September 20, 2015 - St Juliana Parish
September 20, 2015 - St Juliana Parish
· WORSHIP & SPIRITUAL LIFE · PAGE 2 Bereavement Ministry Music Ministry Christ Renews His Parish Eucharist Minister Family Liturgy Holy Hour of Adoration TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Lector/Commentator Liturgy Team Ministers of Care SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 Order of St. Francis Parish Council Servers/Ushers BIBLE STUDY PLANNING SESSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 AT 6:30PM IN THE PARISH CENTER WITH OUR DEAR DEACON DOLAN “Wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield.” Praying for wisdom will help you yield to Christ’s choice of you, should He extend to you the gi of a voca on to the consecrated life or priesthood. If you are discerning your voca on, contact Father Francis Bi erman at 312. 534.8298 or i [email protected]. ALTAR SERVERS LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER FOR MINISTRY OF CARE TRAINING Ministry of Care training will be offered to Saint Juliana parishioners, who are interested in bringing the Eucharist to the sick, homebound and hospitalized of our parish. Comple on of this course qualifies you to receive the Archdiocesan mandate to become a Minister of Care. There is no cost to those interested. The parish will take care of the cost. Registra on is necessary, so if you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 773.631.4127 BY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. We would like to offer VIRTUS trained adults and high school students the opportunity to become altar servers for our Saint Juliana Parish Community. We are interested in finding adults and high school students who might be interested in serving Mass for funerals in the summer and during winter and spring breaks when our 7th & 8th grade servers are not always available. This opportunity is open to both male and female adults and students. If you are interested in this ministry, please call the Parish Office. Once we have a list of people who are interested and have par cipated in the VIRTUS Program, we will set a date for altar server training. • • • • The VIRTUS Program is a training program from the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Safe Environment Office which includes the Office for the Protec on of Children and Youth. All adult employees and volunteers over the age of 18 who work with children and young people are required to par cipate in this training. VIRTUS training is conducted by a cer fied facilitator regarding the protecon of children from ALL abuse. VIRTUS is ongoing educa on on how to recognize the signs of all forms of abuse of children, youth and endangered adults Training will take place at Saint Juliana Parish on Thursday, October 1 from 7:00 - 9:30pm in the Parish Center. Please call the parish office (773.631.4127) to register to a end the training. · WORSHIP & SPIRITUAL LIFE · PAGE 3 READINGS FOR THE WEEK SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 Mar n Joseph Diskin, son of Brian and Deedra (Ignarski) Diskin Mon Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2 -5; Mt 9:9-13 Tue Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 8:19-21 Wed Ezr 9:5-9; Tb:13:2, 3-4, 7- Madison Leah-Maureen Frangiamore, daughter of Thomas and Karolin (Infante) Frangiamore “I bapƟze you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.” 