U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71)
U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71)
TheTiadition of Commissioning aShip .| I he tarce for r-.mnrisii ,n'ngCertnr,.'r.r -'g.ifie;thr r.cep ice and the entry of a ship int() llre acti\e se fleet oi rhe LlDited States Navy At the Droment oi the breaking oi the commissioning pennan[, USS'l-heodore Rooserclt (C!\-71) becomes a proud ship of the line. 'l'he Comranclirrg Officer, togeL\er \ith the shiD s offrceG anclcre\\i ti'ren accepts the duties arcl responsibilities oI maJiing and keeping her ready' for a4, senice required b,v our nation, rvhether $'e be at peac,e or at war 'fhe naral Commissioning Cercmony has been a tradition of zrll navies for ccnturies and in the United States Na\'n since 'lirrks lh frlrnra.l enlrarce crf a rlar-of-lvar it$ begitlrnng; into the naralfcrrces ofher natiul.Itis the final and perhaps most sjgnificant e\cnt of the triad that brings a ship to lifc: keel l4'ing. launching and chistening, and it r conm$slorung. In the early periods of ow Na\,r-! history; n( ) exact procedul-e for the connissioning cercmon,v was preso-ibed Thus, a ship s date r.rf onurissioning was recorded as anv one oI a nunrber oI days - \uhen the @lors rlere first raised. rvhen officerc and crerv reponed on hnrd, *'hen the fisl l)g ent! y \\as made, or when tlre ship fiNt put out to sea Throughout the teals, howeret one visible and silplificant manifestation of the commrssioned ship has r€mained constart: acti\€ ships of drc United Shtes Na!,, from oI lhe h.mdsome frigatcs under sail to the era of d Lhe nuclear pouerecl ships, hare prouclly rvom a conmis. siulingpennant and the "Stars and Stripes", The c,.rmmi.siunir rg pcrtnart has [t r ccnturies been the uique s-vmbol of the man of \}ar. liia;.. as thc distincti\e nark of a ship in cnmrnission. it is flo\1n, except \r'hcn drsplaced by rhe personal flag of an Admiral or' Corrmodore aboard the ship. The origin ofthe comrrissioning pennant, Lke mal! of our t1 adihons, can be traced to the llritish Na\'-'\: ,qfter whippiqg an adversarl the British Admiral William Blake hoisted a hor:je$.hip to the masthead to sig fyhisvictory lhc British thereaJter l', irred 2 long. nafi.\ r',n- njjil' 'r :r'g penniln i- -er"enrbrance oi the original horsen'hip as ils distinctive s1'nbo1 ofa man-of.war a traditirtn adopted by nmnl *orld IUI\jres. From ils @mmissioning day tonrard, USS Theodore Rooserclt rvill assune a unique personality and become inirsed *il-h the s'i11, the spirit, :ud fie dedication of those \\ hu 5erve in her TLe lirlraft can 'er,.[",, acqu irr:. a special intcmational distinction today; rvhererer she sails. she \rill pmject the characte!' and peGer\emnct of her oamesake and of fte nation. We finrly believe that your presence hclc t.r.la.,urll ensure us "fair rvinds a't]d a follo\\ ing sea" rn all that lies ahead Thar i you for oming. AFirstClass Na,'v 1 \ i-prI \ ears ago I hp, lnre Rn',-evelr l?ulc\Fo hi. rar opaign r' ' be, orrr Assislail Secretaryof the Navy. He u€nt at it as he 11eot at all things: with a !1ill to \\ in, a passi(m to lead, and a deep certaintl' that by advancrng himself, he q?s adrancing the interest of hrs countrlr "l hopel said President lrlcKinlel; "he has no preconceived plans *.hich he rvould *'ish to dfile through the moment he gotinl' The ne\' Assistanl Secretar-v rndeed had a pliu, but he discreetly post poned it for a few leeks after I'IcKuJey signed his comnission. Then, onJune 2, 1892 al the Naval War College ur Nervpor t, Rhode Islarcl, he called for an ac celerated burld .up of the nalionb Nary "No nation can holcl its place in the l,'orld, or do any \\ork reall] \\'orth doing, unless it starlds ready to gtard its rights with an armed hard.' R[ the next ten ]€ars Theodorc Rooselelt sounded and resounded that theme, as uarhero. Govemo( \iice Presrdent. and President Under hjs masterful glidalce, the encan Nary grew heatier speedier; nrore efficient. "\!b do not \\ant any Na\'f aL a11," he said, "if it is not a first class r,rne " By 190f, he had raised it fr"on se\enth to second place n the wor lcl'.s listirrgs. Roosevelt non- issued his famcrus order for the Greal White Fleet to circumna\-igate theglobe. It$as, he \\rote, "the mostirnpoftant service tlut I rendered to peacel' He \\'as crit rcized for attaching that last $ ord to the biggest displa)'of nal"l armamen[ [he $orld had e\€r seen. Yet the Great \Vhite Fleet $?s hailed $'here\er rt \\ent, as proof positi\€ that Arlie ca was a po\\€r both strong and benign. Itooser'elt receired his "anrbassadors" back on !\hshington! lljrthdal; 1909. "This Irg. h' t.ld ther lhr hedJlc of a.ll \\ lr- sa\\' . lhriLled wirh p.idn a: the hulls of the rdghty wanhips lifted abore the horzon.. \!'e lelcome you ho e to the collrtr,v s,hose good r epute a-rnong nations has been raised by \rhat Ne*' r - . ], rcu have done.' So, todal the hearts of all who see the @mmissioning of USS Theodore Roo6clelt, the nlightiest ressel in our naval almals, must thrill with pride .rd also gratitucle to ils namesake. For Theodore Roosetelt lr"s the first odem Pr.esident to rcrlind trs of \\hshingtonis old adage, 'To be prepilred for $'ar is the most effectu? neans to prclnote peace " I)1 Edmtotl Xlorris - The Honorable RonaldW Reagan President of the UnrtedStates t' THE \YHITE HOUSE I am pleased to send warm gYeetings to sl] those gathered for the commissioning cetenony of the USS TIIEODORB ROOSEVELT, Your 6hip proudly bear:s the name of one of ou! nationrs g?eete6t Presidenta. There is hardly a single espect of tbe Amerlcan character that Theodore Roosevelt did not exempllfy with bril[ance and vigor. He wes e hunter, a con6ervationiat' a cowboy and a scholar, e warrior and a peacemaker. Not the least of hiB achievementB was the vast enlergement of Amerlcan naval powel and the building of the Panama cansl. Your aircraf! carrler makes an ept memorlal to Theodore Roosevelt who was Presldent wh€n the wright Brothers flrst new 8rd who built our Nevy intt one of the worldrs fin€st, I know the sailor6 and airmen of the USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT will carry on T.R.rs legacy of a atrong navy' preoerving peace and fleedom throughout the world. cod bless you. The Honorable George Bush Vice President ofthe United States comissionln9 9reat shlps lenains, rlno.t ritnout hlstori.al €x.eption, a pleroqative of great natlons, By ,'g!eat,, r neah gleat in th€ larqest s€n.€r far nore than .ich.nd far nore than baq, I haa. witaf, plodnctiwe srares whose tnrerests tlh.cenat contlnental boundalies and 6pan rhe oc6.Ds. TheEe gleat natioh6 are arrays fer in nuhbe!, for g.eatDess in EPlrit and v!.1on is ewen nore ra.€ thdn qreat vealth or powelr it tak.5 a grahd vl6lon and Eelf-corfid€n.€ to beqin a ploject like ah air.raft car.ie. rhose nission slLI span not Jult years, but seive {hole generatlonE and be hohe fo! 6allors and th. sons of those sailols into Anerica, born ln freedo nas al'ays hld slch vtsioh. That vl.ion in.pi!e. seneration after q€n€!!tion to .t!1ve and selve, to Pa.s on the ble.61nqs of fle€don fron parent to chlLd fo..E 1o,o a- !o .!rnd raddv !o E ppo r .;d de."'o 'htc qleat nation. so it is fitttnq anat righr that se n.mc thie g!e.r Bhip an of ou! great.st rberica.s, a mn rhose tife antt virioh of the futnre tlanscended hi. oh aqe. ?eddy Rooserelt, explorer, Rough Ritte., bullder .f fleets ard tles oe'r, uniter,rooa rhe es.-n-a of q!e-.ress and kJ-L oq !o FroJ-c- E, Hls visron endures .odry and wr.r be eyr- a-d rn th€ ilfe of thts s.eat ship and th€ tran qho serv6 on he!, as a leal and wlslble dbodirent of sov.rerg. helica, she *ilt lepresent ou! deteninatlon to protecr our tand rhd pe re, to ptoudly repleaenr Lh.91obe. and frn.t , .hould -v€nt. !Fqui!e, rhe PoosEvEtT r:ll -,€nd h€! Feople :!on dabge! aE he! si6te! Ehlps hav€ don€ since ou! nation {a6 fohed in rh€ Etru991e for fleedon. purrnse our Navl serve.. and for thar purpo.e n6 gleat shiP could !€ar d plouder bameEal(€ than th6 one re hono! today, rhe uss ZZJ'."r dec.,". -t\ The Honorable CasparW Weinberger Seaetarlof Deferue captain ?rul ir. ParcelIs, usN rrospecLlve Conmanding O!ficer rsEoDoRr: RoosEvilr (cvN 7l) rierport riess sbipbu dlnq and Dry Dock coopany YeuporL li.{s, virqinia 21607 Dear Cap!.i.n Parcelrs: on behall of Lne DeparrnenL of Defense, pleaEe accepL nl hearLieEl congratulaL!on5 Lo you and yo!r crer on the cooii€sioning or ?EEoDoRE ROOS?VE!? {CVN 71). €ntry of inro Lhe itlanrlc Fleet nlrks to the security fo!cee in this all iDportant a(ea of tj. s, oallonal caFabiliLy to petforn nultiple nissions in warr as in pe.ce, si11 contr!bute in delending our qreaL nallon by nalntEj,nlng our nari!lne superio!!ty. !he Atlantlc and fiedit€rr.nean have be.o:e increasingLy inForLanr Lo Lhe security aDd econoric uetl-bernq of our nation, and p!€servation of our vrtal sea rrne6 of connunication rn this legion qill be greatlt enhanced by ,iBEoDonE RoOSEVELT fo( alecades Lo crer can gake j!6tifiable ?ride in !he capabilitles of your ship and lourselves Lo perlorn th€ tasks that lie ahead, As you Join the fle6tr I qish you and the c(e{nenbers of ra.oDoil RoosEviLr the 9!eaLesL succeEs, and, if in Lhe ruture you nusL satl 1n harnr€ ray, I ursh cod'5 blessinqs an6 care upod each The a najo. dddiEion The Honorable John FlLehman,Jr. Secretory of the Nauy IHE SECRETARY RoasNELr (cfr 7r) n!ar r--r,.-;. !n tr€ i6.ci.iiy resnon!:birit? 