Plattner -Von Buren Win New York "Six" `".1
Plattner -Von Buren Win New York "Six" `".1
'".1 SIIIl-ld. l Plattner-Von Buren Win New York "Six" n.e Sliriss team 01 Oscar Plauner and Armin VOIlJI Burren _ nbe six-dar race in Elevea Days i .. Madisoo S wne Garden in a surprise riChJry. 8J Bill Vener T'IIIO bours lDefore .midnigJa. t.b e kalian \team of Terruzzi- Faggm was leading with SOl poiDts. follo__ by PJattneJr ami! Von Buren with -HB. This. !!IIW fourtful annoo.l bic.yde pilgrim Ifter tbat tbe Spiss staned piling up poinls m age to ew EllIgIaIIId was done solo. I left Ban the sprims but eYen an boor before the end dIey laID Lake (Coamectianr) Youth Hosrel oo AuguS1: IoiR!re S1:ill traHing lhe J[talians . WidI ooliy fifteen 20. desI:inaIiOllll PRttsfield. Mass . If'tiJe wealIher lIJIIilJlll:es ro go. 11. was a:ben apparent that the was warm and samy aJDd I rode O¥er secomdary Sliriss had _ elllougb sprints (0 take the race . r oads mose of die _y illl order tall avoid ttbe At the finish they bad _ widI 1224 poinls and !JIeayY Sunday traffic . ) arose Monday morning Itbe Italians had 78 B pomts. TlltinIl was dIe to die paller off rain drops m cllIe rlOOf bu.1r after German - n ..,.embourg team of Altig and Gillen b reaHasl: die raiD had ~ so I decUfed ro with 601 poinlS . FifteeD teams S1:arled and risk It . A COIIIpfe or miles up U . S . 7 the rain seven f"miisbed . Three leams retired in tbe last S1:arted ag;ain and a tilde fartber 0IllI two miles of muddy road constructiion fimrber complicated lMxJr due (0 the sizzling pace. The race which was slated (0 stan 011 Friday. Seax . 22 at 9 :00 matters _ Learilllg U . S . 7 at MandnesreJr CaI ter. VennOllllI. I aooll Vt . II and staned lbe long p.m . was delayed doe (0 a foul up un buildiDg climb up Bromley Mll _ Tbe usual superb \fie.. 011 the traeIr. which bad to be disOlanrled and re buib.. At 2:50 a . m . Saturday . tbe trad: was top was obsCl!lred bw fog. timiitiog risimlity iO finally ready and the race S1:aned sborrly after • about 200' al times. Tllae last 35 miles lto Lud Although cro\lllds were sparce tbm~ some low Hostel W'eJre quire agonizing in die cold wet rain . Sbonlyafter my a r rival anCJ(1!Jer dreo ftH!d of lbe race. a crowd of 14.220 wimessed Ihe f"mal hours . Several or dIe teams. including lbe cyclist made h is appearance and lire bulb dried winners. will compere in the Berlin six-day. oot in fr mf of the fir eplace -- be was «III Itbe S1:arting October 6. ("m an Beg of a fiwe - wreeJt· s bike ] iiI!I!I1Ilt lllilicb had carried him as Jar as [be Gaspe Peuminsula. -File Nest morning. with O!1Ily a glass of milt aod 3 . piece of rye bread for b~. I bad a The "5O-miles-in~rs- anracted repeat perionnance of the preYious day's seyen panicipaDIs wbo lefl 0Jeyy 0Jase Circle weather. I followed lB. S. of Sbe:r:bunIe. witb [emper.u:ure reaching toward Ibe upper t owanll Pico Peak. tillen ltuDJed of[ 00 VI. 100. liO·s. Allbough tber slOpped at inlenals (0 wbich i s a \tJrUly beautiful rO\1lite. nestled be wait for the ~rear guard. - the group reached t1ReD lWU m ouoUain ranges- -CranriUe Gulf is Poolesrille in aboul 2-1/2 bours. where lbey paniQlllla.rly scenic. The \YaterlOO.ry; Caller bad Jbe usual SOfl drink and ice cream session. HOS1:el \WI3S a 1ire1C0me sight ami it was nice 10 On Ibe return. a couple of riders took Ihe ini see M r s . Gl!Ilfinriidge _ ce again. aliYe and staned a ... pace which sua:eeded The foifiowing day ImS O¥en:asl so I de in breating up tbe group. At Seoecl the lead cided ao malte It a day of reS1: and calch up on ers stGJPPed 10 gi..,-e lhe suflerers a chance mweating! catch~ . All bI.