EIVIL llls Electronic Throttle Gontrol (Siemens)
EIVIL llls Electronic Throttle Gontrol (Siemens)
EIVILllls Electronic Throttle Gontrol (Siemens) Training Reference Manual BMWof NorthAmerica,Inc. Service Training Department .1iii,ti,:x.i$€@?fiii.lii?.:.?wiii$$:i;]f:1$.{il*$F.i1!-a;?,riiFnsilriii{:i!:+:*.::{&E:;.tr:i.i#,*dfdnr*fx"!:i1f TABLEOF CONTENTS *tFct Fage ffiorlrti:n z Corrporpnts rTffi\A€ffi , .. . .. 4 Motors .T h ro ttb P o si ti o n se nsor .b cte rn a l S a fe $ P a th .B a si cA d a p ti o n othf e PW G. r EML ltlSControlModule CruiseControloperation Cylinder,BankSynelironization.. F a u l tR e co g n i ti o n /D i a gnosis g .r .., .,,..., 11 .,,...12 . . . . 1g ...15 ..16 ,.,...17 A.#_..8:'--..+;'1r;-.. Ti:::lf t-.I :r-ii:r...: ::i:Ji;f.lli1::r:!:i.r :j. :::.+ INTRODUCTIOH The EIIIL llls is a ne\ dy developedelectronicthrottle control system for the M73 V-12 engie. The EhdLllls was designedand developedby Siemensto BMW specifications. The corrc+t of the EML llls systemremainsthe sameas the currentEMLsystemusedon fle bfz0 eftgine.Thenew EML llls systemcontinuesto use two throttlevalvesand one pedal pmition sensor (HruG).The EML llls control module regulatesthe positionof the throttb valvesbasedon the input fromthe pedal positionsen$or.Thesemaincomponents providethe samefunctionas the M70 BoschEML componentsdo, In addition to throttle control, tfie main funstions of tlre EML llls include: r ldle stabilization by regulatingthe throttleopeningsat idle. r Throttlevalvepositioningfor optimumstarting. . Synchronization of the cylinderbanks. r Air volurnecontrolfor A$C/D$C operation. r Cruise control regulation{the EML llls control module contains the new GR ll logic introducedon the E38 740). r Maximumroad speed limiting The operationof the EML llls has been enhancedwith additionalbaekup {redundancy} features.This helpsensurereliableoperationwhile rnaintaininga high levelof operational safety, The fault rnemoryof the EML llls controlmodule is nsw stored in an EFPROMso that disconnectionof the batterywill not eraseany stor.edfaults. The EMLllls systemis incorporatedintothe drivingmanagementsystemand is connected to the CANlinefor signalinterfacingwith the DME,ASC+Tand AGS controlmodules. Highlightsof tha new EML lll system include: r Jlg EMLllls controlmodulecontainstwo separateprocessorsfor redundantcheckingof inputsand output controls. r Each throttle valve is now controlled by two separatestepper rrptors driving one rotor and shaft(redundancyoperation). 2 : : :j1::it*eil!j.r:r:{:ii:i.!*'isq1i.lt_5fi::i.{i:ir}.ixir:;ji:i1{:ttii;li ' Each DK assembly contains two feedback potentiometersfor throtile position recognition. r ThepedalpositionsensoriPWG)nowcontainsthreeinductivecoilsfor the pedalposition input(redundancy operation). o Thehallsensorbrakepedalswitchis usedfor the brakepedalinput, . Logicmonitoring of pedal/throttle valveoper.ation no,longer includesthe useof the g" and 17'switches. . Theexternalsafetypathcircuitis a new design. o E38 EML fault indicationis now handledby the Checkcontrolmodule,throughthe instrument clustermatrixdisplay, ij,iiiflli:titi)Yrtyiqirli:Jiiii;ilitiri:i:tj,,i\igli.+;ltiliy;t)::iii COMPONENTS The rnaincomponentsof the EML llls systeminclude: o The EML llls control modu'e locatedin the E-box. . JWothrotle (Dlg assemblies mounted on each manifold. & . One pedal position sensor (pWG) connectedto the acceleratorpedal (witha separatekick-downswitch). BRAKE LIGI'IT SWITCH o Electronicbrakelightswitch, KlCKDOWN SWI'TCH a ),f-ili{f3i,{i!r+{it9{;!tifrqt:iiJiiSF.Wgfi$it;i:$ii:jifi4{tg-i!i;ri;g ' crui$e control main switch - mountedon the instrumentpanel. Providesa switchedgroundinputto the EMLcontrolmodule. (E38only) r Mutti-Function SteeringWheel- cruisecontrolswltchpad and the MFLcontrolmodule. {E38only) CRUISECONTFOIMAINSWffC}.