Genesis IV - St. Ignatius College Preparatory


Genesis IV - St. Ignatius College Preparatory
Dear Friends,
August 24, 2005
A Report to Concerned Individuals
Vo. 42 No. 3
Fall 2005
The Rev. Anthony P. Sauer, SJ
Stephen Lovette
Vice President
Charles W. Dullea
The Rev. Gerald P. McCourt, SJ
James Dekker
Director of Alumni Relations
Joseph Vollert
Director of Development
Paul Totah
Director of Public Information
Katie Kohmann
Director of Special Events
Fred Tocchini
Director of Special Projects
Douglas A. Salin
Design Consultant
GENESIS IV (USPS 899-060) is published quarterly by
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ST. IGNATIUS, mindful of its mission to be witness to
the love of Christ for all, admits students of any race,
color and national and/or ethnic origin to all the rights,
privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded to
or made available to students at this school. St. Ignatius
does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national and/or ethnic origin, age, sex or disability
in the administration of educational policies, admissions
policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic
and other school-administered programs. Likewise, St.
Ignatius does not discriminate against any applicant for
employment on the basis of race, color, national and/or
ethnic origin, age, sex or disability.
if you were able to get back to your Alma Mater June 4 for SI’s Sesquicentennial Celebration. Thanks to Fred Tocchini, Chair, and so
many, ’twas a fine day! But the Nifty 150 is not over yet! Even as the
Class of 2009 marches bravely onto campus today, we will continue
saluting our Sesquicentennial ’til Dec. 3 when we shall conclude our
Jubilee and Genesis IV: our 10-year, $50 million endowment drive.
Begun in 1996 after the successful completion of Genesis III, a 5year, $16 million capital campaign to remodel and refurbish the entire school for coeducation, “Genesis IV: Endow SI” sought to fund
financial aid, curriculum enrichment, educational technology, professional development, faculty housing and maintenance in perpetuity.
With great satisfaction and, honestly, to some surprise, we are
finishing the endowment drive a year early, not because it fits very
nicely with the climax of the Sesquicentennial Year, but because the
monies from you — our gracious, generous benefactors! — have
poured in in awesome abundance.
Presented herewith is our sixteenth Annual Report. Here you can
see where your charity went and how just a bit more reaching deep
will enable SI to hit its $50,000,000 endowment goal and, indeed,
put the Prep over the top to fund as well a choral arts building, additional athletic fields, and a retreat center. As we relied on our loyal
friends in the past, we continue to ask your support in the future.
Our Alumni Board, under departing President Mike Stecher ’62
and incoming President Jeff Columbini ’79, have made a wonderful
selection for the Christ the King Award for our Sesquicentennial: Fr.
Edwin McDermott, SJ ’36. Fr. McDermott is not as well known to
you as, say, Fr. Carlin or Fr. McFadden, because he has not served at
SI, but this SI graduate was the first national president of the newlyconstituted Jesuit Secondary Education Association in 1971 where
he put the contemporary Jesuit high school on the map! He brought
us into the post Vatican II era and into modern educational methodology; most importantly, he fostered new emphases on the Spiritual
Exercises of St. Ignatius, resulting in improved retreat programs and
campus ministry and better classroom faith-instruction.
Our lay and Jesuit staff promise that SI will always strive to help
its students live out their faith in Christ and continually find new
ways in this world “groaning for redemption” to adapt the Gospel
message for the new millennium. Thank you for all. Please enjoy
your Annual Report in this, our Sesquicentennial Year. God bless you
and yours always!
Very sincerely,
Anthony P. Sauer, SJ
Genesis IV
I G N AT I U S C O L L E G E P R E PA R ATO RY S A I N T I G N AT I U S C O L L E G E P R E PA R ATO RY S A I N T I G N AT I U S C O L L E G E P R E PA R ATO RY S A I N T I G N AT I U S I hope you had a good time at “The Day on the Boulevard”
Board of Trustees & Regents, 2004-05
Board of Trustees
Rev. Thomas O’Neill, SJ ’74
Rev. Harry Carlin, SJ ’35
Mr. John Christen III ’61
Mr. Mark Cleary ’64
Rev. Michael Gilson, SJ
Rev. Gerald P. McCourt, SJ ’58
Martin D. Murphy, Esq. ’52
Rev. Anthony P. Sauer, SJ
Rev. Michael Turnacliff, SJ
Board of Regents
Mr. Stephen Leveroni
Mr. Jeff Maggioncalda
Mr. Curtis Mallegni
Mrs. Margaret McCaffery
Rev. Gerald P. McCourt, SJ
Mr. William McDonnell*
Dr. Allison Metz
Mr. Russell Miller
Christopher Moscone, Esq.
Mr. Leo Murphy
Martin D. “Pete” Murphy, Esq.*
Mrs. Noreen Murphy
Mr. Thomas Murtagh
Mr. Paul Nedeau
Dr. Farris Page-King
Mrs. Elizabeth Purcell
Mr. Gary Roberts
Mrs. Anne Ryan
Rev. Anthony P. Sauer, SJ
Francis Scarpulla, Esq.
Michael J. Stecher, Esq.
Mrs. Sara Stephens
Mrs. Mary Szarnicki
Mr. Fred Tocchini
Mr. J. Malcolm Visbal
Mr. Alfred S. “Lad” Wilsey Jr.
Mr. Mark W. Cleary
Mr. Kerwin Allen
Mr. David Bernstein
Mr. Thomas Bertelsen
Mr. Peter J. Brusati
Mr. Clark Callander
Rev. Harry V. Carlin, SJ
Mr. Al Clifford
Mr. Sam Coffey
Mr. Hal Cranston
Mr. Joseph Diffley
Mrs. Terry Dillon
Mr. John Duff
Mr. Charles Dullea
Mr. Scott Erickson
Mr. John J. Fitzpatrick
The Hon. J. Richard Fredericks
Mr. Lynn Fritz
Mr. Gordon Getty
Mr. Michael Gorman
Mrs. Donna Hale
Mr. Paul Hazen
The Hon. Kathleen Kelly
The Hon. Richard Kramer
Mr. Robert Lalanne
Mr. George Lawson
Mrs. Mary Lawson
* Lifetime Members
Regents Emeriti
Mrs. Angelina Alioto
Rev. Raymond P. Allender, SJ
Mr. John F. Azevedo
Mr. Alessandro Baccari
Dr. Rena Merrit Bancroft
Mr. Bernard J. Bannan*
Mrs. Joseph Bernstein
Mr. Joseph R. Bisho*
Mr. Carl F. Blom
Sr. Margaret Buchanan, SM
Rev. Cornelius M. Buckley, SJ
Mr. Robert T. Buich
Mrs. Theresa J. Caldarola*
Mr. Gregoire Calegari
The Hon. Mary Callanan
Mrs. Barbara Callander
Mr. James Canales Jr.
Mr. Arthur P. Carroll*
Mr. Michael P. Carroll
Mr. Hector Chinchilla
Mr. John A. Christen III
Mrs. Alfred G. Cinelli
Mr. John Cosgrove*
Mr. Kevin Coyne
Mary Cranston, Esq.
Mr. John F. Crowley*
Mr. John P. Cruden Jr.*
Mrs. Ralph K. Davies*
Mr. Henry Doelger*
Mr. John S. Ehrlich
Mr. Clifford M. Farmer
John J. Ferdon, Esq.*
Mr. H. Welton Flynn
Arthur J. Fritz Jr. Esq.
David T. Giannini, Esq.
Louis J. Giraudo, Esq.
Mrs. Ernest L. Go
Mr. Donald J. Gordon*
Mr. Charles L. Gould*
Mr. Fred R. Grant*
Mr. Ellison C. Grayson
Mr. Jack Grealish
Richard G. Guggenhime, Esq.
Ms. Tessie Guillermo
Rev. James R. Hanley, SJ
Richard J. Heafey, Esq.
John Henning, Esq.
Mr. Wayne J. Hu
Mr. Leo B. Hyde
Mr. John E. Johnson
Mr. Thomas Jordan
Mr. James W. Kearney*
Mr. William D. Kilduff
Mrs. Dorothy Kitt
Mrs. Evelyn Koenig
Mr. Leo Paul Koulos
Dr. Ralph Lane III
Mr. Arthur C. Latno Jr.
