2013-2014 turf reference manual
2013-2014 turf reference manual
2013-2014 TURF REFERENCE MANUAL phone 716-895-SEED (7333) • Lawn Seed toll free 877-417-SEED (7333) • Fertilizers fax 716-895-3421 • Hydro Seed Supplies email [email protected] • web Golf Course Care products www.preferredseed.com Forage Seed The Preferred Seed Staff Jack Bryant Janet Bryant Garrett Coleman Mike Diehl Chris Ehrenreich paul Ehrenreich Joe Hartman Becky Russell Ed Russell & Joey STEVE Bryant To Our Valued Customers It is our pleasure to present this 2013-2014 Turf Reference Manual to you. We have attempted to offer you the best products available. We are constantly evaluating and updating new varieties. If you would like a product not listed, please contact us. Our goal is providing you with top performing products to support your successful business. Our Mission How to Order Delivery Call: 716-895-SEED (7333) or 877-417-SEED (7333) Fax:716-895-3421 Email:[email protected] Web:www.preferredseed.com We deliver to all points in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Vermont, Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut, New Jersey and Rhode Island. We use all methods of transportation including private carriers, common carriers, leased trucks and vendor trucks. Minimum orders for free delivery vary among the products we sell and the delivery location. Prices Our mission is to provide you with the highest quality products with leading edge technology and exceptional customer service. Our mission is supported by our membership in the following organizations: AMERICAN FORAGE & GRASSLANDS COUNCIL AMERICAN SEED TRADE ASSOCIATION ATLANTIC SEED ASSOCIATION ERIE COUNTY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION FINGER LAKES ASSOCIATION OF GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS Prices are subject to change without notice. Hours of Operation Wholesale March 1 – OCTOBER 15 The products contained in this catalog are available to the wholesale turf and forage industry only. Monday – Friday 7am - 5pm Saturdays Upon Request GardenScape Professional Association NATIONAL ALFALFA AND FORAGE ALLIANCE NEW YORK STATE AGRI-BUSINESS ASSOCIATION NEW YORK STATE NURSERY AND LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATION NEW YORK STATE SEED ASSOCIATION NEW YORK STATE TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION OCTOBER 16 – February 28 NEW YORK STATE FARM BUREAU Monday – Friday NORTHEAST ORGANIC FARMING ASSOCIATION 7am - 4pm SPORTS TURF managers of new york UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION WNY GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ASSOCIATION WNY NURSERY AND LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATION WESTERN SEED ASSOCIATION PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 1 575 Kennedy Road Buffalo, New York 14227 PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 TURF SEED What You May Not Know... Certification of seed lots is something that is done to assure the buyer of the type and quality of seed. Certification guarantees the purity of the cultivar, fewer weed seeds, lower other crop contaminates and inert fillers. Certified seed lots are indentified by a Blue Certification Tag. Mixtures...................................................................................................... 2 Retail Products......................................................................................... 3 Bluegrasses................................................................................................ 4 Ryegrasses................................................................................................. 8 Fescues.................................................................................................... 12 Bentgrasses............................................................................................ 15 Native & Naturalized Seed...................................................................18 Food Plot/DOT Specifications.......................................................... 19 Miscellaneous/Reclamation Seed................................................... 20 NOTICE TO BUYER: EXCLUSION OF WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Preferred Seed Co., Inc. warrants that this seed has been labeled as required by State and Federal Seed Laws and conforms to the label within recognized tolerances. THIS WARRANTY EXCLUDES ALL OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SELLER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING YIELD, QUALITY OR TOLERANCE TO INSECTS, DISEASES OR GROWING CONDITIONS OF THE SEED OR THE CROP PRODUCED THEREFROM. The seller’s LIABILITY, to the buyer and others, is LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE SEEDS. THIS REMEDY IS EXCLUSIVE. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS. To assert a claim, the reason for the claim must have been reported in writing to Preferred Seed Company, Inc. within 60 days of the claimant’s discovery thereof. IF BUYER CHOOSES NOT TO BE BOUND TO THE ABOVE STATED WARRANTY TERMS, HE MAY RETURN THE SEED, AT HIS SOLE EXPENSE, IN UNOPENED CONTAINERS WITHIN 10 DAYS OF RECEIPT. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS PASS AT POINT OF SHIPMENT. Retail Lawn & Garden Products....................................................... 21 Spreaders................................................................................................ 22 Lawn Fertilizers...................................................................................... 23 Seed Aide................................................................................................ 23 Rolled Erosion Control Products.......................................................24 Hydroseeding Supplies....................................................................... 28 Engineered and Specified Products.................................................31 Early Bird....................................................................................... 32 (39) Wetting Agents...................................................................................... 33 Growth & Color Enhancements....................................................... 35 Spray Pattern Indicators..................................................................... 35 Foliar Fertilizers..................................................................................... 36 Sand Aid....................................................................................................36 Water Soluble Fertilizers..................................................................... 39 Granular Organic Fertilizers............................................................... 39 Early Bird................................................................................................. 39 Seed Tag Identity.................................................................................. 40 Quality Forage Products......................................... inside back cover Packaging.................................................................................. back cover 2 TURF SEED MIXES Cornell Classic Mix Meets the Cornell University Specifications for a High Quality Upstate New York Lawn. 25% 20% 20% 20% 15% Award Kentucky Bluegrass Rhapsody Kentucky Bluegrass Bewitched Kentucky Bluegrass Paragon GLR Perennial Ryegrass Firefly Hard Fescue seedinG rate: 3 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25 lb. bag, 5/10 lb. poly, 12/3 lb. poly, 24/1 lb. poly 50/50 Fairway/Sports Supreme Mix Ideal for short-cut golf course fairways, roughs and elite sports fields. 50% Blend of Paragon GLR, Amazing GS & Revenge GLX Perennial Ryegrass 20% Prosperity Kentucky Bluegrass 15% Bedazzled Kentucky Bluegrass 15% Award Kentucky Bluegrass seedinG rate: 4 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25 lb. bag 50/50 Sports/Sunny Mix Recommended for sunny areas and athletic fields. 50% Blend of Brooklawn, Bonaire & Baron Kentucky Bluegrass 50% Blend of Protégé GLR, Paragon GLR & Revenge GLX Perennial Ryegrass seedinG rate: 4 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25/50 lb. bag, 5/10 lb. poly, 12/3 lb. poly, 24/1 lb. poly Trio Supreme Mix Improved drought tolerance and disease resistance over Trio. 34% Blend of Kokomo 2, Paragon GLR & Amazing GS Perennial Ryegrass 33% Blend of Intrigue Chewings Fescue, Celestial CRF & Firefly Hard Fescue 33% Blend of Brooklawn, Bonaire & Baron Kentucky Bluegrass seedinG rate: 5 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25 lb. bag, 5/10 lb. poly, 12/3 lb. poly, 24/1 lb. poly Trio Mix Reliable Mix Quicker establishment than Trio Mix. 50% Blend of Kokomo 2, Paragon GLR & Pizzazz 2 Perennial Ryegrass 25% Kenblue Kentucky Bluegrass 25% Boreal Creeping Red Fescue seedinG rate: 6 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25/50 lb. bag Kwik Green Mix For non-irrigated seedings. 50% Blend of Evening Shade, Patriot 4 & Paragon Perennial Ryegrass 20% Annual Ryegrass 15% Boreal Creeping Red Fescue 15% Kenblue Kentucky Bluegrass seedinG rate: 6 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25/50 lb. bag Par Four Perennial Rye Blend Recommended for over-seeding. 25% Paragon GLR Perennial Ryegrass 25% Kokomo 2 Perennial Ryegrass 25% Revenge GLX Perennial Ryegrass 25% Amazing GS Perennial Ryegrass seedinG rate: 7 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25 lb bag, 5/10 lb poly, 12/3 poly, 24/1 lb. poly Tee Divot Mix For quick establishment and self repair potential. 25% Paragon GLR Perennial Ryegrass 25% Kokomo 2 Perennial Ryegrass 20% Revenge GLX Perennial Ryegrass 20% Amazing GS Perennial Ryegrass 10% Creeping Bentgrass seedinG rate: 10 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25 lb. bag Low-Gro/Golf Mix Improved playability. 50% Firefly Hard Fescue 20% Axcella 2 Turf-type Annual Ryegrass 20% Quatro Sheep Fescue 10% Minotaur Blue Hard Fescue seedinG rate: 6 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25 lb. bag Our most popular mix. Combination for sun and shade areas. 34% Blend of Kokomo 2, Paragon GLR & Pizzazz 2 Perennial Ryegrass 33% Boreal Creeping Red Fescue 33% Kenblue Kentucky Bluegrass seedinG rate: 5 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 50 lb. bag, 25 lb. bag, 5/10 lb. poly, 12/3 lb. poly, 24/1 lb. poly PHONE Low-Gro Mix Low maintenance, low growing. 50% Firefly Hard Fescue 20% Intrigue Chewings Fescue 20% Quatro Sheep Fescue 10% Minotaur Blue Hard Fescue Summer Green Supreme Mix Drought, wear, and salt tolerance with a Kentucky Bluegrass appearance. 20% 3rd Millennium SRP Tall Fescue 20% Rhambler SRP Tall Fescue 20% Traverse SRP Tall Fescue 20% Cochise IV Tall Fescue 10% Brooklawn Kentucky Bluegrass 10% Axcella 2 Turf-type Annual Ryegrass seedinG rate: 8 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25/50 lb. bag Shady Supreme Mix The shade problem solver. 25% Intrigue Chewings Fescue 20% Celestial Creeping Red Fescue 20% Firefly Hard Fescue 20% Pizzazz 2 Perennial Ryegrass 15% Stardust Poa Trivialis seedinG rate: 4 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25 lb. bag, 5/10 lb. poly, 12/3 lb. poly, 24/1 lb. poly Shady Mix Inexpensive shady mix. 35% Boreal Creeping Red Fescue 35% Chewings Fescue 30% Pizzazz 2 Perennial Ryegrass seedinG rate: 6 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25 lb. bag, 5/10 lb. poly, 12/3 lb. poly, 24/1 lb. poly Landscape Mix Least expensive mix. 40% Annual Ryegrass 25% Perennial Ryegrass 25% Creeping Red Fescue 10% 85/80 Kentucky Bluegrass seedinG rate: 7 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25 lb. bag, 5/10 lb. poly, 12/3 lb. poly Conservation Mix For reclamation sites. 30% Tall Fescue 25% Creeping Red Fescue 20% Annual Ryegrass 12% Timothy 10% 85/80 Kentucky Bluegrass 3% White Clover seedinG rate: 3 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. reclamation sites 6 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. LAWNS SIZE: 25/50 lb. bag seedinG rate: 6 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. SIZE: 25 lb. bag 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 3 Application Recommendations for Preferred Seed Mixes t sq f 000 1 / e Rat cial tial ing mer den d i m s e e o e C S R Cornell Classic Mix3 E etic Athl VG VG de Sha F es Slop G 50/50 Fairway/Sports Supreme Mix 4 EVG E PVG 50/50 Sports/Sunny Mix 4VGVG VG P VG Trio Supreme Mix5 E E G G High fic Traf ver k Co Quic VG P E G G e Wat ent q. irem r Re ilize t r e F qu r Re H H H H E G M H G M M G Trio Mix 5VG E G G G G G Reliable Mix 6VG E G VGVG M M Par Four Mix 7 NRNR E* PP Low-Gro Golf Mix6 NR NR NR F G E E Low-Gro Mix 6 NRNR NR E E Summer Green Supreme Mix 8 E E E G Shady Supreme Mix4 Shady Mix E NR P E E E MH NR F L NRNR L L VG Kwik Green Mix 6 G E G P VG E E P 6 VG NRP VG VG 3 to 6 NR NR NR VG E CHOOSE THREE (25 lb. bags): • Trio Mix (red) • Cornell Classic Mix (blue) • Shady Supreme Mix (green) • Par Four Perennial Ryegrass Blend (no color) PREFERRED SEED WILL PROVIDE: • FREE use of Preferred Bulk Seed Display for the season (75˝h x 48˝w x 24˝d) • FREE poly bags to package seed • NO reorder minimums F P E NR Private Label Grass Seed *Minimum initial order of color coded display seed, $1200 L L L L L L L PG L L E = excellent VG = very good G = good F = fair P = poor H = high M = medium L = low NR = not recommended *overseeding Preferred Bulk Seed Display Program VG VGVG Landscape Mix 7P F P F G Conservation Mix M M Promote your business by placing your logo on a Private Label Package! resealable laminated packages with full color photograph and bottom gusset: • Sizes: 1lb., 3 lb., and 10 lb. (4 colors available) E L L L L NEW BAG! Your Logo Here! • Matching 20 lb. and 25 lb. poly bags Pack Quantities: 24 - 1 lb. per bale 12 - 3 lb. per bale 5 - 10 lb. per bale OTHER AVAILABLE PACKAGING: • Woven Poly: 25 lb. and 50 lb. (4 different colors) 500 lb. minimum per mixture, per order. RESEALABLE 10 LB. GRASS SEED BUCKET: • 64 - 10 lb. buckets per pallet 640 lb. minimum per mixture, per bucket order. Retail Products 4 “The most important and widely used Northern turfgrass.” Kentucky Bluegrass Poa pratensis NEW Prosperity GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS......................................................................50 lbs. Proven performance record 21-28 DAYS TO GERMINATE SEEDING RATE: 2-3 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. • High heat and drought tolerance Approx. number of seeds per lb: 2,100,000 • Low growth habit • Superb disease resistance NEW Washington II KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS........................................................50 lbs. Variety known for aggressiveness • Exceptional drought tolerance Turf grass cultivars with superior drought tolerance with as much as 21 day delays in the onset of drought stress symptoms • Early Spring green up • Very good wear tolerance • Excellent sod strength Rhapsody......................................... 50 lbs. Bewitched....................................... 