March 13, 2016 - St Juliana Parish
March 13, 2016 - St Juliana Parish
Mass Schedule Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 A.M. and 12:00 Noon Saturday for Sunday Obligation SAINT JULIANA PARISH 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday in Chapel 7:00 and 8:30 A.M. Saturday Morning in Church 8:30 A.M. Holy Days in Church 7:00, 8:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. “COME WALK TOGETHER THE WAY OF CHRIST” Reconciliation Saturday following 8:30 A.M. Mass and 4:00 to 4:30 P.M. in Reconcilia on Room of church or call for appointment. Baptisms First and third Sundays of each month at 1:30 P.M. in church. Arrangements must be made at parish business office at least one month in advance. First- me parents and parents new to our parish must a end a prepara on mee ng at 7:00 P.M. on the third Tuesday of any month prior to the Bap sm. Weddings Arrangements by appointment with a priest should be made at least six months in advance of the wedding day. Church 7201 N Oketo Avenue Chapel 7200 N Osceola Avenue Rectory 7158 N Osceola Avenue · Tel 773.631.4386 Administrator: Rev. Robert Beaven Associate Pastor: Rev. Laurent K. Mhagama Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Donald J. Ahearn Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Philip Dressler Re red Associate: Rev. Roger Caplis Deacon Couples: Elizabeth and Edward Dolan Margaret and Robert Ryan Parish Center & Business Office 7200 N Osceola Avenue · Chicago, IL 60631 Tel 773.631.4127 · Fax 773.631.4150 · Pastoral Associate: Pam Francisco, D.R.E · 773.631.2239 Music Director: Margie Shiel · 773.774.4956 Business Manager: Jeanne Anderson Health Coordinator: Cindy Brennan Parish Services: Joyce Browne Administra ve Assistant: Diane Holmen Bulle n Editor: Claude e Link Saint Juliana School 7400 W Touhy Avenue · Chicago, IL 60631 Tel 773.631.2256 · Fax 773.631.1125 · Principal: Katrina A. McDermo FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 13, 2016 I CONSIDER EVERYTHING AS A LOSS BECAUSE OF THE SUPREME GOOD OF KNOWING CHRIST JESUS MY LORD. — PHILIPPIANS 3:8 PAGE 2 Bereavement Ministry Music Ministry Christ Renews His Parish · WORSHIP & SPIRITUAL LIFE · Eucharist Minister Family Liturgy Holy Hour of Adoration Lector/Commentator Liturgy Team Ministers of Care MARCH 13, 2016 Order of St. Francis Parish Council Servers/Ushers PARISH PENANCE SERVICES Monday, March 21 1:30 and 7:00pm In Church THE GIFT OF RECONCILIATION “THE PROPHETS: MESSENGER OF GOD MERCY” Bible Study with Deacon Ed Dolan will begin with an introductory mee ng at 6:30pm on March 28 in the Parish Center. Please call the parish office, 773.631.4127, if you are interested in a ending and have not a ended a previous bible study. Celebra ng and receiving the Sacrament of Reconcilia on can be among the most blessed of human experiences. Yet, there are a number of reasons why we don't take advantage of this Sacrament or we don't celebrate it well. Fear, shame, bad experiences of the past, a long me since the last recep on of the Sacrament or bad habits in celebra ng it now are all possible reasons. The solu on is so simple. An understanding of the Sacrament and a small encouragement to give it a new try, with a new expecta on, can literally change our lives and will certainly renew our faith. The Sacrament of Reconcilia on is God's gi to us. In the story of the Prodigal Son, Jesus tells us that God is simply wai ng for us to "come home." In the story, the father is not only wai ng, he is out by the road longing for the wayward son to return. And when the son begins to give his prac ced speech of repentance, the father interrupts him and shouts orders to begin the celebra on. Jesus is telling us that this is how God feels about our reconcilia on. It isn't about having to shame ourselves or face being scolded. It is about le ng ourselves receive the merciful and healing love and peace that only God's love can give us. