Evaluation Question


Evaluation Question
Electric Wizard - Satanic Rites of Drugula
Narrative Themes
This video had a lot of themes that we had in our video, here the
narrative themes are occult ritual, witches and a bad trip. Here is
what we did as the ringleader walking through a dark
passageway, to add more of an suspense and a questionable feel.
The other music video does the same thing so this video links in
well with what we have done. Both of the themes throughout the
videos are based mainly on occult rituals, using the same
narrative themes both videos create the same kind of feeling.
Also side by side the videos are very similar, in the ways that
occult rituals are and down to the same props that an occult
ritual would include in narrative themes.
The performances are both done in an artistic and colourful way,
both of them use bright colours to create more of a trippy kind of
look while the performer is performing. We used spiral
kaleidoscope type effects throughout our video, as in the other
one uses more of a galaxy and other bright colour effects. The
performance is very similar, as every time it cuts to a
performance shot the colours change alongside it creating the
patterns. The style of performance is the same as doom metal
have a very over the top style of playing, rather than it be boring
and them just standing there. This emphasizes the music and
makes you really get into the video a lot more.
The representation in both videos are a dark side to occult
rituals, here the side by side shots show how similar the
approaches to do this was. We wanted to represent the bad side
of an occult ritual and the other music video did this also, both
representing a complicated and confusing narrative to do this.
We wanted a journey to be followed within this, as the other
video does this and represents how complicated this can be if
you don't know the concepts of what is going on. Also being
shown is the colours, the colours help follow the narrative to
create the bad trip within the story.
Rob Zombie - Dragula
The instruments are very much what a typical metal band would
have, the bass, guitar and drums but we didn't feature them in as
they did not look or flow with the video very well. Both of these
videos contain of a layover or in our case we used a projector,
this is what creates a trippy effect. The instruments were a key
convention to our video, as they are want made our band a band,
also they were all played stood up. This allowed for a more lively
performance to got with the video, doing this it kept up with the
beat of the song but also fitted in well. The instruments were
used very much as a prop to us, as this made everything in the
performance more interesting.
Mise-En-Scene and Colour
The mise-en-scene and colour are a key part to our video, this is
what created the trippy effects and lets people know what are
theme is. The colours use is very bright but when it can be it is
dark, toning down things so it can all link and work. Here the
prop has been used to describe the song, cleverly playing on the
words of the song. The colour is also used to show feeling like
anger and confusion, this makes the video have more feeling and
a trippy effect to make it confusing. The mise-en-scene was
cleverly used to set the scene and show clearly what is going on,
doing that led the narrative on.
Star Image
The star image is a very chilled out psychedelic image, with a
trippy kind of feel. The star in both of these videos are highly
edited to create that psychedelic look, this fits into the genre of
how they should come across. The star has there own way of
singing, one more aggressive but in outs a trippy drunk look, this
fits in with the style of our video and creates that vibe that we
wanted. The star we didn't wanted to make that the main focus as
it could take attention away from our narrative, we added in the
star when we thought it was appropriate. But we overlaid it to
make it look more trippy, this kept the star in link with the
Orange Goblin - Sabbath Hex
The camera is very much low angles, some following shots and a lot of
steady shots but also zoom ins. This creates that trippy look to the video,
also that overpowering look with the low angles creating that authority
of who is the leader in the group. The establishing shots show what is
going on in the video at that time, setting the scene but also the consution
in places. The fact that the camera follows the leader in some shots show
that there is more to see in what is going on, also in the close ups of
important things, shows the cultural significance in that item. These
shots also allow the genre to show that this is doom metal, also that this
is an occult ritual. The camera does a lot of work to show off the style of
the video, also the things going on.
Narrative Features
The narrative feature are very much the cultural themes, the occult
ritual is the feature going on. All the iconography is used to show what
the features in the narrative are like the ouija board showing that it is a
ritual. Also the fire and smoke being very iconic layering over a lot of
the narrative clips, to add that occult feel and trippy effect. Using the
narrative features that is what identified theses videos together, by
using similar effects and things like the fire to layer over. This makes
the videos very similar to each other, also this creates a stronger
contrast between the videos showing they are from the same style and
The edit is very much overlays the kaleidoscopic effects is what creates
that trippy effect in our video and in this one. That is what makes the
videos link together with strong effects in layer overs they both also
used fire, that fits in well with the genre. The edit also features very
over the top cloning look, with the same video over but edited
differently, this creates that trippy look like we did with other things
like fire and smoke. The kaleidoscopic effect is what makes the video
harder to read places, creating that confusion on what it is you are
looking at.