Annual Meeting Report - Emmanuel Faith Community Church


Annual Meeting Report - Emmanuel Faith Community Church
APRIL 24, 2016
Meeting Agenda & Schedule
Sunday, April 24, 2016, 4:30 pm
i n the Worship Center
Welcome & Praise
Dave Hook
Opening Prayer
Jeramy Clark
Meeting Agenda & Schedule
A Message From Our Pastor
From Our Board of Elders
Our Impact
Voting & Acceptance of Minutes
& Membership Changes (Pages 12-15)
Jeramy Clark
“Beyond” & Master Facility Plan FAQs
Our New Children’s Ministry Center
Master Facility Plan
Financial Report
Jim North
Elder Report
Werner Jacobsen
Vision for Beyond
Greg Lane
The Vision
Membership Reports
January Quarterly Minutes
Financial Reports
Going Beyond
BEYOND Training Our Families
with Ken & Jill Thomas
BEYOND Serving Our Communtiy
with Steve France
BEYOND Changing Our World
with Kalani Jones
Looking Beyond
Dennis Keating
Introduction of New Elder Board
& Nominating Committee
Dennis Keating
Closing Song
Dave Hook
For more informaƟon about the
contents in this annual report, please
visit our Beyond! web page at ...
community church
honoring God by living like Jesus
A Message From Our Senior Pastor
Dear Church Family,
Reflec ng back on this past year, I am so very thankful to the Lord for the con nuing opportuni es He’s given us to
fulfill our 2020 Vision of “using all means to invite people of all ages, ethnici es and backgrounds into a life-transforming
rela onship with God through Jesus Christ.” We’ve seen spiritual and numerical growth at Orchard Community Church
(our chuch plant in Northeast Escondido), in our Spanish-language Service here on our campus, and at our Bridge and
Neighborhood Ministries which provides tutoring services, ESL training for Spanish speaking parents, and biblical
counseling for community families. These ministries have allowed us to connect families with our EFCC programs, and
some have come to faith in Christ! Glory to God that He has been empowering and using our efforts to transform lives!
As I look forward to this next year, I sense God is calling us all to look beyond ourselves and what He has done in the
past to what He wants and is able to do in the future. The convic on comes from Ephesians 3:20-21, “Now to Him who
is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him
be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all genera ons forever and ever. Amen.”
That’s what the “Beyond!” campaign
is all about. Your church leadership is
convinced God is calling us forward
– beyond “pre y good” to a dynamic
personal rela onship with Him and a
maximizing of our ministry impact for
Him. He’s ready to move us
beyond in the training of our church
family, serving in our community
and changing our world.
Training our family • Serving our community • Changing our world
Why those three areas? We all know
we’re in an ongoing moral ba le for the minds and souls of people in a culture that is growing more and more spiritually
dark. That’s especially evident with our children and youth. Because of that, God is calling us to go beyond what we’re
doing right now in the training of our children so that our youngest genera on is resourced to stand firm on the Holy
Scriptures. Beloved, we must win this fight!
This ministry priority has been a constant “growth trigger” throughout our church’s history. As we’ve trained the younger
genera on, we also impacted their parents, grandparents and extended family members for Christ. It’s why we built the
children’s facili es first on this campus in the early ’70s, and paid cash for our Youth Center in the early ’80s.
Now, we’re being called to go beyond to create more ministry space in a secure, two-story children’s building so that
babies through sixth grade can be trained to be godly witnesses for genera ons to come.
Looking beyond can be fraught with fear and anxiety, but our God is able and wan ng to do beyond what we can even
conceive of! If we follow Him by faith, He’ll do the work in and through us so that He gets the glory for generaƟons to
come. Now that’s a future I’m ready to dive into!
In order to be prepared for all this, the Board of Elders has asked me to take a summer-long sabba cal (my first in 37
years!), star ng May 27. As always, the word of God will be preached by various members of our EFCC staff, focusing
on the theme “Living Right in an Upside Down World” from the Sermon on the Mount.
This summer, I’ll spend me with the Lord: reading, praying and thinking. I’ll visit other pastors and ministries locally
and around the country; and then spend me res ng with my dear Marsha. When I return on September 3/4, I’ll share
with you what God has been pressing on my heart about what it looks like to live “Beyond!”
God’s call is clear! So let’s do this together!
Pastor Dennis
From Our Board of Elders
Going Beyond to Reach the Next GeneraƟon
Please join with us as we pray for our church family to respond to God’s call to go beyond — to a deeper personal faith and a
greater corporate impact — by training our church family, serving our community and changing our world. A er many months of
working with an architectural firm specializing in church designs and ge ng input from the Elder Board, staff and congrega on,
we now have a Master Facility Plan (MFP) that has been approved by both the City of Escondido and our EFCC Board of Elders.