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING A EUCHARISTIC MINISTER FOR OUR PARISH? We would like to invite anyone interested in becoming a Communion Minister for Saint Juliana Parish to a mee ng/training on MONDAY, APRIL 11 at 7:00pm in the church. This mee ng will also include current Communion Ministers. Please plan on joining us, if you are currently a Communion Minister or would like to become a part of this special ministry in our parish. Hope to see you on April 11th. Or contact the parish office at 773.631.4127 to register · WORSHIP & SPIRITUAL LIFE · PAGE 3 READINGS FOR THE WEEK MON Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:16; Jn 8:12-20 (or Jn 8:111 if Year A readings were used on Sunday) TUE Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 WED Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56; Jn 8:31-42 THU Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 FRI Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 SAT 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a SUN Lk 19:28-40 (procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 1720, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14 — 23:56 [23:1-49] MARCH 13, 2016 Dear Parishioners of Saint Juliana! I am thrilled to have been named your pastor! Allow me to start by saying I absolutely love being a priest. These last three years as a priest have been the best years of my life, and I’m confident my life will only get be er being with you all at Saint Juliana’s. This is an exci ng me for the church in Chicago, and I think especially so at our parish. I am eager to start; eager to serve you and grow together in holiness. A li le bit about myself… I was ordained a priest in 2012 and am originally from Winnetka. I a ended Sts. Faith Hope and Charity grade school and graduated from New Trier high school in 2004. I then graduated from The George Washington University in Washington DC in 2007 with a degree in poli cal science. I heard the call to become a priest while in college and decided to enter seminary immediately upon gradua on. A er comple ng a year of pre-theology at Mundelein Seminary, I con nued my priestly studies and forma on at the Pon fical North American College, America's seminary in Rome. I was in Rome for six years, from 2008-2014. While in Rome I earned a JCL, or a license in canon law. From 2012-2016, I was an associate pastor at Mary, Seat of Wisdom Parish in Park Ridge. It is an awesome parish and I loved being there! My parents s ll live in Winnetka, and I have an older brother, older sister, and younger sister—all with spouses—and a nephew. I am a huge sports fan, par cularly the Bears, and am always reading books on spirituality, theology, and history. I love to teach as well and work with the youth and young adults. In the summer me I play golf (or, at least I try) and you might catch me either in the gym shoo ng hoops or on the front lawn of the rectory with a cigar! I want to thank all the priests at Saint Juliana’s who have been serving you these years. They are good and holy men. The parish wouldn’t be in such fine shape (and able now to take a 30 year old pastor!) without them. And thank you, too to the staff—I look forward to working with you. I think we will have a lot of fun. This is, as you can guess, my first assignment as a pastor. I could not feel more at peace with where the Lord has called me to serve. It is, I must admit, a li le inmida ng, so please be pa ent with me and help me. But my joy and an cipaon in experiencing Jesus Christ with you in new and dynamic ways overwhelms any fear. Never also hesitate to come by to talk or have me over for a meal; I very much enjoy being with people and families! Please pray for me, as