St. Julie would be pleased! - Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur


St. Julie would be pleased! - Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Annual Report
F A L L 2010 , V O L . 25 N O . 2
St. Julie would
be pleased!
Hearts wide
as the world...
Dear Friends,
This Annual Report gives witness to our many
generous partners who join us in mission –
whose hearts truly are as wide as the world.
From the earliest days of our congregation, men
and women helped Julie to realize her expansive
vision. You continue that tradition and we thank
you for your generous and absolutely vital
support this past year. St. Julie would, indeed,
be pleased!
Our hearts also rejoice in celebrating our seventeen Sister Jubilarians and the generous gift of
their lives to God’s people. Still young at heart,
they have grown in that age and wisdom which
recognizes that God has indeed done wonderful
things in and through them.
With a promise of our continued prayers,
Sisters Maureen Hilliard, Louise O’Reilly
and Dolores Quigg,
California Provincial Team
With these Sisters, and all the Sisters of Notre
Dame in our California Province, we thank you for
helping St. Julie’s work to continue. Together,
we can make a difference in our world.
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur change lives by
making known God’s goodness. The mission of the community
is education. In fidelity to St. Julie Billiart’s vision, the Sisters give
particular attention to the needs of the poor throughout the world.
St. Julie would be pleased.
“Over the years, these women have come to live with empathy and acceptance of the ambiguity and poignancy of the human condition, with belief in the beauty of ordinary lives, conviction, with gentle strength
and with grace. For their presence and their service, for being in our times and in our world as living
signs of the goodness of God, we thank them and honor them.” - Sr. Veronica Skillin, SND, Jubilee Homily
Twenty-five Years
as a Sister of Notre Dame
• • • • • •
“Sr. Kathy Camacho helps students grow in their faith by listening to
their stories and being present. She provides our community with a solid
pastoral presence, guidance, hope, love and understanding.”
Colleague, Newman Catholic Community
Fifty Years as a
1.This Sister motivated a
group of dads to build a
school library in Folsom.
2.An experience with poverty
in Peru helped this Sister
learn how to teach with
less in Los Angeles.
3.This Sister established
the “Donkey Cart
Ambulance Service.”
4.A volunteer experience in
high school prompted this
Sister to consider a religious
5.Today, this Sister is
described as the “grandmother” of the parish.
6.Weinstocks Department
Store lost a management
trainee when she decided
“corporate values” were
not a good fit.
“Sr. Sandy (Edwin Marie) Price
has the spirit of an apostle, working where there is great need,”
says friend Consuela Sanchez. Sr.
Sandy describes her long-time
work in Nicaragua as a “forever
new and daily blessing.”
“It seems as if Sr. Judy (Kieran)
Flahavan’s selflessness, dedication and love can make anything
Esther Garcia, teacher at Nativity
Elementary School, Los Angeles
“As a teenager, Phyllis didn’t think
she was “Sister material.” Fifty years
later Sr. Phyllis (Julie Patrice)
Cook says, “I am so grateful that
I was called to be a Sister of Notre
Dame, a member of an international
family!” Today she helps prepare
women in Kenya to become Sisters!
“Sr. Karen (Evelyn Marie)
Pozniak exemplifies everything
Christ stands for. Gentle, openminded, fair, inclusive.”
(front row, left to right)
25 and 50 Year
Jubilarian Quiz
(back row, left to right)
Sister of Notre Dame
“We needed to bring Christ to
others in the neighborhood and I
was sure Sr. Dolores Pardini was
the one to do it. She is now the
grandmother of the parish.”
Msgr. Timothy Dyer, pastor of
Nativity and St. Columbkille parishes
in Los Angeles
Sr. Mary Ellen (Mary Ignatius)
Howard has worked with some
of the poorest people in the most
ravaged places, but that has not
dampened what her colleagues call
her “hug-ability,” her infectious
enthusiasm and her ability to get
people involved.
“Sr. Marilyn (Maureen) Smith
had incredible knowledge of
unique and innovative ways of
helping students learn… Her eyes
shone with love for her students.”
Pam Thornburg, teacher at John Gill
Elementary School, Redwood City
Long-time friend Lisa Pennino
7.This Sister thought she
wasn’t “the type” to
become a nun.
8.Now a chaplain, this Sister
is gifted at working with
the sick and dying.
9.She now teaches English
to Spanish speakers and
Spanish to English speakers!
“Hearts wide as the world together making a difference.”
For help finding answers visit
Fifty Years as a
Sister of Notre Dame
• • • • • •
Sr. Mary Pat McCarron touched the lives of many at NDNU. “I knew
I would learn things, but I didn’t know it would change my life.”
Marci Orler, former student
Seventy Years as
a Sister of Notre Dame
• • • • • •
When Sr. Helen (Thomas Julie) Dugan turned 90 in the fall of
2009, the Notre Dame Elementary students made a poster for her
proclaiming the “90 things we love about Sr. Helen.” The short
list: her humor, her heart, her smile, her positive attitude, her
spirit and her faith.
Sixty Years as a
“I treasure Sr. Joanne (Catherine
Rose) Miller’s quiet ways and
her wonderful sense of balance
between work and play along with
her courage to follow her convictions and her faithfulness to the
spirit of St. Julie.”
Sr. Suzanne Dunn, SFCC, friend
Sr. June (Andrew) Canoles shares, “I
am grateful for the many opportunities
I had over the years. With both children
and adults, my goal was to impart the
knowledge that all individuals are special and loved. If I had to do it all over
again, I would still be a nun!”
Sr. Katherine (Katherine Mary)
Nelson loved teaching English as a
Second Language to adults. “I was
doing what St. Julie Billiart would
do today. Helping people learn for
life.” When Sister ran into a former
student in the grocery store, the
woman credited Sister with laying
the foundation for her success in
starting her own business.
(front row, left to right)
(back row, left to right)
Sister of Notre Dame
Former students remember
Sr. Dolores (Gregory Marie)
Fowler’s humor, storytelling,
and licorice treats with great
fondness. Sister still uses her
humor and stories when visiting
a nearby assisted living facility.
“Sr. Ann Carmel Badalamente
made us all feel good about
school. She showed us you
could be cool and educated at
the same time!!”
Ellen Hughes Holladay,
former student
“My life has been changing a
lot for the better thanks to
Sr. Ann Bernadette Barnes’
dedication and patience…She
always will be a role model in
my life.”
Richard, graduate of an adult
diploma program
60 and 70 Year
Jubilarian Quiz
1.As a high school senior,
this future Sister enjoyed
playing the violin in the
Monterey Symphony
Orchestra, riding a motorcycle and having a boyfriend.
2.This Sister is known for
her Irish wit.
3.Both second graders and
adolescents responded to
this Sister’s fun-loving spirit.
4.Despite an interest in
clothes and boys, becoming a Sister was something
she HAD to do.
5.This Sister was honored
to be the first principal of
St. Thomas More School
in Lynnwood, WA.
6.This Sister loved teaching
the boys at Mission Dolores
School in San Francisco.
• • • • • •
“Sr. Loretta (Mary Albert) Olsen was
artistic to her very fingertips! You name it
and Sister has created it: paintings, dolls,
doll houses, cards...what lucky students
we were to have such a kind teacher who
could also make learning fun!”
Sr. Yvonne Bondi, SND, and former student
7.This Sister was one of the
pioneers in establishing
Cristo Rey High School
in Sacramento.
8.Contemplative life drew
this Sister to serve at the
House of Prayer.
For help finding answers visit
Wide as
the World
v May you who are blessings be blessed.
v May you know the difference you make.
v May God’s own joy follow you all your days.
v May God’s goodness enfold you always.
making a difference!
Dear Friends,
Your financial support helps in so many ways:
• Providing health care for our aging and
infirm Sisters, including things like prescription drugs and hearing aids;
Make a difference
. . . isn’t that what
each of us wants
to do with our life?
