Chccns tugui oig Cgbar Cef'l ol ?5??"s8 L Cl&, lla&: t.ht,arrurters ft&g: nfisagaraAntoire. ItoEFc rcU*ayireAncilei*g qgc*ipne: I$sdi urb@_ Cofiril.sp: tlyalgurge. S#sI: Rugenge" Ce[g!e: Kaneengereui, I arnmen*ersf Tutsiefrrnibgrotpandqry mariedt0 NDAIIIRODffiny sinceDecetnner of RFFerrry{Rrrand# Fatt*}ro*f1996.{dyhusbad rra abo t hi ard r,rrerrb€r Hcho& a rankofCornel, trurlngf'e 1994g€$ocnde, I u€ritto hkfeinSeint,Paui Pansfiur*ilmi-JunewhenRFF solcfiescale to evacudetrs.NIIAH|RODanny.4 ffifme Lier.rffinns conrmndirgE*aw mitiA$,erracl@ TqbisuErFhi€rl ts fiEBEROhtr. DuirB that time,I rw erphpd as {fsg is S rcurdert people.Fscilse of nryrnsrtq| *can e kncxrm arnorgsoldisrs.Afu &e uts l$gAltiR0iiAFit{yrr rhd w€., rc_ryr*y {Rnanta}9!-q1$y 4q a&r fte ffia$natisr of ny tursbendCffiid I FA NDAHIRO DannyandsonNDAHIRO il{AGNIRQIE{syearsiin rnwnindarcurd4.0gam ocqrn€datorr rslcence h iQGABAGABAvlhennlili tr i" Kt-GAti-{JiiLN"' distoicilItrryasarswld4:{loarnwhsr}lsfiin BANaFracoslE h6mdeooFhkpce$ atthe rnain gab. !{p lt€ntlhffi 4 {*ttd a nflitarypaficecarfiroy rnffi;*, }eggh-dbn-r}unSarAg80 R at ilte g#" Tlie yq'rlg msnffiJ[d ident&rc pertqnk tre na;E of SHAItAttBA FAi.lSTfN arrprEofierrritltaryofrcersin tiutvehide. Tho€eSoffierr@d l{rne opertheg# andffie caffiqghimxr# W5ry. HecamebackandtplCq$whatltapM d tls grab.I ecrnsed for $d.rtdwitr rny huEbadald ue thorgfitttrerew a @69r ftr &. Vltctlrd bar andlrek*d ht ts escapetlrs.Uh behindhou$epiace.i lefifre housetogptirerwi& nry3cfritsren clgu[liArA cAT]iERTtA', crRAMffiAAIttcE*nd tRADuf(u!{qAgru-varon bg€#rer Francoi*ard utAltl,lGA*REArSt,tA w{&t't${Ml,rgArtlzl tlfeaieCUdirnb t* e#e,m thattre canbane&e pboesnddy.tluebpt!6icd dbabffiy$?srs of brtse in prisn) nrylu"sbandcouHnodnpve wiihua Wbri€nt!o @ in fte ffiC hqlss Hqtqfrm b fHffiil,rJ€BOftA F*Algg-CItSE ws pe,uletperd wriceof rry son lq -9l!illD-, SfF gll"qe tc il{AilfiA}f 'm'e MAG;|fFKRE ttfi)AlffR0ufto Filhef&!! ilfrh h-bffitrcryir1g tr6 d€&. Franaoisartdi.fifttf!*GA8ftE t-iDtMUgAt{Zl pir*eclon &e rnaar Al$itAerg'hualsurvinsns grw*d in Densatic -neglbrcsf c6rqo byry hucba*{.$$ear6rtr-tfoingb#t€r becatsettey muid notl# ftlerfifyfteli rektrro. t .] :. \p cb-c:' -.,i {}1 i P": Che*ea Cubcn eafe ol?54??s8 rage l oI y SllAMAiltBAFAUSTtil$rc kno1rnby urcfr$dur bffiq$E- it rm ihe s@ild t3rrg' ro cclre to rnytmrne,T?tefir* iirne he cafiF io an€d my hcband becarse he urasin dieagrearerttwiilr tftenrm csaesirsl*xr plar of H$rspotrjdlon arseg F"ttt r'{TlUvALllUNoA *orn GIS&zt in KIGALIcrd t(AftARA et-irE nru'lA troh erf*nnru* A{yte tp{ ewlOe, l(AGAlffi h* sested srnorBrni&arybrce,a gnup dstdiels w-iiirtle nfssio* to S ?I{eii.r*rye d| urnrranHpeopFflpssy Hrrt6. rhst'troup of kr?ereis lrnoffit * GACURAHIIIEISGE !!!