8; Lk 9:1-6 Thu Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 9:7-9 Fri Hg 2:1-9; Ps 43:1-4; Lk 9:18-22 Sat Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-12ab, 13; Lk 9:43b -45 Sun Nm 11:25-29; Ps 19:8, 10, 12-14; Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 ’TIS THE GIFT TO BE SIMPLE The Shaker hymn describes a circular journey from innocence to innocence with characteris c brevity: ’Tis the giŌ to be simple, ’Ɵs the giŌ to be free. ’Tis the giŌ to come down where we ought to be. This journey is easier sung about than done. It takes humility and me to recover a second innocence. Titles, posi ons of honor, money, and power are not requirements of the kingdom of God. Jesus says and demonstrates in today’s Gospel that members of God’s kingdom must hold in their embrace the most inconsequen al of persons, for that person is iden fied with Jesus. This a tude ran counter to the intui on of the world of Jesus’ me, as it does in ours. The simplicity set forth by Jesus requires the shedding of unnecessary, unimportant, false, and burdensome a achments that earthly power demands. Membership in the Kingdom is light enough to put a song in our heart. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. III Jeff A. Lewkowicz & Edith Rozycki III Sco Snyder & Jessica A. Patera II Yale J. Loiacono & Kissa Sims II Antonino Brancato & Erica L. Powalish I Grant M. Sheldon & Elizabeth A. Appelt I Jose Rosa & Patricia Godinez Treasures From Our Tradi on...Toward the end of the second century, a churchman in North Africa, Tertullian, described an early form of penance. Imagine if it had survived! There were three steps to this very public ritual. The unfortunate sinner was brought before the community in an itchy garment of goat’s hair. The communi es of the day were small and in mate, and everyone knew everyone else. The shame of exposure for a big sin—murder, idolatry, or adultery—would have been profound. The penitent would beg the community for prayers of intercession, and then go sit in a place assigned to penitents. A er this public confession, the penitent would be assigned some discipline, usually a relavely severe fast, or the wearing of dis nc ve garb. This remedy for sin was for a certain period of me, or at least un l the bishop (every small community has its own bishop) judged that enough was enough. Then the person would be readmi ed to the eucharis c community, although Tertullian doesn’t tell us how. Probably the bishop tenderly placed his hands on their heads, precisely where they were anointed at bap sm. We do know that the readmission of penitents to the eucharis c table became in some churches a great celebra on, and there are records from Spain of bishops leading penitents in a dance like processional into the eucharis c hall on Holy Thursday. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. PAGE 4 · CATHOLIC EDUCATION AND FORMATION · 4TH GRADE OFF TO A WONDERFUL START 4th Graders Embark on New "Learning Adventure"... The 4th grade students of Saint Juliana School are off to a wonderful start - crea ng "Facebook" themed projects to introduce themselves, and composing Learning Adventure Suitcases that express their goals and hopes for the new school year. This is a year of increased challenges and responsibility for these bright young people; please pray for God's blessing upon them as they con nue on their daily journey of learning and faith forma on! SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · PAGE 5 SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 SNOW SHOVELING CUB SCOUT SPAGHETTI DINNER Please Note: We regret to inform you that for the safety of our children and possible legalies, our