Employee of the Month
Employee of the Month
THE 675 PUBLISHED BY THE ORLANDO VA MEDICAL CENTER V O L U M E IN THIS EDITION: Message from the Director - VA Choice MyVA Putting Veterans First - 2,3 Employee of the Month: March - 4 Volunteers Needed for Dedication Events - 4 Diversity Day - 5 OVAMC Facebook - 5 2014/2015 VALOR Students - 6 Updated Lake Nona Phone Numbers - 6 Donated Leave Requests - 7 Customer Service Motivational Tip of the Week - 7 Pearls of Wisdom - 7 Social Work Awards - 8 Employee Wellness - 8 Ask the Director - 8 Lake Nona Activations Update - 9 9 , I S S U E National Compliance and Ethics Week - 11 OVAMC Vanpool - 12 A P R I L 2 2 , 2 0 1 5 Message from the Director - VA Choice The Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA) was enacted last year as a temporary 3-year program designed to bridge the gap while VA expands capacity and access to in-house care. Recently there have been changes to the program and I wanted to provide you updated information regarding these changes. A part of the Choice Act required the VA to adopt a straight-line method for determining eligibility for the Program based on the distance between a Veteran’s place of residence and the closest VA medical facility. On April 24, 2015, VA published a second rule that changed the way VA measures distance for purposes of determining eligibility. A Veteran who meets threshold eligibility criteria may be eligible for the Choice Program based on the distance from his or her place of residence to the closest VA medical facility. VA previously determined eligibility based on place of residence using a straight-line measure of distance. VA is now using a driving distance measure. For example: Under the new distance calculation, a Veteran who lives 40 miles or less, measured using a straight-line distance, from the nearest VA medical facility, but who needs to physically drive more than 40 miles to get there would be eligible for the Veterans Choice Program. Under the previous straight-line distance calculation, this Veteran would not have been eligible for the Program unless he or she was required to wait for an appointment longer than 30 days from his or her preferred date or the date determined to be medically necessary by his or her physician. Effective immediately, VA is also changing the mileage calculation for beneficiary travel. The change will ensure consistency in VA’s mileage calculations. The beneficiary travel mileage calculation will now be made using the fastest route instead of the shortest route. Please see the attached Fact Sheet regarding the Choice Program and changes in mileage calculations. Questions about the Choice Program can be directed to our local VA Choice Champions which are located at the below link on SharePoint: http://vaww.visn8.portal.va.gov/orlando/cos/ihs/VA_Choice_Card/SitePages/Home.asp x. The expansion in eligibility increases Veterans’ access to high quality, timely healthcare. We look forward to continued collaboration with Veterans and our partners to ensure the success of the Veterans Choice Program. National Immunization Week - 10 Editor’s Corner - 10 1 5 Timothy W. Liezert Timothy W. Liezert Director VOLUME 9, ISSUE 15 PAGE THE 675 - THE ORLANDO VA MEDICAL CENTER’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Goal: The goal is for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to be the number 1 Federal Agency by becoming the model agency for the US Government! MyVA is about: Putting the Veteran’s Interest first Empowering employees and helping them deliver excellent customer service to improve the Veteran experience Improving or eliminating processes that impede good customer service Rethinking our internal structures and processes to become more Veteran-centric and productive MyVA is a mindset and a cultural shift that places the Veteran at the center of everything we do. Our Vision: To deliver world-class service, defining success by Veterans’ outcome one Veteran at a time, while integrating across VA programs to optimize productivity and efficiency To achieve this vison, MyVA has fie primary focus areas: 1. Improving the Veterans’ experience by examining our Veteran-facing processes and organizations from the Veteran’s perspective to enable every Veteran to have a seamless, integrated, and responsive VA customer service experience every time. 2. Achieving support services excellence by identifying common services that are performed in support of VA mission components, and seeking to optimize these services to increase efficiency and eliminate duplication. These services include: Human Resources, Legal Services, Information Technology, Acquisitions & Logistics, Real Property Facilities Management, Public Affairs, Congressional Affairs, Budget & Finance, and Security & Preparedness. 