lagana
Mrs. Anna LaMagna
Mr. Edward Lane
Ms. Patricia Lanza
Dr. Fidelina LaPaix
Mrs. Therese Law
Mrs. Stephanie Layton
Mr. & Mrs. George Lee
Mr. & Mrs. William Lessa
Mrs. Alice Letherbarrow
Mr. & Mrs. Hank Leyen
Miss Rosalie Librizzi
Rev. Gabriel Liegey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Ligieri, Jr.
Ms. Aileen Ligotti
Mr. Kevin Lillis
Mrs. Enelida Llovet
Mr. Nicholas Longo
Ms. Vincenza Luciano
Miss Margaret Lynch
Ms. Geraldine Lynch
Mr. James Lynch
Mrs. Mary Maguire
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Makofske
Miss Molly Malone
Mr. Michael Marangi
Mr. & Mrs. Markes Marangi
Ms. Marilyn Maroney
Mr. Anthony Martelli
Ms. Susan Martin
Ms. Guadalupe Marti-Salgado
Mr. John Masciarelli
Mr. Marty Mashe
Mr. & Mrs. John Massaro
Ms. Joan Matthews
Ms. Julia Maughan
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Maxwell
Mrs. Rosemarie McCabe
Ms. Jeanne McCarthy
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Ms. Lynn McCarthy
Ms. Mary McClennan
Mrs. Donna McClymont
Ms. Bernadette McDougall
Mrs. Elizabeth McGurk RIP
Miss Irene McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. David McHugh
Ms. Marianne McKenna
Ms. Lorraine McKenna
Mrs. Pauline McKenny
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKenzie
Mrs. Karen McKeon
Ms. Susan McLaughlin
Rev. Michael McLoughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Francis McNerney
Mr. Arthur McShane
Mr. Henry Mestayer
Ms. Nora Miceli
Ms. Anita Mikush
Mrs. Joan Miller
Ms. Joan Millian
Ms. Helene Mimnaugh RIP
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mitchell
Ms. Carol Moloney
Mr. Salvatore Moraldo
Dr. Kevin Moran
Mrs. Fiona Moran
Mrs. Deborah Morgan
Mr. Sylvester Morris
Ms. Jean Morrison
Mrs. Marianne Morris-Velez
Ms. Monica Morrow
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Morrow
Mr. Joseph Moscatelli
Mrs. Judith Moynihan
Mr. & Mrs. William Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. William Mulcahy
Mr. & Mrs. David Mullaney
Ms. Maria Murphy
Mrs. Nancy Murphy
Ms. Theresa Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Murtagh
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Nagle
Newburgh Toyota,
Newburgh, NY
Mr. Ngoc Nguyen
Miss Genevieve Nicholls
Ms. Evelyn Nieders
Mrs. Margaret Normandin
Rev. Dennis O'Brien
Ms. Joan O'Connell
Ms. Anne O'Connor
Mr. Barry O'Connor
Rev. Msgr. Edward O'Donnell
Mr. Daniel O'Leary
Mr. Joseph O'Malley
Mrs. Mary O'Malley
Ms. Beth O'Neill Guido
Mr. Thomas O'Rourke
Mr. John O'Rourke
Mrs. Helen Orr
Mr. Robert Osburn
Mr. Lawrence Paggi, PE, PC
2015 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Palagonia
Ms. Carol Pananos
Mr. Paul Patev
Ms. Rose Ann Pecorella
Ms. Mary Pellino
Ms. Deborah Peters
Rev. Msgr. Joseph Pfeiffer
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Phelan
Mrs. Carol Phillips
Mrs. Susan Plaxe
Ms. Alice Poltorick
Mrs. Patricia Pontillo
Ms. Madeline Porpiglia
Mrs. Suzanne Prunier
Mrs. Frances Qualter
Ms. Marie Quigley
Mrs. Margaret Quinn
Ms. Jane Raboin
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Rackers
Mr. Joseph Raimon
Ms. Josephine Raimondo
Mr. William Raleigh
Ms. Joan Rando
Ms. Maryanne Raynor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Regan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Regan
Mr. Andrew Regan
Mrs. Theresa Regan-Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Reid
Ms. Helen Reilly
Ms. Phyllis Riccardi
Mrs. Tillie Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Richard
Mrs. Moira Ricketts
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rigelhaupt
Mr. & Mrs. Murle Robinet
Mrs. Margaret Roche
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rogan
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rollins
Mr. Louis Romano, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen Romberg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Root
Mrs. Marge Rosina
Ms. Marianne Ruch
Ms. Mary Ann Rudolph
Ms. Helen Rueckert
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Russo
Mr. Kevin Russo, Esq.
