Report of Payment Authorizations for September 2014
Report of Payment Authorizations for September 2014
CITY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER INTRADEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE Date: To: October 9, 2014 r- Retirement Board Members From: C~ Higgins, Interim Relirament Plan Manager Subject: Board Agenda Item No. 2: Report of Payment Authorizations for September 2014 (October 22, 2014, Regular Retirement Board Meeting) The following benefit payments were approved for the month of September 2014: 1. Death Benefits - Payment Authorization Nos. DB 15-76 through DB 15-89 totaling $1,141,434.23 (see attached). 2. Disability Benefits- Payment Authorization Nos. DIS 15.027 through DIS 15-o34; DIS 15..()36 through DIS 15.038 totaling $1,256,374.89 (see attached). 3. Payments of Fonner Members' Withdrawals, Refunds, and Transfers to City Employees' Retirement System - Payment Authorization Nos. MEM 15-()9 through MEM 15-10 totaling $26,454.48 (see attached). 4. Retirement Benefits - Payment Authorization Nos. RET 15-10 through RET 15-13 totaling $195,508.81 (see attached). 5. Administration - Payment Authorization Nos. ADM 15-14 through ADM 15-20 totaling $6,472,929.36 (see attached). MCH: alpc Attachments 2.1 Payment Authorization No. DB 15 Claim No. 14 M 250 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7Xc) and Resolution No.99-119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claim is delegated to the' Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Admlnlstratian. The claims for payments to the beneficiaries of Donna B. CIODinpr, deceased, listed below, is hereby certifiod as due and payable, pursuant to the provisions of tbe Water. and Power Emplo)'eCS' Retimnent Plan; and the Chief Accountins Employee is hereby authorized and directed to authenticate demands on the JeSPCCtive Funds in favor of said beneficiaries in the JeSPCCtive amounts specified hereunder opposite their names in~ of said claims. . RETIREMENT FUND .. . .DEATJfBENEFIT ,· ·.:I : Agqued Retil'lmenl Allowanci .f ' ' • . ·, $554.06;· -,. !'' .. $554.05 SI,IOI.I I fl®> TQTAL SI 0,000.00 .: ·:": · ' $1 0~54.06 · , SIOJ)OO,OO .·· ··.: > SIO.SSJ.QS ·$20,000.00 $21,108. I 1 . Approved: ·, SEP 0 4 2014 Date: -------------------- ~··· I of2 i;• , ; () 7 6 .Payment Authortzatlon No. DB 15Claim No. 14 M 250 () 7 7 In acoorctance with ,_, Section Ill A (7)(c) and Resolution No.-.119, adapted Auguet 20, 1888, approval of e. following claim Ia delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by 0. Board of Admlniatratlon. By reiiOD of the deaah of Donaa B. ctonmaer. the claim for Optioa B Allowanco • provided by Section IV D (6) of the Water and Power Emplo)WI' Retirement Plan ill the amount of$474.91 for the period tiom June 22, 2014, tbroush J._ 30, 2014, and in the amount of $1.§00.42 per QlOftth cluriaa the lifetime of the benefidary, or uatil otherwise ordered by the Boanl. commenciaa July I, 2014 ftlod by Kim Belnns, as the · beneficiary of aaid decedent, is hereby certified by the RcltiNmellt Plan Maaaaer to the Chief A«ountins Employee as clue aad payable punuaat to the pmvisions of the Water and Power Emplo)a&' Retiremcot Plan; and the Chief ACXXJUDtiag Employee is hereby au1borized aad directecl to auaa-tiAto demands in favor of Ktm Behrens On the respective fimds tiom whida said benefits are payablo in~~ in payment of said daim, and with ~aped to said Optioa 8 Sumvonbip Allowance, in the 811110 respective monthly amount for eada IUCCellivc month followlos July I, 2014, for which limil• QDI'tificatioa is made: Approved: Date: SEP· 0 4 2014 ------------------- tt . . 2of2 .. 2.3 .... 07 8 Payment Authartzatlon No. DB 15-. a.nNo.15M3 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7)(c) and ReeolutJon No.89-119, adapted August 20, 1888, approval of 118 following claim Ia delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Adminiltratlan. By reasoa of the death of Mlrtia B. Kaplon. the claim for Option 8 Allowance • provided by Section IV D (6) of the Water and Pov.w Employees' Retimnoat Plan in the llllOUilt of S20..2Q for the paiocl fiom Jw. 26, 2014, tbroush Juno 30, 2014, and in the amount of $12,,31 per m.oath duriJta .tho lifetime of the beaeficiary. or until otherwise ordeNd by the Board, commeneiag July I, 2014, plus the member's accrued and unpaid monthly miNment allowance due in the amount of$104.41• payable 6om the Retirement Fund, ftled by LeatriQO A. Kaplan, as the bateftcia1y of said deeedent, is heNby certified by the Retimnent Plan Manager to the Chief Accountina Empio)'ee as due_ ~ payable pursuant to the provisions of the Water and ·Pow• 'Employees' Rctilanent Plait; end the aucf Accountina Employee is hcnby authorized and dftc:tcld to aulhenticato demands in favor of' Sllriss A. JWiag Oil the Retinmcnt Fund fium wbida said benefits a pa)'Bble, in payment of Slid ·daim. and with respect to Slid ·Option 8 SuMWnhip AllOwlilce, m· .the ...o.-...,_aive moOddy amouat for. Clda ·SUQCC~Sivo month followina· July. l, 2014, for whichlimi.. c,Btificadioe is made. ' :r ·' ;, ;·;~-: : . 'i ..• ,' o •· +, I ~ ' . ' I ' • •• ' • ~ ' ' -No paymcat will~ made for the~ AUowaaoe - , ors·t~~48..; ~~.:. ~aboVe. The Accrued ltetiremeat AUOwaaOo will be plid with the_BC.efidary ' . . lcmaneat c-.unaance. .... . . . . .. · . . ' ,, . : . •.,- '.• ,-,.' ••, .- ; . . Date: ' -~ ' l • ' ~ -~. '·· ' .. StP· 0 4 ,2014 --------~--------- . -· •' ... , 2.4 . : _': ; . .j "f \ ~ .• • •• Pa~Authorllllon No. 0815- QIIm No. 14M 213 In acconllnce wllh Plan Section IH A (7Xc) and Re80iutlon No.S.111, adooted ~- 20. 1888, 8PPfOVII of the fallowing claim II delegated to lie Reli8ment Plln MIMger by ... 8olnt d Adminiltratiolt. The claim for payment to the beMflciary of Michael M. Miley, cleG111ed. lilted below, .. hereby C8ftitled. due and payable, .......,. to . . PRMIIoN of thew...... Power Employees' Retirement Plan: end the Chief Accounting~ II hereby 8Uihortlld and directed to authentic8te demand• on Fundi In fewJr cf eeid beMflciary In the ........ amouniiiP8dlled.......,. apposite ........ In~ of said dllm. the,..._..... • ' > • • . •' 1211 ,tM8.17* '. ' . 133.101.21*. ' • PAY 10: w.thleen Mltllv PAY TO: tRS/F£DERAL TAX ~AY TO: LA. CI1'Y lREAS/STATE TAX 12.702.34. • I 1101,337.80- . 1348,012.17 .,, . . . ·, ' $ 117,152.27 $ 43,546.05 $ 4J54.11 ., ; . TOTAL: ·~ ' .-·!: '$245$.13 . _. ~ -. ' , ; ·, . . ',\' SEP 0 4 2014 Dele: ----= ------------------ l 2.5 \. 079· Payment Authorization No. 08'15Claim No. 14 M 253 . nR0 ln'accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7)(c) and Resolution No.9Q..119, adopted August 20, 1898, appiOV8I of the following claims Is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. . By reason of the death of Micbael M. Malley, Kathle&'lft Malley u Oualdian of named bcneticimy in golumn one below is entided to a Family Death Benefit Allowance in the amount of$416.00 per month and a Supplemental Family Death Benefit Allowance in the amount of$520.00 per month totaling $936.00 per month payable to her for the benefit of the decedent's child under qe 18 oamed in column one below; and that for the month of July 2014, and for eadl month thereafter, a Family Death Benefit Allowa:e and Supplemental Family Death Benefit Allowance shall be paid on aa:ount of the beneficiary aamed in column one below, in the amount set forth in column two below, in axon:laace with and subject .to all the terms and conclitions of Section VI D (8) and Section VI D (9) of the Water and POW« Employees' Retirement Plan; ancl tbat until evidenge is received that sueh named benetidary is DOt eligible for said allowance, the Retirement Plan Manqer shall =tif.y monthly to the Chief Accounting Employee, commencing with the month of July 2014, that said Family Death Benefit Allowance and Supplemental Family Death· Benefit Allowance is clue and payable to said Katbleai Malley for the '-eftt 'of aamecl benefidary and that the Chief Accounq .Employee is hereby authorized and clirected upon eadl such eertiftcation to authenticate a clemancl upon the ·Death Benefit Funcl in payment of said allowance. · . .·. . Jilmc Amovnt Katel)'ll Malley $936.00 Approved: .. SEP 0 4 2014 0.:~·--~----~--------. ~ ' .1 of2 PA·FDBancl SFDB Q:\PAI for PcafAx 2.6 ~. . Payment Authorization No. DB 15- Claim No.15 M 24 08 1 In accordance Mth Plan Section Ill A (7Xc) and Reaolullon No.9Q.119, adopted August 20. 1998. approval of the following claim Is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. The daim for payment to the bencftci~ of Alan W. Turkheimer. ~ listed below, is hereby certified as clue and payable, pursuant to tho provisioas of the Water and Power Emplo)ws' Retirement Plan; aad the Chief Accounting Employee is hereby autborizcd and ~ to authenticate demands on the l'e~J'Cdive Funds in favor of said beneficiary in the l'e~J'Cdive amounts specified hereunder opposite name in payment of said claim . PBATH BENEFIT FUND . $44,081.95• ' • PAY TO: GERALDINE H. TUilKHEIMER $36,896.35 . PAY TO: L.A. CrrY TREASJSTATE TAX s 6,532.36 s 653.24 TOTAL: $44,081.95 PAY TO: IRS/FEDERAL TAX Date: . $20,000.00 SEP 0 4 2014 ------------------- 2.7 $64,081.95 · Payment AUthorization No. DB 16Claim No. 15 M 23 082 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7Xc) lnd Resolution No.99-119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following tlaim Ia delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Adminlalration. By reason of the death of Allen B. Nielaen. the _claim for the Continuance to EliJible Spouse Benefit as pmvided by Section IV E (9) of the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Plan in the amount of 1603.13 for the period tiom Jilly 29, 2014, tbroulh July 31, 2014, and in the amount of$6.232,32 per month during the lifetid\6 of the eliaible spouse, or until otherwise ordered by the Boant, COIIIIIlellcing August 1, 2014, plus the member's accrued and unpaid monthly retirement allowance due in the amount ot $5,629.17* payahle ftom the Retirement Fund, plus the sum ofmoooJ)Q payable tiom the Death Beaiefit Fund, as provided by Section VI D (3) of said Plan, filed by Laura Nielaen as the eligible spouse and beneficiary of said decedent, is hen:by certified as due and payable pursuant to the ~Visions of the Water and Power Emplo)"'ee' Retirement Plan; and the Chief AccOunting Emplo)'ee is hereby authorized and directed to authenticate demands in favor of LMa Nielsen on· the respeetive Funds ftom which said benefits are payable in said reipeetive llllOUDts, in pa:yment said claim, and with respect to said· ContinUanee to Elisible Spouse. Benefit,. in the same respeetive monthly··-amount for cadi . successive lliOilth followins August 2014, for whiduimilar certification is made. or •s~ the July allowance in the amount of$4,280.37 w11 olec:trooi~y deposited aad not returned to Retiranent, the adual amount paid to the-beneficiary tot the Accrued btiJanent . Allowance will be $1 ,348.80. ($5,629.17 - $4,280.37 = S1,348.80) Approved: · SEP.,.ll 2014 Date: -------------------- . 