a message from the director


a message from the director
Life Line
Fall 2009 / Winter 2010
The Newsletter for the Friends of Canine Partners For Life
Featuring the 2008-2009 Annual Report (see page 8)
Issue 25
Many thanks to our friends who braved the downpour to celebrate our 20th anniversary and Open House! See story on page 7.
These are tough times for almost everyone now—but they
are particularly hard times for nonprofits that are totally
dependent upon donations, like Canine Partners For Life.
Dear Friends,
The dogs have been antsy for the last several weeks as
I hope that you will be able to respond to our requests
their trainers have begun mentally separating from them.
for assistance this fall at a level that is comfortable for
Dogs are so in tune to their people and they know that
you. When you do, know that you are changing the lives
change is in the air—they just don’t know quite yet how
of these nine students, the hundreds that have been
special that change will be. They will, after tonight.
working for years and still need our support and guidance,
new and one former CPL recipient will meet their new
By the time you receive this newsletter, these nine newbies
and the many on our waiting lists who are still dreaming.
partners, many for the first time, and begin the three weeks
will be home and will have begun tasting the independence in
Thank you for caring about our mission and for helping as
of training which will bond them as a working service team.
their lives. They will be working, going to school, doing their
you can!
The air is filled with excitement and nerves as the new
daily tasks like the laundry and grocery shopping, playing
students try to anticipate not only the next three weeks
with the kids/grandkids, getting their hair cut, or walking
of training, but also their future with their new partner.
down the street with a new confidence and ability. And this
Independence is a dream, one that may have seemed
is just the beginning for them! The partnerships that are
unattainable or impossible, and now CPL is providing an
formed at CPL go far beyond the physical assistance. They
opportunity to hope, to work, and to achieve that dream.
forge confidence, motivation, participation, and bravery.
Tonight (October 10) is an exciting evening at CPL. Staff,
board members, puppy homes, and our newest class of
service teams and their families will have a dinner to
celebrate the kickoff of the fall 2009 team training. Eight
Save the Date!
Executive Director/Founder
Canine Partners For Life
Mark your calendar for
Saturday, April 10, for
the 12th annual Wine Auction to benefit CPL. This year’s
event will be held in the luxurious ballroom of Harry’s
Savoy Grill, located at 2020 Naamans Road, Wilmington,
Delaware 19810, from 6 to 10 p.m. Guests will enjoy an
evening of heavy hors d' oeuvres, delicious wines to taste,
microbrewery beers, and more. We will be auctioning
off vacation hot spots, wines, artwork, and more! Tickets
are $125 per person; for more information or to purchase
tickets, please phone or
email Anita Edwards at
(610) 869-4902, ext. 225, or
[email protected].
We send our best wishes to the Summer 2009 class!
P.O. Box 170 Cochranville, PA 19330–0170 / phone (610) 869–4902 / fax (610) 869–9785
email [email protected] / web www.k94life.org
Canine Partners For Life is a 20-year voting member and an accredited member of Assistance Dogs International
Our service dog program is designed to help individuals who have a wide range of disabilities. CPL trains
service dogs to assist individuals who have mobility impairments and balance disorders, difficulty using
their hands/arms, health-related fatigue issues, and people with seizure disorders.
Summer 2009
was going to be a very special and particular dog that could
Puppy Breeder and Donor—CPL
fill them. He was a tall guy, and he needed support
Puppy Namer—Half Moon
walking—so we’d need a big dog—and his wife had allergies
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
Ms. Kathleen Whelan
Puppy Home—the Ortega
always very large).
Veterinary Sponsor—
Nonantum Veterinary Clinic
Vinny was a very special guy. He had already been
to dogs—so it would need to be a poodle (and they’re not
placed as a successor dog to a wonderful woman
What an energetic and happy
named Elaine. They had worked only a short time
duo these two are! Molly came
together when Elaine passed away unexpectedly.
Puppy Home—Mr. Joseph
Wewer and Mrs. Mary Ellen
O’Neill Wewer
Penn Hip Sponsor—
Burl-Moor-Driben Animal
into team training with big goals and dreams, but she needed
We knew that Elaine would want Vinny to change
seizure-alert help for them to come true. With Celeste, the
someone else’s life the way that he had changed hers—
alerts started right away, and Molly listened. They started off
and because he was young, we felt that we could place
You know you’ve got a troublemaker when the recipient
moving about 120 miles an hour, and we worked and worked
him again. He grieved for a while, but then quickly
informs you that the day before team training, she took a
and worked to get them to take things more slowly—they
began his training for Mark. What a team they’ve
picture of her dog to the hairdresser and told her to match
went on to tackle the Exton Mall, the train station, and
made. They don’t necessarily do things quickly (it
her hair color to her dog’s! Rebecca was the author of the
Philly. It was nice to hear Molly say that she felt comfortable
takes a while for Vinny to fold his legs to sit), but they
phrase “sorry ‘bout your luck”—we all started using it
handling the trip to Philly with Celeste by her side, and we
are safe and they do things right. Balancing the ice
anytime things didn’t go as they “should” (like when she
were so impressed to hear how she educated the public
cream, large drink, and Vinny as Mark crawled into the
and Calvin kept walking in circles instead of a straight line).
regarding her dog’s role in her life. Celeste got to play the
bleachers at the Blue Rocks game was a feat in and of
One of Becky’s biggest goals was to be able to walk more
role of a guide dog at the zoo because Molly, who is scared
itself. They headed home to grandkids and family life,
and use the wheelchair less—to be able to walk around
of reptiles, had her eyes closed for that entire exhibit! Molly
work at the Red Cross, and many adventures!
her neighborhood and go into public on her own. Her fear
her mom was a nervous wreck during her certification exam,
Molly was happy and relaxed—knowing that she and Celeste
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
Ms. Diane Jones
are a team.
Puppy Namer—Mr. and Mrs.
William McGovern
Puppy Donor—Mr. Harold
Puppy Home—State
Correctional Institution,
Cambridge Springs
Puppy Namer—Mr. and Mrs.
J. Karl Hardy
Veterinary Sponsor—Greener
Pastures Veterinary Service
Puppy Home—the Fertig
Veterinary Sponsor—
Longwood Veterinary Center
These two started team training
with energy and a really positive attitude. Mary has a
tremendous sense of humor, which kept us laughing during
those long days as we started out. It was obvious that Lauren
loved Mary right from the start—they were buddies—and all
was going well. But as dogs will do, Lauren started to test her
new mom to see if she would “really” make her do things.
Mary got tired—dog training is hard work—and there were
some days during that third week that they really struggled—
with fatigue, frustration, and tears. Lauren really didn’t want
to retrieve that metal lion or the reacher, and she was sure
she couldn’t carry a bag. Well, that just won’t work, because
Mary loves to shop! So they upped the ante and changed to
“good” treats like Pup-Peronis, and things got easier. (It’s
easier to work when you have the right motivation!) They
worked hard on timing with the clicker. Getting into the train
was a challenge, but the trip in Philly, with all of the noise
and crowds and confusion, went well. They headed home
Veterinary Sponsor—Blackwood Animal Hospital
of falling has kept her wheelchair- or house-bound for
was a wonderful cheerleader for her classmates, and although
Puppy Namer—Lower
Brandywine Presbyterian
too long—but with Calvin’s help, she walked the entire
Philadelphia Zoo, the Exton Mall, and the entire trip through
Philadelphia. Calvin prevented her from taking a big fall
when her foot got caught going down the hill at the zoo—
and with his help, she stayed upright. They took on a huge
set of steps at the train station—twice! This girl has no fear.
Nothing will stop these two, and without a doubt, they’ll be
keeping each other—and everyone around them—laughing!
Team training started off a little rocky for these two. The
rental car arrangement didn’t work out, Deborah had a
horrible head cold and—on top of it all—was recovering
from a broken foot. She told us that while she needed
McGovern for support walking, what she needed most
was for him to prevent her extremely dangerous
sleepwalking. Her doctors were panicked that she
could ignore all alarms and locks and go walking,
unconscious, on streets for hours at a time. She told us
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
Ms. Judy McCormick
Puppy Namer—Mr. Harry
Puppy Home—State
Correctional Institution,
Cambridge Springs
Veterinary Sponsor—
Greener Pastures Veterinary
Team Sponsor—Widener Memorial Foundation
he was her "last hope," which brought fear and pain to all
of us—and everyone wondered—could he keep her safe?
And what would she do if her last hope didn’t work?
Right off the bat, Deborah started walking more safely
with McGovern’s support. Although the steps were hard
(and it hurt), they got down them safely and with
increasing ease. As soon as she was able to take
him home after that first week, we waited to hear if he
had stopped her sleepwalking. The report of their first
evening’s sleep wasn’t good. Although he had slept on
her bed, Deborah had gotten up to walk anyway—and
They’re cute (her with the cute curls, and him with his
extensive fan club of volunteers and staff who would do
anything to adopt him), but don’t let that fool you. These
two hooligans have to be watched closely! Kendra has
fought a lot of battles in her young life—hard battles with
cancer and a stroke which have presented some pretty
extreme challenges. And yet, she always has a smile on her
face, and she’s tough as nails. Linton only fell off his “cute”
pedestal a couple of times when he decided that it was
time to really see how tough she was.
had fallen and taken a nasty spill. When her host family
Kendra nicknamed Linton the “over-retriever” because he’d
member found her, he realized they needed a solution.
retrieve “just about anything” and loves doing it—but one
He found a lead rope from one of his horses and used it
of their toughest times was the day he refused to pick up
to tie McGovern to Deborah’s waist. They headed back to
the metal crutch (this was no longer cute). For more than
bed—and it did the trick! Now McGovern sleeps tied to
an hour, Kendra stuck with her click-and-treat training—
Puppy Donor and Namer—
Sister Pauline Quinn
Deborah’s waist (apparently he is also a bit of a bed hog),
rewarding each small step of progress. Boy, did her dog test
and when she awakes and tries to move, he has learned
her nerves! They’ve learned to walk safely together, and his
to push on her until she wakes up—and then she returns
counter-balance helps keep Kendra upright. She’s learned
to sleep. No more walking—no more danger. This is the
how to hold a leash, use a clicker, and give a treat all with
first time that a CPL service dog has been able to help
one hand, which is pretty darned talented. To top that off,
this way—as always, increasing safety and independence
apparently Kendra has a habit of talking in her sleep—her
is our goal—and Deborah is there, with McGovern by
mom reports that she has started giving commands in her
her side.
sleep—and apparently Linton is following them!
to college, where Mary wants Lauren to take papers to her
professors (she’s a psychology major), open doors, and
retrieve, retrieve, retrieve!
Puppy Home—Maryland
Correctional Institution for
Veterinary Sponsor—North
Laurel Animal Hospital
Mark had very specific needs
when he came to CPL, and it
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
Ms. Verna Mae Stoltzfus
Puppy Namer—Mr. and Mrs.
John Styer
Puppy Namer—Mr. and Mrs.
Jeffrey Pyle
Puppy Home—Maryland
Correctional Institution for
Puppy Home—Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Dunbar
Veterinary Sponsor—North
Laurel Animal Hospital
Veterinary Sponsor—Concord
Pike Veterinary Hospital
Dan came back to CPL to
Christine came from Connecticut to get her dog from
receive a successor dog when Kisses, his first dog,
Canine Partners. She left her family and children to
was ready to retire and take life a little slower (Dan
gain back her independence following a horrible
moves at a pretty fast pace and leads a very busy life).
accident—an accident actually caused by a dog attack.
Successor placements are difficult—in some ways you
That was a first for us here at CPL, and it exemplifies
feel disloyal to your first dog, which you still love, and
the determination and grit that Christine possesses.
yet you feel excited by the new partnership. It’s normal
What a good dog trainer she is: when they took their
to compare this new young dog to your seasoned,
certification test, it looked as though they’d been
experienced older dog—and that can sometimes lead to
working together for years. Christine has been a
frustration. But Dan and Buck bonded right away. Buck
fantastic role model for her classmates—entering
thinks he’s a lapdog and loves to have his upper body
environments like Philadelphia, which had the
resting on Dan’s lap or be touching him in some way.
potential to terrorize her (she had an immobilizing
They’ve worked through the challenges—getting Buck to
fear of crowds) but staying calm and composed to
load up on that platform during the obstacle course was
allow her dog to do its job. With this new-found
enough to try anyone’s patience, but Dan was calm and
feeling of safety, independence, and confidence,
relaxed, and eventually his dog trusted and respected
they are looking forward to joining the family at car
him enough to comply. Home is in New Jersey, where
shows and cruise nights. Christine no longer has a
Dan attends college, participates in sports (he loves to
fear of crowded flea markets (a passion of hers) or
sled hockey), goes to Phillies games (Dan hopes to be a
fall country fairs, a Yankees game, or shopping at the
sportscaster some day—and gave a sampling of his
mall by herself. See her story on page 11.
work at the Blue Rocks game), and have fun!
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
Puppy Namer—Ms. Carol
Puppy Home—Maryland
Correctional Institution for
Veterinary Sponsor—North
Laurel Animal Hospital
Rita has been a regular at CPL for quite some time as she’s
waited to get her partner. She just knew that Britt was
going to help her become more physically independent,
and she hoped that she would also help her with
her fears, especially of being in public. Those fears
almost took over on one of the first days: Rita felt so
overwhelmed by the scope of what she was about to
enter that she almost threw in the towel. We’re so glad
that she didn’t; after that, these two just danced to the
finish line—quite literally—because each time they
accomplished a new task, Rita and Britt would begin
dancing around. During the game of musical sacks, the
two of them were having so much fun dancing to the
music that they didn’t even mind when they missed the
mat and were out—they just kept on dancing! Britt has a
beautiful collar collection—yes, a collection! Their trip to
Philadelphia was practice, as they live there; for example,
they practiced opening the actual door that Rita uses to
enter the Reading Terminal Market for shopping. They’ll
now be able to walk from their home to the market,
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
Mr. Jeff Nelson
Puppy Namer—Ms. Martha
Puppy Namer—Mrs. Wendy
Puppy Home—State
Correctional Institution, Albion
Veterinary Sponsor—Albion
Animal Center
Gayle was the cheerleader
for this class—always willing to encourage her classmates onward and through difficult times, even though
she had to fight incredible fatigue and pain to get
through the three weeks herself. These two were
destined to be together: with Hudson’s gentle nature,
he is a wonderful partner for someone who battles
extreme pain. He was patient as Gayle worked through
the logistics of how to incorporate a dog into her daily
activities. They live here in Pennsylvania, where Gayle
will tackle the second half of her law degree on a parttime college schedule—she hasn’t been able to do that
because of the medical difficulties. But with the fatigue
and pain reduced through Hudson’s help, we’re thinking
they’ll do that and so much more.
