Advisory dated 12.06.2015 for mandatory carriage of Doordarshan
Advisory dated 12.06.2015 for mandatory carriage of Doordarshan
No. 15/112013-BP&L Government of India Ministry of Information and Broadcasting 'A' Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-l Dated the l2th June. 2015 ADVISORY Whereas, in exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (l) of section 8 of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995(hereinafter referred to as ("the Cable Act"), the Ministry vide its notification No. S.O.2693 (E) dated 05.09.2013 and subsequent notification No. S.O. 1388 (E) dated 25.05.2015 has specified list of channels that are to be mandatorily carried by MSOs and Cable operators on their cable TV networks. Whereas, in areas where cable TV digitization has been completed, it is obligatory for the cable operators to carry 23 channels of Doordarshan including Kisan Channel, besides Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha channels. In other areas, the cable operators are required to carry 8 channels of Doordarshan, in addition to Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha channels. Whereas, it has been found that many MSOs/Cable operators are not carrying mandatory channels notified by the Ministry vide the aforesaid notifications which is a violation of Section 8 of the Cable Act. Whereas, non-carriage of mandatory channels is liable to attract Section I l, Section 12 and Section l8 of the Cable Act. All MSOs and Cable operators are accordingly advised to carry the mandatory channels in the manner as notified by the Ministry. Any violation of Section 8 of the Cable Act shall invite such action as provided in the Cable TV Act and the Rules framed thereunder as well as the terms and conditions stipulated in the MSO permission, as the case may be. (K.S.Rejimon) Director (BP&L) Tel. 23381246 To, l. All MSOs (in DAS 2. All other MSOs. J. areas by name) Secretary, Department of Posts with a request to circulate all post offices for compliance is annexed.) by LCOs/MSOs in non-DAS areas. List of cities where DAS has been notified tfrd €o do (f,o-33004/99 REgp. No. p. L.-31004/99 ffi EET *qtr+lfl of Slndio Ehe 6oz,ette srqremuf EXTRAORDINARY qFT PART II-Elug 3-sr[-Etug (ii) li-section 3-Sub-section (ii) nrFrq,R + rrfirF{ril PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY €. 20821 No. 20821 r$kfr, yJs.rm,fim'me,iffi NEw DELHI, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,2013/BHADRA 15, l93s qilfrr rik rsrrur d'rrtrq flfu{u;Tr a$ fdadl, s fril*vt,2ot3 zox1il.-frfiq ${iFR hGrd ffif4ffT ftlrfi rBfrqaa) srnfrrs, rees 'FT'3I[' {ffi gsg seila Sdd "ffiftIlir" EF'S[ ryqr tl (t995 q 7) fir qrtr a 61 5q_qgr (l) 6Kr rq;iT qrpp6qt qrT *drrr ore gv 3ilT 3rfrqFaT:d6qr.FT.3fr. 823(3T) arfirs rr @cr, zooo, Ti. 16 (r)z*oa-zoos$-tll ilfto 2s sFrfi, zoos 3ik .hr.3{T. r88r (3r) drftq 6 iliq{, zooT d} 3tftffia u;rs gq f#;rfrfua ffit *'ars airfi 3ffie{t gRI rtrfi fiEiT {tqnfi Jl ga, qrtqur 3lk tt ffit fir Hfr aw ga' qrtqur fi tR fr R('frAfips 6rfi t, .ilefift l. "r6i 3{fucrrrff fit rntr +o fr jqqmr (rt fr.5qGiEt fi 3rrfcT 3ifrq trar trq qurrfi gntr fir rrfr t, qFi fiTfr $Tqt-c{ B*aRfra +rd{t 61 3rrqer6. s:q s tr4trqq q'tt, $qt(,,__ 3846 GV20t3 ;'' (l) THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY +ntot- nTf, aFa [Pnnr II-SEc. 3(ii)] t {m oT ;nfr :iql snr$'r erdta{ 66fi) I fifr iqrra 2. frfr ;gr FrfrrrR 3ilT {rffsrfffuFl 3. fitI sTrrfr Sstffic 4. fier rt grs# Sst-+se 6. fifr iBqr irdfffic 7. fi* €FrKUr rrdliffiT tqifiq) 8. grfi dqrfr €TerKUr fdtad tdt'rql 9. fifr Frr+R {rrtrrgr rdira ($fi-qy 10. gffr s6qG TTnIKUT (el-{rq) ll 5gI rd'ltrf, sTqrrur rSiTfr t2. {tfr raqrerq t3. grfr dturr$ trdtrd lalfro; €ruKuT rr$irf, rqifiq) t4. fi* ri?rar sTqrKuT rrdr.ird f qtdfql 15. frfr Eirrtrr {rqruT ;rdtrd lalfro; 16. frgl at?t-f,Fe sTqrRuT lrdttrcT fdfrql t7. fiSr RFrr flrrflruT rrdtrfr Cidr) 18. SBr sat seqt TilqKUr r$ivd GdD 19. ffi qrs+era sftfl{ur 5. n. dd aqfrt wafit 22. frfr a(;q reqr #f 5Fn lna qet;T dTfr 23. ffo 2t. 24 (el-fiq) €Ttrrtur }r$ird G-fr) €rurwT FdtrdGdD smrq trdttrd (st-fi?T) gntfrde srntlr 3ik Fff{nfffufrr srnrrrr a1q garysfufit ffitffra dtrfr {rfl ssTr tilf{aa dffi wsTr Eil FrS arqr nfFca nTf, Tr{6 (F4O) qr uqFa dTfr $trdt) 6f eFa fr an' fqar sr{-qf, dTfr rEFT otanl q{q 16 3it{ f6 rif6 *Td{ 3fiqtc{ sqffi ffit mt lrrEH tfr fr rqra tan 3llr Ft .r.r-{, trS6 diErfr ffc{ "Jr@f ffifffa fI {fr d'rd w rqftfd mFnl 2. tr6i 3TRFrff 6r qnrr + +'fi 5qtrnr (r) fi TqEiEf fi 3Tqfrfr 3idrq qarqFq qsnfr w miar qrsTin trf6 ftTfr 3fiqti1 afi fu* rffi t, q-6t r;r6-6f 6 67qftFa ffi' ent rqrfr f6(' ila 6r q{ dlfr, sref(' frfu tw*rq +trn) gnfr- z I qrq rr-que 3( ii ) $Irfi iF't IIcTrFf : 3t-t[H[tul ] t+al 2. trfrCsfiqR 3. h qgrr bqd $Tqkr Rq {t;q fi Erqqfd ttrfr 6r vo qrefilo s{rw rFrT S Rrd t, rs tfro gsn tmfr^ra dad {lFrI ssn ?frfutrf, +d-d 4. 5. @ qr$ffi ils qr5lT t'g sr5a trg qrFT il'g 6. grfr 7. TIFT Eata 8. Srfr rt ttrn tk srEaT fg 9. Sfr &Trrfr atr qr{fr tg t ilcq q{q tk qr{fr ilg dad a}t qr{ff trs tddr ETFT {rqef-d fi rtftq.rrqr *'t-dd $rFr6.q a€l t, T6r wrq sruff fi:qprc fifr oi mga ts d' r6rf, f6.qr tl(rrT[, "rEfl+' frg ttcq gfS gTrrfr lk nem ils d trEra friqr ErT(rqTl TFY 8TRfr {rnyriq fr. {rfl fi ,S. seu qrqqt-d EFr qlfiq s{Trn tn'r .FT ;IFT fo-fl anar S $itr rrtsntra rtqr SrS sEaFTt frfr sTKfr ffi atel-f,Fe sTrrfr 3f{IJT ffi *S J aiq-f,€e grfr aTrcfr 4 hFR 5 crdwre rf{r I 2 8 Fntqrun Sfr Rrn frfr firrfr grfr firr$ Sl* trnHR ffgl eTrrfr 9 r+{-*'qff{ ffi l0 ar{-m'qfi{ frfr oqfr Ft{qug 6atro. ffi t2 l3 firdT t4 rrw t5 F6RN'E l6 qFr5r t7 l8 6 7 ll rfird seql t-crd sq-f,cq t, ts f foiil 3ms{ A {re7go {r-q cf{ il6i ERT rEFT ffrs dri qrd airfr 3i'rrtr{ ERT afdqrcela h qHfq finn * srffr +s d' gfS aTRd rEET sr{fr +trfr qaqr d +fr eTrcfr gr$ sTrrff sTrrfr +fr aTrr$ emfr qiqar frfr gTrrff *fr raqrtrfr ffr sTrcfr fiS asq grfr sTrrfr qaqr gg1 frfr trfr sTrcfr *qrdTq s5+rfi frS aiE-f€e $lS aier-f,€s S* sTrcfr frf{ff fr$ frfr s{rcfr aiq-f,€e *TrcS THE GAZETTE OF INDIA r EXTRAORDINARY [Pnnr l9 arrn*s fifr afu-f,re grfr sTrrfr 20 rgnTr gHr 5trqr fi* sTrcfr 2l t|\tllfl gr$ dsrfr ffi eTrrfr 22 {rtr€QIra ttdt rrq+qnf, fitt &TKfr 23 Rm'rT frtt aiu-frc s{rc$ 24 dfrrratg ffi frfr trfr 25 f{Wr fr$r atq-f,€e frfi sTrrfr fifr s;at Sfr ETRfr ritr 26 verr 27 5ftRr€rg 28 qleYfr cirnd{ 29 3iilila tlti ffirqr frq F{6 30 ffi6 31 E6.qT sif{ arrR 32 EaroT w {rq aa JJ {r{rq 35 55fit {rderrfr qeqt frgl sTrrfr gr$ drrfrr Fffi {r-q alT frlad sTrrfr frfr nn-fr