02/07/2016 Weekly Bulletin - Saint Therese de Lisieux Catholic
02/07/2016 Weekly Bulletin - Saint Therese de Lisieux Catholic
St. Therese de Lisieux Catholic Church 11800 Lake Worth Road Wellington, Fl. 33449 February 7, 2016 Father David C. Downey, Parochial Administrator Monsignor David Benz, Assisting ~ Father Michael Parrotta, Assisting Deacon Al Payne ~ Deacon Bob Rodriguez ~ Deacon Pete Del Valle Phone (561)784-0689 ~ Fax (561) 784-8346 Email: [email protected] ~ Website: www.sttherese-church.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/StThereseCatholicChurch MASS SCHEDULE: Monday-Friday: 8:30 am Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am; 9:30 am; 11:30 am; 5:30 pm Our Lady of Lourdes ~~ February 11th February 7, 2016 Page 2 Sacrament of Baptism For your child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism contact Julie Carter at the Office or [email protected] for complete details about Registration and Preparation! The next scheduled Baptism Class will be on Saturday, February 27, 2016 Sacrament of Reconciliation CONFESSIONS WILL BE HEARD EVERY SATURDAY AT 3:00PM also by appointment please call the office: 784-0689 Please join us on Wednesdays after the 8:30 am Mass for Eucharistic Adoration at 9:00 am and Benediction at 10:00 am Every Tuesday morning after the 8:30 am Mass we gather to recite the “Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.” Please come join us in prayer. Ministries and Organizations Altar Servers Louis Giannone Baptism Prep. Deacon Bob Bereavement Deacon Al Bereavement Brenda Rosario Boy Scouts Victor Maldonado CCW Elizabeth Gesacion Charismatic Larry Krauss Children’s Liturgy Geri Besa Cursillo Movement Mary Anne Gioia Early Childhood Ministry Jackie Passeggiata Extraordinary Ministers of Vincent Muller Holy Communion Finance Committee Martin Fleming Home School Assistance Christie Sanchez Knights of Columbus Stan Lee-Fatt Lectors Vincent Muller Legion Of Mary Jill Kozol Ministry Counsel Deacon Pete Respect Life Valerie Mierzwa R.C.I.A. Deacon Pete St. Vincent de Paul Mark Stephens Ushers Betty Buglio Young Adults Veronica Metzler 784-0689 784-0689 784-0689 784-0689 301-3826 352-9991 307-6516 784-0689 784-0689 784-0689 784-0689 784-0689 439-8883 784-0689 784-0689 629-5200 784-0689 966-2781 784-0689 784-0689 301-3414 954-636-9438 If you are interested in any of these ministries, please contact the numbers above, or the front office at 784-0689. Every Tuesday Morning after the 8:30 am Mass and the Divine Mercy, the Legion of Mary, gather to pray the Rosary. If you are interested, in joining the Legion of Mary please contact Jill Kozol at 629-5200 Wednesday, February 10th is ASH WEDNESDAY!! Ashes will be distributed: 8:30 am Mass 12:00 pm Liturgy of the Word 7:00 pm Mass The Young Adults of St. Therese invite all young adults of the parish to join us for our social, spiritual, and service events. for more information! Ages 21-35 are invited to join us. Check our Facebook page, Facebook.com/StThereseYA or email us at [email protected] for more information! February 7, 2016 www.sttherese-church.org Page 3 Annual World Day of the Sick on February 11th, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes Everyone knows someone who is sick or someone who cares for them. I am not talking simply about someone with a cold or a stomach virus or a sinus headache. I mean someone who is really sick and whose life is profoundly affected by a physical or mental condition that prevents them from living a normal, active life. Their sickness might be temporary and curable or, in other more serious cases, their infirmity might be progressive, chronic or permanent, or even life threatening. Sometimes, the symptoms of their condition or disease might be evident or visible; other times, their sickness might be hidden or known only to those closest to them. It can even be the terrible suffering of the soul. With sickness often comes misery, either manageable or unbearable. Those who care for the sick, whether family, friends or medical professionals, often cannot help but feel and share in their pain. Everyone involved, the sick as well as those accompanying them, wish and pray for healing. In that spirit, Pope St. John Paul II established