'r- r"., rua:a.r.. or p.ri.e roui are .ha:q€d tsllh L[6 h.,vy Admiral Carlisle A.H.Tiost,USN Chief of l,taual Operations c&+1-'l;,/ F..s:!Err 1.r\ rr) ViceAdmiral Robert E Dunn,USN Commanfur Naual Air U.S.Atkntic Fleet Admiral Frank B. KelsoII, USN CommanderfuChizf U.S. Atlantic Fleet Force, B .;' y'^-- a lu -i' o Y;aEraf4rh@q. l0 by -- ds ridcB Mrs. Johl E Lehman, Ship s Sponsor Jr. Mrs. William McMillan Matronof Honor Grace R \'lcN{illan ras the Iirsl of four childreu of'l'heodorc and 0leauor liooserelt. Jr of Or,stcr Ba\ Lorg I-slard ierl\\:iLlian N{cN'lillan and nored to l fiu n in J'lar r.land \\ihel \'fr: \'lcl{illar ras ca11ed to actire dutf in the uilitarl, hr hr 1934 she rran AlexandraC. Lehman Maidof Honor 19,11. she assuned r espo[sibi1it1' for iug Lhe cattle enrer-p sc as \lell nn \\.nliil)g lr IJI:nting ald hir\rstirg X'Irs \'lcNlillan al,qo r,,cr-ked as a Red Crrss nurses aide lt a rear|l hospital as Xlr cLiLdr en, I'l s Nlcl'lillan ha\t h\o \{illierr \'lcllillan Jr, :urd and Dleanor Xlc\lillan, and three gandchiLdel l\Trs \,[cN'fill; rt h;s ccr-r,er] on thc lloard ol allreclor-s for a nLmber of organizations. ancl her hobbics include photog'raph_r ancl g rlf tsarbara \\iielar:rd Lehnur *as bom in Philadelphia, Pennsylrania. She n'as educated at Springside School ard N{oorc College of eaning a Bachelor Art of Fine Arls I)egree in 1972 Fron 1972 Lnlil 1977she pur. $,ith Sharvbridge ard Clothrer: (]ucci, alrd (]arjiddes. suecl a career as a fashion bul'er h Nkry of 1975, Barbara\\iieland F Lehmal, Jr , cufienLlt the Secretary of the Nary Thev have lhree chrldren: Alexardra Conslarce, age 9; Jolm Rarcis III, age 7 and Grace \kgrnia, age 3 r as nar-r-ied to John Alexanclra C Lelnan is the daughter of N{r and NIrs- John R l-ehnran, Jr:.:rnd is the r)lclest of three childrer Nliss l-ehman i,qin the folLrth 5Jrade at'l'he Potorrar: School and is acti\.e iog]'nuastics, irrt alld Lli:uro. X'Irs Lelmralr's current occupa tion is lnother and houseriife She is a \'Ierrber of Lhe Board of the \'lclean Projectforthe ArLs, tuid is actire jn ceftain local and national charitie,.. Her pi\,?te irleresls are in paint1ng, photographl ard skiing 1l EdwardJ. Campbell President and Chief Exea.rtiue Officer Nenport News Shipbuilding \L\ ORT IEWJ sHIFBU DNC A\D DIi} L]O'T 'C]\1P!\NY tJelcone to Nef,lorL News sbipbuildi.g and to Lh€ cofrnissioninq of the uss THEoDoRE RoosEvaLT (cvN?1). iorldi-o-, l( i, .ldeeo " Aviatron,E ?sih r '.lq E!-buco Lo \cv-- veni inro her construcrion haee a qreat reeli!q ol pride and acconplishnent in lhe fi;e work they have done. They vi11 be folloPing the advenrures of THEODoRn RIOSEVELT rith ad inLense inreresr for as long as the ship is conmissioned, e betieve she witt be one of the great ships of Lhe u.s. Nary. she has the tight nane, fine officers and.reR, and she qas built by Lhe besr shipbuitders in lhe woi1d. Ne value highly our lonq associaEion wirh the U.s, Nary, and qe are very lleased ro bosr the comissioninq cerenony for TqEODoRE ROOSEVELT as a major event of ou; own NerporL Nevs Sbipbuildinq Cenrennial year. This has been a year in rhich we have celebrated tOO vears .1o _L. cssr'L r-DoI . J!c' a tradition or excellence which renains as'9 sLrong today as iL ,as a.entury aqo, To the offieers and nen ot THEoDoRE osEvErrT, {e pish fair Hinds and follorinq seas, cods ed. and tafenL tg {.*"2< _,""- .,F" iq9 )a Modular Construction Speeds USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN -71) Delivery USS Theodore Rooselelt rvas delir.cred by Ne\\ port Ne!\,s Ship building 17 months ahead of the con tract deliery date, thanks in good part to a process called modular conslnction. The aircraJt carier \\,as assetn bled rruch 1ile placing hqe "buildirl g blocks, called modules, on other building blocks 'l'hese unils $,€ighed up to 900 tons each, and some uere the height of a fi\e story office bLrilding Each modlrle llas pre.outfitted \rith machinerli electrical curponcnts and pipiqg before being hfted b! a giant crane and placed ul the dr ,v drck to forrn the ship. Il a1l. 159large urodules uent into assembling USS Theodore Roosc!elt. The Shipyardl\ state-of -the-art fabrication facilrties ard large capaclty crznes alloted Ne*pr rt News to build the ca,"rier \rith easier, nore cfficient oudittug, greater accur?lc]' and fewer crane Iifts. Thc result is a top qualitv ship produced in less time. LSSThtulq n4tLllt\ti| h l, t itLslift d nh o4 USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVII-71) Milestones September 30. 1980 Contract a\\ arded lo Newport News Shipburlding October 8. 1980 Collstruction begu October 31. 1981 Keel laid Rbruar_r 22, 198-l Prcspecti\r Comnandirlg Off rcer rlamed Septcrnber 9, 198,1 Precommissioning Unil f onred October 27. 1984 Ship launched N{av 1986 Cre*. mored aboarcl ship September - October 1986 Sea trials October 25, 1986 Ship ommissioncd 't h d!)irt\ lutxr! irntlrl t.tlll 870 !,6 a\i ll !'ri As Thcr:clore Rrxrsevelt g;ued out up(m the watq s of ll.unpton Roacls on thal wintry February day ir 1909, he sarl his Naval dreani come lrue His 'Great \l'lrte Flcct had retur ned fiom ilshistoric 430 day amund the $'orld crurse, and hc had shorm the fl:rg of lurerican Naralsuperior ity k) sl\ contincnts and 26 countdcs. \\hilc the 46,000 mile voyage was signiJicallt in the eles of *'or lcl diplorracy it ras equally significant kr Ne*,port Neu s Shipbuilding. Seven of the 16 battlesh rps of thar fleet rer e built by the Shpyard. Nervport Nervs Shipbuilding, u hich is celcbraLirg its 100th aruiver" sarl this 1ear, has contlnued its tlcnd of being the Nations premier shipbuilder Silce jts iounding b1'railroacl magnate Collis P I luntington in ltltl6, ),lcrvgnt Nervs Shipbuilding has built morc than 700 sl'rips, ever lthiqq fmnr lugboats Lo giilnt oiLlturliers, \,achts hrocean linels, glidecl nissrle cmisers to nuclear-pol'eLed srLburarines and aircrajt car r iers. Theodore Roosereltls namesakc, (CW-?1), is the latcst n a long line of iamous aircraJt r:arriers builtbr Ner?ort News. lt is the conDan),! 2.1th carricl ald the fourlh of the Nimitz class. The Shipl ard \ ttrsr air craft car. ner, Rangcr (C\'- {), u'as also the first ship to be designed and built fronr the kccl up as a callierforthe Narli Ranger tas delir'ered in 1934 Since then Ncivpolt Ner,s-bullt ciu riers like \brktown (C\'-5)& (C\'-10). Erterp sc(C\ -6 & C\'\-65). Hornet (C\'-8 & C\'-12), lntrepid (C\'-ll). Essex (C\'-9). 'l'i<rnderoga (C\'-l-l). Randolph (C\'-15). Coral Sea (C\:--13). Forrcstal (CV-59) and \imitz (C\N-68) hare becoue legends. 'lirdaS Nerllttt t Ner,s is the only LIS shipl uu cL capab le of builcling the giant \imitz class car r iers.It d€. li\ereri the lead ship, \imilz, in lg75; fjrright I). Fliscnho$€r (CvN-69) in 1977;and Carl Virrson (C\\-70) in 1982.The Shipyald is cLurently l1 btdldirg h\o morc calTiers rlI the class: Abraharn Lincoln (C\\-72) and George l\hsh ington (C\,-!rI-73). Nerrporl News Shipbuilcling is aLso ldlowr forthe clesigr, caDstmction an([ o\,e]-halll of subln:uincs for the Navy The Shipya-rd is the lead yard for the Los r\ngeles.class of attack slrbmarines an(l rcceDtlv \\,as chosen to be the lead ! ar-d in rhe desigfl of the nelt class .JI attack subrnarincs, .lesignate.l SSN21. or Searlolf. 'lhe Nc\\porl Ne*,s urzuiLfactur-ing conplex sh-etches along tNo nriles oftheJames River neardre poft of Hanipton Iirads Nea t'30.000 men and rromcn. s mre of whom arc fifth generation shpbuilders.rrurk in the 550 acre facilitv { i!l)rr!1,r, I!,'l,"ri, '( I \ /rr l.$ |hild,- r .a( a-,,i 1ttr",),( nr^,r11'lrL \ ;rrlr,1rr!{' l\ t, l; T5thAnniversarv of NavalAviation 'l'he cornnrissioning of the LSS Theodore Roos$€lt coincides $.ith arother gyeat event i1'r 1986, thc 75th ILrnii'ersar-y of Nara] Ar.lation. hrdeed, Theodore Roosertlt both asAssistant Secrctarv of the Na\ ]l and latcr as thePresident of the Llnitcd States,\\'as a rrajor prOponent of "hear.ierthan aircrajt" in a mili tarv lole X'lore.r\er. lle first assiglled naval officcls tr l ( )bser\,'e P()lessor Langle,vs -\cridnme" h tests solne flre years belor e Lhe \\iright Br other s fle\r ar Kittv Ha\\'k In ]910 hc rvas fhe first Anrericar President kr fl],'in such a machine ancl his l oLrngest son. Quentin. tas lii lled in ao ial combat \rlile fl,ving $rth rhe farned g;th Escadrille dLuing the FirsL \\irrld \trhr Iu the vear of Theodore Rrroseveltls dcath, 1919, dre []nited Stares Na\,.v tL llut ti:"hltn ir !tu .\l,rit,tti l:Lolt \\ ould make plans to ca)nl cr t the col Jupitcr, ln() its lint alrcr aft ciu rier, USS Lnnglel (CV-1). The r.ision ol Theodore lixrseielt. and oI otherpioneers, becalne reality rvhen Eugene Elv flew off lhe modrfied deck of lhe cr! tscr LISS Birmingham on \or-ember 14. 1910 IIis successes led tothe pLruhase of tr'o Curtiss br. lrer, pl:Lnes b,v the liS Naq on l&y 8, 1911 - the olficial birthdate of Nar-al Aviation. Na\ al .{viation has serred both to protect ,l,rnerica, and to lead the i\,orld jnk) the ftontler of space, in the ]ears that ha\e followed. The trlumphs and sacrifices of \alalArators in fotr uars, and in periods of stlessfr peace. are a matter of hrstor), Narles like\\hlting, lngalls, O Hire, BoyiDgton, N{itscher, Jesse L. Bllr*,n and Slockdale stand frr many more r'lto hare *e1l ser red the nation In the frontiel of space lrLrmerous Nar,al Aviahtls hale dared the unknonn, and hare paid a high pr ice fir hunranrt-v rre remember Naval AstronaulsJohrl Chaffee a,rd - tr{ichael Smith. During todayl conr nrissirning of USS Thcodore Rooserelt, in troubled skies anrund the torld. \aval A iaton and United States battle groups are at flight quar ters, and hardly aware of these c\ent-q that se1\€ lo 11(nror them In his book, Illirgs o/ Goll, Roger A. Caras savs. ' . Naval A\rati(ni uould nerer be held back b-r' lack of courage, skill, or fortiLude on the parl of ils pnneer-.j scientists and aviators alike rvho $ere its ba&bone Tlrc nlen \rho \!ere k) lvear the $rngs of gold l-ere a breed apar1, and Ire. - - quen ) the best the nation h.rd to offer:" 1ri ,q,i / /r,[i, Iul{ii I S) /.', r,,rr i(:ltt r$i\ r\lNiniqrn tr(lI?ullnrlil ii l\\,tr,Nil2l 11ulli trN\ \\ri\rtri r\l]rMnl.\\. 1i1 !'\N{\.Arrl\','i L:$! \ l]li1r Llinlin \,\n':i\ tr Y '{ \' )l rnNrl?:dts\q ll ?