Ms. Rose Marie Ruth
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ryan
Ms. Anna Sabourin
Mr. Anthony Sama
Dr. Ruth Sanchez-Way
Ms. Rachele Sannino
Ms. Felicia Sansotta
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Santini
Ms. Rosemarie Sauerzopf
Dr. Diane Savarese
Ms. Rosemary Scales
Ms. Dorothea Schmidt
Mrs. Mary Jane Schneider
Ms. Mary Schwagerl
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sculley
Mr. & Mrs. Barrett Selfridge
Ms. Karen Sheboy
Ms. Margaret Sheehy
Ms. Marilyn Shepard
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Shields
Mr. William Shields
Ms. Helen Shubik
Ms. Irene Smith
Rev. & Mrs. Joseph Solanto
Dr. Doris Soldner
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sorgenti
Mrs. Carmen Sosa
Ms. Nancy Specht
Mr. & Mrs. Francis St. John
Mrs. Grace Stegen
Dr. & Mrs. Jon Sternburg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stevens
Mr. Albert Stipak
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Storch, Jr.
Ms. Carol Strack
Ms. Celine Sullivan
Ms. Mary Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sullivan
Ms. Kathleen Sullivan
Ms. Rita Sweeney
Mrs. Jennie Taranto
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Taveras
Mr. & Mrs. William Temple
Rev. Joe Tierney
Rev. Conan Timoney
Messrs. Andrew & Kevin Tivnan
Ms. Colleen Trainor
Mrs. Pamela Trainque
Ms. Sterina Trombetti
Ms. Ann Troy
Mrs. Maureen Turano
Mr. William Turner
United Information Systems,
Pearl River, NY
Venerini Sisters, Worcester, MA
Ms. Jeanne Versweyveld
Mr. Gene Vetrano
Mrs. Donna Villaggi
Mrs. Mary Vinson RIP
Mrs. Patricia Ann Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. John Watson
Ms. Lona Wayman
Ms. Carol Weber
Mrs. Maryann Weihn
Ms. Linda Whittle
Mr. John Williams
Mr. James Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. John Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Dieter Wingen
Mrs. Anita Winters
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Wirth
Mrs. Helen Wizemann
Ms. Juliana Yanushefski
Mr. Henry Zapata
Mrs. Margaret Zielinski
($50 to $99)
Mses. Elizabeth & Janet Ackerley
Ms. Patricia Ahern
Mr. & Mrs. John Ardito
Ms. Kathleen Arffmann
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Arianna
Ms. Joan Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. John Arnold
Mrs. Geraldine Arrowsmith
Mrs. Patricia Assenheimer
Sr. Pauline Badagliacca
Ms. Doris Baldwin
Ms. Theresa Ballantine
Mr. Raymond Banker, Jr.
Ms. Diane Barnaby
Ms. Anna Susan Barrasso
Ms. Marie Bartnick
Ms. Helen Bay
Rev. Msgr. Peter Beaulieu
Ms. Marie Bedard
Ms. Joan Bellitto
Ms. Rae Ella Bennardo
Ms. Ann Bissonnette
Mr. Simone Blake
Mr. Donald Bonner
Dr. Enrique Borras
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bottner
Mrs. Janice Bouchard
Ms. Lori Boulay
Mr. Linda Bourque
Mr. & Mrs Robert Bourque
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Boyle
Mrs. Eleanor Braban
Rev. James Bradley
Ms. Earnestine Braxton
Mrs. Roberta Brodie
Mr. Michael Brongo
Ms. Linda Brooks
Mrs. Irene Brower
Ms. Clare Browne
Mrs. Carmen Bruckner
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Buchanan
Mr. William Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Budd
Mr. James Burgoyne
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Burns
Mr. William Burt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Byrnes
Mr. Joseph Cabral
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cabral
Ms. Linda Cahill
Mrs. Eileen Canovatchel
Mrs. Ann Marie Carbone
Dr. & Mrs. John Carey
Mrs. Eileen Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. William Carroll
Rev. Msgr. Charles Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Castiglione
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Catalanotto
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Rev. Michael Cedro
Mrs. Rosalie Ceriale
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cervine
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chapdelaine
Ms. Maureen Charleston
Mr. Gary Chevalier
Mrs. Dolores Chingas
Mr. Walter Chun
Mr. & Mrs. John Clancy
Mr. Joseph Coburn, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coen
Ms. Dorothy Collins
Ms. Ann Conlon
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Connors
Mr. Luke Conry
Ms. Diane Corrado
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cote, Sr.
