Nov/Dec 2010 - Chrysler Restorers Club of Australia


Nov/Dec 2010 - Chrysler Restorers Club of Australia
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
Number 191
November / December 2010
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
Wormald Canvas
For Canvas Goods & Repairs
All Canvas Products & Repairs
Caravan Annexes
Boat Covers
Shade Cloth Fabrication
Ute Tonneau Covers
Camper Trailers
Trailer Covers
Tents & Swags
4-6 Archimedes Place
Golden Grove SA 5125
Ph (08) 8288 7788
Delway Australia
Newley Auto Painters
Restoration and repairs of brass and steel
parts. Manufacture of brass and steel
custom made items. Complete range of
metal finishing services.
Metal polishing
Chrome plating
25 Furness Avenue, Edwardstown 5039
Ph 8276 6322 a/h 8298 2586
Powder coating
Metal spinning
Gold plating
Grit blasting, industrial, automotive, bike
frames and coatings
Supply of brass, steel and stainless steel
extrusions. Repair, restore and rejuvenate.
30 Conmurra Avenue, Edwardstown SA 5039
[email protected]
Ph (08) 8277 0603 Fax
(08) 8374 1359
Four Hour
Printing Services
HardChrome Services Pty Ltd
Unit 1, 135 Mooringe Avenue
Camden Park 5038
2 Bowen Street, Kensington 5068
Ph 8332 3377 fax 8364 0984
Email [email protected]
Ph 8295 2822 fax 8294 2665
Reconditioning of car and motorcycle
General Printers:
Business cards
Invoices / Statements Newsletters
Office stationery
Flash chroming, cylindrical grinding,
internal grinding and recovery of worn
components such as crankshafts,
kingpins, gudgeon pins etc
For all your printing needs contact
John Davis
High quality work to fine tolerances.
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
The Chrysler Restorers Club of Australia,
South Australia Inc.
Established in 1980, catering for the following vehicles:
Dodge * Plymouth * De Soto * Chrysler * Imperial * Maxwell * Fargo * Graham Brothers * Valiant
Postal Address
PO Box 667, Plympton SA 5038
Meetings are held at the Combined Car Clubs (Triple C) Club rooms, Glandore Community Centre, Clark Avenue,
Glandore at 7:45 pm on the second Wednesday of each month, except January. Entry to club rooms is through the
car park. Visitors and guests are welcome. Please bring supper to share.
Metro single $30.00 - Metro family $35.00 - Country single $20.00 - Country family $25.00
Fee is for a calendar year. Membership ceases if not renewed by 31 March of following year.
Club Officers
Lindsay Gibb, 22 Lorraine Avenue, Para Vista 5093.................................... .........8263 5416
Cathy Woods, 4 Peter Place, Campbelltown 5074 ..................................... .... ah 8165 3971
Graham McRae, 26 Fisk Avenue, Glengowrie 5044..................................... .... ah 8295 2615
Ross Fleming, 1 Good Street, Fulham 5024 ................................................ .........8356 9391
Alan Driver, 6 Hastings Road, Brighton SA 5048 .................................... .... ah 8298 1194
Richard Tapp, 17 Simpson Parade, Goodwood 5034 .................................. .... ah 8271 6961
Bob Haywood, 2 Rosemary Street, Woodville West 5011 ........................... .........8268 3508
Stephen Tyler, 4 Munster Street, Windsor Gardens 5087 ............................. .... ah 8261 7971
Assistant Librarian:
Kevin Williams, 19 Wyndham Crescent, Surrey Downs 5126 ..................... .... ah 8251 3240
Technical Liaison:
Graham Bailey, 41 Reservoir Road, Hope Valley 5090................................ .........8264 2261
Public Relations:
Lorraine Beythien, 6 Manley Cct, West Lakes Shore 5020 ...0409 096 070 .........8449 8905
Runs Coordinator:
Brenton Gibb, 18 Caroona Avenue, Para Hills 5096..................................... .........8263 2908
M/ship Vehicle Records: Judy Hart, 55 Hallett Avenue, Tranmere 5073 ............................................ .........8337 7887
Historic Vehicle
Chris Howes, 4 Peter Place, Campbelltown 5074 ...................................... .... ah 8165 3971
Cathy Woods, 4 Peter Place, Campbelltown 5074 ..................................... .... ah 8165 3971
Greg Lind, 56 Currawong Crescent, Modbury Heights 5094 ....................... .... ah 8263 6998
Jenette Black, 41 Reservoir Road, Hope Valley 5090 .................................. .........8264 2261
Ian Whittaker, 1 Brendan Street, Christies Downs 5164............................... .........8384 3001
Federation Rep:
Graham McRae, 26 Fisk Avenue, Glengowrie 5044..................................... .... ah 8295 2615
Combined Car Clubs Rep: Ken Barnes, 21 East Avenue, Millswood 5034............................................. .........8293 7923
....................................................................................................................... ..........................
Brian Miles, 40 Kym Street, Port Noarlunga 5167 ...................................... .........8327 1933
Assessors: Central:
Garry Williams, 11A Wisdom Street, Seaton 5023...................................... .... ah 8353 0027
Kevin Williams, 19 Wyndham Crescent, Surrey Downs 5126 ..................... .... ah 8251 3240
Jeffrey Knowles, 7 Stanley Street, Hillbank 5112........................................ .... ah 8255 8671
Public Officer:
Barry Maslin, 13 Walthamstowe Road, Old Noarlunga 5168....................... .........8386 2931
Catering Coordinator:
Rae Cowie, 4 Grassmere Close Coromandel Valley 5051 ………………… .........8270 1829
Club Tools held at:
Chris Howes, 4 Peter Place, Campbelltown 5074 ......................................... .... ah 8165 3971
Note that most committee members have e-mail access. You will find their e-mail addresses on the contacts page of the
website, where they can be protected from harvesting by spam robots. Addresses listed in the web version of the
magazine can not be protected.
