1-11 /(~ - Citrus County, Florida
1-11 /(~ - Citrus County, Florida
Item No.: C,1 Date: 1-11 /(~ Approved for Agenda: J-;yy AGENDA MEMORANDUM HEARING. _, Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Director; Department of Dev. ServicesH1~ THROUGH: Kevin A. Smith, AICP, Director; Planning Division~~~c, ,......._ CL\X - FROM: Cynthia L. Jones, Transportation Planner; Planning Division SUBJECT: CPA/AA-PD0-11-03, James A. Neal, Jr., Esq. for John H. EdenU Esq. for New Horizon Funding, Inc. AGENDA DATE: July 12, 2011 BRIEF OVERVIEW: Conduct a public hearing for the transmittal phase of a large-scale amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, Generalized Future Land Use Map, and the Land Development Code Atlas., (as part of the 2011 Second Large Scale Amendment cycle). Due to the context of this application, the public hearing will be held after 5:01 P.M., in accordance with Board Policy provided the Board approves the agenda request by majority vote. Executive summary is attached. I BUDGET IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE: N/A Account No. I Account Title Current Budget YTD Expenditure s Encumbran ces Available Balance $0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: a. Conduct a public hearing to consider CPA/AA-PD0-11-03, James A. Neal, Jr., ESQ. for John H. Eden, ESQ. for New Horizon Funding, Inc.; an amendment to the Citrus County ·Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance No. 89-04 as amended) and the Land Development Code Atlas with a Planned Development Overlay (Ordinance No. 90-14 as amended). b. If approved, transmit the application to the State Land Planning Agency and required agencies for review and comment. AGN-11-65 PL 1-11-034 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Agenda Item: Agenda Request: CPA/AA-PD0-11-03, James A. Neal, Jr., ESQ. for John H. Eden, ESQ. for New Horizon Funding, Inc. Department I Division I Office: Planning Division Purpose: This request is for an amendment the Citrus County Generalized Future Land Use Map (GFLUM) by redesignating the future land use of approximately 206 acres from CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes to RVP, Recreational Vehicle Park and amending the Citrus County Land Development Code Atlas (LDCA) by redesignating the zoning of approximately 206 acres from CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes to RVP, Recreational Vehicle Park, with a Planned Development Overlay. Located in Sections 14 and 15, Township 19 South, Range 20 East, on E. Gulf to Lake Hwy, Inverness. The applicant has proposed 439 RV pads, a 9-hole executive golf course, a clubhouse/general store, a canoe livery and launch, and other amenities. This site had a previous application in 2006 (CPA/AA-06-07) for 499 RV pads which was denied by the Board of County Commissioners. Cost: N/A. application. The applicant has paid for advertising and notification fees for this Action Required: a. Conduct a public hearing to consider CPA/AA-PD0-11-03, James A. Neal, Jr., ESQ. for John H. Eden, ESQ. for New Horizon Funding, Inc.; an amendment to the Citrus County Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance No. 89-04 as amended) and the Land Development Code Atlas with a Planned Development Overlay (Ordinance No. 90-14 as amended). b. If approved, transmit the application to the State Land Pla'nning Agency and required agencies for review and comment. AGN-11-65 PL 1-11-034 PM1-11-033 • DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING DIVISION 2011 2nd CYCLE LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN/ATLAS AMENDMENT ·&&&L. ... _, Oh~·- _.,} !#.¥.. !tf. . m .?'¥! CP/AA NUMBER: CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 ELEMENT: Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code Atlas SUBJECT: James A. Neal, Jr., ESQ. for John H. Eden, IV, ESQ. for New Horizon Funding, Inc. PREPARED BY: Cynthia L. Jones, Transportation DATE: June 23,2011 ___"____ ----- - . . ----····-- 0J.. --------- --- ---- -- -. ------ !:'~':'~!1~!!.. ~!-~!!!li!l_9 Q}y_~~-~()_(_1__ ---------- --------- - REQUEST FOR REVISION TO GENERALIZED FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION, and ... LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ATLAS DESIGNATION • GENERALIZED FUTURE LAND USE MAP(GFLUM}: LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ATLAS (LDCA): LOCATION: SURROUNDING EXISTING LAND USES: SURROUNDING GENERALIZED FUTURE LAND USES: SURROUNDING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ATLAS DESIGNATIONS: SOIL INFORMATION: • FLOOD ZONE: From: CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes To: RVP, Recreational Vehicle Park From: CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes To: RVP, Recreational Vehicle Park Sections 14 and 15, TownshiQ 19 South, Range 20 East Further described as a portion of Parcel10000; (Inverness Area) A complete legal description is on file. North- Single family residential, mobile home parks (two), convenience store, fraternal organization, and vacant residential and commercially committed properties South - Single family residential and wetlands East - Wetlands and vacant property West - Wetlands and residence on acreage North - CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes South - CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes East - CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes West - CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes North - CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes; CLC, Coastal and Lakes Commercial; MHP, Mobile Home Park; CLR, Coastal and Lakes Residential South - CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes and CLR, Coastal and Lakes Residential East - CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes West - CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes According to the Soil Survey of Citrus County, Florida ( 1988), the upland soil types found on the property are listed as follows: Adamsville fine sand; Tavares fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slope; Astatula fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slope and 5 to 8 percent slope; and Orsino fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slope. These soils are generally level and somewhat poorly to moderately well drained. The limitations for site development are slight. Soils within the wetlands are listed as follows: Myakka fine sand; Okeelanta muck; EauGallie fine sand; EauGallie fine sand, depressional; and Terra Ceia-Okeelanta association, frequently flooded. No development is proposed for these areas. According to the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), the subject property appears to be located in Flood Zone C, B and A3 as found on Community-Panel Number 12006302608. PDRB MEETING- June 2, 2011 BCC MEETING- July 12, 2011 CPNAA-PD0-11-03 June 23, 2011 Page 2 BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to develop an RV Park (Class "A" motor coach resort) with a maximum of 439 pads and related amenities. The proposed amenities include a 9-hole executive style golf course (with artificial greens and tee boxes), a clubhouse/general store(± 15,000 SF), swimming pool, tennis courts, and a 2.26 acre storage area. Proposed amenities located near the water include a picnic area, fishing pier, canoe livery and canoe launch. The applicant had previously submitted a similar plan for 499 RV pads (CPNAA-06-07). That application was presented to the BCC but was not approved. • The subject property is currently vacant. The site was developed and used as a citrus grove until the 1980's. A dilapidated house and garage remain on the site. The location of the former citrus grove is now an open grassy area. The site is surrounded on three sides with a forested wetland and contains several isolated wetlands. These wetlands have broad vegetative buffers along their edges and on the uplands. The upland buffers consist of mature hardwood forest with a palmetto understory. The resort will have 439 RV pad sites resulting in a gross density of 2.13 dwelling units (du) per acre. This is consistent with the density and uses of neighboring properties. Development density in this area ranges from one du/20 acres (or more) to over five du/acre. Immediately south of the project site Bellamy unrecorded subdivision was approved with 3.3 du/acre, and Harrison's Great Oaks subdivision was approved with 4.9 du/acre. North and northwest of the application site are two mobile home parks-- Oak Pond with 5.9 du/acre and Shady Acres with 2.5 du/acre. Hickory Hills and other subdivisions near the project site have gross densities between three and five du/acre. This area also has large undivided tracts both in private and public ownership. The proposed resort is designed with distinct "neighborhoods" within the master development. The neighborhoods have varying pad sizes and amenities, and some areas are proposed to be gated. A recreational center with tennis courts, swimming pool, meeting rooms, and bowling alley will be constructed in a central location. A general store is proposed to sell basic groceries and sundries. Lake access is proposed along the projects 7000 linear foot boundary by way of a cart path to the picnic area, fishing pier, canoe livery and canoe launch on Big Lake Spivey. The applicant had stated that motorized watercraft will not be allowed. An outdoor storage (vehicles and boats) area is located near SR-44 and adjacent to a storm water retention area. The project is designed to be as self-contained as possible with recreational and day-to-day necessities available within the resort. • In early June the applicant conducted a meeting with several area residents to describe the proposed project and receive feedback. As a result of this meeting the applicant has chosen to relocate the canoe livery and canoe launch from the canal side to the lake side of the development. This change was discussed at the PDRB meeting. After the June 2, 2011 PDRB meeting the applicant submitted a revised master plan that relocated the canoe related amenities to the lake side of the development. This staff report is based on the revised master plan. The following were adequately addressed as part of this application and are on file with the Division of Planning: Biological/Environmental Report, Tree Survey, Solid Waste Analysis, Drainage Analysis, Karst Evaluation and Archeological Assessment. SUMMARY OF AGENCY COMMENTS: No concerns have been expressed by other agencies to date. During review of the prior application, CPNAA-06-07, it was noted that a letter had been received from South West Florida Water Management District. The water management district owns property immediately east of the project site. They were concerned about smoke and their ability to continue using controlled burns to maintain their property. To date a similar comment has not been received. SUMMARY OF PUBLIC COMMENTS: Public comments in opposition of this request have been received and include concerns for the increased traffic on SR-44, noise, and degradation of the lake system. PDRB MEETING -June 2, 2011 BCC MEETING- July 12, 2011 • • CPAIAA-PD0-11-03 June 23, 2011 Page 3 STAFF ANALYSIS: 1. • 2. Concurrencya) Sanitary Sewer- The applicant will extend regional sanitary sewer service to the site to meet sanitary sewer needs. This project will provide sanitary sewer service to the surrounding area. Septic systems are a major source of nutrients to the Tsala Apopka chain of Lakes. This project will make it possible to provide sanitary sewer to an environmentally sensitive area with numerous septic systems. b) Potable Water - The applicant will extend regional water service to this site to meet potable water needs. This project will provide central water service to the surrounding area. c) Traffic- A major traffic study was submitted and reviewed for this project. The project is expected to generate 1,971 daily and 162 PM peak hour trips. The traffic study evaluated the impact of the development on several segments of SR-44 and US-41. All road segments evaluated will operate at the adopted level of service. Conditions of approval of the traffic study include construction of an eastbound right turn lane at the project driveway and coordination with the FOOT to ensure proper Uturn considerations are provided. d) Solid Waste- The Citrus County Landfill has sufficient capacity to accommodate the development. e) Drainage - Drainage will be provided through a series of on-site stormwater management facilities including Best Management Practices for water quality and quantity, and designed to minimize the impacts on the existing wetlands and the Tsala Apopka chain of lakes. f) Recreation - Recreational facilities will be provided on site for the benefit of the residents of the park . Facilities proposed include a 9-hole executive style golf course, a clubhouse/general store, swimming pool, tennis courts, canoe livery/launch, picnic area, fishing pier and approximately three miles of nature trails with wild life viewing areas. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan - Policy 3.1.3 During construction in the vicinity of water bodies or wetland areas, the following criteria shall be met: A buffer of 15 feet or greater shall be established to reduce adverse impacts on natural vegetation. The master plan provides for a 25-ft wide natural undisturbed vegetative buffer which exceeds the minimum 15-ft buffer requirement. Objective 17.6 The County shall provide for a range of commercial densities and uses in the Future Land Use Plan and County LDC. Since the creation of the RVP land use district it has been applied only to existing RV parks. There is no vacant inventory of lands designated RVP. Existing RV parks available for redevelopment are significantly smaller than the proposed project. This application will provide suitable land to develop a new resort. • Policy 17.6.5 Specialized commercial needs, such as water-dependent and water-related uses, shall be provided for within the Future Land Use Plan and standards for development provided within the County LDC. The property contains extensive wetlands and has over 7,000 linear feet of access to the Lake Tsala Apopka chain of lakes. The natural beauty and access to the water makes the site particularly attractive as a resort. This application will provide the land use necessary to develop a resort around the natural features that surround the site on three sides. The master plan exceeds the standards specified within the LDC for RV resorts. The proposed resort works around the wetlands, clustering PDRB MEETING -June 2, 2011 BCC MEETING- July 12, 2011 CPAIAA-PD0-11-03 June 23, 2011 Page4 ~~=-~mmaeumam~=-DB=meemm.-mm=B~==~==~~--mm-==mzmmm=-===-~~-=~~~~~ development on the uplands portions of the property and provides extensive buffering between t11e resort and adjacent properties. Policy 17.6.12 Recreational vehicle (RV) parks and campground shall be designed according to a detailed master plan, shall preserve a minimum of 30 percent of the property in open space, shall provide a minimum of an additional 10 percent of the property as recreation areas, and generally shall conform to the commercial development standards in the Land Development Code. The number of RV units or campsites does not confer any vested residential development rights. • This project is designed to minimize the impact on the natural landscape and wetland areas. Forty five percent (93.88 acres) of the site will remain as open space. This far exceeds the 30% required. Open space will consist of approximately 20 acres of wetland preserve, 16 acres of active recreation, and 58 acres of undeveloped open space (buffers and parks). 3. Impacts on Affordable Housing - The proposal should have minimal impact on permanent affordable housing; compliance with LDC Section 4663.8.1 Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks/Campgrounds limits occupancy to a maximum of 180 days. 4. Technical Review Team comments: The application for an RV Park Master Development Plan was reviewed by the Technical Review Team (TRT). In summary the TRT comments, concerns, and/or requests for additional information for review prior to the issuance of County Development Order for the Master Development Plan are as follows: a. Division of Land Development: Approval with Conditions. See memo dated May 18, 2011, from Joe Hochadel, Planner. b. Division of Land Development, Engineering Section: Approval with Conditions. See letter dated April 15, 2011, from Jeffrey W. Rogers, P.E., Engineer 1, approving the traffic study. c. Division of Land Development, Engineering Section: Approval with Conditions. See memo dated April 6, 2011, from Larry Parker, Engineering Design Technician. d. Environmental Health: Approval. Connect to City of Inverness water and sewer or apply for a DEP approved water and sewer system. e. Division of Fire Rescue: Approval with Condition. See memo dated April 7, 2011 for condition regarding provision of fire hydrants. f. Division of Building: Approval. g. Division of Utilities: Approval. Citrus County Utilities has no objection and recommends approval of this application with the following comment: Project is located in City of Inverness Service area. Please contact them for all utility questions. 