Our new Master Facility Plan includes four phases, and the Elders approved moving forward on the first two phases, star ng
with a two-story Children’s Ministry space. When Faith Kids moves from the Nursery and Educa on Center, this will open up
downstairs classrooms for Adult Fellowships and Bible studies. We’ll also be expanding the Holy Grounds Café and Courtyard to
provide more opportuni es, where spiritual connec ons and conversa ons happen.
Here’s what our pastoral and lay Board of Elders are saying ...
“I am convinced not only that we should do this, but that we must do this if we
want this church to con nue to reach families and influence our community for
Christ over the next 75 years. I see the Master Facility Plan vision as a wonderful
affirma on that Emmanuel Faith is invested in raising up future genera ons to
know and love Jesus. — Josh Rose
“I believe that this will inspire others to par
family over 25 years ago.”— John Waring
cipate more ac vely in their Chris an lives, as it did with me and my
“The plans we have for improving our campus will give us more and be
er opportuni es to engage with the community and make Emmanuel Faith a more invi ng
place to visit. — Chris Dull
“This is not just about building something new and nice, but about building ‘spiritual somebodies.’ This is about a
place where the building that goes on is for the bringing of the good news — building faithful followers of Christ and
future leaders. That future begins with the investment we make in His work today. — John Wojnicki
“I believe a new or remodeled facility can be a tool to facilitate our ambi
on to
follow God’s desires for us. God has given our local assembly the unique privilege
to be a light in North County and the means to significantly overhaul our facility
for even greater opportunity to carry out Scriptures’ instruc ons for displaying
Christ in our community. — Brian Jung
From Our Board of Elders
“By inves
ng in improved facili es for our children, I am convinced we can do an even be er job of preparing children
to take their place in the world as fully commi ed followers of Christ, both locally and globally. — Dave Hall
“As co-laborers in the building of God’s kingdom, this Master Facility Plan is one of
the most prac cal tools for building disciples who can lead others into a rela onship
with Jesus in our local community and around the world. — Jaisen Fuson
“As an elementary Sunday school teacher over the past 20 years, I have experienced the limita
ons we have due
to the age, size and condi ons of our current children’s buildings. By star ng with the children’s buildings we will be
able to con nue to provide a solid spiritual founda on for our children and provide a larger, safer, more free-flowing
invi ng campus that will consolidate our en re children’s ministry in one building. — Mike Snodgrass
“The Master Facility Plan provides many opportuni
• To con nue the legacy of those who have gone before us, living generously and
sacrificially, while faithfully stewarding the resources the Master has entrusted to
this congrega on.
• To trust the Spirit’s leading in new ways as we train and launch future genera ons
into kingdom work throughout North County and the world. — Steve France
“God led us to our 2020 Vision that says we will be a church family ‘that risks using all means to invite people of all
ages, ethnici es and backgrounds into a life-transforming rela onship with God through Jesus Christ.’ It’s a great
goal that will require greater steps of faith. We must address the obstacles to future growth when it comes to more
ministry space for star ng new worship services, new church plants and new ministries. — Greg Lane
“I am convinced that God is again leading EFCC to invest in a campus where future
genera ons of families can bring their children to learn about Jesus in a safe and
welcoming environment. This master facility plan will increase our capabili es to
teach and train our youth, which will have eternal impact on our community and
eventually throughout the world for genera ons to come and beyond.
— Marcel de Neve
Our Impact
pounds of Goldfish
crackers consumed
monthly by Faith Kids
children attended KidsGames 2014:
praying for more this summer!
average age
in Escondido
of residents in
Escondido are
under 5 years old
children and teens
live within 5 miles
of the church
outreach families
supported by EFCC
High School Spring Break Mexico Trip 2016
adults attend ESL classes
at EFCC’s The Bridge
Community Center
students currently
attend after-school
tutoring at The Bridge
Faith Kids
Ministry Partners
homes built by our 42 students and 16 adults
students have been
helped by The Bridge
the past 18 years
EFCC people sent on short-term
“GPS” mission trips since 2006
enough to fill 17
charter buses!
Children’s Choir Arizona Outreach Tour
2016 with 42 students and 18 adults
new Christ
“Beyond” & Master Facility Plan FAQs
Answers to Some Frequently Asked Ques ons
God is able to do abundantly BEYOND what we expect — more than we could think or imagine! As a church family our goal is
to “honor God by living like Jesus,” responding to God’s call to go beyond to a deeper personal faith and a greater corporate
impact — by training our church family, serving our community and changing our world. With this in mind, the Board of Elders is
convinced that the Lord would have us prepare ourselves and this church campus for greater impact both now and in the future.