Vice President:
Asst. Secretary:
The Chrysler Collector
Next Issue: Please submit material for the next issue no later than Friday 14th January 2011. Corrections/amendments
until Sunday 16th January 2011. Contributions can be e-mailed to [email protected] or posted to 17
Simpson Parade, Goodwood SA 5034 or brought to club meetings. E-mailed digital photos should preferably be at least
1200x900, photos should be scanned at 200 dpi; line-art at 600 dpi. Copyright: All material published in The Chrysler
Collector is the copyright of the author of the article or the photographer. Their permission should be sought before
reproduction. Website: The Chrysler Collector can be downloaded in colour from:
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
Second Wednesday of
month except January
14th November 2010
Railway museum, ideal for kids.
5th December 2010
Club Christmas picnic Beefacres
Reserve Sharon Gibb 82632908
30th January 2011
Ray Miels Memorial President’s
Breakfast Run.
6th February 2011
Registration day at CCC and
boot sale
22nd—24th January 2011
The River Ramble 2011 47th
Mount Gambier Tour. Entry
forms Brenton Gibb.
20th February 2011
All American day at Tilley
Reserve Hancock Rd Surrey
28th March 2011
Federation Tour, Meet the Clubs
Tour, South East & Kangaroo
festival " Kernewek Lowender."
Copper Coast Cornish Festival
The RAA Classic Cavalcade of
Cars and Motor Cycles on15th
May 2011.
14th November 2010
Lockleys Primary School oval
14th & 15th November 2010
16th January 2011
Hahndorf oval
Brenton Gibb
22 -25 April 2011
Mildura Vintage Vehicles Club
19th Biennial Easter Vineland
Rally (Easter)
10th –15th May 2011
The World’s Largest Cornish
Entry Forms etc
Club events co-ordinator has
contact details and / or entry forms
for other club’s events.
Welcome to our New Members
John Verhaaf
& Eileen Rodgers
Whyalla Stuart
1955 DeSoto sedan
John & Margaret Attard 1964 Valiant AP5 sedan
North Plympton
David Neindorf
Peter & Jan Braham
Salisbury South
1970 Valiant VF sedan
Paul & Therese Witton 1935 Plymouth PJ sedan
Dover Gardens
Bruce Lord
1963 Valiant S Series sedan Broken Hill
1968 Valiant VE sedan
1924 Dodge Special tourer
1926 Chrysler 60 tourer
1934 Plymouth PE Deluxe
1940 Plymouth PG Deluxe
Blackwood High School 50th Birthday - 2011
The club has been approached by
Blackwood High School about
the possibility of five club
members displaying their 1960’s
vehicles as part of a static
The event will be on Sunday
10/04/2011 at the school.
(This is the last Sunday of the
Regal Ramble and therefore car
club members on this tour will
still be on Kangaroo Island.)
More details will be available
closer to the time.
Please contact me if you would
like to be involved.
Cathy Woods
ah 8165 3971
Cover Photo
Bob and Judy Freak’s 1977 Chrysler CL Regal, photographed at the Chrysler Restorers Club 30th
anniversary display. Photo: Richard Tapp
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
Railway Museum run
Sunday 14th November 2010
Meet at ETSA Park Netball Stadium car park, Railway Tce
Mile End at 9.30am for a 10am
departure for a leisurely Cruise
down to the coast and on to the
Railway Museum at Port Ade-
laide. .A large display of locomotives & carriages with plenty
of interactive activities for both
children and adults. Model train
rides along with a very large
scale model train set. Cost is at a
reduced fee of $7.00 adults
$4.50 children & under 5 is free.
A Great run for the grandkids.
There are tables & chairs available inside the grounds so bring
along a picnic lunch.
Brenton Gibb
Christmas picnic 2010
Sunday 5th December 2010
2010’s annual Christmas picnic
will be held in the same venue
as last year at Beefacres Reserve, near the Darley Road
Bridge. Assemble at 10.15am at
the CRC clubrooms for a
10.45am departure. On arrival at
the reserve there will be various
activities to entertain the children.
A Chicken lunch, plates, cutlery,
serviettes and Christmas gifts
for children under 12 years old
who attend will be provided by
CRC. Please bring your own
chairs, tables and drinks.
Cost per family is $10.00 (2
adults only + children under 12)
or $5.00 for a single.
Members please bring a large
salad or sweets to share.
Father Christmas will visit during the afternoon. There will be
a list circulating at the Sept, Oct
& Nov meetings. If you don’t
attend the meetings please ring
with numbers for lunch and children’s names, sex and ages to
allow time for purchasing &
wrapping of gifts. Please let us
know all details by the 12th November, 2010
Sharon Gibb
Home: 8263 2908
Email: [email protected]
2011 Calendars
The 2011 calendars have been
compiled and should be ready
for distribution by the time this
magazine has been issued. This
year we have released three versions, A, B and C, each one
covering one car for each
month. If multiple calendars are
requested you will need to specify the ones you want.
There will be a second print if
necessary, they make good gifts
for this time of the year, so don’t
miss out. Send $10 per calendar
with your details to The Treasurer. PO Box 667, Glandore SA
Ray Miels Memorial President’s Breakfast Run 2011
Sunday 30th January 2011
Meet at our club rooms at 7.30
am for an 8.00 am departure.
This short run is always well
attended and gets the New Year
off to a good start. BYO food,
drinks, chairs etc. There are
BBQ’s on site but suggest your
own is best.
Lindsay Gibb
Registration Day 2011
log book updated. Renewal forms
in the January/February maga10a.m. - 2 p.m.
zine. Boot sale (no trailers).
Come along with your current
registration papers, pay your While there have a chat and enjoy
membership fees and have your a sausage sizzle.
