V33-07 - Champaign County Humane Society


V33-07 - Champaign County Humane Society
Newsletter of the Champaign County Humane Society, in its 62nd year of caring for animals
Vol 33, No. 7
August 2013
For the 29th time, volunteers gathered in mid-May to sort and price and laugh and sweat, and
talk and tote and scratch their head in wonder. The annual CCHS GIANT Garage Sale was yet
another record-breaking success. The tally is just shy of $63,000,
topping the 2012 sale by $5,000.
For the first time, a generous donor gave us a car to sell. A power
wheelchair was also donated. Last year’s big-ticket item was a
small sailboat – just further evidence that this is not your average
garage sale (and that our donors are the best). Our 16,186.5
square-foot space at Kesler Hall at the Champaign County
Fairgrounds includes 6,935.5 square feet on the main floor, 4,418.5
square feet above the ramp and 4,832.5 square feet outside. We
made $3.89 per square foot.
2013 was another phenomenal success, thanks to the 133 terrific
volunteers (down from 150 in 2012) who donated 4,461.75 (up
from 4,404.25 in 2012) hours of labor between May 12, when we moved
into Kesler, to May 28 when the last of our dust was swept out. Twenty-five new volunteers joined
the fun. The income per volunteer hour was $14.01.
If our volunteers and donors are gold then the community business partners who return each
year to contribute in-kind are priceless jewels. Community Resource provided a semitrailer for
the collection of recycled fabric (5,800 pounds of clothing and shoes) during and after the sale
(CCHS was paid $693 for these “remains.”). Community Resource also provided a dumpster
for cardboard (no payment, but it is a huge convenience to have the big-volume receptacle for
our 26 cubic yards of broken-down boxes). The City of Urbana provided recyclable totes for
plastics, paper, and glass (we filled them 32 times). Republic Allied Waste provided a dumpster
for our ever-decreasing amount of refuse (about
16 cubic yards this year). Metal for recycling was
down a little this year over last, netting $393. UPS
provided three semitrailers to store the bulky
Love Letters
items (tables, chairs, Little Tykes, etc,). Armstrong
Lumber, Blain’s Farm ‘n’ Fleet (who also donated pet
Adopt Me!
supplies to sell), Do-it-Best Hardware, Home Depot,
By the Numbers
and Lowe’s provided the masking tape for pricing.
Alexander’s Lumber lent us 48 sheets of plywood for
Gizmo’s Diary
our tables. Snacks for volunteers were provided by
Special Thoughts
Dunkin’ Donuts, Einstein Bros. Bagels, LA Gourmet,
McCormick Food Service, and Schnuck’s.
Love Letters
Dear CCHS Staff,
I just wanted to give you an update on one of the
gerbils we adopted last summer. You might remember him--a little white gerbil named Pascual
who was notorious for biting anyone he could
get his teeth into. He’d been there for the better
part of a year, if I remember correctly, because
he was such a biter, is why I think you might
remember him. Anyway, I thought you might
like to know that he’s doing quite well with us. We’ve renamed him “Bitey,” for obvious reasons,
but he’s actually quite a sweetheart, even if he
is the Genghis Khan of the gerbil world. We’ve
kind of trained him by rattling a canister of
pumpkin seeds (his favorite snack) when we
Bitey, the egg-shaped overlor
need to reach into his house, so if he hears that
rattle, he’ll go to one side of his aquarium to
look for his treat and then eat it there, rather than lunge immediately
for our hands. He seems to like being in the middle of things, so we’ve moved his
house onto the coffee table in the living room, and he quite enjoys seeing everything that’s going on. He’s actually a lot less nervous among all the hubbub; when
he lived in the den with the rest of the gerbils (separate housing, of course), he
would hurl himself at the side of his aquarium whenever anyone walked into the
room, but mostly out of surprise, I think. But since we’ve moved him into the living
room, he’s stopped going on the defensive, and acts more like a normally inquisitive gerbil (albeit a somewhat hyper one). He’s never going to be a cuddly gerbil,
of course, and he won’t be picked up, but he’s a very good boy about getting into
his travel carrier voluntarily when it’s time to clean his house, and he had a great
time tearing into his presents at Christmas (a new canister of pumpkin seeds and
a little wooden bridge for his house). He’s very good company and extremely
smart, and we love him dearly.