snow shoveling program will no longer be in effect. SAVE THE DATE NOVEMBER 7 4:00 UNTIL 8:00PM MMM...DELICIOUS! MISSIONARY SPIRIT TEAM OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE Our next Uncle Pete’s Collection is Tuesday, October 13, so mark your calendars. Here’s a look ahead: • October 13 • November 21 • December ? G C Uncle Pete’s Sack Dinner Collection Feed My Starving Children Christmas Sharing Program (New for our team which was formerly done by the Liturgy Team) FAQ #2 I really want to sign-up but I’m not that good with computers. Can you help me? Absolutely! You can come in to the parish office or call 773.631.4127. Have your payment informa on (credit/debit card or checking/savings account) handy and we’ll help you get started. There’s also an enrollment form included in the bi-monthly envelope package, and online at You can fill that out and drop it in the collec on basket or at the parish office. NO PROBLEM IS HELPLESS IS … ! For alcohol and/or drug problems, call for confiden al help or informa on Emme McGovern 773.792.1469 Vic Switski 773.775.7987 Bill Steiner 773.792.0281 Paul Trudeau 847.696.4835 A M • • • P C AA meets Thursdays · 8:30 to 9:30pm Recovery Mee ng - Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:00pm for those suffering from anxiety disorders A 12-Step Mee ng - Fridays from 7:30 - 8:00pm for female survivors of incest PAGE 6 · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK PRAY FOR THOSE WHO SERVE Saturday, September 19 United States Air Force Senior Airman Steve Czyz Airman 1st Class Christopher Earle SSGT Timothy D. Fonseca Major Franklin Shepherd Captain Claudine Ward Lt. Zachary Wiatr United States Army Captain Grant Banko PVT 1st Class Alisha Bernico SGT Jason Bono Captain Thomas W. Dorrel, Jr. PFC James Heiderman, Jr. PFC John R. Jimenez SPC Andrew L Kawula Captain Brian Lutz Major Michael Mannion Major Ryan Melby Col. John Moreth SPC Marc Nunes LTC Kevin Powers Major Louis Rago, II PVT Benjamin Rios SSG Daniel Roche SGT Javier Sanchez SPC Gregory Spina PVT John Walsh Major Kevin Ward Major Laura Wood SGT Daniel R. Zielinski United States Marines 1st LT. Katharine Dietz LCPL P. J. McGrath PVT Michael A. Reyes SGT Francis J. Thierer LCPL Joseph F. Wallace United States Navy Cmdr. Susanne Connolly MA3 Michael Donnelly LT. Sean Driscoll Ensign Thomas G. Flavin Ensign Kevin Has ngs LCDR. Nathan Sco LT. Michael Sturm LT. Erin Sullivan Cmdr. John Tutwiler LT. Jennie Wood LT. Paul Wood United States Coast Guard SN Anthony Hanusiak 5:00 Tom & Stephanie Cappello/Alan Karl/Christopher, Jennifer & Ervin Palacz/Genowefa & Eugene Piatek/Jack & Claude e Fitzmaurice/Bill O'Connell/James, Kevin, Donald & Christopher Wolf/Danny Kowalski/ Joan Wodnicki/Patricia, Sam & Baby Joseph Savino/Gregory Creason Sunday, September 20 7:30 S Remy Schaul/Pa y Cleary/Jerome Stopa/Mary Rzany/Leona Mueller/ Bud Sabres/Frances & Louis Vonder Heide/Mary & Joseph Gorski/Shirley Gorski/Inten ons of Robert Gorski/Frank & Mary Paskiewicz/Henry Hagelauer, Sr./Henry Hagelauer, Jr./Eleanor & Stephen Hagelauer/ Victoria Hagelauer/Loraine Hagelauer/Loraine Cichon/Merri Ziolkowski/ Harry & Chester Perkowski/Patrick O'Donnell 9:00 George, Ruth & Mary Lou Jess/Maureen Esposito/Irma M. Radzin/ Inten ons of the Connolly Family/Tony LaCorte 10:30 Jean McNulty/Brennan & Nyhan Families/Anna Swiderski/Tess Mullen/ Leonard Plantz/Robert C. Mester/Nora McGeean/Inten ons of Christopher & Kris na Pavlakis & Family 12:00 Frances F. Bruno/Wegmann & Zimmermann Families/Catherine Hoeh/ Nicholas Cole