- IJI'le sbmred up pcomplWy. and Tlhe Dest morniUlg as I \m5 IlIOrlriDg (0 two riders eYen _ alllhe tray- bad: 10 Pooles \mrd St . JoIImsblJry. 'ria S!oIwe and " UornSYiIIe. ville in sear.::b of him. but drew a blank . 1be I decided I sbould IlJaYe cycled a lillne t.... pre remaining four email,: look off ou a desperale YiOIIIS day and eatelll less as my legs ~ stiff against - (ile-clod:. dash 10 1'1 10 get in .-Ier and I !had dlificiIIJln:y get!ing up some of r .... S1:eep lbe fiy~-bonr deadline. but IoS1: 0Ul b)- <Dour 20 er bil ls . This was offset m pan br the superb minlJlle5 . Had it DOl beetl fur loob'lg for (be riew from tlbe ttop oj OllIe bill. Ifrom wluch could rider missing in action. tbe odters IRJUId haye be seen a panorama encompassing bulh the Wbite Mountains of New Hampshire and abe 'JIlUi3lified. As; il rurned OUI. the lost rider bad G reen MOuntaIDs . The 1asr wee muL5 to dIe ~ become confused at au intersec1[ion and (oot the wrong IlHIl e bad: to Washington. Iwhee. Ea Fifty-i "out Jbe If 9-24-61 ANAL STANDINUS: Plattner- V.... Ibren T erruzzi - FaggiDl Altig-GUm WaglmanS- PlallllaZ Gieseler-Dooike lIIiltiz- Acosta Messina- Siriloui Mileage Laps 2359 0 2359 0 2359 2359 2359 (!) FoinIS 1224 78.1 601 1 813 I 474 2358 3 300 2358 .f" 355 Wer Professional Road:: The 178- mile road race rook place in Itbe suburbs of Berne. Switzerland. 011 goOOI roads. oyer billy and picturesque COUDllrJSide IJo a sun ny day . First to !Jreak awas was (he Spaniard. MeInende:z. who dnJppelfIuuI \IItEn 1tbe field caugbI: bim . In tbe firS1: 94 miles. mruay breata ways were attempted. including Robinsoo. G£eal Britain. who led for 25 miles by as much as 2"30"" . Simpsoo (ried to catch him. llritb at f _ others. but the field was close 011 !their IiDee tis • Afler lhese 9-11 tbe dectsiye anad: toot: place wilb small groups breaking away . Twelye riders cangbt the brealraways. whidJ left a field or tbe lb SlTUDgesl riders abead. includliog Van Looy . Van Looy bad all tbe protectiOlIJ he ~ [rom his eam ~mat:es and rode with ease. SIab Iiosty tried repeatedly to clear dIe way for Anqoetil but was always followed by _e of Van Lnor's faiIbfuls . Poutidor joined widI Simpsoo. MassigtJ3D and SloUrer in an attempted breakaway and were chased by Van L.ooy- bimsell. Three mines from the Iioish Foulidur sprinted and drop ped eYerybodJ except Van Looy and Defillillis. wbo passed bim in tbat order. OassificaJion: I. 2. 3. .. . Rit: Van 1.00)' . Belgium Defillipis. ltal Pouhdor. France 8eI:nanIez. Spain DeRoo. Holland Amateur Road: 1lIe .'\maI.eur Race starred as a dull event and spectators ered me il3gb1JoIiDg smmming' pcol in die beat or pla)--ed c:a.Jrds . Bur il was a 1l00gb ra to for tthe panicipauls. eigbl ires aD ~ o,.,f ~ pc Ie 2 2 TOUR DE FRANCE HIGHLIGHTS SOME IDSTORY OF THE TOUR DE FRANCE First Tour - 1903 ED IT O RIA L S TAF F B i-U Vetter Ra y Matthe w s Rut h C hristi a n ART A ND CO M POSITION Chri s tian 00 0 b~ Pri n te d C & L Press Clyde C. Nitz RACE RESULTS RESULTS OF D.C. - MARYLAND ROAD (]-JAMPIONSIDP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Seni ors: 50 miles Art Lauf, Balto. Oliver Ward, Takoma Park, Md. Sam Knutson , U .S. Army Bill Vetter, Was hington Red Ferris , R iverdale, Md . Jim St rawser, Riverdale, Md. J uniors: 25 miles I. (])aries Towers 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ray Matthews, Ill, McLean, Va. Bobby Phillips, Balto. Bob La Otaussee, Arlington, Va. Bob Suter , Arington, Va. Ray Grant , Arlington , Va. T he faVOrites were Maurice Garin and Joseph Fisher. One rider, Dargassie, had never raced before or even s at on a racing bike until he signed for the first Tour, and he fin ished! Ave rage speed was 3 5 km per hour on d i rt roads with n o gear s hifts . Director of the Tour was Geo. Lefevre, who followed tf, e ride r s on a bikel The sponsor of the Tour, the publi cation " l ' Auto", had one car following the fie ld . StafJ! 