Anyway, just thought I’d let you know that, despite his rocky beginnings, Bitey
seems quite happy. And even though we joke about him being a Mob enforcer,
he’s calmed down 100% with a stable home and lots of daily attention from his
mama (me). I only wish we’d adopted him sooner.
Sharon Migotsky
currently mom to seven degus and one mouse
Sadly, Bitey passed away on June 25th. Sharon writes, “I will remember him for the
rest of my life, and I hope that when I die, Bitey is waiting on the other side, ready to
sink his teeth into my ghost fingers.”
Paw Prints is the newsletter of the
Champaign County Humane Society.
Incorporated in 1951, CCHS is a
nonprofit, nongovernmental organization
dedicated to instilling respect,
kindness, and compassion for animals as
community values.
Its work includes preventing cruelty
to animals, promoting animal welfare,
educating the public about humane care
and treatment of animals, increasing
public awareness of the companion
animal overpopulation issue and
providing solutions, and providing high
quality shelter, medical, and adoption
services for animals when necessary.
Paw Prints is a copyrighted publication;
permission to reprint any item is given,
provided that CCHS-Paw Prints is
acknowledged. All inquiries and article
submission should be directed to the
Paw Prints Editorial Committee, in care
of CCHS. This issue was designed by
UpClose and edited by Megan Wolf
and Mary Tiefenbrunn; remittance
envelope designed by Jan McCracken.
Contributing photographers are Brad
Hudson, Danielle Bender, Holly Wondra,
Nick Wondra, and Glen Dimock.
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Rochelle Funderburg
Mary Ann Midden
Vice President
Betty Webber
Craig Kiddoo
Kathleen Holden
Member at Large
Board members
Amy Fischer
Krystal Fitzpatrick
Jane Hill, DVM
Walt Hoult
Todd Salen
Cheryle Turner
CCHS Management Staff
Mary “Tief” Tiefenbrunn
Executive Director
Michelle McKnight
Shelter Manager
Megan Wolf
Development Director
Danielle Bender
Volunteer Coordinator &
Animal Behavior Specialist
Clay Foley
Humane Investigator/Educator
Karen Simmons
Medical Care Supervisor
Kate McGinley
Adoptions Leader
Dr. Bob Weedon
Shelter Veterinarian
The #1 reason YOU love CCHS… True Love!
“I found my husband AND my two cats at CCHS
and life wouldn’t be the
same without them!”
- Rachel McPheters
Friday, October 25
Hilton Garden Inn, 1501 South Neil Street, Champaign
Join us for dinner and an auction to benefit the animals of the Champaign County Humane Society
Jack & Shelby Stifle Jennifer Shelby
Reserve your tickets today! Call 217-344-7297 or visit www.cuhumane.org.
Russell is an 11-month-old,
tive dog, this is your boy!
Dakota is an 8-yearold neutered Lab mix.
He is a nice older dog
with a sweet, quiet
personality. He is
good with other dogs
and cats.
puppies in
foster care
sugar gliders
Izzaboo has
been at CCHS.
, neutered Husky/Shepherd mix. If you are looking for an acHe is full of energy and he loves to play in water!
Sam is a 1.5- yearold male guinea
pig. Guinea pigs
make great first
family pets! They
are talkative and
dogs graduated from
CCHS Dog Training
Classes in 2012-13
Larry is a handsome
13-year-old neutered
tabby who came to the
shelter after his owner
had a stroke and could
no longer care for him.
He gets along with
other cats and dogs.
Barb is a 3-year-old
spayed “tuxedo”
kitty. She is
personality plus!
Barb adores dogs
and would just love
her own dog to boss
pig looking
a home
adoptions in
If you’ve been to the shelter lately, you’ve probably met Gizmo,
the only cat with roaming privileges. We thought you’d enjoy an
excerpt from Gizmo’s daily journal.
March 14, 2013
Long day. You wouldn’t think it, but being the shelter cat is
incredibly taxing. People start turning lights on around here
before 8 a.m. and they’re here – making quite a racket - until
almost 8 at night. I’m guessing your average
house cat sleeps for 10 of those 12 hours. Note
to self: Demand a raise.
I don’t know whether Midnight is a master
manipulator or just plain stupid. Kudos to him
for escaping from Cuddletown at least once a
day! But come on, man, take advantage of your
freedom! Midnight (yes, I know, highly original
name for a black cat) walks 3 feet down the hall
and then sits. It’s like he actually wants to be
picked up and put back in the room. I cannot
understand why any self-respecting cat would allow one of
those t-shirt clad bi-peds to interfere with his manifest destiny.