a/Vincent McEnaney, Sr. Monday, September 21 · Chapel 7:00 O o J. Nerad 8:30 Ma Riley/Nena Larocco/Jack Maher & Inten ons of Rosemarie Maher 6:30 PM Chapel · Eucharis c Adora on Hour Tuesday, September 22 · Chapel 7:00 Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet 8:30 Michael & Eileen Farrelly/Tom Losinski Wednesday, September 23 7:00 Chapel · Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet 8:30 Church · Teresa Gallan Thursday, September 24 · Chapel 7:00 Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet 8:30 Jack Maher/Michael Kennelly/Emme Kelly Friday, September 25 · Chapel 7:00 Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet 8:30 Jim Halpin Saturday, September 26 · Church 8:30 Deceased of Saint Juliana Parish 12:00 Jeff A. Lewkowicz and Edith Rozycki · Wedding 3:00 Sco Snyder and Jessica Patera · Wedding 5:00 Roger & Tim Hejza/Helen Korczyk/Thomas Przyborski/Tom & Stephanie Cappello/Lillian White/Barb Stefanczyk Serviss/James, Kevin, Donald & Christopher /Joan Wodnicki/Jack & Claude e Fitzmaurice/Helen Lynch/ Joseph & Sophie Motyka/Rita Pleines/Michael Ryan/Geraldine Waller and Inten ons of Kenneth Waller/Cheryl Mancuso · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · PAGE 7 SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK CONTINUED Sunday, September 27 Catherine Mangano 7:30 Sister Remy Schaul/Ceclia, William & Robert M. Schulte/John Cleary & Pa y Cleary/Mary Rzany/John Ruchalski/Jennie Cappa/Antenore & Messina Families/Leona Mueller/Ed Earle/Emily Schabelski/Ginny Bellavia/Lillian White/Mary & Joseph Gorski/Shirley Gorski/Inten ons of Robert Gorski/Frank & Mary Paskiewicz/Henry Hagelauer, Sr./Henry Hagelauer, Jr./Eleanor & Stephen Hagelauer/Victoria Hagelauer/Loraine Hagelauer/Loraine Cichon/Patrick O'Donnell/Dolores Frantz/Catherine Mangano 9:00 Mar n Staunton/George, Ruth & Mary Lou Jess/Peggy Lameka/Lou Schoenfeldt/John Andrys/Maureen Esposito/Irma M. Radzin/Inten ons of the Connolly Family/Ka e Gavin/Timothy Foley/Joseph Kadlec/Annie Naughton/Helen & Joe Michuski 10:30 SPRED Mass · Anna Swiderski/Tess Mullen/Robert C. Mester/Diane Evere /Kevin Gillespie/Nora McGeean/Therese Mullen/Joseph Zacarelli/ Wayne H. Reiker Bryan Palm Allen Zak A L September 19/20 Be y Howle September 26/27 Lori Bielawski 12:00 Frances F. Bruno/Jack Lally/Siobhan Culloty/Rudolph Micklich/Theodore Buganski/Elaine Dieschbourg/Pat Malone/Mary McDonaugh/Anthony Muscolino/Richard Scherer/Rudolph Micklich/Angela Sander/Darlene Mehegan WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE · SEPTEMBER 26/27 Saturday 5:00pm Celebrant Fr. Tomzik Pray for Our Sick Wayne Alaspa Marge Arbogast Paul Backman Jolanta Bialbrzewski Anne Bobko Megan Brennan Gayle Brown Sam Bruno Patricia B. Blakenship John Bowler, Sr. Millie Byrne Jean Carter Maureen Cavanaugh Msgr. William Clausen John E. Cook Sue Coston John Cradick Bea Dapper Al DeLorenzo Paco Delrio Mary Djonlich John & Denise Doherty Lenore Doughty Fran Draths Sunday 7:30am Sunday 9:00am Sunday 10:30am Sunday 12:00pm in the Chapel Mondays 6:30 - 7:30pm Fr. Dressler Fr. Beaven Fr. Mhagama Fr. Caplis Rosa Dugo Gerard Epifanio Ziggy Estka Ginny Evert Nick Fahey Beth Fitzgerald Tom Fleischhacker Helen Flood Joaquin Gamboa Jean Goodrich Marilynn Gustafson Peggy Halloran Patricia Hanlon Meghan Healy Bill Heffernan Maggie Honan · Child Marlena Ico William Kaczkowski Michael Karalis Frank & Josephine Karl Ken Kilian Rose Kinzle Pearl Klein Baby Braeden Klotz Terri Dapper Koncos Judy Kopp Therese Kowal Maria Kuc Sylvia LaCorte Michael Langford