1: Pa ris-Lyon: Start at 3:15 p.m.,arrival at 9: 00 a. m . the next morning. Winner was Garin. St~ 2: L yon - Marseille: Start at 2:30 a. m . with admonition to riders not to wake up sleep ing inhabi tants. One rid er quit and took the tra in to neares t control point. His manager put him back on the bike and made h im ride an extr 10 k:m and then sent him to chase t he field. Win ner was Aucouturier. AU ate cookies and drank wine! Stage 3: Marseille - Toulouse: 423 k:m in stag gered starts. Those who p le dged t o ride t he whole Tour started ahead of th o se who on ly rode part of it. Start at 10:30 p .m. -- arrival at 4:57 p.m. tbe following afternoon. Dargas sie, being on home grounds, gave directions __ wrong ones to Garin and his supporters who were his adversaries. Riders had to stop in every town and sign the register. Sometimes as many as 14 men would fight for the pen and upset the inkwell in the process. When riders came into sight, a bugle was sounded to notify spectators. St~ 4: Toulouse - Bordeaux: Start at 4 a.m. arrival 1:50 p.m. Wi nner was Samson. This same stage was split into 3 days in the 1961 T our . Stage 5: Bordeaux - Nantes: Start 11:00 p . m . arrival at 3:15 p .m. Winner was Garin, sprint fini s h . All riders looked like flou r bags, cov ered with dust. NObody really knew who win ner was for a while . Dur ing this stage George had t wo flats. sat down to fix one and feU as leep. Another rider came a long and had to wa ke him up . Four days of rest. AU riders protested that it was too much but managers felt that they shou Id recuperate enough to s how up in Paris less exhausted . Stage 6 : Na ntes - Paris: Sta rt at 8:00 p.m. .a rrival at 2:09 p .m. Winne r was Garin with 20 of 50 riders left . All a long t he roads and especially near Paris, s pectators were so dense t hat only a two foot pa s s age wa s left and r iders had to s queeze through single fi le . Win ner Garin was acclaimed with drums and bugles, accompanied by 2 , 000 specrRi:Or S on bi c ycles . GEORGE'S HOBBY & CYCLE Il25 KING STR E ET ALEXANDRI A VI RGINIA RAQNG , TRACK , TO R lG BIK ES A CCESSORIES BERGER - HE LYETT SA VAG E - GEMINIA TE 6 - 7707 ATALA CYCLES POT LUCK DINNER The Federation is bolding its first social, a Pot Luck Dinner, Saturday, November 4, at 8:00 p. m . -- Jefferson Fire House , 23rd & Eads Streets , S. Arlington . This is one block off Jefferson Davis Hwy, near Dan ' s Bike Shop , This is the occasion when we will pass out awards to those who scored points in our race serie s throughout the season , including the D .C. OJamp ionships a nd the D .C. - Maryland oad Championship. Admission will be 50 cents per h ead, payab le at the door. There will also be door prizes . Any food donations will be gratefully accepted. F or further inform;] i n, a nd/or donations, call Danny Perrucci, OT 4 -5944 . WORLD CHAMPIONSHI PS cont. from pa ge 1 the lap with t hree hills, t otal di stance over 100 m ile s. Some were dropped on the first lap and one American was 5' OS" behind. Seven riders from different cOlUltries broke away and after approximately 37 miles two m ore joi ned them . Selena (Fr anc-.-e) and Heebs (Lichtenstein) joined the seven ahe ad and in lap 6 Gestraud and Jour den of France did likewise. F our from this group managed to break away, including Se lena , but were joined b y Jourden , Gestraud . From then on it was the three F renchmen ahead t o t he finish . __ _ C las s iflcatIon: 1 . Jean Jou rden , F r ance 4hr . 