Spring 2016 - Church of the Gesu
Spring 2016 - Church of the Gesu
GESU NEWS & VIEWS Highlights of Parish, School and Alumni Happenings March 2016 Vol 8. Issue 4 From the Pastor... When Jesus began his ministry what did people say? “Where did he get all this? He is just an ordinary person. We know his mom and dad. He’s a carpenter’s son and has lived at home in this village for most of his life.” Ninety one percent of Jesus’ life is summed up in one line of scripture: He went back home and continued to grow in wisdom and grace. We, too, can grow in wisdom and grace during our Lenten journey and beyond. Find God everywhere, or find God not at all. (Author unknown). Find God in all things, from nature to human life. Love makes God present everywhere and in everything. In the Human, love drives out all selfishness so that we can see the deed of love everywhere, especially in one another. (St. Ignatius of Loyola). As we live the days of our lives, if we do not love, we have nothing to say to others that will do them much good. Remain in my Love the Lord says. This is not an occasional activity, but a constant day in and day out. (Fr. Nicolas, S.J. Superior General of the Society of Jesus). In our quiet day- to -day living, we need to touch the depth of our hearts, where the God of love dwells. Here we find a love that drives the meaning of all life. Learn to reverence these days, to grow in wisdom and grace. Then anything “extraordinary” will simply reveal the inner spirit of love that is nurtured and matures in the ordinary days of our lives. (Fr. Jim Von Tobel, S.J.) After a very brief taste of “ordinary time” this year, because Easter comes very early near the end of March, we now find ourselves well into the Season of Lent. • As we travel through the Lenten Season, remember that the Sacrament of the Eucharist is far more important in terms of our closeness to Jesus than the sacramental ashes of Ash Wednesday; • As we anticipate the renewal of our own Baptismal vows on the Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord and the baptism or the reception into the Church of new members of the Body of Christ, we pray for and encourage all to find joy in the Christian Community; • We celebrate Lent not only by giving up things, but – especially in this Year of Mercy – also anticipating the presence of the Lord in our midst by how well we welcome people and by our personal kindness to each other in imitation of Christ’s generous self-giving; • We also pray with joy as we anticipate the completion of our immersion baptismal font, and look forward to all those who will find God’s mercy and forgiveness as they enter the Church, the Body of Christ, in the Sacrament of Baptism. Fr. Jim Von Tobel, S.J. Pastor Gesu News & Views ADMINISTRATION March Ann, This is page 2. If Sara’s picture doesn’t fit you can just remove it. If it does fit, please put her name under it. I2016 think it more important that our readers have a picture of Fr. Kiser. Letter from the Provincial Letter from the Provincial To the Parish Community of Gesu, To the Parish Community of Gesu, write to you onfor theastatus oursucceed search for pastor and to succeed Snow and Fr I write to update you on the Istatus ofupdate our search pastorofto Fr.aSnow Fr VonFr.Tobel. After Von Tobel. After much deliberation and consultation, I am able to report that Fr. Karl Kiser will be much deliberation and consultation, I am able to report that Fr. Karl Kiser will be made available to Bishop made available to Bishop Lennon with a recommendation that Fr. Kiser serve as the next pastor Lennon with a recommendation that Fr. Kiser serve as the next pastor of Gesu. I have communicated of Gesu. Lennon I have communicated this responsibility good news to Bishop Lennon who holds the this good news to Bishop who holds the of appointing pastors in responsibility the Diocese of of appointing pastors in the Diocese of Cleveland. Cleveland. There are a few steps yet to take before I make my final recommendation to Bishop Fr. Kiser will Icomplete mission of 16 years at University of Detroit JesuitFr. High School There are a few stepsLennon. yet to take before make myhisfinal recommendation to Bishop Lennon. Kiser willin MI. During the spring,ofFr. Kiser, who wasHigh ordained at Gesu in 1997, will the parish. complete his missionDetroit, of 16 years at University Detroit Jesuit School in Detroit, MI.visit During the The Fr. Karl Kiser, and S.J. is to learnatabout areas parish life build onismutual strengths interests, spring, Fr. Kiser, whopurpose was ordained Gesuthe in parish, 1997, identify will visit theofparish. Thethat purpose to learn about and the common recognize areas of possible growth which could help him and the parish prepare for this new mission. After he visits, I will parish, identify areas of parish life that build on mutual strengths and common interests, and recognize