San Bernardino - Loma Linda Crossroads Rotary


San Bernardino - Loma Linda Crossroads Rotary
San Bernardino - Loma Linda
Crossroads Rotary
Visit Our Website: Editor: Art Gallardo
Rotary Meets
Crossroads Rotary meets on Wednesdays:
San Bernardino Public Golf Club
1494 South Waterman Ave.
San Bernardino, CA 92408
Buffet lunch is served at 12:10 p.m.,
followed by meeting at 12:30 p.m.
Board Members
Art Gallardo, President
[email protected]
Doug Herrmann, President Elect
[email protected]
Terry Davis, Immediate Past President
[email protected]
Stan Sewell, Executive Secretary (Mentor),
[email protected]
Herb Shand, Secretary
[email protected]
Barry Lowenstein, Treasurer
[email protected]
Manzoor Massey, Governor Elect &
Membership: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Crossroads Rotary
Avenues of Service
The Rotary Foundation – Bryan Hartnell
Membership – Manzoor Massey (Mentor)
Club Service – Connie Threlkel
Community Service – Doug Herrmann
International Service – Bill Heisler
Vocational Service – Ben Hartnell
Youth Service – Bernice Lowentein
Public Relations/Image – Mel Upp
San Bernardino / Loma Linda Crossroads
Rotary Board meeting on Wednesday,
September 7, 2016, at 11:00 A.M., please join us
at the Crossroads Rotary Board meeting.
President's Message:
Crossroads Rotarians,
Please join Crossroads Rotary on Wednesday to
hear and participate in our District’s Rotary
Foundation! Daniel Goodrich, Rotary District
5330 Foundation Chair, is our featured guest
Programs and Club Events
for August 2016
August 24, 2016: Daniel
Goodrich, Rotary District 5330
Foundation Chair, will present on
the District’s Rotary Foundation!
In 2016-17, our Rotary Foundation turns 100!
That’s a century of Rotary members changing lives
and improving communities all over the world.
And that’s definitely something worth celebrating!
Through our Foundation, Rotary members have
supported thousands of projects to provide clean
water, fight disease, promote peace, provide basic
education, and grow local economies. We’ve also
been a leader in the fight to eradicate polio
worldwide, go Rotary!
The centennial is the perfect time to share this
impressive record with the world. Join us in
making sure that every Rotary member and people
in every community know about the vital work of
Rotary and its Foundation.
Please consider your personal pledge to
Crossroads Rotary’s Foundation and the
opportunity to improve communities all over our
Once again, I appreciate all of you and I look
forward to seeing you at Crossroads Rotary!
August 31, 2016: Heidi Mayer,
Executive Director of YouthHope,
will present on Runaway and
Homeless Youth of Redlands,
Loma Linda, Yucaipa and the
surrounding IE!
September’s Programs:
Dr. Bill Heisler and Dr. Gary
Kerstetter, will arrange for
September’s Programs!
September 10, 2016: Crossroads
Rotary Volunteers at YouthHope’s
“A Day in the Park Car Show”!
September 25, 2016: Crossroads
Rotary Volunteers at Helping
Hands Pantry at 9:00 – 10:00
Please read the announcement on our District’s
Rotary Leadership Institute. Please let me know if
you are interested in attending; and I will register
your attendance!
Crossroads Rotary’s Meeting on Wednesday, August 17, 2016 Cheryl Donahue, Crossroads Member, spoke on “Lanes and Trains”!
Burt Clark, Crossroads Member and S2 Community Director, receives a $1,500.00 check from
Crossroads Rotary for S2’s Local Community Work!
Rotary Leadership Institute
At Ortega High School
District 5330 RLI PART I, PART II, and PART III Training Sessions has had great responses with over 100 of our
Rotarians graduating having completed all three PARTS. Approximately 50% of New Members quit Rotary before three
years. It is recommended that New Members participate in the Rotary Leadership Institute to gain knowledge of the full
scope of Rotary, and what a premier service organization they have joined. Thanks to our participants, facilitators and
support staff, the training is well received. Some of the comments received on what the participants liked, included:
• “The diversity of experience. The info was great!”