Do you shop online for
gifts or other purchases?
If so, i-Give is the best place to
start. You could have up to 26% of your purchase
sent to CPL! It is free and it is easy! Just sign up
with the online community called iGive.com. It
Veterinary Sponsor—
Twinbrook Veterinary Hospital
a member, every time you shop through iGive.com,
These two have amazed us all. From the beginning,
Annmarie responded to Samson’s alert—laying down on
the mat until the seizure was done and she was safe. Over
and over, they had the opportunity to practice, because the
physical and emotional stress of team training usually does
does not cost you anything and once you become
a percentage comes to CPL.
There are more than 500 familiar online
merchants that participate, such as Barnes and
Noble, Land's End, Eddie Bauer, and PetSmart.
Join at www.iGive.com, choose CPL as your
favorite charity, and start shopping!
increase seizure activity. Annmarie started team training
by quoting a song which goes, “I am a promise, I am a
possibility”—but she said she needed to say “we” instead of
“I,” because it was with Samson by her side that this was
going to be true. She started team training by saying that
she’d been accepted into seminary, but she really didn’t
think that she could handle the long commute on public
transportation even with a dog’s help. Now she’s saying
that the only thing left to decide is if she wants to be called
Pastor Annmarie or Reverend Zan. Home is in Illinois—we
wish they weren’t so far—to start seminary. Annmarie is
hoping that Samson will wake her up from her nightmares,
remove her glasses when she has a seizure, pull an
emergency cord, and retrieve the phone when she
needs help. Now, those are some awesome goals!
themselves, which is something Rita hasn’t been able to
do in a long time. They plan to volunteer at Pennsylvania
close by so that we can watch their growth.
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bilski
Puppy Home—State
Correctional Institution, Albion
and to the pharmacy, and to meet friends for lunch by
Hospital—a long-time goal. We’re glad that these two live
Rosa and Betts, BFFs, attend
Fall 2009 graduation ceremonies
in matching outfits!
Home Companion
Summer 2009
CPL places home companion dogs with individuals who would benefit from a well-trained companion to bring comfort,
encouragement, and joy—but who would have difficulty raising and training a dog on their own. The job of a home
companion dog is extremely special: by providing a kiss, an adoring look, or a wag of the tail, the HC dog can make
lonely moments seem full, painful moments seem bearable, and uncertain times seem hopeful. They take their jobs
seriously, knowing that they make a difference in the lives of their human partners that cannot be measured.
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
Ms. Diane Jones
Puppy Namer—National Penn
Jessica tells us that Apis is her best friend. She loves
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Young
They enjoy taking walks together, and Apis’ antics make
the way he cuddles with her (boy, can Goldens cuddle!).
her smile—he is so loving and funny. Jessica's family
Puppy Namer—Dansko, Inc.
loves the way Apis hangs out with Jessica and keeps her
Puppy Home—Ms. Christine
Puppy Home—Mrs. Cindy
Veterinary Sponsor—Dr. Jane
Veterinary Sponsor—Banfield,
The Pet Hospital
Jake’s family was referred
After AnnaMarie and her
company when they are busy. Apis does have one
problem: he seems to think he is the size of the cat
and tries to squeeze into incredibly small places and
onto Jessica’s lap, which makes everyone laugh.
Jessica is working very hard with her therapies and
to CPL by another family who has one of our home
family took Lito home, they felt, as so many home
companion dogs. Since their dog made such a difference
companion families, that they may have gotten themselves
in their own son’s life, they thought a dog might help
into a little more than they were expecting. AnnaMarie’s
Jake. Jake's family was looking for a way to make a
folks felt that perhaps Lito was too big (she certainly was
positive change for their son. They knew he would
“drooly” after she drank water—and she was insane about
benefit from the routine of caring for a dog. The dog
playing ball and nuts about going into the yard to play).
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
would also encourage him to get involved in some
But after things settled down, the family realized
unstructured playtime, which would be great for both
AnnaMarie didn’t feel the same way as her family. She
of them. Jake is benefiting from the routine of caring
thought Lito’s antics were very amusing and would chuckle,
for Banker and is doing a great job. When Jake walks
laugh, and smile. Lito has settled in and is doing a good job
Banker through the neighborhood, he has a big smile
of keeping AnnaMarie company and making her laugh.
on his face and a sense of pride.
Every morning before AnnaMarie goes outside to get on
hopes one day to walk again on her own—then she
will walk Apis!
Puppy Namer—Ms. Rosemary
Puppy Home—Mr. and Mrs.
William Bowers
Home Companion Home—the
Fertig Family
Penn Hip Sponsor—Animal
Medical Center
the bus, Lito gives her hand a kiss. When the bus arrives,
Lito barks and runs back and forth to say “the bus is here.”
Puppy Breeder and Donor—CPL
Puppy Namer—Mrs. Margaret
Puppy Home—Ms. Elizabeth
Home Companion Home—Ms.
Sydney Wilson
Veterinary Sponsor—Crest
View Animal Clinic
From the time that Sara was placed with Lauren, we have
received so many great e-mails about their time together.
We’ve especially loved the pictures that show the joy that
comes from their partnership. These two seem to do
everything together. They enjoy nap time on Lauren’s bed
Veterinary Sponsor—French Creek Veterinary
The family says Lito wants nothing more than love and
affection in return for her unconditional love and
The O’Brien family applied for a home companion dog
for Conor with the hope that a dog’s presence would
help reassure him when changes come into his life. A
plus would be if the dog could help Conor feel
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
Ms. Nancy Love
comfortable in social situations. Ruthie always comes
Puppy Namer—Dr. and Mrs.
Don Coats
when Conor calls her, which gives him self-confidence.
When he swings, Ruthie is with him, letting him know
Puppy Home—State Correctional
Institution, Smithfield
that she’s keeping watch over him. At night, she listens
Home Companion Home—the
MacGregor Family
him until he falls asleep. Whenever Conor is sad or hurt,
to the stories that are read to Conor and then stays with
Ruthie is right there with kisses. What more could you
Veterinary Sponsor—Metzger
Animal Hospital
and walks by the reservoir. Sara even goes to “doggie day
ask for? They have a lot of fun running through the
house playing their favorite game: Conor takes one of
care” so she can play with her doggie friends when Lauren
Boris waited a long time to get his companion dog. He’d had a
her toys, and then curls in a ball on the floor, and Ruthie
is in school. When Lauren’s mom and Sara pick Lauren up
dog early in his life, but sadly, it had passed away. His mom
has to get the toy from him. This sounds like a
from school, it’s “party time!” Lauren’s mother sums up the
hoped that getting a home companion dog would help Boris
partnership full of fun, friendship, and comfort.
partnership as “a dream come true.”
with his communication skills—as their old dog had done—
and would share its unconditional love, which everyone
craves. Boris goes to many therapies, and his mom planned on
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bilski
Puppy Breeder and Donor—
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wilson
having this special dog participate in the therapy to help with
Puppy Namer—Acme Markets
Puppy Home—State
Correctional Institution, Albion
Puppy Namer—Mrs.
Krystaleve Snow
motivation. Matilda bonded with Boris quickly. Within the first
month, the therapist starting telling his mom that Matilda was,
Puppy Home—State
Correctional Institution,
Cambridge Springs
in fact, helping. So, his mom stayed one day to watch. Matilda
Home Companion Home—the
Fertig Family
sat by mom and watched Boris as he tried to point out the
Veterinary Sponsor—Albion
Animal Center
best, trying to move his arm toward the right color, but he kept
Home Companion Home—
Mr. Scott Rhinesmith and
Ms. Tanya MacKeand
color that the therapist was asking for. Boris was doing his
missing. After a few minutes of trying, Matilda got up and went
When Angela came for her interview, the first thing we
to Boris’ side. She put her head under his arm and pushed it up
noticed was her bubbly personality. We matched her
to the color that he was being asked to show. No one had
with Robinson, who offered her the companionship that
shown Matilda what to do, but his mom believes that Matilda’s
she was hoping to find. She especially wanted a dog to
bond with Boris told her to help him. When dogs and children
be there when her family was away from home. Mr.
bond, there are no limits to what can take place.
Veterinary Sponsor—Wintergreen Animal Hospital
Dominique came with her family to interview for her
home companion with the hope that she would get a
very special friend. She answered the questions herself by nodding her head. Her beautiful smile won
everyone’s heart, and Rosie was chosen to bring her the
Robinson, as her family calls him, has been just that—
plus, he is Angela’s butler. Robinson is very happy to pick
up dropped objects and bring them to Angela or just stay
by her side for company. As you would expect, he is very
love and friendship that she was searching for. It’s a
Puppy Breeder and
Donor—Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Moore
good thing that Dominique isn’t too worried about dog
germs, because Rosie just loves to give her kisses and
make her laugh. They play ball and hope to go swimming
quiet until a stranger comes to the house; then he is the
siren that alerts everyone. Not long ago, Angela was
in the hospital and John asked Robinson, “Where is
mommy?” Robinson looked at the pillow on the bed
with his sad eyes. That certainly does tell the story of
this relationship.
Puppy Namer—Novo
Nordisk, Inc.
Puppy Home—Ms. Jennifer
Veterinary Sponsor—
Kennett Square Veterinary
together. Dominique has found that friend who will
always be there for her—a very special gift for a very
special child.
Puppy Donor—Mr. Richard
Puppy Namer—Gray
Charitable Trust
Puppy Home—Mr. Jay Shimaoka
Veterinary Sponsor—
Wilmington Animal Hospital
Albion Animal Center
Metzger Animal Hospital
11 Wells Avenue, Albion, PA 16401
1044 Benner Pike, State College, PA 16801
Animal Care Hospital
Nonantum Veterinary Clinic
308 Hospital Drive, Lewisburg, PA 17837
47 Good Hope Road, Landenberg, PA19350
is just fine—especially when it is listened to with a special
Animal Wellness Center
North Laurel Animal Hospital
friend. Since these two became partners, they’ve been out
Dr. Scott B. Sanderson
9105-P All Saints Road, Laurel, MD 20723
exercising together, which is something Italo didn’t do until
8827 Centre Park Drive, Suite E, Columbia, MD 21045
Italo’s dream was to be given
a special friend who enjoyed
classical music. Classical music—now, that’s an unusual
request. Luckily, Fred seems to think that classical music
State College Veterinary Hospital
Fred came into his life. Italo loves showing Fred off during
walks around the neighborhood, but we think Fred likes
Atglen Veterinary Hospital
showing him off, too. The kids all come running to pet
150 Pine Creek Drive, Christiana, PA 17509
Fred. We hear that Fred’s name has been upgraded to
“Frederick,” which seems very appropriate for this
Talleyville Veterinary Hospital
Centreville Veterinary Hospital
3001 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803
5804 Kennett Pike, Centreville, DE 19807
Twinbrook Veterinary Hospital
distinguished guy. We don’t use the “p” word at CPL;
however, Italo tells us that Fred is “perfect.”
1700 W. College Avenue, State College, PA 16803
Chadds Ford Animal Hospital
5065 Buffalo Road, Erie, PA 16510
901 Baltimore Pike, Chadds Ford, PA 19317
West Chester Veterinary Medical Center
Cochranton Veterinary Hospital
Companion Dogs
Windcrest Animal Hospital
Colebrook Manor Animal Hospital
Community Animal Hospital
nursing and living facilities to provide 24-hour pet
9679 Ocean Gateway, Easton, MD 21601
therapy to the residents of that community. It takes a
special dog to fill this role—one that can take all that
Conneaut Lake Veterinary Hospital
spoiling and not get TOO spoiled. One that will love
14405 Conneaut Lake Road, Meadville, PA 16335
everyone equally, sharing its companionship with all,
These dogs participate in therapies, recreational
Corry Veterinary Clinic
316 E. Columbus Avenue, Corry, PA 16407
activities, family visits, and more. The residents often
Crest View Animal Clinic
seek them out to cry in their fur or to share a special
1928 Newark Road, Lincoln University, PA 19352
moment. They bring smiles, and laughs, and comfort.
French Creek Veterinary Hospital
1424 Ridge Road, Pottstown, PA 19465
Puppy Breeder and
Greener Pastures Veterinary Services, Inc.
Puppy Namer—Notre
Dame High School
Puppy Home—Maryland
Correctional Institution
for Women
Residential Companion Home—Mrs. Penny Taylor
16257 US Highway 6 & 19,Saegertown, PA 16433
Hockessin Animal Hospital
643 Yorklyn Road, Hockessin, DE 19707
Kennett Square Veterinary Hospital
619 N. Mill Road, Kennett Square, PA 19348
Veterinary Sponsor—North Laurel Animal Hospital
Dr. Jane Latta
It takes a very special dog to be successful as a residential
3705 Lancaster Pike,Wilmington, DE 19805
637 W. Lincoln Highway, Exton, PA 19341
Residential companions are placed in residential
and not bonding too strongly with any one person.
1141 West Chester Pike, West Chester, PA 19380
33124 Highway 322, Cochranton, PA 16314
725 Washington Avenue, West Chester, PA 19380
Canine Partners For Life is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization—
donations to which are tax deductible to the fullest extent
permitted by law. A copy of Canine Partners For Life’s last
financial statement may be obtained by contacting CPL at P.O.