areas of possible growth formally make Fr. Kiser available to Bishop Lennon, proposing an appointment to coincide with the completion of a wellwhich could help him and the parish prepare for this new mission. After he visits, I will formally make Fr. Kiser available to deserved sabbatical in late fall 2016. Bishop Lennon, proposing an appointment to coincide with the completion of a well-deserved sabbatical in late fall 2016. Know you have my deep gratitude for your generosity in supporting one another through this transitional year. Although the appointment of a new pastor has extended our through initial expectations, I appreciate your commitment Know you have my deep gratitude for your generosity in supporting onebeyond another this transitional year. Although the and patience process.beyond Your collective care expectations, for this parish has enabled meyour to respond to needs and across our Midwest appointment of a new pastorwith hasthe extended our initial I appreciate commitment patience with the Jesuit family ministries. process. Your collective care for of this parish has enabled me to respond to needs across our Midwest Jesuit family of ministries. May God continue to bless you and keep you in the coming months, May God continue to bless you and keep you in the coming months, V. Rev. Brian G. Paulson, S.J. V. Rev. Brian G. Paulson, S.J. Provincial Provincial News from Development ““But progress is not measured in brick and mortar alone. Progress is, foremost, growth in the Lord, and your maturity is News from Development judged by your putting on Christ, as St. Paul tells us, and in offering yourselves in service to God and your fellow man.” --Pedro Arrupe, S.J. in a 1976 letter to then Gesu Pastor, Fr. Francis Dietz, S. J. “But progress is not measured in brick and mortar alone. Progress is, foremost, growth thin the Lord, and your maturity is We have so muchastoSt. look forward as and Gesuin Parish prepares to celebrate its 90 Anniversary: Celebratory Mass and judged by your putting on Christ, Paul tellstous, offering yourselves in service to God andThe your fellow man.” Reception on Sunday, May 15, 2016, the Gesu School Gala at Landerhaven on September 10, 2016 and the Gesu School all--Pedro Arrupe, S.J. in a 1976 letter to then Gesu Pastor, Fr. Francis Dietz S. J. class reunion in 2017. We have so much to look forward to as Gesu Parish prepares to celebrate its 90th Anniversary: The Celebratory Mass and Thank your the unwavering supportGala of theatFund for Gesu. The phase will10, be 2016 the installation an immersion Reception on Sunday, Mayyou 15,for2016, Gesu School Landerhaven onnext September and the of Gesu School all-class baptismal font scheduled to be completed in time for the Easter Vigil on March 26, 2016. Additional funding will be needed reunion in 2017. for the next Fund for Gesu phases that include replacing the center confessionals with shrines to honor St. Ann and St. Kateri Tekakwitha, as well as deep cleaning and repairing of phase pews, floors, and of replacing the kneelers. Your Thank you for your unwavering support of the Fund for Gesu. The next will bewood the paneling, installation an immersion baptismal fund readyVigil the parish to serve forAdditional generations funding to come, so parishfor church font scheduled to be contribution completed to inthis time forwill thehelp Easter on March 26,those 2016. willthat beour needed the next can be areplacing legacy to Gesu’s future,confessionals starting with the 90th Anniversary year. St. Ann and St. Kateri Tekakwitha, as Fund for Gesu phasesbuilding that include the center with shrines to honor well as deep cleaningIfand repairing of pews, floors, wood paneling, and replacing the kneelers. Your contribution this fund you would like to support these efforts, you may do so by using the enclosed envelope or donating onlineto through Faithwill help ready the parishDirect. to serve those for generations to come, so that our parish church building can be a legacy to Gesu’s future, You can find the link at churchofthegesu.org and click on Parish Giving. Thank you to all who serve our Parish. As starting with the 90thstewards Anniversary of youryear. time, talent, and treasures, you are making an impact on our community. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ If you would like to support these efforts, you may do so by using the enclosed envelope or donating online through Faith Direct. Connected! You can find the linkStay at churchofthegesu.org and click on Parish Giving. Thank you to all who serve our Parish. As stewards of your time, talent, and treasures, you are making an impact on our community. Gesu School alumni, and parents of Gesu Alumni, please send your – and/or your child’s/children’s contact information to [email protected]. We want to keep our alumni informed on school news, info on the upcoming 90th Anniversary celebrations, and reunion dates! We need the following information for each alumnus/alumna: Stay Connected! Gesu School alumni,Names and parents Gesu Alumni, please send us your – and/or your child’s/children’s contact information (Includeof Maiden): _____________________________________________ Classes ___________ to [email protected]. We want to keep our alumni informed on school news, info on the upcoming 90th Street Addresses:_______________________________________________________________________ Anniversary celebrations, and reunion dates! We need the followingPhone information for each alumnus/alumna: Email Addresses: _____________________________ Num________________________________ Names (Include Maiden): Classes: Street Addresses: Email Addresses: Phone Numbers: 2 WORSHIP Gesu News & Views March 2016 Gesu Lenten Offerings Ash Wednesday - February 10: Masses: 6:45 AM, 8:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, 7:00 PM Evening Prayer with Distribution of Ashes: 5:30 PM Bible Study (See Bulletin for more information): Saturdays: February 13, 20, 27, March 5, 12, & 19 12:00-1:30 PM, Sacred Heart Rm. Tuesdays: February 16, March 1 & 15 9:15-10:45 AM, Sacred Heart Rm. Wednesdays: February 17, March 2 & 16 7:00-8:30 PM, Sacred Heart Rm. Anointing Masses: Wednesdays, February 17 & March 16, Noon, Marian Chapel Palm Sunday Wednesday, February 17, 7:00 PM, McAuley Hall Holy Week Thursdays, February 18 and March 3 & 17 1:00-7:00 PM, Marian Chapel Communal Reconciliation 7:00 PM, Church Tuesday Evening Prayer, 7:00 PM, Marian Chapel Wednesday Tenebrae, 7:00 PM, Church Holy Thursday Morning Prayer, 9:00 AM, Marian Chapel Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7:30 PM, Church Holy Saturday Easter Sunday Eucharistic Adoration: 4:30 PM Vigil Mass 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM Masses Monday Good Friday Ignatian Prayer & Faith Sharing: 2016 Morning Prayer, 9:00 AM, Marian Chapel Liturgies: 3:00 PM and 7:30 PM (Procession at 7:15 PM) Church Taize Prayer Service: Monday, February 22, 7:00 PM, JCU – St. Francis Chapel Stations of the Cross: Tuesday, February 23, 7:30 PM, Church Friday, March 18, 7:00 PM, Church Evening Prayer: Thursday, February 25, 7:00 PM, Marian Chapel Reconciliation Services and Private Confession: Private Confessions: Saturdays, 3:00 PM, Church Wednesday, February 24 Diocesan Evening of Reconciliation, 5:00-8:00 PM, Church Pizza and Penance, 6:00 PM, McAuley Hall Communal Reconciliation: March 21, 7:00 PM, Church Lenten Soup Dinner: Saturday, February 27, Following the 4:30 PM Mass, McAuley Hall Novena of Grace: March 4-12, 7:00 PM, Marian Chapel (Saturdays, 7:30 AM at the Carmelite Monastery and Sunday, March 6, 5:00 PM, Church) Morning Prayer and Blessing of Easter Food, 9:00 AM, Marian Chapel Easter Vigil Mass, 9:00 PM, Church PSR Intergenerational Event: Sunday, March 13, 10:15 AM, McAuley Hall Parish Mission: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM and 12:00 PM Masses March 13, 14, and 15 7:00 PM at Communion of Saints Parish 3 WORSHIP Gesu News & Views March 2016 Gesu Welcomes Updated Baptismal Font No doubt about it, we have celebrated many Baptisms here at Gesu! In fact, in just the past 15 years we have witnessed 1,587 Baptisms for infants through adults. Add 75 more years of history to those numbers, and it is easy to envision the many individuals and families who have lived their sacramental lives within this community. When the present church was built in the 1950s, the Baptismal font was located in what is now the Ushers Room. As you might imagine, the celebration of this sacrament in that small room with often only parents, godparents and/or siblings present contributed to the practice of supporting Baptism as a very private and personal time. The celebration of Baptism was meant to be a communal event as it is an initiation into the community of believers. In 1977 the font was moved to the sanctuary, where it is now. The present font is divided into two sections, much like a double sink, neither side which is able to hold the aluminum bowl which contains Holy Water. So, the bowl sits precariously a-tilt during a Baptism. Also, there is a significant crack in the font’s marble that occurred during the move to the sanctuary, making it further impossible for the font to hold water. While we have “made do” over recent decades, it is now past time to make some very needed changes. Trying to make the font work with an aluminum bowl that does not fit, and attempting to keep the water warm for a baby, is not worthy of the Sacrament itself. Also, there is now no accommodation for adult Baptisms. 