saint juliana parish
saint juliana parish
Mass Schedule Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 A.M. and 12:00 Noon SAINT JULIANA PARISH Saturday for Sunday Obligation 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday in Chapel 7:00 and 8:30 A.M. Saturday Morning in Church 8:30 A.M. Holy Days in Church 7:00, 8:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Reconciliation Saturday following 8:30 A.M. Mass and 4:00 to 4:30 P.M. in Reconcilia on Room of church or call for appointment. Baptisms First and third Sundays of each month at 1:30 P.M. in church. Arrangements must be made at parish business office at least one month in advance. First- me parents and parents new to our parish must a end a prepara on mee ng at 7:00 P.M. on the third Tuesday of any month prior to the Bap sm. Weddings Arrangements by appointment with a priest should be made at least six months in advance of the wedding day. Church 7201 N Oketo Avenue Chapel 7200 N Osceola Avenue Rectory 7158 N Osceola Avenue · Tel 773.631.4386 Pastor: Rev. Stephen Kanonik Associate Pastor: Rev. Laurent K. Mhagama Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Donald J. Ahearn Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Philip Dressler Re red Associate: Rev. Roger Caplis Deacon Couples: Elizabeth and Edward Dolan Margaret and Robert Ryan Parish Center & Business Office 7200 N Osceola Avenue · Chicago, IL 60631 Tel 773.631.4127 · Fax 773.631.4150 · Pastoral Associate: Pam Francisco, D.R.E · 773.631.2239 Music Director: Margie Shiel · 773.774.4956 Business Manager: Jeanne Anderson Health Coordinator: Cindy Brennan Parish Services: Joyce Browne Administra ve Assistant: Diane Holmen Bulle n Editor: Claude e Link Saint Juliana School 7400 W Touhy Avenue · Chicago, IL 60631 Tel 773.631.2256 · Fax 773.631.1125 · Principal: Katrina A. McDermo EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 5, 2015 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the L . — Psalm 118:17 ED THE PLUMBER Malec & Sons ED THE CARPENTER FUNERAL HOME Edward A. Tylka Manager/Director 8025 W. Golf Rd. Niles (847) 581-0536 6250 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago (773) 774-0366 Best Work • Best Rate Pre-Arrangements Satisfaction Guaranteed As 10% OFF with this bulletin We Do All Our Own Work Thomas A. Turkowski Funeral Director 6000 N. Milwaukee 847-698-1177 933 N. Northwest Hwy Park Ridge, IL 60068 Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 773.774.4100 773-471-1444 STUARTS LAWN CARE LANDSCAPING & TREE REMOVAL Design • Shrubs • Sod • Tree & Bricks Senior Citizen Discount - First Time Only John A. Ranieri, D.D.S., M.S. Complete Dentistry for the Entire Family St. Juliana Parishioner Evening & Saturday Hours Available 773-792-0433 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Kevin M. O’Donnell, Ltd. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Attorneys at Law Estate Planning • Business • Probate Real Estate • Tax 800-566-6150 • A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 350 S. Northwest Hwy., Ste. 102, Park Ridge, Illinois Over 25 Years Experience (847) 692-3400 Joanne & Roger Hejza Century 21 McMullen Real Estate Harlem & NW Hwy. 7307 W. Howard St. 773.297.8300 JOHN & DIANNE GUEST JACK GUEST Chicago, IL 60631 773-763-1528 E-Mail [email protected] I. D. # 356524 JOHN M. SISTO, D.D.S. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP Oral Surgery • Dental Implants 350 S. Northwest Hwy. Ste. 118, Park Ridge ........ (847) 696-4848 • $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Heating and Cooling *First Three Months Off. 847-233-7395 Service & Installation of Furnaces • Boilers • Air Conditioning Free Estimates • Same Day Service 10% Parishioner Discount Michael Higgs 773.620.2186 Res. 773-631-7768 E. J. SIEVERS CO. Plumbing - Heating - Service & Installation Lic. No. 3536 M 9209 B. Ivanhoe, Schiller Park, IL Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 512117 St Juliana Church (B) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Patrick & Sons Plumbing & Sewers Dr. Michele T. Bogacki FAMILY DENTISTRY • Repairs • Remodeling • Rodding • Hot Water Tanks • Boilers Patrick Broderick 773-699-1819 10% Sr. Disc. Lic.# 058185315 Pizza & More! COLDWELL BANKER MARY ELLEN “O’HARA” CONSIDINE Nee: Caplis Cell # (773) 704-4250 V. Mail (773) 687-5181 [email protected] 7242 W. Touhy Ave. 773.628.7700 10% PARISHIONER DISCOUNT • New Patients Welcome • Evening/Saturday Hours • Emergency Care • All Ages Welcome VIA GALANTE CEMENT CONTRACTORS, INC. • Patios • Driveways • Steps 4452 N. Central Ave. Chicago • Stoops • Sidewalks • Flatwork 773-777-4800 • Stamped Concrete • Garage Floors Ph: 773-589-9893 • Free Estimates / Sr. Citizen Discount DIPLOMAT TRAVEL AGENCY Niles Animal Hospital “YOUR AMBASSADOR FOR TRAVEL” 6835 W. HIGGINS AVE., CHICAGO, IL 60656 Appointments: (847) 647-9325 773-774-2727 A FULL SERVICE TRAVEL AGENCY Est. 1964 7278 N. Milwaukee Ave. and Bird Medical Center Nurturing the Spirit Preserving Dignity Celebrating Individuality NUZZO SEWER & PLUMBING INC. 708-456-7300 Power Rodding 773-625-6280 All Sewer & Plumbing Repairs & Installation Specializing in Flood Control • Correcting Low Water Pressure Video Sewer & Locating Service Lic. # 14636 Lic. # 055-024301 PAUL A. MEYER, D.O. MICHAEL J. MEYER, D.O. Physicians and Surgeons, Osteopathic Board Certified Family Practice Hours By Appointment Oak Mill Mall, Ste. 2-23 847-966-9878 7900 N. Milwaukee Ave., Niles ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Cooney Funeral Home & Cremation Services 3918 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago 625 Busse Highway, Park Ridge Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! If your lights are out and you didn’t do it... Call... Arnold Electric Services! FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 773-588-5850 847-685-1002 773.647.1120 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL ORI BROTHERS FLOORING, INC. FREE ESTIMATES All Floor Coverings U-HAUL AUTHORIZED DEALER Family Owned • 24 Hour Emergency Service 6010 Northwest Highway, Chicago 773-631-4193 Licensed • Bonded • Insured SKAJA TERRACE FUNERAL HOME Family Owned Since 1926 • Pre-Need Arrangements & Cremations 7812 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles • (847) 966-7302 7715 W. Route 14 Crystal Lake • (815) 455-2233 SKOKIE AUTOMOTIVE CORP. Electrical Systems Our Specialty COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE CENTER 7254 N. Milwaukee Niles, Illinois Dr. Elise Grandinetti-Adley, D.D.S. Dr. Samuel Grandinetti, D.D.S. Phones: Niles 847- 647-9320 Chicago: 773-631-1199 Suerth FUNERAL HOME Family Dental Care 7215 W. Touhy Ave. (773) 775-3431 Family Owned & Operated at the Same Location Since 1927 Dennis S. Krawzak • Donald R. Krawsak Peter T. Heneghan, Parishioner Nancy K. Haran 773-631-1240 6754 W. Northwest Highway Steven Baggio Agent Parishioner $2 when y5 OFF ou m this ad ention ! Welter Plumbing Inc. All Plumbing & Sewer Licensed & Bonded Lic. # 11475 Lic. # 055-008817 (847) 965-1883 MICHAEL J. ATHANS, Ph.D. Child, Adolescent and Family Psychology 32 Main Street Park Ridge, IL 60068 (847) 823-4444 Rose’s Beauty Salon Permanent Wave Specialists Hair Color Specialist 7625 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles, IL 60714 847-583-7000 O’Neill Insurance Agency AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS KEVIN O’NEILL - Parishioner 6146 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60646 (773) 315-1621 6129 North Elston Ave. 773-763-4279 [email protected] Chicago “Our Family Serving Yours Since 1936” Clement J. Ryan — Michael C. Ryan 847-823-1171 512117 St Juliana Church (A) 120 S. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge 773-792-1811 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 · WORSHIP & SPIRITUAL LIFE · PAGE 2 Bereavement Ministry Music Ministry Christ Renews His Parish Eucharist Minister Family Liturgy Holy Hour of Adoration Lector/Commentator Liturgy Team Ministers of Care APRIL 5, 2015 Order of St. Francis Parish Council Servers/Ushers MINISTRY OF CARE TRAINING Ministers of Care are very special people who bring Communion to the homebound, those in nursing homes and rehab facili es and those who are hospitalized. GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, August 30, 2015 at 2:45pm at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 N. State Street. Couples married in 1965 interested in a ending this celebra on should contact their parish to register. For further informa on, call the Marriage and Family Ministries Office at 312.534.8351 or visit the website: Saint Juliana Parish is blessed with individuals who have accepted the call to be a part of this wonderful ministry, but there is always a need for more volunteers. To become a Minister of Care, the Archdiocese of Chicago requires a five week training course. Upon comple on of the course, par cipants are mandated to bring communion to the sick, homebound and hospitalized of our parish. Training will take place from Wednesday, April 8 through Wednesday May 6 at Presence Saint Benedict Nursing and Rehabilita on Center. The sessions will be on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 un l 9:00pm. If you are interested and would like more informa on, please speak with either Deacons Bob Ryan or Ed Dolan, Minister of Care Coordinators, or contact Pam Francisco at 773.631.2239 or [email protected]. QUOTES FROM POPE FRANCIS “Jesus is not a figure from the past: he con nues now and always to light the way for us.” ies op C e Fre World t u k O N ew c e Ch f the o Available in the ves bule of church “Having faith does not mean having no difficul es, but having the strength to face them, knowing we are not alone.” PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN DATES KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL MEETING The next Council business mee ng will take place on Wednesday, April 8 at Saint John Brebeuf Parish in the May Ministry Center at 7:30pm. Kelsey Margaret Murphy, daughter of John and Erin (McNeela) Murphy “I bap ze you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.” Mee ngs are only 60 minutes long and there is interes ng conversa on, informa on and the refreshments are terrific! Please join us! For more informa on or if you're interested in joining, contact parishioner Steve Baggio at 773.315.1621. · WORSHIP & SPIRITUAL LIFE · PAGE 3 APRIL 5, 2015 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:12a, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tue Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wed Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 69; Lk 24:13-35 Thu Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 59; Lk 24:35-48 Fri Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a; Jn 21:1-14 Sat Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14 -15ab, 16-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sun Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 G C FAQ #6 Is my credit card or bank informa on secure? Absolutely! GiveCentral adheres to the rules of security set forth by the Payment Card Industry (PCI) to prevent security breaches, and is fully PCI-compliant. We do not store your payment method data in the parish office