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VIVEKANANDA GLOBAL UNIVERSITY,JAIPUR Arise. Awake. Achieve Established bv ta,iasthan srare rc islahtre and covered u_/s 2aO of rie UcC A.r, 1956 FACULTY OF BASIC & APPLIED SCIENCES SCHEME & SYLLABUS FOR Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (EullTimet' f,1", i ,., :lr r,, t -4ATPRUV ED ION: 2014-15 'l,ilTf,?,1i';ititJlsii *iH;itit:::,,,"1i:[ (ft1];::t., 8.5c. Fnn 191 [^ 1 .6*, y'rQ Yer (Sone*er lI ,.' I iT 6,*--T) ,il,r, ,/i, , APPROVED .""*T- VTVE(ANANDA GLOsAL UNIV SCHEME OfTEACHINC AND :v^Lr B.S._ Sc.ond\ t"'ln ,c s"h :ir.!!:I: !l1]I!! .L .ODF] 8.S.. Se.o.dYear (SemestertV ) l .LTE [r\D TERIII EXAIVI , MII :- rr0k' APPROVED vrwr.{NANpa cr_oBAL u\-t[Rsm..jiifu ]i !trl.rlMI or Tr{cH]\a ANLr r!^ rr^r.N IJ.s.. B,sc. .mNsrFr/ mnd YLrr ( Samcner v ) Third Yed (Semestervr ) LTNUxANDSELL l APPROVED viveku RSC 101 MTCITANICS AND PROPIRTIES dr clobar unn;efi9'FjPr O! NI'{TTIR simPl' oscillation: sinrPle ninn'nic notion' ExdPI's 'i MODULE otion,Enelg}.onsi.lerationinsHNI,claPlrs. halmoni. mohon, Equatiols ol snnPle harmoni. T otion' D'rnped oscillation' Forced to O.a -O ."i *"tO-, S H'M nl Plan'n .t 'ir'uiar ".a, 5H\l os.illation, Resonan c lrcblemthvoLring lrotl{tia1 Giavitation:l Potential : ct itational MODULES Il Giavitational lield a'd o! susPension d Oscilah'ns' tuter's ol Intdchangeabiliq' lcnduluh, Compomd 'enters l\ion'n GFvitarional field' Gr'vitatr'nal I'lan'taN rorcBible Podulum, kPle/s laws of Int'nsiil du' kr unilorm Soli'1 Potential hrensitt, Cralitahonal Potenbal' GFritati'nat 'D'l 11 Free and DamP'd spher. eonlt insnte and oftsnte' 2D ivlotion' Timc of MoDtJL! III: 2-D nmtion ander Cravitv: C'neral Ilig!! Mdrimur Height Gromd to Prcje'nle' Probl'ns on Iquation ol Trajectory' m lndnrdd Plme Grcurd, Proi<tile lired tom HeiSh IJrojectile lvlotion and their relahons' law' ELa+i' MODUTE rV: ?loPeiries of Matter: Elasticitj Hoole'' 'ostants (hndlng momert and anrl hvistjnS conPle Bendnrg ol bcan Poisson's ralio, toision or 'vlNdcr ,."g no.',.n' e\'"'" h'L\'"1l' ILP ' -fts! of Sase!' La( of of Kheti' AssumPiions Gases: of Theory Kineti. V; MODULE and Ra$e, Gr@trd to equrp.'hn speeO' nol ma n Cr'u'l rJ'-r'J R:Pll' '''n'l' l(r_5'\1"'t' l'Ji ts'ru "of Pntal rciiiication of \ldselfs b{ of \r,lr l"i trerocitlcs (terilation requircd)' ExPerio sPeed' mean 6ee Pat\ .p*a ai,tlt"ti.., oosi Probable sPe'd' avdagc an'l r'ms' moiiotr (qu'lit'hve)' Real rr"*p-t.r ""-g,.' ...r ,**entum, diltusior or gas6 Broqtrian gases, Van der $ aalt cquaho! vileka.anda cl0brt univ&sig, hipr BSC 102: ELECTRO MAGNETIC THFoRi', MoDULE I: Magneti. effe.r or Curr€nr ltagictic fiol.t dornd a .rrrent .arq,ing .ond u.tor. Bni ard S,vart s taN , \lagleti. rjdd inrcnsirv at a poirr on thc aris oi a cncllar .oil carrying crrront , magleti. iicH nrtensih,due to a sotenoid.anying current_ cltecrofnoncore in a solenoid , Helmlolrz galvanomcrer - noring .oit batiisri. gah,anomer.r - theory damping .orre.tion. Det€rmination ot thc absotute .apacitr. ot a cordenscr using B.c. MODUTE Ir Eie.ironEgneric Indrction: Fanday,s cxpe menrs on el€.trcmagrerism Fd.dal, s tau,s oI Ele.tromagneric In<lmtion , Lcnz s la( - D€.tu*ion of raraday,s las, Irom Loioriz for.e - ve.tor potdnrial. Eddt.curcnts, indu.tors and in.h.tance ddermirarion ol sell nrd!.tan.e of a .oil u ng And€rson merh.d , nuhral indtr.tan.e experincnrat dcr€minahon .fdb.. u.p..utudl.l!iu.rd.p .opi,rot\o,t htrMoDULE III: Applicarions or Ue.rrofragneti. nrdu.rion: Earth indu.h)r mealurcmanr ot horjzonrat.omponcnr ofthe earrh s nragnctic ficld _ uses of earth hoasurenent oI .oopolcnt of eartlts magneti. Iield- calibration .f BC. rneasurement oI intense magneu. field using sea(h .oil and BG indudion .oil and irs $es. MoDULE ryi Matuetl s Equario.s and Elecrromgneti. Theory: sasic cquarions - t pes oI clnenls va.trur .lispla.ement curenr lvtarw.lrs eqrations - N,laxs,ells .quarions in fiee lpace - electroragr&ic wales in lroo spa.e _.nerg],densiq oI e.Dr wave _ poynring s $eorem _ tnitrol!fre. MODULE v: Ele.komg.eaic cnerSy Per waves in nrrrer: propagah.f Transnrissbn at nomal nrcidence and obliquc wave guidcs,TE {,ares nr re.tangula.q,a!c 1 tu. cn.c n ljnea Fresnel s nedja , R.ite.tjon .nd cqutions - Bre$6ter angte - nctisn 6y M.Naiay.n nurthy & N N.srattDam, N: netism by K. K TeMri, s chand & c. 2002 nedgn b) lr Chrltdparth\r\ rn IpC trat5hrl10ult. npo^ &Certro.tynJnn.!hJ Srrh\i a rtrr rr4qrn (b.dlmnic bI DJr:.iE{s,3d, Edih.n,rHl, Nsw 2 ,1 z=>-" \,\ I ,.'i \..., . :, JNCi.'EI ,6'( BSC 103,1: PHYSICAL &INORGANIC CHEMISTRY couse-r nle r+ysral & rnorsank chcnnry MODUTE I: con.€ph: Logain\nic relari.ns,ctrve skrchnrg, tnrear gmphs md .al.ulitions of slop€s, dlrlcicntiarion oi fmctions lite K', e', X", sn(x) , log X, maxima dd nlnriDa, lartial, difrcrcntiation & re.iprNit! relations IntogEtions oI some Getul/rEldant MODULE II: Gaseous State: Postulates oI knred. theoa of gascs and deviarion 6om eal behavn{, Van .ler 1 equarion of sratc Ciitic.t phenomcna, PV isotherms oI real gas.s, 'aal's continnitt ol shr.s, th€ isotherms oI van der waal s oquatior, relarionship b.twe.n . coflshnrs and van der Waal's .onstrnts, uc Iaw of.o,respondlng statcs, re.luced equarion oI state \,Iole.ular velo.ihcs: Root me an square, a\erage an.l nosi proba bl e velocirics. Qualilarive dis.ussion oI th€ N,laxwcll's dish.ilution of ,nolecrlar vcl{,.iiies, collision nurbcr, ,ncan padl and collision dianeter, liqudaction oI gN6 ( basd on Joule-TloNon dL.r) MODUIE III Liouid Statei nrtErmol..nlar, shu.tur. of liquids (lnalita6,c), snNrttraldilferen .s betl{€en,liquid and gases. Lquid crtstat:Classificarion,shuctureot nenutic and.holeski. phases. Themrographv ard selen sognenr.eU. Sftra.. h.rwccn a liqui.l and vapour su{ace tens n br catillaN ris. ncthod, stala8nmmetemerhod Vncosiry of '',1",h r-np l,.lu'hol r-.,urO.h,t..\\ nor i,1 MODULE Iv: Solid State Derinitior olspa.e lattice, un1.etl. Lahc orqysralographl (i) Las, of .onstancv .l interla.ial atrgles, (ii) Laq, of rarionaliq ol (iii) law oI synmcby, Sl]m.try elements in.rystals x El difha.tions br .flsrrh. Dernaton oI Eragg's e$arion. Detcrmination oI.rystal sku.ture or NaCl, (Cl, CsCl (Laue's Drerhod and poa.lei meth.d). MODUIE v: Atomi. sku.tue E i.lence lor rle .lockicil tuture ol matte! dn.haige tube cxPonnents, l'iomson! ak,mic mo.lel; Rutholord nod!], Botus nrodel oI nrdrosen aton; a ex.lusnnr tL' ,-i e!h4rF rtu' rm.urbp.s ..4p...r,.p. IJoiaB ILfb,. ,olrur pn..ipll'!, Hund's ruld of n,{num mulripli.iry; Ele.honi..onligurarions of rhe P.oo-lr.rh'pi. elcm.n tsr e ffe. tiyc n ucl€ar .h ar8 c. Periodic Prope*ies: Atomi. and ioni. radii, ionizaiiof enersr, Llo.rron rltinih,an.t ctc.rro .ir.\'h d" d i'.n. mFrrU,l. o Jp.p,tr'uin e.,n., ,nqsJ p.r.4r .ibt".rd aplli.ahons nr predictingand expt.ining bohalior L I l\, Alkins.i al., lnysicat ChdmGtry,7,i pditn 2. l.D. Lcq Con.ise Inoryanic Chemislry, ILBS luLiratiotr,.!, rditt.n 3 P!Li, Shamra, Paihinia,Priftiptcs ot Cnenrisby bv vishat hLbtilhmg Compani,, Oxfod ,r 5. 6. 7. fllvsical .hemisq, Prentit€ ilatt lndia,1993, Donald l,Ia.quariq Physicit Chetrishr C. L. ,Ag.mal, Basi. chemi..l Kretne Iara tvlc]h-t litt Publi.SLion BR Puri, L.R.SIarma, K.C. (ale l,rin.iples ol tturgani. Chemisbl, varlabh ?ubli.atioro, C. K. Venulap:Ui, c 1\ril!in$n Basi. tlor8a.1(chcmish!, !1it.I FJ-tern L'r dvt"'" r 4rihon 1qo.r / .r \---t/n-f ---*-^^,,.-t'r BSCIO3.2 FUNDAMENTALS OF COM?UTER SCIENCE MoDU!E I: Introducrion ro Comprters: Necd and Rotc oi .omputcrs, Definiiion, Chara.tetutics ind Applications, ccnehti.ns of Computer, Harda,tucr sasic diagEm, CPU, Plnm]], and Se.on.lary srorago delt.cs and MODULE II: Inlormarion Con.eprs; I/O Devices Dat ard its rcprcscntrtion, l ctrara.teisri.s, Cat€gories of innirnahon, Lorets ot Con.cpt olfile, rccoilt and icld. ir ornarion. oimaiioD and iis Dara ltoragc and rcrrieral Nunber Sysren: Basi..oncepts, Bilan,, o.tat, De.nnjl an.l Hcrade.inal numbering s16tem, conyeision lrom ore sysrcn to anothcr MoDULE III: Inhoduction to Sofrware; Dcrinttion, T]'pes oI Software, s),nem soltl{nre: opentirg Srsten, Futrcrions of 06, oleNjcw oI DOS, h,indows and Limr Applicarion s.rh{arer l,vord pr..essor, M5 MODULE Iv; Computer Langlages: Dai.basc..ncqts.Fliiritevcisls Databas. Defnridon, ceneranons ol.omputEr l.nguages, Tlpes oi Ldguages, Larguage TEnsiarors: Assembler, lnteryreter, Compile,, Lnrker ind Loarler, Prog' anmtug .onsh.ucts Algorltlm & norvcl r t \'rOD! I f \: r onpute, \eruor( Lon.ept-: .. ,r. ,1., . eo.oi . Hnr r_ , -.t ol Interner/ Broh,ser and jrs rypes, Domain Namo slstum (DNs), i\,w (e-nail) , search Engincs and rnriturers. usaSo ' t.r . r'd & r -rrtr, .F. ,,n- ,.ion ni\ u ,p-, ne BnE j u. I LJ,au,r.- \.t\ t.6,h.r,.".ht' . \(. ',, r"-Lmrht.o II.r,.( ,l,,rt,- ,.J,..,rr.16 4 (.!'o-" 'Ill',\orLO.rt,2,,Jr r\^mJo". ' Lan,,s 5 ftLyturt p. i.,\on Km.tkar "lriix shel pro8h dmin8,,, s?B t)n " \, !r, \ Ele.h.onjc llait vivekananda clobal BSC O4-1: univ{,ir}, t Fnr ORCANIC & INORCANIC CHEMISTRY cou6eTitlcorgann&I!o!Eli.cheinEy MODUI I l: lurdamentals or O, ( hemi<h]: H. m.. -F"b pr,1,.,n,r,u.'".,p.i"s,.,.r..., rJp- ororE.,-r Dtuoho;. l::." l1q"' Adilrio-.1 n.r'dho. -ub.r., i n O.ij.ior, f, tr.rj"r ,.t R"r-, iccme r-on! e^d,nDt .r e-h.n r..orch' .Fr,,. ,rt.rtoUL rru. rcii-,_sr -rp"nj r,. step ieacti.ns. Readivc in tcmr ed iates , Carboca rionr .a rbani on s, hoe radi.rh,"cdb;es, ar96 and nitlenes wittr examptes MoDULE II: Alkaner ard cy.toalk.n€sr IUpAc nomenclaturo ofa(anes. ccn.ral merhods of io.r'i n,h.ll'.D.o.' t . i Dp . pr . I o , . t,,, ;;;;..4 ) 4ts.-bo.-.runo'.drbo.-.. d.t-. T'rn.,.t tul ,i.-,..t !t,pa.".-.r,,.tro.\.r Lt, n, -ir.g..:r..., nhu. ior r"d Dv'o.\.F. \t,..hJr,n r.r"F,.dr., tLt.U,i,ho.niJlla.n\ jjr.,d I drt\r\.n,+t .tri\srrh { pc.,,r Jn","),o".\.to,,,n^..,, nq,.td,u,. s: j-11:lrl r- rr.n,io Br\.r.h1,,rFon..,.,,.r.,:,bo,;..fin; ,,.n. ,..r,..t.b..n" , L4?rop oD. n l,,bJnn bund5 r\"o,, -r,.i h,, -t ,., prot" " rii MODULE III: Alkenes: IUpAC nom.nclature oI alkenes, gcn€ral n€tho.ts oI fonnation. mecharisDrs oI dchJdmhon of atcohols and dchtdrc bacnirion of allvl hatid:s. regnEer.ctivirv il aronot dehydrarion. rhe saltzeft rrld, u.rii..n. pir.ioi propcries and ielatire stabiriiies or rea.dons of an.nes, "ri-mti.i,. t;;;:;;, o2o.olysis, lNdration, and oxidari.n ,fth KN,lnOo \le.narEtu iNot,cd n hl,jiog;;a;o;, elechophilic and frce additions, N,rar(oNnitot( s r!le, hv{trcborarion-o;m,ii", o..a..u dho. -.d..h,,a r. t\r"r/a, ,,.,:rrpnp. !,,o i,,rbo. ,.1c. t,t.r \jn\,i p..ho \ o, lu p. '. du.t'.,..ppt' dr'on or, h,-.,,,, I pr-D, r ' MoDL IF lv: Diele\: \o-. n. td u.e . r,-,ri.., . J ,r-. F,. cL ."-r,8,.eo,r I .',0'.ll"JdF,--rru.rL'..jrt.e,u "r,.i pn ,h1. ot .jt . r,. .."rm .o,l\ .orr,ho.i, b.dJ,.re ( Lpmi.l i.,. ! .. t.-,, ll ,-,rd.r-r. Dip _olter ra-hor MODULE V: Oxi.larion an.l Redu.rion: Use ot re(lox p.icntial .lara anatysis ot rcdox cl,.le, redox stabilitt nr lattlFrost, lahmcr axl pourbai\ diaSrams, prin.iplc; -uor,,.a in'rr." erhadion of the el.meDts. w.ak lnteraction: Hldrogen londnrg, Vanlter Waals fotlr! I \r,. .. . d.,. t,o\ ' o ",,n,. r rgd . , . t.tu .l ,. ". t.u.,,db r , .tr,on .. r.a1-(. o,o.. c} , .rr .o1 .o" tdj.., ,,r.. t,l lnl., .d._ ! Layu,td,,81 ..or8. r aFturq .t,,tr.o.t1,n.o_ar( ,.i( t.-) \d. , ".to,3.n:, t"tu \ ..loo " o BP. _d, ..n,.r, t., k t. t , ,.... . r,,,",.1,,., Fy ,jo o_ v,,r .n t,r,.. Edntr,n ti_.. uc' . /" \ PPP,C' ..J t. virekananda crobir BSC 104.2: PROBtEM SOLVTNG MODULE I: Inriodu.rioni ttisnrry alSorithm and flo$.narfoi &?ROGRAMMINGIN uni,e6 y, hipur C oI,C lang@g., Aigondnns and FloNcharrs, Devclopbg simple problems.,C,basi.s:.hara.rer ser. rdc.tiEers & tc],words, Dah t,pes, ConstanE Varialrtes, Opcrators, SrnLolic constanrs, Expressions, Compound statmenrs, stucturc of c proSram. l.pur and outprr statenc.ts. MODULE Il: 'c' consr(.tsr it lrit€ncnts & fts n,ms, goto statenent, I,hilc sratehent, ior statcment, do...while sratehent, break m.l contnrue srar.ment, neshnA .oncept, h MODULE lll: Airays: dcrinition, \.pesolArays, dochrnrgAra_!r, i/oopoarions or Ar.r,s Fun.rions: basi.s oI Innctions, apptications, tun.hon dectararion, .teturition, s.opo, para.reter lv: Poinieis: dcntridon. appticahons orlonrters: ponlter hr Airarr.alt lr refren.c in lun.tions Cn,a.t* Handling: Strings, st dmt li6ra!. shjng Iun.tions, an.1 hro_ MODUTE di.lensional arra! ot.haFcr€B, n ?r oI ponrrcis ro sfi.n1gs MODULE V: Strudures: basics ot Shuducs, Shu.tuc and Fudions, to sh.t.rure, Fil€ handling: filo con.epb, iilc cr€ation, I/O.peraiions on Iilcs, 61. tunction,, s,orknrE N 1. Yasiwart Kanerkar, ,,Ler us C, . BpB pu6l ica tions, 20U2 rh d\\,. In.:,..,, ;|,1s-.:. rH :oi, I PI ,r.,,e o r,r..,r 'l}'q'"1'r'i''r \ ''l' l' 'o"' . ^al1\",Ltr,rr,r rnoor,"i ir iJ ,.i,o,\u..n.."