And speaking of those bi-peds . . . today I had to remind them
again, and I did so in loudest voice, that I will not tolerate
being shut out of staff meetings in the break room! It’s as
if they don’t want me to clear that sticky sweet stuff off the
cupcakes for them. What gives?
O.k., time for lights out.
I’m exhausted.
Gizmo is a 5-year-old
neutered cat. Although
Gizmo thinks he is
running the shelter, he
is in fact available for
Money Raised: $28,809
Kisses given at Mutt Strut…
Too many to count!
These special thoughts are meaningful to those who send them, those who receive them & those who are helped by them. We make every
effort to list memorial & honorary donations correctly; if there is an error, please let us know. This issue contains all the special thoughts recorded at CCHS from February, 2013 through July, 2013.
Ann Leininger
HairUWear Inc.
Arlen Eiskamp, friend and
lover of animals. Gone too
Sherry Slade; Bob and Linnea
Barbara Barham
Ida Powers; Bud Ashford
Barbara Joan Jackson
Douglas Jackson; Winifred
Beth Gamble, our good friend
and neighbour
Edge of Mall tenants
Betty Kaufman
Myla and Arnold Nichols
Betty Wagner
Butch and Pam Ray; Charles
and Carol Gray; Dolores Metz
Bob Kilcourse
Marguerite and Walter
Brittany Pritts
Cheryl and Jerry L. Miller
Carissa Hinz
The Nursing Staff of Mount
Saint Joseph
Carlene Carter
Albert and Joann Warner;
Donald and Christine Carter;
Fisher Amvets Auxiliary Post
52; John and Vicky Tedlock;
Joshua and Christina Moody;
Myron and Malinda Isaac;
William and Nancy Ford
Carol Woodcock
Amy Castillo; Carolyn Millar;
Jana and Carson Everett;
Joanne Clevenge; Marilyn
Olander; Roland and Ardith
Heuton; Susan, David and
Monique; The Room to Grow
Class; Timothy and Lynda
Cheryl Finfrock
Charles Lumsdon; Cozad Asset
Mangement; Mary McGrath;
Ronald and Susan Kiddoo
Chris Kanis
Antonio and Tobey Martinez;
Bill and Shaun Gaston; Bob,
Holly and Brigadier Clemons;
C Borman; Carolyn Phebus;
Chase Leonhard; Dana Lenik;
David and Carla Bender;
Donald and Patty Walden;
Duke and Judy Harris;
Elizabeth Frankie; Employees
of the Champaign County
Circuit Court; Heidi Ladd
and Rick Huls; Heyl Royster
Voelker & Allen; Irene and Sam
Shanes; James and Laurie
Dey; Joel Fletcher; Karen
and Mike Halvorsen; Keith
and Marge McClintock; Lou
and Mary Henson; Lyn and
Michael Jones; Maura, Dave
and Jack Whiston; Maureen
McCord; Melissa Clagg;
Michael McCuskey; Rebecca
and Joseph Gordon; Rich and
Marge Scholl; Richard and
Karen Steigmann; Richard
Klaus; Sarah Scholl; Susan and
Mike Trippiedi; The Staff of the
Champaign County Circuit
Clerk’s Office; Thomas, Mamer
and Haughey, LLP
Curtis Nash
Nancy and Dick Nash
Dorothy Ridinger
Jackie Hawk; James Mumm
Dorothy Walker
Joanne Talbott
Dottie Davis
Family and friends; Brett
Karczynski and Ashley Furrer;
Friends of Carle Foundation;
Leonard and Susan Grussing;
Lynne Reagan; Michelle
Wetzel; Robert and Ann
Kenny Slesinski; Tony and Lora
Elaine Mulcahey
Richard and Mary Mulcahey
Eloise Rust
Cheryle and Jim Turner
Elsie Poleck
Marybeth Poleck
Faith Ando
The Clifton Foundation
Helen Beetle
Nancy Asklund and Barb
Gallivan and Boys
Holly Anders
Family and friends; Bailey
Stocker; Barbara Moynihan;
Cynthia Joy Snider; Dorothea
Downs; Heritage Village
Owners Association; John
and Vickie Ellis; Kurt Stocker;
Peggy Busey; Sara and Todd
June Anderson, with love and
deepest sympathy
Janet Mandeville; Dorothy
and R.M. Englund; Rachel
Schroeder; Sharon Buchanan;
Kori, Aretha and Tim
June Michelson
Campus Honors Program Staff;
Margaret Cupps, Elizabeth
Rockman, Susan Schmall-Ross
and Julie Woolsey
Ian Birch
Scott, Melanie, Katrina, Trevor
and Jordan; Tommy and
Debbie Foster
Kathleen Agusti
Charles and Kathleen Coupe;
David Crowley and Wilma
Bryant; Don and Lela Fay
Story; Jim and Becky Hand;
John and Donna Mason; Maria
Luisa, Fil, Judy, Viv, Henry
and their families; Michael
Thornton; Sonny Evans; Raj
and Joseph Karinattu; Randy
and Liane Cordle; Rita and
Brian Deters; Roger Anker; Tom
and Ann Burgoon; Wayne and
Deanna Acton
Janis Johansen-Wood
James and Deloris Holiman
Kathryn Holt
Larry and Pat Phillips
Joan Jackson
The Hardy Family; The Staff
of Heritage School District #8;
Thomas Hardy
Kathy Marlow
Nancy and Dick Nas
John Grabow
Rebecca Bell Boskey
John J. Coleman, Sr.