4 WORSHIP Gesu News & Views March 2016 When the church was being renovated in response to the directives of Vatican II, a proposal for placing the font at the entrance of the church sought to symbolize entrance into the Catholic community. There were mixed reactions to that design; the plans were altered, and then set aside for a number of years. Now, in 2016, we are expanding the font in the sanctuary at the current location, designing it to accommodate the Baptism of adults in a ceremony reminiscent of the way Baptism was celebrated in the early Church. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (1986) states in its National Statutes for the Catechumenate: “Baptism by immersion is the fuller and more expressive sign of the sacrament, and therefore, provision should be made for its more frequent use in the Baptism of adults.” Gesu is now making this a reality! Our newly designed font will incorporate the original font, subtly fashioned for water to flow into the new immersion font. The renovation will blend the present font with the important addition of the immersion font that is made of Giallo Siena marble from the same quarry used throughout the church. (We considered it nearly miraculous that this marble was still available.) In the Church document, Built of Living Stones: Art, Architecture and Worship, we read: “One font that will accommodate the Baptism of both infants and adults symbolizes the one faith and one Baptism that Christians share.” Gesu will soon have that one font! To that purpose, the original font will be repaired and re-sculpted so that the upper basin will be a single bowl, large enough for a baby to be baptized. The lower portion will be the font of immersion for adults. The shell and flowing water motif will be emphasized and will create a transition from one font to the other, providing fresh, flowing water at all times. The design includes a decorative grate within the immersion font for safety when the font is not in use. The water will be continually filtered and cleaned, always symbolizing the living waters, the fullness of life in Christ. With gratitude to designer Norbert Koehn and architect Steve Taylor, the new design beautifully incorporates the flowing waters of Baptism offering life for the Church. On entry into the church by way of the McAuley Hall doorway, worshipers can bless themselves with the Sign of the Cross using the actual waters of Baptism. These waters of life will continue to flow through all our experiences in Baptisms, in renewal of our Baptismal promises, at funerals, and other services, all washing us anew in God’s life and grace. For example, when the font is completed, the Funeral Mass ritual of sprinkling the casket with the waters of Baptism will take place adjacent to the font as the family brings their loved one to this most poignant time and place. Tremendous time and thoughtfulness have been devoted to this renovation. We are grateful to the many people whose talent, wisdom, and donations have contributed to this moment. Scheduled to be completed in time for the Easter Vigil, the font will serve this celebration of new life as the Church initiates its newest members into the fullness of Christian life through the Easter sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. We join them in the renewal of our own Baptismal promises and rejoice in the fullness of God’s life that flows within and throughout this community of faith, re-energizing us as we celebrate our 90th anniversary. Please join fellow Parishioners, Alumnae and Friends of Gesu for the 90th Anniversary Mass on Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 12:00 P.M. Reception immediately following Mass 5 FORMATION Gesu News & Views March 2016 RCIA The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) welcomes four candidates this year! Each of these candidates is preparing to enter fully into the Catholic faith through our Gesu community. We are excited and blessed to have them at Gesu. Over the coming months, we ask that you keep each of them and their sponsors in your prayers as they continue to prepare to receive the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation this Easter. Meet the Candidate: Stephanie Phipps Stephanie is married to Eric and they have two beautiful children, Annabelle (2nd grader at Gesu) and Connor (Kindergartner at Gesu). Stephanie spends time volunteering at Gesu School and at the church as one of the coPresidents of Women’s Guild. She has enjoyed getting to know more about Catholicism and her fellow candidates throughout the RCIA process thus far. She is most looking forward to being able to fully participate in all aspects of the Mass with her children and husband. Meet Stephanie’s Sponsors: Ellen Neroni & Sarah Spannagel Ellen is a long time parishioner of 20 years along with her husband Tom, and their three children, Leah, Nick and Tim. She is a pre-school teacher at Gesu School, and a wonderful one at that! Ellen is excited to sponsor Stephanie on this journey, as she also went through the RCIA at Gesu in 2004. Sarah is married to Dave, and they have two children at Gesu