Mr. Thomas A. Leonardini
Mrs. Jules Leonardini*
Mr. Vincent Lin
Mr. Richard O. Linke
Mr. George Lippi
Rev. Paul Locatelli, SJ
Mr. Loyd Luckmann*
The Hon. Eugene Lynch
Mrs. Robert MacDonnell
Mr. John A. Mangan
Mr. Eugene J. Marty Jr.
Robert McCarthy, Esq.
Rev. Richard L. McCurdy, SJ
Rev. Edwin J. McDermott, SJ
Rev. Edward J. McFadden, SJ*
E. Neal McGettigan, Esq.
Mr. Felix S. McGinnis Jr.
William H. McInerney Sr., Esq.
Mr. George McKeon*
Dr. Leon Metz Jr.*
Mr. George D. Millay
Mrs. Richard Miller
Rev. John T. Mitchell, SJ
Mr. James J. Monfredini
Mr. Marshall F. Moran
Mr. Francis J. Murphy*
Mr. Joseph D. Murray
Mr. Tom Murtagh
Mr. Martin J. Nejasmich
Mr. Steven C. Nejasmich
Mr. Maurice F. O’Connor
Mr. Hugh O’Donnell
Mr. Daniel J. O’Hara II*
Michael Ohleyer, Esq.
Mr. Charles E. Paganini
Mr. Frank L. Paganini
Mr. George W. Pasha III
Eugene Payne III, Esq.
Mr. Lisle Payne
Mr. Carmen Policy
Rev. Msgr. Richard Power*
Rev. Mario J. Prietto, SJ
Mr. Emmet J. Purcell
Mr. Charles M. Quarre
Dr. Collin P. Quock
Mr. Stan Raggio
Mr. Percy E. Roberts Jr.*
Rev. Russell J. Roide, SJ
Mr. James J. Rudden*
Mrs. Angelo Sangiacomo
Mr. Nicholas A. Sapunar*
Rev. Carl A. Schipper
Mr. Bruce L. Scollin
Mr. Robert A. Smith*
Mrs. Rafael A. Solari
Nancy Stretch, Esq.
Mr. Vincent J. Sullivan
John A. Sutro, Esq.
Mrs. Marcia Syufy
Rev. William V. Thom, SJ*
Dr. Robert A. Thornton*
Mr. Burl A. Toler
Mr. Burl Toler Jr.
Mr. Robert M. Tomasello
Dr. C. Allen Wall
Rev. Kenneth Westray
Mr. Alfred S. Wilsey Sr.*
Mr. Anthony J. Zanze
Mr. William J. Zellerbach
School Officers, 2004-05
The Very Rev. Anthony P. Sauer, SJ
Development Staff
School Administration
The Rev. Harry V. Carlin, SJ
Executive Vice President
Mr. Charles W. Dullea
Mr. Stephen E. Lovette
Vice President for Development
Mrs. Kathleen Kodros
Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs
Mr. James W. Dekker
Director of Alumni Relations
Mr. John J. Grealish
Assistant Principal for Student Affairs
Mrs. Stella A. Muscat
Director of Special Events
Rev. Joaquin Martinez, SJ
Campus Minister
Mr. Paul J. Totah
Director of Public Information
Br. Douglas E. Draper, SJ
Dean of Students
Mr. Michael J. Silvestri
Business Manager
Mr. Kevin M. Grady
Director of Admissions
Mr. Robert Vergara
Director of Athletics
Ignatian Guild 2004-05
Mrs. Terry Dillon
Mrs. Jennifer Ohanessian
1st Vice President
Mrs. Sue Dudum
Mrs. Peggy Nevin
Mrs. Becky Loback
Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. Cynthia Mauer
Assistant Treasurer
The Ignatian Guild once again sponsored the successful fashion show and hosted the Streets of
San Francisco food tent for the Day on the Boulevard Celebration.
Fathers’ Club 2004-05
Mr. George Lawson ’71
Mr. Sal Rizzo
1st Vice President
Mr. Marty Cerles ’71
2nd Vice President
Mr. Paul Gaspari ’70
Mr. Jim Costello ’73
Mr. Pat Ferdon ’70
Sergeant at Arms
The Fathers’ Club created the most successful auction ever with Sports Rally!
Alumni Officers 2004-05
Michael J. Stecher, Esq. ’62
Mr. Jeff Columbini ’79
Vice President
Mr. James W. Dekker ’68
Director of Alumni Relations
Mr. Matthew Bernstein ’82
Rev. Paul F. Capitolo, SJ ’53
Alumni Board 2004-05
Mr. John Barbieri ’80
Mr. Kevin Barry ’82
Mr. Matthew Bernstein ’82
Mr. John Bruno ’76
Mr. William Callanan ’81
Miss Andrea Callen ’93
Mr. Darren Cde Baca ’74
Mr. Paul Christen III ’92
Mr. Jeff Columbini ’79
Dr. Anthony Cucalon ’75
Mr. Robert Enright ’76
Mr. Scott Erickson ’73
Mr. John J. Fitzpatrick ’60
Mr. Thomas Girlich ’77
John Glugoski, Esq. ’89
Dr. Erich Habelt ’75
Mr. Robert Emmet Hayden ’70
Mark Hazelwood, Esq. ’80
Ms. Melissa Kelleher-Lewis ’95
Mr. Dean Levitt ’76
Mr. Daniel Linehan ’83
Timothy Lucey, Esq. ’87
Mr. Brendan Lund ’89
William P. Lynch Jr., Esq. ’62
Mr. John Marty ’81
E. Neal McGettigan, Esq. ’59
Matthew Miller, Esq. ’86
Miss Marielle Murphy ’93
Mr. Timothy Nevin ’90
John F. O’Dea, Esq. ’28
Mrs. Andrea Callen Porter ’93
Mr. John Sequeira ’57
Michael Stecher, Esq. ’62
Mr. Donald Tarantino ’80
Planned Giving
Heritage Society
We especially thank the following lifetime friends who have made provisions in their estate
plans — bequests, charitable trusts, gifts of life insurance or retirement funds — to support
SI’s Endowment Fund. Such gifts provide for the long-term welfare of SI and may also provide
donors with valuable tax and income benefits during their lifetime. The forethought and
generosity of the following is most appreciated.
Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Murphy ’52
Mrs. Fred Grant
The Doelger Charitable Trust
Mrs. Raymond Allender
Fr. Dennis Alvernaz
Mrs. Maryann Bachman
Mr. George Baldocchi
Mr. & Mrs. David Bernstein ’80
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Bertelsen
Mr. Tom Bertken ’50
& Sheila McManus
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Blom ’55
Mr. Thomas P. Brady ’31
Mr. William E. Britt ’36
Mr. & Mrs. Gerhart Broeker
Mr. & Mrs. Gregoire Calegari
Mrs. Edward Carnes
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Carroll ’43
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Coffey ’74
Mr. Gerald W. Conlan ’47
Mrs. & Mrs. Kevin Coyne ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Cranston
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard P. Delmas ’47
Ms. Christine Dohrmann
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Downs ’73
Ms. Mary Driscoll
Mr. & Mrs. John Duff
Mr. Frank M. Dunnigan ’70
Mrs. Robert Enright
Mrs. Myrtis E. Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Fitzpatrick ’60
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gibbons ’37
Mrs. Linda Grimes
Mr. & Mrs. William Healy ’47
Mr. John P. Horgan ’32
Dr. Peter Kane ’51
Mr. Francis J. Kelly III ’75
Mrs. John Kotlanger
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A.