Thank you for taking me to learn and pray about how this process can enhance our role for God’s glory. Below are just some of
the FAQs that are available at Find out more about the vision and plan at
In October 1939, 200 men, women and children met at Central
Elementary School in Escondido to start a church guided by the Word
of God. Soon a er, Emmanuel Faith was mee ng in the Escondido
Women’s Club House. Even back then, we were star ng to live out
our current 2020 Vision statement, being “a church that risks using all
means to invite people of all ages, ethnici es and backgrounds into a
life-transforming rela onship with God through Jesus Christ.” As the
love of God poured out from the congrega on into the community,
the growing church family moved to a new church property at 7th and
Maple in Escondido. Within a couple of decades, the ministry at the
church con nued to expand, and more and more people flocked to the
church that was becoming well-known for its strong Bible teaching.
As we outgrew those facili es, God placed it on the heart of the
church leadership to develop our first Master Facility Plan for our
current property, breaking ground in 1971. The construc on of the
Chapel in 2006 was the final phase of that original plan. As EFCC con nued to grow, included in our 2020 Vision was the crea on
of a new Master Facility Plan, one that will allow us to con nue to grow and meet the spiritual needs of our surrounding
community. In October 2015, a er considerable prayer and discussion, the Board of Elders approved this new Master Facility
Plan to ensure that we con nue to impact future genera ons for Christ.
By star ng with the children’s area in Phase 1, we will be able to a ract more people in their 20s, 30s and 40s within our
community who desperately need to hear about our loving, forgiving, merciful Savior. While we are commi ed to reaching all
people, we recognize the unique role that children and their parents play in church growth. Crea ng a safe, fun and welcoming
children’s building is a key step in reaching and teaching younger genera ons and their children.
Phase One will provide a much-needed two-story facility for all of our children, from infants to sixth-grade. In a culture that no
longer acknowledges moral absolutes, we think the Lord would be honored by pu ng our best efforts into training our children.
This new ministry space will replace the old buildings on the north end of our campus, and create a safe and unified area where
all our children can grow in their love and knowledge of Christ, so they can shine brightly for Him in our community.
For starters, we want to provide a safe, user-friendly loca on for our children to learn about our loving Savior and to make
life me commitments to Christ. Currently, parents must travel around the campus, from the Nursery to the Educa on Center to
the Faith Kids elementary rooms, to drop off and pick up their children. While we have amazing kids programs, the difficulty of
finding one’s way from one classroom to another can be discouraging for young families (Psalm 78:5-7).
Phase one would also include modifying Parking Lot A and adding a stoplight at Encino and 17th/Felicita. While the City of
Escondido has requested the stoplight, we are happy to create a safer intersec on for our a endees and neighbors.
Continues on page 7.
Frequently Asked Questions
Continued from page 6.
Phase Two will address our need for more rela onal space where we can connect with each other — laughing, sharing, praying,
learning and encouraging each other. Our hope is to create sufficient space where anyone from our church family and local
community can gather, feel welcome and find fellowship with others.
We’ll be expanding the Courtyard, the Café and the Worship Center foyer and, yes, we’ll be giving the interior of the Worship
Center a face li , as well! In order to create more space in the Courtyard, we will remove the offices at the east end of the Worship
Center. This will allow us to create a visible main office recep on area on the north side of the Educa on Center with easy access
to the Courtyard. Many of the remaining children’s rooms in the Educa on Center and Nursery will be renovated into convenient,
first-floor adult classrooms. In addi on, the offices that were in the east end of the Worship Center will be moved to the second
floor of the Educa on Center.
We are hoping to begin preparing for the new children’s building
(ar s c rendering at le ) at the end of 2016, with the goal of having
it ready for use by spring 2018, at the latest. We pray we can save
money by rolling right into Phase Two (expanding our Courtyard, Café
and Worship Center Foyer, while moving the Educa on Center’s adult
classrooms downstairs) a er comple ng Phase One, which includes
the Children’s Building. Our hope is to complete Phases One and Two
around the year 2020. (See the meline on the back page.)
Our current buildings in the north end of our campus were built in the early 1970s at the same me as our Worship Center.