Sunday 6th February 2011
Chris Howes/Cathy Woods
8165 3971
0412 174 108
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
President’s Message
Much has already been
spoken about our
National meet at
Renmark but I really
must say well done to
the tour directors, and
their committee for the
running of this event. It all went so
smoothly and the comments that
followed the tour is proof of just
how much it was appreciated.
Congratulations also to the
Marshalls and everyone who helped
to make it so successful. Special
thanks also to the business people
who donated money, goods and
services. Without them the budget
would have been severely cut and
the event curtailed somewhat.
Our annual dinner and awards night
on October 30th was again popular,
and a fun night for all who attended.
Oakden Central catered beautifully
and the venue was superb for the
event. The highlight of the evening
centred around Editor, Richard
Tapp who was awarded Honorary
Life Membership of our club for the
many years of extraordinary service
he has given to our organisation.
The contribution made to the
Historic vehicle movement and
especially his involvement with the
Federation and the Bay to Birdwood
event is enormous. Congratulations
Other awardees were as follows:
Ron Hincks was selected by the
committee to receive the Alan Toull
Award. Ron, now in his senior years
is not always well but is a regular at
our meetings and still manages to
attend rallies around the nation and
of course has been known to spin
the ODD yarn or two.
The Disaster Award went to Allan
Driver who drove off after a fire
alert in his Desoto and
unintentionally left partner Rose on
the roadside.
Steve Tyler arrived on the scene,
rescued a distressed Rose and safely
transported her to our destination at
Strathalbyn. Allan appeared some
what surprised. WHOOPS.
The member selected by the
President to receive the Mitsubishi
Motors perpetual trophy was Bob
Haywood for his involvement in
compiling and distributing our
magazine, as well as the annual
calendar which is proving so
popular. A relatively new active
member and indeed a worthy
The Ron McNair memorial trophy
for member of the year is selected
by a members ballot and this year
was awarded to Lorraine and Trevor
Beythien. Judy McNair proudly
presents this special award each
year, however due to sickness she
was unable to be with us this time.
Our thoughts are with her for a
speedy recovery. Congratulations to
the Beythien couple.
Sharon Gibb ASAP as this event
has food catering and gift buying
The Ray Miels Memorial Breakfast
run is on Sunday January 30th and
registration day just one week later.
(See coming events).
2010 is rapidly closing and election
time for 2011 is near. I have been
advised that some of our committee
will not be standing in next year’s
election. Lorraine and Judy have
asked for a well earned rest and I
thank them sincerely for the years
of service they have given the Club.
Please remember the club cannot
function without willing people to
help make it happen. Every office is
vacant at our AGM so please speak
to me or VP Cathy Woods soon
about your nomination for next
I hope you have ordered your 2011
Club Calendar. As usual they are
excellent value and make a great
gift for family and friends.
This is the last magazine for 2010
and I take this opportunity to wish
all our members and readers of this
publication a very happy and safe
festive season and look forward to a
new year filled with good health
and happiness. ‘Till then.
Safe motoring
Lindsay Gibb
Bookings for our annual Christmas
Picnic at the Beefacres Reserve are
rolling in. If you have not yet
booked please advise Brenton or
From the Editor
This issue comes to you courtesy of Brenton & Sharon
Gibb, Cathy Woods, Chris Howes, Lindsay Gibb, Bill
Watson, Lorraine and Trevor Beythien, and Graham
Our thanks to the magazine despatch team, being Judy Hart
Bob Haywood, Garry Williams and Dean Davis.
Richard Tapp
27 Oct
Statistics exclude photos and videos.
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
Federation Meeting Report
16 OCTOBER 2010
HVRS & One-make clubs:
Legal advice taken - (a)
Authorised Officers can approve
any vehicle,
but (b) can
only authorise vehicles covered
by club constitution & rules.
One-make clubs w i s h i n g t o
issue MR334 for other makes
should include "any vehicle as
approved by
committee" or similar wording
either in constitution or
supplementary regulations.
Federation will back only clubs
which cover themselves by doing
so. Ruling also applies to clubs
restricted to "veteran" or
"vintage". Authorised officers
can transfer between clubs.
Seatbelts & child restraints: in
SA only, HVRS-registered
vehicles are exempt from
provisions while being used in
accordance with the rules, but a
historic vehicle on FULL rego
must NOT carry a child under
seven unless fitted with seatbelts
and/or approved child restraints.
If seatbelts are fitted in the rear
of any vehicle, regardless of type
of rego, then baby
booster seats must be fitted if
carrying children under seven.
An engineer's
certificate is
required if belts, etc., are fitted to
any vehicle not designed for
Logbooks: One club allowed up
to seven years instead of three!
Since withdrawn from the
scheme. Do not issue your own
MR334. Not advisable to issue
own logbook either.
Australian Autosport Alliance,
which is worrying them. AAA is
and easier for
motorsport enthusiasts to deal
Database: all clubs now listed.
Template is on website, but not
individual info. Website has had
"spam" problems, but hopefully
is fixed.
Survey: reminder of 31/10/10
Regal Ramble: 98 expressions
of interest. Meal forms being
prepared: waiting for a couple of
clubs' meal costs.
Bay to Birdwood: gate income
was up a little. 1,300 entries.
Pre-Run displays at Ingle Farm
successfully promoted interest
and discussion with public.
Police concerned about traffic
interruption during Run - a
meeting with them is to be held.
Any suggestions for
improvement, email Steve
accompanying entrants probably
biggest problem (1,800 entrants
in 2009 Classic, 5,000 cars on
Motorfest: went well.
Cruising Classics 2011: looking
for clubs to organise.
meeting 2/12/10.
RAA: service refused to a club
member on an event. Being
investigated in terms of their
letter u n d e r t a k i n g n o t t o
discriminate. In meantime do
not say you are on an event when
for assistance you're just out for a Sunday
drive! Don't even say "tour".
