ITEM ..C 7 DATE]-l!J-1 1
ITEM ..C 7 DATE]-l!J-1 1
• From: To: Date: Subject: Dear Commissioner Bays: I am emailing you to let you know I am opposed to the RV Park Project that is proposed on or near Big Lake Spivey, one of our "Outstanding Florida Water Ways" in Citrus County. The proposal is for 435 plus units in a Coastal/Lakes zoned area. As you know, this zoning category calls for 1 unit per 20 acres to protect our environmentally sensitive areas in the County. A development with this kind of density and other activities will negatively impact these sensitive areas. Our Comprehensive Plan has done a good job protecting these areas so far. We must see that it continues. This development is simply in the wrong place. It is unlike the RV Parks over on U.S. 19 where you have the parks next to industrial zoned sites and grandfathered parks that have been inI existence for many years. • If you go East past this proposed RV Park to the With lacoochee River you will see the RV Resort on the Sumter County side of the River. It is closer to 1-75 and it has excellent access to the With lacoochee River System. Yet it is struggling and has been re-structured. Is this what we want on one of our last remaining pristine lakes in Citrus County? Absolutely not. The commercial characteristics of this Development are not compatible with the surrounding environmentally sensitive lands and waterways. If approved, it will set a dangerous precedent in the County. As far as creating jobs and helping the economy, any boost would be fleeting. The vast majority of the jobs would be temporary in nature. Only a handful of people would be required to permanently operate an RV Park, small golf course and general store. Based on the density of this project, its proximity to environmentally sensitive land and wetlands, and its projected commercial characteristics, I request that you vote against this application. I ask you to uphold not only the letter of the Comprehensive Plan but more importantly the spirit of the Plan as well. Thank you, Joseph S. Brannen 352-726-8481 [email protected] • ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM ..C 7 DATE]-l!J-1 1 <[email protected]> <Rebecca. [email protected]. fl. us> 7/8/2011 12:04 PM RV Park/Big Lake Spivey- Application No. CPACPA/AA-PD0-11-03 This E-mail is the property of Brannen Banks of Florida, Inc. Brannen Bank Phone: (352) 726-1221 Brannen Banks Services, Inc. Phone: (352) 726-6995 - Page 1 of 1 • Winn Webb- Proposed RV park rezoning From: To: Date: Subject: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM ~1 DATE 1-ld.-Jt <[email protected]> <[email protected]. us>, <Winn. [email protected]. us>, <Rebec ... 7/8/2011 1l: 50 AM Proposed RV park rezoning My husband and I are residents of Citrus County,Hickory Hills, and we are opposed to the rezoning of John Eden"s property. Coastal lakes low density says it all. ... please think of our pristine lakes and our lovely county. Thank You !! Sue & Jay North,, 1035 S Maplenut Way, Inverness Fl 34450 • • file://C:\Documents and Settings\ArriagMX\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4El6EEFFB ... 7/8/2011 • • CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 New Horizon Funding Preservation Point- Motor Coach Resort • • • ADDITIONAL INFORI-ION . · ITEM c_-r-y DATE ~. 12· t L CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 New Horizon Funding ... ~-. ·.. : . . . . . . :. .... -· .. .· ... ··._ .... ;, .... . .'- . . ~- . . . . . .. .·. .. - ....:·_ ·_ :-:- . _._ . . . . . . . ·. . . ·.:' .· .. "· ;__ ·; _. __ :.· . . ...-, . ·... -.. -·.. . . ·- __ James A. Neal Jr. ESQ ':-· . . ..·, ' . Jo,r ... ·. · ::_ ... ;.- ., ' ... ·.· :. ·John H. ECI@·~~t\t, ESQ. Presentation to Citrus County BOCC July 12,2011 . · ..··· "_-;- .· :~- . . .. .. . . •• ~ ~~:; e~' ~ , ~ r.:ti-~::~~t .&.:~; ~fi'';·::~L:.----~'~ ·.-. . :f. 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'· !f • ~ --~ l ·-·•,-;v--·•·-:~~_..-.::·> .... ·... -::--::;.·'.r ~ f t~: :·.·· -~ ~- '\ 14,. ·"["((:· :,;; ; . / . -~, f . ."-·>:·.:.,:,.. •••• :..:.... ,.o; c ~' .. ~J ~;! . ---- "-··-· Js .-\~J.:L .. ...·;.:.:{. - ~:~·<jl·-.·.· '....,,.. u ~J~;_ _ __,.::.:<~ .-· ~ -... . ., i ' • • Environmental Background ~Wetland Jurisdictional Lines Approved by SWFWMD 2005 ~ Biological Assessment Completed 2005 updated 2009 ~ Karst Sensitive Area Assessment Conducted 2010 • • • • • Environmental Results y Approximately 94 acres of old grove pasture y Wetland Shorelines and ± 20 acres of interior wetlands y All WETLANDS PRESERVED on SITE (no wetland impacts) y Site Plan implements significant shoreline tree, lake and wetland buffers. y Gopher Tortoises in old grove pasture (± 50) y Not Karst Sensitive site (Limestone> 10ft. depth) y Aquifer Vulnerability low • • F·:tt'!r:--~~t: ::;::::t~···e~: G·;· Et~:;;-,:~1:- • • • • • • Site Plan Summary •'· cR•·E ,\ (r· E . D, J..\, I'' R·'l.t L" t.:-~ ·. ~ . 1._} 'J_ l .·: '· I o- . 41.6:() .J· ..-,, •'""') (-· L.L\) 1 t::J•.wQ()<·-' '-I.;.. Open Sp-Ree .,-., c... · 6'r,-.} •·j ..... .......-. ,.,., !~~·~~- - .......... ·-· 7-,~ • .-.j. ..... ..._ I ·""" ·.. ,, • . _ , . , . . .__.. ,o .... ,..~T. /-\: '.L-. T \.-.. 7 S· 'R'''\~' 'L·0 ......g· ~ -~ = 4·. ~ :. .. . ·. . !J .! • • • • • Hurricane Evacuation L~fH~1d ·.:n-;-::_·..-: :::::t:f.r,-:;~:c·~ :-!':·"":r:n·:u~ c:ut~~ ."' . i2J1 mU~s/tP-1-Z.S~ 1.·~:::alnll'e$ -to:~:n~~rn ,~ · :c": • Winn Webb- John Eden's RV Park From: To: Date: Subject: CC: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM Q'1 DATE 1- /J-11 Page 1 of 1 "Carole Jones" <[email protected]> "Letters Chronicle" <[email protected]> 7/8/2011 11:22 AM John Eden's RV Park <[email protected]>, "Commissioner Joe Meek" <[email protected] ... Please print ASAP or let me know why.. Thanks .. • I'm not sure why we have a PDRB [Planning and Development Review Board} when they can recommended such drastic changes.. The property in question is owned by Lawyer John Eden. We understand and appreciate he wants to make a profit on his land that he inherited from his family. Citrus County also appreciates the land donated by his family. That doesn't mean we should overlook what he's planning to do. This 206 acres on Lake Spivey is zoned Coastal Lakes Low Density. Mr. Eden wants it changed to RV Park High Density Residential. He explained to some of us in a Town Hall Meeting a few weeks ago that this will bring in millions of dollars to Citrus County and will not impact our services here. That just isn't true .. Picture 439 huge RVs towing vehicles behind trying to get out on East Gulf to Lake Hwy if we have a Hurricane? What happens in case of a fire? Aren't we cutting back on our Fire Departments? We don't believe this RV Park will be a success. There's too many in bankruptcy. Look at Rock Crusher. We heard at least 4 of the County Commissioners say how important these lakes are to them. Lets see if that's true. Please attend the meeting on July 12th at the new courthouse in Inverness and voice your opinion. We moved here eleven years ago because of the lakes and peace and quiet. Several of our friends have bought homes here. The value of our homes will go down if this project passes. We do our banking and shopping here in Citrus County. Homes will bring in more business than people on vacation. Carole And Joe Jones 9152 East Swift PI Inverness, Fl 34450 352 3415801 Past President [ 8 years] Hickory Hills Homeowners Association • file://C:\Documents and Settings\ArriagMX\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4E16E866BO... 7/8/2011 THE FLORIDA SENATE • COMMITTEES: Environmental Preservation and Conservation, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1100 Chair ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM CG:~ DATE 1-IJ-1/ SENATOR CHARLES S. DEAN, SR. Criminal Justice, Vice Chair Budget- Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development Appropriations Governmental Oversight and Accountability Reapportionment Regulated Industries 3rd District RECEIVED July 6, 2011 JUL 0 8 2011 Board of County Commissioners 110 N Apopka Avenue Invemess, FL 34450 BOCC Com..TPissioners: It has come to my attention that the Citrus County Historical Society will be coming before you at your July 12th meeting to present a check and, more importantly, to ask for your vote to continue funding for the restoration of the Historic Courthouse. I am aware that there are some issues with water damage on the walls and ceiling of the courtroom. The Historical Society feels that this needs to be addressed before there is more serious damage. They have asked for my support in their request to you for the· fu!ldiJ?,g to remain in your Capital hnprovement Program budget for the Hist01ic Courthouse . • I am painfully aware of the budget woes that all of the counties in my senate district are experiencing. Our recently concluded 2011 Legislative Session was equally difficult with many hard decisions as to the most important functions of state government. In the case of our Historic Courthouse, I be.lieve it is an asset to our community that must be preserved. Providing the funding now to stop water damage will prove to be cost effective rather.than waiting and facing more extensive repairs. I appreciate your consideration of this request and will do all I can to provide assistance from the state level. 