DEFINING UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS’ OBJECTS FOR THE WEB Lorisa Andreolia, Mariagabriella Fornasierob, Alessandra Menegazzic Sofia Talasd a Padua Botanical Garden library, University Library System, University of Padua, via Orto Botanico 15, 35123 Padua, Italy b Museum of the Geology and Paleontology (MGP), University of Padua, via Giotto, 1 35121 Padua, Italy c Museum of Archaeological Sciences and Art (MSA), University of Padua, piazza Capitaniato 7, 35139 Padua, Italy d Museum of the History of Physics (MHP), University of Padua, via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padua, Italy Padua University Museum System (SMA) Padua University Library System (SBA) The cataloguing system adopted for museum objects: standards and software Phaidra repository (Permanent Hosting, Archiving and Indexing of Digital Resources and Assets) In Italy, the cataloguing guidelines for cultural heritage are provided by the ICCD, Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation of the Ministry of the Cultural Heritage ( Phaidra is the digital asset management system used by the SBA (https:// It is based on the Fedora Commons open-source software and is maintained by the Computer Centre of the University of Vienna, with which the University of Padua has collaborated since 2010. For every different kind of cultural asset, the ICCD has developed a specific cataloguing template. Each cataloguing template has more than 300 fields, some of which are common to all assets, while others are typical of the single cultural discipline. To deal with its heritage, Padua University Museum System uses 14 of ICCD’s cataloguing cards. Phaidra’s main features are: As for the cataloguing software, the museums of Padua University use Artin XML -web system, developed by the CRUI (Conference of Italian Universities Rectors). Artin XML-web was originally created to set up a centralized data base for Italian University Museums ( ArtIn-XML.html). long-term archiving of digital objects (images, documents, books, video and audio) description and indexing of digital objects (https:// management of licenses and access rights enabling web-users to access rare and culturally interesting documents Web access to the museums’ collections The ongoing project aims to develop a “tool” that will harvest data from the different cataloguing templates of Padua University museums database (Artin XMLweb) and transfer the selected data into Phaidra repository, in order to provide accessibility and visibility to the museums’ collections in a transversal way, and to provide the public with links between museums’ items and the rest of Padua University’s heritage (libraries, archives, etc). As a first step three Museums are involved in the project: MSA, MGP, MHP. Defining university museums’ objects for the web One of the crucial issues of the project consisted in defining what data to harvest, i.e. the minimum necessary fields that can “define” university heritage objects for the public. No standard is defined for a short public-oriented card in Italy nor in other countries, as far as we know. A kind of web semantic analysis was thus carried out by the curators of three of the University museums (MSA, MGP, MHP) in collaboration with a librarian of the CAB. This team worked on the cataloguing templates of: archaeological objects art objects geological and paleontological heritage scientific instruments Technical development of the project For each cataloguing template a set of fields for public-oriented cards was defined. Some of the selected fields were common to all the cards and others were specific, but six main common semantic sections emerged, common to the four cataloguing templates: Definition of the object Dating Description Provenance Access information Bibliography Further developments of the project The work done as of now for 4 typologies of items will be extended in the next months to the whole heritage of the University of Padua, in order to achieve a portal of the university’s heritage. The web semantic analysis and the short public oriented cards could be proposed to the ICCD to be adopted as standards at a National level. The harvesting of data from Artin XML web to Phaidra could be easily extended to other Italian university museums which use Artin XML web. Layout: Luisa Marcolin