June 2016 - First United Methodist Church
June 2016 - First United Methodist Church
the Messenger JUNE 2016 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 100 NORTH 2ND DARDANELLE, AR 72834 PASTOR JIM BENFER 479-229-3720 It's All About Giving I want to take time to talk to each of you about giving. Being a Christian is, if anything, about giving. To follow Jesus is to subordinate one's own will for that of Jesus and to give your life in the service of others and of God. Truly, Christians are to be all about giving. In one of the most scorned commands of the Bible, God commands that his people should tithe. Of course, tithe is an old word which means ten percent. In other words, God isn't interested in how much you make, but is interested in knowing that you understand that one hundred percent comes from God. Therefore the tithe is a command to grow in faith by giving ten percent back as a way to show that your faith is real. In other words, our giving underscores our understanding that God gives us all we possess and will continue to care for us whether we make a little or a lot. The Church is God's way of organizing people into functional and effective units that spread the gospel of Jesus and make disciples for God's kingdom. Giving to the local church is a way to make our part of God's kingdom more effective right here where we live. The local church tithes to the general church to support even larger projects through our general boards and agencies. Take our mission to Rio Bravo for example: The permanent missionary to Manos Juntas is funded by the General Board of Discipleship. Another good example is our Nueva Vida church start: They are receiving funds from our District and from the Arkansas Annual Conference so as to make new disciples for Jesus in the River Valley. Our giving and that of other local churches fund efforts like these and so many more. This is the time of year that I try to remind everyone that our local church often suffers over the summer months because we have regular bills to pay and extra utility costs due to the heat. Your attention to making regular tithes and offerings to our church over the summer helps us do the most good with the resources at hand. Please don't forget us when you are also making plans for vacations and times away, so that we don't miss your gifts. Many of you know that we have a large group of aging adults in our congregation. This presents challenges and opportunities for the Dardanelle church. I would like to say to each who fall into this group that you can outlive your life in the Dardanelle church and continue to give to United Methodist causes you care about through a legacy gift. Legacy gifts can continue to give through grants and trusts that continue to further the kingdom work, educate new generations of leaders and support critical ministries. Knowing that your support of the Church extends beyond your lifetime can bring you great joy. And, you may be surprised to learn how easy it is to partner with the United Methodist Foundation of Arkansas to create a permanent charitable endowment fund. It doesn't cost anything today to make plans to support this church and its ministries. I suggest that you email Janet Marshall at [email protected] if you want to leave a legacy gift. All visits are strictly confidential and your gifts have the ability to support you here and now through your IRA, Life Insurance, or a UMFA death beneficiary bank account. Nothing excites me more than people who learn that giving is living. It's kingdom living. I hope you will make special time to consider what God is asking you to do in your giving. Blessings, Bro. Jim UMW News by Dinah Johnson Outreach/Mission Committee News by Bob Griffin United Methodist Women met on Monday, May 16, with Georgiana Tatum serving as our hostess. We were delighted to welcome a new member, Sharon Balloun. A devotional, presented by Jennie Jones, asked the question, "Would you want to walk in someone else's shoes?" A birthday card was signed by all members and will be mailed to a missionary serving in Japan. During the mission moment, Janis Birkhead shared the story of an American missionary sent to Nigeria. Many boxes of cereal were collected for the Sharing & Caring Food Pantry, and the Sunshine Basket was overflowing with goodies to be given to a family in our church. A big "Thank You" goes out to all who baked goodies for the recent bake sale. A total of $403 was made, and this will be used to purchase library books in Spanish for the Rio Bravo mission trip. After the business meeting, we enjoyed a time of fellowship with delicious refreshments served by Georgiana. Our next meeting will be held on Monday, June 20, at 1:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center. We have been painting a home in our community as a local mission project and it is still a work in progress. We would like to say a big Thank You to all who have helped work on this project. The Back Pack Ministry with First Baptist Church and our local Sharing & Caring programs are ongoing areas of need. We encourage you to participate in them regularly. The “drop off box” is located in the rear of the Sanctuary. Thanks to our congregation for your support. XYZ News by Bob Griffin On Wednesday, May 18th, sixteen of us went by the Senior Center bus to Petit Jean State Park for lunch. A good time was had by all. There is no better way to get to know your retired church peers than by having a casual lunch together. Please come and join us as we tour Historic Potts Inn on Wednesday, June 15th. We will meet at our church parking lot at 11:00 am, decide on a lunch place, then proceed to Potts Inn for a guided tour. XYZ is open to any senior who wants to attend. For the Lord God will help Me; Therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set My face like a flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed. Isaiah 50:7 Be a Backpack Booster.... We will continue collecting food items throughout the summer months. The need is great to help students have food to eat while school is out, and plans are underway to get this done. You can help by bringing easy-to-prepare foods and placing them in the collection box located in the side entry of the sanctuary. Let's do our part to keep students from being hungry. The Wall of Crosses in the FLC is for all the church families. If you have not brought a Cross to be placed on the wall, it is not too late. Please bring your Cross to the church office and the UMW will make sure it gets on the wall. We want each family in the Church represented on the wall. Thank you to the families that have brought Crosses. We have places some new Crosses on the wall so be sure to check it out. It is never too late to bring a Cross. June Birthdays Bro. Jim 06/01 Virginia Edwards 06/01 Divella Gray 06/02 Jason Pitts 06/07 Jill Sheets 06/09 Larry Birkhead 06/13 Sharon Balloun 06/15 Charles Webster Cendyl McGowan 06/16 Buster & Donna Berryhill Mallory McMillian 06/16 Barbara Pfeifer Aryn Merritt 06/21 Franklin Wesley Kristen Merritt 06/21 Hugh Conover Robert Griffin 06/23 Lloyd Sheets Addyson Seay 06/25 Jana Judkins Lynn Murphy 06/28 Carol Spears Donna Berryhill 06/30 June 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 6 pm Pastor’s Bible Study 7 pm Choir 5 6 7 9:45 am Sunday School 10:55 am Worship 8 6 pm Pastor’s Bible Study 7 pm Choir 2 pm Wedding Shower Morgan Austin & Tyler Balloun 12 13 9:45 am Sunday School 10:55 am Worship 1:30 pm Prayer Card Ministry 14 11:00 am XYZ 6 pm Pastor’s Bible Study 7 pm Choir 2 pm Wedding Shower Hannah Bean & Nathaniel McChesney (at Liberty Hall) 19 20 9:45 am Sunday School 10:55 am Worship 1:30 pm UMW 26 27 9:45 am Sunday School 10:55 am Worship 1:30 pm Prayer Card Ministry 15 21 22 6 pm Pastor’s Bible Study 7 pm Choir 28 29 6 pm Pastor’s Bible Study 7 pm Choir 5 pm Austin-Balloun Wedding 30 Across: Down: 2. Place of torment 1. Leader of Israel 8. Lamb 3. Satan 9. Jesus' brother 4. Born again 11. David's father 5. Whale's supper 14, Tribe of Israel 6. First worship building 16. __ commandments 7. Used a fleece 18. Peter 10. Last O. T. book 19. Abraham's wife 12. First born son in Bible 21. Wilderness food 13. 23rd O. T. book 22. Jesus' betrayer 15. Isaacs's father 17. Prophet of Ahab's day 20. Became a serpent for Aaaron