2.8 \' ' ' ... Payment AUthorization No. DB 15Claim No. 11 M 29 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7)(c)8nd Resolution No.98-119, to the adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the fallowing Claim Ia delegated Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Admlnlstratloh. The daim for payment to the. bencficimy of Robert J. lgel, doceased, listed below, is hereby eertifted as due and payable, pursuant to tbe provi$l011S of the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Plan; and the Chief ACQ)Uilting Empin)'ee is hereby authorized and directed to authenticate demands on the _,ective Funds in favor of said beneficiary in tbe _,ective amounts specified hereunder opposite the name in~ of said daim. RETIREMENT FUND ·· . DEATH BENEFIT, Accrued Retirement AlloWJD9' 8eneftcjary Richard c. Schilperoort $2,523.99* ' fUND $20,000.00 WfAL '$22,523.99 •si!a the July retirement allowance in tbe amount of S2J29.23 was electroniadly deposited and not Rtumed to Retimneftt. tho actual amount .,aid to the benefia.y for the Accrued Retiranent Allowaaa wiU be $194.76. ($2,523.99 • $2,329.23 = $194~76) , Approved: · ·SEP 11 2014 ~-------------------- 2.9 08 3 Payment AUthorization No. DB 15Cialm No.1& M8 . 08 4 In accordance with Plan Section 111 A (7Xc) and Resolution No.99-119, adopted August 20, 1998. appnwal of the following 'Claim Ia delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board d AdmlniatratioW\. 1be claim for .-~t to tho henefidary of Edw~ 0. Murphy, deceased, listed below, is hcRihy certified as due and payable, pursuant to the proVisions of tho Water and Power Elnployoes' Retirement Plan; and the Chief Accouatins Elnpk))'ee is hcRihy authorized and directed to authenticate demands on the respective Funds ia tavor of said beneficiary ia the respective amounts specified hemander opposite her name in paydliat of said claim. RETIREMENT FUND Acqued )\etjmpegt Allowance s:m,ooo.oo $240.41 · JaneFong DEATH BENEFIT· · fUNp mtAL .$20,240.41 SEP 11 2014 ~=~·------------------- / 2.10 ' ~. Payment AUthorization No. DB 15Claim No. 15 u 34 0 R5 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7)(c) and ResolutJon No.99-119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following. claim is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Admlnlstratlo'n. The ~laim for pa)'Dlellt to the beneficiary of Jimmy D. Powers, deceased, listed below, is ben:by certified as due and payable, putSUIIIt to the prOvisions of the Water and Power Employees' Retimnent Plan; and the Chief Accounting Emplbyee is hereby authorized and dRctecl to authenticate demands on the respective FWlds in f*vor of said beneficiary in the respective amounts ·specified hereunder opposite the name in payrllebt of said claim. RETIREMENT FUND. John A. Powers ACCI'Uld Betinmmt AJiowepgr · 'DEAtH BENEFIT: · FtJNJ) $1,602.69 $20,000.00 Approved: SEP Date: _ _ _ _11 _2014 _ _ _ __ 2.11 JOTAL . ·, $21~602.69 Payment AUthorization No. DB 15Claim No. 15 M 35 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7)(c)and Reaolutlon No.99-119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claim Is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. By reason of the death of Buell W. Keith, the claim for the Continuance to Eligible Spouse Benefit as provided by Section IV E (9) of the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Plan in the amount ofSl.QS7.S8 for August 21,2014 tbrouah Aullut 31,2014, and in the amount of $2.980.46 per month during the lifetime of the eliJible spouse, or until otherwise ordered by the Board, commencina September I, 2014, plus the member's. accrued and unpaid monthly retirement allowance due in the amount ofSI.!J3.11* payable th»U the Retirement Fund, plus the sum of Ut.WM payable ftom the Death Benefit Fund, as provided by Section VI D (3) of said Plan, filed by Janie M. Keith as the eligible spouse and beneficiary of said decedent, is hereby certified as clue and payable Pursuant to the provisions of the Water and Power Emplo~' Retimnent Plan; and the Chief Accounting Employee is ·heltby authorized and directed to authenticate demands in favor of h+ M. KeD on the respoc:tiv" Funds from which said benefits are payable in said respoc:tive amounts, in payment of said elaim, and with .aped to said Continuance to Eligible Spouse Benefit, in the same respective ·monthly amount for each suecessive month following September 1, 2014, for which similar Certification is made. • No payment will be made for tbe Accrued Retirement AlloW8ftCO amount of$ 1,922.88 to the benefieiary above. The Acmaed Retirement Allowance will bt: paid with the Elisible Spouse Contin..... Approved: SEP 11 2014 Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2.12 086 Payment Authorization No. DB 16Claim No. 13M 140 In accordance with Plan Sadlon Ill A (7)(c) and R6solutlon No.99-119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following Claim Is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of AdministratiOn. The claim for payment to the beneficiary of Josepb L Martinez, deceasod, listed below, is henlby certified as due and payable, pursuant to the proVisions of the Water and Power Employeos' Retimnent Plan; and the Chief Aecounting Empl~)ree is .hereby authorized and directed to authenticate demands on the NSpeetive Funds in ftVol' of said henoftciary in the NSpeetive amounts specified bereuader opposite the name in pa)'ll*t of said claim. DISABILITY FUND Accrued Disability Allowanc::e Name Geraldine Martinez ' $604.45* RETI&EMEJa FUND DEATH · BENEfli fUND Total Accumulated Contributions $129,79(US•• TOTAL $51,126.74~ •• .· Si8t,S2t.34 (Above amounts Include ilflereat) · . $599.22 • PAY TO: GERALDINE MARTINEZ PAY TO: IRS/FEDERAL TAX s 5,23 ' $604.45 TOTAL: •• PAY 10: PERSHING LlC FBO GERALDINE MARTINEZ- N6Q..o2SS48 S129,790.1S s 50,684.47 . ••• PAY TO: GERALDINE MARTINEZ PAY TO: IRS/FEDERAL TAX s 442.27 SS1,126.74 TOTAL: SEP 11 2014 Approved: ·~ ~M8Naer ~------------------- 2.13 OB? Payment Authorization No. DB 15Ciaim No. 15M 28 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7)(c) ;and Resolution No.99-119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following iCiaim is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. The claim for payment to the beneficiary of Gaynelle M. Bell, deceased, listed below, is hereby certified as due and payable, pursuant to the proVisions of the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Plan; and the Chief Accounting Empio:yee is hereby authorized and directed to authenticate demands on the respective Funds in favor of said beneficiary in the respective amounts specified hereunder opposite the name in payment of said claim. RETIREMENT FUND Accrued Retirement Allowance Beneficiary Eric Anderson DEATH BENEFIT FUND $1,113.43 $10,000.00 Approved: SEP 18 2014 Date: ------------------------- J)S ds ~ Accrued Retire./Dth. Ben. Q:BenPymt3.doc 2.14 TOTAL $21,113.43 088 Payment Authorization No. DB 15Claim No. 14 M 249 0 8 9· In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7)(b) and Resolution No.99119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claim is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of AdministratiOn. The ~laim for payment to the benefidary of Chart• S. Cumiskey, deceased, listed below, is hereby certified as due and payable, pursuant to the ~visions of the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Plan; and the Chief Accounting EmploYee is hereby authorized and directed to authenticate demands on the respective Funds in &vor of said beneficiary in the respective amounts specified hereunder opposite the name in pa~ of said ~laim. RETIREMENT FUND DEATH BENEFIT FUND · ··· Total Accumulated Conlributlons · Name Carol SUZIDIIC Cuypers, $276, . 723.35•. . . . TOTAL . $124,406.~~ . ' .~l,.J29.87 . , • PAY TO: CAROL SUZANNE CUYPERS $224,001.1S . PAY TO: IRS/FEDERAL TAX $ $2.722.20 TOTAL: S276,723.35 SEP 18 2014 ~------------------ 2.15 • • • • • • ·• • e e REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: PT7015P1 15-027 001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLAN SECTION III A (7) (C) AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-119, ADOPTED AUGUST 20 1 1998 1 APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS IS DELEGATED TO THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER BY THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION. THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER HEREBY CERTIFIES TO THE CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE OF THE DEPARMENT OF WATER AND POWER THAT PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE RETIREMENT PLAN, THE CLAIMS HEREINAFTER LISTED AS DUE AND PAYABLE FROM THE WATER AND POWER EMPLOYEES' DISABILITY FUND TO THE PERSONS AND IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED. AND THAT SAID CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE IS AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO AUTHENTICATE A DEMAND ON SUCH FUND IN PAYMENT OF SAID CLAIMS. THE CLAIMS LISTED ARE FOR DISABILITY BENEFITS ACCRUING DURING THE PERIOD 04-21~~_10~~~~1~. TEMPORARY DISABILITY ROLL I PERIOD: 04-21-14 TO 08-24-14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...,C..,.La.AI1111M..