3. Establishing a culture of continuous performance improvement, so conditions are set at the local level for issues to be raised, addressed, and solutions replicated across as many facilities as needed to achieve enterprise level results 4. Enhancing strategic partnerships by making better “matches” and formal partnerships between community, nonprofit, and other organizations and the work being done for Veterans at VA facilities across the country. 5. Improving the employee experience and focusing on “people and culture” so employees are empowered to better serve Veterans. THE 675 2 VOLUME 9, ISSUE 15 PAGE THE 675 - THE ORLANDO VA MEDICAL CENTER’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER MyVA is about the Blueprint for Excellence: The Blueprint is VHA’s framework to rebuild the Veterans’ trust and become a truly Veterancentric health system. It sets high expectations for health care innovation and a positive culture of service. Improve Performance Promote a Positive Culture of Service Advance Health Care Innovation for Veterans and the Country Increase Operational Effectiveness and Accountability What’s Next? In the coming days, we want you to engage in team discussions with your supervisors and coworkers. How do you think Veterans feel about their experience with VA? What do Veterans currently experience when they first enter our facility? Is the outcome of the Veteran Experience consistent from area to area? What prevents us from maximizing the Veteran Experience? What can you do to enhance the Veteran Experience? What can you and your work team do to improve efforts at putting Veterans first? What information, training, or tools do you and your work team need in order to improve efforts at putting Veterans first? More information and resources can be found using this link: MyVA Resources Link Documents for resources on SharePoint link: MyVA Discussion Questions – MyVA five primary focus areas and questions for service level discussions VHA MyVA Cascade Message No 2 – PowerPoint presentation for Service Level meetings THE 675 3 VOLUME 9, ISSUE 15 PAGE THE 675 - THE ORLANDO VA MEDICAL CENTER’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Employee of the Month - March Our March employee of the month, Lloyd Duran (VITAL-Psychology Technician), gave a presentation to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Pellissippi State Community College (PSCC) that was very well thought out and very educational. His presentation allowed these educational partners to get a broad understanding of the issues that veterans face as they transition into the civilian workforce and the importance of training programs for Veterans. Lloyd’s presentation helped Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) and ORNL to jointly propose a targeted program to engage qualified Veterans in mission areas at the laboratory. His presentation raised the Laboratory’s awareness of an untapped and capable part of our workforce and generated enthusiasm for actively recruiting Veterans to participate in existing programs. As a result of their new commitment to Veterans, ORAU recently engaged with the Advanced Manufacturing Office in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy within the US Department of Energy to create a summer training program for 3-D printing technology. The 24-member cohort that participated during the summer program was composed of 14 Veterans including one wounded warrior, three active duty service members, two reservists, and five civilians. The graduation ceremony for this activity was publicized nationally. Additionally, Lloyd’s presentation helped these companies understand the need to capture data on applicants who are Veterans. Zintellect, ORAU’s new electronic application system, will now collect information on applicants who are Veterans, allowing them to gauge the success of their recruitment efforts. The Employee of the Month committee congratulates Mr. Lloyd Duran for going over and beyond his scope of duties to fulfil the VA’s mission. Job well done! Volunteers Needed for Dedication Events Sign ups have opened for three events that will need volunteers to be successful. If you are interested, click the link for the event you wish to sign up for. Please note: Sign up does not guarantee participation, you will be contacted if approved. Employee Diversity Day May 16th times