-?,'J tro di,!l trr\ $r'slr\ CarrierAirWing The aircralt carrier ls strikirtg po\rer rcsicles in its Carier Air \{Lllg 'lhe prirrary mission of a Carrier Air \\iing is to concluct offensire air oper ations: engaging in attacksonair, sur face ald srrb surlace taryetq \rhich ihrc;rten coatrol of the sea- anrlcttttducting sustaincd air operations in suppot t of other forccs as directed Appro-rimately 100 au craft are as. sigrcd 1o the\.aJious squadnrrs irtthe \\iing. liach -"quadnrrt cr)ntriblrtes to the :x ( )niplislxnent (f one oL nrore of thc lnissi(ns assigned to dre calricr. The principaloffcusir,e sh ikurg portr or USS 'fheodore Rooscvclt rillbe thc shared by two attack aircraft: A-6li Intrudcr all-weather attack aircraft and thc F,l\'18 llornet sh ikc Iighter'l'hc Intr ude) and HorncL squachrrrs perlonr lrLug-range air-to grornd str ikenissiors. interdictlnl of nnjr rr-comrrunicalions rrutes Ancl anti sru face *ar{iuc The primarl'au cLcfense firrce for IISS Thcodore Rooser"elt and her sulface escor t sh rs will be pnrvided -li)rircal b,v the l!-2C H:n kc1c - li.1.lA team. The llau keYc, rvith its distrnc tilc i)tatirg radar cl(r))e, gi\rs l(nrg mrgc carly $ arnx\g of allappoaclring aircontacts itrrd then prrxides cllrsc ladarcontrolto fic li.l4As for thetu teicepti(nI, identificatior, ancl, if na es szu ll deshuction of enenry tirJgcls. This Ha\kc\c jli)mcat lcanl rraintains a delensi!'e ban ier ol serrraL hundlecl miles alrt-utd lhe cardcr bat tle lirulp irnd cnsLllcs that no unlino$rl air co racts L-ross the baricr \tithout positivc rclentifrcirtion Thc FIJA, r.ith its \ allable sweeprving, can pro vicle ilftel attacl phok )graphic in telli gence u,hen,specrally -equipped rvith a pod under its l ing Anti submarilc s:uiare rs of continuing inrpolallce to aircrajL car 3i\ \riliing, the Navr ls ne\\estcarricrhased xnti slllnnrrine rvar{are aircraft. ;urd the SH 3 Sea Klrg )rel icopter, * or kng closel-v rvlth rier.s.'l'he S l8 personncl in the carrier! ArtiSu brrannc \V;rrfare N'fodulc, provide a rnost effectilc sea.goirg wcapons s!stenl to co rhateneml sLLbnraines'i he SH 3 also prrxides scarh and rescue and \ e)-t ical replcnishnren t ' lrgistics cap:Jrilities Airbornc clecnr)nic defcnse is pror.ided by a ,.cluaclron of lir\ 68 leni.'l'hese ard"ft tu e capablc J\ ^\ of mlerceptilig aral countering a la1-i' ety of electronic sigrals ard janrming sLirface to air lada s to pr otect stl ike ( gfoup aircraft. l9 Commissioning ' USS Theodore Roc Special Musical Selections Commander in Chief, ll S. Atlantic Fleet Bard Narzl Air Tiaining Command Choir furir.al of Official Partv Itrvo(ation ptain Nonell E. Knight, CHC, USN Cr-,mmand Chaplain Welcome and Inhoduction of Distinguished Guests Gptain Paul W Parcells. USN, I'rospect ive Commardrrrg (Xficer Remarks Barbaratri LehmzLn, Ship's Sponsrr It (CVN-fl) ' October 25,1986 Remarks Ediiard J. Campbell, Presidenl and Chief Executive (Xficer Nervpoft News Shipbuilding i Remarks ,norable Herbert H. Bateman, US- House of Representatiyes First Dislrict o{ Virginia Remarks ,ldmiral Carlisle A.H. Tiost, US\ Chief of Navzl Operations Remarks Honorable Jobn Fl Lehman, Jr., Secretary of the Navy Principal Address and Reading oI the Comrnissioning Directive Honorzble Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense Commanding Ofricer's Orders Captain Paul W Parcells, USN S€tting the Watch Commander Charles S. Abbot, USN, Executive { fficer Closing Renarks US\ Commanding Officer Captain Paul W Parcells, l t Benediction Commander Edwin D. Condon, CHC, USN Departure of Of{icial Party ?J Oclobcr 19E6 Today we cclebrarc ihe commrssionrD8 oI . ,nighty ship, which *1ll ndrional 'rr'dl. At tlidway, Coral Sea, and rn Korea, \'ieinarn, and the perlorm cvcn greater and no.c diversc tasks than wcrc rhe vcasels ot rhe past. She rs rcad) and eagc., TIiEoDoLtE ROoSEVELT is a Darvel ol rechnolo8ical achievemc|i, thanks to lhe tircless cllorts ol mafy thousands of Lncr dnd wo,nen, borh riili!.1ry and civillan. For dccadcs to corre, rhcy ind r.ir I assutr,e co,nmand humjljt: oi THEODoIIL ROoSEVELT prldc in ha!ifg bccn entrusred sirh borh pride \!irr $rs nario.al and ilsser and construct Bnd operJtc !o conpler r mschrne. THhODORE ROOSEVELT wilj aiways be a Iorcc Io. peacc and frcedoD. In the Cod wn]rnB, d,a! shc nevc. be ordc st.ike in anAeri bur P. $. Pi\ttCELLS Captain, U.S. Nav) CommandiDE OIl,cer 22 Commander Charles S. Abbot,USN fueailiue Officer oD b,)nJ d L SS Jolul Ii Kenned] Firl|rving Lhis tLlLr: (C\'-67) Corrmarder Ab r.l \i{ ,SG as E-rccuLin alfficer ilJLrlt 1931 lfd as C.nr)liuding Otfi(er in joirt'cl Jlrne l!ll-r2 l) RbLfar\ ll)tl:l Ie eflered lhe NLrcle:r ll)\lo School. aDd iI O.r(, \;rve rtporlr'( l ro t|e USS Thcorlore Roose\clt (CU\1-71) heconrnrissioring ber 1!18.1 . l.nrt irs ll\ecLrti\r (XficeLl 0r)Dnrandcr AbbirIhasac rrmlated 2,1(l0llight |ouls in nrt)rr tha| iJo urrdel liirr raft arrd ha-s hrggccl more thxll 1:10 :vrcsted crrrer lilr iDgi. He hirs bun ar\a rd tlre NI{,ritrn-iot1s Scr vice \led:rl. i\a\\ Cirrr nerdation \ledal \iir,t ljDit Cornllrcrclatirn \leritrrxrLrs I:f t Corn nrendittiLlll. \'i(tnarn Nleitor i(,us Lnit C{,nrrrndrtnrr Vierrrinr 's(r\ i,, \ledrl \!itl llruve Sti,: aDd \"r erpldiliunr,i ledirls oLrs sd vi(:e and Ct,nrrrrandcr AIbr)l is marr ed to th( fornrer i\larjL,rt -sellar-.,ll C| rlhnri. Ohlo The! ha\c threc sons. Slerrcer Srbaslirur, erd Xlirlhe\. and rrsi(j. in Connnar er Abbot \r^s b(irn in l'(rjr1(t)la. I l,rr da on Jarrui r l!1. 1915 i.r,'n graclLratron l.iLderrr IilLr)r hon the l!S \ar:rJ 1966. he reported to thr destroler l,SS llenrl B. \\ ilson (DD(; - 7) for dLrtl as lllssile -l'iricled missrle In Oct,)lx r 1!)67 C( nn nander Abbr,t !rLt rrd \e\ Cr)llege, Orfind Lni!crsu'r. l:rrglrnd.;rs a ltlL.dos Schrlar After c,)rn. rrl, tirg lris gi(lLrate delt c( he began ili(ht tranlnrr o r.ei\ed hisNing-s ill libru:uv l9i2 Courlander Abbrrt x: iied t{,\,\-122 at Lemi)ote, Calilirr nia, i',r \ iE Corsalr ll Ficd Iieadinesi Trair. t), ltt^ck SqrLardr.f l; n b.,ar d L SS Ent(.rprise (C\\-65 ) C,rnnrirDdcr q bLr1r1 c, nnplered l,S. -\ir Iirrce llsL I)ilot Sclrol)lal Edrirds rrrg rnd \as assrgned to , \il Force llnse, C:rliforria, if JLdy 1976 irr(l \ras assigned ro thr Strike Aircrafr -li:t Ditu1(,rare at the \a\ itl Air Ccrrter he |rtu\(rrt parllcilirlrd ?st RreLi l\larvllrd, as a lest pil(n in rhor thril3,lC, 'l AiC and Il',\.111 prrjects. He \ra,i the lrst;\ttack pilot !)fi! the l .\ ltJ Ilorner. In Ft'intar; 1980 hcjoirted \A 46 Craltorr,\'irgiria MasterChief Petty Officer Chief \\ hil( at VFR iJl he qrlllified as,r,r )\ e r$ al(r' navigirlor arld f]ieht enei rj{rr in sereral :Lircr aft In Januari 1980, I\laster Chrei IJushet att( nded rhe lls Arm! SeReart NhjorAcad0m! at Fbrt Bliss, lb\as, after ( \\'hich he retunrcd to \r l'll :11 lnr)id. 1982 he haDsiened ()l'leci Tactic.{l Suppot $JirgO\E in \odolk as th( \\'ing \laslerChiei He rpofted tr) the flSS Theodore Roosorclt (CVl\l-71 ) Precommi$sioning lirit as lhe ConrL and trlasrer Chicf ir Octobcr 1985 l\'laster Chref Bushcv has accunrrlated orer 6,000 fligli hours rd hasn)ad(,more Lhar) 400 ffrcsted landirlgs Hls acsrlades ldLrde rccoglrrition as Comnr:Lndt:r iu.Chu:f, LlS l'ar:i{ic l'leet Saikrr oi rhr'llar in 1972. as rtcipicnt of the Gcnenl Ilalph E llaDes, Jr ArMrd at the li,s Au))! Selgeallt \'liior r\clde m!. and he was s.lected irs TiderarerVirginials N'lilitary Cltizen ol ihe Year for I9u2- His pcr$nal dccua ti(nrs i!rclLldr the Nleritori('Lrs Scr\,ice \'ledal, Navy Corrrrendalion ['leda] (2nd arard), Navy &hieventcrt N'ledzLl. Coocl Corduct lle.liJ r4th a{ardl. N'lerit.riQus Lnit ConDendation a d Battle E (2nd He is miirried t.) d1e forrncr SLrsat Duane R. Bushey, USN Crmnmnd Master Chief \lastd Chiet Busht \rrs b,nn \\hlker I'rouse of Salisbury, Nlaryland 'fhc!' hale a daugh ter: Tin \ and t$r r $ns. Dmn(:.Jr and Jos( Dh il I-ebixnn), ){e\ Ilarrrt)shile Ik {xrlercd Lhe \a!! a! Creat L:k(s, Illinc,is urJuue 1962 lollln!ing rccruit tr^inifg he att($ded Aviati.u nlectriclan A Sch(rol and theD rcport(d b the \ir\al Air t:t C{ rrler. Patu\errr lti\er llal vland lnJLnrr 196.1, MLrster C|ref BLrshcl reporrccl to adv:lnced eleclr,)ni(s Tl ' Sd ol His nei tour oi dul\' \ras,n brurd thc aircraftcarrier USS licanarge (C\S33), irh tw.lollrr\, or nrurs as i{ fhght nar.lgati.rr instrLrct(, at \lA H 1211, $ihidbey Is1dd, $irshinglor, and thur at \l\Q 1:i0. Aianeda Califtrnn Nliriter Chirf Ilushe! nc\L icported to \ FR :11 at Nar.al Air Statiui, Norioll, \iirgiiia. servirg as airoew drvisi{)n officer andlatcr:rs the Courmand \IasLcr 23 SeniorOfficers [. and Heads of Deparlments l.l)llStt,atrtl:t (t)R Fhl \t.l ni /)n,t l)t t)tlt l r). 1nrr,nr)l I Ll l)k ntt t)jt,r,: ( rll Sli, Jt, /r,! '\trrlir ll)lllitl I)!,)ni! l)1tt,!!)rtrj,it) liru' l.l,l)k BtI Ltrit ln/t Ll l )ll 1i,,r r: (, rrtr \r ti tltu | ( n nr t l tt)nt 1r5,1/( lltt 1 lr'i htrt tti l)fJ1.t B,ii l t ) i /r,f 'r.i It l)tt!t i l)ll 11,) r Il.l)li )iti a t )N l)lll 1.,\ t \ltr i tll, Itlritti\!tn!rt otirt, t:rtt tt,,, t r rt) t rr )rt t L rl Cl )1? l,lrtlr) ld)r tt:, ( ), iri l )'ht!,)r trlr t ) (DR J',, Lr,tn tti.Il;,t )r: tlttt ) LLN trtit, ai,ri 1,//./!a !