7/:LL Charles S. Dean State Senator District 3 cc: Brad Thorpe, County Administrator . Mary Ann Lynn, Historical Society ., ···;:,_· '!:':. ·: .. . . '.... .-· . ~ • .. REPLY. TO: 0 415 Tompkins Street, Inverness, Florida 34~50 (352) 860-5175 o Post Office'Box 2558, Ocala, Florida 34478-2558 (352) 873-6513 0 302 Senate. Office Building, 404 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1100 (850) 487-5017 Senate's Website: MIKE HARIDOPOLOS President of the Senate MICHAELS. "MIKE" BENNETT President Pro Tempore ~ .. •• ' Commissioner Bays, < ·ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM C.- 7 DATE ? · I 2 · II 1heard you and several other commissioners at the meeting re sewer systems make the statement that the lakes In Citrus County ar€1 very Important to you. I'm sure that is true.. We hope when you meet with John Eden and his proposal for his RV Park you will remember that. Mr. Eden brought the same proposal about 6 years ago with just a few minor changes. 439 RVs pulling a spare vehicle. He says this will not impact our highways. That just Isn't true. Also it will not bring the money Into Citrus County that he says It will. My husband and I retired here in Citrus Coqnty over 11 yea/$ ago. We do our banking and shopping here. Several of our friends have moved here upcm our recommendation. Some full time some part time. We do not need another bankrupt RV Park. And why do we need a PDR Board when they're using "The Planned Development Overlay. Right now this property is 2oned coastal lakes low density.. John Eden wants It changed to High density. How can you all do that??? Thank you, Carole and Joe Jones 9152 E Swift PI Inverness, Fl34450 3415801 • 7/10/2011 • • • Still Opposed Chronicle 6/23/2011 The 206 acres of woodlands, rolling hills and wetlands that border Lake Spivey on the north and east to the East Cove canal is owned by John Eden and is presently designated as Coastal Lakes Residential Low Density. The Citrus County Comprehensive Land Use Plan is once again an item of considerable debate among the residents of East Citrus and John Eden as he attempts to convince the Board of County Commissioners to allow the land use to be changed to RV Park, High Density Residential. Many, if not most of the homeowners in this area, which includes the large Hickory Hills North and South subdivision, are opposed to the land-use change. This attempt by the owner of the property will be a repeat of appeal and will involve some new commissioners. I would urge those new commissioners to carefully look over the previous hearings on this request. Many objections were voiced concerning the damage that could occur to the environment along with increased traffic on State Road 44 and water-related concerns for boaters' safety. John has amended his previous site plans and discussed those changes with a small group of those most concerned and opposed to the Land Use Plan change. His proposed RV park will involve: increasing the buffer zone around the shore of Lake Spivey, utilizing artificial turf on the executive-sized golf course; allowing no power boats to be launched from the RV Park; a small change in the number of motor home sites; no full-time use of the sites by owners with a six-month cap. He also agreed to move the canoe and kayak launching area from the canal area to the more open side of the lake for safety to the boaters. I am still fully opposed to the Land Use Change and the RV park. Lake Spivey is one of the most beautiful and peaceful small lakes in the Tsala Apopka Chain of Lakes, and it should stay that way. No matter how the developers pretty up the name, a large motor coach park is still a mobile home park. Jim Adkins Inverness • Scheduled for Citrus County Commissioners hearing July 12, 2011 Please attend and show you care about our lakes- TOO FAR Continued from front page. 1 Pristine Point (Eden's Motor-~oach Project): "Hi Folks, Yesterday evening I received a voice-mail message from John Eden's office. It told me of a Town Hall Meeting Thursday 5/26 at the Old Courthouse (2nd floor) from 6PM to ?PM. Subject: "Motor-coach Project" I assume this is a rebirth of the "Pristine Pointe" proposal from several years ago. The proposal then was to take a beautiful 200 acre piece of land on Lake Spivey specified as Coastai.-Lakes allowing 1 house per 20 acres and converting it to a trailer oops, motor-coach park originally for 1,200 units, then 1,000 then 500 units (my recollection). The claim was that it would be good for the area, would not interfere with emergency evacuation on Route 44, the major evacuation route. The claim was neighbors were obviously wrohg when they did not welcome "Pristin_e Pointe" to destroy their pristine lake. John Eden reviewed the historical generosity of his family (true!) and seemed to say it was time for this generation to pay him back for what his parents did. John Eden is having a public meeting. Welcoming me may mean the project is more palatable or just has better advisors. I will listen carefully hoping to see a bright future but I must admit that I start out thinking how nice it would be to sell this beautiful place to Florida Forever or another vehicle for public ownership. That would be in line with the charitable heritage of his family and provide income for the modern family. Come to the meeting. II look for your reactions afterward and share my thoughts. SWFWMD MFL Situation: Minimum Flow and Levels is the charge by the Legislature for the Water Management Districts to determine how much water, if any, can be removed from a water body before cr_eating significant harm to the water resources or ecology. The last several draft reports have garnered so much public reaction that the Southwest Florida Water Management District is establishing Springs Coast Public Workshops starting June 8, 2011 in Lecanto. SWFWMD is not rushing to a conclusion although there are significant differences between SWFWMD and the public. My impression is that the workshops will go, at least, into fall. The With lacoochee is on a different track and I hope to have a status report before this issue goes to press. Legislative Session effect on SWFWMD: Whether you love or hate SWFWMD, they are a major part of our world. The effect that the legislative session has on the aquifer, lakes, rivers and springs · are major. We should have a clear idea by next issue. . 