___ _ _..a.i!1.f .l:IQ N :e:..... (J) PPE: I NAME TOTAL 04-21-14 TO 05-04-14 14 D 0736 DAVID R MOELLER 06-02-14 TO 06-15-14 14 D 0608 MERRILEE L BROWN 3,727.49 06-16-14 TO 06-29-14 14 D 0608 MERRILEE L BROWN 4,659.36 06-30-14 TO 07-13-14 14 D 0608 MERRILEE L BROWN 4,659.36 07-28-14 TO 08-10-14 15 D 0058 15 D 0059 15 D 0044 14 D 1055 14 D 1051 15 D 0073 15 D 0064 14 D 0949 JOHN E LOZANO TONY I MORRISON ERIC ROBERTS CINDY A ROUGHAN JOHNNY D TEXEIRA STEVE P TORRES TELESFORO VALLEJOS PHILIP VEE 1,066.84 336.29 1,260.75 573.07 741.89 1.620.58 1,375.66 3,404.95 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 14 D 1112 ANDY JUNNE AGRA II 3,927.00 $ 2,064.47 ; PPE: ,. • • • • • • • PPE: PPE: PPE: PPE: Ill - - • • • • • • • • • • • • *• - • • • l) - • • • • • • • • . CLAIH -PPE: -.....! "\l ~· "";s ::1 ~· • • • • • • REPORT NO: PAYHENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: """' N ~~ ~ - 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 14 D 1100 14 D 1101 14 D 0259 14 D 101.5 13 D 0921 15 D 001.5 15 D 0108 15 D 0031 14 D 0823 15 D 0109 15 D 0080 15 D 0029 14 D 0821 14 D 0652 14 D lOll 14 D 0878 15 D 0037 14 D 0913 15 D 0072 13 D 0581 15 D 0110 15 D 0014 14 D 0916 15 D 0074 14 D 0639 15 D 0013 14 D 0603 14 D 0599 15 D 0035 14 D 0867 14 D 1030 15 D 0091 15 D 0078 14 D 0880 14 D 0501 14 D 1113 14 D 1104 14 D 1132 13 D 0564 ~ Ill EHP NO NAHE JOSE AGUAYO JR NATHAN_AGUAYO LUIS AGUILAR GILBERT F AGUILAR CLAUDIA ALVARADO SUSAN AVILA SUAREZ SELAHAWIT H AZAGE BILL W BABISHOFF HA VIRGI BACIERTO ANGELA S BALENTINE HICHAEL W BALL JOE R BEAS ADRIAN BENITEZ SANFORD L BLUMBERG STEVEN A BROUGHTON EDWARD C BRYANT ROBERT BRYHER ELLEN D BURD DAHlEN D BURRIS OSCAR W CALDER HICHAEL N. CARRANO GONZALITO C CASTRO JESUS CHAVARRIA LYDEL D. CHEA YUNAE CHOI JENNIFE CLINGERMAN LAURA CONTRERAS ROBIN N COOLEY DAVID CORNELL DEMETRIUS DE ANDA ARTHUR DEL TORO FERNANDO DIAZ SALLIE 0 DOMINGUEZ HYRA DORSEY AHISA R. DURHAH PATRICE A DUVALL DIRK T EDMUNDSON LORA L EGGAN GERI ENGSTROM PT7015Pl 15-027 002 TOTAL $ 2 1 270.07 3,455.08 1,312.80 2,882.70 923.65 3,927.00 1,673.82 2,951.10 3,226.60 1.795.61 928.56 2,903.94 1,152.09 3,571.29 2,330.36 1,311.31 3,650.19 2,292.28 2,209.32 956.27 1,190.64 2,664.92 3,095.36 2,063.05 809.04 1,882.24 1,766.40 1,328.64 2,909.72 2,578.21 3,322.08 1,883.34 2,509.20 2,292.28 1,766.40 2,502.40 4,092.94 3,009.00 1,354.93 e e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • D ~ ~ ~ • • • • • • • REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIM PPE: N ~.:...... ~ " (X) ~ " ~· ;. ~ 3 ~ 3 ::. • • • • • • - - Ill 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 14 D 0946 14 D 0969 14 D 1012 15 D 0075 15 D 0036 13 D 0585 14 D 0477 13 D 0699 14 D 0712 15 D 0052 15 D 0038 15 D 0107 14 D 0321 15 D 0115 15 D 0103 14 D 0967 14 D 1129 14 D 1114 15 D 0062 15 D 0053 14 D 0733 14 D 1107 15 D 0076 15 D 0081 15 D 0033 14 D 07bl 15 D 0050 14 D 0897 14 D 1022 14 D 0675 13 D 1084 14 D 0236 15 D 0027 15 D 0082 14 D 0960 14 D 1045 13 D 1105 14 D 0226 14 D 1038 - EHP NO NAHE JONATHAN H ERDAY ROBfRI_ESCAHILLA LOUISE A ESTES HAZEL FAHA ANNETTE FLORES CHUNG FONG LEONARD J FORD WENDY FU JOSE E FUENTES DARYL H. FUJII MARGARITA GAFARE ROBERT S GALAN JORGE A GALAN MARGIE ANN GARCIA ALFREDO C GARCIA GILBERT GARCIA JR JOHN W GARDNER JR RAYMOND D GAYTAN JEFFREY S GENTRY MICHAEL N GIBSON CHRISTOPHE GILBERT CYNTHIA D GLOVER STEFAN A. GOLEA RICHARD GONZALES JOSE GONZALEZ JR DARLENE GOODRUM SYNTHIA S GORDON DAWN H GRAHAM JUAN R GUEVARA KYLE A GUYOT LETICIA S HALE RICHARD HAMILTON PERCY L HAMPTON NANCY A HARDY GARY H HARRIES HARTIN J HAUPTMAN NICOLE HAYNES JAMIE D HEATHERLY ROY L HERNANDEZ PT7015P1 15-027 003 IOJAL $ 1 1 312.80 2.826.94 916.91 568.48 3,927.00 1.270.93 1,876.80 312.96 529.64 1,882.24 1,774.80 802.79 1,765.47 515.76 1,238.08 2,292.28 2,466.36 2.572.44 3,753.59 887.40 1,215.20 2.292.28 2,231.76 1,774.80 2,463.64 2,509.20 3,100.12 2,292.28 3,928.63 1,302.24 554.19 1,285.60 3,024.87 2,220.88 3,404.95 4,150.72 1,744.40 2,002.91 2,989.28 -- - • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • '!3 3 N ~.~ J c:o _,. ""' " " ':;. "":1 • • • • • • e e -REPORT NO: PAY"ENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIM PPE: 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 14 D 1090 Hi D 0040 15 D 0041 14 D 0411 15 D 0096 14 D 0719 14 D 0743 15 D 0084 14 D 1064 14 D 1032 14 D 0942 14 D 1000 14 D 1119 14 D 0986 15 D 0085 14 D 0804 14 D 1092 14 D 1120 14 D 1123 14 D 1046 14 D 1039 15 D 0016 15 D 0017 14 D 0840 14 D 0182 15 D 0018 15 D 0057 14 D 1040 15 D 0058 14 D 1096 14 D 0973 15 D 0043 14 D 1121 13 D 0722 14 D 0802 14 D 0853 15 D 0086 14 D 0838 14 D 0720 e - E"P NO NA"E DAVID S HERNANDEZ JASON L HOLLISTER BRYAN C HOLLOWAY CATHY D HOOKS PA"ELA D HOWARD HARLEN R HUNT ANDREA HWANG GLORIA A JACKSON CYNTHIA V JACKSON GUY A JAEGERS GARY JOHNSON RONALDO JUVERA PHILLIP J. KEARNEY TERESA KEARNEY HU"A KHAN DAVID H KISHI"OTO FLORTESSA B LALU NOR"AN H LAU LATISIA LAWSON DAVID J LEHIGH DO"INIC D LER"A JESSICA W__LEUNG DOLORES LILLARD HENRY D LOPEZ DIXIE L. LOQUET PHYLLIS LOSORELLI DO"INZO R LOVE ERNESTINE LOVE JOHN E LOZANO CAROLYN L LUJAN ADA" B "ACIAS FABIAN "ALINOVITZ "AURICIO "ARIN BRENT K._HARIENS LINDA K. "ARTIN CARISA E "ASSEY PATRICK T "AYFIELD CARLTON E "C CLOUD KEVIN " "C CUE PT7015P1 15-027 004 TOTAL $ 2 1 173.30 2.309.96 3 1 572.72 1,456.27 1 1 774.63 2.157.92 692.74 1,458.74 2 1 292.28 3.558.55 4,259.52 2,820.06 2 1 509.20 2.355.3_2 288.02 2 1 010.08 3,281.49 1.429.63 2,292.28 3 1 507.83 4,290.12 2.292.26 2,292.28 3,140.61 2,292.28 2.292.26 2,292.28 1 1 774.80 2 1 438.48 1.260.75 3 1 195.63 2,292.28 2 1 165.11 1.357.33 2 1 292.28 1,348.40 3,404.95 2.231.76 1,965.88 e e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lO ":> " • N ~.N ;;. ~ "" 0 " """ ~ ~· • • • • • • e e -REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIM PPE: 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 13 D 0798 15 D 0060 14 D 0803 15 D 0039 14 D 0490 14 D 0180 14 D 1095 15 D 0059 14 D 1094 13 D 0919 15 D 0097 14 D 0611 14 D 0825 1'LD_1047 15 D 0098 13 D 0303 14 D 1126 14 D 0929 14 D 1078 14 D 1067 14 D 0748 14 D 0938 14 D 1097 15 D 0070 14 D 0993 14 D 0930 13 D 0353 14 D 0555 14 D 0229 15 D 0089 14 D 0622 14 D 1068 14 D 0551 14 D 1007 14 D 0884 14 D 1056 14 D 0970 15 D 0044 14 D 0751 - El'lf>___NO_____NAME___ TORI S MC NEEL JAMES MCMURRY__ EULISSES J MERCADO CIMONE P DANIELS ERICA D MINOR ELAINE D_HOELLER DALE R HORGAN TONY I MORRISON RAFAEL V MOYANO EVELYN OAKRY VIENNA Y OLIPHANT CHRISTINE ORELLANA WILLIAM ORTEGA SCOTT OSBORN ERLINDA F PABON T D PARFENOVICH EDITH PAVIA JAMES E PAYNE DEBORAH L PERALTA ESTHER D PEREA DARLENE PEREZ DAVID M PHIBBS LEARA L PHILLIPS STEVEN L PIKE MEDEL A PRADO RALPH A PRATHER JR IRENE P QUEVEDO LUIS RAMIREZ CHRISTOPHE RAMIREZ JACK RAPPOLDT GREGORY E RAYMOND KIMBERLY E. REDDIX EVERETT M REESE MICHAEL E. RENWICK GLORIA REVILLA SALVADOR M RIVERA CHER T ROBERTS ERIC ROBERTS MICHAEL ROBERTSON PT7015P1 15-027 005 TOTAL $ 981.33 2.438.48 1,820.80 2 1 292.28 797.94 1.078.72 2,052.24 2 1 989.28 2,560.20 898.93 1,242.36 1 1 662.58 1,502.80 3,662.04 1 1 260.75 881.33 2 1 355.32 1,774.80 2 1 842.40 2,292.28 155.87 4,684.49 1 1 949.40 3,453.63 2 1 267.80 2,150.16 923.65 1,434.40 1 1 147.52 1,757.51 3,788.73 3,100.12 2,773.15 2,751.28 1,385.48 1 1 463.09 2 1 292.28 2,292.28 3,235.63 - - - • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIM PPE: 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 14 D 0.591 14 D 0704 14 D 0826 13 D 0908 1.5 D 0067 14 D 0907 14 D 0369 14 D 1008 14 D 0526 1.5 D 0079 1.5 D 0063 14 D 0830 13 D 081.5 14 D 0430 15 D 0111 14 D 0764 14 D 0827 14 D 0935 15 D 0054 14 D 1017 14 D 0866 14 D 0990 14 D 064.5 14 D 1069 14 D 1087 14 D 0777 14 D 0315 14 D 1098 15 D 0090 14 D 1002 14 D 1019 14 D 1110 14 D 1127 15 D 0071 14 D 1070 15 D 0073 15 D 0047 15 D 0061 15 D 0045 :e • ,.;. N :eN ...... ) • • • • • • - - • • • • • • tt Ill EHP NO NAME ROBERTO RODRIGUEZ GERALD P RODRIGUEZ RENE ROMERO JR SARAH J ROPER LORENA D ROSAS JOHN L ROSE HARK C RUBIN MICHAEL J SALAZAR HARIA H SALAZAR WILSON A SALVADOR NINA L. SANCHEZ CELIA V SANCHEZ GARY L SCHATTL KRYSTIE L SERRANO CHERYLEE P SEVILLA VERONICA R SHORTER VANESSA A SINCLAIR NANCY SKIDGEL VICKI SMITH TERENCE L SMITH SYLVIA SMITH PAMELA D SNEED TONY L. SNYDER SCOTT L SORRELL DAVID H SOTO FREDDIE J SPEARS ANTHONY S SPOON NICHOLAS V STAVES SHELLEY C SUMPTER ROBERT R TAPIA DANIEL TAPIA DONALD C TAYLOR JR SHALONDA H TAYLOR FREDERICK THOMPSON STEVEN C THORNTON STEVE P TORRES J TORRES-MEDINA CHARLES TWEEDY JR JOSE VALLADAREZ PT701.5P1 1.5-027 006 TOTAL $ 2,228.27 2.016.48 3,928.63 1,268.87 1,82.5.37 2.681.95 2,277.60 2,292.28 1,618.08 844 . .56 3,273.52 1,618.08 1,467.23 1,108.38 1,530.94 1,348.40 2,094.83 1,348.40 3,484.97 1,152.09 2,292.28 1,348.40 1,771. 20 2,267.80 4,130.09 1.721.28 1,946.18 2,692.48 2,502.40 3.429.58 2,998.12 3,193.48 2,292.28 1,984.24 4,684.49 5,401.92 3,578.16 1,872.31 653.16 e ------ tt • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e e e • • • • • • • • • • • • •~. ·~~~~------~S~E~-p~OD4242~01M4----------~T~oT~A~L~==~~--$$~4~84~,~55~1~.4~3---------------------------------------- • REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIM PPE: .,. > i I f\5 EMP NO 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 15 D 0024 14 D 1071 14 D 0317 14 D 0655 14 D 0978 15 D 0003 15 D 0012 14 D 1128 15 D 0020 15 D 0099 14 D 0949 15 D 0026 13 D 0960 ,· NAME GARRY A VARNADO CORINNE C VASQUEZ ESMERALDA VENEGAS ROBERT S WHITFIELD JAMES C WILLIAMS RUDDY A WYNDON JR FARRIS YARBROUGH GABRIEL YBARRA IRMA YBARRA KARYN H YBARRA PHILIP VEE JOHN P ZAMBORY ROBERT M ZIRBECK PT7015P1 15-027 007 TOTAL $ 2,052.24 2,292.28 1,385.48 1 1 576.40 2,502.40 4,316.85 2,292.28 281.52 2,292.28 1,260.75 3,404.95 1 1 827.14 1,540.27 • DATE: ) • • • • • • ~ -Ill --- -------- '- - - • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • e - e REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: ; '' 1 THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER HEREBY CERTIFIES TO THE CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER THAT THE CLAIMS HEREINAFTER LISTED ARE DUE AND PAYABLE FROM THE WATER AND POWER EMPLOYEES' DISABILITY FUND AS A SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIT FOR AN INDUSTRIAL DISABILITY. EXCLUSIVE OF THE FIRST THREE DAYS THEREOF; AND THAT SAID CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE IS AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO AUTHENTICATE A DEMAND ON SUCH FUND IN PAYMENT OF SAID CLAIMS. THE CLAIMS LISTED BELOW ARE FOR DISABILITY BENEFITS ACCRUING DURING THE PERIOD 07-14-14 TO 08-24-14. INDUSTRIAL SUPPLEMENIAL PERIOD: :w 1\:) ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PT701.5P1 1.5-028 001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLAN SECTION III A 17) ICJ AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-119 1 ADOPTED AUGUST 20 1 1998, APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS IS DELEGATED TO THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER BY THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION. PPE: PPE: DISABILITY ROLL EMP NO NAME 07-14-14 TO 07-27-14 14 c 016.5 9669.51 KEITH E WILLIAMS 07-28-14 TO 08-10-14 14 c 016.5 9669.51 KEITH E WILLIAMS CLAIM PPE: 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 14 c 0018 14 c 0242 14 c 0193 1.5 c 0017 14 c 0031 14 c 01.52 14 c 01.57 14 c 0180 14 c 0194 13 c 0111 13 c 0201 14 c 0197 14 c 0139 13 c 0099 1.5 c 0002 1.5 c 0011 " -Ill COM~EK~AIION 07-14-14 TO 08-24-14 . r-·!" '. ---- --- • .