and only you have complete control over whether parish administrators can view your confiden al card and bank informa on in GiveCentral. If you haven’t yet registered with for secure online dona ons, please do so today! Contact the parish office (773.631.4127 or email [email protected]) for assistance. A.D. THE BIBLE CONTINUES, which Catholic bishops and priests are strongly suppor ng. Appropriately, the series premieres on Easter Sunday night. The series is the follow-up to last year’s History Channel epic, THE BIBLE, which was seen by 100 million people. This one, with scripts ve ed by Cardinal Wuerl of Washington D.C. and Father Jonathan Morris of the Archdiocese of New York, will run for 12 consecu ve weeks on prime me NBC—the most watched TV network—and cover all the exci ng stories of Acts of the Apostles 1-10. So its evangelizing poten al is enormous! A.D. THE BIBLE CONTINUES is high ac on and filled to the brim with intrigue and poli cal drama, but en rely family friendly. A first-rate “Catholic Viewer’s Guide” (endorsed by both Cardinal Wuerl and Archbishop Gomez of L.A.) and other forma onal materials are available from Sophia Ins tute Press: PAGE 4 · CATHOLIC EDUCATION AND FORMATION · APRIL 5, 2015 CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENTS THROUGH SERVICE Our parish SPRED program is based on the idea of helping adults with developmental disabili es in our community learn about their faith. Each year we choose a theme and use it to help the SPRED members integrate the teachings of the church into their everyday lives. This year’s theme for our Tuesday night group is Accep ng God’s Love Through the Sacraments. We have been reviewing Bap sm, Holy Eucharist, Reconcilia on and Confirma on. One of our members, J.J. Barr, is working towards celebra ng his Confirma on in May. A main part of the journey to Confirma on is a service project. The SPRED members have always been ready and willing to serve their community. They have worked on the Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll sale, bought food for the parish food pantry and clipped coupons for families of service men and women. We wanted to do something special for J.J. to do as a personal service project. We decided to collect dona ons to make care packages for children who are in the hospital long term. Collec on buckets, decorated by the SPRED members will be available in the back of church. We are looking for NEW items such as crayons, coloring books, playing cards, games, small toys, books and DVD movies. J.J. will be checking the collec on buckets for donated items a er Mass the weekends of April 11/12 and April 18/19. You will be helping J.J. with his service project and giving children with chronic illness something to smile about. Thank you and God bless you all for your generosity and con nued support. Please keep J.J. and the members of SPRED in your prayers. · HUMAN CONCERNS · PAGE 5 APRIL 5, 2015 “Love is Our Home” Many gathered at the 5:00pm Mass on Valen ne’s Day to celebrate LOVE. This was the third annual Valen ne’s Mass hosted by the Marriage Enrichment Ministry. The theme this year, “Love is Our Home”, focused on the love that starts with a couple but grows into a family of love. Those that joined us for Mass came as couples, families and surviving spouses, bringing witness to the many genera ons of LOVE in our parish. Wedding (and family) pictures were again placed by the communion rail to enhance this special celebra on. Thanks to Father Steve and Deacon Ryan for celebra ng the Mass with us. We are also grateful to many from our parish family that enriched the evening with their par cipa on. The Longo and Simone families were in the lobby to offer a warm welcome to all. Deacon Ryan inspired us with