These are among the oldest buildings on campus, and for many years we have been working hard on the upkeep of these small,
separated buildings, where we ba le with flooding, leaking and general deteriora on. Beginning with the children’s building
allows us to start fresh, crea ng a safe, welcoming and convenient place for our children to grow in their love for the Lord. A
new, two-story ministry space designed for infants to sixth-graders will centralize our Faith Kids ministries in one secure,
enclosed environment. This alleviates the frustra on parents have of dropping off babies and toddlers in the nursery; then 3s,
4s and 5s in the Educa on Center and backside of the nursery; then taking elementary students to the children’s buildings half
way across the campus.
Having one enclosed area with secure play areas will allow us to maintain a safe environment for each precious child that God
brings to us. In addi on, both floors will include large mul purpose rooms, where children can come together for worship and
special presenta ons. This new facility will create a more invi ng atmosphere for new children and their parents.
Read more FAQs at
Is God Calling You to Par cipate?
If God is promp ng you to begin dona ng, you may do so by designa ng your gi to the
“Beyond Fund.” Formerly the “Building Fund,” the newly named “Beyond Fund” will be used
exclusively for developing our new ministry space related to the Master Facility Plan. To give
online, visit and choose “Beyond!” or mail a check with “Beyond!” in
the note field to:
Emmanuel Faith Community Church
A n: Accoun ng
639 E. 17th Ave.
Escondido, CA, 92025
If you have any ques ons or comments, contact us at [email protected]. To talk to someone
in accoun ng about your dona ons, contact contribu [email protected].
Our New Children’s Ministry Center
At le and immediately
below are ar s c renderings
of our lobby. The drawing at
le depicts the Faith Kids
entrance and check-in area
for birth to sixth grade. Below
shows the secure preschool
entrance and an area for
parents to connect.
We’re excited to share with you some ar s c
renderings from our architects. Please join us
in praying for each child that will walk in these
doors to learn to “honor God by living like Jesus.”
Above and to the right are ar s c renderings
of the upstairs amphitheater in the proposed
Faith Kids new two-story ministry space.
September 1, 2015
EFCC Master Facility Plan
ConstrucƟon Phasing Overview
Master Facility Plan Drawings
Encino Drive
Felicita / 17th Avenue
Remodel Worship Center
Lot B & C Reconfigured
Addi onal Courtyard
New Training Center & High School Complex
Remodel YC Offices, and Young Adult Area
Lot C Reconfigura on
Amphitheaters’ Lobbies, including JH
Remodeled Ed Center
Refreshed Worship Center
Courtyard Redesigned
New Holy Grounds Café
Children’s Ministry
Lot A Reconfigura on
Off-site Improvements
9 & 10
Felicita / 17th Avenue
Encino Drive
Felicita / 17th Avenue
- Creating a “main entrance”
to the campus
- Parking Lot A reconfigured
- Children’s Building
Tentative line
drawing of Phase 1
The Vision
How does “Beyond” and the MFP support the 2020 Vision?
Our intent is that “Beyond” and the Master Facility Plan (MFP) communicate the call of God to go beyond ... to a deeper, personal
faith and a greater corporate impact as a church family for Jesus Christ. This is supported by our 2020 Vision.
The 2020 Vision talks about a “Preferred Future” saying, “By 2020, EFCC will be a church that risks using all means to invite people
of all ages, ethnici es and backgrounds into a life-transforming rela onship with God through Jesus Christ. We will seek to engage
and impact our culture by being pure-hearted, fully devoted followers of Jesus. We will train and be trained to know and live out
biblical truth by compassionately caring for each other and the needy and broken in our communi es. We will sacrificially invest
our me, resources and abili es to proclaim the good news of forgiveness and hope throughout Escondido, North County and
the world.”
To that end we will endeavor ...
1: To be passionately commi ed to a personal rela onship with the one true God through depending on Jesus’ sacrifice and
resurrec on. We will love Him, talk with Him, obey Him, yield to His Holy Spirit and live a life of joyful worship.
Beyond and the MFP: The goal of “Beyond” is to follow God’s call to a deeper personal faith and a greater corporate impact for
Jesus Christ as a church family. Beginning to build out the Master Facility Plan (MFP) is a priority both as a means of calling us to
greater generosity and as a means of preparing for future growth. It’s true that as a result of the MFP, we will have more ministry
space and greater poten al for impact using these buildings but the most important thing is our personal spiritual growth and
growth as a church family. We want to be a people who are more grace and truth-filled, a people who live generously by loving in
the name of Jesus by talking about, obeying and yielding to God. Because we believe spiritual maturity is God’s design for every
believer, we pray that this focused effort will be a deeply transforma onal journey for each one of us.