$ b a gesssgd t0 htffi S grsdr'11*,{6s. Ti}ecornnsrder of ttre bsrn is csptah io4TnEAmIIAFRED.,ffkosee is loiatec rrear RUBAlfgt RAt hol*Be.{heV ge @ hi tpy do rffi near ur*fuins- That grlrp Ef ldt}erp ki$*rnanyFgspleerr€ryday-The fiqfrlrltyof b nen&erEarE,roldiersfofi ttrom UGAIIDAed l(ARAf$fgE,inT,ASEAI{IA*I Ubbstlgutere re#rg ir! sffic,fiilFr*IrtDA duringhe RFF r,rarare roinsaied b tlt s IISTER S @-tttp rY htrebandwF dffi€fi b be affrg tte $ptp as cil*ls&rtoge4r,erruih U GAHFdAtdead fsn S|DA)" At htsnamfndiorffie gtup ure givennisshn !o idEftry peopfplbla&rfnetb nnamy educaiedFluiuEsnd o#t€*.ilfio;they tfiinlcmayspp6e RFF reglne-?rat kk tles dane ireidethe oor-rrtrysnl outsirb ourfrhr ry*afy in reftrgce'samp. Surng their ffG{ meetings,iite aeida trc Ep sgtassinationof TWAGIRAIfi.jNGU FAUSTIN,Pa#r BtrIMt NGUand qnr |knls di;nltmies1r,&tte g$nerDrnerltiE husbancihas refiped tie phn io kif th€r&&er ntyttrlWl $as snested an dedeions qq$Fe tn TnnGl'ftHruffGt . f|e sleO trrc r,roffirEin &at he trc g8uttEggi4st?t$ts(* i(ABlHDlprtsonin KI&ilIHURURA'.#ICAIL The eas{*rtetion dSEf SEHD*S}lOl€Aard t-E$Fgrry &e @r sf,fiesrp group.Aryhusbld rci,$dthe t{*t6lor,tc KENYAb aesrgsindeSet S|NDASHOITA txrt l# he rras ese#@ by l{&plllE sldb tl&l{FE W $€rg€fln![firhfyA].tEzA Thcrns alias LUt{A&{AYffi.frfi,i!{YAl,lEZA issili¬*$rglnKigeli at MI!{ADEFitre&nee Uinitriry). gqg r_gar*es rnanyFe€tingb Fr ttrirge dpeode. The GAcURABil\lENCrE i rercrr$er tie rneetirgd NovoTEL Hsbl qt rifiicfi | parlbinbd- i4lune z0o4i Pres'rt€ntl(AcAlrE ar*I Tilo RUTAREIffRArcre dso prrsefils.ruso nOZ* fnbUVe, TONiKUftA&IAAand ofters. I ulesinrn'tsdin & nHtrg b$paltr i $ns a runseata ttospifit ard they H to g*w ue dive brfrte kiBir€f,Ak b€causerrv trr.*ryd wae r --- an s$cer ln f(rc arrny. The tgerte nns b plryr ldfirue sf ncogle to cofne q{ fism FEore riqf! HUUrs,educabd iiuhJs ard 0Elers unu,Eulipcipsoeb bV lGGAfltE regin€ sucfr as ali nerrbers af IIABVALIiIAIiII affisy.*$itt$ th€ rytpe$t€parlidparfs have ben erdered ts tfi slose peo$e $rtfi dl &mify nerr&erc asilg Eil Je rearq. Dhg1ex*or$ foarsed dso on ktllirg p*snof Blzllft ttlcu Fasfioratrd Pbfie CelccninRI|\flGEI|A Prcrr*er itrnisbr at fiat tlne. Abo a vviti8sfrafi $lgridttg for h$Ern$ipr*slA{nnesty{ftis nasrE c€s R}cfiardi. ?tF *.-o,#*; frr*u*u;'*,': t-"', { ;" t i {i tu4 !, ! l't-o* 'oa -'fl F.i Chaema GSbas Cefn Orl?S2??:98 Sage3 of9 say_$fteq fiat BmU[rt\tGU pdar nns nantftsfng H fudirg €n Stecnrre,s!gsr€n]npntso ttlat he maydisdsse reievantiMion €ain$ if n inn*Xionat oommdlity"Tt-t corpider# lFn as a darryr fu tp rcdrne if b giv€nchgrffi b ft" Th€sfiitB nsn ctdld n|GllARI} gq sa&tb ttavend anc tue inbnr*ion oo tr*ratnnas hrypenirq in RSIiA$iOA and tfre feffuffi ftct tF rry r,€porfqn ffi 6 lrftrndion*t comnu,rnity. ouringfrd nwting, rry