I will for you. Oh, and go Trojans. Dylan Lee Long, son of John and Bridgid (Farrell) Long Colton Fidel and Connor Omar Villaverde sons of Omar Villaverde and Susie Maldonado “I bap ze you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.” Yours in Christ, Father James Wallace Photos courtesy of MSW Parish · CATHOLIC EDUCATION AND FORMATION · PAGE 4 Religious Education · CCD Marriage Preparation Parish Religious Education Board · PREB Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults · RCIA MARCH 13, 2016 Saint Juliana School Special Religious Education · SPRED First Communion Takes Place on Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 11:00am · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · PAGE 5 MARCH 13, 2016 Tuesday, March 22 · 6:30 - 7:30pm Wednesday, April 20 830 - 10:30am · Early Childhood 8:00am - Noon · 1st through 7th Shadow Day G C FAQ #1 Will the parish receive less money if I make my dona ons online using a credit card or electronic check? Yes and no. While it’s true there are fees associated with electronic payments, we enjoy a very low rate due to our non-profit status. And, that low transac on discount is more than offset by savings in labor and other costs associated with handling paper and cash dona ons. So in the end, it costs us less when you donate regularly using If you haven’t yet registered with for secure online dona ons, please do so today! Contact the parish office (773.631.4127 or email [email protected]) for assistance. Prayer Shawl Ministry...Care and love of kni ng and croche ng have been combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those members of the church or community in need of comfort and solace. Many blessings are kni ed into every shawl. The kni er begins each shawl with prayers for the recipient and inten ons are con nued throughout the crea on of the shawl. A message of encouragement and words of comfort and blessings will be shared with the person when it is delivered. Just as Jesus daily wraps us in His love and peace, we as His servants can provide a shawl to someone who needs to be held and wrapped in prayer. The shawl provides this person with a visible symbol of Christ’s presence and care, along with other prayers. Those who have received these shawls have been upli ed and affirmed as if given wings to fly above their troubles. Shawls are universal and embracing, symbolic of an inclusive, uncondi onally loving God. They wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, give solace, mother, hug, shelter and beau fy. The Prayer Shawl Ministry provides a way to literally wrap people in prayer. Shawls are kni ed or crocheted just the right size to wrap around a woman's shoulder or placed upon a man’s lap. If you have a love of kni ng or croche ng and would like make a prayer shawl for someone who is homebound or in a hospital, please call the Parish Business Office 773.631.4127 or email [email protected] PAGE 6 · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · MARCH 13, 2016 MASSES FOR THE WEEK PRAY FOR THOSE WHO SERVE Saturday, March 12 United States Air Force Senior Airman Steve Czyz Airman 1st Class Christopher Earle SSGT Timothy D. Fonseca Airman Thomas Hanusiak Major Franklin Shepherd Airman 1st Class Ma hew Stauffer Captain Claudine Ward Lt. Zachary Wiatr United States Army Captain Grant Banko PVT 1st Class Alisha Bernico SGT Jason Bono Captain Thomas W. Dorrel, Jr. PFC James Heiderman, Jr. SFC John R. Jimenez SPC Andrew L Kawula Captain Brian Lutz Major Michael Mannion Major Ryan Melby Col. John Moreth SPC Marc Nunes LTC Kevin Powers Major Louis Rago, II PVT Benjamin Rios SSG Daniel Roche SGT Javier Sanchez SPC Vincent Shimene o SPC Gregory Spina PVT John Walsh Major Kevin Ward Major Laura Wood SGT Daniel R. Zielinski United States Marines 1st LT. Katharine Dietz LCPL P. J. McGrath