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here - Holy Rosary Academy
Epistle 192 Graylynn Dr. Nashville, TN 37214 615-889-4065 Fr. Mark Hunt Pastor Deacon Joe Coen Deacon Wayne Gregory Deacon Gil Huhlein Deacon Mark White Deacon Mike Wilkins Mass Schedule Sunday 8:30 am & 11 am 1 pm in Spanish Monday 8 am & 6 pm Tuesday June/July 2015 Nota Bene The summer is finally here! Yippee! I hope and pray that everyone will have a safe and enjoyable summer. May it be a time of recreation and relaxation for you and your family. I would like to take this opportunity to say “Thank You” to Dr. Betty Reynolds, our school principal. Dr. Reynolds, her staff and the teachers at our Academy made this school year a success. Congratulations to our 8 th grade class from the Academy, and all those in our Holy Rosary Community who have graduated from grade school, high school, college and beyond. Good Luck and May God Bless you on your future endeavors. With school out for the summer, we will be installing the new HVAC system and windows for the Academy. We ask for your patience with the mess and the various disruptions that come with a major project like this. We also ask you to keep out of the designated “Hard Hat” areas of the school. This is for your protection and to prevent any unnecessary delays in the completion of the project. Despite the mess and disruption this project will entail, in the end, it will all be worth it with a new look for the school and a more comfortable atmosphere for our staff and students. Again I thank you for your patience. I also want to thank all those who participated in the “Big Payback” on May 5. With 93 donors we raised $8,085. We also picked up an additional $1,000 reward for a grand total of $9,085. In addition it was announced by the Community Foundation that an anonymous donor has paid all the service charges for the event so we will get all the money for the Academy’s Windows/HVAC project. Again I hope everyone has great and safe summer. May God continue to bless all of us on our continuing journey to Him. 8 am Sometimes we need a good laugh. Wednesday A burglar in a house he assumed was unoccupied froze in his tracks when he heard a loud voice say, “Jesus is watching you!” Frantically, he looked all around. In a dark corner, he spotted a bird cage holding a parrot. He asked the parrot, “Was that you who said that Jesus is watching me?” “Yes,” replied the parrot. The burglar let out a deep sigh of relief. “What’s your name?” he asked the parrot. “Clarence,” the parrot said. “That’s a stupid name for a parrot,” said the burglar. “What idiot named you that?” The parrot replied, “The same idiot who named the Rottweiller ‘Jesus.’ ” (Celebrations June 2015) 8 am & 6 pm Thursday 8 am First Fridays 8 am Saturday 8 am & 5 pm Confession 4-4:45 pm Saturdays Fr. Mark Hunt Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Page 2 June 2015 Schedule Saturday 5:00 p.m Sunday 8:30 a.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. Christian John Jessica Burns Jane Charleton Marilyn John Debbie Machala Doris Painter June 5 Youth Mass 5 pm Diane Davanport June 8 Parish Council meeting 7 pm Marcus Newman Eric Link June 10 Rosary after 8 am Mass Jim Painter Bonnie Roberts Lisa Link Bob Schwartz Gary Roberts Diana Ryan June 12 KC business meeting 7 pm Nancy Schwartz Courtney Wolfe Peter Weaver June 24 Ladies Guild Meeting 9:30 am Every Tuesday Legion of Mary 7 pm Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion July 2015 Schedule Saturday 5:00 p.m Sunday 8:30 a.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. Laura Boatwright Paulette Belcher Norman Baggott Steve Cowman Amy Cole Marilyn Barnes Tina O’Conner Jim Guschke Carmencita Espada Doris Painter Susannah Kniazewycz Gary Hollister Jim Painter Ted Kniazewycz Marie Lawrence Loretta Williams Joan Tompkins Jeanne Mullen Every Wednesday Choir Practice 6:45 pm Every Wednesday & Friday AA meeting 8 pm Special Collections: June 28– Peter’s Pence Collection July 8 Rosary after 8 am Mass July 10 KC business meeting 7 pm July 13 Parish Council meeting 7 pm Altar Servers July 16 Evening Angels 6:30 pm June 2015 Schedule July 18 Ladies Guild Yard Sale Saturday 5:00 p.m Sunday 8:30 a.