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Irish Club of Regina - Executive 2015-16 ** President - Alice MacDougall, * Vice President - Vacant at present Members at Large * Bev O’Shea **Kellie Greene * Treasurer - Katherine Gilks ** Darcy Donovan **LauraPopoff ** Secretary - Stephanie Ellis *Tanya Johnston *Sarah Dodd ** Deb Beach * Term ends at 2016 AGM ** Term ends at 2017 AGM About us: The Irish Club of Regina is an non-profit organization that is dedicated to promoting and supporting Irish culture within Regina and area. We currently support an Irish Dance group, a Gaelic Athletic Association football team, send out a quarterly newsletter, maintain a website, host a Mosaic Pavilion and organize or support other events, workshops and activities. To become a member, please contact us! Membership rates are $15 for a single membership and $20 for a family membership. Membership entitles you to receive our newsletter, emails about upcoming events and allows you to take part in our events. Why become a member of the Irish Club of Regina? If you enjoy Irish culture in any of its many forms, the Irish Club is the place to find it. Music, dance, literature, ceilis, sport and traditional Irish handwork are all workshops that we hope to be able to offer. We need interested active members in order to provide these events. May 2016 Past Events Another successful year for the Mosaic Festival. Set up went very well this year and we were all done in the first day! Overall attendance was down from last year, some costs went up and as a result we did not make as much profit as we have enjoyed in the past. We would like to share a huge Thank you to all of our volunteers!! The success of our pavilion is directly attributed to all of your dedication and hard work before, during and after the Mosaic weekend! We are hoping to have a few more people join our planning committee for next year as some positions need a new coordinator and/or more assistance. We will need a new volunteer to coordinate the Passports and volunteers there. We are planning to have a more visible Social Media presence and need a person to coordinate that. We would like to have someone volunteer to coordinate the displays for our pavilion. We have had a suggestion to have a contest for the kids to enter a display for the pavilion. Any other ideas for displays that would showcase our culture are welcome! Security did not have any major issues but as usual, it is always a struggle to find enough volunteers for those positions. Next year we will be having the Chilean Pavilion in the other half of the Callie and they have indicated they will help finance the hired outside security personnel. Attendance may increase as well with another pavilion on site for folks to visit. The entertainment this year was great as usual ... all the musical groups and dancers did a fantastic job!! Good responses from the public on all aspects. Next year is the 50th Anniversary for Mosaic in Regina and planning and preparations are beginning earlier than usual to get ready for the big celebration June 1st - 3rd, 2017!! Look for our meetings to begin in November to start getting ready. Volunteer Appreciation and Family BBQ We had our annual Volunteer appreciation and Family BBQ on Sunday, June 12th. It was a nice day and a good time. (Always wish we had more folks turn up but realize that it is often a busy time of year for lots of families) Volunteers helping at the Bar Blakey School of Irish Dance Irish Club of Regina Dancers Billarney Saturday morning Kids’ program Pavilion at the Callie Regina Irish Set Dancers Prairie Gael School of Irish Dance Neek and Squeeze of Scotch Our Irish Rose Tilted Kilts Trinkets for sale! Upcoming Events Tickets for Comhaltas Concert are also available at Bach & Beyond. Irish Club members can purchase tickets at a reduced cost of $20 from Alice prior to the date (can’t get member price from Bach & Beyond or the Museum or at the door) Echoes of Erin Concert - Canadian Tour 2016 Thursday, September 22nd, 2016 Doors open @ 7:30 pm - Concert begins @ 8:00 pm Royal Saskatchewan Museum - Auditorium 2445 Albert Street, Regina, Sk. Tickets $25 from Irish Club (306) 519-9559 or from Royal Saskatchewan Museum or at the door Come and join us for a wonderful evening of Irish traditional music, song, dance and storytelling. Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann is a non-profit organization and the largest group involved in the preservation and promotion of Irish traditional music. They have their headquarters in Dublin, Ireland and local branches around the world. Concert organized and sponsored by the Irish Club of Regina Carla Hanafin (Dancer) Tralee Tim Doyle (Pipes) Dublin Paul Clesham (Concertina) Claremorris, Co. Mayo Fiona Nic Conmara (Fiddle) Dublin Jana McCarthy Kent (Flute) Tramore, Waterford Uinseann Ó Murchú (Box) Gorey Wexford Séamus Ó Flatharta (Harp, Bodhrán, Dancer & Singer) Galway Seamus Tierney (Flute) Cavan Grainne Nic Ghiobúin (Harp) Limerick Sarah O’Gorman (Fiddle) Waterford Annette Hannigan (Banjo) England Vincent Jordan (Manager) England Eimear Arkins (Fiddle, Singer & Dancer) Ennis, Co. Clare Fernando Marcos (Dancer) Argentina Joe Arkins (MC & Singer) Ennis, Co. Clare John Lee (Sound) Dublin We still need volunteers for Billets and the Comhaltas Echoes of Erin Concert Comhaltas is the cultural group of Ireland and the group includes the best young musicians, dancers, and singers they have. They are all 'All-Ireland' and in some cases 'World' Champions. The concert is a wonderful opportunity to see and hear these very talented individuals. The tour group consists of about 18 people. They arrive on that Thursday afternoon from Saskatoon and go to the Museum to offload instruments and costumes etc for the concert that night. We usually have their bus take them for supper to the Buffet on north Albert (good variety of foods for them to chose from and they always seem to like it) Some of us go as well to greet and meet them. All are invited to join us there. They return after supper to the Museum for a sound check and get dressed etc for the concert that starts at 8:00 pm. We are expected to billet them with us in our homes and we are looking for volunteers that could for that Thursday night. They are requesting that the host families each take two if at all possible. The expectation is transportation to your home after the concert, a comfortable bed (no sharing and no couches), a good breakfast the next morning and transportation back to the bus (usually at the South Albert Travelodge) by about 8:00 am Friday morning for departure to Manitoba as they continue their tour. If you have a preference for males or females, please indicate. Also include whether you have pets or not as that may factor into who you host. If you have space in your homes and hearts for these great artists, please contact: Alice MacDougall (306) 584-0018 or [email protected]. Give it some thought and let us know ASAP. .... It is a wonderful opportunity and experience. You won't be sorry. As a thank you for volunteering to welcome them into your home, we are pleased to offer you two complimentary tickets to the concert. Irish Club of Regina Annual General Meeting Travelodge - 4177 Albert Street November 14th, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m. Positions up for elections are: * Vice President * Treasurer * 3 members at large Mark your Calendar Irish Club of Regina Family Christmas Party Sunday, December 4th, 2016 (Location to be confirmed) G.A.A. If you want more information about the Regina Gaels head to Facebook at or our website at Hurling For more information contact Mark Savage at [email protected] and stay tuned to Facebook. Men’s Football For more information contact Peter McGloin at [email protected] and stay tuned to Facebook. Ladies Football For more information contact Denise Murphy at [email protected] and stay tuned to Facebook. Western Canadian Championships The Regina Gaels hosted the Western Canadian Championships in Regina on July 1st and 2nd and welcomed teams from Vancouver, Fraser Valley, Calgary, Edmonton, and Montana at the Regina Rugby Club on July 1st and 2nd. Comment from their Facebook page ..... We would like to thank all the teams, players, officials and supporters that helped make last weekend such a fantastic time for all involved. It was an honour and a privilege to host such a prestigious championship. Thanks to the Western Canadian Division for giving us the opportunity to host the championships, the Regina Rugby for allowing us the use of their excellent facilities, and Shannon's Pub & Grill for a great after party. Thank you John O'Flynn and the Canadian County Board for your support, and to Calgary Chieftains & Slashers, Edmonton Wolfe Tones, Fraser Valley Gaels & Thomas Meagher Hurling in Montana. Thank you for attending, we above all clubs appreciate the effort it takes in making the long trip to attend these championships. We hope to have the photos of the weekend up by the end of the week. Gaels Abu There are lots of great photos posted on their facebook page! Here are just a few ... World Games in Dublin Members of the Regina GAA are currently in Ireland at the World Games in Dublin. For further details & contacts: check out the Regina Gaels Facebook page ReginaGaelsGaa or the club website Irish Club of Regina Dancers The Irish Club of Regina Dancers ended their