Martha Lazaro Bob Losinski James Luczak Cathy Lutz Wally Lynch Elizabeth Maher Susan Maher Don Marcoux Walter Mason Bob McIntyre Connor McKenna/child Florence Metler Michelle Michaels Nancy Michna Emilie Mierzwa Connie Nordmoe Mary Oates Rich & Bunny Olson Florence Olszowka Marilyn O’Flaherty Noreen O’Grady Dan O’Neill Katlynn O’Reilly Angel & Kathy Orlando Baby Cameron Ousley Donald W. Pack Mary Palacz Bobby Pienta Tyler Pla /child Andrew Prociuk Eileen Quinn Ryan Ran Isabel Rapacz Bill Reinhardt Kayla Reardon Richard Riccio Benjamin Runge Lore a Russell Adam Sanchez/child Adolph Schilinski John P. Schwab Michael Schwab Frank Seiser Margaret Smith Robert Smith Andrea Soehn Josephine Sokulski Ann Strack Meg Stevens Marion S ens Mary Su on William Sweeney Miroslaw Swiderski Alice Thomas Les Torrey Ronald Trytek Baby Alison Turek Tish Vanoni Tom Waldron Kenneth Waller Amy Walsh Jayne Walsh Marge Welter Ted Woosley Paul Wrezel Jeanine Zycwiciel Diane Zykowski New to Prayer List Judith Snyder · PARISH COMMUNITY & SUPPORT · PAGE 8 Athletic Association Bingo SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 Coffee, Tea & Thee Fine Arts Association MOTHERS’ CLUB CALENDAR LOTTERY Mothers’ Club Welcoming Committee YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 Winning Calendar Numbers 106 737 94 160 194 250 110 Don King Scotty Adamczyk Michele Hejza Mary Newberg Jeremy & Kat Walsh Miriam Bryant Tom & Therese Oates • • • • • • • • LÙÄ Êçã Êç٠îĮÝãÙ®Ý Ä ÝÊ®½ ã®ò®ã®Ý EĹÊù ½®®ÊçÝ BÙ»¥Ýã W½Êà Nó Pٮݫ®ÊÄÙÝ F½ç S«ÊãÝ Ä B½ÊÊ PÙÝÝçÙ SÙĮĦ ó®½½ ò®½½ SÊçãÝ PÊÖÊÙÄ S½ TRIP CÙ㮥®ãÝ RÖÙÝÄãã®òÝ ¥ÙÊà òÙ®ÊçÝ H®¦« S«Êʽ RÊÄÄã ó®ã« O½ FÙ®ÄÝ DRURY LANE THEATRE WHITE CHRISTMAS SORRY… TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT W O C Thank you for your support! Sunday & Holy Day Offerings Fiscal Year 2016 SEPTEMBER 23 2015 Fiscal Year Week #11 $ 13,282 $ 17,117 Fiscal Year to Budget $ (36,804) $ (36,218) Fiscal Year* 20.4% *Percentage of Sunday Offerings paid online. Our goal is 30%. Please register today at D Addi onal Offerings Parish Projects FY $ 9,680 School Support Fund FY $ 4,749 O PAGE 9 Date: Time: Where: · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 All Moms, Dads & Grandparents are invited to join us! Thursday, September 24, 2015 9:30 – 11:00am School Extended Care Room (Room 12) We want you to know that we invite ANYONE who is home caring for young children to join the group. While the tots are having fun, moms, dads, grandparents or babysitters can get together for some adult conversation. Coffee and...will be provided. Questions, please call Joyce Browne 773.631.4127 Tots and Company is held once a month in the school extended care room (room 12). Please ring the extended care room doorbell located on the northwest door on Osceola Ave. Calendar Dates: September 24 November 19 February 18 April 21 October 15 January 21 March 17 May 19 · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · The Women's Center is a problem pregnancy help center. Because of the care and concern of our staff, volunteers, and benefactors, each year over 1,000 women who feel abor on is their only choice, decide in favor of life. We provide prac cal help, including counseling, clothing, baby furniture, referral services, etc. as needed. Looking for service hours, resume building, mee ng super nice people or just wan ng to make a difference for the pro-life cause? The Women’s Center is looking for new volunteers Mondays-Fridays at our Cicero Ave loca on. In an cipa on of “Respect Life Month” in October, please consider