5/19 Ecstasy: I wish each of you the ecstasy and excitement I heard when I picked up the phone to hear one of my favorite people so happy and excited from catching a larger than 10 pound bass. As the hook was being removed I heard the noises. Our Treasurer, June Schmukal did it. It's a good thing Greg was there to remove the hook and release it because I think June was too excited: · Congratulations again to the "Big Fish Family." AI TOO FAR Inc. PO Box 2709 Inverness, Florida 34451 • • • LITTLE LAKE SPIVEY AND THE RV PARK PROPOSAL BACK AGAIN Three years ago the 200 plus acres of wetland and forest bordering Little Lake Spivey's Northern shore and the long canal from the Davis bridge to Hickory Hills was the subject of a request for a change to the comprehensive zoning plan for Citrus County, to allow the building of a large RV park. We, the property owners and home owners association, with the help of other environmentalist individuals and groups fought long and hard to win that one. However the request is going to be presented, for a second time to the PDRB. The proposed RV park as presented to the PDRB was to have some..SOO l/:E1 pads for large motor homes (800,000 to a million dollar RV's}, country store, movie theatres, bowling alley, recreation building, hiking paths, golf course, boat launching facilities and a gated community to keep all us East Citrus residents out side looking in. Some entities embraced this environmental nightmare under the guise of "good for the counties economy" HOW? if the owners use their park facilities (store, movies, launch facilities, golf course etc.) then most of their money will stay there. The big question is WHAT GOOD IS THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING PLAN IF IT CAN BE ALTERED FROM THE LOWEST DENSITY (CL low intensity, coastal and lakes} to THE HIGHEST DENSITY (RVP, recre~i.QJlal vehicle park) I still have a vision of .afkfhuge motor homes pulling all manners of vehicles and boats attempting to evacuate the park onto SR 44 (the main evacuation route for East and Western Citrus } ifwe are faced with a major storm or hurricane. If each of the(5€K',.SV's} were given 3 minutes to pick up, pack up, unhook sewers andYUftTities, it would still take some 1500 minutes to get these big rigs onto 44 (that's about 20 hrs) and into the other traffic heading East. When the recreational facilities, golf course, movie theatre, bowling alley, roads, and open areas are removed then the density for the RV pads becomes very tight. This request, for a change to the comprehensive zoning plan and any plans for an RV park on said property should be denied by the Board Of County Commissioners and the Planning, Development, Review board. JIM ADKINS fo {.,..'( ~ ~et *'h;s tlff~ ;i,hN £dlfrJ !J11s <../k tJ~rq.itJaL tJumb~ ol~ /:J....tftJ~: 5EYO- Tv '-~~'1- 0 J &ir !l)ouJ • • • LITTLE LAKE SPIVEY AND THE R V PARK PROPOSAL BACK AGAIN Seems as though just as you're starting to relax, the water is up, fishing is starting to improve, and the boat ramps are all useable again -life on the lakes is looking good! Then, out of the blue, there appears in the CHRONICLE an announcement of a PDRB notice of an upcoming hearing on a change to the comprehensive land use plan for Citrus County. The building of the massive RV Park on the shores of LITLE LAKE SPIVEY is back on the agenda. A couple years ago the 200 plus acres of wetland and forest bordering Little Spivey's Northern shore and the long canal from the Davis bridge to lake East Cove was threatened by this same land owner attempting to change the comprehensive zoning plan for Citrus County to allow the building of the RV park. We, the property owners and home owners association, with the help of other environmentalist individuals and groups fought long and hard to win that one, against big money, rich developers, and some unscrupulous methods to try to get community support for their project. These so called business men with their team of lawyers, experts, and con men had to stoop so low as to attempt to offer a free party with free drinks and free food for everyone that would attend the Commission meeting and wave a sign in favor of building the RV Park (it didn't work). The proposed RV park as presented to the PDRB was to have some 500 pads for large motor homes (800, 000 to a million dollar RV's), .country store, movie theatres, bowling alley, recreation building, hiking paths, golf course, boat launching facilities and a gated community to keep all us East Citrus residents out side looking in. Of course these huge motor homes would most likely be towing all manner of watercraft to launch and use in the small lake. The dangers of such an operation are very clear to me. We have had one fatal accident on the narrow canal (at about the point where they were to place the canoe and kayak livery. I am also aware of the many near misses on that same canal. To embrace this environmental nightmare under the guise of "good for the counties economy" HOW! if the owners use their park facilities (store, movies, launch facilities; golf course etc.) then most of their money will stay there . The big question is WHAT GOOD IS THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING PLAN IF IT CAN BE ALTERED FROM THE LOWEST • • DENSITY (CL low intensity, coastal and lakes) to THE HIGHEST DENSITY (RVP recreational vehicle park) Allowing this to happen then sets the precedent for any and all comp plan changes to be considered, (making it more difficult to tum down similar requests). I must say in good conscience that JOHN EDEN certainly has the right to make a profit, if he desires, on the sale of his property. But not at the expense of every otf1~rJ>roperty owner on the chain of lakes. I still have a vision of 500 h1aiJ'""~ motor homes pulling all manners of vehicles and boats attempting to evacuate the park onto SR 44 (the main evacuation route for East and Western Citrus ) if we are faced with a major storm or hurricane. My previous life as a Civil Defense director (State Certified) and Emergency Preparedness Director for a large Florida County and the Kennedy Space Center teaches me that if we said that they (SOO~~'Cs) were given 3 minutes each to pick up, pack up, unhook sewers'~rtd utilities, it would still take some 1500 minutes to get these big rigs onto 44 (that's about 20 hrs) and into the other traffic heading East. I have evacuated a hundred thousand people from their beach homes and evacuated a hospital using semi trucks, an extremely perilous task and the Sheriff and our preparedness personnel would be hard pressed to provide the personnel to safely merge all the big rigs onto SR 44. The proposal regarding the zoning change should be denied by the PDRB and the BOARD of COMMISSIONERS. ----------------- JIM ADKINS, EAST INVERNESS -t0.Y1-fo ~+ ..Yb IA!fftL-~ _·jOAN tder> /Jaw W<Ut<J ~~ • r:o~ lj-8#J ~ iJ.iYIJJ!..~ ~e.JL{IL.. ~ t:!fi-M a.fro I --7 Sfa;e.r~;d a.-r P- oO ~Aelli • <!441 ~ • PM3-10-009 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 2010 LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT I§ ___ *tit. _____ -;-_ ·--g ..... CP/AA NUMBER: ELEMENT: ....-?7'71 _.. .. . .. ... ..... --:c:aF.' .- CPA-10-01 Future Land Use SUBJECT: New Horizon Funding/Eden Farm Unit 11/Highway 44 East DATE: February 19, 2010 PREPARED BY: Kandi K. Harper, Senior Planner REQUEST FOR LAND USE CHANGE AND TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GENERALIZED FUTURE LAND USE MAP(GFLUM): • LOCATION: AREA SURROUNDING EXISTING LAND USES: ...._ I J SURROUNDING GENERALIZED FUTURE LAND USES: SURROUNDING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ATLAS DESIGNATIONS: SOIL INFORMATION: • From: CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes To: RVP, Recreational Vehicle Park and creation of site-specific policies in the Future Land Use Element to allow for a maximum of 499 RV pad spaces to be served by regional utilities. No change to the Land Development Code Atlas is requested at this time . Sections 14 and 15, Townshig 19 South, Range 20 East. Further described as a portion of Parcel10000.-(lnverness Area) Approximately 206 acres North- Single family residential, mobile home parks (two), convenience store, fraternal organization, and vacant residential and commercially committed properties. South - Single family residential and wetlands East -wetlands and vacant residential property West - wetlands and residence on acreage .North - CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes South - CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes East - CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes West - CL, Low Intensity Coastal Lakes North - CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes; CLC, Coastal and Lakes Commercial; MHP, Mobile Home Park; CLR, Coastal and Lakes Residential South - CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes and CLR, Coastal and Lakes Residential East - CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes West - CL, Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes According to the Soil SuNey of Citrus County, Florida (1988}, the upland soil types found on the property are listed as follows: Adamsville fine sand; Tavares fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slope; Astatula fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slope and 5 to 8 percent slope; and Orsino fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slope. These soils are generally level and somewhat poorly to moderately well drained. The limitations for site development are slight. --#. Soils within the wetlands are listed as follows: Myakka fine sand; ---.. . . -· ·-. ·--····- ........ ,_,..... ................ ~······- CPA-10-01 March 4, 2010 • Page 2 of 5 FLOOD ZONE: OTHER INFORMATION r fime san d , Okeelanta muck; EauGallie fine sand; EauGal1e depressional; and Terra Ceia-Okeelanta association, frequently flooded. No development is proposed for these areas. According to the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM}, the subject property appears to be located in Flood Zones C, 8, and A3 as found on Community-Panel Number 120063-02608. A jurisdictional wetland delineation has been performed and is provided on the survey. There are approximately 21.5 acres of wetlands on this site. BACKGROUND: The request is to change approximately 206 acres of Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes (CL) to Recreational Vehicle Park (RVP) on the Generalized Future Land Use Map and to create sitespecific policies in the Future Land Use Element to allow for a maximum. of 499 RV pad sp~ces to be served by regional utilities. The subject property is currently vacant. The s1te was used as a c1trus grove until the 1980s. A derelict house and barn are still present on the site. The former citrus grove is now an open grassy area with scattered oak trees. Wetlands and water (Lake Tsala Apopka Chain of Lakes} surround the property on three sides. These wetlands have broad vegetative buffers along their edges and on the uplands. The upland area consists of mature hardwood forest with a palmetto understory as well as open grassy areas. SUMMARY OF PUBLIC COMMENTS: No concerns have been identified as a result of the public notification process to date. • SUMMARY OF AGENCY COMMENTS: SWFWMD: A letter has been received from Southwest Florida Water Management District. The Water Management District owns property immediately east of the project site. They are concerned about their ability to continue using controlled burns to maintain their property and the potential impacts on the future residents of the subject property. The Comprehensive Plan specifically recognizes the value and necessity of controlled burns to maintain native habitats. The use of controlled burns on adjacent lands and the associated smoke will be fully disclosed on sale documents and the final plat. Division of Engineering comments: 1) All development for the parcel must meet the requirements of the Citrus County Land Development Code (LDC); Chapter 4 and Appendix "8" (or the edition in effect at the time of permit submittal) for site development and stormwater management; 2) Proof of submittal to FOOT for "Right to Connect" and other State of Florida ROW utilization permits, must be provided prior to any site plan approvals; 3) Proof of submittal to SWFWMD will be required prior to any site plan approvals; 4} Property may be within a flood zone. Any work, (fill or other site improvements) may/will require flood plain compensation; 5) If a traffic study (methodology and/traffic impact analysis) is required, it must be submitted to the Engineering Division; 6) If a traffic study is required, the said traffic study must be approved prior site plan approval; and 7) If the proposed development is to be platted, all roadway and proposed R-0-W must be designed in accordance the LDC "Appendix A", (or the edition in effect at the time of permit submittal) and the latest edition of the Florida Department of Transportation's "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction"; and 8) If the development is to be gated, it must meet the requirements for "Gated Entrances" as defined within the LDC. Chapter 4, Section 4244 (or the edition in effect at the time of permit submittal). • Fire Rescue Division: 1) Project shall comply with 2005 NFPA 1194, Recreational Vehicle Parks & Campgrounds AND · ' 2002 NFPA 1144, Protection of Life & Property from Wildfire; and PDRB Hearing -March 4, 201 0 CPA-10-01 March 4, 2010 • Page 3 of 5 2) Fire hydrants shall be provided and installed in accordance with NFPA and Citrus County Code Chapter 102. STAFF ANALYSIS: 1. Concurrency a) Sanitary Sewer- The applicant has committed to assist_ in th~ development/upgrade ?fan existing sanitary sewer facility southwest of the site With C1trus County and the C1ty of Inverness. A force main will be installed along SR 44 to the project site. The force main and upgrade of the treatment plant will facilitate installation of sanitary sewer to the surrounding areas. Unmaintained septic systems are considered a major source of nutrients to the Tsala Apopka Chain of Lakes. This project will make it possible to provide sanitary sewer to an environmentally sensitive area with numerous septic systems. b) Potable Water - The applicant anticipates that there will be an extension of central sewer and water from the City of Inverness at the developer's expense and that oversized lines will be constructed to allow for future expansion and connection from surrounding residential areas. The applicant has been asked to provide supporting documentation from the City of Inverness. c) Traffic- U.S. Highway 44 East currently has an acceptable level of service. The traffic study evaluated the maximum usage of the proposed land use category and concluded that SR-44 from US-41 to CR-470 (Link 140) will operate within acceptable level of service standards. The traffic study has been approved. d) Solid Waste - Adequate capacity is currently available and projected to be available through the long term planning horizon. e) Drainage - The applicant states that "per applicable regulations, stormwater facilities designed to Citrus County standards {that) includes Best Management Practices for water quality and quantity including groundwater and wellhead protection as necessary." LDC section 4751. Level of Service states: "The Drainage Sub-element of the Comprehensive Plan contains the following level of service requirements for stormwater facility design and drainage plans: ... All proposed development 25 year/24 hour storm event, and treatment of the first one inch of runoff." At the time of development order this site will be required to properly treat the first one-inch of stormwater and must be designed to minimize the impacts on the existing wetlands and the Tsala Apopka Chain of Lakes. f) Recreation - Recreational facilities must be provided on site for the benefit of park visitors of the site. Applicant will be required to demonstrate that this project does not degrade the level service for parks and recreation at the time of development order approval. g) Schools- Not applicable: This proposal is for a recreational vehicle park. Residency is limited to 180 consecutive days per the Land Development Code in Section 4663.8.1. Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks/Campgrounds. Citrus County's Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Element states: "Such parks (RV parks) are intended specifically to allow temporary living accommodation for recreation, camping, or travel use." • 2. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan Policy 17.2.7 The County shall guide future development to the most appropriate areas, as depicted on the GFLUM, specifically those with minimal environmental limitations and the availability of necessary services. This property is appropriate for this use within the upland areas based on the soil types because the limitations for site development are slight. Regional utilities a:e _proposed to be provided to the site thereby limiting the impact of additional private well and septi~ 1~ the area. Stormwater Management must be designed on site to minimize the impacts on the ex1st1ng wetlands and the Tsala Apopka Chain of Lakes. • Policy 17.6.5 Specialized commercial needs, such as water-dependent and water-related uses, shall be provided for within the Future Land Use Plan and standards for development provided within the County LDC. PDRB Hearing -March 4, 2010 • GPA-10-01 March 4, 2010 Page 4 of5 The property contains extensive wetlands and has over 7,000 linear feet of access to the La~e Tsala Apopka chain of lakes. The natural beauty and access to the water makes the s1te particularly attractive as an RV Park. This application will provide the land use necessary to develop a resort around the natural features that surround the site on three sides. Policy 17.6.12 Recreational vehicle (RV) parks and campground shall be designed according to a detailed master plan, shall preserve a minimum of 30 percent of the property in open space, shall provide a minimum of an additional 10 percent of the property as recreation areas, and generally shall conform to the commercial development standards in the Land Development Code. The number of RV units or campsites does not confer any vested residential development rights. The applicant has submitted language to limit the number of RV pad spaces to 499 units and shall make provision for preservation of the existing natural hardwood buffer along the southern perimeter of the subject property to insure the preservation of the Lake Tsala Apopka shoreline in perpetuity, however, without limiting the property owners, or their heirs, and assignees from having a reasonable right of access to Lake Tsala Apopka from the subject property. The applicant must comply with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code regulations in place at the time of development order. • 3. Impacts on Affordable Housing - No impact to affordable housing is anticipated as a result of this application. 