The Annual “World Day of Prayer For the Sick” in 1992. Himself diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease the year before, the Holy Father chose February 11th as the annual date, to begin in 1993, to coincide with the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes whose apparition there in 1858 became the focus of pilgrimages and many reports of miraculous cures. In his message initiating this yearly day of prayer, Pope St. John Paul II explained that the day was intended to be “a special time of prayer and sharing, of offering one’s suffering for the good of the Church and of reminding everyone to see in his/her sick brothers and sisters the face of Christ, Who by suffering, Dying and Rising achieved our Ssalvation. (“Letter Instituting World Day of the Sick,” May 13, 1992, n. 3). “Your sufferings,” the Holy Father stated “accepted and borne with faith, when joined to those of Christ, take on extraordinary value for the life of the Church and the good of humanity.” In his own “Message for World Day of the Sick”, Pope Francis wrote that “the Church sees in you, dear sick people, the special presence of the Suffering Christ” and he encouraged them to face each adversity with Him and united to Him. The Holy Father asked those who care for the sick also do so “with care and tenderness.” Today we join Pope Francis and all Catholics throughout the world on February 11th, in sincere and heartfelt prayer for all those afflicted with sickness and disease, either at home, in hospitals, nursing homes and hospice care facilities. Our prayers likewise extend to those who accompany, care for and companion those suffering in mind and body. May our prayerful concern bring comfort to those who are sick and strength to those who serve them. Jesus, Divine Physician, touch and embrace the sick and suffering with Your tender love, as You did so often in the Gospels. Lead them through their crosses to Your own Cross, where You redeemed the world. May Youy Holy Mother, who stood near You by that Cross, give them her Maternal care and love. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for them, pray for us. Fr. Downey O Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, Virgin and Mother, Queen of Heaven, chosen from all eternity to be the Mother of the Eternal Word, and because of this was preserved from Original Sin, we kneel before you and pray with childlike trust in you that as we contemplate your glorious Appearance at Lourdes, you will look with mercy on our present petitions, especially for the those who are sick, and obtain for us from your Son a favorable answer to the requests for which we are praying (here make your petition) O Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, show unto us the mercy of the Mother of God; be our comfort, hope, strength, and consolation now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. February 7, 2016 www.sttherese-church.org Page 4 February 7, 2016 www.sttherese-church.org Page 5 Fasting & Abstinence Regulations for Lent Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of Fast and Abstinence. Fridays during Lent are also days of Abstinence. Fasting is to be observed by all 18 years of age through age 59. On a Fast Day, one full meal is allowed. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and juices, are allowed. Abstinence is observed by all 14 years of age and older. On days of Abstinence, no meat is allowed. NOTE that when health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the discipline does not oblige. When in doubt concerning Fast and Abstinence, the Parish priest or Deacons should be consulted. Fasting, Almsgiving, and Prayer are three disciplines of Lent. The Faithful and Catechumens should undertake these practices seriously in a spirit of penance, and in preparation for Baptism or a renewal of Baptism at Easter. Prayer for Ash Wednesday Gracious God, today begins a period of inner reflection and examination. The days stretch before me and invite me inward to that silent, holy space that holds Your Spirit. This special time beckons me to see my life through Christ's eyes and the truth and reality of Your love Incarnate. Give me the grace to enter these days with anticipation of our