Just as the seventeen Jubilarians featured in these pages
have made great
differences in their
25, 50, 60 and 70
years as Sisters of Notre Dame, so have the
many generous Notre Dame friends listed in
this Annual Report. Behind the names are
stories, relationships, many reasons for caring
and giving.
All of us who support the Sisters know from
experience that our personal and financial
contributions will make more of a difference
when joined together with others.
Income Report
• Enabling retired Sisters to offer valuable
volunteer services to schools, parishes,
and convalescent homes;
• Supporting our Sisters in Africa and Latin
America who provide health care, education, food and clothing to both children
and adults.
Thank you! Together we are making
a difference!
With much appreciation,
Monica May
Director of Development
P.S. The Sisters offer you, in return, what
may be their most valuable service – their
daily, prayerful remembrance of all who
share so generously with them.
Sisters Serving
in Africa & Latin
America - 5%
September 1, 2009 - August 31, 2010
Sisters’ Retirement Needs
Wherever Needed by Sisters
Sisters Serving in Africa & Latin America
Needs - 51%
Needed by
Sisters - 44%
Giving $2500 or more
Anonymous (4)
Irene & Eilif Andersen*
Marie Batton*
Sylvia Castle*
Bozena Durovec (dec)*
Mary Espinoza
Rita Gleason*
John & Anne Hannigan*
Walter & Beatrice Heintz*
Theodore Judge (dec)*
Abigail Kawananakoa*
Mario & Linda Mandy*
Peter & Kathleen Muller*
John & Kathleen Nalty*
National Religious Retirement
Office,* Washington, DC
Propagation of the Faith Dioceses of Los Angeles,
Sacramento, Santa Rosa,
San Francisco,* San Jose,*
and Stockton, CA T. Gary and Kathleen Rogers
Family Foundation Mary Vinassa (dec)
St. Julie
Giving between
$1000 and $2499
would be
Anonymous (5)
Tondre & Yvonne Alarid*
Stephen & Mary Almassy
Rodney Atchison*
Bank of America
Matching Gifts
Dorothy Banker*
Rose Beall*
Robert Bettencourt*
Thomas R. Bettencourt
Living Trust
Shirley Boden
John Bondi
Chenna Bonequi
Arnold & Mary Ellen Bruni*
Mary Chaves*
Scott & Elaine Clark
Murray Fund, Community
Foundation for
Monterey County
Ann Veronica Coyle*
William De Mers*
Patricia Dunn
Christine Earley & Richard Clark
Mona Edgar (dec)
JoAnn & John Fraser
Freeport-McMoRan Foundation
Gerald & Allene Graham*
Franklin & Lynn Gurnee
Margaret Harmon
Fred & JoAnn Hawley
Frank & Nancy Hegarty*
Margaret & Ralph Ho
Warren Jackson*
James Kiehm*
Byron & Rene Lawler*
John & Mary Gail Maloney*
Joseph & Mary Mathieu*
Mary O’Rourke*
Robert & Dolores Pia*
The Louis & Harold Price
Raymond Ratto*
James & Arleen Russi*
Claire Shaklee
C. Michael Smith &
Adrienne Krause*
Deborah Stoner &
Carel Veenhuyzen*
Keith & Judith Vaughn*
Verizon Foundation
Angelo & Sharon Volpato
Clara Wade (dec)
Nelida Willoughby
Michael Worley*
St. Joseph
Giving between
$500 and $999
Anonymous (8)
Deborah Baker*
Beverly Buhs (dec)*
Grace & Robert Carter
Barbara & Andrew Chiari*
Lawrence & Rita Cortez
Shirley & Tom Cox-Northen*
Olga Coy
Irene Creps*
A. Kirch & Sharon DeMartini*
Marc & Susan Desautels
Jane Eaves*
Richard Edminster*
Eugene & Teresa Eng*
Patricia Foley*
Delia Foster*
Margaret Anne Fraher (dec)*
Celia Fresquez
Thomas & Marcia Fulham*
Joanne Garvey*
Margaret Gnehm
Joseph & Marie Govean
Helen Grcich*
James Guinasso*
Walter and Elise Haas Fund,
San Francisco
Bernice Hartman*
Dennis Hauser
Frank & Nancy Hegarty*
Dolores Hickey*
Michael & Cassandra Huston*
Esther Limper*
James & Arlene Lucchesi
Bonnie Matlock & Tod Francis
Patricia Mattox*
Nina Mazzo *
Monica May*
Raymond & Raquel McDonald*
Rev. James Myers, S.S.
Notre Dame Alumnae CA State Federation*
Tuan Nguyen
Rose Marie O’Leary*
Maxine Olson*
Merilyn Pezzuto*
Robert & Dolores Pia*
Randall & Cynthia Pond*
Propagation of the Faith,
Diocese of Monterey*
William Royer
Pauline Rushin
Kathleen Ryan*
Pamela Stoner & Elias Blawie*
Evelyn Stretch*
Thomas & Donna Vickers
Frances & Cecil Yother
Walter & Kris Zavoli
Warren & Mary Zodro
* With special appreciation to contributors for 10 years or longer.
the Sisters
and Their
Anonymous (60)
Steve & Shawn Abbott
Marie Elaine Acree
Florence Adair
Robert Adams III*
Claire & Robert Ades
Helen & Roy Adzich
Tondre & Yvonne Alarid*
Robert & Susan Alberto
Karen Albertus
Shirley Albers
Luis Alcid
James Allen
William Allen
Stephen & Mary Almassy
Edgar & Katherine Almazol
Daniel & Mary Pat Alves
Barbara Amsbury*
Kathy & Douglas Anberg
Eilif & Irene Andersen*
Helen Anderson*
Steven & Lisa Anderson*
Robert & Mary Anderson
Kathleen & Robert Anderson
Alice Andrade
Rodney & Anne Andrade*
Alice Andreason*
Michael & Helene Andrews*
Ernest & Maria Victoria Andrews*
Linda Angin *
David & Caroline Appling
Dennis & Carolyn Argall*
Marsha Armstrong *
John & Marlene Arnold*
Florence Arnoldy
Frank Arnoldy
Pamela Arnoldy
Philomena Arrigo*
Doris Arrington
Elizabeth Ashby
Rodney Atchison*
Michael & Marcella Atherton
Kathryn & Ron Atkins-Page
Ernest Atondo
Barbara Azevedo
P.W. Bachan
John Bacon
Patricia Baker
Donna Baker
Deborah Baker*
Lisa Baker & Jonathan Bulkley*
Richard & Therese Baker
Karl & Barbara Balke
John & Marni Balletto*
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Dorothy Banker*
Kathleen Barbera-Keen
Thomas & May Barisone
Catherine Barranti
Stella Barreto
Clara Barrett
Yvonne Barros*
DONORS, SEPTEMBER 1, 2009 - AUGUST 31, 2010
Ronald & Mary Ann Barton
Arthur Basham
Marie Batton*
Mary Elise Baumann*
Dorothy & Donald Baumann
Rose Beall*
Rita Beamish & Paul Costello
Diane Beatty
Fred & Patricia Beck*
Gary & Dolores Beecher
Theresa Beguhl
Marvin & Rita Ann Beguhl
Jim & Lucy Beiden
Arthur Belcher, Jr.*
Philip & Irene Bell
Angele & Berton Belton
Cathleen Benko-Duebner
Mary Helen Bennett*
Edward & Josephine Bertaccini*
Robert Bettencourt*
Bruce & Julie Bettencourt
Maureen & Philip Bianco*
Barbara Bihn
Robert & Martha Bilbrey*
John & Terry Birkenfeld
Jacqueline & Andrew Blaise
Claire Blohm*
Mildred Bloom
Kevin & Emily Bobst
Shirley Boden*
Gene Bokemeier*
Beatrice Boland
Rev. John Boll
Eric & Melinda Bollinger*
John Bondi*
Chenna Bonequi
Catherine Bonnici
Sharon Bonsack