2: To be a connected and loving family, united and interdependent, honest and grace filled,
helping each other become more like Jesus. We will take care of each other’s needs and
welcome into our midst those who are broken and vulnerable so that they can find support,
encouragement, healing and contribu on.
Beyond and the MFP: The bigger Courtyard, the larger Holy Grounds Café, the enhanced
foyers, the increased outdoor sea ng areas and the more user-friendly walkways all create
space where people can more easily connect … with the church family, with guests and with
God. We want to create an environment where people feel like they belong. We believe that
fellowship is God’s method by which we care for each other and welcome guests who may be
hur ng or searching. This is how godly rela onships are developed.
3: To inten onally go into our neighborhoods, communi es and the world to serve with
compassion and graciously proclaim the hope we have in Christ. We will work with others,
especially fellow believers in Christ, to ac vely and innova vely cross ethnic and socio-economic boundaries to help those in need.
Beyond and the MFP: Because evangelism is God’s “heartbeat,” we are commi ed to building a stronger bridge between the
church and the community. First, we must develop a more invi ng place. Having ministry space that is a rac ve and user-friendly
will enhance the way we invite friends, coworkers and neighbors. We will have more space for new people and for new ministries
that meet their needs and consider their experiences. This is one of the reasons why we are including a preschool in the plan.
Secondly, we must become a more invi ng people. For as long as the Lord tarries, we must grow as a launching pad, sending
people out into our communi es and the world to invite others into a rela onship with Jesus. This plan adds ministry space for
training in outreach, for developing new ministries, and for beginning new church plants that will result in more people
proclaiming hope in Christ.
4: To be characterized by transformed and maturing lives, rooted in biblical truth and dominated by grace. We will train all
genera ons in our church family to know, explain and defend what we believe in order to engage and impact our culture for Christ.
Beyond and the MFP: Every phase of this plan includes enhanced ministry space for discipling, beginning with safer, more
effec ve space for training children and serving young families. Our current facili es, especially the children’s rooms, though
useful today, are not adequate to accomplish God’s call on us for genera ons to come. Not only do we have safety, infrastructure,
space and way-finding limita ons that need to be addressed, but we are commi ed to biblically training our church family to
know and speak truth with grace in an increasingly non-biblical world. This plan secures greater opportunity both now and in the
future to teach the relevancy and sufficiency of God’s Word to all genera ons.
Membership Reports
The following candidates have completed EFCC’s
StarƟng Point class and applied for membership:
Michelle Andreasen
Thomas Arvin
Abrhil Arvizu
Nancy Be enhausen
Neil Be enhausen
Emily Brown
Charlie Cooper
Danny Cooper
Ka e Davis
Don Dunn
Judy Dunn
Helen France
Joe France
Elizabeth Hernandez
Alan Hernandez
Barbara Hortman
Linda Janson
Randy Janson
Kevin Kindschi
Suzanne Kindschi
Barbara Letsom
Anna Lindeen
Eric Lindeen
Inan Linton
Jan Messali
Charles Paddock
Laury Paddock
Be y Peterson
Donald Peterson
Cassandra Pineda
Jehu Pineda
Kelsey Pineda
Sagrario Pineda
Sarah Smith
Taylor Smith
Michelle Spaulding
Adaly Tapia
Fiscal Year 2016: Membership Report
Total Membership: May 1, 2015 ...................................... 4,124
New EFCC Members received ................................................ 86
Losses by death ........................................................................... 36
Removed for other reasons ............................................ 1,066*
* Due to a major database cleanup
Changed to Honorary Member ................................................3
Total Membership: April 30, 2016 ........................... 3,105
Baptisms: April 2015 – March 2016 ...................................... 91
Remove (inacƟve)
The following have been removed due to inac vity or
moving out of the area.