CAMS: move to infiltrate not
supported nationally.
insurance is generally dearer
anyway. CAMS has a rival,
constitution must allow for
corporate membership, otherwise
MR334 cannot be issued. If
corporate signage is on vehicles,
it must be in period. Telephone
numbers must be of the period
- no modern updates, otherwise
full rego.
Application for membership:
Milang Vintage Machinery Club
has applied.
Next meeting: 20/11/10.
Bill Watson
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
Membership Renewals and HVR
Our end of financial year is approaching (31st December,
2010) and membership renewals
will be due from 1st January
2011, so membership renewal
forms will be found in the next
For those members who own
vehicles registered under the
Historic Vehicle Registration
Scheme (HVR) it is a condition
of the Registration that you be a
financial member of the club
that issued your log book.
Therefore if your membership
lapses you no longer have a registered vehicle; not withstanding
the expiry date on your registration papers.
For those members who remain
unfinancial beyond 31st March
2011 the Club Registrar is
obliged to notify DTEI (Motor
Registry) of your membership
status and you will receive a letter from DTEI advising that
your vehicle is no longer registered.
istration papers, log
book and stamped selfaddressed envelope for
return of your papers
(include 2 x 60 cent
stamps if log books need
renewing) and send them
For renewal of membership and
HVR entitlement there are
Chris Howes
4 Peter Place
Campbelltown SA 5074
3 options:
Attend the Club Registration day on 6th February
2011 at the club rooms,
with your membership
renewal form, current
registration papers and
log book; it will not be
possible to process your
renewal without all of
Pay by Post with enclosed
cheque/postal order, renewal form, current reg-
Renew your membership
by post to the club mailbox and bring your log
book and current registration papers to the March
(not February) meeting for
Chris Howes
8165 3971
12th National Chrysler Restorers Tour 2010 Renmark
Saturday Display Day
Tables set Tucker Hall
Lorraine Beythien with Tucker Hall staff
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
How I Overcame My Illness To Attend The 2010 National Tour
I was on my way to Melbourne, to
catch up with my friends at the
RACV Fly the Flag Tour, when
passing through the Adelaide Hills
I felt a horrible rumbling in my
tummy. I heard my dad say, “hell
mum that doesn’t sound too good,
perhaps we will try to get to
Bordertown and if we get that far
we will keep going”.
Well, I really wanted to go on, so I
suffered the pain, with my tummy
rumbling, completed the 2000 mile
round trip, so that mum and dad
could be proud of me.
After returning home I overheard
more discussion as to which
hospital I would be sent to, but
before I could be admitted I had to
endure another painful trip to be
with my club friends to Stansbury
Wooden Boat Festival. On the way
over some of my club friends were
in tears when they heard my
agonising cry for help, but dad
continued to push me.
I don’t know why he did this to me
because I have always done my
very best over the last 10 years
where we have attended many
rallies all around Australia covering
50,000 miles.
Well finally at the end of April dad
carried out a biopsy and to his
horror he discovered why I had
been in so much pain.
begin to find all the new organs
that I required.
This became quite a task as my dad
did not realise how special I was
with my 3 3/8” and S-1 motor. I
was only produced for three years
so my internals had become quite
rare, even to the point where my
best health fund supplies from
Uncle John Biddle could not assist.
It took four months of searching
and finally my big end cartilages
came from Egge Engineering in
America and my main cartilages,
Uncle Dick found for me in his
wonderful collection of spare parts.
It was now time for the surgeons at
Professor Rick’s hospital to begin
to make me better. First of all they
anesthetised me in a big acid bath
and then they began the operation.
First I was given the old prostate
procedure, (bored and sleeved), I
was also given new pistons during
this procedure, which is a lot better
than the human cure.
Then they put my wobbly cranky
piece in a big machine and gave it a
grind. “Wow” all my ankles and
wrists no longer have arthritis and
look shiny and new. All the tubes
were replaced in my body and now
my new gills can slide up and down
and breathe a lot easier.
The cartilages from my ankles lay
disintegrated in a heap at the
bottom of my feet. To add to dad’s
woes he found that I had no sutures
holding my ligaments and this had
caused severe damage to the walls
of my intestinal tubes. The guides
for my gills were also broken and
worn, I guess this is what made me
pass excessive wind.
It was about now that Uncle Dick
arrived and after consultation it was
agreed that I should be admitted to
Professor Rick’s hospital for major
surgery and that my dad should
As with major surgery there was
one unanticipated problem to solve.
The doctors had found that one of
my legs was twisted and the ankle
joint was so far out of round it had
to be replaced. Where do you find a
new leg when the cartilages were
so hard to find.
Good old Uncle Dick came to the
rescue. I heard my dad tell the story
how he and Uncle Dick had to
smash out a piston in an old motor
he had in the back yard, to retrieve
a leg that had been in storage for
about twenty years. Am I looking
forward to running with this new
Finally at the end of August and
three weeks before the National
Tour my dad collected me from
hospital and took me home. The
next week was a blur as I was still
coming out of the anaesthetic after
major surgery but I do remember
that Uncle Dick and my dad
worked tirelessly to put me back
together so that I could attend the
National Tour and once again be
proud to be among all of my
Australia wide Chrysler Restored
mates along with their loving
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
12th National Chrysler Restorers Tour 2010 Renmark
Of the 151 entries that attended
57 came from SA, 31 from Victoria, 55 from NSW, 1 Qld, 1 Tas
and 1 NT.
Monday 27th September – Most
entrants attended the RenmarkParinga Council Chambers to
sign on for the tour, were they
received tour bags and instructions for the coming week’s
Monday night, 330 people attended a welcome dinner which
was held in the Tucker Hall at the
Renmark showgrounds. Local
Mayor Neil Martinson and his
wife Judy attended this event and
welcomed all participants to the
towns of Renmark & Paringa.