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. July 22 Ladies Guild Meeting 9:30 am Bayden Von Schippman Matthew Berry Delaney Atwell Every Tuesday Legion of Mary 7 pm Jack Vetter Sills Anthony Spader Michael Gregory Anna Pitt Ryan Burns Elena Baker Benjamin Pitt Stephen Smart Caya Harris Every Wednesday Choir Practice 6:45 pm Every Wednesday & Friday AA meeting 8 pm SACRISTAN HELP It takes a dedicated group to ready the altar for each Sunday's liturgy. Small linens need to be washed and ironed. Large linens (the altar cloths) also require washing and ironing. Then there are all the vessels that have to be washed, dried and polished each week. Not to mention dusting statues, handrails, chairs and just generally clearing out the accumulation of things that get left behind. Then there a plants and flowers that need attention. Plus the altar server albs get washed at least every 3 months. Last, but not least, the priest's vestments require dry cleaning (which means someone has to pick them up and take them to the cleaners and bring them back). The current dedicated group is getting smaller due to illness and other commitments. So, would you be able to help? If you think you might be interested let Loretta Williams know. She has the list and can put your name in a slot and even train you. Call her at 615-874-2144. Thanks. Page 3 LOL~LOVING OUR LORD First Mass~June 6 @ 5:00 p.m. By now, many of you have heard about the coolest Youth Ministry in town! We have 44 members signed up at this writing! BUT it is NEVER too late to be a part of the ministry! It is our hope to have the 2nd Mass at 8:30 on July 12 but that won’t be finalized until after our June 6 th Mass. Personally I am excited to work with this great group of young people! They have so much to offer. While there are a few adults involved as well, it is our intention to walk beside them, not in front of them. It is our goal to be more active in the community of Holy Rosary. If you need help with something, please call Chrissa Walsh, 615-268-3959, and she will arrange a group for your project! Please keep this group in your prayers. Look for great things! LOL is on the move! Chrissa Walsh Holy Rosary Parish 2015 Confirmation Class Holy Rosary Parish 2015 First Communion Class Page 4 By Chrissa Walsh SUMMERTIME AND THE LIVIN’ IS EASY! I am often asked, “When will the choirs quit for the summer?” My reply is ALWAYS, “Mass doesn’t quit in the summer and neither will music liturgy!” HOWEVER, summer is a great time to consider joining a choir; especially young children! While summer is for vacation, consider joining the Cherubs, Joy Choir, and Youth Choir during the summer. School schedules don’t conflict and what a great way to entertain your kids! (Trust me, I’m very fun-loving and we have a great time at rehearsals!) Perhaps you have a child who just turned 3! Come try out the Cherub Choir! Cherubs practice from 5:00-5:30 on Thursdays in the Sanctuary! Children 3, 4 and 5 years old make up this choir! They learn a new song each month and rotate it around the 5:00 and 8:30 Masses. Sometimes they sing the song at Mass and sometimes….they just twirl around, wave at Mom, or stand there and smile! But they make a joyful noise! Perhaps you have a child entering Kindergarten this fall, or first or second grade. Join us for the Joy Choir! Joy Choir practices right after the Cherubs from 5:30-6:00 p.m. on Thursdays! They learn a few songs a month and rotate around all of the Masses! Youth Choir is for 3rd grade and up! Even though we have a new Youth Ministry, this choir will sing at other times too! Youth Choir practices from 4-5 p.m. on Thursdays. We learn the music for the Mass and an occasional choral piece! Now, what about you? The adult choirs practice together on Wednesday nights right after 6:00 Mass. Several of us attend Mass before rehearsal and then we practice till about 8:15. High school ages and up are welcome to sing with us weekly. Currently, we have a choir at 8:30 and 11:00 Masses, but hope to have a 5:00 Mass choir in the future, too. If this is the ministry for you, come join us! Blessings for a wonderful summer! A great time to try new things! Chrissa Walsh 615-268-3959 Chrissa Walsh with the Kindergarten, First and Second Grade CCD students. The students sang “He is Exalted” as the prelude at the 11:00 a.m. Mass on May 17th. Parish Council Minutes MONDAY, April 13, 2015 Present: Father Mark, Jeanne Hock, Joe Pagetta, Tom Kleespies, Eddie Bolyard, Lawrence Aleman and Margaret Aton. Fr. Mark opened the meeting with a prayer. The March meeting minutes were approved. Family Life Committee- Jeanne The Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday was a success. There were about 40-50 children present, sorted by age group. Stuart McMullan was the Easter Bunny. RCIA Induction took place the following weekend. About 30 people were gathered in the conference room to welcome two candidates and their families. The idea of a ministry fair or another women’s lunch to drive more parishioners to ministries was discussed. Education Committee- Lawrence While pleased to have the two RCIA candidates, this was considered a small number. Confirmation will take place April 24 at 7 p.m. at St. Steven’s. Communion will take place April 25 at Holy Rosary Social Action Committee- Margaret Margaret and Scott attended the Safe Haven Family Shelter Lunch and Learn on March 18 th. Scott is going to the training on April 25. Safe Haven