TENDER No. KFS/5/2016 - Kenya Forest Service
TENDER No. KFS/5/2016 - Kenya Forest Service
KENYA FOREST SERVICE PROVISION OF MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES FOR ICT EQUIPMENT Bid No. KFS/5/2016 – 2017 AUGUST 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ………………………………………. 3 SECTION I INVITATION TO TENDER…………………………………. 4 SECTION II INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS……………………….. 5 APPENDIX TO INSTITUTIONS TO TENDER …………. 19 SECTION III GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT……………… 21 SECTION IV SPECIAL COND1TIONS OF CONTRACT……………….. 27 SECTION V SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS……………………… 30 SECTION VI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS………………………… 31 SECTION VI STANDARD FORMS………………………………………. 33 INTRODUCTION The Kenya Forest Service is a corporate body that was established under the Forest Act, 2005 (henceforth referred to as the Act). Commencing its operations in February 2007, the Service’s expressed mandate is: To enhance development, conservation and management of Kenya’s forest resources base in all public forests, and assist County Governments to develop and manage forest resources on community and private lands for the equitable benefit of present and future generations. Its functions are inter alia; 1. Manage all forests on state, community & private land; 2. Provide forest extension services by assisting forest owners, farmers and Associations n the sustainable management of forests; 3. Collect all revenue and charges due to the Government in regard to forest resources produce and services; 4. Empower and engage communities, private sector & other stakeholders in the conservation and management of forests; 5. Manage forests on water catchment areas primarily for purposes of water and soil conservation, carbon sequestration and other environmental services; 6. Promote national interests in relation international forest related conventions and principles; a) Being a State corporation with a disciplined force, the Service at times will be required to participate in security operations. b) Carry out aerial survey of biomass & tree cover as well as assisting the central government in aerial survey of livestock, food crops & early warning systems surveys. c) Assist in disaster operations e.g. fire fighting, delivering food & medical supplies to Kenyans in flooded or in hunger prone areas d) Assist in medical evacuations for injured rangers, foresters or other Kenyans in remote areas. SECTION I - INVITATION FOR TENDERS Date: 19.8.2016 TENDER REF. NO. KFS/5/2016 – 2017 TENDER NAME: PROVISION OF MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES FOR ICT EQUIPMENT 1.1 Kenya Forest Service invites sealed tenders from eligible candidates for the provision of maintenance and support services for ICT equipment. 1.2 Interested eligible candidates may obtain further information from and inspect the tender documents at the Supply Chain Management Department at KFS headquarters, Karura off Kiambu Road, P.O. Box 30513-00100, Tel 0202397660/020-8023042 Nairobi during normal working hours. 1.3 A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested candidates upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000 in cash or bankers cheque payable to the Director, Kenya Forest Service. The document can also be downloaded from the KFS website www.kenyaforestservice.org or from the IFMIS suppliers portal; supplier.treasury.go.ke free of charge. Those who download the tender document and intend to submit a bid are required to submit their particulars to the Supply Chain Department’s Office for records and for the purpose of receiving any further tender clarifications and/or addendums. 1.4 Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes, and delivery costs, must be in Kenya Shillings and shall remain valid for 120 days from the closing date of the tender. 1.5 Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes, marked with the tender number and name and be deposited in the Tender Box at Kenya Forest Service Headquarters, Reception area or to be addressed to the Director, Kenya Forest Service P.O. Box 30513-00100 Nairobi so as to be received before 1ST August 2016 11:00a.m. 1.6 Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the candidates representatives who choose to attend at Kenya Forest Service Headquarters canteen located in Karura, off Kiambu road. 1.7 All bidders must Serialize their documents Head Supply Chain Management, FOR: Director, Kenya Forest Service SECTION II – INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS TABLE OF CONTENTS. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 Page Eligible Tenderers …………………………………………………6 Cost of tendering ………………………………………………….6 Contents of tender documents ……………………………………...7 Clarification of Tender documents …………………………………7 Amendement of tender documents …………………………………8 Language of tenders ………………………………………………..8 Documents comprising the tender ………………………………….8 Form of tender ……………………………………………………...9 Tender prices ……………………………………………………….9 Tender currencies …………………………………………………..9 Tenderers eligibility and qualifications …………………………….9 Tender security …………………………………………………….10 Validity of tenders …………………………………………………11 Format and signing of tenders ……………………………………...11 Sealing and marking of tenders …………………………………….12 Deadline for submission of tenders ………………………………...12 Modification and withdrawal of tenders …………………………....12 Opening of tenders ………………………………………………….13 Clarification of tenders ……………………………………………..14 Preliminary Examination …………………………………………...14 Conversion to other currencies ……………………………………..15 Evaluation and comparison of tenders ……………………………...15 Contacting the procuring entity ……………………………………16 Post-qualification …………………………………………………..17 Award criteria ……………………………………………………...17 Procuring entities right to vary quantities ………………………….17 Procuring entities right to accept or reject any or all tenders ………17 Notification of award ……………………………………………....18 Signing of Contract ………………………………………………...18 Performance security ………………………………………………19 Corrupt or fraudulent practices …………………………………….19 SECTION II INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 2.1 Eligible tenderers 2.1.1. This Invitation to tender is open to all tenderers eligible as described in the instructions to tenderers. Successful tenderers shall provide the services for the stipulated duration from the date of commencement (hereinafter referred to as the term) specified in the tender documents. 2.1.2. The procuring entity’s employees, committee members, board members and their relative (spouse and children) are not eligible to participate in the tender unless where specially allowed under section 131 of the Act. 2.1.3. Tenderers shall provide the qualification information statement that the tenderer (including all members, of a joint venture and subcontractors) is not associated, or have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by the Procuring entity to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and other documents to be used for the procurement of the services under this Invitation for tenders. 2.1.4. Tenderers involved in corrupt or fraudulent practices or debarred from participating in public procurement shall not be eligible. 2.2 Cost of tendering 2.2.1 The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its tender, and the procuring entity, will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process. 2.2.2 The price to be charged for the tender document shall not exceed Kshs.5,000/= 2.2.3 The procuring entity shall allow the tenderer to review the tender document free of charge before purchase. 2.3 Contents of tender documents 2.3.1. The tender document comprises of the documents listed below and addenda issued in accordance with clause 6 of these instructions to tenders i) ii) Instructions to tenderers General Conditions of Contract iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) Special Condtions of Contract Schedule of Requirements Details of service Form of tender Price schedules Contract form Confidential business questionnaire form Tender security form Performance security form Principal’s or manufacturers authorization form Declaration form 2.3.2. The Tenderer is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the tender documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the tender documents or to submit a tender not substantially responsive to the tender documents in every respect will be at the tenderers risk and may result in the rejection of its tender. 2.4 Clarification of Documents 2.4.1. A prospective candidate making inquiries of the tender document may notify the Procuring entity in writing or by post, fax or email at the entity’s address indicated in the Invitation for tenders. The Procuring entity will respond in writing to any request for clarification of the tender documents, which it receives no later than seven (7) days prior to the deadline for the submission of tenders, prescribed by the procuring entity. Written copies ofthe Procuring entities response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the source of inquiry) will be sent to all prospective tenderers who have received the tender documents” 2.4.2. The procuring entity shall reply to any clarifications sought by the tenderer within 3 days of receiving the request to enable the tenderer to make timely submission of its tender 2.5 Amendment of documents 2.5.1. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of tenders, the Procuring entity, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective tenderer, may modify the tender documents by issuing an addendum. 2.5.2. All prospective tenderers who have obtained the tender documents will be notified of the amendment by post, fax or email and such amendment will be binding on them. 2.5.3. In order to allow prospective tenderers reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their tenders, the Procuring entity, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of tenders. 2.6 Language of tender 2.6.1. The tender prepared by the tenderer, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the tender exchanged by the tenderer and the Procuring entity, shall be written in English language. Any printed literature furnished by the tenderer may be written in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate English translation of the relevant passages in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the tender, the English translation shall govern. 2.7 Documents Comprising the Tender The tender prepared by the tenderer shall comprise the following components: (a) A Tender Form and a Price Schedule completed in accordance with paragraph 9, 10 and 11 below. (b) Documentary evidence established in accordance with Clause 2.11 that the tenderer is eligible to tender and is qualified to perform the contract if its tender is accepted; (c) Tender security furnished is in accordance with Clause 2.12 (d) Confidential business questionnaire 2.8 Form of Tender 2.8.1 The tenderers shall complete the Form of Tender and the appropriate Price Schedule furnished in the tender documents, indicating the services to be performed. 2.9 Tender Prices 2.9.1 The tenderer shall indicate on the Price schedule the unit prices where applicable and total tender prices of the services it proposes to provide under the contract. 2.9.2 Prices indicated on the Price Schedule shall be the cost of the services quoted including all customs duties and VAT and other taxes payable: 2.9.3 Prices quoted by the tenderer shall remain fixed during the term of the contract unless otherwise agreed by the parties. A tender submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and will be rejected, pursuant to paragraph 2.22. 2.9.4 Contract price variations shall not be allowed for contracts not exceeding one year (12 months) 2.9.5 Where contract price variation is allowed, the variation shall not exceed 10% of the original contract price. 2.9.6 Price variation requests shall be processed by the procuring entity within 30 days of receiving the request. 2.10 Tender Currencies 2.10.1 Prices shall be quoted in Kenya Shillings unless otherwise specified in the appendix to in Instructions to Tenderers 2.11 Tenderers Eligibility and Qualifications. 2.11.1 Pursuant to Clause 2.1 the tenderer shall furnish, as part of its tender, documents establishing the tenderers eligibility to tender and its qualifications to perform the contract if its tender is accepted. 2.11.2 The documentary evidence of the tenderers qualifications to perform the contract if its tender is accepted shall establish to the Procuring entity’s satisfaction that the tenderer has the financial and technical capability necessary to perform the contract. 2.12 Tender Security 2.12.1 The tenderer shall furnish, as part of its tender, a tender security for the amount and form specified in the Invitation to tender. 2.12.2 The tender security shall be in the amount not exceeding 2 per cent of the tender price. 2.12.2 The tender security is required to protect the Procuring entity against the risk of Tenderer’s conduct which would warrant the security’s forfeiture, pursuant to paragraph 2.12.7 2.12.3 The tender security shall be denominated in a Kenya Shillings or in another freely convertible currency and shall be in the form of: a) A bank guarantee. b) Cash. c) Such insurance guarantee approved by the Authority. d) Letter of credit 2.12.4 Any tender not secured in accordance with paragraph 2.12.1 and 2.12.3 will be rejected by the Procuring entity as non responsive, pursuant to paragraph 2.20 2.12.5 Unsuccessful tenderer’s security will be discharged or returned as promptly as possible but not later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the period of tender validity prescribed by the procuring entity. 2.12.6 The successful tenderer’s tender security will be discharged upon the tenderer signing the contract, pursuant to paragraph 2.29, and furnishing the performance security, pursuant to paragraph 2.30. 2.12.7 The tender security may be forfeited: (a) If a tenderer withdraws its tender during the period of tender validity specified by the procuring entity on the Tender Form; or (b) In the case of a successful tenderer, if the tenderer fails: (i) to sign the contract in accordance with paragraph 30 or (ii) to furnish performance security in accordance with paragraph 31. (c) If the tenderer rejects, correction of an error in the tender. 2.13 Validity of Tenders 2.13.1 Tenders shall remain valid for 60 days or as specified in the invitation to tender after date of tender opening prescribed by the Procuring entity, pursuant to paragraph 2.18. A tender valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Procuring entity as nonresponsive. 2.13.2 In exceptional circumstances, the Procuring entity may solicit the Tenderer’s consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing. The tender security provided under paragraph 2.12 shall also be suitably extended. A tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting its tender security. A tenderer granting the request will not be required nor permitted to modify its tender. 2.14 Format and Signing of Tender 2.14.1 The tenderer shall prepare two copies of the tender, clearly / marking each “ORIGINAL TENDER” and “COPY OF TENDER,” as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the original shall govern. 2.14.2 The original and all copies of the tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the tenderer or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the tenderer to the contract. All pages of the tender, except for unamended printed literature, shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the tender. 2.14.3 The tender shall have no interlineations, erasures , or overwriting except as necessary to correct errors made by the tenderer, in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the tender. 2.15 Sealing and Marking of Tenders 2.15.1 The tenderer shall seal the original and each copy of the tender in separate envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL” and “COPY.” The envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope. The inner and outer envelopes shall: (a) be addressed to the Procuring entity at the address given in the invitation to tender (b) bear, tender number and name in the invitation to tender and the words: “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE(Tuesday, 6th September 2016 at 10:00 A.M),” 2.15.3 The inner envelopes shall also indicate the name and address of the tenderer to enable the tender to be returned unopened in case it is declared “late”. — 2.15.4 If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required by paragraph 2.15.2, the Procuring entity will assume no responsibility for the tender’s misplacement or premature opening. 2.16 Deadline for Submission of Tenders 2.16.1 Tenders must be received by the Procuring entity at the address specified under paragraph 2.15.2 no later than (Tuesday, 6th September 2016 at 10:00 A.M) 2.16.2 The procuring entity may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for the submission of tenders by amending the tender documents in accordance with paragraph 6, in which case all rights and obligations of the procuring entity and candidates previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. 2.16.3 Bulky tenders which will not fit in the tender box shall be received by the procuring entity as provided for in the appendix. 2.17 Modification and withdrawal of tenders 2.17.1 The tenderer may modify or withdraw its tender after the tender’s submission, provided that written notice of the modification , including substitution or withdrawal of the tender’s is received by the procuring entity prior to the deadline prescribed for the submission of tenders. 2.17.2 The Tenderer’s modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked, and dispatched in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.15. A withdrawal notice may also be sent by cable, but followed by a signed confirmation copy, postmarked not later than the deadline for submission of tenders. 2.17.3 No tender may be modified after the deadline for submission of tenders. 2.17.4 No tender may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of tenders and the expiration of the period of tender validity specified by the tenderer on the Tender Form. Withdrawal of a tender during this interval may result in the Tenderer’s forfeiture of its tender security, pursuant to paragraph 2.12.7. 2.17.5 The procuring entity may at any time terminate procurement proceedings before contract award and shall not be liable to any person for the termination. 2.17.6 The procuring entity shall give prompt notice of the termination to the tenderers and on request give its reasons for termination within 14 days of receiving the request from any tenderer. 2.18 Opening of Tenders 2.18.1 The Procuring entity will open all tenders in the presence of tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend, at …(time, day, and date of closing) and in the location specified in the invitation to tender. The tenderers’ representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. 