John Alexander
Tonya Alexander
Mary Anderson
Terry Anderson
Jennifer Carr
Dan Ferreira
Yvonne Fields
Mike Hall
Mark Ippolito
Shirley Jackson
Mike McGinnis
Jeff Michaelis
Garre Miller
Laurie Mitchell
Tim Mitchell
Jed Paschall
Becca Paschall
Crosby Ross
Mar n Rouse
Ka e Royal
Rosa Ruiz
Beverly Rute
Carolyn Saar
Florence Sale
Marian Salmonson
Jennifer Schickedanz
Edward Seavey
Candy Serry
Sharon Sexton
Michael Sexton
Satomi Shirai
Kyle Shumate
Sonja Shumate
Ka e Silva
Christy Sims
Tina Sloan
Ava Smith
Don Smith
JohnThomas Sorrels
Barbara Sparks
Dan Spelts
Sara Spra ord
Rei a Stanley
David Steinman
Shirley Steinman
Bre Stewart
Jason Stewart
Jodi Stewart
Randy Stewart
Jeffrey Stowe
Tarah Stowe
Sylvia Stowers
Cimbre Stuka-Boyer
Cara Sundberg
Ed Svoboda
Kathleen Svoboda
Adelina Swaney
Ka e Sykes
Michelle Takagi
Maria E. Talamantes
Ann Tarr (Sierra)
Marlene Taylor
Nicole Taylor
Tim Taylor
Heather Tegeler
Brooke Terregrossa
Audrey Teshima
Irene Thompson
Maureen Tracy
Oliver Tracy
Sco Tullius
Shirley Turnock
Kim Vance
Deborah Vande Berg
Jerry Vande Berg
Efrem Venters
Sharon Verble
Luz Villafana
Ralph Vinje
Daniel Volschenk
Diane VonTungeln
Gary VonTungeln
Judith Walker
Ryan Walker
Rosa Wallace
O’Dell Wallace
Tabea Walter
Janie Waltman
Carol Wasdyke
Lynn Watson
Bruce Webster
Marcia Webster
Andrea Weiler
Mark Weiler
Jimmy Weir
Janelle Whetsel
Brian White
Jessica White
Peter Wicklund
Kyla Wilkenfeld
Jeane e Wilkie
Claire Williams
Diana Williams
Joel Williams
Laura Williams
Maria Williams
Mark Williams
Thelma Williams
Jacob Wi
Chris ne Wood
Margaret Wood
Bill Wood
Gary Woolliscro
Mary Wulf
Carissa Wylie
Art Yarnelle
Carol Yarnelle
Ki y Yuen
Michelle Yuen
Michelle Zeller
The following members and aƩendees
are now present with the Lord:
Dorothy Amen
Carol Joan Anderson
Cathey Anderson
Debbie Blakney
Evelyn Brown
Glenda Brown
Phyllis Brunton
Johnny Cardoza
Jackie Coleman
Bonnie Coston
Harlan Davenport
Doyle Davis
Chris Drinkward
Susan Dunn
Darlene Faccone
Sandra File
Jack Freitas
Eva Gerritsen
Peter Giuliano
Mary Gonzales
Be y Gutknecht
Lynda Hailand
Carol Hall
Bill Harris
Patricia Harter
Maxine Hartzler
Zachary Irwin
Shirley Johnson
Sylvia Jones
Daniel Keeney
Luther Kla
Larry Kohler
Jackie Lane
Harry Larson
Gerald La mer
Fern Lee
Tim Lopez
John McQuead
Arline Naugle
Denis Neptune
Robert Noel
Robert Ooley
Martha Palhegyi
Robert Parsley
Florence Peacock
Elenore Peet
Virginia Peterson
Hal Pilz
Richard Putnam
Zachary Quiroz
Jessica Reed
Derrell Rhinehart
Glenn Roper
Howard Russell
Bohumil Smetana
Marilyn Stringer
Walter Swanson
Arlene Terrell
James Terry
Louise Thurber
Pedro Torres
Doris Turner
Delson Watkins
Richard Williams
Norma Jean Wingo
William Young
Remove (by Request)
The following have requested removal from membership:
Chelsea Bielma
Ma Bielma
Barbara Brown
Verle Brown
Jacob Cardoza
Janet Erze
Becky Ferreira
Rich Ferreira
Shari Gomez
Travis Gomez
Barbara Hood
Steve Hood
Derek Jenkins
Liz Jenkins
Eva Jones
Bryce Kea ng
Stephen Mikovits
Cur s Newton
David Pearsey
Chris ne Perkins
Nick Perkins
Mary Schrieks
Dianne Staines
Bill Stover
Mike Swaney
Jarvis Tou
Susan Tou
Sterling Wolfe
Linda Yoder
Bridget Youngdale
Doug Youngdale
January Quarterly Meeting Minutes
January 24, 2016
Emmanuel Faith Community Church
Quarterly MeeƟng
Chapel Downstairs @ 4:45pm
Welcome and opening prayer Pastor Greg Lane at 4:47 p.m.
A mo on was made and passed to accept the minutes as presented by Ginger/John.
A mo on was made and passed to accept the Elder recommended Membership Report by Ed/Mark.
Pastor Dennis Kea ng shared Col. 1:3, and said that the gospel gives us faith and hope and love. We try to teach the
gospel to our children. He asked that we all con nue to pray that God blesses this word that we are trying to teach.