Champaign County Sports Car
Club; The Officers, Board and
Staff of the NECA (IL); Donald
and Martha Willis; James and
Carmen Coleman; Shirley
Jonques Bissell
Carolyn Humke; Krebs, Farley
and Pelleteri, P.P.L.C.; Mark
Schultz and Raymond McCall;
Merle and Darlene Jacobs and
family; Mike Pipkin
Judith Howard
Adeline Dickey; Catharine
Larry W. Long
Linda C. Long
Lee Ryan
Rosalie Smith
Lois Alvey
Chuck and Jean Eyman;
Hickory Point Bank; Jan Miller;
Janice Buikema; Mark and
Melinda McHale; Maurice
Bouslog; Ruth and Bill Benton;
Steven and Jane Tock; Susan
Abbott; Vida and Scott
Luke Dlubac
Gary and Wendy Pinkerton
Lyman Dawe
Marlin and Penny Fourman
Dr. Marc Klarman, a great
doctor who was a friend to so
many animals and owners
Kathy, Terry and David Roush;
Eric Ozier and Kimberly
Schaab-Ozier; Helen Brown;
Patricia Morris and Fallon
Marion Gushee
Bridle Brook Assisted Living
Mary “Elaine” Mulcahey
Nancy Nasca
Mary Margaret Thomas
Dorothy and Glenn Weber
Mary Porcheddu
Harold Songer; James and
Cindy Schomburg; Stanley and
Shirley Wagoner
Michael Hartter
Nancy and Dick Nash
Michael Kupish
Jonathan McCoy
Mike Chapman
Leo and Audrey Chapman
Myrtle Lee Ryan
Dwaine and Barbara Horsch;
Patricia Lemke
Naomi Van Winkle
Carol Burton; Cathy Ballew;
Gail and Becky Millikan and
Lella Lancaster; Harry and
Theresa Phillips; Jeannine
Eisenmenger; Jerry and Linda
Harweger; Marissa Siebel;
Octavio and Jane Gomez;
Steve and Vicki Garretson;
Steven and Kathleen Kelly;
Tony and Janet Compton
Nona McDaniel
Jo Ann Wagenbreth
Ora J. Baer II
The Staff of Engineering Hall
Patricia Jenkins
Alan and Allison White;
Al Davis; Carl and Jennie
Peterson; Carolyn Little;
Central Illinois Antique
Dealers; Charles Grubb; Chuck
and Jean Eyman; F Dean
Hale; Helen Evenson; J and
R Anderson; John and Mary
Alumbaugh; Judy Cresap;
Kathleen Schmidt; Keith and
Diane Jenkins; Lynn and
Ernie Hart; Matt and Darci
Edmonson; Matt and Nicole
Jenkins; Mike and Donna
Burwell; Morgan Memorial
Homes of Illinois; Parkland
College; Phoebe, Chelsea
and Douglas Koch; Phyllis
Morrissey; Phyllis Mueller; Scott
and Sara Garth; Steve and
Kathy Dyson; Stuart Jenkins;
Sue and George Holloway;
Suella Kennedy-Fulmer; Susan
Phyllis Kelley
Sharon Berlatsky
Richard Bartlow
James and Janis Norgard;
Jeffrey and Kathy Stewart;
Phyllis Smith; Tim Voges;
William and Frances Sanford
Richard Taylor
Amy Lea; Andrea Barham;
Bill and Fran Sanford; Bill
and Robin Smith; Bob and
Dara Ferguson; Bonnie Keller;
Carle Foundation; Carle
Foundation Fund Development
Staff; Carolyn Witter; Cheryl
and Janis Erins; David and
Gwen Plotner; David and
Nancy Morse; David and
Sarah Muegge; David and
Veronica Brown; Dorothy
Taylor; Elizabeth and Robert
Mussey; Glen and Jacqueline
Paine; Herschel and Sandra
Hammerschmidt; J Roger
Powell; James Tarr; Joe
Barkmeier and Ann Tice; John
and Bonnie Hummel; Jon
and Ellen Hendrickson; Jona
Franklin; Karen and David
Taylor; Kathy Thompson;
Linda and Fosters Campbell;
Sue Carlson-Goodwin; Larry
and Davida Pietrzak; Lionel