Lagomarsino ’27
Mrs. Lida Lalanne
Mrs. Phyllis Lavelle
Mr. George D. Leal ’51
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Leidich
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lovette ’63
Mr. John M. Mahoney ’65
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Maioli ’60
Mrs. Cornelius McCarthy
Mr. Jay D. McEvoy ’27
Judge E. Warren McGuire ’42
Mr. Terrence V. McGuire ’45
Dr. Allison Metz
Mr. & Mrs. David Mezzera ’64
Mrs. John Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. James Monfredini ’65
Mrs. Frank Mullins
Mr. Jeffrey J. Mullins ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Murphy ’65
Mrs. Cecil Neeley
Mrs. Bernice O’Brien
Mrs. James F. O’Grady
Mrs. William O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Payne ’65
Mrs. Edgar Peterson
Mr. Emmet Purcell ’40
Mrs. James J. Raggio
Mr. & Mrs. Dante Ravetti ’49
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Reilly ’83
Fr. Vincent Ring
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Roberts ’75
Mrs. Henry Robinson
Mr. L. Emmett Schaefer
Mrs. Victor Schaukowitch
Mrs. Robert Scholla
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Scollin ’65
Mrs. Juana Sevilla
Mrs. Joanne Smolich
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stecher ’62
Mr. William L. Teglia Jr. ’65
Mr. Michael Thiemann ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tomasello ’67
Mrs. Jean Travers
Mr. John van der Zee ’53
Mrs. James Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Worner ’36
Endowed Scholarships
The following are scholarships at Saint Ignatius College Preparatory, both fully and partially endowed. A scholarship is fully endowed at
$50,000, and those listed below in boldface have met this requirement. A corpus of $12,500 is required to name a scholarship. The proceeds
of the endowments are given annually to needy and academically qualified SI students in accordance with the provisions of the scholarship.
Anyone interested in establishing a perpetual memorial or commemorative scholarship should contact the President’s Office.
Monsignor William J. Clasby Scholarship
James E. Collins, Jr. Scholarship
L. James Archer, Class of 1950 Scholarship Fund (6)
Class of 1928 Scholarship
John P. Collins, Sr. Scholarships (2)
Edward J. Armanino Scholarship
Class of 1929 Scholarships (5)
Collins Family Scholarship
Endowment Fund (5-7)
Class of 1936 Scholarship
John J. Connolly, ’39 Scholarship
Maureen & Kenneth Atwell Endowed
Class of 1937 Scholarship
Frances Grace Corriea Memorial Scholarship
Peter Patrick Madigan Antonini Scholarship
Scholarship Fund
Class of 1940 Scholarship (2)
Brian Cotter Memorial Scholarship
Angelo Baffico Scholarship Fund
Class of 1941, Daniel Coleman Scholarship
Shou Mei Hu-Eric K.S. Cowan Scholarship Fund
Opal I. Bailey Memorial Scholarship
Class of 1942 Memorial Scholarship
Kevin & Susie Coyne Endowed Scholarship Fund
Anton Bakker Memorial Scholarship Fund
Class of 1943 Scholarship
Michael F. Coyne Family Scholarship (3)
Thomas J. Bannan Scholarship Endowment (7)
Class of 1944, Ivan “Bud” Maroevich
Barbara Adams Crudo Memorial Scholarship
Renolds J. Barbieri & Evelyn Barbieri
Memorial Scholarship
William B. Davenport ’74 Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Class of 1948, Jim Kearney Scholarship (2)
Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barbieri ’36
Class of 1949, Pat Malley Scholarship
RK Davies Scholarship
Scholarship Fund (2)
Class of 1950 Scholarship
Patti & Leonard Delmas Scholarship Fund
Barisic Family Scholarship Fund
Class of 1951, Warren White Scholarship
Lyda Rico De Luca Foundation Scholarships (10)
Lawrence & Mae E. Barrett Scholarship
Class of 1952 Scholarship (7)
James J. & Catherine A. DeMartini Scholarship
Anthony Bartmann Scholarship
— Pasha Family Scholarship, Class of ’52 (2)
St. Vincent De Paul Scholarship
Dr. & Mrs. Edmond Bedrossian Scholarship Fund
— Edward J. Thylstrup, Class of ’52 Scholarship
James Devine, ’63 Memorial Scholarship Fund (7)
The Mary Katherine Bertken & James Thomas
— Fred Tollini, Class of ’52 Scholarship
Joe & Maggie Diffley Scholarship
Bertken Scholarship Fund
— Richard J. Wall Educational Scholarship Fund
Vincent Donohue Memorial Scholarship Fund
Roland Biancalana Scholarship
Class of 1953, Jack Ashman Scholarship
Thomas Doyle, Class of ’55 Scholarship
Conchita O. Bishop Scholarships (2)
Class of 1955, Dan Casey Scholarship
Drucker Family Scholarship
Thomas J. Brandi Family Scholarships (3)
Class of 1958 Scholarship
Catherine & Richard Duggan Scholarships (3)
Brown Family Scholarship
Class of 1959 Scholarship
Britt and Nancy Evans Scholarship Fund
Louis Bueler Scholarship Fund
Class of 1964, Dennis Carter Scholarship
James V. Farley, Jr. Scholarship Fund
John E. Buick III Scholarships (2)
Class of 1965 Scholarship
W. Chester Farrell Endowed Scholarship Fund
Calegari Scholarship Fund, Jean-Paul ’85
Class of 1966, Mike Walsh Scholarship
John F. & Mary Finnegan Scholarship
& Jean-Claude ’89
Class of 1967 Scholarship
Forbush/Aveson Scholarship
Clark & Elizabeth Callander Scholarship Fund (4)
Class of 1968 Scholarship
Friend of S.I. Scholarships (2)
Andy & Miriam Canepa Scholarship
Class of 1972 Scholarship
Carl & Celia Berta Gellert Scholarship Fund (2)
Steven D. Cannata Scholarship
Class of 1973, John McVeigh Scholarship
Charlotte McFarland Gibbons Fund (6)
Gregory & Robin Canonica Scholarship (2)
Class of 1974 Scholarship
Edward & Cherie M. Gilmore
William & Beatrice Carlin Endowed
Class of 1978
Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship Fund (5)
Class of 1980
Rick Goethals Scholarships (2)
K. Carpenter Family Scholarship Fund
Class of 1982 Scholarship
Margaret C. Gordon Memorial Scholarship
Thomas Caruso Scholarship
Peter Claver, S.J. Scholarship
Goossens-Rambo Family Scholarship
John & Dagmar Casey Scholarship
Cocconi - Silvestri Family Scholarship
Fred R. Grant Memorial Scholarship Fund
Marilyn K. Christen Memorial Scholarship Fund
Hugo & Lena Coli Memorial Scholarship
Richard & Shirley Gravelle Memorial Scholarship
Salvatore Ciraulo Memorial Scholarship
Ed & Marie Collins Scholarship
Jean & EC Grayson Scholarship
Edward, Fred, John
Raymond Grialou Scholarship
Lovette Family Scholarship
John J. Guheen Scholarship
Lopez Low Endowed Scholarship
and William Ritchie Scholarships (2)
Katherine L. Handley Endowed Scholarship Fund
Loyola Guild Scholarships (5)
Gary L. Roberts Scholarship Fund (5)
Howard George Hanton/Patricia Camerena
John H. Lyden, Jr. Scholarship
The Don & Catharine Robinson Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund
Sister Felicitas Macsera, O.P. Scholarship (2)
Katie Robinson Scholarship
Harold Harper Scholarship
Pat Malley Memorial Scholarship
Leo Rock, S.J. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Curt & Patsy Hayden Family Scholarship Fund
Paolo Luigi Maraviglia Memorial Scholarship
Victor Lawrence Rollandi Family Scholarship
Robert Emmet Hayden Family Scholarship
Mason Family Scholarship
Kevin V. Ryan Family Scholarship
Ramona Hayes-Healey Scholarship
Matza Family Scholarship Fund
Anne C. Sapunar Scholarship
Rita & Kearney Sauer, MD Scholarship
John Hazelwood Scholarship
Rev. Charles J. McCarthy, S.J. Scholarship
Florence Heafey Foundation Scholarships (5)
Sister Frances McCarthy Endowed Scholarship
Bernice Schaefer Memorial Scholarship
Hearst Foundation Scholarships (2)
McCarthy-Lawson Family Scholarship Fund
Raj Singh Family Endowed Scholarship
I.W. Hellman Scholarship
Michael J. McFadden Scholarship
Sisters of St. Charles Elementary
Albert J. Holmes Scholarship
McGovern Family Scholarship
School Scholarship (2)
George & Josie Norien Hornstein Scholarship
Terrence V. McGuire Scholarship
Peter Smith Scholarship
Jean Hubber Scholarship
Tim McInerney Scholarship
Society of Jesus Scholarship (2)
Ignatian Guild Scholarship
C.Merrill Foundation Scholarship
Solso Family Scholarship
Joseph & Marion Imhof Scholarship
Leon B. Metz, Jr. MD Memorial Scholarship Fund
Thomas F. Stack, Sr. & Jr. Scholarship
The Father John Isaacs Scholarship
Russell Miller Endowed Scholarship Fund (2)
Sugrue Family Scholarships (7)
John M. Jack Family Scholarship
Georgia Edna Molfino Scholarship
Kirk C. Syme Family Scholarship
Jaquier Family Scholarship
William J. Moore, Jr. Scholarship
Szarnicki & Donovan Scholarship
Jon Philip Jensen Scholarship
Daniel J. & Mary Moriarty Scholarship
Jon E. Tarantino Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Jones Scholarship
Hannah & Catherine Moriarty Scholarship
Thiemann Family Scholarship
James Keating Scholarship
Moriarty & McInerney Scholarship
Edward J. Thylstrup, Class of ’52 Scholarship
Keating Memorial Scholarship
Mickey Moriarty Scholarship
John & Frances Thylstrup Scholarship
Rev. William J. Keenan, S.J. Scholarship
James J. & Mary Muldoon Scholarships (2)
in Honor of the Class of 1952 (2)
Kern Family Scholarship
Daniel J. Murphy Scholarship (2)
Toboni Family Scholarship
William J. Kirby Scholarship
J.B. Murphy Scholarship
The Burl A. Toler Achievement Scholarship
Leo Paul Koulos and D. Virginia Koulos
Joseph Matthew Murphy, ’80 Scholarship
Fred Tollini, Class of ’52 Scholarship
Matt A. Tonkovich Scholarship
Scholarship Fund
Hal Riney & Elizabeth Myers
David E. Kozel Scholarship
Educational Scholarship
Jean Travers Scholarship
Edward & Elizabeth Kozel Family
Father James Francis Cannon O’Brien, S.J.