4. Other Factors/Additional Information- Biological Survey- Gopher Tortoises were found on this site and must be addressed at the time of permitting. The biological survey has been completed, and approved by the County . Development density in this area varies widely. North and northwest of the application site are two mobile home parks: Oak Pond with 5.9 du/acre and Shady Acres with 2.5 du/acre. Immediately south of the project site is Bellamy unrecorded subdivision which was approved with 3.3 du/acre, and Harrison's Great Oaks subdivision which was approved with 4.9 du/acre. Hickory Hills and other subdivisions near the project site have gross densities between three and five du/acre. This area also has large undivided tracts both in private and public ownership. Florida Statutes require that the proposed request be evaluated at the maximum use allowed under the proposed land use designation. The maximum density allowed under Recreational Vehicle Park designation is 10 pad spaces per acre. At approximately 206 acres, the RVP District allows a maximum density of 2,060 recreational vehicle park pad spaces. Specific policies within the Comprehensive Plan reduce the maximum density allowed on this property to 1,230 pad spaces by requiring 30% permanent open space and 10% dedicated recreation space. To address this concern, the applicant has submitted a site-specific text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed language is included below: Objective 17.26: Establish RV density cap on Eden Farm Unit II consisting of approximately 206 acres, require utilities at time of development, and require a protective buffer along the perimeter of the subject property that meets or exceeds the buffer requirements contained in the LDC to ensure preservation of a natural hardwood buffer and the Lake Tsala Apopka shoreline in perpetuity; and protect the privacy of both future owners of the subject property and neighboring landowners to the greatest extent possible. Policy 17.26.1: Eden Farm Unit II, CPA-10-01consisting of approximately 206 acres as described therein shall not exceed 499 RV units. • Policy 17.26.2: In accordance with F.S. 163.3180(2)(A), regional utilities for Eden Farm Unit II, CPA-1 0-01, shall be present at the time of occupancy of site . PDRB Hearing -March 4, 201 0 CPA-10-01 March 4, 2010 Page 5 of 5 • Policy 17.26.3: Any subsequent m~sterplan for Eden Farm Unit II, CPA-10-01, shall make .. provision for a protective buffer along the.. perimeter- of the. subject property that meets or exceeds the buffer requirements contained in the Lbc, ensi.ire preservation of a natural hardwood buffer and the lake Tsala Apopka shoreline in perpetuity, and protect the privacy of both future owners of the subject property and neighboring landowners to the greatest extent possible, however, without limiting the owners of the subject property, or their heirs, and assignees from having a reasonable right of access to Lake Tsala Apopka from said land. to In proposing the site specific language, the applicant has limited the potential build-out of the proposed RV Park to a maximum ·of 499 RV pad spaces. By limiting the number of units to 499 pad spaces, the development will not meet the threshold for a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) outlined in the State Statutes. · · FINDINGS OFFACi: 1. :~ · 2. 3. 4. • 5. 6. 7. The application requests the redesignation of approximately 206 acres· from Low Intensity Coastal and Lakes (GL) on the GFLUM map to Recreational Vehig!_e P9rk (RVP) on the GFLUM map. The applicant has included text to the Comprehensive Plan limiting the number of RV pad spaces to 499; to require a protective buffer along the perimeter of the subject property that meets or exceeds the buffer r~quirements contained in the lDC to ensure preservation ofa natural hardwood buffer and the lake Tsala Apopka shoreline in perpetuity; and protect the privacy of both future owners of the subject .property and neighboring landowners to the greatest extent possible. The application would allow for the construction of an RV Park with up to 499 RV pad spaces. The site will require regional water and sewer be available at the time of development order to ensure that sewer and water concurrency requirements are met. Traffic concurrency has been evaluated by Citrus County's traffic consultant, who has evaluated the maximum usage of the proposed land use category and concluded that SR-44 (Link 140) will operate within acceptable level of service standards. · The general area contains Mobile Homes Parks and residential subdivision which would appear to be compatible with the proposed use. The application is consistent with the intent of the Citrus County Comprehensive Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the findings of fact and the TRT comments, staff recommends APPROVAL of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and the site-specific text amendment. · PDRB RECOMMENDATION: 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ACTION: 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - KKH/bsb ·Attachments • PDRB Hearing- March 4, 2010 3. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT/ATLAS AMENDMENT/PDQ a. CPA/AA/PD0-11-03- Eden/New Horizon Funding REQUEST: James A. Neal, Jr., ESQ. for John H. Eden, IV, ESQ. for New Horizon Funding Corp. LOCATION: Sections 14 and 15, Township 19 South. Range 20 East; Further described as a portion of Parcel 10000; (Inverness Area). ~ <; L\J(.i S. Q. fUJ'u..L~ f1 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ~ROVAL WITH CONDITIONS·J/()d~~~ /)Df0 ~cL , v+~ w-'l..- STAFF CONTACT: Cynthia Jones, Transportation Planner, Planning Division ----J \ IJ ()U(JU)/JU?::; ~ Q • Future Land Use Element v. GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES ; :.. t ~.- ~· ••• ·' '·' . GOAL#17 Growth and Development • Objective 17.1 A unified County Land Development Code (LDC) which provides standards and procedures for the implementation and enforcement of the Comprehensive Plan shall be adopted within one year of the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. Policy 17.1.1 The County LDC shall contain development regulations and detailed provisions to implement the Comprehensive Plan, including at a minimum: subdivision regulations, tree protection, protection of open space, protection of potable water sources, regulation of areas subject to seasonal and periodic flooding, and provision for drainage and stonnwater management, protection of environmentally sensitive lands, regulation of signs, and protection of natural and historic resources. Policy 17.1.2 The County LDC shall contain performance standards which address buffering between incompatible uses, protection of historically significant properties, potable water wellfields, and environmentally sensitive land. Policy 17.1.3 The County LDC shall contain standards for development which will implement the Generalized Future Land Use Map (GFLUM) and the prescribed types and intensities of land uses found within the Plan. The GFLUM shall be recognized as the primary document used by Citrus County in land use regulation and to guide future growth. The County LDC shall implement the Comprehensive Plan through specific standards for development. Therefore, development may be