and Joyce Strait; Lowell and
Betty Hill; Margie Delheimer;
MGMA-ACMPE Staff and
Board; Nettie Tenbrook;
Pete Lipscomb; Richard and
Barbara Schmidt; Richard and
Barbara Sturgeon; Richard and
Judith Baylor; Rick and Laura
Kennedy; Robert and Patricia
Musick; Sandra Goss-Lucas
and David Lucas; Stephen
Dickens; Susan Reichert; Susan
Turney; Teena and Timothy
Taylor; Thomas and Dorothy
Deschler; Vann and Suzanne
Parkin; Virginia Perucca and
Mary Helleny; Walter and
Patricia Franke
and Ann Filer; Kathy Jane
Carpenter; Phyllis and Joe
Williams; Richard Builta; Roger
and Diana Hustedt; Roger and
June Wingler; Terry and Tericia
Emmerson; Terry Ruprecht;
Veanie and Tom Martin; Vivien
Alsip; Wayne and Anne Smith
Robert Lee Good
Parkland College Professional
Support Association
Robert Wagner
Lois Ogle
Roberta “Bobbie” Scaggs
John and Carole Scaggs
Sherry Bradford
Marguerite McDaniel
Shirley Martin
Carol Erb; Michael and Mikka
Sonny Spector
Susan, Mike, Ben, Madeline
and pups
Ted Feldkamp, who loved
Carl and Carol Millsap;
Gerald and Rosalyn Roosevelt;
Merchants First Payment
Consultants, Inc.
Terry Kistner
Dolores Shumway; Mary and
Nelson Heiles
Trisha Barrett
Jennifer Bailey
Trudy Turner, with sympathy
Mike, Carol, Cathy, Danny
and Angie; Bruce and Kendra
Andree; Jay, Carol and Lia
Znaniecki; John and Victoria
Sadowski; Richard and
Rosemary Koehler; Susan
Wanda Jamison
Sharan and Charles
Wes Carpenter
Harold and Nell Bateman;
Jennifer and James Dolman;
Jim and Janet Roberts; Joseph
Abel, the best greeter cat ever
Carol and Jeff McClaine
All my fur children who are
waiting for me at the Rainbow
Cindy Dodds
Amazin’ Grace and RocketDog, who both found a loving
home with Mike and Eva
Bret Marsolf and Kathy
Sharon Decker
Angel, a part of our family for
over 15 years
Robert and Vicki Patton
Annie Smith - she loved her
walks and her people
Melanie Starke
Auggie (Deborah Hamby)
George and Nancy Daigh
Ava (Halima Reyes and family)
Elizabeth Unanue
Ava, forever in our hearts
(Amy Schnelle)
Clinical Pathology Staff, UI
Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Bailey and Bella, CCHS
Derek and Judith Robinson
Alice Ann Prickett
Beag and Sidney King
Kristy Mullins
Bella Davis - will miss her
greetings at the fence
Melanie Starke
Bonnie Blue (Marjorie Williams
and Charlie Park)
Mrya Jane Biggers
Boo Cat
Mary Bassett
Boots (Mr. & Mrs. D. Barr)
Estelle Capps
Cortez Dewitt
Jim and Diane Heidbreder
Glory, our sweet, silky-soft cat
Katie and Tom Newman
Daisy May Schurg
Her loving humans, Kent and
Teresa Schurg
Guy and Prissy - they will be
Melanie Starke
Sharon Reinhold
Dakota Michaels - such a
gentle giant
Melanie Starke
Maria and Jose Navarro
Lella Baby
Judy Coval
Jack (“Boots”)
Brian Beakley
Lola, Casey and Morgan
Ronald and Bonnie Ball
Gary and Wendy Pinkerton
Louie (Carol Jo Morgan and
Joe Niernberger)
Susan Storm
Joker and Charlie Kramer
Dallas (Andrew Buzzard)
Walter Alspaugh
Bucky Stewart
Jeff and Kathy Stewart
Daphne and Tiffany
Peter and Joan Hood