/il. r)j,. /,,1,;r /r1,.; € t ,r,,i \it' rlr'r!rt!trt ft,D,(rrt& l/irirrr:rr (/)l/rii-lrnJa Lrril,r,r' tr t) l1)kJ)r),ltt\,ii, |) t t)!i)ttii,,t:t)it;t ' ( I ) ll I'i|i I i rt' l!j^/drl 1, ani,ir, arn l;,rr i1rN,] 1r ll.liu hr( rhnt A sistun! !Ii/ alito cI)R l:I)ll Lt! tt1., llt4L : ) i tt t i l,n t itulitu \ttt lttt )!t t t )L ti t t: CLR F" r 25 WhatIsA IJSS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) Ship's Officers A Plaukxr'ner is a ship s crer,- . nember rvho is assigrecl to a IIS CO}I}I4\DING OIFICER C,\l'l' l)aul \{ Parcells Nar'1 ship on the day of the shipis conrm$sronrng, FII]Ct''I'I\T] LT Ce.rsc X'l llircrlll Aviatror Olficer I.TJohn Il \\Jrisht. Nionics (Xficcr ENS IionaklJ. Zarko. Support ltquipnent 0fficer OFFICF]R C\\i03]inr R AIIe! CDR Charles S ,\bbol The laval tenn 'lrlankollner-" fLndsitso gin back in the days of sailillg ships when sailo^ slepton deck. EXICL;TI\I DEI'AIITMEN'T Because sonre planks of the deck $€re s0ftcl than others. tie crcN $-ould selectthesc to sleep upon, and in tirne LCDR Char lcs E. ,\ nrenrroul 3 i\l Ofircer LCLllt l.ld\lard T Bunker Eusrneer l.rarsor would regard theln as therrot'n In nlanu- cases,when thc ship rvas c1is. manLled, cre\ Denlbers \\ould. infacl, l;4 claim to these planlis as merren. tos of thel seagoing days. The sense of rx,uer shrp felt lty a ship! cr e\1i cspecialh' b\.rts cooxnissioning creu: has carriecl this nar,al teff) mto thc Lwentieth centlrry to !rday's steelships capalllc of car-r ying jet aircralt.'l'he [h1lcers and \len of the nerv[ cornrnissroned USS Theodore Rooserelt (CvN-71) jLtslfiably proud to have been on ar e l)oard clu ing the shipls constrLlction, and to have taken her h) sea for the firsl Lime thcse last feN ueeks These Planko$ners ing pages. aJe listeclon the follo\!. CDR \\ Hea( illirDrl jorfc E\ecurirc 0Iixr"r I-CDR AIdra Il Nlaylield, Dep,rtLrrenr \drri strati\€ LCI)ll I'hn P ()unn. l..gal0ffic€r LCDII l)avidJ Skrc .Trailing (Xljccr IjrJoh'r L llofkifs. Pubh ,\ffais (Xficer ENS Tinr.thy (Xficer (; I-anc, EducationalSerlices E\SJohl l:h(e.Sfccr: Ser\iccsOllicer C\U )3 Cccil R F^ulk. '( sonlel ( Xlicer I C$O2 Vicror G \nrkov c. Lecal Admirliso"rive Assi:tant CONI\fti^,JIC,{TIO]\S DtrPrlR |}IE\T LCDR \\:illianr R Carer Conrnunicarions ( [ficer lJ \\iillra.r I CooL.,{ssi:tanL Comnrunxrafiurs Olfuer ENS Russell(; CoLbert. CII Diiision (Xficcr E\S fim.ihr (l $Iebb. Sis|.ls OiTicer CONI\IA\D REI,IGIOUS \{INISTRIES DEPAR'I'}IE\T CAI'T NnrTell E ](nishr Serirn Chaplarn CDR Fldwilr D C,indon. Catl(iic Uinistries LT \lark J S.hreiber, Protestan L i\liDistfl€- DE(]K DI]P,I R'I']T]]NT r\ Der€relx, First Liextenaui IiI ld\.ard E Balabdr. I st I )ivlsnD OlTi.e. LCDR Fftncis If C€IaldJ R tl(N, Assistar( Frsr Gff! Ii lb€I,3rd Dilisj,)nOIIrcr I li),d,4lh Dr\1si()n offrcer EllS \\'arer C lirse^oll ,{ssistarr3rd \IR DEP,{RT\1E\'I' l:i\-S CllR GaI! C \\n.son, ,\ir Officer nNS Danie CI)lt Phillip C La.re. AssNtant AtuOfficer LCDIi Ri.htud $ll,hnson, Arrcrafr Handlirs Oiftcer LCDR John P LCDR John P l\eilrli Flisht rr Hatfickl. AssisranlHangar Deck Offi(er llnrn. Bo$ Calal! t Oifr.e. L'l Henrv K Brool(s. luel: Oflicer I Ariorics r C\{13 llichardJ Jr)hnslD, S€cnit,r Direct(tr C\\i(]2]lnhael I R(,ssJ., Shipi Seocttur DoLLglns AssisLant Deck ofncc, I;l' Robert ll Hunrphrcr Flisht D€ck ( )fficer rl' I\cilh L 1:ru, man. llansar Dcck officcr Ll ltobcri R ]il.!. ,{r r eslins Gear Ofiicer I-T Kevif Ii [Ihit€ \i2 Dtrisior officcr LT Greg(]rl L \ark AssistarrFlight Dcck Offrer C\\O3 R,]ser ,'\ Boucl)er, \:l \'3 Bosrr Dnisi.nOfficcr D\S Patrick E Kopanskr, Assislant Lit t)ir1sr)n Officel I|NS lhrmas O'lilar 2nd Divisnrf Ofi.er C[iO4 Rich'trd L. Churdr, Sh pl! tsos\] DE\TAL DEPART}AT CDR -\lben R Crerl. Dental CXJictr I.CDR Edn"rd S An.nein Ordl Suryeon Ll NlichaelA. Gonhy, Assista iDental Olficer LT Denzel D Jines,Assistant DenralOilicer Ll \lichael ll l-e$is. Assistanl Dental 0ffice, C\\'O3 D(rslasl- Winston,\ 2 Bosn I]NGI\EERING DEPARTMENT AIRCRAFT IN'TERMEDT{TF] \I.\IN'I'I\{\{T DEN,CRTNIENT CDR Tlr.rnras\\. Rhodcs. LCIIR l(enncth \IIII) Ofiicer A \lrrks r\ssislrn lIl\11) CDRJames D Stelrns. Itnsincer Officer LCDR Wilham J t^ahnenan Damage LCDR Ntlarlrn officer LI ]lorris\i Scolt. Q alrt! Assurance ( )fficer tr4ood); I'lai hopulsion LCDR CarlE Williams, Damase Control I:t Dudlet g lf 2ri L Bcrthold. Electr icalOffier K€ithJ B]ers, A Dirisior offiarr Janes NI Carr I \l.in Prcpulsiol As-sislarrt R,rberrK Cbcons,E l Dirision Officcr Gerard T Colema..lU Dilisnrn (Xficer EddreJ Grrdrner AuxilHr! AssFtant ]i)br - I D \lark a;.ndrelr, ,{ssisi:nr lla age r I-nsk, XI Dilisnm 0fficer Riger \'lathess E 2 h.ision Officer ,l(l I)aridJ (;ellere,lt llrl1sron Oftu:er ,lt; Barr R \\irte, A Dnisim OffrcL , \lOl RalnDnd I I-idsett, Eleclrical ( )fficer :i\L)3llankj . lliras, R Dnisnnr ltc \\02lialk E l{J,cls, Au\iliart, \tlRI\E ical Iirchrical Ll hectior lxfic€r A B!.gess Issistant Caier Thomas An Trafiic Colh.lOfficeL Ii[ Donald L LT[a]rer(l Diehl, Combat Drreclio| Llrnkla. Phon)Irtellryence Ntl Barnc,r. Cornnmrdilg I -.i Ll Fmfcji Ilalliwell, Erecu ri'e (Xficer IIEDICT\L DEPARTX{ENT alPT CrLillerno A \hsqu€Z. X{edialOfficer T Arthu Ha".leri .q.ssistant Nledicd -CDR Scotr B liatrIe, SrLrgen latrRAlbertJ ShimkusJL: Aneslherisl iT \lark,q. Dobbs, l'l€dical Adnrinistratile Oilicer \ \IG,{TION DEPARTX{ENT aDR St.,ushlor Stcnins III, \arisator I-CllR t'aul(; Isabelle, Assistant Nai{atr! OPDRATIONS DEPARTNIENT CDR W illi:rn A Llwhelle, Operations Oliicer CLIR Christopher C AndeEon Stflk€ Opem. irlrLn Officer CUR Joh n R Po$,cll, A n Operations ofiice. CDRl)hnnr L lbberts, Cornbat Dlrection \ -\dmnrstrrti\e officer LCLIR Rrchard E Conala\ ,{ss$tant Dlrect0n Cenler oilcer Co bai LCDR Barry XI Donrrar 0ceanognpht LCDR ]'nDick C Hogan, ,{ssisla,.rl Air 0per"'lors Officer LCDRNrlichaelA Kaujman. Air Anri Snbrna.inenhfare 0fficer LCDRDa\,id D Nash Elcctronic I'laterial Lr SIJPPLY DEPART\{FJNT Offn er Iil Roberi C Ltunbte. Elecirn c$:ufare CDR Fred A \\'illiams, SDpply OJficer I)ire.tio. Cenier Offn cr lSrrfr.e ll;rfare l Chris A (eswick Assislant AS\\'Modu]e ClacDce Lipscombe,,{S\1r,Cnalysis (lfficer LT Robert J \'lahe| Carrier Air 'rrJtic CortnlCenter Ofiiccr I-T James ,{ Rasbear OS DirGlon Offrcer ljl Jacob P Schncid€r,Cssrstant Elecrronic [hrJare officcr:,O] Diusion Officer Il Bruce Ll Siiberrn:d, (her"Lions Administrati!€ Olfic€r LUGJohr Fl hrst., Air Transpon lxliccr ENS \'latihcN H Burus, Inlellisence Suppon Keller G PeDrod, r:)EC Dilision (Xfice. LNS Claxdc D Smilh AssistanrPhoto Inlelligence Olficer ENS Slele A Sorcuson. vissile officer -q K Jaillite. ]'hotographic txficer C\4O3 (;ene C Sayre, Assistant Eleclronic frtateial Officer C\().1 Jer e Irrtellisence lxficer LCDR Ronald C Ra,!me., AssistaDr Combat llrre.i .n Cenier Of f .er lAnri.Srhmrrinc LCDRJmres XI Dtkes, Assistant Suppl! OfficeL D RE,{CTOR DEPART}IE\T LCDR $ illiam N Locke, Rcactor Officer LCDRJamesB Ca pbell, ChcLnistrr Radil) LCDR PaulL Klum!. Principal Assista.t l-.gisrics IlTJohn F Lehman, Allatnin Srores Officer X{LLnson, Xlareri:l OfficeL n' \{illnn]S LlJoseph C Purcell, Srock Control Rcquircrn€nl,.0f Iicer LI $rilham D Zagrockr. St.ick Cotrtrol Office. LTI(I Gur S Smith. SJles Officer LTJC Mark I SLrllilan, Assismnr Ariation Stons Ofiiccr IjrJG Michaelll \\inlner, Disbursn]s Ulicer DNS BradJord C\1i0,1l.arrr T Iludson,qhrdroom Offic€r A Nfel],s, Food Service Ofiicer \IEAPONS OFFICER CDRJo,r R Campbell,\VeaponsOflicer I-CDR Rarmond B Fone Ordnance Handling 0fficer LT Robe J CeNoi]{a. SpecEl\{'eap.ns Technicrl Officer Ll Jarrles J [Iessel, \V Dilision Offrcer C$O3I'loses Colema.. G 4 Div,sion Officer OIFICERS RI]ASSIG\LI) LCDR Pet€I C Filkins. Reacror N'lcchaDical CDR Charl€s E Jones.III CDR KenDeth R liunsma LCDR X{iclaelJ Owels ReacroL Contr.ls LCDROrirn P KeiJeL LT Charles I Knap! Ll Leo n Schneider LI Uicha€lP [Ia]lers INS llbss H Bnan LIJoelE Beres, Reactd Trainirs LI R Ntlichael Chrlder, I{eactff Training I;l nitrrer I Hidis, RNI Division txficer LI \'lichaelP Ll D:relNI l-aFreniere, RL DrlisionOffic€r Nlorben, REDirisi.,n Officer I-TJoscph$, O,qbornc. Propnisnm Trarning E\S LI C$!2John H Holscher (Xficer Cordon 'fianrins B Ru0red, ,I'P$I0 I-TJG Charles LTJG Stepher Reac'or Paul E Liles ENS ltrchael Sloane C['O3 Tcrr.v Grter C\\'O2 Dalid Hissins C[IO2 Bemabe Posadas E Adafls, n'JC Llold Il Brnlr, LCDR Stephe E Salrrez, ,{ssislanl l"ini|s SAFETY DIIPART,\1Ur"T CDR tiedenck H N'eel, SaJerv officer ll.ri CenrcrOilicci CDR \\illiam Steshko. Iltellisence (Xficer I-CDR IlarsJ Bleekei OperaiDs ENS Nlark B Cibson, Reacm ]'ral rs ENS Scott A Sofncrnakcr, Reactor CWO2 john A Succo, RX Nlecnanical 0fiiccr EX Gco.se lfara, Pblsicianls Assi(ant IjrJG Jeffrer NI Rnr€! Reactor Training ljrjc $rilliam L I'lergen. React.r liaining LllC Siev€nl Fopp€ ReactorTrainins E\S AirF.{ Abolins, Reacbr Trainirs LT She!:ndJ Fagan A:sistanr C.rnbat Ilrrecdon Center Officer Air[hdare) LT John'I Cdee IIl, Assistmi Conbai I-l DE'IACII\{ENT atfic€r a\\01 Jefiier E Blackburn, Conbat Center \\alch Officcr a\PT Tilrothr al-rR ff Reaclor Trairing RC Divisnn Officer E C:rpenler ReactorConlrol lichnical Assistanl ffJGHmyJ Elsto.. Reactor Training LTJG \'lark W DDsle, RcaclorTrainins I-TJG NlaLrice B Heper Reacror ftaining : Chief PettyOfficers ALABAMA NlVCS Rifhard c,rl GEORGIA ,n slacey Fcc RibsL Kcnndh ! (rches osc Gregory Dale CaldveLl ARKANSAS NlMCJrick$aync Iiid cy \1UC $!ss Harmrd 8,yJ. ARIZONA ]\BEC r! trn(th .Ulan Eplrs YSCI L[durico trria Sabdlo tNIC (;tniniano Co,namar Pasadnn. ITMCS lawftn!c Comell !anh D}(CJ n.a Harucr B..kcr Alic Yu$fl)ri Nlirhtane BlJe NlMCSDcid Albc,LItLllr SMC Jl)scph Henrr Arnold S(C B.rdardo M Nla ranl PRCS 1'bul Damel IDAHO NEW YORK ll'ool*.nh AOC Donis !NDIANA OSCS IIichaeL0.nry\IadrDr AllllC Cad luse.e l-eabo HIVC Ro4.r oale llanilton OSC'lh(dra3$av..Amold HYCS \lichaol Stcphn sm b tl'iii AndrN lracDDnard DELAIIARE sKc\1 N1C SMnLal L lh$rorgh '\BEC RrlHL$illitu$hlsh MSCS Cciiriii.D Blanrni S.bol ElCs lhn Espanol \1ado BMCS Danrcl$ Ta] Ior J{'*phTcsJei ttie \c\TU lvi lthaelllillian}hn& 'nin AIC lhtrlCiiiy )lcxtrdy AOC F, nr l.arrme Kucl YNCI Hmnld rord sHCSJarrcs Elliin llL,it ^dhurtli AsCSJoho lleDry HoL\ch.r QNJC Sn,p$ Nijr haellltrrLel ETCs Clff Les l,tris Gillanhir -{ CS loberJa n.r Frsh*alc. !\tC KENTUCKY 4BHCJahG /\lbcn$nl+ IIIICS Jrni.s Hs dd -r:tr lDr L)ouali,cr Fi\ard Cne RIICS D.iris Ed$ad Olrhlerie ITIAC\I Lluncatr NunDcanpbcu ABCS ,\l(,n sLerdrn Borr PNCS Karl Lynden Bnl.y ll.derick Milron HufI LeiLic Hward Auard MINNESOTA Iti\1C Charl.sTherdore lrnan scdnlg sle€n Smoke MISSOTJRI trauElarTh{m^ DPC Chrnes AC)C D.nnb Duan. S4Te MONTANA HTCI\{ DdLe IISCII Carlos lohnson Owons BFC Eugenr Fr..klin UylLle EMC Do(glas GedlFe Lebert ABEC Floyd MaLcom Jaii-"lLs RMCSDon I AC d Raddjo es lesusVilln.ueva Abelon MMC Msardo BueNiajc Abdtin WASHINGTON ltMc\l Gary Dlnald Palz.k M]ICM Do.ald Alan Dahl \\,'EST VIRGINIA AGCS $hyland Dean Slack BTC Edurd Noh$n Hinzman ETC I-an y No@an Degamo PENNSYL\,ANIA sl\.lc Kmneth ch€sFr lttccErh \i MC Roben :{Drma rsalon bud,e HTc Thomas Anthnny Cardinrkl fcc lrrlnnn Jex)mr Banks OSCI Chanes Howard Atuhos tltf C laul 14illiam Arselicchio PHILIPPINE ISI,ANDS WISCONSIN nVC Timorhy Roy Melchert AwCS Robert Leny Coh. MARINE DETiAC}IMENT Il Charis lr lsTSGT Thonrns MSCT Rich L€Nis CPOs REASSIGNED l-.. NLCrll,,tcr Rrndnll NI.NeiL NEVADA NIVCI'hn Martn G'nad! IIMCS Llle VHoff IUUC JuhD Buendrho NiiDs SOUTH DAKOTA TE\NESSEE S(CS lbonrG ArdEry ABFC Anlhon! LevieL! Gnk.lLxe AOCS Jn.k Le{elLen Breedldre Bl\1C SteDher Deml EurL-fhonp8on ADCS lhul lYilliam l4cFanand r\TCS JoscDh I{ichael Eakel LlDf MISSISSPPI PCCS llTC Sto€. Ane. StanleY ,{CC Dartd Gedge MICHIGAN Vtlc iltrd lvils)n AEC Joseph !dward N1ko]aus ITC Nllchael Ray Dunaid Richard Bushr! !'IRGINIA ATCS Paul ,Antlnny TuDpy OKLAHOMA NIASSACHUSETTS DSCS Caos DSCJoho !unene Hovetr }1{RYI,AND III CS llichael lhul Jae.ks AICV t\'ine Iiisei l-l.yd A h.rs OHIO \rlncillrs P\C Patrick lvillidn Da$hy ABCS I artin Ri.hard llley R"INCV B'!NN $ fcs t&rnis Desayne Powlrdsr Robe'a Ruiz Ca.LwrEhr NORTH DAKOTA LOUISIANA FLORIDA Fano AFCNI EdRard Ean ]\BHCER -Iroy VERMONT N"ORIH CAROLIM A\ISC Ja*ph Do. F€nand.z 4hCS E.i(" Jd6 !i{C !