2.18.3 The tenderers’ names, tender modifications or withdrawals, tender prices, discounts, and the presence or absence of requisite tender security and such other details as the Procuring Entity, at its discretion, may consider appropriate, will be announced at the opening. 2.18.4 The procuring entity will prepare minutes of the tender opening which will be submitted to the tenderers that signed the tender opening register and will have made the request. 2.19 Clarification of tenders 2.19.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of tenders the procuring entity may at its discretion , ask the tenderer for a clarification of its tender. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the prices or substance shall be sought, offered, or permitted. 2.19.2 Any effort by the tenderer to influence the procuring entity in the procuring entity’s tender evaluation, tender comparision or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of the tenderers tender. Comparison or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of the tenderers’ tender. 2.20 Preliminary Examination and Responsiveness 2.20.1 The Procuring entity will examine the tenders to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether required securities have been furnished whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the tenders are generally in order. 2.20.2 Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail, and the total price shall be corrected. if the candidate does not accept the correction of the errors, its tender will be rejected, and its tender security may be forfeited. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail. 2.20.3 The Procuring entity may waive any minor informality or nonconformity or irregularity in a tender which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any tenderer. 2.20.4 Prior to the detailed evaluation, pursuant to paragraph 23, the Procuring entity will determine the substantial responsiveness of each tender to the tender documents. For purposes of these paragraphs, a substantially responsive tender is one which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the tender documents without material deviations. The Procuring entity’s determination of a tender’s responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the tender itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. 2.20.5 If a tender is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Procuring entity and may not subsequently be made responsive by the tenderer by correction of the nonconformity. 2.21 Conversion to a single currency 2.21.1 Where other currencies are used, the procuring entity will convert those currencies to Kenya shillings using the selling exchange rate on the date of tender closing provided by the central bank of Kenya. 2.22 Evaluation and comparison of tenders. 2.22.1 The procuring entity will evaluate and compare the tenders which have been determined to be substantially responsive, pursuant to paragraph 2.20 2.22.2 The comparison shall be of the price including all costs as well as duties and taxes payable on all the materials to be used in the provision of the services. 2.22.3 The Procuring entity’s evaluation of a tender will take into account, in addition to the tender price, the following factors, in the manner and to the extent indicated in paragraph 2.22.4 and in the technical specifications: (a) operational plan proposed in the tender; (b) deviations in payment schedule from that specified in the Special Conditions of Contract; 2.22.4 Pursuant to paragraph will (a) Operational Plan. 22.3 the be following evaluation methods applied: The Procuring entity requires that the services under the Invitation for Tenders shall be performed at the time specified in the Schedule of Requirements. Tenders offering to perform longer than the procuring entity’s required delivery time will be treated as non-responsive and rejected. (b) Deviation in payment schedule. Tenderers shall state their tender price for the payment on a schedule outlined in the special conditions of contract. Tenders will be evaluated on the basis of this base price. Tenderers are, however, permitted to state an alternative payment schedule and indicate the reduction in tender price they wish to offer for such alternative payment schedule. The Procuring entity may consider the alternative payment schedule offered by the selected tenderer. 2.22.5 The tender evaluation committee shall evaluate the tender within 30 days from the date of opening the tender. 2.22.6 To qualify for contract awards, the tenderer shall have the following:(a) Necessary qualifications, capability experience, services, equipment and facilities to provide what is being procured. (b) Legal capacity to enter into a contract for procurement (c) Shall not be insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or in the process of being wound up and is not the subject of legal proceedings relating to the foregoing Shall not be debarred from participating in public procurement. (d) 2.23. Contacting the procuring entity 2.23.1 Subject to paragraph 2.19, no tenderer shall contact the procuring entity on any matter relating to its tender, from the time of the tender opening to the time the contract is awarded. 2.23.2 Any effort by a tenderer to influence the procuring entity in its decisions on tender evaluation tender comparison or contract award may result in the rejection of the tenderers tender. 2.24 Award of Contract a) Post qualification 2.24.1 In the absence of pre-qualification, the Procuring entity will determine to its satisfaction whether the tenderer that is selected as having submitted the lowest evaluated responsive tender is qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. 2.24.2 The determination will take into account the tenderer’s financial and technical capabilities. It will be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the tenderers qualifications submitted by the tenderer, pursuant to paragraph 2.1.2, as well as such other information as the Procuring entity deems necessary and appropriate. 2.24.3 An affirmative determination will be a prerequisite for award of the contract to the tenderer. A negative determination will result in rejection of the Tenderer’s tender, in which event the Procuring entity will proceed to the next lowest evaluated tender to make a similar determination of that Tenderer’s capabilities to perform satisfactorily. b) Award Criteria 2.24.3 Subject to paragraph 2.29 the Procuring entity will award the contract to the successful tenderer whose tender has been determined to be substantially responsive and has been determined to be the lowest evaluated tender, provided further that the tenderer is determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. 2.24.4 The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any tender and to annul the tendering process and reject all tenders at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected tenderer or tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected tenderer or tenderers of the grounds for the procuring entity’s action. If the procuring entity determines that none of the tenderers is responsive; the procuring entity shall notify each tenderer who submitted a tender. 2.24.5 A tenderer who gives false information in the tender document about its qualification or who refuses to enter into a contract after notification of contract award shall be considered for debarment from participating in future public procurement. 2.25 Notification of award 2.25.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of tender validity, the Procuring entity will notify the successful tenderer in writing that its tender has been accepted. 2.25.2 The notification of award will signify the formation of the Contract subject to the signing of the contract between the tenderer and the procuring entity pursuant to clause 2.29. Simultaneously the other tenderers shall be notified that their tenders have not been successful. 2.25.3 Upon the successful Tenderer’s furnishing of the performance security pursuant to paragraph 31, the Procuring entity will promptly notify each unsuccessful Tenderer and will discharge its tender security, pursuant to paragraph 2.12 2.26 Signing of Contract 2.26.1 At the same time as the Procuring entity notifies the successful tenderer that its tender has been accepted, the Procuring entity will simultaneously inform the other tenderers that their tenders have not been successful. 2.26.2 Within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the Contract Form, the successful tenderer shall sign and date the contract and return it to the Procuring entity. 2.26.3 The parties to the contract shall have it signed within 30 days from the date of notification of contract award unless there is an administrative review request. 2.27 Performance Security 2.27.1 Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of notification of award from the Procuring entity, the successful tenderer shall furnish the performance security in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, in the Performance Security Form provided in the tender documents, or in another form acceptable to the Procuring entity. 2.27.2 Failure of the successful tenderer to comply with the requirement of paragraph 2.29 or paragraph 2.30.1 shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the tender security, in which event the Procuring entity may make the award to the next lowest evaluated or call for new tenders. 2.28 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices 2.28.1 The Procuring entity requires that tenderers observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement process and execution of contracts. A tenderer shall sign a declaration that he has not and will not be involved in corrupt or fraudulent practices. 2.28.2 The procuring entity will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the tenderer recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question; 2.28.3 Further, a tenderer who is found to have indulged in corrupt or fraudulent practices risks being debarred from participating in public procurement in Kenya. APPENDIX TO INSTRUCTIONS TO THE TENDERERS The following information for procurement of services shall complement or amend the provisions of the instructions to tenderers. Wherever there is a conflict between the provisions of the instructions to tenderers and the provisions of the appendix, the provisions of the appendix herein shall prevail over those of the instructions to tenderers Instructions to tenderers Particulars of appendix to instructions to tenderers 2.1 Women, Youth and People with disability. Bidders will be required to provide proof of eligibility in this category 2.2.2 N/A – tender securing declaration form 2.11 Women, Youth and People with disability. Bidders will be required to provide proof of eligibility in this category 2.12 The bidders will be required to fill in a tender securing declaration form in place of a bid security 2.16 Tuesday, 6th September 2016 at 10:00 A.M 2.18.1 As 2.16 above 2.22 EVALUATION CRITERIA Evaluation will be evaluated in three stages: 1. Mandatory/preliminary – where any proposal that fails here does not proceed to the next stage 2. Technical evaluation – where the bids will be evaluated against the requirements in each lot. Where the bidder lacks in any requirement in the Lot, the bid fails. 3. Financial evaluation – Will involve comparison of bids that pass the technical evaluation stage and determination of the lowest evaluated bidder. 4. Mandatory/Preliminary 5. the bid will be checked for any arithmetic errors and its - Certified Copy of Registration Certificate/Incorporation completeness. The lowest priced bidder among those Eations. - Certified Copy of valid Tax Compliance Certificate from KRA - Certified Current Business Licence - Certified audited accounts or bank statements - Fully signed form of tender - Fill the Confidential Business Questionnaire - Complete the form of tender and price schedule in the formats provided - Declaration form Technical Evaluation LOT 1 1 2 3 COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS. – REQUIREMENTS The service provider MUST have at least one (1) of the following professionals: HP certified server Administrator for Linux and Windows Operating System Support Manager/Team leader with Minimum BSc Degree in IT or equivalent with 5 years in senior position. Attach CVs and certificates Have Manufacturers/partnership/reseller authorization/letter to resell and provide support services in Kenya on HP servers Dell servers Provide evidence (Attach two (2) recommendations where this has been offered before). Provide at least three (3) major clients where similar support and maintenance services are currently being offered. Provide evidence e.g. contracts or LPOs. 4 LOT 2 1 Be able to adhere to the following response times to be included in the service level agreement (SLA); Emergency calls (Critical- systems are down) - Maximum response time will be 2 hrs to customer site. Non-Emergency calls (Major- System in operation but with possibility of degradation)-Maximum response time will be 4hrs to customer ‘s site Non-Emergency calls (Minor- No impact on system operations)Maximum response time will be 12hrs to customer ‘s site PROVISION OF SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR network devices and accessories (Routers, switches, wireless access points) and CCTV – REQUIREMENTS Bidder MUST be authorized partners/resellers/service providers for Cisco equipment Provide evidence (Attach valid manufacturer’s authorization/dealership/partnership letter) 2 3 4 The service provider MUST have at least three (3) professionals with qualifications as follows; Attach CVs and certificates Support Manager/Team leader Minimum BSc degree in IT or equivalent. Atleast 4 year’s experience in similar or senior position Networking certification (CCNA or its equivalent) Other two (2) professionals Minimum Diploma in IT related field from recognized training institution Networking certification (CCNA or equivalent) Hardware certification (A+ or equivalent) Provide at least five (5) major clients where similar support and maintenance services are currently being offered. Provide evidence e.g. contracts or LPOs. Be able to adhere to the following response times to be included in the service level agreement (SLA); LOT 3 1 2 3 4 Emergency calls (Critical- systems are down)- Maximum response time will be 2 hrs to customer site. Non-Emergency calls (Major- System in operation but with possibility of degradation)-Maximum response time will be 4hrs to customer ‘s site Non-Emergency calls (Minor- No impact on system operations)Maximum response time will be 12hrs to customer ‘s site PROVISION OF SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR DESKTOP COMPUTERS, LAPTOPS, PRINTERS, PLOTTERS AND ACCESSORIES - REQUIREMENTS Bidder MUST be authorized partners/resellers/service providers for Hewlett-Packard (HP) Lenovo DELL Provide evidence (Attach valid manufacturer’s partnership/reseller letter) The provider MUST have at least three(3) of the following professionals: Attach certificates and recommendation letters Team leader Minimum BSc degree in IT or equivalent Hardware/Software certification (A+ or equivalent) Atleast 3 years experience in similar or senior position Other two (2) professionals Minimum Diploma in IT (Computer hardware/software) or related field from recognized training institution Hardware/Software certifications (A+ or equivalent) Atleast three (3) years experience performing maintenance tasks related to desktops/laptops/printers and related accessories Provide at least five (5) major clients where similar support and maintenance services are currently being offered. Attach copies of contracts or LPOs. The provider MUST have regional support base OR provide arrangement on how support will be handled in the following regional areas; • Coast (Mombasa) • Western (Kakamega) • Nyanza(Kisumu) LOT 4 1 2 3 4 LOT 5 1 • Nyeri • Eastern (Embu) • North Eastern (Garisa) • Ewaso North (Isiolo) • Eldoret • Londiani • Nakuru • All 47 county Head quarters PROVISION OF SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF PHOTOCOPIER/SCANNERS - REQUIREMENTS The provider MUST have at least two (2) of the following professionals: Hardware technicians: Minimum Diploma Electrical Engineering from recognized technical training college in Kenya. Experience in the maintenance of Kyocera/Ricoh/Nashuatec/Sharp photocopiers Provide CVs Must be authorized partners/resellers/service providers of KYOCERA,RICOH,NASHUATEC/SHARP Provide evidence. Provide at least five (5) major clients where similar support and maintenance services are currently being offered. Attach copies of contracts or LPOs. The provider MUST have regional support base OR provide arrangement on how support will be handled in the in the following regional areas; Coast (Mombasa) Western (Kakamega) Nyanza(Kisumu) Nyeri Eastern (Embu) North Eastern (Garisa) Ewaso North (Isiolo) Eldoret Londiani Nakuru All 47 county Head quarters PROVISION OF SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF IP PHONES SYSTEM (AVAYA) - REQUIREMENTS Have Manufacturers authorization to resell and provide support services on 2 3 4 LOT 6 1 2 3 4 Avaya IP Phones (provide evidence) The service provider MUST have at least two (2) of the following professionals: Certified Avaya engineer/professional Provide evidence (Attach certificates) Provide at least four (4) major clients where similar support and maintenance services are currently being offered. Attach copies of contracts or LPOs. Be able to adhere to the following response times to be included in the service level agreement (SLA); Emergency calls (Critical- systems are down) - Maximum response time will be 2 hrs to customer site. Non-Emergency calls (Major- System in operation but with possibility of degradation)-Maximum response time will be 4hrs to customer ‘s site Non-Emergency calls (Minor- No impact on system operations)Maximum response time will be 12hrs to customer ‘s site PROVISION OF SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF AIR CONDITIONERS AND UPS – REQUIREMENTS Have Manufacturers authorization to resell and provide support services on APC UPS LG air conditioners (provide evidence- Attach valid manufacturer’s authorization/partnership/reseller letter) At least three (3) reference sites where similar services are currently being offered (provide evidence by attaching either LPOs or contracts ) Provide at least three (3) CVs of technical support team CVs (Should be skilled & Factory Trained, provide evidence). The technical support staff should have more than three (3) years’ experience. Attach CVs Be able to adhere to the following response times to be included in the service level agreement (SLA); Emergency calls (Critical- systems are down) - Maximum response time will be 2 hrs to customer site. Non-Emergency calls (Major- System in operation but with possibility of degradation)-Maximum response time will be 4hrs to customer ‘s site Non-Emergency calls (Minor- No impact on system operations)Maximum response time will be 12hrs to customer ‘s site SECTION III GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 Definitions Application Standards Use of contract documents and information Patent Rights Performance security Inspections and tests Payment Prices Assignment Termination for default Termination for insolvency Termination for convenience Resolution of disputes Governing language Force majeure Applicable law Notices Page SECTION III GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 3.1 Definitions In this contract the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated: a) “The contract” means the agreement entered into between the Procuring entity and the tenderer as recorded in the Contract Form signed by the parties, including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein. b) “The Contract Price” means the price payable to the tenderer under the Contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations. c) “The services” means services to be provided by the contractor including materials and incidentals which the tenderer is required to provide to the Procuring entity under the Contract. d) “The Procuring entity” means the organization sourcing for the services under this Contract. e) “The contractor means the individual or firm providing the services under this Contract. f) “GCC” means general conditions of contract contained in this section g) “SCC” means the special conditions of contract h) “Day” means calendar day 3.2 Application These General Conditions shall apply to the extent that they are not superceded by provisions of other part of contract. 