5. • Other Factors/Additional Information - The master plan of development must meet the requirements of LDC Section 4663, Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks/Campgrounds. The following issues are addressed (LDC 4663.8.4): 1. Streets - Road access is provided via SR 44, a four-lane principal arterial currently operating at LOS A. A full traffic study has been completed for this project. The traffic study is addressed in the 2. 3. conditions of approval. Internal roadways are proposed as 20 ft wide two-way streets with a sidewalk per standards stated in the LDC. This project is designed to accommodate very large motor coaches. The internal road system will accommodate emergency vehicles. Utilities- Regional sanitary sewer and water will be provided by the City of Inverness. Lots- Pads will vary in size between 40' X 70' (low range) to 75' X 125' (premium). Ownership will be through condominium sales. Each lot would be allowed one 60 sq. ft. accessory storage building and an outdoor cooking area. No other permanent structures will be allowed on the individual sites. PDRB MEETING -June 2, 2011 BCC MEETING -July 12,2011 • • • CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 June 23, 2011 Page 5 Storm Water Management -A master drainage plan is under development. All surface runoff will be stored and treated on site. The project will employ Best Management Practices to maintain surface water quality. 5. Buffers - The project site is surrounded on three sides by wetlands. Adjacent to the wetlands are upland buffers that range in size between 50-foot to over 200-foot. The buffers consist of hardwood forest with mature trees. They provide a very substantial buffer between the motor home sites and adjacent properties. The wetlands surrounding the property are vegetated with brush and mature cypress swamp. An outdoor storage area, wetlands, and thick oak woods are located along the north edge of the property. This will provide buffering between the motor home sites and land uses along SR 44. Native vegetation will be utilized in all planted buffers. 6. Open Space - Forty five percent {93.88 acres) of the site will remain as open space. This far exceeds the 30% required. Open space will consist of approximately 20 acres of wetland preserve, 16 acres of active recreation, and 58 acres of undeveloped open space (buffers and parks). 7. Recreational Areas and Facilities - It is the intent of this application to provide significant active and resource-based recreational opportunities. A club house will include a swimming pool, tennis courts, indoor bowling area, theater, great room, and several multi-purpose rooms. 8. Sidewalks/Pedestrian Paths -·-Internal roadways will include a paved sidewalk. A comprehensive three mile trail network is proposed connecting all the amenity areas. The trail network will link with the sidewalk along SR 44. The trail network includes several wild life viewing areas. 9. Landscaping - Existing tree lines and significant tree stands are intended to be used as part of the overall landscape and buffering standards. 10. Signage has not been proposed. The project will be limited to one free-standing sign along SR 44. The location must be shown on the site plan. 11. Buildings and other Improvements The resort will provide extensive common amenities and facilities. The general store will provide sundry-type items, grocery, deli, etc. All facilities will be accessible by internal roads only and will serve the park residents. Laundry and rest room facilities · will be located throughout to serve individual neighborhoods. 4. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The application requests the redesignation of 206 acres from Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes on the GFLUM and LDC Atlas maps to RVP on both the GFLUM and LDC Atlas maps. 2. A conceptual master plan of development has been provided and is referenced in the Conditions of Approval. 3. The application would allow for the construction of a motor coach resort with up to 439 RV sites. 4. The application appears to be consistent with the Citrus County Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the findings of fact and the TRC comments, staff recommends APPROVAL of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and APPROVAL with the following conditions for the Atlas Amendment with Conceptual Master Plan. • 1. All development shall be as shown on the Master Development Plan for the Eden RV Resort (date stamped May 20, 2011 ), and as required by LDC Section 4663. Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks/Campgrounds). This Master Development Plan shall include up to 439 RV spaces, a private nine-hole golf course, and related infrastructure and amenities. The following phasing is proposed: a. Phase 1 - 137sites, 9 hole golf course, clubhouse, swimming pool, fishing pier, and picnic area, b. Phase 2- 138 sites, storage area, c. Phase 3- 164 sites, hiking trails, canoe launch, and canoe livery. 2. Minor modifications to the approved Master Development Plan may be approved by the Director of the Land PDRB MEETING -June 2, 2011 BCC MEETING- July 12, 2011 CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 June 23, 2011 Page 6 ~~~mww~~~·as·~·2m·~e~~emmmEmmm~~~5E~e~~~mm~mm=m~~smma~~msEm~mm~~~memm~~me Development Division as outlined in LDC Section 2273. Modification of a Planned Development Overlay. Major modifications to the approved Master Development Plan shall require reapplication. 3. All requirements for development are as specified within the Land Development Code unless otherwise specified within these conditions of approval or on the approved Master Development Plan. 4. The possibility of smoke and other risks due to the use of controlled burns on public conservation areas must be disclosed to all buyers. Disclaimers specifically addressing smoke and the use of controlled burns on public lands must be provided on the final plat and in all deeds. 5. Special events must meet the requirements of the Citrus County Noise Ordinance. 6. No motorized vessels will be allowed to be launched from the proposed facility. 7. Signage is limited to one free standing sign on SR-44 and must meet the requirements of LDC Section 7000. 8. The entire property must be maintained in single ownership. Subdivision for any purpose other than to establish conservation easements will render approval of the master plan null and void. 9. Covenants of Condominium must include the following provisions: a. b. c. d. All resort residents (with sole exception of an on-site manager within their own private residence) must evacuate during all mandatory evacuations as ordered by County officials. Occupancy is limited to a maximum of 180 consecutive days. All motor homes must be maintained in a road ready condition. No permanent structures may be affixed to the motor homes. Wetlands, Buffers and Open Space 10. A minimum of forty-five percent (45%) of the gross site area shall be preserved as open space, as delineated on the Master Development Plan. To the greatest extent possible and to meet the requirements of LDC Section 4663, the site design shall provide open space beyond this minimum. The open space shall include the following: · a. Tree buffer and trail system shall be allocated to passive recreation. b. Open space, buffers and non-recreation shall meet the LDC Section 4663 definition of open space. c. All of the wetland areas identified on the Boundary & Jurisdictional Survey shall be protected. • • 11. A 25 foot natural undisturbed vegetative buffer must be maintained along all wetland lines. This buffer must be clearly marked at all times during construction. Silt fence must be installed prior to clearing and maintained until all surfaces are stabilized. 12. Type "C" landscape buffers, or the equivalent, are required along all upland property lines. Utility, maintenance, and/or storage (boat/vehicle) areas are required to have at least the equivalent of a type "D" landscape buffer where it abuts adjacent properties. 13. All structures, including storage sheds, utility buildings, restrooms and commercial buildings must maintain at least a 35-foot setback to all JD wetland lines. A berm and swale that meets LDC requirements must be maintained between any structure less than 50-foot from the wetland, and the wetland. Motor home sites bordering wetlands must be designed so the pads drain away from the wetlands. 14. The developer shall create a cooperative association, property owner's association, or other appropriate legal entity that shall be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of common open space in perpetuity. PDRB MEETING -June 2, 2011 BCC MEETING- July 12, 2011 • • CPNAA-PD0-11-03 June 23, 2011 Page 7 ..,,;, Reco~·dable instrum;Ts providing for"t'he;;:mon-ownership lands shall b·;·submitted for review with the ...., application for a development order. Landscaping and Tree Preservation 15. A landscaping and irrigation plan that demonstrates compliance with LDC 4300 standards and the following conditions must be submitted and approved by the TRT prior to issuance of site development permit. a. b. c. d. e. f. Only low water use plants shall be utilized within required buffers. Low water use plants do not need supplemental water beyond natural rainfall after initial establishment. All turf grass must be drought-tolerant. Landscaping and irrigation systems shall be consistent with the Florida-Friendly Landscaping principles. Irrigation plans must be designed, operated, and maintained according to the Florida Green Industries Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources in Florida (2002). All automatic irrigation systems shall be designed to avoid runoff, over spray, or comparable conditions where water flows onto/over non-irrigated areas or impervious surfaces. Only drip, micro-spray, or other low volume emitters are permitted within parking lot landscape islands or within ten feet of any impervious surface. Moisture sensing and/or rain shut-off switch equipment are required. Said equipment shall consist of an automatic mechanical or electronic sensing device or switch that will override the irrigation cycle of the sprinkler system when adequate rainfall has occurred. All landscape vegetation must be native or drought tolerant. 16. Invasive exotic plant species listed as Category I or Category II by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council shall not be used for installed plantings. • 17. Removal and mitigation for specimen tree identified within the Tree Survey (date stamped April1, 2011) shall be addressed at time of permitting. Mitigation shall be required to meet the standards of LDC Section 4350, Reforestation Standards, and Section 4341, Mitigation Requirements. 18. The golf course design, construction, and management shall be consistent with Best Management Practices for the Enhancement of Environmental Quality on Florida Golf Courses (FDEP, 2007). Structures 19. Design of all commercial and recreational facilities must meet LDC requirements for setbacks, parking, access management, and landscaping as required at the time of permitting. Exceptions to the requirements of the LDC are only as specified in these conditions. a. The clubhouse shall be limited to a maximum of a 15,000 square foot structure, provided in one or more buildings and related recreational amenities. b. The canoe livery shall be limited to a 5,000 square foot structure. c. All requirements of the LDC for commercial buildings shall be met. d. The storage area shall be limited to the 2.26 acre site as shown on the master plan. A twenty-five · footwetland buffer shall be maintained along the east and west sides. e. The clubhouse and other amenities on the site must have adequate parking and other design standards as specified in the LDC. 20. Storage sheds not exceeding 60 square feet and an outdoor cooking area shall be permitted within each RV space as optional improvements. • 21. Neighborhood common areas will include shower and laundry facilities. These facilities shall be located no more than 800 feet from any RV space . PDRB MEETING -June 2, 2011 BCC MEETING- July 12, 2011 CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 June 23, 2011 Page 8 Traffic and Roadways 22. Access shall be limited to one entrance from SR-44 (East Gulf to Lake Highway). The gated entrance must meet the requirements of LDC Section 4244, Gated Entrances. • 23. Improvements to SR-44 are required based on the approved traffic study and include construction of a 405-ft (including 50-ft taper) eastbound right turn lane and a 430-ft (including 50-ft taper) westbound left turn lane at the project driveway. Applicant must coordinate with the FOOT to ensure proper U-turn considerations are provided. 24. Internal streets shall have 20-foot pavement widths for two-way traffic and include a minimum four-foot wide sidewalk which should be separated from the road by a minimum four foot wide vegetative buffer. Streets serving less than 30 spaces may be used as part of the pedestrian circulation system. 25. The applicant shall provide sidewalks and/or intermodal trails along the collector road, connecting all commercial and recreational facilities, and connecting with the sidewalk along SR 44. Sidewalks shall be at grade in parking area, of scored concrete or pavers and specifically not striped asphalt. 26. A detailed pedestrian circulation system plan that demonstrates compliance with LDC Section 4663 standards shall be submitted to and approved by the TRT prior to issuance of the site development permit. Utilities, Fire and Stormwater 27. The project must be served by regional sanitary sewer and water provided by the City of Inverness. 28. Fire Department access shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Rescue Division. 29. Fire Hydrants shall be provided in accordance with Citrus County Code Section 102. 30. The storm water management system shall be approved by SWFWMD and Citrus County Engineering. • Compliance 31. Noncompliance with or any violation of the above referenced conditions as may be determined by Citrus County Code Enforcement Proceedings, may, in addition any penalty imposed by Code Enforcement and subsequent to satisfying all procedural requirements set forth in Section 2223 of the Citrus County Land Development Code, render this Planned Development Overlay null, void, and of no force or effect. PDRB RECOMMENDATION: 1. 2. Comprehensive Plf'ln Amendment -APPROVAL Atlas Amendment with Planned Development Overlay- APPROVAL BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ACTION: 1. 2. Comprehensive Plan AmendmentAtlas Amendment with Planned Development Overlay- CLJ/jph Attachments PDRB MEETING- June 2, 2011 BCC MEETING- July 12,2011 • Generalized Future Land Use Map :-------Jo_h_n_E_d_e_n-IV_,_E_s_q_.f-o-r------, Applicant: New Horizon Funding, Inc. Sec. 14 15 Twn. Page 1 of 1 I Proposed CPA/AA/PD0- _ 3 11 0 L_A_m_e_n_d_m_e_n_t_:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19 Rge. 23100 20 __J Qtr. SW NE, SE, SW 21300 CL 14400 v 3 34100 30000 CL 31000 33000 Legend V- Vacant S -Single Family M- Mobile Home C - Commercial 23000 CL lf---------=---"7~~22 7 L an dD eveIopmen t C od e Atlas Amendment Application #: cPAtAAtPD0-11-03 ~Proposal: CL to RVP Future land Use Designation: ~L~_e_c_:___,~..u.