·- - BENIGNO ACOSTA VICENTE S AGUILAR JOHN ALFARO IGNACIO ANAYA JR RICHARD G ANDREWS FRANCISCO V AYALA DARRELL J BALLARD MICHAEL P BATH ELVIRA BLAS SHIRLEY BROWN OSWALDO C BURBANO RICK BURGESS LINDA J BYRD JU~IAN F CAMPBELL GILBERTO CARDENAS JESUS S CASTILLO TOTAL '• 741.28 $ 369.33 o.oo 2,616 . .54 1l111.29 1,061.46 o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo 487 . .52 898.93 o.oo 31.5.00 1,618.08 o.oo 98.32 2,3.54.16 --- ----- e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e __ e REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIM PPE: 14 14 14 14 1§ 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 14 15 14 13 14 14 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 14 ., • Ill EMP NO 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 15 c 0006 -.. ,1\5 '• ·~ • • • • • • • e c 0247 c 0209 c 0154 c 0178 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 0001 0214 0236 0147 017!' 0224 0206 0225 0127 0174 0226 0232 0217 0052 0218 0142 0010 0203 0005 0239 0229 0245 0211 0014 0078 0057 0251 0227 0202 0188 0212 0103 0009 0179 _ ~ _ u~ ' ~.- ------- NAME__ ANDREWS CASTRO ROBERT R_. CHARLES ISAAC CONTRERAS D CUNNINGHAM PHILIP E DAVIDSON TRAVIS 0 DEATON HANS W DELSOIN JAVIER DOMINGUEZ JOSEPH EAGEN CONNIE R EAMES GAY L. EMANS GARY C EMORY FRANK ESTRADA ANGELlE D. FULTON CIRILO GALVAN JR DAMON GANGI FRED GONZALEZ MANUEL A GONZALEZ JEFFREY P GORDON JAMES P GOSSELIN HUMBERTO GUZZETTI BRYON_HARLACHER TONY L. HARRIS MICHELLE HOONG DEWAYNE E JACKSON DANIEL _C_ JIMENEZ PAUL JOHNSON DARNELL JONES JIN H KANG ROBERT KELLY OWEN L KNAPPER SONIA V LAJAS DOUGLAS L LAND JAMES_LITTLEEIELD JOHN C LOLL JERRY R LOWE VINCENT MAMMOLITI OSCAR.I'IARROQUIN JUSTIN MARTINEZ PT7015P1 15-028 002 TOTAL 0.00 $ ___ 363.~ 0.00 1 1 618.08 359.92 0.00 0.00 149.36 1,575.36 315 .14 353.12 0.00 317.08 1.618.08 1 1 057.12 2,292.28 421.94 0.00 2 1 040.40 575.33 0.00 _____177.68 0.00 506.44 488.20 0. 00 0.00 0.00 780.57 0._00 0.00 693.12 1 1 378.55 0.00 3,640.72 2 1 790.87 0.00 2 ... 2«!2~28 0.00 - ~ - • • • • • • • • ,._' -- • • • * • • • • - • • • • • • • •g. CLAIM PPE: 1\5 . 01 i'V ) . ~ 0 s ~· 3 0 3 ~ ~· 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 14 c 0170 13 c 0183 14 c 0223 14 c 0136 14 c 0158 14 c 0249 14 c 0213 14 c 0143 13 c 0227 15 c 0015 13 c 0157 14 c 0248 14 c 0240 15 c 0008 14 c 0204 14 c 0138 15 c 0007 14 c 0231 14 c 0189 15 c 0013 13 c 0246 14 c 0241 15 c 0003 14 c 0221 13 c 0215 13 c 0249 14 c 0084 14 c 0162 14 c 0216 14 c 0177 14 c 0207 14 c 0219 14 c 0222 14 c 0087 15 c 0012 14 c 0165 15 c 0016 14 c 0237 EHP NO_____MAME__ $ TOTAL $ APPROVED: Ill TOTAL DARREN R MCGUIRE JOSEPH H MEDINA ANDRE E HINTON ENRIQUE H MUNOZ MICHAEL HISENHIHER C HO~O~JIMENEZ DANIEL MONTANO GLENN MORRIS IGNACIO OLIVEROS VICTOR___11_EREZ KYLE N POKORSKI ERNIE G PRECIADO FRANK H PRECIADO BETTY REED CHAD R REESE STEVIE RENFRO ROBIN K ROBERSON CHRIS ROBERTS EMIL D RUIAN SANDRA SAGE ANNETTE SALAZAR A P SANTISTEVAN HENRY A SIMON RICHARD T SMITH JR PAM SOUTH-HAYFIELD CHARLOTTE A TAYLOR JUDITH H THOMPSON DAVID P TURNEY CHARLES UPDEGROVE GABRIEL VENEGAS MARIO VILLANUEVA CARL WASHINGTON XAVIER WATKINS AARON C WESTON BRADLEY R WICKHAM KEITH E WILLIAMS LARRY D WILLIAMS CHUCK WON -- - - · · · - · - - - - REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: •3 • • • • • • - - 602.00 0.00 2,231.76 0.00 602.00 473.5~ 532.67 1,771.20 0.00 411__._!!..2. 0.00 900.59 900.59 148.40 0.00 1,721.28 2,509.20 0.00 0.00 2,292.28 898.93 501.48 1 1 044.20 0.00 898.93 984.00 1 1 266.84 1,091.77 52.08 0.00 0.00 1,156.20 403.44 1,004.68 804.16 0.00 937.42 0.00 63,617.65 PT7015P1 15-028 003 • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • - • • • • • • • • r\5 ~. ~ ) . (j) ,. - . -~- ---- REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: PT7015P1 15-029 001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLAN SECTION III A (7J lCJ AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-119, ADOPTED AUGUST 20 1 1998 1 APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS IS DELEGATED TO THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER BY THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION. THE MEMBERS OF THE WATER AND POWER EMPLOYEES• RETIREMENT PLAN HEREINAFTER LISTED HAVE AN ENFORCEABLE RIGHT EITHER TO RECEIVE WORKERS• COMPENSATION FROM THE DEPARTMENT BY REASON OF THEIR DEPARTMENT EMPLOYMENT FOR INDUSTRIAL DISABiliTY OR TO RECEIVE BENEFITS FOR TEMPORARY DISABILITY FOR THE SAME PERIOD. BUT IT IS UNCERTAIN AS TO WHICH AND THAT THE MEMBERS HAVE EXECUTED THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AGREEMENT REQUIRED UNDER SECTION V D (7) OF THE PLAN. THE RETIREMENT POWER THAT PURSUANT THE WATER AND POWER ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE PLAN MANAGER HEREBY CERTIFIES TO THE CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND TO THE TERMS OF THE RETIREMENT PLAN, THE CLAIMS HEREINAFTER LISTED AS DUE AND PAYABLE FROM EMPLOYEES• DISABILITY FUND TO THE PERSONS AND IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED, AND THAT SAID CHIEF IS AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO AUrHENTICATE A DEMAND ON SUCH FUND IN PA'ltiENLOFSAID CLAIMS. CONTINGENT DISABILITY ROLL '> • • ~ PERIOD: 07-28-14 TO 08-24-14 CLAIM EHP NO_ ...... NAME TOTAL ~ ~· • • • • • • PPE: PPE: 07-28-14 TO 08-10-14 15 D 0008 14 D 0991 ROOSEVELT JOHNSON JOHN M TANAKA 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 14 D 0747 14 D 0766 13 D 0887 14 D 0515 15 D 0008 14 D 1033 14 D 0824 14 D 0904 14 D 0991 CURTICE CONWAY KIRK_ R_HANSON LETIEIA Z HEDGEMAN ELIEZER HERNANDEZ ROOSEVELT JOHNSON DAVID P LU£YANO JULIE S MANALANSAN VAN NGOCTHI NGUYEN JOHN M TANAKA \ $ 2 1 929.85 1...2.8!f_.2't. &.< 2 1 705.51 2, 751.28 898.93 1,530.72 2 1 929.85 3,235.63 2,502.40 3,719.60 1,984.24 TOTAL $ 27,172.25 I DATE: ~ e SEP 0 4 2014 --- ---- I V11tf • • • • • • • . THE CLAIMS LISTED BELOW ARE FOR CONTINGENT DISABILITY BENEFITS PURSUANT TO SECTION V D l7J OF THE PLAN DURING THE PERIOD OF 07-28-14 TO 08-24-14. 3 > 3 • ---- --- - - • • • • • • • • • • • • • :;;. , "8 I ~ e e REPORT NO: PAYHENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: • • • • • • • • PT7015P1 15-030 001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLAN SECTION III A 17J ICJ AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-119 1 ADOPTED AUGUST 20 1 1998 1 APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING CLAIHS IS DELEGATED TO THE RETIREHENT PLAN HANAGER BY THE BOARD OF ADHINISTRATION. THE RETIREHENT PLAN HANAGER HEREBY CERTIFIES TO THE CHIEF ACCOUNTING EHPLOYEE OF THE DEPARHENT OF WATER AND POWER THAT PURSUANT TO THE TERHS OF THE RETIREHENT PLAN, THE CLAIHS HEREINAFTER LISTED AS DUE AND PAYABLE FROH THE ~R_AND POWER_EHPLOYEES' DISABILITY FUND TO THE PERSONS AND IN THE AHOUNTS SPECIFIED, AND THAT SAID CHIEF ACCOUNTING EHPLOYEE IS AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO AUTHENTICATE A DEHAND ON SUCH FUND IN PAYHENT OF SAID CLAIHS. THE CLAII'ISLISTED ARE_EOR_DISABILITY BENEFITS ACCRUING DURING THE PERIOD 05-19-14 TO 08-24-14. TEHPORARY DISABILITY ROLL PERIOD: 05-19-14 TO 08-24-14 CLAIH 1\) ~ PPE: ---.1 EHP NO NAHE _ TOTAL 05-19-14 TO 06-01-14 14 D 0989 SHANNON J LA LANDE 07-14-14 TO 07-27-14 14 D 1037 LORRAINE E SORIANO 1 1 505.11 HALINTZIN JULIEN 1,860.00 GLADYS AVINA LIBIA BECERRA-VAIL ROBERTO BUSTOS GLEN CUSTIS RENE N DIAZ HURIEL P GARCERA HARISSA C GONZALEZ BARON GREENHOUSE HOSTAFA HAJI DESHOND D JOHNSON JUDY P LE JO ANN NEWHAN ERICA SAHAGUN ALAN L SWANSON 1l348.40 458.46 1,451.66 3,883.48 2,582.21 2,917.88 1,348.40 272.60 3,927.00 1,845.62 813.28 1,107.20 254.36 $ 229.23 :!1 ;; _tt ~ PPE: PPE: 07-28-1~ PPE: TO 08-10-14 14 D 0974 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 14 D 0511 15 D 0105 15 D 0120 15 D 0004 15 D 0094 14 D 0806 14 D 0684 15 D 0119 14 D 0933 14 D 1091 15 D 0118 14 D 0189 15 D 0117 · 15 D 0093 TOTAL DATE: e Ill ~ 2 406.12 $ 29,211.01 • • • • • • • • •• • • • *• • • • • • • • • • • • ) 2 s ~· . THE MEMBERS OF THE WATER AND POWER EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLAN HEREINAFTER LISTED HAVE AN ENFORCEABLE RIGHT EITHER TO RECEIVE WORKERS' COMPENSATION FROM THE DEPARTMENT BY REASON OF THEIR DEPARTMENT EMPLOYMENT FOR TNDIISTRTAI DISABiliTY OR TO RECEIVE BENEFITS FOR TEMPORARY DISABILITY FOR THE ~RIOD. BUT IT IS UNCERTAIN AS TO WHICH AND THAT THE MEMBERS HAVE EXECUTED THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AGREEMENT REQUIRED;UNDER SECTION V D (7) OF THE PLAN. CX> • CONTINGENT DISABILITY ROLL . 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 •,- CLAIM 3 EMf' NO NAME TOTAL ~ PPE: 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 15 D 0102 SEPI12014 DATE: -- JOHN J GALLAGHER $ 2.078.51 TOTAL $ 2,078.51 ~ ~ · APPROV RE ~N 5 I MANAGE .. V' . (\} e e • • • • • • THE CLAIMS LISTED BELOW ARE FOR CONTINGENT DISABILITY BENEFITS PURSUANT TO SECTION V D (7) OF THE PLAN DURING THE PERIOD OF 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14. PERIOD: • • THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER HEREBY CERTIFIES TO THE CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER THAT PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE RETIREMENT PLAN 1 THE CLAIMS HEREINAFTER LISTED AS DUE AND PAYABLE FROM THE WATER AND POWER EMPLOYEES' DISABILITY FUND TO THE PERSONS AND IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED, AND THAT SAID CHIEF ACCDUNIING_EMP~OVEE IS AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO AUTHENTICATE A DEMAND ON SUCH FUND IN PAYMENT OF SAID CLAIMS. , 0. • • • • • • PT7015P1 15-031 001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLAN SECTION III A (7) lC) AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-119 1 ADOPTED AUGUST 20, 1998 1 APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS IS DELEGATED TO THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER BY THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION. i\J - e REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: _I\) g • e e e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e e e REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: PT701.5P1 1.5-032 001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLAN SECTION III A 17) !C) AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-119 1 ADOPTED AUGUST 20 1 1998 1 APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS IS DELEGATED TO THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER BY THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION. THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER HEREBY CERTIFIES TO THE CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE OF THE DEPARMENT OF WATER AND POWER THAT PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE RETIREMENT PLAN, THE CLAIMS HEREINAFTER LISTED AS DUE AND PAYABLE FROM THE WATER AND POWER EMPLOYEES' DISABILITY FUND TO THE PERSONS AND IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED, AND