$'c ABFC LUN \4a.uel ljlores lxpage ABIIC Cary Robed IOWA CONNECTICUT ABCNT StcDhc. ls{Therior ICC B.mb€ Abal6 fbedas Th.njs Applcgrre NEWMEXICO ILLINOIS aBEC Chan6 Jonath2n Trihmhs BIIC Edsin llagnon TomDkins AQC Michael ToD Robbin6 .{TC $alGr KANSAS llllp[ laiiJ ABC\I Robd All€n Williams GUAM Nl AZCS NEWJERSEY ASCS Lramel l-ynn COLORADO RN1C Ctrr( s TEXAS DICS l,lillia'n Nnrbcn sho ENC RaEr Llnn CALIF'ORNIA \EW HAMPSHIRE Cal ri vMcJmsJceph lqrntr RMC ta{.rence Cone [ 2nn' Enlisted CrewMembers ARIZONA ALABAtrlA B.rji ri'r lJ{,ghr ,\hbo( OSSN \1IIlR H.^hell ttosrr B.rd -{aH.{f nrr\ LeeB0d fo' d l. ertri I \.illBr." vl\1Fi\ A][J(,dn CDmeau !ISSI Nli.ahwllrm Br$Der ! Jetfto! La-;rcn.c !.1!l.hcr AOAR A$ Tirnthy l-xnrrrCosiDet SAKrlDr B (,rftC mn,r !sS TNJSA EdNard cr hsl0 JolnrDr ft[ ar CdlnrigL,\ Cr\lJrd lI\13 Cxr! \\lyn? D2uFhdrill lr\12 l.A Ste\en Chrilcr Ed$ads PC2 AD(ho y CaDrbles lin' \ISSI C.dr I Denietnus Ca,d AAJJm.- I.$G Cnhani Jr rrorslrs Lrux.! lornDg: INSN Cudis I.{I.usDr Andft{I'hnson ABEAA I-LN.ll! r Lrjnu,n ll)1rs DI'SA llDr L{rr1,... J. res FC2 hun "Thken as a uhole. there are no better citizens of this country than the fficers and enlisted men of our natry." ACAN teden.l Lans(.r ,CRKANST\S It \l Ca'\ $h] e.\ugunu. 0SS\ [ CJlr,\;.h.r B)oltr 11rN DtrLLld Drmdnrk ]ltr1ler AD2Ja A\ kcnF Dxrid \lnrarr lA Dft\l Dc$rrn. i\ish es AIh SIISN Krirb DS3J, .\ Chnlo n Cl rltrrn Dran. hord llardlsr l,IlI tl ll! LreJ.Huni I NSI Shrn d ]lxunle Pc, O,qSA R clr lT2 n.bb! l0rl.'rtur ! rz Ralph luLoer E\t2RatN i Adhnr Paq CALIFOR\IA rC1-{[].s']br ABHiN nani.l $\lLn.J^ noi l{errrldsJ) ellSxnn,d ASlj2 Jol'o ELli!tr s.hmederJr H\llW,lhr lhrfila::{nt D\I3PltrlhpJ, c\Sh€rherd SN VaLlonlicu sh. r.d RV2 E{ir f\\l}oe S3ritb X1SSRLFki C.,trellS rlh ltll2 J, IISSI I.,.or)d Chxner trlrbrr lltl3 N1d,1{,llId }.C rnrell lEl ar,\ Dale \l.D{rgnl (e.iorhJ n6 L.e ]\BE! \lark A th.r! I-is. lCr\ UilLc,, er FC2 nes slse XlIll lJrmrrd I'adrk Srg. 1gF2 $rllDn ld,nrd Siune MSS,\ J.se tr LeeWhinp ( BT-l l\i\ n. trrh0nr CunnE0f ,\O3 li,nr Roilld lld'rords l[,rA L;reron ll3roe Hatrve! llllr Vi.rae LernJ.d Ha,ki'F SIISA B,LltJd.H,(.he.Jr lqr leL rJ- llseph H'cdonJ. FNli -lhDDs Kctrh i\ll n Thonris ]\BHIR nDRrrb D.l.r!Willhdtr AI-ASKA ABEI $illiadJ,xrrr\Gdnis nBFll \1alr.r $:'! trE ll[Lh!,n .lO.\.1 Ri.ha,n Dind Johnn l. AIILAR \lrlud Jlih.1\'ilsLn l.\iid.iL A,ters, ,\BFr\l I-\s3n;sQ, e tr!llnlm BIl2 SrmDcl \ndRi BilLn \R Nli\'hrelAmhDr! l.ler-( ,r IiSSR C'.!.r!\ir re lli!s ]\BE! Drlf \Illl Rav Rh.tEus€oe ]\BHil Tn\is ld BD ,rrl. 8 R€ed \ CrliNxr Lr,ugL\ R:r CanNr l Ilarle! SLelbln Clrrkc Tl ]\oi\ Chr{orherColcrirn ALIIAN l,r.! \r3rrl.r Cdppdi 29 AKAN N 'Intelligent foresi.ght in lreparation and knouw capacity to strmd well in battle are the surest safeguards agairct unx" anln \foftsom.,\ Smith TNISA lat..k laid Starkey ENfl Thonns \!nt$n S{,lL ABEAA Mi.hatl J Tho,nton ENl3 Kenreth NDrmanTrssell I aDsLit\ralc.ru,Jr ABHAN AlJftdoVdllcjdJr ET3 lanuel ABIAR lE.k L \Ixl,nore Ir $ TS]\ lvilli3m Jrmes]\hren Jr HT2 Michxel tlrrllrean,e ord ABHAA R{Js.r DaL \lilch Jr AZI Charles Le{Flve{moreland Ir COLORADO \ | Chfl$opher Allen Barber ET3 Craig\!lllixD, Buckley F Tinolht I-orcLllJuLanc IVJSS IIAI Clifiod Earl HuDrphrey ETz DaId Cbfirt,,Fher A Phi iD Assad Kassees ET3John Bany Rrha dson 0SSA &merh Oa{d Slhrl HNIt loseDh Nicrlas Dccnsiofar ABEAA Sterhen I :rks llukelll DISTRICT OF COLII IBIA Ker ACAN larnes lesiDald Llnden,an SH3 lohn Pat.irk llclnrland ABHARChnrlesTl\ e,cl< MM2'lioy Alar ltrchrdson AB!3 lohn Vlctor Robimon SA Stelher Antho.r Bess DPSN JohnThonxs ]llet.her Al,lH2 Chan.r r\.dre Kelly AIIAR Steven Chn.les Dum ll {;NIG2 FI,ORIDA Tinthy Lee hank ABH1 Davrd Brett furlons ArdesDf honL Joseph A.dre !T2 Lamonr Arthorr ArtE FC2 Dousbs Dcan -l AR Sdan RommeL Robnso. II-VSN llxMall l-yrn lto{land AtsI3 ABEAR Rober lusene{itenFntrgh rsl Dan.r lron.Barerr YNI tjavid tthan cotdsdn AtIAR Nrtdrll Thomas (1,,ft N1I2 Sreler luds an.rdtt 0Sl Srcphen Lanierc Dtor \{NIFN Darid Richard Balnan. ET2 CONNECTICUT DNR SN lurchael\!n]neH,mes VNIl Vict0. Leo.nrd anrter ETl Ch.isnrrbcr \Uc ET2 Te,ren.e Durell lviLliams lT3 S.ort Ale:ander Bxllard bard D*ar'f. Benjarnin QeL BcnBm NINfI Ri.hard Grcsor! Berts !Nl3 Ke.neth Drigene BLidqes Ir LJSI Rrha.d HNI3 Arthu, Nlauncc ChaRte ]\SM2 ItN2 ArdieNJdres Delucix A'AA Keid loseDh Ir [rubish Q|SA lohn !'nz{erxld Ho(qe lvlichacL Sturscl Ho l..tcck ^l Rd.nld \avne Holdbe& llc3 Wrd B.r.rly Biaf lmest R1l2 \tark tdrvinlohn$n SN Nomn. Be, nnrd lones Bla.kmorc l02Jan.s Eus.nc BErrLe! lr liC Jdh ChnsLolher Hanslne.ht \lM1 C eraLd NiLlian, H. rnnch llarrv tserndd Bntbn SY\2 1nn.E l-end Annvn RobeLt Thomas !ni.e OSSN Charl.s Eus.ne Bussslr Al l1 Lawrence Jeron e l]trfte AA Thomas CEis ButrelnaD EII1 RrMrd Thomar Ca onrcni PHI los.Ph Henrr KinssLct Sli3 DuaneJames Ysecht lNI2 lA lmo(hf Mxrk liDnemore MSI Thomai Chanes Ku.h lM2 Kevr Arthur LapxEe ICi Doral.l Andrc{ Lcnpitsly ICSN VicMel EvereLL Madder MirI2 -{nd,ony MS2 lErk Le*6 Nlen one lorcos P:s.uzzo lll AlllAA Pakrk DP2 SN Rahmnn Abduralr. A,\3 Roben M*el Barlo$ ASNIAA Bobby WilsoD Codrr.y Jr \li. cd er J01 Sreler Jerone OSSA rael Clarke YNSI\ YulCorjuxn CLve A DELAWARE Rob.i R NIjU3 Iames Fraser Lalritr CT(13 John Edrard l-:nberl EV2 lneddncli l] tu en l-a{ rence l-a*or R,bcrtvaFhall I-enihar Ir MM2 M,rbael RJI llillran JULien lose )h Leksque l-ill! f1 lliyne -{lten coGcadde. DK2JxLnes MlchaerCded tNI2 Nficha.l Darid cushma. MNI3 TinDthv Mattlrdw Lrrc SR DaridWillian Darlcr ENt2 Scot Daniel Mahoney lA Kevn Andre Nlannins \'IMl Bemard llastrcnlr AMSl Denn,! l,ncent L{Mll0 A4 Dc{a:/ne Kenh Lo}crt NlIr GrqDry Sher-ood lla nins \ ENF\ R.hd Ivlilton li.Koy Jr DPS-{ N,t ftlfuc MeDoEId \luir BM3 Wilfnd Ed*ard *V \t \onr*n [llyne -{lbn R)$.ll Harold Prichrd IVSSA EM2 Rl3 William lark Qrattlebao r El\12 Alan Bbn RcsmoDdo Jl AR Honcc Edwdrd R(hd dson M il 7\\l $:t lc{ MI -l had Randall Roberls ABFAA BruceEdwrdSniith l{NIFN Gns.ry Bemard Smirh AN Thom6 Jeffrey SDnh ISS\ ETl Bria. Wayn. Ilccuirc $ Micharl AIan Mrrc.islc lC2 Dallas knce ltlelishenk, DV3 Nichold J6eph lGtuel, nl ",mlin ASI Codirey Ddrad l':c.c. 5R Anrhony \blrfup Alesndcr hi.glon $lshinsron Ir YNSN:rarlD 'el ]1I Dauid lvlichael &mr 3 Ma( Elid Nuthunvi. lll j.Bl\R Rqer Dolslas Nryl,ir A\ Roben ichaclOncal ET2 Benjm Donald Pabrdj. .IBH-{-A R(er Michael Pdrl,u PH2 RandolDh Sre!ljDg Mie SK3 Ibymond Nlichael PinsLj YSI Angcliro Chaneco Iiannrez lcKinleywkgiN J! 0S2 Llord DT2 CLarcnce AOIA Ray An[Dnr w li,hs 8TJ K€nneth &aene wilsd GUAM ABI{A Dmdy Gu guCdma(|lll, }IAWAII JeficrJ_ Allanwhnaker lva rk Ne lson lvlcknam !N ATt JiDsWDodtuN Mams Thomas Olho,{ims{rLb ClaudrD AA Cedld Tyn'ne BoEns A-\.' Da enlomlLus Bnn.cn ! ltll \tor ltob€n .lllen Ron,ld Thomas LnI€tuft LaDone Y\SN \iiien Kenl Ll)J-d ARThomasllichaelLoos BM2 DaLon s.otr MafthcNs tJaid Allen Olee\,lii HTtl{ ^GAA Consbnri.c NikolaG tbnagbpouLa Grecbrr Kylc Prrt(r Nillia knnNe llkuoD FIr2 Danjel Crais Burdetl \j M2 Chan6 Leo Cmk' Jr ABEI LaNreme Chades Dupo r lA ! Grcso, ALan Lrr-} A A John Daid Pa ell ]lnthony \anlue AndF* $ hytE I lc3 A!lAR lUV2 Drvrd henneth An Af)l Richard I-\n. Arnctt ach I'NSR Kevin I-cc Barrh. cfry ABHAA AA (;rgl G)zhnlirinln ll'll AXI Dennis U ltlndcll Andreq rsishLon f2 lobcrt V'.-h:cl P. lenkendorJ AK2 Tommie Resinald Boho AO3 Bnan Chrles Bdvanskr Robe( nM3James Charks lh.J-er 5/1 AA Ronald ltugeneSmith AR ]anes sfltr Suinhers E\FN SleEnlohnTryltr ABFAA Fsr Antl)nn) D., ck Fields y Fr"nken SHSA Kenre Drvn,'ne Gosha MM3 Bnun Gen.d Hados AN Darvl \Yarne HcndeEon ABIAA Rnald Jan6 Edrard S.hseis: r SKSA Malcoin \'enun Elam WT2 Rol0n D3vld F.!: RM2 SteYe Euicoc Rehel G(ulach ILLINOIS MNl3Can Lorcnh Daughtr! YNSN LeF_vArfr$ong S'nN John Sder! Jr ultll R]ISN" Patncl B a.'\ \\illian Knisler Hvlhomas l6eph Kulee EM3HoMrd liill :{ornd EV3 Peter KociunnsJr ^nthonyRdlnd AI\ l){3 IDAHO HTF,q DdNin \{?lrer S.arlolI StanL.. Bvl-l-nnolhr Reuben Kenn€(h \iossnrat Y\13 Bdce Evans Sar$nr Joseph DPSRMarkDa ielKilboun Smoge Brflnldez N Charles lJamel tsnsbin ABH1 Han,ld Ch{lmcF SamnrsJr M\I2 Chnstopher INSNlUaFhallA rhony,in.s E'11ChflsAnto MuelLor Rll2 Richanl I-aEe C6'e3 Eltil IO HT3 Gary Lo{ell HughaJr MNl2 Dennis l{ar j y Jaskov xL AA F(denck Domins! Albios GEORGIA ABHAi ii.h ABE2 Amo! Davidlbremanlll SH2 Tho,nas !ehlrd Gannon IcF\chan€slCa isonJr ET2 Mkhftl David C.lhaar P\3 Btu& AndF$ Vl\11 l)avid Allenl1nodbury l?ltor AOAN LowisChude Burns AIHI Rlj/tr&id l-cc Bufon 51 ,{ubrtr Davn. S.dL DT2 Gresory ltark Slrton HI{3 Xat n,o d Robe( ShGlds E\I2 lohnThoD$ Si(dlc.ki \lau.iceWiLliadF CNjCI ChnsoDher L SNISN William A!(hu! l Y\S4 Chnroohcr ll illiam llrgghs Bn2 Cbftn e Edwurd Holland Dar id Ta) lor FN Rolando \t.s E nqDe, AA Jesus shm.oLs Qu'ntanjlla AR MrhaellGeph ledEilR IM2 P\ Thom6\ddez -{R Dann A(AA SA Gregory Anthory l\lounts FR RobertWinslN NaDier lr !. DTi ltichard |tlnrr Imoth) PlulE liort EItl3 Uihacl Brian Healy [tV3 Shasn ll€nry Heldebnndt DS2 hul Ru*rl Hende6on SA RodDey DemetiusThodaB AA li,mnry Lenard Thon$s AIJIAR Jnmes Lewis $iiqx RNI3 Cha $ Frederick Mnthewsjr I52 Roben Brihy l\{cclelland R[]l] rirne* Ca]eChnstcnvn lr lC3 R{ha.d s.dr Claypdi AA Cbarl.s Ran.rall Co!n$ngbr En13 rs . f-atris CnNhv .