Miss Nancy Turo Scholarship
Scholarship Fund (4)
Scholarship Fund
Robbie Payton Unruh Memorial Scholarship
The Honorable Richard & Susan Kramer
Odell Foundation Scholarship (2)
Michael Bruce Ugawa Science Scholarship Fund
Ronald J. Oliva Scholarship
Vaughan & Capitolo Family Scholarship
Francis A. Lagomarsino (Class of ’27)
O’Riley Scholarship
Viehweg Family Scholarship
& Jean Y. Lagomarsino Endowed
Dorothy Boynton Parker Scholarship
Anthony G. Vlantis Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund (2)
Pasha Family Scholarship, Class of ’52 (2)
Charles A. & Albina Rossi Wall Scholarship
Robert & Millicent Lalanne Family
Kathleen and Robert L. Paver, MD Scholarship
Richard J. Wall Educational Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund
Captain Thomas J. Petrini Scholarship Fund
W. Urie Walsh, Sr. Scholarship Fund (2)
Karen & Scott Lamson Scholarship Fund
Pidgeon Family Scholarship Fund
Barrett & Elise Weber Family Scholarship in
Alfred D. Lawson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Adam Powers Memorial Scholarship
memory of Florence Weber
John Barrett Leonardini Scholarship
Miguel Pro, S.J. Scholarship
Charles E. White Scholarship
Jules & Dorothy Leonardini Scholarship
Dante & Irene Ravetti Scholarship
Wikstrom-Grimstad Scholarship
William T. & Mary M. Logan Family Scholarship
Reidy Family Scholarship
Elizabeth Mary Wolf Endowed Scholarship Fund (2)
John J. LoSchiavo, S.J. Scholarship
Karen Reidy Memorial Scholarship
Contributions Report
Salute to the Nifty 150s
by Steve Lovette ’63, Vice President for Development
It was the year that was — and still is!
Two thousand and five marks SI’s 150th birthday — a
year highlighted by almost $10 million in new contributions,
announcement of the new Mary Ann and Jack Gibbons Music Wing, banner-strewn boulevards, student plays, musicals,
games (and a little studying!), capped by a birthday party for
the prep attended by almost 7,000 happy party-goers.
At the President’s Cabinet Dinner in December, Fr. Tony
Sauer will bring our successful $50 million endowment drive
to a close and culminate the Sesquicentennial Year with some
exciting announcements of things to come. Stay tuned.
We salute our generous benefactors — particularly J.D.
McEvoy ’27, Ken Atwell ’29, Mary Ann and Jack Gibbons
’37, Karen and Tom Leonardini ’59 and the Lynn Fritz Family ’60 — without whose help SI would not be the school it
is today. We also salute our wonderful volunteers headed by
the now-infamous Sesquicentennial Committee members, or
“Nifty 150s” as chair Fred Tocchini ’66 has tagged them, for
an unmatched year of fun, frivolity and fanfare.
Thanks to each and every one of you who have given so
much to the students of SI. Here’s to you! Here’s to the SI
Annual Giving
Total $745,941
Bequests & Distributions
Parent Pledge Contributions
Ignatian Guild
Father’s Club
Loyola Guild
Jesuit Contributed Services
Student Fund Raiser
All Souls
General Contributions
Total Contributions
Named Facilities
FacilityHonoree FacilityHonoree School Chapel
Jensen Chapel
Campus Ministry Reception Area1992 Ignatian Guild
Student Bookstore
The Bob Buich Family
Main Activities Office
The 1994 Ignatian Guild
Library Resource Center
The 1993 Ignatian Guild
Pool Overlook
The 1994 Student Council
Admissions Office
The 1994 Ignatian Guild
Fathers’ Club Board RoomIn Honor of Fred L. Tocchini ’66
Asst. Principal for AcademicsDr. & Mrs. Collin P. Quock
Library Research Center
The Bernard Osher Foundation
Student Center Conference Room
Joseph & Marion Imhof
Student Publication Layout Room & Office
The 1994 Ignatian Guild
Asst. Principal for Student AffairsMr. & Mrs. Fred Grant
Campus Minister’s Office
The Bertelsen Family
Athletic Director’s Office
The Lo Family
Athletic Dept. OfficeMr. & Mrs. Charles Proses
Asst. Athletic Director’s OfficeIn Memory of Bernie McCann ’31
Asst. Campus Minister’s OfficeMatt & Rose Duffy
Athletic Conference Room #1Mr. & Mrs. Koutsoukos
(commemorating the 100th anniversary
of P.G. Molinari & Sons)
Athletic Conference Room #2Mr. & Mrs. Michael Boschetto ’74
Baseball Batting CenterIn Memory of Mr. Jim Keating
Boys’ Athletic Training RoomMarianne & Louis Bachleder
Jesuit Residence Conference RoomIn Memory of Joseph Kiernan ’31
Pool Participation AreaIn Honor of Ursula Marsten
Counselors’ Offices (6)
The Jacobitz Family (in memory of Fr. Largan)
Frank Badaracco (in memory of Donald & George)
In Memory of Daniel & Mary Moriarty
In Memory of the Moriarty & McInerney Families
In Memory of The O’Connell Family)
Academic Support Services OfficeIn Memory of David James Hale,
a gift from his family
Wilsey Library Display AreaDiane B. Wilsey,
in memory of Alfred S. Wilsey
Wilsey Library Exhibit Cases
A gift of the Paul Bruschera Family,
in memory of Mary Pettit De Natale
Display Case
Catherine and Daniel Leese Family Art Display Case
Trophy Cases (10)
The Regan Family (1)
The Paul Bruschera Family (1) (in memory of Thomas F. De Natale)
The De Natale Family (1) (in memory of Thomas F. De Natale)
The Buich Brothers (1)
1986 Student Council & Block Club (1)
Sports Rehabilitation RoomIn Memory of Martha Franklin
Pool Instructor’s Office
Barry C. Marsh Family
Girls’ Pool Locker RoomIn Memory of Rose Toccalino
Boys’ Pool Locker RoomIn Memory of George L. Formosa
Fr. John Becker, SJ, CourtyardPeter Casey ’68 and Friends of Fr. Becker
Pavilion Snack Bar
Activities Ticket Booth
A Gift of Christine and Vincent O’Gara
McGucken LobbyIn Memory of Marion J. Collins
Vice President’s OfficeIn Memory of Frank Lovette
Faculty Lounge
Jean & Francis Lagomarsino ’27
New Gymnasium
Barbara & Bob McCullough
Carlin Commons
Black Box Theatre
The E. L. Wiegand Foundation
Pool & Natatorium
The Herbst Foundation
Campus LibraryMr. Alfred S. Wilsey ’36
Choral Wing
The Mary Ann & Jack Gibbons Music & Choral Wing
Student Chapel
Orradre Chapel
Counseling Center
The Carl & Celia Berta Gellert Counseling Center
in honor of Peter & Alberta Brusati
Physical and Life Science CenterRichard D. Spohn, SJ, Science Center
Gymnasium CenterMartin D. Murphy, Esq.
