Palm Sunday Passion Sunday - United Methodist Church of West
Palm Sunday Passion Sunday - United Methodist Church of West
Register Today in the Gathering Area OR Register online at Our Vision– Building A Spiritual Home Where You are Family Palm Sunday ONLY 5 WEEKS AWAY THE 5TH ANNUAL RUN/WALK TO WIPE OUT MALARIA IN AFRICA! WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW! PLEASE VOLUNTEER TO HELP ORGANIZE VOLUNTEER TO BE A SPONSOR CONTACT PASTOR ROUNSLEY TO HELP [email protected] 484-574-7110 Welcome Guests Thank you for worshipping with us today. Ushers can help you locate childcare with quality trained attendants. Join us for coffee. Stop by our welcome desk for information about the church. To request prayer, fill out the card in the Friendship Folder and put it in the offering plate or give it to a member of the pastoral staff. Leadership HOLY WEEK WORSHIP Maundy Thursday, March 24 7:00 PM Worship in the Sanctuary featuring the Lord’s Supper around the cross, music led by the Chancel Choir, Carillon Choir, and the stripping of the chancel. First Service of Easter, March 26 7:30 p.m. This service has as it’s focus the primary symbols of the Christian faith, The Service of Light, Word, Baptismal Covenant and Holy Communion. Good Friday, March 25 12 noon through 3 pm. The church will be open for these three hours for the “Journey to the Cross.” These self -guided worship stations will include readings, reflections and actions for each station. Come as you wish during that time period. Easter Resurrection Worship, March 27 – Both worship services (8:45 and 11:00) will have special music and an uplifting message. The outdoor cross will be decorated by our children with multicolored flowers to celebrate the resurrection. Weekly Calendar Sunday, March 20 Thursday, March 24 5:00 PM - Cross Connection (10) Maundy Thursday UMW Bake Sale 6:00 PM - Youth Group (Pit) 5:00 AM - El Buen Prayer Time (C) 6:00 PM - Sprouts (3,4,5) 7:00 PM - Maunday Thursday Worship (S) 8:45 AM - Worship - Classic Service (S) 6:00 PM - El Buen Worship & SS (S) 7:00 PM - Chess Club (6,7) Monday, March 21 Nursery (104), 2’s-5’s (Splash), 8:00 PM - Chancel Choir (10) Kids’ Church K-3rd grade (6,7) 9:30 AM - Mom’s Morning Out (11) 8:00 PM - Praise Team (FC) 10:00 AM - Sunday School 7:00 PM - Boy Scouts (3,4,5) 7:15 PM - AA(12) Friday, March 25 2/3’s (1), 4/5’s (2), Grades 1-5 (4,5), 7:00 PM - El Buen Groups (6,7) Tuesday, March 22 Good Friday Grades 6-8 (10), Grades 9-12 (Pit), Adults (C, 6&7, 12, 208) 7:00 PM - Stephen Ministry Supervision (7) 12-3 PM - Self-Guided 11:00AM Worship 7:00 PM - El Buen Liturgical Dance (12) Worship Stations Wednesday, March 23 New Traditions Service (FC) 7:00 PM - El Buen Liturgical Dance (6,7) NO Wednesday Night Out Nursery (104), 2’s-5’s (Splash) 7:00 PM - El Buen Small Group (12) Saturday, March 26 Kids’ Church: K-3rd grade (6,7) 8:00 PM - El Buen Bible Study (10) 2:45 PM - Cub Scouts (6,7) 5:00 AM - El Buen Morning Prayer (C) 3:00 PM - El Buen Band (S) 7:00 PM - El Buen Family 5:00 PM - El Buen New Beginners (6,7) Saturday (3-10, pit) 5:00 PM - Celebration Ringers (12) 7:30 PM - First Service of Easter (S Senior Pastor...……….Rev. Dr. Truman T. Brooks III [email protected] Associate Pastor ……….Rev. Molly Dee Rounsley [email protected] Deacon……………………………..Rev. Allen Keller [email protected] Visitation Pastor ….Rev. Dr. Lauren B. Meiswinkel Worship & Music..………………………Mike Muzzo [email protected] Student Ministries &……………………...Cory Smith Praise Team Leader [email protected] Children’s Ministries……………………..Karen Rotz [email protected] Church Administrator………………..Susan Haugh [email protected] Facilities………………………………… Bill Johnston [email protected] Finance………………...………………... Bob Wilcox [email protected] Web Master…………………………….Luanne Sims [email protected] Hospitality Ministries………………… Janet Bauver Parish Nurse…………………………….. Kay McCoy Organist……………………….. Stephen Campitelli Sexton ……………………………………..Brian Huss Church Council Chair………………….Brad Oliver Leadership Chair………………………...Vince Paul Property Chair……………………........John Hogan Finance Chair…………………………... Bob Mullett Archivist……………………………..Michael Haynes D.S…………………..…….. Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm Resident Bishop ……….. Rev. Dr. Peggy Johnson Ministers to the World ………….. ALL OUR PEOPLE Passion Sunday PALM SUNDAY BAKE SALE – Be sure to get your Easter desserts and bread today in the Gathering Area. Funds go to local and world-wide non-profits who benefit women and youth/children. Make sure you are here for all the special services during Holy Week: Maundy Thursday, March 24 7:00 PM Worship in the Sanctuary featuring the Lord’s Supper around the cross, music led by the Chancel Choir, Carillon Choir, and the stripping of the chancel. Good Friday, March 25 12 noon through 3 pm. The church will be open for these three hours for the “Journey to the Cross.” These self-guided worship stations will include readings, reflections and actions for each station. Come as you wish during that time period. First Service of Easter, March 26 7:30 p.m. This service has as it’s focus the primary symbols of the Christian faith, The Service of Light, Word, Baptismal Covenant and Holy Communion. Easter Resurrection Worship, March 27 – Both worship services (8:45 and 11:00) will have special music and an uplifting message. The 11am service will have holy communion. The outdoor cross will be decorated by our children with multi-colored flowers to celebrate the resurrection. Bring a friend back to church during Holy Week. Bring them back to Christ. 129 South High Street, West Chester, PA 19382 610-692-5190 UMCWC.ORG Email: [email protected] A Stephen Ministry Congregation The entrance into Jerusalem has all the elements of theatre of the absurd: the poor king; truth comes riding on a donkey; symbolic actions — even parading without a permit! When Jesus “set his face to go to Jerusalem,” what was involved was direct action, an open confrontation and public demonstration of the incompatibility of evil with the Kingdom of God. –David Kirk Palm Sunday, March 20, 2016 ~ 8:45 AM “Only those who are truly aware of their sin can truly cherish grace.” ― C.J. Mahaney Welcome and Announcements Prelude Trumpet March The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem All Glory, Laud and Honor All on each refrain Verses 1 and 2: All Verse 3: Women Verse 4: Men Verse 5: All Hymn Clarke/Wolff Mark 11:1-11 no. 280 Opening Prayer Lord, it is the beginning of the week of great adventure and sacrifice. We sense our need for you. You ask us to read your Bible and we start, but then get busy and put it aside. We begin to pray to you and then the phone rings, and we are interrupted again. Our mind wanders, our heart grows cold. Lord, speak to us today through your Story. Let it pierce us. Let it heal us. Let us hear your call. Guide us during this special week so we may know the full power of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Amen. Silent Prayer Words of Grace Signs of Peace and Unity in Christ Music Hosanna! Hosanna! Cathy Townley Cherub and Junior Choirs Jesus rode into Jerusalem. Hosanna! Hosanna! All the people sang their praise to him. Hosanna! Hosanna! Came to town upon a donkey’s back; Hosanna! Hosanna! Seemed so lowly but he’s Lord in fact. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hear the people say Hosanna! Save us today. Hosanna! It’s a faithful song. Hosanna! Sing it all night long! Everybody brought their hopes and dreams Life just isn’t always what it seems. Need somebody who can help us be liberated from captivity. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hear the people say…. Passing of the Friendship Folders Message for Growing Christians ~ Passing of the Palms (During the passing of the palms, please sing #278) Offering Prayer for Illumination Beloved God, open our hearts to your healing word, our minds to your informing word, our souls to your renewing word. May we be strengthened to live out your love in word and deed. Amen. I Sing the Mighty Power of God Carillon Choir Cynthia Dobrinski The Passion Story According to the Gospel of Luke The Institution of the Lord’s Supper Hymn For the Bread Which You Have Broken no. 614 Vs. 1: For the bread which you have broken, for the wine which you have poured, for the words which you have spoken, now we give our thanks, O Lord. Vs. 2: By this pledge that you do love us, by your gift of peace restored, by hour call to heaven above us, hallow all our lives, O Lord. Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives Hymn Abide with Me no. 700 Vs. 1: Abide with me; fast falls the eventide; the darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide. When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me. Vs. 5: Hold thou thy cross before my closing eyes; shine through the gloom and point me to the skies. Heaven’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee; in life, in death, O Lord, abide with me. Peter Denies Jesus Hymn Ah, Holy Jesus no. 289 Vs. 2: Who was the guilty? Who brought this upon thee? Alas, my treason, Jesus, hath undone thee! Twas I, Lord Jesus, I it was denied thee; I crucified thee. The Trial of Jesus (Please listen for the following dialogue