hoopamone! rev. rich leatherberry may 22, 2016
hoopamone! rev. rich leatherberry may 22, 2016
Sunday Information and Events Flowers in the Sanctuary are given by Barbara Richter in loving memory of Ken Carwin and in celebration of what would have been their 25th wedding anniversary. Sunday Morning Bible Study: Today, 9:45-10:45am, UC-425. Singles Growing Together (Ages 45+): Today, 10:45am, S-140. Grief Support Group: Today, 12:15pm, S-105. In the Lobby: Eastside Academy 11th Annual Golf Tournament: Mon, Jun 13. Register in the Lobby or online. In the Lobby: Men's Retreat In the Lobby: Jubilee Service Day Sewers: Pick up a chair pocket kit in the Lobby today after all services. In the Lobby: Global Leadership Summit: Thu, Aug 11-Fri, Aug 12, 8:30am-4:30pm. Register with code PREMIER16. Information at belpres.org/events. Memorial Service: There will be a Memorial Service for Ole Lie, today, 2pm, Sanctuary. Sundays at Six (Young Adults, 18-32): Today, 6pm, Modern Worship Center, 7pm, dinner. Upcoming Events For more information and registration information, please visit belpres.org/events. Belong + Grow Congregational Meeting: Sun, May 29, 12:15pm, Sanctuary. To act on the call of Reverend Annie Duncan to be Executive Pastor. The Middle Wednesdays (Grades 6-8): Wed, May 25, 7-8:30pm, UC-105. The Middle Summer Camp (Completed Grades 5-7): Aug 1-5. Register online. High School Youth Group (Grades 9-12): Wed, May 25, 7-8:30pm, UC-303. High School Extreme Week (Completed Grades 8-12): Jun 2530. Register online. Reading the Bible: Mon, May 23, 7-9pm, S-150. Women at the Well: Tue, May 24, 9:30am, UC-303. Moms’ Fellowship: Wed, May 25, 9:30-11:30am, UC-106. Friday Night Singles (Ages 45+): Fri, May 27, 7-9pm, S-150. New Members: Sat, Jun 11, 9:30am-4:30pm, UC-425. Register online. Library: 55th Anniversary Celebration: Sun, Jun 5, S-137. Summer Reading Adventure: Sun, Jun 5, Upper Rotunda. Mission + Serve Local Food Relief: Sun, May 29. Bring food or money. Checks to BelPres with LFR in the Memo. Benefits Hopelink and the Emergency Feeding Program. Vacation Bible Adventure 2016: Serve as a crew leader, snack prep and serving volunteer, registration volunteer, or with Imagination station. Contact GetConnected. Hospitality at BelPres: Love meeting and greeting folks? Serve Sundays as a Parking Lot Host, GetConnected Kiosk Host or in Coffee Hospitality. Also needed are Memorial Reception Hosts, flexible schedule. Contact GetConnected. Bellevue Farmers Market: Now open here at BelPres on Thu. Join the team with setup, breakdown, Information Booth, photography, kid’s club, and so much more! Contact GetConnected. Prayer + Care Immerse Prayer Evening: Wed, May 25, 7:30pm, S-140. Ovarian Cancer Support Group: Thu, May 26, 12-1pm, contact Ellie Brasher, [email protected]. Memorial Service: There will be a Memorial Service for Homero Capetillo, Sun, May 29, 2pm, Sanctuary. Spiritual Formation I: 9-month certificate program to help deepen your relationship with Jesus. Visit cfdmnorthwest.org. Operations Athletics: Details at belpres.org/departments/sports-fitness. Giving Sep 2015 Tithes & Revenue Actual* Budget Difference % Actual to Budget Fiscal Year 2016 ACTUAL May $ 308,960 $ 633,349 $ (324,389) 49% Budget YTD Aug 2016 $8.7m Fiscal YTD $ 6,193,129 $ 6,944,424 $ (751,295) 89% *Actual as of May 17. Annual Budget $8,700,000. Monthly budget is seasonally adjusted. We appreciate your financial support of BelPres mission and ministries to revive the Eastside and beyond. THE VIRTUES THAT MATTER HOOPAMONE! REV. RICH LEATHERBERRY MAY 22, 2016 bellevue presbyterian church Sanctuary Worship on Sundays at 9am and 11am Modern Worship on Sundays at 9:45am, 11am, and 6pm Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm 1717 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue, WA 98004 425-454-3082 | belpres.org God Calls Us to Worship Prelude: Festival Piece on 'Nicaea' Notes on Today’s Worship Jerry Westenkuehler Wayne Slater, organist Welcome Rev. Rich Leatherberry Please sign and pass the friendship pad. Prayer request cards will be collected during the singing of the first hymn. Give God Praise *+ #138 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! Matthew 5 (9) Nathan Iliuc, (11) Megan Iliuc This Little Light of Mine arr. Mark Patterson His Kids; Cynthia Dean, director; Vicky Joslin, accompanist *+ #306 Fairest Lord Jesus Life Together Presentation of Bibles Rev. Colin Robeson #304 Jesus Loves Me Please sing verse 1. Prayers of God's People (9) Rev. Daniel Triller, (11) Rev. Annie Duncan God’s Word To Us Ministry Through Music: Be Strong Trilby Jordan and Sandy Wilkenson JoySong; Karen Nelson, director; Sarah Silvia, accompanist