3.3 Standards 3.3.1 The services provided under this Contract shall conform to the 7 standards mentioned in the Schedule of requirements 3.5 Patent Right’s The tenderer shall indemnify the Procuring entity against all third-party claims of infringement of patent, trademark, or industrial design tights arising from use of the services under the contract or any part thereof . 3.6 Performance Security Within twenty eight (28) days of receipt of the notification of Contract award, the successful tenderer shall furnish to the Procuring entity the performance security where applicable in the amount specified in Special Conditions of Contract. 3.6.2 The proceeds of the performance security shall be payable to the Procuring entity as compensation for any loss resulting from the Tenderer’s failure to complete its obligations under the Contract. 3.6.3 The performance security shall be denominated in the currency of the Contract, or in a freely convertible currency acceptable to the Procuring entity and shall be in the form of : a) Cash. b) A bank guarantee. c) Such insurance guarantee approved by the Authority. d) Letter of credit. 3.6.4 The performance security will be discharged by the procuring entity and returned to the candidate not later than thirty (30) days following the date of completion of the tenderer’s performance of obligations under the contract, including any warranty obligations under the contract. 3.7 Inspections and Tests 3.7.1 The Procuring entity or its representative shall have the right to inspect and/or to test the services to confirm their conformity to the Contract specifications. The Procuring entity shall notify the tenderer in writing, in a timely manner, of the identity of any representatives retained for these purposes. 3.7.2 The inspections and tests may be conducted on the premises of the tenderer or its subcontractor(s). If conducted on the premises of the tenderer or its subcontractor(s), all reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to drawings and production data, shall be furnished to the inspectors at no charge to the Procuring entity. 3.7.3 Should any inspected or tested services fail to conform to the Specifications, the Procuring entity may reject the services, and the tenderer shall either replace the rejected services or make alterations necessary to meet specification requirements free of cost to the Procuring entity. 3.7.4 Nothing in paragraph 3.7 shall in any way release the tenderer from any warranty or other obligations under this Contract. 3.8 Payment 3.8.1 The method and conditions of payment to be made to the tenderer under this Contract shall be specified in SCC 3.9 Prices Prices charged by the contractor for services performed under the Contract shall not, with the exception of any Price adjustments authorized in SCC , vary from the prices by the tenderer in its tender or in the procuring entity’s request for tender validity extension as the case may be. No variation in or modification to the terms of the contract shall be made except by written amendment signed by the parties. 3.10 Assignment The tenderer shall not assign, in whole or in part, its obligations to perform under this contract, except with the procuring entity’s prior written consent. 3.10 Termination for Default The Procuring entity may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of Contract, by written notice of default sent to the tenderer, terminate this Contract in whole or in part: a) if the tenderer fails to provide any or all of the services within the period(s) specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the Procuring entity. b) if the tenderer fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Contract. c) if the tenderer, in the judgment of the Procuring entity has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract. In the event the Procuring entity terminates the Contract in whole or in part, it may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate, services similar to those undelivered, and the tenderer shall be liable to the Procuring entity for any excess costs for such similar services. 3.12 Termination of insolvency The procuring entity may at the any time terminate the contract by giving written notice to the contractor if the contractor becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. In this event, termination will be without compensation to the contractor, provided that such termination will not produce or affect any right of action or remedy, which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the procuring entity. 3.13 Termination for convenience 3.13.1 The procuring entity by written notice sent to the contractor may terminate the contract in whole or in part, at any time for its convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that the termination is for the procuring entity convenience, the extent to which performance of the contractor of the contract is terminated and the date on which such termination becomes effective. 3.13.2 For the remaining part of the contract after termination the procuring entity may elect to cancel the services and pay to the contractor on agreed amount for partially completed services. 3.14 Resolution of disputes The procuring entity’s and the contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiations any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the contract. If after thirty (30) days from the commencement of such informal negotiations both parties have been unable to resolve amicably a contract dispute either party may require that the dispute be refered for resolution to the formal mechanisms specified in the SCC. 3.15 Governing Language The contract shall be written in the English language. All correspondence and other documents pertaining to the contract, which are exchanged by the parties, shall be written in the same language. 3.16 Force Majeure The contractor shall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security, or termination for default if and to the extent that its delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure. 3.17 Applicable Law. The contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Kenya unless otherwise specified in the SCC 3.18 Notices Any notices given by one party to the other pursuant to this contract shall be sent to the other party by post or by fax or E-mail and confirmed in writing to the other party’s address specified in the SCC A notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notices effective date, whichever is later. SECTION IV SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 4.1 Special conditions of contract shall supplement the general conditions of contract, wherever there is a conflict between the GCC and the SCC, the provisions of the SCC herein shall prevail over those in the GCC. 4.2 Special conditions of contract with reference to the general conditions of contract. General conditions of contract reference Special conditions of contract 3.6 Performance Security will be 2 % 3.8 The Servicing will be done on quarterly basis and invoices submitted. Upon Verification payment will be done. Price adjustments shall not be done on the unit price. But as equipment are being bought they will be added in the schedule at the quoted unit prices 3.9 SECTION V – SCHEDULE OF EQUIREMENTS LOT 1: COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS. NO SERIAL NO. MAKE/MODEL RUNNING OS LOCATION 1 CZJ941012N HP Proliant M L 370 G6 Windows 2003 server HQ-KARURA 2 GB7332PRR4 HP Proliant M L 370 G6 None HQ-KARURA 3 CZJ941012S HP Proliant M l 370 G6 None HQ-KARURA 4 CZ2333200F 2 HP Proliant DL 380 P Gen 8 Centos 5.8 HQ-KARURA 5 CZJ941012S HP Proliant M L 370 G6 Redhat Linux 4.0 HQ-KARURA 6 CZJ1080F99 HP Proliant ML 370 G6 Redhat Linux 4.0 HQ-KARURA 7 CZJ0500JJ HP Proliant M L 370 G6 Centos 6.1 HQ-KARURA 8 CZ2442WC2 HP Proliant DL 360 Gen8 Debian Linux HQ-KARURA 9 CZJ103022Z HP Proliant M l 370 G6 Windows server 2003 HQ-KARURA 10 CZJ1490Z2K HP Proliant M L 370 G6 Windows server 2008 HQ-KARURA 11 GB883722V3 HP Proliant M L 370 G6 Debian Linux HQ-KARURA 12 GB8808C47 D Windows server 2008 HQ-KARURA HP Proliant M l 370 G6 HP Proliant DL 380 P Gen 7 Unix HQ-KARURA USE108N12K 14 BJ0MJ5J Dell PowerEdge R520 Windows server 2008 HQ-KARURA 15 7v8QB5J Dell poweredge R710 Redhat Linux 5.8 HQ-KARURA 16 6V8QBSJ Dell poweredge R710 Redhat Linux 5.8 HQ-KARURA 17 BT8QB5J Dell poweredge R710 Redhat Linux 5.8 HQ-KARURA 18 70STB5J Dell poweredge R710 Redhat Linux 5.8 HQ-KARURA 19 4C7QB5J Dell PowerVault md3200 RedHat linux 5.0 HQ-KARURA 20 5C7QB5J Dell PowerVault md3200 RedHat linux 5.0 HQ-KARURA 21 MPM3YX1 Dell PowerEdge R720 Centos 6.1 HQ-KARURA 13 22 CZ23030393 KFC-LONDIANI HP PROLIANT WINDOWS SERVER 2012 KFC-LONDIANI HP PROLIANT WINDOWS SERVER 2012 23 CZ23030397 OPTION II: COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE FOR NETWORK, HYBRID DATA LINKS/EQUIPMENT (NETWORK DEVICES), ACCESS POINTS AND CCTV CAMERA A. SWITCHES/ROUTERS NO. MAKE/MODEL 1 3C16471 SWITCH 2024 SERIAL NO. LOCATION LNZQ8P0363158 HQ-KARURA 2 3COM - HQ-KARURA 3 6U NETWORK CABINET - HQ-KARURA 4 BASE LINE CISCO 2024 24 PORT - HQ-KARURA 5 CISCO 24 PORT - HQ-KARURA 6 CISCO 24PORT SWITCH - HQ-KARURA 7 CISCO 24PORT SWITCH - HQ-KARURA 8 CISCO 24PORT SWITCH - HQ-KARURA 9 CISCO CATALYST 2950 FHK08292141 HQ-KARURA 10 CISCO CATALYST 2960 SERIES POE 24 - HQ-KARURA 11 CISCO CATALYST 2960 SERIES POE 24 - HQ-KARURA 12 CISCO CATALYST 2960-X SERIES 3577-13-1086 HQ-KARURA 13 CISCO CATALYST 3500 SERIS XL 24 - HQ-KARURA 14 CISCO CATALYST2950 SERIES 24 - HQ-KARURA 15 CISCO CATALYST2960 SERIES POE-24 - HQ-KARURA 16 CISCO SF300-24 17 CISCO SF300-24PORT 10/100 SMALL BUSINESS DNL171009RY - HQ-KARURA HQ-KARURA 18 CISCO SMAILL BUSINESS WAP4410N HQ-KARURA 19 CISCO SMALL BUSINESS 24 - HQ-KARURA 20 CISCO SMALL BUSINESS 24PORT SWITCH - HQ-KARURA 21 CISCO SMALL BUSINESS 24PORT SWITCH - HQ-KARURA 22 CISCO SYSTEM 10 BASE/100 BASE TX - HQ-KARURA 23 CT-LINK 14U CABINET - HQ-KARURA 24 DLINK OFW11W16095123 HQ-KARURA 25 DLINK DFS-1016D HQ-KARURA 26 DLINK DES 1252 HQ-KARURA 27 D-LINK SWITCH DES-1016D HQ-KARURA 28 D-LINK ROUTER JUTOOK4A HQ-KARURA 29 D-LINK WEBSMART 24 PORT - HQ-KARURA 30 TOTEN 3U CABINET - HQ-KARURA 31 TOTEN 3U CABINET - HQ-KARURA 32 TOTEN 3U CABINET - HQ-KARURA 33 TOTEN 3U CABINET - HQ-KARURA B. WIRELESS ACCESS POINTS NO MAKE/MODEL SERIAL NO LOCATION 1 D-LINK DGS-1224T HQ-KARURA 2 D-LINK DWL-2100AP HQ-KARURA 3 D-LINK DWL-2100AP HQ-KARURA 4 D-LINK ADSL ROUTER DSL-2640U HQ-KARURA 5 TP- LINK TL-WA5210G HQ-KARURA 6 TP- LINK TL-WR1042ND HQ-KARURA 7 TP- LINK TL-WR1042ND HQ-KARURA 8 TP- LINK TL-WR1042ND HQ-KARURA 9 LEVEL ONE WAP-1001 HQ-KARURA 10 LEVEL ONE WAP-1001 HQ-KARURA 11 LEVEL ONE WAP-1001 HQ-KARURA 12 CISCO LINKSYS WRT120N HQ-KARURA 13 CISCO LINKSYS WRT120N HQ-KARURA 14 CISCO SMALL BUSINESS WAP4410N HQ-KARURA 15 CISCO SMALL BUSINESS WAP4410N HQ-KARURA 16 CISCO SMALL BUSINESS WAP4410N HQ-KARURA 17 CISCO SMALL BUSINESS WAP4410N HQ-KARURA 18 CISCO SMALL BUSINESS WAP4410N HQ-KARURA TYPE MODEL LOCATION 1 VIA TECH ST -4200 HQ-KARURA 2 VIA TECH ST-4200 HQ-KARURA 3 VIA TECH ST -4200 HQ-KARURA 4 VIA TECH ST-4200 HQ-KARURA 5 VIA TECH ST -4200 HQ-KARURA 6 VIA TECH ST-4200 HQ-KARURA 7 VIA TECH ST -4200 HQ-KARURA 8 VIA TECH ST-4200 HQ-KARURA 9 FOCUS VIA TCH ST -49100H HQ-KARURA 10 FOCUS VIA TECH ST-49100H HQ-KARURA C. CCTV CAMERAS NO 11 FOCUS VIA TECH ST -49100H HQ-KARURA 12 FOCUS VIA TECH ST-49100H HQ-KARURA 13 FOCUS VIA TECH ST49100H HQ-KARURA 14 2 FOCUS VIA TECH ST-49100H HQ-KARURA 15 2 FOCUS VIA TECH ST-49100H HQ-KARURA 16 COLOR CAMERA IP66 CA-FW191DP-IR-0600B HQ-KARURA 17 COLOR CAMERA IP66 CA-FW191DP-IR-0600B HQ-KARURA 18 COLOR CAMERA IP66 CA-FW191DP-IR-0600B HQ-KARURA 19 COLOR CAMERA IP66 CA-FW191DP-IR-0600B HQ-KARURA 20 COLOR CAMERA IP66 CA-FW191DP-IR-0600B HQ-KARURA 21 COLOR CAMERAIP66 CA-FW191DP-IR-0600B HQ-KARURA COLOR CAMERAIP66 CA-FW191DP-IR-0600B HQ-KARURA 23 COLOR CAMERA IP66 CA-FW191DP-IR-0600B HQ-KARURA 24 ALHUA IP55 IP55 HQ-KARURA 25 ALHUA IP55 IP55 HQ-KARURA 22 OPTION III: SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE FOR DESKTOP COMPUTERS, LAPTOPS, PRINTERS, PLOTTERS AND ACCESSORIES (LABOR ONLY) A. DESKTOP COMPUTERS I. NO HEAD QUARTER MODEL/MAKE SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION 1 DELL OPTIPLEX 3010 DN7N8X1 HQ KARURA 2 DELL OPTIPLEX 3010 HN6N8X1 HQ KARURA 3 DELL OPTIPLEX 3010 2Y6N8X1 HQ KARURA 4 DELL OPTIPLEX 3010 FM6N8X1 HQ KARURA 5 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 FQOLW22 HQ KARURA 6 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 22H8712 HQ KARURA 7 DELL OPTIPLEX 520 6YKZ32J HQ KARURA 8 DELL OPTIPLEX 745 BMQ8T2J HQ KARURA 9 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 IR94D4J HQ KARURA 10 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 12BJ7BS HQ KARURA 11 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 1P538BS HQ KARURA 12 DELL OPTILEX 3020 J9DXPO2 HQ KARURA 13 DELL OPTILEX 380 MXM8040FKY HQ KARURA 14 DELL OPTILEX 7010 4BGWX1 HQ KARURA 15 DELL OPTILEX 7010 J3HWWX1 HQ KARURA 16 DELL OPTILEX 760 CR5RNBX HQ KARURA 17 DELL OPTILEX 760 GJX4D4J HQ KARURA 18 DELL OPTILEX 760 JLX4D4J HQ KARURA 19 DELL OPTILEX 760 JV2QNBX HQ KARURA 20 DELL OPTILEX 780 8P538BS HQ KARURA 21 DELL OPTILEX 780 GCA4LBX HQ KARURA 22 DELL OPTILEX 9010 4GNKJ2S HQ KARURA 23 DELL OPTIPLEX HQ KARURA 24 DELL OPTIPLEX HQ KARURA 25 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 CF5YM3J HQ KARURA 26 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 2K5RNBX HQ KARURA 27 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 2ZPPVQ1 HQ KARURA 28 DELL OPTIPLEX 9010 CF5YM3J HQ KARURA 29 DELL OPTIPLEX 3010 CDGN8XI HQ KARURA 30 DELL OPTIPLEX 3010 4HKDNWI HQ KARURA 31 DELL OPTIPLEX 3010 6GGWLV1 HQ KARURA 32 DELL OPTIPLEX 3010 J8YZCY1 HQ KARURA 33 DELL OPTIPLEX 3010 89YZY1 HQ KARURA 34 DELL OPTIPLEX 3010 2ZCYCY1 HQ KARURA 35 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 JH94712 HQ KARURA 36 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 IJ25732 HQ KARURA 37 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 D27KB22 HQ KARURA 38 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 6994712 HQ KARURA 39 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 8794712 HQ KARURA 40 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 2784712 HQ KARURA 41 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 216KB22 HQ KARURA 42 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 CQVH132 HQ KARURA 43 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 7CB4712 HQ KARURA 44 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 55THH132 HQ KARURA 45 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 FFTH132 HQ KARURA 46 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 IGH132 HQ KARURA 47 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 94TH132 HQ KARURA 48 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 CQVH132 HQ KARURA 49 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 CND4490752 HQ KARURA 50 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 5CTP52S HQ KARURA 51 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 1C136Z1 HQ KARURA 52 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 6MNPB32 HQ KARURA 53 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 7L2LW22 HQ KARURA 54 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 44FWP02 HQ KARURA 55 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 CHSCO532 HQ KARURA 56 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 42VC532 HQ KARURA 57 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 JZVC532 HQ KARURA 58 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 FGS532 HQ KARURA 59 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 FTBXJZ1 HQ KARURA 60 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 7425732 HQ KARURA 61 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 15XVF4Z HQ KARURA 62 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 6LLT3K21 HQ KARURA 63 DELL OPTIPLEX 3021 79JYJZ1 HQ KARURA 64 DELL OPTIPLEX 320 DTLZV2J HQ KARURA 65 DELL OPTIPLEX 380 G6NX72S HQ KARURA 66 DELL OPTIPLEX 380 H2NX725 HQ KARURA 67 DELL OPTIPLEX 380 CHFH7B5 HQ KARURA 68 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 2JJHTS1 HQ KARURA 69 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 3SJHT51 HQ KARURA 70 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 G0BR8R1 HQ KARURA 71 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 F23W8R1 HQ KARURA 72 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 GTTQWQ1 HQ KARURA 73 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 FSPTWQ1 HQ KARURA 74 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 C1VQWQ1 HQ KARURA 75 DELL OPTIPLEX 700 FX17WS1 HQ KARURA 76 DELL OPTIPLEX 7010 DWZ2WS1 HQ KARURA 77 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 5038088 HQ KARURA 78 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 DCJGBX HQ KARURA 79 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 FN64GBX HQ KARURA 80 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 BRCJFBX HQ KARURA 81 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 568873J HQ KARURA 82 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 DILGQ3J HQ KARURA 83 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 BB3GQ3J HQ KARURA 84 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 256FFBX HQ KARURA 85 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 BG5YM3J HQ KARURA 86 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 FZKGQ3J HQ KARURA 87 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 FD5YM3J HQ KARURA 88 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 2ZS4VQ1 HQ KARURA 89 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 KFS/MMMB/HQ/2010/0326 HQ KARURA 90 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 GOLQ3J HQ KARURA 91 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 BLS4LBX HQ KARURA 