Evaluating thE wood anatomical and dEndroEcological


Evaluating thE wood anatomical and dEndroEcological
IAWA Journalet34
– Arctic
485– shrubs
Evaluating the wood anatomical and
dendroecological potential of arctic dwarf shrub
Fritz Hans Schweingruber1, Lena Hellmann 1,2, Willy Tegel 3, Sarah Braun3,
Daniel Nievergelt1 and Ulf Büntgen1, 2,4,*
Federal Research Institute, WSL, Zürcherstraße 111, CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
Centre for Climate Change Research, Zähringerstraße 25, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
3 Institute for Forest Growth IWW, University of Freiburg, Tennebacherstraße 4,
D-79106 Freiburg, Germany
4 Global Change Research Centre AS CR, v.v.i., Bělidla 986/4a, CZ-60300 Brno, Czech Republic
*Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]
2 Oeschger
Supplementing broader-scale dendroecological approaches with high-resolution
wood anatomical analyses constitutes a useful technique to assess spatiotemporal
patterns of climate-induced growth responses in circumpolar tundra vegetation.
A systematic evaluation of dendrochronological and wood anatomical features in
arctic dwarf shrubs is, however, still missing. Here, we report on nearly thousand
samples from ten major dwarf shrub species that were collected at 30 plot-sites
around 70° N and 22° W in coastal East Greenland. Morphological root and stem
characteristics, together with intra-annual anatomical variations are outlined
and the potential and limitation of ring counting is stressed. This study further
demonstrates the possibility to gain annually resolved insight on past dry matter production and carbon allocation in arctic (and alpine) environments well
beyond northern (and upper) treelines, where vegetation growth is particularly
sensitive to environmental change.
Keywords: Anatomical features, arctic and alpine ecotones, climate change,
dendroecology, Greenland, life forms, tundra vegetation, wood anatomy.
Arctic and alpine environments are among the most sensitive regions regarding their
reactions to climate change (e.g. Serreze & Francis 2006; Kaufman et al. 2009; Pauli
et al. 2012). Increasing temperatures already affected vegetation cover and species
composition (e.g. Sturm et al. 2001; Verbyla 2008; Macias-Fauria et al. 2012), and
also left pronounced fingerprints in the annual growth rings of trees and shrubs (e.g.
Büntgen & Schweingruber 2010). The vast majority of high-northern and higher elevation ecotones are characterized by harsh climatological and pedological conditions,
which restrict radial stem thickening to fairly short vegetation periods. At the same
time dwarf shrubs are well adapted to survive under such environmental extremes, and
© International Association of Wood Anatomists, 2013
Published by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden
DOI 10.1163/22941932-00000039
IAWA Journal 34 (4), 2013
knowledge on their growth behaviour describes a pending challenge to account for
possible effects associated with predicted climate change, e.g. tundra expansion and
carbon sequestration (McGuire et al. 2010; Elmendorf et al. 2012; Pearson et al.
Early pioneering studies focused on a better understanding of how low arctic temperatures and short vegetation periods decrease radial growth of Greenlandic dwarf
shrubs, and at the same time increase plant longevity (Kraus 1873). Comparison of
different dwarf shrubs from high- and low-elevation settings in Switzerland, Germany,
Russia and the Himalaya confirmed these results (Kihlmann 1890; Rosenthal 1904;
Kanngiesser 1914). Miller (1975) published detailed wood anatomical accounts of
Greenlandic dwarf shrubs.
Dendroecological research on dwarf shrubs, however, almost stagnated during most
of the last century, despite a few exceptions (e.g. Good 1927; Molisch 1938; Parsons
et al. 1994), and a rediscovery during the past decade. An emerging community now
concentrates on revealing climatological and ecological information preserved in
annual rings, not only based on field studies but also using experimental setups (e.g.
Schweingruber & Poschlod 2005; Schmidt et al. 2006; Bär et al. 2006, 2008; Bär &
Löffler 2007; Hallinger et al. 2010; Blok et al. 2011; Myers-Smith et al. 2011; Buizer
et al. 2012; Weijers et al. 2012). See also http://shrubhub.biology.ualberta.ca/ for a
detailed literature overview.
Technical and economical limitations related to collecting, preparing and analyzing a
sufficiently large number of samples, however, hampered the creation of well replicated
and long enough wood anatomical and dendrochronological dwarf shrub records. At
the same time this drawback stimulated a vital discussion about possible crossdating
trials associated with imprecise ring boundaries and irregular growth disturbances (e.g.