Box 170, Cochranville, PA 19330 or (610) 869-4902. Residents of
the following states may obtain a copy of our last registrations:
Pennsylvania, a copy of the official registration and financial
information may be obtained from the Pennsylvania
Department of State by calling (800) 732-0999. Registration
does not imply endorsement. Florida, a copy of the official
registration and financial information may be obtained from
the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800)
435-7352 within the state. Registration does not imply
endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.
Maryland, Office of the Secretary of State, Statehouse, Annapolis,
INTERNET AT www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/charity/chardir.htm.
IMPLY ENDORSEMENT. New York, a copy of the latest annual
report may be obtained, upon request, from the organization
or from the New York State Attorney General’s Charities
Bureau, Attn: FOIL Officer, 120 Broadway, 3rd Floor, New York,
NY 10271. Texas, a copy of the latest annual report may be
obtained, upon request, from the organization or from Office of
the Secretary of State, P.O. Box 13697, Austin, TX 78711. Virginia,
a copy of the financial report may be obtained, upon request,
from the organization or from the Office of Consumer Affairs,
P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218. Registration with any of
these governmental agencies does not imply endorsement.
companion and we were able to find him—his name is Irish
Gold. As his name tells us, he has a heart of “gold.” Irish had
Lewisburg Veterinary Hospital
big shoes to fill, as he was a successor dog to Jester, who
207 Fairgrounds Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837
was at Newlin House for many years. When Jester passed,
Limerick Veterinary Hospital
Newlin House applied for another dog; everyone,
345 W. Ridge Pike, Limerick, PA 19468
especially the residents, missed having a dog around.
To increase the independence and quality of life of
individuals with mobility impairments and seizure disorders
They waited a while for the right dog to come along.
Linesville Veterinary Service
by providing professionally trained service dogs and support
They’ve had some challenges: when he first moved in,
15372 Airport Road, Linesville, PA 16424
services. Each dog will be trained to meet the specific needs
of individual recipients. Our support services shall ensure
Irish’s biggest issue was his fetish for gloves. He would go
into coat pockets of the employees and steal them. Not a
good behavior but very cute, so they say! Although Irish
Longwood Veterinary Hospital
that our teams perform in a manner that promotes the
230 Kennett Pike, Kennett Square, PA 19348
welfare of the recipient, canine, and public. Our goal is to
establish a lifetime bond between the recipient and the dog.
has several resting spots at Newlin, he is known to push
Loyalsock Animal Hospital, Inc.
open a bedroom door and nap on any bed with his head on
1900 Northway Road, Williamsport, PA 17701
Our efforts will be focused on, but not limited to, an area
within a 250 mile radius of Cochranville, Pennsylvania.
the pillow. He is a loved member of the Newlin House
family, and we thank them for opening their hearts to him.
Metropolitan Veterinarian Hospital
915 Trooper Road, Norristown, PA 19403
–Board of Directors
Events and Happenings at CPL
CPL Changed My Life
Wine a Bit for Charity
Many thanks to Heather and Christian Roemer
By Letty Moore
for arranging a really fun Friday evening at
Deerfield Fine Wines in Newark, Delaware, on
I am not physically disabled nor am I a
October 2. Nearly 100 patrons turned out for the
recipient of Canine Partners For Life;
three-hour wine tasting. “Betts” and “Violet”
nevertheless, CPL changed my life. I
worked hard greeting new and old friends alike
first came in contact with CPL in 2002 at
with puppy kisses. We had four silent auction
MCIW (Maryland Correctional Institute
for Women). CPL has a prison puppy
raising program at MCIW where
inmates volunteer their lives and time
(with no extra incentives) to raise and
train puppies for their first year. I am a
items and 25 raffle items up for bid. Patrons received more than their $10 donation worth of
wine and hors d’oeuvres that just kept coming. There were samples of wines from more than
nine geographic wine regions available for tasting. Thank you to our friends at Deerfield
Fine Wines for sponsoring this event (www.deerfieldwines.com) and to Paul Owens of
Sugar Rush Café for the wonderful assortment of cheese!
product of that program. Before CPL
came into my life I had no direction, no
boundaries, no love, and no hope of a
successful future. In the form of a tiny
puppy, all that changed; not only did
I find hope, dedication, and love but I
CPL Seeks Home
Companion Volunteers
also discovered a whole new future.
Doesn't she look moo-arvelous, dahling?
Letty gets into the spirit for Cow Bingo!
Do you have room in your heart
CPL is a wonderful organization and
and home to train a one-year-
has changed not just the lives of its
old dog?
recipients, but the lives of many inmates as well. Since my release in 2007, I have been able to
Canine Partners For Life (CPL), a
witness first-hand the professionalism, dedication, and devotion the staff and its Executive
nonprofit organization that trains
Director have for its recipients and their dogs. In the PPRP (prison puppy raising program),
dogs to assist individuals with a
I raised five dogs for CPL, and I have gotten to see how they have changed the lives of their
wide range of disabilities, is
partners. I am proud to say that I know and am a part of this outstanding organization.
seeking volunteers to house and
CPL doesn’t just change the lives of people who have disabilities, it changes the lives of
train its home-companion dogs
people who do not have hope—it changed mine.
for periods of approximately
three-to-six months.
These dogs—usually Labradors,
We’re on Facebook!
Stay in touch with CPL through Facebook! Go to Canine Partners
For Life—Cochranville, PA and become a member of our group!
standard poodles, and golden
retrievers—will already have
mastered a significant range
of obedience skills before it
We refer to Snuggles, a home companion dog, as the
first CPL service pony: he's big!
reaches the volunteer home. The volunteer, with the ongoing support of CPL, will refine
those skills to enable CPL to place it with individuals who need an outlet for physical
activity and positive relationships—children or adults who battle autism, Parkinson’s
“Pay It
disease, fibromyalgia, and diabetes, to name just a few. Depending on the individual
dog’s ability, home-companion dogs may also provide seizure-alert assistance.
Volunteers, you need not have prior experience with dog training. CPL will teach you how to
Kimberly Works
Her Magic Again!
work with your dog through three one-hour training sessions prior to placing a dog in your
home. Once you have the dog, you are asked to attend at least one training session per
month. There is no cost to you for this training.
Kimberly returned during fall training
CPL provides all ongoing veterinary care such as vaccinations at no cost to the volunteer.
with yet another check for CPL! This
It also provides a crate, collar, and leash. The only expense you will incur is the cost of the
high school junior created the Pay It
dog’s food, available only at CPL, which averages about $34 a month (and it's tax deductible).
Forward campaign, in which she seeks
To learn more about CPL’s home companion program, please phone Mary Fertig, CPL’s
donations on behalf of a nonprofit of
her choosing. Kimberly had so much
Kimberly presents Darlene Sullivan and Ripley
with her latest Pay It Forward gift.
fun raising $1,800 for CPL last year
Volunteer/ Companion Coordinator, at (610) 869-4902, extension 212.
For more information about CPL, please visit www.k94life.org.
that she decided to do it again…and returned with a check for $3,355! We are so grateful
to this young woman for wanting to make a difference…and doing it!
RecycleBank dramatically increases household
recycling rates across the country by rewarding
Thank you to the Hagley Museum and Library, as well as Pro
families and individuals with RecycleBank Points
Physical Therapy, for sponsoring the 4th Annual Doggie Doo
for the amount they recycle every day.
Run/Walk/Roll on Saturday, September 26. We could not have
asked for better weather for the event. The sun was shining,
and the grounds looked beautiful as the 100 runners, walkers, and
RecycleBank members can now redeem their Points for real dollar donations to
our organization!
rollers made their way through the Hagley Museum grounds. The
If you are a member of this program, we encourage you to use your Points to help our
top male winner was Tom Jermyn, and the top female winner was
cause. If you would like to find out more about RecycleBank or need instructions on
Evelyn Ramos. Thanks to Races 2 Run for laying out the course
how to activate and use your Points for donations to CPL, go to www.RecycleBank.com
and timing. We look forward to another great event in 2010.
or phone (888) 727-2978.
Moo-chas gracias to every-
“fastest cow-pie.” No sooner did she make her way into the
Independence, Pet Valu, Julia’s Jewels, Homemade Gourmet, and
one who was involved in
middle of the ring than she…well, ‘nough said!
Fit Fir a Dog for being a part of our Open House. This event would
not have been possible without the support of our sponsors
the 20th Anniversary Open
The lucky winner of the 2009 Cow Bingo raffle was Luise Iannaco.
National Penn Bank and Concord Pet Foods and Supplies.
House and Cow Bingo
Jeffrey Hill and “Amis,” a CPL full-service team, sold the winning
event. Despite the weather,
ticket. Both Luise and Jeffrey live at Warren House in Woburn,
We are udderly grateful to all those who sold Cow Bingo tickets
Massachusetts, a supported residence for fifteen folks who have
this year. We could not have had a successful Open House and
experienced traumatic brain injuries. Luise and her sister hosted
Cow Bingo without you!
we nearly made our fundraising goal of $35,000
thanks to our sponsors, vendors, and more than 300 steadfast
a dinner party for the house to celebrate her good fortune.
supporters who braved the rain and came out to help us commemorate our twentieth anniversary. Our brave photographer,
There were plenty of other activities throughout the afternoon,
Joan Wheeler, and cherry picker operator Andy White went
including a service dog demonstration, tours of the office and
up 30 feet to take a group photo of the attendees between
kennel, hay rides, carriage rides, and of course the puppy kissing
raindrops. Check out our photos on Joan’s website at
booth. Although anyone who visited the puppy kissing booth
walked away a good bit muddier, the puppies didn’t seem to mind!
Cricket the cow was back by popular demand for the main
Visitors were serenaded by the music group Bovelax while they
event—Cow Bingo. She made herself available to her public prior
enjoyed a barbeque lunch and ice cream from Woodside Farm
to the event in her petting area. At the appointed hour, she was
Creamery. Our vendors were a little bit soggy but in good spirits.
ready to “go,” possibly making an all-time Cow Bingo record for
We would like to thank Purrs and Pants, JEVS Supports for
Cricket was clearly the star attraction of Cow Bingo!
Canine Partners For Life needs help in many ways. If a monetary donation simply isn’t possible, consider
volunteering to provide a home for one of our puppies. The folks mentioned below are doing just that!
Our current puppy homes range from private residences, to veterinarians, to those living in correctional
facilities. It’s fun and it makes a difference! Below are dogs in the program as of October 6, 2009.
Trisha Monaghan
Dr. Deborah Roberts
Julie Brunk
Elaine Berger
Bonnie Bilski
Pam Morgan
CPL Breeding Program
Mary E. Parker Foundation SCI—Cambridge Springs
CPL Breeding Program
Elyse Mauger
Adam and Leslie De
CPL Breeding Program
St. Thomas Episcopal
Arden and Martha
CPL Breeding Program
Susan Fontaine
CPL Breeding Program
Irving Gerber
CPL Breeding Program
Atco Lions Club
James Ballou/Steve Shifflett
Libby Blittersdorf
Bonnie Bilski
Crystal Fertig
CPL Breeding Program
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kenton Rob and Anita Edwards
Crazy Larry
CPL Breeding Program
Concord Pet Food and
Dana and Kathleen Kagno
CPL Breeding Program
The Fallen Angels
Margaret Brady-Ulmer
ING Direct
The Mayer family
Cynthia Horton
Sharon Faby
Mary Jane Elliott
Judy McCormick,
Keepsake Labradors
Inglis Foundation
Jason Weingarten
CPL Breeding
Wilson King
SCI—Cambridge Springs
John and Beverly Campbell
Sandra and Ronald Barnard
Jack and Mary Ann
Gwen and Emilie Potter
Jay Monroe Memorial
Adam and Leslie De
Verna Mae Stoltzfus
Ruth Prest
SCI—Cambridge Springs
Diane B. Jones
Diane B. Jones
Diane B. Jones
Gary and Laura Altizer,
Mythic Labradors
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Sullivan The Coughenour family
Melanie and Dale Young
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Maggie Buckley/Jenna
Bachman and Fertig families
CPL Breeding Program
Mr. and Mrs. James Altrichter The Ortega family
Lawrence Monlezun
Lawrence Monlezun
The Potter, Fertig, and
Owens families
John and Beverly Campbell
Natalie Chatham
SCI—Cambridge Springs
Susan and Denis Biggs
Deborah Laverell
Linda E. G. Madeira
Oxford Lions Club
Sara Lindell
CPL Breeding Program
Diane Jones
Johanna Hill
CPL Breeding Program
Elizabeth Moran
Jason Weingarten
Patricia Sendin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Setting, II
Gwen and Emilie Potter
Diane Jones
CPL Breeding Program
Jayme Murray Gittings
Miss Cassie
CPL Breeding Program
Cindy Brownback
The Fertig family
Tina Barks
Tess Tessier
The Moore family
CPL Breeding Program
Erica Sorrentino-Sutton
The Fertig family
CPL Breeding Program
Genuardi Family Foundation The Fertig family
Diane Jones
Diane Jones
Missy Bluedorn, Barking
Hollow Labradoodles
Charles Baker
CPL Breeding Program
Christiana Lions Club
Diane Jones
Diane Jones
Diane Jones
Christiana Rotary Club
The Moore family
CPL Breeding Program
Manor Presbyterian Church Sue and Jose Reyes
Julie Tune
Team Melko
Linda Bunch
Peggy Sue
CPL Breeding Program
Found in the 60's Car Club
The Fertig family
CPL Breeding Program
L. W. Pierce Family
CPL Breeding Program
Susan Yoder
James Ballou/Steve Shifflett
Edward Crane
CPL Breeding Program
Janet Moree
Dennis Sames
Ellice McDonald
Elizabeth Ford
CPL Breeding Program
Donna Sayah
SCI—Cambridge Springs
Grace Lossman
Rivendell Foundation
Rob and Anita Edwards
Margaret Brady-Ulmer
Rosemary Campbell
Rich Gurney
Barb Dempsey
Mary Pat Tate
Caley Hullihen
Collins Foundation
CPL Breeding Program
Mr. and Mrs John D'Luhy
David and Debbie
Parker/Julie McLaughlin
Tim Knauff
Mr. and Mrs. David Kahle
SCI—Cambridge Springs
Lisa Anderson
Walmart #285
CPL Breeding
Elizabeth Moran
Janie Cramer and family
Harold Schutt
Irving Gerber
The Fertig family
CPL Breeding Program
The Lebanon County
Kennel Club
The Fertig family
Harold Schutt
Mr and Mrs. Walter Prest
The Sullivan family
CPL Breeding Program
Mr. and Mrs. William
Frederick, Jr.