meeting and, when I open my soul to Your Presence, let Your loving kindness flow over me and seep into the pockets of my heart. I ask this for the sake of Your love. LENT and EASTER Schedule Every Friday Evening dur ing Lent excluding Good Friday 5:30pm Knights of Columbus FISH FRY STATIONS OF THE CROSS every Friday during Lent (different schedule on Good Friday) 9:00 am 7:00 pm CONFESSIONS 7:00 pm Wednesday Evening dur ing Lent (excluding March 23rd of Holy Week) 3:00 pm Satur days HOLY THURSDAY – March 24th NO Morning Mass 7:00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Washing of Feet GOOD FRIDAY – March 25th NO Mass is permitted on Good Friday 3:00 pm Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion and Death with Distribution of Holy Communion HOLY SATURDAY – March 26th NO 4:30 pm Mass 7:30 pm Vigil Mass of Easter (please allow 1 ½ - 2 hours for the Vigil) EASTER SUNDAY – March 27th 7:00 am 8:15 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm *NO 5:30pm Mass on Easter Sunday Let us seek the Lord and prepare our body, mind and soul for our “Lenten Journey.” February 7, 2016 www.sttherese-church.org CCW Fundraiser After All The Masses This Weekend! Page 6 The CCW of St. Therese de Lisieux meet on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm. All women of St. Therese are invited to participate. Please note: because of “Ash Wednesday” our February meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 9, 2015 For more information please contact Elizabeth Gesacion, CCW President 561-352-9991 February 7, 2016 www.sttherese-church.org Page 7 St. Therese Gift Store PLEASE NOTE! Included in your February monthly envelopes is one for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. When making a donation to St. Vincent de Paul, PLEASE make your check out directly to St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you. Come and check out the display table featuring our newest selection of books along with lovely Easter crosses. The inspirational CD's that use to be displayed in the lobby have now been moved into the gift store in an effort to make it more convenient for purchasing. The selection will change monthly so come in and see what we have this month, at $4.00 these are a bargain! Sponsored by: Knights of Columbus, Council 12873 When: 5:30 pm Every Friday during Lent Under the Pavilion (weather permitting) or in Rooms 2 & 4 Menu includes: Fried Fish, Shrimp, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Beverage and Dessert. Price: Single Evening Tickets: $11.00 ~~~~ Children under 10~~~ $7:00 Special Offer for Advanced Sale Only Adult Tickets for all 6 Weeks for only $50.00 Single Evening Tickets $9:00 Tickets will be on sale beginning: Saturday and Sunday, January 30th and 31st after all the Masses throughout Lent. The CCW will be having a “Valentine’s Day Bake Sale” Date: Saturday, February 13, 2016 Sunday. February 14, 2016 After all the Masses. Interested in learning more about the Knights? Council Meetings are held every month at 7:00 pm here at St. Therese. For information please contact Grand Knight Stan Lee-Fatt at 561-784-0689 or visit our dynamic web site: www.kofc12873.com February 7, 2016 www.sttherese-church.org Page 8 Our Lady of Grace For the Spiritual and Physical Healing for the Payne Family, especially Dylan and Paul By Deacon Al and Carol Payne For the Intercession of Our Lady Queen of Peace and Comforter of the Afflicted; for an end to terrorism, hatred and violence in our troubled World Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Special Intentions By Carina Dizon Ferrer Our Lady of Guadalupe Special Intentions By Rosalinda and Jerry Castillo Our Lady of Lourdes In Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Lourdes The Daley Family St. Joseph Special Intentions *** For the Temporal Needs of our Parish through the Intersession of St. Joseph, Head of the Holy Family and Guardian of the Church St. Therese de Lisieux In Memory of Gerri and Frank Ferraro, Jr. With love, Frank Ferraro Sr. *** Special Intentions St. Anthony In Loving Memory of Michael J. Sterlacci With love, the Sterlacci Family St. Jude Special Intentions *** For the Strength and Healing of John Gleber Love, the Gleber family *** Special