Ray and Deidre Knight 1929 Chrysler V70
Tuesday 26th We visited Ruston’s rose garden where there was
a talk about the collection of historic vehicles for the men together with flower arrangement
demonstrations for the ladies.
Over 200 people had lunch and
enjoyed a walk around the garden
and were entertained by David
Tuesday night – entertainment
was provided by Frank Turton
“The chook man”, where some of
the lady members joined him for
sing along on his floating stage.
Bob Callender 1968 Dodge Coronet convertable
Wednesday 28th – Over 150
cars were flagged off by Glen
Dix “the chequered flagman” to
visit the Loxton Pioneer Village
for the day. Our cars were parked
in the street of the village which
created a great atmosphere. Several historic display engines were
started and lunch was prepared by
the local ladies.
Wednesday night was trivia night
where 260 people attended. Bren-
David and Shirley Crichton’s 1916 Dodge tourer
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The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
12th National Chrysler Restorers Tour 2010 Renmark (ctd)
ton & Sharon Gibb who stepped
in at late notice did a magnificent
job of running the evening. A
false teeth competition was run
by Cathy Woods and this added
quite a bit of fun to the evening.
There were plenty of give always
throughout the evening which
concluded with supper.
Thursday 29th around 300 of us
toured through Berri to the Cobdogla Steam & Irrigation Museum where our runs coordinaters Garry & Rhonda Williams had arranged the start-up of
the Humphrey pump. This is an
amazing invention if you haven’t
seen it before.
Michael and Lynn Buxallen 1928 Dodge Fast 4
It’s the only pump of its type running in the world and is rarely
We had steam train rides which
took us some 5 kms through the
vineyards. I believe one little girl
had 5 rides and was last seen nodding off on the last trip.
We then went to the “Cobby”
club for lunch. Trevor had his
first surprise of the day, as it was
his 70th birthday. Neill & Joan
Wormald and David & Shirley
Crichton had arranged a birthday
cake for him.
Rod and Kathy Gorman 1940 Dodge D15 sedan
On Thursday night we presented
a night of nostalgia at the Chaffey
Theatre. Cocktail food was
served in the foyer prior to the
screening of some nostalgic
films, which included old Chrysler advertising footage, a redex
trial with Jack Davey, a Tom &
Jerry cartoon and the latest edition of “The General” starring
Buster Keaton.
Friday 30th, 200 entrants enjoyed a 1 ½ hour cruise aboard
Phillip and Jenni Burke 1950 Dodge Kingsway Custom sedan
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The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
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The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
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The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
12th National Chrysler Restorers Tour 2010 Renmark (ctd)
the Paddle Steamer Industry.
Scones which were cooked on the
wood stove on board the PS Industry where served with jam and
cream and enjoyed throughout
the cruise on the River Murray.
Olivewood Homestead which
was the residence of the Chaffey
family who were pioneers in irrigation in the Riverland was visited during the day also.
A lunch cruise on the River Rambler also took place during the
Kevin and Maureen Sadler 1968 Valiant VE sedan
Friday night around 260 people
attended and were entertainment
by the bush poet Tim Strauss also
Jack Gibb a local identity spoke
about koala preservation in the
Throughout the week entrants
who attended various the evening’s entertainment were given
the opportunity to select a free
gift from the Meguiar’s Table
Table mats that showed many of
the cars which were on tour were
distributed throughout the week
to entrants. Some of those who
were in attendance on Wednesday night were able to have these
signed by Glen Dix “the chequered flagman”
Karen and Michael Jewell 1979 Chrysler Regal sedan
Saturday 31st our display day
was organised by Lindsay and
Brenton Gibb.
This was held on the lawned area
adjacent to the Renmark Club and
onto a closed section of the road
in front of the Renmark Hotel.
This was a great success and was
attended by hundreds of local
people from around the Riverland, together with people from
Adelaide who travelled up for the
Geoff and Cynthia Chase 1960 Chrysler Wayfarer ute
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The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
12th National Chrysler Restorers Tour 2010 Renmark (ctd)
The final presentation dinner was
held at the Renmark Club with
320 people in attendance.
During the evening the major raffle was drawn together with a
free raffle of which prizes where
donated by our many sponsors.
Trophies were presented for the
various categories of vehicles
which were judged throughout
the day. Major raffle and trophy
winners are listed in this magazine
Richard and Judy Hart’s 1916 Dodge roadster
We sincerely would like to thank
our dedicated committee for the
professional manner in which
they have supported this event
during the last three years. Without their combined effort an event
of this nature would not have
been realised. We must also
thank our major sponsors Chrysler Australia, Shannon’s Insurance and Bob Jane T Marts for
their continued support. This support has significantly contributed
to the success of this event.