~_ __.l John Eden IV, Esq. for Applicant: New Horizon Funding, Inc. I E. Gulf to Lake Hwy. Location: Inverness, Florida Low Intensity Coastal Lakes (CL) I Twn: 19 I I Rge: 23100 20 IQtr: ~~ swl SE, 21300 14400 CL 3 30000 34100 31000 Legend V- Vacant S - Single Family M - Mobile Home C - Commercial DRAFT PDRB Minutes • Page 7 ... , ...... "T ... """""i±&'i'"'± June 2, 2011 .... ·- ···-e ........i"·me··v···· ·,;,:;s,;··x1.... COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT/ATLAS AMENDMENT/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ----) .... CPA/AA/PD0-11-03- James A. Neal, Jr., ESQ. for John H. Eden, IV, ESQ. for New Horizon Funding, Inc. REQUEST: From CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes To RVP, Recreational Vehicle Park from CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes to RVP, Recreational Vehicle Park. LOCATION: Sections 14 and 15, Township 19 South, Range 20 East. Further described as a portion of Parcel 10000; (Inverness Area) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS STAFF CONTACT: Cynthia L. Jones, Transportation Planner, Planning Division Mrs. Jones gave the staff report. Mrs. Pace gave the slide presentation. Mrs. Jones said the applicant is proposing to develop a class "A" motor coach resort with a maximum of 439 pads and related amenities. She said the proposed amenities include a 9-hole executive style golf course (with artificial greens and tee boxes), a clubhouse/general store (± 15,000 SF), swimming pool, tennis courts, and a 2.26 acre storage area. The proposed amenities located near the water include a picnic area, fishing pier, canoe livery and canoe launch. Mrs. Jones said the applicant had previously submitted a similar plan for 499 RV pads (CPA/AA-06-07), that application was presented to the BCC and was not approved. Based on the finding of facts staff recommends approval with conditions. Mrs. Jones said there are 31 conditions and number 23 will be changed and she read the condition into the record. • APPLICANT: Jim Neal appeared before the Board and said he represents the applicant New Horizon Funding Inc. He said the Eden's have owned this property for many years and it was originally a grove until the 80's with the bad freeze. He said the project is a low density and this is the ideal spot since it is right off SR 44. Mr. Neal said once visitors see this County he feels people would continue to come back. He said this would be a three phase project. Mr. Neal said he hopes that the Board will approve this plan and allow it to go forward to the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Czerwinski came before the Board and provided a slide presentation to show the Board members the area and the plans for this project. He said all the wetlands are preserved and will remain untouched. The tortoises will have to be relocated. Mr. Czerwinski said 43% of the land will remain as open space. He said this is compatible with the surrounding area. PROPONENT: Mr. Eden came before the Board and said he resubmitted this application because of the recommendation of staff and the BOCC. He said he feels the voices of the neighbors were heard and they have scaled back the project. Mr. Eden said our economy is hurting and the hope is to create jobs and have people spend money to go into the economy for the County. He said he hopes the Board will approve this application. Mr. Lamb appeared before the board and he and his wife are avid RV travelers and they love some of the parks they have been to and he feels this is a great place to put the park. He feels this will help our community and the economy and that is very important. Mr. Sackiwitz came before the Board and said he is here just to say he feels this is a good project and he is for this project. He said this will help with the economy since they will pay gas tax and they will spend money with the local merchants. He was asking the Board to approve this project. • Mr. Lobel came before the Board and said he is the Director of the Inverness Old Town Association, which change the name this week to Greater Inverness Old Town of Association of Businesses. He said the organization asked the developer to come out and give a presentation to the organization which the developer did and had a great discussion about this project. Mr. Lobel said his organization is in favor of this project and he does agree this should help bring some money into this County. He asked the Board members to please approve this project. DRAFT PDRB Minutes Pages ••• um """"""• > mo muuuo,m•;sm;;:;;.;y•• June 2, 201 'I ..................... 'W'Pe"\iri'ci""""•"""""""""" ..... ~ Mrs. Overa appeared before. the Board and spoke to this application and she does like to go to RV parks. She said she hopes people will be mindful when taking down the trees and be aware of the cavity dweller birds and the time of year it is done. Mrs. Overa said that the trees should not be removed during the mating season or nesting season. She feels this will enhance things for nature. Mrs. Overa said this project is a good idea and the Board should approve it. • Mr. Smit came before the Board and said he thought one thing that should be considered with this project is a light at the intersection. He said he liked the idea of the park and hopes the Board will approve this. Mr. Moore came before the Board and said this is something that should help the economy for this County. He said the un-employment rate is the highest it has ever been and he hopes this will help. Mr. Moore said this will have very little effect if any on the schools. He said this is something he feels everyone should support and asked the Board to please approve this project. Mr. Eyster appeared before the Board and said he has no objection to this project and he fully supports another RV park with in the County. He said he does feel this will help the County and get some money put back into the County. Mr. Pospiech appeared before the Board and said this is an excellent place to put the RV park and then to bring in money to help this county. He feels this project has been wonderfully designed and the Board should approve this application. OPPONENT: Mr. Tessmer appeared before the Board and said this is just a smaller plan and nothing has changed from the original plan. His concerns are what would happen if this project fails. He said what type of changes would come back to this Board would it be considered to be a rental RV park which changes everything. Mr. Tessmer also asked about the noise ordinance will that be in affect and what can we expect as far as noise levels. Mrs. Rusnak appeared before the Board and said this project before and it has changed and improved. She said she can see from the staff report there will be a meeting room, general store, laundry facility and a bowling alley this would amount to more than the 5000 square feet under roof. • Mrs. Jones said with the planned development overlay allows for more square footage. Mr. Aare said the PDO process is used when you want to combine different uses and those uses do not meet the strict requirements of the Land Development Code. Ms. Jones appeared before the Board and said she is against this project because she is a homeowner in the Hickory Hills area and said people are trying to sell their motor homes because of the economy. She said this will bring in more traffic and SR 44 is already a problem. Ms. Jones feels since the people will be on vacation then they will not treat the lakes the same as if it were their home. Mr. Lloyd appeared before the Board and said he is neither for nor against the project, but he has comments. He said is there an economic need for a class "A" RV park. He said in the staff report says ownership will be through condominium sales and he asked what that meant. Mr. Lloyd said Mr. Neal mentioned it would attract visitors. He said this is three phase project and why to get approval of the other phases after the first one works. Mr. Lloyd asked if the owner has the right to sublet. REBUTTAL: Mr. Neal said this will help bring in some jobs and this will help the county improve the economy. He said the Eden's have been in this County for many years and this is a good project. Mr. Neal said the Eden's have no problem with any of the 31 conditions. DISCUSSION: Mr. Hooper believes this is a good project. Mr. Kellner is for this project. Blodgett said it looks ok. Mr. Bard said this will help in many ways. Mr. Lundberg said he likes the project. Mr. Dixon said he wanted to express his views. He said this is a good project and he said he thought it was a good project the last time they brought it forward. Mr. Dixon feels it is beneficial to the school system and he does support this. Ms. Ennis said she feels this will help the county and it is a good project • PDRB Minutes ............. ··a · ........w ... ·wm•,;m···w • ...............rn .. ···· ........................ ""T'"W"":r· ...... Page 9 ·yy····· ..........., .... . MOTION: By Mr. Kellner and seconded by Mr. Hooper The Planning and Development Review Board finds application number CPA/AA/PD0-11-03 CONSISTENT with the Citrus County Comprehensive Plan and Citrus County Land Development Code and that this Board recommends APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS of the application to the Board of County Commissioners based upon the evidence and testimony presented, and the staff report and conclusions regarding this petition. • 1. All development shall be as shown on the Master Development Plan for the Eden RV Resort (date stamped May 20, 2011 ), and as required by LDC Section 4663. Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks/Campgrounds). This Master Development Plan shall include up to 439 RV spaces, a private ninehole golf course, and related infrastructure and amenities. The following phasing is proposed: a. Phase 1 - 137sites, 9 hole golf course, clubhouse, swimming pool, fishing pier, and picnic area, b. Phase 2- 138 sites, storage area, c. Phase 3- 164 sites, hiking trails, canoe launch, and canoe livery. 2. Minor modifications to the approved Master Development Plan may be approved by the Director of the Land Development Division as outlined in LDC Section 2273. Modification of a Planned Development Overlay. Major modifications to the approved Master Development Plan shall require reapplication. 3. All requirements for development are as specified within the Land Development Code unless otherwise specified within these conditions of approval or on the approved Master Development Plan. 4. The possibility of smoke and other risks due to the use of controlled burns on public conservation areas must be disclosed to all buyers. Disclaimers specifically addressing smoke and the use of controlled burns on public lands must be provided on the final plat and in all deeds . 5. Special events must meet the requirements of the Citrus County Noise Ordinance. 6. No motorized vessels will be allowed to be launched from the proposed facility. 7. Signage is limited to one free standing sign on SR-44 and must meet the requirements of LDC Section 7000. 8. The entire property must be maintained in single ownership. Subdivision for any purpose other than to establish conservation easements will render approval of the master plan null and void. 9. Covenants of Condominium must include the following provisions: a. b. c. d. All resort residents (with sole exception of an on-site manager within their own private residence) must evacuate during all mandatory evacuations as ordered by County officials. Occupancy is limited to a maximum of 180 consecutive days. All motor homes must be maintained in a road ready condition. No permanent structures may be affixed to the motor homes. Wetlands, Buffers and Open Space • 10. A minimum of forty-five percent (45%) of the gross site area shall be preserved as open space, as delineated on the Master Development Plan. To the greatest extent possible and to meet the requirements of LDC Section 4663, the site design shall provide open space beyond this minimum. The open space shall include the following: a. Tree buffer and trail system shall be allocated to passive recreation . b. Open space, buffers and non-recreation shall meet the LDC Section 4663 definition of open space. c. All of the wetland areas identified on the Boundary & Jurisdictional Survey shall be protected. DRAFT PDRB Minutes ............. .. "" .. ~ ······························· P.<'lge 1Q June 2, 2011 . ................................................................................., 11. A 25 foot natural undisturbed vegetative buffer must be maintained along all wetland lines. This buffer must be clearly marked at all times during construction. Silt fence must be installed prior to clearing and maintained until all surfaces are stabilized. • 12. Type "C" landscape buffers, or the equivalent, are required along all upland property lines. Utility, maintenance, and/or storage (boaUvehicle) areas are required to have at least the equivalent of a type "D" landscape buffer where it abuts adjacent properties. 13. All structures, including storage sheds, utility buildings, restrooms and commercial buildings must maintain at least a 35-foot setback to all JD wetland lines. A berm and swale that meets LDC requirements must be maintained between any structure less than 50-foot from the wetland, and the wetland. Motor home sites bordering wetlands must be designed so the pads drain away from the wetlands. 14. The developer shall create a cooperative association, property owner's association, or other appropriate legal entity that shall be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of common open space in perpetuity. Recordable instruments providing for these common-ownership lands shall be submitted for review with the application for a development order. Landscaping and Tree Preservation 15. A landscaping and irrigation plan that demonstrates compliance with LDC 4300 standards and the following conditions must be submitted and approved by the TRT prior to issuance of site development permit. . a. b. c. d. e. f. Only low water use plants shall be utilized within required buffers. Low water use plants do not need supplemental water beyond natural rainfall after initial establishment. All turf grass must be droughttolerant. Landscaping and irrigation systems shall be consistent with the Florida-Friendly Landscaping principles. Irrigation plans must be designed, operated, and maintained according to the Florida Green Industries Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources in Florida (2002). All automatic irrigation systems shall be designed to avoid runoff, over spray, or comparable conditions where water flows onto/over non-irrigated areas or impervious surfaces. Only drip, micro-spray, or other low volume emitters are permitted within parking lot landscape islands or within ten feet of any impervious surface. Moisture sensing and/or rain shut-off switch equipment are required. Said equipment shall consist of an automatic mechanical or electronic sensing device or switch that will override the irrigation cycle of the sprinkler system when adequate rainfall has occurred. All landscape vegetation must be native or drought tolerant. • 16. Invasive exotic plant species listed as Category I or Category II by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council shall not be used for installed plantings. 17. Removal and mitigation for specimen tree identified within the Tree Survey (date stamped April1, 2011) shall be addressed at time of permitting. Mitigation shall be required to meet the standards of LDC Section 4350, Reforestation Standards, and Section 4341, Mitigation Requirements. 18. The golf course design, construction, and management shall be consistent with Best Management Practices for the Enhancement of Environmental Quality on Florida Golf Courses (FDEP, 2007). Structures 19. Design of all commercial and recreational facilities must meet LDC requirements for setbacks, parking, access management, and landscaping as required at the time of permitting. Exceptions to the requirements of the LDC are only as specified in these conditions. a. The clubhouse shall be limited to a maximum of a 15,000 square foot structure, provided in one or more buildings and related recreational amenities. b. The canoe livery shall be limited to a 5,000 square foot structure. • DRAFT • PDRB Minutes " """"i#ifi"""Tf'"'>o!:ttit J ~· c. d. e. Page 11 ............ g .. ·-·- ........................ "tlf:'#T"'""''' .......... & June 2, 2011 ............... ·· ·-·r, ....... "<'. •• -·· All requirements of the LDC for commercial buildings shall be met. The storage area shall be limited to the 2.26 acre site as shown on the master plan. A twentyfive foot wetland buffer shall be maintained along the east and west sides. The clubhouse and other amenities on the site must have adequate parking and other design standards as specified in the LDC. 20. The golf course design, construction, and management shall be consistent with Best Management Practices for the Enhancement of Environmental Quality on Florida Golf Courses (FDEP, 2007). Structures 21. Design of all commercial and recreational facilities must meet LDC requirements for setbacks, parking, access management, and landscaping as required at the time of permitting. Exceptions to the requirements of the LDC are only as specified in these conditions. a. The clubhouse shall be limited to a maximum of a 15,000 square foot structure, provided in one or more buildings and related recreational amenities. b. The canoe livery shall be limited to a 5,000 square foot structure. c. All requirements of the LDC for commercial buildings shall be met. d. The storage area shall be limited to the 2.26 acre site as shown on the master plan. A twentyfive foot wetland buffer shall be maintained along the east and west sides. e. The clubhouse and other amenities on the site must have adequate parking and other design standards as specified in the LDC. 22. Storage sheds not exceeding 60 square feet and an outdoor cooking area shall be permitted within each RV space as optional improvements. • 23. Neighborhood common areas will include shower and laundry facilities. These facilities shall be located no more than 800 feet from any RV space. Traffic and Roadways 24. Access shall be limited to one entrance from SR-44 (East Gulf to Lake Highway). The gated entrance must meet the requirements of LDC Section 4244, Gated Entrances. 25. Improvements to SR-44 are required based on the approved traffic study and include construction of a 405-ft (including 50-ft taper) eastbound right turn lane and a 430-ft (including 50-ft taper) westbound left turn lane at the project driveway. Applicant must coordinate with the FOOT to ensure proper U-turn considerations are provided. 26. Internal streets shall have 20-foot pavement widths for two-way traffic and include a minimum four-foot wide sidewalk which should be separated from the road by a minimum four foot wide vegetative buffer. Streets serving less than 30 spaces may be used as part of the pedestrian circulation system. 27. The applicant shall provide sidewalks and/or intermodal trails along the collector road, connecting all commercial and recreational facilities, and connecting with the sidewalk along SR 44. Sidewalks shall be at grade in parking area, of scored concrete or pavers and specifically not striped asphalt. 28. A detailed pedestrian circulation system plan that demonstrates compliance with LDC Section 4663 standards shall be submitted to and approved by the TRT prior to issuance of the site development permit. Utilities, Fire and Stormwater • 29. The project must be served by regional sanitary sewer and water provided by the City of Inverness. 30. Fire Department access shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Rescue Division. DRAFT PDRB Minutes . . . PagEl.J. .? . . . ,,,.... .,""'"''"'"'""" .......................................... ..... ~une2,?0JJ . . 31. Fire Hydrants shall be provided in accordance with Citrus County Code Section 102. 32. The storm water management system shall be approved by SWFWMD and Citrus County Engineering. • Compliance 33. Noncompliance with or any violation of the above referenced conditions as may be determined by Citrus County Code Enforcement Proceedings, may, in addition any penalty imposed by Code Enforcement and subsequent to satisfying all procedural requirements set forth in Section 2223 of the Citrus County Land Development Code, render this Planned Development Overlay null, void, and of no force or effect. Vote 6- 0 EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPORT FOR THE CITRUS COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EAR-11-01: Department of Development Services- Evaluation and Appraisal Report LOCATION: Citrus County STAFF CONTACT: Kevin Smith, AICP, Director, Planning Division Mr. Smith said the Evaluation and Appraisal report is a document we need to do every seven years as required by law. Legislature passed a bill entitled 7207 which drastically restructures the Growth Management Act. This is going to effect what is allowed in our Comprehensive Plan and this will need to be considered. Mr. Smith said he spoke to Mr. Cautero about this and it was decided to bring this forward. This report is due the same day as the Governor should sign this bill into law so we decided to continue with your meeting and canceled the meeting with the County Commission on the Evaluation and Appraisal Report. • Mr. Aare said we are waiting for the Governor to sign the bill. He said under the current version you go through this process of a big report as to what has changed in your County review your camp plan when you see how things turned out as to how you had planned things. Once the Governor signs the bill you will send in a letter to the State saying you will continue to modify your Comprehensive Plan based on changes in the County and you won't have to submit the EAR report with all sorts of analysis you will just submit the Comprehensive Amendments. Mr. Stillwell stated that we still need to make the changes even if we do not submit an EAR report. He said we should not miss the opportunity to look at the document and say that page and that text are not necessary so go ahead and get rid of it. Mr. Smith said we will bring changes from the Comprehensive Plan to modernize it in accordance with the new requirements. Mr. Kellner asked if there will be input from the builders association and the realtors. Mr. Smith responded yes this will be and open process and we will have workshops on it. He said he just needs the planning Board to accept the report by staff with the understanding that this will generate future amendments to our Comprehensive Plan that would be considered in the public hearing process. MOTION: By Mr. Blodgett and seconded by Mr. Kellner Vote 6- 0 G. ADDITIONAL ITEMS: There will be no PDRB meeting on June 16,2011 H. ADJOURN • E PLAT OF A ~ BOUNDARY AND JURISDICTIONAL SURVEY SI!CTION 14 & 15, TOWNSHIP 19 SOUTH, RANGE ZO EAST CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA -r UlJ., 205.54 ACRES -fl 1128·• -.1..' un· LUO " SECTION ..• ~ • . 15 LEGalD 1 FOUHD tONC. t.IONUNENT (P~N UNLESS OlllER'MSE 9l0Yitl) 1 FOUNfJ IRON ROO (PlN1'f Wl.LSS O»f~JnWS( SHO'Mi} : f'OOHO IROH PIPE (PLAIH um.ESS OTHER'MSE SttO'Mi) : f'OOHD HAIL OR Sf'll<E (Pl.AIN IJNL£SS OTHE:RMst !SitO'Ml) D : F'OI.nm ~ CIJT 1H COHC. (Pl.Ntt UNlESS OTHI.R'IIISE SI-IOYIM) 1 SET 4• • 4• CONCRElt liOKU!.IENT {lB 7008) 0 : SET !J/8• lftOO ROO A Pl.ASRC: CAP (lB 7008) 1 tlESCRIPTI\'E POINt 1 WAtER WEl[R BOX 1 WATER VN..VE 1 nRE H'«<RANT 1 lofETAL POLE lD..EPHOH'E IJNCnON 80:4 : CABtL la.£\tSfOH BOIC : 'AMTMY SEWER M""*iDlE : STORM DRAIHACE MANHOLE •t• : -·. -·-.. ~ ·~ m ~ NATURE COAST LAND SURVEYING, INC. : fARE tEHC£ :woo mu:r. \\IWAM C. LANIGAN 1 CHAIN UtiK FUIQ: GRAPiUC SCALE : OVDIHEAD ti.ECTRIC UNE : UmJTY 00 GVY Pa..E (.U 9101\tl} : UGHf POlE 1 n.EClRICAl. TRAN!l1Jfti.IER 1 G\JY 'MRE AriD NIOlOR 1 BORINC / SOO. TEST k-.,.JJ-t;;;J ( m rar l 1 _., • lOCI ~ - ·s 0 - cr::--~ > ~ u ga = C"...J 1:: 0 ...- ..... 00 > ~0 .s ~6:.§ a....s Lf:) ,.....-j b/) c..JP... • n. i f PLAT OF A .,_, DfSTANC£ 1J8.01 '235.00 30.117 BOUNDARY AND JURISDICTIONAL SURVEY SE;CTION 14 & 15, TOWNSHIP 19 SOUTH; RANGE 20 EAST CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA - ... Uct__.a...LUII UIO,.-· , • \.111~...-.....- my"/·• / -/( LUJ, • ;'/ _I LU~ .. n AREA "-------------~,.~~ 'B' 10.94 ACRES (INCLUDED IN TOTAL) 205.54 ACRES I. I I SECT I O.N 15 I .. .• ~ I l.EGE>ID 1 FOUNt) COliC. I.IOHUI.If:NT (Pl.JJH UHltSS OlHER'IIISE SHO~) I routtl) IRON ROO (PLAIH UtU. ESS OlHER'Mst SHOwti) 1 FOUND IR~ PIPE (PLAIN UHL..ESS DlliERYIISf: $HOv.tl} 1 fOUM) HAJL OR SPIKE (Pl.AlH liM.£5:1: OJlPI'IIS£ ~) 1 FOI.JI-It) 'I( C!Jl IN COOC. {PlJJH utiL£SS OTHEJI.'MSE 5HOWN) a~ 1 S£1 4• a ... CONal(T[ II~UUENT (LB 700ll) 1 S£T '!J/rf IRC!i ROO .II Pl.ASnc CN' (l.B 700&) IWCRJPll\f.POOI,T 1 \VAltJl NElffi BOlt HW I WAltA VAl.'JE 15}4111 I FIRE HltiRAHT lt.IE'TALPOl..E • fA t m.EPHDH£ .AINCTION &OX Q 0 4 OlllofV 1 CABlE TU.£VISION BOlt 0 (J) _j ~ ~~ do ~~ r-----! : SAHrrARY SEI'iER llAHifOIE ; STORY DRMtAGE UAHHOll I 'MR£ fDiCE I WOOD fEJI.C[ 1 CHAJM lJJDC FtHct , O\of.JUIEAD rucmc Llli£ I UnUTY OR QJ'j' f'Ol.£ {AS SHO\IN) I ~~ ~~ GRAPII!C SCALE .• ~ •• PLAT OF A LEGEND 10 5ECT10 N FOUND (;()iC, WON\N:ENT (PLAIN liMZSS 0nE:RMSE 9tov.tl) FOLINO IRCfl ROD ~ UF4.ESS DlHDMS£ ~DIN) FOJND IRON P1R (Pt.NN tK£$S (JlHER'MS( SliO'M>I) Ft'OND "r M IH CONe. (PLAIN \.HL[SS OltQMSE SHOMI) S[T 4" ll 4• c:tiHai:E'TE WONUYENT (UI 70011) SET 5/8" RON ROD 41: PI.JSnC CJP (lB 7t05) CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA ------------------------.--------------------------------------- =-= DESCRPllYE POIHT WATE:ItWtlERBCIX WAlD VAl.\IE .. ow O~N -·--·II> -<>- -- -··~ "' ~ ~ SECTIONS 14 & 15, TOWNSHIP 19 SOUTH, RANGE 20 EAST FtlUf.IDIU.II..OitS'IICt~Ufru:SSO'ItO"'tSE:SHOII'H} ""'""'"""" ltETAL. PDI.L m...E:PtiONE .lJNCllON BOX CAa.£ TUriiS~ BOX SWTARY stv.ER w.MiOL£ $1D1tW DRA»W:E.: WANHOlE liRE: FDft:t 5ECT10 N 11 BOUNDARY AND .JURISDICTIONAL SURVEY : / . -------------,' / / //'/ .. OOCX> FENCE OWH UN< FENCE /'' DJSTAHCE ~El.IC'IAICUNE ' UTIUTY CA 1aJY l>a..£ (AS 91m.tl) UGHTPIU ElEC1RIC>LllWI""""" CUT Wit' NG Nl04bl! &CRHG I SClL. TtST ~ SECTION 15 ABBR£'M110NS "' "'·~'" DWEMSI~ ~ DOM:D FJU:I,I "-"T IKF'CIRWAliON tC:I\C F1lDW 1UlJ) MEASlJIFI£D INFt'fiWA11C»> l:OIDJSI!tt ~FROM DESCRIPtiON INftf!WA.Titfol ~ IDIEMSIC»t DERIVED f'ROW COWPIJTATIOHS UNE TABlE M..tWSar OJR\'E T.t&E HUYSER D mG!tOFPA~T u " ...,.." ""' ... ..... ... """" \ "" "" "' ""· POINT PCIHT POlfn' PO:NT fX OJitVA11JRt ot TMCiEHCT rT COIPOOID CJ!lY..m!RE CF REVERSE OMVAlURE .....,.....,. 1) PROF'ESSIONAL. LNm SIJR',f;YQI """"'""" C1'11QAL rw::tR) J BOOK POWER ""-' P\JBI.tC KECClfm OF" c:mws o::xMTY. FU:JaOA P£IUl4.IID(J CDH'lROL POINT PE:RVJ.mHf Ra'ERDICE WONIJ!r,IENT PONT a£ a:IIOIDICD1911' PONT Of SEQNNING I e.:: ------ e. - ·Ul fl NO .,.""- """"""""""" flElj)BOQK COICIIE!E "P/K"' R/W T.S CATV T'tP£ CIF' HAL IIJGHT-<lf'-WA'r 1'EI.EPHOHE oLINC'nON liOX <ASLE TEl£WOl>N BOX I WALKER A. COCKE, SR. O.R. 1636, PAGE 0461 205.54 ACRES CRAPIUC SCALE -~~~-~?5~~~~-~~T~~~i (•n::lf) l~•Jl»IL ~.~ .. "!l ·~~ (\ APR 1 5zar 1 '--r~IM Plan4.i.J..J.mg ... · D-I . .1-o~ :..:J 1 V"Isio11 PLAT OF A BOUNDARY AND JURISDICTIONAL SURVEY SECTION 14 & 15, TOWNSHIP 19 SOUTH, RAHGE 20 EAST CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA J • • • l\ EDEN/CPA/AA-)<ci-01/ HWY. 44 EAST PROPOSED LUXURY MOTOR COACH RESORT DEVELOPMENT "PRESENTING A DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY WHICH FORGES A PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN PROGRESS AND CONSERVATION TO INSURE STABILITY IN OUR LOCAL ECONOMY AND PRESERVE THE ENVIRONMENT FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS. " RECEIVED DEC 012.01.0 CPA;fl;l I I (]) Plan11ing D-i-.,Ji:~)on CITRUS COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDED PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY APPLICA l).pplication No.:_ CPACPNAA-PQQ-_1 1.:::03 Date: Orig. 11/10/10, Rev. 3/31 ' Written Authorization is required if Applicant is differenftllan Ow-ner. t\pplicant* Property Owner :-Jew Horizon Funding, Inc. New Horizon Funding, Inc, et.al., c/o John H. P.O. Box 2755 Inverness, FL 34451 Name: JOHN H. EDEN IV, ESQ. 151 E. Highland Blvd. City: Inverness Zip: 34452 State: Florida Home No.: Cell No.: Work No.: 352Fax No.: 352-726726-1224 5199 Email: [email protected] ~ddress: RECEIVED APR 0 1 2011 (.PA-jtr*) IV, I) - [Jf,nmng Division Name: JAMES A. NEAL JR., ESQ. Address: 213 Courthouse Square City: Inverness Zip: 34450 State: Florida Home No.: Cell No.: Fax No.: Work No.: 352-726-1116 Email: [email protected] Property Section: 15 Township: 198 South Range: ZOE East Description: Legal Description: see attached Subdivision: Lot{s): Block/Parcel: Alternate Key#: 3113128 Parcel ID: 15 198 20E 10000 Acreage: 206 acres New Planned Development Yes Amendment to a Previously Approved Planned Development No Applicant Request(s): Planned Development Overlay for RVP (Recreational Vehicle Park) Master Plan approval Directions to Property: 8/side 8R 44- approximately 3.0 miles east of City of Inverness Agent for Property Owner: JOHN H. EDEN IV • I am aware that if the property cannot be located using information from the submitted application, this application may be rescheduled to a later hearing date. I also understand that a sign must be placed (and marking flags may be placed) on the property by the Community Development Division at least seven days prior to the scheduled meeting. I understand that approval for the proposed use shown hereon does not in any way relieve me of the responsibility of observing and complying with any deed restrictions applicable to the subject property. I hereby authorize Citrus County or its agents to enter upon the property, which is the subject of this application and the date of the hearing thereon, at any time between the hours of 8:00AM and 5:00 PM for the purpose of gathering any information relevant to this application. l DO HEREBY SWEAR THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED H TO ARE TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF CITRUS I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, befo{e me, an officer duly aut~Qfized in. the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgements!_gerso,oally appeared~ jD't"" \\. [(\:-":r'\ W , w.lloJ.s_Qersonal!y known to me or provided _,, (\as identification and who did not take an oath. · \ \ {-\ WiliNESS fTlY hand and, offic1al seal this~ day of \_ ....l,Pf"l) ' )_M ).) . ~..:0-l._..,.___.,_~-.....~ ~IQSeal \ _.__ (\ Prin(ed'riJame ),/) \. f~X L( 'ft J('i. ){ ( \¥7rl Notary Public- State of Florida .~~'''' . ~ l\-\- 'lOl\ Date: Time: Initials: S : 00 Pl\fl I'L'\¥ Revised: September,'-2004 '·\ N /~Y't For Staff Use Only C ATF: 0 GFLUM Des: L QTR: FZ: ---===---LUD: ----:("'.'/._ __ :t\ ~. tAll!:':-~ ~~&~··l •,":t.P,f.;~i(....·· COR~ LYNN LEE Notary Pubhc, State of Florida My Comm. Expires June 16,2014 Commission No. DO 992877 • ~tl\_~<,r.Aed • RECEIVED ~ 0EC 0 1 Z010 ~ ~~ r) · ~ { ( ~\)3 ann· g ivision CITRUS COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND p LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT APPLICATION ~ C..PAtA A- l \ -0 3 ~=~~~----=:.J · . . Application No.: Date: _·_!_1.\LOL1u4ll..l10..:t9_:_· " Written Authorization is required if Applicant is different than Owner.· Applicant" Property Owner Name: ,John H. Eden rv, Esq. Pres Name: New Hori zan Func]i ng, Inc I et al Address:1s1 E. Highland Blvd., Ste171A?dress:151 E. HighJand Blvd., St€~ 171 City: Inverness C1ty: _ _.,I~n~v.l!..S<e'""r_.n...r.:e=s'-"s,___ _ _ _= : - - - - - - - - - State: Zip: 3 4 4 52 State: Zip: 3 4 4 52 Home No.: Cell No.: 220-5005 Home No.: Cell No.: WorkNo.: 726-1224 FaxNo.: 126-5199 WorkNo.: FaxNo.: Email: Email: attyeden@mindspring. com 0 Property Description: Section: 15 Township: 1 9 s South Range: 2 o East Legal Description: S..:;e....:e-----'A'-"-t=-=t;.:::a::..:c::..:h:=.e=-=d=---------.,--,--------,-..,---,-.,.c-----,-------Subdivision: Lot(s): Block/Parcel: Alternate Key#: 3113128 ParceiiD: 15 198 ?DE 10000 Acreage: _.2"'::::'0~6--=-==-----=--------- - - New Planned Development N 1~ Amendment to a Previously Approved Planned Development Previous Application No.: __.N~/A....___ _ __ Land Development Code Atlas Designation From: To: Generalized Future Land Use Map Designation From: Low· Iritensi ty To: R~V-£P'------- Coastal Lakes/CL Is this hearing being requested as a result of a Code Violation Notice? Yes lf "Yes", explain on a separate sheet and attach a copy of the Notice of Violation. • Applicant Request(s): LargEJ Scale C~A- GF~UM A~endment frC?m .RVP 1 ~fl.\ 1P/ f'/;JN\lv.6 \)eJJ-<.wpY\0.!~ ove,("la.A.t The Applicant is: X One~Owner Among Several No X'-=------ Low Intensity CL Agent for Property Owner Other (specify) I am aware that if the property cannot be located using information from the submitted application, this application may be rescheduled to a later hearing date. I also understand that a sign must be placed (and marking flags may be placed) on the property by the Community Development Division at least seven days prior to the scheduled meeting. I understand that approval for the proposed use shown hereon does not in any way relieve me of the responsibility of observing and complying with any deed restrictions applicable to the subject property. I hereby authorize Citrus County or its agents to enter upon the property, which is the subject of this application and the date of the hearing thereon, at any time between the hours of 8:00AM and 5:00PM for the purpose of gathering any information relevant to this application. I DO HEREBY SWEAR THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN D THE ATTACHMENTS HERETO ARE TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. • Notary Public State ol Florida Cora Lynn Lee My commission 00545121 Expires 0611612010 Time: Initials: For StalfUse Only ATF: QTR: .ID: ~· _ ( ~~lf-J I Revised: October 20 -·~'!fl'.ti!t::-- SABRINA L. GELINAS ~of.Ttfi."'r::~ CorJ!mission # EE 029943 ! - \~ ~~·~(<f.