92 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 2T2QNBX HQ KARURA 93 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 1Y94D4J HQ KARURA 94 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 XR5RNBX HQ KARURA 95 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 4Y2QNBX HQ KARURA 96 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 5P2QNBX HQ KARURA 97 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 D13QNBX HQ KARURA 98 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 DW2QNBX HQ KARURA 99 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 5PX4D45 HQ KARURA 100 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 6R94D4J HQ KARURA 101 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 C33253241203 HQ KARURA 102 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 5M5RNBX HQ KARURA 103 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 99Y4D45 HQ KARURA 104 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 45ZQNBX HQ KARURA 105 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 HZ2QNBX HQ KARURA 106 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 4FY4D45 HQ KARURA 107 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 4LX4D4J HQ KARURA 108 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 3R2QNBX HQ KARURA 109 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 JD8VH4J HQ KARURA 110 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 3T2QNBX HQ KARURA 111 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 95PVH4J HQ KARURA 112 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 2R5RNBX HQ KARURA 113 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 7LS84LBX HQ KARURA 114 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 8CS4LBX HQ KARURA 115 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 5QSRNBX HQ KARURA 116 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 513QNBX HQ KARURA 117 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 7K5RNBX HQ KARURA 118 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 DGS4LBX HQ KARURA 119 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 IP2QNBX HQ KARURA 120 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 3K5RNBX HQ KARURA 121 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 8N2QNBX HQ KARURA 122 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 5PSS4P1 HQ KARURA 123 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 C9B38BS HQ KARURA 124 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 ZAB81103F3 HQ KARURA 125 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 6Z2QNBX HQ KARURA 126 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 CF8J7BS HQ KARURA 127 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 7Y538BS HQ KARURA 128 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 4727659384 HQ KARURA 129 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 BOWO65J HQ KARURA 130 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 69Y365J HQ KARURA 131 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 4VSL5BS HQ KARURA 132 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 JZ538BS HQ KARURA 133 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 IT538BS HQ KARURA 134 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 6Q1L6Q1 HQ KARURA 135 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 6TXD6Q1 HQ KARURA 136 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 25SO65J HQ KARURA 137 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 F6LO65J HQ KARURA 138 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 J9B38BS HQ KARURA 139 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 5V3465J HQ KARURA 140 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 36LO65J HQ KARURA 141 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 3NCO65J HQ KARURA 142 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 28S065J HQ KARURA 143 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 GBTP52S HQ KARURA 144 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 11638BS HQ KARURA 145 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 7J2F4P1 HQ KARURA 146 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 8Q538BS HQ KARURA 147 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 4QSLB5BS HQ KARURA 148 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 4QSLB5BS HQ KARURA 149 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 B7B32BS HQ KARURA 150 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 19RL5BS HQ KARURA 151 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 3MX4D4J HQ KARURA 152 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 6KH065J HQ KARURA 153 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 BJH065J HQ KARURA 154 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 75S065J HQ KARURA 155 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 3T538BS HQ KARURA 156 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 3BB38BS HQ KARURA 157 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 N/A HQ KARURA 158 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 9QQB532 HQ KARURA 159 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 8TPP52S HQ KARURA 160 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 HN5RNBX HQ KARURA 161 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 7BTP52S HQ KARURA 162 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 D2BJ7BS HQ KARURA 163 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 7HSS4PI HQ KARURA 164 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 C9B38BS HQ KARURA 165 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 HBB38BS HQ KARURA 166 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DP5RNBX HQ KARURA 167 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 12638BS HQ KARURA 168 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 61638BS HQ KARURA 169 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 F1638BS HQ KARURA 170 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 6Z7192S HQ KARURA 171 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 IXJ8RI HQ KARURA 172 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 7YMX725 HQ KARURA 173 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 1XCX8R1 HQ KARURA 174 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 D38R8R1 HQ KARURA 175 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 C18Q8R1 HQ KARURA 176 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 2RFWVQ1 HQ KARURA 177 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 8B18VQ1 HQ KARURA 178 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 279H92S HQ KARURA 179 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 D20W8R1 HQ KARURA 180 DELL OPTIPLEX 9010 3HVKG2S HQ KARURA 181 DELL OPTIPLEX 9010 2KRKG2S HQ KARURA 182 DELL OPTIPLEX 9010 7KRKG28S HQ KARURA 183 DELL OPTIPLEX 9010 2MVKG2S HQ KARURA 184 DELL OPTIPLEX 9010 HSTKG2S HQ KARURA 185 DELL OPTIPLEX 9020 50VV252 HQ KARURA 186 DELL OPTIPLEX 9020 21VNH32 HQ KARURA 187 DELL OPTIPLEX 9020 DOTNH32 HQ KARURA 188 DELL OPTIPLEX 9020 4XTNH32 HQ KARURA 189 DELL OPTIPLEX GX520 BZKZ32J HQ KARURA 190 DELL OPTIPLEX3020 1QO5732 HQ KARURA 191 DELL OPTIPLEX755 576FFBX HQ KARURA 192 DELL OPTIPLEX780 44BJ7BS HQ KARURA 193 DELL PRECISION M4600 9GS3BT1 HQ KARURA 194 DELL VOSTRO 200 BXW823J HQ KARURA 195 DELL VOSTRO 200 CNOYR413696176R0580 HQ KARURA 196 HP COM DX 2300 5963179 HQ KARURA 197 HP COM DX 2300 MXM8040FD6 HQ KARURA 198 HP COM DX 2300 ZAB81603FW HQ KARURA 199 HP COM DX 2300 ZAB812021N HQ KARURA 200 HP COM DX 2300 ZAB73801J HQ KARURA 201 HP COM DX 2300 MXM8040FQ0 HQ KARURA 202 HP COM DX2300 MXM8040FNT HQ KARURA 203 HP COM DX2300 ZAB81600D1 HQ KARURA 204 HP COMP DX2300 MXM8040F6V HQ KARURA 205 HP COMP DX2300 ZAB81103F3 HQ KARURA 206 HP COMP DX2300 MXM8040FL4 HQ KARURA 207 HP COMP DX2300 GQ8333EF HQ KARURA 208 HP COMP DX2300 MXM8040FQH HQ KARURA 209 HP COMPACT MXM8040FG4 HQ KARURA 210 HP COMPAQ 3CBOO326YO HQ KARURA 211 HP COMPAQ CNX75021DY HQ KARURA 212 HP COMPAQ ZAB81600DP HQ KARURA HP COMPAQ 500B 213 MICROTOWER 3CB01124X5 HQ KARURA HP COMPAQ 500B 214 MICROTOWER 3CB01124V0 HQ KARURA HP COMPAQ 500B 215 MICROTOWER 3CB01124LD HQ KARURA HP COMPAQ 500B 216 MICROTOWER 3CB01124QS HQ KARURA 217 HP COMPAQ 500MT 3CBOO326PP HQ KARURA 218 HP COMPAQ 500MT 3CQ942DQS HQ KARURA 219 HP COMPAQ 6120M SAA61905Z5 HQ KARURA 220 HP COMPAQ D330 HUB40301NN HQ KARURA 221 HP COMPAQ DX 2300 GQ833EF-ACQ HQ KARURA 222 HP COMPAQ DX 2300 ZAB73802F2 HQ KARURA 223 HP COMPAQ DX 2300 MXM8040FR3 HQ KARURA HP COMPAQ DX1000 224 MICROTOWER 3CB933258G HQ KARURA 225 3CB93326K5 HQ KARURA HP COMPAQ DX1000 MICROTOWER 226 HP COMPAQ DX2300 CNX7508K HQ KARURA 227 HP COMPAQ DX2300 ZAB74100PY HQ KARURA 228 HP COMPAQ DX2300 ZAB74100MB HQ KARURA 229 HP COMPAQ DX2300 CDE0255PWA HQ KARURA HP COMPAQ DX2300 230 MICROTOWER ZAB812024Y HQ KARURA 231 HP COMPAQ DX6120M SAA61905ZN HQ KARURA 232 HP COMPAQ MV700 CZC3475730 HQ KARURA 233 HP COMPAQ MV700 CZC3475HZK HQ KARURA 234 HP COMPAQ MV700 CZC3475727 HQ KARURA 235 HP COMPAQ MV700 CZC3423QHY HQ KARURA 236 HP COMPAQ-DX2300 ZAB7380248 HQ KARURA 237 HP COMPAQ-DX2300 ZABB160202 HQ KARURA 238 HP DX 2300 5932185 HQ KARURA 239 HP DX 2300 MXM806032N HQ KARURA 240 HP DX 2300 5932148 HQ KARURA 241 HP DX 2300 MXM8040DNP HQ KARURA 242 HP DX 2300 DQM3GBX HQ KARURA 243 HP DX 2300 MXM8040FL7 HQ KARURA 244 HP DX 2300 5932038 HQ KARURA 245 HP DX 2300 5963184 HQ KARURA 246 HP DX 2300 SGH7290NYG HQ KARURA 247 HP DX 2300 SAA7190L66 HQ KARURA 248 HP DX 2300 5932016 HQ KARURA 249 HP DX 2300 ZAB73801YX HQ KARURA 250 HP DX 2300 MXM8040FV3 HQ KARURA 251 HP DX 2300 MXM8060NS HQ KARURA 252 HP DX 2300 ZAB8102Q3 HQ KARURA 253 HP DX2200 SAA7120CN5 HQ KARURA 254 HP DX2300 5963054 HQ KARURA 255 HP DX2300 SAA7190FPH HQ KARURA 256 HP DX2300 MICROTOWER ZAB812020T HQ KARURA 257 HP DX2300 MICROTOWER ZAB81603G6 HQ KARURA 258 HP PAVILLION TS500 4M3RB5J HQ KARURA 259 HP PAVILLION TS500 3M3RB5J HQ KARURA 260 HP PAVILLION TS500 5M3RB5J HQ KARURA 261 HP PRO CND50795VJ HQ KARURA 262 HP PRO 350G2 MT TRF4380M9M HQ KARURA 263 HP PRO 350G2 MT TRF437OCSQ HQ KARURA II. NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 KENYA FORESTRY COLLEGE(KFC)-LONDIANI MODEL/MAKE SERIAL NO. LOCATION DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DSJC82S BVGC282S 8JJC82S FWGC82S DJJC82S DMLC82S 1KJC82S 3LLC82S 2XGC82S 3VKD82S 5KJC82S CN0U417N HSKD82S 3NLC82S 8TKD82S 5TKD82S JMLC82S 3VGC82S 2DFH7BS LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 Hp Compaq dx2290 dell optiplex 780 dell optiplex 780 dell optiplex 780 dell optiplex 780 dell optiplex 780 dell optiplex 780 dell optiplex 780 dell optiplex 390 dell optiplex 780 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 Hp Compaq dx2290 dell optiplex 780 dell optiplex 390 Dell Optiplex 780 Dell Optiplex 780 Dell Optiplex 390 BSKD82S 7TKD82S 7KLC82S 8VKD82S 3LJC82S JTKD82S D4BJ7BS GVKD82S GSKD82S 7VKD82S GSJC82S CMLC82S IZBH7BS 66BH7BS JPHC90S 3XOC12S GSJK82S ZAB81600JZ JHJC82S 2YBN7BS HTJC82S J2BJ7BS 4VKD82S 4VBH7BS 92CH7BS 66BH7BS 7WGC82S 6FFHTS1 ZABB160167 9TGC82S 1MJHTSI 8KJC82S 15BH7BS 92CH7BS LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI III. FIELD OFFICES NO MODEL/MAKE SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION 1 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 69B38BS HOC KAKAMEGA 2 HP PRO 3500 TRF3521B51 HOC KAKAMEGA 3 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 8DRL5BS HOC KAKAMEGA 4 HP DX COMPAQ 2200 ZAB716017W HOC KAKAMEGA 5 HP PRO 3500 TRF352101W HOC KAKAMEGA 6 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 6MS15B8 E.C KAKAMEGA 7 HP COMPAQ DX2290 CNX75021KT E.C KAKAMEGA 8 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 GNVJ7BS E.C KAKAMEGA 9 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 - E.C VIHIGA 10 HP COMPAQ DX2290 CNX75020PK E.C VIHIGA 11 LENOVO TS9622W2L3A3893 E.C BUTERE 12 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 5ND54P1 E.C BUTERE 13 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 KFS/NRM/040 E.C BUNGOMA 14 HP 290 G1 TRF5110KW E.C BUNGOMA 15 HP 290 G2 TRF510379 E.C BUNGOMA 16 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 5HFH7BS Z.M TESO 17 HP DX 2200 5GHC4304BX Z.M TESO 18 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 FQVJ7BS E.C BUSIA 19 HP COMPAQ DX200 HMB603033 E.C BUSIA 20 HP COMPAQ 739QG2 HOC NYANZA 21 DELL OPTIPLEX 3010 97YZCY1 HOC NYANZA 22 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 1KRL5BS HOC NYANZA 23 HP PRO TRF42307BG HOC NYANZA 24 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 8V5QKBX HOC NYANZA 25 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 CZSL5BS HOC NYANZA 26 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020MT JH2TR52 EC KISUMU 27 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020MT CGB1R53 EC KISUMU 28 LENOVO THINK CENTRE L3A5812 EC KISUMU 29 HP 280 G1 TRF5100384 EC KISUMU 30 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 7JFH7BS EC NYAMIRA 31 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 GLBH7BS EC NYAMIRA 32 DELL OPTIPLEX 310 19Y2CY1 EC KISII 33 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 J4BH7BS EC KISII 34 LENOVO THINK CENTRE L3A1741 EC KISII 35 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 7HFH7BS ZM GUCHA 36 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 8HFH7BS ZM GUCHA 37 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 GHFH7BS ZM TRANSMARA 38 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 H2BJ7BS ZM TRANSMARA 39 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 JWBH7BS ZM KURIA 40 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 9MFH7BS ZM KURIA 41 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 8G8JBS EC MIGORI 42 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 5HBJ7BS EC MIGORI 43 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DP5L5BS EC MIGORI 44 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 4MFH7BS ZM SUBA 45 HP COMPAQ 2UA5380WJN ZM SUBA 46 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 ULFH7BS ZM SUBA 47 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 FKFH7BS EC HOMABAY 48 DELL IPTIPLEX 380 HKYM7BS ZM BONDO 49 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 GFBH7BS ZM BONDO 50 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 6KFH7BS EC SIAYA 51 LENOVO THINK CENTRE L3A5871 EC SIAYA 52 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 6YV065J EC SIAYA 53 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 4MC065J EC SIAYA 54 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 5RLJ7BS ZM RACHUONYO 55 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 33CH7BS ZM NYANDO 56 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DCSMIF ZM NYANDO 57 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 2ZZWJBX HOC OFFICE EASTERN 58 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 H31XJBX HOC OFFICE EASTERN 59 HP DX2390 TFR4010LRY HOC OFFICE EASTERN 60 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 2FN3N3J HOC OFFICE EASTERN 61 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 J9RL5BS HOC OFFICE EASTERN 62 HP D6120 NXL53801RP EC EMBU 63 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 3FFH7BS EC EMBU 64 HP PRO 3500 TRF42007GW EC EMBU 65 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 9G837BS EC MERU SOUTH 66 HP DX2390 TRF42007JI EC MERU SOUTH 67 HP DX2390 TRF42007FW EC MERU SOUTH 68 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 7H837BS EC MERU SOUTH 69 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DKFH7BS EC MERU SOUTH 70 HP DX2390 TRF42007GR EC MERU SOUTH 71 HP SLIC-CPC CNX75021BZ EC MERU NORTH 72 HP COMPAQ EVO D310 73 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 92BJ7BS EC MERU NORTH 74 HP PRO TRF42007FV EC MERU NORTH 75 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 1BT1TK52 EC MERU CENTRAL 76 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 23BJ7BS EC MERU CENTRAL 77 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 B9PM95J EC MERU CENTRAL 78 HP DX2290 CNX7501ZRG EC MERU CENTRAL 79 HP DX2390 TRF42007G9 ZM THARAKA 80 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 F3BJ7BS ZM THARAKA 81 DELL DLWTS51 ZM MBEERE 82 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 FHFH7BS ZM MBEERE 83 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 20WC532 ZM MBEERE 84 HP DX2390 TRF42007HS ZM MBEERE 63036000 EC MERU NORTH 85 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 8FFH7BS ZM MWINGI 86 HP DX2300 MXM8040FMV ZM MWINGI 87 HP DX2300 ZAB816Q3DQ ZM MWINGI 88 HP DX2300 MXM8040MVT ZM MWINGI 89 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 5YBH7BS EC MAKUENI 90 HP DX2300 ZABB715003W EC MAKUENI 91 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DGBN7BS EC MAKUENI 92 HP NULL EC MAKUENI 93 LG-INTEX NULL EC MAKUENI 94 HP DX2300 NULL EC MAKUENI 95 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 GSZKW22 EC MACHAKOS 96 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 DTXW632 EC MACHAKOS 97 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 770TK52 EC MACHAKOS 98 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 42BJ7BS EC MACHAKOS 99 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 DGBN7BS EC KITUI 100 HP D330 RUBBED EC KITUI 101 CLONE DIGITEX NULL EC KITUI 102 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 4TBH7BS EC TURKANA 103 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 7JFH7BS EC TURKANA 104 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 65BJ7BS EC WEST POKOT 105 DELL OPTIPLEX GX620 D3NHG2J EC TRANS NZOIA 106 ACER 107 LENOVO THINKPAD 9622W2Y EC TRANS NZOIA 108 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 9Y3Y8R1 EC TRANS NZOIA 109 HP DX2390 3CB83020SL HOC NORTH RIFT 110 DELL OPTIPLEX 380 2XR542S HOC NORTH RIFT 111 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 4JRL5BS HOC NORTH RIFT 112 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 585GKBX HOC NORTH RIFT 113 HP DX2390 3CB83020TF EC UASIN GISHU 61900150738 EC TRANS NZOIA 114 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 99B38BS EC UASIN GISHU 115 DELL OPTIPLEX 330 NULL EC UASIN GISHU 116 HP COMPAQ 500B 3CB00325DN EC NYANDARUA 117 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 FVKJ7BS EC NYANDARUA 118 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 8YRM7R1 EC NYANDARUA 119 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 JF7S8R1 EC NYANDARUA 120 HP COMPAQ DC5000 CZC4452358 EC NYANDARUA 121 HP COMPAQ DX2300 MT MXM8040DBR EC LAIKIPIA 122 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 JFBH7BS EC LAIKIPIA 123 HP COMPAQ DC7600 CNG547060R EC LAIKIPIA 124 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 DL3Y8R1 EC NYERI 125 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 8YCZYR1 EC NYERI 126 HP COMPAQ DX7500 MT CZC9320RBS EC NYERI 127 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 8Y9Z8R1 EC NYERI 128 HP PRO3500 SERIES TRF42007KP DFO NYERI 129 HP COMPAQ DX2290MT CNX75021RK DFO NYERI 130 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 2MRL5BS EC NYERI 131 HP PRO3500 SERIES TRF3520ZXM HOC NYERI 132 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 66L065J HOC NYERI 133 HP PRO3500 SERIES TRF35219TJ HOC NYERI 134 DELL VOSTRO 200 5WW823J HOC NYERI 135 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 6G2TK52 HOC NYERI 136 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 5ZOTL52 HOC NYERI 137 