Economic Development Minutes: August 26, 2015
Economic Development Minutes: August 26, 2015
MINUTES EIGHTH MEETING OF 2015 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE The Economic Development Committee of the Whole met on Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 immediately following the County Council meeting at the Lanark County Municipal Office, 99 Christie Lake Road, Perth, Ontario. Members Present: Chair Councillor Bill Dobson, Warden K. Kerr, Councillors B. Stewart, J. Hall, S. McLaughlin, J. Torrance, K. Van Der Meer, J. Gemmell, E. McPherson, B. Campbell, R. Kidd, S. Mousseau, L. Antonakos, J. Flynn, A. Churchill and G. Code Staff/Others Present: K. Greaves, CAO L. Drynan, Deputy Clerk M. Kirkham, Planning Administrator M. White, Tourism Manager (left at 6:00 pm) J. Allen, Facilities Coordinator ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Chair: 1. Councillor Bill Dobson CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:12 p.m. A quorum was present. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None at this time. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION #ED-2015-92 MOVED BY: John Gemmell SECONDED BY: Brian Stewart "THAT, the minutes of the Economic Development Committee meeting held on June 24th, 2015 be approved as circulated." ADOPTED ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 1 of 47 4. ADDITIONS & APPROVAL OF AGENDA REMOVAL Under Delegations ii) Lanark County Tourism Association – Deferred Until September MOTION #ED-2015-93 MOVED BY: John Hall SECONDED BY: Gail Code “THAT, the agenda be adopted as amended.” ADOPTED 5. DELEGATIONS i) Tartan on a Barn Project Mary Stewart, The Running Goat/Perth Kilt Run Ms. Stewart gave a PowerPoint Presentation – attached page 15 ii) Andrews (Settler’s Point) Subdivision John Campbell Ms. Shirley Munro, on behalf of John Campbell addressed Council with respect to various concerns related to the Settler’s Point Subdivision – attached, page 19 Councillor S. Mousseau noted that all concerns have been addressed at Township level, including an opinion sought from OMAFRA. 6. PRESENTATIONS None 7. COMMUNICATIONS i) ii) iii) iv) Save the Date – Heritage Symposium Environment and Land Tribunals Ontario (OMB) – Town of Perth Appeal of County Official Plan Ontario Professional Planners Institute – Proposed Bill 73 Smart Growth for our Communities Act (2015) Resolution from the Township of Clearview – Provincial Planning Initiatives ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 2 of 47 v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) J.L. Richards – Town of Mississippi Mills Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Ministry of natural Resources and Forestry - Algonquin Land Claim FCM – Partners for Climate Protection Program – Full Document Available Upon Request MMAH – Potential Exemption from Ministry Approval (Official Plan Amendments) Township of North Frontenac – Industrial Wind Turbine Position Paper – Report Available Upon Request OHTO- “Nowhere” Campaign Rideau Valley Conservation Authority – July Watershed Briefs MOTION #ED-2015-94 MOVED BY: Gail Code SECONDED BY: Louis Antonakos “THAT, the Economic Development Committee recommend that County Council support the Resolution from the Township of Clearview – Provincial Planning Initiatives.” ADOPTED MOTION #ED-2015-95 MOVED BY: Aubrey Churchill SECONDED BY: Gail Code “THAT, the communications for the August Economic Development Committee meeting be received as information.” ADOPTED ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 3 of 47 8. CONSENT REPORTS MOTION #ED-2015-96 MOVED BY: Sharon Mousseau SECONDED BY: John Gemmell "THAT, the recommendations contained in the following Consent Reports for the August Economic Development Committee meeting be approved: Report #PD-20-2015 Planning Department Information Report Report #PD-26-2015 Status Report – King’s Creek Subdivision 09-T-15001 Report #PD-28-2015 Status Report – Taber Street Subdivision 09-T15003." ADOPTED 9. DISCUSSION REPORTS i) Report #PD-21-2015 Draft Approval – Settler’s Point Subdivision 09T-14002 Stantec Consultant, Dave Krajaefski This report is to recommend draft approval of a 25 lot single family residential plan of subdivision accessed by an internal street connecting to Richmond Road. D. Krajaefski noted that a letter was received from the Ministry of Natural Resources in regards to concerns with species at risk habitat. D. Krajaefski gave a PowerPoint presentation – attached, page 22 Steve Pentz of Novatech Engineering Consultants (Planner/Project Manager for the applicant) explained that his firm has spent a considerable amount of time with the adjacent landowner to address concerns with respect to the storm water management design, and approval has been received from the Township Engineer and RVCA. The intention is to continue to work with MNR with respect to their species at risk concerns. Ms. Shirley Munro, on behalf of John Campbell requested that draft approval be deferred to provide Mr. Campbell an opportunity to review the draft conditions. ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 4 of 47 M. Kirkham explained that the draft subdivision conditions would be circulated to members of Council, and information relating to the MDS (minimum distance separation) and MNR concerns would be addressed in advance of Council approval on September 9th. MOTION #ED-2015-97 MOVED BY: Sharon Mousseau SECONDED BY: Gail Code "THAT, the Economic Development Committee recommend that application for draft plan of subdivision in the Township of Beckwith, Settler's Point Subdivision File No. 09-T-14002, be given draft approval and the draft plan be subject to the conditions and notes recommended by the County Planning Consultant in his Technical Report, attached as Attachments "A" and "B" as revised; AND THAT, draft approval applies to lands described as Part of Lot 23 Concession 4 Township of Beckwith, comprising of Lots 1 to 25, Blocks 26 to 29 and Street A (to be named); AND THAT, draft approval be granted for a period of three (3) years, after which, if the plan has not been registered, this approval shall lapse." ADOPTED Committee recessed at 6:10 pm Committee reconvened at 6:15 pm ii) Report #PD-22-2015 Draft Approval – Brigil Condominium Exemption 09-CD-15001 Planning Administrator, Mary Kirkham This report is to recommend draft approval of a condominium exemption consisting of three (3) Blocks (with a total of 48residential units), together with 73 parking spaces. The condominium exemption will allow a plan of condominium description to be registered on title without undergoing the normal Planning Act requirements for obtaining draft plan approval. Block 107 of Registered Plan 27M-41 was created by a plan of subdivision with the intent to be used for multiple residential development. ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 5 of 47 MOTION #ED-2015-98 MOVED BY: Brian Stewart SECONDED BY: Klaas Van Der Meer "THAT, the Economic Development Committee recommend to County Council that application for Condominium Exemption in the Town of Carleton Place, numbered 09-CD-15001 Brigil Condominium Exemption, be given draft approval, subject to the conditions recommended by the County Planning Consultant in his Technical Report, attached as Attachment "A"; iii) AND THAT, draft approval be granted for a period of three (3) years, after which, if the plan has not been registered, this approval shall lapse." ADOPTED Report #PD-23-2015 Tay Valley Official Plan Five-Year Review Stantec Consultant, Dave Krajaefski The purpose of this report is to recommend approval of the Tay Valley Official Plan Amendment #4 (Five-Year Review) File No. 0911OP-14005. Mr. Krajaefski gave a PowerPoint Presentation – attached page 28 MOTION #ED-2015-99 MOVED BY: Keith Kerr SECONDED BY: Brian Campbell "THAT, the Economic Development Committee recommend that Lanark County Council approve the Tay Valley Township Official Plan Amendment #4 adopted by the Council of the Corporation of Tay Valley Township by By-law No. 2014-039, dated September 23, 2014, subject to the modifications as recommended in the Technical Report prepared by Stantec Consulting, attached as Attachment "A" to this report." ADOPTED ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 6 of 47 iv) Report #PD-24-2015 Draft Approval – Powell Subdivision 09-T-14001 Jp2g Consultant, Kevin Mooder This report is to recommend draft plan approval of a 47-unit subdivision and two (2) Blocks for pathways accessed by an internal street connecting 9th Line Beckwith to 10th Line Beckwith. The draft plan is to be developed in two phases - Phase 1 consisting of Lots 1 to 25 and Block 48, Phase 2 consisting of Lots 26 to 47 and Block 49. Mr. Mooder gave a PowerPoint Presentation – attached page 33 MOTION #ED-2015-100 MOVED BY: John Gemmell SECONDED BY: Sharon Mousseau "THAT, the Economic Development Committee recommend that application for draft plan of subdivision in the Township of Beckwith, Powell Subdivision 09-T-14001, be given draft approval and the draft plan be subject to the conditions and notes as recommended by the County Planning Consultant in his Technical Report, attached as Attachments "A" and "B"; AND THAT, draft plan approval applies to Part NE 1/2 Lot 9 Concession 9 Township of Beckwith comprising of 47 lots for single residential development, two (2) Blocks for pathways and a single street; AND THAT, draft plan approval be granted for a period of three (3) years, after which, if the plan has not been registered, this approval shall lapse." ADOPTED