Creating the conditions for South LA parents to be all of
Creating the conditions for South LA parents to be all of
Creating the conditions for South LA parents to be all of who they are #SouthLAParentLove Leaders. Critical thinkers. Strategists. Community builders. Facilitators. Healers. Organizers. Visionaries. Unifiers. Making changes in South LA schools since 2001 15 YEARS of #SouthLAParentLove Our mission is to solidify and advance parent leadership to ensure that all children are rightfully educated regardless of where they live. CADRE supports parents in their development as: LEADERS & CRITICAL THINKERS FACILITATORS & HEALERS Parents advocate as a family; set goals; reflect and self-analyze; think critically; secure resources and services; and communicate between home and school. Parents build interpersonal skills in talking circles and work together as organizational decision-makers in committees of parents across cultural, generational, life experience, and language lines. VISIONARIES & UNIFIERS ORGANIZERS & STRATEGISTS Parents learn about: the public education and school systems; the histories and dynamics of their neighborhoods; human rights; social change; children and communitycentered education reform; policy advocacy; negotiation and advocacy; planning and evaluation; and alliance building. Parents engage school officials, decisionmakers, community leaders, the media, and the broader public around problems and solutions in their children’s schools; get others involved; develop parent analysis and policy recommendations for school reform; and monitor school policy implementation. We believe every parent or caregiver in South LA is a valuable asset of the community and is capable of being a leader and full participant in the movement for social and racial justice. Show your #SouthLAParentLove by becoming a donor/sponsor @ CADRE (Community Asset Development Redefining Education) is a community-based parent membership organization in South Los Angeles. CADRE works for systemic change by supporting parents in redefining their roles at schools and as leaders in stopping the pushout crisis in South LA. Mon – Fri, 10am – 6pm 8410 South Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90003 323.752.9997 Phone 323.752.9993 fax Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook: CADREparentpower Twitter: @CADREparents Instagram: cadreparents I ’ ll be there 15Anniversary Celebration & Spring Fundraiser th THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 | NATE HOLDEN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Contact Felicia Jones for more information | [email protected] | 323-752-9997 x324 | SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS WHAT: CADRE 15th Anniversary Celebration & Spring Fundraiser WHO: CADRE is a community-based, parent membership organization in South Los Angeles founded in 2001 to develop parents as advocates and community leaders. WHEN: Thursday, April 21st, 6–9:30 pm LOCATION: Nate Holden Performing Arts Center, 4718 West Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, 90016 TARGET ATTENDANCE: 350 EVENT PROGRAM: Reception, Award Ceremony, Live Band and Celebrity Artist EVENT PROCEEDS: • Provide low-income parents/caregivers with a parent center and independent space to develop as leaders • Provide parents with wellness sessions through programs such as yoga, meditation, and healthy cooking • Provide meals and childcare for parents and children during weekly meetings • Help transport parents and families to and from meetings and events • Cover the cost for translation and interpretation services that allows monolingual parents to communicate with each other • Allow staff to spend a portion of their time providing advocacy support when parents need help at their school sites ADDITIONAL SPONSOR BENEFITS: • Corporate and community responsibility • Networkingopportunity • Brand awareness and recognition • Tax deduction • Social media exposure EVENT & ADVERTISING SPONSORSHIP FORM SPONSORSHIP LEVELS All sponsors will be recognized in print, online, and onstage South LA Parent Organizer $7,500 - 10 tickets (premier seating), full-page ad on program inside back cover South LA Parent Ally $5,000 - 10 tickets (reserved seating), full-page ad South LA Parent Advocate $2,500 - 5 tickets, full-page ad South LA Parent Champion $1,000 - 5 tickets, half-page ad PROGAM BOOK ADS Please email your BLACK AND WHITE ad (pdf, ai, eps, indd, jpg, docx, pub, min. 300 ppi) or logo and ad copy to [email protected] by Thursday, March 31st. Full Page (7"w x 10"h, add 0.125" on each side for bleeds) - $700 Half Page (7"w x 5"h) - $450 Quarter Page (3.5"w x 5"h) - $250 Business Card (3.5"w x 2.5"h) - $150 TICKETS: $75 EACH I/We would like to purchase ticket(s) at $75 each = I/We would like to purchase ad(s) at $ = I/We would like to sponsor the event at the level for I/We wish to support with a contribution of I/We wish to donate ticket(s) at $75 each x = CADRE Federal Tax ID: 26-4753821. Fair Market Value (FMV) $20/ticket. TOTAL: $ $ $ $ $ $ PAYMENT INFORMATION Please mail, fax, or email this form and payment by MARCH 31st to: 8410 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90003 / Fax: 323.752.9993 / [email protected] Tickets, ads, and sponsorships may also be purchased online at For more information, please contact Felicia Jones at 323.752.9997 ext. 324 or [email protected]. Name/Organization/Company: Address: City: State: Phone: Email: Zip: Please make check payable to CADRE, or provide your credit card information below (fill out address if different from above). Visa/MC/Amex: Exp: Name on Card: Signature: CVV: Address: City: State: Zip: 15THAnniversaryCelebrationApril21,2016 SponsorshipOpportunities Title Sponsor $20,000 • Namingrightsduringtheevent • • Negotiationofpromotionalopportunitiesandcompany visibilitydayoftheeventandatleastoneyearbeyond. Speakingroleduringtheevent • ProgramAdplacement • Logoandnameplacementonpreandpostevent publicityduringeventprogramsincluding: Printedannouncementandinvitations Pre-eventelectronicannouncementsand promotions EventpageonCADREwebsite SocialMediarecognition–Facebook,Twitter,Instagram EventDisplaysandSignage • Photoopportunitywithhonoreesandotherdignitaries. • 15thAnniversaryCommemorativePhoto • ComplimentaryTickets(TheaterStyleSeating) IndividualTicket:$75 SouthLAParent Advocate $2500 SouthLAParent Champion $1000 P LogoonCover& Back;FullPage FullPageInside Front FullPage FullPage HalfPage P P FullPageInside Back P P P P P P P P P P SouthLAChangeMaker $10,000 SouthLAParent Organizer $7500 SouthParentAlly $5000 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 10premier 10premier 10reserved 10reserved 5reserved 5reserved TH 15 AnniversaryCelebrationApril21,2016 ProgramBookAd AdSize Dimensions Amount FullPage 7”wx10”h $700.00 PleaseemailyourBLACKANDWHITEAD HalfPage 7”wx5”h $450.00 (pdf,ai,eps,indd,jpg,dox,pub,min300ppi) QuarterPage 3.5”wx5”h $250.00 orlogoandadcopyto $150.00 [email protected],March31st. BusinessCard 3.5”wx5”h Add0.125”oneachsideforbleeds