Sports Pavilion
The S. H. Cowell Foundation
Campus Ministry Center
The Nejasmich Family
Fine Arts Center
Barbara & Jay Fritz Family
Student Concourse
Ann-Eve & Paul Hazen
Christian Service Center The Thomas J. Reed, SJ, Christian Service Center
Choral Room
The Doris Duke Wall Choral Room
Jesuit Residence ChapelMary Lou Latno King Jesuit Residence Chapel
Chemistry Hall #1
The Class of 1994
Chemistry Hall #2
The Class of 1995
Physics Hall #1
Conrad N. Hilton Physics Hall
Physics Hall #2
The Bartmann Science Hall, in loving memory
of Anthony Bartmann ’57 (a gift from his parents,
Herbert and Elizabeth Bartmann)
Biology Hall #1
The Class of 1996
Biology Hall #2
The Class of 1997
Campus Ministry Activity WingIn Memory of Jerome K. Doolan ’14
President’s Office
The Coyne Family
SI TrackIn Memory of Jack Wilsey ’34
Practice FieldDonald & Margaret Gordon ’43
CourtyardMichel & Mary Orradre Courtyard
Earth Science Hall
James T. Fitzgerald, M.D.
Girls’ Locker RoomMrs. Celia Gellert
Boys’ Locker RoomIn memory of John Patrick Feeney ’78
Main OfficeIn Memory of Emil Monfredini
Jesuit Dining RoomIn Memory of the Feeney Bros.
Main Entrance PlazaIn Memory of Alfred J. Cleary ’37
Main Campus EntranceIn Memory of Daniel & Mary Moriarty
College Guidance Center
The 1993 Ignatian Guild
Choral Room ClassroomDonald White ’42 Classroom
English Center
The Connolly Family English Center
(in memory of John and Margaret Connolly and Family)
ClassroomIn Memory of Joseph Sheerin ’27
Dean of Students’ OfficeDaniel & Mary Feeney
Pavilion Plaza South1992 Ignatian Guild
Pavilion Plaza (Exterior)
The Robert J. McCarthy Family
Tennis Court
The Brusati Family
Tennis Court
The Christen Family
Tennis Court
The Kelleher Family
Tennis Court
The Kitt Family
Boys’ Coaches Office
Josephine & Walter Gordon
Painting Studio
The Ernest Go Family
Associated Student Body Offices1991 Student Council
Naming Opportunities
FacilitiesAmount FacilitiesAmount
2001 Campus $10,000,000
North Chapel Court
Stadium Complex
Scenery Workroom
Main Academic Building
Jesuit Residence Rooms (25)
Pacific Overlook atop Gibbons Choral Room
Dean of Student’s Front Office
Tennis Athletic Complex
Art Wing Display Cases
Student Activity Center
Bannan Theatre Stage
New Weight Room
Crew Erg storage room
New Computer Lab
Associate Dean’s Office
Student Training and Weight Room
Theatre Control Studio
Ignatian Guild Conference Center
Girls’ Athletic Training Room
Jesuit Recreation Room
Theatre Director’s Office
New Classrooms (3)
Alumni Director’s Office
Team Locker Room
Development Director’s Office
Main School Hallways (8)
Field Snack Bar
Classrooms (40)
Garment Storage Room
McGucken Hall Entranceway
Kairos Director’s Office
Faculty Study
Music Storage Room
Commons Breezeway
Photography Darkroom
Counseling Conference Room
Pool Record Board
Information Technology Office
Pool Scoreboard
Batting Cage
Sports Equipment Room
North Gym Court
Weight Room Office
Girls’ Coaches Office
Wiegand Theatre Lighting Room
North School Entrance
Wilsey Library Display Area
South School Entrance
Sports Trophy Cases (6)
Band Room
Pool Starting Blocks (8)
Choral Director’s Office
Weight Room Lifting Platforms
Wiegand Theatre Foyer
Bannan Theatre Makeup Room
SI Archive Room
Library Study Carrels
The President’s Reception Center
Bannan Theatre Seats
Pool Lanes (8)
Fr. John Becker, SJ, who taught at SI in the
1950s, ’60s and ’70s, has written his second
murder-mystery, entitled Cold Comfort,
featuring the same priest and students that
appeared in his first book, Father, Forgive
Them. You can purchase it from Amazon.
com, Borders, Barnes and Noble or directly from him (signed) by emailing jbecker@ The ISN number is1-42083643-9.
Eugene Bianchi, an emeritus professor of
religion at Emory University, just published The Bishop of San Francisco: Romance, Intrigue and Religion. He is the
author of nine other books and many
essays, with topics ranging from church
reform, religion and ecology to creative
aging. Bianchi, a former Jesuit, is presently writing a memoir about changes in
his spirituality over the years. He directs
the Emeritus College at Emory, a faculty
retirement organization and makes his
home in Athens, Georgia, with his wife,
Margaret Herrman, a Siamese cat, Max,
and a standard poodle, Rhainy. His most
recent book is Passionate Uncertainty:
Inside the American Jesuits, co-authored
with Peter McDonough.
Judge Gene Lynch, former chairman of SI’s
Board of Regents, celebrated the Golden
Anniversary of his marriage to his wife,
Jeanne, with a Mass in Orradre Chapel
on June 19 and dinner in the Carlin Commons.
Bill Kennedy and his wife, Trish, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary surrounded by their huge family and myriad
Joe Vollert was feted by his employer and
wife, Peggy, and large extended family at
a surprise retirement dinner at the Hilltop
Café in Novato.
Kevin Mullin has a new book out: Dangerous Strangers: Minority Newcomers
and Criminal Violence in the Urban West,
1850–2000. He retired from SFPD with
the rank of deputy chief after a 26-year
career and has written extensively in magazines and newspapers on criminal justice
issues. He is the author of Let Justice Be
Done: Crime and Politics in Early San
Francisco. For more information, go to
Hon. Timothy A. Reardon will receive the
St. Thomas More Award at the Red Mass,
celebrated by Bishop Ignatius Wang, Oct.
20 at the Church of St. Peter and Paul.
Paul Hogan is the owner and president of
PridePaint located in Redwood City and
San Mateo.
Michael Handlos was installed as president of the Serra Club of San Francisco in
a ceremony on June 9. Also sworn in was
Ed Dollard ’53 as vice-president of vocations, Neal McGettigan ’59 as club secretary and Paul Crudo (long-time SI dad and
husband of former SI secretary Barbara)
as vice president of programs.
Tom Combs retired from the Santa Rosa
Police Department two years ago. He and
his wife, Sandy, now live in Truckee.
Bob Fambrini, SJ, is the new pastor of
Our Lady of Guadalupe in San Diego having completed 10 years as Novice Director
of the California Province.
Otto Kausch is an assistant professor of
psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University. He received his Bachelor’s and
medical degrees from Johns Hopkins University. He and his wife, Becky Allgeier, enjoy competing in triathlons, and they have
both qualified for the National Age Group
Championships this year. They have two
children, Dan and Molly.
Denis Rusca has become principal of Horizon Middle School in Spokane where he
has been administrator for nine years with
30 years in the district.
Pat Martin is vice principal at a middle school
in El Cerrito. He and his wife, Elaina, have
two boys, Patrick, 9, and Francis, 4.
Lt. Col. Timothy Murphy, USAF, has received a new assignment in the Washington,
DC, area, teaching at Bolling Air Force Base
as a specialist in space technologies at the
National Defense University.