figt srrfr gr$r dsrfr dqnfrq 34 qlfrpr$ II-Sec. 3(ii)] fiSr grtl rfrnfr grfr sTKfr grfi sTrrfr {trnfr ffr sTrc$ tFSr raqrtrfr fifr s{n-fr grTI finfr fr$ q1ft-rr$ frS sTrcfr 3. r.t+, *Tf, 3ffi,(i) 3rddT ft wR gFfletrd o-{e fi Rq, 3Tq-fr fiErdT tqr trt ga: vrtwr fi fr(' 6) t$ Eqr afidrztdiasa t srud (rqal-d ffit fi fiTfr fr-trs dt:ur5c ffi Etrn ffir Eqr n fuz t 6-ff anfi fi'r r€i dfdfr 3ik frrErf, qrrt {€rdr $ srq a€t otanr 1ii; *ca {qqr d' sS 3rr{trd fr ts qt, ffi (r{afd +Erfiq ffit qtT qrlqur |iF,qT ardr t, m rrq tra or wtqur -61 mtan; (iii) 3rEdI qqrtrer 6r qrear gBfq=ilil 5a6 fr ftq 3riq €cdr$e ffit t Tadrq o,.fi fi 3ifia ffif tn ga' qrtwr znFnt artr6, swq,t't or strqta 6,ttn 3if{ tJr{di dzn qilde fi frlr ssfr 3TrEqzr.F (6srg;f, ts" qE fr dg-r (+z t e e ffid fiI :td Erd Wdf*fur:$.g 3{fuqrdr * qdttrd fi R(r, trE trfr z t +) gfk ts-z (rz+ t z3o ftnf€G b qrd ttrd s t rz) fi 3ffid 3Tri Erd +rdt t :HEifud 3fqFfir 3ilfr H 3lt{ .,aY{ qr{fi tE" * "Eqts ds" fr dEiE C t{{sR 3pf 6ryq1 dTqqTl t.Fr. {t. (,;T.360 l 5/l /20 I 3-frfrGrral Ff,-T do-t argr, ffi €fuq MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the S.O.2693(E).-In exercise of September,.2013 powers conferred by sub-section Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 (hereinafter notifications numbers S.O. g23(El 5th (l) of section 8 of the Cable Television refened to as "the Act") (7 of 1995) and in o*O ,tt. l3s September, 2000, No.l6(l)/Cable-2005-E-III supersession of dated 25'h February, lqrq u-sue 3(ii)l $TKf, $"t lIqT'{ : sGlttll'tul 2005 and S.O.l88l(E) dated 6th November,2007, the Central Government hereby specifies the names of channels to be re-transmined by the cable operators in their cable services and the manner of reception and re-transmission of such channels, namely :- l. Where digital addressable system has been introduced in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (l ) of section 4,{ of the Act, following channels are to be mandatorily carried by the cable operators , namely: -- TABLE. I S.No Name of the Channel Genre I DD National General Entertain ment (Hindi) 2. DD News News and Current Affairs 3. DD Bharati Infotainment 4. DD Urdu Infotainment 5. DD Spons Sports 6. DD India Infotainment 7. DD Kashir General Entertainment (Regional) 8. DD Puniabi General Entertain ment (Regional ) 9. ED Girnar General Entertain ment (Regional) 10. DD Sahvadri General Entertain ment (Regional) ll DD Saptagiri General Entertainment (Regional) 12. DD Malayalam General Entertain ment (Regional) 13. DD Podhigai General Entertain ment (Regional) 14. DD Chandana General Entertain ment (Regional) 15. DD Bangla General Entertain ment (Regional) t6. DD North East General Entertain ment (Regional) 17. DD Bihar General Entertainment (Hindi ) 18. DD Uttar Pradesh General Entertain ment (Hindi,) 19. DD Rajasthan General Entertainment (Hindi ) 20. DD Madhya Pradesh General Entertain ment (Hindi ) 2t. DD Oriya General Entertain ment (Regional) 22. Gyan Darshan Channel Infotainment 23. Lok Sabha Television Channel News and Current Affairs 24 Rajya Sabha Television Channel News and Current Affairs Provided that every cable operator shall provide the above channels to the subscribers, irrespective of any bouquet(s) or a-la-carte channel(s) being subscribed by them. Provided further that every cable operator shall also place the above channels in the respective genre and shalldisplay them in full television screen. 