provides an evening meal and shelter for up to 60 people each evening. Perhaps we could volunteer and prepare one of those meals each month. Safe Haven is the only shelter in Nashville that allows teenage boys, which allows families to stay together. Scott would like to spend a weekend at Safe Haven as part of his training. A ministry fair at the church, possibly in August, should include information about ROOM IN THE INN. Knights of Columbus- Tom The 52nd Annual Nuns’ picnic will take place April 25 at KOC Headquarters. Expecting about 30 sisters for a meal, bingo and mass. Bingo will start at 2, Mass at 4 followed by the meal. A priest from St. Matthew’s will preside. May 13 is the KOC Informational Meeting. The Ladies Auxiliary is being tapped to encourage women to encourage their husbands to join the KOC. The last Fish Fry went great. Collected money and canned food for Second Harvest. Over 2,000 lbs of food was raised. KOC is looking into a Tootsie Roll Drive. Communications-Joe The Big Payback is coming up. Need access to Facebook page and Website to promote information. Provided copy to Erin and Judy for Epistle and Bulletin. Joe will speak after all the masses April 18-19 and May 2-3. Joe to send approved March minutes to Erin. Fr. Mark Thanks to everyone who helped out with Easter Services. There is now a large baby bottle in the vestibule to continue collecting donations for hope Clinic. There are still quite a few small bottle bottles out there that have not been returned. The HVAC System is being installed and preliminary work is being started. By the summer it should be up and running. Window work should hopefully end by October. Jeanne suggests the possibility of getting discounts on equipment from Tom Barron (sp?) Mechanical. Would like to start a spirituality committee for the parish. There has been interest in this this from parishioners, especially after reading Matthew Kelly’s book on being a Dynamic Catholic. Looking for ideas and events for committee. New carpet needs to be installed in the vestibule and church. Father Mark closed the meeting with a prayer. Page 5 Page 6 Above: 3rd-6th grade CCD First Holy Communion Above: CCD students at Confirmation Rehearsal. Right: Confirmation banner created by CCD students. Above: Second grade First Communion student Janelle Rodriguez crowns Mary assisted by Missy Mooney. Above Right: CCD May Crowning and Procession. Right: CCD May Crowning and Rosary led by 6th and 7th grade students. First Grade CCD student Charlie Potts was baptized on May 17th by Deacon Wayne Gregory attended by her family and fellow classmates. First Grade CCD students earned Chaplets of Divine Mercy by learning the "Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be". They were blessed by Deacon Wayne Gregory and presented to them on Sunday May 17th. Religious Education Page 7 By Kay Baker CCD concluded their classes on May 17th. Students and teachers attended 11 am Mass with all classes participating. Father Mark presented those who received the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation with bibles and certificates at the end of Mass. Our youngest students helped get the celebration started by singing a prelude. It was a wonderful ending to a great year. We offer special thanks to all our volunteer CCD teachers and assistants who dedicate so much of their time to this program. CCD Classes will resume the Sunday after Labor Day on September 13th and continue through May 15, 2016. We look forward to continued blessings through God's mercy and love. CHILDREN'S LITURGY also ended on May 17th for the summer and will resume in September. We want to thank our teachers and volunteers for their time and talents. If you are interested in helping with Children's Liturgy in the Fall, please contact the church office or email [email protected]. Small Faith Sharing Groups have completed their study of "Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic" and are putting together their collective ideas to improve the spiritual needs of our parish. Altar Servers are needed for weekday Masses this summer. Please consider having your child serve sometime during the summer. Contact [email protected] with any dates he/she might be available to serve 8 am or 6 pm daily Mass. Also, if you receive an altar server assignment schedule and your child no longer wishes to serve, please let us know so we can keep our list updated. From June 8th to June 12th, children in Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth Grade are invited to come to the Holy Rosary gym between 6 pm and 7:30 pm to sing, play, hear Bible stories and learn about Moses in the Old Testament and about how Jesus fulfilled all the promises made to Moses when He came. Vacation Bible School will tell a story about Moses and Jesus each night and then follow-up that