Rev. William McCain has been reappointed
by Archbishop Levada to another term as
Pastor of Our Lady of Loretto Church in
Bob Borbeck has sold his pool business to
focus this past year on mortgages. Give him
a call if looking for property in Arizona. His
daughter Bianca begins her junior year at
Xavier Prep and daughter Beth begins cosmetology school. Son Blake is in his second
year at Northern Arizona University. Son
Brandon (Brophy ’00) will publish his first
novel this fall. His wife, Barbara, (niece of
former SI faculty member Carolyn Rocca)
manages Scottsdale Health Care’s pain department. They celebrate 27 years of marriage this Dec. 9.
Bill Quinlan has founded the Harvest Theatre of Toledo, a semi-pro non-profit theatre
company in Ohio. The theatre will present
world premiere plays, classics (both American and from the world stage) and musicals.
You can visit his web site at
Russell Anixter is a partner in Anixter Rice
Music Service of New York City specializing in music copying and preparation for
Broadway Musicals. Other projects include
supervising the music preparation for the
new Mel Brooks Movie The Producers: the
Musical and the music arrangements for the
new CD The New York Fusion Ensemble
Genesis IV 65
Plays the Music of Led Zeppelin available
on Plug Records.
Josh Watson is sales manager for Dogswell
in San Francisco.
Mark Hall wants to hear from his classmates;
his son plans to apply to SI this fall.
Anthony del Zompo recently wrote an oped piece for the Santa Cruz Sentinel titled
“Happiness and the Power of Altruism.”
Tony now lives in Santa Cruz.
Mark DeLucchi just completed his doctoral
degree in clinical psychology and has accepted a position at the San Francisco County
Jail conducting psychological assessments
and treating inmates. He and his wife, Susan Tamaro, have two girls: Clare, 4, and
Celeste, 1.
Mike Farrah married Maya Draisin at Mission Dolores Basilica on July 2.
Tony Rhein maried Laura Lynne Lazure June
25 at Queen of the Snows Church at Lake
Tahoe. Among the bridesmaids were Amy
Rhein ’94 and Eliza Rhein ’96. Ted Henning
‘91 was one of the groomsmen and Ed Rhein
’62 was his son’s best man.
Shane Sanchez will begin his doctoral program in literature at UC Santa Cruz this fall
after teaching “Freshman Seminar: An Introduction to Critical Thinking,” at the University of Montana as an Adjunct Instructor for
the past three years.
Mark Shilaff received a Master’s degree in
educational technology from USF in May.
Joe Cannata married Elizabeth Shine Helfond Aug. 20 in Glen Ellen. Joe’s dad, Steve
’66, was his best man. Graduates — relatives and friends too numerous to mention
— were in the wedding party as bridesmaids
and groomsmen.
Luis Lorenzana is back in San Francisco
working with Niall McCarthy and many
other SI grads at Cotchett Pitre Simon and
McCarthy law firm.
66 Genesis IV
Paul Virk recently returned from a Peace
Corp assignment in Uzbekistan. The political situation curtailed his planned 27-month
tour, but Paul served the local community
ably in the year and a half he was there.
Michael Walsh married Heather Ann Zimmerman July 16, 2005, at the Chapel of Our
Lady in the Presidio. Gregory L. Teshara ’98
was a member of the wedding party. Heather
and Michael met in their freshman year in
college while he was attending UC Irvine and
she was attending St. Mary’s in Moraga.
will also be starting graduate school in the
fall, working towards a Master’s degree in
forensic science with an emphasis on advanced investigations from the University of
New Haven.
Nick Errico celebrated his Peace Corp assignment to Samoa at a theme party at his home
May 29 where brother Jason ’92 (a veterinary surgeon) and guests donned suitable
Samoan attire to wish Nick bon voyage.
Kendall Bercaw has recently been promoted as a guest service manager at the Magic
Kingdom theme park at Walt Disney World
in Orlando. She is interested in pursuing a
graduate degree at Rollins College in the
near future.
Paul Lorentz married Megan Pryor of Los
Angeles June 25 at Sacred Heart Chapel
on the Loyola Marymount University campus. In attendance were classmates Eric
Vennemeyer, Jennifer Strickfaden, Stephanie
Burbank, Stephen Allan, Alex Appah, Erin
Hughes, Mike Michalske, Alex Sundby and
Paul Hanley ’63, Sean Hanley ’03, J. Chris
Wong ’03, Emilio Lacayo-Valle ’88 and Dan
Michalske ’72. Bryan Lorentz ’02, Christopher Lorentz ’03, Justin Lorentz ’07 and John
David Lorentz were among the groomsmen.
SI faculty member and dad David Lorentz
along with his wife, Kathy, were there too,
of course.
Alex Sundby is working as a reporter for the
Rio Grande Sun in Española, New Mexico,
covering seven school districts, No Child
Left Behind, and the politics and money behind education in northern New Mexico.
Joanne Tan is going on her second year at
Hastings College of the Law, pursuing a concentration in tax law. She is also a realtor under Re/Max Today, serving the Bay Area.
Dirk Daza graduated from UC Davis this
past June with a Bachelor’s degree in both
dramatic arts (with a theatre emphasis) and
political science (with a public service emphasis). He remains in the Sacramento area
to attend law school at the University of the
Pacific, McGeorge School of Law.
Rudraigh Quattrin graduated from SFSU
this past May with a Bachelor’s degree in
comparative and world literature.
Veronica Esmero is an incoming junior attending Georgetown University’s School
of Nursing and Health Studies majoring in
health systems administration and pre-medicine. She is assistant director of the Georgetown University Dance Company as well
as chair for the Performing Arts Advisory
Council. She received an Outstanding Director’s Award for her work as Treasurer for
the GU Dance Company as well as the Outstanding Contribution to Dance Award. She
works as a movement instructor for cancer
patients and has worked as a counselor for
the Summer Biomedical Science Institute, a
program for low-income students who have
a desire to pursue science careers.
Kevin Yeh will be a junior at Cornell University where he will pursue a double major in
government and economics. Last summer, he
worked as an intern for House Democratic
Leader Nancy Pelosi and for a federal judge.
He transferred to Cornell from UCLA, where
he was a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity
and a member of the Interfraternity Council.
He also rowed for a season with the UCLA
Rowing Team.
Katie Watts was selected San Francisco Miss
Rose of Tralee at the United Irish Cultural
Center June 18. She goes on to Ireland for
the international competition.
This year we RAISE THE STAKES with pre-sales of tables and tickets.
We are expecting a sell-out – so make sure you reserve your spot!
2005 Raffle: $100 a Chance!
High Roller Gala
Harley Davidson Hog Heaven
Saturday, November 5th, 6pm–12m
Luck-Be-A-Lady Luncheon
Sunday, November 6th, 11:00 am
Dear Ignatian Family & Friends,
Come to Vegas this Fall!
Warmest regards,
Your 2005 Viva St. Ignatius Co-Chairs
Balestreri Dudum
Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend
A gorgeous, 1-carat, round brilliant-cut diamond!
Gift of: Giraux Fine Jewelry - San Francisco
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Join us as we transform SI’s Carlin Commons
Pavilion into a glamorous venue for the 36th
Annual SI Fashion Show – Viva St. Ignatius!
This fundraiser, presented by the Ignatian
Guild-Mothers Serving SI-and Fr. Anthony P. Sauer
SJ, supports the SI Scholarship Fund.
To date, no student has been turned away from
SI due to lack of funds. The SI Fashion Show helps
ensure that this never changes.
If every family that reads this letter bought
just 1 raffle ticket, we would raise $1.5 million
for the scholarship fund!
Please, join the fun, and attend one of the
two fantastic shows!
We thank you for your interest, support and
continued generosity!
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Gift of: Dudley Perkins
Harley Davidson–San Francisco
For tickets, advertising or underwriting, please visit, e-mail [email protected],
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Send engraved invitations to 11 friends
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Gift of: Plump Jack
Visit to view additional raffle prizes, such
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Raffle & Show Tickets may be purchased online.
Genesis IV 67
Phil Donnici was a unanimous selection for
All-American honors for lacrosse and made
all-league along with several of his teammates. He was selected for the USA West Lacrosse Team along with Charles Ellis, Dylan
Green, Matt Mulry and Casey McLennan.
This all-California all-star team toured England, Wales and Scotland and acted as good
will ambassadors for the sport.
Colleen Sorenson Fredericks and Anne
McLeod Rollandi were introduced to society
at the San Francisco Debutante Ball sponsored by the Women’s Board of the California Pacific Medical Center Foundation on
June 17 at the Westin St. Francis.