Büntgen & Schweingruber 2010; Hallinger & Wilmking 2011; Wilmking et al. 2012;
Buchwal et al. 2013). Recent research endeavours at the interface of wood anatomy and
dendroecology/climatology underscore the urgent need to enhance our understanding
of wood anatomical structures to facilitate the distinction of annual rings.
Here, we introduce a suite of anatomical features observed in nearly thousand
specimens from ten dwarf shrub species in coastal East Greenland. The discussion is
placing our anatomical results in an ecological context, with emphasis on the potential
of Arctic dwarf shrubs to allow past changes in their environment to be reconstructed.
We ultimately suggest that species-specific anatomical characteristics in relation to
site-specific conditions should be considered prior to the measurement and subsequent
crossdating of ring widths.
Material and Methods
We sampled 945 dwarf shrub individuals from ten dominant species (Arctostaphylos
alpina, Cassiope hynoides, Cassiope tetragona, Empetrum nigrum, Dryas octopetala,
Rhododendron lapponicum, Vaccinium uliginosum, Betula nana, Salix arctica, and
Salix herbacea) at 30 plot-sites at the eastern coastline of Greenland near Scoresbysund
(i.e. Ittoqqortoormiit, 70° 26' 6" N, 21° 58' 100" W). The natural distribution of these
Schweingruber et al. – Arctic dwarf shrubs
species is circumpolar, with some genera also occurring in alpine environments across
Eurasia and North America (Hultén 1968). All sampling plots, located between 5 and
320 m asl on permafrost, are either characterized by crystalline orthogneiss with large
granite boulders (22 plots) or sedimentary sandstone (8 plots) that creates relatively flat
surfaces with overall lower nutrient levels. The short vegetation period is constrained
by a cold and dry climate. Mean summer temperature and total precipitation is 1.9 °C
and 94 mm, respectively (calculated for June–August over the period 1950–1980 and
using monthly resolved GHCN Version 3 data) (Lawrimore et al. 2011).
We performed a rigorous plot-site sampling of the complete above- and belowground
stem section of each existing specimen within a radius of ~20 m, to capture the full
variety of prevailing plant sizes and ages. This strategy ensures obtaining the thickest
part of highly branched plants and root systems, often being hidden in the ground or
beneath rocks. Inclusion of the taproot that contains the maximum number of rings
within a plant is essential for all further analyses, as it enables ring properties and plant
ages to be most accurately determined.
After labeling and archiving this unique collection, several cross sections per sample
were prepared using sliding microtomes with disposable blades. Unstained high-quality
sections, solely preserved in glycerol, were already suitable for ring counting. Double
staining with safranin and astrablue, however, further visualized a variety of anatomical
cell structures (Schweingruber et al. 2008; Gärtner & Schweingruber 2013).
Additional sample preservation with Nawashin-solution and extra staining with
Picric-anilinblue allowed the visualization of cell contents as well as cell nuclei, and
thus the estimation of cell longevity. After being covered with Nawashin for ten minutes, the sections must be washed with water before simultaneously being stained with
safranin-astrablue, as well as before ultimately being stained with Picric-anilinblue.
Short heating up to 80 °C prepares slides for their usual dehydration and embedding
process with ethanol, xylene and ‘Canada’ balsam (Schweingruber et al. 2008). Preserving and dye solutions are composed as follows: Nawashin-solution consists of ten
parts of 1% chromic acid, four parts 4% formaldehyde and one part acetic acid (Purvis
et al. 1964). Safranin-dye entails 0.8 g of safranin powder in 100 ml of distilled water.
Astrablue-dye contains 0.5 g of astrablue powder in 100 ml distilled water, and 2 ml
acidic acid. Picric-anilinblue-dye is created from one part saturated anilinblue and
four parts saturated Picric-acid (trinitrophenol), dissolved in 95% ethanol. The above
processing steps, all performed at WSL, finally resulted in 871 samples for which ring
counts and subsequent longevity estimates were performed (see Table 1 for a detailed
For each species, we selected microscopic photographs (Fig. 1–5) showing a ring
sequence of optimal growth to highlight its dendrochronological capacity (Fig. 1–5a,d),
a section of reduced growth to address possible counting and measuring problems
(Fig. 1–5b, e), and a peripheral stem with bark to illustrate typical bark features (Fig.
1–5c, f). These high-resolution images help to display the rich anatomical range among
the different samples. Species-specific bark thickness and characteristics were additionally recorded to reveal information on their ecological function.