2' Where digital addressable system has not been introduced -a--' (,.,| ) ot section 44 of the Act, it shall be subscribers, namely : W4e in accordance with the provisions of sub-section obligatory for every cable operator to provide following channels to the - +1 tz)- THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [Pnnr II-Sec. 3(ii)] TABLE _ II Name of channel Placement ofchannel I DDI (National Channel) Prime band ) DD (News Channel) Prime band 3. One regional language of Doordarshan channel of the State in which the cable operator is located according to the SCHEDULE Prime band 4, Lok Sabha Television Channel Prime band 5. Rajya Sabha Television Channel Prime band 6. DD Sports channel Non prime band 7. Gyan Darshan Channel Non prime band 8. DD Urdu channel Non prime band 9. DD Bharati Non prime band S.No Providedtha[echannelofDoordarshanisnotavailable'DDBharatishall be provided according to ths Schedule in prime band whereas, in State where regional language channel of Doordarshan is available, DD Bharati shall be provided in the non prime band. SCHEDULE States/ Union territories S. No. Name of the regional language channel of States / Union territories where Doordarshan to be Provided by the cable oPerator in prime band the cable operator in DD Bharati to be provided prime band I Andhra Pradesh DD Saptagiri DD Bharati 2 Arunachal Pradesh DD-North-East DD Bharati a J Assam DD-North-East DD Bharati 4 Bihar DD Bihar DD Bharati 5 Chattisgarh DD Bharati 6 Goa DD Bharati 7 Gujarat DD Girnar 8 Haryana DD Bharati 9 Himachal Pradesh DD Bharati l0 Jammu and Kashmir DD Kashir ll Jharkhand DD Bharati t2 Karnataka DD Chandana DD Bharati l3 Kerala DD Malayalam DD Bharati 14 Madhya Pradesh DD Madhya Pradesh DD Bharati l5 Maharashtra DD Sahyadri DD Bharati l6 Manipur DD-North-East DD Bharati l7 Meghalaya DD-North-East DD Bharati 18 Mizoram DD-North-East DD Bharati 19 Naealand DD-North-East DD Bharati 20 Orissa DD Oriya DD Bharati DD Bharati DD Bharati bY non- lqrq t ,, ,'l I lr-qus 3(ii)l ril-(d rFt {tETq? : 3f,{[tIRuT 2l Punjab DD Punjabi DD Bharati 22 Rajasthan DD Rajasthan DD Bharati 23 Sikkim DD-North-East DD Bharati 24 TamilNadu DD Podigai DD Bharati 25 Tripura DD-North-East DD Bharati 26 Uttar Pradesh DD Uttar Pradesh DD Bharati 27 Uttarakhand DD Bharati 28 West Bengal DD Bangla 29 Andaman and Nicobar Islands DD Bharati 30 Chandigarh DD Punjabi DD Bharari 3t Dadra and Nagar Haveli uI.,, UuJaratl DD Bharati 32 Daman and JJ Lakshadweep 34 NCT of Delhi 35 Puduchenv uD yodrgal J. Diu i uu DD Bharati UuJarati DD Bharati uD M.atayalam DD Bharati uD Bnaratr DD Bharati Every cable operator shall ,__- (i) takeonly c-band satellite signals of Doordarshan channels forretransmission on their cable service by dish antenna / Television Receive only of not less than l2feet diameter dish, and not yagi antenna to ensure good quality reception ; (ii) not transmit any channel on the cable service in the same frequency band in which Doordarshan terrestrial channels are transmitted (iii) ; use standard ensure good