Buddy Eastin - such a good
Melanie Starke
Dezi, Delta Pet Partner of Dar
Harriett Weatherford
Buddy, the sweetest dog I’ve
ever met (Maloney Family)
Lisa Howland
Dick, Mary Beth and beloved
pets (Judy Greene)
Nanc Johnson and Ken
Bumper (Mark and Linda
Michele Long
Butterscotch (Rock and Donna
Mike and Nancy Mahoney
Cassidy and Townes
Angela and Robert Gruendl
Charley Kelm - he was such a
good guard of the house
Melanie Starke
Charlie Preece - he loved his
treats to the end
Melanie Starke
Tim and Cheryl Hayden
Chloe, who will be forever
remembered (Rebecca and
Nick Buraglio)
Martha McFarland
Clarabella, always in our
Peggy and Raymond Reffett
Lori Shields and Shield’s Auto
Droopy, an amazing dog who
will be missed (Cheryle and
Jim Turner)
Annette Fisher; Susan Abbott;
Stefanie Pratt; Mike, Carol,
Cathy, Danny and Angie;
Amanda and Luke Turner;
Randal and Christina Noe;
Mark and Carel Sons; Jeffrey
and Cynthia Kyrouac; Jack
and Shelby Stifle; Employees of
O’Brien Auto Park
Bonnie and Jim
Freddie - we miss her very
Chuck and Angie Chelette
Fritz (Terrine Gomez)
Lucinda Duffy and Eric Borup
R. Michael Hopkins
Ginger Lowrey, whose sweet
kisses will be missed but never
Nick and Rebecca Buraglio;
Stefanie and Shelby Sue Pratt
Gizmo, a sweet and gentle soul
(Nancy and Matt Anderson)
Martha McFarland
Jeff, CCHS Alum
Bryan and Vickie Hart; Alyssa,
Bella and Josey Wales
Jena Barkmeier - her mom and
dad miss her
Melanie Starke
Jinx Oakley - a wonderfully,
smart kitty
Melanie Starke
Joey - our loved ones never
leave us (Anne Barger and
Patty McElroy)
Clinical Pathology Staff, UI
Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Lainey, faithful companion to
Sharon for so many years
Sherry Slade
Tressa P. Gibala
Sally Grube
Patricia Knowles
Mandy Phares - her family
loved her and miss her
Melanie Starke
Maya, beloved puppy of Collen
and Glenn
Bruce and Jan Miller
Johnny W.R. Kroppman
(Kroppman Family)
Marla Nelson
Mel McFarland - he was his
momma’s boy
Melanie Starke
Juniper, a sweet and loving cat
(Helen Miran and William May)
Martha McFarland
Michael Stark
Kat-Rina (Catty)
Martha McFarland
Millie - she was such a
wonderful queen of the house
Melanie Starke
Kaylie (Josh and Sarah Potts)
Susan Storm
Mimi and Tina - 19 great years
Richard Cahill
Kelsey and Tippy
Shirley and Harry Bishop
Miss Kitty
Milton and Elizabeth Otto
Kitty, Felix and Scooter - we
miss our good friends and
Gary and Pam Garrison
Miss Moneypenny - there
never was such a clumsy little
hamster who was so loved
Michelle and Alex Cresswell
Koko and Punk
Erika Hilgers-Luckey
Molly (Kelsey Haynes)
With love from Jane and all
her pets
Lady and Ethel
Kathleen Holden
Jack and Sue Blevins
Reggie and Pilot
Julie Sweet
Tess Rogers - such a good girl
Melanie Starke
Enn Jo Kwon
Dongguel Lee
Nellie, beloved cat of Chris
and Ralph Smith
Shirley Huber Merryman; Ralph
and Chris Smith
Colleen and Stanley Vaughan
Tessie, Pancho, Bixit and
Katie, Hannah and Jack Snyder
Fei Fei Berenbaum - Mazal Tov
on your Bat Mitzvah!
