Way of Scissors handling and cutting
Way of Scissors handling and cutting
FLYINGSHE ARS® EDUCATION DAY 1 – 6 9:30am – 1:00pm (Theory, Demo) 1:00pm – 2:00pm (break) 2:00pm – 5:00pm (Hands-On) Private One-on-One 6 day course with Bruce Choy contents Scissors VS Comb.................................3 Pecking .................................................4 Paring.....................................................5 Way of Scissors handling & cutting......7 BASIC..................................................9 Scissors handling ..........................10-14 Hand And Fingers ...........................16-24 INTERMEDIATE Part I ..................27 Using tip of scissors ...........................28 Wrist swing and cut ............................29 Wrist movement ..................................30 Arm movement ...................................31 INTERMEDIATE Part II .................33 4 Group of Basic Angles Group A-D ....................................34-37 Head Position .....................................38 Safety Haircutting .........................40-41 ADVANCED .....................................43 Sweep cutting ...............................44-45 Two hand cutting ..........................46-48 Clock & cut .......................................49 MOVIE CLIPS ...........................50-65 Flyingshears® PECKING is one of the Flyingshears techniques for One-length, Graduation and Layering. It uses mainly the tip of the scissors to cut hair. Movement is similar to a Woodpecker pecking a hole with its beak. Although each pecking cuts only a small portion of hair, the styling can be done quickly and evenly with the multiple tips of the scissors ® 4 Flyingshears Flyingshears® PARING is another Flyingshears cutting technique particularly for thinning, texturizing as well as layering. It uses the body part of the scissors to cut hair. The movement is similar to a Japanese warrior brandishing a sword, using the force of waist to drive the arm and wrist to move for achieving an ideal styling. ® 5 Flyingshears Way of Scissors handling and cutting Conventional (THUMB STYLE) Flyingshears (RING STYLE) 006 Flyingshears 007 Flyingshears FLYINGSHE ARS ® Basic 1) Scissors handling 2) Hand & Fingers 008 Flyingshears 009 Flyingshears 1. *Scissors handling 2. By moving scissors with the 4th finger naturally, stylists are able to control the scissors easier, to run the blade faster and to use their hand, wrist and finger in a more comfortable and flexible manners. Flyingshears® technique relies on the 4th finger to open and to close the blade of the scissors and the thumb remains stationary while cutting. Conventional technique requires hair stylist’s thumb to open and to close scissors. 010 Flyingshears 011 Flyingshears 3. 4. A s a general guideline, scissors blade will be divided into Tip, Body and End parts, and each part is assigned to handle different cutting operations in Flyingshears® technique. However, any parts in the blade can be used for any cutting operations once you mastered the cutting techniques. 012 Flyingshears 013 Flyingshears 5. 35 degrees on Conventional technique 180 degrees on Flyingshears way 014 Flyingshears 015 Flyingshears Hand & Fingers 3. 1. 4 2. 5. 6. 7. 016 Flyingshears 017 Flyingshears 1. 018 Flyingshears 2. 019 Flyingshears 3. 20 Flyingshears 4. 21 Flyingshears 5. 22 Flyingshears 6. 23 Flyingshears 7. 24 Flyingshears 25 Flyingshears FLYINGSHE ARS ® Intermediate Part I 1) Using tip of scissors 2) Swing wrist & cut 3)Arm & wrist movement 26 Flyingshears 27 Flyingshears Part 1: Exercise 1 Using Tip of scissors 28 Flyingshears Exercise 2 Wrist swing and cut 29 Flyingshears Exercise 3 Wrist exercise 30 Flyingshears Exercise 3 Arm exercise 31 Flyingshears FLYINGSHE ARS ® Intermediate Part II 1) 4 basic angles 2) Head positions 3) Safety haircutting 32 Flyingshears 33 Flyingshears Intermediate Part II: Angling 4 basic angles 34 Flyingshears Group A Group B 35 Flyingshears Group C 36 Flyingshears Group D 37 Flyingshears Head positioning 38 Flyingshears 39 Flyingshears Safety haircutting 40 Flyingshears UP Stroke DOWN Stroke 41 Flyingshears FLYINGSHE ARS ® Advanced 1) Sweep cutting 2) Two hand cutting 42 Flyingshears 43 Flyingshears Sweep cutting Sweep Styling is an advanced Flyingshears® cutting technique that can be used in hair styling, thinning and texturizing. It requires both left and right hand to work in a perfect coordination. All cuttings and movements should be led by the feelings of touch You need to be well trained in scissors handling, hair sweeping and angling. They are the important factors for styling hair. 1. Swing hair towards your body. Position and angle the scissors with a slight opening and closing blades to snip hair. 2. Swing hair upwards and away to the air. Move the scissors to the closest point of the scalp, then open and close the tip of the scissors to thin the root area of the hair. 3. Catch, hold and Cut Swing hair toward or away from the scalp, catch hair with the opened scissors then hold and snip it. 44 Flyingshears 45 Flyingshears Two hand cutting A B A B C C 46 Flyingshears D D 47 Flyingshears Two hand cutting D B 48 Flyingshears 49 Flyingshears www.flyingshears.com www.f lyingshears.com 50 Flyingshears