50 lbs. Some shade tolerance Top scores in current NTEP trials for turf quality and wear tolerance • Dark green color • Near perfect resistance to dollar spot, leaf spot and stem rust KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS • Good spring green-up • Tops in NTEP shade trial • Red thread resistance • Excellent dark green color • Compact growth habit excellent for use in low mowing environments Blueberry......................................... 50 lbs. Bedazzled........................................ 50 lbs. Nu Destiny..................................... 50 lbs. Tops the charts in quality in the Northeast #1 variety in 2002 NTEP, using schedule “A” A great choice for all mowing heights • A perfect 9 for color • Bright green color • Attractive, rich, dark green color KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS • At the top in spring green up • Early spring up • Aggressive against poa annua invasion • Excellent drought tolerance • Very good wear tolerance • Very good overall disease resistance • Excellent resistance to dollar spot, summer patch, and anthracnose • Superior leaf spot, pink snow mold, dollar spot, summer patch, and brown patch resistance • Excellent establishment in dry conditions • approved (drought tolerant) PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 5 Award..................................................... 50 lbs. Midnight............................................ 50 lbs. Brooklawn..................................... 50 lbs. #1 variety in 2004 NTEP, using schedule “A” Rated top variety overall for NTEP 1996-2000 A good value for low-maintenance athletic fields KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS • High density at fairway heights (< 1/2˝ ) • Very dark green color • Fine textured, upright leaves • Excellent low-mowing performance • Intense dark green color • Very high tiller density • Excellent resistance to leaf spot, spring and summer diseases • approved (drought tolerant) KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS • Very good drought tolerance • Good performer in shade trials • Good seeding vigor • Excellent spring and summer density • Excellent sod strength Bonaire Everglade......................................... 50 lbs. KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS ................................................... 50 lbs. KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS Versatile performer in all conditions for all locations Improved rust resistance Outstanding in disease trials • Quick establishment • The 3rd variety in the Glade family • Excellent sod strength • Heat and drought tolerant • Dark green color • Enhanced weed suppression (allelopathic) • Good in partial shade Kenblue Bluegrass........... 50 lbs. Baron....................................................... 50 lbs. Better Blue.................................... 50 lbs. KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS BLEND First introduced from Europe in the 1600’s A proven performer for many years • Susceptible to all turf diseases • Very good in low maintenance situations A blend of three or more improved Kentucky Bluegrasses for peak performance across a wide range of growing conditions ................................................. 50 lbs. KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS • Dark green color and good spring vigor • Excellent rhizome development for sod production Everest • Very good resistance to rust, striped smut and leaf spot diseases (98/85) • Wider, coarser blade compared to improved varieties • Noticeably lighter green than the improved varieties listed • Good disease resistance • Excellent sod tensel strength for durability Kentucky Bluegrass Kentucky Bluegrass NG SP RI LE AF GR EE NU TE P XT UR W AT E ER TO LE SE RA ED NC IN G E VI DR GO OU R GH T (W TY PH IL T) LA BL LE IG HT AF SP OT ST EM RU ST DO LL AR SP RE OT D THR EA BR D OW N PA SU TCH M M ER PA PI TCH NK SN OW M TY OL PE D Poa pratensis CO LO R 6 Award 5 P F VG G VGVG E F E VG E G GMidnight Baron 3 F M VG G F VGVG F VG G F F VG BVMG E = excellent Bedazzled 3 VG F G G VG E E VG E VGE E EAmerica VG = very good Bewitched 5 G = good Blueberry 5 G M VGVG E G E F VGVGVG P FCompact F = fair Bonaire 4 P = poor Brooklawn 2VG F F GVGEVGVGVGGVGGVG Shamrock Everest 5P FEGVGEEGVGEVG VGF Midnight F G M E F G VG E F VG E VG E VG VG E G E P VGCompact E Shamrock Everglade 5 P F E VGVG G E F E G VG E FMidnight Midnight 5 P F VG VG VG E E F VG F G E GMidnight NuDestiny 5 P F VG G VG G E G VG E E E GMidnight Prosperity 5VGFEFVG GEFVGEF FP Compact Leaf Texture Ratings Only: M = medium F = fine VF = very fine Rhapsody 4 E F VG G G G E VG E E VG VG VGAmerica Color: Washington II 2 F E Aggressive 5 = darkest KenBlue 1 VG VF F VG G P P VG G G P F PCommon 1 = lightest E VG G G G VG VG G VG E F National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Mean Turfgrass Quality Ratings of Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars Grown at two locations in the U.S. Maintained Using “Schedule A” 2010 Data NAMEMEAN Midnight6.8 Impact6.7 NuGlade6.7 Zinfandel6.6 NuDestiny6.6 NuChicago6.5 Diva6.5 Beyond6.5 Avid6.5 Bluestone6.4 Alexa II 6.4 Solar Eclipse 6.4 Harmonie6.4 Washington6.4 6.4 Sudden Impact Award6.3 Excursion6.3 Granite6.3 Empire6.2 Touche6.2 Rhapsody6.2 4-Season6.2 Sombrero6.2 Gladstone6.2 Rhythm6.2 Everglade6.1 Washington II 6.1 Bewitched6.1 Barrister6.1 Juliet6.1 6.1 Ginney II Belissimo6.0 Everest6.0 Gaelic II 6.0 Glenmont5.9 Wild Horse 5.9 Dynamo5.9 Blue Note 5.9 Arrowhead5.9 STR 2485 5.9 Hampton5.8 Aries5.8 Starburst5.8 America5.8 Prosperity5.8 5.8 Rugby II Julia5.8 Blueberry5.7 Futurity5.7 Yankee5.7 Skye5.6 Shiraz5.6 Baron5.6 Argos5.6 Emblem5.6 5.5 Moonlight SLT Jump Start 5.5 Pinot5.5 Armada5.5 Shamrock5.5 Aura5.5 Madison5.4 Bariris5.4 Bandera5.4 Mystere5.2 Aviator5.1 Volt5.0 Barrari5.0 Barduke4.9 Corsair4.7 Kenblue4.1 LSD Value C.V. (%) TURFGRASS QUALITY RATINGS 1-9; 9 = Ideal Turf *SCHEDULE A: 0.4-0.6 inch mowing height; 3-4 lbs. N/1000 square feet/year; irrigation to prevent stress; fungicides applied only to prevent severe stand loss; insecticides applied only to prevent stand loss; weed control applied as needed to prevent stand loss PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 1.0 16.0 7 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Mean Turfgrass Quality Ratings of Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars Grown at five locations in the Northeast Region 2010 Data NAME SCHEDULE C SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE B MA1 NJ1 NJ2 NY1 PA1MEAN Impact 5.67.3 6.1 Bewitched6.06.1 6.0 Everest 5.57.0 6.0 Solar Eclipse 5.56.9 6.0 Alexa II 5.47.0 6.0 Award 5.77.0 6.0 Excursion 5.57.6 6.0 Blue Note 5.86.3 6.0 Everglade 5.77.1 5.9 Sudden Impact 5.67.1 5.9 Blueberry 5.66.5 5.9 Midnight 5.47.2 5.9 NuChicago5.56.5 5.9 Diva 6.06.1 5.9 Ginney II 5.56.8 5.8 NuDestiny 5.37.3 5.8 Emblem 5.16.2 5.8 Garnite 5.17.0 5.8 Hampton 5.95.8 5.8 Prosperity 5.45.6 5.8 Rhapsody 5.85.8 5.7 Barrister 5.66.3 5.7 Skye 5.56.8 5.7 Rhythm 5.46.1 5.7 Shiraz 5.45.7 5.7 Avid 6.14.8 5.7 NuGlade 5.66.1 5.7 Starburst 5.45.9 5.6 Beyond 5.56.3 5.6 Bluestone 5.26.4 5.6 Argos 5.75.6 5.6 Zinfandel 6.04.7 5.5 Glenmont 5.45.3 5.5 Arur 5.66.1 5.5 Rubicon 5.66.3 5.5 Mystere 5.65.9 5..5 Futurity 5.65.2 5.5 Yankee 5.55.7 5.5 NAME SCHEDULE C SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE B MA1 NJ1 NJ2 NY1 PA1MEAN 5.5 Touche 5.45.7 5.4 Belissimo 5.66.0 5.4 6.2 4.0 5.2 5.9 5.5 Rugby II 5.4 Washington5.55.6 5.4 4-Season 5.44.9 5.4 5.35.3 Juliet 5.3 Empire 5.84.5 5.3 Arrowhead5.55.6 5.3 America 5.85.1 5.3 5.55.6 Aries 5.3 Gladstone 5.25.3 5.3 Wild Horse5.45.2 5.2 Jump Start5.35.4 5.2 5.45.3 Washington II 5.2 Armada 5.34.7 5.2 5.44.8 Pinot 5.2 5.04.3 Moonlight SLT 5.2 Shamrock 5.45.0 5.1 Madison 5.64.8 5.1 Sombrero 5.35.1 5.1 5.34.9 Julia 5.1 Greenteam5.15.0 5.1 5.55.0 Gaelic 5.1 5.44.8 Volt 5.0 Dynamo 5.34.2 5.0 Harmonie 5.34.5 5.0 5.05.3 Bariris 4.9 5.05.4 Ravel 4.8 Corsair 5.04.8 4.8 Barrari 5.05.0 4.8 5.6 3.6 4.4 5.4 4.7 Bar VV 4.8 5.24.5 Baron 4.7 Bandera 4.94.4 4.6 Aviator 5.04.3 4.6 Barduke 4.94.7 4.2 Reveille 3.94.5 4.2 Mermaid 4.44.5 3.7 Kenblue 4.03.3 We have expanded this chart to include Schedule B and C. TURFGRASS QUALITY RATINGS 1-9; 9 = Ideal Turf *SCHEDULE B: 1-2 inch mowing height; 3-4 lbs. N/1000 square feet/year; irrigation to prevent dormancy; fungicides applied only to prevent severe stand loss; insecticides applied only to prevent stand loss; weed control applied as needed to prevent stand loss **Schedule C - 2.5-3.5 inch mowing height: 0-2 lbs. N/1000 sq. ft per year: No irrigation after establishment or to prevent dormancy: No fungicides applied: No insecticides applied Weed control applied as needed to prevent stand loss Kentucky Bluegrass “Fast germination, permanent and attractive.” 8RYEGRASS Lolium perenne / Lolium multiflorum NEW Pangea GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: PERENNIAL RYEGRASS...................................................................................50 lbs. 7-10 DAYS TO GERMINATE Represents the accumulation of breeding efforts of more than 40 years SEEDING RATE: 6-8 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. • Dark green color Approx. number of seeds per lb: 227,000 • Heat and drought tolerant • Resistant to Gray Leaf Spot NEW Axcella 2 Turf Type ANNUAL RYEGRASS..............................................50 lbs. Second generation of annual turf type ryegrass • Fine texture Turf grass cultivars with superior drought tolerance with as much as 21 day delays in the onset of drought stress symptoms • Dark green color • Excellent transition Amazing GS................................. 50 lbs. Pizzazz 2 GLR........................... 50 lbs. Protégé GLR................................ 50 lbs. Aggressive against Poa annua invasion A leader in the new generation of ryegrasses • Excellent gray leaf spot resistance • Progeny of the #1 variety in the 2003 NTEP trials, schedule “A” Performs in the top of the NTEP’s in the Northeast PERENNIAL RYEGRASS PERENNIAL RYEGRASS • Dark green color • Medium dark green color PERENNIAL RYEGRASS • The latest improvement in gray leaf spot resistance • Improved resistance against gray leaf spot, • Excellent seeding vigor • Excellent under traffic stress brown patch, and stem rust diseases • approved (drought tolerant) Revenge GLX.............................. 50 lbs. PERENNIAL RYEGRASS Paragon GLR.............................. 50 lbs. PERENNIAL RYEGRASS Excellent gray leaf spot resistance One of the first Perennial Ryegrasses with resistance to gray leaf spot • Great year-round density • Breakthrough variety turf managers have been waiting for • Excellent spring green-up • Rated high in trials from high to low maintenance • Very dark green color • Dark green color and fine leaf texture PHONE • Performs excellent in low cut environments 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) Fiji .................................................................. 50 lbs. PERENNIAL RYEGRASS A top NTEP vareity • Improved resistance to leaf spot and pink snow mold • Dark green color • Good traffic tolerance FAX 716-895-3421 9 Manhattan 5 GLR............. 50 lbs. Kokomo 2 Par Four.............................................. 25 lbs. Extremely fine leaf texture with gray leaf spot resistance Recommended for overseeding, golf course fairways, roughs and tees • Exceptional resistance to gray leaf spot • Highly resistant to gray leaf spot • In the top 15 for overall turf quality in 2005 NTEP trials • High level of endophytes for resistance to surface feeding insects • Resistance to red thread and crown rust • A blend of four highly rated perennial ryegrasses chosen for color, disease resistance and aggressive tillering ........................................ 50 lbs. PERENNIAL RYEGRASS PERENNIAL RYEGRASS The 40 year legacy continues • Dark green color and fine texture • High salt tolerance • Gray leaf spot resistant • Excellent disease resistance • approved (drought tolerant) PERENNIAL RYEGRASS BLEND • Ranks high in turf density trials CSI ......................................................................................................................... 50 lbs. PERENNIAL RYEGRASS BLEND Common (Linn)..................... 50 lbs. PERENNIAL RYEGRASS Utility Patent awarded for its unique growth habit. Continuously spreads via reproductive tillers after vernalization – seven months after seeding. Tillers formed much quicker than any other marketed recuperative ryes and regular “normal” perennial rygrasses NEVER spread. An unimproved perennial ryegrass • Lighter green than turf type perennial ryegrass • Dark green color • Coarse blades • Fine leaf texture • More susceptible to mower damage M HE A D OW RA TI OL D PI ED NK LE SN AF RU GRAY N OW SE ST SP OT HT IG BL M CR TH IU N W BR O PY EA D OT THR SP D RE AR LL OT DO PA TCH HT SP AF LE TY P FF IC G TRA IN ED SE HU LA VI BL GO E UR XT TE AF IG R UP EN GR E LE NG SP RI OR CO L NG S • Execellent turf density AmazinG GS 5 E FVGPVGVGEVGGVGE E GVG E = excellent VG = very good Fiji 5VG F G GVGG G E EVGVGG P E G = good Kokomo 2 5 E F G PVGE E G F PVG VGGG F = fair Manhattan 5 GLR 4 VG F VG G VGVGVG G F VGVG E F VG P = poor PANGEA GLR 5EFGFGEGFVGFGEEG Leaf Texture Paragon GLR4EFGFEEGGFGVG EGG Pizzazz 2 Ratings Only: F = fine 5EFGFGEGF FGGEFG M = medium Protégé GLR 5EFEFVGEGFVG VG VG EGF Revenge GLX 5 E F VGGVGVGVGG F VGG EVGG W = wide Color: Linn (Common) 1PWEFPEPEPFEPGP 5 = darkest Buyer Beware! 1 = lightest In New York State, seed companies are not required to list the percentage of flourescence in Perennial Ryegrass. Flourescence can indicate the presence of Annual Ryegrass in a Perennial Ryegrass lot. This is a natural occurance which cannot be avoided, but can be minimized. At Preferred Seed Company, Inc., our standards are to reject any lot of Turf Type Perennial Ryegrass which contains excessive amounts of Flourescence (Annual Ryegrass). It is possible to purchase seed lots which have in excess of 8% flourescence at a cheaper price. We choose to not offer these substandard seed lots. Perennial Ryegrass 10PERENNIAL RYEGRASS Lolium perenne National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Mean Turfgrasss Quality Ratings of Perennial Ryegrass Cultivars Grown at Seven Locations in the Northeast Region, 2005-2009 Data NAME SCHEDULE C SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE C SCHEDULE A MA1 ME1 NJ1 NY1 PA1QE1RI1MEAN Uno 6.3 Zoom 6.3 6.3 Allstar 3 Homerun5. 6.2 6.2 Derby Xtreme Amazing GS 6.2 Fiesta 4 6.2 6.1 Palmer V Revenge GLX 6.1 6.1 Palace Regal 5 6.0 Kokomo II5. 6.0 6.0 Keystone 2 Attribute 6.0 6.0 Apple GL Palmer IV5. 6.0 Exacta II 6.0 Transformer 5.9 Dasher 3 5.9 Silver Dollar 5.9 1G Squared 5.9 SR 4600 5.9 Primary 5.9 Grand Slam 5.9 Protégé GLR 5.9 Soprano 5.8 Calypso 5.8 Notable 5.8 Panther GLS 5.8 ASP6004 5.8 Prototype5. 5.8 Paragon GLR 5.8 ASP6003 5.8 Stellar GL5. 5.8 Fiji 5.8 Wind Dance 5.8 Harrier 5.8 Line Drive GLS 5.9 5.9 6.0 4.4 6.5 6.1 5.7 5.8 Pleasure Supreme 5.8 Cutter II 5.7 Dart 5.7 Charismatic II GLSR 5.7 ASP6005 5.7 Secretariat II GLSR 5.7 Defender 5.7 Majesty II5. 