..o,q 'J-" h 'o r .t o.' .1't u .r lH , .oo, -) \ APPP']\,Ei) /r'6-" MODIJL! I: s theor€n, Fnst a d sc.ond mean valre theorens, Tartor's theorems Nith LaShnge's ind Calcny's rorns of reman er su.cessive diffcrcntiation and Theorems: Rolle MODULE II: cdnvergenc€: Co1lergcnce of inlinu. Raabe! rcst and Log ithric ratio test,'s li8hcr logarithmi. ratio 'e es, Compaiison test, ratio test, roor rest, condcnsarlon test, DeN,lorgan and Berrrard test test. Altcnrating seics, Leibnnz Est, Abs.hb and condirional MoDULE III: Maxima and Minima: Ilarnna and \,hrima (or iunctions of rwo ! iableg, Tangents and nomals (polar lomr only),CLivatuN, Envelopes tual .votutes MODUIE IV: Asyhprotes: Asvmphrtes, Nldtiple pon*i, of curves MODULE V: Qrd/atur€ nr clnc.vjlv dd.onveritl,, ponr6 of nrnexlon, Carresian and potd .o-ordnutcs Tesrs for : Qudhture, Re.tifi.ation, Volumes an.l su*aces of of ,€rolntjo., Doublc an.l triplc inregrals, Changr otordei ot integnrion, Dri.Ilet,s Lltegral. l.nrn,,dn.ltnrp\.,.t."tJ.n'Jd-.t. .u.n-pr\\r.r',lCiiJ. d'r ' lu' 'e "r'r i'hr' L"rl'\ F--r'Idlr ,, . u. o'. "li5'1 p!.- rrUti. or 4 CoralJr Prasad, Differential Ca l.nfu r 5. Corath trasad, tntdgEl Cat.utG. A,ldFortsr\.,,J v 'rjn.... ! -J / X\ t"A' ' vivckanaadi crobn unieEity, I.rpur BSC106:THRIE DIMENSIONAL GIOMETRY AND VECTOR CALCULUS c.ue Tiilei l1lree Di4enlioin ceoferry And vedor calcurrs MODULE I: Ceneral equation of second degr.e Generat equation ol second de8r.e, oI .onics, Syst?o of conica Conlocal onics. MODUTE Il. Plans Pim., Ttre snaighr line md ure ptane TanSmi plan€s, Nomts and their MODULE III: Trw€ Dim€nsional strftr{res: Spher€, Cone, CIiinder, Cenhat Conicoids. MODULE lv: Scal and ve.ror fietds: ad vector fietds, Diff€imtiation oI v€ctor tunctions, Dire.tional deiivarives, cradi€nr, Div€rgence and Cni.Lnre, Sufa.e and MODUL! V: Special Theore@: Creen s volme Ueoren plare ca6s,s and Stoke,s theorem (withourprcoo and iheir applicarions. Ta/R€f€r€ Bools 1. Mutray R. SpieEeI Vector Analysis, Schaur S€rics. 2. INir I rc,.z.E ad\ y,. d . nL n,.ei.r,E \r. r\ m,ri. \. 3. Shanti Nalaym, Text Book of v(ror catcuhs, S. Cirand & C.npanj,. 4. Corakh Prasad and H.C. cupta, T€xr Boo! on Coordinato ceomerri,. 5, P.K.lain d.l lGalil Almad, Texr Book of Analrrical Ceomcrry oi nme Drmensions,Wiley EdternLtd. 6. 5.L. Loney, Elements of Coordinate ceomeky, Mamilarr anil Company. l' '7aF t,a-' APPRC\1ID " r.{ (t'r* U\ vivekrlandaclobrunivesity,)alpu! DSC 107: PEYSICS LAR Noter Minimrm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Determine th€ Youg's modulus by bendins oi beam Study rhe drarging 3. Study of one dimensional elasii. colision using two spneres. 7 €rpdiments shoda be p€rform€d DeFrmine dre viscosi$rofliqujd bySe DetErnine the Mom€nt of Indiia of Determine the heiglt of building a wth lt co-arial cylinder. !ry wh€.l rhe heb oI Serrant Datemine tl€ surfa.e tension of warer by capilary dse method. Determine the value oI'g'by compound pendulum. od discharging of a capacftoi and deteiminahon or dm. constant of Detemination of dre figue oI merit & scnsiriviry of t \\- a baltistic galvanomerer. \-t- i\PPROVED / r C?1n, noa (',,( vivek BSC 103,1 CHEMISTRY I rndr clobar univeFity,Iaipur AR coG. Physical chenisrrr (any rwo) (1) To dDte@ine tne per.enrage by Tirre chen siry Lab .omposition of a given mirtnre (non-iltcra.ting systens) virosity method. (2) To dctemine the excess wiscosity of these solurions. (3) To derEmine the p€rcEnrage .omposftion oI a give! binary mixrure by surface tension nethod (a.etone & ethyl merhyl kekhe) (1) Estimation oI copper uring tliosr'lphate. (2) Estimation or Ierou and fdrlc by dichromare (edrod. organic chemi3trla (my ihre€) (1) Detemnuiion oI n.p. of naphthalene, benzoic, (2) Determnration o, b.!. of ethdol, bmzd. (3) A mircd eelting point dereminarion of urea (4) Cryshllization of phdrali. eid from hor water, €thanoi, bcnzoic aci.t from hot watei erc ..-_,..-,. j f{v""- \-A--.-*t){"- vivek DDd! clobrluniveFi9/JiiPr BSC 103.2: COMPUTFR IAB Inrernal DOS Commandsr IlD, CD, DtR, TI\IE, DATE, DEL,TYPE, EDIT, COpy, EXIT. pArH. PROIUPT, RII\,I. REN, lER Extelnnl Dos Co,nmands: ATIRIB, BACKU!, CHKDS(, CONtt, DEBUG, DrSKCOpy, DOS(EY, HELP, XCOPY, SHUTDOI\'N, SYSTEMINFO, UNDELETE 2. workingwirh windows Opernring Systen. 3 Workingwiih MS,Word: Gerdng lamiliar with various t ol bars, Tablcs and Columns, lvlJil tuergo 4- workinS with MS-lxceI \\ orkf,g $ith slreadsncds, ceneratins Charls, Cre.tins Nracrcs , WorlinBh'i.hV\ fowe.foinr:T"p".r , _'.\i.L 'r,!r-jtn\ \ itr, ,, 6. Dyploring Internet i{ ebPagcs, Websitd, Br.rrer, URL,Surfng, Sear.ning, cFadrg nait 7. Basi( Linu Commande:15, DF, Rlt1, PASSi{D, CAL, DATE, TOUCE FILI,CUT,CAT, I{HO, VI, I\'IORE, CI-EAR, CP, MV, MKDIR, CD, RI\,IDIR EXIT, ED 8, Implebantarion or rle various Data Types in C. 9. Implemenradon of various srorageTypes, 10. Demonstration of for loop. 11. Dononstration of switch.. 12. IDplementation of rays, 13. Inple,nenhrion ofmultirlimensional arrays (Einr: inptenert matrix opeiation). 14. lDplementaiion of fun.tions (Hnrr Demonskare.nlt l]I walue,..t1tr lchemes, passins oI 1s. Dehonstration or various stiing operations (Hnrr 15. 17. 18. 19. Usag..luser detur.d h rctions ody Denonstration of poinrer op€rations, Defronskation of.ecursion (Hint CCD, ia.toii.l, Fib.nacci serics). Imllementation of st tr.tures and Union De.ronskation of p.ocessing ionolchda.ter.otrntin&line.orntingandword.o r) ) \ - '\.' i a\ IPP viv€tanandr clobat univel,ry, t BSC109: COMPUTER PROGRAMMING I AB cource-ritk conpller piocrmntnS 1. WAP nr cal.ulate average of thrce 2. WAP ir 3. WAP io detErmine whether .1, WAP in C to det€rmin€ 5. wAP in nmbe6. C to cai.datc th€ rcor, of a quadratic c a bb gild tle porition number is equrion i,ith nahrc ot rhe roots, .ve or odd. or a point p wilh respect to the givm .nde. to detqmine the position oI a ponrr P in a quadrant. 6 ,VAI nr C to determine wh€urer IHINI: 153=1r +$+33=1531 Z WAI in C to deremine wheih€r a gn en nmber a Biven nunber is palindrome nDb€r or is Aimstrong nmbcr or not. rot IHINT: 121.Its rcverse is also:1211 3. WAI to lrnrt all Armst 9. WAP htr print all 10, WAP in C to determine whether tlree coordinares lointes are colinear or not. P me ong numbcs in nmbers between I \,' l{n rdge lerween 1 to 5OOO; {v"/ ro 100. \-z-.-.**"rr,ffr{, prr viv.r< andr clobal univqsit JaiP( aSC 110: Engtjsh l) The Bct- Anton Che(oy 2) So.ratesand the s.hoolmasr.rF L. Bm)ne 3) AI Ashologer's Day,RK.Nahyan il) Ihe cilt oI drd Nlagi-OHenry 5) With dre Phoftrgraphrisrephen MODULE II: spok€n Comnuni.arion: Meering peopl., lr.trangnrg crcatings and Ta(n8 Leavc, lntroducing Yoursoltlnrroducing Feople ro Asking for ortcrs, Answenng rhe Tetepnone m.l Soneonc, Dealin8 (irlr a ['rong Number, Tahlg ard L€arin8 M€ssages, Ntaking Inquirios on the Plione. Calling lor Hetp in an emerg.ijcv MoDULE III: cramm : Articles (Definite &rndefnrite arri.res), prcpostions (Comndncr Pr.Position) nrodal atrxlliaies Ga. ,could, mv, mi8ht, shal, shonid, wilt, would, ougnt io, nee.t to. daro to. usorl to) MoDULE lV: vocab{lary: Antonvns (opposne wo s i.e nonesrltislonest, p.osper_ altvcrse) synon]ms (satue meani.g i.e abandon, capture-selzo one-wo lubstihrtcs (one wor.l MODUL! v: wrift€n Comnuri.arion: sumnarizing (A suhnarl is shortene.l lersn r .f a lctler, a passage, a repoit, d or a book Ttre skil .I sumnarizhg is ako known as arrof condensation) ohnmicatim, Prose & Poetrv ' published 6y Oienr Longhan Prin.iples md practices by Rman Nlco.aksh and Sirarma Delhi lngljshgranmdtu , \:_:. composi tion bI S. Cn.nd & Co. Neh \,'-,A--np"pnotlr:n a , /-.La. I .{ /r^\/r vner jnindr ctobrt,pu. BSC 201: WAVES, ACOUSTICS AND LLTRASoNTCS MODULE Encrgl .f Waves: Wave veiejty an.l parricte !eto.,r1,, Differenriat equanon oI wale horn,n, a plane progressn,e wa!c, Equ,tion 1: oi Eans,eschrrcs alons asrrins. F.",r,"".r._d MoDULE TT: Starion y wrves: Ana\,rical en.r pipe at i"" orhq and). r",","r"r:.., p",t"d:"t;; hearmt ;;,::.i'.:::::; ;::::::'fi,::ff1 Nodes ind.drrinodes, Dishiburion of!ncr$.in r sraiionn!. MODULE in.l IIr : A.ousiics: Noise h,avc, En rgv js not rratufeired in a Nlusical sou sourr. rre Deciber, nre plon -", , Sabine'slnhxta, .iemands oI good au.ltoium. MODULE IV: Transdu.e.s: nansducoE and i monrs@ii rou.r spca,re, ^",",r",";*;':'",:::.::;iJl,,?_'J;.""iili prcc*,,*-.,*_. *,:::':ix,lliJ::;;;-"-*.., MODUTE v: Ultrasoni.s Ulh.asoni.s, prope(ies n,,3" t.,hi! n .rat. c& Iar€s by Piezo ele'tri' & D'odu, ma8mtustriction os.illanrr, Deh.rion or ultrasoni. or utnasoni. wavc, i{aves nrmsoni. nalcs, a.ousti. gr.tnr& Applcarion of References Books ll'-.;.1',".,.t'rn\.8,.r,,i,.,,o rar d,or oi s u d -,. nturd.-,1 I ;,,"..';.i :, T1". ) .,b.dr r.q.. \o,vLrd.-.,8,,,: --. Bp4. r,cr n dn.s -,.i.",: tu,;T 4,o,.1 8n,..r., . J' r-br, ."i_;frtl,sf ubF.,11,r.,...e, "!ol,o-5- ::."' ",,. -,., \ f^-) li.zo_etoct vivekrnmdi crobrr univereiry. Jaipur MODULE I;ceomekical Opri.s : Makix mcthods rcta.tion, doivafi.n ofthinlonsand tli.t h p.Exlar opti.s, eir.cts ol trdstatior an.l t.ns fonnutao, rroDL,t_E pttu1c,n.dal Dlanes. *!rcr n'tl'- 1.!. thrond,r -p.cri..,. nm,..h8fr,\n ,dJi I r,,, , b.rr re'nelies Ph], Opti.s u,Fd-JU,en MoDUIE II: ht€rfer€nce hteiLren.e blr Dniston ot l^ralenont Fr.m.l,s Bipristu appli.ations to detcminarion or s,ave lenSdr of so.tium rigtrt an.l L\ickness oi Liord's mnrol, phase ch ge on rcn{tion ar . ni.a irs sheer MODULE III: InrerferenG rnterlotnce bI Dn ision ot hplftude: Cotou of thnr, filh, w.rlge slapcd filh, Neu,ron's rnrgs. Inteferonercis: I\li.helnr,s Dtc,Jeronrter ar.l its apllicarion b. lJ) Stan(l disation ofa nerer (lr) deterdrination oI l.are lengrh.Iresuel s Di6ac6on: Ercsnel,s hall period zones, zone llate, di(ra.tion ar a lrraight cdgc,I{iangrlnr stit nnd .n ul appcrhue. MODULE IV: Iraun h oEq .tifrraction : Onc stit .t i I6a. tion, th,o stii difir.crion N stitdiffm.rion, Plane htu.rission gmnring speckum, DispeEiye ponE o1 a grating , Lmit oI ren ution, R.ytei8l's.rftcdon, resolving poN.r.t telescope &d a gratnrg MODULE v:lolarizarion : potaisatiol and Doubtc l{eh.a.rion I polajsarion h rl,!e.ii.n n-'. i-dho.t.s.dri-.i-a vdl^t.,\ .r,"o-,-r, i rJ .r..,a.,.r,, r ,r. , ,, . ,.,. ,t,_. oI luo, r.r'...'.o.,.',mdt",,,r,riFr.... \ ,\-Fo,rdrn,. I,B.r \...pi\m O',r'?jrrn pt.'tp"nJ\J,rrarFnt,t,,,., ir L tjon r.,r,",F, tr,"d,,gh.i, Cntularl\' polarized lighr and (jn)Eltipti.ali! polaized tighr, a.tilirl,, ftcsnel,s roloh n .pA'h. j L,-o totjnlq,1.,.rli.L"d"d.,.Brt..rL '1. tlsrv Opti.s bI Ajat, chatn(, Tara l\r.Graw Hilt 1977. 2 iftodr.tionof Oprics by lhk L an.t r.oo s pedrofti, r' (frfe HaI lert- -\.'='; AFPRO\/ED .I h"i.'" oI vi,erinrndr Globr unneu,rr.lj,Pr BSC 2O],1,PHtSICAL & INORGANIC CI]EMISTRY MODUtt r:couoidarsr,re. DLhnrLron oi loltod! di.. "p,,.,.,"".,..;",,,b.;;';;,;, "."":: ro'r'.or'o''qLr'.o' r."*: i iii,r";,i,*,;:i:11;* y*iiiill;ilf 1." ) -.:;.,:.- : .,.", i r; i ;" ; i l; _:ll, t:,?,.: : Jtl,.:l ;,.",:il, I ;. ;;X";,: r, " ; ;". :l""",:;:'ol l . I,l:l I : ;;,.:r1 : ll:,":i d"::li i:i:i,j. lilj; F '' 'bo"o 'inl ll;;;I l': ;a;l;;i,":11;:i;:;;t;;;"ij r" F"t . 1. ania .' : .hp4.or., pr 1.r,e ,o\p-! , -' '' ' 1 . :.,., ..". {,r.,.., . ,dnL,b . o .r",p r_.,, i ,",,i*. ,:il :,.";",".. .!ii l:,. ,.;, o.(r. n r rrF d ,naan ,Ic DererturarDn o1 ordH , r, D'r'"r; r,''o' .'b8.d , ,.i,oro,r. or 'n', 'P-.rjo', r,r"p., a,L ,"-i.6. , Il:{ ;,q, 11;,u' ,"-,',,,. *.,.".., r .,ri ", -",,1,"r :, r r:: ,,. .,, .- \.").,, "",.u,,,,,rij.i: t,..,i r lir'"i"-r:::"":;:,. or"..,on VODUII tv: .h.mnd Boroir8 VJ, ',:i1,;.t Lr r(: :", \. ffiJi : ..,,,i o. rl," ,,, po,.r ,.\ ,..n,,\ L,,.. .r, ,, 'I.;:' ",:l:':".;,:,",,. 1.,l;1r .:, r"{:i ':i, ".":'"t:,orbrri Thc_r, ho;nrt.", rJo Ntuhrutrr ,r rnlJ ror :dq ,".-c , ". ,,, *",. {:;""1"$l,ll :1 _"T"1,:_1, :; ;; ;,,;.'j;i j -:i;li ;i :-1.;):ili,:lt:t::':,:"9 i':,,... r"u^,.c-* H dt* "i,:;,,,, r,,r,ri.gfr., ;";:,"": r1;i :;,,, 1.,.,;;11." ili :'i; ;;,,,' :r !i i;:1 ",: I .; .l :..,., ,,i ::"',',' .-;, 'i." ,: ":t, uona I viveklMnda clobd unive^iry, hipur BSC 203.2: DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITIIMS \4ODUIII Al8orilhm: tlrro ,.i.b., \. rrio.. ,JrTrrJ .o"vpr ron.oi ArSorr n. du-r'.r.Umoe\jry ,J in,. Lr,la srru(rure. D{,rnrtion Jnd .tJss ricahon or .iah sh.ucturcs, des.ription df various data A,ruy- Dehnrh.L Fcpre\enrJbo, anJ mah\rs (nr'8e /n' \l'lhdrd 'pp.Ldli .'nrdrra.\ ru.A:8,,i. -,,.pL.,.tt op.,.hn., tr,pt,. -.r.,hni \e.luq,tr,r d.4 ,rl.d r..Prr\pn rh.r AopL or rh\ hr nj-. , dr I i o.h , r,pj"* -- r,"r--".. MODUII ll: Quoe Basr onceprs md operarloN, Implemcrtation: seqrenhat an.t tinked reprcsenration. Intrcduction ro doxble endcd eleues anrl !.iorft), eucues. Applicarions oreucles lf SY'l llli' IiB ,,il ,i;ti tt.,p:,i..i :ti. , i:l' , 1'ffi"; ii:i "AJi i:";"r t, '*#, \'IODLII lv: 3:nary rr€os: D.I,,,rn.n p.rirut r\p..rd Appli.ati.ns .f ElnaN l( prah dri di 8". ! op.,c .n, o. on,drr h"" rc, ,l alSori$nx. Binir ' ' searci VODLTL\:sortin8:\..dr.o r \pdching: aF-\dr,,, q uraph!:3d! .-n1pB Tre. T@€s: a.eo rh.F:vt. ho. B,rbbt..\. g,r,.",.,,., 1,;", -,11,.,,6...,,,1 ?crr",p_rdi.ndnd_.a,-.,t..r3"r,ur, rirst seai.h. Ilrr.odu.rion of sla.nnrg n ces, Alplication! or Cjraphs sp",,.reu.. pr,.;L..irL-.",, D-,, ' l. \V- "m brF&vt-\ug,n.,,.ri, Dc,, \,, ,,,r.gra\ rr .ul nd4r',L r'J cJl'.jr ,,tu,.d, mcr,t"t,. ddL,.,u.r,,r. u ,tgo,ia . ,rbt ra on \ r. , h.n r. il-'ernbip) u.{rm rurD,Lr_a,F,._,,t, 1ppr,.,""", ,rr" . 1?, n"\L ur..cqbn..\.L,e I ' "dD.,D,id\tL.tur", r.,...b,.r.r Ddr.<bu.rl,.. ,.ouA , Dt rD,r?riS.,, _0 ] ) rr'P-PRovED )l A'o'--- '\r' ! I ' vivekanuda clobar univec y, raipk BSC 204.1; ORGANIC &INORGANTC CrrEMtsTRy *:;:--" c r ..,, .b"...m ^,.,: ";;.'