{ CFTUISE CONTROL S\IIITCHES EilIILIIIs MFLCONTROL MODULE r Checkcontro'module - for activationof the fauftwarningdisplay. GF{ECK EONTROL li;illt3.i*1.1+i.$i*ii+tl9:#,r,'.r::n1;ii!,iF;iitij.aj;in:it:jir!lii:1.,,,rt : THROTTLEVALVE{DK} MOTORS $* Thethrottlevalveassemblyconsistsof the DK housingwith the throttlevalveplate,return spring,drivemotorandfeedbackpotentiometers, In contrastto the M70 - EMLsystem,the EMLllls throttlevalveplateis drivendirectlybythe motor shaft.The geardriveis eliminated whichaltowsfor a more precisecontrolof the throttleplate positioning, A dualsteppermotorconfigurationis usedto drivethe throttleplate.Both steppermotors arecontrolledthroughseparatefinalstagesin the EMLcontrolmoduleand operaieon the onearmature.The finalstagesfor one steppermotorwindingsare controlledby one micro processorwhile the second motor windingsare controlledby the secondprocessor.The controlof the steppermotorstakes placesimultaneously by each processor. ROTOR DUALPOTENNOMff'ER A$SEIdBLY MOTORSHAFT RE-TURN SPRING THROTTLEPLATE Thedualfeedbackpotentiometers signalthe movementand positionof the throttleplateto each pt'ocessor.The two potentiometershave separatepower and ground circuitsto ensurethe reliability of theiroperation. This dual redundancysystem allows the EML llls to cCIntinueoperation,without driver inconvenience, if one steppermotor or controlcircuitmaffunctions.lf the self diagnosisof the EML llls detects a Taultwith one of the steppermotor controls,it will switch off the affectedcircuit and continueoperationfrom one motor control circuit. The fault will be loggedand the EMLfaultwarningwill be displayedin the clustermatrix. lf a fault occurs that cannot allowcontinuedoperationof the throttlevalve,the controtfor that bank of cylinderswill be switchedoff as with the previousEMLsystem. A &ff f3,!$+X:lltijYri-;tle*i$j/;.ir:il.i:li;:ili$lxpJ!ii!"r+:i'i1':ii":;:i:t*{1*9,1i::-**iliiiiiitl::,;iltJ{'4' $tepper Motor Gontrol A digitatsquarewave signalis used to drivethe steppermotor of the DK assembly.The duty cycleof the frequencyand triggerof the signalar€ changedto producethe magnetic field requiredto movethe steppermotor rotor. by four finalstages.Eachfinalstagehas Eachset of steppermotorwindingsarecontr-olled the abilityto switch betweenpower and ground to reversethe di'i.ectionof cunent flow throughthe windings(trigger).This switching allowsthe magneticfield of the coitsto be reversedallowingthe rotorto be drivenin eitherdirectionto positionthe throttleplateat the precisesettingcalledfor by the FWGinput request' Theiinalstagecontrolvariesthe duty cycleto controlthespeedof movementand position of the throttleplate, includes: moJoroperation for stepper, Self Diagnoeis;ThescoBeof EML's selfdiagnosis Both throttlevalvesare checkeddynamicallyprior to enginestading{part of pre-startcheckwith KL 15 on). Alleightfinalstagecontrolsper steppermotorwhen KL 15 is switchedon. r Monitoring The supplyvoltagesfor all potentiorxeters. position. Throttlevalveset positionwith the feedbackpotentiometers Comparingthe two poientiometersignals. Comparingthe set pointsealculatedby each individuatprocessor. The throttlevalveoperationfor OBDll checkingrequirements. r Checking CONDITIONSOF STEPPERMOTORCONTROL $tarting: The EML llls control modulewill positionthe throttlevalvesto the optimum opening for enginestart when it receivesthe KL b0 input overthe cAN line. ldle: The FML llls programming will maintaina stableidteby adjustingthe openingof the throttlevalveswhenthe vehicleis at a standstill. The EMLreceivesthe engineRpM signal fromthe DMEcontrolmoduleoverthe CAN line. The idlewill be stabilizedtor NC compr€ssoractivationto compensatefor the load of the compressor. The EMLreceivesTD and AC on signalsoverthe can line. Decel Fuel Cutoff: Decelfuelcutoffis activatedbasedon the inputfromthe pedalposition sensorand the engineRPMsignals.A highsignalis suppliedfrornthe EMLcontrolmodule to the DMEcontrolmodulesfor the purposeof activatingdeceffuel cut off. Theseinput signalsto the DMEcontrolmodulesar€ separatehard wire linesthat are also usedfor the "safetyfuel cut off' featureof the EMLeontrol. via :a 149e; :i!,., iii:: rl; ii, THROfiLECONTROL FORALL COND|IIONS i 'r: ri ai GANDATA: F: : ir: r:: li .,; .;: {Y"4tia{' ::tt t"t'"i KL 50 *' ' r TD *" i1..r;,*;:"ii"'l'.l..Jntt.:i i . A/ CO N ::+ ::+: {.: :::li .::: .l ) $i, ii::: Mi 8 :i i i 111 ili:'#itrl*r.i*:$i&f"9;.;i.i!,!ri+j{i#Jg,ii.,ti1.:rli5ii$l:l:lr:l;i1:i+ilij THROTTTEFOStilON SENSOR(PWG) The throttle position sensor uses an inductivecoil "oscillator"principlefor accelerator positionrmognitioninput.The PWGconsistsof: r Threeseparateinductivecoils. r Onesoft iron core eccentric,attachedto the acceleratorpedalth.roughthe FWG shaft. e One4, switch,for the externalsafetypath function. Eaeh coil is suppliedwith an AC voltagesignal,at a specificfrequency,fromthe EML llls controlmodule.As the pedatis rnoved,the eccentricshapeof the iron core,movescloser to the PWGcoils. This causes the inductance of the coifsto increasedue to the concentration of the magneticfield. TODMEI 4" SWITCF{ Annfu* AnnA/* AA/* BRAKE LIGHT SWTCH @Y€ The increasinginductancein the coil causesthe amplitude of the AO frequeneyto be reduced, o The amplitudeis decreasedlinearly. as the pedalis presseddown. The EML control modulemonitorsand processesthe changingamplitudeas the inpr:t requestfor throttleopening/closing. nMnr n^n^r nAnnr The changingamplitudevalue is a measureof acseleratorpedal movement, The FML cnntrol module is programmedto recognizepedal movementfrom o. (idle)to ggP woT) basedon the changingvoltagesignal. Thethree inductivecoils are used for redundancypurposes.All three signalsfrom the pWG are input and evaluatedby both processorsof the EML llls controlmodule. lf one signalwere to fail, the operationof the EML system,from the driver'spercpective, would not be affected.The EML llls controlmodulewould continueto funotion from the remainingtwo signals'The fault will be recognizedand storedin the fault memory and a lailurewarning messagewould be postedin the displaymatr.ix,lf a second signalwere to fail,the systemwouldgo intothe failsafeoperationano th" EML llls controlmodule would stop respondingto the throttle input.The enginewill start but not run above idle. This secondfauft would also he stored in the fault memory. 