5.7 PST-2AG45. 5.7 Manhattan 5 GLR 5.7 Gray Fox 5.7 Overdrive5. 5.7 NAME SCHEDULE C SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE C SCHEDULE A MA1 ME1 NJ1 NY1 PA1QE1RI1MEAN Fusion 5.7 Buena Vista 5.7 5.7 Nexus XD5. Edge II 5.7 5.7 ASP6001 Presidio 5.7 Top Gun II 5.7 5.4 4.7 4.3 7.2 5.7 5.9 5.6 5.6 Gray Star Mach I 5.6 5.6 Repell GLS5. Cabo II 5.6 Baccarat 5.6 5.6 Delaware XL Pinnacle II5. 5.6 5.5 Plateau Hawkeye 2 5.5 Pentium 5.5 Accent II 5.5 Citation Fore 5.5 Nexus XR5. 5.5 Firebolt 5.5 Inspire 5.5 Wayfarer 5.5 Pizzazz 5.5 Pacesetter II 5.5 Halo 5.5 Phenom 5.5 Brea 5.4 Brightstar SLT 5.4 Quicksilver5. 5.4 Ringer II 5.4 DO4-LP055. 5.4 Caddieshack II 5.3 PM 102 5.3 Headstart 2 5.3 La Quinta5. 5.3 Monterey 3 5.3 Goalkeeper 3 5.2 Sunshine 2 5.2 5.2 Premier II5. Barlennium 5.1 DP 17-9788 5.1 SRX 46825. 5.1 5.1 Palmer III5. Affinity 4.7 Premier 4.6 LPR 022035. 4.6 Pinnacle 4.2 Linn (common) 2.4 LSD Value.61.2 0.4 C.V. (%) 7.312.7 9.0 TURFGRASS QUALITY RATINGS 1-9; 9 = Ideal Turf * Schedule C - 1.5 - 2.5 inch mowing height; 0.3 - 0.5 lb. N/1000 square feet per growing month; no irrigation, irrigation only during severe stress or to prevent dormancy. No fungicide; no insecticides; weed control applied as needed to prevent stand loss ** Schedule B - 1 - 2 inch mowing height; 1/2 - 1 lb. N/1000 square feet per growing month (high rate only during establishment); no irrigation, irrigation only during severe stress or to prevent dormancy; fungicides only to prevent severe stand loss; insecticides only to prevent stand loss; weed control applied as needed to prevent stand loss *** Schedule A - 1/2 - 3/4 inch mowing height; 1/2 - 3/4 lb. N/1000 square feet per growing month; irrigation to prevent stress or dormancy; fungicides only to prevent severe stand loss; insecticides only to prevent stand loss; weed control applied as needed to prevent stand loss PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 “Shade tolerant, drought resistant, green all year.” 12FESCUES Festuca rubra (FINE) Cochise IV Festuca arundinacea (TALL) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: TALL FESCUE........................................................................................................50 lbs. FINE: 14-21 DAYS TO GERMINATE • Superior overall turf quality SEEDING RATE: 5-7 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. • Dark green color Approx. number of seeds per lb: 546,000 • Excellent overall disease resistance TALL: 10-14 DAYS TO GERMINATE SEEDING RATE: 8-10 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. Approx. number of seeds per lb: 227,000 Firefly HARD FESCUE....................................................................................................................50 lbs. Tops in the new National Fine Fescue Trial • Rated #1 for genetic color and red thread resistance • Tops in mowing quality, winter and fall color • Medium texture, dark green color • It’s improved disease resistance makes it perfect for use in low maintenance sites 3rd Millennium SRP... 50 lbs. Traverse SRP............................. 50 lbs. Rhambler SRP......................... 50 lbs. TALL FESCUE TALL FESCUE TALL FESCUE Chart topping variety with self-repair potential New generation of Tall Fescue with self-repair potential Advanced generation with rhizomes for self-repair potential • Dark color and fine leaf texture • Excellent performer under traffic stress • Brown patch resistant • Resists brown patch • Superior spring green up and density • Rhizomes for sod strength and turf repair • Expanded adaptation range • Brown patch resistant • Improved traffic resistance • Very fast rate of establishment Celestial.............................................. 50 lbs. Intrigue................................................ 50 lbs. strong cREEPING RED FESCUE CHEWINGS FESCUE HARD FESCUE Shines under all conditions, even stress A top rated chewings fescue in the 1999 NTEP trials for sun, shade and drought The first commercial cross between hard fescue and blue fescue • Dark green color • Ideal for environmentally sensitive areas • Improved resistance to leaf spot and red thread diseases • Contains endophytes for insect resistance • A top rated hard fescue in shade trials • Excellent low maintenance grass in sun or shade • Excellent resistance to leaf spot • Best in summer and fall density of any fine fescue • Enhanced weed suppression (allelopathic) • Dark green color • Early spring green up PHONE • Great for low maintenance areas 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) • Color and texture mix well with Kentucky Bluegrass Minotaur Blue........................ 50 lbs. • Contains endophytes • Excellent resistance to leaf spot and brown patch FAX 716-895-3421 13 Quatro.................................................... 50 lbs. SHEEP FESCUE Kentucky 31 (K-31) ............... 50 lbs. TALL FESCUE Common............................................. 50 lbs. CHEWINGS FESCUE • Excellent in reduced maintenance Recommended for rights of way and reclamation areas An improved species over creeping red fescue for heat tolerance • Improved shade tolerance • Coarse bladed, bunch type grass • A bunch type grass • Establishes rapidly, grows slowly • Very heat and drought tolerant • Dark color and drought tolerant • Grows in clumps • More shade tolerant than creeping red fescue • Must be mowed at 2˝ or higher • Less thatchy than creeping red fescue One of the slowest growing grasses Sea Breeze GT......................... 50 lbs. Common............................................. 50 lbs. Suited for northern climates. year round turf Recommended for common home lawn mixtures Slender creeping red fescue • Outstanding salt tolerance STRONG CREEPING RED FESCUE • Weak creeping ability through rhizomes • Tolerates low rates of glyphosate • Less shade tolerance than chewings or hard fescues • Bright green color • Low growth habit National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Mean Turfgrass Quality Ratings of Strong Creeping Red Fescue Cultivars Grown at Seven Locations in the Northeast Region 2007 Data Mean Turfgrass Quality Ratings of Hard and Sheep Fescue Cultivars Grown at Seven Locations in the Northeast Region 2007 Data Mean Turfgrass Quality and Other Ratings of Hard and Sheep Fescue Cultivars Grown Under Nauralized / Non-Mowed Conditions at Lemont, IL 2007 Data NAMEMEAN NAMEMEAN NAMEMEAN Epic5.8 Spartan II Spartan II Fortitude5.7 Gotham5.8 Oxford6.1 Wendy Jean 5.6 Firefly5.6 Predator6.1 Class One 5.5 Oxford5.6 Quatro6.0 Cardinal5.5 Predator5.5 Gotham5.9 Garnet5.3 Reliant IV Firefly5.7 6.0 5.5 6.4 PST-80005.3 Berkshire5.2 Reliant IV Pathfinder5.1 SR 3000 Berkshire5.1 4.9 5.7 Splendor4.9 Quatro4.8 SR 3000 TL14.9 Scaldis4.4 Scaldis4.8 Celestial4.7 LSD Value C.V. (%) LSD Value C.V. (%) Jasper II 4.6 0.4 10.9 5.1 2.0 13.8 Razor4.5 Audubon4.3 Shademaster4.0 Oracle3.9 Boreal3.7 LSD Value C.V. (%) 0.3 9.0 TURFGRASS QUALITY RATINGS 1-9; 9 = Ideal Turf Fescues 14FESCUES Festuca rubra (FINE) Festuca arundinacea (TALL) National Turfgrass Evaluation Program *Mean Turfgrass Quality Ratings of Tall Fescue Cultivars Grown at Four Locations in the Northeast Region, 2010 Data 6.1 6.4 6.2 6.2 6.0 5.9 5.8 6.0 6.0 5.9 6.1 5.7 5.4 6.0 5.8 6.1 5.9 5.8 5.5 5.9 4.8 5.1 5.8 5.0 5.2 5.9 5.3 5.1 4.8 4.6 5.1 4.6 4.5 8.2 8.3 7.8 7.8 8.2 73 7.7 7.5 7.8 7.8 7.3 7.6 7.7 7.4 7.7 7.5 7.7 7.6 7.6 6.9 7.6 7.2 6.7 6.4 6.6 6.1 6.3 6.1 6.7 6.7 6.3 6.3 6.3 SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE B NJ1 NJ2 PA1RI1MEAN 6.67.3 Honky Tonk 6.37.2 Gold Medallion 6.47.2 Falcon IV 5.8 7.1 RNP 6.2 7.0 Reunion 6.3 6.9 Hudson Pedigree 6.76.9 6.3 6.8 AST9003 6.16.8 Sunset Gold 6.0 6.8 Skyline 5.86.8 AST9002 6.3 6.8 Renovate 6.6 6.8 Turbo RZ Integrity 5.86.8 6.16.8 AST 7002 6.0 6.7 AST 7003 6.1 6.7 Darlington 5.8 6.7 AST 9001 Xtremegreen 5.9 6.6 6.06.5 Tahoe II 6.3 6.4 Padre 6.16.4 Magellan 5.8 6.4 AST 7001 5.5 5.9 Rembrandt 5.4 5.9 Biltmore 6.15.9 Hunter 5.6 5.9 Einstein 5.6 5.8 Lindbergh 6.15.8 Plato 5.6 5.8 Aristolte 5.35.8 Silerado 6.1 5.8 KY-31 6.05.8 LSD Value C.V. (%) * Schedule A (medium maintenance) 1. Mowing Height: 2.0” to 3.0” 2. Nitrogen Rate: 0.25 lbs. - 0.5 lbs. N/1000 sq. ft. / growing month (use 3 - 6 applications per year - not monthly applications) 3. Irrigation: 80 - 95% potential ET; in final year only (2011), do not irrigate for June - August, irrigate to evaluate recovery in September 4. Fungicide and Insecticide use only if severe stand loss is possible 5. Weed control to prevent stand loss 6.3 6.1 6.3 6.1 5.7 6.2 5.8 6.2 6.2 5.7 6.3 5.6 6.0 6.0 5.8 5.7 6.1 6.1 5.7 5.7 5.8 5.7 5.7 5.8 5.2 5.1 5.4 5.6 5.4 4.3 4.4 1.9 1.0 9.8 0.8 10.7 0.7 7.2 9 OL W K SN OW M PA TCH PI N BR OW N D Traverse SRP 4EEVG5GGEP5 3rd Millenium SRP 4 E G G 4VGE E F 4 Leaf Texture Ratings Only: 5 = finest 1 = widest Cochise IV 5GEG5GEEG5 Kentucky 31 1VGPE1FEVGE1 716-895-SEED (7333) 0.80.4 8.5 GR O E = excellent VG = very good G = good F = fair P = poor Rhambler SRP 4GEVG5GEGF4 PHONE 5.8 5.7 6.1 5.7 5.5 5.6 5.85.6 5.85.6 6.05.6 5.95.6 5.95.6 6.0 5.5 5.65.5 6.15.5 6.55.5 5.7 5.5 5.95.5 5.9 5.4 5.9 5.4 6.05.4 5.8 5.4 5.75.3 5.8 5.2 5.75.2 5.85.1 5.8 5.1 5.95.1 5.55.0 5.84.9 5.34.9 5.14.5 5.04.3 5.03.9 3.93.4 2.42.0 D NC E RA LE D T RE GH OU DR THR EA TO E XT UR TE AF 5.1 4.6 4.9 4.7 4.3 4.1 4.8 4.5 4.4 4.9 4.1 4.5 4.8 4.4 4.8 4.1 4.8 4.3 4.2 4.3 3.6 4.0 4.0 4.2 3.9 3.5 4.0 3.7 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.8 **Schedule B (low maintenance) 1. Mowing Height: 2.5” to 3.5” 2. Nitrogen Rate: 0 - 0.25 lbs. N/1000 sq. ft. / growing month (use 2 - 4 applications per year - not monthly applications) 3. Irrigation: 50 - 65% potential ET; in final year only (2011), do not irrigate for June - August, irrigate to evaluate recovery in September 4. No fungicides or insecticides used 5. Minimum weed control to prevent stand loss UP N EE GR LE NG SP RI IC TRA FF DE SHA OR CO L 5.7 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.5 6.0 5.8 5.7 5.7 6.0 5.6 5.5 5.6 5.6 5.2 6.0 4.9 5.3 5.5 5.0 5.8 4.9 4.9 4.4 5.4 5.2 4.2 3.7 3.4 3.0 2.6 1.0 TE 8.3 7.9 8.2 8.5 7.8 8.1 7.2 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.9 7.5 7.3 7.8 7.5 7.2 7.2 7.6 7.6 7.4 7.1 7.2 7.1 6.7 6.4 5.5 6.2 6.4 5.7 6.2 6.4 6.1 6.2 NAME RA Turbo Faith Bullseye Cochise IV Falcon V Van Gogh Monet Spyder LS Essential RK 4 Hemi Mustang 4 Shenandoah III Speedway Firecracker Traverse SRP Rhambler SRP Wolfpack II Shenandoah Elite Talladega 3rd Millennium SRP Firenza Raptor II SR 8650 Gazelle II Toccoa Titanium LS Tulsa Time Escalade Cezanne RZ Justice Rebel IV Compete SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE B NJ1 NJ2 PA1RI1MEAN TH NAME TURFGRASS QUALITY RATINGS 1-9; 9 = Ideal Turf TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 Color: 5 = darkest 1 = lightest SRP: Self Repair Potential Growth Rate: 5 = slowest, less mowing 1 = fastest, more mowing “Primarily used on golf greens and fairways.” BENTGRASSES Agrostis palustris NEW V8 CREEPING BENTGRASS....................................................................................................25 lbs. State-of-the-art creeping bentgrass • Medium dark green color • Smooth recovery from aerification • Fine texture NEW LS-44 15 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: 7-14 DAYS TO GERMINATE SEEDING RATE: 1-2 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. Approx. number of seeds per lb: 6,000,000 CREEPING BENTGRASS.........................................................................................25 lbs. Superior disease resistance • Fine uniform texture • Exceptional traffic tolerance • Excellent seedling vigor A-4................................................................. 25 lbs. T-1.................................................................. 25 lbs. CREEPING BENTGRASS CREEPING BENTGRASS One of a new generation of bentgrasses developed at Penn State Low organic matter production • Rich, dark green color and fine texture • Ranked at the top in the new NTEP trials • Tenacious ground coverage even under tough growing conditions • Aggressive against Poa annua, makes visible gains against it each year • Extremely drought tolerant • Dense, upright growth that tolerates close mowing • Fine texture • Dollar spot resistant • Rated high against poa annua invasion L-93 ............................................................. 25 lbs. CREEPING BENTGRASS A top performing variety in 2002 NTEP trials • Tolerates close mowing (below 1/8˝) • Dark green color, fine texture • Dollar spot resistant • Excellent summer density Trueline............................................... 25 lbs. Penncross........................................ 25 lbs. CREEPING BENTGRASS CREEPING BENTGRASS Certified Pennway.......... 25 lbs. A • • • The world-wide standard A certified blend for fairways and tees • Heat tolerant and fast growing • Contains Penncross, Penneagle, Pennlinks and Seaside II certified variety at low cost The top fairway and tee variety in 2002 trials Dark green color Uniform growth habit • Disease resistant • Very wear tolerant CREEPING BENTGRASS Pennway Blend.................... 25 lbs. creeping BENTGRASS Highland Colonial........... 