(onoomdrr l;;: MODLTE r: ShEccheni.rry nf oBaru. on.o i,., ;.,, ., I . -:1..fl:H; b . - ;":::i..: 3;i"i;1'l,",''i.TL,':':*l; ;1.,t:ti,:l,:,,'o .i - or. . .1,rf <Nrofcn rente^ dLJn.FomrA ",. . *, ;;, t;H:';.:;' ;.-*:.'"."'1"1,.1,,,fl*,, ;11,".;T. thieo anlt n.', cr|rhl, ,ri, _':otr tio' r<. , r-r n,n.n,,",, \'IODLq I rl \reeon h or Orgri( .ompou,t-I: u,,, .oa, t'd,r.,dB..-., 'i5ht .., .. _"_.r.,..r",i. c. Lr .pnr_.' D.".fr.ronol .,...,-.._,".-. .",;; .,.,., o",,'rJ. ,lhq,..o, .t.",,.f_"." *",.*,,, ,;.. ..,. ;.. IahE Jnd !11ln! qedueLrmtr i. voDuu rrr: AJtre.uo AJonirri.i,y \on , (h _ ,. .,.,.. r b ,,-n rL ,nore u romutJ anJ rclule sbulrrre {.brlih aml .i I ,. i.,:_:1,:ifl..;f ..r,b\,h,1 - ;.r.., i !,1 r-,.. ua,.r, r^. f L. I -, n,,... it.,;:;." "l ;l 1;:' iJ,o, .r' .JDn,, ,,, d...i,,..h, ,,,,..,.. tormtrlae vo,,... qrad,. .lenbrian :n!r : :; MODULE IV: Alkyt ed .eatuoni or h aryt hatidcs: i:.r,:,:tr \.-rJ,..r5.,. \r I .Nomen.tirure . 1F.i..,.s\.dt-\ 4uan.h.' lih.t.-k, bc., vr. i lPni'r1 or\ubrec.FN.,.n rL o,d, 'n \enunlompnm.r< ' o ll-L,;:...,".,^_ 'pr". *'*t*" n"t' o r-t9f- 1:"t"- 9 , ' .n!l .lasscs of alkl,t ialidc, a.neral nrpttrods or ..,, /, '-1 " 1. ;.i: :l:"',;'i:" :,: i'1, 1.'.1,,S::i|.. ;,'il ,.op..n".o,\obt.(......,,1..bJJr \"a0, .trlru,e"nd I Pr\ Atl tucri.IilnGlChrmsrrl,-h 2,.ratri,,.r-put, . ".".,*i,,.. .:. ..r1,. r,rn,,"B o. i !./c1. .^t ";;.-.,.;."; t.",.;;."., o..t'.c.o".,, I r"'",_.,,0,,. 1.Jd. n ",,,,,,":.. h.;,;_, *:t,;.:-;_,o, P "rtr -' i"1 ..'..,,'o .:.'r' ' ""i.. ;.;.:i"" '' MODULE !, 5.blu.t Eremenr3 , *.-., r,r..,tvL-ol" r". ..,,,,,.. . r ;-;1". Donnu g ;,,.;i,,,",-,.,".;";;n "" '.",'" "ffi ii l,:"i:: ':?-,: ";,::-':;' ',.; o ho/trrr rrho s,Je lhJm l :;:.Ji: i : ,;.; .;j",,;;l ""-''."::#i:ll. L.lrhon o, , n. .. o -, -., oon .. r r_,... .i.,1 r,1.. j,. ""',""'' - )l- 1. I ni .nr...o.o.., lI 5 ED, A?{" viveknandictobrl 8SC204.2: SOFTWAnF ENGINE€RIN(] MODULE t tNTiODUCTTON - Nobon ot sorh,.re 1 rL'""0"'-'l''r''''|p'|''b'sn, ni\ rJo'nJd 800 "c..",,-,,.,; F'po,'nbi.,hp.o'rroB,omn,.;.",|js.,";,";;-;,..' "-'F "'rob ;. ;;.,",.;,";-" i." uo#i:;..J ;il?;;i; ;;li:{'i;i;li1&,. -" , "," r-n -p.d ,,o , .p,," ,.,",;"-:,,,,"i,.'-" : j.Jff:;l],.;llf, : *:[r, 'hu tu,-.t f,,d,Jmr,n;. .t-rr,.hn., ,.,t ,,,:,..,;;.,-" voour * rr. eno, Der cl pdrenr trol..s Ntodel\ - Collc & F[ m!.lel l\,, j rrcdtuma,.,a. n r.r.,, r.osrn. n rr e R..;J:", ;.;, ;,.,,.;"^",;:l : .qrhiJr5urh. Jre MnJr tmA Tr ot, _ Data i!tr DE;,_. MoDLrf, Ir: tLRlFr(Aro\ A\D iALr;4rru\ ,..b,,s .-r n.r" nr-durs _ ** rd \.',rr-so\ i,h. t..b-s ., c,,Jr,n b . ., . . , . , ;; il,.'.u:', rrok u'rprr< C\tlomrhccomplerh. htroJur ri, n i " ";; ;;"- I3:.yl .v 1 i :qrli^.,i";,i i il,ilJ,J;i# :) : p'r c.r "e.n "'hr',.b B.o.\ .\iun4hon - i.,J, l":"T:;:,l-i r, ;. hd., o. t.5mdr,on _ .r;o,r\n n u, n.. ot.i,r.-t . o 1"" ;i, M """: -r .orr*Jr po.t..F r-n.n.n't .no. r".r",,f_. ,, ..,i.,.,. ';. Erpert luJgenrent, DetDh colr .,: o"' ",hm.r Dt+, JN ,tr,1, .o.olvo.o,o o,lll'.,."'' f:.^t: MODUTE\:..qDVA (tD ront.. t.,,r.t t,.,,,a.,,r.rh{,r,,,.8.r,. .r,g_,/" llnon ro,","."5,,..o,nl,t./,5oror .u!dondt!, nr.,.i.,F -ft( .i.""., "-,..1 ",1p., .u":,on"lo(-\o,r-\\/er.o,ru.\f.pjp..-rdr,,or,.iin..,.,;,r,-;.;-. DcbuBgtrs To!t5 lor Deu<k,n s,,D. r'n :Jui,'-,, ..''rol J,,.r r Bi.e.:,,s o,,"fi",. p, i"., .\nh"''.'o i 'r 'Inh'/u'io. ro c\o,.ror..rd ,"8,,".,,g. ' ' "h'r'P\ "-""*.,,uPJ D"ie'r''d n. Books -I - ; ."3m.-.r.d \rd.hhi.n,- \fl.oo.r, v.-r,h.H,t.L4 sh,eJ dur.,{ r,.;-o, hr p 1,..,,,! r,,^,,,1,r.r,.sH., r''*-:'5',Fi ;i)'"- ., -r h..e rd,.,.eru.o. p.p.h. ], 11",*1:"11 11. p.t,1htJ.c..grn.*Dr,-u,e.tjh;., ,., i.r-.-n \dJi r or.. r,..,_ i.j "I r,,r..t \. 2L o ,20ro "1,ri"- nun.2,0s \ --t-C,. IsC 205: DITFERTNTIAL EQUATIoNS order (D'E)' Degrce' anon oI a diffcrcntial equation lor equario Dilfer€ntial I: MoDU!E oi lariablls ordcr and lirst desree: s€Paranon lirst or Equations u*te*"*' , " :". ;;* dirrerential lirear dirlerential cquanlns' cxa't equations -e,,* ,t,*" ''*treneous equahons and rcdu.iblc t{'j exa'tdilfcrcniial ..u.tioN oI ihe eqtrations: DifterLnriar eqnahonr Ii*t ordei but not ;;"; ;"""ereniiar Clairauf s eqran'ns and sinsula tohtions' rtr P' \' -v or d," rirrt a.g,n" *'r*tr" oidei Linoar dilfcicntial eqlatioN ot hiSher equationll: U'*t€rtial ,"OrrU n,, ain*' i'ulai intcgiat' Homogcnous linear tun'ti'n' Pa co Plinentirv -* rd**, -"O""t*' ;;;;;; ;;, co'ffi'icnB' .liffcrential.quahons withlaliable Eq$tions Sc'ond order DilfePrijal Lnrear equatioN_Il: MODUL! IV: rinear rlilferential IldcPcndent of tretLndent vadnLrlc, Chd8e of clange lorm' !r't {,itl lari.ble .o.fficicntsr ofParameters' Variable, Nomnl Ionn, Vaiiahon O ei'de8re'andIo nation MODULE v: ladial dilfer€nti?n lquatio's:\ narhar oi,l' r'1t ' I lu '''{ 'ron' o r'' 'l I " "dn!" ' roFs, Charylts geneial method *'ii"[:::::i,, 2 L 4 5. ,,, .,'. \ rp{ B'o, u'| D''('' rFJr I 'ru 'o '$ -ao r' ' lend'& ' n db" nF n \j\ ,"r'-., '\'|"iatr'rn\, IJ,, I i:;l';J"iY:' r \Hrl D"' lru\L -.\ nin*.- a''.'..e''""''"q\'l/rh .',1'ou' :,:^.,..."". f n"r.,.. r, ee,.nL I ;, :i,,',-.. ".!. *rr'ru':' \ /mJ'"cihr" ;:":.e;jr;:r";' I "c,',.", ; v .'T''r't t'*. *d ir.p,:;,.'.,'i., ",'.'-.'' n ain.. 1,.r, dron* \ a""*oveo r,e!r( \ irr U 'k 'l or.. ,t)/ viv€ranandi cloba| univqsii,, Pui BSc 206: DISCRETE MATqEMATTCAL STRUCTUR! MODUIE I: Sers and ploposirions: Sets and proposiri.ns-CaidnraIry, rchtion ard fundjon_ binail rctaiion ,equn aten e reiations and partirioDs, parhrl or.tlr retations and la*ices..trair and artichains, pigeon Hote prin j!te. MODUIE IIr Connting principl.s CorntinS p n.ipt€s- prin.tple of incllsnD leinutation,.ombination indudion d.t exct$jon MODULE III: Boolean Algebra: soolean Atge6n, Algcbraj. Structures: Broups, rnrss nrlesial do n,.n.. I "1... ',Ip.ribo. . .dFpt". , rrI bFr. p..p, .h,-, D,.rnjb, ,,. - rrl t", ,nd b, ,i. Properties oI oder.d sers, maps berwecn ord€r€.1 seO duatil, prnr.ipte, tani.cs as odere.t sers. MoDULE Iv: cralh Theoryr craltr Theon Basi. Teminotopl , Deturition, examples and basic propcrucs ol gralhs, pseudoShphs, conptete graphs, bipairite ghphs, isdmorphish olgraphs, Padrs and cftuits,!its, Hamiikhian c!.les, dre adjaceng, marri! (,eighted grapn, salesnm's problem, shorresr parl MODULE v: Tiees and Dig.alns: Trecs properties, Spannjng rrca, Bnrary md tuored irce. Digiaphssinplo Diagraph ,asyhnetri. diagElhs, svmnetfl. diagrapls and .onplete djagmpn' Di,gmpli dd Bnrary relations. Nlah.jr rcprcsentaion of gmphs dd diagraphs. Dis.retc Ntrneri. run.tions. I rolmin Busb) lnJ Ross Djs.rer! Nt.jttremdh.s. pHl. j. I .dIr r,.,r.r^ 2,,q ",1 : ll"-:T:,':.,p.v"L,umdhc, D|(|Plc \|d,P-lb,a|r,,U.fur IsilhaPUb,' dUlI,oIPJl l "i:'i]3,i xl;.. '-\ r'.la iC1./ED ,1. rl\t* [t\'iu'' Lr\ ' r vivekatunar Gbbal univeBig, BsC20Z PHTSICS I AR 1. Deteminatim of'!'by !6 .drye using spetromete! 2- Determinatio ofn of Sodium tight by Newron,s rinS 3. Diftactim graring normal incidec 4. 5. Medurm{t of A of tiquid by nolow pnm Remlving power oI Tetesope Resolving power of Srating 8. I]rermal .mdu.dvjry by Searlet DE&o<l 9. +dnc 10 Wavelmgrh rotarim by poldimeter m4@menr of LASER by ditrraction grating \,=.- ( \rr-\ .--.' APPROVED t^!'{. u ,iiPr vivekdrndaclobrlun'vd3it''Jaipa Rsc 20e.1: CEEMISTRY LAB coce Tide ch.mntrY L'b Physicar Chemistry: (anY tkee) lTodeterminethes!€cilicreacti@rateorthehllro]ysisolmetlylacetaE/ethylacetde .abt!se.l bv trldrogen rons Jt room bmPdnture uJo ., i'"0" *1 * o'Ll "ir"''' ;. l:,",,i]#; ;: ';*;..r nsth on LhP rr\ id'd H h\ r'orv -o'b\ s'rd inen 'rudvinb me' \ o' ,'il"L."*."*' r-c'|""!Eo"'"t"ord''umPn'i'|'olroriodrd'uy i i" '.i" ," '''" 'r''.- r rionPbe@P-hrrdu'cL c' n/e1"'od qdter : ;; ;;; ;; :, ;r",d"'' ben/or' c'rd b-tsePn Inorg ic Chemistivr Semi dnion. in t!1. g \en o-gan( I'v'r'''\5r' or Pth)r H'o' of 3 catioru and 3 hicro analysis: sePaiati@ and identiEcation ni\tu'e' ordni( chenistry QeLitdhv" rdl\'b "r(0;61' '"""1":;; ;;;,;;""''k simpleorg k ind diidelin 'ooPound( ,- d""i- (Eorr' " k'p'Pmq'crN'< d'o*Li' *e' "'boh'd''te Dt \r', - \t.- , c.{r ff( APPROVED vileknandrctobalUniversi9,Jripr BSC203.2: COMPUTER LAB cduce 1. Sorting progans: Bobbtc so , MerSe sorr, rne coDPrh. Lab In*rtion sort, seldion sorr, dd euict sorr 2. SearhinS proSrdsr Lin€d S€ar.I" Binary Sea(h. 3. &ray implemenration ofstac!, eueue Cn.ubr 4. lhplefrenratim of $:!ck, eueue, Linked Lisr. eu€ue, Circular eueue, Linted Lnt 6ing dynamic hemorv dllo.abon 5. Imllemeflr iofix to postfix conversion and evalurion ot posdir expession Impldentation of Binary Searh Tree and hav€rsal algoridtu (inorder, pre@der, Implementarion of claph and trave$al algonthos (BFS, DrSl \.-t- orooouro fli"! yf,, vtvelrnid' clobrr Utriw6itY' LAB BsC 209: COMMUNTCATION cMeTid.: cdmrni' i'nlab TanrriPuols 1, Ph6en slmbols 2. MedD& of Word lo6ation 3. RddinS, Listening 4. S€hift. Pre*ntation' d dd s?eatjng Sklls' (\*-- \\r'2' APPROVED I'iPd vivekamndi clobrl unjr.rsil,, Jiipu BSC 2:I0: ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIEs couse Tdq Envionoenhr shdies MODULE Ir hrro.h.tion an.l N.rulai Resouces: MuttirtisciplinaN ftrure and !6tic a(,arencss, rench,able a.d nonrcnewabl. and asso.iar€d prrtri.Ds, Foiesr, Wat€r, \'lineral, F.od, En.rel, and Lind resources, Consovarion of naturat resour..s an l hunran rote. MODULE II: E.osysters: Concept, Sh.ucture and tun.iion, pr.ducer,s comDoseN and d,o.po.1 F- .8r tos. .ot.o!d, charr.teristi.s sh.u.hres m.l tunctjoDs .t .L..rr. ",,d .! ..6., l\."frd. e.oslstems such asloresr, Crasslan.t, Dese*. Aduari. MODULE III: Biodiversiry and Consenarioni Dcfiririon, ceneti., Sp.cies an.t Ecosysten dn eEit_v, Bicgeographical Classifi..tjon oI rndja, \iatLre.r bio.tivcrsib ar nationat, India as a nega .livorsii. naiio[ turcaE ro tj.divcrsrt,r, io.rl Ielels, rndanAeie.t and en(lcmi. sDeci.s .r Lrdia, necd 6.r conseNati.n of biodn,eisiq.. VODLII lr.Invironmenrat to ur,on: D .,nrr. n. Ld,r.-. r,d.r .,..,t n-rol I _ "ir Pollliion, narq pollution soil polution, narine poD[rion, noise poilution, thernal polturion, Eld.trornagnetic pollution, Nuctc,r hazards. hlh r rolc manaS.ment, Disaster manageDrent, Iloods, pievcntion ot JDtturion, soli.l rvaste carthqu.k,.y.lonc an.t la slidos MODLTLE v: So.ial issnea.d Unsu,tainaljtc fir sustainablo devctolmerr, Problems related nr energ! and $,aro coN.rahon Enrironncnt prot.ciion UrLran act, Witdtife Prote.tio. a.t,Iorest conservadon a.r Enlnon nentr I iss r.s integislarion populaiion erplosjon and ramil), wetfaic program, Envjronment anrt huran healrll, HIV, Wbmo and child q,eifare, Rol. of jnfomarion te.trnology n1 enviionmcnt an.l nunDn health. 8y N ,B L-1. t. I o En )o 02. l ig I l 2z0l01 2) af:r:tiEo ../r'1 -r^''{'" viv.kanindr clobat univcGjg,Iripu BSC 301: THERMODYNAMICs MODUTE l: The.n,ometry .nd Catorimern: prhn,tr "'i ':', '.. h.r'm.k' ':,eind. & il,:-r" f;;i:l;"' ;j,:r.:"]"j:;?::I: _.;; L,i,'u1.o.i.8". r"'.1.;,-:-,,::,;;":'J:li: -pc,,..;.,;". . ;'i":; -. h .1 . .dt?, .t , o, rln. 9q... . di d . b\ 'bilc hpat..p,.,t1 orJ arlahon.Ispc. ahmi. ,ru, , ,,,J , ;: ,",: ;;n::"t,",;J A;1 MODIItll:'thamod\nami\5:/,r.d1 .trotrtF.r.d\n,.r.-fr,{t.,n..U"rmor umi 5H!. c'BrA D'or"Lt r,-cp..Er.-,-r\1..,o'pd.d.r._e.,rbt p,,,e.... 1",,,;1";,. rherh.nynamrc - trrcrmu.t\ scalc or Fn_,, ; ;;r::'';:":: ..:: il ;li;l;"1', ;.0:';;,,,.1' "',,;"i,0.' \ :l;;1, ReL ; : MoDUlt llt: . ar ' r ,{ (}rLr Low temperoture rh)si.,: Jou,. n, ,F.n lfrrt por !s plxg e\pe enr tL b" i! r,-.gnpn..,i,,-D,...o.rl trppli.ablns ut ios tumperaturcs r'; L , h:.r. - etp , .t-. aieer.o -f,-ri.,,..,. an co.ditioning nra.hines etfects on O7on. t1\p, MODt.ll. lV:.( onoutnon dnd rddiarion: F"tr.,hnr, ,.arn,.,t .or,.t-,r, - rheln", loniJ.h,iF 'r1,. I, rdr,., r.t.pF,..lF n{l,or ror,rr.n ^ 0.,, l.',r. nr.l. Sr .tpdr. t,\ r.j,,., , . \ - _rer< ,''4" "-a,,"ar,i.".,i,1,,1 J-r. lt r r1,,. -.ri -,"'.". "^"n!t 'r , i-,,. "oor,., MoDurlV.Stdlibticdtrhy.k":er mr.rr\r,b,tiGof.oqri.atpa, 14.,.h"t-Bo.r/n,-n, Books I r'. lhe.tro.1rd n... D r.vcrhJ, r.! .r,. nu,t, , r-d ruon ',o .Hp' "qmol\ "n..-Bnr "t ,nJ.ub.10dn,.n, _.h,.d&(. ,bU,t . rremcnti^ \taristics-cuplr and Kmrr irhon vivekrmlda crobir univecity,tripu BSc 302: ILECTRONICS r.F-b' -ge t.i,t,rLrr.. Lb1dpJ,.reF.. LUrhp,.Jm"..! D,lermnrti.n 'nd,o .omro, pmircr "notrr., A.1.{\,r,o-.,or ri,r."rrm!.ir" ".n brd hput resistdce d output resistancet vODUIL tt: rietd [fr.(tne ftdn<istor. t.L,: r.rn.,pp o, 4ort,i,e, lliti. .hr ,.re r.ri.5 ,, pJ,,r,14s Tjdn\i.1 .h d.rr,b.. .ir ,. d,.mpt,.- l...i,..i",i"ii r rrDBm Dlr p5.. d. I Ij,L:,, -a,,.tro,L tLp \.,-t t ., .,,,":.,i..iir6,r"-,, "r lt lll:Ope'Jrioncl An,plfjer: itF not r.rrn.t"trrt jr,,o.o-(.t:.qiho on "::l1 tll,o", .dp, r .,.. h .. .p,, . ..,,.rr:;..,,1;:;;;,.;;,,;i.;,,,;i ;::. ,.o:l-) u,,p r rpl trnp 4cn, " o rprr.n p, dJ," penL,op8.,n.\,pp _Jpo.r \.tm5 .ej".trcn c\mr\ -d'8"..Cn1 \ot"g, g", -"\rd;.,,r,tO, Amo, ou,Jr,,.i,.,i,donAh. '"bo. q'rurdhoForL)p \',p.I.o.r... nrJ,_otr.e. tr,.,r*g.-pt,.,.,, .,,.,g..r,i.;.: \'IODt MoDULE IV: Oscilators: Hartte) os.illakn, c.tpln,s os.illnior, RC ,s. I,h "-, Ne ork, phase shifr voDUIrV:Rpgutite,lrohe,\upptv:t,,!otu.i.r..,or,r.t.D.,pod,->uoDf\orr"op , ,, m L.4 ., r.m"(- p"su.. i d p b"r.uopr \.c..,.:,j,,.1r..,p",,.,...,ppi ':quDmn '1 ,p,< r-,'t.i1lrlk.Jr..g. 1' ,/c...,t.odi,o.3J, a,,,,,, ,,_., -f' . ,"]ur. , r,,r.., . .e.r., r-, db" r ,r;.,..,.r,a. .tJd ipl.rrtu _, , _, r, "i_, -. r,,,,-,. o .hu,'l \n L B",.8rld o.. Dq l.h.r L . ud I oro j. gu.. -, I o., obt. tu. ',, ( \' r',.. io.,, \,.rr,.. ,:.1,-..