PVT Michael A. Reyes LCPL Joseph F. Wallace United States Navy Cmdr. Susanne Connolly MA3 Michael Donnelly LT. Sean Driscoll Ensign Thomas G. Flavin Ensign Kevin Has ngs LCDR. Nathan Sco LT. Michael Sturm LT. Erin Sullivan Cmdr. John Tutwiler LT. Jennie Wood LT. Paul Wood United States Coast Guard SN Anthony Hanusiak 5:00 Frank & Anna Dina/Editha Angeles/Joan Wodnicki/Thomas Przyborski/ Tom & Stephanie Cappello/Carmella & Anthony Lullo/James, Kevin, Donald & Christopher Wolf/Frank Lemansk/Ellen "Eileen" Casey/ James Kadlec Sunday, March 13 7:30 Sister Remy Schaul/Mary & Joseph Gorski/Shirley Gorski/Inten ons of Robert Gorski/Frank & Mary Paskiewicz/Henry Hagelauer, Sr./Henry Hagelauer, Jr./Eleanor & Stephen Hagelauer/Victoria Hagelauer/Loraine Hagelauer/Loraine Cichon/Mary Ellen Rzany/Dolores Frantz/Maureen Cavanaugh/Patrick O'Donnell/Harry & Chester Perkowski//Ceclia, William & Robert M. Schulte/Lena Legi no/Frances & Louis Vonder Heide/ Inten ons of James Breslin 9:00 Diane Evere /John Russell/John & Rose Zbylut/Edward & Rita Pleines/ Inten ons of Connolly Family/Maureen Esposito/John Cradick/Lou Schoenfeldt/Fr. Bob Grib 10:30 Sarah & Joe Flynn/Robert C. Mester/James Damert 12:00 Lo e Kuberski/Frances F. Bruno/Patrick Gavin/Connie Reinke Monday,March 14 · Church 7:00 William & Blanche Weber/Jim Fitzmaurice 8:30 Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet 6:30 PM Parish Center · Eucharis c Adora on Hour Tuesday, March 15 · Church 7:00 Thomas Przyborski 8:30 Cathy & Robert Holmgren/Thomas, Julia & Mary Joyce Wednesday, March 16 · Church 7:00 Brian McCaffrey 8:30 School Children in A endance · Mary Ba aglia Thursday, March 17 · Church 7:00 Gerard Haley 8:30 Annie Naughton/Conor Ryan/Edward & Rita Pleines/Daniel P. O'Neill/ Michael & Eileen Farrelly/Ann Reilly/John Lally/ Inten ons of Heneghan Family Friday, March 18· Church 7:00 Chris ne Motyka 8:30 Jim Fitzmaurice Saturday, March 19 · Church 8:30 Mary Ellen Rzany/Jozef, Jozefa & Gene Perkowski/Joseph & Josephina Tracz/Julia (Dolly) Brina 5:00 Thomas Przyborski/Louis Werderitch/Tom & Stephanie Cappello/Albin, Marie & Mary Ann Great/John & Margaret Mulkeen/Ashley Smiegowski/ George & Helen Hickey/James, Kevin, Donald & Christopher Wolf/James McBrearty/Timothy Foley/Judy Weber · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · PAGE 7 MARCH 13, 2016 MASSES FOR THE WEEK CONTINUED Murt Byrne Sunday, March 20 Marilyn O’Flaherty 7:30 Sister Remy Schaul/Robert Bianchi/Mary & Joseph Gorski/Shirley Gorski/ Inten ons of Robert Gorski/Frank & Mary Paskiewicz/Henry Hagelauer, Sr./Henry Hagelauer, Jr./Eleanor & Stephen Hagelauer/Victoria Hagelauer/Loraine Hagelauer/Loraine Cichon/Jerome Stopa/Mary Ellen Rzany/Jennie Cappa/Prudy Denisi/Mary & Joseph Messina/Leon Schraufnagel/Dolores Frantz/Patrick O'Donnell//Ceclia, William & Robert M. Schulte/Bud Sabres/Albert Legi no/Mar n Cleary & Thomas P. Browne/Catherine Hopper/Pat Fleming/Catherine Hopper 9:00 Tony LaCorte/Gregory Creason/Diane Evere /Edward & Rita Pleines/ Margaret Mary Cusack/Inten ons of the Connolly Family/Maureen Esposito/Patrick Miller/Timothy Foley/Don Marcoux/Thomas Gardner 10:30 Sandrino & Lina Mori/Julia Brina /Jamey Damert/Kevin Fallon/Eileen & Jerry Kearns/Bob Kearns/Ann & John Fallon/Robert C. Mester/Gennaro Maratea/Enzo Grisi, II/Jennifer Munao/Michael Provenzale Joseph V. Roddy A L March 12/13 Janie Fallon March 19/20 Be y Howle 12:00 Lo e Kuberski/Frances F. Bruno/Else Hoenig/Michael Provanzale/James Peters/James & Kathleen Sweeney WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE · M Saturday 5:00pm Celebrant Fr. Bob Fr. Roger S Pray for Our Sick Wayne Alaspa Marge Arbogast Paul Backman Jolanta Bialbrzewski Anne Bobko Suzanne Bowman Megan Brennan Gayle Brown Sam Bruno John Bowler, Sr. Millie Byrne Jean Carter Msgr. William Clausen John E. Cook