between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Veteran Open House Event May 23rd Volunteer times between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Lake Nona Dedication Ceremony and Reception May 26th Volunteer times between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. THE 675 4 VOLUME 9, ISSUE 15 PAGE 5 THE 675 - THE ORLANDO VA MEDICAL CENTER’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Ready to RSVP right now? Click HERE to be led directly to the sign up page. Facebook Thank you to everyone who helped us reach 5,000 likes! Currently we are fourth in the nation, but we can be #1! Keep spreading the word for people to like our Facebook page! Click the Orlando VAMC Facebook Page! THE 675 VOLUME 9, ISSUE 15 PAGE THE 675 - THE ORLANDO VA MEDICAL CENTER’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 2014-2015 VALOR Students What is VALOR? It is an acronym for Veterans Affairs Learning Opportunities Residency; a VA recruitment and retention program at the national level. Orlando VA Medical Center first joined the program with three students in the summer of 2008. Since then, the number of approved students per academic year at this facility has increased to the current amount of 8 students. As per Martha I. Ybarra, MSN/Ed, RN, VALOR Program Coordinator, to date we have had a total of 28 students completing the VALOR Program. 2014-2015 VALOR students During their 800hr residency the students rotated through the Ambulatory Care areas at Lake Baldwin Campus as well as the Long Term Care at the Community Living Center in Lake Nona. A special thanks to all the dedicated VALOR preceptors, who were instrumental in the success of this program. Last Thursday, April 23, 2015, we celebrated the VALOR Pinning/Conclusion Ceremony at Lakemont Campus. This was the first time all VALOR students expressed an interest in becoming VA Nurses once they obtain their license. On May 8, 2015 the students will participate in the UCF Commencement Ceremony for their BSN degree. (Left to Right on the attached photo) Lindy Herr, Emily Tate, Leanne Postlmayr, Amanda Rose, Martin Perry, Desiree Leigh, Katelyn Williams, and Alyssa Pirlo. Updated Lake Nona Phone Numbers We are updating the new phone numbers to Lake Nona as services there activate. Look for these in the Phonebook from the SharePoint home page tab. THE 675 6 VOLUME 9, ISSUE 15 PAGE THE 675 - THE ORLANDO VA MEDICAL CENTER’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Donated Leave Requests The following individual is in need of donated leave: Perez-Velez, Edwin (FMS) Anyone wishing to donate annual leave (minimum 4 hours), may use VAF0239. Leave Request forms and other forms can be found on the HRMS SharePoint. Questions pertaining to the Leave Donation Program (or other Leave programs) may be directed to Harolynn Coplin(x24271), HRMS. A complete list of individuals accepting leave donations is at the following link: Donated Leave Participants Customer Service Motivational Tip of the Week Take the life that you have, and give it your best. Life can be hurtful, and not always fair. Life can surround you, with people who care. Life clearly does offer, its ups and its downs. Life teaches us to take, the good with the bad. Life is a mixture, of happy and sad. So..... Take the life that you have, and give it your best. Think positive, be happy, let the Universe do the rest. Take the challenges, that life has laid at your feet. Take pride and be thankful, for each one you meet. To yourself give forgiveness, if you stumble and fall. Take each day that is dealt you, and give it your all. Take the love that you're given, and return it with care. Have faith that when needed, it will always be there. Take time to find the beauty, in the things that you see. Take life's simple pleasures, let them set your heart free. Pearls of Wisdom Q: How are medications stored in the medical center? A: In designated LOCKED/SECURED medication storage areas where accessibility is restricted to allow only authorized staff. This could be a locked room and/or in an automated medication dispensing machine such as Pyxis. THE 675 7 VOLUME 9, ISSUE 15 PAGE THE 675 - THE ORLANDO VA MEDICAL CENTER’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Social Work Awards Social Work Service celebrated Social Work Month with the first recognition for social worker of the year. All Social Work Staff were able to nominate a peer for this honor. One social worker was recognized from Lake Baldwin, Daytona and Viera sites. The selected social workers exemplify the core values of social work in being a helper to