- :': 21 i: E {lron i. lrm(iDleyMrtr 'n,, , . Ldn, &, ol 4r,,.I d.u.i.\{r'o-1,^ - B t.f ..!t"rsah,n,, A, .. 1. U+i., h trn i.,.& rtur . r,.,,b,-\\ts11.gJf..D.,.!u,.n.i,.hd \tHl,tI .crln jrJ1d,,orF.omdL,trC,., r.rd ap DcJul 6. r F.h- r. tu dlrq L,l.d d ADp,kd on--. D R .r, I \rH pr b.,.,oon. 7. u€rrdl ti anl oE r.,-. h,,'.F. \dvn.q. CoMd.. & t-t .U,o \,.,J Jr 8 rnt'ndu.h.n roEL.hlnr.s [ NtRa., ] rolforJ d rBH I 9. uN-D-Lr. B."ir , *,,"-,,- ,^.i "'"' y ' -ily--l:1,,, t0. L"-d.,'! rl!q<!U r-;r" r np.j rD'.,,;-rRdir&r.!i. nr\ 11. B d"' od,i '"' '/rfTa\'' 'rul"(" " \ t '' t. .iiil',.\ \<_1/1 _^,,"" . -tl t.?i?tOVED r$#- \trcrJrondicrohrtu \ccirj h Pu. BSC 303.:L IHYSICAL & INORGANIC CHEMISTRY couce Txle Physi.rt &r,oisui( \'IODLll t th{mod)nj icsJ Deriau.l .,n,-n\l.n srfl.,, dr B(s. .ide.pni,l. ttFrroo ,Tr pr. *."n, pr.rti., Irr{or^ ai.r i'.ol ll'errol\rh,..,.r,,.prerr. D,.rrr,, r or ,,!,h,,t p..,8. ,n., a1,.,t1. Hnrt !ipfuit\ I cat capacjbe, at (, nsrant !otunre anll .p! oir. rr,o-.on .o+ ,1, ; rr'. ,. .;-';..";"',',"..' ':, i.''."1 'i ',;,,'i, ,i ,:,r il" e\P rF.'{d d,a t Fp. r,d-. no,Frm"t d- t',....o., r.rjon ;r .fcr.rbr !r !e\5 \.ro-Drrrr, 'l'; rhemo-chemi\hr:.Dn-,..r.,,..,,.,,",,.i,;;,"ri,.,';".;.il:;'.1;,, u"dt . rpJr ion \olu nL E irallt or Leurritizihnn BonJ drr\..ih, " l,:tt,,i:,r.l ruuDULr IIt. "P",;;:.;";"',i..::;,;;;:,1",'1,,:,';:.,,1i:,":' Thermodtnami.! lI: Se.onn trr -,. t-1.. n-d.l ,1i",or h'-'o- " ,r',".,",;; -,: ;,i;'r;;: :;';: :'l;., l" :'"1::. il:"ir;;. ..,c, Tno+dtur,, of pnhop!^'. n,oD. t.n b,,., dr, ):i ;: nb. p, r. .,fi ", sr.p\.'..tLn.rDrotrEt.".nopl,t,r-B"r,ph\.,.",,,:-.,,,.".;;"i;.,.;t: "-, *,,. ",:1.:ii diJ.flEni voour r ursponranejh.anJ rr.i, r,* oi !qut brium, EntroD\ .hi r#;;i":;,;, {:' i',';,,',',,1";:l : lil. : : l j li; :il' pnr,ip\ p.dt.,,.io- j l\, , t"b,our c1-,,D.,ro. Lp,....f..n LtdL, rbb. '"lriurL trr,ttu.ri.... I,b. u.n jj-,.r.,H"t),,-ttli,r. '.JHF,.ih.:., Fr,nd._Ja.!.tu,rid", \&. tor drcrnrudynrmr. equrtib Um anJ ns,rtaneih. il i' dn'_r'ri"" c q'lr ' P\ ' a"ge \d..r.n.u u.ddAu.L,r \.,,i,,,dndBrseqH\48).,.J..,r.,"",.",..,"1 d(:.r bFi .t, ,,!rh r,,, tn -. .,, .o, . ot,o,,. r+o "b . I oF r. r...J F,, J,.. . n, *.,.,," "*.. -;,n],ry r \ n.. r p..p r. ", oi,oL.,,. q p", - r. r. \ ",,o L,e.r 2enrLl '- '6i 1' " 1" 't"r;' i:;f.;-:"'""'' References l. '''""': ''l',--" "' B..k( P.1,!. A rkins er al., ph!sicat r Chomish.r, e.ltit.n ..,Ed,... h.,dJ L ZFtB-purri.,h... il.]:, o, t Ftrho. :t, .Ur pt .r.. t .,.,. , aF n t r \,..... uo,,,,_,(.,n/"n. o to'.l U.i _,,i:"r.r';fr,n, T, $ I '::l,rr^de ,ri. nl\ i ., h,ai.f)..r..i,"r,,rr.rr, .r :uonild \lcouJtrrL ph\ >i.Jtcrrnn;1 " : I -'c,'"{ 8. LA rn. i... ,.. vtu ,w r r r!.1dr L "r, r..rdr..r.u..f....,...,ur,.,..m.+1.i-.idb.uo.,.",o,r. 8.r.. . h. ,,r i,"i;i1",,..,,,," I.o Cofton and c_t\,ilrins viveranandactobaluniv sir),,lripu! BSC3O3.} OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMING ,1]ITH couFlri'k objd orie cd '++ rrcF MODtlEl.Lri'r r.,jrr,.,,.rn..n,orolDr,.ittL): rr. rrn,C! .. jtp,,r , . 1:, :',,,.',,,."1,1, Jr1,.,,,, p -'.,,,,,, rn rlnhrlr JnJ Rrhho,.h,. n lllo-r,,1,,;. ,L,. .p:.^,-:rd 1,. o .,dF''r''' ,i:l : :' | ' :'' ' '" n\.1...,,i.r : ',r"r.\!...lurclror l' or\_,,OOt \.1oo p,,,,"... r. ..r,,,..,. | ., , ...,.D.." r.o.o,.,,,d .. ,.,. ,,. i, .. '",.-;;:;,, *- h',.' , ,.*;,', J\ t,.... 'r.'i ,,.. nt ul,... i,,n, .r.-.r.!.F, ,r.n,,.,. r.,1 nrrrs h turhtn,\ 3.," -r,'"",,,. . " ,r. c *,i, ,,,,:, ilo.arion .:""; ,-:1,:t il., ;1":i",1.:l:,;:,:,r . ,,. t, l.:^. rr.., p,. rt,,:". L,.tF..-r'i MODULE IIIi lr\ranric n!nher (u .h.n\ c" * ud",,.in. nre.ron, ana ,l,\. .t,,,,, ru...,..",i D\,; rur \MonpHr\M - r. i, r,.. o. ,.....,, o.{,r., ,r -, .-.j,,! u-. ,. . . i i- pl,t-, ..,p.,. , ,tr rr1..c: '. ', 'r. uelir, i.liss hierarLhr, D,tferc rt torm,,,r,, r,,, n".i D''i'r h Li'' d'."c' ; !, , 'Lgha',," ,,,.ta,r,,...,1,.., 8... rrtD \eJ.. . .,..,r.,h.r ' 'r "\\i,r..tb"., D .r,,.or, - Y?3:.i:..,". MODULE V: VIRTUAL FUNC1IONS AND pOtyMottpHISM Srati. ind Dynnnic bn'Jrs', F. 1 'D ,r,..",1r , r.,: h..D.,,d.r t..,,, .,,i.. \ rrh,al fun.hiLn Lit nrd.har Am lure \xiujt h,nh run'n"' JnrPri'auons or p"t'*,ryr;:;;;:;.;:.; ^bstra't'rasses' ;;;J#il#' Problem nn\nrg wlth c++,nreoop.lrtr udition, t\Jairer E.hc.ti.n. L++,1li.Co.i ct.Refren.e,rdrErinion,Herberrs.hirdt,savitch,I,earon rNIH 3. ._, . '- , " , ,, ..8I Dp- . r, ,..tJ. .,. | l,l ",r. ,, rJ ..,rj. ,, 1 ,.,"'",,",,,t.'rdk'rd c,,,E..ri,..iul.,..,,,,t",r.,no. 5. I l..i .n t-c n,. . I,dtl.. ,.r,,.,r,,!, r..\.,,. D...,1. ,,"\. o - .' ij.. t,Jr'-',.u,Jr , ..,t.Jr,. , ,, ;"...,J";. l-it.",,,,:;;,.. 1. lf,=-.\ .\ |\. .,/,) \_1:/. tr^ , /^t1l lr /l\ | *b -)- vive*lianda ctobaluniv sir,l pu! BsC 3041: oRCA\rIC AND TNORGANTC CIIEMTSTRY couEe Titre o{anj.& rnolEini. che.*iry MODULE I Al.ohot Ctassjfi.ation and nomcn.taru.. \,to.ohldri. at.onois,medrods oI rormibon b) reJu.bon !f rlljeh!dc! keronc(_ .arb.rr oining A.rti.-"rlrp "J,r.n,."lolo "lr''(ii'tu'd'r"''l"oul' Dihld.i. akonoh,nethods of iormarion. ."",* ,".o,,, ,-, i o r ',,.;,;:;,-", ",:;,1,"":'1;":'; p,I 'r(i.i Br'.J ' , i i. .','ir!i '',..t,oL--,,,rl.oJ.J,r..r ar. r,.h.1r,.atr"d.h,1. .t8,. pr.t. MODUIE It: Phenols: Nonenclature, snucture and I p,"p","..,,,;;; ;"".:;r:;J,,:,::"-.;:::"::i';::l::i;j:fi",xj_".:"i.::;:l pn.,'o ro. t..,.r.n, n. nL, ,,... "t, .hopr,tl c..adh. {b\.itudon 'dpn Nh.trani5nB a9hhon rnd carbo,\lan .r fue\ r r r".1,..-. ".. r., .,,.,,'r' a",:",if-i,::Jl :. :":'r:::','.i;::1, "l', MoDULE III: ErheE an.l Epondes: Nomenclahue of erhers and nerhods oi rhei forhation, .t, n,n.,tF.n on,..1\.,s.o,,.d,,.oo d,hnr, /i t , r,ertbd r\,,,h ,.. "], '"':l -"'. upi r I 1.! In-. -t u, .n", I d..r Orl",,..rrh L,r r \l,rt, opo.i.. "p, r, \,IoDUr r IV: Aldehrde, ind kao;e, . \or ,e,. t,rr. .tr ., aF . , tt, . ,.b ,. I sroup !yn-'P..\orJ,lph,L.dnd pi-c!\it-b1.hur,.,."."n.-r.It,".\,,rtrcj,or,t,lp.,l..h"_ "nd r:frLdr I I nr," tn,t,r..\ o MoDULE v: p Bto.k A Th,5tr,l Jr.D,1h_. : c..1', it ,. ,L.ti, _a,ar. ,, .. ," , . a, r ,. ..,'0.-;' j:*;:.;:r.,,1;;.;,;:.,:l:":",J]ll',l;ll,.J fl.1, Lnup l Frt*dF.rrb.p. tr.rrd,to,. rt,.,.. .,r,rur,to.r,pt,r ,,-, PBlo.l,0.,,omD,r"hF-ru.j|ir..tu,r,-Jig1,,".,to"r,p.,s,,,pr.,..,Jt7;i,t, lrouf l.lh.,ptkr.-. (ro..p ri-.hd.-rrur n"r,"iie .,*J ,- U,,, p,-"p.,.r1,. hiloSens.rnrerhJlogen\ d fuhhat,dcr Bodks c L,Agi,sLt.5k.h? EA. c .{bn ,L n ind .al kindi-, o{,rn*n n...u.;*.r,_ r"t u.c-*-n r,L,u.*t-, ,' -. c",*i ci",;i,,,",;;;;iiil:,?nliii,"";:,",,, Bisn r,,.,'s"",. ch".:"l,)., / APPRoYID ti (.1-,, ' , ,.,.r .d,l \ D "r vilck Endr crobll unilcBiiv' lliPur l\C )\\ I tM RsL J04.2: OItRA'l ].11,':,Y::j:i;:,.,:i:'.,1:.i{;::3: I,j;:}li;jli, "'{ I I :.",,11i'I' i - i,, ., "'' * u' "''"'''' lx',:.X:1. J-lt ; r" :. MoDt I f rr: rRoct\\ \ra\aClMFNl :- )i.:l::':' ; :,::' ";."I'l 11,',;;;;;;j -, :,'"i: ";::";;8 'e"'',''' :u;:,,I::-: I'Ji', '" i3:Y": rll::i::::"'i) :r:]|:rl,i t':"rr.;'"::":;' T;rj; [?F:] :: pre\ortion i\adtrNe' "',1i"]111] MIM.R\ va\Acr\'rc\-l..1:f'*,.;;.,.';,.,"."D ,iTl' . il. ":i':?1''-rrs. n' I s,1'.'\' r"isni o\"r"".m"a. *.";,..,,.i,".J -.",,,. r,,.' ir'.'Bn'.'-''' _ .,"pr. i,i".r.*t ,i.-lll \..oDur r- r\. \ - rase PeplJrem€nr lrso FnE """,. r.,"tt i',t?.'.p, segmentauon $rthliginS MODtIF \: INIORVAItO\ \44\AClVl\'t ll;;:'-D; :::; r'"' tnJ Di''<ror" _ Di'e'l''t .,.,-p,.",, "".'1.,j,l ;i':; ?.'.:,lli':;I:', ;;," ;;,' s' " :':il,j';;l ::: ;:1':::;::',ii;',. '' " r 0", r,*r tl'.!'.it,ligSliliil'133 taq'r 2. illi;iii'ili',"h;;lr,:rl';'#,::4tl'""';l:r I .,ah.n l}l:":';'"il I;i$lll 5. ru",*"' Jilf "x,:l'i-r," tr. rrenb.e r,.l uA r!ri :t.t"o' 1r!L td feJr!o' Flill Asia (2002) L,r'ams,Jrr rs< teJB";tiol 15r Opddbng5\'rems _ Nutt PeaEon [L]u'Jhon t',x?l,l3lii.- r: r ";:'"i \.)'. epp)noieo "troor)r,A // !/ ".\\ n,t ('r(' )il l'r:'i" ' i.,' '*\;/"/ ,.d;"* viyekin dacrobalunive*iry,liiplr BSC r05: nEAL ANAL\SlS MoDULE I: Reat nun6ers: Reat \ , omo.pte e$ p,,oa.\ .r, D \",1,bo.*o.o lntori.r pomh,, Lrmii ootnts Ooen 'uml,r B.lza o lverersui\! the.rp,n ' ear \umb*s\, r-..n, .4r..,rnutrLer..-b..,rupr_. B. n,,.r.d (ua.r ,,r...rr1,F\ .di!r,.. rr,n,enF ,'.r.,i. .L.h\ ::l:l--,1,:,. v'luo.. (r.t"\.A,n,rnp,n.rpir, o-\.rgent" ,n-rir.onrqg n.. ,.".t,.,,,",;",1 Y:1rll.ll:.:l**", .c,r,,4r. scr.p.. I run hn.s.1 r6.e,-h, \, I,,-,pn Aoi i sdr 4 D,,r ht r \ L n) Boun,rrru: .o hn rh. boulr_.\* Y:-D,:ll "nL mr.,m.dIr..\drle nlhr'u. ..J'rr,no.. 1.u,.0, ndnu.r dpr\,,nv, D"tu,,rt,,", PrPfl_{or.rlll.,onrrruN& r,,.r,.a;; .ontndq of iun.iions of tw. ydiabtes, Tavloi,s iheoren I". tu*"-. ;;,il;, Iilarim ard ni.ima of functions oI thee i iaues, Lasiege,s nerhod ";;;: ,, *d"t";;i;;; l eSrit cdl.ulus: R'.nd1. i .r"6," tr, err, Ltr r o.,,,o., .,-t -jo.-ronr nr"(r, iulr,rr rl d, o.a o,,, .8_)t..,t..tu. \rp;. v1,-: rt.o.,1. ..1 j,,,.8.rt.;i. -;. rprp,1 utesrd,"',drhe.r.o.\pr{n.,(onpd,Fon14 qtrj,l..t Di,Ll,lcr r.., t,,..,,r MoDUr F lv: asriu .b.r-t.1plhm.,.r.ndr..r.r.rF.ntrbtrrd di.l"grroLrrl M-ODULE v:.Metri. spaces: Dclinition r,.rpro. pon...l Dons Op,. -A *"-"*, o, -"on """ces, : ",,,.ropdsL..uop,,. .,,,TP,h! I Tolqra s'rd, -Enliu.ho. oR". An, th,q, I tvtn !\.,te\ &s. / r.\ Ap..i I \',h mah!J' \n",r,n\,r \\.. \-tuo.,\Lr"cLluu..\Dto85 3. 4 s. A 6 3. Neighbourhoods, ,. R.Coldbog, tuadrefraricat Anaiysjs,Orfokl & rBH p;btshif,g House, New DeIi D Soma sundrafr & v Chor,.lharl, Couise nr rrarhe Anatysis, Narosa publistlilg House N.D 1985. D Alef, iot dat, Nlathemarics lrs Conr.nt, N1ofiods and lleein& Dorci. R D de(nJ'.- \. .r nrp fl,po.rot \ .n,b, . .,i."J."",".."d dow,,t..4abte Eb oi al,'$p whv.A,,.cnb,L,.rc eLer 2t01", 1!._uJ I' r D, rp.. . ot \t.,J I J roj,r,C n_nI "n. r.; Ar. i,.b..,."nJ 1\r,.c{rat'1 j,da,. n or F nr i, \i..t !on. rrof., J., R -c -",* ,, ,'.*l Arur.or\r.r,,.mdri("t dn,i..r, ..t,r-.,o, .m,d.)\c\Da '\ /\\,-l,/.-.// I kLn { lr \ ,. vivekaninda crobrr univeNity, Dipf BsC 306: OPTIMIZATToN TECHNTeUES couue Title opri{ization MODI I E T&hliqus l. lnrrodklion .nd s.ope or OpeJion\ t(es.r(h: , juo.t-Ln.n in. .. o"., ^ '-r.!. 1".r .urpru. ,.,,.,b.0. '.,rr..d.,,,",. !,.g,.,^"i"s p.;b1;:, uPcrtrr nL r.\p.,r. ::,jll:l i"r", D-ognh.'u'6probtpr.r,fl"h"oo,nF B:.,. r.r. sels and tkorcms based on.onvN rch ;,,,. ,-.--,,"f ;.;; j"j,t",,,,."tct"dL"," ;,". -;;;;' MoDLIE ll: rh.on or sihptet Velhod.ft,.r oI , M.rt.o, L oro-rtrdrnrt F.l.n \ p- o'!imp F, rn , oJ. Arh.i.i,tr. .,.t". .,."-, . B / ,:1.",i,.;. ;,.";;,.t;" #l Alternative solurion, Unbounde.l sotuiion and non e\istence ol t€asible sotrrion. Resoturion of MODULE III: Lined lrosr.nrminp Problems: Dualii, nr Inrcar prcgr.dmnrg problems, DuaLh tieurem\, S.lution ,r a Ln;r programmnrg problen $nlg dualilv, Dual sinptex method, Pimat dual Y:?,.,,.. .,t, hct!.d rrun5porririon p,obremq: I:T::].,lrFroL1n.n t..n-p-r.r", p, ot".-.ophm,,r F.r prol,'em..,nr/rd-..r h,..po,r",,. p.rr",^. ^...g,_*, v: cimes Theory: Theor\ o1 Crmp<. Descriptiof, and .hara.terisrics or cam. po',n sum &,mc \ji.p.t,hatoal probl€tu, Prnrciple of ilohin rc., solurion ^odrerhod b\ u' car proirmmins MODUIE l-heorJ Ttro R i lrl', rh.p. -..,to .g Op".dhor, p.."a,!,-., r,. rt Ln T..., n.p ", z Ernrdy \ tatia.Oprrahun\lena .lr i.r-A, I ..(Jr n.o8ru-- u B t\.. r,.d. dd q/pr.rh. , L r.r, I or, on i HP'..yr .r lli( &l Lietrerm. n Nt. Ooori rions-R*-,.. l. D f.Fli'hc. & I i,.oe.m rN- rEo.o \t, rem"h."t t- 6 sh",-4 7. Sltuna, s D"b;;;;;;;;:;d,i#:i,I$1ii.liiil?Hj,"",", 1.K., Opeauos Rescar.h: Theory an.l Appticarions, tvlactuiilan lRtja I o( ni.7l (,4' I i')- --j dPPR 6-vro vivckaorndi crobrr unile*ity,hipk BSC 3OZ PHYSICS LAB Norq Minimum 10 €aperiments should be perrormed 1- Calibration otbrid8e wne using Caley - Fostcr,s b .lge 2, ll6cie.cj, of a rranstormer 3. C-E anptiiier: lieqren ,l,respome 4. FET,isri.s (.lranr .uA,c, rrans .mdrcrance cnives) 5. FET.ommon sour.e adplifier 6. Study oI cRoMeasuctuent oI fiequdN and volrage sensiiiliry Z Transishrrized.egulare.lpowersupptlUsnigZener.tiode 8, Po$q supply usnlg b,pe 6ltd (Har $ave rc.rilie, 9. Pourer slppty usnrg g,pe fftter (Futt h,ave rcchri*) 10, ShdI of IET as hiili volrherer 11, Loi' pas and High lass 6ltlr using rcsjsrrce .nd capa.itmce 12. Clipler tud Clamler cftults 13, study oi Hartl€y dsciliator 14. Studl, of Colp t,s os.illitor ,-.\ ls. (iLdr o, hd.e\tx1..r,tdtor \,, ,("[n, !, -;- APPROVED 2(;"": [''" BSC 303,1: CHTMISTRT LAB couk ride, chenn$r Lab Chemistry: Thermoch€frisky (ary rwo) 1) To determne the sotubnjb, ol benzoic acid at diifercnr tenporatures an.l ro derErnine AH ol the dissoiurior pr..ess. 2) To detonnre dre.nttralpl oI neurratization of. wea( acid/(.a( .'.o'.r., hd.j ?,rir .tr ?-, iodidrmi.erl'p In, er,Ln..p\ base lasus strong o,ioni/Jbo., rrtr hcrr: d hert bar "th,tp\o',o,uronor..tid,,l!n,h.Hoqlt."no."i.u."re,ctrrhce energr oI .at.iun ct oride from iE enrhalpl dara usinS Born Haber q,.le. Chemistry : Vohnrerri. Anatysis(ary thr€.) '. D,.p n ir. br,o -.i ajd .,omn,.r.l1t\r,,,E\"OH. - D"t.rm ndho- or dt'dri..1l-n,+bLr lxp H( I '.' -hn "hun o, .dt.r,,m"o ilpr, i L"r,r,,,d t,,,r .F, a c., -.,{"ts o\ o. Tr,B,nom{o 4. Estiharion oI hardness oI warer by !DTA. Or8.1rc ( hemhh): I Lmtr.. rion.Idr, o.Bcr,., cJr,rp, u-,1rt,ruu6t, rt,p un,,ond,g,o.p .Drr.r. d"r.mdrjnn o, m. tbngp,lLd,d prppr.rno.,1.u,Llo,.n.,.