25 lbs. CREEPING BENTGRASS Improved drought tolerance • Upright growth habit • Spreads by weak stolons and rhizomes • Mixes well with fine fescue For fairway overseeding • An uncertified blend of bentgrasses which may consist of Pennlinks, Penncross, Penneagle, Seaside II or common varieties • Least cost alternative 16BENTGRASSES Agrostis palustris National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown on a Green Mean Turfgrasss Quality Ratings and Other Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown On a Green Under Low Input at Farmingdale (Bethpage State Park), NY 2010 Data TURFGRASS QUALITY Ratings: 1-9; 9 = Best NAME SPRING GREEN UP MEAN 8.37.6 T-1 8.04.7 Alpha Declaration 8.07.4 6.9 8.0 Pin-up HTM 7.06.9 V8 Penncross 7.06.5 Barracuda 7.06.4 6.3 6.7 Penn A-1 6.1 6.3 Penn A-2 Proclamation6.36.0 6.05.9 L-93 6.05.9 Authority SRP-1BLTR3 6.05.7 6.05.4 AFM SRP-1GMC 5.04.4 LSD Value C.V. (%) .1 1.2 0.4 3.8 Genetic Color Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown On a Green 2010 Data GENETIC COLOR Ratings: 1-9; 9 = Dark Green Mean turfgrass quality ratings of creeping bentgrass cultivars grown on a green at five locations in the U.S. for Ammi Group 2 2010 Data GENETIC COLOR Ratings: 1-9; 9 = Dark Green NAMEMEAN NAMEMEAN T-18.2 Pin-up6.6 Alpha6.6 SRP-1GMC6.4 Penn A-2 6.4 Authority6.3 V86.3 Penn A-1 6.3 Barracuda6.0 L-936.0 Proclamation6.0 Declaration5.8 Penncross5.7 AFM5.5 SR 7200 5.0 Villa4.9 V-87.5 Barracuda7.3 SRP-1GMC7.1 T-17.0 Proclamation6.9 Declaration6.8 Authority6.8 Pin-up6.7 AFM6.5 Alpha6.4 Penn A-1 6.1 Penn A-2 5.8 L-935.7 Penncross4.5 LSD Value C.V. (%) LSD Value C.V. (%) 0.4 12.8 0.4 12.8 Mean Turfgrasss Quality Ratings and Other Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown On a Green Under stress at Amherst, MA 2010 Data TURFGRASS QUALITY Ratings: 1-9; 9 = Best WEAR QUALITY SPRINGYELLOW TOLERANCERATINGS MEAN OCT SEPT JUNE PATCH GREEN UP NAME PST-OJO A08-TDN2 V8 Barracuda T-1 Alpha Authority Proclamation Declaration Pin-up SRP-1GMC SRP-1BLTR3 Penn A-1 AFM Penn A-2 L-93 Penncross 8.35.0 8.05.3 8.06.0 7.75.7 7.36.0 7.36.7 7.36.3 7.75.7 7.36.3 7.76.0 7.34.3 7.06.3 6.77.0 8.06.3 6.75.0 7.06.0 5.34.7 LSD Value C.V. (%) 0.9 7.4 PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 0.5 5.0 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 17 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Ratings of Bentgrass Cultivars Grown on a Fairway or Tee Genetic Color Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown On a Fairway or Tee 2010 Data Snow Mold Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown On a Fairway or Tee 2010 Data Take-All Patch Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown On a Faieway or Tee 2010 Data Spring Greenup Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown On a Fairway or Tee 2010 Data GENETIC COLOR Ratings: 1-9; 9 = Dark Green SNOW MOLD Ratings: 1-9; 9 = No Disease TAKE-ALL PATCH Ratings: 1-9; 9 = No Disease TURFGRASS QUALITY Ratings: 1-9; 9 = Completely Green NAMEMEAN NAMEMEAN NAMEMEAN NAMEMEAN T-18.3 Benchmark DSR 7.3 Crystal Bluelinks 6.7 L-936.6 OO76.5 Proclamation6.4 Pin-up6.3 Memorial6.3 Declaration6.2 CY-26.2 Authority6.1 Penncross6.0 Princeville5.2 Memorial9.0 T-15.7 Penncross7.0 L-938.7 Memorial5.6 Memorial5.7 Benchmark DSR 8.0 Crystal Bluelinks 5.6 L-935.3 Penncross8.0 CY-25.5 Princeville5.0 OO77.0 Declaration5.4 CY-24.7 CY-27.0 Benchmark DSR 5.2 T-14.7 Declaration7.0 L-935.2 Pin-up (HTM) 4.3 Proclamation7.0 OO75.1 Declaration4.0 T-17.0 Princeville5.1 Benchmark DSR 3.7 Pin-up (HTM) 6.7 Penncross5.0 3.3 Crystal Bluelinks Authority6.3 Pin-up (HTM) 4.7 OO72.7 Cyrstal Bluelinks 6.3 Proclamation4.7 Authority2.3 Princeville4.7 Authority4.6 Proclamation2.0 LSD Value C.V. (%) LSD Value C.V. (%) 0.3 10.5 2.0 29.7 LSD Value C.V. (%) 2.4 20.9 LSD Value C.V. (%) 0.5 20.0 Leaf Texture Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown On a Fairway or Tee 2010 Data Wear Tolerance Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown On a Fairway or Tee 2010 Data Fairy Ring Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown On a Fairway or Tee 2010 Data LEAF TEXTURE Ratings: 1-9; 9 = Very Fine WEAR TOLERANCE Ratings: 1-9; 9 = Maximum Tolerance FAIRY RING Ratings: 1-9; 9 = No Disease NAMEMEAN NAMEMEAN NAMEMEAN NAME OO76.9 Authority6.7 CY-26.7 T-16.6 Declaration6.6 Proclamation6.6 Pin-up (HTM) 6.2 Crystal Bluelinks 6.1 Benchmark6.0 L-935.9 Memorial5.7 Princeville5.3 Penncross4.6 T-16.5 Proclamation6.2 Pin-Up (HTM) 6.0 Crystal Bluelinks 5.8 CY-25.8 Benchmark DSR 5.7 L-935.5 OO75.3 Authority5.3 Memorial5.3 Declaration5.0 Penncross5.0 Princeville4.8 Benchmark DSR 7.7 T-17.0 Proclamation6.7 Pin-up (HTM) 6.0 Declaration5.7 L-935.7 Authority5.3 CY-25.3 Memorial5.3 OO75.0 Cystal Bluelinks 5.0 Penncross4.0 Princeville4.0 8.77.3 T-1 8.07.2 007 Declaration8.07.2 Authority 8.07.0 Memorial 7.07.0 Princeville 7.06.9 6.76.7 CY-2 Penncross 7.06.7 Proclamation6.3 6.7 6.6 7.3 Benchmark DSR 6.36.6 L-93 6.4 6.7 Pin-up HTM 6.4 6.7 Crystal Bluelinks LSD Value C.V. (%) LSD Value C.V. (%) LSD Value C.V. (%) LSD Value C.V. (%) 0.6 11.0 0.8 8.2 Mean Turfgrass Quality and Other Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown On a Fairway or Tee at five Locations 2002 Data TURFGRASS QUALITY Ratings: 1-9; 9 = Best 1.4 15.7 SPRING GREEN UP MEAN .1 1.1 Mean Turfgrass Quality and Other Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown On a Fairway or Tee at Nine Locations 2002 Data Turfgrass Quality and Other Ratings: 1-9; 9 = Best Turfgrass Quality Ratings 1-9; 9 = Best NAMEMEAN NAMEMEAN Crystal Bluelinks 6.3 Shark6.3 13-M6.3 T-16.3 Authority6.3 LS-446.3 Kingpin6.3 Mackenzie6.2 Declaration6.2 PennEagle II 6.2 SR 1150 6.2 Runner6.2 Alpha6.0 Independence6.0 Bengal5.8 L-935.8 SR 1119 5.7 Pennlinks II 5.7 Princeville5.3 Penncross5.2 Seaside3.9 LSD Value C.V. (%) Mean Turfgrasss Quality Ratings and Other Ratings of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars Grown On a Fairway or Tee Under Low Input at Farmingdale (Bethpage State Park), NY 2010 Data 0.3 6.2 NAMEMEAN Trueline6.3 L-936.2 SRX 1BPAA 6.2 Penn G-6 6.2 Imperial6.2 Grand Prix 6.1 SR 1119 6.1 Backspin6.1 Seaside II 6.0 NAMEMEAN NAMEMEAN Pennlinks 2 6.0 Century6.0 Brighton6.0 Providence6.0 Princeville5.9 Penneagle5.8 Penncross5.7 Tiger II 5.4 Glory5.4 ABT-COL-25.1 SR 7150 5.1 SR 7100 5.0 PST-9PM5.0 SRX 7MOBB 4.9 Tiger4.9 Golfstar4.8 Seaside4.2 Bentgrasses LSD Value C.V. (%) 2.0 8.2 18 NATIVE & NATURALIZED SEED Preferred Seed Native Harvest Brand For Erosion Control, Conservation & Reclamation Preferred Seed’s Native Harvest Brand Naturalized and Native grasses, sedges, rushes, herbaceous flowering plants and wildflowers are distinctively selected for the construction of plant communities throughout the Northeast. What is a native plant? A native plant is one that existed in nature where it is currently growing. In the US that would be before the European settlement of the Americas. Example: Little Bluestem, Indian Grass, Fox Sedge, Green Bulrush What is a naturalized plant? A naturalized plant is a species not native to an area that grows, reproduces and maintains itself without interference. Example: Creeping Foxtail, Perennial Ryegrass, Timothy, Orchardgrass What is a warm season grass? Warm season grasses break dormancy later in spring and experience most of their growth during the warmer summer months. They have extensive root systems so they are very drought tolerant. They go dormant early in the fall after a freeze. Planting should occur in the late spring. Example: Big Bluestem, Side Oats Grama, Lovegrass, Deer Tongue, Switch Grass What is a cool season grass? Cool Season grasses start their growth early in the spring and continue growing as long as moisture and cooler temperatures prevail. Their growth slows, if not goes dormant, during the hot, dry months of summer. They actively begin growing again in the cool moist months of late summer and fall. Plantings should occur in spring, late summer or fall. Example: Wild Rye, Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Mannagrass, Bentgrass We have Mixes & Individual Varieties for Specific Sites Upland Meadow Wet Meadow Riparian Disturbed Steep Slopes Wetland Bioremediation Woodland Wildlife Stormwater Management Choose from one of our specialized mixes or allow us to help you design a custom mix based on your purposes and variable conditions. Individual species are also available. Site preparation, fertilization, seeding methods and maintenance varies according to the site and the species used. Call or visit for our specific recommendations. PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 Food Plot / DOT Specifications 19 Big Buck..............................5, 20 & 50 lbs. Wildlife........................................ 5 & 20 lbs. Big Buck Clover Mix is a unique blend of pre-inoculated clovers specifically adapted for foraging growth in the Northeast. Now with high yielding Oasis Chicory which provides relaible summer forage. The year round foliage produced attracts white tail deer, turkey and many other species of wildlife. Produces a nitrogen self-sufficient wildlife meadow to attract and feed deer, turkey, pheasants, grouse and other small game. CLOVER MIX • • • • 45% 25% 20% 10% Jumbo Ladino Clover Duration EXTRA Red Clover Ivory White Clover Six Point Forage Chicory SEEDING RATE: 20 lbs./acre Summer, Fall & Winter.............................6, 20 & 50 lbs. MEADOW MIX • • • • • • 30% Jumbo Ladino Clover 30% Medium Red Clover 15% Alsike Clover 10% Tonga Tetraploid Ryegrass 10% Creeping Red Fescue 5% Crown Royale Orchardgrass SEEDING RATE: 20 lbs./acre WILDLIFE FORAGE FEAST A premier mix to draw white tail deer and other wildlife to your viewing and hunting areas. Also provides wildlife their critical high carbohydrate fall diet needs. GAME BIRD BUFFET........................................ 20 & 50 lbs. • • • • • • • 40% Dwarf Essex Forage Rape 15% Hunter Forage Rape 15% Bonar Forage Rape 9% Appin Turnip 9% Pasja Hybrid Forage Brassica 6% Maris Kestral Kale 6% Caledonian Kale SEEDING RATE: 6 lbs./acre BIRD SEED MIX 25% 25% 20% 15% 15% Grain Sorghum (Milo) Dwarf Sunflower Japanese Millet Dwarf Corn Buckwheat Quality feed and cover for turkey, pheasant, song birds, deer and other wildlife. For more information on big buck clover mix, wildlife meadow mix & forage feast as well as kentucky horse pasture mix and other pasture mixes, see OUR forage seed CATALOG SEEDING RATE: 20 lbs./acre New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications Seed Mixtures, Turf and Wildflower Establishment All seed and mixtures supplied by Preferred Seed for New York State Department of Transportation use meet the specifications outlined in the Standard Specifications and Materials Approved List including: • • • • • Below maximum allowed other crop, weed seed and inert matter No noxious weeds Labeled in accordance to all State and Federal Seed Laws Properly inoculated, packed, sampled, tested and labeled Certification provided for each package Field Mix Lawn Area Mix Red Fescue............................6.0g OR 50 PLS lbs. Red Fescue............................4.5g OR 40 PLS lbs. Perennial Ryegrass..................3.4g OR 30 PLS lbs. Perennial Ryegrass............... 2.25g OR 20 PLS lbs. White Clover..........................0.6g OR 5 PLS lbs. Kentucky Bluegrass.............. 3.25g OR 30 PLS lbs. 10 PLS 85 PLS TOTAL: g/sq. meter lbs./acre TOTAL: 10 PLS g/sq. meter 90 PLS lbs./acre New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications 2013 FORMULAS • • • • • • Below maximum allowed other crop, weed seed and inert matter No noxious weeds Labeled in accordance to all State and Federal Seed Laws Properly inoculated, packed, sampled, tested and labeled Certification provided for each package Mixtures percentages based on customer needs roadside mix Fine Fescues Perennial Ryegrass Annual Ryegrass White Clover salt-tolerant mix Fine Fescue Perennial Ryegrass Tall Fescue Tickegrass/Redtop Alkaligrass restoration/ high traffic mix Kentucky Bluegrass Fine Fescue Tall Fescue Perennial Ryegrass Annual Ryegrass Tickegrass/Redtop lawn mix Kentucky Bluegrass Fine Fescues Perennial Ryegrass Annual Ryegrass Other items available on the NYS Department of Transportation Materials Approved List: Fertilizer Limestone Sulfur Mulch Anchorage Wood Fiber Mulch Composted Sewage Sludge Rolled Erosion Control Soil Stabilizers 20MISCELLANEOUS/RECLAMATION Preferred Seed’s Best & Brightest............1 & 5 lbs. NORTHEAST WILDFLOWER MIX • Most attractive wildflower mix we have discovered • Contains up to 30 colorful annual and perennial species • Recommended spring planting, but late summer (before August 15) can be successful • Plant with fine fescue for weed and erosion control at 1lb./1000 sq. ft. SEEDING RATE: 5-10 lbs./acre SEED Crown Vetch............................... 50 lbs. White Clover...................... 1 & 50 lbs. • Also available in 1000 sq. ft. kits • Low maintenance ground cover • Perennial legume (produces its own nitrogen) • Deep roots • Attracts honey bees • Permanent knee high ground cover, reseeds itself • Spreads by stolens (above ground lateral shoots) • Recommended seeding prior to August 15th • White pinkish flowers • Requires inoculation at time of planting • Will persist down to 3/10 inch mowing height Coronilla varia Approx. seeds per lb. = 98,000 • Drought tolerance • Very slow establishment Trifolium repens Approx. seeds per lb. = 775,000 • Shallow roots SEEDING RATE: 1lbs./1000 sq. ft. • Use Red Fescue at 1lb./1000 sq. ft. as nurse grass Stardust II....................................... 50 lbs. Poa trivialis Approx. seeds per lb. = 2,000,000 • Recommended for wet, shady sites • Used in Shady Supreme Mix • The only true shade tolerant grass that forms a sod through spreading type growth habit Salton Sea Alkaligrass.................................... 50 lbs. Red Top................................................ 50 lbs. • Protects against winter salt damage • Very rapid germination • High salt tolerance • Slow growing • Tolerates poor soil conditions and wet ground • Fine texture • Grayish-green, coarse textured leaves Puccinellia distans Approx. seeds per lb. = 1,200,000 SEEDING RATE: 5-7 lbs./1000 sq. ft. Agrostis alba Approx. seeds per lb. = 4,500,000 SEEDING RATE: 2 lbs./1000 sq. ft. SEEDING RATE: 2-3 lbs./1000 sq. ft. Buckwheat.................................... 50 lbs. Fagopyrum esculentum Approx. seeds per lb. = 15,000 • Rapid growing broadleaf summer annual • Great for smothering weeds • Good for building organic matter and increase of Ca and P availability SEEDING RATE: 40 lbs./acre Creeping Bentgrass........1 lbs. • A winter cover crop for green manure or late season erosion control • Used on golf course tees, fairways and greens • Tolerates infertile, sand and acid soils • Good for luxury lawns • Slow growing • Attractive retail package Secale cereale Approx. seeds per lb. = 18,000 Agrostis palustris Approx. seeds per lb. = 6,000,000 • Fine texture SEEDING RATE: 50-75 lbs./acre (June-July) NEW Winter Rye..................................... 56 lbs. SEEDING RATE: 1-2 bushels (56 lbs./bu)/acre Micro Clover...............per lb. • Smaller leaves • Dense growth • Low maintenance PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 RETAIL LAWN GARDEN PRODUCTS ANALYSISCOVERAGE WEIGHTBAGS/PALLET TEAM CRABGRASS PLUS WITH 22-0-8 21 ANALYSISCOVERAGE WEIGHTBAGS/PALLET ORGANIC GARDENER 22-0-8 w/1.12% PROCLIPSE 5M 10M 20# 40# 96 48 WEED KILLER PLUS TURF FERTILIZER 22-0-8 w/3 way Dissolve 5M 10M w/8% Carbaryl 5M 10M 5-10-5 – 20# 40# 96 48 – 40# 48 5M 40# 48 MULTI-PURPOSE FERTILIZER 20# 40# 96 48 ARTHROBAN GRUB & INSECT CONTROL 10-10-10 Time Release TURF FERTILIZER PROFESSIONAL 12# 24# 96 48 10-6-4 High Organic NEW WINTERIZER WITH DISSOLVE WEED KILLER 18-0-12 5M 10M 20# 40# 96 48 MAXIMUM GREEN TURF TURF FERTILIZER 22-0-8 w/4% Iron 5M 10M 5M 0.2% Merit 18# 36# 96 48 2% Team 20# 5M 120 5M 10# 100 36# 56 96 FORTIFY TRIMEC GRANULAR WEED KILLER Trimec 15# MILORGANITE ORGANIC FERTILIZER 5-2-0 w/4% Iron 5M FORTIFY CRABGRASS PREVENTER WITH TEAM HERBICIDE FAS-START SEED STARTER 18-24-12 FORTIFY SEASON LONG GRUB CONTROL 10# 96 2.25M 22RETAIL LAWN GARDEN PRODUCTS Spreaders Prizelawn Bigfoot HVO Prizelawn Lil’ Foot Prizelawn CBR IV 100 LB. CAPACITY 13˝ pneumatic tires 50 LB. CAPACITY 10˝ pneumatic tires 70 LB. CAPACITY 13˝ pneumatic tires • • • • • • Epoxy coated frame • • • • Applies PennMulch, Seed Aide, sand, limestone, ice melt, seed and fertilizer Stainless steel 3 port hopper, hopper screen, trim control Withstands 1000 hour salt spray test Includes cover • Components touching the product are plastic or stainless steel EV-N-Spread 2150 Gandy 50 LB. high volume 13˝ x 4˝ pneumatic tires RENT FOR $25/DAY (NO DELIVERY ON RENTALS) • Super duty gear box • Applies Seed Aide and PennMulch at 