THAT SAID CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE IS AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO AUTHENTICATE A DEMAND ON SUCH FUND IN PAYMENT OF SAID CLAIMS. THE CLAIMS LISTED ARE FOR DISABILITY BENEFITS ACCRUING DURING THE PERIOD 0.5-0.5-14 TO 09-07-14. TEMPORARY DISABILITY ROLL PERIOD: CLAIM 1\5 • tg PPE: • • • • • • • • PPE: PPE: PPE: PPE: PPE: e Ill 0.5-0.5-14 TO 09-07-14 EMP ~Q NAME TOTAL 0.5-0.5-14 TO 0.5-18-14 14 D 09.5.5 TROY S HANNA 06-16-14 TO 06-29-14 14 D 1122 BRIAN A MACIAS 06-30-14 TO 07-13-14 14 D 0920 14 D 09.52 E F MC ANDREW JR JOHN R WINTERS JR 2,036.60 2,967.07 07-14-14 TO 07-27-1~ 14 D 1036 14 D 09.52 JUAN R PEREZ JOHN R WINTERS JR 1,209.04 2,967.07 07-28-14 TO 08-10-14 14 D 074.5 1.5 D 00.5.5 1.5 D 006.5 14 D 09.52 14 D 0887 ROBIN T LAMB GUADALUPE T REYNA CHARLES S RICE JOHN R WINTERS JR CARLOS C ZAMORA 2,0.53.69 847 •.50 898.14 2,967.07 2,316.69 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 1.5 D 009.5 14 D 0584 BELDEN S ALIVIO YOLANDA BOLDEN 2,271 . .55 161.81 $ 1,413.04 916.91 e e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •g. REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIM PPE: PPE: 1\) w 0 ) ,' s ~· ,3 3 0 ~· • • • • • • - e e e Ill EMP NO NAME 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 15 D 0100 15 D 0083 14 D 0422 14 D 0745 15 D 0116 15 D 0113 15 D 0065 15 D 0088 14 D 0952 14 D 0887 JOHN A DEMONTE MARK G HERNANDEZ DAVINA L HOLBERT ROBIN T LAMB BLASE A LOPEZ GREGORY T NGO CHARLES S RICE ROBERT SCHNEIDER JOHN R WINTERS JR CARLOS C ZAMORA 08-25-14 TO 09-07-14 15 D 0150 14 D 1112 14 D 1100 14 D 1101 14 D 0259 15 D 0095 15 D 0015 14 D 0511 15 D 0108 15 D 0031 14 D 0823 15 D 0109 15 D 0126 15 D 0029 15 D 0105 14 D 0652 14 D lOll 15 D 0037 14 D 0913 15 D 0072 13 D 0581 15 D 0165 15 D 0110 15 D 0014 14 D 0916 15 D 0013 14 D 0603 GRACE C ADAJAR ANDY JUNNE AGRA II JOSE AGUAYO JR NATHAN AGUAYO LUIS AGUILAR BELDEN S ALIVIO SUSAN AVILA SUAREZ GLADYS AVINA SELAHAWIT H AZAGE BILL W BABISHOFF HA VIRGI BACIERTO ANGELA S BALENTINE DAVID L BAY JOE R BEAS LIBIA BECERRA-VAIL SANFORD L BLUMBERG STEVEN A BROUGHTON ROBERT BRYHER ELLEN D BURD DAHlEN D BURRIS OSCAR W CALDER RANDYN Y CALVO MICHAEL N. CARRANO GONZALITO C CASTRO JESUS CHAVARRIA JENNIFE CLINGERMAN LAURA CONTRERAS PT7015Pl 15-032 002 TOTAL $ 1,583.24 3z240.88 1,348.40 2,053.69 542.45 750.72 2,763.52 2,710.49 333.80 lzl60.54 1,561.06 3z927.00 2,270.07 3,455.08 1,312.80 4 130.09 3,927.00 1,348.40 3,719.60 2 473.71 3,226.60 3,990.24 3,410.66 2z6l9.24 2,292.28 3,061.10 2,330.36 3z650.19 2,292.28 2,209.32 956.27 773.64 3,527.83 2,664.92 2,492.22 1,577.76 1,766.40 e - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •w • • • • • • • • • - REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIM PPE: 08-25-14 TO 09-07-14 14 D 0599 15 D 0035 15 D 0128 15 D 0004 14 D 0867 15 D 0100 15 D 0091 15 D 0078 14 D 0880 14 D 0501 14 D 1113 14 D 1132 14 D 0946 14 D 0969 15 D 0145 15 D 0036 14 D 0477 13 D 0699 15 D 0038 15 D 0107 14 D 0321 0806 14 15 0103 14 0967 14 1129 14 1114 0062 15 15 0161 0733 14 14 1107 0081 15 14 0761 0050 15 14 D 0897 15 D 0119 14 D 1022 14 D 0933 13 D 1084 14 D 0236 1\) ...... Ill e e e EMP NO ! I I NAME ROBIN N COOLEY DAVID CORNELL JAMES F COWGILL GLEN CUSTIS DEMETRIUS DE ANDA JOHN A DEMONTE FERNANDO DIAZ SALLIE 0 DOMINGUEZ MYRA DORSEY AMISA R. DURHAM PATRICE A DUVALL LORA L EGGAN JONATHAN M ERDAY ROBERT ESCAMILLA GLENN FILES JR ANNETTE FLORES LEONARD J FORD WENDY FU MARGARITA GAFARE ROBERT S GALAN JORGE A GALAN MURIEL P GARCERA ALFREDO C GARCIA GILBERT GARCIA JR JOHN W GARDNER JR RAYMOND D GAYTAN JEFFREY S GENTRY SUZON GERSTEL CHRISTOPHE GILBERT CYNTHIA D GLOVER RICHARD GONZALES DARLENE GOODRUM SYNTHIA S GORDON DAWN M GRAHAM BARON GREENHOUSE JUAN R GUEVARA MOSTAFA HAJI LETICIA S HALE RICHARD HAMILTON PT7015P1 15-032 003 TOTAL $ 149.47 11636.72 785.73 436.89 2,578.21 21878.61 2,092.60 2,509.20 2,292.28 11766.40 563.04 3,009.00 1,312.80 21826.94 442.32 3,927.00 1,876.80 312.96 1,774.80 2,378.64 1,765.47 21917.88 2,751.28 2,292.28 2,466.36 2z572.44 3,753.59 773.64 1,215.20 2z063.05 887.40 2,509.20 3,100.12 21292.28 2,180.76 3,928.63 3,927.00 923.65 1,285.60 e • • • • • • • • • • • • *• -- • • • •• • • • • • • •.• w CLAIM PPE: 08-25-14 TO 09-07-14 15 D 0027 14 D 0960 14 D 1045 13 D 1105 14 D 0226 14 D 1038 14 D 1090 15 D 0083 14 D 0422 15 D 0040 15 D 0041 15 D 0096 14 D 0719 15 D 0084 14 D 1032 14 D 0942 14 D 1091 14 D 1119 14 D 0986 14 D 0804 14 D 1066 14 D 1092 14 D 0745 14 D 1123 14 D 1046 14 D 1039 15 D 0016 15 D 0017 14 D 0840 14 D 0182 15 D 0018 15 D 0057 14 D 1040 15 D 0058 14 D 0973 15 D 0043 14 D 1121 13 D 0722 14 D 0802 1\) 1\) ) 'j ) ·• ) 3 ) 3 ~ ~- • • • • • • e Ill e REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: ~ g e EHP NO NAME PERCY L HAMPTON GARY H HARRIES HARTIN J HAUPTMAN NICOLE HAYNES JAMIE D HEATHERLY ROY L HERNANDEZ DAVID S HERNANDEZ HARK G HERNANDEZ DAVINA L HOLBERT JASON L HOLLISTER BRYAN C HOLLOWAY PAMELA D HOWARD HARLEN R HUNT GLORIA A JACKSON GUY A JAEGERS GARY JOHNSON DESMOND D JOHNSON PHILLIP J. KEARNEY TERESA KEARNEY DAVID H KISHIHOTO ROBERT KISHLANSKY FLORTESSA B LALU ROBIN T LAMB LATISIA LAWSON DAVID J LEHIGH DOMINIC D LERMA JESSICA W LEUNG DOLORES LILLARD HENRY D LOPEZ DIXIE L. LOQUET PHYLLIS LOSORELLI DOHINZO R LOVE ERNESTINE LOVE JOHN E LOZANO ADAM B MACIAS FABIAN HALINOVITZ MAURICIO MARIN BRENT K. MARTENS LINDA K. HARTIN PT7015P1 15-032 004 TOTAL $ 2,419.90 3,404.95 1,867.82 1,744.40 2,002.91 2,989.28 953.20 3,240.88 151.70 1,630.56 3,572.72 3,226.60 1,575.36 1,882.24 3,558.55 4,259.52 364.07 2,509.20 2,355.32 1,773.60 3,252.06 2,763.36 2,053.69 2,292.28 3,507.83 4,290.12 2,292.28 2,292.28 3,140.61 2,292.28 2,292.28 2,292.28 1,774.80 2,438.48 3,195.63 2,292.28 2,165.11 1,357.33 1,820.34 tt -- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •w ,.g. ~. REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIH PPE: 08-25-1~ 1\5 (,.) ) ,' ,3 3 ~ • • • • • • - - •• e TO 09-07-14 1~ D 0853 15 D 0086 14 D 0838 14 D 0720 13 D 0798 15 D 01~3 15 D 0060 1~ D 0803 15 D 0039 1~ D 0180 15 D 0132 15 D 0059 14 D 1094 15 D 0131 14 D 0189 15 D 0113 13 D 0919 15 D 0097 14 D 0611 14 D 0825 1~ D 1047 15 D 0098 13 D 0303 1~ D 1126 1~ D 0929 1~ D 1078 14 D 1067 1~ D 0938 14 D 1097 15 D 0070 14 D 0993 14 D 0930 13 D 0353 15 D 0122 14 D 0555 1~ D 0229 15 D 0138 15 D 0089 14 D 0622 EHP NO NAHE CARISA E HASSEY PATRICK T HAYFIELD CARLTON E HC CLOUD KEVIN H HC CUE TORI S HC NEEL MICHAEL MCGUIRE JAHES HCHURRY EULISSES J MERCADO CIHONE P DANIELS ELAINE D MOELLER DIANNE HORRIS TONY I MORRISON RAFAEL V MOYANO SONIA MURILLO JO ANN NEWHAN GREGORY T NGO EVELYN OAKRY VIENNA Y OLIPHANT CHRISTINE ORELLANA WILLIAM ORTEGA SCOTT OSBORN ERLINDA F PABON T D PARFENOVICH EDITH PAVIA JAHES E PAYNE DEBORAH L PERALTA ESTHER D PEREA DAVID H PHIBBS LEARA L PHILLIPS STEVEN L PIKE HEDEL A PRADO RALPH A PRATHER JR IRENE P QUEVEDO KRESHELL RAHEY LUIS RAMIREZ CHRISTOPHE RAMIREZ NOHEHI RANGEL JACK RAPPOLDT GREGORY E RAYMOND - • •• - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PT7015P1 15-032 005 TOTAL $ 1,348.~0 3l404.95 1,936.38 1,965.88 981.33 2l682.96 1,52~.05 1,820.80 2,292.28 1l058.49 1,518.6~ 2,989.28 2,560.20 1l509.33 ~42.88 2,502.~0 898.93 1l774.80 1,662.58 1,502.80 3,662.0~ 2l292.28 881.33 1,662.58 887.40 2l842.40 1,518.64 4,684.~9 1,559.52 3 ~53.63 2,267.80 1,075.08 923.65 2l292.28 322.74 1,147.52 1,767.15 2l231. 76 1,575.16 e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e e e REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIM PPE: 08-25-14 TO 09-07-14 14 D 1068 14 D 0551 14 D 0884 15 D 0044 14 D 0970 14 D 0751 14 D 0704 14 D 0591 14 D 0826 13 D 0908 14 D 0907 14 D 0369 14 D 0526 14 D 1008 15 D 0063 14 D 0830 15 D 0163 13 D 0815 15 D 0088 14 D 0430 15 D 0111 14 D 0764 14 D 0935 14 D 1017 14 D 0866 14 D 0645 14 D 1037 14 D 1069 14 D 1087 14 D 0777 14 D 0315 14 D 1098 15 D 0093 14 D 1002 14 D 1019 14 D 1110 14 D 1127 15 D 0071 14 D 1070 t\) w +:>. e Ill EMP NO NAME KIMBERLY E. REDDIX EVERETT M REESE GLORIA REVILLA ERIC ROBERTS CHER T ROBERTS MICHAEL ROBERTSON GERALD P RODRIGUEZ ROBERTO RODRIGUEZ RENE ROMERO JR SARAH J ROPER JOHN L ROSE MARK C RUBIN MARIA M SALAZAR MICHAEL J SALAZAR NINA L. SANCHEZ CELIA V SANCHEZ MAUREEN P SCHAEFER GARY L SCHATTL ROBERT SCHNEIDER KRYSTIE L SERRANO CHERYLEE P SEVILLA VERONICA R SHORTER NANCY SKIDGEL TERENCE L SMITH SYLVIA SMITH TONY L. SNYDER LORRAINE E SORIANO SCOTT L SORRELL DAVID M SOTO FREDDIE J SPEARS ANTHONY S SPOON NICHOLAS V STAVES ALAN L SWANSON ROBERT R TAPIA DANIEL TAPIA DONALD C TAYLOR JR SHALONDA M TAYLOR FREDERICK THOMPSON STEVEN C THORNTON PT7015P1 15-032 006 TOTAL $ 3,100.12 2z773.15 1,385.48 2,292.28 2,292.28 3z045.29 2,016.48 668.48 3,928.63 1z268.87 2,504.47 2,277.60 1,618.08 2z292.28 3,273.52 1,618.08 458.46 1z467.23 3,388.11 1,108.38 3,499.28 1z348.40 1,348.40 288.02 2,090.02 1l771.20 2,150.16 2,267.80 4,130.09 1l721.28 1,946.18 2,228.27 1,873.37 3z429.58 2,998.12 3,193.48 2,292.28 1,984.24 4,684.49 e • • • • • • • • • • • • *• - • • • )) " ;l •• • • • • • • •w ~ e REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIM PPE: 08-25-14 TO 09-07-14 15 D 0047 14 D 0828 15 D 0024 14 D 1071 14 D 0655 14 D 0978 15 D 0003 15 D 0020 15 D 0099 14 D 0949 14 D 0887 15 D 0156 15 D 0123 13 D 0960 EMP NO NAME J TORRES-MEDINA TRACY N TURNER GARRY A VARNADO CORINNE C VASQUEZ ROBERT S WHITFIELD JAMES C WILLIAMS RUDDY A WYNDON JR IRMA YBARRA KARYN H YBARRA PHILIP VEE CARLOS C ZAMORA LAWRENCE ZIELINSKI BRIAN L ZILIOTTO ROBERT M ZIRBECK PT7015P1 15-032 007 TOTAL $ 3,578.16 458.46 2,052.24 2,292.28 1,576.40 1,501.44 4,316.85 2,292.28 2,292.28 3,404.95 1,635.31 714.60 4,292.56 1.540.27 SEP 18 2014 1\) ~. e e {)1 """\5 DATE: """~· ~ ~· • • • • • • e Ill e ·e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - •• • • • • • • • ;. ;.g. - , REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: PT7015P1 15-033 001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLAN SECTION III A (7) (C) AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-119 1 ADOPTED AUGUST 20, 1998, APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS IS DELEGATED TO THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER BY THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION. THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER HEREBY CERTIFIES TO THE CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER THAT THE CLAIMS HEREINAFTER LISTED ARE DUE AND PAYABLE FROM THE WATER AND POWER EMPLOYEES" DISABILITY FUND AS A SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIT FOR AN INDUSTRIAL DISABILITY, EXCLUSIVE OF THE FIRST THREE DAYS THEREOF; AND THAT SAID CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE IS AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO AUTHENTICATE A DEMAND ON SUCH FUND IN PAYMENT OF SAID CLAIMS. THE CLAIMS LISTED BELOW ARE FOR DISABILITY BENEFITS ACCRUING DURING THE PERIOD 08-11-14 TO 09-07-14. INDUSTRIAL SUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION DISABILITY ROLL PERIOD: 1\) .