The Combs family
CPL Breeding Program
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray Scott Rhinesmith
Tamara Longe, Dogwood
Cunningham and Seiple
CPL Breeding Program
Metairie Park Country Day Michael Tooke and Susan
David Sames
David Sames
CPL Breeding Program
Maurice Amado Foundation Janie Cramer and family
The Fertig Family
Bernadette Oliver
CPL Breeding Program
Ann Schutt
The Fertig family
The Fertig family
Joan Rector
Joan Rector
Sandy Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cramer Cramer family
Sandy Coombs
Sassafras Harbor Marina
CPL Breeding Program
Leon Thompson family
The Fertig family
Lawrence Monlezun
Stewart Huston Charitable
Trust/Huston Foundation
SCI—Cambridge Springs
Cathy and Collette Hatch
The Fertig family
Diane Jones
Diane Jones
Denise Barnes, Barnes
Puppy Love Kennels
Harriet Smith
Joan Fyk
CPL Breeding
Wendy Krancer Twing
The Osborne family
The Guy family
Letty Moore
Staff member Peggy White LOVES
Cow Bingo...and has the accessories
to prove it!
The 2008—2009 Honor Roll of Donors includes all gifts received from July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009.
Gifts received on or after July 1, 2009, will be listed in the 2009—2010 Annual Report. Please note that every effort
has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If there are any errors, please bring them to the
attention of Moira Owens in the Development office and accept our sincere apology.
A Gucci Pooch
A-1 Dental Care
Ms. Nicole A. Abdulla
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Abelson
Ms. Andrea M. Abernethy
Ms. June A. Abramson
Acme Markets #07703
The Active Network, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams
Adas Style Stop
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Adkins
Ms. Robin L. Adler
Aetna Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Aichenbaum
AIG Matching Grants Program
Ms. Linda W. Akell
Alan E. Peters & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Gloria I. Alers
Mr. and Mrs. Dwain W. Alexander
Mr. Michael W. Alft
ALIKA Foundation
Ms. Christine M. Allen
Ms. Laura J. Allred
Allstate Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Altrichter
Mr. and Mrs. John Aman
Ms. Lisa V. Amann
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Amato
America’s Charities
Dr. and Mrs. Mart J. Amick
Amity Township Lioness Club
Ms. Karen Anderson
Ms. Lisa Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Andrews
Mr. Robert Andrews
Mr. Jerry D. Anglin
Col. and Mrs. William E. Angus
Animal Medical Center
Various Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Antonelli
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Antoniello
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Apicella
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Apland
Mr. Louis Appell Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Appleby
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Appleby
Ms. Caroline S. Applegate
Ms. Gail Armstrong
Ms. Christine M. Arnold
Artesian Water Company
Mr. Stanley L. Ascough
Mr. Ghazi Assali and Ms. Michele Kelly
Assistance Dog United Campaign
Atco Lions Club
Avon Grove Lions Club
Avon Products Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Jean R. Ayars
Mr. Jason L. Azarraga
BPG Development Company, L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Baach
Mrs. Sylvia Bachman and Mr.
Todd Bachman
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baer
Mr. Rick Bailey
Ms. Phoebe Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Baker, Jr.
Mr. Robert C. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Baker
Baker Animal Hospital, PC
Mrs. Bette W. Balder
Ms. Frances H. Baldwin
The Honorable Bernard and the Honorable
Helen Balick
Mr. James Ballou and Mr. Steve Shifflett
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Ms. Ann Marie Barbolish
Mrs. Martha Barbone
Barking Hollow Labradors
Ms. Tina Barks
Ms. Elizabeth Barna and Mr. Joseph R.
Barnegat Animal Clinic
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barnes
Ms. Lynne Barnes
Ms. Phyllis Barnes
The Barra Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Barrington
Ms. Cynthia Barron
Mr. James A. Barron and Ms. Brenda L.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Barry
Ms. Lora J. Bartlett
Mrs. Kathryn M. Barto
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Barton, Jr.
Ms. Susan M. Baskin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bausher
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bausher
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bayard, Jr.
Mr. Rufus K. Bayard
Mr. J. D. Baylis
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Baylor
Ms. Joanne Beach
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Beadling
Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. Beale
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Beard
Mr. Bill Beasley
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Beauchamp
Mr. Rhett J. Beauchemin and Ms. Elizabeth
A. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Denis C. Beaumont
Beaumont Retirement Services, Inc.
Ms. Doris H. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Becker, Jr.
Ms. Kathryn E. Beckett
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Beebe, Jr.
Mr. E. Martin and Dr. Donna Beech
Dr. Richard Beeman and Ms. Mary Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Marc A. Beerman
Mrs. Suzanne I. Behr
Ms. Natalia Beley
Belquest Kennels & Cattery
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Belsinger
Ms. Robin Bender
Bentley Systems, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Bentz
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bercaw
Ms. Elaine Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Bergey
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F.
Bergstresser, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Berna
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Bernardino
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Bernardo
Mr. Christopher I. Bert
Mr. David Beverage and Mr. Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bilski
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Binkley
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Binkley
Ms. Erin Bird
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Birk
Mr. and Mrs. Mike J. Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon S. Bittner
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Bitner
Mr. William H. Black Jr.
Dr. Curt C. Blacklock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Blackwill
Ms. Dierdre G. Blain
Mr. and Mrs. Willaim O. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bland
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Blittersdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. F. Christopher Bober
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bocchetti
Employee’s Community Fund of The
Boeing Company
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Bogda
Mr. Joseph Bohaczyk and Antonio
Mrs. Joan Bolling
Mr. Jonathan Bolt and Ms. Donna English
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bolt
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis J. Bonanni
Mrs. Sally Bonanno and Ms. Mary N.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Bond
Ms. Kathryn Bonsall
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Book
Book Fair Inc.
Ms. Anna Boreman
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua C. Boucher
Ms. Karen Boulden
Mr. and Mrs. William Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bowers
Mr. Washington B. Bowie
Mr. Howard A. Bowker
Ms. Mary E. Bowler
Ms. Abby G. Bowman
Ms. Lynda J. Bowman
Ms. Melinda M. Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bowman
Box Hill Pediatrics
Mr. James B. Boyd and Ms. Tateru N.
Mr. Michael J. Boylan
Ms. Carla A. Boynton
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Bozarth
Mr. James B. Bradbeer Sr.
Ms. Michelle Braden
Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. Bradfield
Mrs. Alison E. Brady
Dr. and Mrs. Conrad M. Brahin
Ms. Patricia Kay Brandon
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Brauer
Ms. Janette A. Brenner
Ms. Irene J. Bricker
Mr. E. Allan Britton
Ms. Mary Brodie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Brown
Mr. Christopher Brown
Mr. and Mrs. George K. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Brown, III
Ms. Kelly Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Brown
Ms. Sherrill Brown
Ms. Susan Brown
Vaughn W. Brown Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brownback
Ms. Carolyn Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Brumaghim
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brunk
Mr. Dick Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Bruton
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan
Ms. Constance P. Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Buckley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Buffington
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bull
Ms. Linda Bunch
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Bunn
Ms. Wendy A. Burak
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Burch
Mr. and Mrs. John Burchenal
Ms. Leslie Burgard
Ms. Lydia Burger
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Burk
Ms. Sandra J. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Burke
Ms. Catherine Burkert
Mr. and Mrs. George Burkhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Burkhardt
Ms. Barbara Burkhouse
Burl-Moor-Driben Animal Hospital, LLC
Ms. Kristy L. Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Burns
Ms. Dot Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Burns
Ms. Susan P. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Burrell
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Busa
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Busillo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Bussiere
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. David Butters
Buzz Woodward Towing
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Byington
Mr. John A. Byrne
Mr. John Calabro
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Callaghan
Ms. Stacie Callaghan
Mr. and Mrs. James Campanaro
Mr. James J. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Campbell
Ms. Rosemary Campbell
Ms. Susan M. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Cannatelli
Mr. and Mrs. Craig F. Caplan
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Capobianco
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Cardamone
Cardinal Health Foundation, Inc.
Cardiology Consultants, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Carlson
Mr. Mark L. Carnes
Ms. Janice M. Caro
Mrs. Edwin D. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Carpenter
Mrs. Mary Kaye Carpenter
Mrs. Mary Kaye Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. M. Carpenter, III
The Carpenter Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carr
Ms. Donna H. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Carroll Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Carson
Ms. Lynn Carson
Cartmel Residence Association
Mr. Timothy Cashman
Ms. Marie K. Castetter
Catasauqua Towers Tenant Council
Mr. and Mrs. Alred D. Cathcart
Cedar Lake Campground Church
Ms. Jenifer Celentano
Central Assembly of God
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ceresini
Ms. Angela M. Cerino, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cern Jr.
Mr. Jay E. Chaapel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Chadwick
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Chaffin
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Champion, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn B. Chandler
Ms. Rachel H. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Jody Chapall
Ms. Ellyn Charlestein-Phillips
Charlestown Elementary School
Ms. Nance Charrette
Mrs. Natalie Chatham
Ms. Geetanjali Chawla
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Cheropovich
Chester County Pediatrics PC
Mr. Samuel Chew
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Childers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy L. Childress
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney H. Childs
Ms. Jo Ann T. Chirico
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Chmielewski
Christiana Lions Club
The Christiana Rotary Club
Ms. Alison M. Chubb
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ciccarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Carmine J. Cicchino
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph N. Cicconi
Ms. Andrea Cichetti
Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. Clapper
Ms. Linda Clark
Mrs. Mildred M. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark
Ms. Janice L. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Clarke
Ms. Lora L. Clawson
Ms. Nancy Clayton-Reitman
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Clemens
Mr. Robert Clemens
Ms. Kimberly A. Clement
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Clemente
Mr. and Mrs. William Clementi
Mr. Ryan M. Clements
Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Sherri L. Clinkscale
Dr. and Mrs. Don W. Coats
Mr. and Mrs. Reed A. Coats
Mrs. Joan Cobb
Mr. Donald W. Cockley Jr.
Mr. Russell W. Coe
Mr. Brian Coen
Miss Mary Rita Coffey
Ms. Beverly A. Cogan
Mr. Irby M. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Max J. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Cohen
Ms. Pamela Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Colaiacovo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Colavita
Miss Emma Colby
Ms. Alberta H. Cole
Ms. Erin Cole
Mr. Tim W. Cole
Ms. Bess Coleman and Ms. Vera Coleman
Ms. Carol Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Coleman
Mr. Thomas A. Coleman and Ms. Jessie L.
Ms. Pam M. Coley
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Collins
Collins Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Collis
Mr. Michael Comber
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Combs
Commonwealth of PA Labor, Educ.
& Comm. Svcs.
Concord Pet Foods & Supplies
Mr. Michael Conlon and Ms. Lisa Frandsen
Connelly Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Conner
Mr. Craig P. Connolly and Mrs. Ellen
Ms. Serena Conosciani
Ms. Marie Conti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Cooch
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cook
Mr. John Cook
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Cook
Mr. and Mrs. William Cook
Ms. Deborah Ann Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. and Ms. Robert Coombes
Mr. William Coombs
Ms. Nancy C. Cooper
Honorable and Mrs. Charles L. Copeland
Mr. and Mrs. Gerret van S. Copeland
Ms. Diane H. Copes
Mr. and Mrs. Nevin L. Coppersmith
Ms. Dawn Corbett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Cordrey
Ms. Te Ata L. Cornman
Ms. Hendrika Cornwell
Mr. John A. Corrozi Sr.
Mr. John Costa and Ms. Lisa G. Connulty
Ms. Christine Coughenour
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Coulton
Country Meadows Associates
County House Research, Inc
Ms. Carol S. Cox
Mr. William E. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Crabbs
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cramer
Mr. Edward Crane
Mr. and Mrs. David Craven
Ms. Phoebe Craven
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Crawford
Mrs. and Ms. Darcie Crawford
Ms. Linda K. Cray
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Croce
Mr. and Mrs. John Croman
Ms. Linda Cronin
Ms. Helen Crosby-Gibert
Ms. Theresa A. Crossan
Crosslands Residents Association
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Crowell
Ms. Patty Cullen
Ms. Rene E. Cullen
Ms. Elizabeth A. Cummins
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham
Ms. Elaine Cury
Mr. Daniel H. Czuczman
Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. D’Alonzo
Mr. and Mrs. John J. D’Luhy
Ms. Patricia A. Daley and Mr. Jerry H. Heath
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Daller
Mr. J. Michael Daly Jr.
Ms. Sandra G. Daly
Damascus Lions Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Lauren Danneker
The Dansko Foundation
Dansko, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Danzeisen
Mr. and Mrs. David Darley
Mr. and Mrs. Giffin Daughtridge
Ms. Beth Davco
The David R. & Patricia D. Atkinson
Ms. Carol H. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Davidson
Ms. Julie A. Davidson-Marston
Ms. Antoinette Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Davis, Jr.
Ms. Joyce S. Davis
Mrs. Rebecca A. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis
Ms. Roberta S. Davis
Mrs. David Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Day
Day Spa by Tanya
Lt. Col. and Mrs. James M. De Mott
De Perini Metal Fabricators, Inc.
The Dean Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Denise Deardorff
Ms. Diana M. DeBenedictics
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. DeBiasa
Ms. Ann M. deBrabander
Ms. Jackie L. DeJonge
Dr. Elizabeth Delaney
Delaware Beverage
Delaware Family Care Associates
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent DelDuca, Jr.
Ms. Ada Delgado and Ms. Adrienne Summa
Mrs. Robert Deliduka
Mr. and Mrs. James T. DeLizzio, Jr.