Renee Nerenberg; Jane Barrett
Thomas O’Malley Anderson
Natalie and Dakota
Fei Fei Berenbaum
Mazal tov from all the
Laugesens - Rick, Emily, Mariah
and Martin!
Nickie and Snowball
Nutty - miss you!
Chuck Gonwa
Nuzzles (Lynn Ann Boyles)
Rick, Renee and Ellie
Oreo, a special kitty
Lisa Mettler
Otis (Kathy Harden and Kevin
Walter Alspaugh
Patches (Marvin and Carolyn
Megan Kosovski
Port and Kit
Larry Johnson and Mardell
Ranger - beloved son of Heidi
and Rick. We miss you!
Bob, Holly and Brigadier;
Champaign County Sheriff’s
Office - Court Security Division;
Rita and Arnold Blockman;
Shaun and Bill Gaston; Michael
Williams; John, Gail, Curi and
Liberty Kennedy; Charlie and
Joker Hansen Kramer
Ranger - thank you for making
our lives better for 11 years
Heidi and Rick
Ranger, loved puppy of Heidi
and Rick
Bruce and Jan Miller
Rascal, Blackie, Little Bit,
Callie, Misty, Mandy and Tasha
Leo and Audrey Chapman
Reggie (Susan and John
Jim and Nancy Strain
Rocky Zimmerman - he lived
life to the fullest to the end
Melanie Starke
Sadie Feeny - I miss her little
“wiggle” butt
Melanie Starke
Sadie Robb - her momma loved
her so
Melanie Starke
Sally Grube
Sam, Freddy and Lucy
Joyce Quick
Larry Mann
Randall Elliott
Tiger Lily, an awesome cat
Madeline McCurry-Schmidt
Masumi Iriye and David
Vikka - we love you and hope
you’re having fun in heaven
Walter Carlson - he was a big
Melanie Starke
Linda Marcus
Sandy Claws and Jenjen
Mommy and Daddy
Sasha Standley - such a sweet
Melanie Starke
Bev Ehler
Schooby Snacks @ High Noon
Kelly Macdonald
Mary, Emily and Colin
Snickers - the best
neighborhood cat. We miss
Linda and Raymond Hascall
Sophie, Boo, Jake and Sterling
Sandra Hill
Sully, our sensitive and loving
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Jenna and Mike Zeidler
Tala (Kevin Seymour)
Lucinda Duffy and Eric Borup
Keep up the good work CCHS!
Gaurav and Rajani Tyagi
To the staff and volunteers of
CCHS, for all you do. I am so
grateful, as I’m sure are the
four legged friends
Pamela Hahn
Congratulations on your
wedding, Adam and Sarah Null,
parents of CCHS alumni Max
and Lille!
Abigail Woods
Audrey and Simon Young
Arwen Handel
Stephanie Thompson
Clay Foley, for all the good he
Allison Sutton
Cole Kemper
Deirdre and Scott Kemper; Jill
Kemper; Mary Wade
Daisy Troop 2149 - Thank you
for selling cookies!
Fei-Fei Berenbaum, in
celebration of your Batmitzvah
Uncle Chris and Aunt Susan
FeiFei Berenbaum
Nick and Olivia Arroyo
Happy 10th Birthday, Rani!
Family and friends
Happy 11th Birthday, Sophie!
Robert and Ann Rasmus
Happy 3rd Birthday, Wren!
All your friends and family
Happy 4th Birthday,
All your family
Happy 50th Birthday, Steve
Karen Glick
Happy 50th Wedding
Anniversary, Bob and Pat
Greg and Dixie Whitt
Happy 5th Birthday Alex!
All your family and friends from
Hand in Hand Daycare
Happy 6th Birthday, Collins!
Friends and family; Cyrus
Herring; Dianna Black and
Joseph Omo-Osagie; Maria
Garzaran and Josep Torrellas
Happy 7th Birthday, Chloe!
Family and friends
Happy 7th Birthday, Ellie!
Family and friends; Cathy and
Jason McArthur; Jane and
Ryan Holmes
Happy 7th Birthday, Naomi!
Family and friends; Diane and
Wayne Pedersen
Happy 8th Birthday
Brett and Alison Champion;
Steven and Jennie Lumetta
Happy 8th Birthday, Emma!