Ernest Bontadelli
Gloria Booth*
Lorayne Borba
Charles & Geraldine Borrecco*
James & Evelyn Borrego
James & Doris Borza
Edward & Barbara Boscacci*
Eric & Patti Bosler
Mary Bosque
Patricia Boswell
Valerie Bovone
Thomas & Rosalinda Brady
Richard Braun
Rev. Henry & Teresa Bremer
John Paul & Belton Brennan
Leo & Lee Mary Brenneisen
Hope Brewer*
Edward & Virginia Brewer*
Joseph & Barbara Britschgi
Eldon & Evelyn Brom*
Philip & Vicki Broughton*
Curtis & Barbara Broussard*
Joyce Brown
Mark & Barbara Brown
Maria & Charles Brown
Arnold & Mary Ellen Bruni*
Charles & Mary Brunn
William & Teresa Brusher*
Kay Buckley*
Brian & Mary Buckley
Pat & Robert Buckman-Burgess*
Betty & Donald Budde*
Del & Teo Bumgardner*
Robert & Carolyn Bunje*
Robert & Sharon Burke*
Rev. Michael Burns
Ellen Burton
Mark & Debra Busch*
Mark & Corinne Butier
Ronald & Patricia Cachopo
Patricia Cade*
Elizabeth Cagnacci
Bill Cagney
Rev. Msgr. James Cain*
Tom & Paddy Cala
Maureen & Terry Caldwell*
Robert & Doris Callaghan*
Paul & Virginia Calleja*
Donald & Clare Callejon*
Tom Callen
Fred & Shirley Callesen
Alice & Robert Cameron
Darlene Campagna
Adolph & Sara Canelo
Suzanne & Richard Capella*
Evelyn Capozo*
Anna Cappelletti
Gail & Peter Carcione
Pat & Axel Carlson*
Edward & Patricia Carlton
Virginia Carnevale
Bernadine Carpenter
Helen & Charles Carroll*
Patrick & Elvira Carroll
Art & Mary Casey
Lawrence & Charlene Castelli*
Victor & Deborah Castello
Judith Castillo
Sylvia Castle*
David Catherman
Joanne & Fred Cattaneo
Eleanor & Kenneth Catudal
Donna & Dennis Cavaille
Melvin Cavallero
Albert Caviglia
Eileen & Robert Caviglia
Mary Cea
Dennis & Susan Chaconas
Dennis Chamberlain*
Ellen & Satish Chandra
John & Alvira Chargin
James & Patricia Chargin*
Mary Chaves*
Damiana Chavez*
Diane and Will Chenoweth
Pegi & John Chesney
Richard Chin
Charles & Linda Chlubna*
Margherita Christensen
Margaret Christian*
Virginia Christoson
Chunhwa & Pi-Ching Hsu Chu
Tony & Connie Clancy
Margaret & Colin Clark*
Scott & Elaine Clark
Rex & Jeanne Clark*
Patricia Clarke
Thomas Henry & Madeline Clarke*
William & Carole Clifford
Helen & Norman Cobb*
Russell Codd
Coleman Children Living Trust*
Mary Kay & Calvin Coleman-Niklaus
James & Sharon Coles*
George & Martha Colla
Mary Collins
Harry & Ida Collins*
Eunice & Thomas Combellick*
June Comer
Ann Comer & Dong Liang Duh
Roseanne, Rob, & Robert
Concord Cup Soccer
Eva & Robert Condron-Wells
Shirley Connolly*
Paul & Libby Conrado*
Mario Conti*
Joseph Conway
Alice Cooper
Kathryn Copriviza
Robert & Lucille Corcel*
Amelia & Amelia Corral
Eugene & Florine Corriea*
Thomas & Catherine Corum
Isabel Costa
Betty Cowley*
Shirley & Tom Cox-Northen*
Ann Veronica Coyle*
Kathleen McGrath Crabbe
Sylvia & Richard Crawley
Irene Creps*
Kevin & Gail Cronin*
Mary Cross
Patricia & James Crull*
Ruben & Vivian Cruz*
Christopher & Christine Cunnie
James & Sheila Cunnie
John & Frances Cunning*
Margaret & John Cunningham*
Theresa Curley
Therese & Ricky Curotto
James Curren
Oswald Da Ros*
Jane Dabovich*
Patricia Dahl
Morris & Nancy Daley*
James & Mary Ann Davis
Kay Daly
Florestine D’Amico
Colleen Dane
Krycia Darrin
Alice Davis*
Edwin & Leilani Davis
William & Marilyn Day*
Josephine (Dollie) De Franco
Norine De Gregori*
Maria De Martini*
William De Mers*
Eugene & Sandra De Michele*
G. & S. De Wit
Oliver & Sue McCarron Deegan
Peter DeLaunay
John & Carolyn DeLong
Barbara Delucchi
A. Kirch & Sharon DeMartini*
Mary Deos
Carol & Richard DePetris
Marc & Susan Desautels
Terence Devlin*
Eileen Devlin
Elsie & Murray Dill*
Helen & Robert Diodati
Audre Dioli*
Richard Dixon*
Dolores & David Dolan*
James Dolen
Barbara Donnelly
Joseph & Lisa Donohoe*
Eleanor Donovan*
Angela Donovan*
Bill & Patricia Dorfler
William & Lynn Dorland
Robert & Diane Dorricott
Grace & Brian Dorsey
Helen Dossche
Charlotte Doudell*
Colleen Dougherty
Rosalie Doyle*
George & Ann Driggs*
Rev. James Driscoll*
Phyllis Duckworth
John Duffy*
Theresa & Geno Duggan*
Madelyn Duke*
Carol Dunham
Josephine Dunkin*
Patricia Dunn
La Verne Dunn*
Beth Durant
Jean Dusil
Jeannette Dyer*
Zina Lou Dyer
Christine Earley & Richard Clark
David & Barbara Earnest*
Jane Eaves*
Eleanor & Kenneth Ebert
Richard Edminster*
Diane Edmonds
Linda Edwards-Benhart
Joan Egan*
Anne Ehret
Charles & Diane Eichhorn*
Mirella & Sebastiao Eiras
Georgeann Eiskamp
Nancy & James Elbing*
Mary Ann & Glenn Elliott
Donald & Janice Elliott
Rose Ann & Thomas Ellis
Eleanor Elrod
Eugene & Teresa Eng*
Stephen & Marni Engh
Katheryne & Edward Erigero*
Rosalie Eskew
Linda Espejo
Mary Espinoza
Joan Barton & Bob Evans
Robert & Dolores Evans
Pat Everett
Frank & Janice Fabbro
Louis Facchino*
Jeffrey & Christina Fairbairn
Leona Falkenstein
Leonard & Marie Farano
Anne & Thomas Farrell*
William Faulding
Marge & Edward Fawcett
Nicholas Fedeli and Family
Martin & Nellie Feldman
Patricia & Victor Feltin
Rose Marie Ferrando*
Victoria Ferrara
Frances Fiedler
Judith Figone*
Bruney & Patricia Filice*
Phyllis Firpo*
Anthony Fisher
Charles & Erin Fisher
William Flahavan
Most Rev. Richard Garcia*
Joanne Garvey*
Alice Garvin*
Maggie Gasdick
Geraldine Gatto
Edward & Carol George*
Harriet Geraci
Gloria Ghirarduzzi
Rose Giannetto
Thomas Giannetto
Gerald & Allene Graham*
Corinne & Robert Graves*
Bryce & Suzanne Graybill*
Helen Grcich*
Nancy Greely*
Mary Louise Green
William & Barbara Greenleaf*
Francis Greiner
Hannah Grilli
Merrill & Betty Grim*
Margaret & Harry Harmon
Henry & Beverly Harney
Frank & Jean Ann Harrison
Walter & Patricia Hartinger
Bernice Hartman*
Evon & William Hass
Thomas & Patricia Hastings
Jerry & Peg Hastings
Steven J. Hatton Trust
Carol & Thomas Haunert*
Thomas & Rose Flahavan
Patricia Foley*
Barbara & William Foote*
Edward & Dorothy Ford*
Pierre & Louise Fortayon
Delia Foster*
Wilma Foster*
Mary Foudy*
James & Bonnie Fox*
Michael & Jo Ann Fox
Michael & Mary Ellen Fox
Joyceda & M. J. Francis
Dorothy Frank*
Mary Frantin*
JoAnn & John Fraser
Linda & Peter Frederiksen*
Freeport-McMoRan Foundation
Rev. Harry Freiermuth
Celia Fresquez
Rochelle Fretty
Michael & Mary Friedrich*
Frank & Diane Fries*
Thomas & Marcia Fulham*
Dan Furtado
