DavMoo- Nikki Blog


DavMoo- Nikki Blog
I have known Nikki since she was a graduating senior at Idaho and I tried to convince her to find a job in broadcast media. I remember being disappointed
that she went to work in print media with the Idaho Statesman, but now in hindsight can see that this is another example of how things work out for the
best. After having an epic run at the Statesman and taking some time off to have Mitch she joined MMG as our media planner. For 15 years she has
been the consummate professional. She has embraced our philosophy of cultivating relationships with our media partners while making
creative and data informed strategic media plans. No job at the agency has had a as much change over the years and Nikki has kept her finger on the pulse
of the rapidly evolving media landscape including a little thing called the internet. She is indeed our client’s secret weapon when it comes to fully
integrated marketing making every dollar invested deliver the best possible return on investment. Beyond that she is the type of person you want in your
bunker when the shit-storm hits….an absolute workhorse who handles the stress of deadlines and seemingly insurmountable challenges. That she has
done all this while being a tremendous mother to three wonderful kids makes her 15 year career at DaviesMoore all the more impressive. I have been very
lucky to share my professional life with some amazing women and Nikki started it all and set the bar high! I’d like to thank Terry, Mitch, Tommy and Maggie
for sharing Nikki with us and Congratulate Greg and Trish for raising a wonderful daughter!
If you know Nikki, you know she is someone you want on your
Happy 15th Anniversary Nikki! Having worked with you for 12 1/2 of those 15 years
team. Whether it is negotiating a media buy, planning an
I can truly say you
event, cocktails after work or a discussion on what is best for
DM... easily playing the role of manager, mom, big sister and best friend as needed.
our children, Nikki adds a passion like no one else.
You watch out for our best interests while doing the same for clients and vendors and
that is probably why you are loved by all. I've seen you survive near-death collisions
with cars and co-workers during our old McCall retreats and plenty more perilous
situations at work on a daily basis. Thanks for your wisdom, your laugh and for always
bringing some light to the room [Literally and figuratively - Nikki hates meeting in
dark rooms!}
are one of the cornerstones of the house that is
She lights up a room and isn’t afraid to put her foot down when
necessary. She is an incredible mentor and applies this same
passion to the support of everyone around her. She wants the
best for the team and is the first to offer a solution in a
challenging situation. As a friend and fellow mother in the
workplace, I have always respected Nikki and think of her as
an example of the type of woman I aspire to be. She is caring,
loyal, brilliant and fun, leading by example and balancing the
needs of her family and her role at DaviesMoore with grace.
We are so lucky to have Nikki on our team. Cheers to 15 years!
Thank you for pushing me and for allowing
each day at work to be a learning experience!
I look up to you as a boss, friend, person and
mother and we are all lucky to have you
in our lives! Thanks for everything, happy
15 years at DM!
I am so thankful to have had the privilege of working alongside Nikki for the last eight
years. Her wealth of knowledge for this business and the media landscape has made
her such an asset to our agency. I have learned so much from her and truly
appreciate her has a colleague and friend.
With everything Nikki has accomplished, I’m
surprised she’s only worked at MMG/DaviesMoore
for 15 years! I remember meeting her back when she
was with The Idaho Statesman and being impressed
that she “knew her stuff.” That still holds true
today – what a valuable member of our DM team. It’s
a joy to work with her as she puts up with me with a
smile, and I continue to learn more and more with her
help. Congratulations and thank you.
A week after I started at DaviesMoore, Nikki and I were driving to Sun Valley for an employee retreat
where we must have spent an hour on that desolate, desert highway between Mountain Home and
Fairfield where she explained to me all the media terminology with which I had almost no familiarity.
I am not sure how much I retained but it made me appreciate how much knowledge she has in the
Thank you for 15 years of media
sandwiches. Hoping for 15 more?
Nikki, congratulations on 15 amazing years
creativity and
expertise on all things media is
with DaviesMoore. Your
invaluable to our clients and agency. I’ve
been so fortunate to learn so much from you
during my time at DM. You’re a great leader, a
great teammate and a great friend. Thank
you for all you do, and here’s to your
continued success with DaviesMoore.
traditional media space. My head was spinning! I'm so glad she's our resident expert because I'm
pretty sure I'll never really understand what a GRP is.
Nikki is a consummate professional. She has been since day one with the agency when we shared an extremely tight office space. We sat back to back. She
would be calling various newspaper reps negotiating buys for Malone Outfitters in markets like Ruston, LA. and Pigeon Forge, TN. I was writing and
designing the ads. When we would recline simultaneously, we would bonk heads. But in 15 years of working together, that was about the only time we
the perfect balance of thoughtfulness, curiosity, open-mindedness, intelligence,
toughness, kindness and persistence. She is tough as hell and as caring as can be. She is a wonderful friend and mentor, who I will always
ever butted heads. To me, Nikki is
respect and value both professionally and personally.
#celebratemoore #15moore