hushrd a*€d b lqptr why peoph hale b be ldsedln e{rfl mannerand rWrcsfiecifom pariir*pants& thinhdeqfy orrfis ain of trratnseiing and its gonsesfTces on ir€rnat*ml .99.sng 6ere *€g ru bnF tte trer ireitl,etie counfry. fgar nattldfants isirgi ryerrly his iet. Apparen8y&e nreefing$Hs edded h tup partl. A,fiertle nree*irg,rry husbantf$as alsoffie#d. Ffisbodvgu@ cail€d6bert cEnF to ;ay hqrr€!o tell meSld nly huEknd iE cdHt for sp€cid n*ssio*. t w{Slean &rfram $.rdrqs-tHrytg*e$ isiaM aftef S u,Seks, lAliren| reni to visii my husbar$ at rniliHy pdice prbon,hg'l#d frE frst he ure invlbd into KAGAI|E hore b erdain hinself wtrytre b oppo*rg ldFrrSBpilefl.I leemt a|sofiar pcficesnrnarder EPHREMRURANGIRIffAtferrrsr$ ln ?anzsrft$ earneabs to vir*t hirnin tfiGAh{E pdasc and rrtyhwbnnd,}rrerds*d io ir;n fte ldllers'ban. Tfle kiilErsgrurs serlt t0 our fanrifya #eg*ion tsr$ AUKA and A\rEGA"AGru{OAgand discr$*ior$'rm foc$eedo$ rrryinvil*Wgrd ry fusbandfu ctrlr€iltg,S0sffionigq8rai ue canidn &eir ttilfirg pldi. I rernan$er$ANGAiIO,FOEEil&&jUES*XE,B.Al{Dll{* ard CI,{UBINEarnor€ ihe d€k{etionTheireffortto mnvinsa u$ w nat arffieeded. Lag Sreyhsre d*srissed my k.rehrtd Onrtie edr andfie pct rrcs gir€t b tilrlrAlfi SIMPLICE.That are is very ac*iueald kffir6 !fiirry peopb otory 6"u,, Atu sflort Fiod in prisor, rty kJsbsJdrc nsr*r€ted i& fF tjrdtf *nd Recffffion comlnie€3rylHe hqs @ dr€d b'*,srue t$eurBind rruyB'lltCISEBERA DAHA$CE|IEao that no on6 cor^*did€nili$rdrneasily.Hew# $rereuclil2S07 rrfpn he rrm re-eneqt€d.His re-arrst ctxre d.tqr|,.(&EWA ruielf **l€d hia rn&Siertb a*ss*ir# Mr.tfigjcA FEttClAl* in t@rye. l{AREtrlrA PATHtCKuasfe$!o assassine'KREtj€iA efrernnny o&egshaw:ffi. itr ht$&er|dups aqc|r8€db havE trmuer@dsornd I{ABEGEYApATFICKh'rfUgffikr# hfrFrCornd KI*RESEYA FATRICK!s icnaunto have klTedlreny Beryb 9n I(AGA ie mbsiors. F$$is dsally in exifreefrr havir€ gsagreennrttuifl KAGAME Mv hrntnrm's re-en# ocolrrcrl fir,@r 2@7 qrld.fr !rygln O2*rigafi grnrrd pcbon"*|o& n€ {Kl}rlROfiKO,{UltUSt{LnffiA illliJE*" 3d af-€rar6}.I h a reei&t$ei er6fi trld ft€ prlaonis iocssd.uder pourd.4mrerdy tfiat irrxrseis bltr€irg b Do&r GAKtrgAbecausehb fEfl*lyoocx :ttesme house.Thc prisonb notprDliciyknarn but is l€epir€ rvlariyinnocEnte lives. Fa* drys ak his reaffest Lt l,tWA\fEZuFitd end Serysf fiABtYAREMyE OSIIfARDtrEmsf.Wry dire@a8a mrryqritsd !!t finsrr*$fqypo$sgnpn carrp to see $€ m my $ry *om C.H.Kand stqtrt rnpSIF# wElrryrtpaper.I was h the rnay-fun fr€ hspieal wi& nry cfiild wftc:w slck.Theyaskedne to lookfu soneone to ftery py (*n*fiu{**^ l},^n* U*v c$ . 12{ p-3 ghe*&a i of9 C:tbGF Ssf,a 4t."