theme with a game or activity, as well as a craft relating to that theme. There will also be a snack and a song that the children learn that reflects the themes for each day: God's Plan for us, His Power, how God rescues us, how we can always trust God and God's commands – the Ten Commandments and Jesus' command to follow Him and love others. Please contact Kay Baker at [email protected] to register. Want to help with VBS snack & craft supplies? The following items are still needed and can be dropped off in the designated box in the vestibule: 4 packages of Rice Krispies treat snack bars (8 bars per package) 1 family size package of M&Ms candy 2 small canisters of lemonade mix 3 packages of 30” brown shoe laces 4 pieces of 22” x 28” poster board 1 package of bendable drinking straws Miscellaneous buttons & fabric pieces for crafting Page 8 Ladies Guild Brain Teasers -- You Got To Be Kidding! May is Mental Health Month, so for our May 20th program Mary Alice Sullivan introduced us to some exercises and brain teasers. She demonstrated a chair exercise to help with your brain because as you lift your right foot you count one, then lift you left foot and count two and continue up to five. Then you start over again BUT you have to remember to always start out with your right foot. Remembering and thinking are the main parts of the exercise for the brain, but the body can benefit also. A quiz of adding and subtracting came next and at the end of all the calculations your age was in the answer. If you want to try to figure out how that works, it would be a real mental exercise. The bible quiz was a corker. It was so hard that it is to be continued at the next meeting! WARNING: Spring Cleaning? Bring It On Down The annual Ladies Guild Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday, July 18th. If you are cleaning out this Spring, remember the Yard Sale can use your unwanted treasures! The "take in" time is July 13th thru July 17th in the Convent Area Meeting Rooms. In the meantime, we have limited room to store items, but, if you just can’t hold onto them call the Church Office for drop off help. May Crowning and Brunch Margie Dreifuerst along with her sister, brother-in-law, nephews, nieces and great nephew and great niece crowned the Blessed Mother after the 8:00 am mass on Saturday, May 2nd. Chris Melton led us with the wonderful "Mary" songs of the past. Fr. Mark Hunt assisted with the prayerful event. The Marriott for brunch followed, yum-yum. Girls Day Out The annual "Girls Day Out" will be Wednesday, June 24th. The group is going to the Loveless Cafe for lunch. After a lunch of down home cookin', a search around the Hams and Jams Country Store will finish the tour. If you haven't signed up and want to go on this excursion contact the Church Office at 615-889-4065 or email [email protected]. Meet in the back parking lot to carpool. Exact meeting time and details will be sent to you before the event. Our Next Meeting We will be having our next regular meeting on Wednesday, July 22nd at 9:30 am in the Church Office’s Meeting Room. Plan to meet with us! For more information about the Ladies Guild, contact Ann Orscheln at 615-871-4015 or [email protected]. Also, don't forget dues are due in July. Still just $10. See Karen Tate to pay or mail your check to Holy Rosary marked "Ladies Guild." Evening Angels by Judy Hollister The Evening Angels meet the third Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Church Office Meeting Room. This is a casual group with a variety of activities. If you are coming from work, bring a "sack dinner" with you and we will all eat together and "catch up on the news." At our last meeting we made unique crafts led by Pam Robicheaux. We are working on craft ideas for the Annual Bake & Craft Sale that will take place in November. We're also ready to re-program the Evening Angels. Please come and join in the planning of some events and programs. Our next meeting is Thursday, July 16th (no June meeting). Join us and get to know that woman who sits in the pew in front of you every Sunday! Call the Church Office for more information or email me at [email protected]. Calendar: June 10 Rosary after the 8:00 AM Mass June 24 Girls Day Out July 8 Rosary after the 8:00 AM Mass July 16 Evening Angels Meeting 6:30 PM July 22 Ladies Guild Meeting 9:30 AM News From The Academy Page 9 “Summertime, summertime, SUM, SUM, SUMMERTIME!” It’s summer, and it’s time to kick back, relax, and soak up some sun. The Academy is still open in the summer! Summer ESCAPE program is in full swing, as well as athletic and academic enrichment camps now through the end of July. You’ll notice that the Academy has been transformed into a “hardhat” area due to construction. We are looking forward to an efficient heating and air conditioning system along with beautiful windows! The