\O3 DanielBt ley Drunder Daid ET2 \- QMSN Dern Anrhony Cakonni HTFl{John Id! lann\ R ]i)tFinR $ T3 ThDNs Oi!tr l1hn1er.l' i\ricR Nl? hdr w w)sh.vski PN.,c Tmn,thr 0son l1it$n AtsIjARBr.k Ste!ef $?erh ]\I J4bn 5ro \!i.iirrling € Bmvard Btrckler- J. l-iDham 3l DPSA I)err(r tA Clrrd. IOIIA DI2 Nlarl Eme$ Bolmn. 1\I,ll,nms (l,eE, !.,\llanl!llsor IIirk IISSR t\lSN IlNt2 JlrnatMn ,\Lbcr Dolan EErerr llbDd SLepher AZAASeanM Drnrkrvarer Bnnhn,nlli' n,i.k INDTA\A PNSN (llloll Rer Thonas Arde6u I(2 hentC.r{ioo Banxrd lr.nhy Lee GuLlett Sli3'1lrna5 (;eDld H,cL ET2 scorr Wiltiam lloMrd ABE2 Stert. DaL. (eizer ABE3 jinan Domld L.rris SHSA Chnrles ]tdbe f)n.h \l\11 RuLcn I_.,!,. B3rn.s Jr H'llN thldsardB.nh.irl OSS\ D.nnis \lichael M.Call \l\12 Chnsl€ald ClrLlx)ln' AQr tunatd Anrhnn.l\ ir.r AKAIT AnLhon) Bcmrd P.ug{ AA \.thorY .\lla. CrinrM\ rsE2 Kirk \trhael crplcn Ah3 Ntn.k Amhn\. Pn.r llUl DemE\!n) Al)ANJohnClren.eD a SHS\ IJichael DDnrell DarE ICf .\K2 P.t.i $IeDdxll liartrus v F.rn. II i\ Tlnuh\ ltleftrtel Leld: \ Arthory Rysdnm Srla.i Joseph sKSA tnnn[iin I(A\SAS IlNIzIIurful \iuffhn Fraic r ( FTI Hor.rCJjsprr(;,bbs lAE{\ Cjn. F_n7.r C DnTik l.tr! Dextr oorcnr.E 1)t\r \lr:rnr l'Ilt I1trrur L]xle BYI lixneLl (;l.n \lcClr FN J,,s.oh \1ir tre ,\llHI,\lrF.! I-r( Snirh I'll1 liLrn \ln,rer S]xrlrr Rrhrn a.,don$tb.i.r \1!rrh!tr:e SA ^N H. {oA q $3vn. t_{y A { luscplL NrLli,l I s N,,!.tus1,, ;, h.dr\trncelier L\l3llrrLtn Lr Paim. il Frid.'rc|lJ.dt t!-\ rR B tN nrod.r orle PnLhJrd \ NS\ \li.hael Allii RlDdflpl) A03 ALtcn Hl rftan Rif l hreou. I-ruis Ribiin,, l l, )e! tlnan Sxtre l hl1 !d\rnd I_rr s.b(iri.r As[ 2 I l]NrLN Allen Sxl\ S.A ,\Tll E l2 'S R \brlI-r,iv$..t lI l, 0\\ rsll Xir.lrxd B rllLdrs [\l:] K.thAlLx.$ilhnrs S\ \!. r A, drrr \!rL!!i \lud, rk KDN'IUCKY B\ll tril< Rrlrard -\.dern, \lH.rAlin.:OsraldArd.. I \Nlr'\ 5ldier nor ell Balle.. \1\l:i ll,nrLd $n\n. Brsgs t)f sR lttrlL.d \exl Brn1. t.\ Ritr3ld Sr. h! Bu ii,n ltl\13 Kcf rdh Robet Crler FCi \lchael l.x.e! ChikLesr Phir,rr Lrean s\!!et.trLd L$2|lfi<d CordoinEios Nls3 Tra"ihr c.ni$i,qnriD )r\,\ l. iI'. y Drr.inu. C.tr( SIISN NILtrel J'lrph Ljirr ll Si KjnLd RllFh ELhti . AU!Alt \{rl|nft scotr sktdnore lTil Itrlrxrd lh.nLrs SDth R.tra d ThoDrx: Spx.Ls {oAR Jlrho Ilrt. sf arLdtn{ ^Cl !lll2 l'hrlrp Cxn llddStelh.n, t).nr.trft l\jarker llNlfA ^BFr lani.: Darrr$,ll: (]SSf lrnd Etr*n. \i,Lns LOLISIA\{ S\ LJirrllK,.s,\nderrr D.usla. \22 R.rxld Llnn B.id. na l l'N3G,.!e, N. C2,i.. \1IJ2 rrrus3\ A 3r Haill.r Hrnds \!\13 Lrmr ! 1.! nh RiF l-. )r. Slrierialer Lt 2 D.rrdJLd.ti[.nuo sr I Mlr lie:lr.,r llx ld $itlidlr Ilxtrl,e! Vr(l,xdy{i,odrn,d \ NSlt N{-AI\E VIIF\ Vi,,..n ivichx el Alrxl d0 sKl tnnrarl Lllr\d B 3.ksrofe R\12 KeridBrrrCuvrr !lNI3K.rmStdFb.nCronran \I l.DtrStepben Drlr<n! \(;L It!dnrv E t.,rCLtdcen \EFA A lrallurTereme GmdLng oi3 ChllA Chn".Dpher C6,e {\12 SG\, r Oili H.{rrlr r \A ll.fr AslpXnndrJn \v2 R!b.n Dean l-e{is Jr Beis \ tcker ltl I'llAAIIenr] Halr\Rarm.nd HTFi Bar rv l.r nald Robetu0n SKsN Jirln, son CralrJ. l-eon d Sn.fanikl, HTF I'arICynlle]:Lrsfx! MARYLAND sI ADdr4J,rerh FiL"chi oss1\ \rrh.ir Lcr rv Fl n7.Ll. us5A \rrro l|nciCaft rrlr \BE \ \ Ir rien ALM\ '\r )AA DliS .lltE,\l\ lnn.s,\txr \11.k Steplr.r RiLtrlrL \ \ rr ild \lorns tachardr{lr Nl\1r Jrfin IaFN D,,trsra.$arn.Enh\ rBFl Il h,. R, fur cr.T sifaldla.Lr n elin$oph.r\ireni l.De: \ I)!naldJ!,rDb IINIF\ Riiturd Srne{erlarre( rR Jin!! Ed\xrd Bliz:ardll [\tr{ kdtrrth F,tclJa d B rn \t zCti!.n.( H.in Brnr \lIIF'\ R.br 1 1llar Canrl I_rbair.Jr Itlz Il.uslx, K.irh llxrnrld !t'S\ Ltl!.r \l.Clxralid '\ llz Irl.|rhr llVl Da,r.l ,\nrbrfvCrr..h NLch.las RiLcrt S'er-es I Il]Ir L",lk ITI \ \ \ilr.r ILrrr I B\13 R. ral{l Rtrert\erieL R.rr LrLrn \nrhon! tud(?ll 5KL BJadl.! Al.n ltrr!llcL Re.d NII K xAr l\r.\!,ad l i\ aMn.. Carl Il\l2Jfhrr S..trOlfin 0ssN Prul D.ugrartitr.ta \ll\ lR Adth{Lr $nr nr Hlshe. \!Nn \.\ Ilnbiella,nesJ.rLnD lr IlIl2 L;relorl A\ TaF{Jxd,e!a hL.lnrdan 7 Ldrrd Dl,ghtHomba.h AA )S,r{ lreph\!x!rc Ca'nLclrael \BEr\ n 1l.sne l.trr- Il'trraur IrPSN lDnaLhar Alerxrdc-Chn|nlin PH \I S.ar DDrord Clxt.her 'We are face to face with our destr4t and we must meet it with a high and resolute courage. For us is lhe life of arlitn. of sh en uous perfutnance of duty; let us lhte in the harness, striuing mightily; let us rather run the risk of wearmg out rather than nrsting out." MSSA John Edward $Iheelden DKSN aa.rv Allen Whitelrill MSSA Na Lhan G eotge Rivaid ABH3 Mrhael Paul Rooks MICHIGAN ABEAA David Jon A.deFon ADAN Willian Angus Ande6on lC2 lelfrdy Chades MNl2Janes Noman Rea\ Berynan MM2 B.adley Michael Snith BM2 Timothy l-ce Sorcnen A02 Wnlhn Douglas Sptr.Lcklr AN Antbony James Stasak ,{GAR l-a}rcnce IFI Bogrel. !NI2 Chnstopher Alan Brewer MMIIT Walter Junior Bnyles ABHAA lA EdNar d lli ianr Tay tor Roben Gregory taylo. OS3 ]amcs Stdvdn Btuske Jr ,^A wllram Niichael Bundy ASl Carey Hoerd Bufion AR Nlatrhelv La.cc Caslc MM2 Kenncth Lee CalopEr M\42 JeEld Stanfred Canze SA 'tbdd William Ca bom DKSN Chanes Lon.iecanoll Jr MMI Tim.Lhy NealCaser EM1 Rrhard LeoChampine EI13 NIASSACHUSETTS H\ Iames Malcolm Conner .\02 \lorison ldrvard DaYh ET2 Denn,s Allan Llerl)nge 18H2 Stdphen Rrhlrd lnnds ET2 Clcnn Hamld Comel6se ASE2 ]i.ry DuaneComelL SHSNBD.ellhyncBo kiN IC3 Mrchael Padck lC3 Robe( Anth.nr Cla.k AAlohn Bowc6 E .les.r 0SS\ RterMatrhe$ Edluod M2l)eLbcrlhil ipDenboi YI1 krLert lt rllhm DennettJr C\ICSACIaTk Leoy Cable 0SSAWlLliam Da!idHoushton SkSA lacr 'ledeme JefieEon SR cnlvm Jelmd J,,hn!)n ABF2 Verne Dukerte OSSA RalFh'I!ry Durdc. Jr QM2 Jefirey Scoft El\ lr lcz Lnothy rlSSR Regiriald James lones DPI Thomas Edtrzrd Iones AA Joseph NlichaeMaft he{s tJ 51 Rob ed Kenn eth NICD onald I I S MM1 \! l N Ed{rrd }bt &vin Miclael .k llN AI(2 Al Andrew Sodano lef I Ilontcomery Sollrm AA Wakerwjlliam \!elLi's DK2 Hdlad Jrmes S lr $hbr.ugh Ill tanley Ed{ard Ma. Donald Patrkja u.Pharl res llornssey ABF2 Iefi re! Alan Nickebon IO2 Wi tinnJl)scrh oncil EI 4N Nlichael ldlard Smith N1SSA Roser Leland Smithlr -lhornxs MSSRUa!idLeeGrcsort BM2 Nomran ErrlG.gsby DNl2Scotwalne{lrousd Nlark Cusler Scotr Anthonr Presle) AM3 Anto.D Willie Rubel ,{O2 Daniel Robet Rusi.oicb SN ldrva.d Maftin Samps.n $lNll Ftndn 0SSll Ednald rnrcis lannins tuxrt Randall Oates illih Nll 3J,,hn lan llrn Ir SA BlronRam.nllayden ABH3 Cregory $otL Hic, ACAN Jnmcs$ Rile! Jr FCSN ]lnsten Andenon Itrbery I'IMFN Paul Thonas Anderso. MM2 Ptnllrp ltodney aaryE MSSA lelirey Michael Butrs ElmerEichelbeq FN Michael Cenrd Cdebel ENIIN tucha.d 'lirdd Haney ABHARlason Derek Han HM3 Mrhael John Jahnke ABHAA Tasue Andrer Johnson NlMl Thomas Clatrdd Hndebnndt SKSN Kevi. John Kentins HTfA ChisloDhc, Frdenc Htrshes PR2 NlRl Thonas Letu) lvey SN Ridrey Darryl Iackson BM3LonnielohnLemieur AlEl Duane Palner Lundin t\I2 HTm loseph Paul Macnuson Phil ip EdNard Knruss DTr Thomas Jefity KEieher l{ilian AnLhony Kushinski QI4SN Mrhael Sean Nldns IC2$'iLlianGenn Plummer SA ]oscph Pnrlier LrlnoE MlVl2 Ki.li Charles MacDonald jjM2 Chnstoph.r Ralph Mn.un Fli George Reon McDonald NISSA ComlL McDo\cll AKI Stcrxn ABE3Iamcs HaroldQuiDn MINNESOTA ItT2 lee Ar(hony Ha.$n ri Pnd!:nskN NIUI Kenneth Ed{ad FrkopJr ABHAA StNn Darid Zanin PC3 Marc IJKSN Brctt Mi.hael lohNon DA I'latLhery Thonas J0rc. (lS2 Robert Jenime Kaull l, A'IAN Lotrt Thonas Kicklrter AI Tertunce Pa ul lasonde Jr RMI nichard Robef lincolrl AA Scott Andrc{ Lonrbado IC3 BrIant Atexandcr Ilacl onatd A(;1 Edtrardlanres MacDonald CTO1 L2r y ErlLeatheman DKSN lhul Wnlnn Wheeler \'1M3 Brim Scott cxllinger feldnan !NI2 lredc.ick WilLian Halston A03CarL\hndenbelrKelk 1BHAA DEk Dori.y Knisht MM3 3 PhiliF Ma.k ll.bicn AtsE3 Fmncis fEden.L lagan ll QM2 Stelen l-arience Fiusibbons ldMrd Elvt2 David chartcs van c k NINI2 \Gmon Laurence Vinson AG2 Richard Amold lvacner licl Charles FEdn kwalla.e MMr Richard Daleweircch Cole AA MichaellceDlr Bald{m I DPSA Edr)rd Allen leinste'n Ed\jrdCeoqe ASE3 Tnnothy WillEm Tncy E\'I3 Thomas Mafiin TDuten Htrgh Metcalfe ,\T2 T,moLhy Dale Middleton SAAdfla.RaynardNlilh lNlz Crais Steven R Mhettr tl\ lerr A.dre\y Shm0ns EM2 Iohn Anto.y Softcbelr MSSR Jmes Lous lvallier ABHAn Bryan Edvard {hrien ABFAR Dann James {'atts AX2 Richard Lluane Moon MMl Mark Edward NI.,Fen AN]obnJ0seFhOconrell l]l MA2 Cha.les J.sephVhdulh Jr lC2 Emest falter osensby Jr ET2 Matherv Ross larott ENf2 Nfichrl R0ben Pyne 33 AAJefncyJemheWickct "Aegressirv f@hting fo/ the right is the wblest sPmt the world affords." DKSA Richard Nll.hael Ndso. SHSII lGvin Lav.lONers MSI lvtichael Drvid Ybarn MISSISSPPI SHSA1lmsl6e!h B,il.y ABF2 t@hold rinn Proitir CTo2 CDy Vadiqn Ranc Dtr2 John Robcrt Rhddes MS2 L3uEdo vunpar Sagadtua SR GlenAnthofy Bosarse v[r2 winian cabk Dz FN DouslGJNDh Dusault ALIFAA Ri.hlrd Harold Heathcock lr AA Duenrior Mattbes Snitkcr PNSN PalB-k ltrrence Sazlrsld GI'CSA ldm:ld FnncisWhite -\B!AA iobe'1 Cad \lnlff Jr MONT{.NA ABfleR Carvin JdmeJdes SHSA Darryr S TvMeJo6 Andre chnsropher McKie EM2 Lom V6hael lvlolEa El,{z Kenneth rd""rd N1ofte^hcad A()nR Stanley Dehra!Mumy RMSN Ellis D.nncLl Page SA lundre terSpeeu FA Ltmor [ta}! Bilethauxjr F-T3 Cordon R:'l Blanchard \.IM2 Russ.l A lPn HtuLd! BMr Donald Keith PlesJr AoA]\ JNDh ThrNDn ETI Phillip R walling l,ft NEBRASKA HTFN lta dyJanrcs Bec\Nar DPsA Jaires Demern$ CuDnnrgha.l YNSA Dorid Willian lllldinan -\N John Parnck LlnAhorr M]I2 l\lichael DeJ. \IaFhill AGAA Geoise Anrhony ftyncl' NEVADA DPSIi John Prl.icl{ Rrinbridsr RuSk Rd1n.! -rJlen KniFht SHsA Anthon\ l6euhunber Ev3lcnnerhScott liylu Alt Vinccnt Kdlly Mlliarns IIJ H'I2 Anrhony Land$i{trcf MISSOTJRI NEWHAMPSHIRE .U<-{A Darid Iohn Cordindlev MS:l Cerard \lllLr Cour n.rrr ll'13 Jan€ HaEison ish&\ FC2 Lan! Iaeph BE'nlel MMI Daniel Wesley Bnrks wency Bursett ADAA James Richrrd Claussetr SA Mi.hlel (eiln Cd,ptr BEAR rsvin iqathe$ Dale) ,^ A lloberL N1M3 Llrvid Rnsrl F(nm !lM3 Sle\tn $:trc Han$ell RIISN Nl.trhe* PrLnck Cavileer L\13 Vich,cl DeEis Chrk€ PCSN Bmn J!n6 ColliN ACA\ AnthonJ, P CrnsFio Jr EI I Dale Noinan Cos:abootr BMSN Niealdo R rt'lSA John John Thnas Omaa liT2 AndreN Anthony PrLlnia 8rlaa.i. DeL)iIo BM2 Y\'IFA Lrtcsde(a EMI Honero Janei Du.. J. \nMn rUan Rdnet ,\OAA Jo*ph -{ndrcw Richnrclli Jr [A Pohe, r ]e{ell lioglish J, Ml'll L}rvid BDce PU ET3 Steve ASMIA TmcySc0ttGlbbs OS2 Rob€n Danicr CildoF SA StNn -{ndE* Godr DAIoD Nlrhlelildoy llt4r Jos.D NEW JERSEY MMI Rddy Sr.Dhan Ljre A02 ljriM lvi.hael Ahenr lC3 Richurd l,,hn Ande6o ASIUAA liddJAndeEof ItM2 ranneth lnhar \fa6hau SA a nrhona Shlev rc3 Dile Edrvard Moffemerer B TSN ltobert Cha,Les Borczek Hannd Fuchrer FEnci*, Conalez Fr\ James ACI 1 Nichobs J.