season on a high note at the Irish Pavilion during Mosaic 2016. A big thank you goes out to all the dancers who committed countless hours towards the operation of the pavilion. Every dancer performed at each of the 6 sets over the weekend, as well as participating/volunteering in the Grand Finale set, the Billarney set, and the Members’ set, at the dessert table, with the pavilion finance team, and in the stage management etc. Your dedication and effort is truly remarkable. The dancers enjoyed a well-deserved rest over the summer and now are gearing up for a new season.The dance program is welcoming new beginner dancers into the group. Please see our attached ad for registration information, times and cost. We are excited to have a new ‘home” to dance in due to the renovations occurring at the U of R Conservatory. Thank you to the Regina Salseros for graciously welcoming us into their beautiful space. We are thrilled to, once again, partner with Blakey School of Irish Dance Calgary and Blakey School of Irish Dance Regina to bring in Laura Buckley Arnold TCRG for a series of skills workshops October 1st, 2016 and January 28th 2017. It’s shaping up to be another exciting year for the Irish Club of Regina dancers. Please consider joining this talented, energetic group of ladies as we ‘jig’ our way into the 2016/2017 season. Submitted by Lorie Norris There was a nice article in the Regina Fall Music & Dance 2016 publication: Check it out at the link below. The Irish Club of Regina is pleased to welcome adult Irish dancers to our club. We offer four levels of classes ranging from beginner to senior. We are always welcoming new dancers and our beginner class information is below: BEGINNER CLASS (SOFT AND HARD SHOE): Tuesdays from 6:00pm - 7:30pm, beginning September 13th (Prior dance experience not required) LOCATION: All classes take place at the Salseros Dance Studio 1501 11th Ave. TO REGISTER: Please email us at [email protected] by Tuesday, September 6th Visit our website at for more information about the Irish Club of Regina and our dance troupe! Blakey School of Irish Dance Several of our dancers attended the Brady Feis in Edmonton on May 14 & 15 which was the last Western Canadian feisanna of the dance season. Our dancers had numerous podium placements as well as several medals at this feis. Congratulations to all the dancers who competed at this feis. A placement of special mention is Kelsey Fisher who placed first in her Treble Jig Trophy and is now moving up to Preliminary Championships. Our dancers had the honour of the opening performance for the Farewell Celebration at Mosaic Stadium on May 21. The group had a wonderful performance at this event. The highlight of the performance was our tribute to the Riders with the song “Last Saskatchewan Pirate” for which our head instructor choreographed special steps for our senior dancers. As well, we had two performances on May 21 and May 22 at the Highland Festival that was held at Victoria Park. Our dancers had a number of successful performances this year at the Irish Pavilion for Mosaic June 2-4. Our Regina dancers were joined this year by Danica McCormac from our Saskatoon location. As well our head instructor Luanne Schlosser, TCRG was also able to join as for the weekend. The Blakey School of Irish Dance – Regina had its first student attend the North American Irish Dance Championships in Orlando, Florida July 1-5. Megan Beach competed on July 5 in the Under 19 age category. She placed 60th out of 78 in her age group. As well one of our Saskatoon dancers, Laura Schaan (who is from Regina but attends university in Saskatoon) also competed at this event and did very well. Both girls have indicated that it was a wonderful experience. Some of our dancers have been continuing practice sessions over the summer as well as attending workshops in Regina, Saskatoon and Kelowna in preparation for the upcoming dance season. Three of our dancers – Rayka Subramanian, Rachel Nielsen and Jenna McEwen just competed on the last weekend in July at the Fundy Feis in Nova Scotia and had awesome results. Our first class of the fall dance season is Sunday, September 11. We are currently accepting new registrations for 2016 Fall classes. For more information about our classes or to book us for a performance, please contact us by email at [email protected] or [email protected]. Please also see: or Facebook: Blakey Irish Dance ! Prairie Gael School of Irish Dance After a great summer, we at Prairie Gael are gearing up for another exciting year of dancing. Rather than relax, we kept busy through the holidays: * Some of our dancers attended Reels in the Rockies with internationally acclaimed and world champion choreographers