Dell Direct Giving Campaign
Ms. Norma O. Dellapa
Ms. Linda DeMento
Ms. Marianne Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Denenberg
Denenberg Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Denlinger
Mr. Kevin H. Denny
Mrs. Nikki Deptula
Mr. George P. Desko
Miss Kendra Desko
Ms. Maria C. DeStefano
Ms. Irene Detterline
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Detweiler
Ms. Catherine Dever Hatch
Ms. Kathleen Devine
Devon Dog Show Association, Inc.
Mrs. Martha DeWees
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiAngelus
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence S. Dickter
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Diefenderfer
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Diehl
Ms. Donna Dietz
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dietz
Mr. Michael Diffenderffer
Mr. Samuel H. Dignall
Mr. John P. Dillon and Ms. Roxanne
Mr. and Mrs. Ray R. Dimmick Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Dimmig
Mr. and Mrs. Adam A. Dinerman
Ms. Elizabeth J. diPiano
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Dirosato
Ms. Laura Ditrich
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diver
Mr. Richard A. Diver
Diversified Marketing Group, Inc.
Ms. Katherine Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie J. Dixon
Ms. Brenda J. Dodge
Dogwood Labradors
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Doherty
Ms. Lynn I. Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Dohner
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Dolan
Mr. Rodolfo Domingo Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dominick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Donaghy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Donaldson
Dr. Deborah Allen and Mr. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Donohoe
Mr. and Mrs. F. Michael Donohue, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dorricott, Jr.
Ms. Juliette Doster
Mr. and Mrs. Connor Dotson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Doughten
Ms. Cindee L. Dove
Ms. Margaret A. Dowell
Mr. and Mrs. Ford B. Draper
Mr. Victor Dries
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Drost
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. du Pont
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Dubois, Jr.
Ms. Alyce E. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Dugdale
Mr. and Mrs. Winston W. Duke
Mr. and Mrs. David Dulin, Jr.
Ms. Karen P. Dumont
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Dunbar
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Dunbar
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dunn
Ms. Muriel Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Dunne
Ms. Caroline duPont Prickett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duprey
Mr. James J. Durkin
Ms. Betty J. Dust
Ms. Michele I. Duvivier
Mr. Edward M. Dwyer, Jr. and Ms. Julia V.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Dzuba
Eagle Crest Charter Academy
Eagle-Glenmoore Lions Club
Ms. Sue A. Ebersberger
Ms. Kathy L. Echternach
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eddy
Ederic Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Drinda Edge
Ms. Jacqueline V. Edison
Mr. Rodman W. Edmiston Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie A. Edmondson
Ms. Edith Edson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Edwards
Ms. Jane Edwards
Ms. Jean G. Edwards
Mr. Philip Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne P. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ehemann
Mr. Paul G. Eisenhaur
The Eleanor Scoyni Charitable Annuity
Lead Trust
Mrs. Christine A. Elkins
Mr. John M. Ellis
Mr. Richard Ellis
Employee Activities Association
Mrs. Beverly Ensor
Epilepsy Foundation of Eastern
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ernster
Mrs. Candice Escandon
Mr. and Mrs. David Esherick
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Esherick
Mr. Michael P. Ettlinger and Ms. Linda J.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Evans
Ms. Pamela A. Everett
Everything but The Kitchen Sink
ExxonMobile Foundation
Ms. Jeanne Eyer
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Faby
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Fair
Fair Play Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Falcone, Jr.
Mr. Randy C. Falk
The Fallen Angels Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Theodore J. Fallon, Jr. and Dr. Corinne
Ms. Sandra J. Fargher
Farm Women Group 12
Mr. Daniel K. Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farmer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Farmer
Ms. Margaret M. Farmer
Ms. Karen D. Farquhar
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Farrell
Mr. Chuck Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Farris, Jr.
Ms. Jodi L. Farrow
Mr. and Mrs. John Fay
Mr. and Mrs. Martin I. Feder
Feed The Children, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Feeman
Ms. Maria D. Feeney Esquire
Mr. Mark Feinman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Feirn
Ms. Rhonda B. Feldsher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Felt
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Fenton
Ms. Carissa Y. Ferguson
Ferguson & Hassler
Mr. and Mrs. Dario Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Ferrer
Ms. Crystal L. Fertig
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fertig
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Fiedor
Ms. Edwina Filbert and Mr. Paul A.
Mrs. Lauretta C. Filbert
Mr. Joseph M. Fioravanti
Mr. and Mrs. George Firrantello
First National Bank of Chester County
First National Bank of Huntsville
First Victoria
Ms. Cheryl F. Firth
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Fisher
Mr. Tom Fisher
Ms. Alice C. Fisk
Ms. Harriett S. Fitts and Ms. Carolyn F.
Fleetwood Area School District
Mrs. Mary A. Flegal
Mr. and Mrs. K. Cole Flickinger
Mr. Steven H. Flogaus
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Flood
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Flynn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Folcarelli
Ms. Susan V. Fontaine
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Fontana
Mr. Paul G. Foran and Ms. Charlene A.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Ford
Ford’s Auto & Truck Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Forshee
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Forsyth
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Foulk
Found in the 60’s Car Club
Ms. Jane J. Fox
Mr. Joseph N. Frabizzio and Dr. Jennifer V.
Ms. Donna Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Zissmoss Frangopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frantz
Mr. Thomas G. Fredd
Dr. Margaretta Frederick
Ms. Rebecca Frederick and Ms. Trina
Ms. Thelma C. Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Frederick
Free and Accepted Masons
Ms. Jane L. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freemann
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Freeman, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. French
Ms. Susan Fresconi
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Freund
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Frey Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Freyer
Ms. Kristyn R. Freyer
Ms. Julie N. Fuchs
Mr. and Mrs. Erik A. Futchko
Ms. Katherine D. Gaeta
Dr. Arnold I. Galer
Ms. Joan K. Galloway
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Gannon
Ms. Jane S. Garnett
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Garozzo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Garozzo
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Garrett
Mrs. Maureen Garrity
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gaston
Ms. Kristen Gautney
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gavet
Miss Alyson Gawin
Mr. and Mrs. Jason J. Gawrylik
Mr. and Mrs. William Geigle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Geiser
Drs. Robert and Susan Gell
Genesis HealthCare
Genesis IS Group
Genex Services, Inc.
Ms. Elaine Gentry
Genuardi Family Foundation
George F. Lang Co. Inc.
Mr. Irving R. Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gerber
Ms. Beverly German
Ms. Tucker Giddens
Giggybites Inc.
Mr. Salvatore Giglia
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Gilbert
Mr. Edward W. Gilhool III
Ms. L. Cynthia Gilhool
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gill
Ms. Susan Gillespie
Gillespie & Ritchie, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Gilley
Rev. and Mrs. Raymond C. Gillin
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gimbel
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Giorgio
Mr. Robert P. Girardeau
Girl Scouts of Eastern PA, Troop 41432
Give Something Back Foundation, Inc.
Give With Liberty
Mr. and Mrs. S. Douglass Glass
Glen Willow Orchards
Ms. Christina Glendon
Glenn Rock Green
Global Impact
Ms. Mildred K. Gobe
Mr. James A. Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Godwin
Ms. Lois Goepel
Mr. and Mrs. Eric G. Goff
Mr. Lee Goldberg
Ms. Gina Goldblatt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldblatt
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Golding
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Goldman
Mr. Robert W. Golterman and Ms. Rita B.
Ms. Cassandra M. Gonce
Mr. and Mrs. John Goodier
Mr. Kevin Goodman
Ms. S. Jean Goodwin
Mrs. Janet L. Goonan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Goonan
Ms. Michele A. Goonan
Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Gorman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gosnay
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Gosnell
Mr. Steven T. Gough
Ms. Sharon Gould
Grace Presbyterian Church
Graffs Printing
Mr. and Mrs. J. Joel Gramling
The Grand Opera House
Grand Rental Station
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. David Gray
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gray
Mr. Ollie B. Gray and Ms. Sandi Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Gray
Gray Charitable Trust
Greater Christian Life UPC
The Greater New Orleans Foundation
Ms. Dianna Greco
Kay L Greenawalt Insurance Agency, Inc.
Ms. Ashley H. Greenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Grelis III
Mr. Albert D. Grenier II
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker C. Gresh
Ms. Margaret C. Griest
Mrs. Mary McM. Griffenberg
Ms. Carol L. Griffin
Ms. Thelma Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Filbert A. Grim, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Grimes
Ms. Roberta A. Grimes
Dr. Karen W. Gripp and Mr. H. Daniel
Grotto Pizza, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Grove
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Grover
Ms. Cheryl L. Groves
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gruber
Ms. Susan Grummell
Dr. and Mrs. Evans C. Guequierre
Mr. Jacques Guequierre
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. Guidotti
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Gummey, Jr.
Mr. Rich Gurney
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Guttman
Mr. and Mrs. William Guy
Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Guzzone
Ms. Gailyn A. Gwin and Mr. Joe Irwin
Gwynedd Square Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Haas, Jr.
Dr. Deborah A. Haas-Wilson
Ms. Rennae Hackler
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Haftel
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hagan
Mr. C. Nathan Hagerman
Ms. Ann E. Hagerty
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Hagger
Ms. Ellen K. Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis J. Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Haire
Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Haldeman
Half Moon Restaurant & Saloon
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Halko
Mr. Barrett Hall
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hall
Mrs. Mary J. Hall
Ms. Jean H. Halloran
Dr. Charles E. Hallum
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Halpin
Mr. and Mrs. William Halpin
Ms. Elizabeth D. Halsted
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Halsted
Ms. Karen S. Halsted
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hamerka
Mr. David Hamerka
Ms. Anne Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. David Hamilton
Ms. Patricia G. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Hanna
Ms. Lorraine Hannes
Hannum’s Harley-Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hansen-Landis
Hanson Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hard
Ms. Mary Harden
Ms. Patricia M. Harden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hardin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Karl Hardy
Ms. Veronica L. Hare
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Harkema
Ms. Jean S. Harlow
Ms. Cecily S. Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. James Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harrell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Harrington
Mrs. Sarah S. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Chipper D. Hartzell
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hastings
Ms. Erin D. Hattier
Mr. Harry A. Haught
Mr. Glenn Hauler
The Haverford Trust Company
Mr. John Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hawn
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre duPont Hayward
Mr. and Mrs. Odom B. Heebe, Jr.
Mr. Ken Heichman
Mr. Clint Heisler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heisler
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hellberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heller
The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley
Charitable Trust
Ms. Martha J. Hempfing
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Henderson
Ms. Mary A. Heneghan
Ms. Margaret M. Henkels
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Henry
Henry Troemner, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Henryson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Herald
Mr. David L. Herr and Ms. Anne M. Howett
Herr Foods, Inc.
Mr. Robert R. Herrick
Ms. Emily L. Herring
Herritt Chiropractic
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Hershey
Ms. Eleanor C. Hertzog
Mr. John W. Heslop
Ms. Kathy J. Hess-Shaver
Ms. Adeline M. Heston
Ms. Margaret H. Hetrick
Mr. Bruce A. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Higman
Mr. and Mrs. John Hileman
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hill
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Hill
Mr. Jeffrey Hill
Ms. Melissa Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Hill
Ms. Anne E. Hillman
Ms. Rosemary Hilpert
Mrs. Gail Hilton
Hilton Garden Inn
Ms. Lois M. Hinderling
Mr. and Mrs. Rey Hinojosa III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hissick
Ms. June P. Hittle
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Hoagland, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. P. Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Hobbs
Ms. Janet N. Hoffman
Ms. Janice V. Hohlefelder
Ms. Caley Hollihen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Hollomon
Ms. Carol A. Holloway
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Holloway
Ms. Ruth Holmes
Ms. Jennifer Holmquest
Holt Family Foundation
Miss Kathryn M. Honea
Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Honea
Dr. Maryann D. Hooker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hoopes
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hope
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hoppe
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Horenstein
Ms. Carla A. Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Horne
Ms. Cynthia Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Horvath
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hottinger
Ms. Michele H. Houck
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Houldin
Mr. Zachary S. Houp
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Houston
Mr. Verne F. Hoyt
Ms. Ethel M. Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell S. Huber
Ms. Lovine Huckaby
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. G. Hudson
Ms. Patricia P. Hueber
Mr. George M. Huey
Ms. Mary Hufnagel
Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes
Mr. William A. Hughes
Mr. Rich E. Hull
Mr. Randy Hulle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphreys
Ms. Kathleen S. Hunsberger
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Hunt
Ms. Alice B. Hupfel
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hurley
The Stewart Huston Charitable Trust
Ms. Margaret Hutaff
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hutaff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Elton M. Hyder
IBM Employee Services Center
Mr. and Mrs. Yoshihiro Ichijo
iGive.com Holdings LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Incantalupo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Ince, Jr.
Independence Foundation
Infospace, Inc.
Mrs. Marie-Louise Ingersoll
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney R. Ingham
Inglis Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Inverso
Invisible Fence Co.
Mr. and Mrs. John Iona
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ireland
Iron Hill Brewery
Iron Spring Farm, Inc.
Iroquois Elementary School
JCC of Greater Philadelphia, Kaiserman
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Chywan Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jackson
Ms. Stephanie E. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Jamison
Ms. Paula S. Janssen
Janssen’s Market
Ms. Karen D. Jansson
Jay R. Monroe Memorial Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Jenkinson
Mrs. Irene Jennings
Ms. Kim Jenny
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jensen
Ms. Cheryl Jervis
Miss Jessica Jester
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jewell
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Johns
Mrs. Deborah A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. LLoyd M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Johnson
Ms. Mildred A. Johnson and Ms. Nancy L.
