GIS -- Hanashima
GIS -- Hanashima
Visualization of Spatiotemporal Information for Historical Studies PNC 2006 Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima Institute for Areal Studies, Foundation Tokyo, Japan Outline of Presentation n n n n n 2 Introduction Brief Overview of Reki-Show Authoring System Visualization of Spatiotemporal Information Consideration to Interoperability Conclusion Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS Introduction : Project’s Overview 3 nSince 2002, we have been developing an advanced digital tool for spatiotemporal database, Reki-Show Authoring Tool. n Founded by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology) n Based in KEIO University, Tokyo Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS Introduction : Purpose of System 4 n To provide an interoperable research environment for social science researchers n To construct the framework of spatiotemporal information database for social science n To promote the data interoperability in e-culture societies Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS The Concept of Reki-Show Data Model カH ? Reki - Show 5 : date, calendar : symbol, phenomenon Spatiotemporal Descriptive Information Aug. 17, 2006 Temporal Attribute “When” Spatial Attribute “Where” Description of Event “Who did what” “What became how” Makoto Hanashima, IAS Tools for Spatiotemporal Research in Social Science 6 Spatial Digital Earth Google Earth? Map Static Dynamic Chronology, Scroll Time Machine? Temporal Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS System’s Overview 7 5 HNL6KRZ 6HUYHU : HE6HUYHU , QW HUQHW 6KDUHG' DW DEDVH 64/ ' DW D ,QTXLU\ &2 VHW ( GLW RU / RFDO ' DW DEDVH : HE' DW DEDVH $SSOLFDW L RQ 6 HUYHU &URQR 0 DW UL[ 9 LHZ HU 2 XW&DP S XV 1 HW ZRUN * HRJUDSKLF , QIRUP DW LRQ6\ VW HP ,/,$6 , Q &DP S XV8 VHU 5 HNL6KRZ &OLHQW : LQGRZ V$ SSO LFDW LRQ -(7 ??6 \ VW HP V YHUYLHZ RI 5 HNL 6KRZ $ XW KRULQJ 7 RROV Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS Overview of Reki-Show Database 8 Reki-Show Authoring Tool Historical Description Dataset User Data (CSV) CO-Set Data Utility User Definable Dataset CO-Set Repository (exported) Interface File ilias (SHAPE) (GIS) Biographical Dataset (imported) Geospatial Dictionary Reki-Show Database Aug. 17, 2006 CO-Set Geospatial Data (map,image) Makoto Hanashima, IAS Historical Description Dataset User Definable Dataset Biographical Dataset Geo-Spatial Dictionary inquiry / modify / create The Basic Data Flow 9 Data create Utility CO-Set Editor edit / modify Data CO-Set Inquiry create read read Crono-Matrix Viwew create Interface File (SHAPE) Aug. 17, 2006 Export File MAP ILIAS read create Geospatial Data (map,image) Makoto Hanashima, IAS Crono-Object Set (CO-Set) 10 n Crono-Object Set (CO-Set) is a logical data structure of Reki-Show database. n CO-Set is defined as a set of Crono-Object. n Crono-Object is a basic class of Reki-Show data model. It includes: n Reki-Show data element n Place data element n Biographical data element n Association of data elements (relationship) n CO-Set mediates each module of Reki-Show Authoring Tool. Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS CO-Set Editor 11 n CO-Set Editor is a tool for browsing, authoring and organizing of CO-Set. Crono-Object Relationship Relationship Property Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS The Concept of Crono-Matrix 12 n Crono-Matrix is designed for a visualization of Spatiotemporal Information. n Crono-Matrix is a virtual 3D space. The z-axis, depth of the screen, is assigned as Time Dimension. n Other two axes can be assigned as Spatial Dimension or Attribute Dimension. n User can put their own spatiotemporal multidimensional data into Crono-Matrix, and can visualize by using Crono-Matrix Viewer. Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS Crono-Matrix Viewer 13 n Crono-Matrix Viewer is a graphical user interface (GUI) for Crono-Matrix. Crono-Matrix Data Manager Control Panel Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS Multidimensional Data Representation Multidimensional View Tim e Tim e Attribute Latitude Spatiotemporal View 14 Longitude Color of Object : Attribute Aug. 17, 2006 Space Color of Object : Attribute Size of Object : Attribute Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of Statistical Data Visualization 15 n Cause Specified Death Statistics Database Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of Statistical Data Visualization Aug. 17, 2006 16 Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of Non-parametric Data Visualization 17 n Visualization of Peasant Riots “Ikki” in 18th~19th century of Japan n In the late of Edo-era(1840~1868), peasant riots occurred frequently in every part of Japan. n These riots can be categorized by the cause of them as follows: n Market originated (unfair pricing, corner, etc.) n Heavy tax n Other reason n Also they can be classified by the level of violence as follows: n Direct Appeal (non violent) n Direct Appeal (violent) n Escape n Riot n Uprising n Data source: n Koji Aoki (1971):”The General Chronicle of Peasant Riot”, San-ichi Press, Japan Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of Non-parametric Data Visualization KYOHO Famine, 1732-35 TEN-MEI Famine, 1782-84 18 TENPO Famine, 1832-38 Level of violence WEST EAST Market originated Heavy tax Other reason Spatiotemporal Distribution of Riots Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of Non-parametric Data Visualization KYOHO Famine, 1732-35 19 TENPO Famine, 1832-38 Size of object indicates the level of violence X-axis : longitude Y-axis : latitude Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of Crono-Matrix 20 nVisualization of Yukichi Fukuzawa’s Logbook n Yukichi Fukuzawa(1935-1901) is one of famous enlightenment person in 19th century of Japan. He wrote a lot of books for young people and translated various western books. He also founded KEIO University. n Fukuzawa went a round trip to Europe in 1862 as a translator of embassy. He wrote a detailed logbook of the travel, “Seiko Nisshi”. n This logbook is a good example of spatiotemporal descriptive information. Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of Crono-Matrix 21 n Reki-Sow data in the database Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of Crono-Matrix Aug. 17, 2006 22 Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of Crono-Matrix Aug. 17, 2006 23 Makoto Hanashima, IAS GIS Interface 24 n Crono-Matrix Viewer is able to represent a spatial information, however its resolution is not enough for geospatial analysis. n To complement the geospatial precision, the GIS Interface Function is implemented. n The function generates an interface file for GIS from Crono-Matrix. n The interface file is formatted as “SHAPE” format that is the most popular file format for GIS. Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of the GIS Interface 25 Generated Layer (SHAPE FILE) Yukichi Fukuzawa’s Travel Log Aug. 17, 2006 Display with Background Map Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of the GIS Interface Aug. 17, 2006 26 Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of GIS Interface (Statistical Data) Aug. 17, 2006 27 Makoto Hanashima, IAS Data Interoperability Enhancement 28 n Although Reki-Show Database has unique data structure, it is not so difficult to convert CronoObject to a XML notation. n According to the trend of Web society, it is a useful solution that XML is compliant with RSS. n To describe the geospatial information, GeoRSS is an appropriate enhancement of standard RSS. n Thus we are developing the Data Export / Import Function to support a data interoperability. This development is in progress. Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of Reki-Show Data in GeoRSS 29 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <rss xmlns:content="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:taxo="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:media="" xmlns:geo="" xmlns:dc="" version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Yukichi Fukuzawa's Travel Log</title> <link>http://xxx/rekishowfeed/</link> <description>Test Feed Reki-Show</description> <item> <title>Fukuzawa started on a voyage to Europe.</title> <link>http://xxx/rekishowfeed/exam01.html</link> <description> Fukuzawa started on a voyage to Europe. He boarded from Shinagawa harbor. </description> <category>HISTORY</category> <pubDate>Mon, 07 Aug 2006 13:28:54 GMT</pubDate> <dc:date>1862-01-22</dc:date> <geo:lat>35.64578</geo:lat> <geo:long>139.74668</geo:long> </item> </channel> </rss> Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of ACME GeoRSS Map Aug. 17, 2006 30 Makoto Hanashima, IAS An Example of ACME GeoRSS Map Aug. 17, 2006 31 Makoto Hanashima, IAS Data Interoperability Scheme 32 5 HNL6 KRZ $ XW KRULQJ 7RRO * HR &RGLQJ 6 HUYLFH 566 ;0/ * ,6 * HR5 6 6 ;0/ 5 6 6 ) HHG 0 DS ) LO H 6+$3( ,QW HUQHW 5 6 6 $ JJUHJDW RU .0/ &2 6 HW ( [ SRUW ) LOH ;0/ * RRJOH0 DS * HR5 6 6 0 DSSLQJ 6 HUYLFH * RRJOH( DUW K Aug. 17, 2006 5 HNL6 KRZ * HR5 6 6 ;0/ 5 HNL6 KRZ $ XW KRULQJ 7RRO Makoto Hanashima, IAS The Issues in Data Interoperability 33 n Geo-coding Issue: n Most of geo-coding services in the Internet are using English (or other western language). n It is inconvenient for the societies that use nonwestern language, since researchers in those countries have to translate all of place name into English before they construct spatiotemporal database. n Thus, to promote the interoperability of spatiotemporal information in non-western societies, the geo-coding service that accepts native language is highly required. Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS The Issues in Data Interoperability 34 n Technical infrastructures for the data interoperability seem to be ready for practical application. n However, to promote the data interoperability in e-culture societies, the geo-coding service that is able to encode place name in native language is required. n Building a multilingual geo-coding service by PNC members should be helpful to resolve this situation. Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS Conclusion 35 n Prospected contribution of Reki-Show Authoring Tools for Social Science n Intuitive visualization of spatiotemporal information n Not precise but inspiring n Easy to try and easy to modify n Platform for Interoperable research environment n Fast way for building sharable database n Provides information infrastructure for e-Culture society n Knowledge Navigation Tool for Social science n Supports discovering relationships between historical facts n Provides various aspects for spatiotemporal data Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS Thank You. 36 n Multilingual version of Reki-Show Authoring Tool will be released on late of this year. n If you are interested in the tool, please check our Web site. n Reference n : n : n W3C Semantic Web Interest Group : n Kanzaki, M : RDF/OWL Nyumon, Morikita Shuppan, 2005 Aug. 17, 2006 Makoto Hanashima, IAS