School – Matt (1st grade) and Ben (preschool). She is a child psychologist and big Michigan fan! Her family has been parishioners since 2009 and she is also very excited to sponsor Stephanie. Meet the Candidate: Rick Creger Rick is married to Michelle Creger and they have two daughters, Tara and Lauren, both graduates of Gesu School, and a granddaughter on the way. He is a clinical pharmacist at the Seidman Cancer Center and is involved with bone marrow transplants. He enjoys hiking, snowshoeing, and bicycling. Rick has been connected to Gesu for 30 years and is looking forward to fully participating in the sacraments as a Catholic. Meet Rick’s Sponsor: John Schwabauer John is married to Joanne and they are parents to five children and seven grandchildren. They were married at Gesu in 1974 and raised their children in the parish and school. John was in the first RCIA group at Gesu in 1984. He has worked as a maintenance technician in steel mills for over 40 years and enjoys time with family, watching baseball and football, and reading. He enjoyed the Rite of Welcome of the candidates this past fall. Meet the Candidate: Tiffany Reed Tiffiny is the proud mom of her four glorious dogs, Kiara, Panda, Ike and Wushu. She is an Air Force Special Operations Veteran and is a linguist and communications technology specialist by trade. She has also worked as a director of fitness and wellness, personal trainer and Montessori preschool assistant. She currently teaches Catechesis of the Good Shepherd at St. Dominic. Tiffany is looking forward to growing and serving as a Catholic along with a community of loving believers. Meet Tiffany’s Sponsor: Dorothy Simonis (Denton) Dorothy is excited to accompany Tiffany in the RCIA process this year. She is the mother of five children and has seven grandchildren. She is a music therapist and is presently substitute teaching at Montessori schools. She, along with Tiffany, teaches Cathechesis of the Good Shepherd at St. Dominic. She is looking forward to the Easter Vigil and is inspired by Pope Francis! Meet the Candidate: Nathan Wills - Meet Nathan’s Sponsor: Kelly Wills Nathan and his wife, Kelly, have lived in South Euclid for more than ten years. Kelly was a long-time parishioner at St. Anselm Church in Chesterland; however, when it was time to enroll their daughter, Ainsley, in Kindergarten, they needed a school closer to home. Nathan and Kelly were drawn to Gesu’s reputation and became parishioners in 2014. Their son, Owen, was baptized at Gesu in December of that same year. Since joining Gesu they have felt welcomed by the community and enjoy growing friendships with fellow parishioners and their daughter’s friends from school. Personally, Nathan was drawn to the Jesuit tradition and looks forward to continued learning and spiritual growth. 6 COMMUNITY LIFE Gesu News & Views March 2016 50+ Club Members Travel to Derbytown & Music City If you are on the North side of 50 and like green beans, you might enjoy joining Gesu’s 50+ Club members for one of their 2016 adventures. To hopefully spark your interest, here’s a short recap of their most recent trip: On a sunny autumn Sunday morning we left Gesu, headed for the home of the Kentucky Derby and Music City, USA. The first night’s stop was in the Louisville area where we joined theatergoers at the popular Derby Dinner Playhouse to watch Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None”, preceded by a buffet dinner that included green beans. Monday morning the group went to the world’s most famous horse racing track and home of the Kentucky Derby – Churchill Downs. Most of us had seen Churchill Downs on TV, but being there and taking in the atmosphere while imagining the running of the Derby was thrilling. And Dale Lewis impressed us by saying that he has been at Churchill Downs for 53 running’s of the Kentucky Derby! Lunch that day was a buffet (including green beans) served aboard the Spirit of Jefferson as we cruised the Ohio River, viewing the Indiana and Kentucky shorelines under sunny skies while enjoying crisp autumn air. Then it was “back on the bus” for the short ride to Nashville, looking forward to large measures of country music. That evening we were aboard the majestic paddle wheeler General Jackson as it made its way along the Cumberland River, giving us a great view of the Nashville city skyline. And guess what? The General Jackson’s extensive buffet included a roast beef carving station and ample servings of green beans! Tuesday afforded the opportunity to see Nashville, including the Governor’s impressive Mansion on “Millionaire’s Row” – a street that was and is still home to numerous past and present country music stars. We saw the Parthenon, State Capitol, and more before arriving at “The Mother Church of Country Music,” Ryman Auditorium. Built in 1892, the Ryman was home to the Grand Ole Opry from 1943 to 1974. On Tuesday afternoon we toured the very impressive Country Music Hall of Fame. It is packed with artifacts, photographs, recordings, and films reflecting the history of country music from Patsy Cline to Taylor Swift – and the lovable Minnie (Howdy!) Pearl. Dinner that night was at the Opry Backstage Grill, and while we didn’t have a buffet, we did have green beans. We even made a greenbean birthday cake with candle for Jim Coviello and sang “Happy Birthday” to him. Unfortunately, after singing the song we learned that day wasn’t his birthday, but he appreciated the thought. 