Tour Directors
Trevor & Lorraine Beythien
Photos: Richard Tapp & Bob
Graham Anderson’s 1924 Dodge
Grantley Bland’s 1935 Plymouth PJ sedan
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Mike Elly’s 1954 Chrysler New Yorker convertable
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
12th National Chrysler Restorers Tour Trophy & Raffle Winners
Chrysler Australia trophy
Entrant 114 Ray and Deidre Knight
Shannons Insurance trophy
Entrant 36 Bob Callender
Entrants choice
Entrant 36 Bob Callender
Entrant 30 David and Shirley Crichton
Entrant 118 Richard and Judy Hart
Entrant 141 Keith and Anne Bartley
1919 - 1930
Entrant 154 Michael and Lyn Buxallen
Entrant 15 Graham and Ann Anderson
Entrant 31 Neil and Joan Wormald
1931 - 1945
Entrant 147 Rod and Kathy Gorman
Entrant 158 Grantley Bland
Entrant 72 Bruce and Jenny Barton
1946 -1960
Entrant 101 Phillip and Jenni Burke
Entrant 144 Mike Elly
Entrant 80 Ron and Jan Van Rhoda
Entrant 119 Kevin and Maureen Sadler
Entrant 68 Lindsay and Marlene Gibb
Entrant 7
Donald and Sheila Feast
1971 -1981
Entrant 113 Karen Jewell
Entrant 163 Tony and Karen Lennell
Entrant 87 Roger and Sue Rumney
Entrant 2
Geoff and Cynthia Chase
Entrant 42 John and June Schurrman
Entrant 92 Mark Holt and Naomi Baldock
1929 Chrysler V70 Sedan
1968 Dodge Coronet 500 Convertible
1968 Dodge Coronet 500 Convertible
1916 Dodge Tourer
1916 Dodge Roadster
1917 Dodge Tourer
1928 Dodge Fast Four
1924 Dodge Tourer
1930 DeSoto CF8 Sedan
1940 Dodge D15 Sedan
1935 Plymouth PJ Sedan
1937 Dodge D5 Sedan
1950 Dodge Kingsway Custom Sedan
1954 Chrysler New Yorker Convertable
1956 Dodge Kingsway Coronet
1968 Valiant VE Sedan
1963 Valiant S Sedan
1961 Valiant R Sedan
1979 Chrysler Regal Sedan
1971 Valiant Charger Coupe
1975 Charger VK Coupe
1960 Chrysler Royal Ute
1935 Plymouth PJD Ute
1949 Fargo Ute
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3th Prize
4th Prize
5th Prize
$600 Bob Jane T Mart Voucher
Wormald Canvas Swag
Chrysler Quilt
$200 Bob Jane T Mart Voucher
$150 Paint Supplies Voucher
Ticket No 2187 - Jim Hession Banora Point NSW
Ticket No 1932 - T Osborn CRCA – NSW
Ticket No 0699 - Frith, Ridgehaven SA
Ticket No 1307 -Megan Palmer, Alexandra Vic
Ticket No 2244 - John Pulo CRCA NSW
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The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
12th National Chrysler Restorers Tour Major Trophy Winners
Michael and Lynn Buxallen
Ray and Deidre Knight
David and Shirley Crichton
Phillip and Jenni Burke
Rod and Kathy Gorman
Kevin and Maureen Sadler
Karen and Michael Jewell
Bob Callender
Geoff Chase
- 17 -
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
in New
Valiant Chargers
New Zealand
From Last Issue )
The following is the continuation of
an article taken from which is a site
that is part of the
family. It is reproduced with
permission from David Zatz of
Other major race wins include the
Golden 100 Pukekohe 1972, Shell
100 Levin 1972, Glenvale 200 Bay
Park 1975, Splashe 200, Manfield
1975, Albert Autos 500 Manfield
S.I. Production Saloon Champion
E49 Charger
3rd - N.I. Winter Saloon Series
E49 Charger
1st - B&H 1000 - Pukekohe
265 770 automatic
S.I. Production Saloon Champion
E49 Charger
1st - Southern 200 km Ruapuna
E49 Charger
S.I. Production Saloon Champion
E49 Charger
2nd 200 km Endurance - Teretonga
E49 Charger
1st 200 km Endurance - Levels
E49 Charger
2nd 200 km Endurance - Teretonga
E49 Charger
Pre 65 Champion
Valiant AP6 318
Pre 65 Valiant Flying Quarter - 155 mph
Valiant AP6 318
Pre 65 Champion
Valiant AP6 318
2nd Overall Pre 65
Valiant AP6 318
1st- Southern 200 km - Ruapuna
E49 Charger
1st Nissan Mobil 500 Pre 65 Support Race (Wellington)
Valiant AP6 318
2nd Overall Pre 65
Valiant AP6 318
Just when I thought I knew
everything there was to know about
Chrysler's impressive racing track
record in NZ I met Jim Little. Jim
is a colorful character from Timaru
who has been racing Mopars since
the early 1970s. Jim is a
spectacular but very capable driver
and his track record in Mopars is
truly amazing. Jim has steadily
clocked up a string of major race
and series wins in his Charger R/T
E38 (fitted with a four speed) and a
wicked looking black Valiant Regal
318 V8. In 1992, Jim won the
Southern 500 at Christchurch in the
E38 despite it being the oldest car
on the track! He is currently
building a Charger R/T 265 with
twin turbos.
Why were Chrysler Chargers so
successful on NZ racing circuits
when they had a somewhat
mediocre track record in their
native Australia? Jim Little said
that the short wheelbase Chargers
with their light, powerful Hemi
engines were ideally suited to the
tight NZ circuits as opposed to the
larger, more flowing circuits in
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Australia. While the 351 V-8 Ford
Falcon GTHO dominated the long,
fast track at Bathurst, the Chargers
were in their element around the
tight circuits in New Zealand.
Leo Leonard contributed the speed
of his E49 to all the development
they put into the earlier E38. I might
add that Leo was also a superb driver
who had a happy knack of getting the
very best out of any car he drove.
The Chargers dominance in the B&H
500 has been contributed to the
excellent performance provided by
that marvellous Hemi 6 engine, good
handling and legendary reliability.
There were many occasions where
the Chargers just kept on going when
other makes literally fell apart during
this gruelling event which has been
described as one of the toughest long
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
Valiant Chargers in New Zealand (ctd)
distance events in Pacific region.
Another perhaps decisive
contributing factor to Chrysler's
dominance in NZ could be absence
of the powerful GM and Ford racing
teams. Although Todd motors did
sponsor Leo Leonard in his E49, this
was a pittance compared to the big
budget GM and Ford teams that
existed in Australia. In NZ there was
a much more level playing field.
Despite Todd Motors skilful
marketing and the Chargers sales and
competition success, the 1970s saw a
decline in Chrysler's fortune in NZ.