IAWA Journal 34 (4), 2013
Ring distinctness
(lsrge rings)
Ring distinctness
(small rings)
Average ring width
Number of counted
Arctostaphylos alpina
Betula nana
Cassiope hypnoides
Cassiope tetragona
Dryas octopetala
Empetrum nigrum
Rhododendron lapponicum
Salix arctica
Salix herbacea
Vaccinium uliginosum
Leaf persistence
Number of samples
Table 1. Species-specific dwarf shrub characteristics.
Leaf persistence: d = deciduous, e = evergreen.
Ring distinctness: a = very distinct, number of rings corresponds with the true age, good crossdating; b = uncertain determination of plant tissue, total ring number only possible on whole
cross sections, weak crossdating; c = uncertain age determination, number of counted rings
only estimated, crossdating impossible; d = ring counting impossible.
Average ring width: values correspond to 945 recorded individuals from the high Arctic, values
might be different for other sites but relations between species remain.
Number of counted rings: values refer to minimum /mean /maximum estimates.
Porosity: d = diffuse porous, sr = semi-ring porous.
a & b
a & b
a & b
< 0.20
< 0.10
< 0.20
< 0.05
< 0.10
< 0.20
< 0.20
< 0.10
< 0.20
< 0.20
20 / 49 / 114
18 / 62 / 165
33 / 54 / 75
13 / 54 / 126
33 / 85 / 154
30 / 62 / 101
1 / 71 / 204
17 / 64 / 197
4 / 13 / 23
14 / 51 / 96
Results and Discussion
Distinct annual ring boundaries are found in all ten arctic dwarf shrub species (Fig.
1–5). The overall suitability of ring counting, measuring and crossdating, however,
varies significantly between individual plants of the same species. A selection of most
relevant anatomical characteristics within our sample collection is summarized in
Table 1. Information on specific criteria of leaf persistence of deciduous and evergreen
species, the distinctiveness of small and large rings (</>0.5 mm), the average ring
width of all plants per species (mm), and the porosity of growth rings (diffuse or
semi-ring porous) are summarized. This table contains relevant insight to evaluate the
dendrochronological potential of the ten species, which must be understood as a combination of the mean and maximum number of counted rings per species, as well as the
distinctiveness of their ring boundaries. While the first criterion implies the potential
to develop long chronologies, the second parameter infers a benchmark for crossdating trials. Anatomical details for tangential and radial sections are also provided in
Greguss (1945), Miller (1975), Schweingruber (1995), and Benkova & Schweingruber
Schweingruber et al. – Arctic dwarf shrubs
Figure 1. a–c: Arctostaphylos alpina – d–f: Cassiope tetragona.
Average ring width ranges from < 0.05 mm to 1.0 mm. Ring distinctness is determined
by the ring size. Small rings are never clearly distinguishable, often leading to rather
rough age estimates. Very limited growth conditions often lead to varying numbers of
rings at different radii on cross sections, especially in the aboveground stem sections.
Most accurate ring numbers can be achieved by serial sectioning from the dominant
thickest root to the tip of the shoot (Büntgen & Schweingruber 2010; Buchwal et al.
2013). Although crossdating would yield the correct plant age, it was not realized in
this study since we did not aim to ultimately date our material. It is therefore important
to note that all age information given here must always be considered as an estimated
minimum number of the preserved tissue part at a specific plant section.
Characteristic wood anatomical features allow the assignment to different plant organs: stems and shoots are defined by the existence of pith, whereas roots typically do
not contain pith (Fig. 6a, b). Adventitious shoots are not distinguishable from primary
shoots and hence hamper any exact age determination of the plant as a whole (de Witte
& Stöcklin 2010).
IAWA Journal 34 (4), 2013
Figure 2. a–c: Empetrum nigrum – d–f: Dryas octopetala.
Extreme site conditions cause prostrate stems with reduced growth at the upper and
enhanced growth at the lower side, resulting in eccentric pith positions. Different degrees of pith eccentricity were classified: centric (Fig. 6c), slightly eccentric (Fig. 6d),
extremely eccentric (Fig. 6e), and fully eroded pith (Fig. 6f). Missing or wedging rings
are less likely at the longest radius, making corresponding ring counting and ring-width
measurements most reliable. However, totally eroded pith might still impede the results
and missing years due to wedging rings can never be excluded, even at the longest
radius. Centric and slightly eccentric pith positions are typical for Cassiope tetragona,
Vaccinium sp., Rhododendron lapponicum, Betula nana, and Salix herbacea, while
extremely eccentric and eroded pith positions are characteristic for Dryas octopetala.