10 lii:gi.)jtS$Slllir$,(j$:,S,4:Ee;fil:iilijll:iliiai#1t::,i,:l.il.1t:llrel $ffERNAL SAFETY PArrI The externalsafetypath circuitis maintainedto ensurethat the decelfuel cutoff is activated if a fault occurs with the output control of the throttle motors causingthe engine not to returnto idle. The externalsafetypath eNistsfrom the electronicbrakelight switqh,throughthe 4'switch, to the decelfuel cutoff inputsof the DMEcontrolmodules. With the acceleratorpedal released{4'switch closed)and the brake pedal pressed,a high signalis supplled(bypassingthe EML control module)to the DMF control modulesto activatedeoelfuel cutoff. w 40 SWTTCH sp e cial tool is no longerrequired to test the safety pathcircuitfor proper operation.A procedure is listedin the diagnostic pagesfor this purpose. lt requires,slepping on the accelerator, < 4obut far enoughto display an off idlecondition,with this displayedon the Dls sg,een,steppingon the brakepedalwill displaythe decelfuel cut off requestto the DME. 11 il..ilwi'iiitli,&far+,:*1fi,i.t$;&'+:di.l$:tiii;tjrrri*r*.iH;,:rtitrtiii.I:inf..4iR"tdri$s.tlgrnlyrr:iii:t*.;il!t{ BASIC ADAPTION OF THE PWG The PWGadaptionallowsthe EMLcontrclmoduleto learnthe idleand wide open throtle lirnitpositions.This adaptionpt'oeedurernustbe carriedout in the followinginstances: "ts4 r The EMLcontrol module is replaced r The pedalpositlonsensoris replaced r The F\ffG is disconnoctedwith the ignition,,ON!' r A new variantcode is installedin the EML control module r The DISdiagnosticproceduresrequestan adaptionbe canied out as part of the troubleshooting NOTE:The enginewill start but the throttlecontrolsystemwill not respondto inputsfrom the PWG until this basic adaption has been compteted,The pr,ocedurefor the basic adaptionis listedin the "SPECIALFUNCTION$"sectionof the DIS- EMLtest pages. The adaptionprocedureis canied out with KL 15 switched"ON" and the engineuOFp,. Drivingthe vehicleis no longer requiredfor pedaladaptionas with the M70 EML system. tz n,*. ;i:.t*ii*p3!r,iin$.i-$ir;t*::!ii.;!.:::illil.l;*iiiiiilliirH:tiiiii$ai:.,t b. w w Etvtlill s coNTRoLMoDULE The EMLllls controtmoduleis locatedin the E-Box.All controland safetyrnonitoring functionso{ the EMLare backedup by redundantprocessing.Eachpair of the output controlfinalstagesof the DK motorsis controlledby a separateprocessor, TheEMLcontrolmodulecommunicates withthe DME,ASC+Tand EGSbontrolmodules overthe CANlinefor the followinginputs/outputs: DMEConfiol Modules ' Enginecoolanttemperature o Throttleposition . NC status (ON/OFR r Loadsignal{ti)for eachDME . Enginespeed fl-D) ASC+TGontrsl Module AG$ Control Module r Throttlevalveangle r Throttlevalveincrease r Throtilevalvedecrease r Vehiclespeed DMEI DMEII r Kickdown r Transmissionrange/program o ShiftCharacter:istics AGS 'a/ CANBUSCONNECTOH M0DULES a[ows coNTRoL TINKED TOCANBUSTO CONNECT TOONECENTMLCONNECTOR) IJ f.#--qiljAilp+illf4li$'illl{i!i+6ri}.1:',.':iiitiillt::':i ^+v.m8$$ftijk::1i ECMRELAY (DMEMAINII) OPEBATING POWER STEPPER MOTOH1 PEDALPO$TNON PC'IEI{JICI'IEIER FOli'ERSGROUND IDLESIGNAL SAFIEYPATH TOPMEI TODMEII $T,EPtrEB .trrtotoRe i;. THffOTILE HOUSING 2 STEPPER Mo]ofi 1 ffi'w STEPPER MOT,OR2 EMLllls CRUISECONTHOL INDIOATOR t '4e CHECKCONTROL MODULE FAULT DISPLAY CRUISE CONTHOL INPUTS: IDLESIGNALTO .,j:q1 -i.r+ E31OR E38SYSTEMS SAFF|Y PATH HIGHSIGNAL FROMNArc IDLESIGNIALTODME II GR II MA IN SWIICH DIAGNOSIS r CANBUS CRUISECONTROL SWITCHES MFLOONTROL MODULE \<4 14 It$+.iia;I:i--v!-gizlti{..}-*. ti1,9s..$Yitixriri,ii.ir$:trp"1'lri,r.}'w@{isiiiHfsiti*rrEfili.{,{*}.i!i CRUISEGONTROLOPERATTON All functionsof the cruisecontrolsystemare incorporatedin the EML llls controlmodule. The cruisecontrolmain swlich is wireddirectlyto the EMLllls controlmodule.The multifunctionsteeringwheel inputs are directto the EMLthrougha separ:ateserialdata bus, The EML control module regulatesthe operationof the cruise centrol by regulatingthe positionof the throfilevalvesas it did in the past.The newcruisecontrollogicadoptedwjth the GR tl E38 74Al are incorporatedin the EMLcontroltogic. CRUISE CONTROL EML llls swrTcHEs MFLCONTROL MODULE TheEMLconlrolsthe cruisecontrolindicatorlempin the instrumentcluster.