v) Report #PD-25-2015 Draft Approval – Miller’s Crossing Subdivision 09-T-14003 Jp2g Consultant, Kevin Mooder The report is to recommend draft plan approval of a 282-unit subdivision accessed by internal streets connecting to McNeely Ave South. Mr. Mooder gave a PowerPoint Presentation – attached page 38 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 7 of 47 MOTION #ED-2015-101 MOVED BY: John Gemmell SECONDED BY: Gail Code "THAT, the Economic Development Committee recommend that application for draft plan of subdivision in the Town of Carleton Place, Miller's Crossing Subdivision 09-T-14003 be given draft approval and the draft plan be subject to the conditions and notes recommended by the County Planning Consultant in his Technical Report, attached as Attachments "A" and "B"; AND THAT, draft approval applies to Part SW 1/4 Lot 16 Con 10 Beckwith, being Part 1 on Plan 27R-9496, now in the Town of Carleton Place, comprising of 106 lots single family residential units, 7 Blocks for multiple dwelling units, 2 Apartment Block, 1 Block for Stormwater Management, 4 Blocks for Park/Open Space and 8 internal streets; AND THAT, draft approval be granted for a period of three (3) years, after which, if the plan has not been registered, this approval shall lapse." ADOPTED vi) Report #PD-27-2015 Extension Request – 4-Seasons Subdivision 09T-08001 Planning Administrator, Mary Kirkham The purpose of this report is to recommend approval of a request from 4-Seasons Investment Inc. (Claremont) for a one year extension of draft plan approval for Rideau Bluffs Subdivision File No. 09-T-08001. MOTION #ED-2015-102 MOVED BY: Keith Kerr SECONDED BY: Brian Stewart "THAT, the request from 4-Seasons Investment Inc. (Claremont) for a one year extension of draft plan approval for Rideau Bluffs Subdivision File No. 09-T-08001, for lands described as Part of Lots 7 and 8 Con 5 geographic Township of North Burgess, now in Tay Valley Township, be approved." ADOPTED ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 8 of 47 vii) Report #PW-29-2015 August 18, 2015, Tender Results: Community Forest Hardwood Timber Harvest, Part Lot 3, Concessions 10 and 11 (Thorne Community Forest), Geographic Township of Dalhousie Facilities Coordinator, Jonathon Allen The purpose of this Report is to recommend the awarding of the Community Forest Hardwood Timber Harvest Contract. MOTION #ED-2015-103 MOVED BY: Brian Campbell SECONDED BY: Shaun McLaughlin "THAT, Contract #PW-F-51-2015-17-E0, Community Forest Hardwood Timber Harvest, Part Lot 3, Concessions 10 and 11 (Thorne Community Forest), Geographic Township of Dalhousie, be awarded to the highest compliant Bidder, Wheelers Maple Products, for $16,123.95 (plus HST)." ADOPTED viii) Report #PW-30-2015 August 18, 2015 Tender Results: Community Forest Maple Sugar Bush Tapping Rental, Part Lot 3, Concessions 10 and 11 (Thorne Community Forest), Geographic Township of Dalhousie Facilities Coordinator, Jonathon Allen The purpose of this Report is to recommend the award of the Community Forest Maple Sugar Bush Tapping Rental for a ten (10) year term with an additional two (2) additional five (5) year options, for a total of twenty (20) years. MOTION #ED-2015-104 MOVED BY: John Hall SECONDED BY: Brian Stewart "THAT, Contract #PW-F-56-2015-25-E2, Community Forest Maple Sugar Bush Tapping Rental, Part Lot 3, Concessions 10 and 11 (Thorne Community Forest), Geographic Township of Dalhousie, be awarded to the highest compliant Bidder, Wheelers Maple Products, in the amount of $71,400 (plus HST)." ADOPTED ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 9 of 47 ix) Report #C-03-2015 Request for Proposal: Planning Department Work Flow Optimization Review Deputy Clerk, Leslie Drynan The purpose of this report is to seek Economic Development Committee authorization to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Planning Department Work Flow Optimization Review. Ms. Drynan gave a PowerPoint Presentation – attached page 43 MOTION #ED-2015-105 MOVED BY: Klaas Van Der Meer SECONDED BY: Louis Antonakos "THAT, the Chair of Economic Development and one additional member of Council be included in the RFP Evaluation Team.” DEFEATED MOTION #ED-2015-106 MOVED BY: Richard Kidd SECONDED BY: Louis Antonakos "THAT, the Chair of Economic Development be included in the RFP Evaluation Team.” ADOPTED Direction was provided to staff to change the November 11th Committee meeting date to November 16th. MOTION #ED-2015-107 MOVED BY: John Gemmell SECONDED BY: Jerry Flynn "THAT, the Economic Development Committee recommend that County Council authorize staff to issue a Request for Proposal for a Planning Department Work Flow Optimization Review." ADOPTED ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 10 of 47 x) Report #CAO-23-2015 Trailhead