49' 54" (av . 23 , -l 2 . Henri Sele na, France m pb) 3 . Jacques Gestraud, France 4 . De Rosso, Ita ly 5 . Melckebeke, Belgium Professional Sprint: To see Mas pes defeat Rousseau took p atience. They s topped and balan ced for 6 ' 05': m oved on and the n stopped again for 20' 14", a t otal of 26' 19 " . Hea vy muscled Rousseau did n ot ave the st rength left in his t highS to r es pond t o Maspes' attack and the latter went on t o win. In a n inte rview Maspes admitted his a ction was p remediated. He equalled the worLd record of 42 mph ill his last 200 yardS . c on t. pa"}e '" 1049 W . BROAD STREET, HELYETT 10 -SPEED ROAD R.\Cli G BIKES_ SCHWINN TOURING BIKES, EXPERT REPAIRS ON UGHT WEIGHT BIKES . 3 SER VlNG WHEAT ON -KENSINGTON CHEVY CHASE AREA Sa-tWINN AND RA LEIG H BICYCLES '~~;I ~, j/~ . , j - '. ,..:;, We se rvice what we sell .icyde and "'_ mo~' ' '''','', Trade-ins accepted Used bicycles CHEVY 'C HASE BICYCL E SE RVICE 56 14 (X)NNECfIaJT AVENUE , N. W. NEXT TO AVALON TIlEATER WO 6 - 2705 KENSINGTON BICY CLE & HOBBY 10512 OONNECTICUT AVENUE , N . W. KENSINGTON , MD . LO 5-1332 Coming Events • Oct . 14 .& 15 , Sat.& Sun . Ootober 16, Monday Hoste'! trip to WHliarnsport, Md . Call BHl Vetter for info . EM 2- 213 3 Monthly Federation Meeting. Guy Mason Center, Wi sconsin Ave. & CalvertSt.,N.W. 8:00 p.m. Octobe~· 21, Saturday Ride somewhere in Maryland . Meet at Cltevy Cltase Service, 5614 Conn. Ave. , 9:00 a.m. October 22, Sunday Po lo F ield, Potomac Parle. One -Hour Team Race, 4 s prints . Riders may malee up their own two-m an teams , BUT n o team may be made lip of t wo c lass " A n r ide rs. Teams a re requested to wear the same color jersey whether they be jllSt tee shirts o r rac ing je r seys . F or further info, cal:l Ray Matthews, EL 6 - 5098 . October 29 , Sunday Ride to new Dulles Airport. Meet at Northern Va . Cycle, 1049 W. Broad St ., Falls ClIu rch , 9:00 a. m . Leaders: Cl.ay Harrold & Ray Matthews . November 4, Satu rda y POT LU CK DINNER . See write up . CHANGE Of' ADDR ESS Please let us know if you have a change of ad dress so that you will s till r eceive your ,copy of the Spoleesman. The Post Office De pt. wi II not forward it . NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS ELEV£tV ')':"Y s, c..:;nt~ fr o " po~e 1 St . Johnsbury Hostel were through ~ very pretty valley and a battery o f angry dogs! Shortly after Final Overall Standings being greeted by Mr s: Tandy, the bouseparent, Messrs . Michalka, Janeen and White from New Senior s Jersey arrived OIl their custom IS-speed French 1. Jim Rossi , Olicago bikes . 2 . Jack Simes , N . J . T h e f our of us started out to.:;"ether the 3 . Jacle Disney, Calli . next day for New Hampshire. Just over the 4 . Bill F r eund , Mich .• state 'l ine we parted as their pl.ans differed from 5. G . Rudolph , Ill. mine a nd I headed for Franconia Notch . Leav ing the town of Franconia, I was confronted with Jun iors a p a rticularly brutal climb. I bad realized that some climbing would be necessary to get into 1. Allan Grieco, N .J. tbe Notch but the difficulty of this one was tot 2. Ray Matt hews, HI, Va . ally unexpected and 54 gear felt like 104. I'd 3. Dave Harstick, Wi.s . lilee t o go back and coast down this one some 4. Bob Parsons , €altf. day ! By tbis time the weather turned cloudy and 5. Bm Mazarik, Olicago cooL and the summit , Cannon Mr . (4060 ') was in the cloud s. The Aerial Tramway was run Women ning but t he cable cars di.sappeared in the clouds an.d the stone profile of the "Old Man" was 1. Ada Johnson, Buffalo barely visible . By this time I was going down 2. Elizabeth