Main Stream The


Main Stream The
Main Street United Methodist Church
Main Stream
Volume 2014, Issue 21– October 14, 2014
Upside Down, Inside Out
A Bible Study on the Sermon on the Mount
In the “Myth, Madman, or Messiah” series, we looked at WHO
Jesus is. In Upside Down, Inside Out, we’ll look at WHAT
Join Pastor Claude on Wednesday nights (6:40-7:20 pm) or on
Thursday mornings (10-11 am) beginning October 22 for an
8-week study of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). This
sermon contains some of Jesus’ most famous sayings—
the Beatitudes, the Golden Rule, “turn the other cheek,” and
others. Many consider it the core of Jesus’ teaching.
Our Charge Conference
will take place at 3pm
on Sunday, October 19
at Bunker Hill UMC.
For more information
or questions, call the
church office at
To sign up for “Upside Down, Inside Out,” please call (9933411) or email ([email protected]) the church
office no later than Friday, October 17.
Bearing One Another in Love
A Class Taught by Stephen Minister, Melissa Dreshfield
You have probably seen the banner in the Narthex, the cards in
the pews, and the information in the bulletin about Stephen
Ministry. But how much do you really know about our
Stephen Ministry program? Come to "Bearing One
Another in Love" on Wednesday, October 15 at 6:40pm in the
Chapel, and learn about Stephen Ministry. Find out the
history behind the program, what Stephen Ministers do, how the
program helps the church and the community, and most
importantly, what YOU can do to help the ministry.
Main Street UMC is a Stephen Ministry Congregation
4th & 5th Grade Ministry News
Sunday, October 26, we will go bowling at Northside Lanes in
Winston-Salem. We will leave the church at 1 PM and should
return around 3:30. Cost is $5 per person. If you attend the 11
AM worship service, you are welcome to bring a lunch and
change of clothes for your child. Pastor Amy will be in the
fellowship hall until we leave. To sign up, you can email Amy,
[email protected], or give her a call in the church office.
Everyone will need a medical form, which are available in the
office and will be kept on file for future outings.
Help Needed in the
Pumpkin Patch!
The pumpkins have arrived! Now, we
need your help to “man” the patch.
The patch is open Monday through
Saturday from 9 AM until 8 PM and
Sunday as soon as the 11 AM service
is over until 8 PM. We will have
shifts from 9-12, 12-3, 3-6, and 6-8.
You can sign up by going on the web
site ( or
contact Wayne by phone (993-3411)
or by e-mail
([email protected]).
Myrtle Beach Christmas Extravaganza
Thursday, Dec 4-Saturday, Dec 6, 2014
The Heritage Club is planning a Christmas Coach Tour (via
Christian Tours) trip to Myrtle Beach. It is open to anyone
who is interested in going.
It includes three fantastic shows—The South’s Grandest
Christmas Show at Alabama Theatre; Carolina Opry
Christmas Special; and Christmas Dinner Show at Pirates
Voyage. Meals included with the cost include two
breakfasts and two dinners. The cost for three days and two
nights will be: Single $495; Double $445; and Triple $439.
If you are interested, please send Pastor Dale a $100.00
deposit along with the name of your roommate. He will
register you with Christian Tours. Please call Pastor Dale at
992-9891 with questions and mail the deposit payment to:
Rev. R Dale Hilton
6765 Old Valley School Rd
Kernersville, NC 27284
Share Your Faith This Christmas
Sharing the good news of Jesus’ birth is one way to make a
difference in a hurting world. Cantata Sunday is an
opportunity to invite those who might not normally be in
worship to come experience a special sharing of that good
news through music. Perhaps you have a song in your heart
but are not currently involved with a choir or have never
been part of a choir? Come Ye Faithful is an assessable work
based on traditional carols and is the perfect starting place
for new singers. Christmas is a busy time of year, but sharing
the good news is really what the season is all about. And one
of the wonderful surprises of the season is that singing in a
choir brings as much joy to the singer as it does to the hearer,
maybe even more! Consider being a part of the Christmas
choir, and join us this week in rehearsal. Main Street offers
identical rehearsals on two different nights: you may
choose Mondays or Wednesdays, from 7:30-8:30pm. A
listening CD is available. The choirs of MSUMC will
present Come Ye Faithful, a Service of Carols on December
14, 2014 at the 8:30 and 11:00 Services.