70 lbs./1000 sq. ft. in a single pass • Height adjustable handle (3 positions) 3 way height adjustment Rust proof hopper, hopper screen Longer handle than CBR II Includes cover • Stainless steel shut-off plate Prizelawn BG1 Belly Grinder Spreader • 20 lbs. capacity • UV resistant polyethylene hopper EV-N-Spread 2700A • Screw on cap • High RPM gear box • Adjustable strap with carry position • Zippered nylon bag • Heavy duty enclosed gears • Wide shoulder strap • Side deflector and trim control standard • Up to 14 ft. swath PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 QUALITY LAWN FERTILIZER PRODUCTS SQ. FT.RATE/1000 PRODUCT SIZECOVERAGE SQ. FT. LBS. N/ 1000 SQ. FT. 23 LBS. P2O5/ LBS. K2O/ 1000 1000 NITROGEN SQ. FT. SQ. FT. BREAKDOWN NITROGEN SOURCE (N) PHOSPHORUSPOTASSIUM SOURCE SOURCE (P) (K) 30-0-8 50 lbs. 15,000 3.33 lbs. 1 0 .26 Nutrisphere urea ammoniatedmuriate w/Nutrisphere phosphate of potash 18-24-12 50 lbs. 9,000 5.55 lbs. 1 1.33 .67 CSRUN 9.0% SCU + ammoniated muriate 50% S.C.U. Ammoniacal 9.0% amm. phos. phosphate of potash 18-24-12 50 lbs. 9,000 5.55 lbs. 1 1.33 .67 Nutrisphere w/Nutrisphere amm. phos. ammoniated muriate urea phosphate of amm. sulfate potash 10-6-4 50 lbs. 5,000 10.0 lbs. 1 .6 .4 CSRUN 5.0% amm. phos. ammoniated 50% S.C.U. Ammoniacal 5.0% SCU phosphate amm. sulfate muriate of potash 19-19-19 50 lbs. 9,500 5.25 lbs. 1 1 1 Ammoniacal 7.43% amm. phos. ammoniated muriate WSN 11.57% urea phosphate of potash 10-20-10 50 lbs. 5,000 10.0 lbs. 1 2 1 Ammoniacal 10.0% amm. phos. ammoniated muriate amm. sulfate phosphate of potash 10-20-20 50 lbs. 5,000 10.0 lbs. 1 2 2 Ammoniacal 10.0% amm. phos. ammoniated muriate amm. sulfate phosphate of potash 0-45-0 50 lbs. 15,000 3.33 lbs. 0 1.5 0 ammoniated phosphate 6-2-0 50 lbs. Milorganite w/4% Iron Regular and Greens Grade 90% Elemental Sulfur 50 lbs. Pelletized Limestone 50 lbs. 3,000 16.67 lbs. 1 .33 0 *CSRUN = Coated Slow Release Urea Nitrogen Seed Aide..........................................................................................................50 lbs. Only SeedAide® combines cellulose and wood fiber mulch, organic tackifier and bio-stimulant for superior turf establishment. • Expanding cellulose/wood fiber mulch granules enhance germination and seedling emergence by holding seed in place and absorbing water • Organic tackifier reduces soil erosion, water runoff and seed wash out • Biostimulant increases root mass and stress tolerance for better grass establishment • Tests prove that granular properties and texture result in greater water absorption and soil coverage than competing brands • Can be applied by hand, with high-volume drop spreader or large-opening broadcast spreader • Ideal for small area repairs, or as a leave behind for touch up work on larger, hydraulic mulch projects • Completely weed-free TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: 60-75 lbs./1000 sq. ft. 24ROLLED EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS Rolled Erosion Control Products Enkamat® TRM Manufactured by Colbond, Inc. Enkamat is a three-dimensional nylon Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM) made of polyamide (nylon) filaments thermally fused at their intersections to create a homogeneous matrix. Ninety-five percent of the matrix is open space, which supplements nature’s own erosion control system by reinforcing plant root systems. As the roots grow, they become entwined within the lofty and open Enkamat matrix, creating an extremely stable cover. When fully vegetated, Enkamat can double the effectiveness of natural vegetation and replace hard armor systems at a fraction of the cost. Enkamat‘s tough root-reinforcing system anchors vegetation and protects against hydraulic lift and shear forces created by high-volume discharges. It can withstand velocities greater than 20 feet per second and shear stresses of 10 pounds per square foot. Developed in 1972, it is the original TRM and has been approved by numerous state and federal agencies. We also offer the Profile GreenArmor System. Used in conjunction with Profile’s hydraulically applied erosion control and vegetation technologies, the GreenArmor System offers a more aesthetically pleasing, environmentally superior and cost-effective means of protecting high-discharge waterways and steep slopes. #7003 #7010 #7020 Width: 76˝ Width: 76˝ Width: 76˝ Length: 500’ Length: 90’ Length: 90’ Area: 3166 sq. ft. Area: 570 sq. ft. Area: 570 sq. ft. Color: Black Color: Black Color: Black Staples: vary per application Staples: vary per application Staples: vary per application Slope to IH:IV : Staple Recommendation < 3H : IV - 2 to 3/yd2 < IH : IV - 3 to 4/yd2 Premier Straw / Coconut Erosion Control Blanket AEC Premier Straw/Coconut blend ECBs, shall be made from the finest quality weed seed free agricultural straw and top quality strands of coconut fiber. The coconut fibers shall be blended into the straw ECB to comprise 30% of the total weight of the ECB with the remaining 70% to be straw. The coconut and straw fibers shall be evenly distributed in ECB form and stitched to a UV enhanced black net on top and a UV enhanced green net on bottom. Typical Applications: Highway Slopes and embankments; Utility right-of-ways Slopes: 1.5H:1V and flatter Netting Type: Top: UV Stabilized Black or FibreNet Bottom: Stabilized Green, or FibreNet Shear Stress Rating: 96.0 Pa (2.00 lb/ft2) Roll Sizes: 8.0 ft x 112.5 ft (100 yd2) Weight*: 0.50 lb./ yd2 Netting: Polypropylene Staple Recommendation: < 3:1 - 1.1 staples/yd2 < 1.5:1 - 2.6 staples/yd2 Channel: <2.00 lb/ft2 (96Pa) Shear Stress <8.5 ft/sec (2.6 m/sec) Velocity Premier Coconut Erosion Control Blanket AEC Premier Coconut ECB, as manufactured by American Excelsior Company, shall be made from the finest quality strands of coconut fiber. AEC Premier Coconut ECB shall be comprised of coconut fiber. The coconut fiber shall be evenly distributed in ECB form and stitched to a UV enhanced heavy black net on top and bottom. Typical Applications: Highway Slopes and embankments; Utility right-of-ways Slopes: 1.5H:1V and flatter Netting Type: UV Stabilized Black or FibreNet Shear Stress Rating: 108.0 Pa (2.25 lb/ft2) Roll Sizes: 8.0 ft x 112.5 ft (100 yd2) Weight*: 0.50 lb./ yd2 Netting: Polypropylene Staple Recommendation: < 3:1 - 1.1 staples/yd2 < 1.5:1 - 2.2 staples/yd2 Channel: <2.25 lb/ft2 (108 Pa) Shear Stress <9.0 ft/sec (2.7 m/sec) Velocity PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 ROLLED EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS Premier Double Net Straw ECB Premier Straw ECBs are biodegradable ECBs consisting of the finest straw fibers available. Depending on job site requirements, a variety of Quick Mow, environmentally sensitive, and stronger netting types are available. At a standard width of 8 feet, which is 18 inches wider than conventional straw ECBs, our Premier Straw ECBs are specifically designed to provide you with the most effective installation widths available. Lightweight and easy to handle, you can rely on AEC Premier Straw to hold its own in the everyday basic ECB applications. Premier straw blankets are available individually wrapped or in master packs to allow for mechanical unloading and stacking. Typical Applications: Highway Slopes and embankments; Utility right-of-ways Slopes: 2:1 and flatter Netting Type: Double: Green, QuickMow, or FibreNet Shear Stress Rating: 84.0 Pa (1.75 lb/ft2) Roll Sizes: 8.0 ft x 112.5 ft (100 yd2) Weight*: 0.50 lb./ yd2 Netting: Polypropylene Staple Recommendation: < 4:1 - 0.9 staples/yd2 < 3:1 - 1.1 staples/yd2 < 2:1 - 2.5 staples/yd2 Channel: <1.75 lb/ft2 (84Pa) Shear Stress <7.0 ft/sec (2.1 m/sec) Velocity Jute Mesh Erosion Control Rolled Erosion Control Product, (Jute Mesh) involves placing a lightweight, degradable, open weave textile (OWT) over bare soil areas. Composed of a lightweight, natural jute fiber, this treatment provides immediate protection from raindrop impact and runoff, and also facilitates the establishment of long term vegetation. Use on cut and fill slopes between 3:1 and 2:1 (H:V). For specific maximum slope gradients, consult your geotechnical engineer. Functional Longevity : 1 year Max Slope (H:V) : 2:1 Max Flow Velocity : N/A ECTC Category (1) : 2C Width: 48” Length: 225’ Area: 900 sq. ft. Staples: 2000/acre or 55-75 per roll Curlex® CL Blankets Excelsior Erosion Control Blankets Curlex® II CL ECB double net A specific cut of Great Lakes Aspen curled wood excelsior with 80% six-inch fibers or greater fiber length. It shall be of consistent thickness, with fibers evenly distributed throughout the entire area of the blanket. Material does not contain any seeds or chemical additives. The top and bottom of each Curlex II CL shall be covered in netting. Recommended Use: Curlex II: Slopes to 1.5H:1V; Channels to 7.3 ft/s, shear stress to 1.8 lb/ft2 Roll Sizes: 8’ x 150’ (133.3 yd2) Weight*: 0.50 lb./ yd2 Netting Options: Green, QuickMow, White (90 day) Color: Natural Aspen Fiber: Engineered Curled Excelsior for E&S Control Fiber Action During Hydraulic Events: Expand, Dig into Soil, and Form Strong Continuous Interlocking Matrix Roll Length: 150.0 ft (45.7 m) Roll Area: 133.3 yd2 (111.5 m2) Side Seams: Not Required Mass per Area ±10%:0.50 lb/yd2 (0.27 kg/m2) Weed Seeds: 100% Seed Free Slopes: <1.5H:1V Staple Recommendation: < 4:1 - 0.9 staples/yd2 < 3:1 - 1.1 staples/yd2 < 1.5:1 - 2.5 staples/yd2 Channels (shear): 1.60 lb/ft2 to 1.80 lb/ft2 *Weight is based on a dry fiber weight basis at time of manufacture. Baseline moisture content of Great Lakes Aspen Excelsior is 22%. 25 26ROLLED EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS Curlex® Blankets Excelsior Erosion Control Blankets Curlex® I Quick Grass ECB single net Curlex® II Quick Grass ECB double net A specific cut of Great Lakes Aspen curled wood excelsior with 80% six-inch fibers or greater fiber length. It shall be of consistent thickness, with fibers evenly distributed throughout the entire area of the blanket. The top of each blanket shall be covered with photodegradable or biodegradable netting. Material shall not contain any weed seed or chemical additives. curlex® i quick grass ecb single net Recommended Use: Slopes < 2H : 1V; Channels to 1.75 lb/ft2 (84Pa) Shear Stress, 7.0 ft/sec (2.1 m/sec) Velocity Staple Recommendation: < 4:1 - 0.6 staples/yd2 < 3:1 - 1.1 staples/yd2 < 1.5:1 - 1.9 staples/yd2 Roll Size: 8’ x 101.25’ (90 yd2) Standard Weight: 0.73 lb./ yd2 Color: QuickGRASS Green curlex® iI quick grass ecb double net Recommended Use: Slopes < 1.5H : 1V; Channels to 1.75 lb/ft2 (84Pa) Shear Stress, 7.0 ft/sec (2.1 m/sec) Velocity Staple Recommendation: < 4:1 - 0.6 staples/yd2 < 3:1 - 1.1 staples/yd2 < 1.5:1 - 1.9 staples/yd2 Roll Size: 8’ x 101.25’ (90 yd2) Standard Weight: 0.73 lb./ yd2 Color: QuickGRASS Green Curlex® Sediment Logs Curlex Sediment Logs use excelsior fibers to reduce hydraulic energy & filter sediment-laden runoff. Environmentally friendly, naturally seed free, Curlex Sediment Logs. Water filters through (not underneath) the diameter of the porous, interlocked fiber log matrix. As it does, velocity is naturally reduced and sediment is collected on the upstream side of the excelsior fiber log. Install Sediment Logs over bare soil and/or biodegradable & permanent erosion control blankets, on steep slopes as a wattle, around drains for inlet protection, or around job sites for perimeter control. Typical Applications: Ditch bottoms, swales and over bare soils. TYPE I TYPE II Nominal Diameter 20 in 12 in Minimum Diameter 18.0 in 11.0 in Length (±10%) 10 ft 10 ft Weight** (±10%) 30 lb 20 lb Density** (±10%) (1.38 lb/ft3) (2.54 lb/ft3) Hardwood Stake Application: 12 inch log = 30’’ stake every 2 linear feet 20 inch log = 48’’ stake every 2 linear feet PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 ROLLED EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS Curlex® NetFree™ Great Lakes Aspen Excelsior with no weed seeds. Curled, interlocking fibers with barbed edges. Recommended Use: Slopes < 3H : 1V; Channels to 1.0 lb/ft2 (48Pa) Shear Stress, 3.0 ft/sec (0.9 m/sec) Velocity Staple Recommendation: < 4:1 - 0.9 staples/yd2 < 3:1 - 1.9 staples/yd2 Channels - 4.8 staples/yd2 Fiber Size: 80% of fibers a minimum of 6 in. (15.2 cm) long, 0.038 in. wide x 0.018 in. thick (0.97mm wide x 0.46mm thick) Mass per Unit Area: 0.73 lb/yd2 (0.40 kg/m2) Thread Material: Biodegradable Width: 8.0 ft (2.4 m) Length: 90.0 ft (27.4 m) Area: 80.0 yd2 (66.9 m2) Color: Natural Curlex® Enforcer® TRM 1.25 lb/yd2 of 100% Aspen Excelsior Wood Fibers designed to provide a fiber service life of approximately 24-36 months, but the remaining components of the product are permanent. It is bound by two layers of extra heavy-duty black UV stabilized netting to provide permanent reinforcement between established vegetation and root systems in channel bottoms or on slopes. Typical Applications: Channel bottoms, swales, steep slopes, let down structures, drop structures, and other areas associated with concentrated water flow exceeding the performance capability and service life of a standard biodegradable blanket. Channels to 2.3 lb/ft2 (110Pa) unvegetated, 6.0 lb/ft2 (287Pa) vegetated, 10.0 lb/ft2 (3.0 m/s) velocity Staple Recommendation: < 4:1 - 0.6 staples/yd2 < 3:1 - 1.1 staples/yd2 < 2:1 - 1.9 staples/yd2 Roll Size: 8’ x 67.5’ (60 yd2) Weight: 1.25 lb./ yd2 Netting (top and bottom): Extra heavy duty black Color: QuickGrass Green Slopes: < .75H:1V Shear Stress Rating: 156 Pa (3.25 lb/ft2) unvegetated; 287 Pa (6.0 lb/ft2) vegetated Recyclex® Permanent TRM-V Recyclex - the first permanent erosion control mat made from 100% recycled post-consumer goods “green or brown bottles”. That is right, there are 20 bottles in every pound of Recyclex turf reinforcement mats (TRMs). American Excelsior Company invented the first biodegradable blanket, Curlex®, and we have done the same with recycled fibers to create Recyclex. Not only is Recyclex environmentally responsible, it is designed to meet your most difficult erosion control challenges. For long-term permanent erosion control, Recyclex is the answer. Typical Applications: Recyclex TRM’s are designed to allow revegetation and provide permanent protection in areas of concentrated flow: Ditch bottoms, channel bottoms, swales & slopes; steep reinforced slope veneers; landfill down chutes & let down structures; pond, small lake, and stream bank shoreline stabilization; urban Storm water drainage channels & waterways; concentrated flow areas as a TRM component with Curlex® Sediment Logs®; typical Rip Rap or Hard Armor applications Slope Recommendation: < .5:1 Staple Recommendation: < 3:1 - 1.1 staples/yd2 < 0.5:1 - 1.6 staples/yd2 Channels: < 8.0 lb/ft2 (384 Pa) Shear Stress Width: 8.0 ft (2.4 m) Length: 112.5 ft (27.4 m) Area: 100.0 yd2 (66.9 m2) Weight: 50.0 lb. (22.7 kg) Color: Green OTHER EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS • Straw Wattles Coconut Blanket • Premier • Blanket Staples Straw/ (Metal or Biodegradable) • Premier Coconut Blanket • Hardwood Stakes • Curlex Sediment Logs • • Straw Wattles Blanket Staples (Metal or Biodegradable) 27 28 New for 2013! (See page 31) Hydroseeding Supplies 29 Terra-Wood.......................... 50 lb. bale Terra-Wood.......................... 50 lb. bale Terra-Blend 100% Thermally Refined™ wood fiber combined with 3% Tacking Agent 3 is ideal for seeding on critical sites, will reduce friction in the hose and increase shooting distance. Terra-Mulch Wood Fiber with Tacking Agent 3 holds 13 times its weight in water, improving turf establishment while controlling erosion immediately after application, no cure time required. Dyed a dark green color for easy metering and meets or exceeds all requirements for wood fiber mulch. 