< Expires November 14, 2014 'f./{:; i '~P.f.~~,- Bonded T11n!Troy Fain 11\SUfance 800-380.7019 j (/ • n/' · . GFLUM Des:_ _ _ __ FZ: • .. (!/.,....____,_ // / _/ G~k:) "" ' I ( { ;rD{0 · · / f f r71. /1 ~~~~ p.17 Jun 01 06 05:58p • SUPPlEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY APPLICATION {TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE APPLICANl) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY '3m~tn"'-· w_,s·;ftre. PrakA~t.)r-.L""tBQ~flah-·l>\.u f>>i~llc, ifJ,Jre!"" &uffk£ Well Septic Central Water Central Sewer Regiona I Water Regional Sewer Number of Dwelling Units l~~ ;- ) ~~ ~---------- Well Septic Central Water Central Sewer Regional Water Regional Sewer Size of Structure (Sq. Feet) ( RECEIVED DEC 0 1 2010 r -tl!/;14 tt o~ Pi'a1';i~g DivisYon MAJOR SECTIONS FOR CONS lOERATIONS (Applicant shall check if item is addressed in the submittal) LDCSECTION 4130 4140 4150 4160 4170 4180 4210 4230 4300 4320 4350 4400 7000 PDQ Amendment Revised April, 2006 Groundwater and Wellhead Protection Stormwater Management Wetlands Protection Floodplain Protection (if applicable) Endangered and Threatened Species Habitat Protection Historical and/or Archeological Area Protection Traffic Study Requirements Off-Street Parking and Loading Landscaping and Tree Preservation Required Buffers Canopy and Tree Lined Scenic Roads Protection Accessory Uses and Structures Signs • Jun 01 06 05:59p ••• p.18 FILING REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY APPLICATIONS 1:._ 1. Completed application (additional sheets may be added if more space is needed). 2. An applicable filing fee varies with acreage (consult with a planner). The applicant will also be billed for advertising and postage fees, to be billed at a later date. In accordance with the requirements of the Citrus County Land Development Code (Ord. 90-14 as amended), the applicant is responsible for payment of all costs for public notification of the application review. These costs include notification of abutting property owners by mail and advertising in a newspaper of general circulation. Applicants shall be billed actual costs incurred for public notification. No application shall be processed for final adoption until aU fees are )'(l -x- !Paid. 3. Proof of ownership and legal description of property (tax notice or deed may suffice). 4. Site plan (DRAWN TO SCALE), which shall be no smaller than one inch equals 200 feet on a minimum of an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet. If the site plans and/or booklets are larger than B% x 11,30 copies will need to be submitted. Include North arrow to indicate orientation. SITE PLANS SHALL SHOW THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: ../. A. Lot area and percentage of lot covered (impeiVious surface ratio). ~ B. Driveway access location and peuking space arrangement included in the site plan. v C. All rights-of-way and easements adjacent to and crossing subject property. D. All water courses, water bodies, jurisdictional wetlands, and floodplains. The mean high water line (tidal) or line of ordinary high water (non-tidal) must be shown when detennining waterfront setbacks. E. Proposed or existing potable water/well and waste disposal system/septic F. Existing and proposed loca~ion of building/structures including heights and separation. G. All setbacks between building/structures and property lineslwaterbodiesljulisdictional wetlands. H. Any walls or fences- give location, height, and material type. I. Existing and proposed stormwater management systems including proposed or existing swales and/or berms. J. Proposed stormwater management systems . K. Fire hydrant- give location (if provided). L. Signs- give location, size, and height (as applicable). _ _ M. Loading- give location and dimensions (as applicable). "Letter of Authorization", if applicant is other than owner (form provided). Written directions to the property from Department of Development SeiVices office. Signed "Appeal Notice" {form provided). Flood Zone designation including base flood elevation. A survey, no more than one year old or re-certified by the original suiVeyor no more than one year prior to the application date. (NOT applicable for residential applications). --r if,;/ • 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT FAILURE TO SUBMIT THE ABOVE INFORMATION ALONG WITH ntE RETURN OF THIS FORM BY NOON ON THE FILING DEADLINE DATE (FOUND ON THE DEADLINE SHEET INCLUDED IN THIS APPLICATION PACKET) MAY DELAY PROCESSING CAUSING THE APPLICATION TO 13E RESCHEDULED TO A LATER HEARING DATE. Return thls application to: CITRUS COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 3600 W Sovereign Path. Suita 140 Lecanto, Fl 344~ .~ ~ .fii-«.o. 1Ju) (./;;,a <:01"" f,JIJ'(} > Signature: Date: • LF?jif 1 lt:JI RECEIVED PDO Amendment Revised April, 2006 RECEIVED AMENaVlENT TO. ')SEJ o12010 0!?J!Ill!/ ~CJ~ REQUIRED INFORMATION FORA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT Piannmg Division • Applicaints are encouraged to schedule a pre-application conference before submitting an applicat:ion. Assistance and information on the following can be obtained at that time. ALL applications for amendment to the Citrus County Comprehensive Plan are required to include the following information. Failure to do so will result in a delay of processing the application. 1. A completed Comprehensive Plan application form. (Included in this packet.) 2. Does this application qualify as an exemption from the two times per year limitation on Comprehensive Plan Amendments? _ _Yes~No .j * 3. If this application is for an amendment to the County's GFLUM map(s), a complete legal description must be attached. 4. If this application is for an amendment to the County's map(s), proof of ownership shall be provided. JR 5. If this application is for an amendment to the County's map(s), a certified boundary survey must be submitted. The survey must show all areas that have been identified as wetlands by Southwest Florida Water Management District {SWFWMD), Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), or US Army Corp of Engineers. 6. If this application is for an amendment to the text of the County's Comprehensive Plan, the proposed new text must be submitted. • ATTACH THE PROPOSED TEXT ON A SEPARATE PAGE(S) 7. If this application is for an amendment to the County's maps(s), what is the proposed new land use designation for the property? (i.e. GNC, MDR, IND, etc.). New designation: _...._'R--'--'V_F'~--·- - - - - - - - - - 8. A map shall be submitted that shows all of the following: a. The boundary of the property plus all surrounding streets and roads. b. The existing use of the property and the surround properties. c. The designation of the existing property and the surrounding properties as it appears on the Generalized Future Land Use Map (GFLUM). d. The designation of the existing property and the surrounding properties as it appears on the Atlas of the Land Development Code (LDC) . .9. A brief discussion on the availability of public facilities to the property and how much of a demand on those facilities this proposed change would create shall be submitted. Discuss the following public facilities: "f;."f, ~i'iAG+t£1> 5 Sanitary Sewer: Potable Water: -=:--- /1-.D{)fiJ /JV/1!4 -~ Anticipated that there will be an extension of central sewer and water from the City of Inverness at the developer's expense. OVersized lines will be constructed to allow for future expansion and connection from· surrounding residential areas . II Revised: October 2008 . " " • • Drainage: RECEIVED Solid Waste: Recreation Facilities: Traffic Circulation: 10. Are there any anticipated impacts on Affordable Housing in Citrus County? _ _Yes )<l No If YES, describe what the impacts are anticipated to be and how you plan to address them. 11. Is this amendment compatible with the objectives and policies of t~e Future Land Use Element and other elements that may be affected by this proposed change?_!!:__Yes_ _No --- - Briefly describe those objectives and policies that pertain to this application and how this proposal is compatible or is not compatible with them. SB~ /l'rrr'A(:ttt:-t> N>D-:ct../f)I'JN\ • Objective: Objective 17. 6 The County shall provide for a range of commercial densities and uses in the Future Land Use Plan and County LDC. Policy: POLICY 17.6.5 Specialized commercial needs, such as water-dependent and water-related uses, shall be provided for within the Future Land Use Plan ~cy~andards for development provided within the County LDC. ~l!tiW· 9 Policy · POLICY 17.6.12 Recreational vehicle (RV) parks and campgrounds designated according to a detailed master plan, shall preserve a minimum of 30% of the property in open space, shall provide an additional 10% as recreational areas, and conform generally to the commercial development standards in the Land DEvelopment Code Policy: 12. Any additional information that may apply to this application . • . Revised: October 2008 REVISED ADDENDUM (Rev. 4/13/11) CPAIGFLUM /LDC Atlas Map Amendment!AA Application Citrus County File#: CPACPA/AA-PD0-11-03 RECEIVED C fPR 15 2011 ~ ~\ ~' \l-o3 Plannmg Division • History of Pending Application: 1. The Applicant previously filed an Atlas Map Amendment!PDO application to supplement its pending CPAIGFLUM application which was filed in 2010. Both have now been consolidated into the above-referenced file number. This Addendum has been revised to provide additional information in support of said application. Project Description 2. The joint application is for Planned Development Overlay for a Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park in association with a request for a comp. plan amendment and atlas map amendment. The CPA/AAIPDO application seeks approval for a land use change from Low Intensity Coastal Lakes/CL to Recreational Vehicle Park (RVP), respectively, including Master Plan approval, for approximately 206 acres located on the south side of State Route 44, east of the City of Inverness. The site is further located and identified as follows: Section: 15 Township: 19S Range:20E Alternate Key ID: 3113128 Lot/Parcel: 15 19S 20E 10000 • It is the intent of this application to comply with the relevant sections of the adopted Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code, including the applicable sections within Chapters 4 and 5 of the LDC. The attached summary contains excerpts from documents and compliance with and/or justification for the requests. The Applicant proposes and is requesting approval to develop an upscale, Class "A" Motor Coach Resort which includes a maximum of 439 RV pads, 9-hole executive style golf course (with artificial greens and tee boxes), approximate 15,000 square foot (sq.ft.) clubhouse/general store, canoe livery and canoe launching area, fishing pier, significant pedestrian and bicycle trails, minimum 30% open/common areas, and significant natural habitat and wetlands preservqtion. The site will be developed in at least three phases with Phase 1 inCillding approximately 137 RV pads, 9-hole golf ''""-, course, clubhouse. The proposed RV areas have been designed as distinct "neighborhoods" that include varying lot sizes, pad amenities, gated entrances to the neighborhoods, trail connections, and common areas that may also include minor laundry facilities and picnic/grilling areas. Based on the attached master concept plan, the trail system has been designed to incorporate a 1 • loop-style system approximately 3.0 miles in length once each phase has been completed. The pad lots will vary between 40' x 70' (low range lots) to 45' x 90' (mid range lots) and 75' x 125' (premium lots) and will be established per the RV Park requirements for condominium sales, time limits, density, minimized construction (as noted in items A through D below) and access. Pictures of typical amenities and the style of development are attached hereto. Based on the attached concept plan, it is intended that approximately 45% of the pads will be designed as 45'x90', the remaining 55% as 40'x70'. It is the intent based on this application to further request the following items: • A. Approximate 60 sq.ft. (i.e., 6' x 10') on-site accessory storage building; B. Outdoor cooking area (i.e., stove, barbeque grill, sink, counter-top, refrigerator, cabinets) C. Neighborhood common areas to include minor laundry facilities. This use would not be a primary or principal use, nor commercial in nature. This facility would be incidental and accessory to the development and the individual neighborhoods. 1. It is requested that these areas would not be included in the overall general commercial area/building calculations . • D. 0 ~ j::Q u ~ = C'-...1 ~ ~ ~ 2?.~ I .~ t,-iS.s§ Of) <(-..> d: ....... ro a. C) • -> ~ General commercial activities at a maximum of 5,000 sq.ft. would be limited to canoe rentals only (no motorized watercraft rentals or launching will be allowed within this development, emphasis added), and 9-hole executive golf course (with artificial greens and tee boxes), general store facility in the clubhouse (i.e. sundry-type items, grocery, deli, drinks snacks, pro shop merchandise, etc .... ) The commercial area in the clubhouse would only be accessible via the internal roadway system and to the residents of this development. 1. In addition to the space provided for a general store, the clubhouse facility may also include a swimming pool, tennis courts, indoor bowling area, theater, great room and several multi-purpose rooms. It is the intent of this application to provide significant onsite active and passive recreational activities for the residents of this development. The nine (9) hole executive golf course has been redesigned on the master plan of development so that each hole is located strictly within the open pasture areas of the subject property to minimize the disturbance of any existing trees and maximize the efficiency of drainage facilities. Further, the Applicant will design and build the course utilizing artificial greens and tee boxes. This practice will minimize water consumption, as well as, minimize the usage of fertilizers and pesticides. 