Ms. Nancy Johnson
Mr. Rick Johnson
Mr. and Ms. Steven Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson
Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Johnston
Ms. Christina J. Jolley
Ms. Diane B. Jones
Mr. Eric Jones
Ms. Marjorie Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Jones
Mr. William T. Josem and Ms. Nancy Adler
Miss Alexandra Joyce
Ms. Corinna M. Joyce
Just Give
Ms. Sylvia C. Justice
K-9 Krunchies
K. Sheffer Electric
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kaestle
Ms. Melissa M. Kageler
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kahle
Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser
Ms. Martha Kallstrom
Ms. Joanna Kammer
Ms. Cyndi A. Karges
Ms. Lisa S. Karlin
Ms. Mary Jo Katerberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kaufman
Ms. Swaran Kaur
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Kayton
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keenan
Ms. Bette Keenan
Ms. Arlene Keener
Keepsake Labradors
Ms. Ruth J. Keim
Ms. Anne C. Kelemen
Ms. Margaret D. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance A. Kelly Jr.
Ms. Amanda J. Kemble and Ms. Nancianne
Kennett Area Park Authority, Inc.
Ms. Jan Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kenton Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kenworthy
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kenyon
Ms. Patricia A. Kerrigan
Ms. Alpana S. Khairom
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Khalaf
Kid Potential, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Carey A. Kiernan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marc T. Kikuchi
Ms. Grace Kile
Dr. Melinda Snyder and Mr. Ken Killinger
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Killingsworth
Kimberton Area Lions Club
Ms. Dolores V. King
Ms. Karen King
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley King
Mr. Wilson R. King
Ms. Mary A. Kingry
Ms. Kathryn M. Kinsella
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Kirkland
Ms. Jodie L. Kirkovich
Ms. C. Victoria Kitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kitson
Kiwanis Club of Meadville Golden K
Mr. Peter Kjellerup and Ms. Mandy Cabot
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Klapatch
Ms. Roxanne Kling
Ms. Kathryn E. Klug
Ms. Carolyn Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Knauf
Knights of Columbus
Mr. John M. Kodash
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan F. Kolle
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Kolski
Komitor Healing Method, Inc.
Ms. Amanda K. Konyk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kopac
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Kopec
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Koppen
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kourounis
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Koza
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Kozlowski
Ms. Bernadette Krause
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Krause
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Krause
Ms. Barbara E. Krauss
Kreutz Creek Valley Lioness Club
Ms. Simie R. Krieger
Ms. Jennifer Kriesel
Ms. Gail Kriner
Mr. Stewart M. Krug
Mr. and Mrs. George Krupanski, Jr.
Ms. Marjorie Krupnick
Ms. Wendy Krupnick and Mr. Gary Kozick
Ms. Paula Kuchta
Ms. Melanie L. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Kuhn, Jr.
Mr. Robert L. Kuhn
Mr. Peter Kulin
Ms. Patricia Kummick
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Kurtz
L & L Ford, Inc.
L. W. Pierce Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. LaBelle
Lackawanna County Convention and
Visitors Bureau
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Ladner
Mr. William A. Lado
Ms. Tracy B. Lado-Tilton
Mr. David Lahman
Miss Tillie Page Laird
Mr. Thomas L. Lamberton and Mrs Janie
Mr. and Mrs. Hallet H. Lamm Jr.
Mr. Zachary Lamm
Brad Lamson-Scribner
Lancraft Fife and Drum Corps, Inc.
Mr. John B. Landau
Mrs. Dorothy L. Lander
Ms. Michele L. Landis
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Landis
Ms. Mary M. Lane
Mr. William E. Laney
Ms. Laura Langbein
Mr. and Mrs. Ranald H. Langille
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron L. Lapp
Lapp’s Family Restaurant
Mr. Boris Larrave-Ibanez
Mrs. Ann W. Larson
Ms. Heather M. Larson
Ms. Susan Latimer
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Latini
Ms. Caryl L. Laubach
Mr. and Mrs. Judson Laverell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lavery
Mr. W. Robert Law
Mr. Richard Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Lawrence
Ms. Elizabeth K. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Gil Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Jais Lawson
Laytonsville Lions Club
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Lazar
Ms. Margaret Leardi
Ms. Holly LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lechlider
Ms. Charlotte B. Lee
Ms. Jo Anne Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. LeGrand
Ms. Sheila J. Lehigh
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leinberger
Dr. Midge L. Leitch
Mr. William W. Lenz
Mr. and Mrs. Casey W. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lesher
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Lesher
Ms. Doris M. Lestourgeon
Ms. Traci Levi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Levine
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Levit
Ms. Beth A. Lewis
Mr. Harrie F. Lewis
Mr. Eugene C. Liauw
LifeStation, Inc.
Mr. John S. Lindgren and Ms. Nancy A.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Linfante
Ms. Sylvia R. Linus
Lions Club of Kennett Square
Mr. Andrew W. Lipsett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Litchford III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Little Jr.
Little Lights Preschool
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Littleton
Mr. Ssu-Yuan Liu
Ms. Dorothy N. Livingstone
Mr. John K. Livingstone
Ms. Lisa M. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lloyd, Jr.
Ms. Wendy Lofting
Ms. Lois Loges
Mr. and Mrs. Ken M. Lomax
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Lombard
Londonderry Greenhouses
Ms. Fay N. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Long
Long Neck United Methodist Church
Longwood Art Gallery
Mr. Hector Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Lorenz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Lorey, Jr.
Ms. Samantha Lorey and Mrs.
Betty Lorey
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Losey
Ms. Janine L. Losinno
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Losowski
Louisiana-Pacific Corporation
Mr. John Love
Ms. Molly Love and Mr. Adrian A. Castelli
Rev. and Mrs. David Lovelace
Mr. and Mrs. William Lowder
Ms. Beverly G. Lowe
Mrs. Carol L. Lowe and Mr. Lawrence S.
Lower Brandywine Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Bernice Luber
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Lubitz
Ms. Annamarie C. Lucca
Mr. Greg Luciow
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Luke, Jr.
Lupus Foundation of America
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne K. Lynch
Dr. and Mrs. Garrett B. Lyons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lyons
Ms. Martha MacCullough
Ms. Sheryl A. MacCullough
Mr. and Mrs. G. Dean MacEwen
Ms. Jane D. MacFarland
Mr. and Mrs. William P. MacGregor
Ms. Deborah L. Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford MacKeand
Ms. Tanya M. MacKeand
Dr. and Mrs. Barton L. Mackey
Ms. Jody Maddox
Mr. Robert M. Madonna
Mr. John W. Madsen
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Magargee
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Magnee Sr.
Ms. Lisa Magnuson
Mr. Luis A. Maisonet
Ms. Sandra Makoski
Miss Maura Mallowe
Mr. Joseph M. Malone
Ms. Carol R. Maltenfort
Mr. Charles and Ms. Maria Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Manning
Fenix Manning-Bowman Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Manonian
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Manthei
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Manze, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. March
Ms. Sharon Margulies
Marian S. Ware Fund
Marion Prochazka Charitable Remainder
Ms. Stella A. Markel
Mr. and Mrs. David Marks
Ms. Janet Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Marks
Ms. Billie Marlin
Ms. Dortha Marquis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Marra
Ms. Kim Marra
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Marshall
Marshallton Grange #1394
Mrs. Carolyn L. Martin
Mr. Michael J. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. William Martin
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Martucci
Ms. Adelaide H. Marx
Ms. Cynthia A. Marx
Mr. and Mrs. John Marx
Ms. Sarah J. Marx
Maryland Correctional Institution
For Women
Maryland Real Life Designs, LLC
Ms. Leann M. Mathias
Ms. Ellen Matteo
Ms. Betsy Mattern
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Mature
Ms. Elyse Mauger
Ms. Bernadette Maurer
Maurice Amado Foundation
Miss Elizabeth Maute
Ms. Diana W. Maxmin
Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Irenee duPont May
Scott G. Mayhart and Associates, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Markus Mayr
Ms. Gwyn Mays
Mr. and Mrs. David J. McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. McCarty
Ms. Rachel McClain
Ms. Michele McClinton Conn
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. McClure, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. McCollom
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. McConnell
Mrs. C. Brelsford McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCoy
Mr. Tim McCoy
Ms. Susan E. McCullion
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. McCurdy
Ms. Stephanie H. McCurry
Mr. and Mrs. John C. McDevitt
Mr. and Mrs. Ellice McDonald, Jr.
McDonald’s Corporation
Ms. Elizabeth A. McEwing
Mr. Daniel McFarland
Mr. and Mrs. Reese K. McGinnis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. McGonigle
Ms. Mary Ann McGovern
McGovern, Inc.
Ms. Anne McGrath
Mr. Barry McHale and Ms. Sandra L. McNair
Mr. and Mrs. William R. McKean, Jr.
Ms. Tara L. McKibben
Mr. Ralph C. McKinney
Mr. Eugene McLaughlin
Mrs. Sally A. McLaughlin
Mr. Thomas J. McLaughlin
Ms. Sandra L. McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McLucas
Mr. and Mrs. William McMahon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McMullen
Ms. Joanne S. McNaughton
Ms. Mary Lou McNickle
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. McPhee
Mr. and Mrs. David R. McQuown
Mr. Clint McRae
Kim McWatters
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Mead
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Meadows
Meadville Lions Club
Medco Employee Giving Campaign
Mrs. Anne Meddings
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Meertz
Mr. and Mrs. David Meese
Ms. Julia A. Meixell
Ms. Char Ann Meloney
Ms. Marcella A. Melot
Merck Partnership for Giving
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mercurio
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Meredith
Ms. Elaine H. Merrill
Merrill Lynch Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Meserve, Jr.
Metairie Park Country Day School
Ms. Ann K. Metlay
Ms. Angela J. Meyers
Mrs. Joy L. Michaelchuck
Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson Middleton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Miele
Ms. Martha A. Miele
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Miele
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Miley
Milford Central School
Ms. Heather T. Millar
Mr. Daryl Miller
Mr. Devon C. Miller
Ms. Diane Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Miller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Miller
Ms. Isabella V. Miller
Mr. Melvin B. Miller Esq.
Ms. Patricia and Ms. Robin Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Miller
Ms. Maureen A. Milner
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Milsten
Mr. Dominic Misero
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Miszner
Ms. Barbara Jo Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. B. John Mix, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mix
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Mix
Ms. Sally Moatz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Moffett
Mr. and Mrs. Boulton D. Mohr
Mr. Imad Mohsen and Ms. Maaike T. Berge
Mr. and Mrs. Harland E. Moidel
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Molnar
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Monaghan
Ms. Therese L. Money
Mr. Laurence Monlezun
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Monteverde
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mooney
Ms. Arletta M. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moore
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Moore
Ms. Dorothy M. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. M. Paul Moore
Mr. Richard Moore
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moran
Moran Family Charitable Foundation
Ms. Janet Moree
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Morgan
Ms. Janell A. Morgan
Ms. Maureen Ann Morgan
Ms. Pamela L. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Morgan
Mrs. Virginia Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Morlock
Ms. Amanda Morris
Mr. Brian C. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Morris
Ms. Pat L. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Morris
Ms. Linda Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. James Mortensen
Mrs. Lisa Moseley
Dr. and Mrs. Howard S. Moses
Ms. Patty Moshanko
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Moulton
Mr. Darwin L. Mowery
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Moyer
Ms. Wendy Moyer-Drabick
Ms. Dorothy Mraz
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Mulford
Ms. Susan Mulrooney and Mr. David W. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Mumford
Muncy Inmate Organization
Ms. Amy L. Munnell
Ms. Emily A. Munnell
Dr. and Mrs. John Munnell
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Munnell
Mr. Matthew Munnell
Ms. Semanda Munnell and Mr. Zoltan F. Biacs
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Guinn H. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Murray, II
Mrs. Sandra Murray
Ms. Sheila A. Murray
Mr. Robert G. Muse
The Mushroom Festival, Inc.
Mr. Arden Musselman
Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood W. Mutschler
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield J. C. Myers
Mrs. Frances E. Mygatt
Mr. and Mrs. David Nace
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagel
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Nagle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Nagle
Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Nagy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagy
Nandee, Ltd.
Mr. Alageswari N. Narayanan
Mr. Stephen H. Nash
National MS Society-Allegheny District
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Naugle
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Nauta
Mr. John T. Neal
Neff Family Donation Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Neikam
Ms. Conee Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Nelson, Jr.
Ms. Maria V. Nelson
Nelson Steel Products, Inc.
Mr. Joseph Nemecz and Ms. Nancy L.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Nemeth
Mr. Francis Nevill
New Covenant United Church of Christ
New Garden Medical & Wellness Center, Inc.
New Waverly Lions Club Activities Club
Newlin House -HBHS
Newtown Square Presbyterian Church
Mr. Jerry M. Nicholls and Ms. K. G. McAbee
Ms. Susan Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Niebauer
Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Niederriter
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Niemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Nitzberg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Nolan
Ms. Doris K. Nolly
Nonantum Veterinary Clinic
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert N. Noon
Ms. Barbara Ann Norman
Mr. Don Norton
Mr. and Mrs. James Norton
Norwood Home and School Association
Novartis Animal Health US, Inc
Novo Nordisk Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nutting
Mr. and Mrs. Sean O’Brien and Conner
Dr. G. Dennis O’Brien and Ms. Valerie Sill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. O’Brien
O’Brien Greene & Co., Inc.
Ms. Patricia R. O’Connell
Mr. Michael H. O’Donnell and Ms.
Elizabeth A. Donegan
Mr. Robert J. O’Donnell
Ms. Linda Farrell O’Grady
Ms. Marria L. O’Malley Walsh
Ms. Iva P. O’Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ockerse
Oddfellows of PA Home for Orphans
Mrs. Roberta Odell
Mr. Gary S. Odle and Ms. Jean A. Rodden
Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Ofner, III
Ms. Susan J. Oldenburg and Mr. David C. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Olena
Mr. and Mrs. Chad W. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Olsen
Ms. Edinah K. Omari
Mr. George N. Omari
OPRC of Oxford
Orenbuch Veterinary Services, Inc.