100% Thermally Refined™ wood fiber with UltraGro - a proprietary biostimulant to ensure healthy growth even in harsh environments. Thermally Refined™ wood fiber delivers up to 50% more water holding capacity than other refined wood mulches. Dyed a dark green color for easy metering, Terra-Wood meets or exceeds all requirements for wood fiber mulch. Terra-Blend 70/30 with UltraGro combines 100% Thermally Refined™ wood fiber with the highest quality cellulose in the industry. TerraBlend is designed to pump more easily than 100% wood fiber. Now with UltraGro – a proprietary biostimulant to ensure healthy growth even in harsh environments. TerraBlend delivers up to 15% greater yields versus competitive blends and covers up to 20% more ground than cellulose without a big jump in price. Dyed a dark green color for easy metering. WITH TACKING AGENT 3® WITH ULTRA GRO TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: 1500-2500 lbs./acre TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: 1500-2500 lbs./acre 70/30...... 50 lb. bale WITH ULTRA GRO TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: 1500-2500 lbs./acre Terra-Mulch®..................... 50 lb. bale Jet Spray......................................40 lb. bag This 100% cellulose hydraulic fiber mulch provides erosion control that is superior to straw for nearly the same cost. Exclusive defibration process improves water holding capacity 22%. Ideal for hydroseeding through long lengths of hose and allows machines to run efficiently while providing excellent ground coverage. Dyed a dark green color for easy metering, Terra-Mulch® Cellulose meets or exceeds all requirements for wood fiber cellulose mulch. Pourable fiber mulch flake designed to improve the performance of water jet agitated hydroseeding machines. Jet Spray with FiberMax™ reduces loading time up to 90% versus traditional mulches. New flocculating tackifier helps increase yield and gives the mulch matrix greater loft, providing increased water holding capacity and a stronger bond. Dyed a dark green color for easy metering. CELLULOSE TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: 1500-2500 lbs./acre Straw Binding: 750 lbs./acre WITH FIBER MAX™ TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: 1500-2500 lbs./acre Tacking Agent 3®.................4/8 lb. bags per case University tested and proven to reduce soil erosion and water runoff immediately after hydro-seeding, no cure time required! Tacking Agent 3® contains a combination of hydrocolloid polymers and increases water holding capacity of all types of hydraulic mulches, while enhancing seedling emergence and turf establishment. Tacking Agent 3® contains dark green marker dye for easy metering and meets or exceeds requirements for nonasphaltic tacking emulsion. TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: Mulch Binding: 4/1–3/1 slope 30 lbs./acre, >2/1 slope 60 lbs./acre Straw MulchBinding: 50 lbs./acre 30Hydroseeding Supplies Jump Start™ 5.................. 4/10 lb. bags per case Jump Start™ 5 turf establishment has the industry’s most complete package of growth stimulants. JumpStart’s five active ingredients —absorbent co-polymer gel, polyacrylamide (PAM), seaweed extract, humic acid and endomycorrhizae—work synergistically to promote faster, more complete germination and long-term plant health. Added biostimulants and mycorrhizal fungi increase root mass and top growth and improves the established plants stress tolerance. AquaGel™ C..... 2/16 lb. jugs per case BioPrime™ A super absorbent co-polymer of acrylamide gel, AquaGel™ C holds up to 400 times its weight in distilled water. An excellent water management tool for a variety of applications, it is ideal for laying sod, hydro-seeding, landscaping and as a root dip for transplants. AquaGel™ C ensures plants get the water they need at the critical stage of establishment. BioPrime™ biostimulant is designed to address issues affecting long-term plant vitality. With a guaranteed analysis of 18-0-0, its four active ingredients include slow-release nitrogen, seaweed extract, humic acid and Endo Mycorrhizae. The nitrogen’s proprietary release technology is ideally suited to revegetation of bare soils. Depending on the amount of rainfall and biological soil activity on a site, the nitrogen is released for 9 to 17 months. TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: 10 lbs./acre TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: 40# - 160#/ acre TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: 40 lbs./acre NeutraLime™ Dry............40 lb. bag SlikColor™.............2/11lb. jugs per case Aqua-pHix™.....2/2.5gal jugs per case NeutraLime™ Dry promotes germination and enhances plant establishment. A super high concentrate of the purest form of limestone, the formula in NeutraLime™ extends effectiveness from 12 to 18 weeks. Increasing the pH to 6.0+ dramatically improves the nutrient uptake efficiency of the plant. Independent lab analysis showed NeutraLime™ raised the pH by 1.0 point within 10 days of soil treatment. Nothing balances soil pH faster, within 6-10 days after application, with the added plus of longer control. One 40 lb. bag contains 50% more CaCO3 than the highest concentrated 2.5 gallon jug of Liquid Lime. An additive for hydro-seeding to enhance the color for great curb appeal. SlikColor™ improves visual metering when applying seed and fertilizer alone. The only marker dye with the added plus of poly-acrylamide which acts as hose slickifier to increase the shooting distance of any hydraulic slurry. This proprietary formulation of self-buffering, chelated organic and inorganic acids is designed to help manage alkaline soils (pH values >7.3). It is safe for people, animals and equipment, more effective and easier to use than any other acidifier on the market, and the most cost-efficient treatment available. Nothing else on the market today will modify alkaline soils faster than Aqua-pHix – its effect is immediate and is effective for 3-6 months (depending on precipitation). TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: Hydroseeding: 1lb./3000 gallon Straw Mulch Tacking: 2 lbs./3000 gallon TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: 5 gal./acre for pH between 8.0-8.6 TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: Soil Test pH Range <6.0, >5.6, 40 lbs./acre PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 ENGINEERED AND SPECIFIED PRODUCTS 31 Preferred Seed Co. has been named as the regional distributor of Profile Products, LLC Engineered and Specified Products (ESP). These products represent the industry’s most advanced erosion and sediment control technologies. ESP’s can assure you achieve the most economical way to keep soils in place and sediment on-site. And most importantly these products will help you quickly and permanently establish seed for a fraction of the cost of sod. Hydraulically Applied Erosion Control Products NEW 50 lb. bale IT’S LIKE A BLANKET IN A TANK! Nothing controls soil erosion and accelerates seed germination like Flexterra, the ultimate hydraulically applied blanket. Flexterra is a flexible growth medium (FGM) made of Thermally Refined™ wood fibers, crimped interlocking fibers, and additives that are engineered to perform under extreme conditions. Information on detail specifications, application guides, coverage charts and case studies are available, please contact us. Slope Gradient / Condition: < 4H to 1V > 4H to 1V and < 3H to 1V > 3H to 1V and < 2H to 1V > 2H to 1V and < 1H to 1V > 1H to 1V Below ECB or TRM As infill for TRM 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 1500 3500 lb/ac lb/ac lb/ac lb/ac lb/ac lb/ac lb/ac Hydro-Blanket® BFM ProMatrix™ EFM 50 lb. bale ProMatrix™ Engineered Fiber Matrix™ (EFM) is a fully biodegradable matrix composed of 100% recycled Thermally Refined™ wood fibers, crimped interlocking man-made biodegradable fibers, and naturally derived biopolymers. ProMatrix is phytosanitized, free from harmful plastic nettings, and when cured forms an intimate bond with the soil surface to create a continuous, porous, absorbent and flexible erosion resistant blanket that allows for rapid germination and accelerated plant growth. ProMatrix may require a 24-48 hour curing period to achieve maximum performance. It provides outstanding performance at a BFM level, yet provides excellent benefits for contractors with 20 percent less tank loads per job because of the high-loading at formulation 60 lbs. per 100 gallons of water. Slope Gradient / Condition: < 4H to 1V 2500 lb/ac > 4H to 1V and < 3H to 1V 3000 lb/ac > 3H to 1V and < 2H to 1V 3500 lb/ac > 2H to 1V and < 1H to 1V 4000 lb/ac > 1H to 1V 4500 lb/ac 50 lb. bale Terra-Mulch BFM (Bonded Fiber Matrix) is available for your toughest jobs, delivering a much higher level of performance than any standard hydraulic mulch on the market today. Terra-Mulch BFM is ideal for projects where blankets are impractical and /or too expensive and conventional hydraulic mulches are ineffective. Independent testing and years in the field prove Terra-Mulch BFM is effective on the steepest, roughest sites. Produced from Thermally Refined ™ wood fiber and combined with 10% cross-linked hydro-colloid tackifier, Terra-Mulch BFM applies more easily, promotes fast germination and minimizes sediment and water runoff. Its performance is comparable to blankets, yet its cost is significantly less. TYPICAL APPLICATION RATE: 1500-4000 lbs./acre The GreenArmor™ System The GreenArmor™ System combines engineering and agronomic excellence to create the world’s most effective Green Design Engineering™ alternative. The system begins with Enkamat® TRM (Turf Reinforcement Mat) which provides a permanent, lofty and open matrix. It is then Hydraulically infilled with Flexterra® FGM™ (Flexible Growth Medium™) to intimately bond soil and seeds while accelerating growth. This unique system protects against elevated levels of hydraulic lift and shear forces while encouraging turf establishment and long-term root reinforcement – growing denser vegetation, faster, in areas where common TRMs have fallen short. This synergistic combination of cost effective technologies enables the GreenArmor™ System to provide unprecedented levels of design safety. This unique solution has been proven to provide immediate erosion control, speed growth establishment and deliver superior performance – in a wide range of applications worldwide, including: 32 (See page 39) PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 AQUATROLS PRODUCTS 33 Revolution™ Aqueduct Soil Surfactant Revolution is a patent-pending technology that extends turf’s natural antioxidant activity and significantly increases stress tolerance by balancing air-to-water ratios in the soil. By providing better moisture access and gas exchange in the rootzone, Revolution improves overall turf health and makes it much more resilient under all types of stresses. Keeping water moving consistently into and through the plant increases photosynthesis, leading to increased production of non-structural carbohydrates. It also boosts the efficiency of other cellular processes, keeps the leaf turgor stable for more consistent play, and maintains evapotranspiration rates to keep the turf canopy cooler. Revolution lets you gain control of the rootzone conditions so that your turf can perform to its greatest potential. Revolution is exceptionally safe on fine turf species and is backed by Aquatrols’ exclusive money-back performance guarantee. Aqueduct treats existing water management problems anywhere on the course, guaranteeing quick recovery from localized dry spots and other water-related turf stress. Aqueduct improves water penetration, reduces water repellency, and increases water movement into and through soils. This results in rapid recovery of problem areas and lessens the potential for wilt and turf stress. • Uniquely engineered molecular structure optimizes water distribution throughout the rootzone • Maintains soil water content at all levels consistent with USGA Green Section capillary porosity recommendations • Increases turf resilience and stress tolerance • Increases production of non-structural carbohydrates • Extends natural antioxidant activity • Stabilizes proline production for more turgid leaf blades and better playability • Increases chlorophyll production for consistent color • Patent-pending technology APPLICATION RATE: Liquid: 6oz./1000 sq. ft. in 2 gallons of water, apply monthly Granular: 3.75 lbs./1000 sq. ft., apply monthly • Promotes fast turf recovery • Eliminates Localized Dry Spot (LDS) • Reduces wilt • Doesn’t need to be watered in • Won’t burn turf Sixteen90 Aquatrols™ Sixteen90 is a safe, economical, and proven alternative for turf managers interested in a longer-lasting surfactant. Aquatrols Sixteen90 is proven to remain effective in the soil for up to three months, reducing water repellency (the cause of localized dry spots) and promoting turf uniformity. Unlike some “longer-term” surfactants, Aquatrols Sixteen90 is guaranteed to be safe on all highly maintained fine turf regardless of turf type, environmental or climatic stress conditions. As with all Aquatrols products, Sixteen90 is backed by extensive research, field performance and quality control. • Money back guarantee APPLICATION RATE: Liquid: 4-8oz./1000 sq. ft. every 4 weeks (see label for further application guidelines) GRANULAR: 2.5 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. every 4 weeks (see label for further application guidelines) • Provides more consistent management of water repellency than other long- term surfactants • Exceptional safety for fine turf • Enhances effectiveness of soil-targeted fertilizers and chemicals • Great residual even during drought conditions • Great looking, uniform, quality turf APPLICATION RATE: FULL RATE APPLICATION: Apply Aquatrols Sixteen90 at 16 fl. oz./1000 sq. ft. in 5 gallons of water. Apply a post-treatment syringe cycle to activate. For control beyond 3 months, a subsequent application of 8 fl. oz./1000 sq. ft. in 2 gallons of water may be required for extended performance throught the fall period. SPLIT APPLICATION: Apply Aquatrols Sixteen90 at 8 fl. oz./1000 sq. ft. in 2 gallons of water, followed 7-10 days later with a second application at 8 fl. oz./1000 