Mrs. Christine Cowan
Mrs. Nora Cox
Mr. Celso Cuellar, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn Curran
Mrs. Frances Curran
Mr. & Mrs. James Cusack
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Daily
Mrs. Rita Daly
Mrs. Mary Daly
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph De Ruvo
Ms. Jeanne Dealy
Mrs. Lorraine DeBonis
Mr. & Mrs. Roy DeFranco
Ms. Donna Deitz
Mr. Robert DeJulio
Ms. Catherine Dempsey
Mrs. Marianne Devitt
Mr. Luis Diaz
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Dickerson
Mr. & Mrs. G. Dickhaut
Mrs. Ellen Diconza
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Dietz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiNezza
Ms. Tessie DiTuri
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dolan
Mr. Michael Dolan
Ms. Consuelo Donado
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Doolan
Mrs. Barbara Dorrico
Mrs. Barbara A. Doster
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dougherty
Mrs. Irene Dowd
Ms. Barbara Drake
Mrs. Loretta Dratch
Mrs. Barbara Dunn
Mrs. Sharon Duritzo-Spocinski
Mrs. Kathleen Dwyer
Mrs. Rosemary Dwyer
Mrs. Rosalie Eaton
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Egan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Elbert
Mr. & Mrs. James Elmendorf
Ms. Margaret Ennis
Ms. Jane Ermer
Ms. Catherine Facchini
2015 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. John Faley
Mr. Thomas Fallon
Mrs. Anne Farrington
Mr. Kevin Faughnan
Mr. Joseph Fautz, IV
Ms. Dorothy Feola
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ferguson
Ms. Genevieve Fitzgibbon Appel
Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. James Flanagan
Mrs. Regina Foley
Mrs. Mary Lee Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Forget
Mr. & Mrs. William Fredricks
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Furnari
Mr. Rudolph Gado
Ms. Pamela Gaffney
Ms. Jean Gagliardi
Ms. Jane Gagne
Ms. Phyllis Gagnon
Mrs. Patricia Galfano
Mr. James Gallagher
Mr. Ramon Gamez
Ms. Alice Gannon
Mr. Joseph Gargiulo, Jr.
Mrs. Janet Garrett
Ms. Denise Garvey
Mr. Harold Geyer, Jr.
Ms. Betty Gigioli
Mr. William Gilberg
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gilsenan
Ms. Allison Gingras
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Giumarra
Ms. Irene Gracey
Rev. & Mrs. Edward Grosso
Mr. Matthew Gryta
Mrs. Michael Anne Guido
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hafenecker
Mr. Brendan Haggerty
Dr. Joseph Halka
Mrs. Agavni Hamamciyan
Mr. Gerald Harris
Mrs. Irene Harrison
Ms. Mary Hart
Ms. Mary Jane Hastings
Mr. Richard Haupt
Mr. Kevin Healy
Ms. Marilyn Hearns
Ms. Sheila Heavey
Ms. Maryann Helmer
Ms. Barbara Helmick
Mrs. Anne Hofelich
Mr. Roger Hogan
Mrs. Margaret Holden
Ms. Eileen Holland
Ms. Barbara Holloway
Mr. Robert Holmes
Mrs. Marjorie Huk
Mrs. Winifred Infante
Mrs. Carol Innamorati
Instant Plumbing Repair
Service Inc., Newburgh, NY
Mrs. Patricia Irvine
Ms. Johanna Jankowski RIP
Mrs. Jean Jones
Ms. Maureen Jones
Mr. Francis Joseph
Ms. Anne Kaune
Ms. Rita Kavanagh
Ms. Ann Kean
Ms. Carol Keaney
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kelleher
Mrs. Mary Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kennelly
Ms. Brigid Kenny
Mr. & Mrs. John Kerins
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ketchell
Mrs. Frances Kilroy
Ms. Kathy Kimball
Dr. Mary King
Ms. Kathleen Kissel
Mrs. Sue Klein
Ms. Mary Klikier
Mrs. Liz Knott
Ms. Josephine Koumbis
Ms. Gertrude Kovach
Ms. Katherine Lacombe-Benezra
Mrs. Anna Laffond
Ms. Pam Lalonde
Mr. Michael Lanava
Mr. Dennis Lane
Ms. Mary Langner
Mrs. Bernice Laplante
Mr. Ronald Latz
Ms. Rosemary Laverdiere
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Leger
Mrs. Beverly Lemieux
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lennon
Ms. Christine Linnebach
Mrs. Diane Loehle
Mr. George Losapio
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Magnan
Ms. Patricia Maguire
Dr. Gabriel Makhlouf
Ms. Maureen Manente
Mrs. Barbara Mann
Mrs. Diane Manzione
Ms. Joan Marks
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Martin, Jr.