(,.) 0') ) PPE: PPE: 3 '3 " e Ill 08-11-14 TO 09-07-1~ CLAIM ' ;' • • • • • • e e EMP NO TOTAL NAME 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 14 c 0235 15 c 0027 DONALD L JOHNS LINDA MEEKS BARNES 08-25-14 TO 09-07-14 14 c 0018 14 c 0242 14 c 0193 15 c 0017 14 c 0031 14 c 0152 14 c 0157 14 c 0180 14 c 0194 15 c 0023 13 c 0111 13 c 0201 14 c 0139 13 c 0099 15 c 0002 15 c 0011 15 c 0006 14 c 0209 BENIGNO ACOSTA VICENTE S AGUILAR JOHN ALFARO IGNACIO ANAYA JR RICHARD G ANDREWS FRANCISCO V AYALA DARRELL J BALLARD MICHAEL P BATH ELVIRA BLAS MARK A BRAXTON SHIRLEY BROWN OSWALDO C BURBANO LINDA J BYRD JULIAN F CAMPBELL GILBERTO CARDENAS JESUS S CASTILLO ANDREW S CASTRO ISAAC CONTRERAS o.oo $ 563.04 o.oo 2,616.54 679.74 2,653.66 850.40 o.oo 1,942.08 0.00 487.52 222.31 898.93 o.oo o.oo 1z618.08 98.32 2,354.16 0.00 o.oo e - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •g. ,. - REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIM PPE: 1\) 0., -...,J ) '' '' ' 1 ~· • • • • • • - e ----- Ill 08-25-14 TO 09-07-14 14 c 0154 14 c 0214 14 c 0236 14 c 0147 14 c 0175 14 c 0224 14 c 0206 14 c 0225 14 c 0127 14 c 0174 14 c 0226 14 c 0232 14 c 0217 14 c 0052 14 c 0218 14 c 0142 1S C 0018 1S C 0010 14 c 0203 1S C 0020 1S C OOOS 1S C 0021 13 c 0229 14 c 0235 14 c 0245 14 c 0211 1S C 0014 14 c 0078 14 c 0057 14 c 0251 14 c 0227 14 c 0202 14 c 0188 14 c 0212 1S C 0022 14 c 0103 1S C 0009 14 c 0179 14 c 0170 - EMP NO •\ NAME D CUNNINGHAM HANS W DELSOIN JAVIER DOMINGUEZ JOSEPH EAGEN CONNIE R EAMES GAY L. EMANS GARY C EMORY FRANK ESTRADA ANGELlE D FULTON CIRILO GALVAN JR DAMON GANGI FRED GONZALEZ MANUEL A GONZALEZ JEFFREY P GORDON JAMES P GOSSELIN HUMBERTO GUZZETTI WAYNE L HANLEY BRYON HARLACHER TONY L. HARRIS RICARDO HERNANDEZ HICHELLE HOONG JOHN V HUTCHISON DANIEL C JIMENEZ DONALD L JOHNS PAUL JOHNSON DARNELL JONES JIN H KANG ROBERT KELLY OWEN L KNAPPER SONIA V LAJAS DOUGLAS L LAND JAMES LITTLEFIELD JOHN C LOLL JERRY R LOWE EDUARDO MADRID VINCENT MAMMOLITI OSCAR MARROQUIN JUSTIN MARTINEZ DARREN R MCGUIRE PT701SP1 15-033 002 TOTAL $ 1,618.08 o.oo 149.36 1,575.36 99.98 353.12 o.oo 317.08 1,618.08 634.84 2,292.28 421.94 o.oo o.oo o.oo 1,776.85 364.67 177.68 o.oo o.oo 512.16 o.oo 82.48 o.oo o.oo 780.57 o.oo o.oo 1,776.79 693.12 1,378.55 o.oo • • • • • • • • • • • *• 3,640.72 3,404.95 413.20 o.oo o.oo 2,292.28 419.93 e • e • • • •• , "=> "' • • • • • • • ~- 0 REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIM PPE: 1\J- w (X) I "" ~ """:1~· gj. • • • • • • - e 08-25-14 TO 09-07-14 13 c 0183 15 c 0027 14 c 0223 14 c 0136 14 c 0158 14 c 0249 14 c 0143 13 c 0227 15 c 0024 15 c 0015 13 c 0157 14 c 0248 14 c 0240 15 c 0008 14 c 0204 14 c 0138 15 c 0007 14 c 0231 14 c 0189 15 c 0013 13 c 0246 14 c 0241 15 c 0019 15 c 0003 14 c 0221 13 c 0215 15 c 0025 13 c 0249 14 c 0084 14 c 0162 14 c 0216 14 c 0177 14 c 0207 14 c 0219 14 c 0222 14 c 0087 15 c 0012 14 c 0237 SEP 18 2014 •• DATE: {/ EMP NO \ j NAME PT7015P1 15-033 003 TOTAL JOSEPH M MEDINA LINDA MEEKS BARNES ANDRE E MINTON ENRIQUE 11 MUNOZ MICHAEL 11ISENHIMER C MONTALVO-JIMENEZ GLENN MORRIS IGNACIO OLIVEROS BRENDON G OWENS VICTOR PEREZ KYLE N POKORSKI ERNIE G PRECIADO FRANK 11 PRECIADO BETTY REED CHAD R REESE STEVIE RENFRO ROBIN K ROBERSON CHRIS ROBERTS EMIL D RUIAN SANDRA SAGE ANNETTE SALAZAR A P SANTISTEVAN JOSEPH R SEWELL HENRY A SIMON RICHARD T SMITH JR PAM SOUTH-MAYFIELD GEFEI SUN CHARLOTTE A TAYLOR JUDITH M THOMPSON DAVID P TURNEY CHARLES UPDEGROVE GABRIEL VENEGAS MARIO VILLANUEVA CARL WASHINGTON XAVIER WATKINS AARON C WESTON BRADLEY R WICKHAM CHUCK WON $ TOTAL $ o.oo 2l502.40 2,231. 76 o.oo 278.32 473.58 1,173.42 0.00 99.46 1,793.56 o.oo 900.59 900.59 148.40 o.oo 774.58 2,509.20 o.oo o.oo 2,292.28 898.93 501.48 398.32 1,044.20 o.oo 898.93 1,375.64 984.00 1,242.00 976.61 52.08 0.00 o.oo 1,156.20 403.44 1,004.68 804.16 o.oo 69,597.66 ~·~ e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •·· · e • • • • • PT7015P1 15-034 001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLAN SECTION III A (7) lCJ AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-119, ADOPTED AUGUST 20, 1998, APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS IS DELEGATED TO THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER BY THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION. THE MEMBERS OF THE WATER AND POWER EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLAN HEREINAFTER LISTED HAVE AN ENFORCEABLE RIGHT EITHER TO RECEIVE WORKERS' COMPENSATION FROM THE DEPARTMENT BY REASON OF THEIR DEPARTMENT EMPLOYMENT FOR INDUSTRIAL DISABILITY OR TO RECEIVE BENEFITS FOR TEMPORARY DISABILITY FOR THE SAME PERIOD, BUT IT IS UNCERTAIN AS TO WHICH AND THAT THE MEMBERS HAVE EXECUTED THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AGREEMENT REQUIRED UNDER SECTION V D (7) OF THE PLAN. THE RETIREMENT POWER THAT PURSUANT THE WATER AND POWER ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE PLAN MANAGER HEREBY CERTIFIES TO THE CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND TO THE TERMS OF THE RETIREMENT PLAN, THE CLAIMS HEREINAFTER LISTED AS DUE AND PAYABLE FROM EMPLOYEES' DISABILITY FUND TO THE PERSONS AND IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED, AND THAT SAID CHIEF IS AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO AUTHENTICATE A DEMAND ON SUCH FUND IN PAYMENT OF SAID CLAIMS. THE CLAIMS LISTED BELOW ARE FOR CONTINGENT DISABILITY BENEFITS PURSUANT TO SECTION V D (7) OF THE PLAN DURING THE PERIOD OF 08-11-14 TO 09-07-14. 1\) . • w ' (.0 I CONTINGENT DISABILITY ROLL •• PERIOD: :e PPE: i 08-11-14 TO 09-07-14 CLAIM i • • • • • • e REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: :e • e EMP NO 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 14 D 1133 PPE: 08-25-14 TO 09-07-14 14 D 0747 14 D 0766 13 D 0887 14 D 0515 15 D 0008 14 D 1033 14 D 0824 14 D 0904 NAME R DICKERSON SR TOTAL $ 1,623.10 2,705.51 2,751.28 898.93 1,530.72 2,929.85 3,235.63 2,502.40 31719.60 CURTICE CONWAY KIRK R HANSON LETIEIA Z HEDGEMAN ELIEZER HERNANDEZ ROOSEVELT JOHNSON DAVID P LUEVANO JULIE S MANALANSAN VAN NGOCTHI NGUYEN TOTAL $ APPROVED: DATE: RETIREMENT Ill • • • • • • • • • • • *• 21,897.02 8 2014 e • e • • • • • • • • • • •g. ) ,' • ~· • • • • • • - e e REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: PT7015P1 15-036 001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLAN SECTION III A (7) (CJ AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-119 1 ADOPTED AUGUST 20 1 1998 1 APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS IS DELEGATED TO THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER BY THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION. ~ , THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER HEREBY CERTIFIES TO THE CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE OF THE DEPARMENT OF WATER AND POWER PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE RETIREMENT PLAN, THE CLAIMS HEREINAFTER LISTED AS DUE AND PAYABLE FROM THE WATER AND POWER EMPLOYEES' DISABILITY FUND TO THE PERSONS AND IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED, AND THAT SAID CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE IS AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO AUTHENTICATE A DEMAND ON SUCH FUND IN PAYMENT OF SAID CLAIMS. T~T THE CLAIMS LISTED ARE FOR DISABILITY BENEFITS ACCRUING DURING THE PERIOD 05-05-14 TO 09-07-14. TEMPORARY DISABILITY ROLL PERIOD: 05-05-14 TO 09-07-14 CLAIM ~ PPE: 0 PPE: PPE: PPE: PPE: PPE: e EMP NO NAME TOTAL 05-05-14 TO 05-18-14 14 D 0943 NICOLA R. ANTRILLI 05-19-14 TO 06-01-14 14 D 0943 NICOLA R. ANTRILLI 2,578.21 06-02-14 TO 06-15-14 14 D 0291 PETER GION 1,220.90 07-28-14 TO 08-10-14 15 D 0042 15 D 0068 ARMANDO MARTINEZ MICHAEL SINGSON 08-11-14 TO 08-24-14 14 D 1058 15 D 0101 14 D 0604 15 D 0077 15 D 0068 15 D 0121 15 D 0092 THOMAS E AXELRAD DOLORES M DUKE LARRY W GOOD JR ROBERT A KERRIGAN MICHAEL SINGSON HERBERT WILLIAMS ANNETTE YOUNG 4z069.36 1,251.20 2,156.95 2,606.30 2z292.28 2,509.20 1,720.13 08-25-14 TO 09-07-14 15 D 0146 IRENE E ADONIS 1,776.52 $ 1,160.19 296.71 773.64 e • • • • • • • • • • • • *• - • • • • • • • • • • • .• g - e REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: CLAIH PPE: 08-2.5-14 TO 09-07-14 14 D 1015 15 D 0159 14 D 1058 1.5 D 0127 1.5 D 0158 1.5 D 0120 14 D 0740 14 D 1030 15 D 0101 15 D 0134 13 D 0585 15 D 0052 14 D 0684 1.5 D 0033 14 D 0604 14 D 0675 1.5 D 0082 1.5 D 0141 14 D 0743 15 D 0151 15 D 0152 15 D 0154 15 D 0139 15 D 0065 15 D 0133 15 D 0068 15 D 0157 1.5 D 0090 15 D 0140 1.5 D 0012 1\) ~ ...... ) ' 0 •• 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ;. • • • • • • e SEP 3:5 2014 ~ DATE: -v --- Ill e ~ ~ ~-- -~-- EHP NO PT701.5P1 1.5-036 002 TOTAL NAHE GILBERT F AGUILAR ALFREDO J AHARO THOHAS E AXELRAD HARTIN D BRADLEY C L BUCHHEIT ROBERTO BUSTOS MICHAEL E COLLINS ARTHUR DEL TORO DOLORES H DUKE ADRIAN Y FLORES CHUNG FONG DARYL H. FUJII MARISSA C GONZALEZ JOSE GONZALEZ JR LARRY W GOOD JR KYLE A GUYOT NANCY A HARDY HICHAEL HERNANDEZ ANDREA HWANG VIOLET JONES ROLAND R HANUEL LILLIAN V REESE RICARDO RENTERIA CHARLES S RICE BRUCE A ROUTT MICHAEL SINGSON KIMBERLY H SHITH SHELLEY C SUMPTER RICHARD L TAPERT FARRIS YARBROUGH $ 2,882.70 1,279.83 5,086. 71 2,781.03 1,0.53.29 1,774.26 282.29 3,322.08 2,502.40 2,356.20 1,270.93 1,882.24 1,348.40 2,463.64 1,900.40 1,302.24 2,.502.40 1,227.47 969.84 354.96 3,240.88 635.26 1,356.50 2,763 •.52 1,097.32 2,292.28 229.23 2,.502.40 1,689.11 458.46 TOTAL $ 79,219.86 APPd~. Ill/ ~ - - "'~·w.w - --~-- y - -- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • • • • • REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. DIS: PAGE: .;. ;. THE MEMBERS OF THE WATER AND POWER EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLAN HEREINAFTER LISTED HAVE AN ENFORCEABLE RIGHT EITHER TO RECEIVE WORKERS' COMPENSATION FROM THE DEPARTMENT BY REASON OF THEIR DEPARTMENT EMPLOYMENT FOR INDUSTRIAL DISABILITY OR TO RECEIVE BENEFITS FOR TEMPORARY DISABILITY FOR THE SAME PERIOD, BUT IT IS UNCERTAIN AS TO WHICH AND THAT THE MEMBERS HAVE EXECUTED THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AGREEMENT REQUIRED UNDER SECTION V D (7) OF THE PLAN. THE RETIREMENT POWER THAT PURSUANT THE WATER AND POWER ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE PLAN MANAGER HEREBY CERTIFIES TO THE CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND TO THE TERMS OF THE RETIREMENT PLAN, THE CLAIMS HEREINAFTER LISTED AS DUE AND PAYABLE FROM EMPLOYEES' DISABILITY FUND TO THE PERSONS AND IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED, AND THAT SAID CHIEF IS AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO AUTHENTICATE A DEMAND ON SUCH FUND IN PAYMENT OF SAID CLAIMS. THE CLAIMS LISTED BELOW ARE FOR CONTINGENT DISABILITY BENEFITS PURSUANT TO SECTION V D (7) OF THE PLAN DURING THE PERIOD OF 08-25-14 TO 09-07-14. 