#e7?9 a 1 rd I reelsed.Th€rytook ffie b p*sstl @e&er ui$t wryddd. WFYbc{r rr* d &€ ,prisonwtpre nryirusbrard!nas,Thsytcrtilredne ueirg& ftoti*tuid frmn pNasiic r, ttrey ,wereputfrrgffi W$d en my@ nry$cs$3. Tfteyq,ry-llgdtffi to gl're rutsids aboutik iink ixfiren mytuoba$ andi*t*rs sfedelly FhU in"mrq tesfimOny btfi,, metiil ,llleU oor$rueC !F allt erue@lg fufl tte{,!t rsrsrd ne srU suntry hus'batd nry and tcrilM ffik toft$? asl(ed Aftr tllw $q brq{fttihe bonesifiy arrn Imil him h* f fioffi I Hte;s. vhyi3 beilrryinShis cuxr$y arrdr*tEt taffitatdk enfgreikg praylng" i t6 say anythingto himWpt to get himto besIU a$ krying FFF gil<e us vof$*B tis m6gns,ho$trt#dr1fi{l rI$edd kftf$yffiftet qsnd i$Y0il€e Clurhs earneliprs ard n rrreaie trsm Fi$t s. Afrerfuirudaye CI*ptainAIfRED d Sternte agE5rrypgoingto fia lmryital"Ttterybo* trp b Mr :AR-Hg111) and he nrE$Ea 31lmesfidqerafqlY Frsqfng s rmtnlin thq br&n , nner rrryoperatisn,tl€ dodor C*i* AtFRED,uffi,dsoarcshd q! *@l!61 c hedd rnyenn in*kad cf crrfirg itsi . hinnin ndfnhtgt gieon dar sry n*$efra prison 2009iMay nt turgvearsin iisi lrrbk prisft tflfi [49tr*r2009t$cnheunrab*eri ftr ;dat;trrairfu Xi1ggone)€rci$e€h t(AttiSS{SF?qjrAngf;entu l-f&,i!a$beoorrpdi$ied besause Artlttghtrn at hone duringerrsdns 20$g@rhsel6erltyerW , d*lgah on 2$,Jsne y@ !d hh{t* 4f ffi: . " I prnfrc 2gS0),FtebH rrE{*t a r t* C"f" o* t i*y 2008,ttreycamto ryXu*ry fl;a-[rysilndledtsi&ldr*'li n earf* morning sound 4:00 an a I eail in the baginnirg. l{F-mihd fprwfilleF tr:nrr$$Qsatdl$*nfd hb darrcdassafoitratiorr, g€*qg, $€ carE W ttot$et0 o0acnpxft4 hffiened. vVEfu.mditt dtU'wv€fftle "r*'ft" pleceof nnyilstrani s ear.We dd tst seeffies of ny husbardor son. lc,free , 6a* 69€!'rf*ct(edUVlffers. Wb ffi to #f in &e oumtryqd ge becassefirsiiy l-Sanda*es gh ijganda 1'v'ecoutdnot seektor asdumin_iJganda Rsptds ryd I hed aS l* anC gry' ftcxlr ftranda Egcqtid4yF m#d dt ;gftSe€s gcpd'lt8td ryH lJgaflda ltio EFpsaile *gsd abor*de killi*g ptanof'Xt €&gseq t r€'f-#"- ref*faeC-*urr &rs canr**es"t |tr@wtle$&6hSan fuy tri$ b'eldled ffiffiItffi'rc in cgry4? KIBAYI dhfiict, iniedth BtrrARE born l n vn$e. fib Fafr€r is l.lDAHlROlW€ltd,andmofiterNlgYtfiASffASORA[i& 91 bfanrgniale ts't a,i$rpM. dtd@rere s€ffiedin flfiftlE$l.Fieioi$edRPf r lems in exib. ."CpFbok pan€qin RHlerda,h* wlcxt undEril#rrrn#cn@atm,.tSDh dienand mlrr6er of unit Eeven,se@ als urder Hbh ewrnrdr{lent iFreelderfrlal dsl. unrtyar.drewtcilidign althotgthuerrrt iVis I said,i?e$€nd underCosrmiasion_9f irs gcOlenusbemu* ef $s€nsErlre$rriffi sme# rqfrs cn kfi$ngsf ttuloent $B- sfiong poffi sf hb disagteet?Htt I nay r€ce[ arc a8 fficlu'r6: tgedjggO, KAcAfi,lE ragirrp has phgg{ gpnoc*dgqg*il$t Htltrs. iit** w ,rq n-*-- 7.. gh€Efira CgbeF Csfa c1?5e??SI8 p-S Pryc5 sf9 I rerner&s Std t$aiorRUSAGAR*he oorvmndef qt Sy,[JfirfBA uag kisedaho bec*.|ge he retusedto giw crder to k$lH$hrsin ttratf€gion.t{i$:de#r $as atfiibuteriwrorrglyto l-lr.