Veterans and staff alike, having a passion for making a difference in the lives of others and a commitment to the continued growth of social work services in the organization. While we have celebrated all of social work, we are congratulating these three staff and the triumph of their super powers! Employee Wellness Set your new health goals! Click Here for the Free Online Wellness Program Contact Kelly Jansen 407-646-4095 to schedule wellness classes in 2015 MOVEmployee Stress Reduction/Creating Balance Tobacco Cessation Nutrition Ask the Director Have questions that you would like answered? Submit them to [email protected] with the subject line “Ask the Director”. The Director will answer the question and we may run the response in the 675. If you want the question to be anonymous, send it via inter-office mail to Public Affairs Bldg. 508 cubicle 123. THE 675 8 VOLUME 9, ISSUE 15 PAGE THE 675 - THE ORLANDO VA MEDICAL CENTER’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Lake Nona Activations Update With the transition to Lake Nona, many employees require access to the new medical center in order to complete various tasks associated with the activation of the facility. Please remember that this is still a construction site and that in order to provide security for staff and patients all exterior doors to the Clinic Building will be kept locked at all times, except the first floor west garage entrance and the first floor front entrance of the outpatient clinic building. These entrances will be open Monday through Friday 5am to 7pm. If you need to temporarily access the Clinic building on a different floor, please contact the VA Police to unlock the door. The DT and Hospital Building are still under control of the contractor, and access to those sites should be coordinated thru Lawrence Tucker, or Laura Finfrock, in Activations. DRAFT PROPOSED MOVES (ALL ITEMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY GIVEN TIME): The information provided here is estimated, and time frames are subject to change based on the commissioning of the building, which includes ensuring physical plant equipment is properly started, operations are integrated, and testing and balancing is completed. CFM to VBA Area (May 14) Pharmacy OP (May 18) Fiscal 4th DT (May 26) Move from Metric OIT 4th DT (May 26) Move from Lakemont Phlebotomy (May 26) Move 1D to 1H (May 26) Nephrology 1B (May 28) Neurology 1D (May 28) Radiology Up (May 29) US, General Rad, CT, Mamo *MRI available on (July 30) Hybrid Team 1F (June 01) MH OP (2h,2J) (June 8) 3 Teams Red Team 1g (June 15) Rheumatology 1b (June 16) Transplant 1b (June 17) Cardiology 1c (June 18) Endocrinology 1d (June 19) PM&R (3d) (June 22) Prosthetics (3C) (June 22) Women’s Health 4C (June 29) NFS/VCS-Canteen (June 29) 1st FL DT Adm (July 3-29) To be determined who Path/Lab Service (July 31) Core Lab, (Hemo, Micro) Path., Urgent Care (Aug 10) The medical center activation team provides a weekly status update for Lake Nona facilities each Wednesday following morning report, and conducts a Lake Nona Integrated Planning Team session each Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room. We will provide weekly updates from those events in the 675, and throughout the activation process. THE 675 9 VOLUME 9, ISSUE 15 PAGE 10 THE 675 - THE ORLANDO VA MEDICAL CENTER’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER National Immunization Week April 24th - April 30th Vaccines save up to 3 million lives world wide every year. The benefits of preventing disease with a vaccine far outweigh the risks and everyone is encouraged to obtain the recommended immunizations. There has been a dramatic decrease of new infectious diseases in the United State, compared to 20th century baseline number of cases, with the administration of vaccines. Just look at the numbers Disease Percent Decrease Measles 99% Mumps 95% Smallpox 100% Polio 100% Tetanus 96% Are you up to date on your immunizations? Recommended Adult Immunization Scheduled 2015 Bring Your Child to Work Day Another successful year for Bring Your Child to Work Day!! The kids had a blast learning about careers at the Orlando VA Medical Center; staff had a great time as well. Editor’s Corner Submissions to the 675 are due each FRIDAY AT NOON! Submit via the Public Affairs SharePoint Dashboard Note: You must put the date(s) that you would like the message to run. Also place one submission for each week of promotion. For Example: If you would like a FB post, 675 article and Twitter message to go out the same day/week it can be in one submission. If you have any