sq. ft. Apply a post-treatment syringe cycle to activate. For control beyond 3 months, a subsequent application of 8 fl. oz./1000 sq. ft. in 2 gallons of water may be required for extended performance throught the fall period. MONTHLY APPLICATION RATE: 4-6oz./1000 sq. ft. 34AQUATROLS PRODUCTS Advantage Turf Surfactant Pellet • Makes touching up problem spots easy • Turf safety in any weather • 76% active ingredient • Allows supplemental wetting agent treatment with no extra labor costs • Gives temporary relief of localized dry spots • Moves water and chemicals uniformly into the root zone APPLICATION RATE: One pellet treats approximately six greens Primer Select® Dispatch™ Aquatrols™ Primer Select is an enhanced Matrix Flow soil surfactant based on the original Primer chemistry. The improved formulation allows superintendents to select the application rate and frequency to match soil type and spray program preferences. Primer Select can be safely applied and is guaranteed to solve problems and increase efficiency on all turf species, a broad range of soil types, and in all climates throughout the entire growing season. Primer Select offers turf managers a superior soil surfactant that lowers costs by promoting uniform rootzone conditions and overcoming problems associated with water repellency. Dispatch™ is specifically formulated for injection through irrigation systems to maximize irrigation results. Dispatch™ offers turf managers superior performance, faster wetting and penetration times at over 7.5 times that of competing products. Users of Dispatch™ can expect very high water efficiency due to notably reduced evaporation and runoff. Turf managers will be able to measure their water and energy savings. • Can save up to 20% in water and energy savings • Easier to use with rate and frequency flexibility • More convenient to use with rate and frequency flexibility to match soil types and spray program preferences • Superior performance with faster wetting and water penetration times • Optimizes uniform soil moisture guarantees soil is not too wet or too dry • Improve turf uniformity and appearance on fairways, roughs and athletic fields • Better turf survival during drought conditions and summer stress periods • Reduced runoff and evaporation APPLICATION RATE: 48 oz./acre every two weeks • Enhances salt management programs • Enhances effectiveness of soil-targeted fertilizers and chemicals Dispatch™ Sprayable Dispatch™ offers turf managers superior performance, faster wetting and penetration times at over 7.5 times that of competing products. Users of Dispatch™ can expect very high water efficiency due to notably reduced evaporation and runoff. Turf managers will be able to measure their water and energy savings. • Less volume and fewer containers to handle • Tank mix compatible with most fertilizers and turf management chemicals APPLICATION RATE: Liquid: Sand band root zone - 7-9oz./1000 sq. ft. every 6 weeks Push up greens - 3-6oz./1000 sq. ft. every 6 weeks (see label for further application guidelines) GRANULAR: 2.5 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. every 4 weeks (see label for further application guidelines) InfilTRx® Soil Penetrant An economical penetrant developed specifically to move water off the surface and into the rootzone, for less puddling and healthier turf. • Affordable water management treatment for large turf areas • Flexible spray rates and application options with 1, 2, and 3 week spray intervals • Water moves quickly and efficiently into soil • 51% sprayable formulation with a higher active ingredient for spraying and mixing convenience • Reduces water loss due to surface evaporation and run-off • Outperforms competitive products APPLICATION RATE: 24 oz./acre every three weeks APPLICATION RATE: 48 oz./acre every two weeks PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 GROWTH AND COLOR ENHANCEMENT PRODUCTS 35 PanaSeá Plus® 0•2•2 Liquefied Sea Plant Extract GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Available Phosphoric Acid (P2O5)...................2.00% Soluble Potash (K2O)............................................2.00% Derived from Kelp Extract, Phosphoric Acid PanaSeá Plus® Liquefied Sea Plant Extract builds bigger, stronger root systems, increases turf tolerance to various stresses, improves quality and color and also accelerates seed germination. As its name implies, it is a solution for many of the common problems that affect golf courses and sports turf – problems that arise from the highly intensive maintenance regimens to which turf grasses are subjected, as well as seasonal stresses like heat and drought. The Result You Want: Bigger, Better Roots The most important way PanaSeá Plus contributes to plant growth and health is through root establishment and root biomass development. This is because the health of the root system dictates the health of the plant. Knowledgeable superintendents understand that the causes of problems start long before symptoms are visible. They understand the need for aggressive agronomic intervention and they start with programmed PanaSeá Plus applications as soon as they start mowing. The outcome is significantly healthier, denser, deeper root systems. Bigger, better root systems come from programmed applications of naturally occurring cytokinins and other beneficial constituents contained in PanaSeá Plus. PanaSeá Plus not only outperforms synthetic cytokinins, but also all other biostimulants. During high stress periods when plants stop producing their own hormones, PanaSeá Plus provides necessary cytokinins to stimulate and sustain cell division in root tissue. This proactive biostimulation strategy helps to offset the negative impact on root development from shrinking internal cytokinin production. PanaSeá Plus is a proprietary blend of several liquefied sea plant extracts. It’s also the richest single source – more than twice that of its nearest competitor – of naturally occurring cytokinins. APPLICATION RATE: 4-8 oz./1000 sq ft. per month Color, Performance, Roots 7•0•1 4•0•1 GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Total Nitrogen (N)..................................................7.00% 2.1% Nitrate Nitrogen 4.9% Urea Nitrogen Soluble Potash (K2O)............................................1.00% Magnesium (Mg).....................................................1.00% Sulfur (S)....................................................................3.00% Baron (B)....................................................................0.02% Iron (Fe)......................................................................5.00% 5.0% Chelated Iron Manganese (Mn).....................................................0.50% 0.5% Chelated Manganese Zinc (Zn).....................................................................0.40% 0.4% Chelated Zinc Derived from Magnesium Sulfate, Magnesium Nitrate, Zinc Nitrate, Urea, Potassium Hydroxide, Sea Plant Extracts, Iron EDTA, Iron Citric Acid, Zinc EDTA, Zinc Citric Acid, Manganese EDTA, Manganese Citric Acid, Sodium Borate • Contains 28% Sea Plant Extract SeaQuential Liquid Chelated Iron and Micronutrient Complex is a unique nutritional supplement for turf. It provides a broad range of commonly-needed micronutrients in both foliar- and soilavailable forms. The Iron, Manganese and Zinc are fully chelated. Use SeaQuential Micronutrients when, on the bases of soil or tissue tests, a micronutrient deficiency exists. SeaQuential Liquid Chelated Iron and Micronutrient Complex is buffered to maintain spray tank solutions near optimal neutral pH ranges. It is non-corrosive and tank-mix compatible with most commonlysprayed turf maintenance materials. This material is intended as a supplement to a regular fertilization program and will not by itself provide all the nutrients normally required by plants. GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Total Nitrogen (N)..................................................4.00% 1.1% Nitrate Nitrogen 2.1% Urea Nitrogen Soluble Potash (K2O)............................................1.50% Magnesium (Mg).....................................................0.90% Iron (Fe)......................................................................2.00% 2.0% Chelated Iron Manganese (Mn).....................................................0.25% 0.25% Chelated Manganese Zinc (Zn).....................................................................0.20% 0.2% Chelated Zinc Derived from Magnesium Sulfate, Magnesium Nitrate, Zinc Nitrate, Urea, Potassium Hydroxide, Sea Plant Extracts, Iron EDTA, Iron Citric Acid, Zinc EDTA, Zinc Citric Acid, Manganese EDTA, Manganese Citric Acid, Boron Citric Acid • Contains 60% Sea Plant Extract • Combines the benefits of Pana Sea Plus, Sea Quential and a wetting agent from Aquatrols • Superior root mass and depth • Superior high temperature stress and drought tolerance • Sustained healthy green up • Timeform response and penetration • More economical than applying these 3 products separately APPLICATION RATE: 6oz./1000 sq. ft. every 2 weeks APPLICATION RATE: 1oz./1000 sq. ft. every 2 weeks SPRAY PATTERN INDICATOR • Identifies exactly where your spray is being applied to the turf – Eliminates overlap, which studies have shown to be as much as 25-50% when no color is used (Think of the cost savings) – Eliminates misses, particularly important when a weed or pest is allowed to remain – Identifies sprayer malfunctions, clogged nozzles and incorrect height are constantly monitored • A highly visible blue or green that can be used at low amounts – Color chemistry studies have indicated that a transparent blue over green is more cost effectively different than any other color – Blue gives a darker green appearance that quickly fades to the turf’s natural color, providing minimal distraction to the golfer • Non-staining so that it washes off skin, clothing and equipment – Blazon is the same chemistry that is used in washable markers – Polymeric colorants by their very nature do not bind with fabrics, which is exactly what dyes were designed to do! • Blazon is temporary, so that it fades in sunlight or washes off with irrigation or rainfall 36fertilizers 6•0•2 Nitrogen Fertilizer GUARANTEED ANALYSIS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Total Nitrogen (N)...................................................................................................6.00% 6.00% Urea Nitrogen Soluble Potash (K2O).............................................................................................2.00% Sulfur (S).....................................................................................................................4.00% 4.00% Combined Sulfur (S) Iron (Fe).......................................................................................................................6.00% 6.00% Chelated Iron Total Nitrogen (N)....................................................................................................... 30.00% 7.60% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 7.40% Nitrate Nitrogen 15.00% Urea Nitrogen Derived from Urea and Ammonium Nitrate Also contains nonplant food ingredient: Minimum 10% Kelp Extract Ingredients: Urea, Ammonium Nitrate, Kelp Extract Derived from Urea, Potassium Hydroxide, Iron Citrate, Iron EDTA, Ferrous Sulfate and Kelp Extract • Contains 10% Sea Plant Extract • Contains 47% Sea Plant Extract SAND-AID Cation Exchange Capacity SAND-AID (MEQ’s per 100 grams of water) Sea Plant Meal 500 Fine Grind 1•0•1 400 300 GUARANTEED ANALYSIS 200 Total Nitrogen (N)...................................................................................................1.00% 0.218% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 0.004% Nitrate Nitrogen 0.0763% Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen Soluble Potash (K2O).............................................................................................1.00% PEAT 100 SAND SOIL 0 Derived from North Atlantic Sea Plants SAND-AID is the fastest decomposing soil amendment available. It stimulates microbial activity and won’t “layer.” It also significantly increases moisture and nutrient retention Speed of decomposition of various organic soil amendments 100% Percent Decomposition APPLICATION RATE: 30lbs./1000 sq. ft. per year 75% 50% 25% 0 12345 Approx Time, YEARS PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 37 Emerald Isle Solutions™ Nutri•Rational TrueFoliar ® ™ Proven at Cornell University Results: In an independent research trial at Cornell University in 2003, the Milliken Emerald Isle True Foliar® Nutritional Program provided great quality with extremely low inputs — 80% less N than other plots. The other fertility programs provided 3.5-4.0 lbs. of N per 1,000 sq. ft. from June to September, compared to a more appropriate seasonal amount of less than 1 lb. of N from Emerald Isle True Foliar® nutrition. Even though there was a large difference in the amount of N applied, there was no statistically significant difference in turf quality. APPLICATION RATES: 3-4oz./1000 sq. ft. every 7-14 days Nutri•Rational™ FOLIAR N 19•1•6 with Turf Micronutrients Nutri•Rational™ FOLIAR N•P•K Plus 10•3•16 with Turf Micronutrients and Phosphite GUARANTEED ANALYSIS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Total Nitrogen (N)............................................... 19.00% 5.50% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 5.10% Nitrate Nitrogen 8.40% Urea Nitrogen Available Phosphate (P2O5)...............................1.00% Soluble Potash (K2O)............................................6.00% Copper (Cu) (Actual)..............................................0.10% 1.20% Water Soluble Copper (Cu) Iron (Fe) (Actual).....................................................1.20% 1.20% Water Soluble Iron (Fe) Manganese (Mn) (Actual)...................................0.18% 0.18% Water Soluble Manganese (Mn) Zinc (Zn) (Actual)....................................................0.15% 0.15% Water Soluble Zinc (Zn) Total Nitrogen (N)............................................... 10.00% 9.00% Nitrate Nitrogen 1.00% Urea Nitrogen Available Phosphate (P2O5)...............................3.00% Soluble Potash (K2O)......................................... 16.00% Derived from Urea, Polymethylene Urea, Methylene Diurea, Ammonium Polyphosphate, Potassium Alginate, Potassium Citrate, Potassium Acetate, Ferrous Citrate, Manganese Nitrate, Zinc Sulfate, and Copper Sulfate Derived from Ammonium Polyphosphate, Urea, Potassium Phosphite, Kelp Extract, and Potassium Citrate Also contains nonplant food ingredient: Minimum 10% Kelp Extract • Contains 30% Sea Plant Extract • Contains 10% Sea Plant Extract 38fertilizers Nutri•Rational™ FOLIAR Nutri•Rational™ FOLIAR Nutri•Rational™ FOLIAR K 2•0•16 Ca 8•0•4 Si 3•0•10 with Turf Micronutrients with 8% Calcium with Soluble Si GUARANTEED ANALYSIS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Total Nitrogen (N).................................................... 