7 COMMUNITY LIFE Gesu News & Views March 2016 Then it was off to THE Grand Ole Opry to attend that evening’s performance, which was also broadcast live on radio. The show was performed in a packed auditorium and was one of those you-have-to-see-it-to-believe-it events that people justifiably put on their bucket lists. Our next day was largely devoted to two famous historic sites in Nashville – Belle Meade Plantation and The Hermitage. Belle Meade was impressive with its furniture from the 1800’s, giving our group good insight into gracious living in that era. Belle Meade’s kitchen staff served us an excellent luncheon featuring sliced pork and –yes—green beans. At The Hermitage it was exciting to imagine President Andrew Jackson’s spaciously comfortable residency in its picturesque country setting. That evening, we went to the Nashville Dinner Theater for what turned out to be a buffet dinner including green beans. By this time green beans were less than thrilling, but the show at the Nashville Dinner Theater was great – featuring country music legend Jeannie Seely and fantastic fiddler Tim Watkins. Thursday morning it was time to head for home, with a lunch stop at a restaurant serving family style meals – including plates of green beans. Our mothers have taught us not to play with food, but several of the group members used just five green beans to create and play a tic-tac-toe game. Our final tour stop was on Louisville’s historic Whiskey Row at the Evan Williams Bourbon Experience shop. There we had an “educational” tour, a bourbon sampling experience, and an opportunity to bring home some Evan Williams products. Then it was back on the regal Barons Bus for the ride to Cleveland, returning to Gesu with pleasant memories of our time together and with thanks to Dale and Jane Lewis and Lorrie Peterson for their tour leadership along the way. If something like this could be fun for you, consider joining us on a 2016 adventure. We’ll be taking a one day trip on Saturday, June 11, to historic Blennerhassett Island, W.Va. also visiting Fenton Art Glass to see their new line of jewelry. Then off to Marietta, OH for lunch and a visit to the Basilica of St. Mary. The week of September 12 to 16 we will travel to Mackinac Island and have lunch in the Grand Hotel, visit Charlevoix and have dinner in the Castle, travel to Traverse City, the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park and stop at The Cross in the Woods on our way home. For more information please e:mail [email protected]. 8 GESU SCHOOL Gesu News & Views March 2016 GESU Moving Full STREAM Ahead with New Educational Experience for Students Major Leadership Donations Turn Dreams into Reality for Gesu Catholic School Thanks to leadership donations totaling more than $1 million, generously given by Mr. and Mrs. John Breen, Mrs. Gerald Breen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heltzel, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McDonough, and the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGinty Family Foundation, an innovative program called GESU STREAM is being introduced at Gesu Catholic School. “The goal of GESU STREAM is to prepare our students for a 21st century world with a focus on science, technology, religion, engineering, arts and math,” said Lucy Iemmolo, principal of Gesu Catholic School. “Igniting a spark in the classroom by encouraging problem solving and project based learning will better prepare our students for their future.” Gesu joins a handful of area Catholic elementary schools that are implementing STREAM, a relatively new concept supported by the National Catholic Educational Association. Because of this program, students at the school are engaged at an earlier age in areas such as robotics, architecture, space exploration and technical design. The funding for this program is allowing teachers in Preschool through Grade 8 to expand their curriculum through professional development opportunities. The core of the educational experience remains consistently based on values and a faith foundation. With a significant portion of the donated funds, the school will renovate the north side of the school building, currently the Religious Education Center. The three-floor space will be designed to enhance classroom learning