quality reception and re-transmission channels upto tail-end subscriberr.Jrpurubte wittr other sateltite channels. of alt mandatory Rxplanation : For the purpose of this notification, the expression "prime band,, constitutes frequencies relating to channel falling in band I (channels 2to 4ranging from 47 to 6g MHz) and band III (channels 5 to I2 ranging tiom l74to230MHz) and "non'prime band" shall be construed accordingly, in relation to "prime band,'. N.360ls/l tZ}t3_Bp&L] JITENDRA SHANKAR MATHUR, Addl. Secy. [F. No. Printed by the Manager, Go"" and hrbrished by the controller of pubrications, Derhi-l 10054. : rffid Tro So (tTo-33004/99 REC.p. NO. q L.-33004/99 ffi ffi wfiqqt E]T'T Ehe $nz, ette of Slndio sTRrgIRUr EXTRAORDINARY $tr|r ll-tluir 3__sq-grg (ii) PART ll-Section LSub-section (ii) srruq,n rrfirRrd t PLIBI .ISHND BY ALTTHORITY {. r0991 No. l0eel rl9 25, 2015 4, 1937 NEW DELHI, MONqAy, MAy 25, aOI'/JYAISTHA 4, tg37 , !5r{r dt< xsr<sr d'rnqq qftqr{T Tt F"fr, rfi't.4il.1388(q).--tfrq {rt€FR, +{q }Fftfrq{ 25 ffi qt, 2o1s (FRrs{) Brfuft{rq, sq-trr (1) ara rRr qrRilq} 6'r Yfr{r ryG Eg, $trkr TrcfiR * qqay sft< *rrcor ilr0q 5 Rdq<, 2013 tRfr Srrt Fs+ q{'qrE'W alfuqqqp'irET,l-qr b t ffifuo {c wfuqqqrt,-q. 24 *t srt rtdftil lCRFfr 1i1 vrtuft 1 t, mq (ii) fftuft 2 it, mq it. I *t sff* t'{fu{ h qqqrE ffiqfrm 1995 (1g9S * {Trqr {qfurm fir 7) fi fi:ft t, srqt{ :- rfe:srRe Rrrr sr('rn, errrtq :- tm.r.d.!tr-360 1st Gffqrqr, u narc Blrt. nS Brftq-qrn qr6 *'11qq{, BRITSI1.qU1, rrr{t II, ds 3, w-rjs liiy 5 ftdq<, 2019 ara ffirfelfr Riln r{n w I "t: 2302 Glt20t5 '(t) t ff sTftKqqr {'. 2693(sT) qRfuq} h qqqq ftEilRRr aic:enfte fu{r ftFTUr :- qr-cr g sTts'E;r{r ri. ,rqtq , -ftftqwqrm1 GtrrlT, {Tffi gf,d{ +,r.BTr. 2693(eT) il-fte, t, 2 TIIE cAzETTE oF INDIA: ExB4qBprNARy [panr'rr-sEc.3(ii)J MINISTRY OF IIYF'ORMATION AND BROADCASTING NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 25th May,2015 S,O.13E8(E).- ln exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (l) of section 8 of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 (7 of 1995) , the Central Government hereby makes the following anendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Minisry of Information andBroadcasting number S.O.2693(E), dated the 5ft September, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as " the principal notification") , namely:In the principal notificatior, (i) in - Table-I, after serial number 24 andthe enfies relating thereto, the following shall be inserted, namely:- '25 /ii\ iiil DD Kisan iiii Tahta,ff i-iiiv'ii, o4[oiiiivi .o-i-I --iiaii -rr*Loiiraliiii-i O ^-+*i^4 +!r4-^-rl +L^ Luv wlllrtvo tlr.vlvulr, 7..rir. tvtctlurE, {q^-^e^ namely:*10 Infotainment DD Kisan \ (Hindi)" ; !---:-J +!"-L^ll Lrvuvwurts, Dtt4lr file €-^!!:-==-:-utg u|igrlgu, Prime band " . [F. No. N.360 I s/l 12013-BP &Ll R. JAYA, Jt. Secy. ) Note:- The principal notification was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Ptrt II, Section 3, Sub'section (ii) vide notification number S.O. 2693(E), dated the 5th September, 2013. . .i tii Printed by the Manager, Government of Indiahess, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi'l l008t and Published by the Contoller of Publications, Delhi-l10054.