Rudolph & Joyce Galli*
John & Cleta Gallo*
Martha Giannini
Loreene Giansiracusa*
Evelyn Gidden
Ronald & Jannae Gill
Beverly Gilmore*
Muriel Gilson*
Nannette & Terrence Giomi
Raymond Giordano
Sharon Gissler
Paula Gleason
Rita Gleason*
Mary & Richard Glover
Margaret Gnehm
Abe & Natalie Goetz
Judith Goff Roveda
Louise Goicoechea*
William & Violet Golden*
Joel & Eloise Gomez
Louis & Erma Gonzales*
Marcus & Jeannette Gonzales
Kaye & J. Robert (dec) Gonzalves
Thomas & Judith Gorman
George & Gertrude Gottschalk
Sabina Gotuaco
Joseph & Marie Govean
Constance Govi*
Anna Marie Gruba*
Cristina Guerrero
Barbara Guevara*
Frances & Adrian Guilford*
Doris Guinasso
James Guinasso*
Evelyn Guiral*
Franklin & Lynn Gurnee
Joe & Patricia Gutierrez*
Frederick & Gail Haas
Walter and Elise Haas Fund
Martha Hafer
Althea & Allen Hagemann
Sabina Haggard
John & Carol Haggerty*
Roger & Elizabeth Hagman*
John Michael Haines
Daniel & Olivia Haley*
Diana & James Hallisy*
Mark & Joanne Hames*
Tim & Lupe Hammill
Patricia Hanisch
Frank & Denise Hannig
John & Anne Hannigan*
John Hannon*
Shirley Hansen*
Dennis Hauser
Hawaii Police Athletic Federation*
Patricia & Gene Hawkins
Elizabeth Hawley
Fred & JoAnn Hawley
Bernadette Hayes
Frank & Nancy Hegarty*
Glenyce-Lee Heiner*
Charles & Catherine Heinrich
Walter & Beatrice Heintz*
Gertrude Heinzer
Patricia Helin*
Roberta Helms*
Annmarie & Jacob Hendryx*
Robert & Geralyn Hennessy
Lynn Herman & Lydia Wahab
Sara Herbert*
Mary Herold
Peter & Victoria Hersey
Dolores Hickey*
Kathleen Hicks
Paula & Arnold Hider
Margaret Ann & Tom Hinga
Leland & Donna Ho
Margaret & Ralph Ho
Suzanne Hockel*
James & Janice Hoffman
R. Breen & Frances Hofmann*
David & Kathleen Hoie
Marie & W. B. Holland*
Cynthia & Robert Holm
Virginia Homan
Frank & Judy Homen
John Hossfeld*
Paul & Katherine Hough*
Michael & Valerie Hough
Robert & Mary Houser
Timothy Howard*
Marie Howarth*
Jean Howe
Rich & Susie Huetteman
Frances Hughes*
Thelma Hughes
Marie & Eino Huhtala*
Esther Hunsaker
Michael & Cassandra Huston*
Constance Hutchason*
Linda & Jack Hwang
Gloria Inserra
Borgia Izard
Gerald & Catherine Jack*
Warren Jackson*
Mary Jacobsen
Dorothy & Woodrow Jang
Maureen Jarrett*
Denise Jasmer
Marirose Jelicich*
Martin Jennings*
Cathy Jensen
Francisco & Laura Jimenez*
Rozanne & Randall Job
Carl Johnson
Joan Johnson
Marlene Johnson*
Mary Ann Joice
Lois Jones
Suzanne Jones
Kathleen Jones
Connie & Wiley Jones*
Mary Joyce*
Lynne Juarez
Robert & Joanne Kaczor
Roseann Kalich*
Michael Kalich*
Priya Kamath
Mary Pat & Ed Kanzaki*
Kent & Joan Kasnic
Edward Katz
David & Beverly Kavanaugh
Abigail Kawananakoa*
Sondra Keane
Marcie Keenan & Gregg Farano
Norma Keleher*
Anita Kelly
Brian & Marsha Kelly
Mark Kemerling
Dawn Kennedy*
Edward & Eileen Kennedy
Jennie & Harry Carter Kennedy*
William & Martha Kennedy*
Timothy & Sheila Kennedy
Mark Kenning
Geraldine Kern
Margaret Ann Kerns
Martha & Donald Ketzler*
* With special appreciation to contributors for 10 years or longer.
James Kiehm*
William J. Kinson, Jr.
Darrell & Barbara Kirkland
Margaret Kirby
Jeannette Klebofski*
Merle & Carol Knouf*
Ray & Betsy Kodres
Alena & John Kosewic*
Stanley & Eileen Krasovic*
Cecile & Edwin Krause*
Jane Kubel
Dolores & Dennis Kubel
Dina Kucich*
Martha Kudlacik
Edward Kuebrich
Virginia La Joie*
Wilma La Perle*
Thomas & Colette Lackovic*
Terry & Patricia LaCroix*
Michelle Ladcani
Eileen & Alan Laflin
Jennifer Lambdin*
James & Diane Langowski*
Emerita Lapuz
Jerome & Bernadine Larkin
Patricia Lathrop
Evelyn Lauchenauer
Byron & Irene Lawler*
Jean Laxague
Opal & Joe Laxague
Margaret Leal*
Tony Leanos*
June & Melville Leathley*
Harvey & Betsy Lee*
Annette Legallet
Lois & Dick LeMay*
Herbert & Mildred Lentz
John & Shannon Lenz
Dominic & Mary Leone*
Daniel & Patricia Lester
Jeanne & Anthony Leutza
Mary Levis*
Matt Lewett
Jayne Lewis
Jeffrey & Kerri Lewis
Laura Liccardo
Esther Limper*
Sylvia Lindemann
Dale & Florence Lint
George & Marilou Linzel
Winifred & Sherman Little*
Patti & Everett Littlejohn*
John Locke
Dorothy Locke*
Mary & James Locke
William & Janet Locke*
John & Ann Logan*
J. Robert & Diana Logan
Kevin & Mary Ann Loney*
James Loos*
James & Arlene Lucchesi
John & Janice Lucchesi
Jeanne Lukes*
Margaret & Lincoln Lum
Walter & Alice Lundin
Miriam Julie Lyle
Helen Lynch
Donna Lynd
Sally Ann Maguire
DONORS, SEPTEMBER 1, 2009 - AUGUST 31, 2010
Kathleen Maguire
Bernice Mahnke*
Carl & Erin Makarczyk
Alex & Nancy Malaspina*
Edith Maley*
Maureen Maloney*
John & Mary Gail Maloney*
Mario & Linda Mandy*
Patricia Mann
Sam & Barbara Marcantonio
Fiore & Agnes Marcheschi*
Mary Frances Marchetti
Stanley & Elizabeth Markowski*
William & Claire Marmion*
Manuel Marquez & Family
Alexandria Marren
Patrick & Barbara Marrone*
Joanne Martin
Margaret Martinez*
Steve Maslyar*
Regina Mastrantonio*
Joseph & Mary Mathieu*
Bonnie Matlock & Tod Francis
Patricia Mattox*
Alicia Maxcy
Monica May*
Johna Maychrowitz
Charles & Mary Merdinger*
Peter Merlone Trust*
Barbara & John Merritt
Reginald & Patricia Mersaroli*
Gerald & Claire Mertens*
Larry & Jeannie Meyer
Mary & William Meyer
Carol & Vaughn Meyers
Donna Miguelgorry*
Joseph & Joycelyn Milazzo*
Janice Miles*
Anna-Mary Miller
Robert Miller
Mary Miller*
James Arnold & Daiva Miller
Bernice & Arthur Miner
Cecilia Mirandette & Vincenzo
Peter & Norma Miron-Conk*
Virginia Mirrione*
Paul Mitterbach
Michael & Ina Miyahira
Arvind & Pua Mody
Joyce Mohatt
Albert & Norma Moisio
Albert & Loretta Monaco*
Mary Monihan & Mariano Dagang
Glenn & Shanon Natenson
National Religious Retirement
Office, Washington, DC*
Nativity Elementary School,
Menlo Park, CA
Mary Navarrete*
Evely Nazareth*
Gertrude Nebeling
Emil Nederostek
Eleanor Nelson*
Richard & Louise Nelson*
Dorothy Nicholas
George & Gaye Nicholau
Sal Nicoletta
Mary Nie
Patricia Niederhofer*
Kathleen Nino*
Nixon Peabody
James & Katherine Noether*
Vincent & Joyce Nola
Theresa Norden
Notre Dame Alumnae, California
State Federation*
Notre Dame Alumnae Association,
San Francisco*
Notre Dame High School, Belmont
Carol Novak
“May God draw the circle of generous giving
back to you in blessings a hundredfold.”