in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics, all dedicated to the GESU STREAM initiative. Students will have access to the renovated chapel in this area. When completed, the wing will be known as The Breen Family Educational Center for STREAM Learning. The first phase of the initiative focuses on the renovation of the physical space of the science lab, including updating the equipment. The goal is to encourage an inquiry based environment and effectively integrate more hands-on learning experiences into the science curriculum. All areas of the curriculum will be reviewed, including extracurricular clubs and programs. “The GESU STREAM initiative will teach our students to think critically, collaborate, problem solve, and communicate effectively,” said Iemmolo. Our goal is to challenge our students’ minds and equip them with the tools they can use in a world of ever-changing competitiveness, grounded in a strong Catholic faith which honors God as the Creator of our world and an integral part of our learning and daily lives.” For more information on how to donate to the GESU STREAM program, please contact the school office at (216) 932-0620 or the parish development office at (216) 932-0617. Donors also can also visit the school website at www.gesu.com. 9 GESU SCHOOL Gesu News & Views March 2016 Celebrating 90 Years: A Look Back at 1926 GESU – THE EARLY YEARS “My first recollection of Gesu was of the school, which I entered, in first grade. It was housed in a portable frame building next to a portable frame church. The buildings were situated on John Carroll University property across Miramar Blvd., approximately opposite the present school. The school itself consisted of eight grades, four classrooms, and four Notre Dame nuns in full habit with dangling rosary beads, two rest rooms and a lunch/all purpose room. Across a drive, north of the school, stood a small white house surrounded by fruit trees. It served as the parish rectory.” – Gesu archives, Author Unknown 10 GESU SCHOOL Gesu News & Views March 2016 Class of 2005 Celebrates Its 10th Year Reunion Members of the Gesu graduating class of '05 gathered on December 26, 2015 for 4:30 pm Mass, a tour of the School, and dinner at Pizzazz. Class of 1965 Celebrates its 50th Reunion The Class of '65 gathered at Brennan’s Colony on Friday, September 11th to launch their reunion weekend. On Saturday they met for 4:30 pm Mass at Gesu, followed by a tour of the school. They shared memories with their 8th grade teacher Sister Alice Slowey S.N.D. (Sister Immaculae S.N.D.) who joined them for the tour and an evening of fun at Pizzazz on the Circle. Class of 1970 Celebrates its 45th Reunion Members of the Gesu graduating class of '70 gathered on Saturday, October 3rd for 4:30 pm Mass, a tour of the school, and dinner at Pizzazz. Class of 1970 Boys and Girls City Champions 11 Non Profit Org US Postage PAID Cleveland, OH Permit 2753 Church of the Gesu 2470 Miramar Blvd. University Heights, Ohio 44118 Phone: 216-932-0617 www.churchofthegesu.org MISSION STATEMENT: GESU PARISH, a Catholic community in the Jesuit tradition, is committed to: Eucharistic living Lifelong learning Generous serving “all for the greater glory of God” Eucharistic living We center our lives in Christ and the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist. Lifelong learning We engage, at all ages, in learning and being formed in the image of Christ. Generous serving We use our gifts to serve God and others. Check us out on Facebook at Church of the Gesu or Twitter @GesuCleveland Parish and School Staff: Rev. James E. Von Tobel, S. J., Pastor Rev. Michael Vincent, S.J., Associate Pastor Rev. Thomas Chillikulam, S. J., Associate Pastor Rev. Dr. James O’Donnell, Deacon Sr. Kathleen Flannery, OSU, Parish Life Director Ms. Ashley Markiewicz, Outreach Coordinator Mrs. Marcia Leous, Co-Director of Faith Formation Ms. Sadie Curtin, Co-Director of Faith Formation Dr. Joe Metzinger, Director of Music Ministries Mark Ehrbar, Co-Director of Music Ministry Ms. Sara Schoonmaker, Assistant Development Director Mrs. Kathy Barile, Co-Business Manager Mrs. Therese Blumenthal, Co-Business Manager Ms. Lucy Iemmolo, Principal Ms. Mary Carol Jones, Assistant Principal Mrs. Debbie Lautenbach, Co-Preschool Director Mrs. Paula Lang, Co-Preschool Director Mr. Joe Gehring, Youth Minister Mr. Joe D’Amato, Athletic Director Volunteer Editorial Committee: Gesu Communication Committee Printing courtesy of Dee Printing, Inc. Design courtesy of JAC Business Communications. Information about article submissions: Gesu News & Views is published three times a year. To submit articles, information, and/or photos, please email [email protected], or mail them to the address above, Attn: Gesu News Committee. * All efforts have been made to provide accurate information. Please contact us for corrections.
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