Sue Coston Michael Crisci Geri Dalton Jason Daniel Bea Dapper Doris David Al DeLorenzo Paco Delrio Sunday 7:30am Sunday 9:00am Fr. Laurent S Rev. Xavier Dieter, OCSO Mary Djonlich John & Denise Doherty Maureen Donnelly Lenore Doughty Fran Draths Rosa Dugo Barbara Durment Gerard Epifanio Ziggy Estka Nick Fahey Beth Fitzgerald Tom Fleischhacker Helen Flood Joaquin Gamboa Marilynn Gustafson Peggy Halloran Patricia Hanlon Meghan Healy Bill Heffernan Maggie Honan · Child Marlena Ico William Kaczkowski 19/20 Sunday 10:30am Fr. Phil Sunday 12:00pm Fr. Bob Eucharis c Adora on Hour in the Parish Center Mondays From 6:30 - 7:30pm C Michael Karalis Frank & Josephine Karl Ken Kilian Pearl Klein Baby Braeden Klotz Terri Dapper Koncos Judy Kopp Therese Kowal Maria Kuc Sylvia LaCorte Michael Langford Martha Lazaro Min Leow Bob Losinski James Luczak Cathy Lutz Elizabeth Maher Susan Maher Walter Mason Bob McIntyre Connor McKenna/child Michelle Michaels Nancy Michna Emilie Mierzwa Lilliana Miller Connie Nordmoe Rich & Bunny Olson Florence Olszowka Noreen O’Grady Katlynn O’Reilly Angel & Kathy Orlando Baby Cameron Ousley Donald W. Pack Mary Palacz Baby Sloan Pavlakis Tyler Pla /child Andrew Prociuk Eileen Quinn Ryan Ran Bill Reinhardt Kayla Reardon Benjamin Runge Lois Roycro Adam Sanchez/child John P. Schwab Michael Schwab Frank Seiser Robert Smith Judith Snyder Andrea Soehn Josephine Sokulski Meg Stevens Marion S ens William Sweeney Miroslaw Swiderski Baby Emery Tader Alice Thomas Les Torrey Gary Trybus Ronald Trytek Baby Alison Turek Tish Vanoni Tom Waldron Kenneth Waller Amy Walsh Marge Welter Ted Woosley Jeanine Zycwiciel Diane Zykowski · PARISH COMMUNITY & SUPPORT · PAGE 8 MISSIONARY SPIRIT TEAM · OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE MOTHERS’ CLUB $$FUNDAY$$ Once again Saint Juliana parishioners have shown overwhelming generosity! AND THE WINNER FOR MARCH 13 IS... 819 Pete & Sue Stolarski MARCH 13, 2016 $50 The Boy Scouts partnered with the Missionary Spirit Team and St. Vincent de Paul to collect socks for the less fortunate. Because of the vast amount of socks collected from the parish, school and CCD families for adults and children, the Boy Scouts led by Kim Mulvaney chose to donate half of the more than 3000 pairs of socks to seven loca ons served by Uncle Pete's ministry under Caroline Murphy of Saint John Brebeuf. Catholic Charity loca ons serve homeless and less fortunate Chicagoans in the Uptown, Wrigleyville and West Side areas. The recipients are humbled and most grateful for your necessary dona ons. You are truly the hands of God. Looking forward, the Missionary Spirit Team has the following dates scheduled as opportuni es to serve and feed the hungry: •April 9 & 10/April 12 - Uncle Pete's ministry sack lunch distribu on/collec on •April 29 & 30 - Misericordia Candy Days •May 21 & 22/ May 24 - Uncle Pete's distribu on/collec on •June 11 - Feed My Starving Children 2:00 - 4:00pm (Calling All Youth!) W O C Thank you for your support! Cash & Carry Monday - Friday 8:00 - 10:00am If you are unable make it to the office during those hours, consider ordering online at Orders entered online by 9:30am will be filled that day. If you have any ques ons call Lynn Gibbons at 773.631.4127 ext. 25 or email [email protected]. Sunday & Holy Day Offerings Fiscal Year 2015 2016 Fiscal Year Week #36 $ 14,828 $ 16,044 Fiscal Year to Budget $ (62,836) $ (86,342) Fiscal Year* 22.3% * Percentage of Sunday Offerings paid online. Our goal is 30%. Please register today at Addi onal Offerings D Parish Projects FYTD $ 18,707 School Support Fund FYTD $ 14,932 O · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · PAGE 9 MARCH 13, 2016 FRIENDSHIP CLUB 50+ Casino Trip to Four Winds Casino In New Buffalo, Michigan Thursday, April 26 SAVE THE DATE Final Four Saturday, April 2 Sponsored by the Men’s Club Bus leaves Saint Juliana Parish at 9:00am Cost: $30.00 When arriving at the casino, you will receive a $10.00 coupon for food and $15.00 towards playing the slots machines Reserva ons: Must be in by Friday, April 1 including payment due. To make a reserva on, please call Lorraine Stukenberg, 773.774.7040 We need a 40 person minimum, so PLEASE call and reserve your spot AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. More details to come next week PANERA FUNDRAISING NIGHT Tuesday March 15 from 4:00 - 8:00pm 39 S. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge Panera will donate a percentage of sales to Saint Juliana School based on the amount of Saint Juliana School flyers presented during the fundraiser. Look for the flyers just before the event. They will be available in the school office, parish office and at the back of the church. TROJAN TROT · 5 K FAMILY RUN & WALK SATURDAY, MAY 21 Saints & Special Observances Sunday: Fi h Sunday of Lent; Daylight Saving Time begins Monday: Julian Calendar Lent begins Thursday: St. Patrick Friday: St. Cyril of Jerusalem; Abs nence Saturday: St. Joseph; Spring begins PLEASE REMEMBER YOU MUST PRESENT A FLYER IN ORDER FOR SAINT JULIANA SCHOOL TO GET CREDIT. MEN’S CLUB MEETING March 14 at 7:30pm in the School Hall We will be celebra ng St. Patrick’s & St. Joseph’s Day with corned beef sandwiches & refreshments The Final 4 party will take place on Saturday April 2 in the Ahearn Ac vity Center. More news to follow. · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · Be gin NO PROBLEM IS HELPLESS IS … ! 9 h1 c r a sM For alcohol and/or drug problems, call for confiden al help or informa on A M P C Emme McGovern 773.792.1469 Bill Steiner 773.792.0281 Vic Switski 773.775.7987 Paul Trudeau 847.696.4835 • • Ahearn Activity Center Doors Open 4:30pm Games Begin 6:40pm $4500 + in Raffles & Bingo Prizes!!! • AA Mee ng ·Thursdays from 8:30 un l 9:30pm Recovery Mee ng · Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:00pm for those suffering from anxiety disorders A 12-Step Mee ng - Fridays from 7:30 - 8:00pm for female survivors of incest Mar 14 · Men’s Club Meeting · Mar 17 · Tots & Co. Mar 21 · Parish Penance Service Mar 24 · Holy Week Begins D Apr 2 · Final Four Tournament April 3 · Coffee, Tea & Thee Apr 4 · Heartache to Healing Meeting T April 11 · Men’s Club Meeting Apr 12 · Cancer Support Apr 14 · Sit & Knit Be a WILLing Chris an; include Saint Juliana Parish in your will. ·S Apr 17 · Pancake Breakfast Apr 21 · Tots & Company Apr 23/24 · Spring Musical...Aladdin Apr 30 · 1st Communion · 11:00am May 5 · Confirmation · 7:00pm May 21 · Trojan Trot Learn more at ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As 8025 W. Golf Rd. Niles (847) 581-0536 6250 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago (773) 774-0366 We Do All Our Own Work 773-471-1444 Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ Lauren E. Schultz, DDS 933 N. Northwest Hwy Park Ridge, IL 60068 847.698.1199 STUARTS LAWN CARE LANDSCAPING & TREE REMOVAL Design • Shrubs • Sod • Tree & Bricks Senior Citizen Discount - First Time Only St. Juliana Parishioner (773) 631-0055 773-792-0433 Attorneys at Law 7307 W. Howard St. Estate Planning • Business • Probate Real Estate • Tax Chicago, IL 60631 773-763-1528 350 S. Northwest Hwy., Ste. 102, Park Ridge, Illinois Over 26 Years Experience Orval, Rochefort, & Westmalle Ask your nearest beer retailer & support these Trappist monks Century 21 McMullen Real Estate Harlem & NW Hwy. 773.297.8300 An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. TALK ........ 933 N. Northwest Hwy Park Ridge, IL 60068 John A. Ranieri, D.D.S., M.S. 