*Dh Glnvrn:h IUSSR DPS1 M,ft heB Phillin Gould EM2 Jefircy PaulJoh sd AOAA Nrauiice arJ,incs MIII Patnck Joseph Knnenc !a At ABlll lidwurd Cud,ndJr Yr.r h Richa Hartleylr LT3JohnJGeI'l tlinhrerrr B'mdL HMr Alex$d$ hLerJakinrjuk OSSN ALlcnWayne Mill(. FiM3James Huhfr Lee Mrlle. Ds3 $lrliam JNf HT2 larft US2 trhyn€ Ln{ard Carey s uhiien$'aldo ld,binson A!H3 Louis lvnhad liil3 Ddward Nnrron She. AlE2 Donald Onoal Smithe6 AR GrgDry rcl Divid'liirdo llatun rc(is Updeerzfi AO2 tJaniel FDy s\ R0sn llhndcr Kcnnanl -{h(hny $ircn ph Jensen WilllF jn Laster F:M2 ltorvland orto lvilheld l. NEWMEXICO A([ A Vichael Fink lle\andcr [1]{2 Antonio Fradchco eallesix 34 ATAA Mi.hael Richird Cllben Edryard G.o,se G(e. NISSA Clrnstopher Scou Grcene M\I2 ABH1 Mno Obnen Harns NfSSA Dani.l Sul ivan Harvey M$12 Srdre] Des.ord Harlrek \4SSA PehY Brn!i,. Hiichna. SA xlrhael Sc.rt H0le{k) x1S,qA Alan Dale HoNardlr AN tubert lrmes Ho\va.d SARonald Andre{ Hvsi.k l]X12 Car! Allar Johnsor Jr lNfF\ I icha.lSco KaFki Ic: Rl.ha,dld{inKipDins VNi2 Tbomxs l-n*ftn.e Krv L IISSR Slxtrhe,y Jolrn Kurch lTl LranFl Nirhael Likr Eal LawrenceFFrcn Jr Leo E\'Iil Dnnd Pa.rrL Lithcl){ NlSS\ JeJf rey Bryxd Lod.lo Alt2 EdrrrdJa res l-dDd ET2 kvin FFrcn vacDermo( ETil I ichaelI-.c l\ acEntcc AIiAR Resn)ld Mrnsield A02 David Eusene NIartiD oSSN tu,oldJames NIni,. Jr A\ ldres S.du ET1 ]toLert ETI Carl (eDnerh lhnyn 1\ rnth.rf ll lames MacltoLert \v'llhm kxrl I'lrfefee lj 2James Pitrl Blkoi-ki SNISR lln.ent lamss Cnla AZ2 Gary ]\l.lcn Campbell lC2 Anhr r laLis CaDUroJr AN Darid SaLvatore Cxrdh ABEAA Chn.l.s loseph Cero HTEA Thomas Patfl.li Cl0hcssy ET2 Rrhard Sr loh. Abtorr MSSR Charles ISSR ChListol her Allen Andria i\lSS\ Michael K Atrsustlne SA S.ou (;rts.r) Br!.lel OS3 \!rllre Lee l]jmh,llJr ,{O3 lenietrnE Derr.t !earlr YN2 lvF Rolandr Beatry IIM2 (iegory Pa lB(Lrnsbaurc. NfV3 C.Fld Leo Befnett $Irllhn MalsJr ASEAA $illiarn lohn N{cAu iil I Nf2lan Fra.ci\ [{.Cabc AIIAA J0. Thomas .Closkey MM2 lichard lohn \I.Donald EM3 EJrrn Melqfrades Nlcndez ]\A K.nn.th A.drw Lddkton A-{ Cxrl Arrhon! $lrllrgtLar AAJL tu Albe.b\IdmrJr AA Nicholas hseDe Xlon is \EW YORK !X11W lradIhrold Aller llxuhe*s rnncc. Decker Jl AA Chnrles H.nry Deeihg II MM2 ArnandChn*opher Oelltunura MM2 Bmce h{ren.. tjimond SA Reginald ]-amonr [xrl] AASlerenlhlnclEnsram SA Janr.s Ri.harl Enflght oSSN ChnsLophcr R Es(rdeio oSSN Salr deChrles Esposito ABIA A William lnbbe.t lxbrr Hor d EllisonFxuntlenn AOAA J,,n Rtrhard Fenner ABEAA Johr Artho.r Fc'nn lA Chn$ophcr Hosh lF.her A(AR ChirstopherAl an Flsher R1l2 l)cnnis l6eph &a.z HnI2 Tbomas Sharn Card.er ,AO3 R\t3 Cbarlcs Eugene CatlFF llM2 Thomni Janes VL lxn III Rll3 Ja'nes Gerard Mrtrphy VIl2 OSSA Richard K.rin odonne qunr fnn.r YllS\ \Iark I Lrl,Ondl Anthonr Palror ABF3 Santiaso N Pach{o \f \13 Jam.s O\.n Palumb. ASll2 Suenarire ltca d $ITr Darld Antront.ft tixlr ,\.\ Rob.r t \hchael P,tman ARlrEel-h Pram,pnz.lez SA K.ith Ri.hnrd Pltn'Jf D\ RoLert Chxrles Prn{el ]\BH:l Edn?rdL*li$l.r ,{!lAA J,,i.rh rrrs,osa Ji OHIO lA (;cors. O'laDdE Calrcs 0Sl litull DennF Ca,i.r SHSN lBEINllum! IlV2 (;f larne! C Annstead giv 3 Richrd Alan Amold I.N Dadyl rdnklD Baldwin lenel (;eorg{. 3l.l Rlchxrd lfu nlr l\Il\{l lrian \richaelBa Jr A S,\ k.nn.rh lC3 Janr.r FEnklnr johner VSSt ltoL.( Il lohn... lr loA\ honr cBknm T honr r Drle Chn $,anscn AR Dmf I Charles Clmebell ABH3 KeviL) Ladon ColeLnaD !iU2 R0Len Luge.e Cook llll2 LPi.rdJl)nph K. I l\r jiNFR Rns\Srer.r Keonedr CNllj2 Jxd,r: \, Il.o3 d Kirrrl AA Tiniorhy James Copeland l\llV3 KyL Cilb.n Counts HTF\ KentrethRoLaLliins IXAA NII ltnddnllJ,,hn l-izinJr .1BF.\R tu.non Cbnnolher Lnpbn Nl fult.n Cox Anthon! ABLAR Gftn e Kelth Cnwl wrlliam Ceorse Damm N l!12 BTFA KcithT}DncDai, Sh.ni Dme D€mus C{rael\ illiam De*€! III sHS,l JohnJ6eDh DeE-r SN ll\12 Drarir llckccl \ T.r.amr Dalt \I0ED ET2 Roben RVSAlMphTnolruDd Il\rrN j4hrDe\ncOn.all: SHSN Jamcs IlIll -lhrlhr Od.LlOr.rma) ID.\N J3nes A.th!.) Page IF ALI{R ShaM tFnkrnr t,arson llM3 tuLor li.h: d leedlr A(AA Tho [s Le. P{ihos]r C.mld lU!l] Dx NonG Doubikin linc Dr]furc Al{AR Thonus lames Nle!er el Cordon Lrull AR James Fld{ard Ir,na\ray Elu2 Ha,old ln.i. Evi!;or ABLA.{ Jelni! Rc.d Pl.karl Il3 Jelrrey $',llram Famer AZ2 R.Lert BelDont iastJr .{N lt.Lndolph I_.nrdaLRrh Lstr ItlllAA H \tssN Krnnerh Lr( Ri.. Jr \-\2\rd'ea fuLlk!Rr!er Bl lA.\ F\12 \ Jr \JSSRllnr.Ersfl,e l h.m rs BNll fh0dr, Ed\J,d TtrrNc Nl\I I Rrh. Etrsetre\\hllrr r\r\ Ellsranh s.dt PaFns IlTFRleffrqlohnIt.nLo VIV!2 K.nn.th Thomas Radeckl Ch n $oDh c. F-u scne Jerre* Thomas Jones Jr A03 Euge.el,,nes Jr {illianr SN Clillord Alex Konnreni',s ABEI Drtuld I-.cKimbl. EM3 K.nnrth I icbaelKlee S\ 3ti R,xln8 slncrn S.h{rrr \lilu.l Dtmb Sr"nlcr AA Chn{ophcr I azell lviDdham DPSA Ch:,lesS.. $.1ntr(l OKI,AHON',A DS1 F?ul Euseie Adams Il A2 Joe llrr.bcll \EnL]r l\ r\K3 Timoth! teeBrumnetr !l N12 James Aaron tlNiF\ FDnkln Lons Jr Rrhad lahle Dona ld Jobn llaun tel tiNlI\ Roger \?d. Mccoy $rllnb ScortR:mse! Al Stlq FCz C,arr lhobas Evan. lS3 Patirk ]\la. Cennan QM2 Janies Robe.t G.odma. llnvid Scr!izl 1t).\ A narv Ctuis Shnler DS2 Dd{xrd Bre.ton CroonF AW3 Dnrrd S.ou Sisaloos Ai{ Rirbri lvlv2 SkDhen ltlmer Snr.ly ItNll:{ $ilaml6cDh Span) trltrIF\ Crcso'r Speu leftrey Ihul spm*Ucr Nfn ha. Hulse! Dean BM2 Bnan Dougla, AA P:rri.k Xe n Srveeney INSN Charld Lla.in RNl3 E!13 lliark AndleN VcElhnno ET2 tl'illian B;an VcCe. -lU2 R.ben Denel !.Ch€e .\C,1]\ Cr.g.rj H uccuire A DAA-td.ry Le. {c\\ hdler \l52-l Ke,th tsnan Mcrcdith l::'l hdnri RalFh Ud,smore Don Crutchlield lllUI \lillrrn FC3 \lS3 Denrl RalnondQui.k DS3 AB!2 Lo{ell NORTH DAKO'IA E\ll ]ildd ltnslingel lA \ AK2 1\'illianr Edrvard l-connrd Rlnn B.,( hrr !ar) .{C,\ AllH!lrttq Dean$rllrj \l\l1R|Lbr DIr3 Nloha.mad KhaLid I irz. NjM2 \richael Joseph \'Ion.ig H'13 Jclfr.y $h ne NlooF ACAA GiryNilliam llor6 lltl3 Jrrrr.!Jl)hn\6f dmsek hller D.nald Jmcs l*.bers Jr SSA'lo! Ede^m Jacksn .\Cl Andre+ rlul Jakub.\\rki N \ BH]\ '\ John Da.. id Strnkland tl\13 \lrMcl Dmk Tlr',ias ftr\ tubea.\.dr$ Thomis Ii,JTli.n!i,. MSS\ ]ai.r llillrao lC2 sl \\illian Fnn[ Sni:h ]. .\ar\'\ lines lla €ll E f2 lv,llEn Lft H{,hngshead.rr F,r John l6eDh Homora Jr Rtrrldlge l\ A.dn Rcmard Sh ( Plilip DLan. s, h.r \7 \:\ Nirl'ad rlo!d Llamell FiT2 llichael lohn Hillrar Haydon A\ ComrllNI.Ca lniJin A tftapd or A,{ i\12 LJf !rr" hemed) Jonr\ AU[.t\ I tion Rcn th l lLurderJam., OSS estion of sp AA Sha\sn Fioge.ald Brilsk!_ EH2 Ddid vnhael \lltll Doruld Thrus BnRn Adhon! Dcan lsenhour SX2 lj llrbba.d tBFll Di(h \tita. H\zrt 'An BFAA loLland &i Lliam Bey ItlS3J,rath2n LEe | OS3 Shern,an Cleo Acklev lC2 Jcfircy Jolu $rcD:er A0I1ND ,{O ler Pmk l'icror Ketrh Sdp Tnt2 Wtllrc SHSNleon'ecu.hsTum.. Il R lsa&-rhomh id Ray \brDagel Bnrt LeeYarbrouglr lr OREGON AaEl Rrhard Ll onrld Hes s SR lNl2 SLeven MxrL A0: I-inRood EmesrHolden Andrd{s rvtNlr \\'ilriam Harold Be.k.r Jr AAl,,hn Dnvd ilulgotne lll ABI'AN $ladin ArdreN C,o{ley IlSlJa \llw llul ljolzra,lh ENt3 Chistopher Chaies Schmidt MM2 Willian luse.e Sell Rdssell JoseDh Seskey P\SN Tinrny Nlark HuDte. SA Nrllixm Ronxld Jav.es Jr PN2 Kcvin Maith.{ Hayd.n DS2 Ste\tn Engenc Heidlirll ,c02 Jefiry Ddlqrd Jnkdns ElV3l-eeH0uslonhe^on AMH2 HenF Ferdifand Kasner FR \'Iaftin Eugene Xellernran SHSN Michael 1ndd Kelley AN Michx el John Xe,nen leter Nliles Kennedy OS3 Thomas Janrcs Kilb'ide fhomas lrdMrd Nrrohy \T3 Daud G.orse N.Li,n Pa) ne AO3 Mark Euscnr Shmel t iUIl A\ AA Rober( Michxel ^BEAA SHSN Y!.k flDmas ShattenbeE NIM2 Itonald Edsard Shcllc'b.rger ETI T,mothy R.y McAdle ll\ lanies Srelrn KtrLpad.k I Nf2 I-indsar Fe de Fon (olre rleil RMSN KeYin Richard Tavlo, AR Djy,dHd\rd Kopcli. $1SSA M idrxe PENNSYLVANIA I ! ugene Richard HarryAdd^dn Il Kenneth All.n Amer E$ S A Stever l{oss Aulenba.her \Ql \inceor lFrcis Badoud ET2 Louis Hcnry AaLor III lR Dnrnntor. AN Ardrc SK2 John Sanu.L St.aussY ET3 Tbomxs Ardie\r Supp RHODE ISLAND Sh$n V IFA B'ian Patrirk B.us.Lu.i IIl 2Jnmes\lillrad Lyons Jr Anhf, llushNickeFor lNI3 nrhaLd Ed\ard Otls Srvmdcll SHSN La ,.nreJ.seph lhlloi lT2 OSSN MRt\ Tho.ras Carpenter llhlser MRIA Charles Nlichael {hlgo ABF,{N Dofald Alan Lors NINI3 David Leona, d $'cnerick lr llM2 lm.ccd tISA Qlt2 l.hn Frtddn k Mlra'ns P\1 tinan.e i lo{ard ltillia AACurtis luser.lloma.k r C!rt[ ahre E\I2 F\ A S \OAA EM2ft)ne Josepb H l-a*Encd arrer .lR Cenld tsernard tsuder rr\ l1ll2 Atrgr $oCesa.Menendez Jr Clenn Edizrd Coyle Dona d Cha,lcsCF c WTSN RVSR Drvrghl l-abaior Cuher .