hos ng a baby shower for mothers and babies. (We can especially use new baby clothes 0-3 months, new bibs, crib bedding, baby and mother hygiene products and disposable diapers in sizes newborn, 1, 4, 5, and 6). For more informa on contact Paige at 773.794.8807 or pscarle Cash & Carry Monday - Friday 8:00 - 10:00am If you are unable make it to the office during those hours, consider ordering online at ·S T D · Ahearn Activity Center Doors Open 4:30pm Games Begin 6:40pm $4500 + in Raffles & Bingo Prizes!!! Sept 21 · Bible Study Meeting Sept 22 · Missionary Spirit Team Meeting Sept 24 · Tots & Company Oct 1 · Virtus Training Oct 4 · 9am Family Mass/MINISTRY FAIR Oct 5 · Joyful Now Meeting Oct 8 · Sit & Knit/Friendship Club Meeting Oct 12 · Men’s Club Meeting Oct 15 · Tots & Company Oct 20 · Baptism Prep Meeting Oct 22 · Mother’s Club Meeting Oct 27 · Missionary Spirit Team Meeting Nov 1 · Coffee, Tea & Thee Nov 7 · Cub Scout Annual Spaghetti Dinner Orders entered online by 9:30am will be filled that day. If you have any ques ons call Lynn Gibbons at 773.631.4127 ext. 25 or email [email protected]. By remembering Saint Juliana Parish in your will, you help us con nue to offer our ministries. Learn more at ED THE PLUMBER PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ED THE CARPENTER ........ Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH 8025 W. Golf Rd. Niles (847) 581-0536 6250 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago (773) 774-0366 We Do All Our Own Work ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 773-471-1444 *First Three Months Lauren E. Schultz, DDS 933 N. Northwest Hwy Park Ridge, IL 60068 847.698.1199 STUARTS LAWN CARE LANDSCAPING & TREE REMOVAL Design • Shrubs • Sod • Tree & Bricks Senior Citizen Discount - First Time Only St. Juliana Parishioner (773) 631-0055 773-792-0433 WWW.TONYSDELIANDSUBS.COM A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Kevin M. O’Donnell, Ltd. Attorneys at Law Estate Planning • Business • Probate Real Estate • Tax TONY’S ITALIAN DELI & SUBS 6708 N. NORTHWEST HWY. Jesus A to Z 350 S. Northwest Hwy., Ste. 102, Park Ridge, Illinois Over 26 Years Experience (847) 692-3400 847-698-1177 John A. Ranieri, D.D.S., M.S. Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 • 933 N. Northwest Hwy Park Ridge, IL 60068 Complete Dentistry for the Entire Family Evening & Saturday Hours Available A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 Joanne & Roger Hejza 7307 W. Howard St. Chicago, IL 60631 Century 21 McMullen Real Estate Harlem & NW Hwy. 773-763-1528 773.297.8300 E-Mail [email protected] JOHN & DIANNE GUEST JACK GUEST I. D. # 356524 The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-621-5197 JOHN M. SISTO, D.D.S. Oral Surgery • Dental Implants 350 S. Northwest Hwy. Ste. 118, Park Ridge (847) 696-4848 • ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Off. 847-233-7395 Res. 773-631-7768 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! E. J. SIEVERS CO. Plumbing - Heating - Service & Installation Lic. No. 3536 M 9209 B. Ivanhoe, Schiller Park, IL Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 512117 St Juliana Church (B) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Laura M. Shea, D.P.M. Parishioner Comprehensive Foot and Ankle Care for the Entire Family Dr. Michele T. Bogacki FAMILY DENTISTRY 111 S.Washington Ave., Ste. 103 • Park Ridge, IL • New Patients Welcome (847) 993-7423 | • Evening/Saturday Hours • Emergency Care • All Ages Welcome MARY ELLEN “O’HARA” CONSIDINE Nee: Caplis Cell # (773) 704-4250 V. Mail (773) 687-5181 [email protected] Patrick & Sons Plumbing & Sewers • Repairs • Remodeling • Rodding • Hot Water Tanks • Boilers Patrick Broderick 773-699-1819 10% Sr. Disc. Lic.