phased through the Development Code to allow for adequate transp011ation and public facilities to become available to the designated 2030 land uses. Policy 17 .1.6 • Performan9e standards shall be established in the County LDC providing for, but not limited to, drainage, flood protection, utilities, separation ofuses and buffering, densities, parking, 10-153 Future Land Use Element uses, this shall apply to developments of four units or greater per acre. Existing development must connect to central water and sewer systems when the services become available. Within the Planned Service Area, all new subdivision plats of 500 or more dwellings shall be required to connect to regional central water and regional central sewer. • Policy 17.2.6 Issuance of development orders and permits shall be contingent on the availability of public services which meet or exceed adopted Level of Service (LOS) standards. Policy 17.2.7 The County shall guide future development to the most appropriate areas, as depicted on the GFLUM, specifically those with minimal environmental limitations and the availability ofnecessary services. Policy 17.2.8 The County shall utilize land use techniques and development standards to achieve a functional and compatible land use framework which reduces incompatible land uses. Policy 17.2.9 The County LDC shall contain standards which will protect potable water wellfields and prime recharge areas within the County from the encroachment of incompatible land uses. Policy 17.2.1 0 Land uses adjacent to conservation areas shall, where possible, only allow for low density residential development or agricultural Policy 17.2.11 Consistent with the Plan's basic strategy for protecfi"on of · · environmentally sensitive areas, the following guidelines shall apply to all development in the Coastal, Lakes, and Rivers Region: o 0 Policy 17.2.12 • No increase in residential density should be approved except for the Planned Development standards already contained in the plan No additional high mtensity non-residential land uses shall be approved for this region. pec1 Jcally new ONe-at D districts should be avoided The County shall include in the County LDC requirements for nonconforming land uses to be buffered and meet performance criteria in accordance with a schedule which relates to redevelopment of a specific time frame, or require the amortization or phasing out over a specified period of time, nonconforming land uses. Where new development occurs making another use 10-155 • • • Future Land Use Element Land Use Residential Permitted Density Planned Development (PD) Low Intensity ·Coastal-and Lakes· Up to a maximum of one unit per 20 acres. Up to a maximum of one unit per 40 acres in the FEMA Velocity Zone (V -zone). Up to maximum of one unit per five acres with special PD conditions; or up to one unit per acre for a Florida Quality Development pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes (F .S.); or up to one unit per ten acres in the Lakes and Rivers Area with special conditions. Clustering and preservation of 70% (FQD) or 80% (PD) open space required. Rural Residential Up to a maximum of one unit per 10 acres Up to a maximum of one unit per five acres with 50% open space. Central Ridge Residential Based on existing lot Not permitted sizes Low Density Residential Up to a maximum of two units per acre Medium Density Residential Up to a maximum of Up to a maximum of eight four units per acre units per acre High Density Residential Up to a maximum of Up to maximum of 20 units six units per acre per acre Mobile Home Park Up to a maximum of six units per acre Up to a maximum of nine units per acre with 50% open space Residential Mixed Use Not applicable Up to a maximum of six units per acre Agriculture Up to a maximum of one unit per 10 acres Up to a maximum of one unit per five acres with 50% open s ace . 10-157 Up to a maximum of six units per acre Future Land Use Element • apply only to new areas of proposed RMU and shall not be applied to DRis and other previously approved large scale developments. Nothing in this section shall modify or reduce the development rights of any previously approved project. The development of such projects shaH be governed by the standards and conditions in the approved plan of development. All proposed nonresidenti~l development in the RMU district shall comply with the following density/intensity standards. Land Use General Commercial Industrial Professional Services/Office Public/Semi-public Policy 17.3.22 • 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 Planned Development in the Lakes and Rivers Area may be permitted at a density not to exceed 0.1 dwelling units per acre (one dwelling unit per 10 acres) subject to the following special conditions: e e 0 Ill o • Maximum FAR A minimum of20 upland acres is required Documentation of sufficient upland soils on-site shall be provided by the applicant based on data from the USDA NRCS, water management district, or other appropriate agency Clustering of units to preserve at least 80 percent of the gross site area as permanent open space is required All projects proposed under this option shall provide a biological survey pursuant to Conservation Element, Policy 3.8.8 A Comprehensive Plan amendment is required Policy 17.3.23 Mobile home parks shall be developed according to a comprehensive and detailed master plan, shall provide a minimum of 20 percent of the site as permanent open space and another 10 percent as recreation areas, and shall locate lots or homesites so as to maximize the number adjacent to common open space and recreation areas. No new mobile home parks, expansions of existing parks which are not vested, or redesignations of land to allow for mobile homes shall be allowed within the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA). Policy 17.3.24 New residential development is discouraged in the vicinity of the Progress Energy Power facility. Specifically, no increase in residential density shall be approved within five miles ofthe 10-161 • HELP SAVE OUR WATERS DEFEAT JOHN EDEN'S RV PARK • • L~ • 5-c -f, ~· ~<-e ~e ~---&· bf £! Ll • • • ;)&!; ~ Ut~ q:v~ ve y-e,ff/ .;)ohtJ • • fti IZ }G PETITION TO THE CITRUS COUN1'Y COMMISSIONERS NAME • ~dt31V; ~ "£\J ADDRESS . , o:··. ·.. . .. . ' .. ... . . . ' : . , . . . .·.. . ' . . . ' ··. ' . . . : . . . ' ' ' ' ' '.· .· :~· ' ' . : • .. SJ\VE ()UI~ .L /\ K E S ) • ' .· ' ' ' ' ' ' ' •'' ', ' . ... . ' . '·" . . . ' .: ·. ' ·, ' ·•. ' .: ' ' ' ~ . . • ' ' • •' ' ' ' :, ' ' I ' • PETITION TO THE CITRUS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NAME ... --· ADDRESS • • PETITION TO THE CITRUS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 1 of 1 • Rebecca Bays- CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 (Eden Project) From: To: Date: Subject: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM CJ1 DATE 1 -/d.--1 I "BRAD GIBBS" <[email protected]> <rebecca. [email protected]. us>, <[email protected]. us>, <winn. we ... 7/11/20111:16 PM CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 (Eden Project) Commissioners, As a long time businessman in Inverness/Citrus County, I think that this project, as it is now projected, would have a tremendously positive impact on business in the County, with very little negative impact on the enviornment I strongly ask for your support in approving this at tomorrow's meeting. Thank you, Brad & Patty Gibbs, Owners, Deco Cafe .. BRAD GIBBS bgibbs51 EarthLink Revolves Around You . • • file·//C::\Documents and Settings\ArriagMX\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4E1AF7B7B... 7/1112011 Page 1 of 1 • Dennis Damato- Fw: John Eden's RV Park From: To: Date: Subject: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM C-'1 ·DATE I-t :J ~11 "Carole Jones" <[email protected]> "Commissioner Dennis Damato" <[email protected]>, "Commiss ... 