2 The site contains gently rolling topography (less than 5 percent elevation change), significant existing/mature tree stands, approximately four (4) natural wetland areas and is bordered to the south and west by Tsala Apopka Lake. Land uses within the area include a mixture of rural residential, commercial, residential (mobile home park) and vacant properties. The Zoning Atlas Designations for the properties adjacent to and -------.;...eighboring the site including: • North: -----J MHP South: CLR CLC CLR CL West: CLR CLR CLC The adjacent residential developments include single family detached residential lots with lot sizes ranging from approximately 7,800 sq.ft. to approximately 12,000 sq.ft. (suburban character) to approximately 2.5 acres and larger (rural). Access is provided via S.R. 44, a state-maintained four-lane principal (major) arterial with a current LOS B. Based on the Citrus County Traffic County by Road Segment Map, Station 150 (i.e., this segment) trip counts are 12,131 ADT (Average Daily Trip count)/1, 158 trips Peak Hour Count collected on 03/27/09. These numbers are down from the 2004 counts by approximately 6%. Based on the applicant's review of the available resources including the Comprehensive Plan, GFLUM, LDC and other sources, we believe the requested CPA/AA meets and/or further exceeds the following Objectives and Policies. Additional justification or commentary is included in bold. • The entire site has been designed from a master plan perspective that allows for proper phasing of development, as needed, while minimizing the impact on the natural landscape and wetland areas. A minimum of 30% of the site has been preserved as open space with a minimum 10% recreational areas, active and passive. These include a 9-hole executive golf course, common areas, wetland and habitat preservation, approximate 3.0 miles of pedestrian and bicycle trails (internal and peripheral), canoe livery and canoe launch area with access to Tsala Apopka Lake. It should be specifically noted that no motorized boats will be permitted to be launched in the proposed development. Per the applicable regulations, storm water facilities will be designed to Citrus County standards and include Best Management Practices for water quality and quantity. These will also include Groundwater and wellhead protection, as necessary. A "Preliminary Biological Survey and Habitat Assessment" and "Karst Sensi,tive Area Assessment" has been performed by Michael G. Czerwinski, PG, PWS, PAEnvironmental Consultants, outlining the existing conditions of the 3 • • • site. Based on the information provided, the Biological Survey Report was to "characterize the native vegetative communities present on site, identify the presence or likely presence of listed species and their associated habitat or protected vegetative communities occurring on-site, and to delineate jurisdictional wetland boundaries. Listed species, for the purpose of this report, are those plants and animals that are formally listed as Endangered, Threatened, or a Species of Special Concern, or listed as a commercially exploited plant by the US Department of the Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission or the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The wetland jurisdiction lines were established in compliance with Chapter 62-340 FAC and the USACOE Wetland Delineation Manual. The Biological Survey and Habitat Assessment was designed to comply with and satisfy the requirements of Section 4173 of the Citrus County Land Development Code." Further, based on the information provided, the Karst Sensitive Area Assessment was to "determine that there were no areas on the subject parcel where the limestone surface representing the Floridian Aquifer were thinly covered by soils and I or relatively close to the land surface. Based upon the boring data provided, the report concluded that the subject parcel would not be classified as Karst Sensitive as defined in the Citrus County Comprehensive Plan, Policy 3.18.11. " A copy of these reports have previously been provided for verification to the Citrus County Community Development Division for future reference. • This application and the attached master plan provide as follows: 1. a master plan for the entire site, providing for a mixed use RV Park that provides its own range of amenities capitalizing on the natural features and landscape; 2. does not create strip commercial development along U.S. 44 as is discouraged; 3. will provide an adequate and suitable buffer to the adjacent properties, a. existing tree lines and significant hardwood hammocks are intended to be used as part of the overall landscape and buffering standards for the site; additional buffers 4 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. and setbacks will also be proposed and included as part of the development; this Class "A" Motor Coach RV Park is projected to be a lowimpact development and will not put a strain the county's infrastructure; has been designed to minimize construction and/or development impacts on the natural environment (i.e., wetlands and Tsala Apopka Lake); protection and preservation of a significant portion of the . site's upland acreages; 9-hole executive golf course which will utilize artificial greens and tee boxes; a conservation minded development which places top priority on protection of the surrounding environment; minimizes off-site traffic impacts by providing: a. seasonal sales/leasing of RV Pads (not to exceed 180 days) b. increased on-site amenities and services, reducing the amount and numbers of off-site travel trips. This application and requests for the Planned Development Overlay satisfies the goals and objectives, including the policies, outlined within the Comprehensive Plan and relevant sections of the LDC (i.e., Chapters 4 & 5). Any item not directly noted, will be complied with per the Plan and the LDC. The master plan identifies the existing environmental areas that will be protected and preserved. In addition, additional design and construction are proposed to increase the aesthetic and functional nature of this development. It is the intent of the applicant to maintain the character of the area with preservation of existing peripheral tree stands as well as increased buffering and design (landscaping) standards. Recommendations contained within the "Preliminary Biological Survey and Habitat Assessment" performed by Michael G. Czerwinski, PG, PWS, PAEnvironmental Consultants, will also be applied to this development. • • It should be noted that a formal review of historical and archeological areas is required by Citrus County and will be included as part of this application (i.e., prior to BOCC review and approval). Due to the proximity and location of the site to 1-75 and the Citrus County arterial road system, minimal impact on transportation and traffic flows are anticipated. A Traffic Impact Study (TIS) has been prepared as required by Chapter 55 of the Citrus County Code. There are existing commercial and other non-residential land use(s) within the general vicinity of the site. Based on a basic windshield survey beginning at Sunfish Drive and traveling west to Tsala Apopka Lake, the following were observed/noted: Hess gas station & convenience store, Citrus Collision Center, antique store, stained glass store and classes, Shady Acres (mini-golf), deli and mini-mart, and Rutland Construction. 5 • • The timing of this CPAIAA request is appropriate given the guidelines, including goals and objectives, for developments of this type. The proposal as requested is more appropriate than the current Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Atlas designations limiting the site to one (1) du/ 20 acres given the surrounding and adjacent development patterns, S.R. 44 and its current, and projected, level of service and the proposed extension of necessary infrastructure to this site and the surrounding areas (i.e., water and sanitary sewer). RECEIVED • • 6 r~~iiiia11'TUAl DEVELOPMENT PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED TO SUPPORT THE APPI.ICATION(S) FOR CHANGE IN LAND USE DESIGNATION AND ATLAS AMENDMENT. EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION: CL (Low lntenllt)o Coestaland Lek") PROPOSED LAND USE: RVP (R-..donel Vehicle Perk) EXISTING ATLAS MAP DESIGNATION: CL (low lntenelty Coestal & Lakes Dtettlc:t) PROJECT LAND AREA: 20tl.10 ACRW LDC STANDARDS: U"'- Olh8tWIIe lll8l8d ot depleted on thlll plen, thlll propoHd project Ill dNICtlld to be In complence with the Cltrua County Lend Development Code (LDC), lndudln& the lltanderde fot RV Pirkl (Section 4ee3). STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: Conceptual Drllna.. Retention Ar- (ORA) are l hown on thlll plen. T ' - DRA'alhown are ,._.lly locatad at the natural low point at the pre lnd/ot poet devllopment wetlrlhede and rapresent approximately 10'l6 of aach waterlhecl area. Thill plen helauftlclent open IPKI a.- to accomodatl OMite drllna.. retention. (S.. 'Drelnl.. and Public FICII!Iel ~· report pral)llrad by Furman & Hilpert EnllneellnC. Inc.) AI atotmweter manec-ment aystema be clelllned to meat the raqulremantl of the Cltrua County LDC, SWFWMD and other applicable Pllmllttln& l&enCINo ORA llzel and locatlonlare aubject to chin.. belld upon final an~& and Pllrmllllna. Th- potantlll modlllcatlone to DRA'I lhown on thlll plen lhll not be CIUII for a mocllllcatlon to thlll plan. WETLANDS PROTECT10N: Jurtadlctlonal Watland boundaries are lhown on thlll pllln. The deYIIopmant pllln malntalnl100'l6 of .. tldatinl wedande on alta with an additional minimum 2S foot wide natural undllturbed V8jlltltM buffer. FLOODPlAIN PROTECTION: A majority of the project alta le above the floodplain Mdon of 43.00. There era mlnlmllar- of the pllln that appear to tel within the 100 ~r floodplllln. Therlle IUfllclant lend OMite for floo6.plaln mltJ8adon WraquRcl. (S.. 'Dralnaee and Public Fac:llltlea ~· report preparad by Furman & Hilpert En8IMerln& Inc.) TREE PRESERVATION: A ler.. portion of the propoead dellelopment (1'111111 & 3) le located In the open paturlland portion of the properey, thua raqulrinl minimal tree l'llmOYIIIL The Phlll 2 area of the project be locatad moatly within a Hardwood 1 Conifer Mixed l8nd UM COWII' and • require cleartna for deYelopmant. The ex~et~n~ veaetatJon at the property l)llrlmeter, plua the wett.nc1 and wetlend buffer areaa are propoead to remain • natural tread buffet • - (S.. 'Tree ~rvatiOn Plan' report , preparad by John H. Eden Eaq. for detlll flllrdlnl tree preMMitlon and mltlptlon.) WILDUFE: S.. Preliminary lllolotllcal Survey and Habitat AIINement (aaparate document) PfiPIIrad by Michael Czerwlnakl Erwtronmentll Conaultllntl. for related ftndln.. and racommandatlonl. RECREATION: Actlva and palllve recreation faclltlellhown on thle plen Include a muitJ.9urpoae clubhoule which may Include a,._., atota, Indoor bowline. a theatre, a areat aathlrlnl rOotn, -ral multJ.purpoea rooma and IIOIIaupport f1lcllltles. Alao Included le a awlmmlnl pool, 9 'pitch and tannlll & lhufflebolrd courta, padaatrlal trail and lldewllka, picnic pier, canoe IMry and canoe w• '"*" w• rv, IIUILDINGS: urn- otherwlla lll8l8d ot depleted on thlll plen, thlll proJect lhal meat 11 LDC fot bulldlnllltbeckl, eeparltlon of bulldlnp, and latbeck from Wlltlendl and waterbodles. The maximum footpllnt total for both bulldlnllln the clubhoule area lhlll not exceed 15,000 aquare teat. The canoe Ivery lhllt not exceed 5,000 aquare feat. The picnic area atructur" are anticipated to Include one lar.. &rOUP l)llvlllon (up to 2,SOO aq. fl,) and - . 1 arnellndMdual picnic ahelln (up to 300 aq, ft. each) SIGNAGE, WALlS AND FENCES: AI propoead project IIana... f1lncel and walla wilt be located and dNiilned to meat .. LDC raqulremanta fot size, lltbeck, he!Cht ate. CT'- minor lmprovementaare not lhown on thll plen) IMPERVIOUS SURFACE RATIO: The lllltlmatld ISR for thll project Is 18.696 at bulldout. (The allowable maximum ISR fot RVP lind uea le 4096) INTERNAL RONJWAYS AND ACCESS: Alllntlmaii'OidWII)'S proposed for this project lh.. be two-way tnlfllc with 1 minimum pawmant width of 20 teet. The entrance road connection to Stele Road 4411 propoaed 11 1 dMded I'OidWIIy with alendlclped medlen. Aocall to the RV park lhlll be from Slatl Road 44, 1 Principal Artlrlll Roadway, STORAGE AREA: The area desflplatad 11 'Storeae Area' on thle plan II Intended fot uaeaa atorate for equipment, trailers, racraatlonll vehlclel ate. The propoaed around lhall be lltablllzed with a aravetaurr- and thl site perimeter lhal be ancloled with • e .a foot hiCh lolld fence and locking pte. • DENSITY: RV Pirkl proposed within Coestal Lekes land UM ar1111hall have a maximum danlky of five IIPICII par lfOII acre. Thll propoeed project hie a proposed 1f011 denllty of only 2.13 IPICN par aroes acre. (439 RV IIPICII/ 208.10 acraa • 2.13 RV IIPICII par acre) PHASING: This pllln deplcta wee project development p h - Each phall are may be deYeloped In amaler Incrementa• the marl<at dlctatel. The active and palllve recreation ar111 may be Implemented In p h - or au~- to correapond to the projec:t neede "aach phlle Ill developed. •PHASE 1· 137 Lots, 9 hole lOW course, clubhoull, awlmmlna pool, tennis and llhutfleboard courta, fllhlng pier, picnic area canoe launch and canoe livery *PHASE 2 • 138 Loti, Store.. area & addlllonll hlklnl trilla *PHASE 3 · 184Lotl & additional hldna trail z ~ Q. ..... a: 0 (/) ror- -.Thlo--betrom the entry- "'the fN unit. T l l l l - - not be OCCUIIild by the LLI ~ Q. Jg LLI Gj LLI a: > a: Aao-rr./poori<,MCII ...... p«Mde I mi- of 200 oq. rt. (mln.lO' wide) of IIYII>IItylocotld oncllrn!ln>Yid ...z ~ c ....c( :::;) ~ LLI (,) z FNunltor-.c- 0 (,) TYPICAL RV LOT LAYOUT 206.10 Acres TOTAL RV LOTS • 439 100.00% DENSITY • 2.13 RV SITES I ACRE p.33 Jun 01 06 06:05p • OVERAll. PLAN OF PROPERTY EDEN FARM SECTION: 15; TOWNSHIP11111110UTH; RAHGE::Z:O EAST CITRUS coUNTY, Fl-ORIDA SECTION SECliOH U 11 ------------------------RUt~------ .. I '/ ,' SECTIOH • 206.09 SECliO» RECEIVED • \5 ------- __,___ _____ -- I o~-c I zo:iJ CPA(!Jf 1/03 1m 1ing Division --"'Mamt---.r~.ZJ~~Do~..,... lii1D'ICIIC" :-~~.~~~t,..o·~.. ·•.•:r.··.,,. ,, I ' . . . . '.! :-:>. r., /!.~ lo•, ~ .: ;,:II• I I r' 'o, •I.,,, ·~ ,,! 111..1·-31· ,.,. JU-M4-• • • . ·.:.·-.',·· ·:;. · f{' ·_ oi~tritt•Offit:e~. · - -· ···· s~VPII'ir.nl's G-oa~t iine · j'/ S'•VF\In10"soCa"..t Una Sallthwest Flilrida Water Mana·[jement District Natiunal WeUands Inventory RECEIVED 21l-D4 1 r_, OOQQ True Colur • Pr·eliminary S~TE -' • • • • fftl. [J \ill ~ [ill] lntcnslt~ Coastal la~cs loll Density Residential l'ediu~l Oenolty Residential ~ Central [@ Professional Ser·ilce nnd Office Rid~c Residential !mil Pub 1ic /S~mi -Public!Jnst itutiona 1 ~ ~hW1im~rl~gn. com~unlcatlon. ~ Recreation jjJ' ~. ·Conservation A~riculture Q l:ity A !lura! Activity Center R3ilroad Planned ser·Jice Area llithlacoochee Stale Forest ~ater Bodies 1110 ~4/Jls~ Industrial E:xtract!l·e -l·~f·t ·- DEC 0 1 2010 Gennral Co•.:nercial [§].. ~ RECEIVED Higb Oensity lll!sident\al Residential llixcd Use m SITE RUI'al Residr.nt ial QJ Ill .: loll Generalize~d Future Land Use Ma.P Citrus County, l'lorida RECEIVED APR 0 1 2011 CPA-}A-A /\1-03 Planning rlivision • TYPICAL DESIGN ELEMENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • APR 0 1 2011 . Q_{)ft[ ~l·\l:-9:3 " .• · Plannmg Dtvtston ··. ·· • .·· . • • • • • RECEIVED EXAMPLES OF OUTDOOR COOKING DESIGNS: APR 0 1 2011 C.,p r:rJ /}t+J )!-D3 Pla~ing Division • • EXAMPLE PICTURE OF A CLASS "A" MOTOR COACH: • RECEIVED APR 0 1 20\1 C9tt-\ Ml-1 '\ -o_? Pl~i~~ Division • • •• • "R"Bc"EJ~"BD 1\?R \) \ l\1\\ tl('{>f\ iW~:\~ \~cB y\an.n\~g, 1)1\fts1oU. - l • PM3-10-009 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 2010 LARGE SCALE ·COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMEN.;;.D;;.:M.:,EN:,:.T.:..--------, RECEIVED CP/AA NUMBER: ELEMENT: oE:r·o··rzo1o CPA-10-01 Future Land Use SUBJECT: New Horizon Funding/Eden Farm Unit 11/Highway 44 East DATE: February 19, 2010 PREPARED BY: rPfth!!l 11. Q:5 ]h~'lrlg DtvlSlOll Kandi K. Harper, Senior Planner REQUEST FOR LAND USE CHANGE AND TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GENERALIZED FUTURE LAND USE MAP(GFLUM): • LOCATION: AREA SURROUNDING EXISTING LAND USES: SURROUNDING GENERAL~EDFUTURE LAND USES: SURROUNDING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ATLAS DESIGNATIONS: SOIL INFORMATION: • From: CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes RVP, Recreational Vehicle Park and creation of site-specific To: policies in the Future Land Use Element to allow for a maximum of 499 RV pad spaces to be served by regional utilities. No change to the Land Development Code Atlas is requested at this time . Sections 14 and 15, TownshiR 19 South, Range 20 East. Further described as a portion of Parcel1 0000. (Inverness Area) Approximately 206 acres North - Single family residential, mobile home parks (two}, convenience store, fraternal organization, and vacant residential and commercially committed properties. South- Single family residential and wetlands East -wetlands and vacant residential property West - wetlands and residence on acreage North- CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes South- CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes East - CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes West - CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes North - CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes; CLC, Coastal and Lakes Commercial; MHP, Mobile Home Park; CLR, Coastal and Lakes Residential South - CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes and CLR, Coastal and Lakes Residential East - CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes West - CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes According to the Soil Survey of Citrus County, Florida (1988), the upland soil types found on the property are listed as follows: Adamsville fine sand; Tavares fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slope; Astatula fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slope and 5 to 8 percent slope; and Orsino fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slope. These soils are generally level and somewhat poorly to moderately well drained. The limitations for site development are slight. Soils within the wetlands are listed as follows: Myakka fine sand; PDRB Hearing - CPA-10-01 March 4, 2010 Page 2 of 5 FLOOD ZONE: OTHER INFORMATION Okeelanta muck; EauGallie fine sand; EauGallie fine sand, depressional; and