Ms. Betty Martini
Mr. Daniel Martuscello
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Marvin
Mr. Joseph Mathern
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mathews
Ms. Claire Matthews
Mr. Patrick McCaffrey
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McClurg
Ms. Susan McDerby
Mrs. Justina McDermott
Ms. Mary McGann
Mrs. Carrie McGee
Mr. James McInnis, Jr.
Mrs. Maureen McKee-Paonessa
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McKenzie
Ms. Mary McKeon
Ms. Helen McLaughlin
Ms. Patricia McLoughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McManus
Mr. John McNally
Mrs. Carolyn McNamara
Ms. Marcella Mikos
Mr. Anthony Milazzo
Mrs. Maureen Miller
Mrs. Elizabeth Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mitchell
Mr. Lawrence Moccia
Ms. Linda Montgomery
Mr. Michael Montuori
Mrs. B.J. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Moraldo
Ms. Suzanne Moravus
Mr. John Moroney
Ms. Giovanna Moynihan
Mrs. Rosemarie Mulroy
Ms. Louise Murphy
Mr. Patrick Murphy
Ms. Andrea Murphy
Mr. James Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mussolini
Mr. Bruce Nagle
Ms. Lorraine Nardi
Ms. Norma Nevers
Ms. Mary Jane Newman
Mr. Bradley Nicholson
Ms. Annemarie Nieman, RIP
Ms. Diane Nishi
Ms. Dolores Nordstrom
Ms. Patricia Norton
Ms. Ann O'Brien
Mrs. Catherine O'Brien
Ms. Patricia O'Carroll
Dr. Luke O'Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis O'Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Olert
Mr. Adam Olis
Mrs. Helen Oliva
Mr. William O'Malley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Neill
Mr. Richard Opesso
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ostrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O'Sullivan
Mr. John O'Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. William Paccone
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Parisi
Ms. Johnna Pelczar
Ms. Pat Pelella
Mrs. Martha Perez
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pesce
Mrs. Nancy Peterkin
Mrs. Diane Philbin
Ms. Dona Piasecki
Ms. Virginia Pigott
Ms. Martha Pingel
Mses. Gail & Ethel Pizzuti
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pomposelli
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Ms. Carol Ponsolle
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Popolizio
Mrs. Lillian Porco
Ms. Ava Maria Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Puglia
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Quagliariello
Mrs. Joan Quirk
Ms. Arline Rabito
Mrs. Noreen Rafferty
Mr. Michael Rafferty
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reale
Ms. Kathryn Redmond
Mr. & Mrs. John Redmond
Mr. & Mrs. John Regan
Mr. Joseph Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Reineke
Ms. Ann Reisel
Ms. Eileen Restivo
Mrs. Andrea Rheault
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Richard
Ms. Eula Richardson
Mrs. Mary Riggi
Mrs. Judith Ripp
Mrs. Rose Rivera
Mr. Jackie Robinson
Mrs. Rosemary Russo
Ms. Marianne Russo
Ms. Frances Russo
Ms. Marian Russo
Mr. Terrence Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan
Ms. Patricia Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Abdo Saad
Mrs. Rita Salemi
Mrs. Carmen Salgado
Ms. Patricia Sansone
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Satkowski
Mr. & Mrs. William Scesny
Dr. Charles Schofield
Ms. Rita Scully
Mrs. Martha Shadwell
Mr. Gerard Shannon
Ms. Maureen Shea-Sullivan
Mrs. Lorraine Shef
Mr. & Mrs. David Shockley
Mrs. Kathleen Silk
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sooley
Ms. Marianne Spamer
St. Rose of Lima School
Rockaway Beach, NY
Sr. Marilyn Stahl, SSJ
Mr. & Mrs. John Staines
Ms. Sheila Staples
Mrs. Anne Starrs
Mr. & Mrs. James Stefano
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Steinberg
Ms. Dorothea Stepka
Ms. Veronica Sterk
Ms. Joan Stewart
Mrs. Mary Storey
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Stoyka
Mr. & Mrs. John Stroh
2015 Annual Report
Mrs. Marylin Sugimoto
Ms. Lucille Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sullivan
Ms. Carol Swanwick
Ms. Bonnie Sweetman
Mr. Clifford Swisher
Ms. Irene Szewczyk
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Szlyk
Mr. Thomas Tarara
Mr. & Mrs. John Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Tessier
Mr. William Thatcher
Ms. Grace Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson, Jr.