Bur\cbart, N . J. hill and , e xcept for an ottaBional short rise, 3 . Nancy Bur·lehar.;, . j . ' enjoyed a coast of seven miles. Later on I en counte;:ed a series of long up~ and along In spite of the exce Ilent track a t Brown Lake Winnipesaukee, after which I had about Deer Park, Milwaukee, there were far too ten m iles of the most jarring, many spills in tbe races. T his could be anri r oads I have ever experienced. buted to the fact that the r iders were not ex Leaving Alton the next morning before p erienced t r ackmen due to the acute shortage hreaidast, I headed for Cape Ann, but not with of tracks i.n this country . Also, the judges did out rectifying the food situation a few miles not enforce the r a ce rules so we ll outlined by down the road. The Annisquam Hostel at Cape Cliester Nelsen at the riders meeting. Ann i s the most interesting hostel I have ever Pre-race favorites Disney, Simes and seen, located in an oW mill which used the in Matthe ws did not come through as expected . coming and outgoing tides for power. Disney apparently was not used to the tracie , The next day I wrestled Sunday traffic having arrived at Milwaukee at me last minute . while tourtng Cape Ann, including Gloucester He r ode well, however, and was untouchable and Rockport with their fishing boats, artist through most of m e ten - mite race . Simes proved that he is probably the fast colonies and beaches. T he follOwing day I headed for Boston - est sprinter in th is country by winning both the a jumping off place for Ttesday's long haul to match sprints and the lOOO-meter time trial, Granville Hostel. After getting in and out of but feU in the five - mile which Rossi won , thus Boston unscathed, I headed west and found some eliminating h im from the titLe . Ray Matthews , n ice secondary roads most of the way. Tbe M c Lean , Va., was favored In win the Junior terrain was almost fiat until west of Sprin3~ title but was involved in a crash and suffered field, where the hills started. By the time I head injuries which clinched tbe title for Llan reached Granville Hostel I covered 125 miles- Grieco of • J. The re was a noticeable lack the longest. distance I cycled in one day. After of sportsmanship on the part of some Junior riders. but Grieco managed to stay up and win . a cool, refreshing swun in the pool followed by Little can be said for me women ' s races except cant. page that perhaps the type of races in this category should be changed . * FOR SALE RIXE road bike . 8 speeds, 21" frame. Very lark Poore , 13212 Keating Street. Rockville, Ma land . WH 6 - 5223 . good condition . Two used ieber track bikes , 23" frames . SeveraL pairs of road 'whee , and other mis cellaneous b.ike parts. Bill Vetter, Em 2 -2133 . AUTOMOTO complete with an 8-speed derail leur owned by full Trail. Dan's Bike Shop . .. Ca n be s een a t OscarWastyn Cycles « ~ 2221 Milwaukee Ave. a_ Cllicago 47, III ~ EVerglade 4·8999 Racing bicycles made to order Complete line of T3cine equipment 4 GENE RAL INFORMATION T he Federation of Washington Area Cycle Clubs has a program of e vents which we hope will please just a bout everyone. If you don 't see what you want in our schedule of events , a s k for it . We welcome any sugges tions and crici c is m. For general information, call any of the persons below who are listed by areas: Shannon Ferguson SO 5-9309 Danny Perrucci South Arlington OT 4-5944 N . Arlington, Falls (burch and McLean Ray Matthews EL 6-5098 Annandale Ruth & Don ClJ.ristian CL 6-2490 Washington, Bethesda, Chevy (base and Silver Spring Bill Vetter EM 2-2133 Hyattsville, Ri ver dale and College Park H.G. Ferris AP 7-7931 T a koma Park, Rockville Oliver Ward JU 8-3892 Alexandria For c ycling informa tion in the Baltimore Area, the followi ng persons may be contacted: Clyde Nitz - Route 4,Box 237, Elkridge 27,Md. Phone Elkridge 1380 AMATEUR BICYCLE LEAGUE OF AMERICA re t~e D. C. ar.a is EMerson 2-2133. pr n sentative for B i tt Vetter, NOTE: You mu st have an 'BLA car~ if you Nis :' to pa rtici p at~ i n sa ~ ctioned ..... a. ~ ~~ . ------------------;; HA:~F '1KJRLJ ~ .; n t. ION_, ..