Scripture: Psalm 105:17-22, James 1:2-4 Rev. Rosalind Renshaw Sermon: Hoopamone! Our Response * #276 Great Is Thy Faithfulness Giving Our Tithes and Offerings Musical Offering: Do Lord arr. Ruth Artman Good News Group; Daisy Li Emans, director; Mari Wood, accompanist Sending J. S. Bach Prayer Ministers are available in the Prayer Room following worship. *All who are able please stand. +Seating of late arrivals. Pr ayers for the Church Family The Lord tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart. Isaiah 40:11 Our Lord and shepherd, your love knows no bounds. In your mercy, you leave the ninety-nine and find us in our time of need. Help us to share your concern for the lost and broken-hearted. Surround and embrace those in our midst who are in need of your healing and comfort, including Clarence Schott, Sue Huntley, Sue Alexander, Keith Mikelson, Brent Revert and Joan Wallace. We lift up those in need of your peace as they grieve the loss of a loved one, including the family and friends of Joan Benson. We ask a special measure of grace for caregivers who wrestle with fatigue, difficult decisions, and watching a loved one move towards death. We all look ahead to new life and resurrection with you. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen. Mission Pr ayer * Benediction Postlude: In Thee Is Gladness The children's choir season concludes today with their participation in worship. During the season we’ve been blessed to have been led by our children choirs in worship. “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:2-3). A paradox of the Christian faith is that children can lead us to maturity. Scripture teaches us there are four qualities that most all children possess that must lead us in God’s kingdom. These qualities will not make us childish but childlike. Children lead us in humility, children lead us in a forgiving spirit, a child leads us in sincerity, and a child leads in confiding truth. Our children imitate us in the way they live. We would be wise to imitate them in humility, forgiveness, sincerity, and a confiding trust. “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) Music and worship is one of the best ways to establish in children a life-long love and understanding of God, Jesus, worship, and the church, besides the myriad other benefits of being a part of a choir “team”. You can give this gift to your child or someone you know by enrolling kindergarten age and older in the 2016-17 season today. Register online at belpres.org/resources/registrations soon—choirs fill fast! Father God, we bring to you our loved ones who gave their lives in sacrifice for our country. We lift up families and friends, even we ourselves, who are grieving the loss and pain that war brings to our lives. Lord Jesus, as we remember those who have fallen and those who have suffered loss through war, we ask for peace in our land and in the world. Enable us to forgive and to be peacemakers wherever we are. In your blessed name. Amen. Sunday Family life Ministries Child Care Center: 3 months to turning 3 years by Aug 31, 2016. All Sunday services. Top of grand staircase from Lobby. Preschool Sundays: All morning services. Preschoolers meet for the full service hour in their Upper Campus classrooms. See signs and greeters for locations. Elementary Sundays: All morning services. Drop off in class, pick up in UC-106. See signs and greeters for locations. The Middle and High School Sundays (Grades 6-12): Today, 11am, UC-303. Ministry Information BelPres Confidential Helpline: If you or a loved one struggles with pornography or sexual addiction, help is available. Call 425454-3084 x3209. Inner Healing Prayer: With the help of specially-trained prayer ministers, invite Jesus into painful areas of your life for healing and release. Call Mona in the Church Office for an appointment. GetConnected: For all church, community, or global service opportunities visit GetConnected at Lobby kiosk or on the website, or email getconnected@ belpres.org, or phone 425-4543082, x3394. Discussion Questions Please read James 1:2-18. 1. What is the issue James is writing about in these verses? What are ‘trials’? 2. What are the key words in verse 3? What do they mean? 3. What are three benefits that come from persevering through a trial in verse 4? How is each benefit different from the others? 4. What helps us persevere through trials? Read vs. 5-18 for what James suggests. 5. What can followers of Jesus expect from perseverance? Why would James call us to ‘joy’? 6. What trial or trials have you been facing most recently? 7. What might God be saying to you, through this study, about the way you have been dealing with them?