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Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 512117 St Juliana Church (B) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Laura M. Shea, D.P.M. Parishioner Comprehensive Foot and Ankle Care for the Entire Family Dr. Michele T. Bogacki FAMILY DENTISTRY 111 S.Washington Ave., Ste. 103 • Park Ridge, IL • New Patients Welcome (847) 993-7423 | • Evening/Saturday Hours • Emergency Care Welter Plumbing Inc. • All Ages Welcome AVENUES THRIFT SHOPPE 7710 W. Touhy, Chicago All Plumbing & Sewer Licensed & Bonded Lic. # 11475 Lic. # 055-008817 773-631-6230 (847) 965-1883 Donate & Shop to Support Adults with Disabilities COLDWELL BANKER Patrick & Sons Plumbing & Sewers MARY ELLEN “O’HARA” CONSIDINE Nee: Caplis Cell # (773) 704-4250 V. Mail (773) 687-5181 [email protected] • Repairs • Remodeling • Rodding • Hot Water Tanks • Boilers Patrick Broderick 773-699-1819 10% Sr. Disc. Lic.# 058185315 VIA GALANTE CEMENT CONTRACTORS, INC. • Patios • Driveways • Steps 4452 N. Central Ave. Chicago • Stoops • Sidewalks • Flatwork 773-777-4800 • Stamped Concrete • Garage Floors Ph: 773-589-9893 • Free Estimates / Sr. Citizen Discount DIPLOMAT TRAVEL AGENCY Niles Animal Hospital “YOUR AMBASSADOR FOR TRAVEL” 6835 W. HIGGINS AVE., CHICAGO, IL 60656 Appointments: (847) 647-9325 773-774-2727 A FULL SERVICE TRAVEL AGENCY Est. 1964 7278 N. Milwaukee Ave. and Bird Medical Center Nurturing the Spirit Preserving Dignity Celebrating Individuality NUZZO SEWER & PLUMBING INC. 708-456-7300 Power Rodding 773-625-6280 All Sewer & Plumbing Repairs & Installation Specializing in Flood Control • Correcting Low Water Pressure Video Sewer & Locating Service Lic. # 14636 Lic. # 055-024301 PAUL A. MEYER, D.O. MICHAEL J. MEYER, D.O. Physicians and Surgeons, Osteopathic Board Certified Family Practice Hours By Appointment Oak Mill Mall, Ste. 2-23 847-966-9878 7900 N. Milwaukee Ave., Niles FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 Cooney Funeral Home & Cremation Services 3918 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago 625 Busse Highway, Park Ridge 773-588-5850 847-685-1002 Heating and Cooling Service & Installation of Furnaces • Boilers • Air Conditioning All Floor Coverings U-HAUL AUTHORIZED DEALER Free Estimates • Same Day Service 10% Parishioner Discount 6010 Northwest Highway, Chicago 773-631-4193 Michael Higgs 773.620.2186 ORI BROTHERS FLOORING, INC. SKAJA TERRACE FUNERAL HOME Family Owned Since 1926 • Pre-Need Arrangements & Cremations 7812 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles • (847) 966-7302 7715 W. Route 14 Crystal Lake • (815) 455-2233 SKOKIE AUTOMOTIVE CORP. Electrical Systems Our Specialty COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE CENTER 7254 N. Milwaukee Niles, Illinois Dr. Elise Grandinetti-Adley, D.D.S. Dr. Samuel Grandinetti, D.D.S. Family Dental Care 7215 W. Touhy Ave. (773) 775-3431 Phones: Niles 847- 647-9320 Chicago: 773-631-1199 Meinke’s Garden Center Growers on Site Since 1871 Quality Garden Plants And Supplies 5803 W. Touhy (847) 647-9455 Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Steven Baggio A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 Agent Parishioner Rose’s Beauty Salon Permanent Wave Specialists Hair Color Specialist 6146 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60646 (773) 315-1621 7625 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles, IL 60714 847-583-7000 [email protected] MICHAEL J. ATHANS, Ph.D. Child, Adolescent and Family Psychology 32 Main Street Park Ridge, IL 60068 (847) 823-4444 JPG Concrete FREE ESTIMATES • Patios • Garages • Sidewalks • Stairs • Driveways • Stamping • Brick Paving 773-774-6976 “Our Family Serving Yours Since 1936” Clement J. Ryan — Michael C. Ryan 847-823-1171 512117 St Juliana Church (A) 120 S. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge 773-792-1811 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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