*IsreMs. RPF rnsr6ffi ufio omaaed&eplan rr.wgded opposctonnrnters or iustrgbal$"?he rmn cailed$EffiRENa Joseplr*ed sp mrnry rEca$e sf ffrat b Hl trpse hkfirs- | nry ruH PfOif,t GABO,llblrr ROSA Thereu,asa grcH-F FhBUYE,S!A'*{lfil(& ffieqREgE.iAItlE$ eta T?Erplesf Fi€ *R GA8O vrr to crae $a6 in d pofficd pati*. Feopte$ho w{ll opposeto himwill be arresM on dlegdim thei thayiravegsrpclb idedogy. A happeneda*d neode nere ane# rytd kilbd. Roeetfi8t/l€ hffi used his peilion w nwr dt(gd Urkr b ldl rnarrypeoplein i(gali. His qeration ffir sp eell€d* tsrfir deanlrg*. !t rru mmning efi*fndlo* d Huts and ail por per$orxifrorniire ionn. the uas abo able b nlakeblse cftrees {sFrS rrrrte rH pefsonSke-to ha*e f{*,rflith Huirlsr#is and trWarirg etbdcs agt$nsfthe euniry, Pesde traveb€€nkilied and offi€r$H fie courrtry.Se r$astx*rg:dso fre Brckry vehidc b ltif peoph ry ilffied roadasi&ata, Survivors$nfiefuilsrpd in tfie hospfbid rpef sf tirre $ey legs ar a#n6 werecili sf n0makethenf moresufferirg" JernaaI{ABAREtsAuraecfnrgredb dean f€ RPFetqry,lt:*Ee m*ring to ld|l an Hunrs ,f?.s$e eolalsrs.I rernErrkr f n*litaryoffiers ldileddurtlg a pkt# ffiasrdent oficers wereforn tr* ralgrin'Cq4go. gr,l€AfiEGFfA,F,*ick ra ASp#e wtro opposefre ldl$rg pHr Aalatud or l@d, ki! KAAJCIA Fdhbn h fGnya. Fie]b in exib. €&I b lle inp$catedi* kifrrys. [.# l*aftr Rtxnols b rrce ssyirg Msomel CYIEA" Ev€ryboqylsuN,swfi* hrypsd t!{l€ZWlitANA Jean Barnasceneis deadh.i iris in iail in &2 efi tc bemrne bltfidi *ere in d-urgc of ltrrrgs of peopb fun Fidd, l(AYlJt l(A and CFfRISTOPfIE LTWAYEZU MUUNtrlprtwt" The dan d ldfiqg uas engardederen b l-ftfirsin e*rcgtionCinrfihrGsw(sfrxler*s] ffd eurfrrrxfr€ rqio{F, After kilHrigpof esF*dly iii BYLinigA,Gl$Ehffi, RUI'|ENGELI frref par;r$s, kilt*s,uwe ucedts go ts q&oob ard $* enrulclsdrpr,r.AftErdisdrnlton of ail fanrilyrenfuis, it r,rassaidtrtsi d*Hre* hEvefoflutBd tfmir parentsinto exile. l(AGAlffi kiBelrl$ot$ trfiw e€opb ewo bq/ondfi6 bsder. t-armr* HKIJiIOAiE nerr$er qi tle ssrnegrotry.t iwar $Eli |{I(IJHDAI sarvhln drgirg sre ldHirgnrefiry wiFrI(AGAME-e$ing the rne{ing in tRlrGYt#RO\ffige }id, hews psserf arourd At thd tine ciiscxrs$fi!$trro 6q$€d on *ifirg of hr*ls in Corge. I sarvhim l ggS-200Sat the d,e of l$gh Csrrrffidnteilt sf ft$liky k lleant fun my ?W. againn mis*mce. fur nifihry fie sane hus&srdffi At{ffi tirne,rry hrxbard refrrsodb,Sgn br Erfialo ba &} 'b $RC; }k h*i a drpr# lrvithAdtdent MURff-lZi sn tfial flr,a,gt4[*.o "]*on* o'>' *\ o'\ Chr;ne Fage 6off Csb'r!" Csf* o1?