1\) ~ CONTINGENT DISABILITY ROLL - ) • • • • • • PT7015P1 15-037 001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLAN SECTION III A (7) (C) AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-119, ADOPTED AUGUST 20, 1998, APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS IS DELEGATED TO THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER BY THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION. ~· • - e PERIOD: 08-25-14 TO 09-07-14 CLAIM 08-25-14 TO 09-07-14 15 D 0116 PPE: DATE: (2_- e Ill SEP Jli 20t4 EMP NO TOTAL NAME BLASE A LOPEZ $ 2,552.72 TOTAL $ 2,552.72 ,- ,,. lfe~iifl'iENT rt.LA'fil1~ 1/ e e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • • • • • REPORT NO: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO, DIS: PAGE: I II~· THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER HEREBY CERTIFIES TO THE CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER THAT THE CLAIMS HEREINAFTER LISTED ARE DUE AND PAYABLE FROM THE WATER AND POWER EMPLOYEES' DISABILITY FUND AS A SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIT FOR AN INDUSTRIAL DISABILITY, EXCLUSIVE OF THE FIRST THREE DAYS THEREOF; AND THAT SAID CHIEF ACCOUNTING EMPLOYEE IS AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO AUTHENTICATE A DEMAND ON SUCH FUND IN PAYMENT OF SAID CLAIMS. THE CLAIMS LISTED BELOW ARE FOR DISABILITY BENEFITS ACCRUING DURING THE PERIOD 08-25-1~ TO 09-07-1~. INDUSTRIAL SUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION DISABILITY ROLL PERIOD: 08-25-1~ 1\5 ~ (J.) I TO 09-07-19 CLAIM PPE: 08-25-1~ ; TO 09-07-19 1~ c 0165 15 c 0016 i :e • • • • • • PT7015P1 15-038 001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLAN SECTION III A 17) !C) AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-119 1 ADOPTED AUGUST 20 1 1998 1 APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS IS DELEGATED TO THE RETIREMENT PLAN MANAGER BY THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION. ,. •I. - e SEP ~-5 2014 ~ DATE: e Ill EMP NO NAME TOTAL KEITH E WILLIAMS LARRY D WILLIAMS $ TOTAL $ APPRod/D..: o.oo 157.59 157.59 ~ fl I~_; ... MK.f.:f!iiP.fjf - - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. MEM 15- In accordance with Plan Section III A (7) (c) and Resolution No. 99-119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claims is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. RESOLVED, that the claims for the return of "Total Accumulated Contributions" listed below in accordance with Section IV B (2) of the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Plan be certified by the Retirement Plan Manager to the Chief Accounting Employee as due and payable from the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Fund to the persons and in the amounts specified in the schedule, and that said Chief Accounting Employee is hereby authorized and directed to authenticate a demand on such.Fund in payment of such claims, to wit: RETURN OF CONTRIBUTIONS R.I. NO. NAME AMOUNT RETURNABLE 922911 Salvador Villegas $ 5,201.81 TOTAL $ 5,201.81 PAY TO IRS/FEDERAL TAX $ 2,156.44 PAY TO L.A. CITY TREAS/STATE TAX $ 215.64 PAY TO: CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT VILLEGAS, SALVADOR.: CSE CASE NUMBER 0370016001158 $ 3,208.29 TOTAL $ 10,782.18 APPROVED DATE: SEP 0 4 2014 --------------------- RET n<IG) rs p..~ 2.44 MEN LAN MANAGER 09 ~---- PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. MEM 15- -=-to In accordance with Plan Section III A (7) (c) and Resolution No. 99-119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claims is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. RESOLVED, that the claims for the return of "Total Accumulated Contributions" listed below in accordance with Section IV B (2) of the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Plan be certified by the Retirement Plan Manager to the Chief Accounting Employee as due and payable from the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Fund to the persons and in the amounts specified in the schedule, and that said Chief Accounting Employee is hereby authorized and directed to authenticate a demand on such Fund in payment of such claims, to wit: RETURN OF CONTRIBUTIONS AMOUNT RETURNABLE R.I. NO. NAME 970397 953123 Adam A. Gonzalez Randal A. Higa $ $ 10,142.50 2,395.34 TOTAL $ 12,537.84 PAY TO IRS/FEDERAL TAX $ 3,134.46 PAY TO L.A. CITY TREAS/STATE TAX $ 0.00 TOTAL $ 15,672.30 APPROVED SEP 18 2014 DATE: ----------------~--- nc(o/ rs f'-6- 2.45 PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. RET 15~tv= In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7)(c) and Resolution No. 99-119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claims is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration . . The Retirement Plan Manager certifies to the Chief Accounting Employee that each such person whose name is listed has applied for a retirement allowance payable monthly for life under the option set forth described in the following schedule and is due and payable from the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Fund in the amounts specified in the schedule commencing with the month of September 1, 2014 and that said Chief Accounting Employee is authorized and directed to authenticate a demand on such Fund in payment thereof. NAME OPTION BASIC ALLOWANCE INCREASED ALLOWANCE BANUELOS, RAUL FULL $6,265.15 $6,321.54 BATUNGBAKAL, DARIO V C27% $5,575.91 $5,626.09 CABRERA, JERRY P FULL $5,636.68 $5,687.41 CHAN, TERRY D C90% $7,382.56 $7,449.00 COMPTON, GARNET G FULL $6,343.51 $6·,400.60 COMPTON, GARNET G FULL $484.22 $484.22 A $6,803.18 $6,M4.41 ELBINGER, ROBERT M FULL $7,297.77 $7·,363.45 ESPARRAGO, JOSEFA A $1,153.87 $1•, 153.87 ESPARRAGO, JOSEFA FULL $4,173.11 $4,210.67 A $6,194.09 $6,249.84 FUJIKI, KATHLEEN FULL $5,713.98 $5,765.41 FUJIKI, KATHLEEN FULL $297.30 $297.30 GONZALEZ, CARMEN FULL $4,424.18 $4,464.00 GONZALEZ, CARMEN FULL $11120.30 $1,120.30 ADDL GROPP SR., WILLIAM FULL $573.24 $573.24 ADDL GROPP SR., WILLIAM FULL $4,618.86 $4,660.43 GUTIERREZ, MARCUS FULL $7,114.18 $7,178.21 HAYDEL, MICHAEL A E75% $10,490.90 $10\585.32 HEAD, RICHARD D $3,185.09 $3,213.76 HODGES, JAMES H D $4,870.54 $4\914.37 HOPKINSON, HENRY JR D $8,412.55 $8,'488.26 FULL $75.00 $75.00 ASSIGNEE JONES, NANCY D $426.42 $646.04 ASSIGNEE JONES, WANDA S B $74.09 $74.09 ADDL JONES, WANDA S D $4,747.06 $4\789.78 LEROY, KURT EUGENE D $5,111.90 $5,157.91 LOUIE, WILLIAM D $5,694.92 $5,746.17 CUSTIS, GLEN FITZPATRICK, MICHAEL J IVIE, DEBRA MCKNIGHT, LYNDA C18% MCTEVIA, WANDA V D $728.60 $3,834.79 2.46 $740.30 . $3\869.30 ADDL ADDL ADDL ASSIGNEE ... - . ~· •• ~I Payment Authorization Page2 September 1, 2014 MCTEVIA, WANDA V FULL $689.26 $689.26 NICHOLS, DENNIS P FULL $5,731.99 $5,783.58 OLIVARES, LYDIA FULL $7,234.00 $7,299.11 POOSTI, SEYED S D $8,243.05 $8,317.24 PRATHER JR., RALPH A B $213.02 $213.02 PRATHER JR., RALPH A D $3,441.82 $3,472.80 E70% $9,453.16 $9,538.24 RAYMOND, GREGORY E D $7,421.01 $7',487.80 RENFRO, STEVIE A $3,884.57 $3,919.53 TRAN, QUANG T FULL $7,537.18 $7',605.01 WEBER, MARY R FULL $5,037.09 $5,082.42 $187,710.10 $18&,578.30 PRINS, JOHN M ADDL ADDL The Retirement Plan Manager certifies to the Chief Accounting Employee that each such person whose name is listed was separated from the service of the Department of Water and PoWer and has permitted his or her "Total Accumulated Contributions" to remain on deposit in the Retirement Fund; and that said person has applied for a retirement allowance payable monthly for life under the option s~t forth described in the following schedule; and is due and payable from the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Fund in the amounts specified in the schedule commencing with the month of September 1, 2014 · and that said Chief Accounting Employee is authorized and directed to authenticate a demand on such Fund in payment thereof. NAME OPTION ADAMS, LEAMON BASIC ALLOWANCE FULL $1,582.20 A $2,073.17 FISHEL, ROBERT B FULL $2,233.13 JIMENEZ, MITCHELL FULL CARPENTER, EMMA L $42.01 $5,930.51 Approved SEP 18 2014 Date: ----------------- 2.47 Payment Authorization No. RET 15- - -ll----· In accordance with Plan Section ill A (7)(c) and Resolution No. 99-119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claim is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. James F. McKnight was granted a retirement allowance of $4,339.71 per month, effective April1, 2014, and that allowance has increased to $4,409.39. A Stipulated Domestic Relations Order for Division of Petitioner's Department of Water and Power Employees' Retirement Plan (Order), Case No. SD 016755, between James Frank McKnight and Lynda Christianne McKnight was filed August 4, 2014, with the Superior Court of California, County of Ventura and received by the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Plan (Plan) on August 22,2014. The Plan was joined and is bound to comply with the Order. The Order directs that 18.1790 percent of James F. McKnight's Water and Power . Employees' Retirement Plan retirement allowance go to Lynda McKnight and the balance go to James F. McKnight. The Order further directs that James F. McKnight change the Option Full, selected at retirement, to an Option Cat 18 percent, naming Lynda McKnight as the beneficiary for the continuance, thereby reducing his allowance to $4,286.81. The Order also states that the cost of the Option C will be shared equally, changing the division of the allowance to 17.2692 percent for Lynda McKnight and 82.7308 percent for James F. McKnight. The Chief Accounting Employee shall disburse the $3,981.74 held in abeyance for the months of April2014 through August 2014 to Lynda McKnight. As of September 1, 2014, and until otherwise ordered by the Retirement Plan Manager, the Chief Accounting Employee shall apportion $3,546.51 to James F. McKnight 'and $740.30 to Lynda McKnight with cost-of-living increases to be awarded to each party · proportionately. Approved: Date: SEP 18 2014 ------------------- 2.48 Payment Authorization No. RET 15- · 1J --·-- In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7)(c) and Resolution No. 99-119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claim is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. James F. Eskew was granted a retirement