messages for this week and a different set of messages for the next week, a new submission must be placed. THE 675 THE 675 - THE ORLANDO VA MEDICAL CENTER’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 675 THE 11 PAGE 15 ISSUE 9, VOLUME PAGE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 15 THE 675 - THE ORLANDO VA MEDICAL CENTER’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Latest Vanpool Information Originating From Destination TOD POC Name POC Phone Apopka LB/ Lakemont 7:30 am – 4:00 pm Denise Daly-Stennis; [email protected] 407-621-2647 LB/Lakemont 8:00 am – 4:30 Jerald Marks, Sr.; 321-397-6617 Apopka Apopka Avalon Park Avalon Park VA/Walgreens Flu Immunization Pilot pm Program [email protected] Flu season is here and VA encourages7:30 ouramenrolled patients to getSharitheir flu shot now! Getting LB/Lakemont Sharita Burns; 407-373-9987 their flu shot has never been easier. 4/4:30 pm [email protected] X7183 This year, Florida VA health care facilities within the VISN 8 Network are participating in a Nona 7:30 am– 4:00 Ofori; 407-599-1547 pilot program toLake offer enrolled Veterans a new optionHannah to receive their flu shot. pm [email protected] Lakefor Nona 8:00 am– 4:30 407-646-4298 JimmyaVasil; [email protected] Veterans enrolled VA care the VISN 8 Network have number of convenient locations to pm get a flu shot including: Clermont (Hwy 27 & Rt. 50) LB/Lakemont 8:00 am – 4:30 Janice Ledesma; 407-599-1599 Lake Baldwin Lake Nona CLC 7:30 am – 4:00 pm Gladys Alphonse; [email protected] 407-631-6064 North Merritt Island Area Viera OPC 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Francesca Cendrowski; [email protected] 321-637-3788 X42872 Sanford Area (Orange City/Deltona) Lake Nona 7:30 am - 4:00 pm Kevin Friend; [email protected] 407-629-1599 X5137 St. Cloud Area LB/Lakemont 7:30 am – 4:00 pm Manuel Ortiz-Cordero; [email protected] 407-629-1599 X1307 Viera/Rockledge LB/Lakemont 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Yira Gantes-Todd; [email protected] 407-629-1599 X1346 St. Cloud/Lake Nona LB/Lakemont 7:00 am – 3:30 pm Helen Redmon; [email protected] 407-622-4060 Titusville Lake Nona 7:30 am– 4:00 pm Amy Dixon; [email protected] 321-3976294 Windermere/Winter Garden Area LB/Lakemont 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Karen Slazinski; [email protected] 407-629-1599 X1147 Winter Springs Viera OPC 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Terry Elliott; [email protected] 321-637-3788 x2708 University Blvd/Goldenrod Area LB/Lakemont 7:00 am -3:30 pm Makeeba Crawford; [email protected] 407-646-5187 Winter Springs/Longwood Lake Baldwin 7:30 am – 4:00 pm Maria Miranda; [email protected] 321-397-6358 Apopka / Altamonte Springs Lake Nona CLC 7:30 am – 4:00 pm Maria M. Santiago; [email protected] 407-937-9482 pm can receive [email protected] X1704to VA medical centers and clinics: You a no cost flu shot. If you are admitted our facility or at one of the convenient walk-in flu stations. For more information on locaClermont (Hwy 27, Hwy 50, W. Lake Nona 7:30 am – 4:00 Christina Weaver; Christi407-631-6029 tions and hours (insert facility specific information) Colonial Dr.) pm [email protected] Non-VA Providers and Pharmacies: Many offer flu shots that may Cocoa Area LB/Lakemont 7:30am - local retail Shawnpharmacies O’ Hagan 321-307-1316 be covered by private insurance or programs Medicare. If you do not have insurance, 4:00pm such asShawn.O’[email protected] there8:00 willamusually a charge. Davenport/Champions Gate LB/Lakemont – 4:30 beAriday Rodriguez; Ari407-629-1599 (Hwy 27) Walgreens and the VA Retail [email protected] Program: If you are a Veteran X1147 enrolled you have the opportunity get your flu Jimenez; shot from a local Walgreens in the Kissimmee Area in a Florida VA LB/Lakemont 7:30 am to - 4:00 Julissa Julis407-646-4290 VISN 8 service area and Walgreens pm can send your immunization record electronically to your [email protected] local VA medical center. The cost of the flu shot may be covered by private insurance or proKissimmee (Landstar/Town LB/Lakemont 8:00 am – 4:30 Bada A. Ortiz; [email protected] 407-599-1599 grams such as Medicare. If you do not While Center Blvd) pm have insurance, there will usually be a charge. X1162 participation is strictly voluntary, simply let the Walgreens clinician know that you are an Lake Nona Area LB/Lakemont 7:30 am – 4:00 Rafael Martinez; Ra407-629-1599 enrolled Veteran patient and you information shared with the VA. pmwould like your [email protected] X1743 THE 675 12
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