Terra Ceia-Okeelanta association, frequently flooded. No development is proposed for these areas. According to the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), the subject property appears to be located in Flood Zones C, B, and A3 as found on Community-Panel Number 120063-02608. A jurisdictional wetland delineation has been performed and is provided on the survey. There are approximately 21.5 acres of wetlands on this site. • BACKGROUND: The request is to change approximately 206 acres of Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes (Cl) to Recreational Vehicle Park (RVP) on the Generalized Future Land Use Map and to create sitespecific policies in the Future Land Use Element to allow for a maximum of 499 RV pad spaces to be served by regional utilities. The subject property is currently vacant. The site was used as a citrus grove until the 1980s. A derelict house and barn are still present on the site. The former citrus grove is now an open grassy area with scattered oak trees. Wetlands and water (lake Tsala Apopka Chain of Lakes) surround the property on three sides. These wetlands have broad vegetative buffers along their edges and on the uplands. The upland area consists of mature hardwood forest with a rTcl'lmertm'"m''~~!l'l"'l'-ae----.. well as open grassy areas. SUMMARY OF PUBLIC COMMENTS: No concerns have been identified as a notification process to date. SUMMARY OF AGENCY COMMENTS: SWFWMD: A letter has been received from Southwest Florida Water Management District. The Water Management District owns property immediately east of the project site. They are concerned about their ability to continue using controlled burns to maintain their property and the potential impacts on the future residents of the subject property. The Comprehensive Plan specifically recognizes the value and necessity of controlled burns to maintain native habitats. The use of controlled burns on adjacent lands and the associated smoke will be fully disclosed on sale documents and the final plat. Division of Engineering comments: 1) All development for the parcel must meet the requirements of the Citrus County Land Development Code (LDC); Chapter 4 and Appendix "B" (or the edition in effect at the time of permit submittal) for site development and stormwater management; 2) Proof of submittal to FOOT for "Right to Connect" and other State of Florida ROW utilization permits, must be provided prior to any site plan approvals; 3) Proof of submittal to SWFWMD will be required prior to any site plan approvals; 4) Property may be within a flood zone. Any work, (fill or other site improvements) may/will require flood plain compensation; 5) If a traffic study (methodology and/traffic impact analysis) is required, it must be submitted to the Engineering Division; 6) If a traffic study is required, the said traffic study must be approved prior site plan approval; and 7) If the proposed development is to be platted, all roadway and proposed R-0-W must be designed in accordance the LDC "Appendix A", (or the edition in effect at the time of permit submittal) and the latest edition of the Florida Department of Transportation's "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction"; and 8) If the development is to be gated, it must meet the requirements for "Gated Entrances" as defined within the LDC. Chapter 4, Section 4244 (or the edition in effect at the time of permit submittal). Fire Rescue Division: 1) Project shall comply with 2005 NFPA 1194, Recreational Vehicle Parks & Campgrounds, AND 2002 NFPA 1144, Protection of Life & Property from Wildfire; and PDRB Hearing - March 4, 201.0. • CPA-10-01 • March 4, 2010 Page 3 of 5 2) Fire hydrants shall be provided and installed in accordance with NFPA and Citrus County Code Chapter 102. STAFF ANALYSIS: 1. Concurrency RECEIVED ngv;/~;) Z01Cxs devel~tfirfJ...t~ .of.~n a) Sanitary Sewer- The applicant has committed to assist in the existing sanitary sewer facility southwest of the site with Cit 1-Js Co~H~~ll§rfel~'WCffi Inverness. A force main will be installed along SR 44 to the projli'"'t;.~'·+;.J:<"'ilJi'+fiGl...'"'.;;JT~h·....~::~.O@-I;pjo9!<FI-f~!l--..,.. upgrade of the treatment plant will facilitate installation of sanitary sewer to the surrounding areas. Unmaintained septic systems are considered a major source of nutrients to the Tsala Apopka Chain of Lakes. This project will make it possible to provide sanitary sewer to an environmentally sensitive area with numerous septic systems. b) Potable Water- The applicant anticipates that there will be an extension of central sewer and water from the City of Inverness at the developer's expense and that oversized lines will be constructed to allow for future expansion and connection from surrounding residential areas. The applicant has been asked to provide supporting documentation from the City of Inverness. c) Traffic- U.S. Highway 44 East currently has an acceptable level of service. The traffic study evaluated the maximum usage of the proposed land use category and concluded that SR-44 from US-41 to CR-470 (Link 140) will operate within acceptable level of service standards. The traffic study has been approved. d) Solid Waste -Adequate capacity is currently available and projected to be available through the long term planning horizon. e) Drainage - The applicant states that "per applicable regulations, stormwater facilities designed to Citrus County standards (that) includes Best Management Practices for water quality and quantity including groundwater and wellhead protection as necessary." LDC section 4751. Level of Service states: "The Drainage Sub-element of the Comprehensive Plan contains the following level of service requirements for stormwater facility design and drainage plans: ... All proposed development 25 year/24 hour storm event, and treatment of the first one inch of runoff." At the time of development order this site will be required to properly treat the first one-inch of stormwater and must be designed to minimize the impacts on the existing wetlands and the Tsala Apopka Chain of Lakes. f) Recreation - Recreational facilities must be provided on site for the benefit of park visitors of the site. Applicant will be required to demonstrate that this project does not degrade the level service for parks and recreation at the time of development order approval. g) Schools- Not applicable. This proposal is for a recreational vehicle park. Residency is limited to 180 consecutive days per the Land Development Code in Section 4663.8.1. Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks/Campgrounds. Citrus County's Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Element states: "Such parks (RV parks) are intended specifically to allow temporary living accommodation for recreation, camping, or travel use." • 2. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan - Policy 17.2.7 The County shall guide future development to the most appropriate areas, as depicted on the GFLUM, specifically those with minimal environmental limitations and the availability of necessary services. This property is appropriate for this use within the upland areas based on the soil types because the limitations for site development are slight. Regional utilities are proposed to be provided to the site thereby limiting the impact of additional private well and septic in the area. Stormwater Management must be designed on site to minimize the impacts on the existing wetlands and the Tsala Apopka Chain of Lakes. • Policy 17.6.5 Specialized commercial needs, such as water-dependent and water-related uses, shall be provided for within the Future Land Use Plan and standards for development provided within the County LDC. PDRB Hearing- March 4, 2010 CPA-1 0-01 March 4, 2010 Page 4 of 5 The property contains extensive wetlands and has over 7,000 linear feet of access to the Lake Tsala Apopka chain of lakes. The natural beauty and access to the water makes the site particularly attractive as an RV Park. This application will provide the land use necessary to develop a resort around the natural features that surround the site on three sides. • Policy 17.6.12 Recreational vehicle (RV) parks and campground shall be designed according to a detailed master plan, shall preserve a minimum of 30 percent of the property in open space, shall provide a minimum of an additional 10 percent of the property as recreation areas, and generally shall conform to the commercial development standards in the Land Development Code. The number of RV units or campsites does not confer any vested residential development rights. The applicant has submitted language to limit the number of RV pad spaces to 499 units and shall make provision for preservation of the existing natural hardwood buffer along the southern perimeter of the subject property to insure the preservation of the Lake Tsala Apopka shoreline in perpetuity, however, without limiting the property owners, or their heirs, and assignees from having a reasonable right of access to Lake Tsala Apopka from the subject property. The applicant must comply with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code regulations in place at the time of development order. 3. Impacts on Affordable Housing- No impact to affordable housing is anticipated as a result of this application. 4. Other Factors/Additional Information- Biological Survey- Gopher Tortoises were found on this site and must be addressed at the time of permitting. The biological survey has been completed, and approved by the County. Development density in this area varies widely. North and northwest of the application site are two mobile home parks: Oak Pond with 5.9 du/acre and Shady Acres with 2.5 du/acre. Immediately south of the project site is Bellamy unrecorded subdivision which was approved with 3.3 du/acre, and Harrison's Great Oaks subdivision which was approved with 4.9 du/acre. Hickory Hills and other subdivisions near the project site have gross densities between three and five du/acre. This area also has large undivided tracts both in private and public ownership. • Florida Statutes require that the proposed request be evaluated at the maximum use allowed under the proposed land use designation. The maximum density allowed under Recreational Vehicle Park designation is 10 pad spaces per acre. At approximately 206 acres, the RVP District allows a maximum density of 2,060 recreational vehicle park pad spaces. Specific policies within the Comprehensive Plan reduce the maximum density allowed on this property to 1,230 pad spaces by requiring 30% permanent open space and 10% dedicated recreation space. To address this concern, the applicant has submitted a site-specific text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed language is included below: Objective 17.26: Establish RV density cap on Eden Farm Unit II consisting of approximately 206 acres, require utilities at time of development, and require a protective buffer along the perimeter of the subject property that meets or exceeds the buffer requirements contained in the LDC to ensure preservation of a natural hardwood buffer and the LakeTsala Apopka shoreline in perpetuity; and protect the privacy of both future owners of the subject property and neighboring landowners to the greatest extent possible. Policy 17.26.1: Eden Farm Unit II, CPA-10-01consisting of approximately 206 acres as described therein shall not exceed 499 RV units. Policy 17.26.2: In accordance with F.S. 163.3180(2)(A), regional utili "BSJor Eden Farm Unit II, CPA-1 0-01, shall be present at the time of occupancy of site. • RECENED _(' '- 0~/II C2f} PDRB Hea~mg ~ 2'"'~0 l UI' - arch ~ 0 Planning Division • CPA-10-01 March 4, 2010 Page 5 of 5 Policy 17.26.3: Any subsequent master plan for Eden Farm Unit II, CPA-10-01, shall make provision for a protective buffer along the perimeter of the subject property that m.eets or exceeds the buffer requirements contained in the LDC, to ensure preservation of a natural hardwood buffer and the Lake Tsala Apopka shoreline in perpetuity, and protect the privacy of both future owners of the subject property and neighboring landowners to the greatest extent possible, however, without limiting the owners of the subject property, or their heirs, and assignees from having a reasonable right of access to Lake Tsala Apopka from said land. In proposing the site specific language, the applicant has limited the potential build-out of the proposed RV Park to a maximum of 499 RV pad spaces. By limiting the number of units to 499 pad spaces, the development will not meet the threshold for a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) outlined in the State Statutes. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. 2. 3. 4. • 5. 6. 7. The application requests the redesignation of approximately 206 acres from Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes (CL) on the GFLUM map to Recreational Vehicle Park (RVP) on the GFLUM map. The applicant has included text to the Comprehensive Plan limiting the number of RV pad spaces to 499; to require a protective buffer along the perimeter of the subject property that meets or exceeds the buffer requirements contained in the LDC to ensure preservation of a natural hardwood buffer and the Lake Tsala Apopka shoreline in perpetuity; and protect the privacy of both future owners of the subject property and neighboring landowners to the greatest extent possible. The application would allow for the construction of an RV Park with up to 499 RV pad spaces. The site will require regional water and sewer be available at the time of development order to ensure that sewer and water concurrency requirements are met. Traffic concurrency has been evaluated by Citrus County's traffic consultant, who has evaluated the maximum usage of the proposed land use category and concluded that SR-44 (Link 140) will operate within acceptable level of service standards. The general area contains Mobile Homes Parks and residential subdivision which would appear to be compatible with the proposed use. The application is consistent with the intent of the Citrus County Comprehensive Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the findings of fact and the TRT comments, staff recommends APPROVAL of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and the site-specific text amendment. PDRB RECOMMENDATION: 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ACTION: 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment- KKH/bsb Attachments RECEIVED D~C1X010 CM !c05 Pla n D1v1s10n • PDRB Hearing- March 4, 2010.. • DRAINAGE AND PUBLIC FACILITIES ANALYSI~ ! ! I FOR RECEIVED . C.V!~'j!l-/.11-t?) NEW HORIZON : mung DzVJ.sion R.V. PARK ' • PAGE 1' PAGE 2~4 PAGE 5; PAGE6 PAGE7 PAGES PAGE9 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 COVER NARRATIVE EXHIBIT A- LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT B- CITY OF INVERNESS CONCURRENCY LETIER EXHIBIT C- SOIL SURVEY MAP EXHIBIT D- USGS QUADRANGLE MAP EXHIBIT E- CITRUS COUNTY AERIAL WITH TOPOGRAPHIC MAP EXHIBIT F- FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP EXHIBIT G- CITRUS COUNTY AERIAL WITH WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT H- PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN PEPARED BY: \ FURMAN & HILPERT ENGINEERING, INC. 708 U.S. HIGHWAY 41 SOUTH INVERNESS, FLORIDA 34450 • MARCH 2010 ; APR 0 1 2011 \ RECEIVED ' I I APR 0· 1 201\ INTRODUCTION Aif'~ \.t ~ 93 r tLanning D1v1s10n c_ () f • Furman & Hilpert Engineering, Inc. was authorized by Mr. John H. E n IV of · Funding, Inc. to prepare this report. Mr. Eden escorted Paul Furman ofFunnan & Hilpert Engineering, Inc. on a tour of the subject property on March 22, 2011. Several source~ of maps and other information were reviewed for this property. Some of these are included in this report as exhibits. This report is intended to satisfy a Citrus County Future Land Use Map amendment fiiing requirement for an analysis of Public Facilities and Drainage Facilities regarding the ~roposed New Horizon R.V. Park (CPAQ/AA-PD0-11-03). The analysis will demonstrate thatithe I propo~ed development plan is consistent with the planning and provision for public water and wastewater facilities and that it is feasible to design and construct a stormwater mana~ement system for this project which will conform to local design guidelines and which will not significantly impact tl;le environment or adjacent properties. This report will generally provide the information suggested in Citrus County Administrative Rule 13.08-03, Sections E and G. While.this Administrative Rule suggests that the analyses should be based on the max~mum development potential allowed by the proposed land use designation, consider the following: 1.) The Citrus County Land Development Code allows a density of 5 units per acre fot recreational vehicle parks in the Coastal and Lakes (CL) district. This density is well in excess ofthe number of recreational vehicle units being proposed (2.13 units per acre). ! 