\ffhenthe main switchis pressed,the indicatorlamp is illuminated. The switching'fOFF'pr:ioritiesfor cruiseoperationare carriedover from the GR ll system. The commandsfor cruisecontrolo:peration are canied out accordingto the highestpriority as follows: 5 - brakelightswitch 4 - transmission in neutral3 - "OFF'request2 - SeVAccelerate 1 - Resume- directlyfrom EMLcontrolmodule from AG$ controlmoduleover CAN from MFL steeringwheel from MFL steeringwheel from MFL steeringwheel The new logicincorporatedintothe cruisecontrolinclude: r Smootheraccelerationunderthe Hesumefeature. . Dorrunshift on decel (down hill)to provideenginebrakingeftuct. tc *:i:;.r'r.xSii:Sw.H!:i,4lii*lli,L}?.Y,lS.v.'*i1ii.Vf*r.+.lr'.1)tr#ivittilill;r*Sii$jl:ill:itl:{#.)*::,s..i CYLINDERBANK SYNCHRONIZATION automaticatly on the EMLllls system.Thisensuresthat Thethrottlevalvesares!/nchronized bothcylinderbanksreceivethe sameairchargeandcreatesa smoothrunningengine.The takes plaoe at an idle dur.ingthe purge system shut off time. The synchronization processlastapprox.'100seconds. synchron2ation d* to takeplaceare: Thetotalconditionsfor synchronization r r r r . r ldling Enginespeedbetween560 - 720 RPM (DKidleposition) Throttlevalvestopsrecognized Loaddifferenceslde-to-sideno morethan .O4to 1O7o controlmsdules No fauttsin DMFJEML Purgesystemshutdown SYNCIiNON[Z[ qd CAN BUS $IG}IAL: LOAD SIGNALFOR DME I IS 5% MORE TI"IANTHAT OF DME II The EMLcontrol module processe$the load signalsfrom the two DMEcontrol modules.lf a differenceeXsts, the EML will adjustthe DK motorsto achieveequalair throughputon both banks. will not take placeand a fault lf the load differenceis greaterthan 107o,the synchronization is storedin the memory. to u, t:It;{Fit_-1t".r,rif{;14*rt;?F\i;.:ii,i.i;-siir*6iixlr+,I'd*iri,:{P+e;.r,}rJ FAULT RECOGNITION/DIAGNOSIS The OBD ll regulationsrequirethat any fault with the EML llls system that can affect emissionsmust tum on the "CheckEngineLamp"and be accessiblethroughthe OBD ll read out connector,Thesefaults will also be stored in the fault mernoryof the EML llls controlmodulefor accessthroughthe DIStest programs, ThefailurewarninEof the EML llls systemis throughthe checkcontrolsystem(CCM)of the E38.A fault rnessage fromthe EML controlmoduleis sent to the CCM and the message will be posted in the matrixdisplayof the instrumentcluster. The diagnosisprogramof the DISincludesthe "FaultSyrnptom"troubleshooting pathsas well as the Test Modules,ServiceFunctionsand ExpertModes introducedwith the E3g 740| Diagnosisand troubleshootingshouldalwaysbeginwith the fauftsymptomtroubleshooting mode.Followthe test modulesand diagnosticpath proviiCed by the Dl$ Tester. T,* f .".,r: ;r:tr:;i:iiliin!a.ri,l{.fa\ei}i,#rY.t i:-s.:i.itri*i}.fss}. ,I4{$it . l ] *. tffi BASICTROUBLESHOOTING . Alwayspersonallyverifythe customercomplaint. ' Callup the faulted$ystemor appropriatetest scheduleto verifythe correctcontrol moduleis installedin the car, @- ltlliit=, ' ", $U li:ri'. i@; i!j.,..., r Followthe DiagnosticInformationSystem{DlS}on screeninstructionsand performall teetsas sPecified' r Usethe Dl$ andfaultsyrnptomdiagnostioppceduresas trained, ,H' setfauttsin,memory. f. t.-'" =' ' Systemproblemswhicheluded,iagnostie procedures mustbe broughtto the attention of BMWof NorthAmerica,lnc. i..'' ' BMWTeohnicalAssistanceHofline 1-fx&|,4vz-7?5E.. -*