his Homily. Immediately following the mass, Father Steve and Deacon Ryan “sprinkled” a blessing over all the families in a endance. Family names were placed on the altar at the Presenta on of the Gi s. These symbols can be seen in the back of church. Please, join us next year for the fourth annual Valenne’s Mass!! Marriage Enrichment Ministry Dianne and John Guest Chris and Al Kiefer Mary and Ken Gehrling Margie and Bob Shiel PAGE 6 · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · APRIL 5, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK PRAY FOR THOSE WHO SERVE Saturday, April 4 · Vigil of Easter United States Air Force Senior Airman Steve Czyz Airman 1st Class Christopher Earle SSGT Timothy D. Fonseca Major Franklin Shepherd Captain Claudine Ward Lt. Zachary Wiatr United States Army Captain Grant Banko PVT 1st Class Alisha Bernico SGT Jason Bono Captain Thomas W. Dorrel, Jr. PFC James Heiderman, Jr. PFC John R. Jimenez SPC Andrew L Kawula Captain Brian Lutz Major Michael Mannion Major Ryan Melby Col. John Moreth PVT 1st Class Marc Nunes LTC Kevin Powers Major Louis Rago, II PVT Benjamin Rios SSG Daniel Roche SGT Javier Sanchez Captain William Ryan Schober SPC Gregory Spina PVT John Walsh Major Kevin Ward Major Laura Wood SGT Daniel R. Zielinski United States Marines 1st LT. Katharine Dietz Captain Jack Kane LCPL P. J. McGrath PVT Michael A. Reyes SGT Francis J. Thierer LCPL Joseph F. Wallace United States Navy Cmdr. Susanne Connolly MA3 Michael Donnelly LT. Sean Driscoll Ensign Kevin Has ngs LCDR. Nathan Sco LT. Michael Sturm LTJG. Erin Sullivan Cmdr. John Tutwiler LT. Jennie Wood LT. Paul Wood United States Coast Guard SN Anthony Hanusiak 7:00 Stanley & Clara Czachorowski/Josephine O'Gara & Family/Theresa Sroka/Delores Hollis/John & Mary Lessner & Family/Tom & Stephanie Cappello/Edwin & Irene Szewczyk/Frances Cody/James, Kevin, Donald & Christopher Wolf/Tom & Delores Hollis/William Larides/Joseph & Aida Belluomini/Severini Family/Isola Family/Norm Boegel Sunday, April 5 ·Easter Sunday of the Resurrec on of the Lord 7:30 Sister Remy Schaul/Ceclia, William & Robert M. Schulte/Victoria & Henry Hagelauer, Sr./Frank & Mary Paskiewicz/Stephen, Henry & Eleanor Hagelauer/ Mary & Joseph Gorski/Shirley Gorski & Inten ons of Robert Gorski/Mary Rzany/ Leona Mueller/Deceased of the Prugar & Telma Families/Emily Schabelski/ Inten ons of Al & Mary Ann Mangano & Family/Stanislaw & Agata Wolinski/ Inten ons of Father Bob Grib, S.J./Inten ons of Jadwiga Perkowsi/Katarzyna Pacyniak/Anna Sturlis/Deceased of Link, Tobolik & Fitzmaurice Family 9:00 George, Ruth & Mary Lou Jess/Margaret & Rocco Maggio/Geri Waller/Michael & Eileen Farrelly/Inten ons of the Connolly Family/Maureen Esposito/Anna & Antoni Nowik/Gerald Pearson/Franklin Roycro /Frank & Julia Roycro /Harold & Marie Breider/Deceased of the Roycro , Breider & Lange Familes/Thomas T. Looney/Inten ons of Father Bob Grib, S.J./Fred J. Cwienkala/Florence Bargo/ Katarzyna Pacyniak/Anna Sturlis 10:30 Anna Swiderski/Anne Costello-McLaughlin/William & Stella Mowinski/Mary Cholewinski/Frank & Mary Filipowski/Joanne Hogan/Jean Czernecki/Joseph & Mary Danahy/John Paterno/Edmund Watkins/Inten ons of Father Bob Grib, S.J./ Robert C. Mester/Dorothy McDonald/Bonnie Steffen/Rudolph & Florence Micklich/John & Margaret Gaynor/Jerry Malooly/Katarzyna Pacyniak/Anna Sturlis 12:00 Marion Kopke/Wayne Kopke/LeRoy Kopke/John & Marie Osmolak/Helen Strysik/Frances F. Bruno/Anthony Wegmann/Michael J. Muellner/Patrick Connolly/Inten ons of Father Bob Grib, S.J./Katarzyna Pacyniak/Anna Sturlis Monday, April 6 · Chapel 7:00 Lore o Olson/Victor Ma ern 8:30 Deceased of Saint Juliana Parish 6:30 PM Chapel · Eucharis c Adora on Hour Tuesday, April 7 · Chapel 7:00 Peter Vukovitz/Dominic