€a??ss 6 ls in pisott in RWANDA h$it b rd$e tstrfi, Heie *ret LaurentNKUNDA saryr Peopke keptin mnfnrunnbecairseheholdsverysemiliuEirfonnationabqrt lfiGAli{E klllirEsin trorfil(AGAbtE. DRCandNKUNDAhinadf rffasfdls{ttiqginsfrl"dioft$ ln dl tlwe crfur€s,l(AGAIiiEe amy tdrq b t*te $e ttrih ofi s$ntty dhrefioilin fqr F6Fie drFady ffifirff{n& Forenrrrpiejournaiisbareoadsedb pro*l* fidse,voices Mld" d l(AGAt4Eregime*re are\rcrysarta*d rfierry.Honrrer lwrn d nry Smories arethefoiiordrE: husinndassassination 1. To ogpmsggnodesf Httls" 3. To opposeSre$anedes$trs*r#im ef FastorglZlMLttllGU, 3. To owsegtedin*x*iori otall €drp*d t*frrt, ef RlCliARD;a wft.ifia tnarrystf€ wasuortiru*for 4. To oppse the assassinattgrl Anuxsty.Duittg hlse*qeftqot Rmr$a b lJgnnd* ttrrHEZERO infrernatrmd Siuirs;a inerrSerft'omRFFingllgme fo$oredftir$in the bug t*e rnanryedb inilct nimcleepingrndic$nesd tte Slen ftisfa$opeqmfierard dherirrpo{ttvtt docrrrrenis. 5. To oppocethetdtiru pbn dtsitEilCMoTEtlils€@, 1?tsyt*Edb conv*rmfdrn in Etldspiatf Soritningfre planlander€ntheygavepromiseb We hb sffifamfrly st$h crirne. arryp**hr*bt* rnyhr.ssd b mfitsgdb ffi 6" To sppsefalsa irnrniesespdailytomgenoe$esurtritnt'scsa€dnalbn {futsb}. The klearrc b gisefr€€dsnb tfi*r snlilivel3d gpnodde!o giw-e lestinonbs gainst inrtusard beaacaptdretip fu&. af imUVAtrilr}*DAeaHb be* Mxr b brrpr Z. To rsfrlEefrE affi{*&n Prenid€nti{AgYALft[ANATrat.persmsfiifiin ltb in Ruialss-Si$OZi,*d can sihrslfnt. L Ts oppse tip dtrr of k$frg, udngvroirdm of f-o$lue$s d dl ex-soldierg fromfie turrnerPr€sid€ntt ASt'AUltA!{A"Cfsbo In UGA}ID*$eo opwd byyiAqAMg lfirl$-dtdt{ingtre neesrg. he|irl th* sarnaplanlee beenbea&err hasercxrtsithn ofi thd incider*t. ale befiind'lqpfiemnentofltty ttttsbad ffid frtdy to f*s All fe6e rcEn$ons assminatim ul filKI?tZ{M,bw daysafierf$ereloasebI| tr|eFis{ttl EnZ$Iu*e 20{F.}!rs*sptit res8 tn Pqace" for tte i rrrouldlike:lob ghena cfiqncgtoaocxre&p R-$tfi$&A$ovemtnent sss666ifdonotfiV krbmd ardton asrrd sbifi@-an to,ld$tttyselfafidre rersainfam{lynF rbgrs I decited$ Aee&e R*andabecarcefieyrarbsl to ffiadrfrb m}tetf log€fftcr$.ifr nryhusband *S qf,aria$rdsard u.$d! b ftntry pgWb ta ioinflgir the gCIy€ilyr-na$t I sn fre€irqg k$fingdan" Tile de6&sf ntyhri$lar*da$ qoltir lhe proof" {};**r,*,ft*"r '*tdrt t* *'*,{"' 0"1 p.€ C!'r*ena Cvber o 1?5e?798 Caie 'l Page?of9 but | $ffif p,be €{lsuredof nV prafiectlon f ncoutdlfr€ b $* afi $ose prd3 in $iling thernnwvir€arurnd I knolyaa*rr* uiisrs*r*i*il'fo,r* ar.i i t*yes€en besarse 1fgandgptmanw Gonruune' l inMr tgg6-blte st hIYXUgfiNGE nodu f*g*i lndE'edir€ tltyhtlsbardw-qstut&d Frhr.t€girc" I I tu fd a iobwisr*rt codts-sEsq|r ry04$E *um highn$lltary alsottlsted andrrryurFri(au*ts"t"s*freirgrrmeas€* r,tras gfrcefs' nd fir'ankiyI realizeri trai ituras '- +aac;orry{ tn Ktt l-aterlhavgb€ntrarnfer'€,dbl{l,||Rol{Ko}tospfisB| [ffi r. raa#r,e &e*slnilitqthirysi rasresindudiqs lt;y9-!"pr,.g,io,verrdiffiq,*ti rtrr,rnssrs npdicire -d;€* ;rr}ird-fiffi ilnrivru.rr*nxa