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 B4CH7BS EC KIRINYAGA 138 HP COMPAQ DX7500 MT CZC9276324 EC KIRINYAGA 139 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 90CJ8R1 EC KIRINYAGA 140 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 J8PM95J EC KIRINYAGA 141 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 8YZ78R1 EC KIRINYAGA 142 HP COMPAQ D51/P24/40 EC KIRINYAGA 143 HP D530 CZC406165W EC KIRINYAGA 144 HP COMPAQ DX2290 MT CNX750219Y EC MURANGA 145 HP COMPAQ DX2290 MT CNX7502155 EC MURANGA 146 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 32BJ7BS EC MURANGA 147 HP PRO3500 SERIES TRF42007LF EC MURANGA 148 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 4BRL5BS EC MURANGA 149 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 93BJ7BS EC MURANGA 150 HP PRO 3400 SERIES TRF21208DD ZM THIKA 151 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 HVKJ7BS ZM THIKA 152 LENOVO-9622W2Y L3A4933 ZM THIKA 153 HP COMPAQ DX7800 MT MXL74110LC ZM THIKA 154 HP COMPAQ DX7800 MT MXL8360T8P ZM THIKA 155 DELL OPTIPLEX 170L JN7KC15 ZM THIKA 156 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 C8BX8R1 EC KIAMBU 157 DELL OPTIPLEX 3010 3W4V8X1 EC KIAMBU 158 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 BOW7B5J EC KIAMBU 159 HP COMPAQ DX2290 MT CNX750208C EC KIAMBU 160 HP COMPAQ DX2300 MT ZAB81600Q0 HOC NAIROBI 161 HP COMPAQ DX2200 MT ZAB715004J HOC NAIROBI 162 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 59B38BS HOC NAIROBI 163 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 DKVFVS1 HOC NAIROBI 164 DELL OPTIPLEX 380 FZVRSBX EC NAIROBI 165 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 4DRL5BS EC NAIROBI 166 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 DNFXJZ1 EC NAIROBI 167 HP COMPAQ DX2300 MT MXM8040FR1 EC NAIROBI 168 LENOVO 9622W2Y L3A0299 EC KAJIADO 169 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 FPJJ7BS EC KAJIADO 170 HP COMPAQ DX2300 MT ZAB812022X EC KAJIADO 171 COMPAQ DESKPRO EP/SB SERIES 8839CCR2C597 EC KAJIADO 172 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 TRF58217XY LAMU EC 173 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 TRF42307YR KILIFI EC 174 LENOVO 9622W2Y L3A4034 KILIFI EC 175 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 CN-02HTXX-70163-59500OQ-A00 KILIFI EC 176 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 52BJ7BS TAITA TAVETA EC 177 IBM APTIVA ABAV572 TAITA TAVETA EC 178 CLONE 179 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 KFS/NRM/2011/CPU/021 HOC COAST 180 HP PRO TRF42307SM MOMBASA EC 181 HP PRO TRF4230752 HOC COAST 182 HP COMPAQ SAA60805BN HOC COAST 183 DELL OPTLEX 3020 CN-021HTXX-70163-57M00W1-A00 MOMBASA EC 184 HP PRO TRF42307YR KWALE EC 185 HP PRO 42307YR KWALE EC 186 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 CN-OKCCCP-72872-310E95M, 17INCHES MALINDI ZONE 187 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 CN-02N00N-64180-23E44DB MALINDI ZONE 188 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 CN-OU417N-64180-OBU3NDS MALINDI ZONE 189 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 CN-OU417N-64180-03M06WU ,DELL 17'' MALINDI ZONE 190 HP COMAPAQ DX 2390 CZCOO52Z8P HOC MAU 191 HP COMAPAQ DX 2390 TRF3521B4M HOC MAU 192 HP COMAPAQ DX 2391 TRF35219RM HOC MAU 193 DELL OPTIPLEX 755 6PYBG1J HOC MAU 194 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 6LX4D4J HOC MAU 195 HP COMPAQ DX 2300 SGH4110KOC HOC MAU 196 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 BTV7B5J E.C NAKURU 197 HP COMPAQ 2390 3CB83020R9 E.C NAKURU TAITA TAVETA EC 198 DELL-OPTIPLEX 790 8Y83ZR1 E.C NAKURU 199 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 200 DELL-OPTIPLEX 789 JJ1W8R1 E.C KERICHO 201 DELL-OPTIPLEX 790 90JW8R1 E.C KERICHO 202 HP COMPAQ DX2300 CNX7502186 E.C KERICHO 203 HP COMPAQ 2390 3CB830212V E.C KERICHO 204 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 99RJ8R1 E.C KERICHO 205 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 43BJ7BS E.C KERICHO 206 HP DX2390 3CB83020FT NAROK 207 HP-COMPAQ DX 2290 CNX75021RN NAROK 208 DELL-OPTIPLEX 390 FYM7B5J NAROK 209 HP-COMPAQ DX 2290 CNX75021VN BURET 210 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 7DBH7B5 BURET 211 HP-COMPAQ DX 2290 CNX75021V1 BOMET 212 HP-COMPAQ DX 2290 CNX75021K4 BOMET 213 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 G2BJ7BS BOMET 214 HP-COMPAQ DX 2290 CNX75021GX BOMET 215 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 22BJ7BS ISIOLO EC 216 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 6P6GKBX ISIOLO EC 217 LENOVO THINK CENTRE 1S9622W2YL3A5891 HOC EWASO NORTH 218 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 4K5RNBX HOC EWASO NORTH 219 HP 650 5CB3190SQM HOC EWASO NORTH 220 HP COMPAQ CND65014C0 SAMBURU EC 221 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 CD7NC2S SAMBURU EC 222 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 IU5GKBX SAMBURU EC 223 DIGITEK 94574 SAMBURU EC 224 DELL OPTPLEX 780 DWKJ7BS MARSABIT EC 225 DELL DIMENSION 4600 6H8BY0J MARSABIT EC 226 DELL OPTPLEX 780 D4CH7BS MARSABIT EC E.C NAKURU 227 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 431GQ02 HOC NORTH EASTERN 228 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 GTG6H71 HOC NORTH EASTERN 229 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 1SSL5BS HOC NORTH EASTERN 230 HP COMPAQ DC7100CMT MXL53801S5 HOC NORTH EASTERN 231 DELL OPTIPLEX 320 D29KQ2J E.C GARISSA 232 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 FTBH7BS E.C IJARA 233 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 GLFH7BS E.C BARINGO 234 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 C2BJ7BS E.C BARINGO 235 DEL-8300 N/A E.C BARINGO B. LAPTOPS I. HEAD QUARTER NO MODEL/MAKE SERIAL NO LOCATION 1 HP HP PROBOOK 4320S USH11900SD HQ KARURA 2 HP 100 5CG24721DD HQ KARURA 3 HP 14 NOTEBOOK CND4489NR9 HQ KARURA 4 HP 14 NOTEBOOK CND5088D01 HQ KARURA 5 HP 2000 5CG3345KOF HQ KARURA 6 HP 4706 MXM80407 HQ KARURA 7 HP 630 5CB239074Q HQ KARURA 8 HP 630 5CB23848YN HQ KARURA 9 HP 630 NOTEBOOK PC 5CB137542L HQ KARURA 10 HP 630 NOTEBOOK PC 5CB137547D HQ KARURA 11 HP 650 SCB3082MB9 HQ KARURA 12 HP 6530B CNU943QRVF HQ KARURA 13 HP ELITEBOOK 2740P USH128003J HQ KARURA 14 HP ELITEBOOK 820G1 6DJGRN8RY6POMO HQ KARURA 15 HP ELITEBOOK FOLIO 9470M CNU345BH1V HQ KARURA 16 HP ELITEBOOKFOLIO 9470M CNU345B5TR HQ KARURA 17 HP ENVY 810 CZC44303SM HQ KARURA 18 HP ENVY 811 CZC44303SL HQ KARURA 19 HP FOLIO 9470M CNU345B6H1 HQ KARURA 20 HP HP PROBOOK HQ KARURA 21 HP HP PROBOOK 4340S HQ KARURA 22 HP HP PROBOOK 4320 CNFO295W3Q HQ KARURA 23 HP HP PROBOOK 4320S CNF036MM9 HQ KARURA 24 HP HP PROBOOK 4320S USH12002F HQ KARURA 25 HP HP PROBOOK 4330S CNU122126Z HQ KARURA 26 HP HP PROBOOK 4330S 27 HP HP PROBOOK 4340S 28 HP HP PROBOOK 4340S 29 HP HP PROBOOK 4340S 2CE237297X HQ KARURA 30 HP HP PROBOOK 450 G2 CND4465WXJ HQ KARURA 31 HP HP PROBOOK 450 G2 CND4263PX3 HQ KARURA 32 HP HP PROBOOK 450 GS CNU201284H HQ KARURA 33 HP HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU13716CF HQ KARURA 34 HP HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1410XL9 HQ KARURA 35 HP HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU14426TG HQ KARURA 36 HP HP PROBOOK 530 CND821NRIB HQ KARURA 37 HP LAPTOP - HQ KARURA 38 HP PAVALLION DV 5 4CA9071K1R HQ KARURA 39 HP PAVALLION DV 5 4CA8511685 HQ KARURA 40 HP PAVILION D4 3CE948330R HQ KARURA 41 HP PAVILLION PC DV4 3CE94413P5 HQ KARURA 42 HP PAVILLION 14 CND44907Y7 HQ KARURA 43 HP PAVILLION G6 NOTE BOOK 5CD2369XFL HQ KARURA 44 HP PAVILLION TS14 5CD4124RW5 HQ KARURA HQ KARURA 2CE2372963 HQ KARURA HQ KARURA 45 HP PRO BOOK 4320S CNF02756XX HQ KARURA 46 HP PRO BOOK 4320S CNF0295W2Z HQ KARURA 47 HP PRO BOOK 4330S CNU20128Z8 HQ KARURA 48 HP PRO BOOK 4330S CNU201290R HQ KARURA 49 HP PRO BOOK 4330S CNU20128TY HQ KARURA 50 HP PRO BOOK 4330S CNU220124R HQ KARURA 51 HP PROBOOK 4340S 2CE2372989 HQ KARURA 52 HP PROBOOK 4340S 2CE237296Z HQ KARURA 53 HP PROBOOK 4340S CNFO295W43 HQ KARURA 54 HP PROBOOK 4340S CNF032423G HQ KARURA 55 HP PROBOOK 450 G2 CND42855LB HQ KARURA 56 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU13719GM HQ KARURA 57 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1441CH6 HQ KARURA 58 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1410ZZDY HQ KARURA 59 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1410Z8K HQ KARURA 60 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU13719NN HQ KARURA 61 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU13716CF HQ KARURA 62 HP PROBOOK 4530S 63 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1441BWV HQ KARURA 64 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU2032CCB HQ KARURA 65 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU20330DD HQ KARURA 66 HP PROBOOK4320 CF02756X2 HQ KARURA 67 HP PROBOOK43302 CNU2030LX8 HQ KARURA 68 HP PROBOOK45305 CNU20330DM HQ KARURA 69 HP PROTECT SMART 5CD423ZGY HQ KARURA 70 HP-14R201NE CND50884Y2 HQ KARURA 71 HP6730S CNU8410GDF HQ KARURA 72 HPP106 NOTEBOOK 5CD40723N9 HQ KARURA 73 LENOVO S51 L3A4013 HQ KARURA 74 LENOVO THINK CENTER M58 1S9622W2YLVA3977 HQ KARURA HQ KARURA 75 LENOVO THINK CENTER M58 159622W2YL3A1121 HQ KARURA 76 LENOVO THINKCENTRE M58 SFF 12A5446 HQ KARURA 77 MAC AIRBOOK C1MP6CA7G941 HQ KARURA 78 MACBOOK AIR QDS-BRCM1052 HQ KARURA 79 HP PROBOOK 4540S 2CE41125BZ HQ KARURA II. KFC-LONDIANI NO MODEL/MAKE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 III. NO HP 650 HP 530 HP 650 HP 650 Hp 650 HP 650 HP 650 HP 650 HP 650 HP 650 HP 650 HP 650 HP 650 HP 650 HP 650 HP 650 HP 650 HP 650 HP 650 HP 650 SERIAL NO. LOCATION 5CB2520K2M CND822TXZA 5CB252046J 5CB2520K3D 5CB2520K56 5CB2520K5G 5CB2520KZZ 5CB2520K0N 5CB2520K1Q 5CB2520K4D 5CB2520K16 5CB2520K36 5CB2520K5L 5CB2520K2C 5CB2520JWM 5CB2520KOY 5CB2520K63 5CB2520J22 5CB2520K4T 5CB2520K2I LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI FIELD OFFICES MODEL/MAKE SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION 1 HP PROBOOK 450 GI 2CE4081WVN HOC KAKAMEGA 2 HP 15 CND5513C6N E.C BUSIA 3 HP 15 CND5513F9C E.C BUSIA 4 HP NOTEBOOK 5 HP NOTEBOOK CND5513JNP EC KISUMU 6 HP PROBOOK 4540S 2CE -4080YC EC KISII 7 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNG14419VH EC HOMABAY 8 HP PROBOOK 4540S 9 HP 4540S CQ60-222EI ZM BONDO 10 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU20333JV ZM RACHUONYO 11 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU13717GV HOC EASTERN 12 HP PROBOOK 4530S KFSMMCP00035L HOC EASTERN 13 HP 14 NOTEBOOK PC CND4489P1Y HOC EASTERN 14 HP PROBOOK 4540S 2CE3052DVC EC EMBU 15 SONY R5274469 EC MERU NORTH 16 HP 15 NOTEBOOK PC CND4132ZRF EC MERU CENTRAL 17 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU203340C ZM MBEERE 18 HP 14 NOTEBOOK PC CND449103Q ZM MBEERE 19 HP 14 NOTEBOOK PC CND4344JZ3 ZM MWINGI 20 HP PROBOOK 4320S UNAVAILABLE ZM MWINGI 21 HP PROBOOK 4520S CND821NQK EC MAKUENI 22 HP PROBOOK 4520S CND821NR9M EC MAKUENI 23 HP PROBOOK 4520S CND821NRRCN EC MAKUENI 24 HP PROBOOK 4520S CND821NR4P EC MAKUENI 25 HP PROBOOK 4520S CND8221YHY EC MAKUENI 26 HP PROBOOK 4520S CND821NRBC EC MAKUENI 27 HP PROBOOK 4520S CND821NQ5K EC MAKUENI 28 HP PROBOOK 4520S CND821NQ22 EC MAKUENI 29 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1410ZC4 EC MAKUENI 30 HP PROBOOK 4520S CND821NR4P EC MAKUENI 31 HP UNAVAILABLE EC MACHAKOS HOC NYANZA EC HOMABAY 32 HP PROBOOK 4530S CN914415CV EC KITUI 33 HP PAVILION DV4 UNAVAILABLE EC TURKANA 34 HP LAPTOP UNAVAILABLE HOC NORTH RIFT 35 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU203338H HOC NORTH RIFT 36 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1410XYQ EC NYANDARUA 37 LENOVO 20369 YBO7923804 EC NYANDARUA 38 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU2081YXR EC NYANDARUA 39 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU14426GC EC NYERI 40 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU2121TF7 EC NYERI 41 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU2121W3J EC KIRINYAGA 42 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU20333X4 EC KIRINYAGA 43 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU14426LK EC KIRINYAGA 44 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU20328FC EC MURANGA 45 TOSHIBA SATELLITE A100 17309606Q EC MURANGA 46 TOSHIBA SATELLITE L300 593563100 ZM MURANGA 47 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU13718DY EC KIAMBU 48 DELL INSPIRON N4030 192041320740 EC KAJIADO 49 HP PRO BOOK 4320S HSTNN-Q78C-3 LAMU EC 50 HPPRO BOOK CND5513JQF LAMU EC 51 HP 15 CND5513JQF KILIFI EC 52 HP-PRO BOOK 4530S CNU1371BOB TAITA TAVETA EC 53 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1522D15 MOMBASA EC 54 HP 15 CND5513L36 MOMBASA EC 55 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1371DPP MOMBASA EC 56 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1381DXX KWALE EC 57 HP 4520S 2CE02400R6 HOC MAU 58 HP 4530S CNU1410XFX E.C NAKURU 59 HP 4520S 2CE02400R8 E.C NAKURU 60 HP 4530S LIKIA STATION 61 HP 4520S MENENGAI STATION 62 HP 4530S CNU14426J2 E.C KERICHO 63 HP 4530S CUN21321KG E.C KERICHO 64 HP-4530S CNU1371CSH EC NAROK 65 HP-4530S 66 HP 650 5CB3190SQM HOC EWASO NORTH 67 HP PRO BOOK 4330S CNU201295K HOC EWASO NORTH 68 HP PRO BOOK 4530S CNU20333WD SAMBURU EC 69 TOSHIBA SATELLITEA100 37023288Q HOC NORTH EASTERN 70 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1410ZG6 HOC NORTH EASTERN 71 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1522CM E.C GARISSA 72 HP PROBOOK 4530S 2CT2441RJN E.C GARISSA 73 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1410P6M E.C IJARA 74 HP 650 5CB3190SQM HOC EWASO NORTH 75 HP PRO BOOK 4330S CNU201295K HOC EWASO NORTH 76 HP PRO BOOK 4530S CNU20333WD SAMBURU EC 77 TOSHIBA SATELLITEA100 37023288Q HOC NORTH EASTERN 78 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1410ZG6 HOC NORTH EASTERN 79 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1522CM E.C GARISSA 80 HP PROBOOK 4530S 2CT2441RJN E.C GARISSA 81 HP PROBOOK 4530S CNU1410P6M E.C IJARA EC NAROK C. PRINTERS/PLOTTERS/SCANNERS I. NO HEAD QUARTERS MODEL/MAKE SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION REMARKS 1 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW81636Q HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 2 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW81636Q HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 3 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNC1B45754 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 4 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNCKJ52905 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 5 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW81635V HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 6 HP 1536MFP CNG8G576LZ HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 7 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCKH96053 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 8 HP LASERJET P2015D CNBW84XOC9 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 9 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNCKH9605T HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 10 EPSON LQ 690 LKXH023101 HQ KARURA 11 EPSON LQ 2180 JRBY024639 HQ KARURA RECEIPT AND CHEQUESAND RECEIPT 12 HP LASERJET 1320 CNM1J22748 HQ KARURA CHEQUES PRINTING ONLY 13 HP LASERJET PRO 400 VN4R02164 HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 14 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCKH9600S HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 15 HP LASERJET 1300 CNCJJ10738 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 16 HP LASERJET P2015DN VNH4R02154 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 17 HP 2300L CNCHC83803 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 18 HP 2015DN CNBW84B67C HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 19 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW85POP3 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 20 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW84R1VD HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 21 EPSON LQ 690 LKWH000825 HQ KARURA 22 HP LASERJET PRO400 MFP CNB8D3Z577 HQ KARURA RECEIPT AND CHEQUES 3-IN-1 23 HP LASERJET P2015D CNBW87K1TP HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 24 HP LASERJET PRO 400 CNB8D3PS7H HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 25 HP P2055DN CNCJF03188 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 26 HP LASERJET 1320 CNM1MO1146 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 27 HP LASER JET P2055D CNCJB64936 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 28 HP LASERJET 2300DN CNCFD36611 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 29 HP LASERJET PRO 400 COLOR M451DN HP LASERJET P2055D CNCH301497 HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 30 CNCJB64620 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 31 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCKB425BL HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 32 HP LASERJET P2055D CNCJB64628 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 33 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNC1784063 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 34 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNC1784064 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 35 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCKB417VB HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 36 HP LASERJET PRO400 M401DN PHKGD22451 HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 37 HP LASERJET CP2025 CNH5365687 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 38 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCK731618 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 39 HP OFFICEJET H470 CN05J281Y4 HQ KARURA 40 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCKB93189 HQ KARURA LARGE FORMAT_MAPS PRINTING ONLY 41 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCKB92720 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 42 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNC1784052 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 43 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNC1784050 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 44 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCHB59089 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 45 HP COLOR LASERJET CM2320FXI MFP CNFTB84JM1 HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 46 HP LASERJET 1536DNF MFP CNF8F3P9MR HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 47 HP PHOTO SMART C3183 SDGOB-0603 HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 48 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW81636X HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 49 HP LASERJET PRO 200 COLOR CNF1M18894 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 50 HP 4015 CNFY445175 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 51 HP CP2025 CNHS365688 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 52 HP LASERJET 2055DN CNCK828132 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 53 HP LASERJET CP3525DN CNCTC7DOZ3 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 54 HP 7500A MY17P210K9 HQ KARURA 55 HP LASERJET P4015X CNFY445128 HQ KARURA LARGE FORMAT_MAPS PRINTING ONLY 56 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW84R1VK HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 57 HP LASERJET 2015D CNBW87KIVS HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 58 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW816361 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 59 HP LASERJET PRO 400 M401DN PHKGD10651 HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 60 HP LASERJET P2055D CNCJC13025H HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 61 HP LJ1320 CNCJM49623 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 62 CNC8DCMT5Y HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 63 HP LASERJET PRO 400 COLOR MFP HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCKC52129 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 64 HP LASERJET P2055D CNC13C7023 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 65 HP LASERJET 2015DN CNBW816377 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 66 HP LASERJET P4015X CNFYX45123 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 67 HP 1536 CNG8G5F6WY HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 68 HP ASEJET 2055D CNCJH15893 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 69 HP 2015 CNBW81635N HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 70 HP 4015 CNFY445122 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 71 HP LASERJET P4015X CNBX613762 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 72 HP LASERJET P2014 CNCJ102153 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 73 HP PRO CM1415 FNW CNJO4NQOP HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 74 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW81635H HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 75 HP K7103 HQ KARURA 76 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW81B715 HQ KARURA LARGE FORMAT_MAPS PRINTING ONLY 77 HP COLOR LASERJET 3800 CNZFD97935 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 78 HP LASEJET P4015X CNFY263813 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 79 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCKD18992 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 80 HP LASERJET1536DNF CNG8FD68F8 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 81 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNC1B42673 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 82 HP LASER JET P2055DN CNCNKC52132 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 83 HP LASERJET P4015X CN7Y445304 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 84 HP LASERJET PRO 400 MTPM425DN HP LASERJET 1320 CNF8G4W6X9 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY CNCJ75670 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY HP LASERJET PRO 400 COLOR M475DW HP LASERJET CM145FNW CND8F2S4BJ HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 CNJ6D6RQLZ HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 COLOR MFP PRO 200 COLOR HP LASERJET 251M CNF1NOO402 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 85 86 87 86 87 HP LASERJET 2015 CNC2805768 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 88 HP LASERJET P4015X CNFYY4512 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 89 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCK652730 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 90 HP LASERJET P2015DN CN167VHOQD HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 91 HP LASERJET P2055D CNC5WZ1630 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 91 HP LASERJET P2055D CNCJC16336 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 92 LASERJET PRO 400M410DN VNC3J28739 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 93 EPSON LQ-2180 JRBY026032 HQ KARURA 94 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW85L4FZ HQ KARURA RECEIPT AND CHEQUES ONLY PRINTING 95 HP LASERJET P25055DN CNBW85L4GF HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 96 HP LASERJET P4015X CNFY445171 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 97 HP LASERJET 1300 KFS/HQCP00236PRS HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 98 HP LASERJET P25055DN CNCKC78945 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 99 HP COLOR LASERJET 2605 KFSHQCPOO218PRS HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 100 HP LASERJET P4015X CFNY445348 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 101 HP PHOTOSMART PREMIUM CN08LD10DL HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 102 HP 4250 CNHXN72420 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 103 HP LASERJET 2015DN CNBW84RIVB HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 104 HP LASERJET 2055DN HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 105 HP LASERJET P4015 CNFY445439 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 106 HP LASERJET 2015DN CNBW84R1VM HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 107 HP LASERJET P4015 CNFY445587 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 108 HP LASERJET 2015 DN JPCGN00625 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 109 HP LASERJET 2055DN CNCKG41178 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 110 HP LASERJET 2015DN CNBW816365 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 111 HP LASERJET 400 COLOR CND8G4G6BP HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 112 HP LASERJET 2055DN CNCF330467 HQ KARURA 3-IN-1 113 HP LASERJET 2015DN CNBW77H24F HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 114 HP LASERJET 2055DN CNCKH96243 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 115 HP LASERJET P2055 DN CNCKH96061 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 116 DATACARD SP55 GDI-Q10055 HQ KARURA CARDS 117 HP LASERJET PRO 400 DN CND8G4G44P HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 118 HP PRO 400 VNH4R02163 HQ KARURA PRINTING ONLY 119 HP DESIGNJET 800 SG4C98102S HQ KARURA PLOTTER 120 HP DESIGNJET 510 MY26K8304S HQ KARURA PLOTTER 121 HP DESIGNJET 1055CM PLUS SG43413119 HQ KARURA PLOTTER 122 EPSON GT 20000 KGR0016870 HQ KARURA SCANNER 123 EPSON GT 20000 KGR0018458 HQ KARURA SCANNER 124 HP 1536 CNG8G5F6WY HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 125 HP 1536MFP CNG8G576LZ HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 126 HP 7500A MY17P210K9 HQ-KARURA PRINTING ONLY 127 HP LASERJET 1536DNF MFP CNF8F3P9MR HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 128 129 130 131 132 HP LASERJET CM145FNW COLOR MFP HP LASERJET PRO 400 HP LASERJET PRO 400 COLOR M475DW HP LASERJET PRO 400 COLOR MFP HP LASERJET PRO 400 DN CNJ6D6RQLZ HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 CNB8D3PS7H HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 CND8F2S4BJ HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 CNC8DCMT5Y HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 CND8G4G44P HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 CNF8G4W6X9 HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 134 HP LASERJET PRO 400 MTPM425DN HP LASERJET PRO400 MFP CNB8D3Z577 HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 135 HP LASERJET1536DNF CNG8FD68F8 HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 136 HP PHOTO SMART C3183 SDGOB-0603 HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 137 HP PHOTOSMART PREMIUM CN08LD10DL HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 138 HP PRO 400 VNH4R02163 HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 133 139 HP PRO CM1415 FNW CNJO4NQOP HQ-KARURA 3-IN-1 140 HPSCANJET 5590 CN25GVH04Y HQ-KARURA SCANNER 141 EPSON GT-20000 - HQ KARURA SCANNER 142 FLATBED SCANNER SH443DO1021 HQ KARURA SCANNER 143 HP SCANJET 2400 CN715SR1B6 HQ KARURA SCANNER 144 HP SCANJET 3800 CN729A15G7 HQ KARURA SCANNER 145 HP SCANJET 5590 - HQ KARURA SCANNER 146 HP SCANJET 5590 CN157VHOQD HQ KARURA SCANNER 147 HP SCANJET 5590 CN7A5THO73 HQ KARURA SCANNER 148 HP SCANJET 5590 CN25BVH294 HQ KARURA SCANNER 149 HP SCANJET 7650 CN064V40GG HQ KARURA SCANNER 150 HP SCANJET G3010 - HQ KARURA SCANNER 151 HP SCANJET 5590 CN25GVH04Y HQ KARURA SCANNER 152 SCANPLUS7 HD742 - HQ KARURA SCANNER II. KFC-LONDIANI NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MODEL/MAKE SERIAL NO. LOCATION HP color laserjet pro400 HP color laserjet pro400 HP color laserjet pro400 HP color laserjet pro400 HP color laserjet pro400 HP Laserjet pro400 HP Laserjet pro400 HP Laserjet pro400 CNB8D9FS72 CNB8D9FS71 CNB8D9FS9F CNB8D9F29D CNB8D9F2C7 VNC3J33399 VNC3438823 VNC3438830 LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 III. NO HP Laserjet pro400 HP Laserjet pro400 HP Laserjet pro400 HP Laserjet pro400 HP Laserjet pro400 HP Laserjet pro400 HP Laserjet pro400 VNC3J34697 VNC3437189 VNC3J34708 VNC3438833 VNC3438509 VNC3J34706 VNC3J34701 LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI FIELD OFFICES MODEL/MAKE SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION REMARKS 1 HP OFFICEJET 7500A MY17Q2108K HOC NYANZA 3-IN-1 2 EPSON PX660 MBXY014205 EC KISUMU 3-IN-1 3 EPSON PX660 MBXYO13946 EC KISII 3-IN-1 4 EPSON PX660 MBXY014270 ZM GUCHA 3-IN-1 5 HP LASERJET M1132 MFP CE847A ZM TRANSMARA 3-IN-1 6 EPSON PX660 MBXY014475 ZM KURIA 3-IN-1 7 EPSON PX660 MBXYO14132 EC MIGORI 3-IN-1 8 HP DESKJET INK ADVANTAGE CN3AC1FGBW EC HOMABAY 3-IN-1 9 EPSON PX660 MBXY014190 EC HOMABAY 3-IN-1 10 EPSON PX660 MBXY014249 ZM BONDO 3-IN-1 11 EPSON PX660 MBXY052600 EC SIAYA 3-IN-1 12 EPSON PX660 MBXY014153 ZM RACHUONYO 3-IN-1 13 EPSON PX660 MBXY014265 ZM NYANDO 3-IN-1 14 HP LASERJET PRO MFP M225DN CNB9H30G2Y EC KISUMU 3-IN-1 15 LASERJET PRO 400 MFP 425WD CND8FCS8HJ HOC EASTERN 3-IN-1 16 EPSON PX660 MBXY014481 EC MERU SOUTH 3-IN-1 17 EPSON PX660 MBXXO14564 ZM THARAKA 3-IN-1 18 EPSON PX 660 MBXY013924 ZM MWINGI 3-IN-1 19 EPSON PX660 MBXY014154 EC MACHAKOS 3-IN-1 20 HP COLOR LASERJET CM131MFI CNF885RRNM EC MACHAKOS 3-IN-1 21 EPSON PX660 MBXY01410 EC KITUI 3-IN-1 22 EPSON PX660 MBXY014266 EC TURKANA 3-IN-1 23 EPSON PX660 MBXY014489 EC WEST POKOT 3-IN-1 24 EPSON L355 S43K034136 EC ELDORET 3-IN-1 25 LASERJET PRO 400 MFP CND8FCS89F HOC KAKAMEGA 3-IN-1 26 LASERJET M1132 MFP CNJ8F6V7B1 E.C KAKAMEGA 3-IN-1 27 EPSON PX660 MBXY014157 E.C VIHIGA 3-IN-1 28 EPSON PX660 MBXY014187 E.C BUTERE 3-IN-1 29 EPSON PX 660 MBXY014569 Z.M TESO 3-IN-1 30 HP OFFICEJET 7500A MY17Q2108P HOC NYERI 3-IN-1 31 HP INK ADVANTAGE 1515 3 IN 1 CN5422BKJ7 KILIFI EC 3-IN-1 32 EPSON PX660 MPXY014504 TAITA TAVETA EC 3-IN-1 33 HP OFFICEJET 75500A MY17Q210BT HOC COAST 3-IN-1 34 HPDESKJET INK ADVANTAGE 1515 CN39E1FN8M HOC COAST 3-IN-1 35 HP DESKJET F2483 CN97E1S1KZ HOC COAST 3-IN-1 36 HP LASERJET PRO 400 N/A ZM KWALE 3-IN-1 37 KYOCERA TASKALFA 180 N/A ZM KWALE 3-IN-1 38 HP DESKJET INK ACTIVATE(3-IN-1) CN31A3HPB3 MOMBASA EC 3-IN-1 39 HP LASERJET P1102 VNF5R23764 MOMBASA EC 3-IN-1 40 EPSON PX660 MBXY014139 EC NYANDARUA 3-IN-1 41 HP DESKJET F4185 CN7753VOP8 EC NYANDARUA 3-IN-1 42 EPSON PX660 MBXY014146 EC LAIKIPIA 3-IN-1 43 LASERJET PRO 400 MFP M425DW CND8FC8H7 HOC NYERI 3-IN-1 44 HP OFFICEJET PRO 8500 MY95F410NT EC NYERI 3-IN-1 45 EPSON PX660 MBXY012549 EC NYERI 3-IN-1 46 EPSON PX660 MBXY014590 EC KIRINYAGA 3-IN-1 47 HP OFFICE PRO 8500 MY96F430JB EC KIRINYAGA 3-IN-1 48 EPSON PX660 MBXY014551 EC MURANGA 3-IN-1 49 EPSON PX660 MBXY014585 ZM MURANGA 3-IN-1 50 EPSON L210 S28K033853 ZM THIKA 3-IN-1 51 EPSON PX660 MBXY014171 ZM THIKA 3-IN-1 52 EPSON PX660 MBXY014471 EC KIAMBU 3-IN-1 53 EPSON PX660 MBXY014558 HOC NAIROBI 3-IN-1 54 HP OFFICEJET 7500A C9309A HOC NAIROBI 3-IN-1 55 EPSON PX660 MBXY014143 EC KAJIADO 3-IN-1 56 EPSON PX660 MBXY014578 E.C BUSIA 3-IN-1 57 EPSON STYLUS PHOTO PX 660 MBXY014572 ISIOLO EC 3-IN-1 58 HP OFFICERJET 7500A WIDE FORMAT MY17Q21015 HOC EWASO NORTH 3-IN-1 59 HP LASREJET M1212NF MFP CNG9BD72V2 HOC EWASO NORTH 3-IN-1 60 HP LASERJET 100COLOR MFP M1759 1H79EKHCNA HOC EWASO NORTH 3-IN-1 61 PHOTOCOPIER WORKIO 1520 DEP4JZ00946 MARSABIT EC 3-IN-1 62 MFC-7860DW E69899E1N420745 MARSABIT EC 3-IN-1 63 HP 7500A C9309A HOC MAU 3-IN-1 64 EPSON-PX660 MBXY013921 BURET 3-IN-1 65 EPSON-PX660 MBXY014256 E.C KERICHO 3-IN-1 66 EPSON-PX660 MBXY013925 BOMET 3-IN-1 67 EPSON-PX660 MBXY014203 NAROK 3-IN-1 68 EPXSON PX660 MBXY013923 E.C IJARA 3-IN 1 69 HP LASERJET 1018 CNC1T85609 HOC KAKAMEGA PRINTING ONLY 70 HP DESKJET 1510 CN3CD19JD8 HOC KAKAMEGA PRINTING ONLY 71 HP DESKJET 2050A CN19713G7M HOC KAKAMEGA PRINTING ONLY 72 HP DESKJET 1510 CN3BN1HH49 E.C KAKAMEGA PRINTING ONLY 73 HP LASERJET P2055D CNCJ609659 E.C VIHIGA PRINTING ONLY 74 LASERJET 1018 CNC1X85265 E.C BUTERE PRINTING ONLY 75 LASERJET 1360 TH727123N3 E.C BUTERE PRINTING ONLY 76 HP LASERJET 1018 CNCIT86530 E.C BUNGOMA PRINTING ONLY 77 HP 1018 CNC1908218 Z.M TESO PRINTING ONLY 78 CANON L10561E E.C BUSIA PRINTING ONLY 79 HP DESKJET 5150 HU43Q1Y2G9 HOC NYANZA PRINTING ONLY 80 HP LASERJET P2055 DN CNCKB42770 HOC NYANZA PRINTING ONLY 81 HP LASERJET 1320 CNCJL51812 HOC NYANZA PRINTING ONLY 82 HP LASERJET P1102 VNF6X64302 HOC NYANZA PRINTING ONLY 83 HP LASERJET P1102 NNF3448133 HOC NYANZA PRINTING ONLY 84 HP LASERJET P2015 DN CNBW85NOGP EC KISUMU PRINTING ONLY 85 EPSON LX-350 078Y016758 EC KISUMU PRINTING ONLY 86 HP LASERJET P1102 VNC4W79291 EC NYAMIRA PRINTING ONLY 87 HP LASERJET P2055 DN CNCKB4183M EC NYAMIRA PRINTING ONLY 88 HP LASERJET P4015X EC KISII PRINTING ONLY 89 HP LASERJET 1300 CNCJM24499 EC KISII PRINTING ONLY 90 HP LASERJET P1005 VNC5807604 ZM GUCHA PRINTING ONLY 91 HP OFFICE JET 4500 CN317K415B EC MIGORI PRINTING ONLY 92 HP LASERJET P2055 D CNCJH39575 EC MIGORI PRINTING ONLY 93 HP LASERJET P1102 VNC5G74489 ZM SUBA PRINTING ONLY 94 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW81635P ZM SUBA PRINTING ONLY 95 HP LASERJET P1102 VNC5V16925 EC HOMABAY PRINTING ONLY 96 HP LASERJET P1005 VNC3639731 ZM BONDO PRINTING ONLY 97 HP LASERJET PRO 400 M4019 VNH4R02156 ZM BONDO PRINTING ONLY 98 HP LASERJET 1018 CNCIR52023 EC SIAYA PRINTING ONLY 99 HP LASERJET P1102 VNF7B73301 ZM RACHUONYO PRINTING ONLY 100 HP LASERJET 1200 SERIES CNCSK81109 ZM NYANDO PRINTING ONLY 101 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCJG39245 EC NYANDARUA PRINTING ONLY 102 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNC1B52794 EC NYANDARUA PRINTING ONLY 103 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNC1796626 EC NYANDARUA PRINTING ONLY 104 HP LASERJET 1320 CNCJD47363 EC NYANDARUA PRINTING ONLY 105 HP LASERJET 1018 CNC1L67065 EC LAIKIPIA PRINTING ONLY 106 HP LASERJET 2055DN CNC1796433 EC NYERI PRINTING ONLY 107 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCHC93695 HOC NYERI PRINTING ONLY 108 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW84B64C HOC NYERI PRINTING ONLY 109 HP DESKJET D1663 CN9C3CB2Z9 HOC NYERI PRINTING ONLY 110 HP LASERJET 2055DN CNCK789399 EC NYERI PRINTING ONLY 111 HP LASERJET PRO 400 M402D PHKCD05918 DFO NYERI PRINTING ONLY 112 HP LASERJET PRO 400 M402D PHKCD05918 EC NYERI PRINTING ONLY 113 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW84B63Y EC NYERI PRINTING ONLY 114 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNC1796441 EC KIRINYAGA PRINTING ONLY 115 HP LASERJET PRO 400 M401D PHKCD06202 EC KIRINYAGA PRINTING ONLY 116 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCIB52577 EC KIRINYAGA PRINTING ONLY 117 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNCJG18845 EC MURANGA PRINTING ONLY 118 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW84B636 EC MURANGA PRINTING ONLY 119 HP LASERJET PRO 400 M401D PHKCD06O20 EC MURANGA PRINTING ONLY 120 HP LASERJET 1320 CNHKH84165 ZM THIKA PRINTING ONLY 121 HP LASERJET 1320 CNCJB63120 ZM THIKA PRINTING ONLY 122 HP LASERJET 1320 CNC1C41992 EC KIAMBU PRINTING ONLY 123 HP LASERJET M1132 MFP CNJ8FCTCMC EC KIAMBU PRINTING ONLY 124 HP LASERJET P2015 CNBW72V2BW HOC NAIROBI PRINTING ONLY 125 HP LASERJET P2015 CNBW816362 HOC NAIROBI PRINTING ONLY 126 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNC1B42673 EC NAIROBI PRINTING ONLY 127 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNC1C32437 EC KAJIADO PRINTING ONLY 128 HP LASERJET 1018 CNC1M91259 LAMAU -EC PRINTING ONLY 129 HP LASERJET 1018 LAMAU -EC PRINTING ONLY 130 EPSON STYLUS HR647389DNHSK LAMAU -EC PRINTING ONLY 131 HP DESKJET D1460 TH77Q253MY LAMAU -EC PRINTING ONLY 132 HP DESKJET 1050 CN2AA3BH1F KILIFI EC PRINTING ONLY 133 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCK718610 HOC KAKAMEGA PRINTING ONLY 134 HP OFFICEJET 7500A MY170210CO HOC KAKAMEGA PRINTING ONLY 135 HP-2055 DN CNCKC87477 TAITA TAVETA EC PRINTING ONLY 136 HP LASERJET 400N NLEW286196 137 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNC1C32431 HOC COAST PRINTING ONLY 138 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCJ507318 HOC COAST PRINTING ONLY 139 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCKB417D5 HOC COAST PRINTING ONLY 140 HP P2055 LASERJET CNC1B48032 ZM KWALE PRINTING ONLY 141 HP OFFICE JET MY-17Q2108R HOC EASTERN PRINTING ONLY 142 HP LASERJET P2015DN CNBW83V180 HOC OFFICE EASTERN PRINTING ONLY 143 HP LASER JET 1320 CNCKF 56282 EC EMBU PRINTING ONLY 144 OLYMPIA 1A03962 EC EMBU PRINTING ONLY 145 HP LASERJET PRO400M401D PHKCD06009 EC EMBU PRINTING ONLY 146 HP LASER JET 2055 CNCKCR26696 EC MERU SOUTH PRINTING ONLY 147 HP LASERJET PRO 400 M401D PHKCD06022 EC MERU SOUTH PRINTING ONLY 148 HP LASER JET PRO 400 PHKCD06018 EC MERU SOUTH PRINTING ONLY 149 HP LASERJET 400 M401D PHKCD06201 EC MERU NORTH PRINTING ONLY 150 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNCD49F43 EC MERU CENTRAL PRINTING ONLY 151 HP LASER JET 1300 CNBD510728 ZM THARAKA PRINTING ONLY 152 HP LASERJET 400 M401D PHKCD06284 ZM MBEERE PRINTING ONLY 153 HP DESK JET 3320 SERIES T47882210B ZM MBEERE PRINTING ONLY PRINTING ONLY 154 HP LASE JET 1320 CNBD510476 ZM MBEERE PRINTING ONLY 155 HP PRO 400 M401DN PHKGF21989 ZM MWINGI PRINTING ONLY 156 HP LJ2015 PRINTER CNBW81B722 EC MAKUENI PRINTING ONLY 157 HP DESKJET F4283 CN8B73XD0XXV EC MAKUENI PRINTING ONLY 158 HP 100-1500 CNCJB97227 EC MAKUENI PRINTING ONLY 159 HP DESK JET 2483 CN979153T2 EC KITUI PRINTING ONLY 160 HP 2460 CN 69WSR282 EC KITUI PRINTING ONLY 161 HP LASER JET 1300 CND45D439 EC KITUI PRINTING ONLY 162 HP LASERJET 2055 CNC1C37635 EC TRANS NZOIA PRINTING ONLY 163 HP LASERJET 4250 NULL EC TRANS NZOIA PRINTING ONLY 164 HP LASERJET 2015 CNC0024528 HOC NORTH RIFT PRINTING ONLY 165 HP LASERJET 1005 VNF4X64317 EC ELDORET PRINTING ONLY 166 HP LASERJET 1005 VNFSC39536 EC ELDORET PRINTING ONLY 167 HP LASEJET PRO-2055D CNCJG70462 HOC MAU PRINTING ONLY 168 HP LASEJET P1102W VNB3Z6424D HOC MAU PRINTING ONLY 169 HP LASEJET 2055D CNC-JH39834 HOC MAU PRINTING ONLY 170 HP LASEJET 2055D CNC1B52571 E.C NAKURU PRINTING ONLY 171 HP LASEJET 2055D CNC1796438 E.C KERICHO PRINTING ONLY 172 HP LASEJET 2015DN CNBW84B64L E.C KERICHO PRINTING ONLY 173 HP LASEJET 2014 CNCJ614675 E.C KERICHO PRINTING ONLY 174 HP LASEJET 2055DN CN1CC41987 E.C KERICHO PRINTING ONLY 175 HP LASEJET 2055DN CNCK789400 NAROK PRINTING ONLY 176 HP LASEJET 2015DN CNBW84B63T BURET PRINTING ONLY 177 HP LASEJET 1102 VNC5X24414 BOMET PRINTING ONLY 178 HP-DESKJET-F2180 CN82M412NR BOMET PRINTING ONLY 179 HP LASERJET P 2055DN CNCKF15212 HOC EWASO NORTH PRINTING ONLY 180 HP LASERJET P2055DN CNC1B42677 ISIOLO EC PRINTING ONLY 181 HP LASERJET P2015 DN Q78Y016778 SAMBURU EC PRINTING ONLY 182 HP LASERJET P1005 VNC3D05999 SAMBURU EC PRINTING ONLY 183 HP LASERJET P2055 DN CNCIC31790 SAMBURU EC PRINTING ONLY 184 HL LASERJET PRO-400MFP CND8FCS846 HOC MAU PRINTING ONLY 185 HP LASERJET 1020 CNCKM24504 E.C NAKURU PRINTING ONLY 186 HP LASERJET 1020 CNC9324889 HOC N.EASTERN PRINTING ONLY 187 HP LASERJET PRO 400 PHKGD22457 HOC N.EASTERN