Branley/Tommy Feeney 8:30 Michael, Catherine, Kevin & Terence Noone/Artman & Fron er Family/Margaret Gaynor Wednesday, April 8 7:00 Chapel · Father’s Spiritual Bouquet 8:30 Church · Sam & Joe Spuccia/Peter Obermaier Thursday, April 9 · Chapel 7:00 Barbara Clinton Stewart 8:30 Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Friday, April 10· Chapel 7:00 Joseph Metler 8:30 Deceased of Saint Juliana Parish Saturday, April 11 · Church 8:30 Buenaventura Magat · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · PAGE 7 APRIL 5, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK CONTINUED Bonnie Campbell Saturday, April 11 · Church 5:00 Thomas Przyborski/Fred Krueger/Tom & Stephanie Cappello/Ashley Smiegowski/George & Helen Hickey/Joe & Mae Halpin/Mary Hahn/James, Kevin, Donald & Christopher Wolf/Bridie Uniacke/Jim Hanly Timothy Foley Dr. Jeffrey Pick Sunday, April 12 7:30 Sister Remy Schaul/John Cleary & Pa y Cleary/Victoria & Henry Hagelauer, Sr./Frank & Mary Paskiewicz/Stephen, Henry & Eleanor Hagelauer/Mary & Joseph Gorski/Shirley Gorski & Inten ons of Robert Gorski/Mary Rzany/ Jennie Cappa/Prudy Denisi/Esther Messina/Leona Mueller/Anne Bazarek/ Tom & Joanne Melzl/Patrick Fleming/Roy Sparr 9:00 George, Ruth & Mary Lou Jess/Antonino LaCorte/Robert J. Helm/Helen Michuski/Helen Gregie/Virgie, Linda & Lawrence Smith/Inten ons of the Connolly Family/Maureen Esposito/Stefan Gwozdz & Stefania Gwozdz ALTAR LINENS April 4/5 Jane e Byron April 11/12 Janie Fallon 10:30 Anna Swiderski/Mary & Cliff Thornton/Robert C. Mester/Inten ons of Robert C. Allen 12:00 Anthony Muscolino & the Inten ons of the Muscolino Family/Frances F. Bruno/Michael Muellner/Michael McDonnell WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE · APRIL 11/12 Saturday 5:00pm Celebrant Fr. Steve S Pray for Our Sick Wayne Alaspa Marge Arbogast Paul Backman Jolanta Bialbrzewski Megan Brennan Gayle Brown Sam Bruno Patricia B. Blakenship John Bowler, Sr. Millie Byrne Bonnie Campbell Jean Carter Maureen Cavanaugh Msgr. William Clausen John E. Cook Sue Coston Bea Dapper Al DeLorenzo Paco Delrio Elaine H. Dieschbourg Mary Djonlich John & Denise Doherty Lenore Doughty Fran Draths Sunday 7:30am Fr. Steve Sunday 9:00am Fr. Steve S Father Phil Dressler Helen Drust Rosa Dugo Gerard Epifanio Ziggy Estka Nick Fahey Beth Fitzgerald Claude e Fitzmaurice Tom Fleischhacker Helen Flood Joaquin Gamboa Jean Goodrich Peggy Halloran Patricia Hanlon Bill Heffernan Jack Hever William Kaczkowski Michael Karalis Frank & Jospehine Karl Baby Liam Kelly Ken & Janet Kilian Rose Kinzle Pearl Klein Baby Braeden Klotz Terri Dapper Koncos Sunday 10:30am Fr. Steve Sunday 12:00pm Fr. Steve in the Chapel Mondays From 6:30 - 7:30pm C Judy Kopp Therese Kowal Maria Kuc Ernest Kurtz Michael Langford Martha Lazaro Helen Leonard Bob Losinski Anna Luczak James Luczak Cathy Lutz Walter Mason Mary McDonagh Nora McGeean Bob McIntyre Connor McKenna/child Florence Metler Michelle Michaels W. Nancy Michna Emilie Mierzwa Vivian Morrissey Luke Muellner/child Connie Nordmoe Florence Olszowka Marilyn O’Flaherty Noreen O’Grady Dan O’Neill Katlynn O’Reilly Angel & Kathy Orlando Donald W. Pack Mary Palacz Bobby Pienta Tyler Pla /child Rita Pleines Andrew Prociuk Eileen Quinn Ryan Ran Joseph Rolla, Sr. Kayla Reardon Richard Riccio Rev. Michael Rock Benjamin Runge Adam Sanchez/child John P. Schwab Michael Schwab Frank Seiser Evelyn Slupik Margaret Smith Robert Smith Andrea Soehn Josephine Sokulski Meg Stevens Marion S ens Mary Su on William Sweeney Mirroslaw Swiderski Alice Thomas Les Torrey Ronald Trytek Baby Alison Turek Tom Waldron Amy Walsh Marge Welter Ted Woosley Paul Wrezel Evelyn Yore Joseph Zicarelli Jeanine Zycwiciel New to Prayer List Elizabeth Maher Susan Maher Mike Ryan PAGE 8 · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · CATCHING UP WITH FIRST GRADE Saint Juliana School’s first grade was very busy in the month of February. Some of the children’s ac vi es included: • A celebra on of 100 days of school • Learning about the presidents • Having a great Valen ne’s Day celebra on APRIL 5, 2015 · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · PAGE 9 FRIENDSHIP CLUB 50+ JOYFUL NOW What? Joyful Now is hosted for all widows and widowers in the parish When? Our next mee ng will be held on Monday, April 6 Time? 10:00 a.m. APRIL 5, 2015 THURSDAY, APRIL 9 AT 1:30 PM Friendship Club Mee ng Thursday, April 9 at 1:30pm in the Parish Center 7200 N. Osceola. Enjoy a book review by Mrs. Kathleen Barton, former principal of Saint Juliana School. If you have any ques ons, please call Joyce Browne at 773.631.4127. Where? Parish Center – 7200 N. Osceola Event: Speaking at this mee ng will be Mary Petrash. Her topic will be: ‘Working in the Movies – Not All Glamour’. Mary and her family have had experience in this area which will prove to be a most interes ng talk. Please join us; we are a most welcoming group and feel free to bring a friend. Ques ons? Please call Joyce Browne at the Parish Center 773.631.4127 or email [email protected] H S C T S Place: Date: Price: J F C Hollywood Casino in Aurora Tuesday, April 28 $20.00 per person includes Buffet Lunch Bus will arrive around 9:30am and will leave promptly at 10:00am from the front of church. We will arrive at the Casino approximately 11:00am and leave at 3:00pm.To reserve your seat please call Lorraine Stukenberg at 773.774.7040. All reserva ons must be in by Thursday, April 23. W O C Thank you for your support! MOTHERS’ CLUB CALENDAR LOTTERY 1 2 3 4 243 113 54 828 592 76 10 Winning Calendar Numbers Father Roger Michael Smyth Gibbons Family Susan Accardi Michael Fiore Mike McGrath Mary Jo Savino Sunday & Holy Day Offerings Fiscal Year 2015 2014 2013 FY2015 Week #38 $ 14,583 $ 12,575 $ 11,671 FY2015 to Budget $ (87,663) $ (75,124) $ (75,669) FYTD* 19.0% *Percentage of Sunday Offerings paid through Give Central this year. Our goal is 30%. Please register today at Addi onal Offerings Church in Europe $ 1,072 Accessibility Fund FYTD $ 4,839 Parish Projects FYTD $ 35,865 School Support Fund FYTD $ 12,882 D O · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · Please join parishioners/hosts Cindy and Jack Brennan FOR THE 3RD ANNUAL CANDY DAYS KICKOFF FUNDRAISER The Gale Street Inn · 4917 N. Milwaukee Ave Tuesday, April 14 from 6:00 un l 9:00pm with Special Guest ELVIS $50 per person includes Buffet Dinner, Beer and So Drinks All proceeds benefit the Children and Adult Residents of Misericordia Tickets: or Kris McDonell at 773.495.5555 School Hall & Ahearn Activity Center Doors Open 4:30pm Games Begin 6:40pm $4500 + in Raffles & Bingo Prizes!!! Apr 5 · Easter Apr 6 · Joyful Now · April 8 · ·S T D Apr 9 · MISERICORDIA CANDY DAYS Friday, April 24 & Saturday, April 25 Call Jack & Cindy Brennan At 773.330.8503 Cash & Carry Monday - Friday 8:00 - 10:00am Orders Are Placed on Tuesday Available on Friday Minister of Care Training Knights of Columbus Mee ng at St. John Brebeuf Sit & Knit/Friendship Club Apr 13 · Men’s Club Mee ng Apr 14 · Cancer Support Mee ng Apr 15 · Saint Juliana School Open House Apr 16 · Tots & Company Apr 19 · SVDP Don Meersman Food Drive Apr 21 · Bap smal Prep Mee ng Apr 25 · First Communion May 4 · Joyful Now May 7 · Confirma on May 11 · Men’s Club Mee ng May 12 · Cancer Support Group May 14 · Sit& Knit/Friendship Club May 30 · Trojan Trot What will become of your property at death? If it is not needed by heirs, consider leaving it to Saint Juliana Parish. Learn more at
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