Psis6)' iovercioseor ilt#rvdq*- srd bd$esssirfgqfq6" **n'* To 2" or grn'Eeven tregB l d' b ns midenr' 'eud Huu;ili;;g; 3" Fora &se notgetioury# g1e s *WgHt' thgtrarsfier16frruftlt;A prison l sincsrdyfail€di3 obev stdg.itlt *r"t* rfts "ohsr '?m;v ffi {ffi lffi:mffi,tde €veryorst*sto tce* **,j 65"ffin€rt ataces. ffi*' hn e tr t a bry of salt m€ry ft;ift"H*h to *o"" suehPnibi*fit{ags'r,e.gt*r Pry, #t{l bnfrn v*a*$ven Ttry ri,6red-" ;ffirst'rl"fru;;ilk hs. pri$ffir$ rae eerioudv rtr-r-"omnisn" soihd it waE;ita;;ft" #;d sr*a r;ilb oftfnt agsrrcb{veteElurate crossandofiferhunnnitairiar l#ffi#t-* -a.rhatnturth^qnnrir sieilwre' h4ry:.4}* nancdfd Trrtsisoon*ni r,rppybecamao{rruletp.tat}98€ rneftr iffi,itBd "* iili*l&;n # TRtFor{tA&'e0H".d to ftsnt 1lry *SI n't s "ffi pW ard ffi;i*'"r b,l* t exphrudiorni:J&r*" saiomtteY$d$tffiw' of ny fiuEtnndt.tevlpre rdeasedn|g' priso*b,utbecarno Fer drys,*d;ffffi rq€gfuqqoSqt661lmetu r6lthg ano#ter nAfffinsfdrH "616s.d'"t#-trJerfle hd tF Ss$' wifeto -,ti"* il;v ry;Ane$t€t in * lffit'lsRo }ledthCbtf'E'Attltenw {"dk 'f Backfnofnr|t;;:ti;;-644-;;-i; reqtlethenun6€tEfH$tushd€ placeof raywil,i Gil x*e gttd *ft{e"t bryTo darrgeru*fting i-t"*rinsrrEraror ds .itl' bydl ar-q;';h,e ,;d; errr;i"ffi rra*rr*tv ttat in fn" fu*,* rnsidebetorc"lcin'-;i*;b;A' iikescissors ctrFcddntdon- ntilt"* ard -20babbsttre b de' ;;3o a6'npffrers havend ernmig any @ i f*$d agdn to obeyit bcausB 4ffi; der A$'ERI''\ b ffi*r*i#*o ?"f il @sftt tl iqgffiRo healtitv $ime **ro,;;, qfrei* mr*te tur Sata'! ,s"r*ffid to#f;6ffiil:'tfiti* i:dfreadslreis @dqf snd@ by gMrg *sles bui &ev rcfi I ha€ appfiedb $hplgqrtdleeo-:fi} * csr c*ntitxn *rnffi't' nse I rc net:a#i b RuffifimlldF. q-Sge'.fry$mdilfl|b'rc ffiuredugr€Sqttfld nreresefisr'lv givir*,t*U*i" i.iffiiliCt<* i<nnm.'pnloqere n ,.- ir ' 1- '' ,. Ut*Ft*i* |Lwq;nluT.$na ^il ^sl Ehae*a Cgb:r Cafr O1?5,47?SA PageSof9 trornph**ic subiecGrych as Frry saffi. Wb havegf,rcndco dirpcf\rs to grve unknownvminatbn to patbnts inctudtr€givir€ b6od udtr sinA. It wes-#;;nasqls to ld pisarws ard rary ha€ dled. I bjt $rcd !o seEinnoc€rrbpspbdhfng €nd< gulltyba&rEl!,e @ !od,*s decidEd b sbp trrercrk again. Afi€nqat I wm again acs$€d to ignoneard opgos gs€nrnent diredive. I tlar ben r+anesbd ffid Frtin Frftpr. nryblt#€d fie rsirtg HdEstc &rsg. r had an ryn fradure of arm hne ard rnytuCrfnge/s rpiis are film. f *fi ie*airi in prkrtrr&2ffi7. I becase disalti€d.Ferdays afu nryhu$bardrrc dsogles&d. i-tgftill rcrnainisl prbon $tmff2${&2008. As I terte€dd my htM us wwskued w Ol{1.-?rff,. I iwnt fiat hls bodyms faurd in CYAtrtGLi.