The large conservatively styled VH
Valiant sedan, which the Charger
was based on, did not find favour in
NZ and there was strong competition
from GM and Ford. The 1973 oil
shock and subsequent recession saw
NZ buyers switching to smaller,
more fuel-efficient cars. Todd
Motors started assembling
Mitsubishis at their Wellington plant
and soon their loyal customers were
swapping their big Chrysler Valiants
for Mitsubishi Lancers, Sigmas and
Despite the decline in sales
throughout the '70s, Todd Motors
still managed to maintain that
upmarket image for the Chryslers.
They never discounted or introduced
cheaper models, as was the case in
Australia. Todd Motors assembled
their last Chrysler in August1979 and
continued to import built up cars
until Australian production ceased in
1981. The last models to be
assembled in NZ were the CL Hemi
6 Auto sedan and the more upmarket
CL V-8 Regal sedan. In 1986, Todd's
sold the assembly plant to Mitsubishi
and today the plant still assembles a
range of Mitsubishi vehicles.
In 1996, Chrysler returned to the NZ
with a spectacularly successful
launch of the Jeep Cherokee range.
Good product, good timing, smart
marketing and excellent pricing
created a demand that was 300%
higher than expected. The Jeeps are
currently enjoying a 4WD market
share higher than any other export
market. Chrysler is currently selling
the Jeep Wrangler, Cherokee (gas
and Diesel), Grand Cherokee,
Voyager, and Neon in NZ. The
Voyager and other models are due
for release this year. The Grand
Cherokees and Voyagers are both
assembled RHD in Austria. I just
wonder if the good image and
reputation the Australian Chryslers
had in NZ back in the '60s and '70s
have in any way helped the
successful return of Chrysler to NZ?
On a possibly unrelated note,
Mitsubishi has announced that it will
close the plant where Valiants were
assembled in New Zealand next year.
(Webmaster's note: North Americans
may be unaware of the Diesel engine
options in many of Chrysler's export
vehicles, including Caravans. A new
1.9 litre turbo Diesel is being
developed for future exports as well.
Today there are a disproportionately
high number of mint and collectable
Chryslers remaining in NZ. A very
high number of Charger R/Ts were
imported to NZ both by Todd motors
and privately. Most of the Six Pack
Chargers including approximately 25
E49s imported are alive and well
today. There are also thousands of
Chrysler Valiants still daily use in
NZ, their owners swearing by their
rugged mechanicals and unstoppable
reliability. Prices for NZ assembled
Charger 770s range from NZ$4,000
to NZ$12,000. Six pack Charger R/
Ts fetch between NZ$15000 and up
to NZ$40000 for top E49s.
The Chrysler R/T Six Pack Owner
Club (Inc.) was formed in
Christchurch over ten years ago for
owners of genuine factory R/T and
Six Pack Chrysler Chargers. The
club is now nation-wide and the
majority of Six Pack Chargers in NZ
are registered with the club. Racing
driver Jim Little is a foundation
member and the membership has
benefited greatly from Jim's
experience and considerable
technical knowledge. For
information about the club or
Chryslers in NZ, contact Gary
The Valiant Book by Tony Davis
Spotlight on Chrysler Valiant: The
1960s by Tony Davis
Spotlight on Chrysler Valiant: The
1970s by Tony Davis
Spotlight on Valiant Charger by
Tony Davis
Spotlight on Aussie Bathurst
Supercars by Tony Davis and
Leo Leonard in a racing Charger
- 19 -
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
Valiant Chargers in New Zealand (ctd)
Andrew Quinn
Chrysler Valiant by Elisabeth
Tuckey and Ewan Kennedy (new
Marque Publishing Company
produces all the above books. They
produce a wide range of books on
all Australian makes and their
Chrysler books are all well
presented and accurate. The Valiant
Book was their first on the
Australian Chryslers and it is still a
very good read. It contains some
excellent period road tests
including the Wheels magazine
tests on the Charger XL, V8 770,
E38, E49 and E55. The Spotlight
series books are all well illustrated
and contain road tests from Motor
magazine. Chrysler Valiant is their
latest release and it covers all the
Australian Chryslers from 1962 to
1981. It is very well illustrated and
has a motor racing section.
All these books are available from
Hey Charger magazine is published
by Federal Publishing Company
approximately every 6 months. Hey
Charger 6 has an article on
Chargers in NZ titled Kiwi on the
Charge written by Gary Bridger.
An article on the Charger E49
written by Gary appeared in the
December issue of NZ Classic Car
My thanks to Jim Little, Leo
Leonard, Mike Todd and other
members of the Chrysler R/T 6
pack owners club for providing
information for this article.
John Bridger
A more recent photo of Leo Leonard
- 20 -
This article was taken from which is a site
that is part of the
family. It is reproduced with
permission from David Zatz of
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
Club Clothing
Jumper V Neck Wool/Acrylic
Jumper Rugby Two tone Navy with Red Collar
Up to 2XL 67.5 $56
Our range of clothing has changed and we have the
opportunity to give you a larger range, right up to
5XL in some clothing. Check the list below or
contact me by phone. If you see me at meetings I
have the items in a book that you can inspect.
Polo shirts
Fleecy Sweats (windcheater)
Crew neck
Round Neck
up to 3XL $38
4XL & 5XL $43
Vests (Reversible)
Up to 3XL $54
Up to 20/64 cm $54
Jumper (micro fleece) ½ Zip
Up to 4XL 75 cm $60
Jumper (Polar
White binding
Caps Navy/Red
For all orders
Up to 3XL $60
Jacket Polar Fleece Full Zip
up to 4XL 75 cm $47
up to 3XL 72.5 $47
Sew On Badges
to 3XL $60
Jacket Water Resistant
Polar fleece lined
Up to 2XL 65.5 $72
Up to 2XL 70 cm $54
Club Name Badges
Walter Percy
Name Badges are supplied by
the Club when you join. But if
you would like to upgrade, you
may purchase a smaller name
badge which is manufactured
with your name and club
emblem. You may see others
wearing them at meetings. They
are available in:
Plain with Pin
Plain with dual pin and clip
Plain with magnet
Clear Glaze Acrylic with pin
Clear Glaze Acrylic with dual
pin and clip
Clear Glaze Acrylic with magnet
Please contact Lorraine
Beythien at the meetings or by
phone at 8449 8905
STYLE OF BADGE [Plain or Clear Glaze - circle one]
PHONE (a/h) ………………………………
PIN TYPE [Pin or Dual pin and clip or Magnet - circle one]
(day time if different) …………………………………….