\BF2 Wi ian Har.ld Cunninsham B.iu Kdih N ilL, SA Bena'd Duand zrglea..lr AN Scotr l_ zgcald iller A03 ldrxrd Atrdrew X1 .hem YNSN Da.iel i{illiam Nlnolo HT2Joseph PUERTO RICO lbulMltrhLn SH2 Hrnnd J.sepli Frederi.k Heuy Darnler'lr ABH1 l,,hn Clrude Nerberger {Tl \lvl Ir RMSA Timothy ll)h. Oleniar Ulr Cenld Willian Ensland Charles Ralmond Ei.h Ch,nes Lee Fenn.ll ^OAA AA Kcn.eth L.o! ISSA John Stephen lreD.lrik EM3 D.nnis Eus.n. lulncr ET3 (;edqe Vrllrrdlurbee Sr llTfN Honard Cba es Cakhellll CMGSN Robcd GiLmorc El AR Donal.lG.ol€t GlthJr AA Tho ras lh lCl NIal..lo, n)dd Canrrbell Nill2limarlia r Lr ucl,{ o.tl, CT02ltod dJrL Crlliert AA Lco.ard Anthony Pulnsl,Jr llaberbeqer B]I2 Donald Crcnory Haner lr ABH A4 I'ISSAKei (lS2 Vnhrel Dran AA Cailos ACaialloakra ABIAA RaI:cL A ColbcEt,iso 0S2 HerL ALllAl.l Hrdi,o lef fre! Alled er L Re ndd loner Xr.lren SA Hcctor Gc,:rdo Nlachi.sonez ]\(l2 !A I6c A ivlmornaldDado O.Dr A Negorrirera SA !lEnt LxmarNnds tu,vi. Etrgenell)ers ltauf i rd., Rrusclr ]\r f 2 Cxrl C.esor! AACl.nr ]\ cr SNl,,hn I)ru-LrsRfnrIeLr SA d R Ro.ker E\'ll Jancs l-.uisThomrr IC2Chr$opl,e.T lhon'liD arcelRodiquez ABFAA PaulMark Rrgers FR ABll3 Drk Mandel Harnsor AIAN Frcdenck Bna. Harl ,CI2 Chnstipher Allrn Heshberyer lefifty RiLcrt JuLes llarnltrn AN Larkln Lee Hancock lr ABllAACharles A Baeza ADAN Jose A MeLeodezmoL,n3 MNll Dxniel Raynor d Reishx !Nf2Rob.tRo!Rhubnsh( ABi\R IC2 Skpl,e. AlLe Mjgee SKSl.l Xlrdiael llul Mtu !ruc.r \'ISSR Herberl Damel P[.lJtrd ]r DS3 Douslas Johr Plarrhak ABH3 JoselhThdmas P0{ell lI AKAA Stela. Enrvard Grindelr (lnIn. Al!and0 PaNon SA A.thurtser{r Parlea)nJr USSR l.nnanuel Lee Prtesor C1M3James Henr! Pxtre6oD lr EM3 Ronald Cmia Fisher AN Sheldon C.re! Sennctl ^lJLio AKAA Cresort, Lr s lll.ck SA \!iLllao, DousLas BnTell SIi2 l-otrb l-orenro Hosxn PNllichaelRobenMyers 0SSN I6eDh Hany !isenr.an HTIR Roberl J.seph Elkhs ABHAA Jdhn Edrva.d NfiVIFA Dav,d !1 illiarn Youns AlIAA JNephAla. !M3CraigAllenMe fzzi {KAA l4 LNl He.,y Lghtrer \boding Burlon Nlnnin lxnresloseph M.Connack tM2lohD Iames i\tccune {CI^ Dxnn lohn CliFper SKSN PhrllrD Joseph Colangelo \1!2 Nf arquis i.hnel nbrtin tsioome llayre l)an I' Brown St.lrn S.ott AL.xarder jul JohnThom)s ALtnBi Alill2 latues $h!trixD Ansley r\OAN lnthonr D.an Nf RPSN Anrhony Thom$ L,nsk l Sdlrrtu SOUTH C,CROLINA MM2 Stephcn Nlicbael \!ld-"z lrtd LerF SNcn Joscrh Ed*ard Rarnond Plant lS3 J,,selli JdLes EII3 Cnis lodd Baurmn PCSi rVIaEUs I-o,cozo BlakeDey N1SSA Timothy DT1lndstosalce Cutreiiez ABIl ltDneo LopeT Santodoninffo NlSl SartosErb'ilL.TJfit ) Barbee Roe, a Bonilla PHILIPPINES ISLANDS lJSl D.iriogo Raba.g Rebrjr WTSN Ronald ThomDso. h.ick l-astnp.sIV AIEAN TlDnas SR MaDolo C Tiradoshonlr !Nl2 Nlark ndre* Snlder lA Dxrd Lonis So{anick Jr llTl\ Bna. \InrkSdNolli 401 \1x12 Robedloseph lagnese Nlasin J RtrEmcher E!1 ZDed! Llrx Fran.isro EX12 llenneth S\ AEIAA Ll3 Glenn\!llra'n Sirni.ick YNSN lank Ri.had SkFjnr.lII RM3 Roben Melrjn Smithl, Knne. FCI S.ottAshler Allshousc El3 Anronio Rodnsuczlr SA los. L Rodngtrez rolrna res Charles Holmes Thonas Lr SL$enT y R.Irba.lr OSSII ltilliarn Thom^ Ronspeit Jr ,{CAN r'cdick lanes Ri$evelt lr 3i- TEXAS P\JDurid lndre\ Adana AOir\ ilichftl4ll.n \'ik Ed$ard Allen Aln, WTz lh €ll Btu?]Uli*m ^REAN llM3Jrmcs Ke!hAIliv'n ABIAR Tlhmar $irudyr Cart IVE) I1 this canntry of ours for the a4es." R\isli .\ndft$ li'r! l.$x!iWriihr DR it.hact Jm6 And.aon E-l 2 ABH:|.rc) \.'nr.Y,unn ll, ! EIjI in Dotrglas An{rillr :\BEAA Chnsnpher I' Avitr IVTSN rAtr'Trarih ItT2 DougrasiolD Brnd SOUTH DAKC/TA Dkdr IT ABHAR NIY) r:i r{urr Euqc^. I.kL,Lht lnr\ Crn' lrN,n lN ldrbn s AUAN ah' w'l J erNrdtB!'n;r Alrnu.l Ralph Bu$danr.Jr .\CAN Chnropher L€e Canru ,{T3 Th4)N Da} id carr! on tN!N i\lrin lta! &$rlFch El\ IIIIN licbr Bndlc) lloy[in RMSN Xehdr :ih.6 3( vhi n l,ouis Schftidc, TENNESSEE RlSA A' thony ilhyne Cikner DSI CilLc!rd Yiccnre CIaLr Llsrek.JaD.s 3lJ.. SN F\l ACii )H Bord ItT3 F,rrcn tndlRr C benCubhrsc rjelbcfiTh(Dar Bshi.d ABrl RobcIDrk,!,lnrns Irl\U Duiic lhin.k DNninx ,\BE? WrllbD Phul lia,lr AO A Daid P:urEtli$t f\ R,d.rick t\ralne nDy k !l D rslrdr A! Ar\ Ianes chn$.pheL t0!ryr}le bii'J, Eac Dupre. onm OS3 !,tut l{i Nlirhad AS!2 Direll Ow,ir Frole Jr C h' riifirh HTFi{ Chr116 Cardin CrinE r.\ Do'uld Jrfrar rleidclb(q Bl!J3 Ddwald l\hktrllili DN l-aiiyCln,€En { FA DouAUs H,nsfi h"i,' AA ferme llMcOliwr MV2 Anthon! A ho Horde;or DPs\ J.(i.q cb.rk lllgstrh MVl NadinJ S.heudT rL\ .Andrc$ Chnsh S.h..der Davd fredmLs.n' QMI Stdphm lvallrce Shri t Mr'I3D.ndd0sr.Sheildr lll CT\j: ltUrknrihnnsh IlVl \lihn l lln. Skenr'Bn! Drhtr [hdev H('usor OssN Cco,sr nlMl ItaE nidFll.n6 Shphen lob Ruf us sl&k .\ AElAubF L(Tavr,rjr Bm rThomptu k'.hail I rnn li*n-rd EM3Btu.c w'l SA Daniel irryndWatk€r SHSN ljtfrld ElrEr\\illae nissA $ililn ui,rk} DK3 Ronnic $:'d€ ll\ Ita kj vrnucl iJetud nladin.2 Sr\ lolxr ltslic \tln-hrh f!VS^ Anthonr Chan€s M.caha sA Slenim BmeMcs$incJr ABE^R MrhaelT V€tron S-{ Dad DenE!ft Voorc NN2 JolD lrrYr. \ioland EY3 lindhy Vbhael Ch.rbonn.lu nllsRl'hn kr lA David lliclEel McKeDn.v lS2lbul,4lr.tr Ihrman VIRGIN ISLANDS 0MSx Girbcrtol{aiael D!vi i AoI.A [lennis (illd$.ft codl,r SKI Hcn$ Aug6lds RNcll VIRGINIA SII2 V,Erliatro ET3 Clyde Dcan SbnhetrsoD SATtrna Euftn€Teakr Cahbq .\ndre5 l)T3 Andrc* llonnell A+ Elv3,1dam Ursl^ThDmpen AKAAl!fuh4lDon ttdh ENlz Bobhy Ray Bdndr ABH3 Steran ChlnN Farcher ABD-{N Wilbc( Iq.Gmphdl E\l3 \l lEtr Rryqbn@' AA Psbcit Daniel Vaninc2 ABHI Mrl!ih ltaurM [14 f'.ld ABHI Mdvin nLuri( Mayfrcld I-y llrjson SACad Ma(hew Aloxander Ltrrllq Rirchir SHSAhy \,'ERMONT , Rffirrds Itllr !& Chilhik R.[tn llax ltlaniDc, A\ Johi L:sFrce Y!\wcll AaIAN nivid AIln. Pn.r ,{a hul Tcrr! AR AR HTIA Richard l\irre l-nretl L*T/yhr (eith raano c, ,v* ,P GI'C2 f irhothy EIt3 Ri:han! Dustn. sh@r SHSN Rr$ell Junior C dttl{AR !ic.o. \l HcmindeT l-,M Vcla'e tlinL Sllsl ,ah6 &mr Gtudr NIi3 $dtcr Honrd SIt Kenncth E(gcrF EM2Da EV2 rs ABFA\ IIac Mh A]\leshrl MSSA lvlauhe$ $ihrnc YSz M\l3 Ratmood LGrzjlct ASIIAA Jr h.i.y nsr\n.J,,nc< ADHA UTAH /\BI2Jefi.r!- Rar I\Gttur FM3 JrriaLhBn Marlt lirlt,ri PR2 MichoelEarlCarrert SN Ch^d€: libtcrHannon Jr Rkh,nr \trh,.r hL-" Itlssr{ lh,rksh Btr;d -L-". Ilnll SA It Lc.t P, mrr tA Sh.m,in orlJ- R.binen Jr QVSN Ce, MSS^ llTl lNc)h es LT3lricWiIiid Patick ANJ,)hi IBIIAAP{seSreed Dkk$n Fi Rihro Ii]Fvrhc Nikhr.l Claude RFvia $x llM3Char iliftod ET2 {dncih Junior BnNn SVSA ft.deruk B Calab6e AK3 tr'n.ld PaulCdrrpu4 Vichad Ddutd tviesaM MSSA D,n,ld I-.eWill'xmr ETr Cenld llarRyWillrams SN Robcn Baylej WillEns AW3 AD3 (oberl Junc-s wil'ans Jr AKAI Vrclael Bftndan Ca*! lsl bsnmc Fiuc.ne (dlctt EM2 (dLh Lhvid Churchnan RMI &nard lG ardo Claron AlrH3St En Bddky Corker ll [M2]ohn Nfuh{l Dcsettt MM2 Micha.loavid 38 Dr$ AA J,,h. $L]'n.Hollibxr glr ASM3 Lertlr Llrshs l,artx ISSN David ALan Maumnnn CTA1 Kenneth Hao d Onens WYOMING Dll G enn Clfttrd ArderDn AtslAR DavidNlnhrel Lme0 El\ 2 tjxle \l'.lrael llddle V\IFN A nhonr OS2 Lronxld Edrard AOAN Chd:lolhe, $tbsrr ABHAR Arnokllohr s.hmelz.r Jr $i12 Rlcha'd\lan{,lson Sl!1 Bnan CEgo.r' SpndLin oSSN Caoror Edrvard lalen SKI I-a,ry lusene Talbert NIARINE DE]ACI INIDNT XlIl \\ R0bert liam\itolo LCPL Lnnr I MSS-C Chfl stophcr Allcn HT3J,,bi Nichael BixDn) ld{ii ICF.\ L CJs,fts B Chu..hrllJr col,fl l D Lln.k\.Ll all Haro C Br.lrxdrr ,qltr Har r Duke Nill2 J-arr Thomas ]td{olaJ Wisht \['EST VIRGINIA lA ]\nth.i! lravid llagauin. lA Chxile! ldwar.l Ba iler lr HTF^ Richa,d Aivri BxhJr ItN ,{O1 Clu 6 Russ.LlBaker MX12DtrkNh,lHub.r AA {lndell lxvm llhnkcnshlr I'NSNDa!idBaLre Bft{er elll AD2lviLlianrl)eanClx MM3 R(hrrd A K.Dner Ii\ir AKAA Titunh! Ra! Dexr0n YNS-{ Iaul EnNa.d Fo\ Ii HTIA IronaldEdra Frun E1v3 Donglas l-conard Cay OSSNlomld\llrxn Han.al. Il Bnrce AD.[en Lxpo,t(, 1)SSt ltdlrrd F IISSA DaDx It Xhclendri LCtl- Tlromr E llnrdr.r NI rni)rs ll lra.d Ml'12 llradley lcre Keaton A]\ TrcnrNakomG !L SN Cha, cs Adolph S.h ABE A lar.es Douglxs Snnmons BVI ]\ sic Ilen IT]\I S lbm!i.II \ De*e) Ii,nli.$n IM2 Mrtthe* Thon,a! Ill O C.trror rurlo.k Bcr.ie I Dwe ICFA Charles Hl2 $Irll'am virreDr William HoMrd whteJ, EVFNSha{n Parrick \\ so. 5SA RuelCa,abiolteles CIJ-Chrisriar,q l\.LrrlFl,l SR lC2 Ihhrel St.rcn{tight LCI'L.lxIdI I CI,J WISCONSIN LtrosrlJnrn Trr.irar$ l|lrCtrr.lre!r CPLJelift! B lLllaf3n! \IilI.l\ llllAR Krlc \friegDcler RandaLL SNCalrin Scort BerliMn ABEA\ Ri.h,d Allen Boone l'l C fl,onx. | (i:tennudt ABEA]\ \ i.hacL Harley Dunbar It f2 t ho rxs ltiler Fulle, IBEAA hhn Charles Gans NlSSA Em.st I-.e C.inres IrFC Tho nas gl,rte,rhpn:or EV3 S(ortChistoDherLadsrg HTF\ Bruce$h)ne LnFon LCILJeIla \I S[r,ii,] \NS\ IlulSlldf tt\'12 J.If(! { IN NtF)l\IORI x lvhtrxk.r '\lr Anrb.ny l\{urDh} Meister AB!A4 Douglas $Irll,am lVIc(qard IO3 Kcrin Da1.id Michalowskr BN12 Ed\rn Raymon.l Vor ]USSA $illiam Xemeth R,re^ lS1 Ro.aLd E.ik laahauge MSSA Carl leslre Rabebl is ]\KAA Ch'istopher lhul Rohnson ASEAA S.ott Dcnis Saryicki Alli{A Mr.hael I-ce Simonson OSI Cnin Allen S treclcnL,.h ASEA^ Ahin La{son llesthu[ AIIE1 lames Russell Yu e l'liC ltrnxkl I' $reurniers CPI- K.fn.rh B $Iillhr.s PERSONNEI, RET1SSIGNED ANlosc0h VichaeL Schettler MM3 0nolnrA-C.xnxsro \llvll \ R,rhnrd S I]3,rrtt 39 The Offiers anrl Creu of the USS THEODORE Theodore Roosevelt Association Commissioning Committee R{,bet PQuinn Chahan usN IIrandIiN Mr and \IF Nfr ar.l Hon Xl^ SrevenCamins lvaltei Com$ork GeoEeCDllrns WllliaoJ !a.do Heuvel ROOSEWLI t1 tl'f Nlr ConelirE \'h S RoonrLt VrardNEDxvdllSremaf Honorary Plankowners N1r and M.adIIA and vir CarlEFlemer,Jr IIr \'l^ RobefiT Carnea Nfts SranleyJ ArLh AT&T iur xl, ,nd nnd I'16 Ake R.os.FLr Cnnserll Cnrm ixr Ae,,\pxcc Cor D IJ) and NIrs Ilen.ar (lu.ther CarlEoustead lt16 Mrhel Bos. Mrd.d \Is Rornar Hales Mr ard 116 lvallacc I- Hall St M and NIs Jdlr ll L. RtrsvJ Reynolds Metals CdmFany I llatin(o& Lddge Id \h !r ard I'lF llhlid Channah and x'16 Hl Chagonnextr The lla.io lqurpment C.rp -InEt I lre P,esidcntial Yacht ChrGtChtrtuh, O!-ter Bar l\ a.d \16 Georgcj Ih ard Mrs $llliain Nlcllillan lvl. Fnnklin C IIcRobe s CaDtair IoZa.h Mr Cdmelius M' and X16 Van S RoceveLt I Jm6lto6elrll \4illcrl\': UsI \Ir a.d Ms os}aldThoEoo Ur ard Ms Dlht &rdselrlt Jr (,; Collins Mrtuid NIA Ed\rarr M n \h and Nlrs Jtunes Vooret, Navt Lcasue of the unit.d Nl. a.d IvtF TimDthy L loErad and CommissotuEConm,ttee RET Nl a NlF l hfterCod$o& Ur raod Mn lr{rn lnndell 306 lu$c. Bem.d IiIIlcJhe] llon ard Ms Hdrnrd T Hosan !omu.slhnsh Ord.r Nftr Mer Cor&an Urlted TduoLgres/Pnt D. M6 iI. afd Nfrs Alberrc No re Jr NoEtar Brnk oJ l-onr1 lslrd and D3vid R {tbb Jr NtddNIs Ir \h and N{rs ItoLert Lr DaLn,L ard M6 Robct ivlalor ahtcr Bay FiE Compnny Si De.herd Fn{ No rL.h \'nhnftr \| Stdle. L $undes Mr and M6 Har.ld S.bde. h e ad LIF I-ay,lnce Dielz M. xtd M6 Rollm l1a 40 Nh and ardNlF RrbeftJ Donoush and II^ Ri.hird r,Prn (| \l Ni, and I{6 r.d n IIr and James 11ilh.lni Nrs ANI williams I'1. a.d IVIF Dadd Seeman M6 dd l\'I^ I'Iar! Kjchtnp Dr and ME James [1. and ME I Kins Hm Throdore R tupJeamr \1. \n b.tasso Cordon Lason lvilliamLindell Mr and trIrs Mr and llrs l M6 (;eoEe A Shutt IIr :r.l I N Wrllim llhgley honns Poole trIrandMs BameyYoun{ RdLert Quinn Nft and trlN Mrlttu Z,Fper sorirh,Jr USNRET