and instructors. * We performed at Motif in Moose Jaw - their multicultural festival. * We participated in the Regina Multicultural Council's float for Buffalo Days - Our float won Best in Parade!! * We had our usual summer workshops which were filled with camaraderie, sweat, and hard work. We had a good time learning new material, practicing yoga, and getting ready for fall classes. We are hosting a Come & Go Open House on Wednesday August 31 from 6:30-8:30 pm. This is a chance to see the studio @ 1602B MacDonald Street and meet the teachers and other students, and register for classes. Our fall schedule is posted on our website: We are offering monthly yoga classes for PGSID and ICR dancers. Classes are $20/student, and those who attend 8 receive a 100% discount on their 9th class. To sign up for a class email [email protected]. If you have any questions about dancing with us, please visit our website or call 306-530-5845. Emily Armer COO / Teacher Prairie Gael School of Irish Dance Twitter: IrishRegina Instagram: PrairieGaelDance Yoga workshop at the studio Dancers @ Reels in the Rockies In front of the Regina Multicultural Parade Float The Irish Club Executive and members would like to send our sincere condolences to the Kachan Family. Maura was a long standing member of the Irish Club since its inception. She attended most functions, enjoyed the ladies luncheons and was a dedicated volunteer at Mosaic every year. She will be missed in our community. MAURA KACHAN MAURA PATRICIA KACHAN 1935 - 2016 Maura passed peacefully at Regina Wascana Grace Hospice on Monday, May 30, 2016 following a short battle with cancer. From a young age, Maura embraced a life of adventure that would lead her to live on three continents. Born in Dublin, Ireland, she moved with her new husband Peter to live in Guyana, South America in 1960, where he practiced medicine. There, they started their family over the next 7 years. Peter and Maura immigrated to Qu'Appelle, SK with their four children in 1967. The family moved to Regina in 1969 where their fifth child was born. Maura was both a proud Irishwoman and a proud Canadian. She was predeceased by her husband Peter and her sisters Margaret McKeever and Eileen O'Shea. Maura was the loving mother of Shanitha (Gerry Sheff), Adrienne (Rick Engel), Paul (Lisa), David (Asa) and Natasha. She was the dear Moma of Julian, Annie, Luca, Sierra, Maia, Peter, Gabrielle, Abby and Elliot, cherished sister of Anthony (Kay) O'Shea, and proud aunt of Caroline, Anthony and David. Maura will be fondly remembered by Rhonda (Gary), Laurie (Jonny), Jonathan (Raina), Rachel, Lindsey, Matthew, Daniel, Thomas, Sascha, Ezra and Eden Chaim. Maura's final days were spent at Grace Hospice where she received extraordinary care and compassion. The family is most grateful to Palliative home care nurses and the staff at Wascana Grace Hospice who attended to Maura with such kindness. A Celebration of Maura's Life will take place at Speers Funeral Chapel, 2136 College Avenue, Regina, SK on Saturday, June 4, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in memory of Maura to the Regina Wascana Grace Hospice, 50 Angus Road, Regina, SK S4R 8P6 or to the Queen Elizabeth II Ride for Cancer for the purchase of an EBUS Endo-Bronchial Ultrasound Machine: sprockets. To leave an online message of condolence, please visit Funeral Home Speers Funeral Chapel 2136 College Avenue Regina, SK S4P 1C5 306-522-3232 Published in The Regina Leader-Post from June 2 to June 3, 2016 Regina Irish Set Dancers We plan to continue on with our weekly dancing this fall. We will be meeting Thursday evenings from 7:30 - 9:00 pm at the Latin Fusion Dance Studio to dance the sets we have learned already and to try some new ones out. If you would like to join us, we are always looking for more folks to share the Joy of Sets. Great exercise and lots of fun for any age and level of dancing ability. Respectfully submitted by Laura Popoff Contact Laura Popoff @ [email protected] or call (306) 533-5091 or visit our facebook page Contact us: Irish Club of Regina P.O. Box 37171 Landmark Shoppers Regina, Sk. S4S 7K4 email: [email protected] website: If you are a Facebook user, please ‘LIKE’ our club’s page at If you have an interesting bit that you would like included in the newsletter, send submissions to: [email protected] Other links and interesting facebook groups and websites: * Irish in Regina * Irish Club of Regina Dancers * Regina Gaels GAA football league * Regina Irish Set dancers * Prairie Gael School of Irish Dance * Blakey Irish Dance * Shannon’s Pub & Grill Blakey School of Irish dance Prairie Gael School of Irish Dance Irish
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