\alne5 \r t d.;"> t ROVED I, { vireraninda clobar unv.Bity, hiPu Sem6turrr BSC308r: COMPUTER LAB cffie Wiite a program ro perform ihe 2 W.ire a program ro perlorn ttre ratioel nu(ber arithmcnc. 1. TIre ConPukr Lrh compiex jttueri.. 3. Write a program to perform tte marrix opl,rarions. (Transpos€, ad.ltion, multiplicariol! Test ir a mrrir is symotric/ lower hinngutar/ npper rrianglnar) 4. lmplement Morse .ode to text .onversion and vic.-versa. s. To calculate crearesr Cohmon Divjsor of Sjwen rumbers 6. To impleheni ro$,er of Hmoi probtem. 7. Implemenr rhe Overlmding Ftucrion, Opdatoi 8. lmplement rhe Innerftance 9. Implement rhe role of virtla1 base class in bunding .tass hierdchy 10. Inplment the exc€prion ha.Uing \.1---APPROVED dri"Y- v ( vjvckrinda BSC 4m: crobar unive6iry, hipur SOLID STATE p}IyStCS I l:aryq.t Larri\e. t'Tr\ rn- \tuDL. !..e , t....-or, nJ., ara\-\ l"ir!"\ 'l"r ndr,\.-ru.rLeorCr\rtaF.!i1,r " ct ut,, H-ar r,. t(t .:.,:i;,;,";l;, I d..( .e .rc'.d \ ub,i .rL(turp E.C\ (pn,,.,qli MoDL,l ."1 ,1, Zo, q,"f r .rr.c ure .1r..,, u.! -h,pt^rl!t,., u.e I Il Studl d CrvstJl \huchue: D.,hd. :or,or, u,frrnr n - E\pcrimer Iat Ntfthod xr \- I3\ r,'rhi" ttr,t r, VODUI r;"r,," l.::::,^-.:t":, rura Pup. b,- vutumpDplr . "1r. {)., . , .,.J.! $tiun, Br,BB\.. il, .',J,1,.,":::, l',,,Li.rppr.r.bUr,. I"3::j \- i,,i \ tj o,,e "il,,ill,. VODLIl,lrl:MnBneli.propprfle.ofmar.€r:D.trpI \p..V,Er.,r.m.,h1dt..,.o.!.d. _;.: n -l D' irJrnen. .dr,.\r,!ft.o.)., ,,,,,d,;;,, _1, ',j.ndp.rr-j1e,i\j ll'o\olrrdriBr' n,-e,.LL,"ri\pt ,"..,t"norn-.o,*alt,,-,rkt,rro,,reu.,ir1, hr.r .t feiro'nagneh5h MODUTE lv: Dielecrri.s: Iudamentat Definirions in Diclectri.s Difler.nt tvDes oI Elc.hi. orrl..ion t-,.qu,,\Jr.r rarpp,"rl.ptrpr,o r"r".;;,;..D;i;",t',:-:.;F::r: ',r'.)rqr",rc,nu.-\.o- 6pediur,-DeF.n.n,,oro. Di.j.,Fi ,..r"nt Detq,( Bp,Ldvi. rhr. {Di't ro,, t\p* r,,.-tdtr.;A.,,,,r"t. \uptrondu.rieil r)p"orBo.,r.u..,){cL rvjr\Jr-i.e. }l3,Y'i y_:::.1t,.:.":td d.,t r\4roger, Bondiri Ttrr,.jF,., , .." r.;. lrdi...(o..rn.Led'..o'd-.I.-r-n!,.tD""t.,irh.",,-Cf..r,,,,; -" O. .,", ".",i ol(|, ojrorrhO.u,rq,.eut_.prrror,d,,h\jh u.Lp,tfrc.ejnt5 ,,-".,,,.' or superconducbis - ry!€ orsuper.ondu.r,r - ', - Appri.ati;;rs,;;;;";;. Refeien.esBook. 1. -.Ld ,r"r. Ph..!. .i.r I r...) I". \4. r,"k'.i ",*. r.tu "tr \,t d,um6L)rr \. ur" rt,.b.t Lrntr.5 2, ,\r.,teflal S.rence 3. 4. drd EnSinee; nsbl \,!a!ha\in rnhoduLhun hrSotid5 h Azaroll TM t l !or' apr..rrr !.r ri. t,i..,t.s..", Lr,\t.u1-.,. rr L,t t\t-r,,..h,_\.hf/a.o "hh ..." ",fl, /.--..\ & vrptu fHt h \.", ,, r ('', ' ,) \<,-,i_/ lr/n(,,.t.." Y /\/^:-, * [ ' ,t, .ti l t ooo*rov D vivckMi.d; crobit urivecirr hil,ltr BSC 402: RDLATMTY AND STATTSTTCAL pltyslcs Cou6e MODUTE l: Spe.iit Th€ory Tde Rei*iviiy And ptN6hr of Retati\irv_ Renr . : : i", ;t",,;;;"" I,'r_ ru' <lhrr PosrutJres ",.,, ", ;i;1, :t',:"1r,:":::"1, l ;:,::ll;:; " _*, r_ \p{ht ttr.or\ of .;L k n'or'non'' lenSh n \'lo:1 dldrbur '""n'' ot nuss hidr veto'iry' nass p,.,i.;. *i; '"''""on 't'"n''"'n'? """'gv "q"t"a""*. "';;;';:,::"'*" VoDUtL rl rhe {dhsrjcdt ba!i, ot rhermodrnrmks: r.,,tJblirr rnp.r.od\n.m,! o ob,t,ljh n.,1. iu. or.,lu,t "no or D...odl.riri. . prob r.t,. ,r,,i.t;;.;,;,;,.. " "r \rrh rn.rease tn number .r parh,cle! T1,e ...rFn, ";i;;l; d.,E.. bk. n, ,-,..c\\.b" J-. .,,,, ;,,;""r;;1,'l']"; ":::,1::li:,: I ors.retr scrof enrrSj \tarEs ror tlre ,l'I: WODULT IIt. som. uni\pr J ldw,: -bt.- rDd. ,,prr\.lbir I di.i..nnut --ude,n,. us.illJtur anJ parti.tes Equ ibnu n befme $1, r--"j,^ ,..i .".;r "^' hbrp'ptdL'.r,,,o.dt"r,-r ,-".nod\n.Tr. <.,u.. or,1..i. Jpp I s"Y.j:.1';l'lh:',";1 B"r,.,n-,rnorld 'car,ons. " rigurou\ form or.qurpar hhon oren.rBl i:[.,:'l:*:l,l dn ,,buEon ,a\ , na rrs MODI I r Iv: VaspIDn djchiburior ot !pe.d, in Jn idedt gi3: Dj,hiou,. n o, .pr, t, ,d or vero. ncs e.pqimEnril renhlahon, rtrsbnc[un *-'bet]uer -'an' r n s &d host Pmbabre sleod *r,"' o"ppr". t-.a*i"f.i,;#;r"*^" MODUIE V: Trarsition to quantun staristi.s: ,h, as a natural .onsrant and, irs ifupri.ations, casos ol partjcte nr a .d bo. , . n. !,:1p nord. 1r,or,. o,.r"ror. lndlstinsujslhbitftr of -:Tl'1".... ,t .or.{uin.,\ Eo.., .hc e.nrDn"dishibunons, phoions in l,: bl' ':.r:..""9 '.uir, I b.J\.,./r, b.r jcm rDpll "\-tddFrh: "corcpts of Mo,rem phlsjcs.. (r\.i.ciaw H rl. :is:' ,,r s,",,i ."r r.i.r.".i"," i. rI j^?t1:_:l:.1::*l 2 srausriar phvsl.s" 1lr"c-".,u;rr isiq. Lvn.,irr"" us4. l;eit ;A 3. K Haung, "Statisticat ph),sr*" 6vil", e",t",,. io*). t ) { vi!eliiind! crobir un\c6,b h,Pu BSC 403.} ?HYSICAL & iNORGANIC CIIEMISTRY M_ODtll L (hemildt Lqu;tibriunr: I o.,bnr , d.,4 ni g\ n, rnoL,ninL p-\h.F".,.pi, rd,: rdhurr pr rc+,or."rrr,.r,,;;;.";,;;.";,;:l;,: .r':\:h1' , rJr"),oro u t,,rdrl.t1u-jnL',,1pq,.r,po,trth! ."!pt..c .1 MODLl.FIl.Pha.eCquitibriu,rt:.r., n.nt ,rd ,.d,.Jo, F i.m..pir.r nErtri,t 1@,-oro \dho,,r"rut"..,-i,,r1,",",",,.,""p,;:;".,1,-., rvatr Loz .Md S 5astums phJ>e Lauilbria .,1 J',i,io.,, .,, pr. "u,"!a. Bi , , i,-,;.,.:;": i:...'",:: VODULIIII:rhr..tquitiblLmlt:{trr_Juh,,..,,1np,ur...{m,,i n, r rino oo'-t.\rs./n, 4,,r rtr.e. ..,.,,*".,,,rri i_io,;.;; , $irl..oneru ;;.:,;:J:.j, HrO)!slpm. rrLe2u snrFture, a.-"ro".-,t^ *" .'Tj.il1*, ra"or riq"ra _i,t ,", Raourrs and Henery.s rar,. Non cai s),steF ll,li1 azeotroFs-Hcl -H,O and €thanot-a,atcr n(rcms PutiiUr niscjble liqdds- lnenot{attr, kmrcthvlaoine-{o rerni.orinc warEr sl,srems I tV: Coodilalrol conrpound\. ner ..- .o.dr . ri L \-q,h?ho (I,. h\c ,,omh nnmb.r n1'..pI ...t,iD, ."",.",,,;-_ VODUT ,,,,'-""" .onrpou0a\''jsmnr.o.,dxrrtiun.lmDonnds ", .n,pr..",'e,o."arr,p-..r.1r.".narr.r 1".J.::l,l:l*r,, r lr.rri.r.. r.n r,iorF r.. ipn t.,rtrh, , r MoD!lE r. MeriHigind aonding in rrar"irion" r,a"i"r^* i,.rt"ror r,.J|e blnd lhptrJ. rn e emeniJtr idca ur cr\stat frrld il .., ,r-.,,, ..-a..1,,, p',,.,,. -,;".1,:: ,,:1.;.:;,; ,l'); '" R 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. o. il il:',i,r11,"''' ,''. ...' "a'..t rl\'. \tl seral fh\si..tChenrEtrl,7r enrhon rDLe, n.r+,n rBa,,r i i,i.,:.n -Brpuojj.,rlrF,j e non r'i clk md I- a i,trn.iil.. o, r,,...4, ,In 1,. a bv \i\I., .\.'.Jtr,.ri.of. ,.ni.(u". .ri, ro,. P i:'\,-..1,", I fphy\(d Dondlll \IcQuane Chemrqbl I Ad B.F1.Fm,d I n-r.- r. oti,tcC.,,_tt,t.--trr.Br"r, 'srl , " r.. r,r.. fr,r.prp..rrr Fd.,.(h,nF,,v :J i:l;_.." 8. 9. r'',,,1u ,nLn ..e)._,J.r,n. t.,o.d"to. '-,(o\ 'Fo1B, i \ rrloUrlj|lluqFr,t, ,.inn1 \.. \tr.t,.r,,-,r c i'r . nc / .,".'-.. 2,@(r,, '-' -". , l, \ \ cr i. s. r. ;,.-o_,f"" la \ .", .=L- I h(.,r' r,in6v VED vivetanrodr croLal univercn, Jaipr BSC 403.2 COMPUTER NETI,VOR]<S I I: l\TRoDLcttoN - o-t , 8'i r\\\ tAN v.\. tot .. Bu,. l'ro?Ul Ln- ". n Rxre -oTr Bouieb carewaj\. T anshknon b,i.l8.< Medi.r: Tra; t rt,pr r rwo.. r.!t... \" i.or^ tDDt ||,1,lM.r, .;aj.r;0.i.,;" 'rn r'oI"snilvLro'31'l''ldP1r. 'o. 'd'lol.hpn.rtnbr,l)\.4\1IlL,L'dr.n,.. MODULFII tt DArAlt\kt4\fRA VIDtLM qrrt5( IA\t.R r.,hin, or..t,,,.pc .i.r. r. T..,v.n,+.p ,,. ,.,r Dc,-,,-\u, n'nur,irotr \r; D.'la'rl '.,- i- D, ur",nJ.r,lFt,\A C."^ .O ..,",.",, f.""-",..1. a..css rlrolshlut ualysis oi pure and "'"',",. slorted Ar{rra, r!E;.02 is,*fi;;;*":' ,._)ll1.l^ rAlrR. \i.e. ,.r,..,r.{,. D.,r.6,...r,r1.,..f..-tu,s,rs-r. n .,i 4 '.:.:1 Y::l parn n,i.J l.o.j,,E .,,.1j.,t ,o,,,/ 8j",.;.. \tut,,.,.r,.r-,; .-, ro,. D.".',.i L''; Ero..At \.h-. ,,., i, . ,rr.*r,rr, o no '.nl'r'..r'r Proro.ots congestion conhor Arsorirhns _ 6en.r"r r,,r,.ii,r", c*g*ii,, p-*,*t"" rP. "r Po., MODULE Ivr DATA TRANSMISSION _ Terminotogy, liequcn.y, spe.hunr, 6an.twidth, analog and dig aih.arsnission, Tiansmission inr., .rmor,,Edau,p-.,,drou.,.,,",,", r"".",.,,",,..,.::;:,;o VODUI.F \.MUL plf\tN(, - -hta,Fr ,r{n in,.qing dnr..,r. Lr .\rro.,..1,.h.onor. Dd ,1.'.6.,1 u8 Mutripte aireb,;r n,.ofrn.-o ,D\ra .,- Orro -i_gi.,..,."i pd.adei. TDMA fr.hc sh.ucture TDMA rramc erficiencl, IDMA ,"p;; ;;.#;;.*;"; fram e acq uisihon i nd syn.h ron iza frpquen.r tion :l Compurer Ncb.-ork, Leon And ca,cia. l11H :. r',.r., m',!.,,.h.4,r,\.$,i .i,e,.p o,,1r.-,, .,t,1 ! (.mpuL. Neslr L. tancnbaurj, plJrs.n .l ConrFrter N_.hLorknrg, Ku rcse, pcarlon 5 C.'nputer Ncnroiking And ljier ne! Hatsett po.r.s,rl 6. Digit Tcl.phonl,3id Ed,laneshvnle & Davtd Hnrlc, wiley 7 Lin. Cmhun(atbn St stcn Tctecommunicnhor Sw*.hing Approich. And Nctl(Dkt cnana'i'nni N",i, ,rg" \Sins CYn( v i ,.r t ROVED viYehnanda clubat univqsiiy, riirr BSC 4O4,l ORGANIC & INORGANIC CHEMISTRY MODUt.r l.c,ourti. [, .h,u,. IIIo.,,,B Ih..Jr,.| ..,. q:n ot . b.^i.. r . r,. . r o,A,id.\on,rr , 1,rtu .n . o, ..r o-.r, r. j..r.r, ..,;.., b-,, r,.,."1.i. .t. t \oub t-,/,1r.^ ,,,r, _;,..." ..,,.t htru.: ,.;.1,-",,.;,.j:.: ."1,.-l d o'o," d 1,.,\.,...o. r.\t ru..1..,o,, ,oa,\td.. \4 0.1.o h'rcor,nd.r.oir,,J.tio,r o o.3 L,,.'r,a tt _.., id..rr'i ,,""'ams.-n.," ,,ro1, ,,..o. _0,.,i.. n' '''"i^' "' :,i".;"" - 8..,."1 "-. ..;. MODULE Il. c-bolrti. A(id de.n*ive\: N.mcnddh, ,''", 'o ,:o ,,ro..d**b.. Jn.h-' . , ,.,r ".r,,;,;: ;:;:'"-.;:il' - lr.ll.. .,.,, ""-, .,1..'op,.r a.r.":.":,,":1::"": ".'; ::;".11,1.,,,:; ;;,,i'',,;t",T;. tJ;t;",;:"1,,t;J;.::,,:,.i.,;T.";;::lr'::": ijl 1.b'. rr..oJdn,. ,p,t ,,.n.rr,,"o,n,t,'.,hi.ra\^, " _, n. _ .. , - ,t ., . a _ n idi., neurraland alkantine media, pi. ca.i,t Alkyl and aryl amines: stru.ture ad n.nenclahre.r anri dn.\. ll";: ,. , . " '.;.1,, ','.,I.J,");;'l j;",_: ,';::,1 :l." /td."ts r.i, rrt\,.,."p,,".""i,i t.;.,.,, ;.,,"", ;j: ir. dn \r,i.j,,ru.!F.,iJ ..,...i..",,i,_,;1.,-:;,;;:,".,1"b;:l ,,;;,. "r {'.,,..\ruF,{.", ..*f;r; ;i .'.1 ', ni'rc oo,po, phihalirrd( rcr.rron Iolmin, t,omrmder. d o" j^,.oDF'.,o,,,o ' ..1.D. :]o,.,,". .o[ ti. ., .. ' vuDur F rv: Hekro4,r,., I a,,...,rtrJsrlth,h :.,r'1. - : :;.i'i;_ :.",:.,11, . . "-;;,"d, ".,; :... .\.,U p'.'ru '1rroJ,o -,,, t.t .,., , ,-u..r,,", 1...d.,i.., r.r o^prir..u..huu,icnp L.,oio..i.,r.,,;,;,Jp,:..;,";",.i",.-r.. J"nr ."r h "."..1..,.. ,, ,n..-oq,r,... h..u,.ra.o.o.,d ..jL". !: cheri{ry of Etements of tr+ Ir sni.n s r, o,.,,.,.,,,. o., " ."-.,;:,'., " ;.:"1 :l;, :"".'"'""r' ".i MODUTt ,.;.,.i,. 'xlh tus..;ti,-. "-..,r.," .hirrisrD nr t hmmr. of \rtond and :#;l ::';.:""i"'' ,i, h,,'b D'o,'ri,' o" o,o' ';;'r: ..;1,'-il"j':p;.'j . "-r"' lsrie., .".t i, - .,i,. -_.,,;," ..,," J;.;.:;l:r:p:l::; tni.d t.M rion :."'1.t,: "' "-, - P 8SC404.2: PROGRAMMTNG IN JAVA COUSE TiIIg] TROCRAMMINC IN 'AVA MODULE I: JAVA - Oleniel ProArrnrminc IflroJu.t n .h" I Or,-,1. , I I or,om-rng \J.r.,.h,r ob,e 'o TrpF) ri.'tur4., \vd. ..FoJu trnn ro rr.d b\r,,ote lofl TRCLRA\l ltr\lf\I\: n,,mr\,,!,ir- np$ v,,,,t,t,. d..,drm.-l ,nhnph \l_o,r!.rJl rcgrir o@rdhr'! \-hmpi.-per,to.,.or\..Dope.,r \.",*,.t ._,,1.., B.-t._|o;,. ,* *.,","." , op.,,,o,. Vrhral m,rh n, or".-,-,p;.",.,,.e i;,,,:., MoDULE ,raipmeni. Dp. F,. iI: CONTRoI STATEMENTS , Iavat Setc.tion ttc'iri.n SrJtLnre ts,uhie,.tohniL ror kur"P'n SrateDrenrs, iI statcnent, suitch \pn'dr 'p" ru. D -r ,'"u -r" "' 'u'' r.i,6o.,, u.,g,".,.,,;...,;,; n ,nd ... ,"r .,",",".:o. VODUIllll:oBltct\4\DrtA\SLS-ooip.r,,...fL,,rJp.,,i_Enh.,b ,.', p^].,1-"- N ,"'an,i,n ,rd,\;hJ\,1e r,,.",",i" r...i".." oi"] *0.,, c\,rlo1 l l'{',,J o,,,'ll-J,'P,ho l, Au,l,, l,'1,.p., ;,, ;';,:.j;;:],:::1"' l\ \uf \\D,vl ^ r-lorsr'goarl.,Bd \'rOD( I t lV: FRt A, . .: D"r nmB od. I r". . n.,pt or D"frnr,g.n,"m"ndr,L,;F.r", - SmtNL HA\Dj tNC -. h.r,i1. n.n,,.loF ct \+j a Fl ...e,\ n .i, c o,ritrer e.Iarr.,pd.,l'L8a"d.nhpd.i,,!..,i_r8,,.tsr rd.s. kt rr nB ot "ra i rF ..,k. o, F\(Fr-l o\ .A\DLr\c F\n.pho. r pp.. un., urih, f., r-. : "- ,_j a,drme,,r"r, ,.'rdnultiple."r...r"rer,"-u r.,e"o rryoi Lhroh.,-r r,n,rr riF :'.:Pl:l:.'1 'ANDI'\C. I"m, F,l. I o .pe, g]:i . 10.'\..\ n- "*e, d"r Fr .,o.. .,.r " I oLF. L. D"i,,,,6 r'.n r'r'!-ld . u\mdpdr -"tho-d.,ldtu\.in;p rs;.- :?,-Y:' Jj., I Hdtrert5.h'tdr l\\ A 2 l}eComot eh 2. Derrel Ho$ top osrJnr tA\ A pHi 3 U.K. Chaltrabort] 4 Joscpl O'Neil and Horb S.hildrr Tea. ad Reference, TMH, DG. Dastidar Softhare 'i2'!"4 ai1.l Dcllli Svstems An rnh.odn.uo h\ou+rtlc\A.* r"[' .,, f_ r (-Ln' "*aa6o lri \, ir rd vivekrnand: clohal unire sill'' ,iiPr BSC 405: COMPLEX ANALySIS VOO( lr l:r omplp\ phnp:(onptp. oJr,p,.,,,. t.,, ,tul.t.n p, tlutr,,,ne.d d,rsron i , mpFw pEn. I r.j, . i,\ t.o,.n.. 1..j".r -r,t,. t.t.-,.d - ,,.^ .:,," .,,,nrrN dr,d .ri rarenri ,o ,n .ram;aphr. p.nt".b " . n,rl-, .ctup.t Fp.,.r.m.h,,m.l,r.rL-(rirF _\rrrrr.rri.ns,iu.trlji MODUfE tI: Compt€\ tnresrarjon: g. b,{'. . nmp..\ i. p u , qr ,t, a.u.n\ 5 I"'.1, . L r. p ..r or :nr.A,r !.1, utf, ror o. ro e^ ' ' th€orem, Poisson jnreSht tun.ho.. caudr!, rnrcsBl tomula. Iilorera's fo ntrla, Liou;ifle t!cordn irtSrrl rheorem In.lehnrre,rtesdr, om/|". ln , \'IODLLI lll:,1h@remc: rri.,., I.. , n -n, , ,o.. itu. | .eo r n 4., \1".^ {rh, ..r,. u(bn.or,! wer..rF\ \4ODUl r- rv: singut,itiP!: \r.tut.,r,hi.- Jnd nn'pr.', b,n! p /"r . or dr, ,1-.1, , .u _., r,.. 1 r1, i.r .rhh;arn.Di MODUI,FV:nBidk: ejcue.r.,1r-t.,rh,dr,,,\.F..du. run'rm.ltal theore'r.f n oah- 1r,on. BrdnJr ooi.r he.tri n ,.F,1pr,, \.6un,p.r,p,i1rp.4 Referen.esBooks I : l. I . . R\ !lu'\.iL"niBroq l-.n tio ,ot.,,o-,p" \rr.Jbt" ! flo\1e Lohpte\ Anatysi> Spr nrer. \ (J ColrDle^ An.l\;is 'nnlarJn / F |as \tlri ComL,t!. c rdt\sE c.