Nina Mazzo
Joseph & Helen Mazzo
John McCain
Thomas & Bettina McCall*
Dorothy McCarrick*
John McCarron
John & Mary Ann McCarthy
John & Janice McCloskey
Dennis & Joanne McConnell
Elinor McCormick
Joan McCormick*
Lorraine McCue
Gertrude McCulloch*
C. H. McCully*
George McDonald*
Marilyn & James McDonald
Raymond & Raquel McDonald*
Ruth Anne McFarlane
Catherine McGlinn
Colleen McGuire
Rev. Anthony McGuire*
Marion McInerney*
Daniel & Miranda McInerney*
John & Audrey McInerny
Donna McKinney*
Rosemary McKowen-Miller &
Jerry Miller
Robert McLean
Robert McLean, Jr.*
Patricia McNamara
Noreen McQuaid
Margaret Meagher*
Ralph & Helen Medsger
Richard Montana*
Cecilia Montana
Mary Moore
Barbara Moore
Britt & Amelia Moore
Nicholas & JoAnne Moore
Kathleen Moran*
Barbara Moran
Rev. Robert Moran*
Marie & Charles Moran*
Diane Morey*
Rose Morosa*
W. Patrick & Mary Morris
William & Susan Stoney Morris
Shirley Morrison*
Mary Morrissey
Alice Moser*
Frank & Maureen Moss
Don & Anne Mossey
Jane Mraz
Gerald & Katie Mugnolo*
Peter & Kathleen Muller*
Rita & Rita Muller
Harry Murphy
James Murphy*
Kathleen Murphy
Madeline Murphy
Margaret & Timothy Murphy*
Patricia & Eugene Murphy
William & Terry Murphy
William & Linda Murtha*
Thomas & Carol Nagengast
John & Kathleen Nalty*
Barbara & Gerald Novi-Marcinik*
Robert & Virginia Nurisso*
Albert & Dorothy Nuti
Corinne & Thomas Nyhan*
Barry O’Brien
Martin O’Brien
James & Cynthia O’Brien*
Linda & Drew O’Brien*
Audrey & James O’Brien*
Gregory Ochoa
Nancy & Paul O’Connell*
Carroll O’Connor
Janet O’Connor
Kathleen O’Connor
Bruna Odello
Roberta Offley*
Maureen O’Hara
Patrick & Lois O’Haren*
Mike Olavarri*
Rose Marie O’Leary*
Katie O’Leary
John & Mary Ann Olsen
Maxine Olson*
Frances O’Neil (dec)*
Joseph & Louise Oram
Mary O’Rourke*
Karen & Thomas O’Rourke
Jean Osborne*
Alina & Patrick O’Shea*
Maryann Osmond*
Andrew Osmond & Jennifer Kauls
Colleen Ostrofe*
Bill & Claire O’Sullivan
Barbara & Michael O’Sullivan*
Viola Owen*
James & Charlene Owens*
A. E. & M. R. Oyster
Rodney Page*
James & Patricia Page*
Catherine & David Pandori
Lucile Panella*
Manuel & Cecyle Pantiga*
George & Laurie Pappas
Elizabeth & Robert Parden*
William & Kathleen Parun*
Florian Pasiliao
Arlene & Joseph Passalacqua*
Kimber Patterson & Ken Heyman
Linda Pattridge
Mabel Pattridge
Susan & Darrell Peck*
Lyle & Carol Peddicord
Anita Pennington*
James Pepping
Armando & Adilia Perez*
Donald Perlenda
Robert & Carole Perlick*
Veronica Perry*
Paul & Roberta Pershing*
Dorothy & Thomas Peters*
William & La Verne Petree*
Gail Petty*
Merilyn Pezzuto*
Henry & Louise Phelan*
Robert & Dolores Pia*
Sheila Pickwell
Charles & Dolores Pihera
Kathleen Pike
Mary Pilo
John Pista
Diane & Jeff Pizzo
Virginia Ploeser*
Theresa Plut
David & Irene Plyer*
Julia Pon*
Randall & Cynthia Pond*
Josephine Porterfield*
Julie, Brian, and Mary Powelson
Mary Powelson & John Skelly
Beverly Powelson (dec)*
James & Mary Powers
Barbara Prato
Eugene & Georgine Premo*
The Louis & Harold Price
Robert & Janet Prince
Timothy & Susan Propeck
Mary Prout*
Michael & Gloria Puleo*
Terry Purcell*
Angela & James Putkey
Joe Putnam
Most Rev. Francis Quinn
Richard Quinn
Robert Quinn*
Sharon Quinn
Ellen Radday*
Barney & Marlene Radovich
Evelyn Radunich
Diana Raggio
Jim & Ashley Raggio
Mary Jane Raggio
Linda Rahmer*
Sherman & Maureen Railsback
Kathy & James Ramsey
Nancy Ransil Regan
Barbara Rasmussen
Thomas & Holly Rathman
Raymond Ratto*
Albert & Josephine Ratto*
Karen & Cordell Ratzlaff
Norma Rawlings*
Donald & Patricia Rawson*
Reach and Teach Learning,
San Mateo
Calvin & Ann Marie Rebello
Joan Rebottaro
James & Victoria Reed
Dorothy Reek
Sally Backus & Paul Reinmann
Barbara & William Reising*
Marion Remelman
Helen & Armando Rendon
Renne Sloan Holtzman Sakai LLP
Carol Rennie
Carmela Doris & Raymond Reyna
Constance & Clark Reynolds
Maureen Riedy
Anthony & Jean Riggio*
John & Carole Riley*
David & Saundra Rinde*
Donald & Jane Ring
Edward Ritelli*
Ann Robbie*
John & Brenda Robbins
Ruth Robinson
Rian & Mary Katherine Robison*
Eileen Rodman*
A. F. Rodrigues*
Deborah & Henry Rodriguez
T. Gary and Kathleen Rogers
Supporting Family Foundation
Richard & Frances Rohrbacher*
William & Donna Romano
Mary Ronzani*
Jeanne Rosati
Aurora & Frank Roselli
Marlene Ross
Tina Rossi
Richard & Joanne Rossi
Donald & Dorothy Rottinghaus
Robert & Gerry Roy*
William Royer
Mary Rubel*
Carl & Sondra Rudey*
Mary Ann Ruggiero*
Pauline Rushin
Patricia & Francis Ruth*
Kathleen Ryan*
Kevin & Molly Ryan
Janice Salberg
Kathleen & Michael Salli
Sofi Samaniego
William Sanchez
Henry & Magda Sanchez
Jeannette & Albert Sandberg*
Felix & Olivia Sandoval
Gayle Sanfilippo
Shirley Sapena
Ann & Jerry Saulter
Margaret & William Saunderson*
Angela Saxon
Robert & Conchita Say
Jacqueline Schiedeck
William Fred & Marian Schmidt
Jolene Schmitz CHS
David & Maryann Schnitter
Marylou Schoone
Joanne Schott*
Mary Schumacher*
John & Elaine Schuster
Karen Schwarz
Elaine & Peter Schwarzkopf*
Marta Schweitzer
Arthur Schweitzer, Jr.