Ministry Reports
Life Stage: Greg Lane
• College Ministry recently went to Big Bear, and Pastor Greg shared some responses of the students.
• High School went to Idyllwild for winter camp. “Death to Selfie” was the theme and the kids had a great
me with many lives touched by the message.
• Junior High is going to Forest Home for winter camp please pray for them on this journey.
• Elementary Winter Camp will be at Palomar Mountain camp, and Chris Montgomery will be speaking.
• At 6th grade camp, John Riley will be speaking, please pray for those students to open their hearts to hear
the word.
• Doug Smith is teaching a class on homosexuality and gender from a biblical based perspec ve.
• John Riley is doing a series on homosexuality for the Junior High.
• Women’s ministry had 17 new women sign up for MOPS.
• We had 240 men come to Comedy Night, and 15 men rededicated their lives to God.
• Nicole Jiles leads our special needs ministry, and she has been coming alongside families that are in need
and helping make sure they are able to a end services.
Master Facility Plan Update: Greg Lane
A 2016 Year in overview was provided to all explaining the purpose, key dates and contact info. FAQs are available
online. At the next Annual Business Mee ng we will be launching our vision statement for our MFP. Dennis will be
leading us in what God is calling us to do next.
January Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Resource Stewardship: Jim North
Below are the slides that were presented at the mee ng. Jim announced that our CFO Kate Rucker has decided to
return home to take care of her family and introduced Diana Belnap as Kate’s replacement as our new Director of
Finance. Please call if you have ques ons about any of the informa on that was presented.
Quarterly Business Meeting notes continue on page 15.
January Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Continued from page 14.
Outreach Ministry: Dave Hall
Outreach Conference Plans and GO Worker Updates
• The last two weekends in February will be our 2016
Outreach Conference “… look at the fields! They are
ripe for harvest” John 4:35. The focus is on India and
China. Also, we will have a daylong seminar on Islam
with the focus on understanding, rela ng to, and
having a rela onship with Muslims.
• Harry and Pa y Larson update: Harry has been ba ling
cancer and they are both in India right now as Harry
prepares to have a tumor removed. Please pray for them. [Note: Harry Larson passed away, and Pastor
Jeramy Clark and his wife, Jerusha, represented EFCC at the memorial service in India.]
• We have people living in all kinds of countries bringing the good word to all. Please call Dave if you have
any ques ons regarding funding or what is happening in the Global Outreach Ministry.
Orchard Community Church: Assad Saif
Assad Saif was not able to make it, but things are going well at the EFCC church plant, which meets at Orange
Glen High School. Everyone is welcome to visit.
Elder Board: Werner Jacobsen, Elder Board Chairman
Werner wanted to know if anyone has any ques ons for him or the Elder Board to please contact them. The
Elder board appreciates all the work and service that everyone does here on campus.
Werner announced that Pastor Dennis will be taking a sabba cal for three months: June, July and August.
Please pray for him and the Elder Board as they plan for his absence.
Please pray for Werner as he goes to Turkey in a leadership conference with Tim Strauss.
Adjournment and closing prayer at 6 p.m.
Alanna Dunaway
Corporate Secretary
Our Spanish-language
service, which started
January 2015 led by
Pastor Esteban Tapia,
continues to grow. On
Easter Sunday, two more
people were baptized!
Financial Reports
EFCC Financial Review: Fiscal Year 2015/2016
Jim North
Chief Financial Officer/Chief Opera ng Officer
$1,342,900, and we ended under budget by $40,167. Expenses
were also down by $85,496, resul ng in a net gain of $45,329.
With the crea on of the “Beyond” fund, which will be used
exclusively for the comple on of our new building projects,
EFCC now has seven major designated funds: General, Outreach
Ministries, Maintenance (previously Building Fund), “Beyond,”
Fellowship, Orchard Community Church (OCC), and Vision.
Graphs 1-3 depict the alloca on of expenses across all budgeted
ac vi es and provide further detail for our Ministry Teams and
our Outreach Ministries Fund. The following Statement of
Ac vity reports the budget vs. actual for five of these funds.
MAINTENANCE FUND: Previously the “Building Fund,” this
fund is u lized for repairs and improvement projects
throughout the campus. Total dona ons were $261,649;
total expenses were $267,768 for a net deficit of $6,119.
GENERAL FUND: Includes wages and benefits (except OCC),
church opera ons and all campus ministries. Over the past 12
months, we con nued to be abundantly blessed with receipts
totaling $6,598,592; however, we came below budget by
$210,453. Our expenses this fiscal year were also below budget
by $53,109, providing a net loss in the fund of $157,344 – down
approximately 2%.