# 058185315 VIA GALANTE CEMENT CONTRACTORS, INC. AVENUES THRIFT SHOPPE Donate & Shop to Support Adults with Disabilities 4452 N. Central Ave. Chicago 7710 W. Touhy, Chicago 773-777-4800 773-631-6230 COLDWELL BANKER • Patios • Driveways • Steps • Stoops • Sidewalks • Flatwork • Stamped Concrete • Garage Floors Ph: 773-589-9893 • Free Estimates / Sr. Citizen Discount DIPLOMAT TRAVEL AGENCY Niles Animal Hospital “YOUR AMBASSADOR FOR TRAVEL” 6835 W. HIGGINS AVE., CHICAGO, IL 60656 Appointments: (847) 647-9325 773-774-2727 A FULL SERVICE TRAVEL AGENCY Est. 1964 7278 N. Milwaukee Ave. and Bird Medical Center Nurturing the Spirit Preserving Dignity Celebrating Individuality NUZZO SEWER & PLUMBING INC. 708-456-7300 Power Rodding 773-625-6280 All Sewer & Plumbing Repairs & Installation Specializing in Flood Control • Correcting Low Water Pressure Video Sewer & Locating Service Lic. # 14636 Lic. # 055-024301 PAUL A. MEYER, D.O. MICHAEL J. MEYER, D.O. Physicians and Surgeons, Osteopathic Board Certified Family Practice Hours By Appointment Oak Mill Mall, Ste. 2-23 847-966-9878 7900 N. Milwaukee Ave., Niles FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 Cooney Funeral Home & Cremation Services 3918 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago 625 Busse Highway, Park Ridge 773-588-5850 847-685-1002 Heating and Cooling Service & Installation of Furnaces • Boilers • Air Conditioning All Floor Coverings U-HAUL AUTHORIZED DEALER Free Estimates • Same Day Service 10% Parishioner Discount 6010 Northwest Highway, Chicago 773-631-4193 Michael Higgs 773.620.2186 ORI BROTHERS FLOORING, INC. SKAJA TERRACE FUNERAL HOME Family Owned Since 1926 • Pre-Need Arrangements & Cremations 7812 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles • (847) 966-7302 7715 W. Route 14 Crystal Lake • (815) 455-2233 SKOKIE AUTOMOTIVE CORP. Electrical Systems Our Specialty COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE CENTER 7254 N. Milwaukee Niles, Illinois Dr. Elise Grandinetti-Adley, D.D.S. Dr. Samuel Grandinetti, D.D.S. Phones: Niles 847- 647-9320 Chicago: 773-631-1199 Suerth FUNERAL HOME Family Dental Care 7215 W. Touhy Ave. (773) 775-3431 Family Owned & Operated at the Same Location Since 1927 Dennis S. Krawzak • Donald R. Krawsak Peter T. Heneghan, Parishioner Nancy K. Haran 773-631-1240 Welter Plumbing Inc. All Plumbing & Sewer Licensed & Bonded Lic. # 11475 Lic. # 055-008817 (847) 965-1883 MICHAEL J. ATHANS, Ph.D. Child, Adolescent and Family Psychology 32 Main Street Park Ridge, IL 60068 (847) 823-4444 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal 6754 W. Northwest Highway An ideal companion for personal prayer. Steven Baggio Agent Parishioner In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Permanent Wave Specialists CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Hair Color Specialist Rose’s Beauty Salon 6146 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60646 (773) 315-1621 7625 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles, IL 60714 847-583-7000 [email protected] 800-566-6150 • “Our Family Serving Yours Since 1936” Clement J. Ryan — Michael C. Ryan 847-823-1171 512117 St Juliana Church (A) 120 S. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge 773-792-1811 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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