Judy Schwellenbach
Mariece Schwieterman
Christina & Maurice Sciammas
Mary Ellen Sciarini
John Sciortino*
Roxanne Scott
Evelyn & Gordon Seely
Stewart & Rita Semple
Margaret & Dennis Serger
Donna Serna*
Norman & Janet Serra*
Gus Settrini
Claire & R. L. Shaklee
John & Linda Shea*
Anna Sheehan*
Katherine Shehan
John Shields
Robert & Jean Shoemaker*
Bruce & Miriam Shoup
Gloria Shreve*
Joan Sicuranza
Amparo Sides
Susan Siebert
Betty Lee Siedle (dec)*
Veronica Silacci
Charles & Rose Silvera
Joseph Simini
Janet Simons
E. R. & Diane Simpson
JoAnne Sinatra
Sisters of the Presentation
Roger Skarston*
David Smith
Marjorie Smith*
Sally Smith*
Elizabeth Anne Smith
Ellen Smith*
C. Michael & Adrienne Smith*
Emmett & Betty Smith
Kerry & Catherine Smith
Christina & James Smith
Mary Eda & Robert Smith
Maxine Smrekar*
Francine & Michal Smulski
James & Sharon Snider
Mary Somers
Warren & Merry Sommers
Marie Sorci
Mary Alice & Theodore Sorensen
Irene Sorokolit-Gregson*
Carol & Ben Spalluto
Margaret Spath*
Diana & John Spediacci
David Sperbeck
Sheryl Sperry
George & Ann Spillane
Gilbert & Felicita St. John*
St. Philomena Elementary School,
Des Moines, WA
Patricia Stacker*
Norma Stang
Michael & Pat Stecher
John & Barbara Thielen*
Henry Thierry*
Joseph & Andrea Thomas*
Barbara Hanagan & Edward
Robert & Joanne Thompson
James & Marylynne Thompson*
Margaret Steel*
Grant Steer
Thomas & Mary Stelzner*
Mae Stolich
Edwin & Marilyn Stone
Deborah Stoner & Carel
Veenhuyzen *
Pamela Stoner & Elias Blawie*
Howard & Rosemary Stovall
Mary Ann Stowell
Evelyn Stretch*
Mark & Kathleen Sullivan*
Rita & Michael Sullivan*
Lorraine Sunseri
Richard & Marjorie Sutter
Miriam & James Swanson*
Patricia Sweeney
James & Margaret Sweeney
Edie Switzer
Jon Szczepaniak
Cyrus & Maureen Tabari
Jack & Mary Talbot*
Sharon Tamagni*
Helen Tambur*
Diane & Gene Tanguay
Rudy & Carmel Tapiro
Gasper & Louise Tassielli*
Harry & Sandra Taylor*
Doris Telucci
Gertrude Terheyden*
Elizabeth Thomsen*
Leland & Shirley Thornally
Sidney & Sheila Tiedt*
TIMCO Aviation Services
Greensboro, NC
Robert Titlow*
Norma Toole*
Rosanne Torre
Barbara & Jim Tortorici
Thomas & Stephanie Toschi
Barbara & Donald Traver
Anna Maria Traverso*
George Trebaol
Doris Trejo*
Dorothy Tremblay
Constance & John Trewin
Jacquelin Trifilo
Robert & Fernanda Trifilo
Alfred & Moyra Trigueiro*
Michelle & Peter Trumbo
John & Teresa Turco*
Anthony & Phyllis Turturici*
John & Theresa Ucovich*
Rev. Deborah Uharriet *
Evelyn Uibelhoer*
Thomas & Lucille Uldrick
Maxine Vaillancourt
Rose Vallecillo*
Bruce & Barbara Van Alstyne
Victoria & Steve Vandenbusch
Betty & Pete VanDenHoek
Mary Lynn Van Horn
Wilfred & Dorothy Vares*
Keith & Judith Vaughn*
Mary Vega*
Verizon Foundation
Thomas & Donna Vickers
John Vidal
Loreen Villaluna
J. Malcolm Visbal*
Scott & Lisa Vix
Angelo & Sharon Volpato
James Volz*
Donald Von Tobel
Dan & Cindy Vrooman*
Eugene Wagner
John Wagner
Bernadette Wahle*
Steven & Mary Lou Wald
Phyllis Wallace
Kurt & Mary Wallace
Peter Waller
Karen & John Walters
Robin & Jim Walther
Joseph & Mildred Washington
Monique Waters
Susan Watkins
Clarice & Frank Watson
Darrell & Joan Watts
Ronald & Christina Webb
Art & Margaret Wehr*
Nancy Welch*
Bernard & Helen Welky
Carol Ann Wenzel
Joan McCarron Wesockes*
Suzanne & Clinton West*
Paula Westdahl
John & Roberta Whelan*
Mary Louise & George Wieser*
Carol Ann Wiley
Carole & Bob Williams*
Donald & Joanne Williams
Richard & Joann Williams*
Thomas & Jolyne Williams*
Nelida Willoughby
Lola Willoughby*
Marianne Wilson
William Wilson
Carole Wilson*
Howard & Alice Wilson
Margaret & Jefferys Winton
Evelyn Wollbrinck
Carley Wong
Christine Wong
Anna & Philip Yau Wong
Donna Woodcock*
Paul & Dianne Woofter*
John Worden
Michael Worley*
James & Beverly Wright*
Michael & Evalyn Yamanaka
Judith Yarbrough
Joan Yates*
Kerin & John Yates
Edmund & Janet Murphy Yee
YLI #85*
Frances & Cecil Yother
Virginia Young*
Ruth Younger
* With special appreciation to contributors for 10 years or longer.
DONORS, SEPTEMBER 1, 2009 - AUGUST 31, 2010
Patricia & Fred Zanetta
Sheldon & Patricia Zatkin*
John & Marie Zderic*
Marilyn Zecher
Sande Zeig
Gary & Carol Zellmer
Richard & Rosaleen Zlatunich*
Warren & Mary Zodrow
Marguerite Zolman*
Joseph & Ruth Zucca
Memorial and
Tribute Gifts
Gifts support the lives
and work of the Sisters
St. Julie Legacy Society
These Notre Dame friends have chosen to include
the Sisters in their estate plans.