7/11/2011 9:19AM Fw: John Eden's RV Park ----- Original Message ----From: Carole Jones To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 8:47PM Subject: John Eden's RV Park Dear Commissioners, • At one of your last meeting several of you made the statements that the lakes in Citrus County are very important to you. I'm sure this is true.. What John Eden is planning to do in building an RV park with 439 RVs pulling an extra vehicle will put an impact on our roads and services.. Common sense can see that. What if there is a hurricane?? He's assured us that there's not been one before.. I'm sure lots of people hit with those tornados thought the same thing. Our home values will decline even further. We pay taxes, bank here, buy our appliances and food here. I'm afraid we'll just have another bankrupt RV park like Rockcrusher Canyon. Don't let him ruin Lake Spivey. Don't change the zoning on this piece of property. Thank you, Carole and Joe Jones 9152 E Swift PI Inverness, F/34450 3415801 • file://C:\Documents and Settings\ArriagMX\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4E1ACOOA... 7/11/2011 Pa e ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ....... g.....1.1 . • From: To: Date: Subject: ITEM C/7 DATE l-t;l-1 / "Paul, Michael" <[email protected]> "Win n. Webb@bocc. citrus. fl. us" <Winn. Webb@bocc. citrus. fl. us> 7/11/2011 12:00 PM Eco Friendly development project Dear Commissioners, Please v~te to approve the following ~pplication: Eden/New Horizon (CPA/AA-PD0-11-03). This development project represents a huge opportunity for our eco-tourism industry here in Citrus County!!!! • • INFORMATION ITEM (2,1 DATE 1--t) ~I I AUUI IIUNAL • Rebecca Bays- CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 From: To: Date: Subject: <[email protected]> <[email protected]. us> 711112011 10:41 AM CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 Dear Commissioners, Please vote to approve the following application: Eden/New Horizon (CPA/AA-PD0-11-03). This development project represents a huge opportunity for our eco-tourism industry here in Citrus County!!!! For so long it seems our county has been turning business away- please consider a "yes" vote on this project as it could be tourists, residents and most importantly jobs to our area. Thank you, Vicki Nast • JUL i2'H ?:40AN • . /C:\Documents and Settings\ArriagMX\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4E1AD353B... 7111/2011 Page 1 of 1 • Dennis Damato- Kevin Cunningham From: To: Date: Subject: "Kevin Cunningham" <[email protected]> <[email protected]> 7/8/2011 4:28PM Kevin Cunningham ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM C. '1 DATE 1-t.J -t 1 Dear Commissioner Damato, Please vote to approve the following application: Eden/New Horizon (CPA/AA-PD0-11-03). This development project represents a huge opportunity for our eco-tourism industry here in Citrus County!!!! All The Best, Kevin D.Cunningham, CRB • • Broker/Owner RE/MAX Realty One Commercial Real Estate Specialist Past President REALTORS Association Of Citrus County 2010 Broker Of The Year 352-527-7842 [email protected] Till 'IJ~- ,;?•11~ lL · <::\Documents and Settin!!s\Arria!!MX\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4E17301EB... !J:&.n··· r ,!JAr! 7/11/2011 Page 1 of 1 • Rebecca Bays- CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 From: To: Donna Orsino <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Date: 7/8/2011 5:06PM Subject: CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 ADDITIONAl INFORMATION ITEM e1 DATE 1~0--11 ---------------~--~----~--~ Dear Commissioners, Please vote to approve the following application: Eden/New Horizon (CPA/AA-PD0-11-03). This development project represents a huge opportunity for our eco-tourism industry here in Citrus County!!!! Donna Orsino 1931 NCamola Ter Inverness, Fl 34453 • • ,J,..f/r·\nn"nmPnt<;", l'lnrl ~Pttinac;:\ArriaaMX\T .ocal Se1tinQs\Temn\XP2:mwise\4E17392BB... 7/11/2011 Page 1 j • From: To: Date: Subject: jacqi beagan <[email protected]> <Rebecca. [email protected]. fl. us> 7/8/2011 8:15PM CPA/AAPD0-11-03 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM t.'1 DATE 1--19---11 Dear Commissioners, Please vote to approve the following application: Eden/New Horizon (CPA/AA-PD0-11-03). This development project represents a huge opportunity for our eco-tourism industry here in Citrus County!!!! This is an opportunity for new jobs in our area that are sorely needed, as avid RV'ers we know and understand the huge draw a RV Park like that has for travelers. Many of the 'big' coaches have no where in this area to park rigs that big; the closest is Rock Crusher and wouldn't we all like to have some of that action right here in Inverness. So we are asking you to please vote YES to approve Eden/New Horizon (CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 John and Jacqi Beagan • • JUL 12'11 7:40At1 Page 1 of 1 • ~~~.e~.~~.,~!:~,=~~~~~~.~in~ ~~~~~.~: ~o~izon (CPA/AA-PD0-11-03) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM C,~ DATE 1-{d--il 1."..;.~~~-l~ ...::.....ni1.~!.ii.""''~:.....::. ..~ ....~ ....'!;;l!'.,7t., •••>ol...;.......:?&:..O."W.l.~i.t!l.-¢.:;:~:;r,;z•.• ~J-..,,zs.::::N:,)t:t;..J..:.;j~~'Smwcr:r::.:'C:.:::::zre:t::11~~.,_~;.:.,-::,<;;:r.::~i:::::::::.v.::..;.c:;;:$.-s~·!t:;.':t:,~:;;;::x,.~:n,:::;z:~.::;;"?:!"':i-::L'f.Zc;~.:::i.w.::::::1~K~r:J.r.x::J3'Ji.:m:rr:. :tnt::.2l1::r£l From: To: Date: Subject: CC: "jim morton" <[email protected]> <[email protected]. us>, <[email protected]. us>, <Winn. We ... 7/9/2011 3:55PM Approving Eden/New Horizon (CPA/AA-PD0-11-03) <[email protected]>, "'jim morton'" <jwcentury@tampabay .rr .com> Honorable Commissioners: I would urge you to approve the above application. In my thirty five years as a developer, real estate broker and citizen of Citrus County I have never experienced anything even close to the economic crises of 2006- 2011. By approving this project you will have taken a positive step in helping bring jobs and a broader economic base to the County. • Mr. Eden's development is well conceived and has little to no impact on the infra structure to Citrus County. The age and economic capabilities of owners ofland in this park would be the kind of people that would make a very positive economic impact for Citrus County while not negatively impacting our schools, hospitals, or law enforcement resources. In my opinion, you should approve application CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 and commend Mr. Eden for his foresight in bringing such a good project to our community. Sincerely, Jim Morton • JUL i2'ii 7:40AN filp·f/f'·\nnr.nmf':nts l'md Settinqs\Arria2:MX\Local Settings\Temo\XPgrpwise\4E187A02B... 711112011 ~ • From: To: Date: Subject: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM 6'1 DATE 7~!d.-lt <[email protected]> <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <Winn.We ... 7/10/201111:01 PM Project CPA/AA-PD0-11-03 (ID:4A9FFFB10007FB41) Dear Commissioners, I respectfully ask that you consider the approval of the New Horizon Development by John Eden IV, project CPA/AA-PD0-11-03. We are hopeful that this project will fit well into the image of eco-tourism that is near and dear to every Citrus County resident's heart. I know that Mr. Eden is a responsible individual and a lifelong resident from a long line of residents who love Citrus County. I believe he will be concientious in his development of this property, keeping within the parameters of good development with a focus on environment and the best way to utilize this precious property. I hope that you will be cooperative and constructive in your consideration of Mr. Eden's project. To refuse a project without sound reason to do so, seems a terrible waste of the resources of this county's taxpayers, and I hope this will not be the case. Thank you in advance for your kind consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Mary C. Schlumberger Schlumberger Accounting Services Inc. Serving Citrus County since 1988 • Schlumberger Accounting Services Inc 6220 W Corporate Oaks Dr Crystal River, FL 34429 352-795-3691 352-795-3884 Fax *********************************************** IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein. *********************************************** • page 1J JUL i2'H 7:40AN Page 1 of 1 • Rebecca Bays - VOTE AGAINST the John Eden RV Resort/Rezoning! From: To: Date: Subject: Diana Holland <[email protected]> <[email protected]. US> 7/11/2011 10:15 PM VOTE AGAINST the John Eden RV Resort/Rezoning! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM C/l DATE 1--!:1-~! I Please take note, that like many of my neighbors along the highway 44 corridor, I am fervently against the change in zoning laws that would allow John Eden to build a large resort for Luxury Motor Coaches. This will have a negative impact on our economy driving down home prices and increasing our costs with the demands on road services and repairs, water and sewage, law enforcement etc. Please consider that this man, John Eden, has tried for this re-zoning previously. Once the zoning changes and he has the ability to sell lots, he does not have to stick to the prospectus--he has the ability to do almost anything he wants! He has a right to make a profit, but not at the expense of leaving those of us who chose Citrus County as a quieter gentler place to live holding the bag while he makes his get-away 40 million dollars ahead! Please VOTE AGAINST this RV rezoning. Thank you, • • Diana C. Holland JUL i2'i1 8:2?Af't • • • {CPA/AA-PD0-11-03) Eden/New Horizon Funding .. . . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM~ · '1 DATE 7 I z ·ll . . . .. • ·P·REMIER MOTOR COACH EC.O:+~~~{, . ... . RES 0 RT P ROJ ECT ··'*~;~~~;;~y·~i~·fi.r ,. ·· :·.:· · James A ... ~,_':: ;.; .. ; .: ~~~;C~r.Esq ....···. ·.·.· , · · for_··. . ·.. .; · John ·H. Eden IV, ··E.sq .• & New Horizon, Funding, Inc. Presentation to Citrus County BOCC J~ly 12) 2011 Page 1 of 4 • Rebecca Bays- Eden/New Horizon (CPA/AA-PD0-11-03) From: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM ~1 DATE 1 ~td- -I J "Pete Mullins" <[email protected]> To: "Pete Mullins" <lpete20 [email protected]> Date: 7/1112011 5:23PM Subject: Eden/New Horizon (CPA/AA-PD0-11-03) Dear Commissioners, Please vote to approve the following application: Eden/New Horizon (CPA/AAPD0-11-03). This development project represents a huge opportunity for our eco-tourism industry here in Citrus County!!!! Support from the business community and citizens has been overwhelming this time around!!!! In advance, your continuing support is appreciated ... • Yours truly, John H. Eden IV Details of our scaled down, ceo-friendly project follow below: • file://C:\Documents and Settings\ArriagMX\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4ElB319BB... 7/12/2011 Page 2 of4 • :: !,~!.MI•::·~:. 1 f•::::l '< f!.1:, ::! • • ') !"': :·.'~'""'" ·,.,,.,i: :·.~},,, EDEN/NEW HORIZON FUNDING, INC. (CPA/AA-PD0-11-03)- APPLICATION FOR COMP. PLAN & ATLAS AMENDMENT, WITH REQUEST FOR MASTER PLAN APPROVAL. THIS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SEEKS TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM COASTAL LAKES RESIDENTIAL TO RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEVELOPING THE 206 ACRE PARCEL ON HWY. 44 EAST INTO A 439 UNIT, LUXURY MOTOR COACH RESORT The subject land use application presents a tremendous opportunity to boost the failing economy in Citrus County by promoting our tourism trade. An economic study regarding the development of this proposed luxury motor coach resort determined that it could generate over Eight Million D?llars ($8,000,000.00) for local businesses annually and increase the county's tax base by approximately Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand ($750,000.00) annually. At the same time, the proposed d~~e!opment would. significantly benefit our lakes' environment by bringing central water and sewer fac1ht1es to that location. filp·//r·\nor 11 mPntc:: l'!nrl ~Pttinuc::\Arri~uMX\T .oe~l ~~ttinp-s\Temn\XPQ-rnwise\4R1 B319BB... 7/12/2011 Page 3 of4 f • Tourists p~y fuel ta~es, sal~s taxes, eat in local restaurants, shop in local stores, and otherwise enjoy the many tounst attractiOns which we have here in Citrus County. SUPPORT FROM THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZENS OF CITRUS COUNTY IS CRUCIAL FOR APPROVAL OF THIS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR CITRUS COUNTY'S NEXT GENERATION!!! PLEASE ATTEND THE BOCC MTG. 7/12/11@ 5PM. KEY TALKING POINTS REGARDING THE PROPOSED MOTOR COACH RESORT: 1. The 206 acre subject parcel was formerly a citrus grove and is located on Hwy. 44, 2 miles east of Inverness and is only 12 miles from 1-75. The R.V.lots will be centrally located and clustered within the open areas of the property with zero impact on neighboring wetlands and provide a totally protected, conservation buffer along the lake shoreline which can never be altered from its' current natural state. • 2. Proposed features of the resort include: 55+ active adult community, nine-hole executive golf course (artificial tees and greens), clubhouse/general store, pool, tennis courts, small dock, canoe launch and livery only (no power boat rentals or launching will be permitted), picnic areas, wildlife viewing areas, 439 bird nesting boxes, and hiking and bike trails . 3. R.V. lots will be sold and individually owned by the residents and will range in price from $75,000 to $150,000. Each lot will include a significant amenity package which might include rock gardens, waterfalls, outside kitchen, hot tub, and a small storage room not to exceed 60 square feet. 4. This type of development will have a very low impact on infrastructure and will be developed with the highest standards of quality construction, comparable to that of the Black Diamond Golf Community. 5. The master plan of approval clearly demonstrates the importance which this development places on conservation, environmental protection and preservation of existing hardwood hammocks, shorelines, wildlife habitat and wetlands. • 6. Owners are not allowed to be full time residents and can only stay at the resort for up to 6 months each year according to county regulations, however, the average stay in similar resorts is only 1 to 2 months. These tourists will simply visit Citrus County, spend their money with local restaurants and businesses, pay property, fuel and sales taxes, and pay usage fees for water and sewer service and then leave . file://C::\Document~ and SettimJ~\ArriagMX\Local Setting~\ Temn\XPgrnwise\4E 1B319BR... 7/12/2011 Page 4 of4 • 7. The county's comprehensive growth plan (comp. plan) allows for lands located in the coastal lakes districts (CL) to be rezoned and utilized as recreational vehicle parks upon approval ofthe appropriate application for same. Accordingly, the County's planning staff has deemed our application consistent with the comp. plan, meets concurrency requirements and recommends that the Commissioners approve development of the subject property as a luxury motor coach resort. 8. The development will be environmentally friendly and will preserve 50% of the property as "green space" for buffers, passive recreation and wetland preservation. The intensity of the proposed development is only 113 of what is permitted by the comp. plan for recreational vehicle parks in Citrus County. 9. Further, approval ofthe project will require that the natural hardwood buffer surrounding the property can NEVER be disturbed. This insures that the shoreline along the lake will always remain in its' natural state and that the resort will be completely secluded and not noticeably visible from Lake Spivey, Hwy. 44, or existing neighboring developments. • 10. Central water and sewer facilities to the site will be paid for at the developer's expense, NOT the taxpayers' expense. Further, these facilities will offer neighboring residents with the opportunity to take their water wells and septic tanks offline which are damaging our lakes . 11. Development of the property is anticipated to commence within one year of approval of the project. If you are truly concerned about the economic and environmental future of Citrus County, please support this [key commerce issue] by letting our county commissioners hear from you by showing your support no later than I 2:00p.m. on July 11, 2011. Be sure to reference the project as (CP A/AA-PD0-11-03) in your correspondence . • file://C:\Documents and Settings\ArriagMX\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4E1B319BB... 7/12/2011 Page 1 of 1 • Rebecca Bays- Eden/New Horizon (CPA/AA-PD0-11-03) From: To: Date: Subject: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEM c_,'l DATE 1· fd., \ 1 gwendolyn wimmer <[email protected]> <[email protected]. us>, <[email protected]. us>, <Winn. We ... 7/12/2011 9:50AM Eden/New Horizon (CPAIAA-PD0-11-03) Dear Commissioners, Please vote to approve the following application: Eden/New Horizon (CPA/AA-PD0-11-03). This development project represents a huge opportunity for our ecotourism industry here in Citrus County!!!! We need a shot in the ecomony Owners Gwendolyn Piazza and Robert Piazza @ The Krackershack cafe • JUL 12~ 1i i2:30Pri • file://C:\Documents and Settings\ArriagMX\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4E1C18C9B... 7112/2011
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