2.) The proposed recreational vehicle park layout considers wetlands and provides for perimeter buffers and internal open space, thus conserving otherwise developable area. · 3.) The proposed development will have a Planned Development Overlay, meaning that the County approval will specify the number of recreational units allowed. • The subject site is located in Section 15, Township 19 South, Range 20 East along the south side of State Road 44 east of the City of Inverness. See site location map Exhibit A. : The proposed land use change is from Coastal and Lakes (CL) to Recreational Vehicl~ Park 1 (RVP). The total land area is 206 acres. The proposed development will consist of approximately 439 recreational vehicle sites and associated amenities. ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC WATER AND WASTEWATER FACILITIES: l The proposed R.V. park may generate a potable water demand of33,300 gallons per day based on 75 gallons per day per R.V. unit. The wastewater flow will be similar. ~ > I \ The City of Inverness has confirmed that its water and wastewater facilities have the capacity to serve this development. See Exhibit B, the City of Inverness concurrency letter dated March 8, 2011. . ' 2 • RECEIVED APR 0 1 2011 • ANALYSIS OF DRAINAGE FACILITIES: c_~f1-~ ~ \'\·~ 03 Plannmg Division l There are no public drainage facilities which will be impacted by the proposed developmen . internal, privately operated and maintained stormwater management system will be designed with consideration for the following: A. Soils evaluation, demarcation and preliminary hydrology i See Exhibit C for a portion of the Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey Map with the, project area and 9 soil types delineated. ' The soils in the area proposed for development are mainly Adamsville Fine Sand (Map No.2), Tavares Fine Sand (Map No. 11), and Astatula Fine Sand (Map Nos. 29 & 30). A smdll area of the southeast portion of the site is Adamsville Fine Sand. This is a Hydrologic Group C, poorly drained soil in a nearly level area adjacent to wetlands. The majority of the soils on th~ elevated and sloping areas oftl;le property proposed for development are Tavares Fine Sand anq Astatula These are. Hydrologic Group A, well drained soils that are rapidly. permeaBle Fine Sand. with a . I seasonal high water table between 40 and more than 80 inches. ~ I I . • I Hydrologic soil groups are used to estimate runoff from precipitation. Soils are assigJed to one of four groups, A through D with group A having the highest infiltration rate and the lowest runoff potential whenwet and group D having the lowest infiltratioh rate and the high6st runoff potential when wet. I I Other soil types at lower elevations and in and adjacent to wetlands are Bassinger Fi~~ Sand (Map No.5), Mayakka Fine Sand (Map No.7), EauGallie Fine Sand (Map Nos. 36 ani:l46), and Orsino Fine Sand (Map No. 61). Orsino Fine Sand is found in the elevated wooded harnniock at the northeast quadrant of the site. It is a Hydrologic Group A, well drained and rapidly permeable soil with a seasonal high water table between 40 and more than 72 inches. The other soils are, typically, associated with each other and are found on nearly level portions of the property. They are poorly drained and may be inundated during the wet season. At other times of the year, the water table will be between 10 and 30 inches below the surface. The Hydrologic Group for these soils ranges from B to D. B. Topography ofthe existing site, proposed changes to topography and their impact on adjacent· properties including abutting roads. See Exhibits D and E for the site topography. Elevations on the site range from approximately 3 7 to 61 feet above sea level with the highest elevations in the central portion of the onen areas. The proposed R.V. park layout (Exhibit H) considers the site topography. Roadways are I generally aligned perpendicular to the ground slope and there has been adequate area r~served at the lower elevations for the construction of drainage retention/detention areas including consideration for buffers from wetlands. The site layout and soil conditions make it practicable to- design stormwater retention/detention areas with shallow excavations and low berm~. Due to the physical setbacks proposed for development, it is very unlikely that changes to the· topography for. the leveling ofRV sites and the construction of drainage facilities will jmpact i adjacent properties or roads. I • 3 RECEIVED floo dplazn · compensatwn · nee ds an d the a b·1· · toAPR O~ l lOH\ 1 rty o the s1te accommodat~ the ;ame. Q_ P~ 1\ I0_3> See Exhibit F for a portion of the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map iden fying ifllalil.mdg srision '""I.fWlt.h.m a floo dv lam. · L. !lfr • on and adjacent to the site at elevation 43. There is sufficient area for de~~JJ.M;;w..j;JJ,J~.M.i<I.I.J.&.U..t:>----__. above the flood zone and little or no impacts to the flood zone are anticipated with the proposed layout. D. Any impact to either onsite or adjacent wetland or surface waters. See Exhibit G for an overlay of wetland areas on the Citrus County aerial map. The proposed RV park layout has considered the location of wetlands on and adjacent to the site. There is sufficient area between the area of development and wetland areas for both buffers and stormwater management facilities. E. Ability of the site to accommodate all storm water generated by improvements of a 25 year/24 hour storm event. The site is located in an open drainage area. There proposed site plan has reserved adequate area for the design of a stormwater management system meeting the required design criteria. F. Any modification to existing drainage flows from adjacent property either developed or vacant. The site topography and the location of owned wetlands and buffers at the perimeter of the development area limits the potential for contributing runoff from adjacent properties. CONCLUSION: Furman & Hilpert Engineering, Inc. has completed a preliminary analysis of the property being proposed for development as the New Horizon RV Park, including a review of site-specific soils, topography, floodprone areas, the proposed layout, consideration for the design of a stormwater management system and the availability of water and wastewater utilities. The proposed development appears to be consistent with the planning and provision for public water and wastewater facilities. It also appears that it is feasible to design and construct a stormwater management system for this development which will conform to local design guidelines and which will not significantly impact the environment or adjacent properties. Paul Furman Project Manager • Fred Hilpert, P.E. Florida Registration No. 50477 4 • .... . · ;....· -RECEIVED .&, .. 31. ..,..,.. FURMAN & HILPERT ENGINEERING, IN!::. DATE: loiAR.2011 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN 1-:---------l 708 U.S. HIGHWAY 41 SOUTH $CAL£: NTS INVERNESS, FLORIDA 34450 1=::-:--:c.,..,--:=-o=----l - TE:LEPH ONE:~ t3S2~ 34 ~-3.SSS fROJ. liAHAQER: I'RO.ECT 110.: I::ERT. OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 28687 P.F. . 11-112 PROJECT NAME: TITLE: NEW HORIZON R.V. PARK LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT: A PAGE5 RECEIVED • 212 \iV. Main Street Inverness, FL 34<150 (:J52) 726-2321 Phone W52) 726-5~1.7:J Fax March 8, 2011 Mr. John H. Eden. IV Eden Law Group P.O. Box 27.5.5 Inverness, H. 34451-2755 Re: • Concurrency Letter CPAQ/AA-PD0-11-03, New Horizon Funding/Eden farm Unit 11/Hwy 44E ParcellD 20E 195 15 10000 Dear Mr. Eden: The City of Inverness Water Treatment facility and Wastewater Reclamation Facility have the available capacity to provide service to the proposed motor coach resort development project located in Citrus County, Fl. Please be advised that the City's water distribution lines and wastewllter collection system end at points approximately 1 to 1.5 miles from the proposed project location. The developer would be responsible for the cost of the necessary line extensions and ancillary equipment needed to extend service to that area. If you have any additiom1l questions, plc:1se feel free to contact me at the City oflnverness Public Works Department, 352-726-2321, or email me at [email protected]. Sincerely, Mi~ Katie Cottrell Director of Public Works • EXHIBIT B - PAGE 6 RECEIVED • • FI,IRMAN & HILPI':RT ENGINEERING, INC:. DATE:: IIAR.2011 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN 1---------1 708 U.S. HIGHWAY 41 SOUTH SCAl£: AS SHO'itl ~~~~~~~~7i, ~:i~:~~~~~=:~~;~ CERT. OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 28687 PR0.111ANAGfR: P.f. PRO.ECTHO.: ·11-112 PROJECT NAME: NEW HORIZON R.V. PARK SCS SOIL SURVEY MAP EXHIBIT: c PAGE7 • RECEIVED . ,. ' ~~~P;,;.~- ~",~ ~~;c.~""!!i.oi..,.;.:.; . ~ ~:~ !~'~-==...=l··., ."'._-~....J .,.':=.=-_= ___ ..,.. ·':"!~:~ :~81~(" .:r.·~·_,·. kn'l m;i F"URMAN & HILPERT ENGINEERING, INC. CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN 708 U.S. HIGHWAY 41 SOUTH INVERNESS, F"LORIDA ::14450 . TELEPHONE• (::152l ::141.-3555. CERT. OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 28687 "':! ..c:. I 'ij .!l. DA!£: MAR.2011 SCAlE: PROJ. t.IAHAGER: P.F. PROJECT NAME: i AS 9Kll\!l PRO.ECT NO.: 11-112 s• TITLE: NEW HORIZON R.V. PARK USGS MAP EXHIBIT: D PAGES RECEIVED t~~\ f\:14 J \\ - o_3 Plannmg bivision • FURMAN & HILPERT ENGINEERING, INC. OAt£: UAR.2011 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN 1----------1 708 U.S. HIGHWAY 41 SOUTH SCALE: N.T.S. ~~~~~~~~~·, ~;-~;/~~ 1::~~;~ I=PROJ.=--:-IIANAGER:::':':":':::---r:FRO.ECT::-::-:=--No.:-·-f CERT. OF" AUTHORIZATION NO. 28687 P.F. 11-112 PROJECT NAME: nn.E: NEW HORIZON R.V. PARKCOUNTY AERIAL WITH TOP EXHIBIT: 9 PAGEE • RECEIVED APR 0 1 2011 LQ 'A- {Itt\- I \ I - 0~ Plann~ng Division APPROXIMATE SCALE 10EOD3:::::::E3::::E~===::':J1000 FEET FLOOD IHSURAHCE RATE MAP COMMUKffi-PAHEL HUMBER 120063 0260 B EFFECTIVE DATE: AUGUST 15, 1984 F"URMAN & HILPERT ENGINEERING, INC. DAlE: UAIU011 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN SCAlE: AS SI!Ollll 708 U.S. HIGHWAY 41 SOUTH INVERNESS, FLORIDA :34450 PROJ. IIANAGER: PRO£CT . T'ELEPHONE< 13521 341-355.5 i>.F. 11-112 CERT. OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 28687 I PROJECT NAME: NO.: TillE: NEW HORIZON R.V. PARK FEMA MAP EXHIBIT: F PAGE10 RECEIVED • WETRLAND AREAS SHOWN IN BLUE FURMAN & HILPERT ENGINEERING, INC. DAlE: IIAR.2011 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN 1--------1 708 U.S. HIGHWAY 41 SOUTH SCAI£: N1S ~~~~~~:;~~': ~!,;r;:,l ~~ 1:3-~~;~ CERT. OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 28687 PROJECT NAME: TITLE: j;PROJ~.~I.IANAG[R:==-r::PRO.ECT:::-::=-:N=D.:-1· NEW HORIZON R.V. PARK COUNTY AERIAL P.F. 11-112 WITH 'IIEllANDS EXHIBIT: G PAGE11 • ~ )'j----,------'&-1--- g~_ 4po plr-4 NOTE: SITE PLAN BY PAUL GIBBS F"URMAN & HILPERT ENGINEERING, INC. DAlE: IIAR.2011 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN t--------1 708 U.S. HIGHWAY 41 SOUTH SCAle 1" • 500' _~~~~';.~~~~. ~i~:~~~~ {:~~~~ CERT. OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 28687 PROJ.IINIAGD!: PRO.£CT No.; P.F. - 11-112 PROJECT NAME: TillE: NEW HORIZON R. V. PARK PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN EXHIBIT: H PAGE12 Board of County Commissioners • DEPARTMENT.OF PUBLIC WORKS . SOLIIYWASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION P.O.Box340 Lecanto, FL 34460 Telephone: (352) 527-7670 Fax: (352) 527-7672 Citrus Springs/Dunnellon area- Toll Free (352) 489-2120 March 7, 2011 Mr. John Eden IV Eden Law Group CenterState Bank Building 151 E. Highland Blvd., Suite 171 Inverness, FL 34452 P.O. Box 2755 Inverness, FL 34451-2755 Re: CPAQ/AA-PD0-11-03 Parcel I.D. -20E19Sl5 10000 Dear Mr. Eden, • This letter is in response to your request for a determination of whether sufficient landfill capacity exists for the referenced parcel if developed as a 439-unit motor coach development on 206 acres. For comparison purposes, expected waste generation from an RV Park is 0.4 ton per unit per year, thus the generation from 439 units would be approximately 176 tons per year. The Citrus County Central Landfill has sufficient capacity to accommodate this development, depending upon when the property is developed, either in the existing Phase 2 of the landfill, or in Phase 3 which will be available in mid-20 11. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Director • RECEIVED RECEIVED • APR 0 1 Z011 CPft-JAAl \J -03 DEPARTMENT ()F PUBLIC ~/QRJK~in~bivision 212 YV. Main Street hwcmcss, FL 3tL;l50 W52) 726-2a2I Phone (:J52) 726-s.,m~ F<L\ March 8, 2011 Mr. John H. Eden IV Eden law C"lroup P.O. Box 2755 Inverness, fL 34451-2755 Re: • Concuncncy Letter CPAQ/AAPD0-11-03, New Horizon Funding/Eden Farm Unit 11/Hwy 44E Parcel TD 20E 19S 15 10000 Deiir Mr. Eden: The City of Inverness Water Treatment Facility and Wastewater Reclamation Facility have the available capacity to provide service to the proposed motor coach resort development project loG1ted in Citrus County, FL Please be advised that the City's water distribution lines and wastewater collection system end at points approximately 1 to 1.5 miles from the proposed project location. The developer would be responsible for the cost of the necessary line extensions and ancillary equipment needed to extend service to that area. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me at the City of Inverness Public Works Department, 352-726-2321, or email me at [email protected]. Sincerely, WrbM/ Katie Cottrell Director of Public Works • ( • rviichael G. Czenvinski, P.A. >;::;:;zy:rcc.r'~ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS ~flf; \ ··~ "-..1' ...'-:f March 31, 2011 Cynthia L. Jones, E.l., Transportation Planner Citrus County Planning Division 3600 W. Sovereign Path, Suite 140 Lecanto, FL 34461 Re: CPA -AA-1103 John H. Eden IV for New Horizon Funding, Inc. RECEIVED MAR 3 1 Z011 c_~tJ"fhiJ~ \\-0~ P't~hriing \Ji vision Ms. Jones, This letter is offered in response to your inquiry regarding Florida Master Site File# 8C1 00434 (sic) and your request to Mr. Eden to provide additional information or a mitigation plan if necessary, pursuant to Citrus County LDC Section 4180. MICHAEL G. CZERWINSKI, P.A. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS has ordered, obtained and • reviewed Master Site File Form Report 8Ci 434, which appears on the Master Inventory Map of the Citrus County Archeological Study, Phase II, 1994-1995, at the request of Mr. Eden (New Horizon Funding Inc.). A review of the map and the report indicated that the referenced site is not on the subject site in question, but in fact was a site within the road right-of-way of SR 44, prior to its widening expansion. The Master Site Record was recorded because it was part of a preconstruction archaeological survey of the entire roadway expansion project corridor 1 • Master Site File #8Ci434 reported one single artifact (classified as pre historic ceramic, of no significance or worthy of registration- in the Pasco Plain date range of 500 B.C.-A.D.1300). Furthermore, the Master Site File Report indicates that "The site appears to be non-significant given the limited and mundane nature of the artifact assemblage and absence of associated cultural features." Ultimately, the site was not on the New Horizon site, was non-significant and most likely is no longer present as a result of road construction and therefore no actions are required by the applicant. I am confident that this should fully address and satisfy your concerns regarding this site. A copy of the Master Site File Report is attached. While the site is not significant, it is generally recommended that copies of Master Site File Reports not be distributed without the approval of the Division of Historical Resources. Thank you for your consideration of this important matter. Sincerely, MICHAEL G. CZERWINSKI, P.A., ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Michael G. Czerwins · .G., P.W.S President and Senior Scientist C: John H. Eden IV. New Horizon Funding • 1 A Cultural Resource Survey of SR 44 in Citrus and Sumter Counties, ACIInc, 1991
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