Tim Flaherty and his wife, Kristina, a son,
Tyler Richard, born March 29, 2005. Tyler
joins big brother Colin, 6.
Pedro “Peter” Padua and his wife, Maria, a
daughter, Ysabella Antoinette, born March
7, 2005. Pedro and Maria were married
April 17, 2004.
Rob Uhrich and his wife, Leanne, their sixth
child, a daughter, Ava Victoria, born June 6,
2005. Rob Jr. attended SI soccer camp this
Tom McGuirk and his wife, Melissa, a
daughter, Sydney Eilish, born April 30, 2005,
in Redwood City.
John Bower and his wife, Tina, a son, Ryan
John, born June 18, 2005.
Melissa (Cayabyab) Maralit and husband,
Glenn, a son, Jaylen James, born July 24,
2005. Jaylen joins older brother Jordan Tyler.
Charleena (Pabalate) Richardson and her
husband, Carey, a daughter, Sela Victoria,
born May 11, 2005. Sela joins sister Isabelle
Ava, 3.
Marielle Schlueter, and her husband, Jon
David Ritche, a son, Joseph Wallace, born
Jan. 21, 2005. The family lives in Philadelphia where Jon is the fullback for the Philadelphia Eagles.
In Memoriam
Russell Anixter his wife, Shari, a son, Roark
D’Artagnan, born April 27, 2005. He joins
big sister Izabella, 6.
Chris Kanelopoulos and his wife, Rebecca, a
son, Nicholas James, born July 12, 2004. He
joins older brother Charlie.
Tim Cronin and his wife, Julie, a second
daughter, Clara Catherine, born March 9,
2005. Clara joins Nicky, Caroline and Will.
Rob Ennis and his wife, Heidi, a fifth child,
fourth daughter, Emily Patricia, born May
7, 2005. Eldest daughter, Megan, is in the SI
Class of ’09.
68 Genesis IV
28Daniel E. Collins, Jr.
29 Charles Cabrera
36 John “Doc” Overstreet
39Paul C. McDonnell
40 John E. Schaeffer
50 Constantine Gofas
51 A. Philip Bray
52Samuel A. Moore, Jr.
53 Kenneth R. Sullivan
62 William C. Spohn
69Patrick M. O’Connor
71 John Sancimino
73 Theodore “Ted” Reed, Jr.
77Michael A. Viripaeff
Former Faculty
Rev. Thomas Patrick Delaney, SJ
Rev. Eugene R. Zimmers, SJ
Dr. William Spohn ’62
Noted Theologian
r. William C. Spohn ’62 died
peacefully Aug. 3 at Alta Bates
Hospital of complications from
brain cancer.
Well-known for his work in the fields
of scripture and ethics, Roman Catholic
moral theology, and American philosophy and theology, Dr. Spohn served on the
faculties of the Jesuit School of Theology
at Berkeley (1979-1992) and Santa Clara
University, where he was director of the
Bannan Center for Jesuit Education (19982004) and held the Augustin Cardinal Bea
chair in theology and Christian ethics.
A riveting teacher and a respected
scholar, Dr. Spohn wrote widely on applied ethics, moral theology, and spirituality.
He is the author of Go and Do Likewise: Jesus and Ethics (1999). He served
on the boards at Georgetown University
and Santa Clara University (1988-1994),
as well as the Kaiser Foundation Northern California Institutional Review Board
He was born in Washington, DC, on
June 7, 1944, the second of six children,
and was the nephew of longtime SI physics teacher Fr. Richard Spohn, SJ ’31. He
was raised in San Francisco and graduated
from SI before entering the Society of Jesus. After serving in the Jesuit novitiate
at Los Gatos, Bill went on to study at
Gonzaga University, the University of
Chicago and the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.
He loved to read, cook, and swim, interests that brain cancer could not wrest
from him.
Bill is survived by his wife of nine
years, Martha Ellen Stortz of Oakland,
along with his five brothers and sisters:
Richard B. Spohn ’60 and Katherine
Ramage of Berkeley; Michael and Mary
Spohn Romo of Tiburon, California; Vincent Martin Spohn ’66 and Cecily Jordan
of Napa; Tobias and Catherine Wolff
of Stanford; and Michael ’76 and Carol
Spohn of San Francisco.
J.B. Murphy, SI teacher for 50 years, dies at 95
ohn Bernard Murphy, known affectionately as JB and “Mr. SI” to legions
of students for 50 years, died Aug. 18
at the Mercy Care Center in Oakland. He
was 95.
Mr. Murphy was born June 25, 1910,
in San Francisco and was hired in 1939 to
teach at St. Ignatius High School on Stanyan Street and served with the school as
it moved to and prospered in the Sunset
In his 50-year run with the school,
he taught math, coached and served as
SI’s third athletic director (from 1953 to
SI honored him three times — in 1974
by presenting him with the President’s
Award, the highest accolade it bestows;
in 1973 by creating the JB Murphy Award
given to the most inspirational football player; and in 1989 by naming the football field
after him.
Mr. Murphy almost didn’t live past his
24th birthday. He entered St. Joseph’s seminary after graduating from St. Paul’s grammar school, but one year from ordination,
he learned that he had bleeding ulcers, and
his doctor told him he would die within six
He left the seminary and spent the next
year and half struggling to recover. When
he felt strong enough, he decided to work
to help his parents last out the Depression.
He sought work as a Latin teacher, given his
seminary training. But when he started work
on Aug. 16, 1939, at SI, he found himself assigned to history and PE classes. Two years
later, he was assigned to teach math when a
scholastic from Spokane called in sick a day
before classes began. In an interview he gave
upon his retirement, Mr. Murphy noted that
“the principal looked through his faculty,
and I was the only one who had four years
of high school math. No one on the faculty
had college math,” recalled Murphy. “He
said, ‘Murphy, you’re teaching five classes of
math on Monday at 8:30 a.m.’”
Students soon learned that he was a
tough disciplinarian. “I had a volatile temper, but I worked awfully hard when I started
teaching to cool it. The very first days I was
teaching, one of my students — now a respected lawyer — was making fun of me sotto voce, speaking behind his hand. In those
days, the teacher’s desk was on a platform. I
pushed my desk
off the platform
into the arms of
this boy. I went
him out of his
desk, took him
outside and lifted
him by his shirt
against the lockers. I said, ‘I’m
an Irishman and
you’re a disturbing little runt.
If you do that
again, I’ll separate your head
from your shoulders.’ Forty-seven years later, he told me that
he respected me for what I did.”
His close friend and fellow teacher
Frank Corwin tempered this image by noting that “between J.B. and Fr. Tom Reed, our
principal at the time, those two knew every
family in every parish in San Francisco. J.B.
knew everything about each boy at SI, not
just the boys in his class. He would know
if they had any family problems, such as an
alcoholic parent or monetary issues. Because
we had no real counselors in those days, J.B.
would often go to a student’s home to help
a boy with family problems. He put in many
16-hour days doing this.”
He married Edna Ford in 1940 and they
had four children, including Chuck Murphy
’61, who has taught math at SI since 1965.
Three Murphys made the cover of Company
magazine (a national magazine for American Jesuits and friends) when it pictured
J.B., Chuck, and J.B.’s grandson Matthew
Murphy ’89 when he enrolled at SI. The first
coed class also included Matt’s sister, Marielle Murphy ’93, who enrolled the year her
grandfather retired.
During the war years, J.B. became a favorite of many of the students. “They hung
onto us and their parents in those days,” he
noted. “All of the students had tremendous
respect for the Jesuits and were continually
afraid that they were going to lose the lay
teachers they dearly loved to the draft.”
J.B. gained coaching experience with
the Young Men’s Institute swimming team
(the precursor to the CYO), and he became SI’s third athletic director in 1953. He
found himself in contentious meetings with
the AAA’s other athletic directors, most of
whom were from public schools. “When
they pushed him, he would push right back
again,” recalled Corwin. “He wasn’t afraid
to speak up.”
As an athletic director, he is perhaps
most known for never missing a game. For
most of those games, he would wear his
trademark yellow tie. He began wearing it
in the early 1950s when René Herrerias ’44
coached basketball for SI before leaving to
coach at UC Berkeley. “We were guests at
the tournament of champions at Cal,” said
J.B. “Against all odds, our team won every
game during the morning and afternoon.