and participate in the scene.) Pilate: You brought me this man as one who was perverting the people;...I will therefore have him flogged and release him. Narrator: But the chief priest, leaders and people shouted, Choir and Congregation: Away with this man! Release Barabbas for us! Narrator: Barabbas was a man who had been put in prison for an insurrection that had taken place and for a murder. Pilate, wanting to release Jesus, addressed the people again but they kept shouting, Choir and Congregation: Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify him! Music Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs from Messiah Chancel Choir G.F. Handel Surely, surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him. The Crucifixion of Jesus Hymn O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Vs. 2: What thou, My Lord, hast suffered was all for sinners’ gain; mine, mine was the transgression, but thine the deadly pain. Lo, here I fall, my Savior! ‘Tis I deserve thy place; look on me with thy favor, vouch-safe to me thy grace. no. 286 The Death of Jesus Music Lacrymosa from Requiem W.A. Mozart Translation: That day of tears and mourning, when from the ashes shall arise, all humanity to be judged. Spare us by your mercy, Lord, gentle Lord Jesus, grant them eternal rest. Amen. The flowers on the Lord’s Table are given to the glory of God in loving memory of her son, Glen Proud, by Barbara Bentley. The rose on the Lord’s Table is in celebration of the birth of Connor Clay, son of Dan and Courtney Clay, grandson of Allen Clay, and great grandson of Janis Clay, born March 12, 2016. Worship Participants Liturgists: Rev. Truman Brooks Rev. Molly Dee Rounsley Acolyte: Sophie Moscoe Readers: Narrator: Lori Friedgen-Veitch Jesus: Rev. Allen Keller Peter: Jeff Skirvin Servant Girl: Bella Paul Speaker 1/Criminal 1: Hayden Bauver Speaker 2/Criminal 2: Andrew Ford Council Member: Jim Ford Pilate: Jon Brill People/Crowd: Choir and Congregation Children’s Message: Cory Smith Cherub Choir Director: John Coakley Junior Choir and Chancel Choir Director: Mike Muzzo Cherub and Junior Choir Accompanist: Marilyn Light Carillon Choir Director: Brain Rotz Organist: Stephen Campitelli Prayer Concerns Health: Pat Audet, Elizabeth Baderince, Carol Barton, Don & Carol Beideman, Jim Beitel, Rita Berry, Carol Black, Hudson Blass, Bianca Bonney, Chris Brown, Bob Casey, Peg Chalfant, Ken Coyle, Lucas Crotchfelt, Betty Dempsey, Kevin & Diane Donahue, Pat Donnelly, Arlo Elmo, Tom Gettings, Madge Hall, Susan Hamilton, April Hayes and Declan, Jim Holton, Rich & Laurie Horan, Anne Horne, Robert L. Johnson, Lillian Kent, Barbara Kingsbury, Nancy Kinsman, Carisa Koziol, Bob Lambert, Linda Lantz, Sue Leotta, Samuel Lewis, Kay McCoy, Virginia McDonald, Moment of Silence Elizabeth McGann, Sonny McMasters, Andrew McVey, Sonny Malcus, Marysusan, Rev. Doug Metzger, Mia, Jimmy Miller, Sherry Muller, Prayer Dan O’Brien, Sonia Ortis, Kitty Potkai, Jim Peck, Gerry Price, The Lord’s Prayer no. 895 Janice Rantuccio, Dinae Rafferty, Marjorie Renniesen, Kathy Rivel, Cheryl Rozea, Rachel, Jeff, & Joy Rutledge, Ali Salverian, Billi Jo Smith, Hymn Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle no. 296 Ally Sheppard, Scott and Jen, Helene Subach, Jan Suda, Kathryn Swinkey, Nikki Sylvester, Susan Thomas, Ali Thompson, Tony and Verses 1-4 Ted, Jackie Wails, Stanley Wannop, Bliss Warner, George Wilson Homebound & Long Term: Emma Abernethy, Barbara Bentley, Benediction Eddie Byler, Elaine & Ed Cook, Marilyn Cornell, Lillian Hayes, May the meanings of this Holy Week capture our Onieta Horseman, Shirley Hurlbrink, Mildred Johnson, Ron Klenk, heart. John Kohl, Dorothy Millhous, Gloria & Sam Monturo, Walt Nagel, May the journey of Jesus through these last days Al and Ruth Offensend, Essie Poole, Ruth Raibley, Betty Shaw, Ena Shawan, Vera Smith, Jean Sprenkle, Lorraine Steele, Lucille Stokes, be our journey. May we know all the joys of faith when Easter morning Barbara Stonestrom, Janet Stuchel, Iva Willis, Steve Wilson Expectant Parents: Mark and Abby Osborne (April); comes. Amen. Sarah(Muzzo) and Mike Kingsley (May); Postlude Hosanna, Loud Hosanna Smith Sarah Steverman and Bobby Hutt (Ma); Patrick and Janet (Kennedy) McKenna (August) Military: Janos Aksz, Wilson Chambers, Maj. Nate Hier, Cpt. Bradley Hussain, Daniel Langer, Warnetta Mack, Please stand as you are able. Andrew Snyder, Bryan Williams Bold text indicates congregational response. Transition: Amber Allen, Kierstin Aksz, Ayusa Family, Eddie, Nick Behney, Sandra Brooks, Arienne Fernandez, Harry Fredericksen, Ken McIntosh, Richard Stolnis