Only Betula nana and Salix sp. have tension wood as additional means to compensate
mechanical instability.
Sampling during the growing season results in incompletely formed and lignified
outermost rings (Fig. 7a, b). Therefore beginning and end of plant growth at different
sites within a region can be estimated by comparing the outermost rings of individuals.
Schweingruber et al. – Arctic dwarf shrubs
Figure 3. a–c: Rhododendron lapponicum – d–f: Vaccinium uliginosum.
The amount of living parenchyma (cells with protoplasts) (Fig. 7c) indicates the reactivity of secondary xylem to wounding or biological attack and its ability to store and
mobilize metabolites. Extremely long-living parenchyma cells are characteristic for all
stems herein analyzed (up to ~204 years for Rhododendron lapponicum). Living cells
can store carbohydrates and react to mechanical disturbances by callus formation (Fig.
7d) or to fungal attack by barrier zone building (Fig. 7e), while cells in dead parts contain
phenols or tyloses. Salix sp. is the only species generating typical dark-colored heartwood. All other species show different chemical defense systems. Defense zones against
fungal decay are represented by the irregular occurrence of tyloses and phenols (Fig. 7f).
In light of the above, it becomes obvious that the most efficient method for dendroecological studies of dwarf shrubs is annual ring counting and ring-width measuring
based on micro sections. Sliding microtomes enable the preparation of high-quality cross
sections in reasonable time, and therefore facilitate the production of long and wellreplicated datasets. New staining techniques with different dyes allow straightforward
analyses of diverse anatomical features on thin sections, including longevity of nuclei
IAWA Journal 34 (4), 2013
Figure 4. a–c: Vaccinium myrtillus – d–f: Betula nana.
in cells. The amount of work is reduced while the outcome is increased. Although this
study focused on a selection of arctic dwarf shrubs only, the main anatomical features
observed are likely also representative for other species growing in alpine environments.
This study is part of the ongoing ‘Arctic driftwood’ project supported by the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation. U.B. also obtained financial support from the Czech project ‘Building up a multidisciplinary scientific team focused on drought’ (No. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0248). Albena Ivanova and Loic
Schneider contributed lab work.
Schweingruber et al. – Arctic dwarf shrubs
Figure 5. a–c: Salix arctica – d–f: Salix herbacea.
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IAWA Journal 34 (4), 2013
Figure 6. a: Root of Salix herbacea, radial growth in the center of the root starts with fibers
and vessels. – b: Shoot of Salix herbacea, radial growth in the center of the root starts around a
non-lignified parenchymatous pith and primary xylem, which is a remnant of primary growth. –
c: Centric stem of Salix herbacea. – d: Eccentric stem of Cassiope tetragona, approximately 35
rings occur on the longest and only 12 rings on the shortest radius, at least 20 rings are wedging
out. – e: Extremely eccentric stem of Dryas octopetala, at the bottom side occur approximately
100 and at the upper side not more than 5 rings. – f: Extremely eccentric stem of Dryas octopetala, growth occurs only at the bottom side, all rings are laterally wedging out, with the pith
being eroded. – a–f are stained with safranin-astrablue.
Schweingruber et al. – Arctic dwarf shrubs
Figure 7. a: Radial growth of Salix arctica at the beginning of the growing season, a row of earlywood vessels is already lignified but not fully re-enforced by surrounding mechanical tissue. –
b: Radial growth of Rhododendron lapponicum in the middle of the growing season, three rows
of vessels are formed but only the first is lignified, tangential flat latewood cells are missing. –
c: Living axial parenchyma and ray cells with nuclei in an 80-year-old part of a stem of Empetrum
nigrum, stained with Picric-anilinblue. – d: Overgrown wound in a stem of Arctostaphylos alpina,
living cells inside the wound form a chemical protection zone (phenols) against microbial attack,
living cells at the lateral end of the wound form callus cells and overgrew the wound within
six years. – e: A barrier zone divides the living and dead zone of a stem of Cassiope tetragona,
parenchyma cells of the xylem and the phloem outside the barrier zone (light red) represent the
living part of the stem, many cells inside the barrier zones are filled with phenols protecting the
tissue against decay. – f: Tyloses in the heartwood of Salix arctica, interrupting water flow within
the xylem. – a–b and d–f stained with safranin-astrablue.
IAWA Journal 34 (4), 2013
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Accepted: 6 September 2013