&jili€trftC-, tlthat I am reque$ingtofil [fAl3Wt $q.efnnerf b rry pdeciim. i klow ir€I, thai thereis a pbn b rcpe'rab by forcedl reftryeesto Rl tAi{DA b Fry4Nqasff db in ftn ctq,,B.T?F w tnqdedge is &at rrFqt rep**rFd tsn F gov€mnErf has organiM a $an lo l6i,Spcs peep{g mdrlf uasdnaiianE* filnEan I knry it beca€e urasa ntffic ard I lgplrfie ld prdb. i am inrsic*irgon my secudtyin llAlAlYt Waltoe I SgA4itiFryE{rfi"ffi ffiff.fi}i0Arrd,ls I &ir* s,sre behird *;* are RtAtAl(A, Atd CATEIE_lamryiqg br fdpfrc 1. P€opievvhoare stitrdyiqgin c.ii,K in hdl nu$pr ?"Tteyare cilsiqg cn n ercy their l€s ard arffis. liutus arefusfrirq in$'ha$s of he frospibds. 2. ia lr$essiw €re haf;,lltae is a SlEtet{ds€Sledh} wtlq is ttillingrnanyHutuE. 3. sfudentswiro are siobn in sdrefs to be kinedtog€et€rwiththeir parenE. 4. ASTshis ufio refi.d tDFin tra gon€n*ffid le€ #{r or b g&c feke rcqrsaiio*s agr$nstiiutt's, Ttnse TutsisarBsGBnas e{x}mis st-$e colnhy. 1-ney arep.f h e*so* andetrenlfied. 5"A Jsir€ GaptainKIYAG0whokil€d rrly? sir*ffi&.e{id dispub on ipuees in i-tl'AMlRAfrfBO.fie i$ asfie||y ** ard ffirsfttsd te tffl Errniyorsin rry famity6. Accusirutl{A#A$dE Presiderdsf FUUA$D*ard hb irffersoi innocentpeopie. 7. HeFirH b de*emhe fiy *rareegnfter$h ny r€rsktf,ngcfi*den.lfib are no !91ry apptecbM arrcogTubi mrunnrnityand can nd,be apprer$atedanwq i{u$rs. lA|edo nd fcrufl whefeb Srg. S. RecEverirgnry properib; rylE,Zninibps€q, Fgdqruherr spua*orfuniV c*r and Pracio.4h@seein hfYAlRUTAIRrAltfA KIGABAGREA srri i{?-AJr,ltRAMBO. L lgt$qrry farsly nrr*ett in prison:ilDArmAylRF G:frantat ard sergsorf RU€fiAI}RO Uerhd. l$.Fr#d!ry eefanlly wftichb hefi,lrq np in }lslarr{ beca*nenry tresere in this familysray causeirnmlity b *$m. [r.**i,q otbi,ra1 *;.*t.n* p.€ Chseaa Cvb*r Crft fft752"759 rage y oI y 1I .€ivirg q*d rypott#tityto a$Ruardangrq.Fdto @ in mgntrypofiti-e+o thatlhe canhaveaccpsstg iU!fise.Jrrstice is h $rebd 0f ffirupttcn in Rtrwnda. 12.Re$ ing mmtfee tndiry retugees fem 8$4n4b gii€ npm #errtiqn crr regu*Ssby Rnlald*giorenrnurbin krsr of refugees' Wttafion eegi:dly dudng@ ard 2A1{.1WSar hto@r@ffir,byeiv{rg ilEnrybtlosr counfriesandhunnnitarian ryencie su*t'UttfiCRs &at ftey ldcltagterr€ry rerfr€ee. 13.tHping i,ntpma8onai l.Efie b jgdg€gflnpnerB of ldiag gncrnln Rs€rtds. pFo* Asgrared aryIurnin E&inia sd fctg$y esfimabd* S00. T?r€sc Fritea. Fewof themhavegme &etaErdilrcyaB cdledBAf.IYAltUftE!{CE frort D.RC. 14.Cafir€ br jtstice ln fuvorsf GAHrt AifRED are*d on dl€atisr &d fE operaH silcoe€sfi^*y myamr | & nd kflotnsadHr!ryrF but hewesrnaniedto of theOaqgher lllctsia !,iCrAl,tYinA, Ex,lorM$0f RsdioRnerda. l5-Cafinghr hdp tc pcodeia gisut uiro ercae*ngbE|ordbrt@ n@ ustngthE &qulifonr piee{cJarlcans. l de&re &at a[ lrfrnmfron | @ogpd ln ftb dscr$rsrtffi €rlese ard I anrready to gov**ennre ex$amiims atd d&ns baryoneurr$e to trw betsr on smri$ sihrdiooin Rlfi/Al.tDA Claire DorEby t WAMI.ITARA Dste: l'j t vi V' . . L.c,.Eb, st c9 P'9