\ atr,r,h \",:.l",t r ur qri.n n,"..o. ph.,,,r" p. -LJ \ v. D"Di lh.l,i ",,d "r,J.r \ \po+ot vJd,.mdtj.a A,"i)\i,. \,r \, nJ ..F.i-s pou!. \ch Dellr t9B5 A( 111'f1) ii' vivek.nanda clohat udv*siirriipur BSC405: ADVANCED REAL ANALYSIS AND COMPLEX ANAf,YSIs y"'" "t*": MrE\ ro"(. D i, !. n dn.r .. dnpr.. oper, .p.,1" r,q,,o.e.l YP.3*r rpnerr upedi,ersdlt.tu<etl seE, NustrborhooJs vODUrE,rl:(onpterpMehi.p".i,n,.,o"p.nFti1upu.r.t-.AJt,..enrloi,b..,ur.o. rr and r lr"d I ? i l, 'Complere ", -a," "" e,,, -. . "" ",.g". -", ""n.",,-.r,1 -"{;j"Mehi.9pa.c MODULE III: Codpa.tnss: Compadncss Continuois mappnrg, Compa.t Sets and Compact u,i,(f,e\rcnlm-\n,\.fodJ.,.te\1riu,bor.t,i,.t.,",.n,.o...u.rr"-r.,..", or.4!. .,orF.o oornni reo.i,ed,. MODI II v: Mipping: \unnI',J rn.ppi.E,, l" .!rrlraiyhdop'rir \ /,-1..1 / 2 /, p.n...o..".Jto,t/.rlrnr,tior ",,J rt' oooehc, !\PJrnon 1. coldbor& Nrerhod ofReat Anatysis. 2. Burkl & Burkil , Second corse of Marh€ Ana\,sjs. ( Lrh. ",.', d-.14d h n,dt, J A-a.jj. 4. Conhar rundions oi One Comllex Variabl.. 5, C.rlaw,Folri.rSeries. 5 Clurctril,The.ryoIFun.rituoIComplexvaiiabte. 7, Matik & Arora , Nlathematjcal Analr3is 8. P u.3J'1 anJ D l - er. 1.,.hod-!don n qnr rrs 9. Burrl. , Elemenrs .f Reat Alalysis. 1{. Rxdin, Marh.maticai Anatysir. 1r. Alostul , Anatysis. 12. Copson ,Comptc\ Variabte 13. Shah & Sarena ,Th.ory .f lun.iion oIRcal v iable. 1,1. E C. Philips, Iu.tions ofa Comptc\ variabte with alpticarions. R. G. :10. ( /xi''n) ,{o \ \ AT'FqCT,/ED l,- 0 vivekmtudr DSC 407: PI{YSICS clob u,ieEiv LAB 1, lnergy band ;ap of rtr€rnbtDr. 2. Study of Characterisrics of Solar Cell. 3. Chah.teristics or Field Eflect TraNisror. Detehination oI h,Rd,cm. 4. Oraracterisiia ol Uni Ju.rion T.esisroi. 5. Verification of huth rable of AND, OR, NOI, NAND & NOR gate. 6. NAND gate 7. Study oI Zener Diode 8. Study of Chda.rerisri.s of photo Tratuisror. as Univeisai gare. ae votrage regularing charact€risrics. 9, e/h by Tho@nt aethod, .c ,l.o{ ,\^^i ti( \ ,-) ROV ED laiPui vivck andacrobiru.ivesjty.,aipur BSC 408.1 CHEMISTRY I A} Physical chemiltry: (any rwo) 1. Trms ion renp€rature: Der.drimrion 2. of transftjon remlerarurc of the gn thcnnoneiric/diatoDroh.i. mcttro.t (c.g. NrnCL4Hro/S.Brr2HO) en substtur.e rh eroui'jbrum , ..tud, .h"prjp ,or,.\or.jpr"r. \a!t. -Lc..r r.,od/.r, r,.p,nb,"l t,, r m, ibr.,, I r.d{c s. oh,.or. \","r-).r r, a.,r I ::,11 1T.,,.",':", lier0rml'6he.on,e,','i,n,d'dl-,hli.U-dI.''PL.r 3. To onsrrkt tlE lhme diagiam ot rs,o conponcn(c.g. .lipnenyt.mnre -bazophenone) sl stdn b), .ooiing cu^,e meihod. Inor8annchemicrry:Lrrr-,,b! Orgrnic.hennlrv. {nd\.i,-A-a\... r. u-,( L.!\,n.1\ tuu.,,.u ,q\"r, ,rcn, ..aplv:De\r..i..Eon,{ i..,tJ_. rd 'dn\ iLlenbh.ahon ot.r gan . oDpounJ, I <"p,"'or'o,dr+nl.d pi8nr.15r.pi,..h,e..\",nr) b.,."dl 2. r. p. ornd4 - p"tubo. 2.l.di;,\. pt-,vt,.d.d,-,r,oIa{. n- . Jurdn n-, "r n-r+-l { eunlJo.ue.ran.r Lr5rp,.\.r.u.,.40-rol . :e, ",,i. rL e o d, i- u,,, 6 N.,oh".,ne,n., "rrr. d. bL..E \ r.5l <,. i+"'r--., rrpqi lronlli.Errprf \\.c_dingr,,d. L. utdr .ep,r,bonor.,rr, u"o. plo),lalmine md g\roe Alarine and asparti. a.i.t, tcucine md grurmic aci.t. Slral i.agenr ninhldrrr t rp;,,, orD rnrrn..a\!r-/a 6 .. , eu. np c nd r,-bu .,f-r. a eo . sprar re.aenr.ninhdrm. mixture of D galactof dd D- hucros€ usins !-butanor: :p.1llt-{,ate44r5l), :f T:l::"(r,"rides-a acctone: sprai, reaSenr - tuitinc hrdrogen phrhalat.. rcd qare(4:r.51 I \ --.1 APPROVED A-L 'f \t vivskanrndr ciob,r univmiq, Iaipr BSC 408.2: COMIUT8R r.aB 1. Cearion 2 Cour of classes dd use of <iifierenr nuber or obj€.i, cr€ate.l progaN on in.erfaces. the r,?es of fm.ri@i for a .lass osing stahc 3. Write 4. Wriie proFams on paclages. 5. Write progres using ftucrion ove.loading. 6. Pro8.ds usin8 inherir ce 7. Progrds uing IO sheahs. hembe rm.tion. 8. PrDgrms using flas. 9, W.ite a prcgram lsing ex.altion hardting mechanisn 10. Desi8n a.lass for Comptex tumb€rs in Java. h addition ro dethods Ior opqations on complex numhe6, lr@ide a EedrDd to return the nmber of a.tive \,-APPROVED 6$r'/"- vt viveh.anda clobr uniYeBft, Jlirr ASC 501: MATERIAL SCIENCE MODULE l. Mar€ri.l SJef,(e: Ctasiifi.ahon.i n m,F, ".. \,h, .Fu, bo il .o\'!., b. nJ c,d,-pI". ?.cn (, Ur.T, t -nC. t". n!'\ rD \r?... ,, bond. Drpoi" I r, i^:1.;--::I " ;".'1,;: r;::;.:,,,,,I :l;i "..';T;;:;: - " ; "* lrp.- oI rmp!, rmperlc.tions lrank, Rcad sour.e MODULE f. i J"l I ;,:l p","., ', ;., I1..lll ,; ,:.;, ;,.r *,:., , ,";-;; ;..; ;,,,.; tr,.l Il phs€ Diagran6: Dasic tcms - sohl sotrrions lnreinedlate plase - phase dj.g..",". - ctt,. rr.""" .,t", - ii^" .onstru.tion ofphase diagmmj O. r""",,u1" p,, Hrh€ - Rorhery,s rutes r"*";.*,;:H;;.,,* _ -."r. eute'oid svstems peritectic -d p*it"".,.r:r;;.;:;;;;;,il;i:1'."'":i:* "stens MODUIf llL tnr{ rrdnbform.tion. p,rp u,oaFr-r)hho. rho n. E-,,eub, .-l - \ i.t"a1or. 1n4 8,o,.h - \po.r..h.1r. or l\.- \,,.reIrn. ..,,.""brn. rr,.," .onstrturnrnrrron Grbon i+em - The alloho;i .r tr Her"roSer' ,' -. D,;," ;.,:;,,1" ,': .,':'l I;:il:!,1"'j.:j.l;"l''" MoDULE IV: Eleckon rheory of merats: Iun.lanenial n.Fgdp,.D.,i\,-",*_-i,.,r.,_..,,-.._i.;;;:i;. 'o,r afrLrtur8 fa.r.'\ rteLrr cJ Bsrince ormaremk MODUTFV.Ft.,hritandnigneti.prop-rie\o,,n.t.,ralq:-e..i.rr).-(onJJ, ondiror .tr.i, ri n r - . . r i . . - u , I ,,. ,"U, ,. r"r.. -,,.X1-;-it r^ \pDi ;;, llsuhtors Dietectsi.s , lerrc .tecki.itu _ Ele.h. sn.n( n 1' od<ftr''h' b*' ri'' ",;:,, Di . p'.,o' Dnj.,.,,. .,".,'r,' ;..;,,"., ;;:"",';,' uf ,F.u(rho" , aqn,o -n,.,.n u"g"" o .,,,.*,,,"-ii:,;:;;:,;jj;.:i;;, I e r... 1. )lllc.]ll;:."". . I rni I r...,,r. \, n A8" rnbrnr,i. 1. \r r.J,er5 . ],,:i,r rr* "rd p.!.c.\-.Am..-, .16p.1r. 6. .. .,,. r,.-,,,1,. \hrburinA 'n1,.,- so d (ompJn\ 1 oua , \,,u,,/_ \.,.,c.\.r . rp,d ..rr\rr. ,dtr.u,. Idq:rlr,-. l. \ld\ iJ..i.n1.t,. RB L,p.rrorq\lll \rhdn <,n.r,r.^..,,.,. ,ld.L.r, \.\ D ,tu r"\ .:e.!(\ ' \ ' ) ar / ,/ " - I h (t i,t"..o <)/^" l'\ ",,,, t-- a8pnovEn AdFRovED 1 vivek indi clobil univusiV,Iaild DSC s02: CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM MECHANICS cdu6e rirk cla$nal A.d ouantum Mechalics MoDUIE t Basi. concept of Me.hai.s: Mcchanics oI particlc, Mc.lDni.s of Slrstem ol Particlcs, conshaints, Holonomi. md Nnn Holononi. constrainis, Virtual worl, Alemberls Principl€, Lagrarge's equiions, SnnpL Application oI Lagiangc's formulanonLindar Harmonic Oscillator, simplc Pcndulun II: Quantum Theory: ori8in ol Quanr!.r th€ory, Blac( body Radiations. Distliburion of energy in thc spcchur of bla.k bodl, Radiarion. Photoclc.hic cffc.r, Lnws or Phob.l(tri.emission,Ritz.onbnrtrtion prnr.iple, PLar.k'sradiatior. MODULE III; De Broglie's r4,ave .nd Un.e.tainty Pri.ciple lnadequacy ol clssical mechani.s, two slii experine.t, superposition Pfirciple.ltave parri.le dualisn nn lght and hatter, D. Broglie's w a!e, Dc BroSlie's model of dre abm, wavc V.locih and group lelociq MODUIE MODUIE Iv: H.isenberg lnce ainty Prir.ipie Aptli..hon oI ufterainty Prnrciple EneiSt and radius of Bolu lirst Orbit (2) why eleclron camot prcscnt in tlc nu.leus MODULE v: Schrodinger Equation and irs Appli.ation: Conccpt oI Vlave tun.ti.n S.hrcdinger Equarione Time dependent iom, lrllctation Independ€ntS.hrodin8cr eqtation (Steady State Qtrmtization, \,\'ave tunction 1 2 3. 4 5 lomr, \, \ nr one dimensional box, V /iltntr' \, ^anaO\lED '\lt Lp", Value, Operaturs, Tine Nlcchanics Herbe* Coldsrein, Addjso! Pub. Co Nlcchanics -J C Upadhayara, Hinalya Publishnrg Hous€ Classical N,le.hdics - Gupta Kumar, Pragati puui.ation Quartm l\'lechanics B. S. Rajput, lragati PElqshan Elemonts oI Quantum Nle.hani.s - kmal SnrEh-S.P. Singh, S. chand Publi.ation / Lv-' \ AppriovEu/ ,l ,. (i() It''C b-,-2 " (1) cncrgy viverananda ctobal Lrdv&snrtaipur n., <nr, a5( 503.t: t'H\<t( AI & tNoRCA\t( cHlvt\rR\ VODU|t t: FIe(Fothemsh). t-U,d. ,-r,porr-,-r,r. .nJ ij. d.not\ie souron. .pi Lr ,o.du,,,n.- J,,. o,,i ;.,.,." ,"."-,,",,",;;;; _,-.,i::;;;'r'.p\or.'i.n..9-r.J..r..\lrq,.,"tnoro,F.nrt01,,,u. .,,,,1i,";,.,.;;.i'.; r'e. h' I\h - .\.(idhJ. . nd rl- |n.,,h.n: r.,r\tr1,,ri.-,.trr., ,G u\es an!l its timrraiion5 Dctrle Hu.(el On\ "."..,.i;,;"";"" ,,,en-u. ,ernFn, ,;;.;",";,;b..,",,:., ;":":;lJ: :l_'"1;": J T]":; ""1, m,.",1 nPb .i . no, rna bo,,1J..,\ ',d MoDrlEll:Ihoto(h.mnhIbr4rd,,,nn,rdd,aho q m.,d. d,.,.,-i.e,"-rrtflna, Jnli olr,.,lFo,r1rDn.e\\ lnblutr+i Jngram .\ot .hi{n. r,erni,ha.., rp..i,pbo . j, ,"-;, _ p:,..;.,; _.;; -' "l.,ii:; MoDUI L I ' ,,,,,,. "pt", .,, .;, - 1.,",;l:;;, j.',:"- i. '.', - !.,. , .'-,.. r,.'i.,-\c anpi.r,,g,,n",, o,n**". _. i;';;'-'r;:';;: ; : Llementiry i;lli.l.::'".f i"'l' I:' "',i;.'"liil" ,l: euartun Vechinn!: il.Il l"iil;1,;',+ r'or' i" 3o ' 8.., or,. tdr,. . h Ljhon ,,{ o r' du3p-,,u,n','a., r\".o-iJ'd bo,r. rddr,r 'ooJ D Eo-,. trtltF,- tt,. .!.-" +rg, ,r,1 cr.,) , l jpi Hcm.l r',"opqdto,.- .uJ.ndpr\."...u,rord,rr',1. mp ",,.,.ptr..,..,r,-",.,,.t , ..'* o...,.r-L . or quantum ,F,-,1 . ::ll: lrn,r.,,.," , ji"-... "in.i;';J,i,:. ;:ii:::,;; L:l::,.;i:r.T" 1 0,' e q"d' o".\'d ou'.,, on "*,:J voour r rv, cr;;;;;; ;;".;"";r' ":: 9. 1".. h'.\bo...\.tc.r.r.,u.rstr.d,.rF,1,.,o.F,-.,,p.. ":l:i,Y;.',,1;" ^i, ;"1 sD cno-[]m,t"l 1"ud{J.. 1aic. ortl.aerg .\'drrpJ.,or4 ,-.ra .,r,..,r-.,.,i,-;;i,."_ .,,,-t ;,:;;i:,,, i;;l;;l tr'1laotl'.ourptc. !n. I v: rhe,modynamn ind Rinpn. Aspp.r! o, MerJt comptp\c.. \ uFrr4,Jm..abrlr ot ap'd,.hp.".", d.t .,u,. ,,,"ri-;it, ., VODUI "d i. . L,l ut .guer" Pt., ,, .on,P. \ br"r . or n .,Lri,**" References Books I Ilv Arlrserat fhlsratChcm,\hr,7! r.rrr,.n 1 d.f ,.i h,,.a ,,oon 1.,' :.," -!.,"_..t_.r1 ,,'..r-..; r."..,r, pod.r. Lf v,.n -.r.,r.3(o,Dtr. oio,. 'lx"::,.JT.: r Do' J.,\: ('Ldr ".,h,,. ,t,tem,o\ ,,"."| ,< -.n.1 ...r-EJnr \r-1u....ardr iuor.. c,..uJr ;l; "i, 7 F ?\. Cotton and C.i\ iltdns.n.Bisi. hr.rg i chemirbr n ley E;lc,q ru r,r e,r,n.. r r,r: l^(, ), =inv^d . i tr \ l,\ A,sPRovED vivekanandr clobat univesiir, tajpu BSC 503.2: COMPUTER ORGANTZATION& DESIGN MODUL! :rr BASIC ORGANTZATION OF COMPUTERS - Bl{r.k t€vel rtcs.iiption o1 rhc tun tional uits as relatcd to r11d cxecurion of a progr nm, Fektr, .leode and ex(urc.yde. MODULE 2: MACHINE INSTRUCTIoNS Insrluction set arc!ftr.tuies, Asscmbly , .orP\!r,a tr .t-s. ,..,F ..\ 1nq sr-rdge addressnrg m.des, dis.ussions rbour RISC lersus CISC ar.h ..txresr lNidc a CpU MODULE 3: Inlomarion rcpresenradon, Iloating poinr rcpresertarion (IEEE 7i.1), complter itlm.tic and tieii implemcntarion, Iixed-lohi Aittnfttic Add ion, Subhaction lvlulriplicarion and Dn,ision, Aiitlmrti. rngi. rjnirs .ontrol an.1 data parh, data path .omp.nents, design of -ALU rnd dara patn, conh.olcr destgrl Hards,ired and Mj.roprogFnnned Cdrh.ol MODULE 4: mcnrory ie.hnolog' stati. and rl),nanric lrcmon, Ranton Access an.i s.rial .h. -4m. F J)J \t..r-,] tj r,.t,v \ .i.,^. .t. pp nL r ,. ? ' .pddron - he1'p. \ rtL. l m n'o .'- t m no.. n,.L8 trdn unjr. MoDUr! 5: yO SUBSYSTEMS - l,rput-Ourlur d.iices su.h as DisL CD Rolvl, lrnrter ctc.l Inierfacing $,ith IO, korboard ard dtspla), interfaces; Basic conc€prs Btrs Conh.ol, Read l,lrite olcrationt ProgEmmed IO, Concepr oI han.lshaking, polted and nrhnupt div€n I/O DI!{A data hinsfc' Pipehrc Piocessing, l,rsrru.tion .nd Arfthneric pipelinc; pipehre !a7a,ds and then rcsolution L Computer Organizarion by Y Carl Ham.hcr Safilar c Z.kI ard Zvonko c vranesic M.Craw Hi[ series (2002) 2 Comprter Organiz, tion and Design, brDav Paticison ddJohn r-renn ds,cr, ,, Elsevier 2003 Comput& System Architeciure br l\Iab, N,,.V.,, lrcnticeH.I o ndia, New Dehi, 1992 3. Co.r!trtur S)Gtems D.sigi and F lordan (De.6 2003) ali^": Anhte.tlre (2nd , ldition) 6! vincent P neuringand Harv vivsrmandi clobit BSC 504,1: ORGANIC AND INORGANIC CHIMISTR'I MODULE I: Carbohrrlrates: Classifi.ation and nomenctaru., vonosa.charid€s, nechanism ot osazone, inteiconversion oi Slucose and nDctosc, ctanr hngtheDins and shoircnlns ol aldosc. Co frrJ \'onu.1.,lL'.d",.,'-.v.orgtu.o. I -.r,no- D rrn,,rio.r rrr,g 'ir,-t size of Monosa..narides Cyctic skrchrrc oi D(+) N,te.hturism ot nutarotado; Shu.turer oI ribose and deoxlribose. An nruodu.rion ri, disacchd .s (nulros., su.rose and*) rd polysa..harntes (St.ich and cellllose withoutinvoh,i.g snlcturc d.termination). MODULE II Anino, Peptides, ?ioreins an.l Nu.lei. A.ids ; Classincadon , srructur€ aml stuto.hcnistry of amino acids A.nt -base behaljoi, isoetccric ponlr ars c[ch.olhoresjs Piepaiation ard raactions of d anino acilts. Stru.tuie and nomenclaturc .t pertides dd pr.t.nrs. Classification of protenls. lepride sh.n.hrre. Ddermination drd group an.Isis. s.lectile hydrolysis of peptidcs peprides synth€sis.sol phase peprid€ svnrh.sis. Snu.rur.s oI peprilcs an.t protejns Lclets .I prctenr srructure.B.otein denatuiation/renaturation. Nucleic n.ids, inko.tuction,.onstituents ol nuciei. a.ntr Ribonucteosid.s ard Ritonu.teorides. The double srructure oI DNA MODULE III: Orgnno Srtphur Compounds ; Nomen.tatur€, sh.uctuEl fcatnres, mertrods ot lormatiof and c[.m].al rcactions oi thiols, dioetlcrs, sllllonic ac s, srtphonam c\ and organonetalli. Compounds: rhd crignard reag.nrs+oharion, structu e and.hemicatreadions OrganoTi.c conrlou.ds: Idnration ad Ractions Orgarolitliun .ompoundsr fonnarionandchenicat rca.tions MODUIE Iv: Magnetic Properties ol Transition M.ial Compleres: T),pes oI nugndic behavior, meLlods oI determining mgneri. sus.eptibilir], spi!