FULL NAME (print clearly)……………………………………………….
2nd badge name……………………………………………………….......…
3rd badge name……………………………………………………….......…
4th badge name……………………………………………………….......…
5th badge name……………………………………………………….......…
Total $…………...
- 21 -
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
Mob 0418 910850
All vehicles offered for sale should quote
their registration number or engine
number if not registered.
1979 Valiant 2 door rolling body
with mags. Mob. 0422 294 972
1924 Maxwell tourer, low mileage
since restoration Reg# WWV 512
For more info. And price contact:
Malcolm, Ph. 08 8390 1632.
1929/30 Chrysler “66” tourer, 2nd
owner for 50 years. Older restoration,
large number of spares to the value of
$10,000. Asking $30,000. Contact
George Mills. Mob.0412 711736
1929 Plymouth tourer suitable for
parts, engine turns over most
mechanical parts intact.
Contact: Bruce Philbey
Email [email protected]
Contact Julian DuBois
Mob.0413 335 220
1954 Dodge Kingsway Coronet
“oriflow” or “Monroe” shocks front
and rear, suitable for rebuild. Please
contact Laurence Delbridge Qld.
Mob. 0409 703 386
Email: [email protected]
Valiant VC Regal or sedan, good
condition. Contact Les Johnson.
Ph. 8398 2311
Valiant VG Regal
Barry Mangelsdorf Loxton
Mob. 0409 687 557.
1958 Plymouth Plaza chrome bumper
add-ons (end caps) Front and rear.
George Cotton W.A. Mob.0411 872
I have recently acquired a Dodge
Power Giant Truck and would
appreciate any information on this
model. Please contact Jeff Robertson.
[email protected]
Two 1948 Chrysler Windsor
wedding cars. Original 6 cyl. Flat top
motors with 3 speed fluid drive trans.
Re-upholst. In tan leather and
carpets. Very good condition. One is
a factory stretch limo, other is a
matching sedan. Limo $35,000 Sedan
$28,000 (see pics.) E Skyring.
AP5 front panels, guards including
trim, bonnet and grill. Will swap
same parts from AP6 if necessary.
Choke button and cable, light button
and switch, windscreen wiper button
and switch, ignition switch and key
to suit Dodge AT4 or D5N truck,
Neil, 08 8684 4205
- 22 -
AP5/AP6 or VC/VF/VG sedan auto
or manual. Body needs to be straight
with no or very minimal rust.
Interior and all chrome work needs to
be intact. Daily drive car with later
Ring Theo – 0418815196
Dodge and Plymouth Parts
Large range parts to suit 1930’s
to 1950’s cars.
Jim Robertson Vic.
Ph. 03 5345 4094
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
Goode Restorations
Caravan Supplies and Repairs
See David or Julie May
Repairs and alterations to all makes and
models—Accessories and spare parts
specialists—Holiday servicing and
preparation—Air conditioning
specialists—Roll out awnings—
Insurance work—Country clients
Call our expert staff 08 8261 3244
fax 08 8261 1164
412 North East Road, Windsor Gardens
34 New Road, Clare 5453
Ph 8842 3731
Specialising in rewooding vintage
car bodies.
Restorers of vintage and classic
motor vehicles.
Motor Radiators
Carofano Motor Trimmers
15-19 Halifax Street, Adelaide
8231 6256
59-61 Chapel Street, Norwood 5067
55 Oaklands Road, Somerton Park
8294 8333
Ph/fax 8362 7400 mob 018 819 454
Custom interiors and restorations,
vintage and prestige cars, hot rods and
general repairs, kitchen chairs and
Repairs, cleanouts, recores, full range of
cooling system parts and accessories,
plastic tank and aluminium radiators, 2
year radiator warranty, free pickup and
delivery service available. Established
over 50 years.
John Biddle’s
M & J Prosser Nominees Pty Ltd
Antique Motor Spares
trading as
33 Fourth Street, Wingfield
Woodside Auto
Body Repairs
Ph 8268 5540
Buy, sell, exchange.
16 Evans Street, Woodside North 5244
Large range of parts for all types of
vintage and classic vehicle. Books.
Tyres 4.50 x 21 and 5.00 x 19
Ph 8389 7359 fax 8389 7965 ah 8389 7336
Automotive body repairs and painting
including restoration work. Guaranteed
quality workmanship.
Hundreds of head gaskets in stock.
Goode range of parts for Dodge, de
Soto, Chrysler and Plymouth
- 23 -
The Chrysler Collector
November/ December 2010
Shannons Insurance
Special insurance for Special vehicles
At Shannons we have been insuring veteran, vintage and classic
vehicles since 1970. Our very competitively priced insurance packages
include features like agreed value, choice of repairer, lifetime maximum
no claim bonus protection, lifetime guarantee on all repairs and no
blame, no excess. So don’t talk to a salesperson about your insurance
— talk to an enthusiast at Shannons.
For a special quote, call 13 46 46
This insurance product is issued by Australian Alliance Insurance Company limited ABN 11
006 471 709 AFS Licence No 235011. You can get a Product Disclosure Statement by phoning
13 46 46 or from any of our offices. You should consider the Product Disclosure Statement in
deciding to buy or hold this insurance product. Shannons Limited ABN 91 099 692 636
Authorised Representative No 239594
If undeliverable, please return to:
C.R.C.A., SA Inc.
P.O. Box 667
PP 531442/0002
- 24 -