Gifts to Main Street
Memorial Fund
Given by Robert & Katie Dalton and Ken
& Jean Ladd in memory of Jack & Moir
Given by Faye Friddle in memory of Jack
Given by Nell Kiser in memory of Julie
Given by Billy & Joyce Davis and Kay
Beyer in memory of Richard Smith
Building Up Reaching Out
Given by Jim & Kay Chesson in honor of
Roger & Ann Ballard
Given by the MSUMC Singles Group and
Bennie & Kitty Weaver in memory of Julie
Given by Richard & Betty Edwards in
memory of Jack Whicker
Given by Bennie & Kitty Weaver in
memory of Edythe Alexander
Given by Judy Osborne and Bennie & Kitty Weaver in memory of Richard Smith
Given by Judy Osborne in memory of Jack
& Moir Whicker
Given by Jim & Henrietta Barrett in honor
of Tanya Brumfield
Adult Mission Trip Meeting
If you are interested in
joining and planning
our next Adult Mission Trip
please make plans to attend
the planning meeting on
Thursday, October 16 at
6:30pm in the JC Grose
One Item More...Each Time in the Store
Crisis Control Ministry’s Item of the Month: Whole Wheat Pasta
(Please place in collection boxes in Narthex, Chapel, or Fellowship Hall.)
Page 2
Dear Main Street,
Thanks so much for the support and love shown at the death of our
Uncle Richard Smith. Special thanks to Claude, Rick, Dale and
Nancy, our choir and organist for the wonderful funeral messages
and music. We really enjoyed the family meal and appreciated all
the delicious home cooking.
Thank you for all the phone calls, cards, and flowers during this
time. We are so blessed to part of such a caring church family!
— The Family of Richard J. Smith
Thank you for the many ways you showed your love and concern
during my recent illness and hospital stay. What a blessing to be a
part of this caring congregation!
— Nell Kiser
Everyone on your Church Staff would like to say a Thank You for
all of the gifts, desserts, treats, and meals that were given to us for
Staff Appreciation Week. All of these thoughtful gestures touched
the hearts of each and every one of us!
—Your MSUMC Staff
Make plans to attend the UMW Fall
Festival on Saturday, October 25 from
There will be lots of great crafts,
casseroles, fellowship, and MORE.
Breakfast and lunch will be served and
all of the proceeds will benefit the
missions of the UMW.
Contact Ruth Beeson at 404-7183 for
more information or on how you can
become a vendor.
Second Harvest Food Bank Needs Our Help
If you would like to help load, unload, and fill the shelves at
the Second Harvest Food Bank in Winston-Salem, We Need
You! The group going to the Food Bank on Saturday,
November 8 at 8:30am from our parking lot. The Second
Harvest Food bank is located at 3610 Reed St, Winston-Salem
and we will work from 9:00am-noon. We will be back at the
church by 12:30pm. Some jobs require a strong back but
others are much less physical. No open toe shoes. Children
twelve or older must be accompanied by an adult. We will
travel by van unless you wish to travel separately. Call Dennis
Garman at 971-7710 to register or ask questions.
Senior Center Book Sale
The Kernersville Senior Enrichment Center will conduct its
15th Annual Used Book Sale on Thursday, October 16 from
1:00–7:00pm, Friday, October 17 from 8:00am–5:00pm,
and Saturday, October 18 from 8:00am–12:00noon.
The sale will take place at the Senior Center located at
130 E. Mountain Street in the lower level of the Kernersville
Library. For more information about the sale or to volunteer,
please call 336-992-0591 or 336-992-3180.
It’s Time to Talk TURKEY
Our 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Meal
and Christmas brunch will take place
on Thursday, November 27 and Thursday, December 25. These meals are for
anyone who doesn’t want to be alone
during the holidays. Everyone is invited and is open to MSUMC members,
local area churches, as well as members
of our community.
To make this year’s dinner a HUGE
success we need everyone’s help. If
you can help prepare the food, set-up,
serve, and clean-up, we need you! Call
Michelle Higgins at 926-1873 to
volunteer or for more information.
Visit our website today at
Page 3
Upcoming Worship Helpers
Team 3
Team 4
Chuck Dagenhart
Beth Vaught
Sadie Adams
Sunday School
Sadie Adams
8:30 Worship
Meredith Blevins &
Michael Pitts
Emma Aitken & JP
8:45 Jubilee!!