-only fomuia, L-S .ouplinA, ( Fd'on,lL r'."','dlup n'b,Li ,"liouhol rJ hrgn.ri. r.r n\ ,pptr1i.i;I maSnctic momenrdata lor 3d merar comptexes. MODUI-E ionP v; Organomerrauc Chemishy: DefnriUon, nonionctarue of orqanone$alic r.pp'.,ron D.ote.t. L^rtrlr,gd,u.,opt!,rior,o."ul.(,.dar\.,.;L a..-a. 'nJ, c bfl"l.v.uu-l cr' drlTi o.nnL !.h\,.rr. Lo, ,8.n" u,.\dr06" ".o:. nononu.learcarbonylr and the nature of bondnrg in hdtrt carLronvl!. t leryM .h, - r { corln ^dv re(iorsantrch€hrs rr Edjtior,johil,\:te! ipt" -, q..s 1., d(.1!rl[u50DBn .l,t,(, 1"" .,1 I -"""i''' "'7 ( i'/1' , APPRoVE, lt^ ,, vivek!"!nda clobar unive*i,y, hipr BSC 504,2: DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MODULE 1: INTRoDUCTToN Darabasc Srstens lersus Fite Systems, Vier,.I Dara, Dara l\tudcls, datati$ languSG, User atrd Anmnrish.ators Trasaction Nlanaganort, Ddsion Sulporr svst€DE, Componenrs of a Darabasc nranagcm€nt Svstcm Disiibured Processnrg and Client- Se^,er Ar.hitecture. Entih, Relarionship N,todcl - Easic Concepts, Con J'nt\ reJr D€,i!n Gsuej, E F DraarJm! MODUI I 2. RFt ATIO\A| VOD| i 1ru.h,.r, ot nt"F aat Jrr,b,,e, jnF".i9 C..,.,i.rj LnSi.Jt d,.r.,ba- Dc.rd., . \ ri- D.trd Di rionc T,,Lu.,t At6pb.., .O nc'. bo.-l 8.,.1 ."u tur . e,n-. , no ill. tn,re j j J .et OD.. ' rtu'1, D.r,b..e r",n\r r'OD8!i t.... Derdt..-. ui, ". o\rh.,tDB. i, 1io... *.u q, { r Attiorization, Que{ B! Example (eB!), User htcrfaces ina root, roi-"."a C.opt i.ut User Report Generators Ovcniew orRetational elery Oprimization. MODUI! 3: REIATIONAL DATABASE DESIGN - lunctio"ut o"p""a.".i"", tvt,,td_"at,ea p.",,1.'"1"1 Dp o'rp,-inol n. \onn".r."d R,.rioih -hr,i r D,ur"," P )-iu,t '^'1F De,irr' ,Ob|", -R .no d D,,or.\ - \ Jed 1"tdL,, -.. rn!t.. D.r, '1. t_vp6, objcd,Relational leatures in 5QL:1999 MODULE 4: INTERNET DATAIASES tvorld l,Virle Web, Clicnt Sid. Scripring and Apo,..\.pl 4r\ F.'1t.,\-.on..\p..r,-.p.- Daia, XML Docunorr S.hemn Xelery, .,1e., p, -"..,, i,V Storage ot xNtL Dara, XN{L Applications MODULE 5i ADVANCED TOIICS lundatuentar Conccpts of T;a,Ea.rion, Xconcu cnq conh.ol. R.coverr Ststen$, Data Ana\,sls Or_ar t,,noa".tinn io Outu \li ir D.r,Irrtun8 D.r" !\.,,.,"r.rn" -p,i,t d..t -a C g,prl Dd,b",-,.l .latabis!s J !i MultinrllD Darahrse\ Texi/Referen(e Book* .\,. nF \ddi r 2r..'r,'-'lbr/ .rJcahd. DuL,bd. \or,.1F \kL...\Hj 3. Elnasi, Navnthe, "Irdamcntats ot DaElbase S!+.rr,. Addisnh Ur.slpr .l O i 1dt"br)r ,rl\ert tub I Dd'". cnlnhoJ 5 Lcon & L@n,"D.tabasc Mana geDrent SystenE,,, Vjkrs prbtishinr Fnnrsp b. 3 Pi'! D .ai' { 11'.,1u.b. n .DddoF..-..e1F' u tond rub... '. \lr l, & B.d-t"..r'.., -m DourU. v":d";,"r,r-).,r t\H,rr, 3 ', n krhLr' " !: " j. r' u h.r( D, r,oN, \'d.. L n;r .rr n \t.C,ar rt D'r. o"." -r."-.r,;r. r,rI.". ",. d r;n,.,1,_ I l"nF. r" io.. f,d.o. BSC505: AISTRACTALGIBRA MODUIT r:sequ.n.e Jnd (on\prgenle. .,o,nr,, dr,d iF t,,.FrU.r,. ib.\.. i.rq) (.r "rg4-t" i i,{inirp . r.. , 'or Fsr rnnt rp.t Rjdbp,..r..olld.i!n! ratio test, Cau.hy s.ondensarion rEsr, DeNrorgan and Berh.and test and nigher logarftimi. ratio MODULE II: Altern.ring sedes: Alternaring serles, Leibrirz tesr, A6sotute and.ondftionat coNeryen.., Congrucnce ho.lulo m r.lation, tqun,alonce rclarions d.i pafiiriorE. MoDULE Pei III: croups: oI a Sroup wnh etnnplcs and sihplc properries, nutahotr groups, Sub81ouls,Cenh.e and nonnaliz.r, groups, cosci decomposiuor, Lagrange s rheorcm and it Definihon conseqrdnces. MODULE IV: Eomofrolphism a.d isomorphisd: HoDromorphish and nonorphism, Cayle) s tneoic,n, Nomal subgroups, Qnorient group, rundanentat rhc.rem oI h.monorpnisn, Conjuga.y rlarion, Class equation, Dn€.t product. rbrinAs, intcsFl domains ud .i i {dfl.p.Humomorrhr.n rrirJs..oings,,rii MODULE V: lrkodu.tion of rings: lrh.odu.don ro ""1". L. drz, 1 I B FEleiS[. A Firsrcourse nr AbshactAlgebra, Narosa L N HeEtenl, Topics i. AlECbra, W iley E.srern CoDrpanv , N.w Dethi 2 J A. Ca]li.n, Contcmporrry Absb.a.t AlgeLra, Narosa publications 3. {. 5. 6. 7 D. A R. Wallace, Grou!,s, Rin8s and lictds, Springcr Number Theortr l.nesand Ion.s, Spnnser Virek Snahi and Vikas Bisr I Algebm, \hios publishing House. P.B Blatta.harya, S.K Janl:rnd S.R. Nagpaut; Basjc AbstracrAlAebra (2^, ( B. Dufta.NlahD and Linrar {tgLtr i. !, t! 4,{:-- "4" ( t\\ ,."l lPeeoneo BSC 506: NUMERICA L ANAIYSIS coucc Titlg Nufr.lnil Any5i5 MODULE L Operator: shlft opeEror, lorward and backwnd diference operator and their relationships, Fxndanetrr.l theorcm oI diffcrnce cat.ulus, rrteryolahon, Ne$rrn-cregorj/s lorsa and ba.l$ard intopolation foimutae. MODULE II: Introdu.tion of Difierences: Dn,ided differences, Ncwron,s dn, ed diffeience lormula, Lagrarge's int€+olario. formula. Cenkat ditferenccs, Formulac based on dlileren..s: GaL.!, Sfliling s and Bessel s and nrbryotation foimliae. III: Nrmerical diff€rentiation and integrnrion: Numericat djfierentianon, Nlmcical integration, ccneral quadrature i.rmula, Tmpezoid.t dd Snnpson,s futes, Weddlet MODULE iulc, and cauls's quadratlre formulae MODULE Iv: MODULE v: Al8ebrai. an.l Trans.endentat Numerical differenrial €quaridns: Nunericat dilferenriation, intcgration, ceneral quadrature fomula. Trapczoidal a Sjmpsonis rulcs, t!e.l.Ue,s rulc, md C.uss's quadraturc lorfr llac. equations: Solution of atSebiai. and a.d Newr.n Raphson m€thods, trans.end€ntal cquations by iterari.n, bisedion, Rogula lalsi CuNefittins Nlethod of Leartsquares. 1. Num.iic,l Nlattremarical Anahsis, Ollord t James r\!,\ .\lt{,.od-o.\rmer.!1.qru.'j, L rH B. S..iborough, 3. V (.Iah, S.R.K l,L'ngar, Nm.ii..l an.l rBHtub.Co. meihods, Neu, Ag. rntematjonal. 4. ( Sankara Rao: Nu.rerical M.thods lor S.ienrlsrs and lnginelys. s. E. Balagutusaml,, Numer.ial Nlethods, Tarn M.rlraw Hjll P!b, C Lt4 { dt^"2 $ \ (, N'cw Dethi 1999. \, APPRO\tED viverao<,. cbbn untv.nily,l Pu DSC 5O7: PHYSICS I AB 1 Measurement of M€lting poinr of soXds, (!{u, Lead dd Sutfer) 2 Measurcmeni oI dmsity of solids dd porosiry. 3 Medurem€nr oI weighr gain by Oridation. 4 Measuremenr oI weidt tos by etcning. 5 Heating - Cmling Cuwes ofsolid. 6 7 Study of Phase Tratuition Study of Pressure 6ol<er param€ters Meauremenr of €lechical prcpdries or Measurem€nt of Magnetic Properties. 10 Measuement of Diele.rri. Properties. I 9 a relle( merai & senicondu.ro4 r r I "(.c d)^'ry ll'r, \-/\ , Il-' ---n APPRovED \. ,--- vivek BSC 508.1i CEEMISTRY mda clobrl uniresiry,,.iPu IAB cauGe Titler chemisiry Lrb Physical ch€nisiry lany rhree) 1. To detomnie thc skengdr ()rgiver 2. To deicrmine urc 3. 4. 5 nlnrg srandad alku sohbilit, and solubility pr.du.t or . sparingtl, sotubl. elehol)'tc conduchrmetically. To stndy thc saponli..tion ot etlvt icetate conductomcricaly. To det€mrinc the lo zation.on5ranr ol a s,eak acirl condu.iometri.alt).. To tikate potenriom.+rically thc gn,en lerrous amrcninn sullharc soltrtion using (ivnor/Krci:o7 as and caltulate rhe redox potenrial of Ic* Fe*, svstem on rhe / I.organi. chetuistry (Any Three) a) Preparation of sodiuh hioxalaro lcuate (tlt), NadF(czor}l and .ler€rninario. oI its .onposition b, pemragromehy b) kepdauon of Ni,DMG .omplex, IN(DMG):]. c) rreptu ation of.op!{ tehaamine ..mplex tcu (NHrlrlsor. d) Piepamtion.ich, and rrans ti$xalaro diaqua chrcmarcs 0 ) jon. Organi. Chenistry: AnalFis oI an orSanic nnxtue .ontainlnS watcr, NaHCOr, roi preparaiio; and separation oI sunabk d&l )' ,1 a ''Y tt PrPtRo 1t) : vje.luand.crob!!univeEity,laip( BSC 503.2. COMPUTER l.AB cms Tnh: conpde Lrb Definition, Table Creauon, Conshaints. 2 lnsert, seled cohhmds, update & Delere commands. 1, Data 3. Nest€d Qu€ries & 5. High levEl 11. Database loi! quoi4 Plogrming language ext€nsions (Control D4*n md imltemenlation shucrree pioeedues d.l Fuctim). (Mini proiect) \ --t-- , l./r, o"*o"o lP'n{ d*2 , \ ,-\)- vivek'md! crobit univeEity,Iaiprr BSC 601: SPECTROSCOPY MoDULE I: Inkoductior to sp€.hosmpy and Mi.rowave Spe.rros.opy: Cham.terization oI clo.tromagneti. ra.tiation - Quintiz.rion of eneigl - Regiors of the Basi. etenents oI sp..troscopr' - rdidrh oi sp(tral lincs - l,1rEnsft, .r spe.tial linas rourier Tmnslorm sle.hosop! - EMan cnenrofsp..trar comlurer aleiagnlg. Rorarion of mole.utcs - Rotarion.l sPc.tra Tne Rigid Diatomi. \4oi(ute , The nrtunsiries ot spcckil lnros Technntues dd Instrutuentation (outlin€) , Chericnl analysis bv hicroNave sp.chosco!1,. MODULE II: Inf.are.l Sp€.tros(opy Tle L\rergr oI a Diaiomlc motc.ule - l11e simple harmoni. oscill.tor The libr.hnlj r.rator - The \ibrarion , rohdon spetruin of cdbon monoxide - Breakdoqn oI the llorn-Oppcnhei.rer Appiorimarion The nrrE;a.tion of rctarions and libiations , Te.h.iqles and lnskumorrarion (outline) Double an.l singlc Beam opeErion. MoDUr! III: Raman Spe.kos.opy: Quantum rloory oI Raman d(c.t - Cla$ical tloory of 'drJ'Frrt Mol,..ul,' 'oL' roiln-T' e.ordh,{:.'t-n,--p".n. o tr""r mre.ui,.vihatioMl Ranan sle.ka Stru.rudd detemjnarion ri.n Raman and I rirld spe.noscopl _ T{lmiques and lnshumentalion (outttue). MODULE Iv: Electroni. Spectros.opy or Motecules: Ete.konic spech.a ofDiatomi. nnnccules The Boin-Oppenn€nner Approxim.rion vibrationat.oarse shu.ture: progr.sshrs , Irrensiry ol vlbrational - Elechoni. spe.ha: The lran.k Condon prin.ipte - Disa$;ciation enerEy an; ,1i..,"', p -^tr. ta..n q.e.,Lt r,t, ., n., ho I L,u t,../ MODUIf, v: laser Piysi.s: Popdarion nn,ersion, Laser prmping, Resonators - vtbr.tjorat nodes oi resonatorc, nuhber of modes/UODULE voluho Open resonators, Conh.ol resonators, O h.tor Losses i| the cavity, Thresh.l.l conditjon, elantum yield. Pul. '",,1 ' . l+\t,1' l.!,r{n8 po\.r. .t.t.1L t..n.rt- td$ Lu, te\ td\., Neodrsmiumlaser - Nd:YAC, Appli.ations ot Lasers n1r'rdushy, tvlodicnle & Comnuni.auon. | -'d',\or\Ltp.'rtd,\.,orb\ B,.r p.t \ a ! cd8. t"LrvL,:{ nublbhinACo Ltd fr e!l hon, New Deltri.lq'll 2. Laserandno. lined optics bj, Lard BB, i{it€l,Easrcr Ltd., Ny, r9s5. 3. An lnh.dudion ro LaseN. Theot, and Appticarions bI Aladthnulu !1.N, 4 aaric lin.iples oI spe.koscopl. bI Chang Ra!m.nd, Nrccraw Spd.boscopv by Cupra SL Knnrar L{,' 1r'( Ctrard & Co., Co. Lrd,Ncw R.C., piag.dii pmkashan, \' V..jrk H. ^of.r..,. 1 , Hill Publishnrs V, Shama rpa.b,-.of l) 8.,.".r S. H.t. \ -a?' APPROVEU LLd viv.kinr r crobrl univ.Gi9, taiPur BSC 602: ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS MODULE I: ?ositive rays: Positiv. nys - pr.pcrties , e / m of posnive mvs - niohson! Iarabola hcdrod - Astonir Dempsteis nass spechograph c tical lotenrial - cxpeimental dciermination of potenrials - Irank and H;Eis.\peinnrr - Dalis & cauchets MODULE II: emission: Photoelechi. cmlssion las6 - Ldnard,s ex.prtnrpnr RrLd' Lnn rd (ompt r' "\p..i.,",1 - Er\rpn, ph.{np'",o,. ,.,luddnn - .\p I renrl verili.ation ol Einsrein s photo€ie.hic equation bv Njjllitr;n s €xpdihcna phoro ele.tic ce s MoDUIE III: Qu.ntun nrmb€rs: Variorc qranruDr numbe6, LS and j., .ouphgs pauti,s cxdusion principle el€ckoni. configurauon periodtc.lassG.arim magneh. dipole moncnt ofelcctron dnc io otuital and spin motion, Bolr nDgneton - sp.tiat quanti;adon - Sten md Gerlach eperimcnr MODUMV: aasic facts abour n!.tei: size, shape, bindin8 enoigy, ete.h.ic and nragneti. i'.F. t.-ulr \u,l.rr r.r.,. .hrgr i.,leopr,dp.,, i. -pin \rrrm"rn n-.,.o- MODUTE v: Nucleal odels and Nr.lear Rea.rions: Pion pion and nrcleon-pi.n scarredng, gmeraliscd Pauli principle, gcn€raliscd Bose statisri.s, The deuteronr models oa. p potenrij,. \u.".'rnr Jpr ..u l,d'rp' r,.n-.'u.le"-tF!.n1rotu5rcr, 1. Abnn.&Nucle N.Subr naniam & Brj Lat, S.Chanrl & Co., a', Edition,2O.)(). 2. Atonnc lhvsi.s by A B.cupta & Dipak chosh Books & Alli.d pubtisheE 1 v.c.(Jd.. l..b du.o \u,tec. ahl.r,.t LnL\rt.l. 4. H A. Enge, lnhodu.tion to Nuclear pnlrics, Addison $ esley. 5. J. ivl. Blatt and v L Weissl<opf. theorerical Nr.ldar physi.s,loirn Wiley Physics by ., .trr, t.r ,1vrf- \, APPRO\/ED !r, BSC 503.1: PHYSICAL & INORGANIC CHF.MrsTny co(* Tnk & rErenic chenisiry MODULE I; Sp(rros.opy: Inrroduction; eio.rroma8nctic radjations of rtre spl{rrum, basic teatures.r diffcrcnt spcckom.reE, sratcmenrof the BoD Oppenhoiner approximti{,n, degree oI rre.dom. Rotational spe.rrum; diabmic mole.ures, cigv le"crs_ oi rigi.l ,ota;or.( *m1r-'di p,(ille.j.,., Dr' arh..,p.n,t n".rh. d:r io_n.r, u.nF .i 'E b-no, I\4. .h,ll aul 7m rr' u .Fio-n L Je\.riptiun .l non nErd rutar.r Elrooeet(l \4ODUl F ll: Vibrariordt spechum : tr ,, J tt..,mm.Ln- or b n,j hnA h !-p-idho q-"irL b\, \ nirjr t v"t, .. -i.,1 " Ld,m n( r"rm.,Db..,, .r;,..,o,1.,,1r, qualitatirc Nlations ol force constnnts and bon.l eners! effecr of a,fiarmonic noiior and ro.noD\.n h \t..r ri' rd.r r ojj,-Fn rln. rior,dt ri !. puF f ir 1d .r,l.o . r s0luhtin! MoDUIE Iu: Raman Spe.kum: Con.ept ol polarizabilih,, pur€ rorational and purcvihltional Rihd specha of diatoric hole.des, rel{rion rulcs Ele.honic!t ol pot ntial en€r8r.u,\ es Ior bondnrg anlt anrib.ndnlg motcculai, qualita$,c descdptior ol s€le.h..lutes .nd Fran. -C;n.ton principte, qualirative des. ption of sigDra n and non bondins nroleftlar orbitals, thcir en;r$ lelet; and rlie MODUTE Iv: Chemisrry of Lanihanide Elenenrs: posirion in peiodi. table, o..urrence d isol.tion, Ele.honic snrctuie, oxidation siares and ioni. radii, conr.action atut lts rnl!. Applrarion !fla thJn es MoDUIE V: chetuistry of Actini.l€s: Oc.urencc, ete.rro,ric conliSuration, ceneral fentur.s .nd chenistry ol achnid.t oxidarion srates and sreicocheDristry, sp; properries, nngneti. proPcrti6, .henishy of separarion oI Np, Pu and Am r,.on U;co;taison oi l.ntta"id; and lanrha R 1. 