allowance of $1,193.45 per month effective July 1, 1982, and that allowance has increased to $3,408.70 per month. A Domestic Relations Order (Case NWD24311) between James F. Eskew and Nina Mae Eskew was filed February 28, 1996 with the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. The Water and Power Employees' Retirement Plan (Plan) was joined and is bound to comply with the Order. The Domestic Relations Order directed the Plan to pay $300.00 of James F. Eskew's monthly retirement allowance to Nina Mae Eskew effective April 30, 1996, with all cost-of-living allowances payable to James F. Eskew. Ms. Eskew's benefit is payable for the lifetime of James F. Eskew. Nina Mae Eskew received the monthly benefit until her passing on May 20, 2004. Her portion of the pension benefit continued after her death to her beneficiary, James R. Eskew. James R. Eskew passed away on January 3, 2014. As a result, Nina Mae Eskew's portion of the pension ·benefit passed to her three surviving children, Nina Harmon (25% ); Glenda Klippel (25%); Debra lvie (25%); and two surviving grandchildren, Karen Oppelt (12.5%) and Robert Eskew (12.5%) via intestate succession. Until otherwise ordered by the Retirement Plan Manager, the Chief Accounting Employee shall apportion $3,108.70 to James F. Eskew and $75.00 to Nina Harmon, $75.00 to Glenda Klippel, $75.00 to Debra lvie, $37.50 to Karen Oppelt, and $37.50 to Robert Eskew. As of September 1, 2014, the claim for payment to Debra Diana lvie, listed below, is certified.and due payable. Monthly Allowance January 4-31, 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April2014 May2014 June 2014 July 2014 August2014 September 2014 TOTAL FOR SEPTEMBER ROLL $67.75 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $667.75 . Approved: SEP 18 2014 Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Rftl{gment Plan Manager 4 of 5/ mq~Jkn 0 'Jl\f\.._ Payment Authorization No. RET 15- --- In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7)(c) and Resolution No. 99-119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claim is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. Blake W. McCune was granted a retirement allowance of $3,622.97 per month effective September 1, 1998, and that allowance has increased to $5,488.91 per month. A Stipulated Qualified Domestic Relations Order (Case ltAD 82155) (Order) between Blake W. McCune and Marsha B. McCune was filed Novembet 10, 1998 with the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. The Water and Power Employees' Retirement Plan (Plan) was joined and is bound to comply with the Order. The Order directed the Plan· to pay 11.77 percent of Blake W.. McCune's monthly retirement allowance to Marsha B. McCune and the balance to Blake W. McCune effective September 1, 1998. Marsha B. McCune's benefit is payable lor the lifetime of Blake W. McCune. Marsha B. McCune received the monthly benefit until her passing on July 3, 2014. Her community property portion of the pension benefit will be passed bn to her beneficiary, Nancy Elizabeth Jones (fka Nancy E. McCune). As of September 1, 2014, the claim for payment held in abeyance for Nancy Elizabeth Jones, listed below, is certified and due payable. Monthl1 Allowan~ Accrued Benefit July 1, 2014 to July 3, 2014 July 4, 2014- July 31, 2014 August2014 TOTAL OVERRIDE $62.52 $583.52 $646.04.. $1,292.0$ In addition, until otherwise ordered by the Retiremen\ Plan Manager, the Chief Accounting Employee shall also apportion $646.04 monthly to Nancy Elizabeth Jones with cost-of-living increases to be awarded to each party proportionately. Approved: SEP 18 2014 Date: ----------------- 2.50 11 PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. ADM 15-14 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7) (c) and Resolution No. 99119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claims is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Ad1;11inistration. The Retirement Plan Manager certifies to the Chief Accounting Employee that the invoice described in the following schedule is due and payable from the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Fund, in the amount specified in the schedule, and that said Chief Accounting Employee is authorized and directed to authenticate a demand on such Fund in payment of such invoice. Detail of charges appears on each invoice. AMOUNT PAY TO DESCRIPTION Evestment UJJ~ ALLIANCE, LLC ~ Subscription 7/10/14- 7/9/15 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 TOTAL APPROVED BY: ~~ANAGER 9/4/14 Date Misc. lnv. - Retirement Admin: alpc ~ 2.51 PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. ADM 15- 15 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7) (c) and Resolution No. 99119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claims is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. The Retirement Plan Manager certifies to the Chief Accounting Employee that the invoice described in the following schedule is due and payable from the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Fund, in the amount specified in the schedule, and that said Chief Accounting Employee is authorized and directed to authenticate a demand on such Fund in payment of such invoice. Detail of charges appears on each invoice. PAY TO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Bloomberg Finance L.P. Invoice No. 56025555015- Bloomberg Terminal from Rate Period 09/02/1412/01/14 $5,250.00 TOTAL $5,250.00 APPROVED BY: Date 9/11/14 Misc. lnv.- Retirement Admin: alpc1C 2.52 PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. ADM 15-16 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7) (c) and Resolution No. 99119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claims is delegat~d to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. The Retirement Plan Manager certifies to the Chief Accounting Employee that the invoice described in the following schedule is due and payable from the Water and Power Employees' Retiree Health Benefits Fund, in the amount specified in the schedule, and that said Chief Accounting Employee is authorized and directed to authenticate a demand on such Fund in payment of such invoice. Detail of charges appears on each invoice. PAY TO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Water ICs Invoice# GA77994/ Retirees' Health Care Contributions for September 2014 (based on actual August 2014 Department subsidy) $1,970,244.27 Power ICs Invoice# GA 182462/ Retirees' Health Care Contributions for September 2014 (based on actual August 2014 Department subsidy) $4,171 ,806.51 TOTAL $6,142,050.78 APPROVED BY: Date 9/11/14 ·t Misc. lnv. - Retiree Health Admin: alpc O{L 2.53 PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. ADM ~5-17 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7) (c) and Resolution No. 99119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claims is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. The Retirement Plan Manager certifies to the Chief Accounting Employee that the invoice described in the following schedule is due and payable from the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Fund, in the amount specified in the schedule, and that said Chief Accounting Employee is authorized and directed to authenticate a demand on such Fund in payment of such invoice. Detail of charges appears on each invoice. PAY TO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Water & Power Employees' Disability Fund Salaries paid to Retirement Plan Administrative Office Employees for the pay periods: 06/16/14 to 06/29/14 06/30/14 to 07/13/14 $114,622.44 120,033.86 $234,656.30 TOTAL APPROVED BY: Date . $234,656.30 09/11/14 Misc. lnv.- Retirement Admin: alpff- 2.54 PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. ADM 15-18 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A (7} (c) and Resolution No. 99119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claims is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. The Retirement Plan Manager certifies to the Chief Accounting Employee that the invoice described in the following schedule is due and payable from the Water and Power Employees' Death Benefit Fund, in the amount specified in the schedule, and that said Chief Accounting Employee is authorized and directed to authenticate a demand on such Fund in payment of such invoice. Detail of charges appears on each invoice. AMOUNT PAY TO DESCRIPTION Water & Power Employees' Disability Fund Salaries paid to Retirement Plan Administrative Office Employees for the pay period/s ending: 06/16/14 to 06/29/14 06/30/14 to 07/13/14 $26,384.13 26,284.01 $52,668.14 TOTAL APPROVED BY: Date $52,668.14 09/11/14 Misc. lnv.- Death Admin: alpc~ · 2.55 PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. ADM 15-19 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A {7) {c) and Resolution No. 99119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claims is delegated to the Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. The Retirement Plan Manager certifies to the Chief Accounting Employee that the invoice described in the following schedule is due and payable from the Water and Power Employees' Retiree Health Benefits Fund, in the amount specified in the schedule, and that said Chief Accounting Employee is authorized and directed to authenticate a demand on such Fund in payment of such invoice. Detail of charges appears on each invoice. · PAY TO · Water & Power Employees' Disability Fund DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Salaries paid to Retirement Plan Administrative Office Employees for the pay period/sending: $25,054.14 06/16/14 to 06/29/14 06/30/14 to 07/13/14 $12,582.03 12,472.11 $25,054.14 TOTAL APPROVED BY: Date 09/11/14 Misc. lnv.- Retiree Health Admin: alp<Vt e._ 2.56 PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION NO. ADM 15-20 In accordance with Plan Section Ill A {7) {c) and Resolution No. 99119, adopted August 20, 1998, approval of the following claims is delegated to the . Retirement Plan Manager by the Board of Administration. The Retirement Plan Manager certifies to the Chief Accounting· Employee that the invoice described in the following schedule is due and payable from the Water and Power Employees' Disability Fund, in the amount specified in the schedule, and that said Chief Accounting Employee is authorized and directed to authenticate a demand on such Fund in payment of such invoice. Detail of charges appears on each invoice. AMOUNT PAY TO DESCRIPTION Dr. Michael Z. Mekjian Psychiatric IME provided for Leticia Hedgeman $1,250.00 TOTAL $1,250.00 APPROVED BY: Date 9/18/14 GER Mise lnv - Disability Admin: alp~· 2.57