Anonymous (2)
Robert Adams III*
Karen Albertus
Donald Allari*
Eilif & Irene Andersen*
Helen Anderson*
Maria Bacigalupo*
Dorothy Banker*
Lauretta Barabe
Carolyn Becker
Edward & Evelyn Benney
Claire Blohm*
Eric & Melinda Bollinger*
Edward & Virginia Brewer*
Bill Cagney
Helene Carlozzi
Mary Cea
Damiana Chavez*
Betty Cowley*
Lawrence & Cecilia Daniello
Irene Day
Marlene DeNardo
Cecilia Dubois
Mary Emery
Sheila Emigh*
Annette Fagundes
Thomas Gates*
Joan Gibbons
Margaret Gilbert
Muriel Gilson*
Rita Gleason*
Louise Goicoechea*
Daniel & Olivia Haley*
George Cherie Hampton
John & Anne Hannigan*
Charles & Carolyn Herold
Marian Hofmann
Mary Joyce*
Paul Lynn Kalcic
Margaret Kennedy
Thomas Kernan
Frances Kwoka*
Joan LeClercq-Rotar*
Rita Leitner
Fred & Jo Leitz*
Eileen Lepera
Patricia Lewis*
Esther Limper*
James & Patricia Maguire*
Judith Mahnke & Marc Baum*
William & Claire Marmion*
Monica May*
John & Barbara Molinari
Alice Moser*
Jo & Al O’Dea*
Rita O’Reilly
Germaine Orlando
Maryann Osmond*
Lucile Panella*
Mario Pardini
Doris Payne*
Anita Pennington*
Merilyn Pezzuto*
Linda Preisendorf
Robin Provence*
Patricia Puentes
Gloria Raffo*
Peter & Lenore Raffo
Sally Backus & Paul Reinmann
Louis & Kathleen Rezzonico
Elizabeth & John Rizzo*
David & Susan Ross
Carl & Sondra Rudey*
Julianne & John Salverson
Karen Schwarz
Donald & JoAnn Shaw
Clare Thorpe
Robert Titlow*
Anna Maria Traverso*
Michael Tuite
Cyril Weinberger
Joan McCarron Wesockes*
Edward Zarate
Anonymous (56)
Marie Elaine Acree
Helen & Roy Adzich
Eilif & Irene Andersen*
Ernest & Vicky Andrews*
Pamela Arnoldy
Philomena Arrigo*
Michael & Marcella Atherton
P. W. Bachan
Patricia Baker
Richard & Therese Baker
Dorothy Banker*
Thomas & May Barisone
Catherine Barranti
Edward & Josephine Bertaccini*
Robert Bettencourt*
Bruce & Julie Bettencourt
Barbara Bihn
Claire Blohm*
Beatrice Boland
John Bondi*
Chenna Bonequi*
Charles & Geraldine Borrecco*
Thomas & Rosalinda Brady
Joyce Brown
Kay Buckley*
Mark & Corinne Butier
Judith Elaine Cala
Suzanne & Richard Capella*
Edward & Patricia Carlton
Melvin Cavallero
Eileen & Robert Caviglia
Ellen & Satish Chandra
Diane & Will Chenoweth
Barbara & Andrew Chiari*
Charles & Linda Chlubna*
Margaret Christian*
Kelly & Stephen Clarke
Russell Codd
James & Sharon Coles*
George & Martha Colla
Ann Comer & Dong Liang Duh
June Comer
Concord Cup Soccer, Concord
Joseph Conway
Alice Cooper
Robert & Lucille Corcel*
Eugene & Florine Corriea*
Thomas & Catherine Corum
Betty Cowley*
Mary Cross
Patricia & James Crull*
Christopher & Christine Cunnie
James & Sheila Cunnie
Alice Davis*
Edwin & Leilani Davis
Barbara Delucchi
Richard Dixon*
Barbara Donnelly
Angela Donovan*
William & Lynn Dorland
Robert & Diane Dorricott
Helen Dossche
Madelyn Duke*
Carol Dunham
Helene Eich-Edmiston
Georgeann Eiskamp
Eleanor Elrod
Linda Wathen Espejo
Mary Espinoza
Joan Barton & Bob Evans
Jeffrey & Christina Fairbairn
Leona Falkenstein
Leonard & Marie Farano
Marge & Edward Fawcett
Nicholas Fedeli and Family
Martin & Nellie Feldman
Frances Fiedler
Bruney & Patricia Filice*
William Flahavan
Thomas & Rose Flahavan
Wilma Foster*
James & Bonnie Fox*
Rochelle Fretty
Geraldine Gatto
Edward & Carol George*
Loreene Giansiracusa*
Raymond Giordano
Rita Gleason*
Mary & Richard Glover
Judith Goff Roveda
Louise Goicoechea*
Nancy Greely*
William & Barbara Greenleaf*
Barbara Guevara*
James Guinasso*
Joe & Patricia Gutierrez*
Roger & Elizabeth Hagman*
Frank & Jean Ann Harrison
Walter & Patricia Hartinger
Steven J. Hatton Trust
Charles & Catherine Heinrich
Roberta Helms*
Paul & Katherine Hough*
Jean Howe
Thelma Hughes
Gloria Inserra
Dorothy & Woodrow Jang
Cathy Jensen
Rozanne & Randall Job
Elizabeth Johnson
Priya Kamath
Joan Kasnic
Sondra Keane
Dawn Kennedy*
Margaret Ann Kerns
Malouge Kingsley
William J. Kinson, Jr.
Merle & Carol Knouf*
Jane Kubel
Dolores & Dennis Kubel
Dina Kucich*
Edward Kuebrich
Vincent & Elizabeth Kurr
Michelle Ladcani
Jerome & Bernadine Larkin
Patricia Lathrop
Evelyn Lauchenauer
Dominic & Mary Leone*
Mary Levis*
Matt Lewett
Dorothy Locke*
John & Ann Logan*
James & Arlene Lucchesi
John & Janice Lucchesi
Kerri & Peter Macha
Sally Ann Maguire
Maureen Maloney*
Patricia Mann
Sam & Barbara Marcantonio
Alexandria Marren
Joanne Martin
Patricia Mattox*
Monica May*
Johna Maychrowitz
Joseph & Helen Mazzo
John & Mary Ann McCarthy
John & Janice McCloskey
Dennis & Joanne McConnell
C. H. McCully*
Reginald & Patricia Mersaroli*
Mary & William Meyer
Cecilia Mirandette & Vincenzo
Virginia Mirrione*
Joyce Mohatt
Albert & Norma Moisio
Nicholas & JoAnne Moore
Barbara Moran
Marie & Charles Moran*
Diane Morey*
Rose Morosa*
Don & Anne Mossey
Margaret & Timothy Murphy*
Thomas & Carol Nagengast
John & Kathleen Nalty*
National Association of Retired
Federal Employees
Nativity Elementary School,
Menlo Park
Mary Navarrete*
Gertrude Nebeling
Richard & Louise Nelson*
George & Gaye Nicholau
Patricia Niederhofer*
Nixon Peabody
James & Katherine Noether*
Notre Dame Alumnae Association,
San Francisco*
Notre Dame Elementary Parents
Club, Belmont
Albert & Dorothy Nuti
Barry O’Brien
Linda & Drew O’Brien*
Kathleen O’Connor
Katie O’Leary
Rose Marie O’Leary*
Maxine Olson*
Maryann Osmond*
Bill & Claire O’Sullivan
Viola Owen*
Rodney Page*
George & Laurie Pappas
Florian Pasiliao
Kimber Patterson & Ken Heyman
Linda Pattridge
Mabel Pattridge
Susan & Darrell Peck*
Mark & Joanna Penner
Mary Pilo
Diane & Jeff Pizzo
Julia Pon*
Julie, Brian, and Mary Powelson
Mary Powelson & John Skelly
Beverly Powelson (dec)*
Angela & James Putkey
Evelyn Radunich
Diana Raggio
Mary Jane Raggio
Sherman & Maureen Railsback
Barbara Rasmussen
Joan Rebottaro
Renne Sloan Holtzman Sakai LLP
Constance & Clark Reynolds
John & Carole Riley*
David & Saundra Rinde*
Donald & Dorothy Rottinghaus
William Royer
Mary Rubel*
Carl & Sondra Rudey*
David & Maryann Schnitter
Marta Schweitzer
Arthur Schweitzer, Jr.