2. P.h,. Aitdns etat, Phl,sical Cli.mistry,7f edition J D Lec, Concis. horga.ic ChcnislN, ELBS puuications,Ji, editu,r 3. I r''.Jrr, 1. O\fotulUntrrGih P,.ss C K. Venulapalli, Phlsjca1 clonish-\I, prenrjce Hall hdia, rrtl',n.dT.i.!.ll",ut h\i."t ,'Fm.h, t. \ i,dt fuoA.i BL DorallY Qr..'( fh).,, Lpnr,t ' B t fJr. 1\r.rot a r.pdrr 1993, l. t ip, or tn rsd , \h.n,har V,..Jbn t-Lt,",o\. rr. l, hcn I.\ .or., dn.l. r\'lri..on Br c.n rgd,,,,,,.r\ \\' te)._t d{.r. . t(.uho- toor . \'l Rro l n v"r. n uqr .atct,- nF .. \'. \tr t,r, .-, (i,t dd,ril - l'o.d"nl ,nr,..\ I-B-fubir.n n\.\.rr..;.. 71>. /. : 1.\ n["' ) .:: r, :a-, a-. \' r [/ ,(/ / APP"RoVED lA'' r" viv.kuuda ctobit unile*iry, hipd BSC603.2: LINUX AND SHELL TROGRAMMING MoiUlEI: Introdu.rion; Inrrodudion to lilux, Lnrx systcn o.ganization (rhc kcrnet shell), Filos ann di.edones, Library Fur.rions and srsrcm cails, ljt.lnor lnhodu.tion , MoDUIhll tiru\ shell rroglJnrming: \p . o.. ,1.. -j.l.Nl F.h/, -tn.t\n abte., ch"ll ..fld. -lF .orrnr.d,. rh".n\n.nn,ql .rp!,r .,, li,rpr, eL \bmg m,.riputdhon Dp(iliun ralir;drd I . p, ont o'.ort-o.tir8rp,n,,,i,,p.r.n"pp,us.r,.,t.i,,v. Basics It portabitih ritn,, , p."g,"*i g,ir."-, r,i.,. _._ of Lnru slsten ca|s and Librari.s process Vanagen."t Sy;cm cals: fork, .,i, wait, MODUIT voDULr-w \ignJ,:dd tpc: (i8n,t\:.o., ,p6 ur, € .rs-a'. tr,!ir.-ptedJ-lpnr",u\ ,e-n."n Iun.rju - Drfr,.ent.m1'..,r,, I atun-uo,,_ later rroLes comnuni. io[ r p,- r *r ph.,a,. qL F r \,.n,or]. "1,",-", -. r- ., o. MODUII I lhu\ 5v.tem adnini.hrtion: fr-.r..-n,g,,ir .,,noutr,8 fi! stoEee olliles, Disl rclared..nntu s. 1. Suritabha Das, "Unix Con.dpts ard appticarions,,, TN,IH. 2. l^. Richard Stevens and Shphen A Rago, Advance.t programmnrg nr rhe UNIX (. 4. I Enrironmenr,Second Edition, Addison tr,restey, 2005 1 .1 . r-r llr'r L'nr tro!,in r,.r,; B^F V !r,u"flt.r ." i rt,-*\. p1t.\ \t,Ji, .p. uJ.-.\ri\l,rop.rb.u.dt..\. PrJta ' ALl, inLc UnL\ lr.grammrn! surde', ATB l.' ,1; .r" B-B vivokanild! crobat rrnieEiry,raipr BSC 604,1: ORGANICAND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY MODUTE I: Spe.tros.6pyi Nucloar iltagn e tic r.sona nce (\NrR) Speckoscopy. proton magncti. .-ordn. P-\\l i spar.-,op. r 1lpd, rhdr , ,-t!t,.-trpldn6 .ieni..t .t-i n'"..stD-.p' plirr Er.r nuo.rx..,,.dnu.d,".,.or.r,.rt..r,rp,pr.rd.,n"",1, -Y, -.!., J r no-- s'1.. mnF J.s\u.r o ri,\' o,.,n.4e "uan.r r.d. r,r;)u. . r 2 trlr lrop'an" "l.L".eLr . htrtu{ d,d r.-i"ph,,.r,. trobt, rs per( ru,s i,, n* ('o''Dl.orj..r'L.omp und.u.-d., .t d,d \jj\psbo..-p, "' ", "\'rnreu. II Fars, oils and Deters€nts: Natural lats, edible and nrdusrrlat oits of vegctabte Urig'1 ,'ro rrt)-!!l\r1...',1e.'.r,.geLhv..ot,,..1u.-lpdort..."p..iriohuri.d.up io.ii',,,d\-lu. .orp..s r\,ttlt1.J".t.rJph,, ;MODULE r Ir.slnrh.ti. tot)me..: .,t/ioor,u.ti,,jrr!srt.po,,f, ,rioj t_,, -,J,. \.r,). oo)n,e...,non /i"8tr. \dc,.o'\m i..bor, d tv i" pot.0, r. ',-ror +ni(D\.r'. g.o\tl' pol\o'..i/,io., tvh-.ta, p \rmLp. ptpn. t.rn,d.dc.v4e MODrrr ool r resins, urca formaldeht,de resins, cpory rcsins;n,1 p"lyurerhtuH Natlhl and Sr.nttEti.. Iv: Synth€ti. Dyes: Col.ur and .onshtudon (elechoni. .oncept) Classili.arior of dycs. Chmtshy rd srnmcsis of mothyl .range. ConEo r.d. Ntatactritt gr€en. crystal Violer MODULE Phenolphthalcnr. Iluorescenl MODULE Alizarianand dico. vi Biorrorgani. Clemisrry: Essential d hice elcnrerts to Bnrlogicnt, _,!ll.oo'pl,-i.trrl',pc.idlr.p-,..,hq,odt-bnor,-rn\B,b,.airg,.,t,ol."r.'.,.i . 'rn d i rl'n e-i' i.t, I io \,\r h.p,..irt.c.c.r.,, to(.r.. \,tso8, I,rhor,. rd Phosphazenes: silicones and phosphazcnes as.r;nples of jnor8ann natue ol bonding nr rriphosphaz€nes. po\,mr' Referen.e Books Nlorrison and Bold,Org ic Chemisrry;;6rh Edtion, !ienti.. Ha India .'.D 1,. \or'.F. lro.tdn..a.ri-,Fn\ - B. puo. . I on..r\eojtor, 1 r'',..,'^rOrg.r'r.,'.1nr.b. r .!.i .,, 4 Panla Yulanis Brui.e, Organi. Ctromisrrl , 3r E.litjon, tzearso! Edncation Asla 5. l.rry lltud1, Adrared Orgei. Chemiskt ; { , E.tjiion, Jolxr \,\,jie}. 5 B.R !uri, L.R.Snaima, KC. Kate, prin.iples oI lnoritani. CheDnstru v.narh publicarions, lnstEdiii.n LA. Cotton and c.Wilkinson Basi.lnorlaDic Ctrennstiy, W'lle, Easrem Ltd, 2 c N R Rao,Unn'er5ftv Cenerat chcmisht,, tr1. N,tilhn;1993. - O edition,1993 viakNuda croblr univeEiry, Iripr BSC 604.2: INTEnNET AND WEB TECHNOIOGIES I MODULE INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET: Iiko.tucrion, Erolution oI tnrernet, htcrncr Applicationr Internet Prob.ol ,TC!/ l4 UD4 HTTP,s{ure Hftp (Slrtp), tnttilot Addressins A!a +u.d e.e .l.l&.T\b \,t\..1 B-, oiop' Du'.ur \di'.!...' ,.. t. Addresscs, Nlapp g. Inteflrer S€^i.c Prcliders, T!!es OI Conn..tirit) Snch As Dialup Lcadcd Vsat Ei.. Web Te.nnologirs: Thr€e Tler i{eb Bdcd Ai.nlte.ture, Isp, Asp, J2ee, .Net MoDUIE lI: HTML css AND SCRIITINC: llfi\'ll Inhoducrion, sgml, Drd (Docurnent TIPa Definition, Basi. Html Elenrents, Tags md usagas, HTNIL Standarls,lssuos in HTN]L Dhhnl: Inhodu.tion, Cas.ading sh.le Sheets Slnra\,Cla$ Solector,I{i Setcclor Dom (Do.urnent O!,ed Nlodel) & Dso (Data source ObFct) -\pproachca To Dynamic lagcsr Cgi, Java Applets, Plug Ins, A.tiv€ x, laya S.ript Java S.ipi Obje.t Ntodel, vaiaues Constanr Expressions, Conditiony Rel.tional opcratoE- Data Tvpes - Ilo$, Contiol Functions & Objcds cvcnts and evetrt n.ndl.N - Data qpe Conv.rsion & lqualit_v A.cessnrg HIN1L iorm elenl'nts. Inkodu.tion to PI'IP, JSP, Al]\x, VB s.ipr, ASP MODULE III xML wlatis XNIL - Basi. Stardards, Srandarils, Lnrknrg & Presentatjon Standards, StJndards that build on XNIL, ccneraiing XNIL dara, ['ritnrS a snnph xNlL Fi]e, Cr€,ting a Do.ument g p€ definirion, Documents & Dara ,Dcfining Ardibutes & lnrities in tte DTD ,Defining Parametdr Entities & condihonal Sections, Rasolvnig a nafrnrg conflict, UsnrS Designing an xML data sEucture, NormaliznrS Datr, Normalizing DTDS MODULE IV: INTERNET SECURITY & IIREIiIAILS: Seturity Threats I]om Nlobile Codcs, T]'Pes oI viruses, Clienr Seno Se.uritl Theat', Dala & I\'lcssage seftriq, various ele.kori. Palnient srtems, Irrroductior to EDL challcng€s Rosponre s_vste,n, En.rypted Documenrs And EnDils , Fire(alls: Hardened Fnesall Hosts, Ip- Packet S.r€enlng, Pr.x) Appli.ation Gate{ays, Aaa (Authentication , Authorizahon A.d A..omting) MODU1E v: WIBSITE ILANNING & HOSTING: Innodu*ion, Web Page Lav,Ourin& i{lre'e ToHost Sit€, ivl.inteian.c Ol Site, Regish.ation OfSftc On Se.ich Engrnes And lrdexes, Llhodu.tlon To lile Transfc. Proto.ol, Publi. Domanr Softwar e, Tl les OI Frp Sdvers (lncluding Anonvnro6),ITP Clients Conmon Comrnand Prcio.ol, Scn.r Domain, Teli€t Client, T.rmnral Emulainrn U sene t and lntornet Rela v Chat Irternet & hh.anet lngnrecrnrg,- Danicl Nlnroli, TNIIL 2. Alcris Leon dd Vadre$'s Lc({ liltemet lor Evcr! Oie, Te.h World. 3, !ri. Ladd,Iim O'Donnel -'Usnrg HTMLd X\4L and JAVA'-Pr..nti.c 1. ,1 Be-',',EJJ\reflDr '.-re.\nr-lP1r ,i - a.ll\ilo. .lD^uor."ho-.-.0n, z-.- \ ;'\ /'. ..\ I 'i' .i .::'.t/ I l ) / kr' rIA--J l(/' lfI i \ 'oPRo ED _ _ vivek BSC 605: MODUIE Ir Fundamenral aodr clobil uni!$ny, taipur IINEAn ALGEBRA rheorems on ring: Iderls in a iing, Quotient rinA, Imdametrtal rhg morlhism p.lynomial iing. MODULE II: ve.tor Spac€: vector Space-Defnidon and Examples, Sltrspaces MODUI I lll: lined Dep.ndence. trl1, Dter,Ll-... ,inE-. tr,det"..rpn.. i.pJ, ' omb.r"Ion. l i.p,r t-r.1..-ilon Al^eb.a,Tthp,r rdr..,tr,ion\ euohplt.prr. MODULE IV: Dime.sions; Bases, DtmLlsion,Ii tc dimensn ral l,e.torspa..s, Dimension of a subslac., Dn.edSum of ve.tor, Dimension oI. dnectsurn, Dml oIa vedor space. MoDUIE v: \'lat ces, sinitadt!, Thc Rank and Nullitv flr.oE.r, lijren;alues ard tneorems on ClarJcteisti. pollnornial, Ca)]et-Huitton tteotum, Nlhimat potuomial, alAeb6i. di.ncft n,-itip...rh..", d lmnin,,.p.,hr,o1i,tf,,.rnprrote,"rf.. 1. K Hoffman and Ra) Kunj€, Linoar AlgL,lra (Prenti.e , HtrI of India pin ate Ltd.) 2. I\,1. Artin ,Algebra (Prcnrlce - Hrll oI India pin .te Lirl ) r\.G. HaDrilton, LinearAlgebra (Camb dge Lnn,eBih pre$G9!9) ,1. Singh and zaneerudnl Lnreai Algebra ,vi*as publilhnrg House New Delhi 5. Lipschurz S., Theorv and lroblehs oI Lnre.r Al8ebra, Oudnre Soics. 3 l, :''-_ t /-^(r, APPRoVED ll"' ,t' ' /i"i) LI dd v:vekrnindi clobil univGilr, Jaip( BSC 605: MECHANTCS MODULT I: Basi. definitions: Basi. d€finihoN, Resuitanr oi torc.s, parnttctogrnn la(, of _r'BUl'r b.!.1",. "'Ior. t..'',lt'"olm ,t-;!...,\or t{!"- I .,,.-i ,p,.,11"1 .,r, .r .. . .r!trrro1. I um or. L , .pl.1i i,.",,, ,.". i . jp t.n. r-ion, MoDULE II: Common .arenary and virtual work: Conrmon .arcnaiy and rn.tual hdk, e-.11r".. Ipdr, ".touiit mot\.J"iroro. \'^r "n.rE ,jdpoh.1 to.".r *necd,mPnnon( MoDULE III: velocity nnd accelerarion: vetociq and r.celerarion-atons ra.lial dd kann erse directions, along tang€ntial ind normat dire.rions Simple Hai,noni. ;oijon, Hookc,s t.w, motion alo.g ho,;oniar and Yertical elartic snnrgs MODULE Iv: Morion in resisring medium \Iotion in rcsistnrg ne.liun R€sisr r.c ,anes as rclocib, and squdc of ! eldq, lvork and trcr8v. Nlorion on a snnn,dr cuNe in a verricat ptanc Nl{,tion inside and outsid. ol a smoorl lerricat.n.le. norion and projedite h d MODUIE vr ?lanetary morion and Monenr or nrerria: Conhat orbits-p{ equaiiols, Alses, Timc in an orbit, Keplar's Lalr oi planorart, motion \lomdrt of nrltia Nl l. oi rods, Ciqrlar . i ur" .l'ls .ti,l d 4 .1,ll .Dh ", P.,rdrC t,, t"m,,r I r,. r.d ,rirdt". 'g. ^ Tlir, ! !nr ofPirnllel,. E. rdLlu.rorxrrrria 1. S.L Loner, An clemeltaa, S. Treaiios on tl.DlnaDi.soI a p,rticle Publi.;dons, 2003. 2 cI L.rP\ {n plc!,,1a' t .,np. ,, -r ., .. \.t . 3, .L 5 6. 7 8. Sl nge a.d Grifith, hnr.iples Mccharics. Chorlton, A Tet Book of Dvnarni.s. Catc llood, A T€rr Boo( ol Dynami.s chosh &Chakraborry, Advan.ed Anahricat Dvna ics Gangulr & Saha, Dynani.s Dutta & Iana, Drnami.s ,l rt\<tl-;) u ' >l6t .- olrigid bodies", A.i. Publishe6 an.l ,f i T. dish.ibutor, De[i, or fi{\ Ii,- and ROVED vivel d. crobrt BSC 602 ?E[Y$CS LAB Note Miniouft 8 qperimenrs should be performed l. GlavitationalDisbibutioN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. lrm.k,HdtzExpaiDenr Z Deteminatiotr or Avogadro s No Veriff@tion of laws ol Eie.rroi]sis Quantifi.ation of Brcwnim Motio! Photoele.tricErf€cr Bia.kbody Radiaii@ 8. Speed of Li8ht 9, Themionic Ernission _ r.,[ Id di"2 \,- y) nrril )VED 0 I 1- ly--------,, univaw,,'rpc BSC 508,I CIIEMISTRY I,AB couNcTitl'ch.nikylrb Chemistly: (anythieE 1. 2. 3. 4. r Refra.tomeh.y Polarimch.y: To vcrjf! law ol rclmdion or niixtures e.g. of gly..iol and watcr lsnrg Abbe s relradonerer. To d.termnre the sp{ific rotarion of a given opticalv a.rivc .onrlomd Illolc.ul llreigh t Dcicrninarion: Dcrerfrination oI mote.ular weiShr of a non- vot.tile solrte by Rastmethod/ Beclnm ireezjng ponrt metnod Dotemrination orapparentdegrae oldissociation oId cl{nolvte (e.g. NaCl) nt aquoous \. u!ior /r.l in'. n. r-r'.-"Fahur- b\ "ouIrc.ot. irn'p.I l. \ 8,,1- 'n'o.rl'w.\Llo t.C.O- d,t,l.t.m.r, .on.enh ation of the solution or rhe slbstance. Col rn,, Eiven Inorganic chenishy (any rlree) 1. Carorin.try I (a) Jobt (b) Mole- rado n dnrd 2. Effln.nt analysis watei au\6is 3. S.h ent Extra.timr Separahon a.d cstjmarlon oI I\rg(I) and I(U) I lon excnan ge ,rcth od : Sepaktion and esrimatron of MgoI)and Zn(rD Synthesls of Orgaric Com?ounds (any Ts,o) Acetylation of salicl,lic acid , aniline, glucose md hydroquinone , bcnzol tarion oi I 2. Aliphauc ele.h.ophili. substiturion r"l drdhor orr'd A ronatic e lec l]oph i I ic substihrtion Preparation of m- dinihobcnzene Proparation of p ninoa.etanllid. lrcparation of p- bromoacetxrilid. liepantion of 24,6 n.ibronop!.nol Dinzotization/.orphr g Piepantion oI mothl,l oru8c and meth_r,t red fi (, ,1;r'di 0 I ) - --)_. APPROVED li anilin. BSC 603.2: COMPUTER LAB DeveLp static lages (using onl_\, HTNIL) of an onhrc Book stor.. The pages snouH res.hble www.amr2.n.onr The hrbsitc should .onsist tlle lollownrg lages. Home Page, Registration and user Loglr, Us.r prolile page, Booke catalog, Shopping .art, Payncnt B! rdtit cd.l, onj.r vrl 3. atc the rcgistation, user login, nser prcfilc an.l patmrnt br credit.ald pa6cs nsing Cr€atc and save an XML do.umenr at ttE seNcr whi.t contains :lo users iniormation. iliitE a p.ogEm l,njch takes Usd ld as nrprt an,l returns tn€ uscr dat.its bI taking ure user infonnauon lronr dre XIVIL dNlnen r Install TONICAT ( cb scn er Conr.r t the srah. r,cb pages oI assigm.lrrs 2 inro dynartc $'eli pagos using servl.ts and cookios. Hnlt Useis inloirnarion (us.r , pa$$ord, credlt card nunbc4 woul.l !c stored in ncb xol. F.ach user should hnre a s.parale shoppnlg Redo the prevnrus task usinglSP Lrv convertilg the stati. acb pagcs ofassiSnnent 2 hro dynamicweb|ages. Crcatta databas. with user nrlornation ard book ormation. Ttre books .atalogue should be dFanricalb loaddl nur the darabasc. Follow the MVC adritectu, e Nliile doing the wobsue. Usnrg Javas.ript sort gn,Llr arr,\,in as.cndnrg and d.lcoDdnrs order )j -, / ;-ii:y aeenoveo l{".,?' t.\