PRINTING ONLY 188 HP LASERJET 1020 CNC2142623 HOC N.EASTERN PRINTING ONLY 189 HP LASERJET P2055 DN CNC1C32435 E.C GARISSA PRINTING ONLY 190 HP LASERJET 1300 CNCKP48752 HOC N.EASTERN PRINTING ONLY 191 HP LASERJET P2055 DN CNF330471 E. C IJARA PRINTING ONLY 192 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016466 EC KISII RECEIPTS PRINT 193 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016786 EC MIGORI RECEIPTS PRINT 194 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016179 LAMAU -EC RECEIPTS PRINT 195 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y0I6766 KILIFI EC RECEIPTS PRINT 196 EPSON LX-350 CC2403006L024Y12179 EC TAITA TAVETA RECEIPTS PRINT 197 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016119 HOC COAST RECEIPTS PRINT 198 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016623 E.C KERICHO RECEIPTS PRINT 199 EPSON LX-350 C11CC24032 NAROK RECEIPTS PRINT 200 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016775 BURET RECEIPTS PRINT 201 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y0I6766 LAMU -EC RECEIPTS PRINT 202 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016182 EC NYAMIRA RECEIPTS PRINT 203 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y0166Z4 EC HOMABAY RECEIPTS PRINT 204 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016776 ZM BONDO RECEIPTS PRINT 205 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016724 EC SIAYA RECEIPTS PRINT 206 EPSON LX-350 Q784016774 ZM NYANDO RECEIPTS PRINT 207 EPSON LX 350 Q78Y016317 MARSABIT EC RECEIPTS PRINT 208 EPSON LX350 Q784016781 ZM MURANGA RECEIPTS PRINT 209 EPSON LX350 Q78Y016722 EC KIAMBU RECEIPTS PRINT 210 EPSON LX 350 Q78Y016718 ZM GUCHA RECEIPTS PRINT 211 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016728 ZM TRANSMARA RECEIPTS PRINT 212 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016180 ZM KURIA RECEIPTS PRINT 213 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016184 EC LAIKIPIA RECEIPTS PRINT 214 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016727 EC NYERI RECEIPTS PRINT 215 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y06672 EC KIRINYAGA RECEIPTS PRINT 216 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y015997 EC MURANGA RECEIPTS PRINT 217 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016734 HOC N.EASTERN RECEIPTS PRINT 218 EPSON LX-350 Q78Y016725 E.C GARISSA RECEIPTS PRINT 219 HUAWEI ETS1220 02F272AD BOMET NOT USED 220 HP SCANJET 5590 CN43MXH0KB DFO NYERI SCANNER ONLY 221 HP SCANJET 5590 CN42MXHOPG EC KIRINYAGA SCANNER ONLY 222 HP SCANJET 5590 CN43RXHOGT EC MURANGA SCANNER ONLY 223 SCANJET 5590 CN43RXH0M7 EC MERU SOUTH SCANNER ONLY 224 HP SCAN JET 5590 CN43MXH08Z EC MERU SOUTH SCANNER ONLY 225 HP SCANJET 5590 CN43RXH0Q3 EC MERU NORTH SCANNER ONLY 226 HP SCANJET 5590 CN43RHOM7 ZM THARAKA SCANNER ONLY 227 HP SCANJET 5590 CN43LXH051 ZM MBEERE SCANNER ONLY 228 EPSON GT200 KGR0016846 EC MAKUENI SCANNER ONLY 229 HP SCANJET G3010 CN81XA5439 EC MAKUENI SCANNER ONLY 230 BENQ 5000BL ISN1701140550 E.C KERICHO SCANNER NOT USED 231 HP SCANJETG400 CN04UA60VG HOC MAU SCANNER ONLY 232 HP DESKJET-F2280 CN8934Q0P1 E.C NAKURU SCANNER ONLY OPTION IV: SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF PHOTOCOPIER/SCANNER MACHINES I. HEAD QUARTER NO. MAKE/MODEL SERIAL NO. LOCATION 1 KYOCERA 1102K53NLO HQ-KARURA 2 KYOCERA KM-2560 HQ-KARURA 3 KYOCERA 11029N3 HQ-KARURA 4 KYOCERA 5500I N3Y2Y11504 HQ-KARURA 5 KYOCERA FS-6525DN VIC3X00647 HQ-KARURA 6 KYOCERA KM-2035 AHL3327046 HQ-KARURA 7 KYOCERA KM-5050 7926662 HQ-KARURA 8 KYOCERA TASKALFA 3050CI NZQ1Z06672 HQ-KARURA 9 KYOCERA TASKALFA 420I QW1209956 HQ-KARURA 10 KYOCERA TASKALFA 520I 1203LL5KLI HQ-KARURA 11 KYOSERA FS-6525 MFP M5Q013192519 HQ-KARURA 12 KYOSERA FS-6525 MFP MFQ013189017 HQ-KARURA 13 MASHUATEC MP5001 AFICIO V8012500241 HQ-KARURA 14 MP 2000 L7007260385 HQ-KARURA 15 NASHUATEC L5427601067 HQ-KARURA 16 NASHUATEC 80843Y3 HQ-KARURA 17 NASHUATEC M2000 L7097263020 HQ-KARURA 18 NASHUATEC MP 2000 L7026360181 HQ-KARURA 19 NASHUATEC MP 5000 M5793000066 HQ-KARURA 20 NASHUATECH MP2000 ATHERO KFSHQCP0047PTC HQ-KARURA 21 RICOH AFCIOMP 2000 L7007160804 HQ-KARURA 22 SHARP AR-14205 83050980 HQ-KARURA 23 SHARP AR-M205 73090337 HQ-KARURA 24 SHARPARM205 6E01974X HQ-KARURA 25 TOSHIBA STUDIO 452 CIH847074 HQ-KARURA 26 TOSHIBA STUDIO200 II. NO - HQ-KARURA KFC-LONDIANI MODEL/MAKE SERIAL NO. LOCATION 1 Kyocera Task Afla 5500i 2 Kyocera Task Afla 5500i 3 Kyocera KM-1635 III. N3Y2910329 N3Y2910324 - LONDIANI LONDIANI LONDIANI FIELD OFFICES NO. MAKE/MODEL SERIAL NO. LOCATION 1 KYOCERA FS-3820N NULL HOC NORTH RIFT 2 KYOCERA XBL5640566 ZM MBEERE 3 KYOCERA KM-1650 NULL EC ELDORET 4 SHARP CORPORATION ARM450 ZM THARAKA 5 KYOCERAFS-1920 FS-1920-220-240V EC MERU SOUTH 6 KYOCERS KM-1635 PAE7X80585 EC MAKUENI 7 NASHUATECH MP 1500 L6776610170 E.C VIHIGA 8 RICOH FT 4618 L6776610170 E.C BUSIA 9 NASHUATEC NULL EC MERU CENTRAL 10 RICOH ALICIO MP 2000 L7097260654 EC NYANDARUA 11 NASHUATEC MP2000 L7026260218 HOC NYERI 12 NASHUATEC MP1500 L6776610088 EC NYERI 13 KYOCERA TASKALFA 300I 1102K53NLO HOC NAIROBI 14 RICOH-FT 4027 2518421JK19120 HOC MAU 15 MP-1500 L6776610176 E.C NAKURU 16 KM-1620 E.C KERICHO 17 MP-1500 BOMET 18 KYOCERA KM 1635 7679209 HOC NORTH EASTERN OPTION V: SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF IP PHONES SYSTEM (AVAYA) IP PHONES NO 1 MODEL SERIAL NO. 1608-I 11WZ4055TN LOCATION HQ KARURA 2 1608-I 11WZ405500TR 3 1608-I 11WZ405500UK 4 1608-I 11WZ405500TA 5 1608-I 14Z336704KP 6 1608-I 14WZ336704B0 7 1608-I 14WZ37670394 8 1608-I 14WZ32670497 9 1608-I 11W2405500Q9 10 1608-I 11W240550042 11 1608-I 14WZ376704A0 12 1608-I 14WZ3267048H 13 1608-I 11WZ159501EE 14 1608-I 11WZ405500V5 15 1608-I 11WZ153536GG 16 1608-I 14WZ326704AC 17 1608-I 14WZ3767040X 18 1608-I 11WZ405500TX 19 1608-I 11WZ1535006H 20 1608-I 14WZ3267044G 21 1608-I 11WZ4055054D 22 1608-I 11WZ405500W2 23 1608-I 11WZ4655000N 24 1608-I 14WZ3267048T 25 1608-I 11WZ405500V6 26 1608-I 14WZ336703ZF 27 1608-I 11WZ40500S9 28 1608-I 14WZ326704A8 29 1608-I 14WZ254702MQ 30 1608-I 14WZ384704Y4 31 1608-I 14WZ366704KQ 32 1608-I 14WZ376704T3 33 1608-I 11WZ37670418 34 1608-I 14WZ37670423 35 1608-I 11WZ405500TV 36 1608-I 14WZ336704MKL 37 1608-I 14WZ336704KK 38 1608-I 14WZ3767043E HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA 39 1608-I 11WZ153506FY 40 1608-I 14WZ3767040D 41 1608-I 14WZ336704LG 42 1608-I 11WZ153500Q9 43 1608-I 11W740450010 44 1608-I 11WZ1535029C 45 1608-I 11WZ405500R2 46 1608-I 14WZ370704OC 47 1608-I 1407336704LD 48 1608-I 14W73767040E 49 1608-I 14WZ375704OG 50 1608-I 14WZ37604HK 51 1608-I 14WZ405500U8 52 1608-I 14WZ405500TK 53 1608-I 14W732670479 54 1608-I 14WZ376703Y8 55 1608-I 14WZ37670395 56 1608-I 11WZ4055005Z 57 1608-I 11WZ4055005Z 58 1608-I 14WZ376702D2 59 1608-I 14WZ336704L5 60 1608-I 14WZ3767043L 61 1608-I 14WZ3267044G 62 1608-I 11WZ405500TS 63 1608-I 14WZ336704MB 64 1608-I 14WZ3267042S 65 1608-I 11WZ40550051 66 1608-I 11WZ40450298 67 1608-I 11W2405500VW 68 1608-I 14WZ32670493 69 1608-I 14WZ376704FG 70 1608-I 11WZ405500VM 71 1608-I 11WZ405500SG 72 1608-I 14WZ336704ME 73 1608-I 14WZ336704MY 74 1608-I 14WZ3767034V 75 1608-I 14WZ37670390 HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ 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KARURA 187 1608-I 14WZ376703YV 188 1608-I 11WZ405500RD 189 1608-I 14WZ3267049X 190 1608-I 14WZ32670498 191 1608-I 14WZ334702YY 192 1608-I 14WZ336704JX 193 1608-I 11WZ405500RK 194 1608-I 11WZ405500SH 195 1608-I 14WZ376703HT 196 1608-I 14WZ376704CN 197 1608-I 14WZ336704JZ 198 1608-I 14WZ376704KA 199 1608-I 14WZ326704A2 200 1608-I 14WZ336704LL 201 1608-I 14WZ37670438 202 1608-I 11WZ405500US 203 1608-I 11WZ405500PL 204 1608-I 14WZ3267048V 205 1608-I 11WZ405500SE 206 1608-I 14WZ373705PG 207 1608-I 11WZ405500VF 208 1608-I 14WZ3267049N 209 1608-I 14WZ3267047E 210 1608-I 14WZ336704MN 211 1608-I 11WZ405500QD 212 1608-I 14WZ376703YF 213 1608-I 14WZ376703ZP 214 1608-I 11WZ405500SH 215 1608-I 14WZ376703HT 216 1608-I 14WZ376704CN KFC - LONDIANI KFC - LONDIANI KFC - LONDIANI 217 1608-I 14WZ336704JZ KFC - LONDIANI 218 1608-I 14WZ376704KA KFC - LONDIANI 219 1608-I 14WZ326704A2 KFC - LONDIANI 220 1608-I 14WZ336704LL KFC - LONDIANI HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA KARURA 221 1608-I 14WZ37670438 KFC - LONDIANI 222 1608-I 11WZ405500US KFC - LONDIANI 223 1608-I 11WZ405500PL KFC - LONDIANI 224 1608-I 14WZ3267048V KFC - LONDIANI 225 1608-I 11WZ405500SE KFC - LONDIANI 226 1608-I 14WZ373705PG KFC - LONDIANI 227 1608-I 11WZ405500VF KFC - LONDIANI 228 1608-I 14WZ3267049N KFC - LONDIANI 229 1608-I 14WZ3267047E KFC - LONDIANI 230 1608-I 14WZ373705PG KFC - LONDIANI 231 1608-I 11WZ405500VF KFC - LONDIANI 232 1608-I 14WZ3267049N KFC - LONDIANI OPTION VI: SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF SERVER ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS AND UPS A. AIR CONDITIONERS NO. MAKE/MODEL SERIAL NO. LOCATION 1. LG S186CS HQ KARURA 2. LG S186CS HQ KARURA B. UPS NO. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SERIAL NO. LOCATION 1. APC 10000 VA 75I30GF10617 HQ KARURA 2. APC GALAXY 300. 20KVA UJ1111211378 HQ KARURA 3. POWER VAULT TL 4000 CN0NN03770565 HQ KARURA 4. APC 1000RT SURT8000XLI HQ KARURA 5. APCSMART UPS 3000 JS0701006123 HQ KARURA TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A. POE SWITCH NO. MINIMUM SPECIFICATION BIDDERS RESPONSE (Y/N) 1. 24 Gigabit Ethernet ports with line-rate forwarding performance 2. Gigabit Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) or 10G SFP+ uplinks FlexStack Plus for stacking of up to 8 switches with 80 Gbps of stack throughput (optional) Power over Ethernet Plus (POE+) support with up to 740W of POE budget 3. 4. 5. 6. 24-port POE fanless switch for deployment outside the wiring closet Reduced power consumption and advanced energy management features 7. USB and Ethernet management interfaces for simplified operations 8. Application visibility and capacity planning with integrated NetFlow-Lite 9. LAN Base or LAN Lite Cisco IOS software features Enhanced limited lifetime warranty (E-LLW) offering next-business-day hardware replacement 10. B. WIRELESS ACCESS POINT NO. REQUIREMENT MINIMUM SPECIFICATION BIDDERS RESPONSE (Y/N) 1. 802.11n version 2.0 (and related) capabilities 3x3 MIMO with two spatial streams Maximal ratio combining (MRC) 802.11n and 802.11a/g beamforming 20- and 40-MHz channels PHY data rates up to 300 Mbps (40 MHz with 5 GHz) Packet aggregation: A-MPDU (Tx/Rx), A-MSDU (Tx/Rx) 802.11 Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) Cyclic shift diversity (CSD) support 2. 802.11ac Wave 1 capabilities 3x3 MIMO with two spatial streams MRC 802.11ac standard explicit beamforming 20-, 40-, and 80-MHz channels PHY data rates up to 867 Mbps (80 MHz in 5 GHz) Packet aggregation: A-MPDU (Tx/Rx), A-MSDU (Tx/Rx) 802.11 DFS CSD support PRICE SCHEDULE FORM ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES QTY Option I Provision of Support and maintenance for production servers. Lot Option II Provision of support and maintenance for Lot network devices and accessories (Routers, switches, wireless access points) and CCTV Option III Provision of Support and maintenance services Lot for Desktop Computers, Laptops, Printers, Plotters and accessories Option IV Provision of Support and maintenance for Lot photocopiers/scanners Option V Provision of Support and maintenance for IPhones (Avaya). Option VI Provision of Support and maintenance for air Lot conditioners and UPS in the server room POE switch 2 Wireless acces point 2 TOTAL ANNUAL SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE COSTS (VAT INCLUDED) 1. Award of Tender: The award will be made to the lowest bidder in each of the Lots (1 – 6). 2. Bidders shall therefore quote one or all the Lots. SECTION VI DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES 4.3 INTRODUCTION The Kenya Forest Service (KFS) has installed various ICT hardware and systems to support its business operations. The systems consist of Linux/windows based production servers, hybrid data links devices (network devices,routers and switches), access points, UPS,air conditioners and CCTV. KFS also has in place Desktop computers, laptops, printers, plotters, scanners and photocopiers and accessories. The bulk of the desktops/laptops are based in the head office while the rest are distributed in 10 regional offices (Conservancies) namely Mombasa(Coast),Ngong road (Nairobi),Nyeri(central highlands),Embu(Eastern),Garisa(North Eastern),Isiolo (Ewaso North),Nakuru(Mau),Eldoret(North Rift),Kakamega(Western), Kisumu (Nyanza( and Londiani (Londiani college). There are also offices at each of the 47 counties. KFS now requires the services of a qualified service provider to provide support and maintenance of the above systems/equipment. OPTION 1: SERVERS COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE FOR PRODUCTION The scope of the Services to be performed shall encompass the provision by the service provider of preventative and curative maintenance, and shall include, but will not be restricted to; (a) Preventive Maintenance, which will entail; (i) Blowing dust from interior of all equipment at least once in each quarter; (ii) Routine inspection and performance testing/tuning of each item of equipment in conjunction with KFS technical staff at least once in each quarter; (iii) Carrying out of such repairs, replacement of parts, cleaning or adjustment of each item of equipment as a result of the inspection and testing under item (ii) above; (b) Curative maintenance (upon a service call being made by the organization), which will entail; (i) (ii) (c) the inspection, testing and diagnosing any fault reported in an item of equipment and; Carrying out of such repairs, replacement of faulty parts, cleaning or adjustment as shall be necessary to remedy the fault. Provision of spares and modules/parts that may fail in all the equipment. OPTION II: SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE FOR NETWORK,HYBRID DATA LINKS/EQUIPMENT (NETWORK DEVICES),ACCESS POINTS AND CCTV CAMERAS The scope of the Services to be performed shall encompass the provision by the service provider of preventative and curative Network maintenance which will include both data and voice and shall include, but will not be restricted to; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Identify and correct problems with the network as they arise Configure firewall for maximum security and flexibility Do a network audit/ scan and advise accordingly Advise on ports that should be open or closed as per business requirements Maintain fiber links connecting the offices at KFS head office. Maintain wifi systems serving KFS users 7. Identification and costing of any parts that require replacement and presenting service report with the required parts to KFS for approval 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Replacing of faulty network cables and network modules where need be. Extending network as per user requests. Maintain various VLAN’s in accordance to existing best practices To provide and maintain the required firmware updates on the network equipment. Coordination with Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for replacing network equipment under warranty. Label and clean up network cabling where necessary Quarterly routine preventive maintenance on all network devices and cabinets. Carry out maintenance of all installed CCTV cameras and ensure they work optimally. Carry out audit of existing network, CCTV installations, LAN and prepare a report with recommendations on the way forward. Inaddtion, the service provider will perform the following tasks during the scheduled preventive maintenance; i) Cable quality inspection ii) Network speed test iii) Cabinet cable Management iv) LAN setup and status 18. Any other maintenance work to be undertaken related to the network,data links, access points and CCTV cameras. 19. Identify all faulty equipment and recommend appropriate remedies/parts measures to repair them. 20. Carrying out of such repairs, replacement of faulty parts, cleaning or adjustment as shall be necessary to remedy the fault. OPTION III: SUPPORT AND MAINTENACE FOR DESKTOPS, LAPTOPS, PRINTERS, PLOTTERS AND RELATED ACCESSORIES The scope of the Services which shall depend on a service call by the KFS shall encompass the provision of preventative and curative maintenance, and shall include; Preventive Maintenance, which will entail; i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Blowing dust from interior of all equipment once in each quarter; Inspection and performance testing/tuning of each item of equipment in conjunction with KFS staff once in each quarter; Identification and costing of any parts that require replacement and presenting service report with the required parts to KFS for approval Carrying out of such repairs, replacement of parts, cleaning or adjustment of each item of equipment as a result of the inspection and testing under item (ii) above; Parts shall be charged at actual cost when replacements are carried out Identify all faulty equipments and recommend appropriate remedies/parts measures to repair them. Carrying out of such repairs, replacement of faulty parts, cleaning or adjustment as shall be necessary to remedy the fault. OPTION IV: SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE FOR PHOTOCOPIERS, SCANNERS AND RELATED ACCESSORIES The scope of the Services which shall depend on a service call by the KFS shall encompass the provision of preventative and curative maintenance, and shall include; Preventive Maintenance, which will entail; i. ii. iii. Blowing dust from interior of all equipment once in each quarter; Inspection and performance testing/tuning of each item of equipment in conjunction with KFS staff once in each quarter; Identification and costing of any parts that require replacement and presenting service report with the required parts to KFS for approval iv. v. Carrying out of such repairs, replacement of parts, cleaning or adjustment of each item of equipment as a result of the inspection and testing under item (ii) above; Parts shall be charged at actual cost when replacements are carried out OPTION V: SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE FOR IP PHONES The scope of the Services which shall depend on a service call by the KFS shall encompass the provision of preventative and curative maintenance, and shall include; i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Maintenance of all KFS Avaya phone system software and equipments in optimal working order, support and maintenance of additional equipment which may be acquired by KFS Provide effective management of the contract General maintenance and support throughout the term of the contract. System support services including hardware service and maintenance which will cover repair and any neccasary replacement of the malfunctioned parts or entire equipment Provide end to end support. Perform necessary configurations as requested by KFS Quarterly routine preventive maintenance on all KFS Avaya phones at Karura and Kenya Forestry College (KFC) Londiani. Operationalize Avaya phone system at KFC-Londiani Adding telephone handsets as per KFS user requests Configuring/programming new telephone sets as and when required. Upgrade the phones firmware to the latest version Complete