2.0% 1.15% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 0.85% Nitrate Nitrogen Soluble Potash (K2O)......................................... 16.00% Copper (Cu) (Actual)..............................................0.10% 1.20% Water Soluble Copper (Cu) Magnesium (Mg).....................................................1.00% 1.00% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg) Iron (Fe) (Actual).....................................................0.60% 0.60% Water Soluble Iron (Fe) Manganese (Mn).....................................................0.45% 0.45% Water Soluble Manganese (Mn) Total Nitrogen (N)..................................................8.00% 6.70% Nitrate Nitrogen 0.70% Urea Nitrogen 0.60% Water Soluble Nitrogen Soluble Potash (K2O)............................................4.00% Boron (B) (Actual)..................................................0.12% Calcium.......................................................................8.00% Total Nitrogen (N)..................................................3.00% 0.58% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 2.42% Urea Nitrogen Soluble Potash (K2O)......................................... 10.00% Derived from Calcium Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate, Urea, Glycine Also Contains Silica (Si).......................................1.00% Derived from Ammonium Nitrate, Potassium Alginate, Potassium Acetate, Potassium Citrate, Potassium Carbonate, Magnesium Nitrate, Magnesium Sulfate, Ferrous Citrate, and Manganese Sulfate • Contains 10% Sea Plant Extract Other beneficial substance: 0.30% Silica (Si02) from Sodium Metasilicate Derived from: Urea, Ammonium Citrate, Potassium Alginate, Potassium Citrate, Potassium Carbonate and Potassium Acetate Also contains nonplant food ingredient: Minimum 45% Kelp Extract Ingredients: Urea, Ammonium Citrate, Potassium Alginate, Potassium Citrate, Potassium Carbonate, Potassium Acetate and Kelp Extract • Contains 45% Sea Plant Extract Also contains nonplant food ingredient: Minimum 10% Kelp Extract Ingredients: Ammonium Nitrate, Potassium Alginate, Potassium Acetate, Potassium Citrate, Potassium Carbonate, Magnesium Nitrate, Magnesium Sulfate, Ferrous Citrate, Manganese Sulfate and Kelp Extract • Contains 40% Sea Plant Extract Nutri•Rational™ FOLIAR Nutri•Rational™ FOLIAR Nutri•Rational™ FOLIAR P 6•12•6 Mg•Mn 6•0•0 N•K Balance 10•0•10 with Turf Micronutrients with Turf Micronutrients with Turf Micronutrients GUARANTEED ANALYSIS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Total Nitrogen (N).................................................... 6.0% 5.38% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 0.17% Nitrate Nitrogen 0.45% Urea Nitrogen Available Phosphate (P2O5)............................ 12.00% Soluble Potash (K2O)............................................6.00% Boron (B)....................................................................0.05% Copper (Cu)...............................................................0.10% 0.10% Water Soluble Copper (Cu) Iron (Fe)......................................................................1.20% 1.20% Water Soluble Iron (Fe) Manganese (Mn).....................................................0.65% 0.65% Water Soluble Manganese (Mn) Zinc (Zn).....................................................................0.15% 0.15% Water Soluble Zinc (Zn) Total Nitrogen (N)..................................................6.00% 2.00% Nitrate Nitrogen 4.00% Urea Nitrogen Magnesium (Mg).....................................................2.00% 2.00% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg) Manganese (Mn).....................................................5.00% 5.00% Water Soluble Manganese (Mn) Derived from: Urea, Manganese Nitrate, Magnesium Nitrate and Kelp Extract • Contains 30% Sea Plant Extract Total Nitrogen (N)............................................... 10.00% 2.40% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 1.80% Nitrate Nitrogen 5.80% Urea Nitrogen Soluble Potash (K2O)......................................... 10.00% Magnesium (Mg).....................................................0.24% 0.60% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg) Copper (Cu)...............................................................0.06% 0.05% Water Soluble Copper (Cu) Iron (Fe)......................................................................0.95% 1.70% Chelated Iron (Fe) Manganese (Mn).....................................................2.00% 0.35% Water Soluble Manganese (Mn) Zinc (Zn).....................................................................0.08% 0.06% Water Soluble Zinc (Zn) Derived from: Ammonium Nitrate, Urea, Ammonium Polyphosphate, Potassium Alginate, Potassium Citrate, Potassium Acetate, Ferrous Citrate, Manganese Nitrate, Manganese Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate, Copper Sulfate, Sodium Borate and Kelp Extract Derived from: Ammonium Nitrate, Urea, Ammonium Polyphosphate, Potassium Citrate, Potassium Caronate, Magnesium Nitrate, Zinc Nitrate, Manganese Nitrate, Magnesium Sulfate, Copper Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate, Ferrous Sulfate, Iron EDTA and Kelp Extract • Contains 40% Sea Plant Extract • Contains 25% Sea Plant Extract PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 39 Water Soluble Fertilizers 25•0•25 16•45•7 No Phosphate Special Seed Starter Special GUARANTEED ANALYSIS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Total Nitrogen (N)............................................... 25.00% 1.01% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 7.58% Nitrate Nitrogen 16.32% Urea Nitrogen Soluble Potash (K2O)......................................... 25.00% Magnesium (Mg).....................................................0.05% Sulfur (S)....................................................................1.40% 1.40 Combined Sulphur (S) Boron (B)....................................................................0.02% Copper (Cu)...............................................................0.05% 0.05 Water Soluable Copper (Cu) Iron (Fe)......................................................................0.10% 0.10 Chelated Iron (Fe) Manganese (Mn).....................................................0.05% 0.05 Water Soluable Manganese (Mn) Molybdenum (Mo)............................................0.0009% Zinc (Zn).....................................................................0.05% 0.05 Water Soluable Zinc (Zn) Dervied from Ammonium Sulfate, Potassium Nitratem Magnesium Sulfate, Urea, Borax, Sodium Molybdate, Copper Sulfate, Iron EDTA, Manganese Sulfate and Zinc Sulfate. Total Nitrogen (N)............................................... 16.00% 6.45% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 9.55% Urea Nitrogen Available Phosphate (P2O5)............................ 45.00% Soluble Potash (K2O)............................................7.00% Baron (B)....................................................................0.02% Copper (Cu)...............................................................0.05% 0.05% Chelated Copper Iron (Fe)......................................................................0.10% 0.10% Chelated Iron Manganese (Mn).....................................................0.05% 0.05% Chelated Manganese Molybdenum (Mo).............................................. 0.001% Zinc (Zn).....................................................................0.05% 0.05% Chelated Zinc Derived from Potassium Phosphate, Ammonium Phosphate, Urea, Borax, Sodium Molybdate, and Copper, Iron, Manganese and Zinc EDTA. Potential acidity equivalent to 959 lbs. calcium carbonate per ton Potential acidity equivalent to 427 lbs. APPLICATION RATE: 36oz./1000 sq. ft. to supply 1lb. phosphorous APPLICATION RATE: 8oz./1000 sq. ft. to supply 1/8 lb. N every 14 days Granular Organic Fertilizers 12•0•12 6•2•0 with Turf Micronutrients 3•0•1 Natural Organic Fertilizer GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Total Nitrogen (N)..................................................3.00% 3.00% Water Insoluble Nitrogen* Soluble Potash (K2O)............................................1.00% Derived from: Oil Seed meal, Kelp Extract and Composted Poultry Litter. *3.0% Slowly Available Nitrogen. F1762 APPLICATION RATE: 6 lbs./1000 sq. ft. as needed. • Greens Grade and Fairway Grade with Turf Micronutrients GUARANTEED ANALYSIS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Total Nitrogen (N)............................................... 12.00% 8.00% Water Soluble Nitrogen 4.00% Water Insoluble Nitrogen* Soluble Potash (K2O)......................................... 12.00% Calcium (Ca)..............................................................2.60% Magnesium (Mg).....................................................0.60% 0.60% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg) Iron (Fe)......................................................................0.60% 0.60% Water Soluble Iron (Fe) Manganese (Mn).....................................................0.05% 0.50% Water Soluble Magnanese (Mn) Zinc (Zn).....................................................................0.05% 0.50% Water Soluble Zinc (Zn) Derived from: Kelp Meal, Fish Meal, Crab Meal, Feather and Alfalfa Meals, Sunflower Hull Ash, Rock Phosphate, Potassium Sulfate, Magnesium Sulfate, Manganese Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate, Urea, Methylene Urea *4.0% Slowly Available Nitrogen. F46 APPLICATION RATE: 8 lbs./1000 sq. ft. to supply 1lb. of nitrogen Total Nitrogen (N)..................................................6.75% Available Phosphate (P2O5)...............................2.65% Soluble Potash (K2O)............................................0.46% Calcium (Ca)..............................................................0.98% Sulfur (S)....................................................................0.71% Magnesium (Mg).....................................................0.50% Iron (Fe)......................................................................5.30% Zinc (Zn).....................................................................0.05% Copper (Cu)...............................................................0.03% Manganese (Mn).....................................................0.03% Baron (B)...................................................................... Trace Chlorine........................................................................ Trace Molybdenum (Mo)................................................... Trace APPLICATION RATE: 16 lbs./1000 sq. ft. to supply 1lb. of nitrogen • Greens Grade and Fairway Grade Fertilizers 40SEED IDENTITY TAG 6 2 CORNELL CLASSIC MIXTURE 1 Lot # PS3001A Purity Variety 3 5 24.53 19.84 19.81 19.76 14.94 9 10 11 SEEDING RATE: 3 lbs. Per 1,000 sq. ft. Tested: 1/2013 Germ AWARD KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS RHAPSODY KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS BEWITCHED KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS PARAGON GLR PERENNIAL RYEGRASS FIREFLY HARD FESCUE Noxious Weeds: None Found Other crop: 0.00 Weeds: 0.01 85 85 85 90 85 Sell by: 4/2014 Inert: 1.11 Net Wt.: 25 lbs. 4 Origin WA OR WA OR WA/OR 7 8 15 12 13 Preferred Seed Co. 575 Kennedy Rd., Buffalo NY 14227 14 1 NAME Identifies the seed mixture, blend, variety or species contained in the package. 2 SEEDING RATE The amount of seed by weight per given area required to establish a new lawn on bare soil in a reasonable amount of time, typically a complete fall and spring season. If overseeding, reduce seeding rate by half. 3 LOT NUMBER Number assigned when packaging the variety, mixture or blend. Needed for tracing purposes. 4 TEST DATE The date seed purity and germination were tested. Qualifies seed lot for sale in New York for 15 months. Other state seed laws may vary. 5 PURITY Percentages indicate the proportion of the seed variety or species by weight, not seed count. 6 SEED TYPE Identifies the seed species and cultivar (variety) contained in the package. 7 GERMINATION Percentages represent the amount of viable seeds that germinate under ideal conditions. This varies with the grass species. 8 ORIGIN When seed quantities account for more than 5 percent of the mixture or blend, the label must show the state or country where the seed crop was grown. This has no bearing on grass adaptation. PHONE 716-895-SEED (7333) 9 NOXIOUS WEEDS These are troublesome weeds. In most states it is illegal to sell seed that contains noxious weeds. When present, they must be individually named and the number of seeds per pound indicated. 10 OTHER CROP These are seeds from any commercially grown crop. They may be other desirable grasses which comprise less than 5% of the mixture or blend, or problem grasses such as orchard grass in a lawn mixture. 11 WEEDS It is virtually impossible to clean all weed seeds out of a seed lot. State laws regulate which plants are considered weeds. These are generally weeds which are easily controlled or mowed out. 12 INERT The chaff, dirt and miscellaneous material that manages to escape the cleaning process. 13 NET WEIGHT The total weight of the contents, exclusive of the packaging. 14 COMPANY NAME & ADDRESS Identifies the name and address of the company which packaged or is selling the seed lot. 15 SELL BY The month and year seed must be sold by. Seed may be retested and relabeled only once. TOLL FREE 877-417-SEED (7333) FAX 716-895-3421 quality forage products from preferred seed ALFALFA Lightning EXTRA 4030 Alfalfa PS 2010 Leafhopper Brand Grazer EXTRA Brand 375 HY Hybrid Northeast Premium Blend AmeriStand 405T RR CLOVER Duration Extra Medium Red Alsike Ladino White Dutch White Yellow Blossom Sweet Plowdown Clover 60/40 Crimson Berseem TIMOTHY Sunrise II Brand Sunset II Brand PS 2000 Brand Select Climax TREFOIL Nordic Brand Trefoil Birdsfoot Trefoil Wildlife & Native Grasses ANNUAL FORAGE, SMALL GRAIN & COVER CROPS PS FORAGE EXTRA PASTURE & SPECIAL MIXES Buckwheat Pasture Refresher Mix Winter Rye Kentucky Horse Pasture Mix Spring & Fall Barley Permanent Pasture Mix Oats Alpaca Pasture Mix Winter Wheat Orchard & Vineyard Low Grow Mix Winter Triticale Forage Oats Field Peas BRASSICAS Chicory Kale Turnip Forage Turnip PS FORAGE EXTRA HAY MIXES Bunkbuster Mix AT Bale Mix ATR Advantage Mix ATC Hay Mix TAR Meadow Mix ATT FE Wet Soil Mix Rape Manure Eater Mix FORAGE GRASSES Horse Haymaker Mix Crown Royale Orchardgrass Reed Canarygrass Tall Fescue Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass Festulolium Meadow Brome Grass Smooth Brome Grass Teff Grass Forage Kentucky Bluegrass Italian Ryegrass Alpaca Hay Mix Lowland Mix Economy Mix T & A Mix CERTIFIED ORGANIC SEED RGANIC CERTIFIED Organic CUSTOM MIXTURES Forage Seed Inoculants Meadow Fescue Soybean & Pea Inoculant Sweet Corn Corn & Wheat Biological Treaments PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Buffalo, NY Permit No. 2 575 kennedy road buffalo, new york 14227 716-895-SEED (7333) 877-417-SEED (7333) 716-895-3421 phone toll free fax