school office is relocated to the meeting room located near the dining hall of the Academy. Our office hours are 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Mondays through Wednesdays. The school office is closed Thursdays and Fridays. Once all the construction is done, we will return to normal operating schedule. In the meantime, enjoy these lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. Let’s unplug from the screen and get outside. As Father Mark once said, don’t forget to pack your faith along with the sunscreen! God bless you! Betty Reynolds, Ed.D. Principal The HRA Class of 1972 will host a reunion of Friday, June 12th. Members of the class are invited to attend an informal gathering and reunion on Friday, June 12th at 6:00 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Club. There will be a cash bar as well as food available for purchase plus lots of conversation and reminiscing! The Room In The Inn crew is preparing for next season. As you are Spring cleaning, any clothing, shoes, boots, coats, etc. you would like to part with would be greatly appreciated. As usual, toiletries such as shampoo and lotion are always needed. Please place clearly marked items by the gym doors. Thank you for all that you do for this parish mission! The deadline for the August Epistle is July 22nd To submit articles and/or photographs for inclusion in the Epistle, for questions regarding the content, or other publication issues, please contact me via email: [email protected] Thank You, Erin Watson Scouting News Page 10 By Michele Vetter May has been a busy month for Troop 84! They recently held their Court of Honor at Seven Points Recreation Area. The Troop has been busy and had a lot of recognition. Quality Unit patches were presented on behalf of the Diocese of Nashville. Troop 84 is the first and currently ONLY Scouting unit to receive this accolade! Way to represent Catholic Scouting in our diocese! The MTCBSA awarded Troop 84 the Friends of Scouting Family Participation ribbon. Troop 84 received the Journey to Excellence Gold Ribbon, and also received the Camp Participation Award from the Order of the Arrow. In addition, Troop 84 received the Baden Powell Troop Award. Congratulations!! The following Scouts earned and were awarded these Merit Badges: First Class Scout Daniel Ohrin: Railroading, Genealogy, Soil and Water Conservation, Sports, Athletics, and Music. First Class Scout Stuart McMullen: Athletics, Sports, and Music. First Class Scout Jack Vetter Sills: Engineering, Home Improvement, Railroading, Genealogy, Fire Safety, Sports, Athletics, and Music Second Class Scout Sam Sefers: Sports, Athletics, and Music. Second Class Scout Anthony Spader: Sports, Athletics, and Music. Troop 84 continued their tradition of placing flags on the graves of service men and women at the Nashville National Cemetery on Gallatin Pike in Madison this Memorial Day weekend. These scouts have been participating in this event since they were Tiger Cub Scouts in 2008. The Scouts have a busy summer planned! They will be kicking off the summer with a trip to Climb Nashville where they will earn their Climbing Merit Badge. Plans are in the works for Camping, Hiking, Kayaking, Horseback Riding, and a whole lot more! The Troop would like to invite all rising 6th graders to join us and see how much fun we have and what Catholic Scouting is all about. You don’t have to be a Cub Scout, you can be new to Scouting and you also aren’t required to be a member of Holy Rosary parish or Catholic. You just need to like to have fun, be outside and learn new things! Any interested youth or adults who are interested in growing our Scouting program, please send us an email at [email protected] Come join us as we journey down the Scouting trail! Troop 84 Prepared. For Life! Page 11 Boy Scouts from Troop 84 and Cub Scouts from Pack 84 placed flags on the graves of service men and women at the Nashville National Cemetery in Madison to honor our Veterans for Memorial Day. Prayers for Priests and Religious of the Diocese of Nashville June 2015 God our Father, you reveal your omnipotence in the superabundance of your mercy, poured forth into the world through the sacred wounds of your Son and our Redeemer. We ardently pray that your sacred ministers may be clear reflections of your mercy. May they, with every word and deed for their life illumine humanity, disoriented by sin, and bring it back to you, who are Love. We ask this, Father, through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen. If you would like a detailed calendar of Ordination anniversaries, birthday celebrations, and prayers for priests and religious, please pick up a copy of this month’s calendar in the Church vestibule. 190 Graylynn Dr. Nashville, TN 37214 June/July 2015
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