Ms. Denise Orenstein
Dr. James A. Orsini
Ms. Charlotte W. Osgood
Mr. Norman Ostroff
Mr. Thomas G. Otto
Outback Trading Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Overman
Mr. Sean Overman
Oxford Feed & Lumber
Oxford Lions Club
Oxford Women’s Club
Ms. Wilma A. Paauw
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pagano, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Palladino
Ms. Deborah Palombo
Pampered Pets Grooming Spa
Pampered Pooch
Mr. and Mrs. Jed O. Pancoast
Ms. Wendy Pannier
Mr. Bill Pantalone
Mr. William Pape
Ms. Melinda R. Paquette
Paradise Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. David Parente
Ms. Catherine M. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Parker
The Mary E. Parker Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Parker, III
Parkesburg Area Senior Citizens Club
Parkesburg Lions Club
Parkinson’s Educational Program
of Delaware
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Parks
Dr. Glenn W. Paskow
Patches Quilting & Sewing, LLC
Ms. Anne Patterson
Ms. Joan Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Patty
Mrs. Gloria Paul
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pauls
Ms. Brenda Pavlic
Ms. April B. Payne
Ms. Jo Ann Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Pearce, Jr.
Mr. Burke Pearson and Ms. T. Sod
Pearson Education
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Peetoom
Ms. Mercer W. Pember
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Penman
Mr. Matthew D. Penna III
Mr. Alexander Penny and Ms. Patricia
Ms. Eleanor M. Peoples
Dr. James Perch
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Perdue
Ms. Nicole Perefege Esq.
The Perfect Impression
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Pergerson
Rev. Jane K. Perkolup and Mr. Stephen F.
Ver Halen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perkoski
Perky Promenaders Square Dance Club
Ms. Amanda Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Monty R. Perry
The Pet Nanny
Pet Valu
Petals Flowers and Fine Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery S. Peters
Mr. Todd Peters
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary R. Petersen
Ms. Diana L. Peterson
Ms. Marilyn J. Peterson
Ms. Rachel Peterson and Mr. Edward T. Allen
Rev. and Mrs. Robert D. Peterson
Peterson Assembly
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Petke
Mr. Paul Petrovich II
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Pfizer United Way Campaign
Mr. James M. Phelps
The Philadelphia University
Philly Pretzel Factory
PhillyMini, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Pickel
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Pickering
Ms. Lee Anne Pierce
Mrs. R. D. Pierce, II
Mrs. Megan A. Pinand
Ms. Jean M. Piziak
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine L. Plummer
Ms. Elizabeth A. Plunkett
Mrs. Dorothy D. Plyler
Ms. Judith L. Plyler
Mr. and Mrs. Marc E. Pochet
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pollard
Mr. Christopher Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pontzer
Cdr. and Mrs. David A. Popowich
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Post
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Potter
Ms. Tania M. Potts
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Powers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Praske
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Pratt
Mr. Todd Pratt
The Premcor Refining Group Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Prest, Jr.
Mr. Victor Priapi
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Price
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Price
Ms. Caroline Prickett
Mrs. Linda Prickett
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pritchett
PRO Physical Therapy
Ms. Karin Pszczola
Mrs. Robert Pucci
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Pusey
Mr. Joseph R. Putnak
Ms. Margaret Puy and Mr. Steven Puy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Pyle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Pyle
Pyle’s Home & Supply
Quaker Chemical Foundation
Quality Systems & Products LLC
Ms. Kim Quay
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Quigley
Dr. Charles W. Raker
Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Ramicone
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rammel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ramos
Ms. Sara Rampon
Ms. Karen D. Ramseur
Ms. Emily Ramsey and Ms. Mary Ramsey
Ms. Jennifer D. Ramsey
Ms. Kathy Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ramsey
Mr. Greg Raphael
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Rasnick
Ms. Patricia J. Rauch
Ms. Jane W. Rawlings
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Readinger
Ms. Bernadette M. Readinger
Mr. Hal Real and Ms. Anne E. Sheppard
Mr. John H. Ream III
Ms. Roslyn C. Ream
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Red
Red Lion Area Chapter #1773 of AARP
The Si Redd and Tamara Redd Charitable
Ms. Diana B. Reeves
Dr. and Mrs. Grafton D. Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Reeves
Mr. Joseph D. Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Reid
Ms. Laura Reidel
Mrs. Jessie E. Reifsnyder
Ms. Beth A. Reik
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Ernst A. Reimer
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Reinhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L. Reitmeyer
Ms. Elva Renteria
Mr. Edward M. Resovsky
Mrs. Arlene A. Ressler
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Reyes
Ms. Emilee M. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. John Rheaume
Mr. Gary B. Rhinesmith
Mr. Scott L. Rhinesmith and Mrs. Tanya
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rhodes
Ms. Loretta B. Rhodewalt
Mr. Robert H. Richter
Ridge Park Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Riegel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Riegel, Jr
Ms. Margaretta Riggin
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Riley
Ms. Natalie L. Riley-Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Rineer
Mr. Barry A. Rinehart
Mr. and Mrs. James Ringo
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ritter, Jr.
Rivendell Foundation
Ms. Helen L. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Robertson
Ms. O. Arlene Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Robinson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rock
Miss Pat Rockel
Ms. Slyvia Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Christian D. Roemer
The Roemer Foundation
Ms. Kimberly K. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Rogers
Ms. Dawn Romanczak
Mr. Kenneth Romines
Ms. Judith C. Ronca
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas S. Roosevelt
Mrs. Mimi Rosa and Dominique
Mr. Francesco R. Rosati and Ms. Nathalie J.
Ms. Laurie A. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Roseman
Ms. Jessica B. Rosenzweig and Mr. Ryan
Ms. Sheila Ross
Ross H. Rohrer & Sons, Inc.
Ms. Theresa Rossino
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Roth
Mr. Roger A. Roth and Ms. Darlene Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Rich G. Rothenberg
Ms. Cherie Rouberstine
Dr. Susan Rourke and Mr. Kevin Rourke
Ms. Phyllis Rowan
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hickman Rowland
Mr.and Mrs. Alan M. Rubenstein
Col. and Mrs. Harry Rubin
Runkle’s Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Rusovich
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rust
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Ryan
Mr. Stephen Ryan and Mrs. Janet C.
Woodcock Ryan
Mr. Maxwell B. Ryan
Ms. Doris M. Saalbach
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Saer, Jr.
Safe at Home, LLC
Saint Katharine of Siena Church
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Salmeri
Ms. Kimberly A. Salmeri
Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Salmon
Ms. Christa P. Saltzman
Mr. Herbert Salzman
Mrs. Rita Salzman
Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home
Mr. Dennis Sames
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Sammons
Mr. Thomas Sanchez
Mr. Mike Sanford
sanofi-aventis U.S. Inc.
SAP Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Donna Sayah
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Scarlett
Ms. Nicole Scenna
Mrs. Margaret T. Schafer
Mr. Harry Schalck
Mr. Simon Schatz
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O. Scheffley
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton D. Schilling
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Schimpf
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schmehl
Ms. Bonnie L. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Schoeck
Ms. Marie B. Schomaker
Mr. Palmer K. Schreiber
Ms. Susanne Schreier
Ms. Marilyn K. Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. C. Porter Schutt, Jr.
Schuylkill Area Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Schwandt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schweitzer
Mr. Constantine Scopas
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Scott, Jr.
Mr. Warren A. Scott
Ms. Patricia Sedin
Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Seeger, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Segarnick
Mr. Brad Seid
Mr. and Mrs. Randy W. Sell
Serna Farm International
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Setting
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sexton
Ms. Gail I. Sezna
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shaeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Shaked
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Shanabrook
Mr. and Ms. William Shaner
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Shank
Ms. Lola Shank
Mr. William Shank
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sharpless
Ms. Stephanie Shaw
Ms. Mary L. Shay
Mr. William M. Shea and Mr. Marty Kromer
Ms. Edith J. Shellenberger
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Shellenberger
Mr. Russell Shepard
Ms. Anne Sheppard
Ms. Tami I. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Shinogle
Ms. Mary N. Shiveler
Shore Consultants
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Short
Ms. Vicki E. Shreves
Ms. Linda Shumaker
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sickler
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Sigal
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Simmons
Ms. Emily Simmons
Estate of Etta Markel Simon
Mr. and Mrs. S. Corbett Simons
Ms. Lorraine G. Simonton
Ms. Marguerite Simonton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Simpson
Simpson Meadows
Mr. and Mrs. Blaise Sincavage
Dr. Dana L. Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Sines
Mr. Adam Singer
Mr. Patrick E. Sisco
Ms. Sheryl L. Sitts
Mr. Dennis Skala
Mr. Sam Slater and Ms. Eleanor H. Forbes
Ms. Joanne H. Slawter
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Smith
Ms. Anastasia Smith
Ms. Charlotte Z. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Smith
Ms. Denise D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Smith
Ms. Harriett I. Smith
Ms. Helen E. Smith
Ms. Juliet C. Smith and Ms. Mary L. Headley
Mr. Kevin M. Smith and Ms. Pamela J. Koch
Mr. M. Lavelle Smith and Ms. Aleta S. Connell
Ms. Marsha Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Smith
Ms. Nancy E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel D. Smith
Mr. Neil Smith and Mrs. Judy Elleen-Smith
Ms. Robin Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph B. Smith, III
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Smith
Ms. Terry L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Smith, Jr.
Ms. Norma K. Snelling
Ms. Krystaleve Snow
Mr. Lonney Snow
Mr. and Mrs. Bayard J. Snyder
Mr. Jim Snyder and Natasha
Mrs. Janet E. Soderstrom
Ms. Shellee S. Soliday
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sommer, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Sonies
Mrs. Elena S. R. Sorouri
Soulful Studios Animal Portraits
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Spadaccini
Mr. and Mrs. George O. Sparks, III
Mrs. Harriet A. Spayth
Mrs. Esther B. Speck
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Spiker
Ms. Sponheimer
Dr. and Mrs. Max Lear Sponseller
Springbank Foundation
Springfield Lioness Club
St. Aloysius Academy
St. Matthew Lutheran Church Feds Sr. Group
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Mrs. Margaretta K. Stabler
Mrs. W. Laird Stabler III
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Standley
Ms. KerriAnne Stansberry
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Stark
State of Montana-Vocational Rehab
Ms. Sarah Steigler
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Stemen
Step by Step, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stepanski
Mr. Steve C. Stephan
Stephen & Mary Birch Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Jeremy Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Stern
Mr. Thomas A. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Stewart, III
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Stillwell
Ms. Rebecca J. Stitzel
Ms. Verna Mae Stoltzfus
Stoltzfus Feed & Supply
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Stone
Mr. F.L. Peter Stone
Mr. Ronald R. Storms
Ms. Allison L. Stouse
Mr. Jay P. Stout
Ms. Grace A. Stover
Mr. Mark C. Stover
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stracka, Jr.
Mr. Michael S. Stracka
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stratton
Mr. and Mrs. George Strawbridge, Sr.
Mr. Robert C. Strike
Mr. Floyd K. String
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Strocko
Ms. Ann W. Strolley
Sugartown Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Sulcove
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sulkes
Mr. and Mrs. Billy M. Sullivan
Ms. Cynthia M. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sullivan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sullivan
Ms. Suzy Summers
Sumter Civitan Club
Ms. Suzanne Super
Superior Group Foundation
Mr. Timothy J. Surkovich
Ms. Elizabeth J. Sussman
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Swain
Swarthmore, Sr. Citizen’s Association
Ms. Mary Sweazey
Ms. Cyunthia M. Swick
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Swisher
Ms. Elisa A. Sylvester
Ms. Lorraine A. Szczypta
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Szklenski
Tabernacle United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Italo Taranta
Ms. Sharon Tarlano
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Anson W. H. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Taylor
Ms. Jacqueline Taylor
Ms. Kimberly A. Terrell
Ms. Karen F. Tesoriero
Ms. L. J. “Tess” Tessier
Mr. Douglas B. Thames
Drs. Maurice and Marguerite Thew
Mr. Darius Thieme
Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Thierwechter
Ms. Patricia A. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Leon L. Thompson
Ms. Nancy A. Thorington
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Tyre
UPS Store
Ms. Jolene Unger-Sharp
United E-Way
United Methodist Church of the
United Spinal Association/Wheelchair Svcs.
United Way of California, Capital Region
United Way of Camden County
United Way of Chester County
United Way of Delaware
United Way of Greater Greensboro
United Way of Lancaster County
United Way of New York City
United Way Of Southeastern Pennsylvania
United Way of Southern Chester County
United Way of the Greater Capital Region, Inc.
United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley
United Way of the National Capital Area
United Way of Tri-State
United Way of York County
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Unterweger
Dr. Wallis Urmenyhazi
Val-Mex Frozen Foods, L.L.C.
Ms. Jean Marie Valenta
Ms. Irene van der Linden
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Van Epps
Mr. Van Nispin
Mr. and Mrs. P. Van Thuyne
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Vandenbraak
The Vanguard Group Foundation
Ms. Carolyn Vaughn
Ms. Erin L. Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Vaught
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Veneziale
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Verity
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Verity
Verizon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregory Vermeychuk
Mr. Joseph Verola
Mr. Carmine Versaci
Mr. and Mrs. Tim R. Vicic
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Vigdor
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vincent
Ms. Vicki Vinton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Vogel
Volpe and Koenig, P.C.
Ms. Laurie Vonasek
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Thorne
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Thorpe
Through A Dog’s Ear
Ms. Doris L. Tice
Ms. Susan G. Timmons and Ms. Holly
Mr. Philip C. Timon
Ms. Ruth Tirado
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Titus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tobias
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Toney
Dr. Michael Tooke and Mrs. Susan Piggott
Ms. Barbara A. Toolan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Toolan
Top of the Hill Beverage
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Torrente
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Torrice
Total Foot Care
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Townsend
Ms. Karen Towson
Trader Joe’s
Ms. Susan Trainor
Transwell Office Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Trefz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Tremper
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Trevillian
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Trewhella
Tri Village Senior Center
Tri-State Waste Solutions, Inc.
Triangle United Way
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Trice
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Trice
Mr. Robert E. Trimble
Mr. Salvatore C. Triolo
Dr. John G. Trojanowski and Dr. Virginia M.
Y. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Trombetta
Mr. Paul M. Trower
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Truitt
Mr. and Mrs. K. Dale Truslow, Jr.