At dinner, René ribbed me about my flashy
yellow tie that I was wearing. That night we
won the championship. After ribbing me all
day about the yellow tie, he said, ‘Any game
I coach for the rest of my life and your life, I
want you to wear that yellow tie.’”
J.B. stayed at SI because, as his son
Chuck noted, “there was a real mesh between his philosophy of education and Jesuit philosophy. I’ve heard Jesuits speak of
Ignatian values, and it’s obvious to me that
they were speaking about the way my father
Mr. Murphy is predeceased by his wife,
Edna Ford Murphy, and he is survived by
his sons Jack and Chuck, his daughters Joan
Hensley and Trish Wright, eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Donations may be made to the JB Murphy Scholarship Fund at SI, 2001 37th Avenue, San Francisco, Calif., 94116.
Genesis IV 69
Our problems are solved!
We’ve set the date for the Fathers’ Club Auction
Saturday, March 4, 2006, 1950s Theme
Pictured above is Fr. Pierre Jacobs, SJ,
explaining the mysteries of chemistry to
students in 1952. When Fr. Jacobs first
came to SI, he was told to teach chemistry, a subject that he studied only briefly.
70 Genesis IV
A gifted teacher, he mastered the field by
keeping several days ahead of his students.
Also pictured are cheerleader George
Devine ’59 at a 1956 football game and
students decked out for their senior prom.
Get your poodle skirts & Block Club
sweaters ready for a night of ’50s nostalgia and good old Rock ’n’ Roll!
Bob Guglielmi, Auction chairman
Don Mancini, Auction co-chairman
Joe Vollert & Fred Tocchini Join SI Development
fter 34 years as SI’s executive vice
president, Fr. Harry V. Carlin, SJ,
retired last May. Steve Lovette
’63, former vice president for development, assumes Fr. Carlin’s position effective fall 2005.
With a number of exciting capital
projects coming on line, two new faces
join SI development.
Joe Vollert ’84, former SI head football coach and mathematics teacher, becomes director of development, and Fred
Tocchini ’66, member of the Board of Regents and former president and co-owner
of Tocchini & Tocchini, becomes director
of special projects.
The Development Office, along with
the entire SI community, welcomes Joe
and Fred to their new roles. A fuller story,
including a list of new faculty and administrators, will run in the winter issue.
Fred Tocchini ’66
16th Annual SI
Business Lunch
Joe Vollert ’84
Buy Spiritus ‘Magis’:
150 Years of St. Ignatius College Preparatory
Wednesday, October 12, 11:30 a.m.
Brad Jack ’76
Former Chief Operating Officer for
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
To be held at the University Club, 800 Powell
If you would like to attend the luncheon (open bar),
please complete and mail the response card along with
your check for $55 to SI Alumni Office, 2001 37th Avenue, SF, CA 94116. If you have questions or wish an
invitation sent to someone, contact Special Events Director Katie Kohmann at [email protected].
Attire: Coat & Tie.
Name_ _________________________________________
City ___________________ State_____ Zip_________
Work Phone_____________________________________
Home Phone_ ___________________________________
Amount Included: ___ person(s) @ $55/each =________
Make check payable to SI.
Go to, stop by the Development Office between 9-12, or by fill out the form, below.
Name ______________________________________________
City _______________________ State _____ Zip__________
Number of Books @ $25/copy_____
q I wish to pick up my book at the Development Office
q Please mail me my copy(ies) at $5 shipping per book:
Shipping charges ($5/copy)_____
Make the check payable to St. Ignatius College Prep.
Mail to SI, c/o Paul Totah, 2001 37th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94116. Send queries to [email protected].
Calendar 2005–2006
Class of 1965 Reunion, SI
Junior Parent Counselor Night
Ignatian Guild Mom’s Night Out, Commons
Father/Student Communion Breakfast
Ignatian Guild Board Meeting
PSAT/Frosh Retreat
Senior Portraits
Downtown Business Lunch
Class of 1980 Reunion, SI
Board of Regents Meeting
Quarter Break
Faculty In-service, no classes
Frosh Parent Counselor Night
Community of Concern Soph., Jr., Sr. parents
Class of 1959 Lunch, Original Joes
7 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
noon-8 p.m.
11:30 a.m.
Ignatian Guild Board Meeting
Fall Solidarity Dinner, Commons
Ignatian Guild Fashion Show, Commons
Ignatian Guild Fashion Show, Commons
Community of Concern, Soph, Jr., Sr. Parents
Board of Trustees Meeting
13 Open House
15 General Parent Meeting
15–19Fall Play
20 Christ the King Mass, Commons & Chapel
23 Girls/Boys Alumni Basketball Game
24–25Thanksgiving Holiday
26 Alumni Soccer Game
29 Counseling Financial Aid Night, Commons
30 Community of Concern, Soph, Jr., Sr. Parents
30 Winter Pops, Bannan
Winter Pops, Bannan
President’s Cabinet Dinner, Conclusion of 150th Celebration
5-7 Winter Pops, Bannan
College Financial Aid Night, Commons
10 Loyola Guild House Tour
15–16Final Exams
16 Class of 1948 Christmas Lunch, Basque Cultural Center
19–20Final Exams
21 Start of Christmas Vacation
24 Community Christmas Mass
4 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
11 a.m.
7 p.m.
4 p.m.
1–3:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
10 a.m.
6 & 7:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
1 p.m.
Archdiocesan Abuse Presentation, Commons
Mother-Student Communion Breakfast
Ignatian Guild Board Meeting
Counseling: Sophomore Parents’ College Night
Board of Regents Meeting, Library
President’s Day Holiday
Mother-Daughter Dinner, Commons
72 Genesis IV
4 p.m.
6 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
10 a.m.
8:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Spring Musical
Ignatian Guild Board Meeting
Spring Musical
General Parent Meeting
Holy Thursday Service, Orradre
Easter Break Begins
Good Friday Service, Orradre
Easter Vigil
College Case Studies Program
International Food Faire
7 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8 p.m.
1 p.m.
4-8 p.m.
Counseling, Transition to College Night
Father-Son Dinner, Commons
Grandparents Day
Ignatian Guild Board Meeting
10 Board of Regents’ Meeting
10-11 Choral Concert, Bannan
18 Ignatian Guild Installation Mass & Reception
19 Faculty In-Service, no classes
19 Fathers’ Club Barbecue, Commons
22 Senior Day Off
23 Ignatian Guild Board Meeting
24 Board of Trustees
25 Transition Liturgy, Holy Name Church
26 Awards Assembly
Class of 2006 Alumni Lunch
30-31 Final Exams
7 p.m.
6 p.m.
11 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
7 p.m.
11 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
11 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
10 p.m.
January 2006
4-5 Faculty Retreat, no classes
Classes resume
12 Father’s Club Crab and Cards, Commons
14 Entrance Exam for 8th Graders
16 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
17 Ignatian Guild Board Meeting
18-21 Dance Concert, Wiegand
22 Ignatian Guild Day of Recollection
24 Archdiocesan Abuse Presentation, Commons
Board of Trustees
Magazine Drive Tentative Holiday
Fathers’ Club Auction
10 Quarter Break
13 Faculty In-Service, no classes
14 Ignatian Guild Board Meeting
19 Golden Diploma, Chapel & Commons
21 College Night
24 Father-Daughter Night, Commons
28-31 Spring Musical
31 Mother-Son Night, Commons
8:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
8 a.m.–noon
7:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
10 a.m.
7 p.m.
Final Exams
Baccalaureate Mass, St. Mary’s
Graduation, St. Ignatius Church
All-Alumni Golf & Dinner, Commons
8:30 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
Alumni Events
Class of 1965 Reunion, SI
Business Lunch, University Club
Class of 1980 Reunion, SI
Class of 1959 Lunch, Original Joes
6 p.m.
11:30 a.m.
6 p.m.
7 p.m.
9 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
20 Christ the King Mass & Reception, SI
23 Alumni Basketball Homecoming, McCullough Gym
26 Alumni Soccer Game, SI
10 a.m.
6 & 7:30 p.m.
16 Class of 1948 Christmas Lunch, Basque Cultural Center