Jacob Hanks
Kate O’Neill
11:00 Worship
Sherry Waddell
Andrea Blakemore
8:30am CRADLE
Gretchen Pizzino
Jenna Turner
9:45am CRADLE
Tara Stamper
Mary-Carl Christy
11:00am NURSERY
Laura Rathbone
Elaine Frost
Vivian Garman
Heather Camp
8:45 am GREETERS
Kristen O’Brien
Steve Reid
8:30 am Prayer
8:30 am ACOLYTES
11:00am GREETERS
GIFTS as of:
Building up/
Reaching out
Kay Chesson & Bob
Brad & Donna Rodgers
Brad & Donna
Chadwick & Tara
Marc Engle
Kathy Cissna
Budget YTD
Cecil Brown
Rowland & Regena
PRAYER w/the
*Joys and Prayer Concerns: Please remember the following people in your prayers.
Extended Care/Home Friends Ruth Ingram, Martha Crawford,
Carolyn Pullen (Countryside
Manor), Juanita Higgins
(Countryside Manor) Paige
Weavil (Kerner Ridge), Helen
Fulp (Arbor Ridge), Mary M.
Parsons (Kerner Ridge), Mary
Haviland (Pennybyrn), Pete
Neugent (Trinity Glen), Catherine
Bellamy Keys (Kerner Ridge), Flo
Johnston (The Stratford), Ida
Carson (Reynolda Park), Magilene
Doggett (Robinwood), Glennie
Oglesby (River Landing), Sue
Atkins (Heritage Care), Lee
Rountree (Bradford), Lucille
Richards, Sarah Jones, Betty
Smith (The Oaks), Thurman
Hinson, Willi Miller, Maxine
Wallace, Terry Tilley, Howard &
Ruth Martin, Lucille Porter,
and John & Joan Bingham
•To the family and friends Jean
Blink upon her death
•To John & Janet Helms upon the
death of their great-nephew, Sam
•To MSUMC member and East
Forsyth High School Principal,
Patricia Gainey, who was named
2014 Winston-Salem Forsyth
County Schools Principal of the
•To Janice Bryant upon the birth
of her twin granddaughters,
Ariana & Emerson Bryant
•To Bill & Susan Apple upon the
birth of their grandson, Thomas
Recently Ill / Hospitalized /
Undergoing Treatments
Sharon Stamper
Wayne Boger
Terry Stanley
Spencer Cossaart
Ed Finn
Mary Haviland
Ruby Jones
Connie DiLeo (Dominican
Republic), Esther Mueller
(Canada), Nick & Katie Riddle,
(Nigeria), Grant and Jenna
Wemyss Hodgins (Guam), Etta
Grace Moore (Nicaragua), Daryl
& Leah Burnette (Mozambique)
Worldwide Concerns
•All who are serving currently in
the Armed Forces
•The Christian Church around
the world
•Our Nation, its leaders, and
our military
•Nations suffering from famine,
violence, and natural disasters
Prayer requests on this list will
be removed after two weeks. If
you wish to have it remain for a
longer period of time, please
call the church office.
*We share our full list of prayer requests every Wednesday at our 5:30pm Oasis Worship Service.
Page 4
Calendar for October 1818-November 2, 2014
A Full List of Events can be found on the church website.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
11:30 AM
Bethany Café
9:00 AM
Singles/Balloon Festival
Sunday, October 19, 2014
8:30 AM
8:45 AM
Jubilee! Contemporary Service CH
9:20 AM
Coffee Fellowship
9:45 AM
Sunday School
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
Outreach Ctte
1:00 PM
Circle #8
3:00 PM
Charge Conference—Bunker Hill UMC
4:00 PM
A & O Choir
5:00 PM
Youth Mtg
7:00 PM
Band Practice
Monday, October 20, 2014
7:00 PM
Trustee Mtg
7:00 PM
Chorale Rhsl
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
8:00 AM
Heritage Club
6:30 PM
UMW Executive Board Mtg
7:00 PM
Singles Book Discussion
7:30 PM
Circle #5
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
7:00 AM
Prayer/Bible Study
10:30 AM
Pastor Rick's Bible Study
5:30 PM
Oasis Worship Service
5:45 PM
WNL Dinner
6:15 PM
Angel Choir
6:15 PM
Cherub/Carol Choir
6:40 PM
Pastor Claude's Bible Study
7:30 PM
Chancel Choir
Thursday, October 23, 2014
7:30 AM
Youth Breakfast
8:00 AM
Men's Bible Study Bkfst
9:30 AM
Prayer Shawl Min
10:00 AM
Jean Blink Memorial Service S
10:00 AM
Pastor Claude's Bible Study
5:30 PM
Jubilee Rhsl
Friday, October 24, 2014
Newsletter Deadline
Saturday, October 25, 2014
8:00 AM
UMW Fall Festival
Sunday, October 26, 2014
8:30 AM