Mr. Dan M. Tucker
Ms. Julie Tune
Mr. G. William Tunnell
Ms. Betsy T. Turner
Ms. Jeanette Tutka
Ms. Kathryn M. Twing
Mr. and Mrs. David Twing
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tyler
Vreeland Realty Inc.
Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Waddell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Wakefield
Wakefield Lions Club
Walker County Federal Credit Union
Mr. Larry V. Wallace
Ms. Nancy E. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Wallace
Ms. Patricia M. Walls
Mr. and Mrs. Dan E. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Walter
Ms. Sheena Walter
Ms. Gail G. Walukonis
Ms. Diana L. Ward
Ms. Carol Ware Gates
Mr. Jerry L. Warfield
Ms. Patricia Waring
Ms. Virginia B. Warnock and Ms. Suzanne
W. Merkt
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon H. Washington
Mr. Sheldon M. Waters
Mr. Robert B. Watrous, Jr. and Ms. Penny
M. Daigrepont
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Judson D. Watson, III
Ms. Lanier Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weaver
Ms. Elizabeth Weeast
Mr. David P. Weeks
Mr. Jeffrey B. Weible
Ms. Sandra L. Weidner
Ms. Deborah Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Weinstock
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Weise
Ms. Karen Weise
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Welsh
Ms. Murlaine M. Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Werner
West Chester Daybreak Lions Club
Western Salisbury Union Church
Mr. and Mrs. John Wetherholt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weymouth
Mr. George A. Weymouth
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Weymouth, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Weymouth
Mrs. Betty H. Wharton
Mr. Michael B. Whealdon
Ms. Helen H. Whitaker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herbert White
Ms. Donna White
Ms. Ellinor White
Mrs. Margaret S. White
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Whitehead
Ms. Kimberly Whitehead-Lankford
Whitemarsh Elementary School
Mr. Hubert Whitlow Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin L. Wian
Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun W. Wick
Mrs. Dorris Wickman
Widener Memorial Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Wierzbowski
Ms. Aimee Wiest
Ms. Mary Grey Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Wilde
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Williams, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn H. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wilson
Ms. Sydney L. Wilson
Mr. William H. Wilson and Ms. Sharon
Mrs. Joyce Winard
Ms. Michele B. Wind
Windward Analytical
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Winslow
Ms. Betty Winters
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wirth
Mrs. Diane Wise
Mrs. Lois C. Wise
Mr. and Mrs. David Wishowsky
Ms. Kathleen E. Wissner
Mr. Michael R. Withrow
Ms. Janice A. Wittmaier
Ms. Diane Wlazlowski
Mr. and Mrs. William Wohlhagen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woodley
Woodward McCoach, Inc.
Ms. Mavis L. Woolley
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Woolwine
Mrs. Shirley Worden
Ms. Barbara Wright
Mr. T. Christopher S. Wright
Mr. William D. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Garson W. Wunderlich, III
Ms. Marcia Wyant
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wylam
Mrs. Jane H. Wylie
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Wysocki
XL America
Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Yacka
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Yanos
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Yanoshak
Ms. Kristen L. Yaros
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Yeatman
Ms. Andrea Yeaton
Ms. Susan B. Yoder
Ms. Brenda M. Yokum
Mr. and Mrs. John Yokum
Ms. Deborah M. Young
Ms. Greta L. Young
Mrs. Nancy Young and Melissa
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Young
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Young
Ms. Sidarnia J. Young
Mr. and Mrs. John Yung
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Zainey
Ms. Annmarie Zan
Ms. Nancy K. Zappala
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Zarbock
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Zaroff
Ms. Linda Zebrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zebrowski
Ms. Marie Ziegler
Mr. Albert Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Zimmerman
Miss Elsie W. Zimmerman
Ms. Jori Zlatkiss
Ms. Marilyn Zonis
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Zuber
Ms. Brenda J. Zurl
We enter the courtroom through the main door, and it
typically runs from 10 to 1:00 and Gretl usually sleeps
is always interesting to walk down the center aisle of a
through this, unless I drop something. Then she retrieves
packed courtroom with a service dog. Since most people
it, gives me an exasperated look for disturbing her if I’ve
this area are not service-dog savvy, I often hear, “Oh my,
dropped it more than once, and then resumes her nap.
Would you like to share how you’ve integrated a
service/home companion dog into your life? Send
your story to [email protected].
I am a court recording
monitor. While I’ve
worked in a variety of
courtroom settings, for
the past two years, I
have worked almost
exclusively in the criminal courtroom of my assigned
courthouse. The criminal courtroom runs every single day;
the court reporter is blind.” Sometimes I am asked what
she is for—or if I am training her.
The courthouse effectively closes down at 1 p.m. for lunch.
Gretl goes out for a “business” break, and then we go to our
Gretl has been in the criminal courtroom, and she has been
office. I get lunch, and she gets a handful of treats, usually
in family court, where divorce, custody, and child-support
in her indestructible ball that I can stick treats inside. If I
hearings take place. I hope to take her in on trial work soon;
can handle the weather, I take her to a local park, where
however, I am mindful of the fact that there may be jurors or
I can take off her harness, put her on the flexi-leash, and
attorneys who would object, either out of fear of dogs, or that
let her romp around while I eat lunch.
it might prejudice the case somehow. There was a case in my
At 2, we go back into court for the afternoon session. That
courthouse recently that involved a dog attack. As I myself
can last until 5, but typically we are done around 4, and
became disabled because of a dog attack, I did not sit on that
we go back to my office where I finish up paperwork, type
trial. I have not yet encountered anyone who objects to Gretl
transcripts, file my notes for the day, etc. When we get
being in the courtroom, but I do anticipate that at some point
home, if I know that I am not going anywhere that evening,
it may happen. I am lucky that my fellow court monitors are
I get her out of harness, and she romps around and plays
flexible, supportive, and understanding and are ready to
with her pals: Chanel, the standard poodle; the two
switch cases if the need arises.
Pomeranians, Casey and Boo; as well as my five cats and
we do everything from traffic infractions up to felonies.
With 20 years as a court recording monitor, I have carpal
ferret. She also gets playtime for about 10 minutes on the
Gretl and I enter the courthouse through the employee
tunnel syndrome in my left hand, which is my dominant hand.
bed at night, just before I go to sleep. That is when she gets
entrance, a secured door in the rear of the building, and my
I also have arthritis in my hands. So it’s not unusual for me to
a little rub-down and I do her body-check.
photo identification card unlocks the door. However, when I
drop items (usually pens, papers, and keys); due to balance
take Gretl outside to do her business, I have to enter and exit
issues with my leg, bending to pick these things up can some-
through the main doors of the building, which requires us both
times be risky business. And with my hands not working right
to clear the metal detector. Gretl has gotten very good at this; I
all the time, I often pick up items, only to drop them again.
put her in a sit—stay, and I go through the metal detector first.
Gretl has become quite adept at picking up items and then
I then call her and she walks through, precisely in the center.
placing them in my lap, or on my desk. Using Gretl instead of
She comes to me and sits, waiting for the marshals to use the
a cane has considerably reduced the fatigue in my hands:
metal detector wand and check her backpacks for weapons.
because of the unsteadiness I felt with the cane, I usually had a
(For security reasons, I do not keep the tools for her harness
death-grip on it. I do not have that with Gretl and her harness.
At home, Gretl helps me more with retrieval than balance,
although she does help me balance on the stairs going to
my bedroom—even when she is out of harness. She is ever
mindful of where I am, and what I am doing. She has moved
between me and something she felt was dangerous. I have
noticed her scanning the areas in front of us when we walk,
steering me away from dangers, rocks, etc. She has assisted
me in the grocery store, Wal-Mart, pharmacy, everywhere.
She is with me when we go to car shows, which I have
in her backpack during the work week.)
On a typical day, Gretl and I are up at 6:30 and leave for
begun to enjoy again because I can actually get around
As you can imagine, in a busy courthouse, the hallways get
work at 7:15, arriving by 8. For an hour and a half, I do
with her. Gretl never knows when I am going to do the daily
very crowded—and Gretl helps me navigate through the
paperwork, type, and make phone calls while Gretl rests
obedience card with her. I try to do that with her in unusual
crowds without getting bumped into, and she offers me
on her mat next to my desk. At 9:30, we go outside for a
places with different types of distractions. It keeps her on
balance and stability. My office is on the second floor,
“business” break. Once we return and clear the metal
her toes. And if I am on a line in a store, I will have her do a
and the courtroom I mainly work in is on the main floor.
detector, we report to our courtroom. I put her mat in
retrieval for me—especially if I notice that a lot of people
Pushing the elevator buttons is absolutely a daily task
place, boot up the computer for the digital recording
are talking about her or looking at her; it often gets the
for Gretl—at least six times per day.
system, and log in. Usually, this will be when I will also
conversation started, and I am able to educate them about
field questions from the general public about either court-
service dogs and specifically about CPL.
Gretl goes into the courtroom with me daily. I purchased
two mats for her: one stays in my office next to my desk,
room procedure or why there is a dog in the courtroom.
Gretl has enriched my life in so many ways. In this short
and the other goes into the courtroom. I place it in an
At 10, the judge comes out. Gretl has become very good at
time since team training, I can’t imagine not being with
unobtrusive place next to me so that no one trips on
proper courtroom etiquette: when the marshal announces
her. Her steadiness, her “smile,” her eyes, and her never-
her; she is never more than a foot away from my feet.
“All rise,” Gretl stands up and remains standing until the
ending devotion make every day easier. I know that as our
Oftentimes during the day, I reach down and pat her head
judge announces that we may all be seated. Then she
partnership continues to grow, it will get better and better.
and slip her a treat or give her some kind of attention.
settles down on her mat and begins her morning nap. Court
What We’re Wishing For…
· Snow plowing services
· Frontline or K-9 Advantix for large dogs
· Simple Green cleaner
· Gallons of Bio groom dog shampoo
· Gallons of dog ear cleaner (not oil based)
· Cotton cosmetic pads
· Dog toothpaste
· Haltis (size 1-3) or Gentle Leaders (small, medium, large)
· Comfort Zone DAP plug-in refills for the kennel
· Rescue Remedy (available in health food stores)
· Laser pointers
· Portable 48” exercise pens
· Volunteer committee members for our events
· Regular laser printers
· Any size of Vari-Kennels
· Postage stamps
· 4 x 6 & 8 x 10 glossy photo paper packets
· Volunteer poodle groomer
· Jolly Balls and Teaser Ball toys for dogs in the kennel
· Small training treats (Charlie Bears, PupPeronis, Bitz, etc)
· Interactive tug toys for the dogs in training
· Black Kong toys for dogs in the kennel
· Vacation donations and collectible wines for our Wine Auction
· Galileo Doggie Bones
· Volunteers for graphic design work
· Gift certificates to Pet-Edge or other dog supply catalogs
· Gift certificates to Staples and Office Max
· Ergonomic office chairs
· Printer cartridges (call for specific models)
· Digital DVD camcorder with tripod
· Waterproof/outdoor 6-disc CD player with speakers for kennel
· DVD player for kennel cuddle room
· Portable defibrillator (AED)
· Good quality digital camera
· Old machine-washable bedspreads without fringe
Being a nonprofit organization often means going without a lot of items or making do with
little things to keep the program going. You can help by contributing to our wish list! Please
contact Moira Owens, Director of Development at CPL, with questions or donations at 610869-4902 x216 or email at [email protected]. Thank you in advance!
Designate CPL as Your
Charity of Choice
Canine Partners For Life’s operating budget is funded entirely by
donations. CPL needs your help so that we can continue changing lives.
You can support CPL with your donations by check, or via our website.
You may also donate via workplace giving programs. Look for Canine
Partners For Life under America’s Charities in your workplace giving or
CFC campaign, or as a donor choice for the United Way.
Upcoming Events
Friday, December 11, 2009
5:00 - 8:00 pm
Deerfield Fine Wines, Newark, DE
Enjoy a tasting of fine wines and light hors
d’oeuvres. There will be live music, a silent auction
and raffles. CPL will receive 10% of the evening’s
wine sales. Admission is a $10 suggested donation.
Friday, January 22, 2010
6:00 - 8:30 pm
Hilton Garden Inn, Kennett Square, PA
Sample the wines of the Brandywine Valley Wine Trail Wineries
and enjoy hors d’oeuvres with your friends. Tickets are $21 and
proceeds will benefit CPL.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
6:00 - 10:00 pm
Harry’s Savoy Grill and Ballroom, Wilmington, DE
Guests will enjoy an evening of heavy hors d’oeuvres,
delicious wines to taste and microbrewery beers. We’ll be
auctioning off vacation hots spots, wines, artwork, and more!
Check out our special events section on the website www.k94life.org for
ticket information and sponsorship opportunities.
CPL is extremely proud to have received four stars (the highest
rating) from Charity Navigator, indicating both the efficiency of
CPL’s day-to-day operations and our ability to sustain our mission
over time. For more information, visit www.charitynavigator.org.
Cathy Dever Hatch
Anita Edwards
Peggy White
Robyn Young
Moira Owens
[email protected].
(610) 869–4902, x 216 or email
from our mailing list, please call
or if you would like to be removed
Jacki Hall
Heather Althouse
Hali Brownback
Liz Ford
Tonya Guy
Ashley Kane
Kelly Rush
Erik Sullivan
If you are receiving duplicate copies
Alyssa Lang
Alisha Webber
Little Utopia, Inc.
(626) 239–6439
Karen Carmichael
* CPL recipient
Cindy Brownback
Susann Guy
Darlene Sullivan*
Calhoun Wick
Letty Moore
June Abramson
Carol Stark
Richard Swift
Linda Binkley
Tanya MacKeand*
Megan Esherick
Dr. Richard Beeman
Janie Cramer
Nikki Deptula*
Irving Gerber
Tory Kitchell
Martha Miele
Pamela Morgan
Wendy Twing
William Wright
Mary Fertig
Deb Bauer
Maria Mann
Current Board of Directors
email [email protected] / web www.k94life.org
phone (610) 869–4902 / fax (610) 869–9785
P.O. Box 170 Cochranville, PA 19330–0170