Scott and Sara Garth; friends
and family
Happy 8th Birthday, Hanna!
Karla Gutierrez-Calisto and
Alfredo Calisto; Kevin and
Stephanie Baker; Lisa Jones;
Matthew and Victoria Eckley;
Patrick and Katherine Pfeifer;
Robin and Adam Pletcher
Happy 8th Birthday, Jane!
Family and friends; Daphne
Maurer; Imelda and Steven
Happy 8th Birthday, Noam
Tania and James Stori
Happy 9th Birthday, Audrey!
Maria Garzaran
Happy 9th Birthday, Jena!
Alexandra Spies; Anna and
Mark Roessler; Eric and
Barbara Sebens; Josep
Torrellas and Maria Garzaran;
Steven and Dominique Evans
Happy Birthday, Abigail!
Jen, Scott, Zoe, Abby and
Maggie; Jessie, Adam, Macyn
and Sienna
Happy Birthday, Anne Sweet!
Julie Sweet
Happy Birthday, Audrey!
Alison and Eric Henkel;
Kenneth and Laura Nofziger;
Marlow and Hazel
Happy Birthday, Shannon
Jack and Donna Beranek
Happy Birthday, Zoey and Eli!
Family and friends; Daniel and
Kindi Kooi; Holly Rose
Happy Father’s Day Ronald
Michael Ball
Happy Retirement, Bob and
Jill Shoda!
Kay Grabow
Happy Retirement, Diane
Your LAS Colleagues
Happy Valentine’s Day, Vicki
Robert Patton
Janus Woods
Zywa and Bailey
Jodie Varner, the world’s
greatest trainer
Martin Shankland
Jonathan, Nicholas and Bryan
Shoda - in celebration of your
Kay Grabow
Karl-Heinz and Dorothy
Duncan and Angus
Liam Daly
John and Gail Kennedy
Lily Morgan
Connie Rieken
McKenna Crawmer
Edward Mason
Happy Birthday, Jim Stewart!
Rachie and Kel
Nate Jones
Forrest Robeson
Happy Birthday, Joel!
Angie Powers; John, Kim
and Ned Brokenbough; Bret
Kroencke; Cindy Slade
Rantoul Veterinary Clinic and
the wonderful staff - they are
the greatest!
Mary Trotter
Happy Birthday, Josh Hillman!
Bill Anderson
Sami Narayanan
David Kranz
Happy Birthday, Olivia!
Family and friends
Shaun Gaston
Pat Jensen
Tom and Harriett
Bruce and Megan Weber
Morris Endres - Happy 21st
Bryan and Jody Endres
Valerie Shaw
Margie Delheimer and Ed
Mr. Bigsby and Ladybug
Sarah and Scott Thomas
Nyx - a bake sale in his honor!
Knox Myatt
Nicole Nair
Old Blue, still going strong!
Peter and Patricia Kale
Sue Thurmon
Oscar the cat
Joann Brown
Susan Frey
Owen, Old English Sheepdog
rescued by CCHS
June Campbell
Jackie Nelson
Happy 2nd Birthday, Piper, Rio
and Zane!
Henry and Karen Seiter
Happy 4th Birthday, Patches!
“Mom and Dad” Davis
Happy 4th Birthday, Toby!
The Wesley Family
Happy Birthday, Bailey and
Popper! (Denna Sparks)
Johnette and Dennis Sparks
Happy birthday, Zywa!
Daniel Jackson
Peg Raney
Jeff, Bella and Josey Wales
Bryan and Vickie Hart
Jordan and Ella Simons
Marlon - we hope he has found
a good home!
Rebekah Wright
May - six years as a family
Christopher Harris and Gray
Ramona and Richard Simpson
Milo - one year anniversary in
our home
Karli Waldrep
Lori Melchi
Pamela Wilkins
Non Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 746
Champaign, IL
Champaign County Humane Society
1911 E. Main St.
Urbana, IL 61802
for Adoptions
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 2-7 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Go Green - Adopt a Hybrid!
August 23-25
Cat & Dog adoption fees $10
Puppies & Kittens fees $20
Volunteer Orientation
September 17, Champaign Public Library
Oskee Bow Wow
September 25
Hosted by the U of I College of Veterinary Medicine to raise money for their
Humane Connection Fund. For more information, call 217-333-9543.
Fur Ball
October 25, Hilton Garden Inn