-/lP5 'ro ,n P01e .? Class ification: l. Maspes, Ita ly 2. Rousseau, France 3. De Bakker, Belgium 4. Plattner, S;,;itzerland Amateur Sprint: The first day at the Oerlikon Track in Z uri ch, elimination h eats were held. Out were .' _ . !J""; 7054 Lanier Sl fLC.iI; JA'f.j , l..l f,f f ro : . pU le DAN'S :3 A_n~ale, _ dinner, I fe ll r eady for the final leg of the trip next day . I followed Conn. 20 with its long up and BI KE SHOP down grades through some really beautiful country , arriving back at Bantam Lake early i n REPAIRS AND SALES the afternoon, having covered a total of 760 PI CKUP AND DEUVERY miles, or a daily average of 69 miles, includ in one day of no cycling. Some facts about my trip: I used medium -weight tubular tires, no ROAD & TRACK RACING BICYC LES flats. Only mechanical d iffirulty was the shift lever screw which came loose several times, but I was able to tighten it with the buckle on 759 - 23rd STREET SOUTH. AR UNGTON, VA. my glove as I carried no tools. I had to whack OTis 4-5944 many dogs and dented my pump on one. Used ten speeds ranging from '00 to 54 and should have had a low gea-c in the low 4O"s. Average total cost per day was $3.00 and t wo Frenchmen, t wo Japanese, one Englishman, this could have been lowered. Carried about 7 _one Luxembourger and two South Americans. lbs . of luggage, consisting of: Toilet articles , The second day saw Sergto Bianchetto ofltaly. extra pair of sox, underwear, shirt, tire patch 22 years old, as winner, follo wed by another kit, spare tire, hooded rain cape (8-1/2 os .), I talian, Beghetto, and Ron Baensch of Austr alia nylon pullover (6 oz.), sLeet !'lee()ing sack, third. The Russian, Bodnieks, was fourth. (nylon), swim trunks (nylon 3 oz .), canoe moc assins, cycling cap, can opene r, spoke wrench Professional Pursuit: and extra chain link. Rudi Altig, Germany, had to battle hard In closing I would like to add that too to defeat Willy Trepp, SqitzerLind . Altig many people overload themselves with a lot of sprinted three times, Trepp stayed on t wice useless junk on an extended bike trip. If you but could not r esist Altig's third m ighty push find you need something, it can usually be ob and lost by 5 sec. Third was Leandro F aggin, tained along the way, excep t lightweight bike Italy, and Fourth was Albert Bouvet, France. parts, of course, in which case you may find · yourself really stuck. I'm willing to risk it, Amateur Pu rsuit: however, for the pleasure of riding a light In ttie semi -finals Nidjam of Holland s et weight rather than being overburdened with a a new record of 30.3 mph. That means tha t lot of unneeded extra weight, and I believe the they had to be able to cover 2. 4 miles in 5" risk is relatively small. 05" or better t o quaUfy for t he finals . Those that made it were Oudkerk, Holland; Delattre, F r ance; Contrearas. Argentina; Da lton, New Zealand; Moskvine. USSR; Isaksson, Denmar k. He inemann, Switzer land. T wo hours later it was down to fou.r, Nidj a m. Delattre, Contreras and Oudkerk, T he next day in the finals Oud kerk beat Delattre and Nidjam defeated Con t reras. After a r estart due t o a flat tire, Nidja m won • Va. • Shannonn Ferguson 103 Jefferson Ave . Alexandria, Va.