OUTREACH MINISTRIES FUND: Supports global and community
outreach efforts, including missionary support, the Bridge,
homeless ministry, and GPS and Connec ng with China oureach
teams, along with many others. Revenue was budgeted at
“BEYOND” FUND: Created in November 2015 with an ini al
transfer from the Vision fund of $1M. Ini al planning and
architectural design for the new Children’s Ministry building
are underway and funds received this last fiscal year totaled
$203,902. Expenses for the project were $314,426.
ORCHARD COMMUNITY CHURCH: OCC completed its second
full year of opera on in the 2015-16 fiscal year, with services
being held at Orange Glen High School. Dona ons were
$17,565 over budget and expenses were over budget by
$22,428, resul ng in a net loss of $4,863.
(Cash and Investments by Fund as of March 31, 2016)
GENERAL FUND $ 2,052,352
BEYOND FUND $ 889,476
VISION FUND $ 741,192
$ 382,548
FELLOWSHIP $ 121,847
$9.04M Total All Fund's Operating Expenses 2015-16
Maintenance Fund
Graph 1
Fellowship Fund
"Beyond" Fund
Orchard CC
Outreach Ministries
Wages & Benefits
(see Graph 3 for details)
Ministry Teams
(see Graph 2 for details)
Utility & Overhead
Financial Reports continue on Pages 17 & 18.
Financial Reports
$1.57M Ministry Team Expense 2015-16
Graph 2
Holy Grounds
Cafe $145k
Young Adults:
Junior High, HS,
RST: Facilities, HR,
Finance, IT,
Graphics, Media
Adult Ministries:
Care & Counseling,
Men's, Women's,
Senior Adult,
Discipleship Ministries
Senior Pastor, Spanish Language
Ministries & Worship Teams
$1.26M Outreach Ministry Expense 2015-16
Graph 3
Other Ministry
GPS and
Connecting with
Bridge Ministries
Financial Reports
Emmanuel Faith Community Church
Statement of Activity of all Operating Funds for the twelve
months ending March 2016
Fund Receipts
$ 6,809,045
$ 6,598,592
Net Gain/(loss) in Fund
General Fund
Outreach Ministries
Fund Receipts
$ 1,342,900
$ 1,302,733
Net Gain/(loss) in Fund
Fund Receipts
Net Gain/(loss) in Fund
"Beyond" Fund
Maintenance Fund
Fund Receipts
Net Gain/(loss) in Fund
Fellowship Fund
Fund Receipts
Net Gain/(loss) in Fund
Orchard Community Church
Fund Receipts
Net Gain/(loss) in Fund
Total All Funds: Budgeted Activity 2015-16
Total All Operating Fund's Receipts
$ 8,904,592
$ 8,820,014
Total All Operating Fund's Expenses
Net Gain/(loss) in Fund
Going Beyond
Next Steps: Where do we go from here?
1. Please Pray
• Invite God to deepen your faith during this season so that together, as a church family, we will freely respond to
God’s call in all areas of our lives.
• Ask God to fill the new ministry space with children and young families so that we can train them in God’s Word.
• Praise God for what He has done, is doing and will do through the Emmanuel Faith Community Church family.
2. Prepare Yourself
• Learn about the vision (why we are doing this) and the plan (what we are doing) for the Master Facility Plan:
Review the informa on in this report; see the website,; a end a Town Hall Mee ng on
Wednesday, May 25, at 7 p.m., or Sunday, June 26, at 11 a.m., or Sunday, July 31, at 4:45 p.m.
• Think about how God might use your me, treasure and talent to help us reach beyond — today.
ParƟcipate With Your Church Family
Join us this fall for a nine-week series as we look in the scriptures at how God calls His people to go Beyond.
A end one of the Beyond Vision Events in October to hear Pastor Dennis share his heart and perspec ve.
Serve on a team, at a booth or at an event this fall. Contact Greg Lane by emailing [email protected].
Tenta ve Master Facility Plan Timeline
Plan Development
1/4/2016 - 6/6/2016
Offsite Improvements
6/6/2016 - 8/15/2016
Architectural Plan Review 6/4/2016 - 11/14/2016
Area Prep/Building Demolition
11/28/2016 - 1/27/2017
Ground Breaking/Building Construction
1/28/2017 - 1/31/2018
Architectural Plan Submittal
Architectural Design and Engineering
Building Permits
Offsite Improvements Permit
Winter 2017
Phase 1
Ground Breaking
Spring 2018
community church
honoring God by living like Jesus
639 East 17th Avenue • Escondido, CA 92025 • (760) 745-2541 •