Judy Schwellenbach
Margaret & Dennis Serger
Gus Settrini
Katherine Shehan
Veronica Silacci
Elizabeth Anne Smith
Emmett & Betty Smith
Kerry & Catherine Smith
Francine & Michal Smulski
Mary Somers
Mary Alice & Theodore Sorensen
George & Ann Spillane
Michael & Pat Stecher
Evelyn Stretch*
Marjorie & Richard Sutter
James & Margaret Sweeney
Jon Szczepaniak
Doris Telucci
Marylynne & James Thompson*
Robert & Joanne Thompson
TIMCO Aviation Services
Greensboro, NC
Cihan & Gaye Tinaztepe
Thomas & Stephanie Toschi
Fernanda & Robert Trifilo
Jacquelin Trifilo
John & Theresa Ucovich*
Angelo & Sharon Volpato
Steven & Mary Lou Wald
Karen & John Walters
Laurel & Patrick Ward
Clarice & Frank Watson
Ronald & Christina Webb
Bernard & Helen Welky
Carol Ann Wenzel
Joan McCarron Wesockes*
Thomas & Jolyne Williams*
Evelyn Wollbrinck
Paul & Dianne Woofter*
John Worden
Mike & Evalyn Yamanaka
Kerin & John Yates
YLI #85, Salinas*
Sande Zeig
Warren & Mary Zodrow
Notre Dame
Jubilee Fund
Supporting the work of
Notre Dame in Africa &
Latin America
Anonymous (19)
Mark Aldrich
Associates of Notre Dame
Ernest Atondo
Mary Basso
Rachael Bertone
Chenna Bonequi
Kasey Caillat
Henry & Eugenia Cary
Lawrence & Charlene Castelli*
Kelly & Stephen Clarke
Joey Ann & Jeff Cory
Olga Coy
James & Mary Cravalho
Marlene DeNardo
Robert & Diane Dorricott
Helene Eich-Edmiston
Stephen & Marni Engh
Jane Gatti
Sabina Gotuaco
Cristina Guerrero
Steven J. Hatton Trust
Patricia & Gene Hawkins
Lynn Herman* & Lydia Wahab
Esther Hilferty
Linda & George Hunter
Elizabeth Johnson
Erin Johnston
Cheryl Joseph
Benita Kenn
Claire Kimball
Malouge Kingsley
Vincent & Elizabeth Kurr
Kerri & Peter Macha
James & Denice McMahon
Christine Minah Pak
Virginia Mirrione*
Kathleen Moran*
Tuan Nguyen
Notre Dame Alumnae Association,
San Francisco*
Notre Dame Elementary Parents
Club, Belmont
Kathleen O’Connor
J. Catherine O’Kelly
Bruce Paynter
Mark & Joanna Penner
Angela Perino
Violet Pollock
Propagation of the Faith:
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Diocese of Sacramento
Diocese Santa Rosa
Archdiocese of San Francisco*
Diocese of San Jose*
Diocese of Stockton
National Association of Retired
Federal Employees
Clare Ronzani & Bruce Lescher
Robert & Conchita Say
Arthur Schweitzer, Jr.
Kerry & Catherine Smith
St. Cornelius Catholic Church,
Long Beach
Barbara Stange
Thomas & Elena Tealdi
Robert & Joanne Thompson
Cihan & Gaye Tinaztepe
Kurt & Mary Wallace
Linda & Thomas Walsh
Laurel & Patrick Ward
Assuring the ongoing
work of the Notre Dame
community and the
Retired Sisters
Thomas R. Bettencourt Living Trust*
Bozena Durovec*
Mona Edgar
Margaret Anne Fraher*
Theodore Judge*
Peter Merlone Trust*
Mary Vinassa
Clara Wade
Elbe Young*
2009 – 2010
Gifts in Kind
Services, expertise,
and material goods
Anonymous (5)
The Alternative Baking Company,
Beneath the Surface
Barbara Birch
Janet Boyle
Andrea Braun, DDS
Richard Braun
Brazilian Lace Cooperative
Alex Chai, M.D.
Isabel Costa
Crippen & Flynn Carlmont Chapel
Cheryl Cooper, Eye Catchers
Therese & Rick Curotto
East-West Gourmet Afghan Food
Shahrazar Hedayati, DDS
Rita Gleason
Lois Jones
Mark Kemereling, DDS
Claire Kimball
William De Mers
Gail Jacoby, M.D.
Marirose Jelicich
Merle & Carol Knouf
La Fonda Cocina Mexicana,
San Mateo
Sandy Lesnewsky
Lynne Lukenbill
Notre Dame High School, Belmont
Notre Dame San Francisco
Alumnae Association
John P. Smith, M.D.
Pat Smith, Extravaganza Catering
Patricia Stacker
Starbucks, Redwood City
Sterling Albert Winery, Concord
Deb Stoner
Marci Stewart Design
James E. Tearse, M.D.
Paul Tsang, Masterpiece Portrait,
San Carlos
The Van’s Restaurant, Belmont
Dede Waters-Masters
Wildridge Organics
Yosemite View Lodge, El Portal
Valley View Clinical Pharmacy,
Monroe, WA
* With special appreciation to contributors for 10 years or longer.
A Legacy
of Love
133 times,
she asked the Sisters to join
her in praying for friends and family she cared
about and wanted to honor or remember in a
way she felt was more meaningful than cards
or flowers.
133 times
she used the Notre Dame
Memorial/Tribute program to send a
contribution to the Sisters, usually $20 - $25.
133 times,
over a period of about
25 years, the Sisters thanked her and prayed
for her as well as the people she asked them
to pray for.
The Sisters remembered her as a little girl at
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School in Redwood
City, and growing up at Notre Dame High
School, Belmont, and later still, at College of
Notre Dame.
Perhaps it’s not surprising, then, that Winnie
Thorpe Cooper continued to remember the
Sisters when she made her estate plans. After
her husband, George, died, and five years after
Winnie’s death, the Sisters recently received
another gift from her – this time, for $25,000.
Every gift from Winnie was appreciated. The
friendship that prompted her gifts was appreciated. The Sisters will always be very grateful to and for Winnie, and will continue to
remember her in prayer.
Thank you
To read about other Legacy donors like Winnie,
visit our website at
What Kind of Legacy
Will You Leave
Every gift is important to Sisters of Notre Dame, and shows that you share our vision. If the Sisters are
one of your most important charitable causes, you can make them part of your legacy. You can leave a
lasting legacy to your values as you help continue the work of Notre Dame and care for the Sisters.
Other Reasons to Consider:
1. It’s simple to do. It can be as easy as including language stating, “I give ten percent of the net
value of my estate to Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, California Province.”
2. You can change your mind. You can amend anything you choose, i.e., beneficiaries, amounts, etc.
3. Tax-wise, it could be beneficial for you. Gifts to Sisters of Notre Dame and other qualified
charitable organizations reduce the value of your estate for estate tax purposes.
4. It’s an easy way to support Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, and we would be very grateful
for your gift.
How you include a gift in your will or trust depends on what you want to accomplish,
and what you want to give to Sisters of Notre Dame.
Here are some options:
• Give a percentage of your estate — e.g., “I give 10% of the net value of my estate (as finally
determined for federal estate tax purposes) to Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.”
• Give a percentage of the residue of your estate — the amount left after specific bequests have
been given to individuals and organizations; e.g., “I give 25% of the (rest, residue, and) remainder
of my estate to Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.”
• Give a specific dollar amount or item of property; e.g., “I give Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
$25,000” or “I give Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur 100 shares of IBM stock.”
You can also designate how your Legacy Gift will be used.
• Make the gift unrestricted — it will be used for the top priority needs identified by the Sisters;
• Restrict the gift, i.e., to support retired Sisters of Notre Dame;
• Memorialize or honor a loved one: “This gift is made in loving memory of my wife/ or / Sister______.”
The correct legal name of Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur is
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, California Province, 1520 Ralston Ave., Belmont, CA 94002
For more information about making a Legacy gift, please contact
Monica May, Director of Development (650) 486-2177, [email protected] has more information and examples about Legacy gifts.
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TO YOU, our Notre Dame
friends and supporters -
“We always give thanks to God for you
and mention you in our prayers,
constantly remembering before our
God your faith, your love and your
steadfastness of hope....”
(1 Thessalonians 1: 2)
VISIONS/ANNUAL REPORT is published by the Development
Office for benefactors and friends of the Sisters of Notre Dame,
California Province.
Monica May • Karen Bil Ratzlaff • Aileen Bermingham, SND • Lynne Lukenbill
Maryann Osmond • Mary Powelson • Jean Stoner, SND • Jeanette Braun, SND
Paul Tsang • Marci A. Stewart, Graphic Designer
cover photo: Sr. Jon Julie Sullivan, SND
Visions is printed on
recycled paper made with
55% recycled fibers and
30% post consumer waste.