8:45 AM
Jubilee! Contemporary Service CH
9:45 AM
Sunday School
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
4th & 5th grade activity
4:00 PM
A & O Choir
5:00 PM
Youth Mtg
7:00 PM
Band Practice
Monday, October 27, 2014
7:00 PM
Christ Care: Heartstrings
7:00 PM
Chorale Rhsl
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
No Activities Scheduled
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
7:00 AM
Prayer/Bible Study
10:30 AM
Pastor Rick's Bible Study
5:30 PM
Oasis Worship Service
5:45 PM
WNL Dinner
6:15 PM
Cherub/Carol Choir
6:15 PM
Angel Choir
6:40 PM
Pastor Claude's Bible Study
7:30 PM
Chancel Choir
Thursday, October 30, 2014
7:30 AM
Youth Breakfast
8:00 AM
Men's Bible Study Bkfst
10:00 AM
Pastor Claude's Bible Study
5:30 PM
Jubilee Rhsl
Friday, October 31, 2014
No Activities Scheduled
Saturday, November 01, 2014 No Activities Scheduled
Sunday, November 02, 2014
8:30 AM
8:45 AM
Jubilee! Contemporary Service CH
9:45 AM
Sunday School
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
Lunch Packing (Youth)
3:00 PM
A & O Choir
5:00 PM
Youth Mtg
Library News...
The Library Committee would like to thank Janet
Helms and Ann Kirkman for their recent donations
to the church library. Thanks to donations such as
these, we are able to continually update and expand our selections.
The library is always open on Wednesday nights
and Sunday mornings, but you are welcome to use
the library anytime the education building is open.
Please stop by our church library soon to check
out a book or movie!
Page 5
Main Street United Methodist Church
306 South Main Street
Kernersville, NC 27284
Phone: 336-993-3411
Pastor on call: 212-3892
US Postage Paid
Kernersville, NC
Permit #28
Return Service Requested
Our Ministers: The Congregation of Main Street
Our Church Staff:
Wednesday Night Live
Dinner is served from 5:45-6:30pm.
Reservations are required.
All meals are served with a vegetable/salad,
dessert, and bread.
*Gluten Free Options are available upon request
Oct 15: Tomato Bisque w/Sandwiches/Great Expectations Serving
Oct 22: Meatloaf/ New Horizons serving
Oct 29: Brunswick Stew/Pathways serving
Nov 5: Chicken Tetrazzini/ United in Christ/Holt-Sigmon Serving
Nov 12: Ham & Bean Soup/JCG Serving
Nov 19: Taco Bar/ Journey Serving
Nov 26: No Dinner/Thanksgiving
Reservations can be made by signing the reservation cards and placing them in
the offering plate or by contacting Charity by phone at 993-3411 or by email at
[email protected] . Please make your reservations on Monday by noon
on for the week of the dinner. The cost is $5/adult, $2/children (12 & Under) or
$15 maximum for immediate family members.
**Attention Sunday School Classes: Please make sure to have
your volunteers lined up for each WNL meal. This help in
preparing, serving, and clean-up is an important part of the
success of our WNL dinners.
Dr. Claude Kayler, Senior Pastor
Rev. Rick Carter, Assoc. Pastor
Rev. Dale Hilton, Min. of Visitation
Rev. Amy Burton, Min. of Christian Ed.
Wayne Purdy, Director of Youth/College Ministries
Nancy Blakemore, Dir. of Music Ministries
Charity Goff, Admin. Assistant
Betsy Tang, Admin. Assistant
Susan Furmage, Business Manager
JoAnn Clifton, Dir. MSUMC Preschool
Rick Cobb, Jubilee Worship Leader
Michelle Higgins, Kitchen Coordinator
Tina Crew, Facility Assistant
John Higgins, Media/Tech Coordinator
Ruth Beeson, Nursery Supervisor
Jenny Lail, Accompanist
Brian Vannoy, Organist
David Ramos, Rowland Brown, Devon O’Connor, and
Willie Craven, Custodians
Connie DiLeo, Missionary to Dominican Republic
© The Main Stream is published biweekly by Main Street United Methodist
Church, 306 South Main Street, Kernersville, NC 27284. All information
herein is expressly for the use of our friends and members. Articles and comments may be directed to the editor at [email protected].