for Glen Tay Trail (2) Chief Administrative Officer, Kurt Greaves The purpose of this report is to update Council on the offer of property to Lanark County from OMYA Canada Inc. MOTION #ED-2015-108 MOVED BY: Brian Campbell SECONDED BY: Brian Stewart “THAT, the Economic Development Committee recommend to County Council that Lanark County accept the donation of land from OMYA Canada Inc.; AND THAT, the Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the County of Lanark, legal documents as required, to complete the transfer of land; AND THAT, a thank you letter and charitable donation for the value of the property be sent to OMYA Canada Inc.” ADOPTED xi) Report #CAO-25-2015 Economic Development Overview/Valley Heartland Requests Chief Administrative Officer, Kurt Greaves The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of Economic Development within Lanark County, including terms of the service contract with Valley Heartland Community Futures Development Corporation; and review a request from Valley Heartland with respect to an Economic Development Strategic Plan. MOTION #ED-2015-109 MOVED BY: Richard Kidd SECONDED BY: Aubrey Churchill “THAT, Report #CAO-25-2015, Economic Development Overview/Valley Heartland Request, be received as information; AND THAT, Valley Heartland be invited to present a detailed 2016 budget request at the September 23rd, 2015 Lanark County Economic Development Committee Meeting.” ADOPTED ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 11 of 47 10. DEFERRED REPORTS None 11. VERBAL REPORTS i) Report of the Valley Heartland Community Futures Development Corporation Councillor, Jane Torrance No Report. ii) Report of the Lanark County Municipal Trails Corporation (LCMTC) Councillor, Jerry Flynn J. Flynn provided an overview of the meeting held on August 5th, 2015. MOTION #ED-2015-110 MOVED BY: Brian Stewart SECONDED BY: Keith Kerr “THAT, the Report of the Lanark County Municipal Trails Corporation (LCMTC) be received as information.” ADOPTED iii) Report of the Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance (EOTA) Councillor, Brian Stewart No Report. iv) Report of the Mazinaw-Lanark Forest Management Councillor, John Hall No Report. v) Report of the Algonquin Land Claim Negotiating Committee Councillor, Shaun McLaughlin No Report. ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 12 of 47 vi) CP/OVR Update Warden Keith Kerr No Report. vii) Community Forest Working Group Update Councillors, Richard Kidd and/or Shaun McLaughlin No Report. xii) Rideau Corridor Landscape Strategy Councillor Brian Campbell No Report. 12. CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS None 13. NEW/OTHER BUSINESS None 14. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. on motion by Councillors G. Code and B. Stewart. ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 13 of 47 DELEGATIONS ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 14 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 15 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 16 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 17 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 18 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 19 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 20 of 47 REPORTS ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 21 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 22 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 23 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 24 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 25 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 26 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 27 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 28 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 29 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 30 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 31 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 32 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 33 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 34 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 35 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 36 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 37 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 38 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 39 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 40 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 41 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 42 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 43 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 44 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 45 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 46 of 47 ED Minutes – August 26th, 2015 47 of 47