Ms. Kerry Tobia
Mr. Domenick Tomanelli, Sr.
Mrs. Jessica Tomeo
Mr. James Toner, Sr.
Mrs. Doris Toohill
Ms. Nancy Torraco
Ms. Emma Torrijos
Ms. Louise Troisi
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Urban
Ms. Shelly Valek
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vander Berg
Mr. Siro Vergari
Dr. Fedele Vero
Mr. Paul Vesely
Ms. Mary Vinson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vinson
Mrs. Jeffrey Vinson
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ward
Ms. Marie Welborn
Mr. Jordan Welles
Mrs. Virginia Wetmore
Mr. & Mrs. John Whalen
Mr. John Whittel
Mrs. Alice Whittemore
Mr. John Wicks
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Williams
Ms. Patricia Yannacci
Mr. & Mrs. James Young
Ms. Alice Zappile
Mr. Vincent Zema
Mrs. Sara Zschoche
Former Members’ Day
New York - Saturday, April 30th, 2016
Mount St. Joseph, 84 Presentation Way, New Windsor, NY
Greetings from Mount St. Joseph. We hope this letter finds you in joyful spirits and good health. We’ve now spent eight years living in the “Seventh Field”,
with our entrance off Jackson Avenue. Perhaps you have never visited us
here. We’d like to show you around; but most of all we’d love to see you and
continue our friendship. You are always welcome to visit, but especially on
Saturday, April 30, we hope you will come. We’d like it to be a day of reconnecting with many friends from the past.
It took us several years to sell the front of the property, but that is now
accomplished. A Christian group has moved in and so we no longer have access to any of the buildings, the lake or the pool. We built smaller units in the
seventh field, and the sixth field provides vistas of deer and wild turkeys. We
also paved a road through the woods to the cemetery and reoriented the cemetery entrance from the old one near the lake. Yes, Hank is still our caretaker
and his house is part of the new complex. Come and see. Though our address
is “Presentation Way”, you enter that road from Jackson Ave., about a half
mile beyond the former entrance near the barn. The general plan
for the day is:
Arrival: Beginning at 11 o’clock.
Brunch will be available in the Administration building
(the first one you meet at the top of the hill).
Reconnection, conversation and touring according to your desires.
4 pm: Mass of the Sunday for those who might like.
Come one, come all. We really would love to see you.
Love, Your Presentation Sisters
Please contact Sr. Noreen Perelli to RSVP at [email protected].
Massachusetts - Saturday, April 30th, 2016
Presentation Convent, 99 Church St., Leominster, MA
Renew relationships
Catch up on PBVM happenings
Visit senior Sisters
Come for any part of the day
Mail pictures of you, your family, your work
(will be returned)
Send a short bio
10:00am Coffee and Conversation - Meeting Room
10:30am Welcome, Opening Prayer
10:45 PBVM Update
11:15 Visits
Noon Lunch
1:00pm-2:00pm Participant Update
2:00pm Prayer
Please send pictures, bio by April 15th to Sr. M. Anne Seliga, 99 Church
St, Leominster, MA 01453 or [email protected].
Questions: 978-537-7108 or 978-534-0926.
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2015 Annual Report
Sisters of the Presentation
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Office of Mission Advancement
Mount St. Joseph
84 Presentation Way
New Windsor, NY 12553
Sisters of the Presentation
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
99 Church St.
Leominster, MA 01453
Presentation Sisters Northeast
~2015 Memorial Gifts~
We wish to acknowledge the following memorial gifts received during 2015:
In memory of:
Isabel DiRusso
Claire Dufour
Rev. Thomas E. Furlong
Vahak Hamamciyan
Jeanine Hundt
Grace Iadocsi
Dolores Kollett
Margaret Martin
Kathleen Moroney
Ann Marie Niemann
Barbara Ryan
Kathryn & Richard Smith
Sr. Marcella Sullivan
Arthur Thompson
Linda Thompson
We are blessed that the memory of loved ones, who kindled our spirits in some way by their love, their deeds or
their commitment, remain with us after they are gone.
Your loved ones will be remembered in the Sisters’ prayers.