any outstanding phone configuration issues as indicated by KFS ICT team. OPTION VI: SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE FOR AIR CONDITIONERS AND UPS The scope of the Services which shall depend on a service call by the KFS shall encompass the provision of preventative and curative maintenance, and shall include; Preventive Maintenance, which will entail; i. ii. iii. Blowing dust from interior of all equipment once in each quarter; Inspection and performance testing/tuning of each item of equipment in conjunction with KFS staff once in each quarter; Identification and costing of any parts that require replacement and presenting service report with the required parts to KFS for approval iv. v. Carrying out of such repairs, replacement of parts, cleaning or adjustment of each item of equipment as a result of the inspection and testing under item (ii) above; Parts shall be charged at actual cost when replacements are carried out Payment Schedule Payment shall be on quarterly basis and within 30 days upon submission of invoice and a certificate note that the services have been rendered. Contract Duration The contract duration shall be one (1) year with a possible extension of a further one (1) year subject to satisfactory performance. Response time It is a requirement that service calls are responded to within 2 hours for all equipment situated in Nairobi. The successful service provider shall provide facilities, at all times between Monday and Friday every week between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for receiving and processing service calls. The service provider should give the response times between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for receiving and processing calls. Tenderers are advised to note, that response times will be a key criteria for consideration in the award of Contract. Conditions a) Schedule of Services On Contract signature, the Vendor shall produce a schedule of maintenance services based on the terms of the agreement. Such a schedule, once approved by the KFS, shall be followed without deviation. Failure to render services as per the schedule will form a basis for termination of the Contract and the levying of penalties as are provided for in the Contract. b) Support Manager The Vendor shall appoint a senior member of its management staff to be designated the “Support Manager” for the purposes of servicing the Contract. This person shall be responsible for coordinating all activities and services under the Contract and shall ensure diligent performance of the Contract. In the event of a change in the identity of the above person, the Vendor shall communicate to the KFS such a change forthwith by way of a written Notice. c) Replacement of Equipment All maintenance and services shall be rendered on site. However, in the event that a piece of equipment cannot be restored back to proper working condition within 48 hours after a service call has been made, or in the event that such equipment has to be removed from the premises of the Company for repairs at the Vendor’s workshop then; a similarly configured machine shall be provided by the Vendor as a replacement until the original machine is restored back to working order. Vendor’s Warranty The Vendor warrants and undertakes to KFS; (a) That they will perform the maintenance services with reasonable care and skill; (b) That KFS shall have free and unencumbered title of any replacement parts in any equipment repaired; (c) That KFS shall enjoy possession of any parts or equipment replacement and that the same will be of merchandise quality and fit for their purpose. SECTION VII- STANDARD FORMS Notes on standard forms 1. The tenderer shall complete and submit with its tender the form of tender and price schedules pursuant to instructions to tenderers clause 9 and in accordance with the requirements included in the special conditions of contract. 2. When requested by the appendix to the instructions to tenderers, the tenderer should provide the tender security, either in the form included herein or in another form acceptable to the procuring entity pursuant to instructions to tenderers clause 12.3 3. The contract form, the price schedules and the schedule of requirements shall be deemed to form part of the contract and should be modifies accordingly at the time of contract award to incorporate corrections or modifications agreed by the tenderer and the procuring entity in accordance with the instructions to tenderers or general conditions of contract. 4. The performance security and bank guarantee for advance payment forms should not be completed by the tenderers at the time of tender preparation. Only the successful tenderer will be required to provide performance/entity and bank guarantee for advance payment forms in accordance with the forms indicated herein or in another form acceptable to the procuring entity and pursuant to the – conditions of contract. 5. The principal’s or manufacturer’s authorisation form should be completed by the principal or the manufacturer, as appropriate in accordance with the tender documents. SECTION VI - STANDARD FORMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Form of tender Price schedules Contract form Confidential Questionnaire form Tender security form Performance security form Bank guarantee for advance payment Tender Security Declaration form FORM OF TENDER Date Tender No. To…………………….. ………………………….. [Name and address of procuring entity] Gentlemen and/or Ladies: 1. Having examined the tender documents including Addenda Nos.. [insert numbers, the of which is hereby duly acknowledged, wed, the undersigned, offer to provide. [description of services] in conformity with the said tender documents for the sum of . [total tender amount in words and figures] or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the Schedule of Prices attached herewith and made part of this Tender. 2. We undertake, if our Tender is accepted, to provide the services in accordance with the services schedule specified in the Schedule of Requirements. 3. If our Tender is accepted, we will obtain the tender guarantee in a sum equivalent to percent of the Contract Price for the due performance of the Contract, in the form prescribed by (Procuring entity). 4. We agree to abide by this Tender for a period of [number] days from the date fixed for tender opening of the Instructions to tenderers, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. 5. Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, this Tender, together with your written acceptance thereof and your notification of award, shall constitute a binding Contract between us. Dated this [signature] [In Duly authorized to sign tender for and on behalf of day of the capacity 20 of] PRICE SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Name of Tenderer Tender Number_ 1 2 3 Item Description Quantity & quality . Page of . 4 5 6 7 Duration Unit Price Total Price Unit Price of EXW per item other incidental (cols. 4x5) services payable Signature of tenderer Note: In case of discrepancy between unit price and total, the unit price shall prevail. CONTRACT FORM THIS AGREEMENT made the day of 20 between…………[name of procurement entity] of ……………….[country of Procurement entity](hereinafter called “the Procuring entity”) of the one part and ……………………[name of tenderer] of ……….[city and country of tenderer](hereinafter called “the tenderer”) of the other part. WHEREAS the procuring entity invited tenders for certain materials and spares. Viz……………………..[brief description of materials and spares] and has accepted a tender by the tenderer for the supply of those materials and spares in the spares in the sum of ………………………………………[contract price in words and figures] NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to. 2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement, viz.: (a) the Tender Form and the Price Schedule submitted by the tenderer; (b) the Schedule of Requirements; (c) the Technical Specifications; (d) the General Conditions of Contract; (e) the Special Conditions of Contract; and (f) the Procuring entity’s Notification of Award. 3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Procuring entity to the tenderer as hereinafter mentioned, the tenderer hereby covenants with the Procuring entity to provide the materials and spares and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract 4. The Procuring entity hereby covenants to pay the tenderer in consideration of the provision of the materials and spares and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the contract. IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with their respective laws the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed, delivered by the Signed, sealed, delivered by the in the presence of . (for the Procuring entity) (for the tenderer) CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS QUESTIONNAIRE You are requested to give the particulars indicated in Part 1 and either Part 2 (a), 2(b) or 2(c) whichever applied to your type of business. You are advised that it is a serious offence to give false information on this form. Part 1 General Business Name ....................................................................................................................... Location of Business Premises ............................................................................................. Plot No, ..........................................................Street/Road..................................................... Postal address ........................Tel No. ..................................Fax Email ............................... Nature of Business ................................................................................................................ Registration Certificate No. ................................................................................................... Maximum value of business which you can handle at any one time – Kshs. ........................ Name of your bankers ............................................................................................................ Branch .................................................................................................................................... Part 2 (a) – Sole Proprietor Your name in full……………………….Age…………………………………………. Nationality……………………………Country of Origin…………………………….. Citizenship details …………………………………………………….. Part 2 (b) – Partnership Given details of partners as follows Name Nationality Citizenship details Shares 1. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. ………………………………………………………………………………………… Part 2 (c) – Registered Company Private or Public State the nominal and issued capital of company Nominal Kshs. Issued Kshs. Given details of all directors as follows Name Nationality Citizenship details Shares 1. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. ………………………………………………………………………………………… Date……………………………………….Signature of Candidate……………………….. TENDER SECURITY FORM Whereas ………………………………………..[name of the tenderer] (hereinafter called “the tenderer”)has submitted its tender dated………………..[date of submission of tender ] for the provision of ……………………………………………….. [name and/or description of the services] (hereinafter called “the Tenderer”)…………………………………………………….. KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE……………………………………… Of……………………………………………having registered office at [name of procuring entity](hereinafter called “the Bank”)are bound unto……………… [name of procuring entity](hereinafter called “the procuring entity”) in the sum of ……….. for which payment well and truly to be made to the said Procuring entity, the Bank binds itself, its successors, and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this day of 20 . THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are: 1. If the tenderer withdraws its Tender during the period of tender validity specified by the tenderer on the Tender Form; or 2. If the tenderer, having been notified of the acceptance of its Tender by the Procuring entity during the period of tender validity: (a) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form, if required; or (b) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the instructions to tenderers; we undertake to pay to the Procuring entity up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the Procuring entity having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the Procuring entity will note that the arnouut claimed by it is due to it, owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. This guarantee will remain in force up to and including thirty (30) days after the period of tender validity, and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date. [signature of the bank] (Amend accordingly if provided by Insurance Company) PERFORMANCE SECURITY FORM To: …………………………………………………………………………………………….. [name of the Procuring entity] WHEREAS……………………………….[name of tenderer] (hereinafter No. called “the tenderer”) has undertaken, [reference number of the contract] dated in pursuance 20 of Contract to supply…………………………………………………………………………………….. [Description services](Hereinafter called “the contract”) AND WHEREAS it bas been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the tenderer shall furnish you with a bank guarantee by a reputable bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with the Tenderer’s performance obligations in accordance with the Contract. AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the tenderer a guarantee: THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the tenderer, up to a total of ……………………………………………………. [amount of the guarantee in words and figures], and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the tenderer to be in default under the Contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of ……………………….. [amount of guarantee] as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein. This guarantee is valid until the day of 20 Signature and seal of the Guarantors [name of bank or financial institution] [address] [date] (Amend accordingly if provided by Insurance Company) BANK GUARANTEE FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT To………………………… [name of tender]……………………………………… Gentlemen and/or Ladies: In accordance with the payment provision included in the special conditions of contract, which amends the general conditions of contract to provide for advance payment, ………………………………………………………………… [name and address of tenderer][hereinafter called “the tenderer”] shall deposit with the Procuring entity a bank guarantee to guarantee its proper and faithful performance under the said clause of the contract in an amount of ………………………………………………………………………………………… [amount of guarantee in figures and words]. We,the ……………………………………………………………………………… [bank or financial institution], as instructed by the tenderer, agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligator and not as surety merely, the payment to the Procuring entity on its first demand without whatsoever right of objection on our part and without its first claim to the tenderer, in the amount not exceeding [amount of guarantee in figures and words]. We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract to be performed thereunder or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between the Procuring entity and the tenderer, shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition, or modification. This guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment received by the tenderer under the Contract until [date]. Yours truly, Signature and [name of bank or financial institution] [address] [date] seal of the Guarantors LETTER OF NOTIFICATION OF AWARD Address of Procuring Entity To: RE: Tender No. Tender Name This is to notify that the contract/s stated below under the above mentioned tender have been awarded to you. 1. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter of notification signifying your acceptance. 2. The contract/contracts shall be signed by the parties within 30 days of the date of this letter but not earlier than 14 days from the date of the letter. 3. You may contact the officer(s) whose particulars appear below on the subject matter of this letter of notification of award. (FULL PARTICULARS) SIGNED FOR ACCOUNTING OFFICER FORM RB 1 REPUBLIC OF KENYA PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION NO…………….OF……….….20……... BETWEEN …………………………………………….APPLICANT AND …………………………………RESPONDENT (Procuring Entity) Request for review of the decision of the…………… (Name of the Procuring Entity) of ……………dated the…day of ………….20……….in the matter of Tender No………..…of …………..20… REQUEST FOR REVIEW I/We……………………………,the above named Applicant(s), of address: Physical address…………….Fax No……Tel. No……..Email ……………, hereby request the Public Procurement Administrative Review Board to review the whole/part of the above mentioned decision on the following grounds , namely:1. 2. etc. By this memorandum, the Applicant requests the Board for an order/orders that: 1. 2. etc SIGNED ……………….(Applicant) Dated on…………….day of ……………/…20… FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Lodged with the Secretary Public Procurement Administrative Review Board on ………… day of ………....20….……… SIGNED Board Secretary Tender-Securing Declaration Form (r.22) [The Bidder shall complete in this Form in accordance with the instructions indicated] Date: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid Submission] Tender No. [insert number of bidding process] To: [insert complete name of Purchaser] We, the undersigned, declare that: 1. We understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a Bid-Securing Declaration. 2. We accept that we will automatically be suspended from being eligible for bidding in any contract with the Purchaser for the period of time of [insertnumber of months or years] starting on [insert date], if we are in breach of our obligation(s) under the bid conditions, because we – (a) have withdrawn our Bid during the period of bid validity specified by us in the Bidding Data Sheet; or (b) having been notified of the acceptance of our Bid by the Purchaser during the period of bid validity, (i) fail or refuse to execute the Contract, if required, or (ii) fail or refuse to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the ITT. 3. We understand that this Bid Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy of your notification of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) twenty-eight days after the expiration of our Tender.4 We understand that if we are a Joint Venture, the Bid Securing Declaration must be in the name of the Joint Venture that submits the bi, and the Joint Venture has not been legally constituted at the time of bidding, the Bid Securing Declaration shall be in the names of all future partners as named in the letter of intent. Signed: [insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown] in the capacity of [insert legal capacity of person signing the Bid Securing Declaration] Name: [insert complete name of person signing the Bid Securing Declaration] Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of: [insert complete name of Bidder] Dated on …………………. day of ……………., ………………. [insert date of signing