Intentions for the Dalconzo Family and Friends Padre Pio For the Special intentions of Father James De Vita St. Michael For an end to the evil of terrorism and the defeat of the scourge of ISIS. Announcement: The Palm Beach Diocesan Council of Catholic Women is accepting applications for its Annual Scholarship Award. One thousand dollars is awarded to each of three Catholic, female students graduating from eighth grade in the Diocese of Palm Beach who will attend a Catholic High School in the Diocese of Palm Beach in the fall. The deadline is April 1st. Applications may be obtained in your parish office or your Catholic school office. You can also download the application from the PBDCCW website — www.pbdccw.org. For any further information please contact: Maureen Fulop at 561-704-8771 or Bea Lecco at 561-310-8710 Prayer to Saint Michael Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts By the Power of God, thrust into Hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen February 7, 2016 www.sttherese-church.org Mass Intentions for the Weekend Saturday, February 6, 2016 4:30 pm +In Loving Memory of Mark L. Bregar By his family +In Loving Memory of Robert Metzinger By Lucrecia Metzinger +In Loving Memory of Marc Parrotta on the 8th anniversary of his death For the Intentions of Phil and Nancy Skulsky on their 40th Wedding Anniversary By Deacon Al and Carol Sunday, February 7, 2016 7:30 am For the Living Members of the McGuire and Stramaglia Families With love, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stramaglia 9:30 am +In Loving memory of Donald Lovick on the 9th anniversary of his death, With love, Vivian and family +In Loving Memory of James Nolan The Winterfeldt family +In Loving Memory of Brian Nolan The Winterfeldt family +In Loving Memory of Charles Winterfeldt Page 9 Weekday Intentions Monday, February 8, 2016 8:30 am For Respect for Life from Conception to Natural Death Tuesday, February 9, 2016 8:30 am For the Souls in Purgatory Wednesday, February 10, 2016 Ash Wednesday 8:30 am +In Memory of Lillian Bohn With love, Nancy and Phil +In Loving Memory of Jean Reynold Paul By Edwidge Paul For the Special Intentions of Aixa and Lourdes Nieves on their Birthday 7:00 pm For the Special Intentions of Donna Lee With love, her family In Reparation for the Sin of Abortion By Face Life Thursday, February 11, 2016 8:30 am For all Sick Members of the Parish The Winterfeldt family 11:30 am For the Intentions of Phil and Nancy Skulsky on their 40th Wedding Anniversary By the Clergy and Staff +In Loving Memory of Robert and Mary Downey With love, their son +In Loving Memory of Lillian Bohn Friday, February 12, 2016 8:30am +In Memory of Chauncey Mahfood By the Lee-Fatt family +In Memory of Adeeb Mahfood By the Lee -Fatt family With love, Rosemarie and Ralph Zerella 5:30 pm For the Parishioners of St. Therese Please Pray for Vocations. Without priests and Deacons there are no Sacraments. The Sanctuary Lamp, which must perpetually burn near any Tabernacle containing the Most Blessed Sacrament, has been graciously donated this week: For the Special Intentions of the Clancey/Giragos Families February 7, 2016 Page 10 Adult Studies Suggestions for fighting the Flu this Season at St. Therese de Lisieux by Nurse Practitioner Angela Patterson, RN. RNP “It would be a strange God who is loved more by being known less.. everything known about God is a reason for loving Him.” Get a Flu Shot - it's the best way to protect from the Flu. Frank Sheed Boost your immunity with proper sleep, nutrition, Vitamins, especially Vitamin C, and good hydration. Wash your hands and don't touch your face. Carry hand sanitizer, too. Cover your cough!!! Cough or sneeze into tissues to contain germs. DO NOT SHAKE HANDS IF YOU'VE COUGHED OR SNEEZED!! Stay home if you're fighting a Cold or the Flu! A Solid Overview of the Bible Date: Thursday, February 11, 2016 Time: 9:30 am Date: Saturday, February 13, 2016 Time: 3:00 pm Date: Sunday, February 14, 2016 Time: 4:00pm Here is the coming class: The Bible: An easy way to understand the whole bible through the covenants; a foundation for further classes For further info, contact David Castlen, Adult-Formation Leader at the Parish office at [email protected]