• “I enjoyed hearing other clubs’ approaches to programs and membership. Also liked meeting district leaders.”
• “Lots of information, well organized and motivated speakers.”
• “The info, the sharing, the whole thing in general.”
• “Variety of speakers. Explanation of foundation. Breakdown and leadership structure.”
• “Good teachers. Very interactive.”
• “Enjoyable speakers – they knew their stuff.”
• “Good delivery, held peoples’ interest.”
• “Everything.”
• “Participation by the attendees.”
There will be PART I, PART II, and PART III sessions on Saturday, September 10 at the Ortega High School Conference
Room, 520 Chaney St., Lake Elsinore. Each of these PARTS will have a maximum of 15 participants. The smaller class
size is imperative to maintain the necessary interaction among the attendees. We will find space for all interested Rotarians.
PART I must be completed before moving on to PART II and PART II completed before PART III.
Cost for the session will remain at $25 per attendee. This covers the materials, cost of facilities and food for continental
breakfast beginning at 8:00am, and lunch. The cost is being kept low to cover expenses without putting an unreasonable
burden on our Rotarians and their clubs.
PART I classes cover “Insights Into Leadership”, “My Rotary World”, “Engaging Members”, “Our Foundation”, “EthicsVocational Service”, and “Service Projects”. There is a different facilitator for each class. Each of the six classes in this first
session is about 50 minutes in length. Classes are interactive with a minimum of lecture time.
PART II classes are “Strategic Planning and Analysis”, “Targeted Service”, “Club Communication”, “Team Building”, and
“Attracting Members”. These classes build on PART I with additional work on the essential skills for having an effective club,
practical mechanics of building a service project, and how to attract and retain new members through shared values and
commitment. We have added small group discussions for more sharing among the participants.
PART III classes are “International Service”; “Effective Leadership Strategies”; “Rotary Opportunities”; “Public Image & Public
Relations”; “Rotarians, Vocational Service and Expectations”; and “Making a Difference”. These classes build on PARTS I &
II and focus on “My Rotary Journey” to help build communities around the world, explore the many opportunities available
with Rotary, identify opportunities to promote the image of your club and Rotary, support meaningful vocational activities, and
to help improve the path for others to follow.
We are extremely excited about the interest in this program. Rotary Leadership Institute prepares Rotarians for roles as Club
Presidents, Committee Chairs, enhanced Club and District Leadership Roles. We have combined with five other districts to
offer these classes. In this approach, RLI for our area is Southern California-Nevada Rotary Leadership Institute, much like
PETS (President-Elect Training) encompasses Southern California and Nevada.
It is an honor to be selected to attend RLI, as it is a mini-PETS (President Elect Training Seminar) , and exposes your
members to additional learning that leads to stronger clubs. Presidents please select at least one member or more, perhaps
your president for 2017-18 or 2018-19, your vice president, or New Members to attend this next session.
New and Veteran Members….you can register on your own!
Register today on Hit the “CALENDAR” tab, fill in your info, and in the “COMMENT” section write
PART I, II, or III; and September 10, 2016. A check for $25/participant must be received by September 2. After
September 2 the cost is $35/participant.
Send the check made out to “District 5330 Rotary” to:
PDG Richard Dell’Acqua, 59320 Tunnel Spring Road, Mountain Center, CA 92561.
Your check will confirm your registration. Without a check you will not be registered. If you register online but are a “no-show”
you will be billed $35 by the District Treasurer. There will be no registration at the door on September 10.
For more information, please contact:
PDG Rudy Westervelt, RLI Co-Chair [email protected] (909) 563-8700
PDG Rich Dell’Acqua, RLI Co-Chair [email protected] (951) 719-7945
Visit our website for more information. Don’t forget to RSVP your training dates by using the